· THE MERCHANT, J)RIDAY, .SEPTE::\'IBER 10, 1875 ~-======--=====~====~ ,~~-====~==='--=========;==============;==::=::~======:==~;==============;===:==="'====================== POETRY. - - - - - -- Running · t Newspaper this Jrinka, as drinks, as loug as Save yourselves from all sprntuoua C\t'l J au cau, "' ....., ., "Ollr Daily Line to Rochestei. Oonnucnciug on or about the 10th, of .Apri ANDERSON & then· immense (Jo. ' REST. Bl A.Jn V.l I \ nr ANCHAHlJ. Running a newspaper is like lighling a even as you would resist using a crntt!h as .- 'Vt:ury u11e: tired of life ~t<l<l ita rc!;!tless1wss, J...1ongi11g, unsatisfied, tempted, unblest, 'Vci cyon not \VoaJy, \\atting, uncomforted, Could you kno\V C\ e1 the bleHSLDg of rest? can do it better than tbe one wbo bas bis upon. It yon hke wine-well, say boncsthand in. 'rhrougb soine nnsappieheneion ly you take it because you hke it, that you prefer 1n<lnlg1ug yotn pulutc ut the expellse of j our health ; but never delude ) outsC'lf, or ~tdfer othets to <l.elurl e :you, that alcohol IS a necessity any n1ore than s tays or ortho- tire ~n bad \\ eather. Every one tlnnkf) he long as von had own two legs to walk < of facts a large class oi people have come to the idea thnt 1t- cost little or nothing to doncl net a newspaper, and tbat inost every one ~an do it as \\'ell , if not better than the one M,\.1incr, out on the l:!e~tJnnrr and foamy waves Dangl't raet filhu:; your so~l "'1th a.lann, , tho.t publishes tbe paper. lt bas become When t1le storm's ended. none but the wreck ~d 9. general tas}non for per<:lons to call at any ne\Yspaper tiffic!j and ask Jar a copy of t.he c::1n know . 1\.ll the rdtef of a shelter from harm. paper, 1'"'mg no iden that it cost the pub· \Van<lc1·e1 ,Journeying- far £1mn vour Ltthe1Jand lish~r money an<l bard. work to piint and_ There IS Ill) business in fi'r 1Ctllllo;,;s nud lonely, f1on1 pieasW'e alo.>f, ' buy the paper. H01nc \.,:ill be dea1ca t.Lan ever it coul<l have whidi there is more or e\·en a3 much finan· been, cinl risk as inn ne\vspaper,and few businesses Hn.tl yon not wauJer· d so fa1 frvlll its roef. 1n which there i~ as much ca:pital invested. ,\ ...atchL·1·1 awake wJule all tlie woild'!:I slum· Hore than eight millions ol dollars have beru1g, been lost in newspaper schetnef.' in the Jh.st Scan1nng the cast with a v1sn.go forlorn, year. .t.\ lle\\'Spaper is an :'lrt1cle for sale and Only the strus that ha\c "atd1edall tbe night cannot be had for r..othing There are few \'.tth thee, businesses which require the common sense ]{1ww how you \\idcome tJ1e blushil1g of and good JUdgnicnt us to conduct a news· n1orn ---· [$ 0 0 ~ · THE STEAMER Dt'g tu nnnouncc to the l!:lcctors of \\""est D1uhnm and ~u11ound111g country t}u\t they ,\111 "ell STOCK OF I-300TS AND SH008, At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIR.TY DAYS. p~dic inf:truments, or strong 1ued1c1nal poisons, or other sa<l helps "hich natuie and science prov1<le to St\8tain us in ovr slO\\' Lut sure <lccay. Bt1l1, to retard th a t deeay as 1uuch ns possible, to keep np to the last htntt the lnt:ellcetual and physical v1go1, wliich JS such a bles8ing not only to ouli:itdves bnt to those abou t us, that is tbe relig1on of the body, too often lost sig~t of, but which L for one count it no heathenis1n both to belicve in and to ~r~:.ich a religion, not IJ. superst1t1on ; the re\ ercnce and care for the physical temple of the d1v1ne hunJan soul, l\'lthout in the least sinkitig to that Jnxur1· "NORSEMAN " H ~ · (lt, C:nAWFOl~D, ?rfASl.ER.) \V1Jl 111ake he1 regular trips on tlns routl' le~\ nir· Cobol.lrg eve1 v ruonnn g at 7 .00 and ]>01t :ilnpe ot !J o'clotk: fen Eocl1ester, connect· 111; ' 1000 Paus Men's Felt Gaite1S,jor Cash only 10 CasesGhild', Wellington«, $1 50 vai,., 1000 pain M·issm· Pebal and Buff- Bu'ff' Bal1morals, at $1.!iO, per pair' 35 OASES OF FELrr OVERSHOES for GASH ONLY. there "1th the New York Central ,uid Eiio l~a1l\\ ays, fo r all points EMt, \Vest and South UE'lU ltIS JNG, 1000 Pui1s Wom@i\ Misses' aml Ohilcl's Felt Boots,ihe uhole to b< sold fol' CASH ONLY will len.vt.: Q1 1adotte [pnrt of Rochester] daily at V p 111 , c.:xcept Saturdays, v.·heu she will leave at 2 p m , for Po1t l~Itpe, diu ct, This is tl1e sh ortest and quickest route to Oswt'go an V\T atertO\O\'ll 1 via. Lakq Ontario Shore l{ailroad from Chailotte Dt_;ale~s in stock etc ~ 'Hll find this the cheap est a..11d most expethtlous route to Boston, AllJ,1ny, Ne,~· Yo1k, etc , F0r further 111formahon apply to --o--Call catly aud secme you1 Winte1 Supply, while Lhe ntsh i:s goi11g ou ,1t Bowmanv1lle, Dec, 10th, 1874, ANDERSON & CO'S., Boot & hoe Em.po~·iuul.. R. ORAWF01W. POUT IIOPE. · \Veary ono, inanner, 'va.tcher, a111.l wande1er1 }[on1ele;;s and te1npest-toe~ 1 d, rt:stle8~ ar.d .public. Few persons think l,hat every little ,_ item b as to ue read over 1t11d river, to consider \\ liUU thti !:fll.:<.i.t llJiJJHLv L:.tkds J O ll abO\'f.) the the good points n .nd the bad, a11d to see stars, whether it will be to your interest to puUlish Ther e will bt rest and l1omc 1 sn.f1.:ty s.ntl r.norn, 1t. bloste,ve1y or1e who can '"11te a tall thinks he understan<lt'l the whole profession better thnn tbe one w110 has lu8 hand i11 It is a fact that111ost every one who can write at all Something that will soon be leavmg bus o:on1e thought which be or she can pul on pa.p~r, but \'v hat of them. The readers l1~ the ~~~.Pl{"\..-..: paper protitably aucl to the interest of the ous Greek pl11losophy which conSJdered tbe body onlJ: {lS out of Church WOl th Or C. ]' regarding -,S(.,'11fnOns G-ILDER~Ll1'R'TJJ, l{IKGS'.fO::f. TI-IE l:lominion Organ Co'y. BOW MANVILLE Prest:nt the following teatimon1a.ls from com petcnt Judges of Organa. 'l'estimon1al from John Caundge, 11nli. Doc" Oa.nluar, :mngland. Bowmnnville, 24th Dec., 1873. ================================'-=~~ The Drinkmg Minister. ' Did you not1cP. that fine-looking i:;:entle· inau that left the office as you a,Lrne ln 1' asked a pLys1c1nn of us the othe1 day. He was a mur~Pd inan phys1cally 1 tall and \Yell torrn1:<l, with the stoop ot a scholo.r iu bis RELIANCE Mutnal Life Assurance Society Crumbs for Chickens. Bakets are a ~;i.-Ly lot of fellows, and of tie paper \Vlll not be interested in the111 1 i:-end in his resignation. He ha s becoine an and if the plan is kept up, the readers will almost helpless victim of &n appetite for aic fond of loafing. , _.,lose interest in the paper, and by and l shoulders 'Ile is, 01· Laa been,' cont1nueU our fr1e11d, 'the Congrrgat1oual pastor of P--, but lie has JUSt been oblige<l to ES'L'ADJJSHED 1840. CANAD<\. CUIEF 0FJ'IOES. '1.'o the Managci·s Doniinwn Organ C(J. Gi::N'l'Ll!i.1Tt N - I like to play on your Organs t"' .. e 115 sos'~ eet and steady. ..And the \Vorkma.nsnip ;>nd finish. excellent, and in e\·e1 y particular they are equal, if not superior, to any I ha\O ever heatd, Hoping they will meet publtc npp1eciation. JOHN CAMIDGE l:ll, ST JAMES STREET, MONTREAL Important Announcement ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- Carpentc1s are gi>en lo vice- they do drop o:ft', leaving the concern in a pitiful so rn uch chiselling wrt ck, To conduct IL new~pnpcr so that it . . "1 o bee 01 not to l>ee." as U1e n1an ~v1ll be read with more interes: each week, said when he got home and found a 18 what every one who bas an idel\ of pub· swa1m of'em settled on his front door- hsh1ng a paper 111ust do. ~\n eclitur must knob r--. be untinno lf he wishes to make his paper l)y alcoholic ~ti1nulo.nts. He ha8 been seen under the 1niluence. of hquor 1n our lowest saloons' and this is the th1rd, cburch tlui.t be has been obl11<ecl to leave lor the same cause. He is a man of n1ore than ordinary I DIRECTORS. We are too apt t~ f·1rget the terr!ble Ought a baker to be considered a aud acceptable a manner aa po8sible. · To do ll th b th· d th ll . b scourge that ltes rn this frightful tem ptatwn. needy loafer because he 1s f1equeNtly a 0 ea ove ings, e1n "~ lU euc i:\. hnlf ~ntu1y of ea1nest temperar.ce labor seen kneading a loaf? and every ".{'eek 11} the year1s what i¢w hnve ha~ a~Je11<led,to a large deJiree our tam1hcs ; "Soldiers must be fearfnlly dishonest," an idea of do1ng, nn1 \\·hat few have 1111 idea Lut the present ren11ss1on of u1tcrest, and break111g down of public sentiment on thrn says Mrs. Partmgton, "as it seems to be of having th he doue '.' nTu]e.s\ tb.ey: : kno'1.-- quest1on 1a on11nons. We ren1eruber in .1 rnghtly occurrence for a sent1 y to be so,-neUnng of tl1e liu e1IJ('S.9. It requues a our boyliootl , wb en I't \Vas acuous1y fearec ' l relieved of Ins watch. steady an1 d seus1blt1 per~un to conduct a that 've unght become a nation of drunk· ability, was_spec10.llv popular in his preseut place, Rn<l 1t bas aln1ost broken the hearts of so1ne of bis .beet iriends to be obligt!d to . ,, . · :' , detnand his res1gnat1on Ifi;; began the use ' I have bought my first last," was the in te1 es h11 0 He 1n:1st~lever be content\\ 1th oi st1ni11lants on uccoun t at .nervous ir.rita· remark ofu cobbler when he set up bus- filling bis coluinns each week, butrnusttry b1hty and "eakncss, and no\v the appetite mess fo1 hunselt to till tlie1n \Vlth the news iu as condensed fo1 the1n utterly overmasters h1n1 1 P4 C1 · 'VAL'rJiJH SHANLY, E81}.t]\1 P., Chan'lnaan, DUNCAN Jlv!ACDON.AT,D, J~Sfj. MAJOR l!I OAMr11 .1<.,LL1 C 13 .. St. Hilaire. TH:!:~ HONOU!\RLE JOHN }f.AlIIJTON, Ha,vkA· 'r. burg, Ont RRSIDEN'l' SECRJf'l'ARY.-,TAM.ES GHANT, S PEGI AL FEAT U R ES. The EKTJllJr. P.noFITi belong to an dare divid 0 I ed mnongs;t the Policzllwldc1s. LIVES, DECJ,TNEU BY O'l'HER COMFA~IES, or on which an ext1a Prttnium would be reqittred, can Lu a.ssnred at llie ordinary rates of thl.S Society, unde1 a spectal ar1angement llcad the follo'\\1n.; from Rosa. D'Erina : l3ow1na11v1l1e, Decembtir 22, 1873, To the Managers rif the Doniinwn Organ Co. GJ<:l'l'.l'LE~iEN. - I have inuch pleasure in testifying to the excellent qualities of the Organ ettpphcd by you at my concert last Satu1clay everung. The tono is sweet nnd very powerful n.ud the combination of stops most admirable. I am eru-e your inatrumenle will find favor in CJ;nuchcs, as tht"y a.i·e inngularly adapted for sacred music '\\'1sh1ng you eveiy success, and that t11e public 1nay patronize native 1nanufac· tu.re. I remain Gentlemen 1 Very respectfully, Great Aed uotion, in - Dry Goods ! ROSA D'ERINA. SrECIAt No::~<WoFEITAULE POLICIES issued Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs Dll. PA'.l"l'El\801'. PROF. TERRY. Pic8ident. 'IYianager. Bowman'.yille, Jab.na:iy 15, 1871. bp-o3 m16. under \\ luuh onJy l 0, 15 Pl' 20 Annual Pay meats are 1eqnhed, ea.ch p~yn1ent securing A near-sighted man was ridmg in a Woodward New York tramway carthe other day, when a lady opposite bowed to IHm He returned the bow, raised his hat, smiled sweetly, and was Just \vonder1ng \vho she \Vas, 'vhen she can1e ov.e1 and wluspercd in h1s!ear, "Oh, I'll !ix you for Lhts, old m,m !" Then he kne w 1t was bis wife. -A queer c1v1c funeral, tb.tt of Clons Pontonnel, the little son of a wme mer ckrnt, took place m Pans the other day. Two persons carried the coffm and about twenty fnends followed. At the giavc Lhe boy's father delivered the followmg ac.l<lress " Adieu, my son, adieu, c1t1ztn, for you "ere a citizen of the futur~ not baptisedJI Now, thou hast returned to nothmgness, for there IS no soul llecome manure, there 10 nbed of 1t for good winc. 11 UC\Y::ipaplirthat1truaybehnanciallyprofitable ards; when the cnrly apostles of the t9D1· It is not the writing ulune, but pultin 5 lt up perance 1novnn1ent, liJ\_e the elder Betcher, in a tasteful style tbatevcry one will like lifted up the 1r voices, an<lsp'.lred no~: They . . . s.n rd the Jand. Shall we HlVe it back to read 1t 1 and rnake 1t hnanc1a.11y prolttable agu1n tc this foe of human peace and vir -Newspapc1· Reporter. tne 1-Zion's lie?ald Policy for a sum assurutl p1oporhona.te to the n1uubet of prerruurns paid, andfreeftoni futur 'r>ayrnent of prc1Mums. 1'-lODF.R.lTE PnEMlL;l'tH:l antl rnost liberal c11n· ditiona. lJ10Sj)ectuscs, l')ropo~m.l l1'011nH,, &c., 8i.1pplied on .tpp icat1011 at the TI ad Oifice, or any of the A_ genc1es. DENTISTRY! MUIDOIJD BIOS. Having dec_ided to make a change in their busino~s, ttie now selling for CASH thmr lou ge and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Milline1y, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, Brown is a tol'el'a.bly souhd sleeper, and oue alternoon la.st \\'eek he lay down in b1er - --·--- - JAES GRANT, Iles. Secretary. AGlrn'l' 1!'01' JJOWM:ANVILLE, c.BAmnm, " Observer Offic.;i," King St. AT J i~N D BELOW COST! FARM AND HOUSEHOLD What to Do in Case of Accident rrof. '\Vilde1 of Co1nell University, gives room at the hotel t(l lake a nap One of "Sure," said Patrick, rnbu111g his head 11ith dcltght at the prospect of a present from l11s employer, ·'I alwm s mane to do 111y duty.' "I believe Joti," repherl !us employei, "and therefoie I shall m.lke you a p1 esent of all you have stolen (roin 111e during the year." "I -thank )Olll hono1," replied Pat, '·and may a~l your fneods cllld a.cquaintanc..;es treat you as liberally.ii GOOD ADVICJ> -A good story IS told of a physician "!to was called to 'is1t a sick man, after he had hnn,elf taken a chop too much. Arnved at the bedside, he fumbled over his patient, and at last he got hold of his pulse, which he held for aromute or l\\ o, and then, with customary medical gravity, remarked : " Well. there's nothin' much matter wt' you-only a ltttle dnmk ' Jist goc' ued'n sleep httl'n yoLt'll p ' al nght !" -A Milwaukee belle, .tttending a theatre recen:ly, complained 111 one of the scenes that the light was too dim to sho\v the ,1ct1ng p1operly. "\~Ton't you trv this glass?" asked the escort,bandrng he1 his lorgnette. Hastly covering the suspicious look mg oiJJect with her handkuch1ef, she placed 1t to her lips, took a long pull, and handed it [J,1ck in d isgust, say ing," \ Vhy there ain't a. drop his friends went arouud and t::Caled up ee \'eral se1cnt1fic men nnd doc tors, O'Uid told t.he1n thll.L"there \\as n verv vernarkahle and intC11:stiug cate up at the hotel. 'l'ht:re was a 1unn who haa been asleep stn" ce New Yea1'e d[n', nnd they could1/t \Vakc huu. They lrnd ehaken that man, screamed in 111s ear, p1uche<l lJ1rn,throw11 cold wule1 on bio'l, and <lone C\'.l.'1 y uthl'r thu1g Ll,ut could be unagin.ed, und y~t lbe \\',ts ns r..nnnd ns ever, So the do~tols 11eld a co11sult.lt1on and agre ed to in,·est1gatc the phl'nou1cno11, and at th~ Cl,lme ti1nc to auclen.vor to oronsc tbe V!ClllU faOtH lHS stupof. ~ rfhey fo1a1eJ Ill a body aud \\ Cnt up to Brown'a 1oon1, Ai a given sig nal one tlo0tor fireU six: shots Jron1 a revoh er, nnoLIJer thumped a dru u1, a thn<l. whistled on bis hogeis, a fourth execu ted a solo on the cy1nbti.l", a fifth fired a cuuuon un<le1 Brown's \\ lt.~low, and all the rest yt:l l~<l l1ke a vuck of Coxnancbe lndians~ all Lut one, and he probed Bro\\ n's leg sav7 23-lv Bowma.nv1lle. Juno 24th, 1870. short rules for nchon in case of ncc1JentA It would not be a bnd thing t(I cut them out a11d ca.r:ry tbem in one's pQcket-book, or con1n11t thc1n to IDPmoty . l1 'or dust in ·the eyes, avoid 1 ubbing , dash cold w.~ter in then1, ien1ove cinders, etc, with the round po1ut of a lead pencil. Remove nJ aects fton1 the ear by tepid wattii ~over pnt <j, 11.trd rnshument into the ear. 1f an artelyis cut, co1n1Jre&1 it above t he "'<.nmd 1 if a vein is cnt, comp1c8Rlt bclo1v If cboked , go upon all fours aurl cough Ft1 1 1:1 l1ght bi.una, chp the pa1t m cold wnter, if !he "-kin l~ tleslrovod, cover with varnish. For npop!cxy, iaise t11e head and Lody , for faintin~, J:.i.y the pt1~on fl!l.t the~e _Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF T.O:KDON. HEAD Ol!'I<'ICES. - 1 Old Tiioad St., and Brimacombe, L.R.C.D,8. The Stock having be0n purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyeis min · depend on getting ,1JORE .A KD BE'L"L'ER GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY (Est·blishcd 1803, J:rOR Pall ~!all, London. GENERAL 4,._ Ol!NO'Y 1 U.o\N,.\DA .- 24 St FEES MODERATE. Bowma.nviUe. 1)1.:c 1H7· !. at this Esfo.lJlsluncnt than in any other house in the country. cram e11t :M ontre,11. Subscribed and invested Capital and Rese1 ve F1u1U. £1,065,000 Sterling. Insurances agamat loss by :H'1re are effcuced on most favorable te1ms, and los8es p,l.itl with ont reh:!rence t<> the Board in liondon. J DODSWOR'l'Il, llIN'.l'OUL BROS. Inspector. Gen. Agents. J!t:fontrca F1tnds invested mC.Rua.da--- 105,000. Call Eady, and secure Bargains, as tlie whole Stock must be sold at once, for CASH ONLY. OFFICE O'l'er JlfoGLUNG'S Store. lHf. R. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agen for Bowman ville and Vicinity. Dowm:1nv1llt:), .J1ule 4th. 1860 Just Arrived at the THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT is now complete with th~ choicest supply of Coco\!'> ll1' Duop:oi; - 'l'o one pound of cocoauut add lrn1f a pound of 'dutc sugar. the wh1ti.'il of six. eg-gs. There should be eggs enough to 1no11:1tt n the whole, <lrop or. p,iper and bake. LEMON ICE -One pouutl of white ~ugar dis· '.l' rI E fork for the purpose of exc1trng irr1tat1011. l:lolved in ll qu111t of watc1 ; the Juice of three large lemons , JllSt befo1e you put it in the The sleeper was roused. Brown woke up f1eczer .v;ltl the 'l\h1tes of t'vo well·Leaten eggs. all of a sudden, with bis Lair erect and eJe- Stir aa for ice c1earn-excclle11t. He did not wait for an talls protrudrng. PunE Io.1:.: CR.E...ur.- 'l'o one quatt of pure, explanation ; he did not even pause for the purpose of going through tbe formuhtv of ag~ly two or t})ree times with a carving- ElephantHouse So:ME'l I-IING 1 -James - 36 m.o.43-39.4w FASHION HOU'SE ""Plendid'"""tmento Fo' the and other In:it1tntion8, viz:Alson lot of 'l'he QUEEN Fue and Life InsuraD.ce Company, Cap1tal£2,000,000. 3150,000 depos1ttid REAL HAIR, FAN CY Wlth the Dominion G0Yor1nncnt, for the protec dcrs iu 0,inada. 1'he ISOJ... A.TED IlISK Fire 111,Surance Com pany of Canada. Capital 500'000,-0ne of tlle best and chea1)eE1t Con1pau1es doing business in the Dominion, for Farmers and IsolB.t.ecl Risks with a Savings ~ank departrr1ent, lollo"~g9ns;a~c1ompru1ies, McFeeters. Olir-istinas Goods, Raisens, Currants, Sitr1ars, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all P1·ices. Bowmn,nville, Dec. 24th, 1874 NEW MILLINERY. MURDOCH BROSH GOODS, & AJso a. large stock of being mtroduced to the company. made one Wild and awful dash tor the do"·· and 'vent out head-foremost. "m- thick cream add the \'\lutca o± t\\O \\'ell-beat..:n el{gs, t\\O tablespoonfuls of po,vdered sugar, He flavor with anything yol.1 may desire. Stir constantly while free~ing. Stamps for Braiding and Em- 'l'he CAN ADA LANDED CREDIT OO'Y. broidery. real estate brnker 10 Springfield, Mass, the EFFECT 01' '\VA6HIYQ UPON V.EGE'fit.BLES, other morning, and finding the hroker ap· parently at leJSure, asked him to look at Thti ]_Jecuha.r flavor of all yegctables is effected THE PA.TENT ALUMINOUS and OR· her book. '!'he gentleman volitely rnformed by wn.8hing,but that of all kinds used for salads NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. her that it would only be "·aste of time, as is espe(aally imr~aired by w.iter. These should. thcrefo1e, neve1 be washed unless nccessary 1 ru1d then only imm ediately befot-o prepRration for the table, and us r avidly ttis possible, all the wa. ter being removed by ahalnng in a. net or colan· der TCE CRJ£A1U - Pnt one gallon of S\\'eet milk on the fiie, two Je11y cups of \~Jnte sugru. ; '\\]1en t:;Calding hot stil 111 n teaspoonful ofcmn sta.1ch dissolv ed.inn. little milk. I·Iave ready eight Pggs separat~d au<l. well beaten ; pout· the hot milk on to the yolks first, tJw11 back into the l{ettlc ; do this scve11l.l times un til evt-oly nuxc<l, tht:n pour it on to the i.dutes, back and forth th0 sau10 way ; when cold flavor and freeze CouNTF.RJ·'E/1' RENEWING ' '7 l\INKLED SlLK.-lt is said that silk which baa become wi:n~ klcd inay bo nu1..:.:le Bo [JI U:lU~O .A nooK CANVASSlllR.-A very to apvear like ne'v by sponging the snrfa.ce preposses1'1ng young lady, canvassing for a with a ·w eak solution of gum-a.rabic or white popalar book, stepped into the offico of a glue, n.nd ironing on the wrong sHlc A Substitute for Lath & Plaster ! '!'he UNION .rnn PERMANENT Buildiug and Sa\ in g's Society. 'fhe~e latter instltntioE.B arlvo.nce Loans ou Real Estate, on te1ms l.lnustutlly easy for tl1e borrower. FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. usual. Bowman'V1lle, Feb. 6th. 1873. ALWAYS G-ET MRS. A. FLETCHER l)o\~man\:Jlle, bo.1t uossmg the ll1iss1ss1ppi, recently, "e1 c an old couple fron1 J__,ou1 siana, co1n111g to '10ic their friends m Y1cksbnrg. I Iit:: old gentleman \vas '.valk1ng a1onnd, despite his wife's pred1ctiqns that something \vould happen to him, and he su ddenly found himself m the river. She lte.nd hts yell and caught sight of hnn, and leaning o'er the rnil she shouted " There, Samuel, didn't I tell you so? Now, then, wo1k your legs, flap yam arms, hold your breath and repeat the Lo1d's Prayer, for it's mighty onsm:tm, S,unuel, whether you'll land m V1cksbmg or ctermty." He landed at the former. be could not purchuse it. "Oh never mind tbat," ejaculated the vivac1oua little "roman ; "it won't cost auything to look at it; even 111 It ~II if you don't buy, I ebould hke to have Jou iead s'Jme portions Df it and see \\.hat jt 18." - - "Mighty Onsartin " - On the fe1ry- The a.cco1nmodating brnker took the vulurne and glancing at the title-pugc, con11ncnced PAPER OIL-CLOTH cm<l OAUPETING. FIRST-CL.A.SS. April 7th,1874. A BIG is now ragi.ttg at RURH a pcrsual of tbc 1ntroduction. Th1s finish ed he began ut tho first cbn.ptf:r and rend care- SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. lnlly and leisnrely alonq. It was about nine o'clock '~hen he conun~nced, aud an hour paseeJ 01lently away. Then the bookagent began to exl11Uit signs of xier,·ousness, apparently unnoticed by the broker, fot' he uever raised his eyes Jrom the volu1ue, but BOWMANVIU... E W. BELL & Co's. Prize illedal Organs Ma.chine and ;m;plement \,/ Manufacturmg Co \Vlnch 111 1873, at the :e_.royjpc1al Fn-ir, bent eYcry A1uer1oan :oind Cann.dian 01go.n, taking TIELEVENS the llinS'l' PlUZE. Aloo lhe renowned Man ufaotures o!J iead steadily on. Eleven o\;lock can1e, and - l t occuJJcd in Oshkosb. "Will you do 1t ?" site said, twisting one end ol the slr.1p around her hand and tetch1ng h11n a "stinger" across the shoulders with the other. He squirmed and look ed fraat1cally at the keyhole o'. tl1e door, as if he could crawl through it. "Will you do it ?" she said, aimmg two, or three nt the cabes or ]us legs wlnle he skip ped a1ound ltke a great Northwestern grns.hopper with the iimjnms. " Will you do 1t ?" she repeated, concentrating be1:ene1gies for a terrific swoop,and dealmg l11m a blmder over the eyebrows th<1t made the cold persp1rat1011 sta1t out of every pore in hts body. ··I will 1·· he roa1ed in agony, a:nd they 'vere n1ar1icd. ~--~~---- Marrying Him to Save His Life l"rom the Vicksbui g }lei al cl It was the twilight hour, and they wc1c n1ea.ndcring over the execrable side\\ al ks on Veto sheet. He was blacker tha n Lhe king of clubs, and could discount the ten-spot of spades. "Susan, I Lub you I" he suddenly ren1111 ked. "Shoo ! Go long 1" she re~ phcd. "Susan, will }Cr many me ?"he continued. " Go long \vid you Pete f' " If yet don't I shall embrace the flo,1ti11g w<1ters ou the dmk nbbei. Den de co1one1 " 'Ill haul 1n -e out an' sot on me , dey'll plant me under de roses,an' de \erd1ct will be, 'Dat feller died ou a broken heart F 1' 1 ' " Yon don't 111ean dat, Pete ? " 1 do, Susan ! 11 "Den, Pete, ,. she sa1d, as she s;gh<:d hc..!.vily, "den it's n1y duty to tna1 11y you to save ycr ]Jfe, and de weddm is to come off in de foll. And they clasped hands and rolled I would g11'e to the young and healthy thelf eyes and stumbled along. 11:.KTHOD o~ PBESEUYING Ecas.-P1ofessor the roo1n, glancing occas1ona1ly out of the wnido\\, ....\.t 110011 the broke!" wnsshll 1ead- Sace now announces tlu\t by far the best meth. 1ng, anU the agent wore a dcc1dedly troubled od of p1eserving eggs for an indefinite lcngt.1 of countenance. A fe\v minutes before one time con:n~ta iu coating them with 1)1),1·a1finc, of o'clock tho broker laid the book dowu, which one pound \Vlll .~11a1vor for fifteen hunleisurely took lus over.coat and hat, and re- dred eggs. .After being thus ti e.~ted they do roa1ked blandly," 'l'bat is a very good book, not experience any loss in weight, and "'111 1 eI arn sorry that I canno t read n1ore of it n1a.ia unchaugc<l fo1 several n1onths. It is es· but I am obliged to go to dmncr. If you' scnl1a.l, howe' 01, th,\t ihe Cg'gs be perfectly will coll m the utternoon, I \\11lrcad some frcsb,as,should deco1:upos1tiou ha.ve commenced, more of it. ' the ope1ation \Vill not prevent its contllluancc. 'l'ErANUS Suco.1~SSEU.LLY 'IHi::A'l'.h D. -'l'he STU'l.ULANTS. Canada. Lu11ce t says :-Dr. J. B. Carruthers ruport1;1 (La:ncct, Sept. 26, 187·:J.), .~ c;.1,3e of t1 auBY 'II.IE AUrHor... OF 'JOHN HALIFAX' mn.tic tetanus in a boy, wL 14, succel'jl)fully Most 9hll dren have aH instinctive dislike t1ented by chloral hydiato ru11l b10111h!c of potasto aluohol in any shape, unless, Indeed, there s1uu1. At tirst the case WM inost d1al1 ca1ten111g, be o hereditary predisriosition to~·ard It-of but by steady perseverance in the hcatmcnt all predispositions the mo·t fatal. Any the convulfilon::.i g1atlua1Jy weakent.ld n,nd finally one ·who kno\VS the strong pureness of a eeasetl. The amel1urntion of the symptor.o.s on con~t1tution \\·h1ch has 2ece1vcd from h\O the thir<l day aftc1 tlw chlontJ. hydrate ruJ.d 'bromlde of potassnun were g 1ven, \V<tB lllUSt or three teinperate gen~ratlons an absolUte marked. ind1ft'erenco to stirnulants, can hardly overrousONlNC .HY 1fAlCH~S.-Pbo!'lphoruB 1 l~ngiJ· value the blessing it is to a child, boy 01 ly used iu 1naking fnution matches, is n. \)owe1 · girl, to br1ug 1t up tro1n babyhood in the ful pou;on whf:ln SW<Lll1 >wetl 1 inducing Llood}" tirn1 faith that w111e, beer, and spirits are 1.Hscb!\1gcs fro1u the bowd~ ~nu bJ,uldei, and only med1c1nea, 11ot <l.11uks; tLat when .)OU gn~at dc1angc1nent froin tlie uer'ie-ec11ters lf ure tl1irsty, be ~·ou utan, wonian, or clultl, swallowed the autidute IB spirits of turpentinf;', tbe right and natural bevt:"rage 101 yon lt:i d1l1.1tccl with 1nilk. .An adult should tnko an water, and 011ly \\o'.lter. It you rt¥J.ture it, utuwe of tntpentine, nnd if tins is Yotn1ted, inore should I e taken. Jf retmncd, a qun1tcr if you have been so corrupted by the c\'d of ml ounce the next d.1y w1ll 11su.Uly c~wplete iuiluencea of .)Ollr youth or tbe Juxunous Llie ClUO. It 1s believed tha.t JJbo~plton1s lotie8 taste ot your aft~r-.) c.irs tlhlL you 1 cau not l~f! power to gn·o off tox.1c vn.po1 sand uthe1 i11drink \Valet,' either there itH:wmetluug ra<l.1- fl11ences de:::ctructn e to life, in the presence of cally dh.eased in your cous~1tution, or you tuipent1ne. \\tAt:fll::..T(; \Voo1.J1£N CLO'rHlNG. --lL h.1s been will soon bring ) our,self to tbut contht1on. Lu"g before you are imddlc·aged yon \\ 111 foiuu.l. on trial that \voo 1eu n 1 t1cl es tic~lled by the Iollo\' ing: m ethod, auggestcd by D1. 'J'1llbave no lack ot 'oitcu 1nfir1nit1cs 1 1nunu) dn not shn11k , nwJ iema111e<l unchanged To 'drink no w1ue nor strong dnuk,' to in coJor The gm mcuts arc to be .l:!oaked for be absolutely rndcpcndent of the need Jor seveial hou1sin a \~it.rm mod et ately co11t.:1;JllL1at· it, or the temptation to it-any young uHit1 ed soluiwn of soda., to \duch ubout half a tum· or woman brought up on this l)r1nc1ple has bier of nn1monia '\ ater has been ntlded, more not only a defence against n1any 01oral evils or 11c.ss, nccording to the ql.lantLtJ uf clothing. but a physical atrungbold al ways rn reserve They :u.e then to be w.tshed out after the ad· d1t1on of some warn1 wa.te1, and rinsed iu fl esh to tall bauk upon \·.rbt!o accidental sickness wate1 'l'he samePresult nrn.y be reached by and the certain feebleness of olJ age call for udd1ug a tuinble:t of 111umon1a water to v. small thut 1esource, which I do not deny 1s a t tub nf \Yatur, son.king the a1ticles fnr half n.n huiesa rnost valuable one." But the adv ice honr in tlus 1 t~nd then 11ns1ng them ;n pure the lady began to walk rather smartly about A. LaJge StocJ.,Justlleceitecl,-Plain ct11d 01na11iental, both for H.-Tall~ and lPloors. HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO (l3oston.] '\Vluch .hna taken vVOOD AND IRON WORKING MACHINER'i ,rnd he ts determined to continue to sell at these 1uinously low . chen1;e1 than the cheape~t. Why he can do itFll'st, he buys ±or cash and knows Just how to buy 1 Second, what he can't buy cheap enongh, he manufactnres Third, be is satisfied with s1nall profits ! Fourth, he sells for en.sh , Fifth, he sells at bottom p1·iccs. Forty-nine Fi?·st Premiums. rl'hc Paper Oil Ululh anll Cat pet ng i~ a Ohe.tp and l>wa1Jle Snb11titute foi· Oil Cloth. The Cben1ieaJ:-. with '\ h1ch thf:' Pr.per is so.tu1 · nt~d, render it p1oof against Rn.ts, l\-IotL.s 1 and :i\h..ie. -~-.o.-- NEPPEL~S THE KING OF Double Turbine Water Wheels, REPAil{S do11c on iht;J Varnish Polish! Auothn th111g 1nuch wa.nttid. '!'his P01ish gi vcs a most ~leg3nt lu~t 1 c,aud dui.:i:; uustanta.ntlously SEWING MACHINES, Ca.stings of a.ll Kinds --:o:-N. B.- Tlic Subficriber 1:. lL<Jt a Sl..lb, 01 nn dcr .A.gent, bnt has the s11ecial agency for the a.bove. I 11m }Jrepared to exchange Pia.nos for Orgaus, Oigans for l\fclodeons, also Sew111g )1.ichil1cs, on 1easo11u.ble tex111s :\.ddress, J,111, C.ALL AND SE:E lrOB AND Exa1nu1c - - o-- YOUDSELVES~ BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. c stock 1 which comv1·ises~ evcryt}ung in the trade, of the very latest and n1ost cl~g(lJ'l styles and pa.tte1 ne, of Enghsh, C11naclutu 1 oi.nd An1eucau ruanufacturti. -o-Ui:; still continues to ma.nufact.ure to 01de1, from the best of material, and none but Ihst-class \1·c1kmen kept. Nothing ever discovered before to equal this Polish. liOH. SHORTEST NOTICE, We hove llOW ]'_OH. J. S. DO:YEY, rrrnONr. P.O. tilllO!'i, uu h.md ,, Jorge quantity uE Piano · 1?ortcs, llivgg ies, 15th, 187.5, 6 Common and Gang Plows, that w11l be sold at Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Ile -o- ha~ iu ~t~Jck 1iu eudless 'auety of La<lws~nts 1 Sa.1atnga. THmki:i, which he i!:I Glocfa, l'ict1we Ji'rwrws 01· Sleighs, ancl all kinds of Va1·ni,licll miv /,ind of Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FJ~ED _.<\_uutLl~i LOW PRICES 611. - - o -Remember the Sta.nd " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, Kmg Bo\\<111a1n1llc, l\.fa. ld, 1874. imlliug cheap for cash Valise:;, l:ltc., .~11 of st. AT THE SHOP. M. TRELEVEN. } VaJ'<iishetl Furnitill'e MILLS. uobl~ urtl~lcl) Dana's Patent Sheep Marks MA HKS Alm '!'HE CHEAPEST, THESE the roost le;:wt troubleso1ne, a.ud complete 1;:ver rnventctl. They nre used la.sting, the most TO TIIE PUBJ_J~[O. <~ SOLE AGENT -FOR l"HfS PLACE. · ..i\.s usual, o. l.,uge Stock onh,.,nll of ' Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoues and Tinware. All of which will be f!old at lo~· £gute!;. John :M:clieod & Co., Wellington Bmldings, Bowmanville. August lOlb, 1875. IS water and iecom1neuded Ly ruany of th< bt:st D1cedcrs in tho U111tcd Stn.tcs anrl Canu.<lni, sut:h as G. 1-t Loring, Sn.lcrn, Mn.<JR., PreH1tlent .:.-.Jew l:11gla.nd Wool Growers' Society, J ol1n S. J{o~~. H1.:uncB 0 \V l\1AN VI LL E p1n, 111. ; Professor :\1, 1\hlc!-!, of tho State Ag J'arm Implement Forwarding Agency ucµltlU al Coll<tgc, r.ansing, )11oh. : lio1J. c eiJ. B1own 1 Tm onto, Ont.; John Snell, Edmontoni J1. W JAMES, Ont. On each DJ a1 k is stamped the o\vner 1s nan1e and the Sheep'a nu1nhc1. 'l1bey will be King St., J~owman,ille. acntfree, by n1ail, 01 cxpress,for only four i.;cnls Howmnnv1llc, Dec, 5, 1872. nlO. each, and "'111 last for 'l'\V:t:KTY ) EARS. t~· C;i,i:ih roust acconTPit.llV rJl ordcts ARCilIDALJJ YOUKG, JK, Sarnlc\1 Out. Orders addressed to the MEI'.OHN'C' a.n<l OEhave tlus da.y appointed C. B.A.l{J{ER the JJ,'xclusiie a~~nt for tlw r;a1e of my VuL· SRRVER Office, £01 any quant1ty, '"ill be filled at tbc above -mentioned p1 ice, aH qu1pkly as he I' CAfl'1ZED PENS fi.ll .LSowm!l.1n'llle, Ont. Marks can be made and sent JOSEPH ,lfASON,P.P. 0. BARKER, J. J JACOBS. Bowmauv1Ue,Dec. 28th,1871. rol3 ly . m·tf. Ilow1nanville, Sept.lOth,1874. ]Jle,1f30 call at the u.Lr lo.u_l uE the &ibove the 'vay. on WALTER WIGG SON, fo1 jHtflt ra.~or~ ietnr11111i; tbn11lq'.I to thch nnmerons uustomu1a and the pubhc gi·ueu:W.ly I N-,,voulJ rcspeutfuJly in"1tc tl1cu attl;lntion t o our p1csent stock of funntui 1:l,' as .. e ha\c latel,Y n.dded tlw1 1Jto, that '\e u1ay thereby be enabled to ~upply all pa1tka who ii1ay )Jlease to f11.vor h1m 'v1th it C[!.lL Cheat 1nducen1entf! held out ti5"thoSL' ptucharnng at our es.tnhb~Ln1c11t l'ic· t1H'l:'S 1 J..i00kn11l' Glusse8. etc framed to orJer, r:.nd in every style Snmples of the d'itCJ ent kind of o ukhngs can be fieen a.t the \Ht.re·roon1. We ¥.ou.ld also beg to infonn you, that having purch:t.6td a ' SPLEND1D NEW HEARSE, \Vu A CARD. I shn.ll be ready at all tunes t1.1 attend funei a.ls, on short uotice and reasonn.blf;! te1ms. N. ]1. - Cofhas kept on liandaud made to ordo1, at the NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-R001'll. Osba\va, .Aug. 2(it]J, 1870. I King Street East, Osha.wal I ----