1HE MEI-.,CHANT FRIDAY SEPTEMBEB, 3 1870 RATES OF ADVERTISING Gw Further l'art1culars POLICE COURT H,AINEB NEWS OF THE WEEK Trouble s rumor d n Cl nu he B M mster hav ng been neul ed by author ee he I as ..,k d lo ore troo1 s About two thousand people a tend d the vonser a ve p en at Markham on We 1 nesday Dr 'I upper and Mees Cow on Ma dougal ·nd G bbs l\e e he lead ag e[ eake s of the Disaster to future wb ch w 11 g ve you cause to reg et H GHQATJ<; Aug 30 On s nuay a bai the op n10n you have seen fit to expresa of ace dent occu red at the f ne al of M the Persian Protest of Oapt Flint me to dav Three cheers were the hea I ly g ven for the Queen three for the Gov ernor General and three for M and Mni Macken e Tb s demonstrat on was taken pa t n by all rreepecl ve of party and a sa d to be the largeet ever g ven to t1 e pub! c man at the cap ta! HAMILTON Aug 30 -Th s n orn n g a I tile boy son of Mr Adeo k ol the Great Western Ra !way res d ng on Carol ne street "ae prostrated by sunst ok and s n a dangerous cond I on Tbs ttl fellow Esq P M p ee d ng AUGUST 2 TH T T Col man vs Tl os Shaw Sen r Breach ol ow by law ]< ne and coat· $1 4 AIJU 27 T T Cole non e Geo M Gregor D unk F ne and cos s $2 50 'I I Coleman vs Geo Sm h -D u k F ne and costs $3 0 Galaher nt the Catho c cen et y 111 Alfred Stone had n charge a very e epa of horse· and he ng he d under es ra nt for some t me they became Jr gh cued "b le cross ng a hr dge and an awai M s R chard Stone and Robe t Scott tbro" n from the e&rr age Mre Stone s s taJn ng evcre DJ res and Mr S olt be ng badly nJure l about be e d and sbou dere Three other occ pant.s s sta ned s ght 1r aes "c " AUG 30 T T Col man vs Jno M Kay - D u and d ord y Ji ne and coe · $3 0 At:G 31 T T Cul man ve '\ n H I and d so erly F ne and costs $4 0 SEPTE1' BER 2ND was play ng about and was au Jdenly 'iltruck do\\ n. 'I r Colen an vs J no Cleveland F ne ond cos · $3 0 I he R v M Al wo h I ae eent res gna on as Pastor ot ti e Chu ch of h town Yes luy ,,. one of the hottest uut the ho t st day uf the su ume p g ool lr nks a d us ng a fan the on y ag eeable emplol neat DoGs AND llIE n COST The S Lou s Glvbe bas been mak ng some calc lat10ns from recent st'l.L t cs on h s quest on a.ud sums up n reference to 1\1 ssour 11s folloy; s Our 400 000 dogs furnlBh one of the nost important econom cons dera.t ons now af In the I rst place they feet ng the State m I tale aga net the mutton c OJ annua ly to the extent of at leaot $ 000 00 second ly hey oa at an average I twenty live cents a week each $6 00 000 enough to run all our common schoo a and lenve a v they slay large stea able su plus th annually through bydrophob at least 120 persons wb ch at $0 000 each the average p ce pa d by ra lroade for the very poo eat of brakemen amounts to the further sum of $600 000 Here sad reel expend lure of nearly $ 7 0 0()0 for dogs not to m n t on the finea costs and more remote sent mento.l damages result ng f C11R. 1a.wsu ts about aog fights and eeverance of fr end ship between the owners of combat ve curs Cop ta! ed our dogs represent a waete of $80 000 000 and nvested at compo!lnd n terest t e r wort! lesanesa wo Id pay off the nat onal debt before 1900 THE CROPS -Tl e ],fa k La e Ex1 e · re ew ng ti e gra n markets and crop re porte of the week says the co t nuance of fin "eather has e nablcd :fa mcrs to secure a large amount of produce n fine coud I on Tbe more however that s seen of the new op tie more complu nta arc made of both qual ty and y eld Tb e s also the caoe In France Holland and Hamburg ieport that the eamples ar· of the h gheet excellence Pr cee n Great Br la n are ) el unsettled The market.s n several place· show a de cl ne of 1 or 2 eh II ngs In France the re duct on e about the same Flour at Pans bas been steady though wheat bas g ven way on account of freer off<r ngs The general average ol the markets for the past week show an advance of la 3d n flue tuat ons that have ruled and t may yet be a month before pr cee will have found the r level As a rule the horvest prospect· on the cont nent are good The gather ng of the crops s go ng on well and pnces have g ven way sl gbt y In Belg um Ho land and Gern any the potato crop bas suffered m ch DJnry from ra n and d sense I Ma n f UAUSE AND EFFEOT Ve are p eased to not ee that the ou 1 or t es of the U ble Chns an Church have s ecea fut y used tht! mt!aDS to ca. se the JO ng men and others who reg !orly blocked ti e · dewalk a.fter serv ce to heal her wou $1500 a vea The losaes by ti e Fren h nundat ons amounted to 24 000 000 franc· and 18 000 000 francs have alrendJ been collected by s b· r pt on 0 lb s sum obout 1 5CO 000 !ranee go from abroad England bas !urn ebed 700 000 Iran s S · erland 300 000 Alsace Lorra ne 200 000 francs RELIGIOUS SERVICES S! CANADA PRESIIYTERIAN ST m ng CONGHEGA'.!IONAL-S n the afternoon Prayer Meet n k nesda.y even ng at 7 30 o PRIMITIVE METHODIST on Sabbath next a 10 30 ng and at G 30 n the Cade DISCIPLES Se and Snnday L n remo ed to s v mmerof al tbesw mmc a A epec a.I to the 1 " f om Cal utta says that a pr vote teleg am f om Ragoon SB) s that ti e K ng of Burmob bas re eed to re ce ve Col Dun an The report s not con firmed and s au ho ty s doubtfu Col Browne w 11 return from Shangba and t s be! eved that he I ae not made much pro greas n h s enqu ry ato the otta k upon h s force m Yunhuo O\\ ng to obetrucl ona thTO.!'D n h s way by the Ch neae The Fore gn Ullice demes the tr th of the tele gram pub! shed here yesterday thot the Br t eh M n ster at Pck n has presented an nlt mat m the Government of Ch na rho done su h s o n onev not ex eed ng Mrs. $20 as to he J us ce nay seem meet, and whosoever I a g hee conv ted of any such offence aga n I th 'or any fo mer Act or law afte warde comm ts any of the of fences n the t1ec~ on b fore men oncd s gu lty of folonJ and shall ho able o be pun shed n the same ma ner as u the case of s mple la ceny Return of the Premier Ho COMMERCIAL BOWMANVII LE $8 0()( 4 000 32000 YIELDING Strange ne a s to band Germn:i b bops are accept ng th s tuat on and coneent to the ate ference of the C v 1 Mag a e The Archb shop ol Pal ncro s of ad ff rent emper and hav ng decl ned to a k for the Royal Exeq alu bas qu tied the Ep scopal pa ace under protest It becomes mo e and more apparent bat unless th· Protestant por n I on of h neop e n the Un ted States change the r to cs the Roman Cathol cs " ll ha e the n completely w h n the r po ver and that w th 11 tbe next twenty years. Why do they sup nely stand by and see the pub! c fun ls appropr ated lo the ma ntenance of a creed1 Nor must we sleep nearer home \Ve ave made one n stake on t s iue on n 0 tar o The es ab brr ent of eeparale S bools was a blunder ti at ha not y borne a l s fru t We must keep a kee eie on o r 80 n I of Educal o or else h le we are cry ug p ac pea e I e en ny v ll entrench b m se f under cover of o r Text Books and so get ou I tile by I nto h ·power We gret I Dom n on Govern ment has deen ed t good po y to adopt the Sepa ate S Loo! systeru n the new Prov ces ancl to encourage a s m 1 or coume n the Ma I n e Prov nces In va n w 11 they look o ga I e grap s of !borne or figs of th t s lhe pub c funde sbo Id no n der a y pretext w a soeve be appropr ated tn sectar an purposes Ep scopal an Roman Catbo c Presbyte an or any other If I be the d ty of the government to proy de for he secu ar eda a on of our youth t certa nly doee not follow that 1t s the r duty to endow the var o s re g ous denom nat ons n the shape of p o s on for the educa\ on of the r respect ve eh ldren he peeu ar tenets lo vh eh Ibey deem p aper o subs b And f t be r gbt !or the coun y to s sin n Sepa ate Schools for the Ron au Ca bol cs "by not for the o h r sects n the Dom n on The p nc pie and should r.ot be ex ended --~ ---- We regret to learn that Mro R R ed met with an a c lent wh ch has placed her l le nave y precar ous state She has never fully recovered f om a paralyt c elroke re cc v d some t me ago and walks w th great On Fr day d fliculty and uncerta nly wh e endeavor ng to go out on the veran dab she fell down and fractured her b p London excl anges of the l 8 h Aug fur bone n ·h add t onal part culars of the spread of th s scourge. In Dorsetsb e dur ng the What we thought was ntended for she ls preced ng week there bad been an ncrease or stables on the prem ses next east of Hen of oho t 500 cases of foot and mo th d s derson' Hole l as been made nto a I very eaee some 8 500 on n ala be ng affected stable and · occup ed bv Mr Sexton It Arouna. Shaftesbury typbo d fever was s fi ted up erJ n cely w th entrance from Dur ng the week prevalent a nong sw 11e the Iron and ho s<." ar borneascd b I bed 34 an mals n Dorset bud d ed f om oot ond ur and sent o t, all under over It is a Cattle d s a e a st II on mouth dlBeaee p ty ho" ever tbe bu ld ng bas not a br ck the ncreas n Devonsh re Th· Cb ef fro t Constab es returns for the week show a to Fa. n e s who ore ntend ng to mo e ~est tal of 1 8 an ma! affected w th the foot 239 east nor h or south aud consequently bold and mo th dtsease an l scab ag nst Ol an n al suffer a sale of a ock &c w ll do "ell to bear n n the p eced n0 week m nrl that he ME c ANT Office s the ng from the fo mer d sease the e s an n ease of 204 beep 133 cattle and 20 p gs pl·ce to get ti e r Sale B lls pr nted Not cte of so.lea w ll appear n these columns but there s a sl ght decrease u the cases of FREE f the B lls are pr n ed at onr office. s<:ab Fresh outb eaks on a sn all scale a.re Th s no small nducewent as the not ce reported from Axm n ster and Upton w II be read by the large maJor ty of the lyne fa me a of West Du ham The test of the stea1J1 fire eng ues awa, d J not take place ae aunoun ced m censeq uence of the non arr al of the CbH baa eng ne E rom a pr ate source we lea n tl at two weeks extena on had been granted he S sb Co npany to prepare an en!'llne wh ch ~as to be of more power than that of Chathan onaeq entl) Messro Hyslopp & Honold sold the r eng ne n tended or the tr al to Trenton and started to manufacture nno h r of eq al a e nnd po ver " ti the S Isby Tb s w II not be co upleted for two weeks A number ol ou t ens nc ud ng the MaJ or and some of o r C ) Fathero w tne sed the perform an es uf the S leby 1 the al crnoon of Aug 23Alvah Sloper a farmer n ti e to" n of Orwell Oswego count) sent h s son"\\ II am aged 15 to the lo for a yoke of oxen wb ch had been b tched to a st np by a log cha n telling b m to go to a ne ghbor son another road for a pa r of trucks The boy started off w th the oxen and was not seen agam untll a bout ha f past n ne that even ng when tl ree n en lound the oxen on a by road dragb"ng h s lifeleae body w th the log cha n hooked around h s neck :All bll! clo hes bad been st 'Pl ed off except hlB shoes and the wr stba ds of h s eh rt lb s neck was broken b s ekull er I ed and h s body fr ghtfully bru sed an l broken The tra I be ng fol ow d back was seen to beg n at a po nt not over en rods from the ~ ump to \\ h ch the oxen " e b tched when he we t for the n and t vas ascerta ncd that he bad been dragged n ore than three m lea o er rough and stony roads h ough field· an l over a wood lot "'here the t mber had re ccntly been ut H · hat and ebrede of b s eoat vest, and trou ers were found at vanous po nts along the road The affa r aroueed the ntcnsest exc ten ent u the ne ghbor hood and at I st t was be! eved bat the cha n could not have got arou d young Slopers neck ~cc dently and that he must have been murdered Corr ted l>yJ McDougall P odu ·Me haul BOWMANV LLE Sept o th 187 PeM Fall Wheat Spnng Wheat Rye B·rley Oa.ts Butter Dresised Hoga Cover Seed Potatoes ]l;ggs. Wool 1 5 056t OllO 0 OOto 000 050 t 000 Oo t 040 Q17t 018 ooo 000 0 00 to Q.QO 0 0 " 0 0 0 2 t 000 0 0 1 0 115t ! 0 Hay 1000to10 00 u 0 32 IORONTO Sep hllWbeat Spnng Wheat Ryo Baley Peas th $120t 18 000 118t·OOO OOOtOOO 084 000 OOOt O()(l OOOtoOOO 02 t 028 OOOto S ~ 0·18 Butter D e,..d Hogs Potatoee Egg· Wool Hay 050 0060 0 Gto017 oOOtoOOO 16 oo too 20 'l'o Make :Business, Ade tse 1hemercl.a t 'Ila ufactu e1 o leale wl o 1. ee1 s l ui wares before ti epuul c seldo'l1 co'l1 plains of dull tvmes Whe e is tl e 1 tility of having Jo sale tZ e best fabrics in the 1 orld if the wo lil be purcl. asers 1. ww not vl. e e to obta n them -WANTED la s 1' A:N'.l MAlrntts Two M CLtl:'IG DR 40 3wk8. fir t ~ Apples, Apples! Albo g by ctEO:Et.ctE :Et.ATCLIJilli', b.padfo yme ondli Dav' and b s w le were be ore tic Ilia The I us ll y u the Orcha d of Kn e.ndD wm~n I s \\ 1 RA pt 3 rl 875 IO 1w Homestead and FARM FOR SALE R ad cu s ng A I t e <laugh er of John W lion 8 G W J:l tracksn ·n was un over by a ocon ot ve n i:;bort d ~tp.nce east of Dorch ster ) e·terday w h e p ·) nu on the track Hamp on Au~u JOHN FARLEY t l8tb 87 8 4 ks