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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 13 Aug 1875, p. 4

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THE l\!IERCIIANT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1875, POETRY. We Never. Know. cry day we :ue dropping se1,da A.long our life-way's hills and \ales, ·\ Vh1le sutnmc1 rules the flo" ery meatla, Or ~he wind of \dr.ter \Vat!!;! , ]1; Lea,f Study. l.IY lIRS. MER!HA B Kl!:LLY. The Fire that Old Nick Built. Daily Line to Rochestei. Coinmencing on Ol' about the lD~l1, of Avri We hnd in an exchange the following The nlarvcllons Book of Nature, \Vith its capital imitation of the 'House that Jack thous'lnd thoupa:id illustrated fohago a.1d Built/ and wish that it nlight become a flower pELges, 1a no v be1ng opened to the household favo1ite · a germ is lnJdtin in every deed, .Aud e"ery word i,vc sa.Y, I know, ..\r,tl be it a flo..+cr or a thJstle seed, It shn.ll, sometime anti ~o mewhere, }i 01 gt ·)l\T. ,\ 11d on an cl on 111 the \\ orld we g-o- l)n nud on-ai1<l we nc' er ].:nO\\' Thu f1u1t that c01nes frmu the ~ecd \I e sow 1 Intcmperancc-Tl11s is tl.e fire that olJ perusal ol every one ; a.nd there ia no portion of this wonderful \·olume over ·which Nick built Moderate d11nkmg-This 1s !he fuel lhat I linger with n1ore delight than that \vb1ch pertarns to the ·tudy of the leaf. Since it feeds ll1e Jue that ohl Nick Lmlt. ltu1n sell 1ng - ThiH is th~ axe that cuts et:rely is now an adnnttcd theory with all botanists that every pnrt is but son)e peculiaritJ of the "ood thnt feeds the foe that old Nick leaf development, the snhject is necessarily built a con1prehcusivc one Love o{ iuon ey- Till 't lS tbe stone that 01 leaves underground ·we know but little, grind::) thi.= OJXC tl1at cuti.l the \\ood lee<ls r.ind yet that they do ex1;,t is sho wn in apeci- the fire1tl~ nt old Nick Lu1l t. n1 ensof the common potatu,thc C.) es of which Public OlJi1non-'J'/11~ 19 th e $ledge with areeovetedorsbadedbyasc<tle 11kceyebrow, its f:.1cc of ste<:-1 that batters t.h~ sto11e that which 1 s nothing rnorc or Je,;is thfl.n a leaf. grindfl the axt' th,tt cut15 the wood tbutft.r!ls A leaf1 in its normal conditton, really ans- t he fire that o.ld N '(jk btu!t. to1ns the aame rt:lation to a plant that th~ A te 1u per1.u,1,;e · n,el' ling~Th1s ls one of ston1ach a.n<l. fungs do to an animul, acting the blo\u1 tbat \\ e quietly Jeal to fatll11on as tbe rno st perfect organs of digestion and , the elcdbe \'1th its edge o1 steel that butters respiration. the stone triat g11nlls t.he ax e thE\t cuts the It 1s a trite saying that nlortul .nan is woot1 th a t Jcc<ls t he fire that old Nick -· leav~ THE STEAMER ANDERSON & fJo. reg tn A.11nouncc tn tl1c J:lcctors of \Vest Dnrham ru1d sui1onnd111g couuti)', that t hey will :::ell then immenso STOCK OF E OOTS Go.~h onl~1. AND S:I--IQOS, fT7eUi ,1gtons, $1 50 pa.ii At a Discount of Ten per cent for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS . "NORSEIVIAN," (R. CRA\\.li'01. fJ, M ,\SI];R) '\V 111 lU[lke her regular trips on this route lea:nng Cobon rg e\'Cl y 1 norning at 7 .30 and Port IIope at 9 o'clock, for Rochester, conneet· ingthere.\11ththe NewYork Centtaland lfrie Ra.11 waye, for all po1nts East, We1lt and South HEl'C RNl~ C. , 1000 }Jai1s 11fen's lr'elt GrHters,/01 10 Ga~e>Child ~ · 35 GASES OF FELT OVERSI-IOES 1000 pcii?-s Jl.'IisscJ Pebo,l awl Bttjf Buff Balm orals, ul $1 .>O, p e1· pai1-, for O.tlSH ONLY. 1000 l'aH ~ Wonuni's, Jlh;;st:~' and Child's Jr'elt flootli,the 1lhole to be solrl [01 0.A Sff (),\'LY - l"oun!J Folk's Ru1'rt7. C:i."l.1.mbs for Chickens. i\ pair oft1ghls- -l\'o dnmkdrds. will lea\e Cba1lotte [port of · RochesterJ d a ily n.t !J p m , except SRtu.rtla:ys, v.h ~u she 'Hll - - o- -- nt 2 p m , for Port 1-Itpe, d1tt>Ct. .!\veil ,tble space-a 'von1an's face St 111ck aisle-] he man who fell down in chu1ch. l >enlist b allad-" Oh, who can tell I '!'his u1 the shortest and qu1tlest r oute to Osv;f.go au WatertO\'ill, via. J..iakO Ont.trio Shci1e Il1111road fron1 Chai lotte Dea1ci s u1 Btock etc , \\ill find this the cheapest a.1111 mo3t expeditious ioute to Boston , .li..1bnny, New York, t!tC , For fin the1 inJ01mation apply to C:tll early and seome yo u1 Wintei Supply, while ~he i ush is go iiig on at ANDERSON & CO'S., :now1nanv ille, Dt:c lOtL 1 187 1 Boot &Shoe E:tn.po:1::iu11!1. R, CRAW]'ORD, the ja" s \Ve feel ? Tn '"'hat place arc hvo heads better th,hl oue ?- lu a b.u . ..I. l'oor men and hens ,ue obliged !o ~.cratch for a hv1ng 111 this \vorld. \Thy is ,, cat on its hind legs hkc the falls offij~ra? JJec,wsc its a cat-erect 1 ' like Lhe rlyinq leaf, but "hen we com par~ built the structure of the living leaf to that of U1all the reaetnblauce to a trne obSGl'Yf of nalu~c, is really qwte' striking. Its upper anrlace, or b1gber nature, looke: skyward. 1ts lower, earthward Like the flnimat haruo, 1t 1s a skeleton well covered with muscle Fro1n its spinal colun1n, or midrib, ru~ tuany s1nall nbs an<l veins, which mark its ven1t1r.u, nr kind of \' e1ni·1g l[ lh e s1noot h skin \lbtch covers Jt Le torn off, and its u1uscles or cellular ti88ue he remQ\ cJ, we shull discover- th at the enttre l~uf Lodj· 1s nouushed by a life tluid or s,i.p, which free· ly m1culatta through its hollo\V ve1us and V!;'.llllets Tllt!SO veins son1etunea run p.ir4 _ is 1\.uupernncc pledgc-T ln lj the srnith condin1ents, "they :~re so tasteless." And iyhat mah:es tl1 em t astcleas" Simply that the flavor i.s cooked ont of then1 and soaked out of them, sometimes rc:peatedly Tho beans put to soak over nig ht, and in tho mornlrig tbe \ve.ter1n winch they lu\YO soaked is turned off fron1 them and thro'l;\o"Jl a\\'ay. Then they put ou to cook in fresh w.t.ter, and when half done t11e wa.tei fa again turned off. If they are t1:> be baked, they arc usually draint.d again Such a barba101 u1 proccsf:I is enough to ~ke th e sweet· The Wiscons111 farmer" ho left a canness and goodness out of anytlnng. 'I'he exdle lrnrnmg in the barn so as lo scare cuse is t hat it takes away the strong taste . I hieves a\vay has no barn to \Vatch DO\V. But Uus st i onc~ taste is exactly \\hat becomes the 6ne -Raven ~ 1 1t'n Col·kt:<l. Beai1s of all kinds, Little Johnny- " I hemd somebody and ind0ed all the Reeds of the pulau fa1 nily, c1y1ng 111 the1e, and it 'vasn 't n1a nor have a very chsag1eeable flavm \ihen 1aw, but the doctor." Sissy-" Mabe it was the that is no reason for t hrowing them away. k1ltcn" And '" e rriight as '"ell throw them awa.y ns to A tipsy fellow, 1'110 mistook a globe Lhto\v .n\a.y theJr fl a. ~or It is a reo.son for .Jamp, with letters on 1t, fo1 the qncen of cooking then1 very thurough1y 'l'hey ought night, exclaimed "Well, I'll he (hie) al w~ys to be so 'v ell cooked that th ey will n1a:;h l;lcst, 1f son1ebody hain't stul k cl n L1 dvcrread ily with a spoon, though they shnul<l not be boiled to pieces . .And \\hen sufficfoutly tiscn1cnt on the (hie) n1oon 1" cooked, good beans ought not to taste strong. Boardmg school miss "0, Charlie ' The1 e is ce1ta1nly a difference in beans u1 this I expect to g1aduate at nc.:x l con1n1cnccrespect, sOJne J1iL"' mg a " stronge1 ·) flavor than 1nen t." ··Graduate? \vhat \Vlll you others ; but among t'he numerous specimens gr, 111? 1 "VVhy, lll "'late tulle !" et;ttng po111ts. that I have tested '11"lth rc-gn.rd to t h u:1, I But the openmg of the leaf-bud is the fgu1ul but one that v. us any bette1· for havn1g " J don't thrnk yon were born to reNo \Vondc1 the the 'va.ter hu11eil off and this wa.s both old and fo1111 the 'vorld,n sa1d a n1ar1icd Boston greatest unracle of all. !L1dy to the nc'v pasto1 1 \Vho \VUS inclin- 1naple boughs are Jt.lways BO breC'r.y, tor do of voor qua.hty. Go<al beans, wl1en well cook· ed to praise, her beauty rathe1 too warm- they not unfold an infimte number of fans, eel ha\ ea flavo1 f.iO fine that they are l.:lYen better without any condiments 'vhatever ivben and that almost simultaneously 1 Once open, drained and then all the condLments added ly these fans are never closed and aside, I chose myw\fe as she did her weddi ng gown- for r1ualttics tbal would \vea1 \Yell. '[he 111.111 \vho courted an invest1gatton says it isn 't as good as an affcct1011atc girl \\1Mt is that which a pc1 son likes to have and to get 11d of as soon ,is possible? allel \Vlth e.ich bther irou1 base to apex, as A yolll1g man in California beg,111 to /\.good ap[Jclltc 111 Iud1.t ~ corv 111;id the grn<.iscS ; but tnorc read a pa1ag1.iph about a n1ine to his "Letter go t" as the boy s::ud \Vhen con1 111011ly they c1oa::iaud rc-c1oi;s eachotber S\vecthcact, commencing : "Yuba ?v11ne he lamp-posted 111s letter at th e street ui all d1re'.. t1ons, and tue th~n designated ~-- " "'hen she interrupted bun with. cornc1. as netted·veine<l. 1f th e"roota nnd steins " I don't care if I do, John." Why is a pig the most provident of f1J1l t~ supply e.uihc C'11t nourishment, the dllin1als ?-Because he alwttys ca1nes a. leaf fadefl, 1ta 1n11sclcs slirn el, it becomes spare rib 01 two about him enJaciated, e111ks Hlto consurnphon, aucf FARM AND HOUSEHOLD 'l he dull times affect the puces of dies Cookmg Beans. The \ ar1ety of fonns and finishings ot son1c articles 1\. very good ih1noccrus l!ODE O"FJ:'RE:eARA'l'JON · leavu~ are innlt1tnd1nous, an<l the various can now be bought for $3000. The most common cause of 1ndigestion lies purposes which Lhey subscrve afford a sub"Well, how tlid you like the scimon, 111 tho cooking. 1'he boihng with corned beef my clear?" "0, peifectly splendid I ject of investigci.tion lJoth curious and 111- or pork, and cspec1a.1ly the ha.lung with tbe lat· terestinf.{ For instance, the leaves of blacl- ter, I S enough to make anything chfficult of diSuch loves of bonnets !" der\vort, which is a.n aquatic, act as life pre- g:estwn, "Wl·ile the butter sometimes substituted "Say, Sambo, did you cbcr see de servrri:1, keep1ng the sten1 and flowers ,lUove is bar <lly less objectionable nut it if' alleged CatskUl Mountams ?" "No. I neber water i while in some plants the leaves i.;row tha,t the beans will not be eaten ·without these cJ1 d) but I have seen dc1n kill 1111ce " in the for1n of a cup, ha,·1ng a lld wllll:li opens ancl shuts by a 1Igan1ent or hinge, thl:l \\bole tl11ng fo1ming a sort of l;>ar0meter, the lid opening tn dar11p weather and clos1ng in dry. Almost every reader I S acqua.111ted with the pecnhar arrange n1cnt ot the Venn:;'s fly trap. The unlucky insect, Ue111g attractl·d by the liquor which 1s secreted wnli111 the half open lobes of the trap, ventures in, "'hen they instantly c1ose up0n it, should 1t be so fortun ate as to escape, the trap slowly opens its ja."s A.nd sets 1tself tor another v1ct11n. There 1s also the curious pitcher plant 01 side-saddle flo··er, the leaftubes ol which are generally hall lull of water, tn y; hich n1any an UD\Vary insect 1s drowued, and, it is thc1ught by r:on1e, con· vertecl into a nch. n1n.uu1e for the plan t. .Again, that qntnnt ol<l · ruun-of the ea ith, 01 \\ild potato \a1e, with its fiddle-shaped leave:;, ld a cu11os1ty \vell \vorth cxa1u1n1ng. So eomprchenS!ve is tho subJect of leatstudy, that to be at all brief, one can only touch lightly upon a fev,.· ot the most int er- that WOl ks Wlth tt. WIJl to g1ve torce to the blo" that \~e c1uu:tly drul to fn~slnon the sledge wnl.i its l1.1ce of stt:e l tL,Lt lMLters the stone th cl t,gun<l .:> tbe axe that cu ~s the wood thrrt fcctls th e fire t11,1t old Nick built. E ternal ti t'1tli - 'l'hrn1sthe l:lf;lntso gcntll:l and 8lill that n erves the s1n1th to \\ork \\lth a wlll t6 gn·e force io the blows tha~ \\e qu 1 e Lly d l:lal to fa ;;lnon the sledge wi t h 1L:1 lat:c of steel th:tt- batter~ the stone that !jtlnJs I he ~.xe that cuts the \\'God that il'E.'1hi the lire t li,\ t old N ick budi CD Oi C. l< ' CILDERSLEilVE, Pon'l floPx. KJ.KGBTO~.r. l.Jominion ·Organ Co'y. t h e follow1ng testimonials from potent judges of OrganJ. Te~ti1nonial f101n John Caru.1dJe, 1\-fus Doc., Canluar, England. Bowinanville, 24th D ec , 187.>. 1'o the lJfa,nr;r.gC?'S Do1ninwn Otgan Go GE:.'ll'l'Ll~MEN.-l like to pla.y on your Organs t" ~e is so sweet ancls.tcad). .A ncl the \Yorkma.asnip and finish excellent, and m every Prcs~nt THI;; . - ----- -- - I RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society BOW MANVILLE ESTABLISHED 1840. c \NADA CBTEF 01tl" TCES. 131, ST .·lA~iES STHET<.'I', ;\(QNTRE.AL particular they ::ue · equal, 1£ not s11perior, to any I have tner hen.rd. HQping they will meet publ ic appremation. JORN CAMIDGE ltead the following fron1 Rosa. D'E1 ina : llown1anville, Decembet 22, 1873, To the Mwu1{!C?'!J ()j the Dr:munion Or{Jan Co. GENILDllBN. - I have inuch pleasuie iu testi fyrng to the excellent qualities of tho Organ eupplied by you at n1y concert last Saturday e'\ien1ng. The tone is sweet and very powerful and tho comb1nn.t1on of stops ruost aclrrnrable. I am su1e your instruments will find favor in Ch1nchcs, as tht·y arc singularly adnpted for sacred music ~Vish1ng you every success, and that tho pubhc may patron1ze native manufa.c. turf!. I remain Gentlemen, Important Announcement ! ' Millinery,Olothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- DIRECTORS \VAL'IElt SHANLY, Esq., J\.1 P ., Ch,u1mun.n, D UNCAN :r..IACDONALD, ]~sQ. ~IA.JOH 'r. E CAMI'BELr., GR .. St. THE IIONOU.1.ltLE J'Ow::i HAllILIO::-t, Ifilaire, Hawke-- lU<:SIDENT SECllFTARY.-.TA!rES Gll"T burg Ont S PEC I AL FE A T U P. ES. Grea,t .t1ieduction, in Dry Goods I 1'hc ENI!Rft! Pno~' J'l'S belong to o.nclare <li vid c<l a1nongst the Policvhoklers. '\'-ery respl:'ctfully, LIVES, DECLINED BY O'l'~R CO:'ill'ANIES, 01 on ROSA D'ERINA. \vhich an extra Premiu1n would be required, can be assW'ed at tM ordinary rates of this SoClcty, Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs under a special arrangement SP~CIAL NoN-FOF1U'L'AHLE PoL10JEB issued unrler ·which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay rne11 ts are reqnircd, payment 1:1ecur1ng Policy for a. eum assured propo1 ti'Oll.ii.te to the nurnhci of preroituns 1 and free from futur ~ayment of prem-iu1TM', DR. PAT'.l'EHS<)~. PROF. TERRY. President. Manager. Bowmanville, January 15, 1874. bp-oS m16. DENTISTRY! MUI DOUD BROS. Having decided to make a change in their business, me now sel ling for CASH their large and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Th1illine1y, Clothing, Crockery ttnd Glassware, A fl irt is a fool, who delights 111 fooling fools, and the fool who is fooled by such a foo l is the foolishest kmd of a fool \ 1 oung English lady, l es icling in J:)ctns, has received over fifty la::ihe'-. She was born "'1th thc1n-on her eyelids ~lODEltA'l'l<l PnEMit:MS i:md mOBt liberal cnn· ditions. PrOBpectuscs, Proposal .Forms, &c., supplied on application at t he Head Office, or any of the Agencies. JAES GllANT, 0 0 0 Res, Sccreta1y, AT AND BELOW J, lV!. Brimacombe, l,R.C.D.S. COST! AG~;N'.l' FOR BOWJ\fANVJU,B, C. BARK1':R, " Observer Office," King St. 23-ly Bowman,illo. June 24th, 1870. The Stock having been pmchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can depend on getting c:.o . I VJ -u-:> ------ · -"~'-------- -~ MORb' .AND BEZ".l'ER GOODS POR 'PHETR MONEl' Imperial Fir:e Insuranse Co ffF LONDQN. (Esta.bhahed 1803. Old Tiroad S,t., and Pall lvlall, London. Ill'.'AD 0FFICRS.-l '\(.:}}\(") 1 FEES MODERATE. St at this Establshrnent than in any other house in the cOull~ry. GENERAL l·Ol <'Pl"/d \ /\ ·- 21 Ol?FlOE OV61' 1 1fo0], UNG'S Sl01'l! 11-tf. Call Early, and secure Bm·gains, as tile whole Stock nmst be sold <ttonce, for CASH ONLY. cr111nent 1\i1 (IltTf a) Ruhscribed and u1vestell C~Lpiln.l n.nd Fiind. £1,96!.i,OOO Stei ling, run' e Ilo\\ manv lllo . Dec, 1..:74 Funds invested m Canada.- 105,000. Ins1rrnnces against losa by Fire are cffc1.:tec1 on most favorable terma, nild losses paid with out reference to tlic 130111 cl in LonrlQn Dana's Patent Sheep Marks THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT LAD.I ES I · J DODS'WOR1H, Inspector. "I "ondcr what makes my eyes so \VCak," said a fop to agenllcruan. "They are 111 a weak place," responded the latter. "Captain," s.11d a. sun of Erin, as the sh ip \\,ls near ing the coast in Inclement '"' cLlthe1, "have ye ctn aln1en1k on board?" '" i\o, [ h,1vcn't." "'f'hen, be jabbers) we shall have to take the "eather as it cu111es. 11 but keep up their incessant rustlrng motIOn A Wash for Wood Wanted till they wear out and fall to the ground. Editor Wttnecs,-Dear Si.r, -T hope, iu 1$eekTake one of these half open le.l-bnds, aud observe how nicely and. accurately it is H.g an answer to the follO\\'Ing question, to bene· flt any mo1e than 1ny 1ud1v1dual 1:1elf, for· I an1 folded back and forth ltke tho plaits ot a confident tba.t amongst your many and irterestfan. In the oak the arrangement is equally cd agricult ural readers:, there are some '"'·ho a.<: -(o)- the most lasting, the least troubleeome, and most complete c\er rnventi.:d 'rhcy are used and recommended by nln.ny of tlH best Dreeders Gen. A ).:cn1 s, Morrhea in the {Tn1ted States an<l Uanat.:1a, such as G. B. R R. LOSCOMBE, Barrrnter., Agen Loung;, Salem, ~iai;s , PresH.h mt l\ e'v }:;ngland Wool uivwe1'8' Society, ,John S. Ross, Ilennefor Bowmanville ar.d Vicinity. pin, Ill.; P10£es~or l\L Miles, of the State Ag· ricultui.J. Colleg-e, l_.,insing, ~llCh , l ro11. G eo. 80",namilk, Jnue 4th, JPf.O a6 Brown, 'l101onto, Ont., John Snell, :Edn1onton , m o.43-3').4\V Ont. On each )'t a.rk is stainpcd the owner's na1ne and the Sheep's nuinber. '!hey will be aentf1ee. by ma.1l, 01 e.xpress,for only fou1· (:tmts cctch, n.nd w1.1 l last for T\VENTY 1 EARS. ~a CIJsh must a.ccomptlny all orders RIN'lllUL RlWS. T RllSE M ,\RKSAllE THE CHEAPEST, is now complete with the choicest snpply of Chriist1nas Goo<ls, llaisens, Currants, Suflll/J·s, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all Pr·ices. Bowman ville, Dec. 24th, 1874 MURDOCH BROSn James McFeeters. AGENT ARCilil)ALD YOUKG, JR., Orders !ldt.hosg~d l:)a.nna, Ont. to the J\{ERCHN'l' nnd inte'l'esting, th3 ltiaf beiug folded exactly possess the desired information, and many oth- lenglh"ise by the m1dub, and the two hal· ers \vho, hke myself, will be glatl to gain it. It is bigh time th-tt our Ounadian homesteads evi· ves placed lace to face. denced that we do not entirely ignore outward Something ns the laundress rolls her linen A link ILUI year old woke up very appearances, but possess atnne sense of the beaucdlly one ino1111ng, and seeing the full napkins tor the ironing-basket does the care- tiful, the pic.t11 resque, ,:i,n<l the t.t.Btefu l. If inoo 11 lro1n the \v1ndo1v, he innocently ful fern roll its young leaflets from the tip evcryncwsi:;aper lll the D on1inion had, with as t en10.rk ed : "1 ~hou l d tlunk it \Vas .ibout downwarJ, ·while the best flut1og·1ron ever much zeal as the lVdness, helped to educatt" wielded by the ]anndress i1eve1 t'rolluced the taste of its tc!\dcr~, 111 this matter of homo tune for ])od to take that 1110011 in,. such dainty frills nnd ruffl~s ns the even!y- Gulllfoits 01ud a.iorn1uents-home like homes- A widow, being cautioned by her n11n1ster <tLout fluong, s~ud she kne"v 1t ""ts wrong for 111adcns and \VIVCS to flirt, b1 t th e Bib le was her duthonty. Il said "\v1do\'""s n11 te She '"·1s tinting a\vfully at last accounts. · }iy dcar, 11 said a husband, 111 startled tones, afte r \vaking his \Vlfe in the middle of the night. "I have swallowed" dose of slt )clmine?" "Well,then, d o fm goodness sake he still, or it may CO lTIC up. She used to keep bits of broken china and crockery piled up in a convcment corner of the closet,1nd when asked her reasons for preservmg suc)1 domestic lumber, she shot a lund gbncc at her hushand, and mc1ely remaikcd : "He knows what them's for." A Nebraska farmer sneaked around one mght to the place where an army of 11 1 rolled edges of the cherry-leat. And so the ou1 lnveU Canada. 1\.'ould prrsent a fo.1· more different patterns of Nature s \\ardrobe af· pleasing inctute to the eyt: or the tra.veller, a.nd 1 fords us an everyday lesHon which cau be learned "'tlrout the aid ot t·xt Look or microscope, costing but httle titurt, and affor<ltug us a pastune b:ilh entertutnu1g and b~ne£ii.:1al -Selected, rl'he follun ing stc.1y IS told J5y un A1ncr1· ean correspondent. A Yu.nkee tounst rt:1· cently went down to Chatl:lworth, the lJuke of n~vonshire'a Eogl1sh estate, Th ere lS a httl e village on it, where an inn 1s built for the accorn1nodatton of v1::ntors , un<l when )fr. A. reached the1P, atter h.tY1ng been through Chatswo1 th, he wns nalln ully 1nuch impressed with its bcantJ, an d be couldn't refrain f1on1 saJ1ng so tu a tJUHt looking n1an, the Landlord, who \\'as s1tt111g on the inn p1azxu w1Lh hun after teu ' Qu1te a place, 1sn't it 7' said the Au1cri..~<~ n ' k'. es, a pleasant place enough,' retnrni.;d tbe Euglish1nan "rbc fellow who O\' ns th1'j 1nust be ""ortb a 1n1nt of inoney,' said No. 1, thro·ugh his cigar s1noke 'Yes,he\1 comfortably off,' agreed No 2 quietly. ' I the hea.i·ta of nuniberless ho1nesteads \\ould beat lUO'le warn\ fr o1 u the r eG umg in8ueuce of these more h~)m elike homes. To this encl what one a1 tide of com1ncrce haH done more than p:unt? But I, hke mnn y others, m11et be content to begin on a lower rung of this ladder of taste, n.nd hence my tmqu1ry "Can any Of tne Wltness readci:s give me a rece ipt for mak· 1ng a good wash such as rough unplaned lumber requi11;is" 'l'he troublo ·with onr common li1ne wh1tb\vash 1s,that it so soon peels and d1J:10010i:'.S. Uy calling your 1eacle1 s' attention to the above, yon \dll, l l1 opc, hulp a·lva.ncc the good 'vo1k 111 inany p111ts of out f.111 country, and ~reritly obh,;e ~{ourEI, & c , .A ?YI , of Glen· m0rr1s 1 0 . i:\ good, pct1na.ne11t, -and wash may be made by tako1g ,\S 111ud1 co.irse s,1 Jt as the ci.uo;int;ty of,vatcr 1cqn11ed \\111 dtsi::ohc, and mix \Hth '"'·lnt111g ]- lYitne~~ a.t Fu1 the following Insura.nce Compn.n:es, a.nJ th e above mentioned prwe, aa quick ly as he M111ks can be n1L~l!! and i;Jnt. other Institutions, viz 0. B\RKEB., rl'he QUREN Fire and Life Insurance C01n-t..·1·Bo~1na.nv 1ll e ,Dc c 28th.1871. m13 ly pany. Cap1tu.1£2,000,000 $150,000 de pos1tl 1.l with the Dominion Governtnent , for the protec ders in Canada.. The ISOT..,ATED RISK I'1re I nsuriu1 ce Com J pally of Canado. Capital 500'000.-01 H' of the beat and cheapest Compauie::1 duing bnsi1w>i8 ln 11t the LADIES' and MISSES' the Dorr11n1on, for Farmers and Isolated R it;J,s 'l'he CA.NADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT, with a Savings Bank departn1ent. 'l'he UNION A"Xn PERI\fANENrl Bu1\c hni; King" Street, next Dool' "rest of 1'-Iutdoch Bros. and Sa.vmg 8 Soc1cty. \Vhere can be found the "\ ~1ilenchd asav1 t1ncnt o The>ie latter instltubons ach a.nee Luailf:I on Real Estate, on te1ms i111us1w.llv eiisy fo1 the bo1rower. l3owmanv11le, Feb 6th, 1873 AT Alw ::i, lot 0£ SER\ER Office, fo1 M1Y q11.'.l.llt1ty, will be filled on. MitS. :R. HO:PXINS' Just Arrived FASHION HOUSE NEW MILLINERY. ....._ A Bl(-+ I SUO .\' lQ.g-t ll.£ ~t :Prices to suit .All C1a.sses. Also a '" ell selected Stock of .ALWAYS GET REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & r Ladies' Veils, Ladies' and Misses' Gloves, in Kid and J>,islo Thread, Ladies' Fancy Silk Ties,~ New ana -~· F ashionable, direct from New York. Ladies' Linen Cuffs and Collars, Skirts, Corsets, &c., &c. Jn short, FIBS'l'-CLAS S . ...-'\ lso a liu ge stock of Stamps for Braiding and Em- rflELEVENS broidery. W. BELL & Co's. F /J1. S H I 0 N S Pr·izc .)._tlclla l 01'fJfl/ltS for Spring just to hand. \'lhich iu 1873 n.t the Prov1ncia,l }'air, boot every Ame11ca1; ~nd C;;i,1rn.dian Oigan, taking the l'IRS'l ' PRIZJ>, Also tho 1 cu owned usual. :MRS. A. FLETCI!EP. l3owma11dllc. Anlil 'fth,l874. 11111hons of grasshoppers \Vere sleeping pi-eparatory to \Va1d1ng into lus \Vheat on Srrnrxa BEAI\S - Pick them when cusp and the morrow, and afte1 tl11owmg a lot of hay around he set fire to it Well, it was death to the grasshoppers , but by the time the farmer had run four miles 0\-er a burnmg praJric ,md clanb~cl a t1ce with lm ban and eyelashes burned off, he had occas10n to take breath to say, " I 'II be cuss~cl if [ thought I was gomg lo get i1p a CHCUS like tlMt.' A bely was at an evening party, and, having left her n1us1c behind, \Vas pcrot1adecl lo send for it. 'l he bearer was told to ask fm the loose mus ic left on the piano. The l<>dy's sen"mLmore faithful than gmck witted, on 1cce1ving the n1essage, burst in to excla 1nat1ons " 'Vh,1t," said she, "and do you suppose n1y n11ssus sings loose songs? C~et a.lung \Vtth your 1n1pudcncc ," and she slamtncdthe door1n then1cssen.;er'sface 1 n1u tte11 ng as s he \vent up-stairs," Loose fre sh , in hot, sunsluuy iveather, either late in the c1fternoon or earl:Y in the mo1n1ug . lf :il Everything in Ladies' Goods. HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO VVhwh wonJer tf l could get a look .t th,, oH chap,' f:a1d the _i\.mencan, after a sh o1 t Qt · lance. 'I should hke to see wli.1t ~utt of a 'Lird he 1s' Puff, pull, went the Euglrnh cigar, and t hen the F.ngh::ih voi ce, tr_) H1g bnrd to control itself 'lfyon '-puff-pl fl 'look hard '-puJl-pufl-·1n thl ::l (hrecllon, JL>U '-pnft-pnff-' can tell in a 1n1nut~' 'You-you" falte1ed 1-11-. .-\, gctttn!;{ up 'Wby1 I tho nght you \V~te the 1andlo1d 1· '\Veil, so I an1 1' sa.11.l the Duke, thuugh I don't per1or1n th~ duties I stay hert',' J 1e adde1l, with ,t tw111kle in his 1:')1', ' t·1 Ii(' looketl at ' rea.<.ly gathered, put thetn wheie it IH cool arlll cl 11 mp, so tbnt tb E'y n1ay bcco1ne riisp. StMng then by t f11nng (ff the upper string fro1n the lower end ,ln<l the undt't st lln~ from the stein WP intend ti> ll;plcnrnb 0111 Stock, every \Vc~k, end If tltu poJi::; u,1 e la1 ~~, cut the m in ha.lf- f1orn the C[<l1<1n und Ne"' Yodc l\1~:i."t"k c ts, \\1th the 111ch leristbe, if, 1u 11wh lengths. If any arc not Ruffk1ently teulle1 to l:llHtp roa<ltly (when cri,;p}, i CJ<:ct them St1iui:::-be .. us auc! cheap ,~rash and -put th e1n to bml with a11 cqnal m~asure of water Cook fiom h\ cnty 1n1nutes to a u l;onr, accord1ng to thei1 ~ire, or uutil they ar e perfectly tende1 1 so t hat t he ~· r.t.11 be ma,,h PLEASE CALL c-d bet\\ eeu tbun1b anJ finget Bet.tc1· let the1n e.nd Examine Stock and Prices. st.~ncl n.ftc1 they ni c rlone than to 1 un the ri sk 0£ ha.v10,; th em t.nderdonc s( r\ e t hdn 111 tbl~lr ]UH:() , whwh sbonld 11tarly till tbe1n. [Boston.] ha~ taken and he rn determined to continue to sell nt these rninouslr ]pw p1iues cheaper Lhaµ the cheape"t. Why he can do 1 t-First, ho \Jujs fol cru;h and knows just how to buy J Second, what he c;i,n't buy cheap enough, he manufactures 1?01·ty-1iinc Pirst P ·r emiunis. --.o:-THE KING OF BOWMANVIL:...E Machine and Implement Manufactuing Co Third, he is mtisfied with srnull profits l Fouith, he sells for; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices - -a-- - - ~ - CA.LL A.ND SEE FOB YOUBSELVES! -er l\KD Latest Novelties! Manufa,ctu-res ofj BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exainine e r:itock. which cou1pi1S'es everything in the, of the Y«:llY la.test and iuost cle""nn r.tykis n.nd pa.ttu1 11s, of Eughsh, C<iuu.dia.n, and An1e11can manufacture, "' Hc still eontinnes to m;\.nufacture to ordor, from the best of nta.ter1al, and u.011e but fixst cl<l.SS SEWING MACHINES, --.o:-N B.-'l'bc SnbsonLer 1f! 11ot fi Sub, <.H 011det .t\ gent, bnt h.LS the spec ial u.geucY: f 1H the above I a1n prepa.1ud to exchange f'1a.nof:1 fur Orgo.ns, 01ga118 for J\Ielod e(1ns , also Sew1ui; !vlach inef:l, on reasonu l.ile to1 ms -\.ddress, "\VOOD AND IHON --o--o- \\prkmen kept , WORKING MACHINER ~ Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Ile hai3 in stock an entlless variety of Ladies' aud Gent~· Saia.toga 'l1runks 1 Vali ses, etc , n.ll of which ho 18 selling chi.:ap fo1 l:a1:1h SJJd:i'l, - l::E~\XS Si u; \\ ,tut~<l, add it - ]f P,.~JY i:! CU!5lHI Ilg' h ttle ~.tlt J U~t as tl1e beans ,tre rn1P\: 01 (rC::tn1, 01 .\~O~.b:D --o-- done, and ::t ldth.: a. t ulle of Give Your Child a Paper. sugn.r, bi:fu11· (11:-,liing Do not H<.;a]d it If pie· fl.' J t ld, a s1na.ll JH uportlou (·f lJeci.ten e~g may b~· Dress Making and Dress Fitting J. s DONl·~Y, 'l'Y1t0Nir r o. A child beginning to·1~11d Ueconn:~ de~ songs, indcrd I As if my missus ever gootl bcn~s and" l 11 u )Vkcd, the) \,ill soon ub111e A SPECIALITY. SATISFACTIO!\ sung anylhmg that wam'l moral and lighted \\ itb u newspuper 1 bectnuie }Je I l'P.d~ to bo 1eh shed w1thouL ~11y se:.1son1ng r;UARA NTEED. Tho ofnan1ce El.lid things\\ Lieb ttre fa1n1h,lr, ,1n<i proper. Fn. meh fn r1 uoutly ndd a little ltll10ll lttH.:e, he will pi ogress accortl1nHly. A uew.<=pap1 r An Abe1dccnslme l,tud, who kep t a u1 one )ear 1s \\Ortl1a11ua1ter't- scUoohng to ' VAX H.L\NS- -1£, \\hen cu tting the1 u up , th e very good po ultryya1d,strangcly enough B. cluld E\.l'.!lj' f<tth C!l 1nust ro ns1der tbd~ \Jean~ LlCI f!O ht1,;1 111 111y ·>fthm n a-; to fall "Ut, Ph,tazlctphici and Nciu Yo1 k Pc~t could not command a fresh egg !or his 1uforn1aL1on JS co11nectcd with udvan ce uw1 1t ;ind thi:: pod n1 ·pc a1 l:.nugh, SbPll 011t the ' ,i111:1 terns always on lw nd. breakfast. One d~Ly, hO\\Cvcr, he n1et The 1uother ot a fa.u11ly, hl·111g one of its and put tht:tll '"1th the cut bea.n pod~, R..nd lC· nddl'll tn th e wny But if they are Jan 15th, 1875 (i 6mos Double Turbine Water Wheels; mid Remem ber the Stand "BIG BOOT" drawn by Two flQrses, King St. M. TRELEVEN. ---- ~- ----~ c~.atings of all Kinds don o on tlw beads aqd 11al' lllg a 11HJi e 1n1me<l10.te cl1a1ge ieut the tnugh pods They boil 1norc qu cldy cl11ld1e11, t1Lou d herodt be 1nstru crl:'d. ket, and, vc1y 5usp1c1ously, \\1th a nice of than othe1 oh u1 ~~ \Jeans ~t the sa1 ne of A ndnd occupied becotHl:'S furt1fiC'd aga1ost h1s gncve's \\lfc going to,,ard tbe n1ar- Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FJ~ED the '~}Ly TO TI-IE vVALTIBR vVIGG (.~ Rli:PAI~BS SON, basket On passmg and speakmg a \\ 01 d, he disco' ered the b1sket was full of beautiful wh ite eggs. .\/ext tnne he talked with his g11e'e he s,11d lo hun "James, I hke you ve1y well, and I th u'k you serve me fa1thfulli. bnt I cannot say I adn1nc you1 \Vlfe " '['o \Vl11ch the cool reply \\ as . "Oh! deed s1r, l',n not srn p11sed at I hat, foi I d111na muckle adnnre her mysel'." 1 1 the ills of life, and 1s lnaced lor trueigeui::\, Children an1used hy reading er study are, of eortrt1c, tnore con~1<te 1ate an<l easily gov erned J~{~\.\ IUallj' tlJougbt\e~S )OUDg IH ('ll have :._p( nt tht"ir rarn1ngs i l a tavern or grog-s hop wl 1 0 011,;h t to have beeu reading! Ho\Y n1any parent:-; "ho, have not spen t rtve pounds fot book s for th l ir t a n11hce wou ld have gI\'en liundu-·d s to 1eclo.1n1 a son or daughter who hnrl 1gn.Jrantly, thoughtless~ ly, fallen rnto temptatwn ! growtl1 , otber dse they a1e to be heated. ~xict· ly .~s Jn the pr1.:1ced1 ng- r~c1p11:1 Bnt the follow1ng seEt$vn1ng i:; ~tL··r Onr Goods are all New and Fashionable, and will be sold at Reasonable Pnces. Another cac loa<l R enu·mber tht!p1ace,n.t ,1{I$S STQ'(rG H J'O N 't; Old Stan<l. l\1:ILLS. SHORTEST NOTICE, WP of the alJo, u nobl" 1trtu:: le1:1 ou t11P: fo1 f' R8t fi'l.vm~, 1 µ:e; ;.,. f.: lrn.\ (,) latu-ly added thertito, that we may thett!by be euabled to supply all parties who 1oay jJlea.Rc to fu.\ur ln1n \V1tb a call. Great 1nduce1nenta held out to thos~ pu1chasing at our esta.L 1slJ1n l1Ht Piu tures, J... ook111g GlassoH, eto frnmed too1der, and in e'ii.:ry Rtyle Sarnples of the lh lfe1ent land of o uld1ngs can be 1'een at the ware·1001u \Ve "ould al110 beg to Ulfonn you, tlu1~, having pu1Ch3$ed a r etu r111t1g thanks to the11 nnmr.rons oustome1s and public r;Hne1n.lJy, I Nw0nld cepectfully invite theh u,ttent1011 to our p1 ese11 t stock of fu 1niture, have no\\ oii ham! a 1'.rge ~uant1ty thnt will 1 )e sold at t'i SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, Sr1uNo·D~A'i, wn·n UoPt-> Oit1All--\Vhen the beansar~ done 1 ha\ e 1eady i:;ome t"ndcr vnd fnve ct gr~en cm n, g1a.tc1 ,trn I scr kJ·e l fro in the cob, nn<l :vld th e crc:.Lm to tbe bca11~ 111 tho propo1 t1on of one !nil t,) one qu"rt of lh f;\i. coo\~ d beanE;, Barely 1nn,t to the botlin s po nt and s~rve at ouce.- S.Hencec; lfcalth Plcf\.Bt\ c.~11 nt th~ Common a11d Gang Plows, B 0 \V :\IAN V I LL .E Farm Implement Forwarding Agency R. W ,JAMES, J(rn~ St., Bo-..vmanv1llc. no,vioanv1lle, D.;:c. 5, 1872. nlO. I 'W tf shall be ready at a 11 t11ne1:1 tu .ittend on short noth::e N. ll --C1dflns kept on h~uul :ind. 1nacle to on lei, ~t tlw fuu~nn.1~, l\.l ui. reasonp.bll" tcrrrH:!, especlfu,lly, MRS ROl'K!NS Bowmanville IApnl ~0th, 1875. 31-tf. } 1 LOW PRICES 6tf. I AT THE SHOP. Bowmanv11le, l\-fa1cbl87;}, i NEW J)01lfINJON REZ'AIL FURNITURE lllARE-ROOM. Kmg Street East, Oshawa Oshawa, Aug 26th, 1870. - ] -----

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