· THE Having sold out my CABINET & UNDERTAJGNG BUSINESS ·to ~fll. ~V. P. PROWER, I would respectfully recommend him to the Public who hav1:i favored n1e With their patronage \_ for thli:.last 'l'hixty years, as a Gentleman well qualiti6d to meet their wants in the a.hove line· of -~ trade, a1la-btrlieve that he will giyc the utmost satisfaction to all who favo1· hinr with th eir patro11a.ge. · Respectfully yours, M~RCHANT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1875 MORDIS' CARRIAGE SHOP .N EW MAMMO"FH R. S. MANNING. west of the Onturi Bank. 5 COPY & CENT. AT 5 It you want CHANGE To the Public : OF BUSINESS! Having bought out the King Street, Bowmanville. EXERCISE BOOK! snbscl"ibe1· is prep<wcd THE. pmr ~u build and re- R. EAST·O N'S THOROUQHLY RELIABLE OAEINET BUSINESS of ?vlu . R. S. l\.lA.-Ul:tiG, and which I inupose carrying on at the Wagons, Biigg'ies, and Cutters, vf every <leBc:.riptlon, at shol't notice, and o reasuuable tei·m1:3, Cheap Fanqy Goods. Store and School Book Emporium. ---:o:--- Old Stand, King Street Bowmanville, I beg to say that I will endeavor to k<::ep everything on band tJ:-.at ie needed in th..i Furniture Line. Having ha<l TEN YEAl=tS experience lll the Bo\\'IDMlvillo Furniture l'actorv, and being appointed Agent to sell for the Cun'.lJl&ny in Bow1nn.:nville, the Public c.:a.n depenct upon getting the ORGr\_NS, FOR · Carriages Painted and Trinn:ed· A Blacksmith's Shop on the l_)remises, ·w ere special att ention is to all giVCil 1875. 0 1875. CIRCULAR. CASH. The New Five Cent Mammoth Copy and Exercis3 Book, is the mme size as R. Easton's York-shilling Exercise Book, which he sells at TEN CENTS each. Nice cover with Multiplication Table printed on back cover. ]'ll.B.-No other house keeps the same Book, as it is made expresR!y to R. E's. own order. THREE CENT E,rorcise Books, Fools Oap Paper, 20 cts. per Quire, Quarter Quire f(YI' lfJVE CENTS. 292 and 404 Pens 'at Fivg Cents per dozen; TWO for ON !5 CENT. Parlors, Schools, or Churches, · Apply to BEST FURNITURE IN THE PROVINCE, at :\fo<leratt' ra'.tes, by giviJ1g me a c11ll. I intend to SELL FOR C.ASH, making but Smnll l'rofita. C9rriage ·work, and General Jobbing. All wo1·k done at this Establishment war1wntca. A call is respectfully solicited. J\i 0L UNG BROTHERS' CASH CASH. O~ :El.ICE & :BA.BXER .Agents for the~ REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS DONE, AND CHARGE·s MODERATE. Lots of 20 Cent l!lates to be sold at Twelve and a half Cents, OENTS. Cheap Penholders and Pencils Slates for FIVE BA.VING BOUGHT A NBW HEABSE, front the celebrated Messi·s. Armstrong's, of Guel})h, I am prf;'pared to furnish Funerals with an outfit unsnr.passed in nny City in the rrovince. I keep on hand, a Splendid lot of Coffins, Shrouds, etc., which c~an be sent out uyun one /w(l,1·'s notice, at any time, thus meeting the want that emer11en01es ao1ncti1ncs c:i..use to ru'i.se, in the country, THE NEW and lllfPROVED LEATIIEll SCHOOL BAGS, only SEVENTY CTS. EACH. All kinds of School Books supplied at R. EAST01Y'S. BE S T ORGANS ON THI!! Yours, etc., . W. P. PROWER. Bow1nanville Sept. 9th, 1875. Will be it~ at next Session, for an Act to Incorporate a Hank, to be called :,.i. ~a~~~,2~mTn~9~nad·, I Capital of One iliUlion of Dcllars, nnJ The Midland Bank of Canada, with with the Head Office thereof in the '!'own of Bow1nanville. $25 RODERT ARMOR. Solicitor for Applicants. B owma.D\'ille, August 5th, 1875. 45-9t.' REWARD! The above re¥i·ard will be paid to any person who will f11rnish ample proof that the .Boots & Shoes sold by the und~rsigned, a.re not what he r epresents them. $20 Reward! Subscriber \Vill pay $20 to auy J?erson _ giving such intormation as will convict the J.rty or partie.a who between Saturday evening ....:1e 21st ult., and J\.fonday !Dorning 23rd ult., -did stea.l from bis lWapr:r the siC'kles or cutting part, and carry them, he knows not whither. JAMES P~lt.K.IN. JlH:l~ Darlington. 48-tf 2 Con. Lot 23. FOB SALE. PI-IILLIP'S 1.:-f '!'HE HOTEL, VILLAGE OF HAMPTON. Possession can be given on the l at of Ma.rch. Tei·ms easy. A~ply to the proprietor on the premises, for partlcula.rs. For Ge11ts" For La.dies .' , 'I'eas a. Speo1a.l1ty. For Children. J. D. STROWGERNewoa.stle,A.ui;i.u>t, 14th, 1874. and AFTER (he first day of Oet., 1875, our business will be ,T. MOR!US. 13own1anvillet 0 :t. lst, 18G9, conducted on !t CASH basis. We have, after duly considering the matDRUGS AND MEDICINES ter, concluded to abandon the CREDIT SYSTEM and to sell ,our goods for · at the ready money, '?r its equivalent. It is unnecessary to resort to. argument Bowmanville Drug Store, or explamttion to show. that, in these days, the Credit System is injurious alike to seller and purchaser; and it is universally admitted to be 1tn in- NO . . 2. COUNTRY TRADE SUPPLIED hJf"" Town Hall Buildings, Bowman ville. JE¥ J. HIGGINBOTHAM justice to those who buy for cash. So there is no apoltigy necessary, on MOTTO-Nimble Sixpence better than a Slow Poking Shilling. OULD must respectfully tender his sincere Bowroanvilllet Aug. 12th, 1875. < ,mr part, for making the proposed change. Having remoYecl to more commodious premise~, thanks to his numerous friends and n~· tomer~, and to the public generally, for hh~ This new method wi.ll enable us to take every ad vantage of the rrmrIN very hbt>ral support he lrn.s received inct" his C?mmonci!1g in busines3-; and hopes by con· kcts, aml place within our reach large trnde discounts on, cash purFOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, tinned strict personal attention to buaineea and eg to inform the public generally, that the r chases. offering nothing bqt the purest articles. af the are now enabled to offer them moat rea.sona.b1e prices to ensure a continuance of "Public patronagl@~ , · .., The benefits which will result to our customers under this system are J:, .H . \vould,call sp.ecial attention to hiR very manifest; not only shall we be able to buy our goods consideraply cheaper snperior stock Of · in the line of under the advantages referred to, but much smaller profits then were necessary under the old system, will suffice. which are sure to give the bt.:st satisfaction, A well selected stock of We are determined, this season, to push our business with renewed DRUGS, energy, and shall endeavor to excel in every department. Our arrange,. CREjjf[CALS, ments are such that no establishment can undersell us. Remember, then' are now receiving a large consignment of Sugars, direct from New York;, PATENT lrIEDIOINES which they will offer at lowest prices. BR USIIliJS" ' that the right place for cheap goods is ' (AS REGARDS PRICE J: QUALITY) OOJlfBS, than ~y other house in ·the County. SHOULDER-BRACES On ·hand a large and fiM assortment of SUPPORTERS, Etc, Ek NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD kept consta1~tly on hand. Weight and j)feaswre Guamnteed Bowmanville, Sept. 1st, 1875. oILs PAlN'l' in eve1·y insta:ee. · ' COLORS, vARNISHES, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES. and WHITE LEAD Strowger Bros. NEWCASTLE Pii·ie's Supe1'fine Note Paper, only 10 cts. per Quire. BeautifulBurniehed Envelopes only 8 Cts. pe?' package. extra,, only 10 ct&. per paolcaqe ·Business Envelopes, from $1.40 pe·r 1000. Large Stock of Blank Books. 1000 page Blank Books for $4. 00 Beautiful Illustrated $14 Family Bibles $12.50. $10 Bible for $7.50. Lots of other Goods offering Cheap, at EASTON'S CHEAl? STORE, NO. L BIG STOCK OF WALL PAPER. CONTINENT W Sugars! Sugars! Sugars! 1 Better Inducements G1~ocery Business, Lyle & Martyn DYE STUFFS ' M°CLUNG BROS. Glassware, Fruit Jars and Croe k ery at the very lowest prh:es. J. L. S'rROWGER H. T. PHILLIPS. Feb. 25th, 1875. 22-tf. Real Estate FOR SALE. ni~E ESTATE of the ~ate PHILIP CA.LLD.ARY, J_ 1s oITel'ed for Sale, being a part of Lot No, Lo test - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - TEAS AND GENERAL GROCERIES NOT TO :BE EXCELLED. ---:0:--- Horses and Cattle Medicines. · N. B. -Counti·y stor.c-keF:peni snpplicd on the most aUvanta.geou1:1 terms. A choice selection of LAMPS for bnlc cbenp Bowmllnvillt>. Dec. 1868. 6m. Styles and THE Go_oll Stock. Sa.'bba.th School · Ensign, - ;{O, 5th Con. Darlington, comprising 25 acres, more or less. There arc about 23 a.cres cleared, the re1nainder being woo<l. land . . There is a ~oocl frr..rne houae, with barn, driving house and 11.tablc, and two r·ood wells. r l'h('rc is also a Q splendid SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERED WORK. STORE.- One door east of Cornish's Jewelry Store, King Stl'i.:et, Bowma.oville. J. SMALE. Bow_w3nville, May 6th, 1875. Illustrated Paper, for Sabbath Schools. .An unsectar1an, Published Monthly, at Bowmanville, Ont. The Editor has been Qonnected, mote or less, closely with Sabbath Schools, from hirs boyhood, and will endeavor the make the E~srGN every way worthy of thQ support of Sabbath Schools. 'l'he unsectarian character of the pa.per,rendera it suitable for any School In connection there· -with, a Supplement is published, containing Notes on the Interuatioua,l ~t'lries of S. S. Lessons. 11hese are carefully prepal'ed, and must prove of great value to both Teacher and Scholar. Parcels of fi, 10, 15, etc., n.t tho rate of 30 ctl'l. per ycal'. Single copiel:!, 40 ct~ Postage l·'R.EE. A:ldress, Orcharcro Fruit·bearing Trees. '!'bis propC;rty is iu a. good &ta.t.e of cultivation. li'or furtbei· particulars, apply, if by letter, post· paid, to 1J.n. MceTLL, Osbawa . . A.pril 1st, 18"i5. 27 -tf. A Liberal Discount on CA.SB: J EI L --- 10n1 T'S · ' .t · ~ Pu?chases for Sums of ii'ive Dollars a.nd Upwards. j To Owners of liorses, And the General Public. AT CJheapStore TYR()NE, Ha.snow a full assorted Stock of . Homesteqd and FARM FOR SALE. S. MASON'S a.~ortment TERMS: T -·:o:-lII!! un<ler.aisued hereby offers for sale by . priva.te contract, hfo valuable Hurne:;tead. and l'arw, c01nposed·of about You will find the most complete: of c. BARKER, EDITOR, Doiible and Single Harness, (both light and heavy) Dowmanv.ille, Ont. (Jhange of B11siness ! At the Sign of the Golden Anvil. . ----:o:---The Subscriber having purchased the entire Stock ~f :Bible Christian What the Press sav about it: Trrn ENSIGN.-We ha.ve been tn.vo.red witb.1~ copy of the Ensign from the Editor,at the W 08t Durhain P:tiut.ing Establi.shmont, The Enttign is a paper prepare espc(lially £01· Sahba.tb Schoob, and in onr opinion well adapted to its object. So grent a. fo.v01ite 1Jas it become, tlla.t we hear (what is very unusual with such enterprises) it has proved for the first year a financial success. '!'he illustrations are suitable and sufficiently nUmerous, while the l·eading· matter il:l lt~althy in tone , racy in Atyle,and so varied as to suit tlie taste of the genera.I public. 'lV ti congratulate the Edito1· on hav111g catered so successfully to the public want, aud we congratulate the yout'g and the public on having so chi;uming &. sheet presented monthly for the _perusal of their children. Oshawa. Rrjorrn,et·, 1 l'be Ensign is n~atly printed on good pa.per, is illu.stra.te<l, and contains healthy reading matter and ought to ha\'c a la.rge circulation. BOOK ROOM AND SEVENTY ACRES, ~lost pl:.:nsautly situated ou tfil Gravel Road, just north of the of the Newe2t Styles, and of the Best Material & :Workmanship. ever sl1own in Town. Groceries , ·. Dry · Goods, :Boots & ·Shoes etc., eto, which for - - VILLAGE OF HAMPTON. The lane! is mostly good soil. The dwelling is I PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. conveniently arrangerl, and in excellent conditLn. The Barns, Stables, etc., commodious . 'J:her" is a good garden; ol·chard, etc., on tho SOM ETH INC NEW IN TRUNKS! pr~mises . About ten acres oftlm.Ja.rulJ.a well Call and see them timbered. l'h1;; whole will be sold. either in one lot or in parts, ns may be agreed ou. Appli· eatiou tu be m~de to the undersigned owner, A good choice in froin wh01n n.ll particular5 e~'n be learned. LEATHER VALISES, TRAVEL' JOHN FARLEY. 4.8-1wks. liampton, Aui;:-u.at 18th, 1875 1 LING BAGS, SATCHELS, &c. MR. THOMAS would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Bow1nanville and surrounding country, that in addition to his present Stock, he is daily receiving Sa.bba.th School Library Depot, lllN9 STREE:r, BOWMANVILLE. Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE 'SURPASSED J. ELLIOTl TYRONE. Gold ancl Sil-v8>" Mounted Carriage and Team -Pcterboi·o Exa·minc1', Large Irnportatiotis of British and Anier· ican t:Jhelf ancl Heltvy Hardivare, all of which, having purchased for CASH, he is enabled to offer at bot.. tom price~. · --:o:-We h&ve now the most va.r ied and TH.l!i MERCHANT has _ n ow a bona fide \VHIP S, direct from the manufactories. : Circulation. of 1000, nnd with the excepti.on of a. few, these pass into the hands of the p eople of \Vest Dltrha.m. The public'\vill 11tonce see the utility of the p11,pcr as au NETS J: SCREENS IN G;llEAT VARIE1'Y, AT LOW llIGUllES. Repairing promptly attended to. "l1o yonr advantage to gi~·e him a call. fff One door East of Farmer's Hotel. .kti Bowmanville, Sept, 3rd. 1875; 46-tf 4 ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Ii: Bas No Equal iu thi6 coust1tucncy, and tli18'1m 1B' btrtng-.consta.ntly demonstrated. If you have lost anytl1ing, ndve1·tho in this paper. If you ha.ve found anything, advertise in the Jf you want to sell anyt11iug 1 advertise in this pa.per. . · If you want to buy anyth-iug.advcrtise in tb\:I His Stock of PAINTS and OILS will be found Complete, and will be sold at Prices .that will defy Competition. SELECT STOCK o:r Card of ·'I'hank:s. and would inform the farmerS th at he has r paired axi.d refitted his MUI, and ia now pre_par ed to attend to their wants in the .milling line '-'H e is also conducting a'] Subsc1·iber treturns 'thanks to those whu THE have given him. their patronage in the pas ... ME!WHANT. lHEilCHAN T. TIN &STOVE DEPARTMENT! THE GREAT REMEDY FOlt SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE yet offei:ed to the people in West Durham. and having purchased his atook for ' ' 1 ·c . .As:H . lf you want to· rench the- public, nso the col11mus of the i\fEliCHANT. OUR RATES ARE LOW. A.fl a. weekly newspaper, tho lrIERCHAN1' .se an.~dy eXcelled. Sixteen columns of c.are- CONSUMPTION He would also state that !'.LR JAMES NOSWOTHY is associated with him, as Partner in the Tin and Stove Branch of the Business-a sufficient guarantee that all work in this ling will be executed promptly, in the i- · is gh;irig barga.lna in , and acknowledged by runny promint·nt physician.a to be the JUO St Reliable Prcpnrntion eyer is fully selected readinp; mn.tter appear Ul each is:;;Ue, comprising L'ite?'a.tu1·c, Agricultu,ra·l, 1?11irnrily Reading, Genel'al and Local Newa- that ).utroduccd for the RELIEli'"' nud CURE of all Best Manner, and at Very Low Prices. ~o-- IS o~ a LUNG COMPLAINTS. Tbii:i well-known rcimccly fa offorecl to tho n.ll fresh and readable. SuUt1c1·iptions ta.ken any time duri11g yca.t·. --:o:-tte public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty yea.rs, and when reaortcd to in ~e11son 1 seldom :(ails to effect it speedy cure of Eavetto·ugh1ng a Speciality. , Dry Goods,· · Dres~ Goods, Cr-0ckery:,GlassUiare, . . . . '~ Groceries, &c. . GREAT ABitIVA?. The Lnrgcst Stock ever i:il10wn in Bowman,.·ille. TERMS 75 GTS., IN ADVANCE. Spring Hats&: Caps --:o:-- FOB JO:B :PRINTING we ha.ve (}""t'l'Y facility. Vil_e do ~ot work for nothing, or fun, . but . our prices w11l be found l ow, a"3.oaept·esse 3 are i·un by stea1n power. Newest Styles! :1i1:- by ft 1s by A Large Stock of' 1.'in\vare of every clescription, always in Stock, and 1nacle to 01·cler on the CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED timely re.sort to this stnndnrd rcmC dy, :u: proved hundreds of testimonials recciveC Shortest Notice. the proprWtors. by Coughs, Colds, C1·oup, llronchltls, In· nucnza,Whooping Cough, uoarscness, Pains or Soreness in tile Chest and Slde, Bleeding at the Lungs, Liver ()omplalnt, &o. For the Holidays! Gift nooks, Splenddd A lbwm,s, Prang's '"Cdebrated· Ohromos, Microscopes,l{aleidoscopes, of the !~nest description, Ladies' Companions, Writing Desks, Poclcet Books, &:o., &;c., to please all , and every one, I STANJ). - Recently occupied by Mr. Gray. S. V ANS'l'ONE. ·-Tyrone, Dec. 17, 1874. TYRONE. ' 1how Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Ch'culars Bill Heads Cads Pamphlets, a.ud cvorythin~ frOJn the si.~;e of a. ~aster lru:gt; enough to cover fl. barn to a. ha.lf-111c11 stl'1p, printed i n good style, aud u,t c1ty prices. Sp1;.1cim(;jllB of wm·k can be seen at our offieo. \York han<lt'd. out, and the cal:!h t i;i.ken for it, English Fur, American Fur, and Canadian Felt DR. WISTA.R'S BALSAM OF WILD OHERRV Jl1'CpartJfi()1is, 1nit it loosen.~ a:rul cletu1.. ves tlto h1>n(ls1 au<l atlays t1'J'itation, thus remoTJing tJ1,e cause of the cotnplalnt. docs not dry up a Cou,y1',, a.n4 Zen:oo tfMJ cause bchind:.1 Cf8 is tho case ?.vith 1nost .HATS. from 12h Cents., upwards. a First-class Selection. The Stock of Stoves will be found. Complete, ·comprising a.11 the fa.vorite kinds, in. . ' .} ' ..· .. · . NOT .SO FAST. ~ . CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all those wl:wsc occupation requires 1m unusual cx._~rciiw of the voetll organs, will find this the ONL'l'" FREP.\RA1'ION wWoh will effectually aud instantnneoui:1ly Telieve their difficul· De'\vare o:.I Conn.te1·:fetts. Remember tlurt the genuine Wistar'!J .BulSfltn has on the outside wrappe1· the signat1tre of · ' 'I. BUTTS," and thep1·inted name of the proprietors, "S}3TH JP'. FOWLE cf' so!A"SJJOSTOlit.n All otM?·11 are bq,se imitations. Examine the .u-rappe,. oa1·ejully before1nirclu.l3ing. tiC!I, STRAW HATS! STRAW HATS HALL, FOlt COOK, COAL SO; HO! Q-entlemen -. of F~shion. A and plendid Collection of !, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, or PARLOR, OR WOOD. 48-3mos. Knowing ju~t what suits -the public taste, I hn.\'C purchased accordiugly. Ca.ll early, and suit yourself. One Dollar a Bottle. Bix Bottle! for Fire DoUon. PllEPARt!:D RY L{;ghest Price pa;d for Raw Furs ALL KINDS OX' -FURS REPAIRED, Bowmanvill~ SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Mass., A».d sold by Druggistiil nud Dcalera generally. Bowmanville, August 27th, 1875. lt. S. KANN:CNG. I C. BARKER. Manager. M. MAYER'S. Arl"il lat.,..,1875;: I l!:ltereoaoopic) Vie'W's Tke Goode were baught at best ra.tes, and purchasers will recaive the ben@fit. i I have written the56 few lint"'~ And &ll I have tO say, · That you can fipd.-me still at home I am not gone S:iay; So a;ll lr!y kind old friends mn-y ·come · And all the ypJlng ::mes too nu get their garl1J.ents nicely: mad~ In fn.Bhions tha,t are new Where ol.d and ' Young . ti~ll.r -frfr!JH"~ u~ meet A welcmne greeting by R. PEATE. Bowmn.nville 1 June 19th 1873 . · -----