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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 27 Aug 1875, p. 3

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THE JYIERCHANT. FRIDAY, AU GUST 27, 1875 ing olass~ s of working people. of either sex, young or old, more money at work for Uf!I in their spare moments, or µ..11 the time, than at anything el.Be . Particulars free. Poat card to States cmsts bu one cent. Address G. STINS ON and CO.· Portland,Maine 1 U.S. October 27th. 1874. ly-bp-o43.m5. $5 TO $20 PER DAY.-Agenta\Vantedl 'i' HE MOBRIS' CARRIAGE SHOP FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 100 acres all cleared, being OOMPRIRING Y\teRt half of Lot No6,2nd Concession of the To,vnship of Cart'\\o-right . There is the 011 (Jhang-e of B11siness ! · - - - - :o:- - - - ElepharitHouse -·NEW OMETHING wc:st uf the Outari B it11 k . premises a good frame House, Barn, and other out buildings . '.rhere is a youn~ Orchard ~nd a. n ever failing \VC ll, Immediate po88ess1on if desired can be given b;y purchasing Stock, iinple mcnts, a nd the growing crops . For further particulars apply to the propri· ctor on the pre1nises . . At the Sign of the Golden .Anvil. S · The Subsc1·iber having purchased th e entire Stock of King S L reet, Bu wrna1iv-ille. :-;ubi:H.:ri Lt:it· is J)l'ep;;1.1·e<l to 'I'}!};. p air build and l'e· If you want ABRAHAM MORRIS. Cartwright.July l at. 1875 . tf.bp·o27·m40 MR. THOMAS To Wagon Makers. in tb e village of Taunton, where a.n · excellent businel!o has b een built up , The premises com· iwi se two a cros of first-class land, on which ar· a \Vaggon Shop, ·Dwelling House, with outbuilJings, a l,!ood bearing Or chard. well of wa.te:r, etc . PossessJon 1st Oct. next. For fur· t.her pal'ticulars, a.pply to the owner, JORN R. LAVIS, Taunton P.O. July 22nd, 1875. o30-Jn43-tf . would respectfully inform th e inhabitants of Bowmanville and surrounding country, that in addition · to his present Stock, he is daily r eceiving ' A Substit-ute- for Lath & Plaster ! THE PATENT ALUMI NOUS and ORNAMEN.TAL BUIL DING PAPER. l'Al'ER OIL-OL01'H and GA IIP1£TING. Wagons, B· uggies , u n cl Outte1'8, :;.f t! \r<.-lry d<"n(.d 1 :it i ou 1 at short ·noti ce, and o · i·cn.sonable tt:rllIB. At McClung Bros. 'I'he li'O'SH is to continue and increase for another 30 Days .I The Public have responded nobly to our recent call, and now we call again ! Goods <ire Selling because FACTS am Lellling ! We shall continue to back up um AdvertisemenL8 by G1v I.KG the BARGAINS we PR OMISE '. . \Vlwu we SAY Bargains we J \'h :AN Bargains ! THOROUGHLY RELIABLE ()RGA_NS, POU · undersigned hereby offers either to sell 'l1HE or l ease his premises, 'v bich are well situa.Wd Carriages P ainted and Trin:n:cd. La1·ge Importations of British and A_ nierican t::>helj and Heavy Ha1Adware, all of" which, having purcha.~ed for CASH, ha i~ enabled t o ottel' a t bottom prices. I Parlors, Schools, or Churches, Apply to A Biacksmith's Shop ou tho p i·tHniirns,were sp eci.!1,l attention ia givlf.;! 11 to all · RICE & :BA:Et.XER, A g en t..~ work, mu.I General J obbing. for t he TO LET. P . W. CONSAUit. 13owmn,n'!ille, Aug. 12th, 187!.i. 4ti-4w HE S'l'Olm betweenAndmon's Boot and His Stock of P. AINTS and OILS will be T Shoe Sto1·c and Lyle & Martyn's Grocrry. Apply t o SOLE AGENT FOR TH IS PLACE. ·All work clone a t this E stablishment warranted. A ca.11 is r espectfnl ly solicited. .T. MORRIS. B ow1n aJJY ille , 0 :t. ] st, 1809. BEST OR GANS ON TIU: APPLICATIOT'i \ .Yill be 1na.Ue t o the P arliament of Canada, at it8 nex.t · Session, for a n Act to Incorporate a Ba11 k, to be callerl found Complete, and will be sold at Prices that will defy Competitioll'. IA. Large ~lockJuilHcw"ved,- f'lain a11<Wr1u.;t11icn tat, both f or YValls fli<.d Jt'L oors. CONTIN El\iT DRUGS AND M EDICINES nt t he The Midland Bank of Canada, Capital of One MUU"n D f IJcllivrt, and. ' vit h the H ead Office ther eof in the Town of nowm a.nvillc . . wi th I: Strowger Bros. Large Crowds have vi;;ited our Stores duriug· t.h e p<ist ~onth,~n~ the av!dity with which 1ooods have been" TAKEN" is grat1fymg evidence t hat both Goods an d Pl'it:es are " TAKING." Bowmanville Drug Store, ROBEI\.T ARMOR. l3 owrn~u1v iJle, Solicitor for Applicants, .Aug u~t 6th, 1875. 45·9t. TIN & STOVE DEPARTMENT! He would also state that MR. JAMES NOSWOTHY is associated with him, as Partner in the Tin and Stove Branch of the Business-a sufficient guarantee that 1tll work in this line will be executed promptly, in the The PatJCl' Oil tJlot.h an d Carpe L :u g fa a Cbe ;~p nnd Du1·a.ble Substit ut e for Oil Cloth. woo<l Cott age. !J.' ht1re is half an acre of land attached also n.ll n ecee~H:l.l'Y accom1nods.tion, in sheds, \V~ter, &c. .Apply on the, to House a:nd :Lot .for Sale. desirabltJ town proptrty for Sa.le, l!lit· A very on L iberty Street, known as tbe Bell· u ;~t e Chumic.:1.\ls with whioh thl..! :Paper is t:1 aturated , render it proof ~a.inst R~ts, ri.I oth:!, and 1-11,.;e. Th ~ lin.ving r ernoved to more oon1modiouspren1iset, ' IN NEWCAS'l'I..E · FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, our effort.s Lo ".Sell the right Goo<ls at the nght P q ces" appreciated, aml are carryiug this war into llext mo11tl1. 8C vVe a1:e plea s~Ll to J . HIGGINBOTHAM 'V . tho.n lra to Lis uumcr ous friends and cus· tamers , l\nd to tho public generally, for the very lil1t'r ul su pport h e ha1:1 received since hi!J ' cotntneu cing in bu si 1 1cs3 ; fl,n d hopes by con· tinucd strict p erson 1.\.l atten tion to business and off+..Jrin g nothing but th ~ purest articles, a.i t11e m or: t t·ea~on ablc pr ices, t o ensure a continuance of p nblic patron ~c. J . H . \Vould ca n s1wci1l to h~ very superior stor,k of · IT . OU J..]) most respectfull y t ender his sincere Best Manner, and at Very Low Prices. ' Varnish Polish · Better An othf: r t.J1ing 1n ueh \Vanted. . . cg t.ll inforo1 the p ubli i; gen e1 ·ally, that thcf" al'C now enabled to off er them Inducements in the line of . ~ome of o,nr che<t]J Lirn~s are runniug .out, but more am nr rimng, and for the next 30 Da.ys we s!talt offer gnater induce· ments than ever ! 18 R. SQUIRES, Jr. tf. .Bo wu1anviUe, June 16th, 1875. · Eavetroughing a Speciality. 'l1hfs Polish gives a most elcgo.nt lustrt:·,nnd drici:; instanta.ncously _ A Large Stock of Tinwa1·e of every de· scription, al,vays in Stock, and made to orcler on the USE THE Shortest Notice. Norwich Egg l'owder, f or n1aking aU k inds of Ca kes without Eg-gs. '£0 btl h ad of all Grocers. H . J. WEEKS & Co., '~[oronto, · sole agents for Ontm:io. 24-ly. Mo.rah 11th, 1875. Nothing ever discovered before to equal t his Polish. 'FOH G rocery . Now Rem~mber !-For the next 30 Days l\'IcClung Bros. the place for Cheap Goods ! . - :o:- - ~!iXe~eto gi§!Jd:!.[0~S A well selected stock of P ian o f 'ortes, Clocks, Pictu1·e Frames 01· cm y ki nd of -Biiggies, Ciitter s, Sleighs, cm d all kfods of ( A S RHGA R DS PRICE J': QUALlTY) t han any other ho11se i n the County. B11siness, 'A LL COMEf McCLUNG BROS., Bowmanville, J·une, ~ 4 th, 1875. J. L. S'l'ROWGER 14th, 1874. DRUGS, CllEirflCALS, r' ATE1 VT J.fEDIClN ES, B RUSHES, COJ }f BS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTE RS, E t c, Ek kept c.on i:;tantly on ll anrl . NO PRESE NTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD Weight and .Meas'l.fre Guamn teed ·in every instance. · The Stook of Stoves will be fou:nd Complew, oompris. ing all the favorite kinds, in V aniished Va1·nished 'I'eas a Speciality" Nc ,yc astl e, Augu~t , OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WH ITE LEAD at th ~ very lowest pric u~ , Horses and Cat t le Medicines. N. n. --Count ry stol'e-keepera supplied on t he rnost advantageou s tcrins. A ch oice selection of LAMPS for b~lle cheap Bowmauville. Dec. 1868. 6m. Real Estate FOR SALE. r11liE E ST.A.TE of the late PHILll' CALLBABY, is offered for S ale, being a. part of Lot No. 30, 5th Crin. J) arliugton, comprising 25 acres, 1norc or le ss. There a1:e about 23 acres cleared, t he remainder being i.\o-~d land. 'fhere is a good frame house, \Vith bJ,rn, dril-ing honse and ~table , an t.l two good wJlls. 'l'here is a.lso & splendid HALL, Ccw·ri ages. J. D. STROWGER . COOK, COAL SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. or OR PARLOR, :S:Alt::CWARE I DAILY AND WOOD. -~ct~ As n. 'lt Lal, :.t L f~rge " T HE STJN." WEEKLY, FOR 1875. · Stoek ouhan<.l of It. S. MANNING. Bowmanville, Augu. ,L 27th, 1875. 48-3mos. Orchard of Fruit-bearing Trees. 'l'hi!:! propel'ty ill in a goo~ state of cultivation . li' or further partici.llars, apply, if by letter, post. paid , to Hardware, Paints and O ils, Stoves and Tinware. , .t\Jl of \\·hioh wi ll be sold n.t low fig tne e , Dn. McGILL, Oshawa. A pril lut. 1875. John McLeod-&--Oo.,__ Wellington Buildings, Bowmanvme. .A.uguit 10th , 1875 . 27-t f. A RO'O'SE AND :LOT F CENT. 5 Sabba.thA"~~~-t~~~. Ensign, COPY & TI-IE OR RAJ.,;, sit uate on Ont ario Street. En q uire of J\.fR . T H O:'rlAS, on the premises Ilowmau ville, J a n . 22nd,1875 ,· 17-tf, NEW MAMMOTH 5 D~O ~SY Illustrated Paper, for Sabbath Schools . . 1 11/Jlii;hal l vlonlhly, al B owrn anville, Ont. 1 EXERCISE BOOK! AT R. EASTON'S - -- :o:--- The l:<litor has been connected, more or le88, clo!>ely wi th Schoofo, from his boyhood, ·~vr l ~ill endeavor the make the ENSIHN e very w:i,y worthy of the support of Sabbath Schools. 'J'he n nsect arian charact er of the pa.per,renders it suitable for n.ny School, In connection there· with, a. Su pplement is published, containing No tes on the Internatioua.l series of S. S. Les~ sons. '1,heso ar e carefully p repared, and must pr ove of great value to bo th .Teacher and Scholar, Cheap Fancy Goods Store and School Book Emporium. The New .E'ive Cent Mammoth Copy and Exercis3 Buok, is the same size as R. Easton's York-shilling Exercise Book, which he sells at TEN CENTS each. Nice cover with Multiplication Table printed on back cover. N.B.-No other house keeps the same Book, as it is made e;g:presHly to R E's. own orde1·. l'HREE CENT E xercise Books, Fools Cup Paper, 20 cts. per Quire, Quarter Quire /01 · P IVE GENTS. 292 and 404 Pens " t Five Cents per dozen; TWO for ON E CENT. MAKES THE W EAK STRONG, . The P et'tivian S11rup, a P rotected Solution of· the P rotu:cirle of t h e chal'acte1· of an allmen t, a s ea,stly il:iy este< ~ (.t,rul fNss i ' rtila,f.e<J with the blood as the simplest 'itic1 ·ea!:' t:;S I1·ori, is so co·, t,,bi1w d tts to h t.t t~c fo orZ . It 'l'ERMS, P arcels of ti, 10, 15, etc. , a t tbt:: rate of 30 Postage ct8, p er year. Single copie1:1 1 40 cts. }j'RJt.,'E : .A .. ddresa 1 C. BARKER, EDITOR, J3owmanville 1 Ont. b y Tonin.g up,L1ivlgo1·atin,y < t 1t.<l "'italiz,ina the Syst e'ni. The en"ich ed anll vltalizell bloot.l ve.·meates ever y part of' tlw body, C 'lt r es "a tliousa 'rt<l ills," s i'11i11ly Ayc1it, I1 ·oti i ti the blood, a:rirl of Nat1we's Own th e (;na,,nt,ity VUcdi.zin y What the Press sav about It : 'l'HB E NSIGN. - Wehave been tavored with a. copy of tho EnJJign from the Editor,at the West D urh am P1inting Establishment.· The Ensign hi a paptir prepared especia.lly for Sabbath Schools, aud in ou1· opinion well adapt· cd to its object. S~tgfeat a. fa \"orite hM it ho· come· that we h ear (what is very unusual with such ent~rpris es) it has proved for the first year a financial success. The illustrations arc suita ble and sufficiently uu1nerous, '\·bile the ren.ding matt er is hea lthy in tone, racy in style.and so var ied ae to suit the taste of the gtineral publi c. W e congratulate tb11 Editor on ha.v. ing catered so succe['l sfnlly to the public want, a.nd \V e cong ratulnte the you11g and the public on havio~ t!O charming a sh~et presented monthly tor the perusal of their children. Oshawa R eformer. '!'he E nsign is 1u::atly printed on good paper, is ill ustr::t,tc tl, a nd conta.i111:1 h ealthy reading matter n.nd ought to have a large circulation. - Petcrbo·1·0 Exa·mincr. Lots of 20 Cent lllates to be sold at Twelve a.nd a half Cents. . Slates for FIVE CENTS. Oheap Penholders~nd Pencils . THE NEW ~nd IMPROVED LEA T HER SCHOOL RAGS, only SEVEN1'Y C1'S. EACH. A ll kinds of S chool B ooks supplUd,at R . .h.'A S TON'S. Pfrie's Supe·1'fine -Note Pap M', only 1O cts. p er Quire. BeautifulBii·1·n iehed Envelopes only 8 Cts. p er package. extni, only 10 ct·. p er package Busi?UJBs Envelopes,from $1.40 per 1000. Large Stock of Blank Books. 1000 page :Blank Books for $4.00 Beautiful Illustrated $14 Family Bibles $12.50. $10 Bible for $7.50. Lots of other Gooqs offerin~ Cheap, at EAS'l'ON'S CHEAl" STOR.E, NO: 1. BIG STOCK OF WALL PAPER. NO. Q. COUNTRY TRADE SUPPLIED ~Town Hall Buildings, Bowmanville. .JEU MOTTO-Nimble Sixpence better than a Slow Poking Shilling. stitution. diseases 01·lg'l ri at,l 11,y i11, a bad state of t h e blootl, 01· cicc'om panie<l by lleb-lllty 01' a. low sta te of tlw system. Betnu f1 ·ee fl'om Alcohol, in ctny fm·in, its enery·i zin y effects are not fol low ed by co,.,,espondi nu 1·eciction,, b?t t a r e per1na1ien,t, iriftt si1iu st1·ength, v 'iuo1·, aTul n ew lif e into all pa1'ts of the s1rstem , and bui lcUny up an Iron Cona1id a l l B l adder v laint, D1'opsy, Ch,.onic JJ l cw 1·/iaa,Botls, l!ilet'V01.ts .L1jfectio1i s, Chills and 1reve1·s, H·rnw1·s, L oss of Constilutionul "Vigo!', D'iseases of the Kidneys ancl Penuil e Complaints, < le1'f·t tl s·u ccess of thi s 1·e·niefl!J f,,u, cu1·lnu Dyspepsia , JA vo·1· Omn- t tons, mid tea viny nothing j'or disease to j'ce<l upon. This is the sec1·et of the won- sea,,.cf.-i11g mit '61< 01·bill sec1'e- repai1'iriu tlaniciges a 11,d, 'rh o a.pproach of t he P residental election gives unu sual importru1ce to the e vents and de· velop1n cn ts of 1875 . VVe sh all endeavor to de· scribe then1 fully faitl1full.v and f earlea;i.Jy. 'I1HE VVEEKLY SUN bM now attained n. circnlo.tio11 of over sevent y thousand copies. Its rc~~dcrs n.r e fo und iu t1 very Stat e and T erritory n.nd its quality ia 'vell kuo wn t o the public. "\Ve i:;b all not only e11deavor t o keep it f1dlv up t o t he._ ol d sta.n<l'ard but t o in1prove and w.lil t o its varietY and power. 'l'H E WEEKLY SUN will continu· to be a t hor ol1 gh ne\· 1 apaper . All th e n eWs of the clo.y will be found in i t, condensed when 'llnim portant at f ull length \1rhen of m o1nent and al w i:\y s we t rust t reat ed i n a clea1· i nteresting and iu structive 1uanner. It is ou r o.itn to l.Yl ake th1:t \V.EEKL Y SU)J" t.he best family n e w s p f~per in the \\·orltl . It will be f ull of c·ntertaining a.nd appropriate r~ad ing of eve ry SOJ't but will pri n t Jiotbing to Of· fen d the rn ;)!:lt scrupulous aud delicate taste. It will always contai n th e mo ~t int eree t.iu~ st ories and romancea of the day co.refully Relccted and legibJy printetl. 'l'hc A g1 ·lcult ura.l JJi..:partn ient is < t p ron1inent featu re in the \VEU:KLY SL-N ru:id its arli· cl ea will n.lwt\ys be found fresh n.nd useful to the (ar1ni.i1·. Tl1e nurube1· of men _independe'u t iu politics is incrc~ing o.nd t he \VEF.KLY SUN is their piiper especially. I t belongs to no party anJ ofl'e1·0 no diutati uu con tonJi ng for principle and for t he election of t he best men. It exp osel! t he cor1·npti on that d isgracee t he country and thre::~t ons th e ove1-throw of r epublican institu· tiom:!. lt h a.a no fear of knaves, and seek B no fa vors fr om theh· suppor·ters. 'f h c markuts of evt"ry kiud a nd the fashio11s are regularly reported '. 'llhe prictl of the \VEEKL Y SU N is one dolla1-' a year fu1· a sheet of eight pages and fifty-six columns. As t liis barely pays t he expenses of pape1· and p1·intiug we ar~ not abl~ to \V any premium to make an y disC'ouut or allO fril;l11 <ls who may mak e apeciuJ efforts to ex.tend its C irculation. Ln der the ae\v h~w· which re. quires pay n1ent of postage in a dvance one dol1nr a year, with t wenty cents the cost of pre· pa.L U postage a dded is the rat e of subscription. It is not nect::sS:tJ".Y to get up a club in order to have the WEEKLY SUJ'>< · t t his rate. Any ono wh o sen<ls 'one dollar n.nd t wenty ce11t~ \1rill get th e pap er for a year . We have no tnive llin~ ~ge nt s. TH. E \\"EE K.I,Y SUN. - E i!(bt pagt!a, fitty. !"!ix columns. Only 1.20 a year po$taye 'fJ1 'r;:paid. No d t'.iicmu1tf1·Qm this ra te . 1.'HliJ DAILY ge ne\VS· pn.per of twenty-eight columna. Da.ily circulation over 120 000. ~i.\11 the ne,vs for 2 cent.a. Subscription, post age prep 55 cents a 1oonth, or 6.50 a ye::i.r. 'l:o clubs of 10 or o ver a discount of 20 per cent. Addr eSB T HE SUNB Ne\v York City U .S. 24-6illB. March 11t h, 1875 . J. ELLI OTr:l"S (Jltea1·Store · TYR()NE, llas now a f nll l\!>!Sort ed St.oi.:k of :Sible Christian BOOK ROOM AN D Groceries Dry · Goods, :Soots & Shoes etc . , etc, whieh for Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLI OTl TYRONE. Sabbath School Library Depot, KIN<; S TREET, BOWM/l.NYILLE. -- :0 :- - \'Vc have now t h,,: 1n u3t vi\.ried u.utl Card of Thanks. retunl.B t hank s to those who Ttll!: given hi!n their pat ronage in the past SuL ~ori be r SELECT STOCK OF and would iufor m tl1e f armers th a't he has re rin.ircd and refitW.d his !\.fill, an<l ia now prepar· ed to nttend _ to t hejr want s in t he W Uing line. lie is fuso conducting a GENERAL STORE, aurl ha.ving purchased hi.s stock for T housands h a1Je been chcmue<l by t he use of tkis 1'etnedy, f'i ·om weak, sickly, suffer in g c1'ea tul'es, to strony, healthy, an<l 71,(tppy 1ne1i f t1i<f, ivo1nen; an,(i SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE ye.t offered to t he people in "\Yest D url u~m. CAS H, is gi\'ing bargains in ~ Sugars! 'l'hu uboi.-e rewar<l will be )laid to o.ny person who will fl.1.rnh;h ample proof that the Boots & S lioes so1<l. by the undersigned, are not what he represeutBthe1n , . invaUds cannot rea sonably h esitate to yivo 'it lt t 1 ·ial. Sec thut each bottle has PERUVI AN SYR UP blown·i·· the ulass. Pa.111.phlets Free. - -( ) - - - Lyle & Martyn >tre now receiving 1' l!t.rge consignm-ent of Si1 gars, directf'1:~1n New Yurk, which .they will ofter at lowest prices. · . On hand a large and fin e assortmeut of --~ Seth W. F owle & Sons, Proprietors No. l 1U1lton Ph\ cc, Uoston . that IS · a Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, &c. S'l1A_ N l). - Heccutly occnpie<l by ?\-Ir. C ray. - - :o :- - SOLD BY ~ DHT;J:l G-I sg_·s GE:'<ERALLY. REMOVAL ! wishes to infon u his nuinerous fri e nd~ a 111l- ClHl · tomers that b1;1 has r etuovetl to Buckler's old Stand , where be " ·iU he f onn·l with the n1ost GREAT ARRIVAL or Sp:i~ing Ba'ts & Caps T he Largest Sto0k ever shown in Bownu1nv ;l1c. For the Holidays! Gift Books, Splen did .Albums, Prang's Celebrated Ohrom,os, s. VANSTONE. TYRONE. '.l'yrone, ])cc. 17, 1814. s. MASON Microscopes,Ifofoidoscopcs, of tlw finest description, Ladies' Compan-ion8, W1·iting Deslcs, l'od·_ et Books, &a., &c., to please all, an ct every ouo, For Gents, Glassware, Fruit Jars and Crockery Harn;;~et· ""o't"'""t 01 Newest Styles! - : ~ :- DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES. F or Ladies, For Children. TEAS AND GENERAL GROCERIES Whips, Trunks,&c., in t own . r 1ea1:11:1 uall. Buckle1·'~ oltl staud oue cloo1 · east of Gifford 'f:I H ok l. I3ow1uanv illo1 Sept.. l st 1 1873. , E.nglish Fur, American Fur, and Canadian Felt H ATS. S1'RAW HATS ! f1·on1 12 ~ 80, H.O ! Gentlemen of :.lrashion. NOT SO FAST. A STRAW HATS Cents, upwar ds. L otest Styles and Goocl Stock. Si'.t:CIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO OR DERED WORK. S'l'ORE.- Ono door east of Cornish's Jev; dry S tore, Kini; Streot , B owmn.n ville . NOT TO :BE EXCEX.X.E:O. ---: 0 :--- FOli SALE . PiflLLIP'S T~ GE NT~~'frsEP,!f~e~~~ IN GS, , K11owb)g ju<;t what suit e t be public t ast e, I h~1 ve pul'chased accordingly. Call cftrly, and . suit yourself . < uid plendid Collection of A Liberal Discount on CASH HO'l'EL, THE . Bowmanville, ~fay J , SMALE . 6th, 1875. ·Purchases for Sums of Five ·Dollars and 'Upwards. Possess11111 ca.n h e given on t.h c J st of 1'1ffl ,·ch. T ermo ca·v. Apply t u the p10pr1ctor on the i premise1:1 , fo1· particulars . ' VII.LAGE OF HAMPTON. L/ighest Price paid f or Raw Furs A LL KINDS OF FURS REPAI RED. ~JP -,.,IP A ~~"-' ' f'.8 .A.V· . .lirolu(il. .r. oldi!Jill Iii!. Bo1 n Hanville 1 A!wil l st. lSj t:; Feb. 2tith , 1875. IL 1'. PHI LLIPS. 22·tf. I ! / Th e Goods wer e bought at best rates , an1l pur . ch aaers will r eceiv e the bcn1Jfit . I have ' vr itteu t hese few llltt'S .A.ud aJl I hBve to t;ay, rha.t you can fi nd iue st ill at. bo1 ne I aw llO t gone fl·V~y ; So all my kiud old fl"iendr:i 1nay come ; .And all the young ones t uo ~\ncl get t heir g ;.~ruH~nts uicely m in fftihions t ha,t are ~ 1ow. \\"ht.n·e uld t~nd y o u ri g d~:.. r f d en de tnay meet 1\ welcome grcutiJ1g hy ll . P BA.'l 1E. 13ow1nanvilh.·, J une 1 9 L~1 1873. l

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