. THE :MEHCHANT, FRIDAY, POETRY. Religion and Doctrine. and he gave very freely. The other mem· bcrs of the church bad not learned this lea· They gave very little and talked toIt is a question worth a moment's thought, son. HABITS ~GUST 27, 1875 ~l\NDEISON · 1$1; .(Jo. Dt·g to ~1.11oui.co tu tlw Electors of \Vost Durham and sutrounding countr;-, that they will sell their immense Daily Line to Rocheste1. Commencing on or about the l!lth, of .Apl'i I zinc fl'l'"t.,; 801<.lered on, and shelves of perfor!\ted in a kind und inoffensive way, the glaring zinc, ..ir wil'e, OL of '~ oodeu slats, are slipped in. f~ntlt of a friend, perhaps a pnblic speaker, For a rack to put the ice on, take four &a.ta or a writer. ln no 01ie instance did any good a.bout fonr inches long, and nail them firmly to come of il . A preacher lias a babit ot wrin- a little block of pla.nk ; set thi1:1 block do-..vn, ' kling his forehead while he speaks, or of (like 1tn inverted kitchen table} in a basin, and pitching bis voice Jrnmoder~tely high, or of put it in the nncldle space in the box, beh\<-een 1 mo ithing his words, or sl11uggiug his the rows of shelves. To make a piece of ice do the greatest amount of ser vicC', and In st the shoulde1s, of Apeaking too low or too loud, longe:-;t JJOl:l~ible time, w1ap it doisely in several too fast or too slow, whrlh.~ver it is; aft Gr tbick11flssr.s of na1rn el, and foy it ou the . t·a.ck ; be bas fairly settled to hie work in the it will melt nea.rly as fast a:i if laid on the botn1inistry he goes on, more and more so, tom, and the ba.sin recen es its drippingl:l. A the bad habit growing as his strength in square tank, holding a pail or two of "~ater,can creases, 1noderating somewhat as old age be nu1-de of tin or zinc, and fitted close up to the ini:;id\ , with n pipe leading throuF;h the box,near weakens liiru, and he dies, the aa1ue habit the bottom If this is kept filled with cold clinging to him lIH t he end. Ile was hurt spring or well water, and a lump of ice thrown whenever any one allud ed to l1is habit; h~ in occasionally, it will be found a desirable suid Le could not help it, or he d1d not be~ conv enience in hot wcntht'r. On the shelves lieve it, or it tnia llis way, and if people did may be kept constantly on hand balls of butter, not like it 1 they could leave it ulonc, and cold and Lard , ieady fo1· the table; t1Je i.:It!atu so, rcpulsi og frien<.ll~; i.:11lit;b111,and bugging j uz, <msta1 ll::i, lua.1011 lJiP1:1, blanumange 1 Jellief', any 8Uch delicacy or luxury may be brought his 1ault, as a parent loves the deformed front the."e shelves ice·cold. An ice-box, so child th e u101:1t, lie pets Lis fault, a11d goes a.rranged is not only a g-reat ('0It"enience but 1 1 fron1 worse to worsP. i::; a. matter of economy, OnP.-fifth of the usual l>ecnliarit.1es are not necessarily ianlls. amount of ice will be of more benBfit to a fa.u1ily Something distiucti\ie belongs to every ear- thaJ.1 the tuma.l amount used in the oixiinary ·way ; and no housekeeper wl10 haa unce tested your \vaist 'vhen you ",,-,e re at the front nest man . But faults ui 1na11ne1are110 n1ore this convrnience, would be willing to do without gate last night?" asked a precocious boy to be cherished for the sake of distinction one through the hot season. After the box is of his sister. "His ann vrasn't 1ound 111y than lameness i~ to Ue pre1t.!rrctl to sound :fimshod, it sl1uu1d b1;i 1)a.i(ltt.:d ~tLd $et ,\berfl tLe · cover, when hfter1. up, can i·est back on a brace \Yaist. I \Von a belt fro1n hi1n, and he was limbs. - Irc11mus, in the Ubac-J'VC1". or fr<t.tne, as it lS heavy and would break frow taking my measure," rephed the indigthe hinges. A t;ell.t.r id a g0otl pla(:e f0r thli nant young lady. The Children's Hour. ici::-box, hut it tnay be kept in the pantry,store· A lady cmrespondent ,who assumes \Yhile we talk lo the house-n1other about. roo1n, 01 woodshed~ a.s is nlu.st convenient.-· to know how boys ought to be !mined, Country 0-cntlenwn. giving an hour every morning to ordering wntes to an exchange as JoJlo,;s : " Oh, mothers ! hunt out the soft, tender, aud righting the details of comfort in her The Philosophy of Hoeing. genial side of your boy's nature. " Mo· household, we must put in a claim on behalf thers often do --with an old shoe:- to of the children for an hour in the evening. ' It u1ay be ove1-done or uude1done. There it:i Of conrae, every mother cries out that she t ea..,on in everyt11ing, " even in roa:!ting eggs/' the boy's benfiet. as the saying ia. So iu hoeing crops. If .,... ti boo -(o)A littl e girl braids the hair of one who gives her life fur h er children ; theJ are on up tbe soil in large lumps M we u.1e a1Jt to do her 1mnd 11iKht ·nd day-she thinks, plans, with the very serviceable modern p1ong-hocs, sits in front of her, mstead of studying, when the teacher remarks: "Home is the works for them constantly. All very pro- we let the keen dry air into contact with the place for arranging h*, nor here What bably true, and yet the children may ecarce- starting but enfeebled ioots,and by their pa.rchwould you think to see me braiding my ly know their mother, or feel that individu- ing, an irreparable inJury is done. Such lumps hair in school?" Presently Susan's hand ally they have any ahare iu her. The more should be crushed down s9 a.s to be permeable -A'ris raised, and the teacher, supposing she a woman actually 1Norks for her children, to air throu~bout and yet serve to protect roots from its freo sweep. But a.s in a.v(')iding Scylla. wishes to ask some questions a.b out the cooks, sewo:, or perhaps earns money for we n1ay rtm to wreck on Charybdis,so in crnsh· lessons, nods, when she hears the follow- them, the less likely is she to sit down with ing the so1l \Ve may make it too fine, in which ing: "Mary says your hair is false, and her hauds folded to talk to them, to listen l'itse the firat heavy rai n wi11 rnn the service to· LADIES' and MISSES' you \vouldn't dare to do it h erern to their little secrets and stories about the gether in a crust impervious to the air, so es· OUTFITTING . ESTABLISHMENT, sential to active root action, growth '~ill be He fore the days of the tcctotalle rs a teacher and the school-coys, to get into the neighbor of Mt. J:l:sbcc saw that gentle- very heart of their fancies and foolish plans check~d uutil the hc)e, oi· iLs eq1).ivalent, fa used King Stre.et, next Door West of Tuiurcloch Bros, wht:iie ran u~ found the -man at an early hour of the day crawling and hopes. We iusit.it upon the hour, which agaiu to break up a11d open the surface crust. homeward on his hands and knees shall be absolutely the childreu\ no matter Some soilfl have such a texture as to pre\ent this packing effect of rains, in which case they Lrttest Novelties in Millinery Goods. over the frozen ground. "Why don't wh:it work or social claim must be put aside are apt to produce nHne than far richer soils yot1 ge t up and \Valk, :Ylr. .Uisbee ? ., for it, LP.t any \Yoman quietly re<.:kon which ~' run." A surface dressing or mulch of " l\'hy don't you get up and walk?" over the n1inutes of the day when she is her '.vcgctnble matter, 01 the shallow working iu of sair\ his neighbor. "I \V-'\-\·-\vould,b-b-but children's contpanion-not nurse, uor scaul- rno.nure, greu.tly favors the productiyeness of its so almigh ty tlz/11 l1ere that I'm a-aetrese, nor instructor-and she wi 11 be startl- such line, compac.iing soils, which "'ith vigilant afr.ud I shall b-b-break through. summer hoeing will yield inore tha.n any coarser ed into conJessing that our plan is more · \t the River Bailie Court in Glasgow, needed than she thought, By the time th eh soils can . - 1V. Ttrone, in .lV. Y. Trtbune. AJ,,o a v:ell r;P.lectecJ Stock of an 111d1vidual was brought lo the bar school-hours nod the necessary household How to Jndge the Weather. for a breach of the harbor and river po· occupations, and the time for u1eah visits, 1 !tee regu ations, The presiding judge and visitors, are subtracted, there is usnnlly '!'he colors of the sky, o.t different ti1nes, ~'tl c fined the offender half a guinea. T he no t n mon1ent when the little Cil:!u.tures can a wonderfulguida.nce. Not only docs a. clea.r culprit, as usual, pleaded fot mitigation i.;un~et presage fair weather, but there are of the penalty. " Na na," said the im· feel that their mother is altogether thetr other tints which speak with clearness and M· own. Especially ia tliia true in c1ty life, placable magistrate ; "if ye think it ower curacy. A Ldght yellow in the evening indiwhere nurses and governesses come in bedear, dinna come back again ca.teB \\ind ; a pale yellow wet ; a neutra.l gray tween the111, and cannot well be put aside. r.olor constitutes a f:wora.ble sign in the evening That was rather a touching allusion to Even ia the evening, nt the hour when al- -an luifavora.ble une in tlis morning. Clouds a deceased spouse made recently by a are full of mea.nin~ io. thew1:1ehe1:1. If Lhey are farmer, who came to the village store to most every mother loves to hang over her soft, undefined and feathery, the weather will baby nnd sing it to sleep, Tom and Jenny, purchase some things. " Can't I show be fine ; j£ the edges are hard, sharp, and dbfinyou anything else to-day ?" politely grown out of babyhood, are sent off to their itc, it will be foul Genera.Hy speaking, any asked the clerk. ·' No I reckon not," lesson&) and presently creep eleepily to berl, deep, unusll<t.l hues betoken wind and ra~n ; replied the sad looking customer, " l left to think their own thoughts as they go. while more quiet nnd delicate tints bespeak lost two horses and my wife last fall, and Now, suppose eve:ry 1nother, who reads this fair \Vcathcr. Simple a.s these maxima are, the I feel putty poor. Good span of horses paga should, for a 1nonth or two as 11 triul, British Boa.i.d of Trade has thought fit to pub· too." set apart that lonesome evening honr os tbe lish them for the use of sea-fa1in:r men. tVc intend to t c1Jlenish our Stock, eve1·v week, A Scotch farmer, having buried his children's. Let her leave her sewing befrom the Canadian and New York Markets, Handling Wet Soil. wife, called on Lhe sexton who performed hind ; don't Jct her dress be too fine for with the Nelly to maul and climb over, nor her \\'On1an line 'vent' to!" exclai1ned an Iov.. a "[a any bad habit corrected after a person gether a great deal about the deacon. They BJ: JOHN HAY. thought that he gum away too much money, is twenty years old 1" and at last persuaded the 1ninrntr.r to go If we answer the question in the ncgalie stood before tbc Sanhcdrim ; tive-aud I am strongly inchneu to take and .eee about it. ) The minif:ter did ~o, and ThG scowling rubbis guzcd nt him, He l'ecked not of the praise or blamt! ; that eiue-tbe duty of parents and teachers said : 'Deacon Jone~, I am requested by your There was no fear, there woo no shnmc, is invested at once with tremendous respon~ Ji'or one upon whose dazzled eyes brethren to say tLat tht·y a1e afraid you ure sibrlity, and this is the ohject of the letter 'l'he whole wotld poured its vast su1 prise· you are reading. It may d.lso be a warning too liberal, and will ruin yourseH and tam· Tht: o~en heaven Wl.\S far too near. They wish you to be more sparmg in and so an aid to the young, who need all ily. His first day's light too sweet and cfoat, your gifts.' the he! p they can have to become better and 'l'o let him waste his now-gained ken ' Oi there's DO (langer of ID) to coming wiser. On the hate-douded face of men. poverty,' said be; 1 my fa1nily are comfortYon meet a man after a sevaration of a But still they qu.estioned, \Vho art thou? ably supported, my children arc getting "\Vhat hlJ.iBt thou bet:l11 ? What art thou n0w? 'core ot years. The same liabita mark him a good education, un<l rny property IS 111rl'boU Ur\, l:'.IOt he \\hO yesterday now that were his before. The child is so creasing in vu.b1c all the tin1e. I have Sat here a.nd begged beside the w.~y ; truly the father of the man, that the man Fo1· he wns blincJ. only given one-tenth ot iny incu111c tb11s far, of sixty bas the ways that made him notbut Gcd bas bleseed rne so much that T -.d.nd I ani he; able \\hen a Loy. He carries his head just h·vc been thiuk1ug lately that I ought to Fm· I was blind, but now I see. as he diai is stooping or 9traight, quick or give two tenths.' · slow, talks throug-h his nose or not, proHe told tht:1 star)' o'tir end o'er ; T he tllinii:iter felt that the good deacon It was his ful1 heart's only lo1e, nounces \\ ords wrong ju.st as be did lvhen a was right, and as he went home, thought to A prophet on the Sabhatb day J youug man, and 1epeats l11meelf all the days himself wbot a ,blessing it would be if all Had touched his sightlei:!S eyes v;ith cla.y, of his life. And made him se0 who h11d been blind. church members \V0~1ld learn to give as I know some of the ino:sl polb:ihe<l gentl1.:1'J'heir words pass by him like the wintl Deacon Jones had <lone. n1r11, o1 the highest culture, who invariably ,,~\;.1111 r:?. ·.i e~ n;1,1 hnwl,;, but cannot shock 'lhe hUWJJ. tU-la.t.L.IUlll. J.V,J~t:U t i ck. sa,y Africar for Africa, Asiar for Asia, 'l'hc preservation ot ltfe iillould be on ly a Ja1na1car for Jn1naica, r...nd, in fact, theJ disI know not what tltis 1Jf£in may be, secondary couceru; the dircctiou of it, :-the tincUy a<ld the letter r to words ending in Si.nno· or saint~ lmt as fo1· me, µrin ~ipal. On~ thing I knuwi that I ami he a, especially to proper na1nes. They are unnr1w once ~ra~ f>lind, and now can ."ICC Life is Illade i1p, not of grec1t sacrifil\e8 01 conscious of it, would not know lf it were <.lut1es, hut of littl0 things, in \Yhich sm ile"· pointed out to them aa. their lrnb1t, would 1'bey were all doctors of renown, probably be hurt 11' it were mentioned to ancl kinrl11es8, and s1nall obligatio1H·, gnen The great men of o. famoua town, '\Vith deep br:o\VI), wrinkled, broad,nnd ~dsc, them. habitually, are wbaf \\in aud preserve ihe Beneath theit wide phylactries , heart, anci secure con1fu1t. .A.n(l this e;uKge:-ib~ the twQ re1u~ong why 'J1he wisdom of the East v.-as thei1 t>, bad habits are rarely if ever chouged by .t.\.nd bunor c1 owned their silver ha.i.rs. 1uen or wo1na11 ol 1ipe yt~ars. l. Arter the The l'rtnn they jeered and laughccl t::i scorn FARM AND HOUSEHOLD halnt has- beco1nc confirmed the per~on "\-Vas unlea1 neJ. pom·, and humbly born , 1 But he kn<'W better fitr than they looses all co11'3cious11esa of it, just as the A Cheap Refrigerator. '\Vhat came to bun that. Sabbath day ; perfection of h ealth is to be unconscious of And what the Chti,t had done for hitn I<.!e boxes with thE1ir ·Hnious compa1trnents having a atornacb. 2. One's self esteen1 is Jie knew, and not the SanedJirn. wounded by criticism, and a habit is cher- are gotten up quite expensively; but one can - Hmpe?".1 :.lfagazincfo1· May. ished all the more fondly because assaih·d . be made with httle cost The cheapest kind It has been said-it is ve1y nearly true- that I kuow of is about the size of nnd resemblei:i, on the outsitle, an ordinary tool chest ; that no morlal is w11ling to be criticised, 1vithin there are pieces of wood fastcn8d on for Josh Billings never attends a "spelling found f,tult with, and this makes cr1tic1sru supports, and lining of ::-;inc put in,-the space bee." He says they are 1 ' frods/' and a.n ungracious and UDF,rateful tMk . I 11ave between the zinc nnd the 1vood being filled with only fit '· tew amooz rgnernt foakes." ventured, in the course of my life, to make rounded charcoal. This filling must be all t he utternpt to do unto others aa I would a.roll rd, in the covet' a.s \\all as iit thl:l OOtto.u1 ·'There! that explains where my c~othes· have others do unto me, and to potnt out, and sides. In the ends of the box, deaL a o( THE STEAMER STOCK OF BOOTS AND SI-1008, "NORSEMAN" At a Discount of Ten per cent. for OASB, for THIRTY DAYS. lOUU Pairs Men's I Cl.) I I 0 0 ~ H ~ · (Il. CitAWFORD, j)ifASTEJl.) VV iJJ 1ntlke hei· regular trips on this routt· leaving Cobou1·g e~ery morning at 7::30 and Pmt Hu1Je at 9 ·o'clock, for Rochester, connect· ing there 'H ith the New Yo1k Central and Erie lW.ilways, for all poi uta Ea.et, 'V l"!fit a1td Soubb. RETURNING, ' l'·\t Gailm,for Cash only. 10 GascsChild's Wellingtons, $1.50 7 1air. 1000 pairs 11fi<iser Pebal and Bu,ff Buff B<ilnwmls, at $1.50, pwt pair, 35 OASES OF FELT OVERSHOES for CASH ONLY. --o-- 1000 l'ciirs Woman's, Mies('I' an<l Child's Pelt Boots,the uhole to be sold for GASH ONLY ... ,· d ]l lea\u Charlotte [port of Rochester] daily at 9 p.m , ex cep t Saturdays, when she will leave at 2 p. w., for Port Hcpe, direct. 'l'ln$ is the shortest and quickest route to Osw~go an \Va..tertown, via Lake Ontai:io Shore Raih oad from Charlotte. DealerA bVsLouk etc 1 wil! find this the cheap· e8t and most expeditious rou te to B oston , Albany, :Yew York, etc , }.,01 further information a.pply to Ca.!l early nml secure yom: vVi»ter Supply, while the ru~h b going on at ANDERSON & CO'S., Bow1nanville1 Dec..:. 10th, 1871. Boot &Shoe :E:m.porio.:DJ.. 01· G. :E'. UILDER6LE]lT\.,.E, R CRAWFORD. Pow.r Ilorr. Ki:xGSTO:N. THB llomi:nion Organ Co'y. BOWMANVILLE Pres1:n1t the following t estimonials from ... om petent judges of Organa. Testimonial from .Tohn Ca.m:icige, ~{ 11 ~. Due., Canlua.r, England. Bowma.nville, 24th Dec . 1 1870. 7'u the J.l faiwuei·s D01ninion Orgq,n Co. Qjjjj-l'J:L~MEN .- I like to -play on your Organs fa., ~e is so sweet 11nd steady. ....1.nd the workmall.lllip 11·1cl tini;~h excellcti i:, awl in ~ve1y particular they artt equal, if not superior, to nny I ba\·e ever heard. }loping they will meet puLlic appl·eciation. . RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society ES1'ABLISHED 1840. CA?'"AJJA C111EF 01r.ino:es. JOHN CA~UDGE 131, S'l'.JA~iES l:l'l'HEl!:'l', ~WNTHEAL DIRECTORS. WALTER SHANLY, EsCJ.., 1\1 P., Ohairmaau, De NU Ari 1'-!ACDON.ALD, Esq. l\fAJOn. '11. E. CAMPBEI·T.J 1 C Il . . St. Hilai.rc. l"tead the following from Ro~a JJ';Edtrn : Bowmanville, December 22, 1873, 'l'o the .Afana.gC1·8 of the Dominion O'rgan Co. GENTLEME~¥. Important Announcement ! . ----01---- -I have n1uch pleasure in testi- fyihg to tho exeeBent qualities of the Organ 'J.1n:m lloNORA.RLE burg, Ont JouN J:IAMTl/rO.N, Hawka. RESIDENT SECRF'l'ARY.-JAns GR.INT. S PECI AL FE A T UR ES. 'l'hc ENIIBE PR01l'ITS belong to andare <livid ed amongst the Policyholders. L1v~s, DECLINED DY OTHER 10.M:P.ilNIXS, or OU which t~n extra Prerniurn wou/.d be required, can be a.ssw1xl u.t the ordinary rate11 of thl,i) Society, under a special arrangemerit SPECL'\t NoN-},OFElTADLE 1'or.1cJE8 lBaued Cr·umbs for Chickens. supplied by ;\rou at my concm t ]ast Sat.u1 day evening. '.!'he tone i~ S\1ieet aud very p0werful a.nd the combination of stops most admirable, r am !Ill/ e your instruments will .find favor in Churches, as they are singularly adapted for sacred m11eic..: . Wishing you«'very success, and that the public n1a.y pat ronize native manufacture. I remain Gentlemen, V cry rcspr.ctfullY', :O~y Goods ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery &~assware. ---oo--- Great Seduction, in BOSA D'ERINA. rnoP. TERRY. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs Dn. PA'l"l'EH<"<m. President. 1-tanager. BowmaJJville, January 15, 1874. bp-ci3·ru16. as she found her husband hanging in the stable. In Vienna Lhe street cars always stop at a Haltstelleder-Pierdeisenbahn. And we are not surprised that they d0 Even a spelling·school would have to stop there. A grocer when complained to about selling bad eggs said: "At this season the hens am'r well and very often lay bad egg<." BAD C111Ln.-Mother: ·'Now Gerty, be a good girl, and give, Aunt Julia a k1ss, and say good night "- Gerty: "Ko no ! rf I kiss her she'll box my ears, like she did papa's last night." (Explosion) Student ofhistmy-Profcsrn",~re kings and queens always the highe,t ? Pro fessor - Certainly, why do yon ask such a nonsensrcal question? Student- because I noticed that in a game of Ja ilroade ucbre tl1e joker- Professor-leave the roon1, sir '. "Jessie, whal \Ya·s] oe's arrn doing round under which o.nly 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay monts are requ.ired, en.ch payment aecnnng Policy for a. sum MSurod proportionate to tbo n111nbel of premiums })aid, an-I free f1·01n fut ur vayment of prem.iums. )tonERA.'l'E Plt£Mlt:MS MURDO UH DENTISTRY! Ha vi11g deeilled to umke a dmnge in thei1 business,' are now selli g for CASH their farge and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery ttnd Glassware, and most 1ibel'al con- ditions. on :ipplicu.tion the A gcncicG. P1ospectuse~ 1 P1opoaal .Fo1mt:1, &c., supplied ~t the ff ead Uffi.1. w, u1 a:uy of JAES GRAKT, Rell. Svcretvry! Am;N'l' 1<'0R BOWJ'rIANVIJ,LE, 0 0 , 0 AT AND BELOW COST! C.BARKER, " Obser' er Office," K:ing St. 23-ly lQ <:.O I l3ow1nanvilltl. June 24Lh, 1870. The Stock htwing been put'chased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can · depend on getting .. Co J. M. Brimacombe, L.R.C.D.8. Imperial Fire Insurance OF LONDON. HEAD OnICEs. ~1 Old Broad St., anJ MORE AND 1JE1'1'ER GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY at this Establshment than in any other house in the country. (Established 1803. FOil Fall Mall, London. (i,1!,NEB.AL ~GENCY i CAN.ADA : - 24 St FEES MODERATE. OFFlCE over 1lfcCLUNG'S Stam Ilowmanvi.lle. Dec. 1;}7,1. cra111ent 1-Iontrea.l. · CiJ'J SnLr:icrihed and in,·e::ited Capital and Resrrve F·md. £1,965.000 Stel'ling. Call Early, and secure Bargains, as tlle whole Stock must be sold at once, for CASI! ONLY. Funds invested in Canada- 105,000. Inau1·ancos a.ga1nst loss by Fire arc cffc<...Led on most fa.vo1·able terms, and losses p~id with out reforence to the Board in London. .T DODSWORTH, RINTOUL BROS. Inspector, Gen, Agents, Montrea 11.tf. Just Arrived at the THE 1 GROCERY 'DEPARTMENT 1 1 g R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agen for Bowm~nville and Vicinity, Howtnanvi.llc, June 4th. 18110 36 is now complete with the choicest supply of LAD I ES I m o.43-39.4w · Ch rist1nas Goods, Ra,isens, Cur-rants, S u· gat·s, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all Prices. NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of James McFeeters. AGENT A1,TENTION ! Foi· the following Insurance Companies, aud other Inatitutions, viz:~ 'l'he QU.U~EN Fire und Life Insurance. Com· pany. Capital£2,000,000. $l50,0(){hlc1)urnted with the Dominion Government, for the protec deni in Canfl.da. 'l'he ISOLATED RISK F ire Insurance Com pa!ly of Canado. Capit111500'000, - 0ne of the best and cheapest Con1panit1H dolug bu siues1; i.?1 the Dontinion, for Farmers a.nd Isoln.t~·fl Risks with a Savings Eank llepartinent. ancl Sa.ving's Society. Bowma11ville, Dec. 2-tth, 1874 GOODS, & MURDOCH BROS. REAL< HAIR, FANCY _·\.lso .t. laq;e stock of Stamps for Braiding and Em· The CANADA LANDED CREDl'l' CO'Y. Buildin~ broidery. 'l'be UNION,.,.,, PEllMA.J'[EN'.r MBS. lt. HOPKINS' TheRe latter instltutiona atl','.anco Loans on Real Estate, on terms unusunllv easy fo1· tlw I borrower. Bowmanville, ~Feb. 6th, 1870 FA,SHIONS for Spring just to hand. usual. .ALWAYS G-ET MRS. A. FLETCHER B(nv1nanville. April 'ith,1874. FIRST-CLASS. W. BELL & Co's. A BOWMANVIU... E BIG is now ra.giu.; at :Prices to suit All Classes. Ma.chine and Implement Manufactuing Co ize .Llfetltil Orgctns Ladies' Veils, - J_,adies' and Pr· Misses' Gloves, iu Kid and Which in 1873, at the Provincial Fair, beat every Americn.n and Canadian Or.gan, taking Lisle Thread, Ladies' the FI.l\S'l' PP,IZE . olJ Fancy Silk Ties,! Also the renowned \VOOD AND IRON New and Fashionable, HALLE.TT & DAVIS PIANO WORKING MACHINEP 'I. [B<iston. l · direct from New 'Vhich has taken York. Ladies' Linen NElFPEL'S .Cuffs and Collars, Skirts, F01·t11-nine F'i1·st Pnmvwms. Corsets, &c., &c. In short, TIELEfENS Kan ufa,otures Everything in Ladies' Goods. ---:o:-THE KING OF Double Turbine Water Wheels, and SEWING MACHINES, Castin gs of a.ll Kinds --:o:-N. 13. - 'T'hc Subscriber is not a Sub, or nuder ..A..e-ent, but has the special agency for the above.~ ! a1n prepared to exchange Pianos for Organs, Organs for Melodeonlf, cl lso Sewing Machines, on reasonable terms. \.rldress, J. s. DON~rY, 'l'YlloN· &o J ,1n. 15th, 1875. 6-timos. and he ts detennined to continue to sell at these l uinously low price~ cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itFfrst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy : Second, what lie ca!l't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom priees. --o-- ' It Everlasting French Posts. will count for n1ore than tuoney,' she says ; and auother1-1:here two bearded young felI disco\ ered, m11ny ycai·s ~tgo. tlrn.t wood Philacklphici cincl Nei0 Yo1'k Patlows at nine u'~lock eagerly clenr a\vay th tin could be nmde te lu,.;t lnngt-r than uon in the terns alv;a11s on hanil. 1\ ) oung n1in1st.er "ras uuexpecte<lly " Virg1ls and rnaps for 1 1notber'a talk,' and delayed when about to start for a new Lhiuk it the be'L buur of Lhe whulo day.- 1,>TOund, Lut thought that it "as not worth 'vhile to mal._~ n.ny stir t~bout it. I \~ould a.s parish by the incapacity of his p1esbytery 1:1oon lw.vc ponlar, ba.t5swoo<l, 01 quaJnnR asp M ScribntJ ';; _,_1-ionthly. to ordain him,·nd he explained by sendany other kind of tiinbcr for fenue po~ts. I Our Goods are all New and Fashionable, ing a telegram to the deacons of that have taken out basswood po3ts after having The Giving Deacon. and will be sold"at Reasonable Prices. 1 church as follows : "Presbytery lacked been set iseven years, \\ihich were as soc1nd wh~u a quonun to ordain," which reached the There W<.l.~ a. good d~acon iu a church in Lal,en ou t &"I when they -....-ere fir.st put into the astonished deacons rnclamorphoscd m New Englo.nd who had learned the lesson ground. 'l'ime and weather seemed to have no Re1ne1ube1 tht:place.at.J'l'ISS STOUGRTON'S tins shape : " Presbytery tacked a w~rm <>f giving tram the n111 T f eI L t h at · I ,e i e. tt efft!ct~1n thoni , Thr. posts c11n be p1epared for Old Stoud. ' lees than two cents apiece. 'l'h1s 18 the recipe : to Adam." After a gra·e consultatron the mystified church officers concluded was hi~ duty to lay aside one tenth of all 'fnke boiled hn8eed oil ar~d stfr it in pulverized Eespectfv,lly, it was a facetious \Vay to announct: his the tnoney h e re.::eivd to be used for char- e1ul.r'c1Jal to the UiJUMisLeney of p~int. Ptlt a. MRS. IIOPKINS. 1tablc purposes. Out of the fund thus coiit of thi~ over the ti1nber, and there is not a marriage, and proceeded to provide lodgBowmanville fA pril 30th, 1875. 31-tf. formed he al w11y::i ha.tl n1011ey to give awny, man tbnt will live to see it rot...-ffom('.Jlcad. j 13s for two instead of one. the necessary duties to pay him his fees. Being of a niggardly disposition, he endeavored to get the knight of the spade to abate his charges. The patience of the latter becoming exhausted, he grasped the shovel impulsively, and, with an angry look, exclaimed, '· Doon wil another shilling ,or- up she comes ! ., The threat had the desired effect. A man of Fort street going home at a late hour in the night saw that the occupants of a house standing flush with the street had left a window up and he cleuded to warn them and prevent a burglary. Putting his head into the window lie called out : "Hello '. good peop- !" That was all he said. A "hole pailful of water struck !um in the face, and as he staggered !Jacka woman.shriek· ed out: " Didn't I tell you what you'd get 1f you wasn't home by 9 o 'clock thoughts busy with anytJing but the childreu's talk. Silly as that may be, they ure tbe keene::it of obseri·crs; they \Vill know instantly whether it is only mammn'a body that is with them wh1le her mind i.s fn.t a.way, or \vhether she herself ia a~ mnch in &aroest, as cager to taJk aad listen, as she 1s with grown people and strangers. Nor uee<l she fill up the llOlU' with hint~ . . on behavior or lUOrals i put off reproots unt1l tu-ruu1row; let the111 sluughll'l' their tenses or tell of th ch school·scr'lpes as they chorn.-m,-for this little whlle she lS their frienrJ-comes near to them \Ve know ot one house where a poor seamstress puts by lier i:.nnc~inc every evening to pl11y blind- On this sub1ect the California Au1·u;11.ltu111Jt aays: Better not dO it, bec!\use it is ru1 injury to it- nn injury thnt cn.reful uulture uannot remedy. J:Ienvy soil, once yuddled and packed when wet, reniains so fora. long tirno. Every atep the hmses take on wet soil, puddles it. The plow turns it ove1· without pulverizing jt, and leaves a stiff glaze on the furrows. Better be idle a few llays, or 1.-weu ~ow tli e grain with· out plrwing, and sor.atob it when the t>u1{ac£ dr1et> off, thau nrin or se1iou1:1ly i..11ju11.i the Hoil by puddlu plowing. 'l'hi.s way thn.t farmers have of iusbing t hrough when they get started, / rain or sh ine, n1ud or mellow, 1eg-a.rdless of con· aequenues, is not according- to the dictates of common senBe, and 13 110t profitable either. netter ptty your hirl!d l.nau to lot it .I.lone, t11an plow the Aoil when too wet. N ovellties ! PLEASE CALL and Examine Stoc..:k and Prices. REPAIRS done on the CALL AND SEB FOR YO'UBSELVBSt AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exan1iJ1.e }i~ e stock, which comprises ev.crvthing in the trade 1 of th(! very -late~t 11nd inost eleg1u1 styles and patternf..I, of Eng:lis'h, Oa.oadian, a.nd American manufacture. S:EO:EtTEST NOTICE, \.Ye Lave now on hand a. l.~rge q uantity of still continues to manufactme to order, from the best of niatcriali ancl none but first-elnmi wu1kwen kept. --o-- o-- Common and Gang Plows, tha.t v;ill !,:,~ s::ild at Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He ha.a in BtolJk an cndle8s va.riety of Lo..dics' nnd Gcmt$' Saratoga Trunks, Valises, etc., all of ~ ""' 'Yhich he is selling cheap for eilsh man's buff or 1uarblea with h er boyE>, Dress Making and Straw-Cutters-! AT THE SHOP . 6tf. Bowmn.nville, !tiarch1873. Dress Fitting Grain Grinders A SPEC IALITY. SATISFACTlON Dana's Patent Sheep Marks ';FARAl\.TEED. FEED 1\1ILLS. T:ElESE MARKSAHE THE CHEAPEST. the lasting, the least troublesome, and complete evor invented. They arlj used mo13t Anot11~1 LOW PRICES Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. llowmauville, ::)if,~ --o-- M. TRELEVEN. 1;), 187·1. TO TI-IE PU11J_J:r 0. 'VALTER WIGG & SON, lcLttruiug thal1ks - to tlwir 11111netoua c11st01ners and the public fur I><t.i:1t favor!'!, I K\Vould respectfully invite their attention to our pre:.ent stock of furn1tu10, a1:1 ha\'e lately g~11eu,Tly 1 \Ye c,ir loall of the abol'e uoblr a.rtidus the way. ])lease call at the <ill n.11J::>t B 0 vY l\fA:;:{ VI LL E Farm Imp!em<>nt Forwarding Agen.cy R. W. JAMES, I Bown.anville, llec~~','~s~~.' Bowmam~~~: I A C~RD. II Exclu3:vc i:lppoint.efl ,JOSEPH I J. J.J,\C OBS. -~IASON,P.P. anLl recommended by nw..ny uf thf best l3reedera in the United :::ltatcs and Ca.nada., t:1ucl1 :Ls G, B. Loring.!, Salem, l\.fass., P1es11.h :nt l\ew ]~nglo.nd V{ool G1·owors' Society; John S. Ross, He1111t1~ pin, TJJ.; Professor I\:[. :i\filca) of the Sto.te Ag· riuultur[l,1 Colll.'ge!-.. Lai1sll1g-, 1t:Iich.; Hon. Geo. Broun, 'l'oronto, unt.; Jo·bn Snell, Edmonton, Ollt. On ea.ch i\1ark i1 i:itam.ped the owner's name and the Sheep's number. They will be seutfree, by mail, ot express,for only fmtr tents ea-eh, and will last fo1 'l'WENTY YEARS. ~ Ca.sh must acco1npany all 01ders a.clded thel'eto, that we may thereby be ena.bled to supply all parties who rnay please to fa.var him with a ca.IL li-reat indi.1ci;ment$ hdd out to those p111chasing a.tour eRtablishmeut . Pie· turos, Looking Glasses. etc. framed to order, an<l in every style. Samples of the diffe1ent kind of o uldiug$ t.:tt.n be "ll:lelt at the waee·room. V.le "'.\O uld al1:10 b(·g to inforn1 you, tlia~, having purohnscd n SPLENDID NE'\V HEARSE, we shall be r(la.dy at a 11 times to attend funerals, on short notice and reasonable termll . N. B.-Coffins kept on band and made to order, at the ARCIIInALD YOUNG, Jn., Sarnia., Ont. Orders addref!Bed to the 1\{EROHK'l' u.n.d Ona.1ui"ER Ollice, for any quru:itity, will be filled at tho abovc-mentionell vrice, a5 quickly as he D-fa-rks ll!-1.n bt:! made and sent . C. BARKER, 11owmanville,Dec. 28th.187J. ~13 ly have this c lay C. B.AHK.,.Eil ngcnt for the sale of my \:UL· th(· CANJi>.it'D PE:t.""8 f c J L :Row1na.nv11le, Ont Bo,v-ma.nville, Sept.lOth,1874 NETV JJOJJUNJON RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROO.M. J w·tf. Oshawa, Aui:. 26th, 1870. King St1·eet East, Oshawa < --