THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1875 ,..., y Pf.JET RY The Reapers. 'l'he reapers bond their lnsty baclu1, '!'heir sounding sickles sway ; At every stroke the golden sea. Rect!d~s to give them way; 'fhe heavy ears fall bowing dowD, And nestle at their feet. Such will, such \Vork as theirs. perfo1-ce 1 ~rust win - must homage meet. A Right Royal Act. apart nearly a thousancl dollars to send an Daily Line to Rocheste1. Commencing on or about the 19th1 of Apri the world ! She has done a deed of womanhearts of this husband and wife vre cheered ly and queenly virtue, which will be reby tidings of his labors there. Such devomembered to her honor when many events evangelist to ]abor a yenr nnlong the miners Queen Victoria deserves the thanks of in California. And now, every week, the THE STEAMER ANDERSON & (Jo. B1tg to announce to the }:lectons of \\7 eat l)utham and surt'Oundlng countl"'y, that they ,\·ill aell their imn1ense of her reign, which ordinarily \Vould be deemed more brilliant, have faded into oblivion. Our renders, i.n common with all / So careless of fatigue they go, So true, so steadily, Tbo admiring traveller on the roa<l Le:ins o'er the ga.te to sco ; 'Vith wa.rvel of the soon fallen breadth, The louging gossips tell ; But th1::1 reaper labora for us a.U ; 'Tis need they should work welL the friends of good morals, have felt intere.ted in the case of Col. Valentine Baker, have th< best i ' who, for bis indecent aosault on Miss Dickinson, in .... railway apnrtment, was fined a tion God will bless. Co1n·ersions are constantly occurriag among those brou~ht under their influence ; and both California and Japan will be blessed by their prayers. Are there not others who ' · wish Jesus lo STOCK OF BOOTS AND SROOS~ At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. "NO:EtSE:M:.AN," 1000 Pairs _;\fen's F6lt Gaifors,for Cash only. 10 CasesChilrl".1 Wellingtons, $1.50pt thousand pounds, ($5,000), and was sentenced to one year's in1prisonment. Being an intimate friend of the Prince of Wales, and a lieutenant-colonel of the regiment named or him, and having among his army comrades,rnen of high rank and powerful infiu~ · ence, be escaped a heavier penalty, was Ere the i;ret\t sun that burns above Sh(l.ll cri1uson in the west, Aud the children's poppy nosegays fade, And they lie dow-n to rest, . Each golden sphere that upward p(lints Sh·ll fa!\ upon the field, And tbe farmer<lrains a. sparkling glass, liejoicinl{ o'er +.he yield. Ply, bonny men, your aickles bright, ~4. nd the peop!e bread ! .1-\ t , , ·· t·~- c111 '1 'l>l in~ stride you take, On wa.ut O.hli "wv..: yo:.1 tread. Drop, heavy ears, and give the strcn.c:-th You .':"atheted from this plain, 'l'hat n1an mny rise refreshed and~firm, And do g:i·eat things again. favored by the judge so as not to be required to labor in the prison, and was allowed a well~furniabed room, with books, pnpers,and the visits of friends at all hours of the day. His conviction necessitat.ed hi1 leaving the army, and the question was, \Vb ether and Christianity have vit0o:l nud precious trutbe of their own to give to tnf'n and they can develop together without interfering with each other. Should scieuce increase its preeent kno,vledge tenfold, th<:re is nothing i.t can discover which will ena11t:: it to closE. up that region in ma.n where the spirit con1n1llnes in -p1Uyer and pl·aise wit h its Father, where the longing for re st is content in tbe reace of forgiveneas, where the desire of being perfect iu unselfishness is sath;tied by union ·with the activity of the ~unsclfish God, \Vhere i::orrow fec1a i~s Scien~e H ~ · (R. CHAWFonn, ~.LtSTER.) \Vill 1uake her regnla.r trips on thi8 route leaving CobQu1-g every rnon1ing at 7 :30 and Pol·t Hope at 9 0 1clock, for Rochester, connect· ing there ";ith the N e\v York Central a.ud "'"Erie Railway~. for all points East, "\<V~standSouth. RETURNI:-l'G, 35 OASES OF FELT OVERSHOES 1000 pairs .!Ylisse1' Pebal and Bicif Bu!J Balrno?'als, $1.50, pe?' pair, /01' O.ASH ONLY. 1009 Pairs Wo1J1an's, }disses' and Child's J!'elt Boots,tlw uhole to ue sold for CASII ONLY will leave Charlotte [port of Itocbest,!.Jr] daily leave at 2 p.rn., for Port Hcpc, dirf'ct. This ·s the shortest itnd quickest route to Ml '\\'atertown, via. Lake Ontario Shore Bailroad from Chnrlott.e. Dealers in stock etc., "Will find this the cheap· est and most expeditious route to Bostoti, Albany, New York, etc., ll"llr £uct.l1cr information npply to R. ORAWFOHD. !'OltT JiorE. 01· C. I'. G Il.iDEiiSI... EEVE, Os~'t-go KI:XGSTON. --a-Call early itnd secure your Wint0 .r Supply, while the burden lightened by divine sympathy he should be allowed to r·sign, or should where streogth.. is given to overco1ne evil be dismissed in disgrace. If the former, 'vhere, ns decay death grOw upou the he conld sell his com1nission for sevr;ral outward franie, the inner e.pirit begins to put forth its wings, and to realize more 0 0 ~ at 9 p. m., except Saturdays, wheu she ·.\'ill ruRh i" going on at " ANDERSON & CO'S., Bowmanville, Dec. 10th, 1874. Boot &:~hQe Em.porium.. THE :Oominion Orga.n Co'y. BOWMANVILLE Present the fo11owing from com p_etent judges of Organa. 'l\1stimonial from John Camidge, Mus. Doc., Canluar, England. Bowmanville, 24th Dec., 1873.. To the fil"an11ge1·s Domini<m Organ Cc. GF.N'l'LEMEN .-1 like to play on your Organs ti:> ..e is so S\Veet and steady. And the workn1a..asnip a.nd tini.r!h excellent, and in every -, · thousa.nd pounds, and could obtain honor- God bless tl'ti bands, all hard nnd brown, That gui<l;i the cleaving plough, That cast abroad the shining seed, And build."t!·,..: wi!althy filow ; '!'hey rear the bread our children eat ; 'Tis by their toil we live; IIurrah ! gh e them the loudest cheer 'Ihat b'Tateful hearts ca.n give t -C/u,1nbc1·'s Journa!, able employment in some foreign service nearly the elernal suu11uer of bis presence at the expiration of his sentence ; if ,the in whom there is fulness of life iu fulness of latter, he lost the right lo ·ell 11is commia- love. Ko; ns Christianity can expaud to sion, and could occupy no military position fit into the progress o[ politics, and to adapt aubsequently. Every influence wa· bro·1ght itself to the den1ands of art, so it can s.lf!o to bear, by hi.s pe~sonal and arn1y connec· throw away, without losing one feature of tions, to induce the government to accept its original form, rather by returning to itd the resh;natlon which Col. Baker sent in ; purer type 7 all the elements opposed to the and with a succesr:ful result at the two offi- advance of science which men have udded cial departments concerned-the Hor;e to its first simplicity.-Stop/ord A. Brooke. Imverial Fire Insurance - Co OF LONDON. Est·blished 180:l. ·Pall Mall. London. GE~:ERAL HEAD OFFIOEB.-1 Old Broad St'l and o\G]'?-(.I en t , JM cntrea.J. l CI· C.AN.ADA :- 24 St particular they equal, if not superior, to any I have ever heo.rd. Hoping they will meet public appreciation. JOHN CAMIDGE Guards and the War Office. The thing was considered settled, and the pavera so A jailor in a Western State had re- Crumbs for Chickens. Intoxicating music-" Ale to the ceived strict orders not to keep his reported it. But while the upper classes were con· prisoners in solitary confinement. On ce gratulating themselves on the happy effect when lie had two in charge one escaped, of influential connection, and the lower and he was obliged to kick the other classee were. sullenly meditating on the in· out of the door to comply with the regequality of human justice, there came a ulation. thunderbolt from an unexpected quarter. There remained yet tlie Queen, whose FARM AND HOUSEHOLD ready offioial sillnature had been taken for Selling Milk in Glass Bottles. granted. They thought of her as simply a Vie see it stated that a. milkman at Elmi.ra, N. Y. 1 bas introduced a. new plan of delivering milk. In bis \\'agon arc arranged aide i·acko,· containing quart and pint bott]es tilled with pure, fresh milk, full measu1·e. These bottles are delivered as rcqltired ; tho customer returnfl the bottle left the day before ; and no pitchers, paili:i, bowls or dishes are necessary. Another advantage of the eystem, espcoially in 'varm weather, is that each bottle is tightly corked, and can be laid in a pill or pr.u of eold wate1· 1 keeping it fresh and sweet, or put away in a cooler, taking np litt1e room. His improvement is a rnoHt ynselfish one, as it will accommodate his cu.s~mcrs more than himself, He 'vill have a.11 these bottles to l1andle and wash, but it must be a great convenience to his customers, who cn.n afford to pa.y a. little extra.. - Htrnld of lfen,llh, (if · Subficribed and inveet~d Capitnl and Heser\·e F,1nd. £1,965.000 Sterling-, }~unds invested 105,000, Insnrancea agaJ.nst loss by Fire are e:ffec.;ted on most favorable terms, and losses paid with out reference to the Boa.rd in London. J DODSWORTH, Inspector. R R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agen for!Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowmanvillo, Jnne 4th. 1860 36 m.o.43-39.4w Gen. Agents, lviontrea RIN'l'OUL BROS. chief." The height of impudence-the length of a book agent. The new German greenbacks are called Reichskaisenscheine. They are pronounced good. rnonarch 1 who would attach her royal name to euch R trifling matter ns the acceptance Somebody advertises for a me.chine. girl. Is she better than a hand-maid ? of an army resignation, the moment it was sent in from the War Office. But they had " Any letters for Mike Howe?" asked forgotten the woman in the queen! She an individual of a clerk at a post-office did not forget it, however, nor what was window. "No letters for anybody's cow." due from her as the fi"t lady iu England, Where ten men will cheerfully lay in resenting an insult offered to her sex, by down their lives for a woman, only one one of her O\Vn officers. .Never was there a will carry her a scuttle of coal. grander opportunity more grandly used, People who carry chewing t;,im and Never was there a finer exe1nplification of postage stamps loose in their pockets do the maxim Noblesse oblige. The queen not complain of lack of business. comprehended the situation, and to the :Et Mutual Life Assurance Society :e: L I ANC:e:: ~ Read the following from Rosa D'Erina. ~ :Howma.nville, December 22, 1873, To the Manager8 of the Dominion Qrgan Co. GENTLEMEN, -I hf\ve much plea.Sure in testifying to the excellent qualities of the ·organ supplied by you at my concert last Saturday evening, 'l'he tone i~ s·weet and very powerful and the combination of stops most ndn1irable. I tun. sure your instruments will find favor in Churches, as they are sing ularly adapted fot· sacred music. \~lishing you every success, and that the public 1uay patronize native manufacture. I remain Gentlemen, Very respectfully, Important Announcement r ~ ----o---- Great .Reduction, in Dry Goods ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. -oo--- ROSA D'ERINA. Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs DJC PA'l"l'El\SOI<. Puor. TERRY. Preaident. Manager. Bowma.nville, January IG, 1874. bp·o3-ml6, ESTABLISHED 1840. CANAD.A 0B1.EF 0.FFJCES. 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTitEAL DI RECTORS. W ..U.Tli:R SuANLY, Esq., :i\1 P., Cha.irmaa.n, DUNCAN MA.ODONALD, Esq. j\fAJOR 'r. E. CAMrn1~LL, C.B .. St. liilnire THE liONORARLE JOHN liAMILTON 1 Hnwks- DENTISTRY! l11UIDOUD BIOS. Having decided to make a clmnge in their bu"incss, are now selling for CASH their large and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, burg, Ont. RESIDENT SEORFTARY.-J AMES GR.AN·. Father MeGuffin was a wag. He amazement of the upper circles, the official climbed on the top of a church tower gazette contained this annouucement: and said : "Now I am a high priest." Half·p·y Lt Col. and Brevet Col. ValenA Frenchman learning the .- English tine Baker, half-pay, late Tenth flussars, latiguage complained o! the_irregularity has been removed from the army, Her ol the verb "to go," tlie present tense Majesty boviog no further occasion for his of which some wag had written out for aervi-0es.' Could the nobility, the army him as follows : " I go ; thou startest; oflicera, and the fashionables believe their he departs; we make tracks ; you cut eyes 1 Could the astonished poor any better sticks; they absquatulate or skeddadle." belicv& tbeira 1 It u·a!: even ~o. The wrath A man driving a broken winded horse and disgust of a genuinely royal womnn along Bridge street Saturday, was hailed had proved insuperable by ofliciul und court by a small boy who enquired it the horse influence, They aay that whea the Queen was for sale. The man didn't know but was told that her cousin, the Duke of Cam· he was. " Wall" obse-ved the little bridge, and her .eon, the Ptince of 'Vales, rascal, "they'd like to get such a critter were the special fri~nds of the convicted up to theclrnrch to blow the organ Sun- man, nnd earnestly desired to hnve the redays." Exit small -~oy. signa~ion accepted, she replied : ' All the A very fashionable Danbury lady tried worse for the1n, that they shou1<1 have such to mount the step in front of Merrill's a wretch for a friend. Let hinl be disn1issed grocery, ')'esterday, biit her pull-back with .all Lhi) disgrace he has ~arned.' Thnnk prevented her. Several times she rep- God that Euglaud bas a virtuous queen, and eated the atten1pt, but without success, that she has the force of character to carry while an anxious populace looked on. her personal principles into her official acts. What do you suppose she then did ? Every lady in Eugland will feel the safer Retreated? Oh, no. She just turned from insult, by day und by night, in the around, and went up the step back-ward, street, in pubhc conveyances, and in her as easy as could be home. Every black·hearted villain, of 0 0 0 Facts Worth Remembering. One thouaa.1 ul shingles laiU four inches to the wen.thel' will cov~l' one hnndrcd square feet of surfa.ce, and five pounJ:.; of shingle nails will fasten them on. OI!e fifth more siding nnd flooring is needed th11wn the number of square feet of si.uface to be covured. because of the lap in the siding and n)atchiug of the floor. One thousand la.tltcs will covel' flevcnty yards of surface, and eleven pounds of lnth nails \Vill nail them on. Eight bushels of good lime, sixteen bushels of sn.nd, and oue bushel of hair, will make enough good mort~r to plastCl· one hundred sc1tui.rc yards. A cord of titoue, lbree ln1abel3 of li1ne 1 i\lld a cubic yard of s,~nd will lay one hundred cubic feet of 'vall. Five coursel! of brick ,.,.ill Jny one foot in height on a. chimney, six bricks in a course will make a flue four inches rVide and twelve inches long, and eight bricks iu a course will make a. flue eight iuches wid,~ a.nd sixteen inches long. - Jl1·airie J?a1·mer . co . IC/!J l.Q ...... ditions. Prospectusea,Ptoposnl FormH, &c., supplied on application at the Hea.<:l Office, or any of the ...i\.gencics, 'l'he E~TIRE PEO:FITS belong to andare <livid ed amongst the Policyholders. LIVES, D.F.CLINED BY OTHER COMI'AN1l!!S, or OD which an extra Pr@iium would be required, can be assured at the ordinaiy rates of this Society, under a special arran{!em.ent SPECIAL NO.N-FOFEI'l'.ADLE POLIOIES issued under which only 10, 15 or 20 AnnuaJ. Pay mentB required, pa.y1nent eecunng Policy for a sum assured proportionate to · the numbet of premiums paid, a.nrlfl·ee from futur vayrnent of premiuins. ]..tonERAT.E PH.ElfI'CMS a.nd inoet liberal oou.~ S PECI A L FEA T U RES. AT AND BELOW COST! J Brimaoombe, L.R.O.D.8. The Stock having been purchased in the BEST .ilfARK.ETS, buyers can depend on getting 11fORE AND BETTER GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY FEE MODERATE. Bowmanville, 'Dec. 1:l74. at this Establshrnent thim in any other house in the country. Call Early, and secure Bargains, as tlte wlwle Stock must be sold at once, for CASI-I ONLY. OFFlOE ovm· .~fcOLUNG'S Store. 11-tf, JAES GRAN'!', Res. Secretary. .A.Gl~N'l' , l!'OR BO,V]..fA:NVII.. I.E, "Observer Offict.!," King St. 2::l-ly 0.BARKER, Just Arrived at the THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT Bowma.nvillc, June 24th, 1870. is now complete w ith the choicest supply of James 'l.' HE McFeeters. AGENT FASHION :e:ous:s ·plendiclassortmento Chr'isttnas Goods, Raisens, Currants, Su· ga1·s, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all P1·ices. ,,,..- ·-, Elephant House · p·ny. Capital £2,000,000. $150,000 deposited with the Dominion Govl:lrnment, for the protcc ders in Canada. pa.ny of Canada. For the following Insurance Companies, a.nd other Institutions, viz ;The QUEEN ll"ire and Life Insurance Com4 NEW MILLIN~Y. Also a lot of TheTSOLATEDRISKFireTnsuranceOom REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Bowmanville, Dec. A Dutch Victory, ... l:l'rorn the A llanta C'onstituliou.. A crowd of young chaps about the town were in one of the popular beer saloons yesterday, where they met a jolly old German, who often gets thoroughly soaked in beer and maudlin funny. "Hello, Kaiserlicher, have you heard the ne\vs ?" says one. "Nein: vas is das ;" "'l'he lvater 'vorks are hasted I" " Vel, dot's bad mit dem tembrance Leeples, don't id, poys ?" [Laughter all . round. J ."Yes' and the rolling mill's gone up !" saul another of the bov,, " Ve!, clrnst don't get skeered about that : it's so heffy dot it goom don again, eh ? [A grand peal of laughter. J " And-and-the ice machine has exploded !" cried a third. " Ish dot bin possible ? Den dot's bad, midoug some m"isdake, and id don't rain midout it pours -de vasser oudde rolling mill oud-no more ize-unt all you young shackasses broke oud of de shtable lot ! Dot makes me gry !" And nobody thought it necessary to laugh. Little J ohnny·s Composition. The UNION ANll PERMANENT Buildiljg whatever rank in society, will learn not to Canning Fruit. and Saving's Society. presume on social influence to escape the rl'heMe latter instltutio11.s advance Loans on I made a discovery a,. yenr a;o, which 'vill H.eal Elliiate, on terms unusually ea<:y for the penalty of bis vices and crimes. Through- benefit every family in the United Stntee ... if borrower. out the civilized world, women will be proud they will follow it in canning fruit, It is this : Bowmanvil1e, Feb. 6th. 1873 . of the representative of their sex:, not so take any old fruit can, only have it tight, no 1nuch because she ia on a throne, as because, ma.ttcr how n1nch the tin is off the inner surw being on a "throne, she has been true to her face, nnd place ono sheet of pnper (commerclal womanhood. Now Jet Kings and Presidents note size) around on the inside. It can be done very eaaily, and vrill, if done right, stay just imitate the example of Engl~nd's Queen.- where it je placed. rrhen p·1t the fruit in the THE PATENTALUMINOVS and OR· Dr. W. W: Paton in Interiol'. can in tbcusus.I way, and my v;ord for it, when NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. ~Irs. Jones or 1.VIrs. Smith colnes to take tea next winter, they will not stick up their nmies A Touching Offering, · wteti tasting the fruit taken out of these paper- l'APER OIL-CLOT.Hand CARPETING. A western pastor send· the following to co11ited cans,and say that the {ruit tasted tinny. the Congregationalist: Last Fall the Spirit On the contrary, they 'vill say that it is just of God was poured out in mighty power a.8 perfect as when put up in new cruis. I upon onr congregation. Night after night know there a.te tli>uso.nds of farmers like 1nySOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. self tha.t have their gaJreta and cellars filled the people thronged the house of God, arnl with old cans. If paper-coated, they will be numbers turned to the Saviour. Our he.ars just u.s good aA new. The paper n~ed not be were so amazed, and gladdened, and hum- pasted in, as some may think, for it will re· bled, at the manifestations of God'· great main in its place without paate. - B. W. R. SoJ\IIE'rHING NEW Capital 500:000.- 0ne of the best and cheapeKt Compa.nies doing business in the Dominion, for Farmers a.nd Isolated Riska The CANADA LANDED CREDIT OO'Y. with a Savings Bank department. a. la.rge stock of Stamps for Braiding and Em- ' broidery. A substitute for Lath & Plaster ! :C*ifiJP..A.KING usua.l. '- .. MRS. A. FLETCHER Bow1uanville. April 7th,1874. BIOBOWMANVIL~E is now ragiug at W. BELL & Co's. Prize Medal Orgctns Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co - A Large Stoclc Just Receimcd,-Plain and Or- Which in 1873, at the Provincial Fair. boot goodness, that we could hardly believe, the B1·idgetown N. J . 1 in Tribune. every American and Canadian Organ, taking nanwnt<il, both for Walls and Floors. testimony of out senses. the FIRST PBIZE. ·rhe first one that became a Christian was Keeping Parsley for Use During the Winter. Also tho rmlowned a middle-aged man in whom we had felt a 1 TIELEVENS - I .' Manufactures ofJ · The Monkey.- Monkies is call that ca.use they was named by the monks, .AuotlH:r thing n1uch wanted. but ifI was a monk I would have call 1 .rhis Polish gives a most olegant lu&trc 1 n.nd drie1:1 'em something else. No animal is half insta.nta.neously. so clever as the monkey ; some knows more than Billy, and I'de back any mon-Nothing ever discovered bekey I ever see again ole Gaffer Peters fore to equal this Polish, little package, quietly saying it was a Onions Sown in the Fall· ll1 a competive examination. Some is babboons, and some is apes, and some ,t~ank-offcring to God for the conversion of year we published an aJ·tit:;le by Peter .E'OR JfOH grilhes, but the worst is grillies, I never her husband, the avails to he applied to the Henderson, in which ho gave the experience of seen a live grilly, but the ded '!ms is en- cauee of missions. It was hard to keep a l..1011g Island !\.{arkut gardener, who so·wed Piano F01 ··tes, Buggies, ough! for me. back the tears as we examined the contents his onions in the a1tumn. We giJ,ve the plnn a. Monkies is divided into four classes, of that little package. There was a heavy trial in our own agarden~lnst fa.U, but the sow- Clocks, Outten, wich is the long arm, and the bltie nose, gold bmcelet,n wedding gift from her uncle, ing 'vas not made until the very end of Sep· and the ring tale, and the others. You and bearing the date of her marriage tember, and the young phn1ts did not all make Pictll?'e Frames Slei.ghs, can see 'em all to tli,e menagerie, and Thero was a delicately wrought gold chain, sufficient growth to ::itand the very severe win· , . l oJ ,j" ter, even tho\1gh they ,.,·ere well covered. Still oi· any/ 1c·;iu Mui cill kinds of give 'em nuts, but I rather eat 'em mr.bridal gift from her father ; a heavy belt- the success, though only partia,_l, was sufficient sclve. My father says ol we do is acnb Va?'wished from the monkies' but mother says he buckle ot pure gold, the materinl of which to show that this n1cthod is worthy of consid- Varnished rution, and l[oJn the amount that came Lo ina.ot to be ashamed, cause monkies is only had been dug by her husba!ld. There, too, turity on our be~l this summ er, have no doubt .Fiwnitiire. Carr ici.r;es. what we mite a been if we hadn't been was a pair of clnsps from the elde·t daughter, the .gold of which had been dug by her thn.t it will ansv.·er w:hcrcvt:r sets are used ; but good . "'·here onions be ·1·aieed directly fro1n the SOLE AGE NT FOR THIS PLACE. Monkics comes moccly from worm father, and which often had looped up her seed, there will be no adva, " from fall sowThere ·were two ing except for such as arc to bo 1narketecl green cotmtrys, and that is wy their teeths is sleevea when a babe. chatterin in our climit. Some has a tings, one each frotll two younger 7 or very ea.rly. The idea. is to sow the 1:3eed in ' tail and others ain't, but they all chatters, who WO!'..C delighted to testjty their gratitude the fall at such a time aa will allow the plants · and the griller he rares into the bargain. that their dear father had become a Chris· to form n bulb In.rge enough to stand the winThey all does whatever they see men do. tian ; nnd more precious than a11 was the ter, and yet not so large as to run up to flower .A nsu ;tl, u, I.1al'ge S tock onha.ud of .Father says we are all decended from la.dy'i;i tvedr ding·riw,'7 bearing ];ier initials aud the next season; in fact, to rah,1;1 onion sets, which, instead of being ha1·vested, arc to be left the monkey. My uncle Ned says he t h e- date of her marriage. Hardware, Paints and Oils, don't know how that is, but it's certain These articles seeu1ed so sacred to us that in the ground, where they will be i·cady to . . . grow M soon as spring opens. On Long Islantl, Stoves and Tinware. we are desendin'. Wen my father tole we protested agSJ,~st her parting with them, the middle of September is found to be thL· .All of 'vbich will be sDld at lo'v figures . me one day I was desended from the aud urged her taking thew back. But she , best time to sow; further South it should be monkey the parson wich was by, said he ~said no;- she Wiisbed Jesus to have the best. was curus to see . .\vat the second gencraAlmost against her \vill, the wedding-ring ucie · ond_!'Y father didn't \Vas i:edeemed, a.ud rct11rned ~her, but the " ttte s~nt to th e United States: Mint, ·1 ct consecrat~d to the , Home , Housekeepers who value t1lis for seasoning and for ornamenting dishes, can have it all winter with very little trouble. · '!'a.lee up a profane, passionate, and thoroughly skepti- stoc:k. of roots and set them in a box of earth, This may be kept in a light cellar, '\·a.sLroom,or cal. His wife, a godly woman, for Ii ve long any other place where it will not freeze, and years had been praying, and hoping, and have a good supply. A. barrel or keg with longing, for her husband's conversion. auger holes bored at intervals mny be filled Never can we forget the thrill that passed with roots and earth, the crowns of the plants through the audience that evening when, being placed at the holes, and .the barrel or keg rising lo his feet, with great deliberation filled with earth. Thi!\ being set in the. green house or even in the kitchen1 will give a supand firmneBB 1 he, ' Co1ne weal or woe, ply of parsley, and make' a. very pleasant green come life or de3.tb, it is my determination oruum ent. The plants left i~ t.he bed are to to serve the Lord.' be covered with cedar bo.ugb.s 1 <.'Ir so1ne other A fc,vdays nfter\vn.rds, when coming 01:1 t Rimilar protection. of church, hie wif<:l put into our hands a deen ~terest. Po.~sessed naturally of nu 01e nature, by evil asi.:;ociations iu th1;3 mioee of California, he bad become rou~h The Paper Oil Ulath and Carpet:ng is a Cheap and TJurablc- Substitute for Oil Cloth. HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO Tios~on. l vVOOD ANDJ IRON Vlhich has taken The Chemict\ls -with which the Paper is saturattid, render it proof_ 3:'Sainst Rats, 1¥1oths, nnd Mi...:e. Forty-nine Firnt Pnmiums. ---:o:- THE KING OF WORKING MACHINER ~ and lie 1s determined to continue to sell at these ruinously low pric~s che>tper than the cheapest. Why ~ h.i can do it-First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy r - - ~ . Se~ond, w~at h~ c~n't b~y cheap enough, he manufact1ire$'-...... _ Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! · Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. NBPFEL'8 Varnish Polish! SEWING MACHINES, --:o:-N. B.-Tho SubsCl·iber is. not a. Sub, or und(.)r Agent, but has the special agency for the above. I am prepared to ex.change Pianos for Organs 1 Organs for :;\:lelodeons, also Sewing M~chines, on reasonable terms. · .:\.ddresa, Double Turbine Water Wheels, . f ll Ca.s t 1ngs o a. done on the and x·1nds ~, Rl~PAIRS · o...., CALL A.ND SBE POB YOVBSELVEE' BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exa1nine c stock, w.hich comprIB~s eve.rythi~g in _tlie tn\.da, of the very latest and Jnost el styles :.ind patterns, of EnglL<;h, Canadian, and _<\Jneric..1.n manufncture, -O- J. S. J)O~EY, '.l'YI!ONe P. O. s:a:onT:e::sir LOW NO T:cc _. Ht= still continues to n1an11facture to order, from the best of mnterial, .-1.od none but first-i· 'vorkmen kept. -o-- --.. Jnn. 15th, 1875. Ci-6mos, We have no'v on hand a. la.rge quantity of Orders Promptly Executed, .and ..Good Fits Guarante.e ·' He has in stock an cndle1:1s va.riot)'.' of La?les' i!-nd G_ enta' Sarn.toga 'l'runk~, "\r...alieies,. etc., r ' °"-}nch he is selling cheap fo1· cash. ~ -oRemember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses,'Xi~g Bo\\·numville, Ma 13, 1874. --! , Str a'w-Cutters ! § --~~~~------- ---. - Common and Gang Plows, tha.t will be s-:>ld at Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. Another cal' load of the a.bovu noblf' articles on the way. Please c.;all at the PRICES 6tf. Ilowmanville, Marchl87:l. AT THE SHOP. M. TRELEVEN: l. TO THE WALTEit vVIGG & SON, I ,. V" N returning thatll<8 ~o ~heir n~1ill tlr0Us :custou1ers and ·tho public gtmeraUy, · iol' l'~t Javo" "", ·would respectfully invite then· n.ttent1on to .our }JL"e$en.t stock of fnrniti.u-e, a.s ·i\.'e kav 6 a~dcd _thereto, that we iu~y tbc.i·eby be "Cna.blcd to supply a.U parties who may \)ll:'!a,se t d favpt him with a ~all. Gl'eat 1n<luceruents 11eld out to t_hOBe purcha-siug at Our estab tsb1n c.:11t. l,ic- .. t~rSB. Lookn~g Glasses, etc. framed to order, anll in every ety1e. Sau1ples of th~ different kin~ of o u1du1ge can. be 1>een at the 'vare·roonl. 'vould also beg to info1·1u you that having purohnsed a. · 'I ' B 0 \V MA,N VI LL E Farm Implement Forwarding Agency lt V·l. JAI\-IF.S 1 King St., }~owmanvill e. Bo,vmanville, Dec. 5, 1872. nlO. Star Dry Goods and Clothing House. , °' Succefis 'vill largely depE:nd upon the time of sowing, ruid this for any pa.rticula.l' locality can only be ascertainecl byexperiruent. The covering should not be put on u11til cold \vea.ther haid stoppe<l the growth of t he bu l b.~, ri.nd 1 nay he of l cn.vcs, atraw, n: arsh-hay, or oth er litt~r. Lenvcs np · liand, out of plied while it is·ing will not blotv n.bout . bas set -Amerfrx~n Agric " 7 ttwiflt.. I later, and North of that- e<:Lrlier. John McLeod & Co., August 10th, 1875. T<r . DRY GOODS! ---o-- NO'l'ED FOR OHEAI-' . IWellington Bmldlngs, Bowmanville. A have this day appoin te d C. BAllKER I the Exc;lu'it~ ·~~nt for the Hale of my VuLCAN] ZED PENS fi:1r JjOWmanv11le, Ont. CLOTHING, etc. SPLEND lD NEW HEARSE, we i:::hall be ready at a.11 times to attend., on short :nr_.: ·· N. B.-Coftins kept on hnnd and 1 nadl:'! to erder1 a.t · If 1,-OU Nov ~ immnut YJ a .n t G ood B r ead .. 1Jelult ©nht$. [ m6-l y ' U s e the her 5th, 1874 . I ~ 0 ~1~iZbJf;i~oN,P.P. m-tf. NEW DOMINION RETAIL OibAowa, Au~. 26th, 18'7" n owOHl.llVille, Sept.lOth,1874. King Street East, Oshawa· " · ·