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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 1 Oct 1875, p. 2

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THE MERCHANT, FRil>AY, OCTOBER 1, 1875 Mag Irate shall tr at tie Reformers as he doe the Uonser at ves tl en the conv c t on sheet of Bowmanv Ile 111 resume a le s ep table agn t le We tl nk Jus < co.c euhsequent nsert on ;vrote w th ti e nt n on of prov r g u der 10 lmes 50 eta tl at the co v ct o she t ~a alread) of .1lents nserted OBSERVE dis rep table magn tude and no\\ after liT at Se en Cent.a per hue fi st ser ...<l;~d 'Il ee Cents] er line each subsequent b a elaborate argu E:n t h snj s in effect f J uBt1cc were done to all part e~ Relorm e era and Conservat ves l K th a su d sheet Spec ·l contract for space made on ppl ca. wou l csume a LESS rer utable t de ton What a Advert sements sent n w thout wr tten n ti at s to say u ore d s rep table ':ltruct ons w 11 be mser-te 1 unt 1ordered out and muddle Cha.rgP. l accord ngly PROHIBITION ~ 1BING / THAT FAMOUS LETTER (Fo1' the Mail &pt 25) I r vate and conti lent al ToRo:<TO 15Lb Ang 72 l>h DEAR Sm-The fight goes bravely WELL DONE At the Prov n al Fa r the Bo" n an11lle Moch ne Manulactur ng 001 puny exb1h ted 12 ~fach1nea and took c even r r z s lhree cheers for tt e Oompn ) Home Thoughts By the reno vned Affl ck On sa BARKEn s Pr ce 30c cloth g It on -,r. 'If. '* '*' We 1 atit: expe ded our strength in aiding ths out counties and help ng our c ty cand date· but a b g pu l has to be ruade on Saturday and Monday for the East and West D vis on * '* There are b t half a-dozen that ca come d-0wn I andsomely and u e I avo all done uhat we possibly ca do and we have to aek a very lew o ts dcrs toad us Will yo be ono l GEO Bno"N Hon Jul n S mpreu the leader Sept 28) TonoNTO 15th .Aug 72 Mr DEAH Sm-The fight goes bra,ely on b1 t t s I ard to co k up againsttl ee o (Fro mouB sum ot ( * Personal Mr ;D D1vsoftl aTovnret r cd lone irom a three mo h s tour n the old country on Io luy e en ng ast Ha looks hale and 1 el\)'ty alte h s sea VO) age The Organ Factory We n lerstand that f ve ge ti rnon " 11 I nc~forth const lute our 0 gan l\-1anrtfac tur ng Com pa y an I that they purpose ut :! ng the raach nery not requ red for the J.r!an factur ng of organs u other pro fitab e v.:ork FJucl as the mak ng of doon~ 'v ndow sasbee. &:c &c t\ e l 1;1,. c r ad with orli nary care the re ports p bl sl ed I ti e da IJ pap rs on the la e Con vent on nnct ha e been struck w tb 1st The aUsenc of cer a n prominent l(if' All matter adi;crt sements &c nt d represt!ntnt ve men Lay and Ee lea ast1c rrue letters of apology for non attendance ed for pub! oat10n must be 1 andel vere read from se \ eral persons b t after ore 12 o clock noon on Th r day al O\\ 1ng for tl at we have to o vn to a l ttle l sa l po true t under th head ~ Not ces of B rt! s and Deatl s 9:nd There waR n ev dent lack of ac be ns r ed n the )IERCRA><t Ir cor<l urr au,, ti e gen ti en en pre nt botl date fo 2o cents c cl nsert1on !\.ia llS to the ti ng des red and ti e ml'a s to be 50 en - --to I oye l to ts atta nil t: nt Any of our readers ans\\ er u0 a 3 d The a at earnestness of cour e men ts wl ch u.r peor n our colun n ot b ng present "e an only J udgo by og for books n agaz: nes e c etc r th p b 1Shetl reports n wl ch we look n l J us ll con! r a !arnr y mak n~ for the ev1den e of the ent} us aem n of th s I aper to either aJ vt::rt ne ess3r) to command success n such au \ rulls er enterpr1s Except ng the speeches del v \ ---ed by the gentlen en fro Awer ca the ad FACTS d es; of tl e fadJ frorn carcst our d al of wl at ers arrears ust pa) n bu I a a sembl~ as tl e accounts w 1 sbQrtly be l lae d 4 h We looked for sometbrng a l le ~l e a ds of the col ctor If ll fi appl s no e trust orthy as to the state of puhJ e to you take Lbc fr t opportumty to ca l Jee og In \be d fl re t sect ons of the Do us llll 1 1el eve your m nd an l pocket That the MEna1 ANT ha ng about U ousaud readers week 1n We t Dur ham st e bes atlvert s ug ne<l uu n l s sect on of uu try Ex.per ence bas 11 run b r of our 11 erchants tb s fac BO\\ MANVILLE OCT 1 he G()'t;ernmcnt candidates have 'ln hands We here hove expended our atreugtb in ad ng the out count es and help ng our c ty cand dates 1 but ab gpusb hos to be n ade on Saturday and Monday for the East and Wt:st D '1s on if we are eir ti - ----·· ot to s ccu nb to the cash of the Gove -n nent We co Id a 11 all three divisions eas ly b t Found Drowned. Jo the casl aga nst us and if ce car y tho first on qatu dwy the other tu;o u ill go u~tl us n sp te of all the asl they can mu tor We ti erejore make ou grand sta· d on Satur day '.I l ere are but l al a do en people that can c me down handsome}~ and ~e have all done what ve poes bly i.;an do and \\e hav~ to ask a \er f w outs <lers to ad s W l yo 1 be one 1 I have been u ged lo w te o an l comply a c01 dingly T i gs look well ovor tie Irov~ce With all ti eir money we ,7 all beat ti en } ollv v "' 0 lar o a d ti ings look brig/ t in Quebec la thfully youro c EO Bno"N Hon John S mpson Etc etc In ll o Globe ol Monday Mr Brown ays Mr S mpion mfo ma me t1 at L.e J s no such letter that le las no recollect ou of Lav g 1ece1 ed or Lav OrT seen su b a letter an l that he is iuite ccrtfl n he contributed no mot ey to t1 e fund rel' rred to I have no COJ y of the letter f1on1 wl cl the5e extracts ares ated to ba e been taken b tt I ha,; e son e re collect on of ;vr t ng some such Letter._about the t me mentioned to three or poss bly fo r pol t cal fr ends I ussume therefore that the words quoted above haH been c 1 d fron a let er ot m ne And far fron regrett ng that tbe Oppo it on organs la e got possess on of th s lctte1 a d felt theurnelvee at 1 bcrtj to pub! u '°lect cl I asirng s from t 1 teJO ce that ti ey bave lo e so for t JU t fies tne n sta.t g ti us pub! cly vhat V1' the aruo nt ond character of tl s f nd al ut w h cu such "on lcrful stor es lave been nvented ns an nuswer to ti e s vorn fact of the Pac fie Scandal Every one 10 the Dom n on knows that Col Cub1tt has a pccul ar woy of do ng lb ng· Ex mayor Cub1tt has n h s V18dom ap pealed this important case to tl e SeSB on>i v.: here he says A f:iho1t exan nat at of Mr Tl ompson v ll sho · that I tended no IDJ iry to Mr Cl m e Tb s II be mportant ev denee ns no J dge or J ry can doubt t!iat Mr Thompson knew tho Colonel ll 101 ost thougbtii and m st secret intentions \Vbat a clever fello v ~Ir Thompson mu·t be that he can swear to a mans ntent ons The Colonel also compla ns th·t Mr Ha nes did Mt m JI re whether the bottle waa t town with the i11tent1on of strik ng Mr Cl ~ e with rnf!ieient force lo barn I!J ured or I urt h m At l a face head or body 7 This para 0 rapl ts too deep for any Po ce Mags rate to grapple w th No one b t a S boo! trustee or U acle D ck could get up sue! a sentence If Mr Harnes bad on y s nt out for Uncle U ck to g e .d cnce Un le R chard could 1 ave told n ore Ch rch that h·ve accepted tie union and that we are d 1ded upon that subject Now tl e fact s that there ia not a smgle person m our ne gh borhood who fu·m.shed a s bscr pt on to the hmldrng of ti e Church that has no epted le un on "e have 1 en a l st 11 are a it upon that subJect 've have una.n mu sly invited the B ble Cb stian Church to take charge of our so ciety wli li has Io become a part of that Dcnun a r Tl c New Connex on people of an a lJu ng ·ettl rr nt who have un led " h I e \', esleyan Church subscr bed toward our Church to the out s x and a I all per cent f uus ul ouL tie money they SALE REGISTER J. CJ!~!~IN, Under th s head will be p bl shed week F -u t and Orn.a n~t~·ree.! Seeds Bulbs Flower8i°" ~ ~c l) free of charge not c s of all A ict on ...,--..--, Sales posters for w b ch are pr nted 10 th s Mr O gu""""'°"" to ta~, ;ao~.g but oillce Parties not bavmg the r b lie pr nt Fus.t claas trees, and true to ~ d<iresa P 0 Box 55 Eowma.nville ed with s,can use our R g ster by pay Jan 22ad 1875 bp ly 1111 ng the usual rates '.I he ad vantage of having Sale 1 otices appear n our olumne $5 TO S20 PER DAY-Agoai.Wantcd ng clasa~a of wo kmg people of either sex must be apparent to all farmer yo u or old nake more money at "ork for us n th~ r Rpat:e moments or all the t.ime than at On~fonday Oct 11th m the 0 Co anyth ng clae Part free Po t card to Sta.tea cost~ bu one cent Add cs..<i G SllN No J 2 Darlrnglon llir Pb I pa v 11 sell a ON ~nd CO Portland Mane US lot of Farm Stock Implements & the October 27th 1874. ly bp 043 m5 propert; of Mr R cl ard Barrett AL the res dence of Mr S Cole Lot N"o 19 2nd Con Dari ngtou ou Tl rs la) V AI U A UT E f..,m ol 200 oeres be llll Lot No 1 3 Con CartWl' ght ll:iO acrea Oct 7th a lot of Farrn Stock &c Sale to cleared and rn good titate of cult vat on the rebeg n at 1 o clock H T Pl II ps w 11 do na nder s ell wootl d v; th hard ood cedaT &c Ihe sol 1~ a clay loam '!here bre on th3 the talking for each of the abo e prem ses a good frame Dwell ng Ho l»e three frame Ba 1 s Stables sto"1ti Root cellen! an ex On We Jn sJay Oct 6th Mr Chesterfield cellent well of water a. youug or ha d bea ngf " II sell on Lot No 3rd Con Dar\ ngton Cho c \ a et es of fru t and a 1 vu g. a.treun o wat~ fa.rm a moot pleasantly ~uated. · Jot of farmstock ruplemeut housebo ct has goodThe ac} ools n.nd churches c oao by ~ d 18 furn t ne &c the property of !tlr J ol only 5 m le s f om Port Pe ry 12 f om OSha.w& and 15 f om Eowma il e Immeilia.te posae B· gg son f requ red for fur her pnrtict ars apply to the 0 er on the I rem se or by ma P >at pa d S4Jxley P 0 FOR SALE. contr1but d cu e prepared to pay the.n baok evcrJ cer t upo the condltlon that ti ey pay u al tie money "" subscr bed to "arda the erect on and repa rs of theu Cl urcb It a further stated Rev Mr Barker of Bown anv Ile learn ng that there was d ssat sfact on n the ne ghborhood about the ma ter met the party referred to who co t but I he · te and nduced h m to A \ c asped po ket book aud sowe curre cy Th re was no luc to dent ficat on An n1pe·t vas h Id by Cor r Ohr st Tl e ver I ct accord g to t1 e tac s · ···-----Fo .E lannels and F annel n at the Beaver Local Fa rs ore lb ck awl fast J st no of then \\e roust speak n ore part c next week Mr T 11 ard of Hampton says That fron one stalk ol beans ra sed by b m l e took 150 podR con ta n g 6 o bea s Beat that who can The Toronto Su EOJ s - 1 ho ed Lor of the Dowmanv lle Statesma bad a man fine I five dollars for tbro" ng an nk bottle at I m Yet tl s ed tor I as been sl ng g k at everybody el for 3ears-only le d do t al ng t bottled I The atteo t on of o r aicra s <l re ted to the ne 1f A<lvert sements of Messrs L)lc & Mart n Mr Bait ng nnrl !fr Mayers All want ng KOOd barga is n the r resp c t ve l ne s sho Id g ve them a all OUR POLICE COURT ----~·---- ITEMS the West Ind es Our o ~ K g o boasts of ti e ser es of R na.t a ever sallc i on Ontar o The l ope so ardor tly c terta ned that the Turk sh trou l l s v-. er for t1 e t ue appeaeed has d eu out and ar IS deemed nev table o be tal en bv them dangerous rocks w 11 be a 01ded and a near ·Pl roach to y of ac on s cured Un ted ve conqu r Not· thstand1 g these drawbacks we th nl th late Convent10n w ll bear I u t by vh1ch the cause oI I'eo perance v II be Just cc tl en goes o to sµeuk of ad antar,ed fur ous dr v ng lesecra on of the Sab bath drunkenuc s nn <l o 'r><r!STER OF EDUCATION o tbe str ets lHl ~ L cense L3u the read ng port on of the peo l apart fron tie i te l on }fr Ha nea d d not n to tbe s1 e or 1nater al of tbe m a 1l s I thrnk o ght to ba e b en as tl re are lots of part es rou d to n lo wo d I ke to know vi at n as I of vl a mater ·l you can pelt fellow· w lb w tbout be ng guilty of an a,.ault And f they sl ould era k a fellows sk 11 th a ru1se le th no inte t o of l urt ng h n ould t be an ss ult 1 Mr Uu~ tt appear. to be gum~ for the Pol.i e Ma~ slrate pre ty I vcly I the We~t Durha1n 'N'ews of last eek in a let r lten by Mr C b \t and a gned J s ice be says In each of the s of fa lure of JUSt ce the offender bas been e ther a person hul<l1ng a pron n cut pol t cal pos ion a profess onal nan or a I erson protected h) pol t cal mun c pal or personal nfluence No as Mr Cu b tt has been bro ght Lefore H s Worsl p and f ncd ford sorur.rly con luct the e "as no fa l re ol J u.t e m h s case therefore hem st b 11 perso ot no pol t cal m n c pal or personal fl.uence or he would not have been fined But can t be poss ple that ager tlen ~n who was nine ) ears Ma, or of Bowmanv lle 1 Pas no rfi en e 1 One so popular and nfluent al thttt no per sou dare oppo·e h m 1 Vi ell I am n clrned to agree " th ilfr C b ti tl at he has no r tluence lie Vi ns Ma) or of Bo n anv 11 for ii ne ) ears becal, o one wo 1 l accept ti e offi e ti! l1 e present Maio to JUSt1ty l s van ty and a nb ton beca ne a cand date and defeate l the Colonel vL cl IS a proof that the ex Mayor s a person of no uiluence I l k. E:iven M1 IIorsei m ght defeat the Colonel now ~fr Jus e Cu tt further states Aga nst rades ua mecha work ng man or poor man unfortunate enough to be brougl t be fore li s W ors! p pcnalt es arc r goro sly eniorced tor coml'aratively tr'fl ng offences ( h , e) To wb cl of thes lass s dues Mr Cub tt belong 1 He 1s not a trndesn an he has too ru ch bh o blood f r th t He is not a mechamc for he could not con truct a v. heel barrow No one has e er cused h n oJ be ng a working man tl reiore l em st be the poor man ti e proper J a flhndow a I Bu1k1::1 s act on n purchas ng t s utterly false and t out n la on l\.1r Barker never sought an nterv e\\ ~ttb us on the sub1ect The <lea of o r cllmg tbe property d d not or g nnte v th h n1 nor had he or any other n n ster or ofilc al of the B C Church anJ knowledge whatever of the uot l he was sohc ted to purchase 1t by us Mr Ilarker la ng snt1'fi I h rn self that he \ tie was perfectly good con sented to I r base the property but used no ffort vhatev r t nducc us to tra s fer it to l n A Contr b tor ev dently v l s t to be understood that Mr Barker 1 as purchas ed the property for h s e n r rsonnl bene fit Th a s altogether false The Ch ch " 11 be transferred to trustees for the use of the people rn he ne gh borhood Efforts have been nade to uterfere w th o regu larly appo nted meet ngs and to take tie Church from us We ha e adopted legal means to rcta n t for the use o( the people vho bu lt and pad for t If \\e bad not done th s ~e n ust have gone to tl e a ld1 tonal expeme of bu Id ng another Chu ch m "b1cb to "orsb p or have g ven up the pnnc ples of Lay Delegat on m all our church courts pr n plea n wh ch "e have been carefully tra ned y the New Conne:r. on Mmisters and "h ch we bold dear I he preachers and people oft! e Method st Church of Cana<ln. cannot compla n nas inuch as '"e are a mpl.} hol l ng our own and they have a Method st Cb rcb ;ust across the road "bich tl ey can use if they so will t but bec11usc ""e refuse to g ve p possemon of our Cl UI h to the same part es and forsake our cher shed pr1nc ples of Chur h gover ment 1:w nobl) ma n ta n d by our fathers aud handed do vn to us as a r ghtful heritage 1 ea d the Church we hav cast in our lot "' th arc 1 el 1 p o the pub\ c gaze as l avrng comn tt d some very w eked th g and oil th s lone the name of Cl r at an un on REIIGIOUS SERVICRS SUNDAY OCT 3 d 187" ST JOH=" S CHl RCH-AN GLICAN' Serv cts n th s church t ce e ry S nd~J - t ll oclock 11 tho mo n ng n.ud n.t 7 tl e even g by Rev Dr l\:Iacnab C !\.NAD \ PRESRYTERIAK S r ce next s~bbatl at 11 n tl e Ull)J:l ni:; and at 6 30 n tl c ev nrng by Rev Mr Cochra e Sabbath S hool m the a.fte noon at 2 15 o lock ST ANDREW s cnURnH Ser nee OU · every Sabbath t 10 30 o clock n the mo n ng ltev Mr Spense Pasto CONGREGATIONAL S r c t co every at 10 ::JO o locl n the morn ng and at (j 30 n the e en ng Rev Mr Alwo th Sabbath Scl ool u the afternoon a.t 2 o clo 1 METHODIST Se ce next Sabbatl at 10 30 o clo k u the morn ng by the Rev Mr ~:fetca f n d t 6 30 n tl e even ng by the ll.ev l\fr } erguso S School n.t 2 30 Pra.J er Me<:lt ng ev y Thursday e en n at_ 7 oclo BIBLE CHRISIIANS-At 10 30 a m b:r Rev 1vV Jol ff9 and at 6 30 p o by Re W Jolliffe.Sabbath School n.t 2 30 o cock II tl e afternoon Pr.n.yer l\:leet g on 'W ~d nesd y ev n na t 7 30 o clo k PRTMITn E MErHODIST on Sabbath next at 10 30 n0 and at G ~O n the e r.:n n0 <"'() r I Weel ly 1st s pt 187-t 1872 18 3 1874 8 000 9 000 107"0 17 000 19 700 Cade Pa to DISGII LES-Se XYZ tn o I ave exper enced a feel ng n t1 e a nounccment of the era! that the Government to place the Educat onal rnter v nee n the bunds of a Cabi ucl ~~=r:~~n ~1 from actual set v ce ) ou ger men we th nk be time is f Uy come when l af!a rs sho ld be placed ID gentle nan d rectly responli.I ples iepresentat1 es v. e un the Hon Mr Crookes a to of Ed ucat1on ci THE EDIT01tS TABLE NCE or IlEALrH -I'he October No s e.ccllcnt mo ti ly IS before us at d er ve hearty "elco e by app ec Among its general con ent son Wbot I know about ary Lfluence of &tlr: oa fl)g eo c D ¥ell og tl c cs of cons der S R Wells & rk aNA JO l number t f DI Muo'.lJ !US work fol W ll Je SODR use and l the d IBd nt fl!t lea of r al ~7 Broadwa) ntents D ckens mory bserva.tory Uorrespondence ho d D·partn en &c &c $1 klloiv "levYorl on Lhey I Corn " l Bla k ls l vo been sold at The Bonapart ts ID Ji ranee are beg n auction th s year at n greut sacr fice RE~1 R S A n ng to sho r{ the1r hand They mean part ol the stock Las been bought by F If n oney bus b er spent for leg mate expense1:1 then are the part1es m1scb ef and w II accompl sh it provided F McArthur aud he now off·ra . tLem for spend ng t worthy of censure b t In \ ew they have pat e ca to bide the r t ore The aale at a very small advance for cnsh of \he fact \hat no one of the elecl10n tr ala Empress bas r 'gncd the Regency and the nor the vbole of them p t together bas Prrnce Imperial IS no at the head of the furn &bed any ev dence of the unlawful ex party DEAR Srn - n ti e new Postal Act that pend lure w ney on the part of tl e can H s Ho! ess the Pope 111.S backed do ·n 1s to go nto effe t on Fnrlay uext tl o fol -d 1dates the preaumpt on ' that the pet1 from bIS demand upon the Span ab Gov low ng clause is fo nd t1oners tu led to unearth a y euch fact No ernment Alphonzo s adv sers have shown To post for tra s ss o or deltvery by one eupposes an elect1on contest can be car commendable ndependencc they w 11 re or througl the post any abscene or mn oral red on w tbout mouey 111s the nnJa,,ful ce ve the n oral BUJ port of Ch atendom book pamphlet p cture pr n~ enp,rav ng get ng and expend ag that IS blameworthy The Papal Nunc10 bas been recalled The J bograph photogroph or other pubhcat10n A fund amount ng to $3 750 spent leg ti cause of Don Cailos is da ly bee m ng more matter or tn ng of nn nd cent mmoral mately d ffera a little from $45 000 to Su hopelee$ sed t10us d sloyal scumloua or l bellous J ol n $90 000 to S r George $32 000 to character or any letter pon the outs de or Montreal and Toronto are on the b gh Hon Langev n and several thousand d s envelope of h ch or any post card or post road to an nnenv able notoriety Tbe ques tr buted to ass st other fr ends mak ng a band or "r pper pon wb1ch there are total of $180 000 And "e all know " th t on of the } our s A re t e c t es n q es words dev ces matters or th ngs of the tion to be und~r nob law l\.fontr!:!al what ntent a d tor "I at purpose Sr Hugh character aforesaid has had its Ant vacc nat on and Gmbord was so 1 beral No· Sr m your opm on are the pub! We hope the Tor es whose ha ds are ep sades n b1ch the mob tr umphed cat ons of the so called Spir tuabsts ID Will t u1 ply to clean " II get to the bottou of th s matter The latter cMe remarns unsettled but only eluded ID sad extract I for a t me Toronto las had one pol t1cal newspapera accuston ed to serve up for the ~J' be s re tJ ey are truth! l 1ll the r t.heii the) sl a 1 l aH our best and on~ rel g o s process on nterr pted by apec al ed1ficat1on of the r readers long ar ro vdies In the tor nor case the part es t cles both of a scnrr \ous and libellous concerned v; ent the r way unmolested character 1 Will it cover papers con ta n1ng W,~~4'fliti.W ~ 11 ·<I all~~lll'i!Dlft'llMl 10 lh.<1t tenden9 j ..n&.. IN>;Mr 1 t1'.t*"'-~~ · t!be;Hoa.. WasllJhut,..,. ~-~ ti: m11ie oo 1ueb 'iulltioo&-1t'l IMll"ll:r BnU.h Adminlty Jiu .-ill ,,... ~..,,......,,.. ..WO. gre~t m stake He lias ssued oid'era !Ml> tiut!e!"' illllloot ~ 411o'ollce s rn command of II M Sb ps are M S ·tt>111.*"IV.any fug <ti e slave on board Sept 2otb 18~o reapech e sh ps wb le m rnters We presume the Post masterH ha\e re """eJ!t!l!aVery s legal zed and ¥orse st II ce 'ed 1nstructions from the Department for ra...,, slaves shall be taken on board while tJ eir gu dance tlre matter referred to by n the b h seas and the vcsse.l shall after our correspondent And \Ve suppose that warUs en~r uters whe I:! slaver s lawful they w ll not be hdd responsible for tho the f gt ves sl all be d I \ered to the r pur ty ot books and papers pass ng through ow ers Orders so thoroughly ant Br t ab , 11 not bo tol<Ia cd many d·ys Mr their respect ve offices other than what the outs des may exhibit Un leas it shall come D erael w 1 huve to k eep } s subo -dmates to the r knowledge that under a decent ex n bet erorler orbs dowuward co rse \ldl te or books &c of an mproper character be greatly accelerated are berng sent by marl m wh ch case it ~~~~,.,, w l I e the rd ty to send them to Ottawa The Ex Hard on the Beak ED To ti elJdito of le M cl a t A Sad Case Sn-Intl lust ssue of tie M1mcJHNT Mr Cub tt con plarns ol tl e partial JUSt cc and sever ty of ti e penalty ti cteil bJ tl e To the Edito of tie Mercha t Sn In a recent 10sueoftbe WestD han Pol ce Mag strate n the Iukbottle Assault Has he no made out a. good case 1 News under theaboveco.pt1on there appeared Case SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD Has h llOt proven to the sat. afa t on of any a letter professJng to g ve facts relat ve to a. reasonable be ng th t l\f:r lJa ne!'l act ated Church purchased by Rev .Mr Barker o! OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES ' Bo'i\ mauv lle Inasmuch al! a. number of by pol \. cal batre 1 f as cxag!{erat <l. and ma 0 Mon !av Sept 27th 18 o mtied a al gbt nd 3cret on iuto an assault I those so alled facts ar~ false and m s l\Iemhers a I pr sent except Mr Ratel ff As Mr CubJtt sta es Mr C m e call d b m ta ements and a~ I a i one of the part es The Meet ng alled at the nstance of a blackg ard and he I sta tly p eked concerned in the matter I v111 endeavor to p as r.ull rnkbottle an thre" It towa d give yo r readers a true version of tl e trans tl e Chn rn an to cons d r nn apphcat on A Contr butor fa ls to g ve Ao.) one f.l:t ull ac iun1ntcd action Io lbe poa ton of second n aster 1n the Mr Cl m w th Mr CuL tt nust kno· that be is a the name of the Townsb p where the II ah School d par\ ne gentlen a ol too k udly and no able ad s Church IS s tuated 1 t as Mr Earlier ha· ~ oved bv Mr M lne seconded bv Mr B rden -Tl at Mr W E T lley be pos t o to ti row au iokbottle al h s lear been concerned 1n the purchase of only one the tr end Mr Wm ( hn e v ti the ntent100 cl urch so far as I am aware there IS no eugag d as ass ata t teacl er of k ll ng or n ur g h tu (I) He mere!) n d fficulty n determmrng that it refers to H glr S boo! fron ti e first boyISb Jr en&!J manner threw tl e bot le the Carmel Chureb Philps n<Ighborhood Jan ory next at tl e su u of fo r Cart vr gbt ova l Mr C n e bout th least and f lty dollars for the first SIX montl s A Contr butor says upon the New and five b,undred dollars for the secon I s x tent on o{ st1 k g b m a1 il as C im e monlb· an<l that the resol t on pas ed on dodged t the w s le m1 sed b n and t Connex on and Wesle)an Chmchea forming 21't mst be amended by sir k ng out nil fell to the floor so geuLly that 1t d d uot a un on some ~ho had. assisted in the crec that part rclat g to salary Carr ed even break No one as hurt It 11.S for t on of th s Cb neb den urred at the terms o! that umon amongst wh ch vus tl e party Mes r Tho pson O Hara and Cl this t < al of!e ce llfr Cub tt who ga o the la rt Thus clearly mtcnd \Olcd n tl enei;ot ve The Board adJO n fined So 00 or 30 d ys n 0 aol Shane ed to he regular meet ng Mr Ha ues l an · r sed ti al the Pol ce og to make the np1ess on that there are Mag Irate hou rl ook u l on lh s aO' r s people n tbIS ne ghborbood who s ibll(lr b money to v rds the erection of the New Hats and Caps at F F McAr h an a sa t II 11 y A Con\r butor bas e her n ade these false statements ns nn attercpt to Llocken .Mr Barker a character or else he has made pos h e statements about that o! wh ch he s almost en rely gnorant. I tbmk \\1th the News correspondent that the millen n is surely a long way off and that t '3 a very sad case vhen a. person can be fo nd to moke statements so m alead ng and untrue ns A Contr butor has done aa I e seems to 1be possessed of a B ble by b a quota! on· I vould ad se him to take it and study awhile the follow mg passage - Thou shalt not bear false w trrcss ag nsl thy ue gl bor -Ex xx 16 Wu PHILP ORI! r ght -Sq t 21st 18 o BOWMANVII LE ]all Wheat Spnng Wbe Rye Corre tcd by J McDougall P Qduce ~fercbant llo" MANVILLE Sept 30th 1875 t 100toL05 Baley Peas Oats Butter Dess dHQgt1 U over Seed P tatoes Eggs Wool Hay 095toLOO 055 to 060 0 Oto OSo 060to065 025 to 030 017to018 O OOto 000 000 to QOO 020to030 010to012 000to600 10 00 to 10 00 F l McArthur s sell og all wool Tweed Su.its ade to order and warranted to fit } oill Wheat for only $12 cash Spnag Wheat Rye TOWNSHIP COUNClL Baley Peas Oats Hampton Sept 25tl 1875 :Butter DreE!sed Ho0 a Regular meetrng of Counc I Members Potatoes TORONTO loRON'l'O Sept 30th 18 5 $105to 1 08 l03tol00 OLi~toOOO all present M n tes read and confirmed Eggs Wool A petit on was presented from Thomas Hay Fowke and 12 others pravrng a d to Dav el Cryderman Move l b Mr W ndatt seconded by Mr Sm th -That the pet ton of Tho· Fowke Adiertise The nterchant man and others aok ng a d to Dan el Cryderu an ufactui m or lealer wf o /. eeps l is be respectfully rece ved and la d over to wares bcjo1 e tie piiblic seld,om com nest o eet ng of th s Courie I n order to plains oj dull times Whe1e is the ga n I format on respect ng the 1ne1 bers idility of ~ aving fo1 sale tl e best ol h!8 l,am ly Carr ed fabrics in tl e i orld p, 11011ld be 080to093 O 2to077 042to046 0 ·a b 0 00 ijl000to900 060to060 0 6to01 0 00 to Q 00 ll 00 020 00 To Make Business, Commis& oner of Crown Lands w th return of eurvey of Lots 9 10 11 12 and 13 m the 4lh Con and Lots 2 and 3 " the 6th Con Ordered to be filed :E rom the Prov1nc1al Secretary acknow le3g ng receipt of petit10n for !le · sur e; of Jots 18 and 19 m 5\h Con Rcce ved and filed Moved by Mr Sm th s conded by Mr R ndle -That t1eClerk1a hereby mstr ct ed to notify Mr John 0 I eary to remove h s fence off ti e road bet" een Lots 32 and 33 n 8th con to ts p1oper p ace a co d ng to the new survey th n t 110 ~ eeka or steps w II be taken to compel 1ts removal Car red The Reeve was natr cted tn grant h s order on tbs Trcasu1er for ti folio g s ms - C.: G Hann ng sur eys $160 W R Cl m e Pr ntrng and ad ertIS ng $21 53 Robt rtue "or! o Ma ers road $58 o Geo Sm th pr ce of land for roa3 $100 J L Brown repa rs on Toll House $26 58 In hgent poor $3 Mr Wrnda t gave not ce tbat I e w 11 at next meet ng of Counc ntrod co a BJ Law to eslabl b the 1Ianvers road thro 0 h the 4tl con n ts pre ent pos t on Counc I a lJourned to last Sat rday n October at 10 a n R WrnDAT1 '.I p Clerk A. \Omn1un cation v; ns pre ented from the pu1 chasers hnow 1 ot v. f m e to obtain va them l $ 0 30 D. E. McMillan, (L E GlJ' TORONlO) Al TOllll EY SOLJGI1 Oil Al'iD 0011 VEY l/WER 0FI c:n: -Old Rti str vlleOtaro 1115-0 22 00 2CO 00 tra. ts 2 50 6 uo J3u ld ng Bo\\ mau Ile Sept 10th 187" v Darl A!t-1}!; nto tho 1rem ses of 1¥1 O stone on Tuly l wt one Laub Tl P. o vn e an ha c the t:mrne pro 11rop and by ty pay expenses App) o 'l Hampto Sept lltb 1875 APPLES! BUTTER I unde s !O e 1 w 11 b y any quant ty of THE GOOD MERUI!i\.N IABI E APPI ES and pn.y th<J h 0 1 est pr ce for good I fir a r.hef ID D Wista s Ba/s "' of w ld OJ erry wb1i:.h bas now been n u e for near ly half a century and st II n a nta a ts Jong estabhsbed reputat on as ti e great remedy for an dISeases of the throat Jun 0 0 and chest EPI s s CocoA -GnATE>rrL AND Co 1 FORTINO -The ag1eeable cha1actcr of tl !! preparation has rendere l ta general fnvor te Made s1myly tb bo 1 ng vater or m lk Ea<>h palll!;et IS hbelled J.A.'HES E PB and Co Homroopath1c Cbcm1sta 48 Thread needle street and 170 P ccad lly 'norks for D10let1c PreJ"'rat ons E aton roa l and Camden Tow Londo cro ip nfluen a or whooping cough w ll ~~~~""" SUFFERERS fro n cou 0 hs colds Uro1 ch s TUB BUTTER Bo v ua usr ] PRIZEb S BUJ VEN lie Aug 2Gth 18 5 48 tf USE THE Norwich Egg Powder, 1 Io the l e son send ng t e largest amouut of mone~ on or befo e 1st o November ns payment m advanc fo o public·ti ns $50 00 Z To the pe son !::iendlll the second a r; est amou t 40 00 3 th rd 4 fourt fiftl l A HOUSE AND LOT SALE s FOR qu e of MR t :tte on Ontar o Street JM ea .on THOl\fAS on the prtlm se1:1 Bo"n anv Ile 22nl 1875 l

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