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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 3 Sep 1875, p. 4

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· -- -- THE J1,1ERCHANT1 FIUDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1875 --- -- ··------~ ----- POETRY. - ----- -------a1lllou1, bettet tl1.:1u i;ulJ, Better than Gold. B~t tm h.~u i; l prohf'i<" bnun of b-1. Thters, and were pro:uulg;i.t"'<l by hin1 1n 1873 They ar e 1:mfhc1ent to 1nakc thJ.> h~nr ot th ~ n1ost U1\(h.>rate toper stantl 011 ('lldi 11ke the 'quills ol a To A CORRESPONDEN1. - A Yankee fretted porcuptnl·, 1 and frightfully severe Bct k1 th au gold ts a con sc1c11eo clear 1'twugl1 ' 01hn.; for bread iu an humble apl1e1e, paper gtves the followmg advice to a on the wai:J politician nnd h1R Jolly rn) r1 ) ,)ubl y bl1.:~~ ed iVtth content .~Hll hca.lth, correspondent:-" We shall havi: to de- n11do11s. It ts thus U 11t11i.:<l l' y tli c lust of 01 wea.Hh. clme your article on the Decline of \\'"hot:ver has bl!en pnr11e.hrd l\\ ice Joi 1, )\\ ly ]n:1ng a.nd lofty tl.iougbt Aristocracy. We ha~e left out several pubhc 1ntox.1cat1on will be declared, by a \_d,)111 ,l.nd eHnohlt~ a poor mu.n 11> cot of our own articles tlu< week, and yours J Ol 1na.n aJ)tl 1¥11.)l'D.IR, Ol' Nature'8 vl1u , is worse than any of them, Take our third condPn1n::ition 1 n1cupaUlc ol exerc1s1ng 4\ 1~ the genuine t.:st of :t :;entleinau adv1ce,and \Vrite afe\Y ve ry s hort pieces) thQ tollow1ng rii,hts 1. \Tote and el1t1 tJul', 1-h:tLut lh a.u e,olll .o t hl: t1 Wcct r upu"'l' wnte only on one side of the sheet, Pf llw sc n ::l cif t01 b when their l;.ibo1u L do8c, wnte pla111, and then take your pieces 2. Ehg1b1h1y 101 P11rlrnr.H 11t P et!i;t th:in gold t~ the poo1 n1aJ1 i3 !$leep, a nd burn the10 rn the kitch en fire," 3 He cat uot 110 ca lh·d un or t..a1.n11 d 101 \ 11 d t he b alto that di ops ou lns ~lumbBr~ dt!ep. the funct1o~ia uf JUror, ur any o1ht1 i1uhlicl ·t l l 1"J H luepu1g d1 aughts to the do\\ ny IJl:ld, r:.inctJon11, f)J to l;'Ulplo: un<ler Govcr:1ment, Crusty People. l1V h r e !11:xu1 y v1llo" s htd achu1 g he,td , or t::.\.crc1::;e tlu. f:c functions or emplo) ruenl~. 11·:> <:: tmpler wp1 Lto labor <leeins Of all tLe pi;:tty sftlcllous ot life, f~w are 4 I-le 1s pri-·h1b1ted troll! carrjIJJg arnlS ,.\ sho11 or p ath t11 tlHJ lnnd of i:ln:arns 1 1 1 'I h.1u 1 rtnl1.. anJ t1tlt;i u thousand fokl, I i; ~h et,t,lthy body, a nnnd ,\t ease, AlUl !l1tnplc p lcn.::iurcs tho.tal\'liayij plNt.Se , 1 \ heint thi\t c ;i,n fe 1:1 l fot a neighUo '1:1 '.Voe J\ nJ t-h ruc Jns J 1:\' R\\Jth a genutl i;low, \V 1lh ~yinp a tli1e::; lctrge cuongh tocufl)ld _ \ll 1nen ""~ broLhei s, i ;:; bette1 th,\u gold. "I'll bet a sheep," said an old farmer to !us wife, "that our boy 'Zekiel is going crazy !" "'\iVhy, 'vhat on earth makes you thm k so ?" exclaimed the alarn1ed n1other. " 1Cause he's g1mni11g at the cart, d,lld grinmng <lt the pump, and grinmng at the barn, ru1d gi.rnnmg ,ti the oxen, and gnmung at every"'Nonsense l" said the experthing." ienced n1ahon 1 " do n 't you know he received a love-letter this iuorn1ng ?" The Habitnal Drunkard in France. Daily Line to Rochestei. Com111e1iciug uu or about the 19th, of Apu It is perbnps not generally known th,lt the French la\v relating to intoxication ts n ot n1ucb milder than so1nc of the enuct· 1neuts of Drnco and Lycurgus. The most restrictive clauses are the pro<luct of the ---· fj:1 · THE STEAMER !NDEISON & Vo. Ilcg to au11 u\u1cc\o t l1c l:lectu t s of Vi'ef>Jt Dn1bum and t11Cll l UlJX ICUSC ----- ------------ -- - ~ -4'!~~ (lt CHAWI:'OHD, lt-!ASIEJJ..) SUllOUllChng i.:,_OnllhV, that they \\Jll 1:1cl.l STook OF B OOTS AND . SHOOS "NORSEMAN" At a D1sconr.t of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS, 1 OuO ]Jau s lden'/j l 1 'r,lt G£.ii l1n ~, fm· Ua!ih un ly ' I {; ~ tct thn11 gold is a thinking rrnn1! 'J'Jn .t 11\ t l1 t.: 1t.::i..l m of booltsc ti.n A iu! ,_.:...,,... nz .<\it<:: t 1fll111101t', J:~ lld h\ e \\ l ~ h Lh \;) 1!11 ........ t iMl.t. L..c L ltl: t" OOd uf ) UI{; 'l he 1::1 a;; e'e 101 e anJ the pol:'lt\; J.~} , 'l'he .;lorie8 of ('n11nres p!l.Ss nw.~y , J ho ,. odd'::; ,.,1e.·t cltama. will th11" 11u(uhl '\rid 'tdd <t p le t~lH 1 bettet th 1n f olLl BL-1itc1 lh n.n :;ol il HI a pe.lceful home, \ Vhu0 1~1 1 the fire,.,ule char1t 1en conw 1 \\·u1~e than the contact"Jth crusty peoplt>. for t\'+o J P.3IB tol!O\\lllg the <lute of cot1\1c· ' I lrc '"h 1tn~ of lu\ e l\nd the hea.l' en 1·r life, Jr illo ,11 d by mother, 01 sIB£e1, or " ife lfu\\f\ t r hnml)lt; 11H· ho1nc 1n11.y bt·, ! J1 t 1 1 c d hy i:;o1 row \' it h IIen1 en'~ <h i.:i et:, 'I hu lil u~,Inbs th i~t never weie ho u ,;h~ tii i;old, A 1111 i.:enle1 tli c1t, ntc bett r1 t b.l't /(ll( l ----- --- --------- - - - - - - I Cr>l1.'ln1 :H3 for Chio~:ens --~ ~ ~ tlhlke llf that"- ~courge, n.nd \\bile, tu a. c1 rHlln exteut, the.) niay 1.:owpel a recogI nllllill o! It, th1::\ <lo11otg,nn by auy 1ueaus an ,11.Jtnowl~dge1nent of sup~rtonly !3Ueh .1s J<;; They enl:!t a glooni as tar as tbe1r 111fiueoce t101i exteutl::;, they make a ~sho.'le tVC'U in 11.ic It IS es t1nwted tlwt n1 Puna oue hundr<.d p1i;1:1ctH..'C of sun~h1nc, a,1d cause the cheer· iicr.sons l'( r luPnth lo~e their civil nghts ful and contenteLl to ba\'C Jon bts uf t~1e bet- tl1ruug h the pre.\ 1 ~1011s of tlns ltn". nout er sule ol human nuture. .!\Iect tbelll I tr.\r) to the g'(' rule regarding severe \\h<.ro jOU may, tht) conic with no stun- law.::, lt sef' nls to liaYe tl1 e d1:a1red tflu;t, 11ln.t1ug '\ords ot encourng~1nent, ursu11\e ot ]lO\\C\'fT I'<1ris rn not< cl tor 1ta gcnt>ral a!Jproval, but w1th C)lllcal sneLt, for ior sobrJ{:'ly. Out of .t population of l\'O ind· Lidding vrn~ogt>, thnt irc1 ze5 tbe ~en1al cur hon.::, only l\\O hnlldred and t1,1;enty five on r~nL ot tlie soul IJ tbcy perchance are Obri::;ltnas u1ght in1b1beJ so freely thut thct clulh e d with" fl. littl e Unt:J uuthonty,' ' th(~y were u11uble to go bonie 1 .\nd 11ad le, be traus ferrc d to the lf!nder guan11ansll!p ol the poilc<' -- -- ~ CollC(lt , nvt i::o high a notl (J; of ,uiy .ls to r .& c:D I 0 ~- 0 ~ H \\- lll 1n rke } e1 regu]ar tt'1,PS on this 1ou tl: lt>a·nig Cobourg c-;ery 1norn1ng at 7·30 and ;Fort Hope at tl o'clock, for llochester, con11ect· tngthcre"iththe KewY01kCentralu.nd Etiu .Railwaj- s, for all points :East, W~Ht and South ltJ.:l'URNJ'NG, ' 10 OltSefiGhild s 1'Vellingtons, $1 50 ycn'r, 1000 pai1 s llfissei· Pebal wml B uff Buff: Balmomls,-ut - $ 1 .50, p e1· pair, 35 OASES OF FELT OVERSHOES fol' GASH ON LY. ll'OU P"irs W o11wn's, !lh,,c,,' " ' " lrl's Ji'c~-~ools, lh~ nhole to be sold for U .ASH ONLY w1!1 h:a\e Chn.tlottc [pol't of l~och e~ tc1] da.ily at 0 p.m , except Satu rdn.ys, ·wh en sh e w.111 lea-.:e at 2 pm , for Po1t Iicpo, dnt'ct. 'f'lns rn t11e shortest nnd quickest route to 08\\t'go an \Vate1town, VI<\. Luke On ta1io S ho1e li: ailroad !tom Charlotte ])ealera in stock etc , w11l find this t11c chc,qr e8t and 1nost expeditious 1 oute to 13o8ton, A 1 b:tny, 1'-c,v York, etc , :H'<)r furthel' i11format1on apply to Call mily nml 8ecut e ym11 N 1 \te1 Supply, while Lh e i ush is going on at AN DER SON & CO'S., Boot &Shoe B:m.porii;a:m. THh; H CHAWFOlW. Or C ~· GIL'DRHSLF,J<:VE, Ki.':\GSIO:N'. PoR'r 1{01'.E llominion Organ Co'y. ------- -P1ese11t the following fiom p ctent JUdgeE1 of OrganJ. T estimou1al from John tJar.1Jdgo, ]t{us Doc, Canluo..:r, Eng1and Bo...,\roanville, 24tli Dec , 187::i. 'l'o th e llfanagen; Dom1n1on O;yan Cc G..ENTLEMEN .-I lik e to vlliy on yo"Cu Org ans t.~ .c ls so sweet AJ1d steady. .And the work· rna.osn1p rud firush excellc11t, and in every parbcula.r they are equal, if not snpcr1or, to any l, have ever he.i.rd. Hop1ni:r they will meet public appreciatLOn, ----- BOW MANVILLE RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED 1840, (' \l' ADA CH11;'. F 0.Z.FIC EB. JOHN CAMIDGE Ilend the foll0\\1ng .ft om Rosa D 'Euna, 131, HT. JA1JES STREET, MONTREAL Important Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- !I ucc{i1dcd to ge1111111e tnent, t'Le outgrowth Uc ba~bful .111d llllpolc nt 111 tht:tr l)l'eSl'UC ~ . __ }1. Little It1istake. s pect for true 11obll1ty ol cbaructer \Vhd~ 1ust g11veri . 1tH11t prote c ts a ll 111 )loflt crusty persons egot1.:')t1cal and thc11 r~ lig1ou:-. llf('f'l. 1 tine religion affords 1 sup1t!1ncl} st:lJi:ih. They arc Jealous ot the1 1 g-ove111n1e1~t its surel)t i;upno1t. 1 ul1t I 0 ~ · s uppose:1.l prt.toi.,at1ve~ us Othello \\as ot /r'1 01n tluJ Huron Oo·unly (Ohio) Ch1oniclc Ins w1I~ 'fheyfear1estson1coue1naytake Jic tool, the evening h~un up ho1n C le'l-clancl, dlld 111 looking tlnough the <a1s d1scovc1 e d a fcn1alc s1ttlngalonc 111 ~1 sc.1t, a nd i t instantly occu1red to him 1h,it she might be love!). A veil droppc d ovc1 her fac e, but there was no 1ca· son to suprose that she vvas not g0od Jook111~, an d h e 9allantly r,used his hat ~tn d Sel l do" n IJeSlde hei' ren1arking wi th a lovel) smile ' I l II l " " [ ts one y tlave ing a one · n1ure d a iep 1 SI1e JllS t n1u1 y, b u L tbe acl:ent " 'as (ajJllvatrng, ,ind he \\'dS \\Oll at the start I-le \Vas p1 a <lised in all the .trts of t.i ctlcs, ,incl S!)Okc.: lo her softly of J'olll " ' '"oriel, \VJ th aj)j)TO t il l , ._, ,"' 1cat' dcsol."tc " ·· allt1 s1 01·s to 11un·h1n hearts. He 1 ,· 1 1 ol·~ "' told hc:1 ho\v he bad hungered and thusted aft~l the .iffcction of cl true heart, ,tnd had yc~Hned to feel the breath of tb.~ liC::t\ enlv ftan1c of love theni son1e (IJstinction or privilege t>qua.lly 1gnor.uit ol true h.1j1pine f:S hnd he \Vhcu they uHt c~ lo npvrove it lB hkc datu· all he could wish toJ. tung nitb faint pra1se Crusty people are 1 moral icebergs. You ruibht tha\v out:: of - -- - the clussout with Lliesun at high tcml'er FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ntu1r, an<l "1tl1 tuue enough, but you ate Remedy for Chicken Cholera, 111 ore apt to be b101.ight <lowu close to zero jour~elf In the endeuvout. J101n 'Vbo does not enJOJ' "h<1t be hn;:; w1tb content1nc11t nr·d rlevout gr.ihtudr 1 l.\Ottld be I Crusty people w11l never succeed 1n hte They m£Ly have o1oney an<l po~Jtlon, Uut 1bese \\Ill not rally hbout them strength , Good rules for success 1n thB 1nanag-tlllient of fowls 1 Good <lry houses, wel1 V (J11t1la.ted, .tvulduig llowmanv1ll e, D ecembct 22, 18i;/, To the 1 lianage1s of the D01niww n Or{/ati Co GE&TIEMEN. - I have much plcasnre in testi \\'Ai l'~ H fy1n g-to the excellent qualities of the Organ Du)jc \N ~1:AcJ DO)l'Al u, ER() . supplied by you at 1ny concert last Satuxday MAJOrt 'l' E C A Ml'DRLL, 0 B · St flilture evening Tb e tone is sweet and \1.ny powerful 'l'HE lio~ OJ:.!\.RI,£ JOHN J-[~MIL'l" O~, Hawks and the co1nbh1at1on of stops n1ost f\dmirable. burg-, Ont I am sure your 1nstruments will find favor in RESIDEN'l' SECRFTAl{.Y - .TAMES Gn.A NT Chu1ches, a.s they singularly adapted for snci;f'Cl music \VIBlnng yuu eliery succeBS, and 'lhe JJ:iTJlt..E PnoFiTs belong Lu anlla1e dnid tha.t t]:tc pubhc may pat1 011ize native ma.nufal'... tnre . erl nmongr;t the Polic~1lwlders. I i:emi::un Gentlemen, LtvES, DEOLT:i"J:D :BY O'l'HER CO.Ml' .AN'JES, or on V l.'ry respectfully, which an extra I'1 emium, would be required, can ROSA D'ElUNA. be ~sured at tlte 01dinarg rates of th1s Society, Every Instmment Warranted for 5 Yrs under a spccwJ arrangement Dn P <iT'l'ER S fJ~, PnoF, TERitY. President. :h-fanager, SrECIAL NoN·l!~Ol' EITABLE Po1101Es issued Bowmanv1Ue, January 15, 1874. bp·o3 ml6. under which cnly 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay .ments are req1ured, pa.;,\rment secnr1ng Policy for a sum assured proportionate to the numhe1 of premium~, anrlf1 ccf1om futur uay1ncnt of prc11iiu1nll. DI UEG TORS, SM\.NI<'J, .Esq, ?vi P., Cha.uut.h~ll, S PE CI Al FEAT U RES. Great ~ed. uction, in Dry ~ood.s ! DENTISTRY! DUIDOUD BIOS. Haviug decided to make "chu,uoe in tllei1 bus ine8s, .ue now selliug for CASH thei1 large and well aR~o1 ted Stock of Dl'y G oods, Millme1y, Clothing, C1ocke1y 11ml Glasswo<re, ~[001ntATE PHEIIUUMS :1.lHl n1ost liLe1a.l Cl\U· d1t1ons. Pruepectusca, Proposal lfonnl3, &c., i:iupplied on aJ)plicat1on at the Ifead Uifice, or any of the A.goueies. · ~AES Gll.A.N'l', Res. &\eeretary, AGl:~N'l' leu ot nicu a ~e Jng: t at ave an a regar for otlu: rs ;:ire ¥ery cssentu.11 quultfications tor that i!Hl1.:Cet:S wlnch l1:1 pernuinent. C Hl sc1ous g1 ea tne~s au<l nolHhty tlwells witlun tlie suuls of 1nen not decked with atllhc1al He tbat \\ould nwkc tr1~nJs nntst be com· 2 l(eep y out hen houses clcuu, an<l the floor t an d uo t afl t' C l t o h ave l:!l 'tJ1er a t - covered \\ ith ashe s · p I a1aan · · ]\ I I k I d l 3. 'Vh1W-wash inl!1de invnthl)· f1u1n l\.(arcl1 ta1net.a o iunian no\\ e ge or acqn1rec fhsttoOctobe.rfhst , e<11tldy poseeasi.ous suflie1ent to 1nake h1n1 A Tl h h Id ·.1 1'ce<1 iegula1 1 y, but Il~\er oYet-feed, Cllll.8 ll <t potcnta.te et a1nong t cc l f Iie1e 18) h I d d feeding wh en the fowl1:1 cease to rnn £01 1t, 5 Scatter the food 011 I the g'rou·1cl when the It b inn lte. It roaches out 10 No, h e s 1 !shed , he had no \V1fe, no one dc~d s ol ktndnesl) to Jt.lllow tnen,flnd so \\HIS to 1enc an d caress I1Jill , alld to mend a !.Z.Ie;'l.te1 croY. n 1hnn ,Jr1de or ll1,1.1h1tiou c.ln ' ] j ] d ... I gewgaws 11s SUS]J Cn o ers, anc "lCl1 le inquire uvt.:1 secure tur tbat m orb1U au<l selfif;h nH1.n \lieath er -will pe11.iut. Ii Feed nuxed, or alternate, a.a coiu one dny, oats next. wheat n ext, etc. 7. Allow adult fowls free<lom as cally 111 the niornings a-, they deshe. 8 l{eep bens wJth cb1ck:-;1n snuJ..11 cor)ps (well cove1 cd an~l dry) until the chicks ate three "eeks old 0 0 0 . AT AND BELOW J Brimaoombe, L.R.C.D.8. COST! l'Olt JJOWMANYILLE, 11 Obs~rvcr Offic~," 0. BARKElt, King St, sl1c " "' trcadmg the [Jath or hfe .l] o n e, she llttlllllllred s o pensively and 0 ad Lbat he felt compelled to pu t bis ,n rn on the Li,tck of the seat. lest she should tall out of the wmdow- which was closed '!'hey ronched Nornalk, and JUsL .ts the t10111 stopred he heaHl " gr.nmg,luss1ng ;.;ound <1psc to hi s c:.1.1, and t11en the \\ Olds ' Y o-u \lll,un . y-o-u old hypocritical s 1 n-n er J'll 1nake you think you've bee n sltll< k by ,, b1eath of bea,enly fl,unc i vou ol<l. O\\'I." He looked around JHS t fa1 enough to _g(.: t ,1 glin1psc of a p.u1 of ftash ~ng eyes 11 ,in d th e fac e o1 Ins " '1fe, ~·ho ha@ nnir 1.1m ed so fondly to him along the JOUr n ey. .\.sudden spasm seJZed ,him, but he rn .rnagcd to accomp<lny her from the Liam, and as they moved mto the darkness towa rd home her flashmg eyes lit up his p al e_'.~~nh spect1.'.'_l effect. .lll " 'l'hev fi1 ed t\\'O shots at hun," \vrotc Iusl,'re po1l er, "the fo st shot kill ed hnn, but the second shot was not fa tal." do1 and they d1il it They disciplined that man and brought IHm up betore the Chm ch Removing Stains from Marble. We arc told notlung '"'" made in va111, ford runkennes$. Such \\'fl.S the cond1tlOD but ho\V about i1 ra::illloll< tble girl;:. Isn't H oui:itk eeperr:; h aving table topa inantle a[ tha.t yo11ng rnan's lnind ut time, It she lnaiden va in ;:. only ruined lnm. lie ga.\:c up his store, prnees, or hearth stones of w]uti; marble are ofJ HT J\L\11 s - An oJ<l 1.tcly, bea11ng and neglected bts hon1e, i uud asked me to ten au1ely dIBtresst>d at the stains which acc1son1elioclv say the n1.11l s \vcre irregular, gtve htm work on a bi~ of a farm I had, deut or carelessnei:s ma.y hav e left on thetn. !-i.ud, · lt~\VclS so in 1 ny )Ot1ng d.tys - no What did the Church disciplme th<Lt man Ink an<l iron mould seem capecia]ly har<l t o overcon1e, bnt by a little pa.tienct1 and pel'se· 11 u~ung any of ' c111 tor j Because he could:' not stand two vc111nce with the 1 oce1pt e len they will yield 1\..1 ci.... L FS) S ii1 LL t i.:. - R eckl<::ss of or- glasses of brandy, They dtd not d1sctphne For ord1nary sta.111.8 rrnx wb1t1ng in strong soay>lhogt aphy, an un pa~s 1oned swau1 "'lute. him because he drank, but they suda to the con sistency of crenm, nnd spr{'ad it " J\J.m. l lo\ e lite well <" She replied him because he could not Rtund up wlH:n he on \\1th a b1uah, lcn,v1ng 1t for n, day or two. tl'< t t'c w.1s he \\.1s a Cood Temp drank. He could help dnn!nng, iJut h e SolH ctimes the OlJl:'l ation has to be repeated befo1e it succeeds in completely icn1ov1ng the ],u . cou!d not l1 elp the eflect whcL he stains F o1 iron aud u1k spott1 aomctlung 4 .\ I :d v Ji.\\ mg be(·n ordered by her drank They never touched lnr11 111 dnnk1 stronger B reqnued, 'l\ bnttcl' of a.ntiniony \ ili \ , 1l 1.ti1 to u. "ar1ne1 chn1ate, her h us- 1ng j they disciplined hn bccA.u~e he could and oxalic a.cid 01tch one ounce, mtx in a p1;t 1 ·HI 1cmarked that 1f there wa s a war- not 8t.l11<l it. I kno\\' 1nen in that Uhurch, of rau1wate1, then stir 1n fiou1 to rna.I~e a }JMte, t11e1 climate than he had been lLvmg 111 I can nau1 e tbe1n, w110 <lrluk u1ore than two and la.y it 011 the places tea.v1ng it severnJ. )ince his inarnage, he ...vas not a\vare o( it... glnsseB I v.ou!d like to see ti1e Church hours One n.pphcation ·vill usually be suf. A lazy fellow falling a distance of fifty deal wtth them WoLti<.l there not he a fic1 ent, 'l'o d t. tt.u alabaster ornnn1cnts that have b ecome !!oiled with dust, take the fine fee t, and escapmg with only· a few scmt- row 1 The Chui ch does not tonch thern he- pu1n1cc powder mt.:,::cd v.1t.ll letnon Jnice, nnrl ' hes, a bi st,mder remarked that he was caa$e they can stand it on may constdec t uh the alabaster well with it, \\'ashing it af. " too slow to fall fast enough to hurt h 1m· rne very ultra, but I hold that a Church h 1s tc1wa.rd \\1th cle8.n watei, and drying it w1tl1 scU " no right to dhm1phne a mah for drunkenness hneu 1 ags. To take grea.:se or 011 stains out of "l sav landlord," s.ud a Yankee, ' 'that thnt does llot d1scipltne a ~1ember fot drink- 1narble, use a etrong be of pcarltt sh and wate1, .' . )' rng. Drinking be c,m help; getting drunk thickened with unsla.cked hme; generally a few is " dJTty towel for a man to wipe on J andlord , wtth a look of amazemept, re- be cannot I can help Ifending n1y elbow, mrnntes \\ill suffil e to extract then1, but for old stains a. second application may be needed, and )lli ed ' Well, sn,you'1e mtghty parttcul<lf. aocl Ur1ng1ug a glass to 1ny hpsand swallowafterward the placo must be tho1onghly rinsed Stxty or seventy ol my boarders have ing it, but \\·hen I hav~ swallowed it 111y in clean water. If after a11y of thtH:!e operat10n1 wiped on that towel thts morning, .rnd control over it ts gone Suppose I go stag- for 1 t'lliovhig staiua, the polush should appear to yo u are the first to find fault " genng, babbhug, talking and s1ng1ng, ) ou be inJwed, it can be 1estored by rubbing ·\1th " do I tlunk of the belle of the say I am drunk, and ) uu disciplme me be- !'and 1111d water, or '"1th fine emery powder, even ing?" crustily said a cynical old cause of its effect upon my brain and 11erv· using as a rubber a piece of felt fru;tcred to u. Li"chclor, "why, I thrnk that belle has ous systenl, You say such men are \\'eak- b1t (if board. .<\.s a still finer polish use rotten· too much tong<te, and that he: smt!e is m1nded rnen. But did yo.1 ever see u n1an l:!tnne oi triptili, with u. leather, rubbmg h.lrd until the result is ~atisfn.ctory. dS e ' p1css10nless though it came ftom fighlrng the drink 1 the face of a clock" · To S.E.\I P 1 \J.t11 11vi:s - Ecn.t the white ut an A \Cry tall and sliabby looking man, THE Lu:on OP CHII,DrtEN.-Son1e of t1!'3 ,.> gg, good\\ h1te paper \hi:,suc is the best), «ite r !tavmg a glass of hqnor, .csked the have only had enough hfe to h\·e ours elves out Jt t he srne you require, and dip 1t i.:n the egg, b.11 tellder tf be could chru1ge a $20 ia the past, but no""· that l\e have bee11 wetting both sides Covet you1· JaJ.S 1Jt tunt· b1ll. The gen tleman mfonned bun that Prought into contact with the Lor I 11 esu.s biers, <;.:ucfully 1 ress1n; down the e dgo8 of the p.-..pe1 . 'Vhcn chy it '\\ill be us tight .t.':I a ht: c:ould " 'Ve11," said the ta1l one, through Janh and the powe1 of tbe Holy drnm·bead. with a sigh of sat1sfact10n, "I'll go ou t GhQSt "'e have power to work all ou1 da) s .. u d ..:ce 1f l can find one." . 'L'o \V ASH l~1:-;r~s - Put in the wate1, ust:d for the Lord Jesus, and so quietly, \\1th for \\<t::1lnng them, .t little lh~solved p1pecb.y , " l con1e fo1 that s~n'f, sn." "\Vhat such an inward Sabbath, that we shall not ... ~1 u cer ?" ' Vh y, the sa,v, :sir, you borro\V- wear our~elves out, Uut n1ove on s11npl), 1t w11l gi"e the llirt1el'l t hnens the uppear.1J1c1;;1 uf li<i.' ui,; beel.1 bleached and cle.tnse them inorc . . J 11 ' · l Loi ro\ved nu sauceI. ' "Shure lilwectly, and naturally ; we are roing t l thoroughly w1Lh one half the labor, .~u<l 0110 you d 1d, sir, you Uorro\vcd our sa\V si1 " l!ve us children do Ob, the abundance ot fourth the soap, ' " ]~ c olT, boy 1 I ne\i el drea1ned of hfe in children, and He ts restoring 0111 bo1ro,ving a sat1ce1 11 "Be dad, but you PA1\'1,~m1£ 13.J!.:.Et:-i - .A. 1unall t~acupful uf yoni'11 like the cog1e's - R. Pearstdl S'lni(h d1cl ' and there 1t st<lnds nght lll the corv1negai {lf t c1 y strong teducc with wa ter), a. NE\ .hllt SU 1'POSN - A l'ert111n lally culle<l t&!Jle<>poonful of buttt!r,the s,mie of \dute suga1, n er" ' ' O t 1t's your fath er's saw you her servant to her one dt1.y. She said, 11 Ho\),; a httlc and peopc1, a h ea p1ug te.u,;poonfnJ mean, why didn't you say so ?" IS it that cvcrytb1ng see'ni :J so enoy to you, of coin 1;tru ch ch~solveU tri wa.tcr, a.ucl added. I N Q u l 'll 1 vE --Clu ld1 en arc lll<Jlltsiuvc and 111 )OUI dutie s nothlug troublcfl you?' Strr altogeth~t , unhl thickerrnd by b1:1ihng, it b o dies J 'or1nstancc, "'Vhat does, clea'e should be hkc tluck c11;iaw v..luu duu u. lla\c ncan papa?" "It n1eans to unite to "'Vell,n she said, "when ,lny care cotne s the sliced bee ts in,\ ~un,1,ll "auccpar · uu the 1 gcthe1 · "l)ocs John tnute \VOOcl \vhen to 111e, I go s traight to Chui:;t nnd exchttuge sto\e Pour the d1e1: ~1ng ovc1. i-;t1rnng c,IJ'(; h e <Jcdves 1t ? " .. Hcn1 1 w ell~ it ineans it for a blessing 11 She Jrd not \VtUt to look fnlly Senti to thl· tabl e 'e1y hut, iu <~co' ere l to !:ie p ~trd tc i ' ' Pa, does ~t n1a11 separ,t[e at her cares anti !1er burdens, she \vent dir-;h fron1 lns wtfe ' '\Vhen IlC cIeave to l1~r '" r1~ht to Chn~t "\Vhy,' 1 says the 1nlfltft!S$, ------li oot:i} lll HHl J ,\ll\ - Ktnlk anll c1op us iu,tny " H e1 11, hen1 ' J)o n't ask so 111any iuohsh 11 suppose yon :;;hou! d Itave tlns u Ill 1ct1un as you l ei-l,UJte of 11pc, 1eJ , ron0 h g-oo.seber11es. q uestions, cluld" and that uBhchOll coult.: upon you i" "Why rut the1u ~n tlu· p1e ::;t11 vmg pa.n, and, ar; tbey lil0 \\11, on h 1s 1 11-st JOUtney' per coacl1, rnu:;tress," said she, " 1 n ev e'l suppose, w arm, stn and b1u1se theni t o br1ng out the not lo ng ,tgo, \vo rned the d11ver beside Ohn;::;t never s uppose;., fle su.yei, 'I will,' JUtce. L et t1lcm boil for teu uunut e::; , then ,vhoin lie sat " '1t h in c e ssant childish and when fl. cult.l cotues l\pon n1c, Christ's acl<l augtn in ti e 111o:i: urt1on of three qua1tcrs of qu . . st1ons a bout every t h i ng on t h e road prouui: e is posltl vely n ght bef ore 1ne, the1 e o. pound t o eve1 y p 0t n<l of f1 u1t, and place 1t on At last h e got his q uietu s thus- Dr1v e1 . 15 no s upp osiug a bout it, ,.-Rev Dr. the fir e again Let it ho1lslowly, nn~ continue I butltng for two hours longer stJ1: 1ng .1t all the ·' ' I hete's been a \\ on1an l)'tng 1n lhat .i.llethan. t une to prevent its bu1 run~ \\hen it tlnckens house inorc th ....tJ1 a n1onth , and they Thos~ who are n10Rt t11stn tere sted, and l and 18 Jelly hl..c on a plr1>te wb en colrl,1t 1s done haven't bun ed het ye t B1own ; ' Not buned h e r ) Ct l'11v t e ll rne v,rby not ?n have the least of seltis hnes.~, h n vc he st ma· / euo11gh l) ut 1t 1nto pots, ~nd ollo\" it to 1c~ ter1als for being h appy. rno.u1 n. day or t" o before it is co\'crl"d, DJJvcr . " l-3c<ausc she isn't dead.,, 1 9. F eed clnc!..s 111 ~ rniug, n oon nnd late after· noon, cooked food tnonuu,;, a.n<l gr:un, ns hro· l>.eu ' Otn \\heat, etc, noon and afternoon Dri,nking Chnrch Members. 10. ~fax glound black pepper with th e 11101'11· u1~ footl for r.lncks tttieo a "e'ek, ono table. John H Gough Fl' C~l.ii,ly ~ave utterance spoonful pepper foi e\·Cry .20 chwks. ~ to i:::onie rather ult1a vi e ws ta reg arU to dis· 11. G1easc the hen v.eU undllt the w1ngf', c1pl1111ng Chu1ch 111e111befa \\Jlo tlrink. Ile b1ea<:1t u,uLl fluff fcath<.;rs. as soon as t]u~ chickH says.,\ ma.11 k~1 1 t a store in tlie village ~vhere .t.1e t.Lk on off, with ointrnent n1a.dc of lu.rd ancl c,u liolic ,w1d ; ten d1ops of llcHI t u two tn.ble. he live1l, and s tarli:d one Ko\e1nber afttrspoon ful:; (·f laid noou iuto \Vurccslcr arr1al a dr:1zzling rain 12. Ob1:1ei \ e the .~hov e t u1c;, stlictly, und you fie touk u gl t~ s ol h rD ncly ~'h e n he got t here will b,ivt.1 hed.lthy f·) wls, to keep out t he cold, and wbe11 h e got his 1f choh:: 1~ iB hould appuu.1 lH\ \'C the fo1\ o\ung load ont he took u11olh~1 " 1\s lie c<1.w~· to p1epa1 t: d .~t a11y dn1 g r: tore, < ind follow duce th~ Yillagl' ·111uirtl an J g ot uft 111 ,., '1-ln gu u, tiom,; Black pcppei, one d1.:i.cbm; sulphur flour, !sou e or.e su1J, "1\'li,\t Is the rnatt1:1 \\lLh <l1achm;extr.actg~ntian {solid) one c]rachm, one you 1' He rnbheu Ins bead anil, l1is hat fell extract i:;t1lhng1a. con1ponnd (fluid) one drachm. off, and he said, ' I don\ t know' Son1e Af1x. l\.Iake twenty.four }Hilts. Givo two p1lkt one else &ud, 1 But I do ; you are druuk night ant.I morning for two or three days . a Church rnen1ber drunk.' Ife was one o! I have thoroughly tried thel'!I~ pill.a, n.nd have tlie young converts in a r~v1vnl. There nut lol'!lt ·"' ::unglc fowl. Wbeu 1ny little chicks were young meu who diil nol hb the look droppy. 1 make twelve pills of one of th e reY1val, aud eagerly e:n3, 4 .A.b 1 there 1s l.i.rge ones and g1ve thent night and morning. I ha\ e not lost a ch1ck exoopt by hawks a.nd one ot the1n.' 1'he Church had a duty to drowning this sp11ng ,- Go1. PlontatttJ1i, 111 .J who co!Jly s purns peer of co1nmon clay u-:> <:.O I --- ------ - - ---·· 'i' HE 23-1y l~uwmandlle, June 24th, 1870 Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON, (Established 1803. HEAD OFir1cES. - l Old Ilroad St., antl Pall Mall, London GENEHAI i\Gl~("l The Stock haviug l1ee11 J>lllchased in the BES'J' MARKE'l'S, buye1s can depend on g etting lliORH AND JJR1'1'EB GUODS FOR 1'Iib'IR MONEY St F(lf, l'.hi<A D. .\ :- 2J crament , 1-'J ontr f' J. l. FEES MODERATE. OFFlCE ovm· JYlcGLUNG'S Starn, Bo,vr1utnv11le. Dec 1~74 :ct this Esttibblune11t th<tn 111 any other l10use m the counti y. Cl3 Subscubecl and in\ested Capita.I and l ~e i:wne Fnnd . £1,900.000 Sterlin,iz, Funds invested mCanadn.- 105,000. InsnHuicE's agrnnst lor;s by Ji\re effe1..Lcd. on most favorable terms, and losses with ont reference to the Board in London. Galt Eai·ly, and secw·e Bargains, as tlte wlwle Stock mnst be sotd at once, .for CASH ONLY. Htf. ,J DODSWOR1'H, Tn~pector. RINTOUL BHOS, Gen Agents, J\.1ontrea l1 R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agen for Bowman.ville and Vicinity. Bo\\manv1lle , .Jn11 e 4th. 1860 36 Just Arrived at the THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT 1 is now complete with the d10icesi snpply of m.o.43-39.4w --~---~- F ASRION HOUSlm a. H pleu<li<l a ssod . meut u Elephant House SOMETHING NEW Jam es McFeeters. AGENT Ohristtnas Goods, Ra'iscns, Ottrrants, S ttgars, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all Prices. Bo1vmanville, Dec. 24tl;, 1874 NEW MILLINERY. .A1sv a lot of A Substitute for Lath & Plaster! THE PATENT ALUMIN01JS and OR· NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. 1' Al'l!)Jt OIL- O L01'1i und OAllFK1'IXG For the following In·nuance Companios, aud other Institutions, viz:'l'be QUl~EN Fue and Life Iosu1a.nce Coro· pe.ny. Ca.ptta.1£2,000,000 $150 000 deposited with the Dorohnon Government, fo1 the protcc ders in The ISOJ..1A'L1ED H.ISK 1l'1re Insura.nce C01n pany of Oanado. Capital 500'000,-0nc of the best and cheo.pest Companies doing busrness in tho Donunion, for .U'l:Umers ftnd Isolated l{.iaks The CAN ADA LANDED OHEDIT CO'Y, with a Savings Bank department. The UNION A Nll PERMA:NENT Building and Sali1Dg's Society Thef.1.e latter instltutions ach·ance Loans on Rea.I Estate , Qn terins unusuaUv easy for the borrower. I :Bowma.nvillc, l!'cb. 6th. 1873 MURDOCH BROS. · REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & .A lso ,\largo st ock of Stamps for Braiding and Em- broidery. FASHIONS for Spring JUSt to hand. HT M DBBSSl\IAKING AL WA)?'S G-ET usual. MRS, A, FLETCHER Bow1ua11v.1lle. Ap1il 7th,1874. FIRST-CLASS. W. BELL & Co's. . , Prize .biedal Organs '?lhich in ] 873, at the Provincial l!~rt1r, IJ1..-at ei;ery Amer1cnn nnd Canad.tan Organ, ta-lung the FIRS'l' PHIZE. Aleo the I en owned A BOWMANVIU.. E SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. Machine and Implement Manufacturing Co ""'"""· TIELEVENS r Manufactures olj 1 A La1 y ~ SiovkJustllecvived,- Plain and Or· namicntal, both for Walls and Floors HALLETT'& DAVIS PIANO [l303ton l 'Vh1ch has taken \VOOD AND IRON WORKING MACHINER~ 'lhl:l l"',iper 011 Cloth and. Caipet·nr; is a Cheap autl Du1a.ble 8ubst1tute for Oil Cloth. 'l'he Uh~ni cals " lth wlnch the Pa1:>er is satur ated, render it proof 0.$u.inst Rats, r.-Ioths, and liil1,,e. <lnd he is detennined to continue to sell at these rninou sly low pt ices - - o : -THE KING OF Double Turbine Water Wheels, and a· 1 Varnish Polish I SEWING MACHINES, An()th1:1 th1ng inueh wanted. Castin gs of all Xinds First, he buys for c::csh and knows ju st how to buy 1 Second, what he can't buy che>·p enough, he manufaettu es Third, he i~ s'a,tisfied with small profits ! Fou1 th, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices --o- - cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do 1t- - -:o:-N. B.- 'l'be Subscribc1 is not u. Sub, or u n· der Agent , but has the i;ipeci.'.Ll agency for the o.bove. I a1n p1 to exchange Pianos for Organs, Organs fo1 Me locleon~, also Sewing Machines, on rea.<ionable terms ~dd1ess, REPAIRS dun1;;1 on th e CALL.AND &BE F O D Y OURSELVES, AND 'l1hi:1 Puhsh g1ve8 a 1nost eleg.n1tlu3trc,ruid dni.ii:i lJIBtanta.neuu.sly BRING YOUR FRIE:NDS WITH YOU. :Exa.nufle ti Nothing ever discovered befo1 e to equal this Polish. b0 1l stock, which c01n1Jrises cve1yth1ug In the traLle, of the · ery la.test a nd 1nost clcgru1 styles .~11d patteins, of Bngh:;h, C.~nad.1 a. n , a.nd . A1ueuc1~n m anufacture. SH:ORT:E:ST NOTICE, 'Ve he1.\ e nuw ou hand a l.\i ge quantity of Ift: still continues to 1 n ,\.llufa ctwe t.o u1dei 1 f10 1n the best of m n.teri:tl, and none but l ir~t·cl.H!~ \\ odJ, meu kept -<)- - o- - FOR J S. DONEY, 'l' rn oNo l',O. 0 rd ers Promptly . Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Ile hns tn r,;tock an endle ss \'aliety of I.1a.d1es' and Gents' Sa1atog.1 Trunks, V:thseR 1 etc wh1ch h e is Melling cheap for ca'lh 1 1 Pian() 1"01 ·tes, Glooh, J:>u.~ lgre l/rctuie,.., Of' Bngyies, U1itle1'8, Jan. 15th, 187.V. 6 61nos. Common and Gang Plows, th at "'iJl be s :.ild at all of Sleighs , and all kincls uf ,_][CIJ: nishecl ciny ki1ul OJ Va1' Jt is/uJd Ga1·riages Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED lYIILLS. Anothe1 cat load uf the abo\ tJ nublP the \Hty P lea;;e eo.11 at the lU tides 1111 LOW PRICES 6tf - -o- - Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawµ by Two Horses, King St. llowu1aut:1lle, :\fa 1::1, 1874 AT THE SHOP. Buw1nan\ tlle, l\11:1, 1 chl87 J M. TRELEVEN. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. HA.:RDWA:RE ! Ali U ::Jual a J~ar,?e B 0 \V MAN VI LLB Farm Implement Forwarding Agency ll, W, JAMES , Kmg St. , Bowman ville S t uck o~hanll of I 1 Hardware, Paints. and Oils, Stoves and Tinware. Ruwruauv1lle, Dec. 5, 1872. nlO 1 John .AJI of wh;ch will be sold at lo'v figu1es 'llJl'CT &. ..., . .rlmd'iil gv ., "'Od CO 1 Wellington Bmldings, Bowmanv1lle. August 10th, 1875 I I A CAitD. h ave this dLl.Y 1LP/)oh1t cd C. BAl~l{ .FJ{ t110 Exel" " " a~nt o" t he sal e of my Y ur· for l50ViW anv1lle, Ont OANIZE D r.i::Ns Bow1nanv1lle, Sept.10th, 1874. .ros~:PH MASO~,P.P. J J .JACOBS nHl. the most lasting, the tronbleaomo, and most complete ever in Ycnted. 'l'hey are used 1:1,,nd reco1n1nended by inan~ of thf best Breede1s iu the United States a.ud Canada., au<3h a5 G. B. Loru1g.J. Salem, I\iMs., President l\1'cw Eng)and N ieturruu.; tha.nkt> tu then 1.iLuneruu1::1 cuis tou1,,Bl'?i ~~ud thtl public g l",neralJy, for past favo1 s, 'Vool uro,vers' Society; John S. Ross, Hennewould t espectfully inv1te their a.ttentiou to O lll prBseut 1:1tock vf furn1turc1 Ill':! we ha\ e latelv pin, 111 ; P1ofes1:mr M. Miles, of the State Ag· added thereto, that we may ther eby be enabled to supply all parties \vho mny \)lei~ire tu favo"r College, Lansing, Mich ; Hon. Geo hun with a eaJL Gieat iurlucem e nt~ h eld out to those purchasing a t our e1>tab ishu1 ent .Pie B1 own, Toronto, Ont.; John Snell, Edruonton, tures, Loolnng Glasaei,i, etc . franied to order, and in e\·ery styl e Samples of the d1ffe1eut 0Ht. On ea<..:1 1\>Ia.rk is stamped the owners k1ud of o uldings can be ~een u.t the wa1 e ruu 1u 'V e \~ o uld also beg to inforin )' Ou, th a t., name and the Sheep 's number. 1'hey will be having purchased a. sent fr ee, by mail, or express,fo1 only f our t:ents ~:t ch, and will last for T\\E:"ITY YEARS. tiW'" Cash inust aceotn p any all orders AltOIHllALD YOUNG, JJ< , w~ shall be re ady at a. 11 tnne~ tOattend fuu er11l i>, on !:!l 101 t notice and IeMuna.ble te11n8. Sn.rn1n., Ont. N B - Coffins k ept on"hand a nd t o orrler, at t he Orders addressed t o t he MERCHN'l' rind OBs1 ltV .!!;R Office, for any qu antity, Wlll be filled 11t 1 NEW DOlrlINJON .RETAIL JlURNJ'l'f!.R/!) WABE -IWUJJ1. tho abot: e m euboned price, a s qy1ckly <\ 1' he I Mar ks can be m< a ud sent THESE MAllKSAUE 'l'Irn CHEAPES1'. TO THE WALTER 'VJGG ·& SON, I SPLENDID NK\V HEARSE, C. Bi\RK}JH, Uow1nanville,Dec. 28th.1871. m13 ly Osba1 wa., Aug 20th, 1870, King Street East, Oshawa

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