-- Crcula.tcs largely lll the rr O\Vnsh1ps of Darlington Olarl\.e and Cartwright It is a coJnm on plaLfoun open to the fre e d1scuss1on of all qu TERJ.18 rHE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER WEST DURHAM Stea.m Jo'b I'rinting Office KING STREET BO\nlANVILLE t1ons in '\ hich tho general pubhe ate conce1nc d. lifvrnt~ fiH ccr.ts I<r .111 n In d vance The Merchant' and 'Obse r· ver '$2 00 ., R \.TES OF AD\ t!.HTISING J u e c 1 mn 45 ptu annum II elf <lo 2o Quarter do J5 " 1ra11s1011t advert1semcnt..q 5 cts per line first i nsc tio1 and 2c p er lu1e, e wh subr.>tiquent onc . AND GENERAL ADVERTISER VOLUME VI BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY AUGUST 20 l87r, !fUMBETI 'U It I arn eng<.Jbed to the youug lady for life And I 'l 1ect to he t.luncu1g round duucc3 \vlth other n1cn I felt niJ checks become cr1111~011 and I kno\\ niy e' es fia~hed I aliuost 11 Rt111ctl\e ly tightened mv grasp upon ~rchie Q::in1p bC'll i; arm as I exclain1cdI am not engaged to you, 1'1r So.under son , and you have no rLgLt to c.:.outrol n1y actious, I shall dance \VI th any on~ I please aud still lcnn1ng on n1y partners arn1, I lelt the conservato1y Archie said nothing as the dance proceed ed, but 'vhcn the 111us1c had ceased he ga'\ e one look mto my toce Blientl; pluced my hau<l. upon lna t1rn1 iga1n, aud li.:tl 010 to n secluded recess It was Rome uuuutes btJore I could coui n1aud my vou.:e sun c1cntly to say111 C11npl.11:ll, do not 1ct me detain you laugh XLVII POSTERS P AMPHLE'I S, CIRCULARS BILL HEAOO CHEQUES l\O'IES HANDBILr S LABELS CARDS TICKETS, &c &c &c, EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE strength-these ought to enable you to dispense with help \\bile} on are ) ouug and healthy We hke tnen v.ho C\n def) ndvcroe tar c n1stances, and could earn a Jn1ng in any quarter of the \vorld 1u "hich the) \\ere dropped down ~ho can toll up their sleeves lntl set, to worl at nhnost anything that ofleti! a1 d ?.ho can even sew on their own hnttons nntl 111a.ke the111selves a cup of tea when (lepnvetl of the help of \\omau kmJ 'lilt! like wo111eu \\ho arc not nu111htlat(d when the sc:rv int girl goes ofl in a hurt wl.io co 1ld \\ 1~h the d1es~er 01 A'.lecp the floor ii either unpleasant eJlort were U1Jce8 sarJ a11d wl10 it ptn11 0 c l int) tic Llcr lh of po\ crty, "o tld fi 0 l t their wa.y out ot lt aal 111g help ot 110 n1an Independence Ulakes no wo1nau less lo\ 1ng T11e 1nost helptul 'vo111en are fondest and trttel:it and a tor 111an never trulit. h11n 1n aBy capncLty it he hac- not 'vit111n htni the hnc !=!pnll I 1udepeu lente, \\Ith ont "luch neither stten 0 th or wcclacss Jil l\.) be hope 1 for In tile l uttl ot hfe there 1s but one '\1 ~ to succ~ed-fi 0 ht it out yonr"elf GL\e the helping han l ,., hen) ou ma_:i 11ke it 11 111 so1nc aure strait it I oflercJ freely \Jut nc\ er \\alt for 1t be 1ndepenllcnt as fat ns man n1ay be it you would honor your;i.elt, or be I onored by olhera, or be happy l\10NEY WANTED! GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY t Trat11s w1ll lenve Bo\vmanv1lle Stat1on ' l3ow1nauv1llc tune ns follows f UING 1' ESr POETRY. an Unwritten Creed IIe kft a load of .Al1tb1ac1te 1..t a poor \\ oman s door WJ1eu the deep snov; lay col l :u d w l 1te On street and aqua.re ancl moor That was his deed He did it 'vell 'Vh:.\t \ l hw ere~ l 'i I !Hoss tl Cl)llllvL GOODS AT PANIC PltICES. We have deternuned to offer GOING EAST Local Express* Mixed Expross 8 30 a m 3 50 p m 7 10 p m 8 45 pm *Ih1s tra1a runs everJ morn1n.., pf v.eek ~! onda.:> s ex.uepteil 7 20 a m I Expicss 8 45 a m Mixed 2 25 p in ] I oral 8 45 p m I E:-rprcss .. Extra.ordina.ry Inducements to Ca.sh :Buyers. I 25 sUM MER PER CENT. ---o--- DISCOUNT, tell Iu lui5 b isl et :n1d l 1~ ture At rest or 11s1ng up w111 be allowed off om usually low Puces, on MILLINER\, M \!\ l LLS LACE A~D IISSUE SHAWIS PARASOLS (,RFN'\DINES1 AND OIHIR LIGHT DRESS GOODS We will also subnut to the same SACRIFICE on Ihe mo1e he got he .:.nvc the n me Of Jlle tt l CI 1 i;t r c l Ife took tl i:: lea l In each 0 0 cl tci.e;k ' ' l at was h1i:; creed? Id1 l not a.!:11 Drs. Reid & Boyle. S URGERY·-·SILVER S'l' Gli Night calls answered at Dr H.>yle sold Sn l gery or \t Dr }{e1d s resiilence o 'l'lUa 1v11le Jar 14th 1875 16 tf llu; chauty w IS hke tht\ si ) v BOOTS & SHOES GENTS AND CHILDREN S CLOTHING HATS & CAPS &c READY MADE As s1leut 111 its fall 1 Not hke tho noisy w1udi1 ti Lt I I v 'Altar 1 liu nbu0 he <'J lCUhite<l 'I u1 ca11 to n1 u1y )lU, &fa 0gir, un<l I \.\lll do so oud w l lt is 1norc I 1nr.nu to l1ave a \' e bl ill t ~kc eAch othei Scotch nrnn wge for Lcltc1 Joi wo1i:;c 1u the presence of w1t nesses I \Vas too incJibnant to ina.ke any r~ply ao I left the roo n1 ] I u.t 1 ght-1t \\IS 111 Februar.)-lllY Jutl e1 tlid not cornc home until it \\ a.e vet) J tte I h ld gone to bed, aud \Vas startJed by a J noel t tuy bed rooni Uoor, wlnlst a percu1 ptory \ 01ce sattl'~Ingg1e, co1ne do\\ nst nrs- I "ant to speuk to you 'I ant 1n bed fa h(;1 ':Ko Hl tter dr~ss ynu1hclJ and cou1c do\\ll l olJc\ 1.:d t1cn1bhu"l,:i aud soon Joined lllJ 1aLI er 111 the mlting roon1 1-Ic looked PROTECTION A little ag1to.t1on an1ong a few protection nits 111 Llus city Y. ith sou1e Jt e tr ..u.le seutl ments uttered by the Prenncr fl.-1r Jlrlack cnz r; at D 1ndec have brought this qucobou 1nto son1e slight notice lately but it is uot one suflic1ently urgent to requ re any extended d1sputation ou i ts rner1ls for so1ue t1n1e to cou.e, as 1t has been ;>ract1cally settled tor the present by the tartfl winch wns ndoptcd 1n 1874, and 111 wluch tbere are not likely to be 1.1 1 y 'ery 1n1portant changesdunng this Puhu 1ent Thc1e 18 one pu111t in the JOUrnahst1c co1un1cnts "htch liave recently bee11 1111Je ( ll the que<::it1on which dese rve a little 110L1ce lnd that is as to whether e1tl ct of the t110 great pol1t1cal parties u Cana.Ct favor the pohcy \\Inch is so tnuch des111:U b) so1nc Whatev<!r ind1v1dual adherer tsof iLeL1hcral part) 1nay hold no person!> hav1ug 1ntclh geuce and Jlldgu1ent \\Onld u11ously th1nk of cla.Hn111g that it as a whole, fa\ ore l pro leCtlOll llnd in opec1nl places fJUCb t S !t'Jon trenl und II unilton where the protectionist q 1estion undoubtedly infll1cnce<::i so1ne votes Liuenl raity JOUrnals onlv clatru that the question u; not a part,:i one, and that Lh!J leader;:, of the Conscrvnt1ve purty \\ ould no rr1ore favor protection it in now er than the present I\-11n1stry On the othei han J, the lead1ug Conscrvut1veJOUrnils 1\r1tc a good deal in favor of encouragc1ncnt to hon1c lndustr), but it l.:s rno~tly 111 rather \ague st\ le 'l'he question 1s trc.:t ted gencially no p irtlc.:.ula.r ta.riff is made a plnnk ln the party pl1tlonn but the portv is clanucd to Tbcr e be g(!nerally in favor of protection " no doubt but that protcct10msts w 111 find the1r niost agreeable horuo, eo fat as tl.. eory is concerned ln the Conserv tt1ve party for there they will fin d a lnrg er nun1 her ot their way ol th111l 1ng 'Vben it co1nes to pra heal nction, I nvP.vfr it 1s 1u ent11ely different matte1 In the IIou sc of Commons nt Ottawa tl e agricultural is the rulrnJ inte1est, and the faru1ers of tlns country do not bel eve in and "" 111 not pay tax.e:;:. 1nore than are iequ1rcd 1or ic,enuc pnrposes AnJ uicrcasc of duties '"h ch are not absolutely necessat\ for re\ el ne would soon meet with such oppo"1tion that the strongest Govera1neut woultl have to \\ ithdraw ar y proposal for it In tl 113 pro vince, and espec1all) 1n this city there tre n. lat gc nu1nber of persons 1nterestedi 111 on e way or lnothet in n1anufacti.11 es who :u e protcct1on1sts In .:souie places JU Onta110, ~uch as 1 oror to Ha1n1lton ]3runt·or<l Osh V.\\<l 1n:1 along the 'Vellno<l Cut l-1 protrc tlon1st theories also inect \\ itb fll\ or, b tt the great mnJor1t} ot the const1tnenc1c;i. Couserva ive and Liberal al ko believe 111 dut1cs and tax tt1011 in e'er.} Jortu be1ng k ept ns light as poRsiblc Any avowod lt te1upt to encourage n1anuf1ctoncs bv putting on lngh duties \'ionld roui::;e such a feeling that no astute party leader \\OUld d1eam of seriou;:il) tr:; 111g to nnll lte snc.:.h u. policy Su John Macdonald n1a) h11ve gl\ en the protechotusts a p:it 011 the hrtck 111 lect1011 hu1 u gue;:i at loiunto rint1 Ha.m1lton, but he d1d not d J inuch for the l rotecho1 ists during l 1s long tctuL of oftlcC' and he does not hlt up h19 \ 01ce to adv( cate prute ... tio11 ide:lS in thu c.:on11nons It is p1ob1ble 111 deed that l lOt c1.:ot1ou thco11c:-; w1\l 11\va) i; be 1nuch n101 e n.ascrte 1 u1 Cl tj n<:\'>Sl apers u d in city election hara ngues th111 on ti c fl oor { f the HouPe of Co1nruouil. \\ lic1 c 11y strong stands u1 ti tt d1rc.ct1on \\oull onl\ tend to the od van toge of the olber 81Cle ;\ Jtl 011 0 h Sir John tna.y ocens101111lh say afc" \\(1Us in fa\ 01 of p1otect1on dur111g clccL1 Jll c rn pa1i;n other pton11ne11t n1c11 in the pulty \\tll n'Jt e\ell g1vesucha policy ti at fnucl or rather little, encouragement Sir Francis ·1cks, to "horn t} e linauc1al policy ot the country was lately confided by tins 1 cry party, some of \\hose n1en1bers claim 1t to be p1olect1on1sts, 18 an out 111d ont lree tru<ler Dr Tupper, their prc;i.ent hnanc1ul cr1t1c, certainly neve r fu,ors protection Jdcae, nnd it is only o. year or so i:;iuce in protect1on1st Toronto, at n Con,.ei vatlve 1neet1ug to faun a United Empire Club or something of tUnt kind rt prntcct1on1st:-i plank n the plu.tforn1 iu fa, or of highest duties, had to be \\1thdra\\H lJecause of the oppoa1hon ol the Hoo J H Comeron und sotue mea1nngl eas staten1cnt about encourage ment of intlustnal pursuits subst1tutr.d \V1th auch 'l rccor t it is not ea<::iy to a e ho\\ j,ny honest OonBc1va.tnc ca.n c.:.la1111 lna part) is a protection oue While there u1e so ina1 y peeple directly 1nte1estec1 in hav1ug h1gt er duties, so as to inakc the\r bt sines 1no1e profitable, th s question caunut but occ ,,1on ally come to the top for " little di.cnss1on although 1t may be hut seldom that aui ex tended notice of it on its mertt.s is req111red It is as we11 theref o11? that tho e who arc acl\ ocallng such a polic' should be r inn l ed of the real political "eakne~s of tllo-::c who are acting with thcn1, 101, \vith Onta110 and the 1\Iarit1a1e Prov111ces a1r1yc.d ugu.iu~t them protcct1onU1 s c1nnot expect to 1nal e much headway 10 the Dotn1nion -lJiily 'fiVitnes,, 0 GENU1NE DISOOUNrl1 SALE! NO PUFFING! Evm y Pe1 son ha mg a DOLLAll 1'0 SPEND jo1 necess:M y Goocls, will plecise call ?elieie ou1 necessities ancl 1eap lhe Projil, . DlT \] E New of ]Jn,xter Un1vers1ty of 1\lus c G]{JI'rwndslnp Yo1k I Prof. J. Ruse, F1um then autun1n 1 ill Nor flowers Rn<l woo 1 Droo1 mg below· \' 1at was his creed? Therolrmaykn w :~~t~~ 1 ~ 0a;~~r~;7'\~~~' ~~~::1~~~tg~h~a~~us~~; 1 her~o~l:a~~s~:!: :::~:e~~y s~~Ub~:e, Ul ancc Ile said angnl} ' l\fang1c, .::;aunder1}on telle 1ne that ) vn refuse to ruatry huu I wish )OU to be coa1e l 1s '~ifc so re1neu1beri wh~n be con1ES here again that JOU rcce1\e him pro perl) ~Father 1 c\1 t1ot 111an.} bun '\'. ou 1 lUdt, lie exclalluecl- I urn1st upon 1t 'I c ~nnot, I I1;:turne<l 'l hate tho 'cry sight ot h1u1 'Then accustom ) ourself lo love it as qn1ckly as possible- our nnangemcnts 11re uot gvmg lo be set aside to please n chit of a girl 'Ask me to do uni thu 0 else lo please JOU · futhe1, I pleaded 'but I cannot tnar 1y 1'ir Saunderson Ieacher of P1a1io and Otga l cult \at1on Voice, S1nglng l horongh Bass IIarmony Oompos1t1on &c Darlington July lGth, 1874 41 ly S. TREWIN, Kin.g August 4th 1875 R R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER AT LAW, 130LIGITOR IN CTIANOJi,HY, & c 0\er 1'-IcClw1g s Store sn.n1e fin. t R.s J Bnn1acomb s Dental Roomd ly Bow.ina1n ille, Oct. 27th 1868 0FtICE 1- Swee~ W ~st, Osha"Wa, Hti had gre ~t f ut,h in loa\ es of b1 cad }I or hung1y )Ol lg and old And hope inspn1ng wo1ds he o;a,1d Nor left thctn to the c ld l or \\ e must fet:tl _, As well as pro-y \Vhat wM lns crctd ? I cannot say In wo1 ds hu did not l ut lus tr His fa.1Lh he ne\ er \\ nt 1:.t MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSU.ED Bl ROBERT ARMOUR MARRIAGE LICENSES. ~lfR JOH1' H EYNON Lot 7 6th Con lll Darb~ton, fncar Bethesda Church] ra dn'y author1;did to issue l'dan age L1cenBea Darlington 'NO\ 19 1874 m8 tf FROJ\11 RETIRING . lie loi,;ed to shate brn cup and er st '~ ith all who needed it In time of n~etl. A fliend \\lh he What \Vas his <r>.?c l 1-Ie told not me 1 [e put lus trust 1n Heo.v1..m and he Worked well \v1th hand an] hea. 1 And \\hat he gave inchanty, Sweetened his sleep and b1ea.J $20,000 vVORTH OF GOODS I· T..,et us take heed For hfe 1s brief He lived his creed Dressmaking, &c. To be 'Sold without Reserve, at less than Wholesale Prices. Miss Heal )Vould beg to 1nfo1 n the hulies of 130\\ manv1lle and l'ic1n1ty that she 1s prepared to taJ e orders for D ef'i-lmalnng nd £ll the sa1ne with les1 aLll Ht the F. F. McARTHUR h,ts decided to go out ol the Dry Goods busme,s, antl will conuuence on the LAT'ESrI' FASI-IION. Her ex1 e11cncc full) \\O.rrants her ln prow1s111 satisfac.taon Ties1Jencc Corne1 of Ch rch Street nud I\Iarket Sq_ rn.re Huwma1ndlc Dec !th 1873 AUCTIONEERS /?01 the Township ot Da1 hngton. 20tl1 of Day, 1875, r he A Grand Ciea.rin Sa.le of his Entire Stock. H T PHILLIPS, o l t, ~ltLn tlon gi.veu · ~ll:li:; 1 1 RAMP ION to sales :i.l>lll tcuus ~c 01 t a.son - Sp1111g Impo1Lat10ns 011ly h,wmg been completed .t fe" weeks the s tc, is >01y huge ,md wcll asso1ted As 1t must be sold w1thrn a g1' en tune, WDl.. Barton, l ltNISICILLE.N'. ptl) attended tG 0111ea.f.lona,bte terms A Tire:i:n.e:nd.ous Bedue'tiion will be Ulla.de. TERMS OF SALE -Undm $50, Casl1, ovm $50, Four months C1 edit on app1 ovad notes. 1875 - The Ta1l0Img m Order· d Work, will be contmued as usual durmg the Sale ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Lwe1pool London, and Glasgow ~-ion F F McARTHUR Bowrnarn 1lle M '~ l 1ckcts Fancy Goods,Berhn Wools,&c. Mll'lllo Mason, NEW SPRING STOCK AT IIAMPTiO N , l3egs to infu1rr 11 c I nbhc that she h~ ust re cc "cd a splendid new :J.3sortnient of l! a.ncy Goo ls l3eilin '\ ools etc \\ luch !'ibe w JJ ~ell 11.t as luw pnca aa the) ca.n be bought for else "'hu1 e S1A PIJY.G done ·Jct 8th 1874 o~ SHORTEST NOTICE 2 3mo· W. BUNNEY, BUILDER, ETC. p0rt he has re ceive l the pa.st two Bega to retu1 u tha.nka to bis friends fot the sup ycarsy and hopes by continued stnct personal nttent1ou to ' eonable terms and of e~erY" desc1 ption Office and Shop Onta.rto Str "'et neM ly opposite !\.fr bu1nness and \Vorkin.,. at then ost Ica.sonable prices to enflure a cout1n 1alicE:l of public patron a.ge \'{ B is p1cpa1e<l. to build houses etc on the n1ost mode1'll style of arclutecture Joh bing prom-ptly attehcled to Plans and spcc1fi cat1onf'I got up on appbcahon on the rnoxt rea r Bowmanv1lll'l Dec Bowden s 2Jt,h 1871 10 ly New 'railer shop, L JOHN ATE WIIH l HEAL, Y ( OWLE b·.· tom fortn the p tLlic generally that he has com mcnccd b is111esa Ill the Shop next to the E'< press Office one door east of f 1\f lne s Hav111g had f>eve1al yeats exper cnce in the trade ho hopos to s1tisfv all who may favor hnn \Hth a call Fall& Wi11te1~ Dry Goods LADIES' a,nd GEN'I'S' FtTltS VERY GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bov.inauv1ll e Sep 4th 18 .. 2 m49 tf USE TIIE Norwich Egg l'owd.er, for mo.lung all l 1nds of CakeiJ "ithout Eggs 1 o be had of all Uroceu.i H J WEEKS & Co , '.1 oronto, sole agents for Ontru 10 March 11th 187o 21 ly SOMETHINC NEW AND DURABLE. rrIME MONEY and LABOH rn·cd Fen h Oil Pol111h lh1A F1ench 011 1 ohsh is pre t~ a.red for Car1'lo.ges Bug~pt:s Ha1ness Boots and Shoes and all kinda of L eather It \'dll gn e any article of Leather a 1uo~t bull <t<nt ap pea1 a.nee and at tho same t1n:1e from its oily properties tends 1nuch to p1 e1:1e1 ve it it v. ill a.l 'v \YS be moist and phant at 1 n1~y be e'.l:pQsed to \~ n.ter n.1\d washed and will not lose its brilh a.nee an l it u; not to b() feared that an) crust will settle on sa1d Leather "\\hen p1eserved \V1th the nhove 011 1! or the v.:oodwo1k of Buggies Ca.triages and Ji 11rn1ture there 18 not a better 11r1 tlde u1. use '\'fn.nnfactured by A S M >N" & Cu , lanuors t.ntl Curricrs forineily of I 1a.nce now of Philatldj hm. Pa Iustl uct1ons-Shakc bottle A few c.1ops on n 11 co of sponge apply it li,,,btlyto tho lea.tho1 illl l you \\ill obtau1 the t nest l 1sttc Puce Gets pct bottle or $7 50 per do;en fOHl-1 SM \LE Solo Agent f o 1 wan\llle J u\y 16th 1874 41 mos - J. CHAPLIN, D£\LER IN Jh uit and 01 namental T1 ee8 Secdl'J B dbs .Flowers &c J:c Fu lilt ~Ir C uln,a~ gun.rantees to furnrah nothu1g b t ti:ecs and trne to 1 n.me \ Llrcs~, bp ly ml"' o1 P 0 Box 55 Pown1n.nvill<:i Jan 22nd 1R75 To Ma.sters of L. 0. L LANK OEl"rIFICAES A~1 l c·t one & c &c c 11 1e p1ocurod at tb1s office at rea'._nla.r rates llo" roan ville, July 7th 1873 B J useJ to ~vl--'11] alonefor Ul.) i!lthc1 s C\ll le1nper and dii::.solute ViRVS hindered nun y people froni 1nakinn \ J< ull 1\s 01 lrne1 t of our ai.:qua1ntauL:e-but I sb tll ua~s on to the great event wlnch fo1ined the turning point of 1ny lite I scl<lon1 weut into so ciety, a.nd SO.\\ few people save t'vo or tbrce to hand, GOOD ,,nd CHEAP gentleman fnends of my fathers, \Vho some· tunes accorupan1ecl him l1ome At such t1wes I used often to creep unobser\'ed frvn1 the s1ttiag rooin, fur I could not en<lure Apul 22, 1875 their bo1stcrou;:i, free \\ B) s and nlany a night have I lain U\\ake bsten1ng to t11en laughter and shouts o'er their ca1ds tinU wu1e I son1etln1es wondered wLere the 1nonc1 came frotn to pro\ide these 01g1es for I knew I otten found it bard work enough to procure honi my f1ther the pnce uf nece s~a ty articles of clothing I kne\V I dared not re1nonstrate, so, like a \ oman, I brooded over ID) tron ble An1ongst those who used to co111e f1eqnent 1) to our house "l\S a !\'Ir George S tund~r son manager ofaGln~gow bank fie \\ilS qu1te as ol<l as n1y father, unn1arrte l tu d very hke lnru both rn habits au l appear ance I loathed tlus rna11 iud gave luu\ uo ---o--encouragement, yet he pero1sted in paying me the most nncbsgu1sed attention!':, \Vtth, A LARGE LOT OF as I plainly sa\\ 1 the entire app.robat1ou of lll) father At lcnglh be came one cla; and asked we to be lns 'v1fe-an honor which I qmetly but lmnly reJnscJ I ha.\ e J our fathei t=> consent, he s 1J Bo,1manv1lle Nov ht 1873 ' and 1 offer you n good comfortalJle hoxnc You shall ,1'out for nothing 'You n1ust rest satisfied with Ill\: Ucci 'lIIE l:iLon I returned r1sinjl I thanl\. yo 1 fu1 DOMINION BANK the honor you have done nie hut I an 110\\ ~fA!\ VILLl never hcl:Olue your \\ tfe C1 p1t,ll PMd Up, :HJ ,000 000 I saw Lis black brows knit and the' c1ns on hts forehead stand out rigidly 111:; rlccp HEAD OlFICE 101.0NIO ly set, cruel black e.} cs llashecl as l e ex BB NCH Ol.tlUE,'5 Star Dry Goods and Clothing clain1cd, Ln a voice ol suppr~t=>~ed 1age01UI IT\ 08H \'\ \ COBOUHU WUJ'IBl JJ agg1e ~ tcuur t I have set n1y hea1t BO\\ M ~N\ 11 LE UXBIUDGE upon 1narrving yon-a11d ba\e) ou L \\Ill NOTED FOR CHEAP wl ~th1.:i ;on hke it or not I !us B u1k in a<ld1hon to transacting the nsU·1 b<l..nk1ng bus1nessJ... olfc111 to thli publ1u all thc advn.ntages of a tiav1ng Inst1tut1on with [ confess I felt rather lr1ght~1ied s1tt1ug th c secuuty of t 1 trg~ paid up capital bJ the LI t re iloul! with that dt>::-i[ \.!rate look1nri neaus oi a S\\ll:'GSDEPAHTMENT Intc1est allo i;ecl Dn all deposits of One Dol u1an but I snd brav el y ~ lar and up~\ ards at the rate of ] I\ E pei cent 11 e\ ct I 1uurrj U11.) uuc 1t \Vlll Ll 1ur pe1 annu1n lhe sake ol ha·rng a little peace an 1 love ])eposito1s can w1thtlunv c1thci the '\hole or \llY part of tkeU" de1 mnts t.t u1y time \v1thout n my hie I kuow I should lun c neith er previous not1ce A SPECIAL LINE 'v1th )OU, and it is useless th crcfo1e to Spec1al rates of 111teresta.1J wed upon deposits WJtb notice of w1thclra\\al d \Vell further on the sul ~!! Ct .Ameucan Cuneucy and Silver taken on de He laughed Jeeringly poSit DJaftfl g1anted payable Ill G1eat Britf\1n Uo1ncr Kmg ood,Vest !\-fa1kt:t 1 t1 You ougbt to be very glad to get any l Tn1ted States nnd all pa1 ts of Canada St IR"1enc-..: H<W.l To1onto k1ud of a husband It HI not C\ery one $J"Depos1t~ cnn b >emitted by n1a1l address ed to the Do1n1n1on vank Iregu;terecl] \ hen in \\ho "oulC. 1ua1r.) ti e 1.,lau ght~r ot a n1111 all cases a. Poo11 Book receipt '"ill be sent bJ lc1nng the rcputit 111 .)OLi lttheI J.ues ieturn post J A CODD A JIJ7lt ---l{o"' d :ire y t AU) ':lo l I cxt:Li. n11.:;J Oo\,DH't.tnUl e Ja.n 6tl1 1874 15 tf hnve tlns <la} appointed C HAHJ?i.J.~h 'lic 10 1 1 y father 111 1 10 one al ,11 8! e d the Ex.cl sive ag_ e nt for the s1tle of rnv \T 1 ' If you Want Good Biead, D se tl:i@ CAl'IZED PENS for Bow111a.nv11le Out 1n11ultn1gh uf h1n1 iu Ill} presel ce If JC u JOSEPH ~J'A ~ ON PP oraggcd me to t he ullal 11th you I ohould J J JACOBS Uo\vinanville Sept 10th 18"'4 m tf Sa.} 'Nu' even then Nov ber oth, 1874 m6ly CASH . .After that night !Ylr :s1undcrson came to our house 1nore frequently He ne\ er re ne ved htS proposal hot 110 a·sumed a krnrl of propr1ctorsb1p o'er me \Vh1ch 'va.i ex cecd1ugly gall 1ng THROUGH EVIL REPORT AND On the evenrng of the hall, ns I stood be GOOD REPORT fore the looking glass conrplet1ng 1uy tollet, llY THE AUTHOR OF "MY S'\ EE'I Sl:Ll, our old servant brought me a magmficent , ~laDrno>I LH EsarsrnJ<r &c &o bouq net of hothouse flowers, 'a) rngi Mr Saunderson sent yon thi s, miss Before I \VU:; mnrr1ed, iny nn.nic \\:18 Mar garet Estcourt I " as au oul y clnld and <.U1d be wish es to sec you as soon as you can conv en1en tl) con1e down DlJ 1nother di~d a fc"" daja after 111' bath c I shall couie \\hen I a1u readv, nnd no \\hen I \\it; about s x yeais otd n1y fath0r, I replied, ungrac1onslJ o.s Jan{ Capta1u T\tcon1t l ft tho arnt), anU ca.n1e soon"1 hero to ln 111 Glasgow Ile w1s ci. tall, left tb e room \\ hether she eHr 1leh vereJ dark stern n1orose man who never evinced that tnes<::io.ge or not I cannot say I proc~eded le1snrcl.} with 111y toilet, a-uy naternal teud eruesa to \\ lH ls ine I of ten longed to thro\\ Ill) 1rn1s around lus eccrctl) delighted at having received tbe neck anJ londle h11n as I ha 1 seen other flowers to con1plete 1t yet wishing they had bily dre ss girls fondle and cares their fathe1, but he corttc 1ro1n so1ne other source nhvays repulsed n\ c, or 1ecc1ved n1v ad \\as ot \\bite sill\. "ith a "hit~ tu11e o'er vances \\Ith such t palpable ur ot lore ·ktrt tastefully loope l up with blue forget me 110Ls sprays of the latter adorned. iu\ clon1 that 1t "as C'rful\alent to a repul ::sc \Ve \Vere not well otl \S full nm:uu aty hair wh vl1 I wore in one grcr.t mnss of cudsi ruaLtcrs \\ere coucerned, Jny father having loosely ~ tthcred at lhe top o! my h ead run tluouglt b1s 1ueaus, which c1rcu1nstance Around mJ neck I wore ' broad black vel vet rtbbon ~rotn wh1c.:.h dcpcud~d ~\ sn1all hi. l IO\ ol' eJ his sd lin" ut of the ar1n~ 1 a.n l he had thcrcfoie lH.:cn gl i l to accept a turquoI;:.0 lockeL one ot n1y Jc\V ::irt1c ~s uJ llrns attned I took up th· ob situation a~ c ~hier in the g1criL ship lJudtl J""clry lll 0 hrm ol Crn1pbell & Wo·twood \~c nox ou;i l11 t 1 r.ces arv fluwel'SI uiy glo\ cs hvcd 111 a cottage by l)retty Du noon \\ bcncc fan, and h in ikcrcl11t-f, anlt <lesceuded to n1y father \Vent 10 the stcaiu<cr e\ery ..la.,:i the BlLtiug ioo1n, \\here I founJ. l\-lr Saun to Glasgow and ver) 1nonotonously the derson who, to iny astoiusbruent, \Vas also in C\ ening dress Ile looked at me for n tin1e passed until I\\ n." 1111 ctcen I shall not dwell upon the long we try minute nnd then s i.1d-Dttoit Oltr-sl <l.nd hio belief '\.Ve need not dI$CU.;is the rtJatter any fur tl1e1 You kno\v my wrnhe:-i and I mean to carry them out Stnv, he continued, tak tug a letter fro111 Lis pocket- ' here 1a an inv1tattou tron1 Mis Cnmpbell for us both to go to a ball \Yhtch she is to give on the twentieth \Vr1te and accept 1t LITERATURE. ingly scut1ng bun tielf beside 1ne 'I hke beu g here, au l ns to ) our tatl1er, goodnel':B kuows wbe1e he Jij a111onget tlns throng 1 biu:5s l ... 4t onrt, I un go1ug to ask )OU a ta\ 01 .. ll1s chee1 a ei:;s uftectcd UH, null I u~keU, ilmo8t ga1J,_ '\\ elJ ,vhat is it i ' \\Ill y( u allo\\. rnc to co1ne auJ. see yo 1 1 The thought of my futhct inode 111c hes1 tate for a n1oinent bnt theu sa1d~We lne very quietly and see fe\V pco ple but I am sure m; Jathcr will be 'ery happy to see Jou 'All right I ltke qmct people 1' hen 1tia.J I con1e-to morrow 1 There "as a tllO\ement ot tbe curtain of the alco\e w1 hu1 wh1ch \\C eat, atrd I.fr t3aunde1son stood bciore us As if notb1ng l1acl bnppcr ed he sat 1' Aingg1c will you gn e uJe the pleasu re of danctng th!Squadulle with JOU 1 I had no reasonable tJrete.xt Jot refusing so I JOined hin1 Dunng lhe l n.nses of the dance Isa\\ ~rch1c Can1pbell sitting where I had !cit !nm At length the C'\ientf ll c\ cn1ng cnn1c to an end <I.a I stood rn the hall hooded and sha"'led, \\ uttn 0 for the hired cuna~e which \\ a<i to tnkc 11s hon1e Ct arl1e J~en son whispered to.. n1(" I say Mag is it trne that you ate en gaged to Sauud['l:slln 1 'No, no Charlie contrad ict 1t wbcrevct 'ou heni it snid' 'I w1ll, ~iug I a1n gl11d lo h cnr \ ou siy so :rtl) lather sleptdunng the 1.,hnc I 0111c, so that I \\US hcc to pu1sue u1y 111ed1tn~1ons undl8ltuhotl A ccrtnm t 111 fig ire play eel a pl e~ lntl) con p toi:..s parL in the pro iramme I Ill a) menti on th it ti e fi~HH;: \\as not !\1r Saunderson s Arcl11c Ctin1pbcll \\as t he n phew ind confidential clerK Qf tbc se nior pattncr in ilH fhn1 01 Cau1pbc:ll ~ \\ est\\uod Pco ple saul tu1t in tim he wonld U the pa1t ner ulso therclorc it \.\d"' unl_:i politic ol 1uy tat her to coul)tcnnncc his '1s1tH to ou1 house u po11 01 ~ vretext :llld another he ca.111e \ ety uft1 n so that eH~ 1L:q t1111e c:.tlll~ I Jcltthnt week when.:11J Lditl nut occ hu11 \\as a \er) Joog one inclee 1 ft:[r Saunderi:on still per .. ccutcJ n1c with his uowelconh: attentions I pere.1stcntly denied Lhe 1 lct ol u1y e11gagen1en t rxu~h:ig bc.t,vccn us, and rnJ sp1nt olteu rose rebel 11ously at the cool n1u11ner u1 which Ill\ father and 1\.-ir Snunderi:-01i scrn1cd to 1gnorc tu' right to liuve an) \:Olce in the inattcr \1{ 01uau hke, I chnfetl 1ga1not ;:inch treat me-nt, nncl at l::ist, "hen o 1c day n1y father said that ha \\ ishell me to be n1urr1e l dur 1rig the connng aun1111e1 I refni:iecl dee de<ll) to corupl) '"hat reason have you tor w1sl11ng to break off this cngageinent, after al1 I ha' e said to you 1 'Fathet I can only rept!at 'vhat l have so alt.en sl11d before- I cannot 1narr.) 11r SaunderA)n nt U you know I I ave ncner o.ckno\.1 lcdgcd to there bc1og :u1y engige n1ent between us ' \\ ho ca1 et; v. hether ) on LI.a or not I be exclaimeJ, \\rnlhlnlly 'I tell )OU I 1>tsh it I will ne\cr n1nn_:i a mall I do not care for,' I r<'J01ned, thoroughly exasperated and it 1s unkind of yon, father, to \\lSh 1ne to bcco1ne the \\Jfe of one \VLorn I know 111 ehnc.:.h vcl v to be i. bad n1au 'Nonsense 1 h PJaculated 'Do you think I dan t sec ho\\ tlnngs ai:e 0 01ng on 1 That follow Campbell Ins been makwg lo\e to you an<l tu1111ng your bend I\-Ir Cau11 bell has ne\ er tnaLlc love to me I repli ed qmetlv and truthtully It is not but that 'ou lia\:e gnen hun opportun1t1eo enough EverJ one 1s talking to n1c about you and lnw II( 1s looked upon as Saunderson t:> ii val ill J our affcc t1ons ' I un so11 ~ the people bavc nothing n1orc important to occupv tht!n minds W'Lh, I excla1n1ed ' I ha' e so Je\v fnends that surely no one need grudge me tbe co1npan iou~l11p of ont: 1ntcll1gent 1n1nd My lather laugl1ed nomctdly Ob, vcs the olcl story-s1a11la1ity of tastes,aud all that, Dy Jo\e be cxcla1m ed, starttug suddenly up 'heie s the steam er-and I have to l'.{O 'La.ck to Qla"1go\v this evenn g I sat at tl e '\ 1ndow, teehng nnscrablc enough and \\at bed the changing opal hnts ot the clo 1<ls t uutl.) t1ugcd with the rosy splendor or the su u \\h1ch \\US settu g over the hills at the b ck ot the bouoe l saw the people going Lael\. wards (1nd tor \\ards to the p1era-saw tneu1 as1n a pano ra111a tor nm soun<l re ld1e<l ne to bieal1.. the silence \vh1ch seemed tore gn around rhe twilight deepened yet sttll I sat there tninking-tbu::ik ing 1t 1t wonld not be het ter for 1ue to go ;:nva) some\'\ he1e-to go a"ay in any honest capacity, rather than become the \Hie of a mnn I loathed The wife of a man I loathed - all 111.} wo nan ly m strncls rC\ ollc<l 1t the thought ond I bal lttd ou ltti!e lo1 e eo ltlllc ha]p noes u ni) Ide that I could not1 1n the lJ<::lk ot JI rtvor.::ihlj con1pl hog my tu sc1y by I ar rJ ing George f::i:illuderio:;on [o be flout nued ) Deaths of English Sovereigns \\ illuun ti c Cnn i 1eror du:d fro1n t:nur tuons drink and fro1 i the v1olencc 0111~ pass1011s Wilham Hnlus d1e<l the death ol thc poor stags that he huntc I Henry the First J1eJ of glul tonJ HeniJ the Second died of a broken heart occasioned by the de tth oi lus children lt1chnrd Coout de L1on dtt!d like the a111 mal fron1 \vluch h1.:s l ea1 t \V ls named, bJ an arro\\ fro1n the bow c Jan tuclH_r Ilc1 1 ~ ti e Third is eu1d to ha\ e llud ll. natu1al death Edwo.td the Fu~t lt:> hke\u~e sa11 to lave cl11:<l of a' nuttrul <;J~kncf!s - l r:ickcer:s wh1ch \\OUld l)Uzzli; all the coll be phys1ci ans to deno1n1natc Ed wat d the Secoud ~as 1uost 1 arbarous lJ an :1 indecently 1uur lered by 111lJw.ua e1n ployc<l by his H\!l 111other and pa1a1uour Ed\\ard the Thud died of dotage R1cl1 ttd the ~tcond ched of starvalion the \ ery re\ c1sc of G<>orge the Fourth IIe1 1v tie li1ftl1 IR Ha1tl to ba\ e <l1etl of fits caused by unea1:11nei::s and u1 easi ncs:. 111 111gh places 1n th0t=;E tur cs "11 ~ a ' crv conJmon con pl unt IIeurJ tLe Sixth d1cLl 111 1 n ~o n, by son1e tuCfl.l 8 knO\\Il OJ ly to thCJtlllOI and J TIO\\.rl now ou ly to hca vc1 Ed\\ard the Fifth ,.Hts slr t 111gh:d 111 t]1e towe1 t' Ins uncle, Richard the Tlnrd Richard the Th ml "as killed tu batlle Ifenrj tl e Se\ en th \\ astell 1'\ uv a s a n i s~r ought to 110 J:Ien1.} the Etghth lied 11 mu bu1 c1es, f tt uud fu11ou;:i; E i1rnrc\ the S"llt died of dccltne Q.lte 1 ~1tr) to u1<l to have l11ccl ol 11 bro ken hea rt, \\I cru1s .she died ot a stu1t:Jt fio1n e .1.t1og too 111any black pudd1nge Old Q lCCU B so: i3 <inid to have died ol 1nelancholy ho1u Lct 1ug l,';acllficed Es"ex to lus enc1u1es- hl'i J ll\: tie chnractcr 1 ot being lbO\C su::;p1c1un J ltUtcs ti c l r01t d t:: l ot dnn k 111g auJ. of the lilects of a nanit>l·. :<·s vice Chailes the 111 t dt I 1 11ghteou' death on the seailoJd Uharlcs the Secon<l di ed Sl cl leuly 1t is said or appoplcxy W 1lha1n the Thu l d1e<l Iro111 Ci nstuup t1vc I LU1ts of Lhe hod\, nnd fron1 the slutn bhng ut h 113 horse Queen Anne died 1ro1n att-c'lchn)ent to " stron~ \Vate1, or 111 olher \vords, drunk ennes~ "l ich h~r ph) s1c.:.11ns politely calh.:tl dropSI Geor 0 e the l 1rst 11e1 of l!ruukcunes , "b1ch hi s pln: s1uans t<'rn1cJ nn appoplcct1c ftt G"orge the Seccud ot a 1upture ot the heart which the peuo<lic 1ls ol that da\ call ed a \ Hntat1ou of GocJ It id the only 1n stance 1n \\Inch OoJ e'er touched h1a heart George tlle 'lhnd <lied as he had hveda n1adn1an Tllrougbout h1a hfe he was o.t leu.st a cons1atent n1or arch George the l!"'ourth <lied or gluttony aud drunkennei:;s " ill1 till the Fourth chcd an11d the s1 n1 patlnes oi h s Jneuds l I --o-- <lu) B and r\ en1ngs STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, Kan.oh.ester Hoase, D OW"D'l.anville. )fogH1 you look lo>ely As he spoke he catne OV(Jr put his arm round n1e, aud ki"'scd n1y forehead 'II ow due yon 1 I exclaimed, starting away in anger 'I low dare )CU kiss me 1 'I dare liecau.se I have a nght, said he, laughingly 'Don t be absurd, Maggiecon1e h ere an<l. see what I have broui:oht ) OU COME and SEE F. NEW CHEAP. t. House. DRY GOODS! ---o-- CLOTHING, etc. Co1·11waJl Blankets A. CAR:O. I I ~immnul ~en:pt <1Vltltt$. Ile opcucJ. a 1norocco ca!'ic and d1epla) ell an e:-;.ccllent set of pearls 'I arn \ClY nntch 0Lli 0 efl to _:iou, I re turned coldly, 'but I coukl not lhmk of accept ing then1 'Yet=> you will, he e:ud coaxingly 'Come, let 1ne put then1 onYour father got n1e an 1nv1tation to the Lull because I '"unt )OU and iue to be!'lccn 1n public as an engaged couple How enraged I le!\' My father entered JUSt then, an<l, as J e ius1sted upon n1y y; car 1ng the pearls, I hnd no alternative but either to do so or to Le obliged to stay at home, and gJrl hkc, I tllJ not w11h to lose ti e amusen1ent It was the first bill I huu ever been at and, as I entered the loom, leaning or. my father, .rm, I lelt almost bewildered by the gay scene 'I he blaze of light, the pret ty dresses, an<l the contierva.tory filled with cholC"' plants s 1bduc1l 11 0 ht seemed hke fair) land !\-Ir Saunderson claimed me for tbc first daucc, and, as I sat o.ftcr it in the cool ante room, Charbo Benson a young la\\ j er, and an old fnend uf rn1ne 1 came up in cotupan} with another gcntleniau, and ea.1d:.\Iu0gic, a.llo\\ ine to intro<l ucc 1nJ fn end ~rcl11c Ca1npbell to you Ile lw.s :i.el\ed n1e ior the 1ntJoduction People sn1d Archie Campbell~ l an wo:, red - I iua.1nta1n tbat 1 oth h1:. hair and splendid beard were oul urn People sa.id his eyes were green-I "LJ they" ere hazf:l He \\as six feet h1t>h rtnd danceLI d1v1ncl} I pron11s.;>cl to dance with hnn again and ab .1.111, and I did so I hnJ <l 1uced \\1th hun three L1u1es ar.J. had pron11sed to dance again Once I bad danced \\ ith Char he Be11<::ion, and thus L1:::1.d Uecn et al>lcd to a\c.1d 1\.f1 Sa.undr.r~on Arc.:.h1e Uatnpbell tnd I \\LIO staud111g in t11e conserv :1.to1y tall 111g 'vhcn tnv bete no~1 cntere 1 aud <::iaicl' Ah you \re here ~1 ig 0 1e I have been 1 want ) ou looking for .)OU e\erywhere to dance this \valtz \\ itb 1ne 'Ivl1ss Estcourt is engaged to n1e for tb 1-. dnrct" intcrpo<ied A.r..,b1e Campbell, quiet l.) ~ :JC u8 niy 1at <l upon l is arru !\1 r ~ \ i lerso l ~nHle<l blanclh 1 nt I ~'ho ht Ll the ex ptn euce uf t h ~ n1 n s tc1n1 er, J ne.,.whita'r ltauoo t p ~1"' s!lmbered bcn tl 111s <::ice un g qt a1 inutJ IJol hng Qllt his ar 111 io1 iny acct pt.ance, he ~aid- I '.I each Carefulness Be Independent rlhctc IS nothing 1n the \\Othl tlutt cu ~u res s11cccss so cornnlett ly ai:1 Uocs perJcct independence People "ho arc al" lJ.S waiting for hPlp n1 uy \vatt a long tune as a c-eneial thing a. httle ussiatancc a htth 1'.CCODl1Llenda.~J )l1 a little 11 Ate1ut! are lot to be had Jor nf<k 1 g but there is alw \'\iS <::io1uetl11ng o e c. Ln do fo1 h1111::;elt J)o it whate,cr it 16, o.ucl do it ,., 1 tl a. ,,HI On( v 'I l er~ lS no loubt thut a large amount ot our c:i.relcssne~s when we are grown is due to the fact ti at \\C " e1c not taught aud con1pelled to he careful in our earhest years Daily occurre11ces 11npress the question , Ho\v is l-1--, about three years C1ld, to be kept hom tl e uumber of those, both old and )Ouug for wl 0111 th1nga a11:: ah\aJa breaking ar.<l going \vrong and "ho ate <.1. I cause of con'lhint aunoyancc to thenselve5 and fncndti simpl) frc tu a "nut of careful ncsl:) 1 Accidents Vi 111 bnppen but children ~~~~~~t:1°:h~~ ~~i~i~lvit~c~~1 ~f t~0; f~~;e~~ tho 1rresrntible logic of e\ents When tho results of heedl essucss and mistakes are in valved, cxplanatio11s and ~xtenuations ar~ dangerous things A little rcasonablese\:er llj now \'111 be a ulc SKJll 0 iO lbe chtld hercafter 01 course a I uellt \\Ill sh1cltl Lis chdd us n1uuh aP. Io s1Uh from aevere pain, Lut ut th!! san1e tune care should be tak.~11 to see tLnt tl e naturJ.1 consequence io1lo\\'3 c\ery cnsualt.) us fur us prudence \\Ill per n11t Parental lo' e interposes too much betl\:ecn the cluld at d the consequcuccs of its own acts E\<ntf3 are not allowed to speak "1th thc:1r h 11 or aufhc1ent torct: Natures course alll ot gh the best, lY not fo llowed \Vht.n an acc1cle11t occure, al though it might lia1 l"' lo anybod1 auil eopectoll) to a child m press it on 11m that he might ha~e rnrulL l 1t and tba.theought to have done so Ruch If'I or ougbt to be, Jou reproof to ) onr elf \\hen 'ou are in troul le fron1 youro v1 cnrelcssness It )OU cau l 1t n1nke t} e little one Jee l that he can in i l ~1cl i J !""H !10111~I1~ ] t1tc or till I ell "11"1 'l11 1 be,jl11kt1nght1s LI l I c.:, llg I 0 I get Ul ge tog 0 J thing leads to another lf '\:Otl are a gul doll t 1t stJll and b.u1 c a nch n1an will n1arry you \Vh1lc 'our uld father toils for your dai1J bread J\I lke dresses, or hO u1to a shop, or-if )OU kno\\ how to be a good aervant-mto some ono a kitchen Good, honest pluck and seusible inllependcnce are a. dowe1 1n thcn1~el\es and there ate nn:n who knO\\ it If \Our means place you be)on<l R Hch urted, bl! 1n..1ependcnt ln u other y LPaTn ho\\ to J elp \011rs1;lt o.nl t le 1 ofJOUJ<:Citf..lRilUChUt;pOSl:!ibl~ r~tl r l (I one \\ 110 does things for otber.s tl 11 ( l l rl g Ill lilt=> "a~goi1 I d h n: ing it atolen "ho n1ust huve th igs lone for \ ot or R td vc :.i I 1" u c , er) 11 nun towards 1n11k1ng il-'1 T\\Q hnnu~, t\\O fee~ f.i.lgLt 1.1 l I I l c r .tl l T nn -Clvrutu~n Un1on I l I l l ------- - - -