THE lVIEHCHANT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1875. COM!IIEHCIAL. BOWMANVIJ,LE Corrtctetl by J. 1\-f cDougail,Prc;cluce Men:bant BOWMliNTlLLE, ..t:\ugnst 12th, 187G. NEW MAMMOTH 1.20 1.10 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.40 Ne1v Partne1·ship! Foll Wheat.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.15 to Spriug Wheat ... .... ... .... . ........ 1.05 to l\ye ............. . ...· .. . . ...... .. 0.56 to Barley ... .... .. .. .. .. .. . . ..... 0.00to Peas ........... . ............ ... 0.55 to Oat' ........·.... , .. , ...·....... 0.40 to Butter ..... ... .. .. .... .. ....... 0.17 to 5 COPY & CENT AT · 5 EXERCISE BOOK! Morris &Watson GENER.AL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. $25 REWARD! Shoes sold by the undersigned, an: not what he r epresents them. DRUGS ANO .MEDICINES ::tt the Bowmanville Drug Store, J. HIGGINBOTHAM f thanks to his uunierous friends ~md CUii· tom ers, and to the public gcne1·al ly, fur tho very lib('ral support he has received since his c~nnmencing in busincs;i; and hopes by con· hnued strict personal attention to business, and oJforing nothing but the purest articles, at tho niost rcasonabl~ prices, to Onsurc a.<: ofj'ublic pn.tronn.gc. . H. \Voukl ca.11 special attention to hfa \'ery superior stock of · 1yoULD 1nvsL respl.'ctfully tender his ainceni 0.18 Wool. .. ..... ........ . .··.. ... ... 0.30 to 0.32 H·y . .......·..... . ........ . .... 10,00tolO.OO 'l'ono~TO, Eggs. . . . . . . . . · · . . . · . . . . Drei:!seclHogs ................... Q.00 to U.UO CloverSeed ..................... 0.00 to Q.00 rota.toes ................... . .... 0.50 to 0.00 R. EASTON'S ---:o:--- · . . . . . .. 0.12 to 0. 00 FallWloeat ..................... :.~137 to Spring 'Vheat ................... 0 00 to Hye ............... . .. . ......... 8 00 to Barley. . . . . . . . . . . . · . · . · . · . .. . . .. . 0 80 to Pens .... . ... ........ ............ 0 00 to Oats .... . ....... . .............. . 0 00 to Butter . . . .... ...... .. . ... ........ . 0 2i) to lJref'!i:.edHogs., ........ . ........... 000 to Potatoes . . ... ........ , .......·... 0 50 to E9gs .......... .. ......... . ....... 0 13 to TORONTO. .August 12th, 1875. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cheap Fancy Goods Store and School Book Emporium. Manufacturers of Sash,Blinds Doors, Mouldings, and Window Frames, FVilh m· iiilhout Casing. YViUi Band Moulds. 01' 'T he above rcwar<l will bo paid to any person withOv.t w110 will I · .trniah n1nple proof t11at the Doots & 00 00 00 00 At MoClung Bros. 'rhe :EttTSE: is to continue and increase for another ao Days ! The Public have responded nobly to our recent call, ;and now we call again ! Goods are Selling because FACTS are tellling ! We shall continue to back up our Advertisements by GI1 1 'JNG the BARGAINS we PnoMISE ! · When we SAY Bargains we MEAN rJYE STUFFS wLich are sure to give the beE!t satisfactio11. .A .well ::;cle('.ted E!tock of Tho New Five Cent Jlfarnrnoth Copy and Exercis~ Book, is the same · Sawing and Turning, oo size as H.. Ea~ton's Exercise Book, which he sells at TEN 00 Nice .cover with Multiplication Table printed on ba0k 01'11amental Pfrlcets, in every vu,ri0 ~8 CENTS mich. 8 25 cover. N.B.-No other house keeps the same Book, as it is made exety, and Scroll Sav.;ing, 0 55 pres~ly to B.. E's. own order. 0 U of every description ~ ool.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Q 00 to 00 Hay ..... . ..... ... .... ......... ... 16 00 to rn 50 THREE GE NT E :cercise Books, Fools Cap Paper, 20 cts. per Quire, Quai·ter Quire for DONE TO ORDER, Planing, Planing & Matching, To lYlake :Business, Advertiiie ! ~1factiirer, FIVF CENTS. 292 and 404 Pens at Five Cents per do;;e»; TWO for ONE OENT. Sia tes for FIVE on the or decile?', who keeps his 1'HE NEW ond HlPROVEJJ LEA1'HEB SCHOOL BAGS, only SEVEN1'Y CTS. EACH. Shops on Liberty Street, North of the wares before the public, seldom comAll kinds of Sdtool BooklS S?tpplicd at R, EASTON'S. Eastern House, Bowmanville. plai.ns of ditll times. Whm·e is the Bowmanvillc. July 9th, 1874. 41-t.! Powe's Spe· 1jine Note Pape1', only 10 cts. per' Qu·im Beautiful Bui·n·gtil·ily of having /01· sale the best fabr·ics in the ~rnrld, ifthev;ouicl-be idwd Envelopes only 8 Cents. Package extt-.1', only 10 cts, I'cwlcaqe Business Envelopes, ji·om $1.40 pei· 1000. pwr·clwscn know not iuhcre lo obtain S.P.ECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO them. Large Stock of Blank Books. 1000 page Blank Books for $4. 00 Lots of 20 Cent l>lates to be sold at Twelve and a half Cents, The merchan t, man CENTS. Cheap Penholders and Pencils. SHORTEST NOTICE. For Ge1'l.ts, For Ladies, For Children. DBUGS, CllENIC.A T,S, PA'l'b'N1' 11IED101NES, BRUSHE'S, COlvIBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, ELc , Et<:. kept con stantly on hand. OILS, PAINT, COLOHS, VAHNISI:IES, a.nd WHI'l'E LEAD at tho very lonrest prices. Latest Styles and Good Stock. ORDERED WORK. Str~ct, Horses and Cattle Medicines. B.-·Conntry i:;torc.kccpcrs snppliud on the n1ost a.dvn.ntngco u~ t~rnis . ...i\. choice selecti on f\ f T,Al\iPS fur bale chcnp Bowm:111ville. D ec. 1868. Gm. ~. Bargains! NO. 1. COUNTRY TRADE SUPPLIED. NO. 2. BIG STOCK S1'0RE.- Ono door cast of Cornish's Jewelry or WALL PAPER. Store, ICiu:; 13owmu.nville . J. SMALE. llowmauville, Ma.y Gth, 1875. --~-- Lots of other Goods uile;·ing Cheap, at E ASTON'S CHEAT:' STORE, 'I' I-IE Bowmanville Union School \V1ll r0-opt>n, on _JJijjf MOTTO- :"imble Sixpence better than a Slow Poking Shilling. Huwroanvill1e, Ang. 12th, 1875. IVff"" Town Hall Buildings, Bowmanville. Strowger Bros. NEWCASTLE liav_ing remo,· Ed to more commodious prcmisci, Large Crowds have visited our Stores during the past month,and the avidity with which goods have been "TAKEN" is gratifying evidence . that both · Goods and Prices are "TAKING." \V c are pleased to see our efforts to " Sell the right Goods at the right Prices " appreciated, and are carrying this war into next riionth. Some of our cheap Linr.s are running out, hut more are arri1,ing, and for the next 30 Da.y3~we shall otter· greater inducements than ever· ! Tuesday, August .17th. Int..::ncling pupils requ ested Lo Le ·prew:'!nt at tlie earli0st poliilible. Vil, OLI\T EH, B. .L\., Pri1wipctl. A 11gnst 12th, l8i5. liu . Sugars! Sugars! Sugars! The Peruvian S!!rup, a P,·otccted Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so co1ribinecl as to ha,·ve the cha1·(tcte1· of an, ali'l1ie1· i t, <;,s wUJi the blood. tts the sim11lest food. It inc1·ettses tlw q1uintity IN Ckea1tStore TYRC)NE, lins now a fllll assorted SJ;ock uf .. FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, eg to inform the public !;Hfl{J l"a,lly, th at th.,) f :i..rc now cn nblcd to offer then1 TO LET. ni HR l. Shoe Store and Lyle & ?t>Ial'tyn's Grocery. P. W. CONSAUT~. S~l'ORE between Anderson's Boot nnd r. ' \pvly to Bow1nanville, Aug, 12tl1, 1875. 4i-4w. Lyle & Martyn are 11ow i·cceivm"' a. lar·te consi,,nroent ofSu(!ars, direct from New York, Cl 0 0 · ._, which they will offer <tt lowest pnces. On Land a large and firw a.ssortme n t of 0 casUy d ·l gesterl ttn<l assin·ilate<J bloocl~ Better Inducements in the line of of Nat1we's Own VltaltztnrJ a:n<l 1 Now Remember f...:::For the 11 ext 30 Days McClung Bros. is the place for Cheap Goods ! ---:o:--- FOR SALE OR TO RENT. (101\iIPRISING 100 n,crcs nJl ch::ared, being V \~,Test 11alf of ],ot N o U 1 2nd Concession of the '.L1ownsh ip of Onrtwright. rl'here fa on the prcmisel:l ~t good frame Hnuse. Earn . and other outbuildings. There is a young Orchard ilrtd ri nc. v er fa.iling '\'ell. Inunedfo,tc posscso;ivn if dc'lired can be given by purchasing Stoi.:k, implements, and the growing crops . }'or furthex particu larfl a]Jp )y to the proi-1-i· etor on the premises. Glassware, Fruit Jars and Crockery A.BRAHAM MOltnIS. Cartwrigbt,July 1st. 18·7G. tf.bp·o27·m·10 - DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES. ..... 11- WANTED. t HESPEC'l'ABLE House-,vol'k. ClgJ~ . TEAS AND GENERAL GROCERIES Ge1w1·nl fu r .Apply to NOT TO BE EXCELLED. - --:o:--- Ml\S. DEYKml, Corner of Libert v n.nd ¥l cl lingt on Strocts, Buwnwnville. · July 00th, 1875. 44·2w. A. Liberal Discount on CASE: WA:"fTED A.pply to IM~fEDIA'l'ELY, A goo<l mn.n. W BUN:"fEY Bowurn.uville, 5th, 1875. 45-tf Purchases for Sums of Five Dollars and 'Upwards. ! '.l' H :E~ APPLICATION \Vill be niade to the Pn.rlinment of Canad::-.) at iLs nex t SesE! iu11 , for .!Ill Act to Incorporate a Bank, to be call~d l~ElVl 0 V A.L S. MASON c1.v rcs iia thotisaruJ, llls," si11iply bU Toning up,Inv· if101·atliir1 anti ~ itaUzing the S!!stem. 'l'lie en- . r ·i ched and vitaUzed blood permeates every pcwt of the body, repairing dama.ges ancl waste, search'ing ~ ·1111w1·bfrl secretions, arni leaving notldng for disease to feeil upon. · Tivis is the secret of the 10oncle1·ful success of this 1'eme<l!I in cu,.ing Dyspepsia, Live.· Complwint, Drops~, Clwonio Di<w1·l1rea,Boils, 1i ervoitsAffections, Chills and Fevers, Hu11w1·s, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, D ·iseascs of the Killne!JS and Blaitder, Female Complaints, and all llisea.·es originriting ·in <t barl state of the bloocl, or accompawied by <lebility 01' a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any fol'in, its energizing effects are not followecl by co>"responding 1·eaction, but a1·e permanent, inf1vsing st1rength, vlgoi·, and new life into all pcwts of the system, rind buUding up an I1·on Const'itution. 'l'ho,,scinds hcive been change<l by the use of this 1·emecly, f1'om wealc, slclcly; suffe>'iny creatures, to st·r ong, health!!; ana hcippy men ancl women; and invctUds ctinnot 1'easonauly hesitate to give it a trial. See that each bottle has PERU· VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. Pan1phlets F:t~ce. Agent, I1·or1, in the Grocery Business, ALLLCOMEI (AS REGARDS PRICE J; ,QUALll'Y) than any other house in the Cou nt y. Groceries Dry Goods,. :Boots & Shoes etc., etc, which foe NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD Weight an d 211easiwe Guaranteed in evei·y instance. MoCLUNG·. BROS., Quality and Bow1rm1 wille, June, 24th, 1875. Cheap ness, TYRONE. Teas a Speciality. J. L. S'l'ROWGER J. D. STROWGER. Nct\l·castle,Augui:;t, 11th? 1874. CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTl ---"THE SUN." DAILY AND WEEKLY, FOR 1875. ':Che approach of the Prcsidental el ection gives unusual importan ce to the events nnd de· velopmenta of 1875. We shall endeavor to de· scribe them fully f i:tithfully and fearles:ily. '!'HE \VJ1;J~KI.Y SU~ has now attainud a circulation of o·ler seventy thousand CO;(lic~. I ts re a clor~ are found in eve.ry State and 'lercitory and lts quality is well known to the 1)ublic. \Ve shall not on ly en dea vor to keep it fnlly Ul) to the old .:,tan dard but to in1provc a.nd add to Jta variety a-nd power. 'l'HE WEEKLY SUN will continu· to bo a thorot1gh newspape1·. All the ne1vs of the day will be found in it, con<lense<l. when uni1nportant nt full length when of moment and ahva.ys we trust treated in a clear interesting and instructive manner. It is onr to iwtke the \VEEI{.LY SUN tho best family newspapc1· in the worlJ. It will be full of eHtertainin~ t·nd appropriate readin,;r of every sort but 1\-ill print notbiug to offe nd the most scl'11pulous and delicnte taMtc. It will always contain the 1no~t interef!ting stories nnd romani;:es of the day ca.refully selected and 11..J9ibly vriute<l. l'he Ag1·icultural Department is a prominent feature in the '\iVB]!}l{L Y SUN a11<l its '1..l'ticles will alw~ys be found fresh llJld useful to the fa.rn1er. '!'he numLcl· of men inde1~ernleut in politic.a is increasin g and t he V/EEKLY SUN is their pa.per espec ially. It belongs to 110 party an :J offers r10 dictn.tion cont~nding fo1· principle and for the election of the best men, It cxpooes the corruption that disg1·nc~ the country and threaten s t he overthrO\\' of republican institutinns. It bas n o fcal! of ~n ii ves, and seeks 110 favor s fro m their supporters. The 1narkuts of every kind and the faishious regularly reported. The price of the \" VElJKLY SUN is one dolJu.r a ymil' for a sl1cet of eight pages a ut.l fifty-six coh11nna. As this barely pays the expenses uf paper fl,nd printiug we are nqt able to make any cliseount or allow any premium to friends who 1 nay make f.!pecial efforts to extend its circula. tion. l J n(lcr the new law 'vhich re quires payment of postage iu a<lva.nce one dol· Jar a yoal' 1 with twent y cents tbe cost of pl·e· paid postage added is the r<tte of subsci·iption. It is not necessary to gc_ t up a club in orde1· to have the 'VEEKLY SU1'1 at this rate. Any one wbu sends one dolla:r a.nd twenty centts will get the pa.per 11ostpnid for a year. . Vle have no tr::tvclling- a.gents. THE VlEEKI,Y SLTK. - Eight pugE's, fittv· six. columns, Only 1.20 a yea.r po~ta[fc prepaid. 1\'o disco11,ntfrom this ~·ate . !J.'HE DAILY SUN.-A largcfour-pngo newspaper of twenty-eight columns. l>aily cfrcula.tion over 120 000. All the news for 2 cents. Subscxiption, post~ e prepaid 55 centld a. month, or 6.50 a year.' To clubs of 10 Ol" over a discount of 20 percent. Card of T 'I'hank~1~ The Midland Bank of Canada, hcs to inform his nu1ncr0us frionds and ens· with C\ C:apital of Oue lllillion of D cllars, anJ wiH ·w ith the IIc~lA:l Offi ce thereof in t he Town of tonwn,: tha.t hl:l bas r enw ved to B uckler's old Sto.nd, where he will be found with the nw~t Bowrn< tuvillo. complete assort1r 1e11 t of lWBEJ{'l' ARMOR Elephant House So:ME'l1I-IING . IIE Subscl'iber returns thank~ to those 'vho have giv~n hiln t11.;:ir patronage :in the paflt and won1d inform tb e fanners that he hn s re 1mirod and refitt(~d hi's ]\{ill, flll ll is 11ow prepa.r· ed to attend l:o their wa.n ts in the milling line. I-Ic is nlso r.ondneting a Seth W. Fowle & Sons, Proprietors No. 1 lUUton .P.lacl·, Boston. Soliuitur for .Applicants. J30\\111anviHe 1 _ .\.ugnst Dth, 1875. 15·!.lt. Harness, Ploase :Bible Christian GENERAL STOR, u.n1l lutvi11g purchased bis stock {or ' SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GE:'.'<EllALLY. Ma.thushek 1" .1 rb n a1j ·inkJ _\ for t he CelcLratec.l atlllulu}.: P1cr1 "· nt out fr1r a.dvc rti s~1nen t next weC:k. U CIIBia;Y. :B11\\ man v i ~e , J ul y:.'.·' h 1:--;;; .f-1-:.." 1i 1 Whips, in Lvw n flJ tr. one Joor tJast of Gifford's .Hotel. llowmanville, Sept. l at, 1873. c;r~u~!.~:~,~:~1 I CASI-I, :MOBBIS' CARRIAOE SHOP Bank. BOOK ROOM AND is gi,-in g bnrgair1s in "1 Executor's Notice to Creditors. LL Pt!rsons b" olding- claims against the Es· tate of the late M atthew .J oness, of t he Township of Dar·lington, in the {)ounty of D ur· ham, :Farmer, notified to Rend in particular~ of the eame to lt. H.usscll L0scoml.JA, of the Town of Ilowmanv~S ~1i.icit o1· £01· th e underf5igned E_1'.,;-or to the unU.cr1:1ig1:l~d, on or before the l?IRS'r DAY OF SEP'l'E~iBER, 187.~. A Substitute for Lath & Plaster ! w est of tho Onta.ri A King· SLreet, ]fow man viEc. THE PATENT ALUMINOUS and ORNAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. l'APER OIL-CLOTH ""d CARPETING. SohO'ol Library Depot, K1Ni1 STREET, BOWMANYILLE. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, &c. S'r1\.NJJ. - Rccentlyocc11picd by JY.1r. Gr~ty, rr1rE. subscribex fa prepared tO pan· S. VAN STONE. 'l'yronoJ Dec. 17, 1874. Luiltl :utd re· TYRONE. The aaid particulars to incl ude necc3sttry ddtes and items, and to give the Christian nam e!:! and Surnames of the 01.'l.imants, an cl their Post Office address. And Notice is given, th at from nnd after the s<1id date, tho Executor of the said Estate will J·1·ocC'.ell to distdbute the assets of the rrestator amongst the Parties Entitled thereto-having l'egard to the claims of which he isha11 then have notice, and will not be liable for the As· sots so distributed, or any part thereof, to any pi:;!rson of whose claim such Ex f: cutor shall not have had notice at the time of such di.stri!Ju· tiou. this notice · being given under Section 27, Cap. '.J8, of ~Uth. Vic. And aJl persons indebted to the said Estate ~re rcquC'sted to settle their indebtedness f<. rth· with. 1 W agon.s, Biig!]ics, wncl Cutters, If you want SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. of every desr..rivtion, a t t>lwrt u~tice, an d o Teasona.blu tc:Mn8. 1 THOROUGHLY RELIABLE -.-:o:-- ·- ------ ---'" ~ ha Ye now the moat Vl!J'ied and ~- ORG·A_NS FOR Carriages Painted · and Trin:1rcd· A Large St.oc1i Just Rt::ceVvell,- l'lain and Ornwmen tal, bolhfur ?Valls and Jl'loors. A Blacksmith's Shop on the premisos 1 wer~ Parlors, Schools, or Churches, Apply to The P np er Oil Cloth t1 nd Carpeting is a. Cheap :tnd 1Jun1.i1Jle Su!Jstitnte for Oil Cloth. special attentirn1 is given WANT~D. NI' l'liE to aJl WILLIAM WINDATT, EXC(,. "Uf.-01' c~.rriage work, and Genernl Jobbing. SELECT STOCK OF Cambria.n Woolen Mills. Any quantity of Good l\{erchantable 'Vool, for which the 11ighcst Qru;b Price will be paid. On hand also. a Well-assorted stock of Tweeds Full Cloths, l!'lannels, · StocldnJ Yal'n, &c which will be sold lo\v, for CaBh. Addrcas 'l'HE SUN" New Yo1·k CiLy U.S. Iviarch 11th, 1815 . J_Jast \Vill for M. Joness, deceased. l3own1anvill~ 1 July 29th, 1875. 44.4w. Agents for the the 24-6ins. 'l'J1e Uh emicals with which the Pa.per is satur· ated, render it proof ~against }{ats, Moths, and Mive. .All worlc done at this Eslauvishmcnt wa1·ranted. A c11ll is respectfully sol icited. ,T. MOI\lUS. Bow1uanvil1e, 0 :t, 1st, 180!), Subscriber's 4th Con. , Lot (ii Black PIG. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expensc:;, n11cl Litke it away. pr ~ mi i<e s, Into STRAYED :r..-o. TJ::i.tling-tmt, a small Wool Carding, Spinning, Weaving, &c Done as Usual. D. 1'.:I.YLOH, 1\Iay 20th, 1875. Hamptou, 34-3n1os . B E S T 0 R GAN s ON THE Varnish Polish! Another thing much wanted. This Poliish gives a most elegttnt lustrc,and dric1:1 i m:itflil1ta.:neouely . July 29th, 1875. , W. PARSONS. 14-3in . 1 &ABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE yet offered to the peo1Jle in West Durham. · --0-- I.J. house, 30USJi! 'fO J.Ji: T- A. gooll ..,.:;nvenient sitnnt~ on Libel't Strl.let. ~i\.pply to CONTINE~T C. CAWKEK F g oo<l, l1ard and OR SALE.. - .A. good Brick Dwelling, with soft'\.\<· 1.~t er,Ejte. :E'Oit SALE. PHILLIP'S IN '.L'HI-: Nothing ever discovered before to equal this Polish, Fon l'OU Desirable Farm Property Apply hi G. CA W.lCER, Bow inanvilJe. .. HOTEL, FOR SALE. Splendid P1·operty of the late Mr. B. THA'l l\iitchell, lieing the north half of Lots No. 1 Sa.' School :E:nsign, A11 lmsecta:rian, fo1· Sabbath Schools. TI-IE Illustrated Pape:r, Published Monthly, at Bowinanvilld, Ont. The Editor has Ltien conuected, 1noro or Jes~. House and Lot foi· Sale. VILLAGE OF HAMPTON. vc17 dc,,Lrable tovvn p:roptrty for Sale, sit· A un.te ou l.iborty Str.;:et, known as tbe Holl· P'iano J)'ortcs, . Clocks, Pictiirc F·1rnnes Buggies, wooil Cottage. 'l'het·e is half an aero of hind :1.ttacheJ, also all ncccssn.ry accvmmoda.tion, in shtid s, \Yater, &c. Apply on the premisci:i, to Posse ~s ion can be given on the 1st of !¥Im·ch . Terms easy. Apply to the proprietor · on the prelllises, for particulars. au,/.ters, Slei.ghs, R. SQ1JI1-t:ES, J r, BowumnvilleJ June Hith, 1875. tf. Fob. 25th, 1875. :FL '!'; PHITJLI!'>S. 22-tf . or aiVI J kind of Vai· nished Fwi-nilure. wid all kinds of Good Fa.rm for Sa.le. Real Estate FOR SALE. r1 ·1JlE ES'rATE of t he l11tc PHILU' CA _ r.r.llAHY, is uficrcd for Snle, being n. pa.rt of Lot No. ;{O, 5th. Con. )) i"J.ding tun, comprising 25 acref5, more or less. 1rlwr e are about 2~ acres clca1·ed, tho r euminder bei u~ wood land. There is at ~ood fri:nne house, with barn, driving house a.nd stable, and two good wells. Tbere i'l also a splendid V m·wishecZ Carrir.iges. N lington, eont:-..iuing 100 acrc::i, more Oot. Wth, 1874. OllTH half of Lot No. 14, 7th Con. Dar· Ol' le~~. and 02, in the Gth Con. of Darlington, <.:om· prising 200 a{.Tes-35 being superior ~-ood land. '!'here is on the front of the premises, a n.11-y fine gentleman's stone residence, with lawn u.nd flow'er garden, to the ·re'1.r of whi01i is a beautiful l\1aple Grove. AL<>o v.·ood shed,stablt', dri\·. house, etc., and every n ecesanry convenience. rrhe whole, about ten acres, is SlllTOUUded by a 'l'01n hedge, 'l'bero is Ill Farm House, with thre" ba.rul5 1 with all outhnildingl:! . A never failing strc11m of wn.tcr runs through the premises. There is also splendid Orchard of fruit bearing trees, n.nd kitchen. garden, 'The property is in a good state of cul tivation. and is reg:u·<led as the most desirable between Kin~ston and London . For further particulars ii:pply to ~{l, that IS -OF · a :o:-- . For the Holidays! Gift Books, Splendid A lbu.1-n..s, P1·ang's Celebrated Ghrornos, Microscopes,K<ileidoscopes, of the finest description, Larlies' J Cornpartiions, W 1'iting Desks, Pocket Boolcs, &c., &c., · to pleaee all, and overy one, G-REA T AitRIV AL Spring II:id:s&Caps '];be Largest Stock ever 1:1 hown in B owma.nville. closely with Sabbath Schnolsi from his boyJ1ood , anrl will endeavor the make the ENSIC! ~ every way worthy of the sup1)ort of Sabbath Schools. The unseotarian character of the papi:r,t·enders it auitnble for any School. 1u connection thel'e'vith, a. Supplement is published, containing Notes on the InteTnatioaal series of S. S. I.essons. Th ese arc carefully prepared, a.nd rn1 1't pt·ovc of great valuu to both 1l'eachei· and 8choL'l>r. ~l;}~RJ\.1S : Good buildings an<l fences, and large· y ouhg or· chard. }'01· particulars, apply to V/nr. 'l1 Ul'~l{, ITAYDON. SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. August Gth,1874. MRS. Il. MI'J'CHELL, Osl1awa P. 0 bp-tf·m44·o2 ~. Newest Styles .! -:(,I;~- 5-tl. LANDS FOR SALE. following land~ in the r:rown ~hip of T l1l~ Cla.rke, n~mely: rl'he North ha.lf of JJot Number 'J'wenty in the eighth Concession, also the South half of Lot Number 'l'wenty in the ninth Concession. For particulars a p-ely to the_ proprietors l\'Icssr s. THOJ\'CAS & ROBEn.T STE\.VAH.'l', near thij premi ses, or to J. K. GAL131<.AITII Barrist er :So\\' lllanv ille. n14w. Bowma.nville-, July 1:1th, 1870. Orchard of Fruit·bearmg Trees. 'l'his property is iu ·a goo~ state of cultivation . }!'or further particnlar>1, :l.pply, if hy letter, post. paid, to D R, MoGILL, Oshawa .. April l st, 1875, 27· tf. 80, HO l A '3 a L:tr;a onh ·{,!\ . l of Gentlemen of :E'a.shion. Hardware, Paints and Oils, ---U3U'.ll. HARDWARE! st.o ~ k English ·Fur, American Fur, and Canadian Felt Parcels of 5, 10, lti, et c. , <1.t t11e ratu of :lO cts. p er year. Single coplll~ 1 40 cts. Ji'Rb'l!..~. Address, . . C. llA.B.K 'ER, ]~JJ1'£01t, Ilow1nmville, Unt. HATS. STRAW HATS! STRAW HATS fro1n 12! Cents, upwnrclB. Stoves and Tinware. NOT SO FAST. AH of which wiJI be sold at low figures. To Wagon Makers, r11HE und ersigned John McLeod &; Co., Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville. A.uguHt 10th, 1875. - hereby offer8 either to sell or lease his pr emises, which are well situated th121 vil l[ of rraunton, ~rlH:r p an excellent $5 TO $20 PJ'8 DAY.- Agents W·ntod! in but:li nefls has been built u p . The premises co1n~ ing dass~s uf working people, of either RtoX , pti sc two acres of ti1·st -cl~8s 1;~,1~d, nn w~ich 1we ~mg or old, make 11101·0 money at work f0r us n, \\ta.ggon Shop . Dwelling liom1e, with ontin their tipare 1n01nente, or all t be ti n1e, tha u tt.t bnildingA , a c;ood b ei~ri ng Or chard, '>Yell of watanythiJ1g els e. I>articulars frer. Post cf\.rd to er, otc . Pos.'3Csa1011 1st Oct. n ex t . F or fnr· States costs bu oue cent. Addt'P. f:I~ G. S'l'IN · ther, ap ply to the ow11 er, SON and CO. , Portln.nd,~f n.iue, U.S. .JO£[ ~ R. I .AVIS, 'l'auutonP.O. Ootober 27th, 1874. ly-bp -o43. m5. July 22ud, 1875. o30-m43-tf. A HOUSE AND LOT SAJ.. E, situate on Ontiil'io Street. En FOB. quir e of MB.. TH01\1:AS, on thcvremises Bowmanville, Jan. 22nd, 1875. 17-tf. I written thes;e few lines And all I have to eay, That you can find me still at lw rril~ I am not gone away ; So all n1y kind old.J'ri.cndi> 111~y come ; . A.nd all the youfg one s too A.nd get their garmt~nts 11icP.]y rr1adt> Iu fn,::;hions that are new. VVhec·c olll a n <l you ng dc1.r fl'i·~ tu1 ~ n1ay 1neot A welcom e greeting by R . PEATE. Bowman ville, J tnic 19th 1873, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, a l'irst -class Selection. A and splendid Collection".of ~ l{nowing ju<1t whnt suits the public taste, I ha Ye purchase d accordingly. C'<~ ll early, and yourself. Lfighest Ptice paid for Raw Furs ALL KINDS OF FURS P,EPAIRED. Stereoscopic Vie'Ws The Goods were bought at best rates, a.nd pur· chasere will receive the benefit, 'l'J:U: : ]~NsiGN. - 'V{e have brn::n tavored w1t!J a copy of the En~iu-n fr01n ~he l£t.litor,nt the 'V~st D11rba1n P1inting Bstabhsluucnt. 'l'he Ens1 ,gn is a. p11pcr prel?a.r~ d e !)p~ci~lly for Sabba,t h Schools, and Ill our op1n10n ~·ell ao;lapt· ed to its object. So g-r(~n.t a fa\·onte l1as 1t become, tb~t wC hear (what ia very unusual wit h such enterprises) it b ~1.1:1, pr~ved for ~he fil'st ye_a l' a financial success. 'Ihe illus tni>t1on s are smtable and sufficiently numt'!rous, while the ren.d· ' ing matter is healthy in tone, racy in Rtyle.and varied as to suit the tru1tc of the geueral I so riublic. ,'0lc congratulate th~ Editor. on ha.vino- catered so suoct:lssfully to the pubhc \Vant, and ,~·e congratulate tl1c yourig and the pnbli'c on haviug so cha.rwiug fl, ~l~eet f;'resented monthly for t ~te pera::;al t·f their ch1lclr('n . -· Oishawa l~(ifUT'il! (t. Wh:1t the Press s;:w :1bout -it: M. ~tA YER'S. The ]!,'mii [J1i is U(:atl y pl'i11l.1!d on good paper . is illustrated, and e\1n t.~d nB healthy reading . matter n.ud ought t o ]ut\'e ii. la.rge circulati on, -Pcterboro Exa·;nincr. ' I ~ - I