THE MERCHAN r r, FlUDAY, AUGUST 20, 1875 POETRY. ~~===========::::=== FARM AND HOUSEHOLD On Spotted Fruits Somehow or dther. J11fo rn 11. bunltn foi (·\cry ones 1'boulder None 1n.~y esut.po ftonl lts t1ouble aud ca1c , )lti;R it in youth .~nd 't\\1\1 con1e 'vh<J n you'ie olde1 1 _,.\_ud fits us as clo.:ic as the gar111ents we wea1. SoJ tuw cn1nei:; into our home un1nv1tcd, Hl)bb11Jc{ ou1 he"'ttl:i 0£ 1t:-1 ticasntes uf son~ , ]Jovc1 s g1u\\ cold,,u.d out f11endsh1p1::11ue slight- ever uses undue liberties with the "'OUlan he re11pects 1 and st tll more, with he whom Daily Line to Rocheste1. Co1n1no1icn1.g on or about the 19~ h, he loves. II woman could on ly understand of Apn ed, Yet son1chow 01 oth e1 we ' ouy aloug 'l\f1dst the S'\cct blos1101ns that s1n1lo in our fnces, l~t J\\ the rltuk wc1Jdts thr\t would poumn <tnd l1h_;ht' Aud i;'eu 111 the nuJst of en.t tl1\:1 hc[tut1f ttl plac~s 'l'hue's t.lwa.ys a 1m1neth1ng that Hm't Just ll£ht that lt IS c\.U insult of the n1oat deadly kind, Occasionally when one r1:1ads a.bout the n.ltnm· for any n1un to sn~ 01 do or look, anytlung 111g spread of 1nJur1ous lllSOc~, the impressi')Jl that there are other and cquaJly 1mporta11t cne- approacb1ng to iude!1cacy 111 theu preeeuce, m1es to contend a~a1nst, will occur to the mind. and it they wonhl but resent 1t accortl1ngly, But they don't It will not do to l ay all the blnmc of imp(;tfi.:ct it Vtould be son1eth1ng. fnut upon the enton1olog1cal world, \Yhen there Alra1d of being thought vriules, they Uecon1e are millions of seeds of little plants pervading inere toIU-bJys, anti are ruined in reputa every poi Liou of Lhe au alrnost, ready and will- hon beJorc, lt may hl, t bey are ruined in u1g to H nd a lodgment whenever and 'vherever tact If v,:on1en could be 1uade to under· the proper cond1t1ons a.i e fulf:Uled '11bepe so· stand that never since the \VOrld bC'gan, has called seeds -or,propc1 ly spcalnng, spores-are the reproductive agents of the groat family of m1cro~cop1c fungi, which in nn 1ucred1bly short e;pace of tune spread a1ouncl the original atartnig place, ca1rying death and d~struction to all manner 19f living orgaiusms in then immechate v1cunty. One of tho most mtnkeJ. instances of their '\'Olk is the dfocolored putch·s on the skin of fruits, as, for inetance, the Wlute Doyenne pear and the Secl~cl in some locations. VYhen we speak of the puncturo of the cu1cul10 which caus~s an unshapely frtut, we imogine t1iat to be the height of impudence, but a 011e1nded ftu1t with a clear, peifcct skin, is far better than a regularly fm med fl u1t co' ered \Vlth lhsgusting pn.tcbes, aud m couaequence an im· pe1fect flesh VVe arc obliged to ackuowledgu, h01\ twe1 1 up to the 1neseut tune no remedial ~ent has been d1scove1ed for this malady, but the sooner our frtut g1owcrB awake to the true cause of this post, and begin a series of ex J1enn1enta \\ ith a view to sa~ e their fr1ut, the u10re qu10kly shall we have a certain crop of fau fit'lt JJot us by all Jnua.n11 wage an endless war aga1ust nll iuanner of }Hetl,tto1y msects that hu1t::1 our fru1tll 1 but at the aamt:' t1me we Jnust not fo1get the other, and equally annoy 1ng euc1ny thn.t 1s ever prel!leut. Ce1ta1n sea f;orn:i are fa.vo1nblc, as others art- .~lhersrJ to the gLowth of fungi, hence perfect or llllperfect spccrn 1 cns of fruit acuord1ng to tbe J>t eva.iling l:lt.lte of the 1.1.tmosvhe1e1 11:1 the result Cracking ln n1any va.iict1cs of peal~ HI ca1uied by this pest, .llthough so many oI ou1 01chard1sts ,\t· ti 1bule it to a \ anety of othe1 a.11d 13ecuuda.ry cau~oa Thti l<i..tter wl1<~t assist Lho tine outnny to develop and grow, but th(;y are uvt \\hat mnko the UllfH hicf.-01 oppi.c THE STEAMER ,lNDEISON & Uo. Bt>i; to announce to the lt lee tors of \Ve ~t Du1hn1n and sun ounding- countr', that they w11l tit!ll thc11 itnnteuse ~§@!~ -~ _Lr' ~'t:;); STQ\OK OF I-300TS AND SHOOH, At -a Discount of Ten per cent for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS, 1000 }Jaus 111enis lr'dt Gaitc; s,/01 Gash only "NORSEMAN" there been a case of a wo1nau being seduced by the man who loved her, anJ never \\lll be, it might put her on her guard Ma"y \V omen, v;.·e doubt not, have fallen because of their love for t hose '"ho have beco111e to the1n all 111 Yet oft fr01n th e 1ock we 1nay pln'..:k e., t ,.ray flo , . nll But there ncv<:r wos a nH1n ri1 H c:D I · (R. CRA 'VFORD, 1".IASTEil ) \V 111 1nuke l::er regula1 trips on this route lea'\i1ug Cobourg every morn1Dg at 7 .30 v.nd Port IIope at 9 o'clm k, for liochester, connect uig-thtire "ith the NcwY01k Central and E1"le Ra1lwa}s, for all pouits East, VVeRt and South UE'.IUUNING, '\\111 lea.'e Ohw:lottc [port of Rochealer) tla1ly at 9 p. m , except Saturdays, when she '\Ill leave at 2 p m 1 for Port Hcpc, dirt>ct. 'l'lus is the Rhmtest and qu1ckest route to Oswt"go an \"\'&tcrtown, via Lake Onta110 Shore Ra.1hoad fro m. Charlotte Den.lei::; 111 Htock etc , '\ill find tl11s the cheap est and most exried1tto11s route to Boston 1 .1\ :l bany, New York, etc , F'lr fu1 t11l:lr information apply to ' 10 Cases(Jhifrl s TVdlMtgluns, $1.50 pair. l 000 pairs Jvll~se1· l'ebal amd Bnff Bu'(j Balnwrals, C·t $1 50, pe1· pair, 35 CASES OF F~~Lrr OVERSI-IOES ju1· CASH ONLY. 1000 PoMs VVon1an ' ~, L 1luties' a1ul Child's Jt'elt J:Joot~,lhe nhofo lo Uc sold fo~ CACl-1 ONLY - - o- -Call e.ttly .incl 8ecllle you~ W111te1 Su pply, while the J Lrnh is who <lcfoccd nnd <legradcd tho obj ect of btS sincer e autl. honest affection Eve1 y true man could tell that 111 the nature of thing~, 1t I::; 1niposs1ble ·rhere may co rue pity fo1 bis v1cl1n1 .1fter1\ ar<ls, and re1norse for the wrong he hns done, An I d11nk f1on 1 a H}ll1ng in a dcriolaio waste, '!'hey c01ne to the h<...:::irt as n. hcnve1\ly dower, .A.url na.u.;ht is l:lO sweet to the eyu 01 the t,1ste. l!.:ve1 yd ty to1l 1tt ,tn e\ie1y·du.y bh.:.:isn1; 'L'hon,;L p:. n er ty 1s cutta:;e and <.:r1.1at Pha.1e, 1 \1 P HHt)' W 1 Jng, i~ t.b{;I hcu.1 t w}11t;b rn &trt u l~ thed by p11tyet , :) 1 ·IUt:cl10\~ 01· u1l11 r the (!<ttl11va) ,srO\\S bnc{htc1 .J11~t 1\hcn ·~e rnuutnetl the10 was none tl'.1 be J:nt st.ottt wl11ch 1nay lcttd him lo n1ake n.11 the reparation poasihle, but there \Va.'3, and the1 e ld J 11 all that, not love Nay, in the n11dst ot nll hi s cnnt11t1on th ere v.11L be a certain Jt!eling of conternpt tor the wooian that lnckcJ. so n1uch of ma1dcu 1no<lesl) n.nU u1hercnt st Jf re::ipect ,ia thut it 6hould be po<>s1ble that she vo11ld l>c aeJuced She ia not a hue W.Jlnan to wliu1n iudei.:eut propos ... l!i could be 1naoe, and e\ Clj ni.u1 '\ho 1nakcs such , <lecla1C's that he belicvl:S that she 1s not But the g1Jdy young fools \Vho ,ue to be the ""'~t.$ u. J n1oth~rs of connugdtt}H woo't b(Che\e thii:-;, aud the iesnlt 1s the fiCandnl un<l d c8ol,Lt1on of wlnch alt nost evl!ry d.iy 1:-1 a "itncss GoJ turbid thu t "c should ~ lY a ~u11g l1~ word in deleucc ol tlie f'.i ednrer Ile ought to be lashed \\it.ha 'vh1p oJ :=coqnous out of all decent soc1dy B ut 11 the b~·auug ol ~l greaL number ol ) ou ng wo1uen of all rn.nkt> were most nlodest nn~i \\ on1anly, \vould tt not t1aiu young men to ll:!~pcct theu1 1uo1e than now, with c.luv· ahous delicacy ant.I un\\ Lvertng propncty 1 0 0 ~ going on at ANDERSON & CO'S., :Bo\Hn,i,nvtlle, D ec lOth, 1871. Boot &Slit.oo E:m.pori111m.. R. CRA WFOTID. Ot l'. }'. GILDEHSLEEVE, POHTHOPE. l(I1'GS!0N. THB :Oo1uinion Orga11 Co'y. P1cscut the followiug lcsllmon1al~ flum 1,,om ~ ett..'nt 1ndges of Orgn.nJ. 'l,cst11non1al from Jvhn Cam1dgc, ~'[us Doc, Canluar, England. Bowman-..ille, 24th Dec , 187 .... To the ltI011auc1s Dom:1,1uon 01uw11, Co Gw.~ n E~IJ;;N - I liko to plu,y on your Orga.Jt!! t.· .e is 8(1 8" eot a.rill sten.d) .And the \~ork· manl:lll1/1 a1· ~1 IJLlu;h excellent, and nL-inery parttcn a.r they are equal, if not snpur1or, to any I ha\ o ever heard. llop1uh they \Hll meet 1n1bhc app1 e01at1on BOW MANVILLE · RELIANCE Mutual Lif<!'-Assurance Society fl I~! I 1il , JJ()pe w the 11 1.);ut 1n:.i.kts tlw burden sce1n h.;litc1) r\ud sorr1t how or nthe1 '1 c f,t.:t to tbc c11tl EST A BLISHED 1840 C.\NADA CBIF.F 01"FTO.ES JOHN CA~UDGll Crumba fol' Chickens. \Vo111cn hatcts ·- \Vo111cn. Leg.ii forgets-Bl'1cksm1ths A light l)ltsmess- Makmg gas t.ll, ST. JAMES STHEET, MONT HEAL \Vh; is hen 1mmo1 lal- Hecause her son never set~ A young lady asked a bookselle1's clc1k 1f be had "l·cstus,, " l\T o, 11 he replied, "but 1'1n a.f1a1d ~t boil is con1 t1Jg on the back of 111y neck." .. \n exchange announces that ,t "bc1 lLcr .rncl a bath tub will do more fo1 the average Spmtnahst th an his theory of a bette1 1.rnd " lJ1opos1t1ons of inar11a~e 111 Nevcldct are '" n tten on postal c~u els, and the rll1S\\er con1es by rctu111 ina1l..: "Conic ~ · Fowls in the Horse-Stable. 11 '0\\ ls should ne\ er bu pe1m1ttcd to have ac. c:.;ess to the hor~e stable, not the feet! room, no1 the hay mo\v. TheLr rooms should be entuely ::it.iparatc f1om the stable, 80 that they n1ay not <tlwu.ya be ready to shp in whenever u. door is left open , and thr:1it the vermin wlu ch infes t poultry may not horses and ca.ttle It is a \\·ell known Iact thnt fo\vls of all k1nds, when aUowt·d on the hay 1now, or in the fccd1n 1001n, or a.nyv.ncre in the ba1n, da.rua-ge tnore on '" 1th )OUt p1eacher I" foddot tJ1an "'e .\re wont to suppof;le We It 1 s st1ange that the young n1an \vho 'vonl<l as soon allow fo\\ ls to h \ e 1n the kitchen, and to hop on the dinner table 'vhilc 've a.1e whi te cluck pants Lo " picmc aleat1ug, and to roost on ow bedstead, as to nllow ways sits clown ma black raspbcny pie, Lh1n to hn \ c free access to the ltorl!le·i::tabltl and not one th.1t corresponds wtth the and baru So1ne horsea are ahva.ys aftaad uf color of l11s p.ults. fvwls, ,\nd when oue enters the ma.ngci, 01 racl., 11 Lh c tiund ho1scs '\Ill immccha.tely sur1 endei \ \ hy,J cn111c, you look good enough tu eat," s~ud a loving husband to lns then entire ught, howeve1 hungry they 1nay \Vtfe, one n1011ung at "\\Tell, he, to these lawltss ma1aude1a. And after they ha~e scratched over the feod >\.1th their feet, and 1'111 eating as frtst I can, ain't I;>" i!lllearcd a portion of it with theu· 11llhy diop"N apk1ns, sn 1 napkins " ro:11ed ~1 pings, .t h orse u1nl'it be cxceec hngly huu.~rry be Green Bay lcu1dlo1d "No, sir, \Ve fu1e lie \\lll eat 111s n1ese; Many a lnu1g1y h;n n't got a1Ly , but 1f you want to 111pe horse h as been dep1hed of J11a feeding of gr;11n )Olll nose I'll lend you my hankerch1efl" by a lot of bold, gn.lhnaceous robbcu; that had le ~111ed \\hen n.nd whe1 c to fill thou empty No J\mwcgian g11l 1s al101Vecl to have cio11s w1th tlrn feed of ,t Jaded ho1 se, Ji et cl beau u11ttl she Cd.11 l.J,1kc bread and gates and bars exclndu fo\\ h1 and pigco ns froru knit sto< king~ ) dnd as. a consequence, the doors n.nd wu1do" s of a.ll hu1 se stables - lYr. 1'o the llfru1ar;e1·s of the Dominwn 01 (Ian Co G.E?>'ILEIU:J::N - 1nuch plcasnle in tei'ill· fy111g to the excellent qu,\lities of the 01ga11 snpphcd by you n.t my concert lMt Saturday evening The tone is sweet and very powerful bu1g-, Ont and the con1b111 at.1011 vC atops: n10st admirable. T am su1 c your instruruents will {u1d favor iu ii1~s1nENT s1~:0RF1'A. H.Y.-1TAJ1:1Hs GRAJ-;·.r Churches, as tllly s1nguln.rly adapted for sa.crecl muc:o1c \'V1::ih1ng you e"e1y success, and 'l'h~ ENTJltE PROFilS belong to n.ndarc d1v1d t11at the public may patronize un.tnc n1anufacturc. etl anwnget ~hu Poiicylwlder8. I re1 na1n G·entlemun, LIVES, DECLINE!> BY OTHER UOlIP.ANIJi:S, or on V e-ry respectfully, which an C.'t'.tra .P1·1m~itun. woul·l be rcqu~rcd, can ROSA D'ERINA. be assured a.t the ordina:ry rates of this 8oc1ety, Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs DIRE01'0RS 11.ead the following- ho1n Rosa D'J~ru1a · llow1nanv1lle, Dcce1nber 22, 187.>, Important Announcement ! -----u----- Esq, ~l P., Chau1nno.n, JJUNOAN MACDONALD, Esq ]..fAJOn 'l' E. CAM.l'BELf,, C R .· St H1la1re. TH~ liollORARLE JouN JIAnr1rroN, Ira,~ke 'VALTBR SHANLY, SPECIAL FEATURES. Millinery,Clothing, Crockery ---oo--- Grea,t Aed.uotion, in Dry Goods ! Glassware. -British Anierican P;esbyte1 ian 11ndc1 a special arrangement Sr.KCIAL NoN-]'oFET'rADI F.l Por,1c1J:i:s ie~ued und er wh1ch only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay mcnta arc reqnrred; payment securing Pohcy Ior a smn assured p1oportiona.te to the nu1nh~1 of pierruums paid, anf1/~ee/rum fut1lr vaymcnt of prein'l.ums, Du. PAT'l'EltSOl'<. l'iwE. TEHRY. President l\f anager Ju.1nutr} 15 187 1, bp o3 1nl6. 1 Grace For the Kitchen \\'lnlc 111 the rr.gnlRr harness of city life the entt1ng roou~ 1s so far hon1 the k1tcben '"'tli.\t "e have uot n1uch ,t111clersta11U 111g ol 1ls toils and pe1plcxllH~", "e Lave not niuch to say save when thl:rc been nn ncci<lent, and th e pudd111g C(ln1ea tn burned. or the vofh~ e h,1s not heen settl ed But in the coun ti j . an<l cl ur11ig 'EH:a.t1on, Wl' lrn. \'l~ more ff :.):(oDERA'fE PRE1IIUl1S ru1d most liberal c\1n· d1tions. Pt ospl'ctur;cs, P101)osal li"onrn:i, &c., supplied on application a.t tht.i Office, or any of tlio Agencies HUIDOUD DENTISTRY! Ha~ iug decided t o m>tke a change in theil business, ,ite now 8Cll~g fo1 CASH thei1 large ttn<l well asso1ted Stock of Diy Goods, ll'lillfnery, Clothing, C1ocke1y i;ncl OlasHWille, JAESGHANT, Res. Seoretary. tun!· to cons11J(.'r, n.n<l yei=tcrday, our upµet1te \\ hi.;t.t~ d up hy sea ba.th1ng. 've 11-. andcrl!d into tho culinary department to see '"hen J11H.l!r \\ oul1l be ready \\re then bethought ourst:!]ves ol the duly oi wr1t1ng au ed1 ton1l on the Giace nt·ce ~sa ry for the every girl c.111 bake .Ind kmt long before ShC C~Ul lCcld 01 \Vl ltC An dsse:-;sor ~iskcd a \Von1an ho\V rnany chickens sh e hacJ, and, doul>ung her w01d, proceeded to count them She took h11n to cl bee Juve, Jocked Lt OVCl 1 .111cl mvtted hm1 to count the bees A ltttlc Amenc.111 11 ho Jud JUSt conuncnccd reading the ne,vspa.pcrs, ,p,J~ed 111~ father 1 f the "ord "I-Ton" pt cfixecl to the !Mme of a mcmbe1 of Congrc~s, n1cdnt "honest " A person ",1s told that th1ee yards of cloth, by bemg wet, would slmnk one oua1ter of a yard. "\rVell, then," he 111quu ed, "if you should wet a qualtcr of .t y.ud, would there be any left?' SlJ. "No,gentle·ucn of the JUry," lhunder· cd an eloquent advocate the other day 111 a Denver Court, "tlus tnatte1 1s for Ju s honor to decide, who sits there sleep111~~ so beautifully" H 1 s honor opened Secondly there is a grace needed for the Lo:h eyes and IJ1S mouth, and S<ttd \'ALL1' \' SPONGE·C.AKE. - 'l'ake f()Ulteen eggfi, pn.ntry. Somehow c\1ps untl glosses and " \l\ owmg to }OUI 11"1< ollc S[leech, of winch use su\ en of the yolks, one pound of cake baskets \llll get broken, and no one 11 img.-i.r, half a pound of Hour, on~ lemon, or r.i. J11c kitche11 FuJ;;t there is the g1a~e tor u1<~oag1ng a bnlJ...y tjtove You, bt111g in th e hardware bus111es~ nnrl 1ntP1estec l 1n certa.111 patents, may Utgtn lu tattle over tl1 e 11ri.niC's ot Sto\et:i \vbid1 uevei flinch, '\h1ch t!D t!nngs brown ltt th l: 11r1:bt r1ion1ent, which ne·.·et takr· up the habit..s ol our hutnau 1ace and brgtn to CuuE 1on CABBAGE 1">1 S l is - 'J'o }Jt1:.neut tbc snioke, .~ud n e ve r let tlH· iuc gu out But wonn on cabbage, also the black flea, u1:1e the \\ e du nut bel ie \'C} 011 Stoves lielong t.J 11 co1union smart\\ eed, by so111e called lll'Pl e1· weed, known to all f;:i,11n( rs, growing in ba11 - fa.lien Tl!<', aud tl 1e ht:"~ ut th~ru ~u1ne t11n es Sun1et1 lnu:s the) lly llJto a ya1ds and on roachude~ 'I !us take ,C."J.ocn, d 1y pro'\ie llicl\y it .n1d reduce to powtle1, .~ud sift over the hot tenipc1 ,u1d Ou111 tlnn g!'; np, and ::io1ne· plants, lf the '\ qed w.u:i boiled ut \\ aLt.11 , ruld ttuH·s th t j' \\ 111 J·out tor hall ,u1 huur h1·the solut1op sprinkled on the cabbage, 1t woulrl c~lLI ;i e a grel!n dnp or u 11 sl'R~011Ptl s t1cl... o1 answer the same purpose wooC. l :;, tlnown ,1t the1n 'l'be b e F1t dif)· pos.u 1111'1 $lu\c \\JI! so1net11ues retuse to 'r11E C1,1 DESDALE Ho115E - 111 Lhe"', <\. You ce lebrated b1·eeder, t hus spc'-1.ks of lnm 1,.11 1'h;; b10II, u[ l:ltuw, or bakci or J11z zle. Live Stock Jou1·nal and Jiancicr/j' G'azctte, T.ion· coax 1t In e\ery possible \va.y. Yon reason <lon : ·· The reason why the Cl) clesdalc breed with it a"d tell 1t how important it 1s that of horses 11ave incicnscd i;o much in value and it do its duty, for company ha.s come, or a rue w rriuch run upon, m that they ve~ en· departing guest n1ust meet the train, or) ou chnn1g in their work, tmprovi:ng till t11ey reach nre too tired to bother any longer, anJ. all it the age of C 01 (i Jears 1 especially the nght ku1d does m reply is to sputter. Here is a place th<~t ha'\'o the st1ong, '\ell Ior1ned, v;idc foot nt top ,u1d heeJ, 'v1th Lig flat bones, long silky for Christian sympathy and help. For lack lrn.u, strong, well·spning pMterns, wlnch se- at tb1-,M.1rlba of Bethany acted preoipitate<:u1es both feet and legs free action bcfrire and ly, and n1any a. good wonian bas lost her Ueh1nd, with the bocks ::i.nd tl1e toes a little out, ' 1 eqtuhbnum 0 . 0 0 ..._ AGirn'.l' nm BOWMANVILLE, C. MRKRH, u AT AND BELOW COST! Obsc1 ve1 Office," King St. ~3 ly llowm::un illc. une 24Ll1. t870. The Stock lmvrng been purch>Lsed in the BEST :MARKETS, huye1s can depend on getting Imperial Fire Insurance Co J. M. Brimacombe, L.R. C.D.8. OF LONDON . (IMi1blisbod 180J. JlEAD OUFJOES.-1 MORE .JND BE1'TER GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY co lQ Old B1oad St., and YO:R DA~ADA .- 2J Pall Mall. London. GENJ<.RAL FEES MODERATE. St >Lt this Estabhhment than in any othel' hou se in the countiy. en I '\. GE?>C1 crame11t , Montrr.aJ. l~cst· t \' C Call Ea1'7y, and secu1'e Bargains, ct8 the whole Stock must be sold at once, for CA SH ONLY. Subscubed .u1d 11n ested Cu.v1tiA.l a.nd :F ond. £1,005, 000 Sterlin~. OPFlCE ovm· McCLUNG'S Store. Bow1nanvillc. Dec. 1.174. l lt'unda1nv1:1sto<l 1n Canada- 105,000. Insu1 ances against losa by Fire 011 most favorable terms, and losses p::ud ()Ut roference to the Board m London . THE Dana's Patent Sheep Marks GROCERY DEPARTMENT b now complete w1tJ1 the choicest supply of J DODS\VUHTH, Inspector. HINTOUL BROS. IIESE M_\UKS ARE THE CHEAPEST, the most lastu1g, the least troubletiome, and Gou. Ag-cnta, ~fontrea. inost complete ever in\ ented, '11 hcy arc used T LADIES I I\. R. · BE, Barrister., Agen and recommended by n1an~ of tlu best Breeders iu the United St,\tes and Can tda, sud1 as G . B. torjBowmanv1lle and Vicinity, Lonug~ Salem, Iviass., P1csnknt l'lcw England LO~COM Christin as Goods, Raisens, O 'u1·rants, S'U· ga1·s, Peels, etc.J etc., c1,.t all P1·ices. E'owroanville. June 1th 1860 36 IH 0 43-39 4tv A 1'TENTION ! -(o)- James McFeeters. AGENT Wool uro"·ers' Society , John S ]i.oss, Henne· pm, Ill. , Professor :11. ~£11c s 1 of tho State Ag· l'lcnltural CollE"ge, La.ns111 g, l\hch , Hon. Ceo Brown, 'l101011to, Ont , John Snell, J~dn1onto11, Ont. On each M a.rk is sta1n ped the OWJll't 's nalD.e and t he Sheep's ntunber. They will be sent/1ee, by ma.LI, 01 cxpress,fo1 only f ou1· ccji.t11 each, and w 111 for l \\Er> I Y YEAR.fl. Ga:~ inuat acconnn:u:i. v all 01de1s AHCIHBALJJ YOUNG, J11 , Sarn1n., Ont. 01 cl ors aclclrer-!sed to the !\-I i llOHN'l' ,t.ntl 011 SER'\ Of-Hee, for 3.0J' qnnutity , will ho tilled .~t MURDOCH B ROS. Bu\\"mi;11villt1, Dec. 24th, 1874 \ l old la<ly, on hectnng that a yow1g 1 d had Jost lJLS place on account of nH::;den1ea nor. exc1a1111ed "l\liss l)e. 1nc~u1or? Lo(;t his place on account of :\\"s JJer1cano1 ? \\'ell, well 1 I'm .ibucl its too true that there's allus a \VOinan .it Lhc ho tton1 of <l inan's d1ffi cult1<.:s "' . \ boy "ho had stolen some apples \\::!"fa.given ro1 a 1atlie11ngen1ou:s111dl1 Her tn wlt1ch he excused hm1self 'I he sr 11oul1naster asking hun \\·hat he J1ad to<ay tor lumself,theu1chm replied ' 'l he apples we1e Tom's, I don't know how he got them and now they're mme, and he don t know how I got thc1n " ~ tahlespoonful of strong vinegar flavored with ex· ha.s done it. I{111ves v.ill disappear, and no one bas taken them. An ol·l saucer that tract of lemon. Bake in a quwk o' en. was g1vcn to your gra.ndruother the <l.iy of StLY.En 0.:!.KE,-T.Uco one enpfnl 8Uga.1 half ;:-. her marriage iR ct lclH2a an<l. set back on the cupful of milk, one and a half cupfuls of flour, shelf as though it bud been un1DJ ured The half a cupful of butter, the \\ hites of fom eg-gs, one te~poonf 11 of c1 erun of tartar, half a. t ea· tea caddy has been despoiled, or flour has spoonful of soda Flavor delicately, Jf yon un1 easo1Jably fo.11ed, \\1th no m1raclc, as 111 choose. with b1ttel" a hnond or vanilla Z trcphatb, lo re11 le1n1:1h 1t 1'here are but 1 Fot tho following Inaurance Compa.n1ea, and othel' Institutions v1z .1.'be QUEEN Fire and Life Inaura ( e Coro. the nbo\ e meut10ned })llCO, .la quickly as he pany. Capita.1£2,000,000 $150,000 deposited Ma1ks c..ut Ue rnade a.n<l s::m t C. BAliI<J~H. , w1tb the Domb1ion Government, for the protec -ArBow111anv1lle,Dcc 28th 1871 ml3 ly ders in Ca11ada.. rl'he ISOiiA.TED ItISI< Fuo Insuiance Co111 i)any of Capital 500'000,-0ne of tli e best and cheapeRt Companies doing bt1suiel!s in l the Dominion, for Farmers and Isolated R11.1t:s :i,t the 1'be CANADA LANDED CREDI'!' UU Y. LADIES' and MISSES' with a Sa,1nga Ba·k department. The U~ION AND PERM.A.NBNT Bu1lchng OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT, and Sa\.ing's Society 1.'he1-1e latter instltuho118 J_.(rl\UFJ 011 King Street, next Doot 'Vest of ?viurdodi Ihoo. ~-1. Aplend1d MSOl trncnt o l\.t:lal Estate, on t o:r1ns uuusuallv easy for the whe1e can be found the borrower. Latest Novelties in Millinery Goods. Bo"1nanv1lle, Feb. 6th, 187.3. MBS. :R. HOPKINS' - ------ --------Just Arrived FASHION HOUSE NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of V.\.LL.t::l Uno ERBREAD - Take SC"\.Cll ttaCll})· fula of flour, one p111t of u1olasses, one cupful of &our crea1n, oue cupful of butte1, on~ t.1ble spoonful of soda d1ssoh·erl 1n prnt of the c1 na.1n or n1ilk }""lavol w1tli one teaspoonful of powdered c1nna1non,and oue tablespoonful of ground ginger. "It 1s nut Ott[ fault," says a l\-I1hvau The Late Abortion Case 111 Toronto Few 111ore puintul cases have coiue before overg10,vn rural rooste1s 111 the ball the pnbhc than that \vh1ch lr us ht'Cll the 1oom teaches clown for our he,1cl and subject of general d1scuss1on during the pasL suggests that some fellow has lost ,110se v;.·eek in connection with the death of the bud out of lm butlon·hole, there wdl be girl G1ln1our, in 'Toronto. The particulars trouble" WC need llOt give. r!1bey arc fa1n11iar to all A woman entered a crowded street ne\vspaper readers . But the 1uoral to be car the other clay, and for a moment or dra\\in from t}10 occu11ence cannot be too t\VO no one offe1ed he ~ en a sLrongly d\velt upon l\fuch ontcry 1s 1uade fat man, affected wtlh the astl11na,beck- abou~ the criine of abortion and its 1ncrca8· 011ecl to he1 and said " Madame, ing frequency in Canada. Notlnng tuo please l,lke--t,1ke" - (cough, cough) strong can be su1d 10 lts conde1unaLion But She stood there waitmg for lns scat, and there is JUSt the datiger tLat 1n dcnou11CJng .1s soon, as he "as O>er J115 coughing fit, he concluded " l'rfaclame, please take it, sig ht be lost ui the prcced1ng :wnnoruhty c.ue and not step on n1y sore foot." "'·h1ch n1akes abortion desllable, a11d as Of tho 1n crei:ising The look she gave lnm was appallmg, many think, nccP.ssary. uun1oraht} in Canall.i there c.111 lie no but all the 1est saw the 1oke. doubt\\hatever. Talk 'v1th old 1n1n1titers !\t a ca1npM n1eet1ng last sun1n1er, a or even with those 11ot ru nch beyond nnd- - v&ncuble s1ste1 began the hymndle ltfo, and they will tell vou tbat tor " llI y soul be on t11} guard , years upon yearn, they never had u1 thtcir Ten thousand foes anse n She began 111 slmll quavers, but it ptlch- churches .i case of d1sc1phne in it.dt!rcuce to ecl too high. "Ten thousand-Ten breaches of the Se\ en th Oo111n1andn1ent,n11d kcc edi tor, "tha t we are recl-headeG! and small, and the next tune that one of our fe\V wo1ncn who C<lll keep tbeu ternper when their Uc : :. t c\ 11110. set gets broken. ·ro stu<ly ecouo1uy fut a tnonth, a11d to f1nd the result ot U11~ nntbual carelulne;as h:i.~ l eak ed out nt son1e nlysterious spiggol ; to ha' e a whole iness ot mt lk soured by one lhun· <lcr storn1, to have the wash bo1ler Uo1l ovtl ,Jnd put ont the fire i to have the desse rt only half done when the people at dinner are 'vait1ng, "" 111tleIIng \vhether it is to be sago pudchng or Narcissus 'b lanc ruauge, to have the sc1\1ant 1n1ke up her n11nJ she don't like the place, and leave the house 111 the midst of the 1ron1ng; to h,1ve to prov1Je elabora te cntertain1u ent tor son1e one \vhom ) ou a sked to corue to your house without u.ny idea she 'vould accept the iu· vitattou i to ltnd ulter the quinces a-re all .A'.r A GOODS, & BIOH! HOW Prices to suit All Classes. Also a \\ell selected Stock of ALWAYS GET REAL HAIR, FANCY Ahm ~~ ra..;111g at FIRS'l'-CL.A.S S. l.trge stock of Stamps for Braiding and Em- peeled and cut that the brnss ketlle has been ~~[~l~~~~d,-nll tins demands gmcc tor the Ladies' Veil;;, Ladies' and J\'1i8ses' Gl°' es, in Kid and W. BELL & Co's. Lisle Thread, Ladies' Fancy Silk Ties,! New and P1·i~e .Dfedal Organs Fashionable, Vlluch in 1873, .1t tlie P1ovin<.:ial ]fair, beat direct from N cw every A.merican and Canadian Organ, t<lku1g the ]'!HST l'RIZE. York. Ladies' Linen Cuffs and Collars, Skirts, ~.\.bo the renowned Jn short, Corsets, &c., &c. broidery. ASH IONS for Spring lUSt to hand. usual. MRS. A. FLETCHER Bo\1man\lllc .April 7th,1874 HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO [Boston l '\Vhich has take1. Everything tn Ladies' Goods. thousand," she sc;ecchecl, and slopped that when such a case turned up, th e pa1t1cs "Start her ~tt 5,000 !" cr1e<l a converted concerned ·were so much conde1nned in tbe stock broker p1 escnt neighborhood as to be to leave ~ ot ,\. icports ~tngle 1n1n1ste1 of an) denom111at1on c,u1 to the B10oklyn Ai g11s the discovery of a tell the same sto1y now 'The Lold for"·anl graveu sto ne !5on1ewhere 111 the Catskills bearing of niany of our ynu11g "on1en in winch 1s thought to be of extrao1dma1; their intercourse \Y1th J uuths of t he olh C' r antiquarian 1nte1est. On the bdse rue sex IS notorious, ars 1t is gcucru l, and no cut m rnde lette1s the followrng ·,\·onder nt all thczctore, th at the ntunLer of falls ~hou1d b~ tlteuJliy on tho 111crcaee Jn 1643 c1L1es un<l town~ th e behavior of very 1nauy I H·l ::->$·10M NE\V \ S.PU I J l · .f\n enth usiastic A111e11u111t ~tc ER-EFO R CAJ1 1 EI OSCRAl CJJ l HE1R-llA lKSON S B l\.N- lHONlE It 1s Slij,(lO'·ed to commemor.ttc some great lustorical event of the early Dutch i(O uloug Yonge sti,,ct ot a S!lturday or Sab· bath evening, and h0 would fancy tba~ the settlement of Kew York. Dnnng a cle11cal confe1encc, the fol youug WOLU~H JS lllOre hke that oJ COllllllOll street walkers than oJ n1odest, vutnou.s g1rle, and the excui::ie thut they ::ne fo1 1d ot fun and hol1c iu a poor one Let any oue 1rVe ruascuhncs have ~et to learn that the l\_1tcben 1s tho n1ost u11portant end of the household. II that go w1ong, the whole estabhshmeut rs " rong. It dec1Jes the hen.1th oJ the household, autl liealth seltles We 1Uiet1d to ieµknish our Stock, e11ery "\.\eek, and Ne'v Y'ork M<1.rket£1 1 almost e\erytlang. lle<L'Y b1cdd, too great from the Oo.nw::han with the freq nr.ocy of plurn-pudd;ng, m1n~hng of ,lnd custard~, nnmast1cablc beet, have decided tb c f11tc of sermons, st<"'\:· -. 1 1s"""li;;:;I hou s~s, lt>gisla.t1 ve bills, and the destiny of e1np1rei:i. \Vbat if Brn1ua1ck had been se1zed with a Jong ht of 111d1geehon about the time of the breaking out of the laat French PLEASE CALL and Gcunan war 1 \.Vhat if now, wl11lc PlnnRoll 1s trying to raise au insurrecti on n.nd Exa.mtue Stock 11nd PDces among the sa ilors of Great Bnta1n, Dunaeh should be overcon1e ol the gout 1 \"\7 bnt if, while the rnonetury \\iorlrl 1s shocked ~\1 1th the i.11lure of Duncan 1 Ohe1u1u11 ~% Con1pany, the cook ut S1:11atog.l Spnngs should hy n1eans ot eo1ne unhe,dthy pustry kill Uon1· n1odoro \-and c:1b1lt? 'lhe kitchen kuilr has often cut off the brightest prospcctR 'l1he kitchen gr1d1ron haR oiten co11stun ed a cowrnercrnl euterp11sc. 'l'be k1lchco kettle A Sl'J ·,ClALITY SAT!Sl·ACTION has kept 111any a good m,tn lll hot wate1 It will never be tully known how much SUARAN'l EED the }1115tory of the wo1 Id was dfo.:cted by good or li<ld cookt:!l .Y. let no housel\eeper 1 th en.duce, tlesp1-:e her occupat1011, Uut r.-1.the:r p1~~y 101 g1.1cl! tu I'hila<lelphi,i ancl New Yodi Patfulfil hc1 nu ss10H 't'bc tu1lR and fat1guc s tm·1is always on han d and vexations ot such a Rphclc 11111} be unM appr ec1 llt>d by }Ju~ban,l s and tatters and Porty-nine Pi1 st P1·emiums --.o:-THE KING OF BOWMANVILLE Ma.ohine a.nd Implement Manufactuing Co and he 1s determined to continue to sell at th ese 1 uinonsly low pnce8 cheape1 than the cheape"t. Why he can do i t Firnt, he buys for c11Sh and lrno1-1s just how to Lu~ ! Second, what he can't buy chmcp enough, he mtinufactu1cs Third, he is satisfied with small p1ofits' Fourth, he seUs fo1 cash, Fifth, he sells at bottom p1iccs. L,.....Ln-eit OALL A.ND S:BB J:li'OM YOVBSlELVlEBt AND --o-- Novelties! SEWING MACHINES, --.o:-- Manufa,otures ofJ BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Examn:ic c stock, which 001nv11aes ev e1:ytltrqg iu tho tiacle, of the ve1y l.ttest a nd inost ell'g-<1J1 styles .u1d p.1tte1ns, of "Enghsh 1 C\cha.u, fo11d American nul.uu.faoture. vYOOD AKD IRON --o-- Hi.; $t1ll continues lo n1anufactnie to ordc1, hou1 the Lest of, and none but '~01kmcn kept firi~t-class WORKING N B. - 'lhe S1~b~c11be1 is not a Sub, or \Ill· der Agent. but hrts the special agency for the abo\·e. I am prepared to exclu~ngo E11anoa for Organa, 01g.w1s fvr l\fclodeons, also Se"v1og 1i'Iach111i:;s, on rca~onablo tern1s !\.dd1e.;s, .J DONEY, 'l'YltUN ~ p 0 J .ln. 15th, 1875. 6 {i1nos. MACHINERY Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed IIe ha.s tn stock an endless vanety o( La.dies' nnJ Genta' :::lai~itog.~ 'l'tnuks, Valises, eW, aU of 'vh1ch be is selling cheap fo1 ca,"lh - o- --o-- Dress Making and Dress Fitting s Double Turbine Water Wheels, 11ncl Remember the Stand " BIG :BOOT " drnwn by Two Horses, King St. Bo""mnn\ille, 1\ia 13, 1871 rt'!. TRELEVEN. PlJBI_j~f C. Ut'~ e~ent =====--- - - Castings of all Kinds v. TO THE i etu11u11~ inmates of a ll the brothels of the country Nor is Toronto for lts lo\v1ng conversation \Yas heard bet\"\ cen had broken loose ' I say Jun, what's the 1nean1ng of F.o n1any n1101sters being here together?" "Why," answered Jim, scornfu11y, "they ah\.ays ;neet once a t\\O newsboys ~rea1 to s\vap ser1nons.1' size, worse than oth~r places. ....'\.. largo par· tlon of our you-ng \Vomen a1e appu.rentlj su ch fool ~, 1f uotlung wors~, tlhLt they do not uuderatand, and will not Le tnugbt, that no inau, ho" e\i er rude anrl uncult1vated1 in other", l1ut God kuo"~ u1jd syn1pnth1:t.Ps If, accoid1ng to the B1b[e. God puts into a bottle bJS people's tears, He "ill count tl'e Our Goods are all New and Fashionable, number of sweat drops ou )our loteliead and will be sold at Reasonable Prices Anoth~r cnt load of the' e uoblt> articles OD wlule bending ovc1 the stovo in the 1n1d the way. sumn1 er solstice. By the potent1a l way 1u -J'len,se call at th~ winch )DU perfornl )Onr tluties )'Ol.l may Rerucmber the )Lu.:e <1.t ii1ISSS'l'OUC.;.H'J10NS 1 Oid SL.t)icl, inake the .,.oll 1ng-p1n n s~ptrc. Be tu1thB 0 vV MANVILLE ful 1 There \~ill be a grand surper <1ftc1 ri. Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency \vlnle, tor the preparation of which yon w11l l)espec{,jully 1 H W JAMES, have no anxiety It 'v1l l be the hlnrn~g c MRS JlOPKINS Supper of the Latnb, aud you will h1:< 0 11e of I<.1ng St , Jlowma.nville. the ban~ueters -Oh1-ut1an at TV01 k Ro" wa.u\ ille, Dec. 5, 1872. ulO. Bowruanv1lle IA.pr1l 30th, 1875 31 If Straw-Cutters I vVALTER WIGG'-~ SON, REP.A.IRS N thanks to tbeu numeru u;; cu;;touwn:; and p11blw for vast Grain_ Grinders doue on th· I uuJd respectfully invite then attention to 0111 p1 B tock of funHttuc, as "' e haH! la.tely added thereto, that we thereby be enabled to supply all pa.it1cs who may j)}i;;ase to him \\Ith calL C+tt.:<1.t 111du..;ements bcld out to t]1ose pn1chas1ug at our cetab 1 shnw11t Pw Glasoes , etc framed to orde1, and n1 e\ery style Samples of the thfferent ~ FEED l\:IILLS. SHORTEST NOTICE,,ofLooluug o uld1ngs cttn be '1een at the ware·roon1 We nlso beg to infouu yoll, g··nertJly, f,~vorfil, may f~nor tha~, a. I kind ha v1ng purcha5ed "' '\' Onld \Ve h,~\c no" 011h;n:id a lu.1 ge quantity of SPLEND LD NEW HEARSE, · Common and Gang Plows, tha.t ,nn be wti B hall he icady ut s?ld at ,t 11 times to atten<l funeral~, on ~huit not1t:c .uict rtia.sona.ble lsrms , Y. B -Coffins kevt CIU hnnd and mnde to ordti1, at the . l LOW PRICES Citf. NEW DOllfllYlON RETAIL PURNITURE WARE-ROOM. Kmg Street East, Oshawa Osha.wa., Au; 26tli, 1870 AT THE SHOP. BoV11nnnv1Ue, Mrucbl873. I J