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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 8 Oct 1875, p. 1

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· 'rHE MERCHANT W.EST DURHAM 01rcul~tee la.rgoly in the Townships gf Darling· ton, Clarke a.nd Cartwright. It is a common platform, open to the free discussion of all quesuona 1n wh10h the general public are concerned. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. Stea.m Job Printing Office KING STREET, BOWMANVlLLE. --1 TERMS. Sevenly-1ive cnts rn anro, ind vance. The 'Merchant' and 'Obser· ver,' $2-00. RATES OF ADV .l!.RTISING , 45 per annum. Ttalf do. 25 " Quarter do. · · J5 u 'rraD.Blent ad,ertiacments,5 cts per line first in"ertion, and 2c. per line, each subsequent one One coll.lmn AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME VII BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1875. NUMBER son o beggar, aud thrust it rnto Mathe Colwell's bands. · Burn it 1 Let me see 1t burn 1' he said, fcvenshly, and with eagerness, and gladly Mattie laid the paper upon the burnmg coal· of the grate Whil· they watched it burn, there \yas a noise of rapid horses' feet, a roll of wheels, a bustle at t~e door, and quick feet upon the stairs. 'Ned' Ned 1· The voice of the sick man rang out cleur and. shill, and "'as answered by a loud cry. ' Father, I am coming 1 · '!'hen Mattie stole out ot the room as a tall figure rnshed m, and K ed Hartwright kt1.elt beside hrs father's chair, to feel warm tears upon his jace, tho clasp ot loving arms, and hear ]Jroken "ords of blessrng and wel- I POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBlLLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c, &c.,&c, EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE · · L · · · .. rniher too forrmdable and I hope the council will amend it, for I am suie it fi1ghteus Lines Written by a Miller. to the rueans which they pos,css both Jor a good mn.ny people UW(ly, rrbe cba1rn1uH 1 seU support and self-1mproveinent. I do ha8 told you, and very properly told you, I en\'Y not proud.fortuue'a son, not enter npou the queshon whether in that gan1es are contemplated ; but he <l 1d Nor pampe1ed lords, nor seers, their cMe they have all that is to be demed not tell you, and it would ha\e puzzled him GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! Nor fame, nor glory, that lB ·won in this world. It will have to uridergo a to tell you, bo\v int.he \\'orld these gai:nes By k1nge and their compeers Trains \Vtll leave BowmanY1lle Station, great many changes before those who in- could be brought w1th1n the clefimt10n of Peace and contentment arc my own, llowmanville time, as follows : ~Iy heritage JS hea.lth ; habit 1t can have all that 1s to be :lesued 01ther literary or ment1fic. (Laughter) f-y;ott.ld not give thetn £01 a throne, but they have now what they had not rn' Tbe1efore a. little arncndmcnt i:.-. properly GOING 'WEST. GOING EA.ST, Its g1andeu1, power, and ld.:D..!th Local* . . 7 20, a.m. J Ex;press .. , .. 8.30 a.m. other tln1es. There is not only an irnprove- requited in U11s respi=ct N O\V 111y good Express. . 8 45 a.m : Mixed , .. 3 50 p.m. ~Iy cottage naee by a hlll, ment upon their cond1tlon in other times, friends, rt I inay presume to c£11l you so, let Mixed . . 2 25 p.m I Local .. .. 7:10 p .m. A stream gliclC':.i by the door, Express ... 8.45 p. m. I Express, .. 8.45 p.m. but there 1s a contrast with their cond1t1on me say one word as to the kind of teniptaHere with my ba.bea, n1y wife and 1n1l1, *This train runs ever-y morning oI week, in other hmes-a contrast of a most lughly t1on that I think beset ihose who urn called ~loudaya excepted. I want nor wish for more. favourable character-a contrast \\·h1ch must upon for a great deal of bodily labor rn their '\Yheu tlay is gone, and to1l 1s o'e1, carry JOY and s·t1Bfact10n to \he heart of usual lot in hfe Wh('n I speak ofternptaAnLl evenmg shadows use, every in telligent man not belongmg to the t1on I do not llO\V refer to those tem_ptat1onr.i. How r;oft the npplea krns tho _sl101 e1 has decided to go out of the Dry Goods business, and will commence And unage back the 1;1k1es lahour1ng classes who knows that in the which beset us al;, oi'"l\o&ITUfeiJProJl1gatc on the come. labouring is the basis and foundation and worthless hvnig. I l~O not speak of As night, in st11lness ~d reposc1 In the hall ~fatt1e fouud a 11ltle figure of the mst1tut10ns of the country and of all those temptations wluch lead men- T hope Sur1ou11de my humble (ot, wa1t1ng in bewildered patience for \Velcon1e, that constitutes the nation. 1 should hke Hope digs a for a1l 1ny woes, in but rare insto.ncC:s-to neglect th 1;J1r \\lYCS SURGERY---SILVER ST. and took upon herself the office of hostess to draw to your minds a few facts, although And consecrates thu1 spot . and families ancl prinuiry d uhes Ml therm Dowmanv1lle1 Aug ZO, 1875 'l'he summer winds embalmed in swceta, to the blue-eyed wife, for whose they must be necessa11ly incomplete- \vhat I put by I a1n going to speak of ti;iu1pta4 Comes moist '\1th falhnr;:- de,v, sake Ned had dared his fathe1 's an- has been in other times the cond1t1on of the t1ons of unother class, but \vh1ch pcihnps While from the forest's dark retreats, ger and perilled bis mbentonce. Mathe labouring classes, a.nd to show that if your The Spnng Importations only having been completed a fe>Y weeks, the have n. readier access to those ·who laLor Strange sounds their fhgh t pursue, took Lucy nito thc> \liarm draw1n~-room, grandfathers and g1 eat grandfathers before itADUATE of Baxter University of Music St c K ts very large and well assorted. As it must be sold within a hard, snuply because t h ey do not appear to }"riendsb1p, New York. 'l~hy thrilling notes float soft and clear, ordered supper for.the travellers, and un- you did not belong to 1nshtut10ns of this ~ given time, at fir~t sight anr n1oral o1i cn ce I involve Teacher of Piano a.nd Organ, cultivation ll'hou viewless 1\'ind of even, rolled the two months' bub) from 1ta mul- kind they had an excuse and reason for it Voice, Singing, Thorough Bas1:11 Harn:1ony mean the te1nptatinn to bocl1ly and rllelJtal Aud meJt on the enraptured car, t1tud1noua shawls and coverings. Co1npos1tion, &c, such as do not exist m the present day. I 1ndolencc at the inoment when work JS Like \Yn.ndcrmg Htrruns from heaven Darhngton1 July16th, 1874. 41-ly Mattie listened to the tearful descnpl10n will say o few words 1,pon the snbJect of TERMS OF BALE :-Under $50, Cash; ove1· $50, Four months Earth's minstrels unto all thou art, done Now, as far as the body is concernof Ned's mmgled JOY and sorrow when the m1111ng labout. It Hi DO\\' about 36 "years And lll the 2n1d.iiight deep, R R LOSCOMBE, Credit on approv1id notes. rd, th e body has pretty well done its duty telegram came. Mattie smoothed the fau ago sn1ce, very greatly to my own comfort 'rhy mua1c steals upon the beait, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, The Tailoring in Order· d Work, will be continued as usual, during the Sale. when it has done that labor bv meani; of As sweet as ch1ldhood'.s sleep. curls of the young \Vife, calmed her agitu- and advancement, I became very closely SOLICITOR IN CHANOJiJRY, &o "Yth1ch 1t obtains wages, bu~ mental indolelJt;e F. F. McARTHUR. t1on, and took her into loviug confidence. connected with this vtucc, and that is a' ery 'Vhat though thy chanot "'·heels 1n stortns, T here is no l'e"1JiOU why a is a sad tiling. Bowmanville, May, 1875. OF.l!'!Ott.:-Over ~IcClung'B Store, flat And when Ned came, grave and pa.le, to hm1ted tin1e in the life of o. con1mun1ty. Rush tl1unde11ng throltgh the sky, as J lirimaoomb's Dental Rooms. mmd of that kmd should be mactive, and V.7hen clouds in black and g1a11t forms, aay : 'My father will see you, Lucy,' MatBowmanville, Oct. 27th, 1868. ly But what immense changes have taken his time spent in lolltng,lo1tcr~ng,wh1~tltng, Wh11 l eddymg mMlly bytie took the boy from its mo\bcr's tremblmg place in the position of the agricultural la- playrng marbles, and other triflmg occupa MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 lo' e thy voice, thGugh loud and hoa.rse aims, and followed, after the first "ords of bourer even 'vithin that time ? You knov.· tions \\ hich are UU\YOrthy to be called sub· Along it somotiroes awP-eps, ISSUED llY reconciliation we:ire spoken. what his wages 'vere 36 years ago, and stitutes for occupation It 1s quite cv1dcnt With av;ful and resrn:tles" force She found N cd holdrng his father's band ROBERT ARMOUR 'vh ..t.t they arc now; and I will not enter althou gh the body is hard pressed by the 'l'o battle on the deeps. in closest clasp, \\h1le Lucy,- leaning over into details upon a matter fanuliar to ) ou labor of a popnlat1on so onergehc and inMARRIAGE LICENSES. the great chair, soltly bathed tbe clammy all ; but undoubted m that period of time dustrious a.a tlus, Jet they do 11ot alwa) s LITERATURE. brow,t\Yherc the death dews \\·ere gathe1ing R JOH~ H. EYNON, Lot 7, 6th Con it is a very great change indeed, a. change feel entirely exhausto<l They have some fast. Darlington, fnear Bethesda Church] is that has been brought about without great tng, unU I a1n very glad strength rema1n duly author1z;ed to usue Marnage Licensee. MATTIE COLWELL'S GOOD WORK 1 Ned'· boy!' the dying ruan gasped, as Darlrngton 1 Nov. lt), 1874. m8·tf. grievances or oppression, I will venture to that th ey ha\ e games of a character that the buby's faee was lifted to bl8 own, say, to any portlon of the community-on require great bodily cxc1cise But v.·hat I 'The doctor says he cunnot live more 'Ned's baby ! May God bless the child ! the contrary, with the general conviction entreat and desire is that they shou]d do than a few days longer.' An.i may God evei bless Mathe ' See to 1t, that it lB for the good of all, although these the same Justice to their miuus that they du Mattie Colwell had been inquiring how Ned, that she never wants Jove while you changes in some degree momentarily rub to their bodies '!'he tuet of uaving bochly it fored with Simon Hartwr1ght, the rich live-Mathe, who-brought )OU tomynrms, and Iret rn particular MtieS and pa.rlicular poi'. er may be a reason \vhy t.U.ey can Pot man ol Upham, who lay wastrng with a as she has brought your sou this mght ' ,,.,ould beg to inform the ladies of Bowmanville circumstances JUSt f.Jr the moment. Mr. give then· nnnde to the most ieduccd desfatal illness, Nat a young mi:in 1 yet one Mattie, "bo brought you to· mgh t to take Gladstone then referred to llfr. Eden's a.nd v101n1ty, that she is prepared to take orders crlption of reading aud conversation or 1nwho carried fifty-seven years as erectly as for Dressmaking, ...nd fill the same with despath the sling from death ' They "ill tell you, work on the cond1t10n of Agricultural veatigat1on, and therefore I adnnt tha t thBy in the thirtJ, and who had borne promiae of a hfe Ned, that Mattie never wearies rn domg labourera in ten counties in England be- may be fugbtened,innocently frightened,by before the fatal d1Seaae came suddenly to LA.TEST FASHION. good, but she has done no nobler work in tween the years 1790 and 1800 to show the bug beur of <t sClentJ fie enquiry \\ h1ch up Rer..,.exporienco fullj· warrants her ui promlsJ.n end his hope. In the· auld Jan g syue' wh1ch her life than she hos done to day m brrngsatiSfaetion. that the average wages then re- !?ears \vritteu oft the door of our inst1tut1011a every man and woman past their firat mg my boy to my side/ ~ Residence, Corner of Cliureh Si;:eet, and cei<ed by an agricultural labourer to sup· But employment of tbe mmd-rehef to the youth ca.rriea in their heart, Sunon HartMnrket Square. These were the last "ords Simon Hait· port hlB wife and family was Ss a week. mmd by useful einployment and rccrcat10n, Bowman.ville, Dec. 4th, 1873 wright had wooed pret ty Matti· Coh>ell wright spoke until, at the last, he whisContmnmg, he said,-In the 62 cases of does not 1n the shghtest degree add to tne and won her love, v1hen the lovers were peied families which are given 1n the most inin- fatigue which the body undergoes and which driving out together, the home had taken 'l\ed- fo1givc-rr1y boy-God bless my ute manner in the 49 of them the wages promotes that cquit·ble and general develop fright, ruu away, and Matlle was crippled boy !' and died with the blemng on b1S For the Township of Da1·lington. of the man and his family were not suffi- ment of the faculties as between body and for life \Vhen this was an established fact, bps, cient to meet the expenditure, that expend- mind wlnch l :; n1ost conducive to the health the girl had bidden her lover farewell, and Ma it1e Col well ln·es her quiet hie of use· H. T. PHILLIPS, iture being based upon a. na.rro'\\·, scanty, as well as to the hnpprness of mankmd . Io. refus1n3 all hIB 'va1m entreaties, bad taken fnln ess, leavmg undone no kindly act her HAMPTON. and defective scale. That was the condi- this respect it nnBt be admitted that \\ e .11:1 up the burden of her life alone. As years Pro1npt attention given to sales, &o, on reason· hands can accou1phsh ; but there is no tion of what 've called " merry England ' 1 people-and I am speaking not of the able terms. rolled by, her infirrrnties had 211creased, unmemory of good \Yorks done so precious to 80 years ago. (Laughter ) And now you laboming classes but of all classes-we do til at fifty she was a feeble old woman beher heart as the mcn1ory of the J econciha· hear people sometimes say that the time ol not come up to the proper standard 'Vie side the strong, eta! wart lover of her youth hon her words accomphshed Pel ween Simon ENNISKILLEN. meriy England is p;one by. Well, it moy do not do enough loi the cultivation at onr It had been one of the rare cases \vhere Hartwr1ght and his son "alea promptly attended to on reasonable termH. not be ns merry no\v in all cases as we minds . we are, unless unrler the pressure love bad mellowed mto hie-long fnendA S, should wish it to be, but I suspect it is of abl:lolute necess1Ly, a rather indolent pr.o· slnp, though S1wou had warned and lost ALLAN LINE STEAMSH IP. quite as merry ns it was in tunes of your ple as regards n1ental cultivation, not 1n t.l1e his witc, and had one son living, eatranged GLADSTONE ON MENTAL CUL fathers and grandJatbers, and many genernLiverpool London, and Glasgow lov.·est class but 1n all classes. Aitet a long from bis father, a son upon whom Mattie TURE. 011 Tickete 1 or information, apply to tions before them, and a good deal merrier exper1enca of hie I cnn say it 1s in nll clnsEee, hod poured out ull that mother-lo\"e that CASH. CASH. W. A. NEADS, .Agent. too. (Applause) As regards mming Ja- from the highest to the lowest We should At the annual meetmg of the Hawarden every woman hides In her heart. Tiown111nv1lle, .Tune.9th, 1871. tf-30 Literary lnatitution, held on the 14th iust, bour the change hus been very great and all protest against it in ou1" spheres, Bnt while sorrow, })aJD, and lon eliness ON and AFTER the fiist d11y of Oct, 1875, our business will b& Fancy Goods,Berlin Wools,&c. conducted on i1 CASH basis We have, after duly conside1ing the mat- had never hardened Mattie's hea1t, but left )fr , Ul11dstone made the tollo\\lng ren1arks extraordinary. I don't apea.k of the changea endtavour to sho\v \\Care not cxauiples of on mental culture. - I wish you to consider which have been effected withm the lost it, an<l. not allow Olli Helves to slule into thnt as tender, pure, and true as it "'as ter, concluded to abandon the CREDl'l' SYSTEM mid to sell our uoods fo1 it at fifty . three or four years I hope there are a reprehe1\8lble practice. What 'ball I say of ready mone,Y, or its equivalent. It is unnecessary to resort to ~gument at seventeen, S11non Hartwr1ght had gro\vD "MY DEAR AU Nl' MA TTIE. Lucy is u !ew thmgs which I IVlll endeavour to Jay good inauy miners rn this roon1, and to other nations 1 Th ere are other nat1011s before you, for every institution of tlus kind hard and stern, devoted hard and stern, deahout agair... a.nd our boy is doing finely or. explarnit10n to show that, in these days, the Credit System is injurious B'1g8 to inform the pulJlic, that she has Just reHern a thorough Hartnight, \Vlth mv dear opens a great number of interesting topics, them I would say as a friend, I have al- much before ua in th 1<:i respe ct. You will voted to money .:nakrng, and full of world· ahke to selle" and purchaser , and. it is uviverrnlly admitted to be an inco1 ved a aplend1d new· assortment of .Fancy Goods, Berhn Wools, etc, which she -will sell at justice to those ~ho buy for cash. So there 1s no apology necessary, on ly wrndom, When his old lo.e had t1m1d· fatbm:'a eyes, nod l'.~e have had him christen- fro1n wb:ch one can but select and which ways looked upon that change with very find in Germany, France, and in many parhi ed S11nou I wrote to my father, but again as lov; price as they can be bought for elsewhere ly tried to heal the breach between himself my letter baa come back to me unopened. one can only touch hashly on account of the mixed feelings. I t "as qmte mamfest that of Italy that there I S a 1nuch ~reater di<::poour pa1 t, for makmq the p1 oposed change. S1'A PING done on SllORTEST NOTIOE This new method will enable us to take e\c1y advanbwe of the mar- and Edward, his first-born, he had 1epul·ed How can I ever so!ten his heart towards me time winch it \Vould require to exhaust so great and so sudden a change could not sition among the people o[ th o country to ·let. Sth,1874. 2-3mos, kets, and place within our reach large trade discount" ~n cash pur- her good offices so sternly that she had if he will never 1e·d my letters l I \\ eary them. In the first place, let me say, m re- be supported permanently ; it is not m the avail themselves of opportumt1es ,of know· never dured repeat theo1 1 and only comior~· for his forgiveness ! I am doing well here, commending to your encouragement an<l nature of tbrngs. The Jaws of the trade ledge and mental cnlture than iu Englar.d. chases. ed her heart by correspond1ug with the and my salary "ill allow some httle com· patronage an cstabhshmeni of this kmd did not pe1m1t the rise of three or lour In Scotland there 18 a greater d1spos1tion. forts for Lucy and the boy besides mere necThe benefits which will result to our customers under this system are years ago in the price of coke and of coal. But why 1 Because of ihc iwprovcd cdu ess1t1es, but I long to hear my father say, that I do uot do so as if either bodily exer: manifest; not only shall we be able to buy ou1 goods eonsiderably cheaper boy she loved so "ell. As connected 'vith coke and 1ron, I say it cation which the Scotch have now CIJJoyed c1se or even mental culture are of then1But the ~at had gone forth that overcame "Ned I forg1 ;e you/' Begl:! t.o return thanks to his friends fot the sup under the advanfatges ref'eHed to, but much smaller profits then were 'If you knew Lucy in her hfe here, if selves the 'vhole of \Vhat mun requ1rPs In IS entitely without precedent. It was hke for a. goo::l. many generations For a good pv1t he has received the past two year.a? and all womanly tim1d1ty, and Mattie, when her hopes, by continued strict personal attention to necessary under the old system, will suffice question "'aB ausv,.ered 1 went slowly to her you could see how patiently she bears every the course of his p1Jgr1mage upon earth a great storln that disturbs the air \vith ex~ many generations th e) have had a really bUBlness, and working at the nlost reasonable privation, how lov1ng she is when "'e are ceeding violence. Such changes are uot I!1 efficient popular education Tile mass ot W c are determined, this season, to push om business with renewed own roomi her head bowed,and tears cours~ still prices, to ensure a cout1nuance of public patron so poor, ho\v careful she is never to re- man has three forms of life- hrn sp111tual age, 'V. B. is _prepated to build hou~cs, etc , energy, and shall enden,vor to excel in every depa1trnent Our a1range- ing down her withered cheeks Once there, proach me for v;bat she has suffered, yvu J1te, lue rntellectuul hfc, aau b1a bodily ruy opinion much to be desired. Thuse English people are only JUSt corning into on the most modern style of arch1tcoture. Job. bing promptly .~ttended to. Plans and spemfi.- ments a1 e.such that no establishment can undersell us. Remember, then, she knelt and prayed long and lervently- \\OUld not \vonder th11tl cannot say,' Fath- hfe. It is in relation to God, upon the i.:hanges 'vh1ch are to be desued are changes possession of this blcssu1~. It is quite t1uc 11 cations got up on application, on tb1:1 Jnost rea- that the right pfacc for cheap goods is I atn not ; knowledge of God, and upon all that con- slower and more grad uul, but of a more that they arc called upon to pay for it Sbe rose from her knees very pale, but with er, I atn sorry I married her sonable terms, o.od of every descdptlon, Office I lll:!ver can be sorry for tha.t ; yet I do sor.. irHl, cerns that knowledge, that brn destmy and sohd and permanent kmd. Apart entirely Education, if Lhe art1t;lo io good ot its 1 a steady light m her soft brown eye·, and row over my father's anger. and Shop, Stx eet, nearly opposite Mr, from tlns great change there bas been a 1s worth paying fo1, anU 1ts tendency IS to T Bowden's. his happrneas really depends on these matputtrng o~ her demure Quaker-like bonnet ' \V1ll you see him for me, plead for me 1 BowmaimUe Dec 24th, 18i4. 18-ly. and cape, \Yeut out ~nto the cb1ll, winter Tell hin1 I care nothing for his wealth; we ters. I ask you to conSlder what can be greet upward mo\"ement ou the pa1t of redeem man and save h1u1 fro m base nud air. ,All about her the Huow .. flakes whirl· can live happily in our humble iash100, bnt done, leaving to others who are inore fit miners in other senses of the v,; ord Out of grovelhng pursints. I will speak of the Bowmanv11le, Sept. fat, 1875. I long unutterably to hear his voice in fored m the bitter wmd, but she kep forward giveness, to clasp h1s hand, to know he loves and better entitled to do it to touch those thIS great augmentation of means there 1s people ofWales-ihatlB, the Welsh speaktill she stood at the door of the great white me agarn ! Plead for me, Aunt Mattie, He suhjects in proper times and places. I ask something, at any rate, ~·hi ch a n1a.n nlay ing people. I donot know 1£ any of yon ever house Simon Hartwright bad bmlt for hlB must be lonely, and my heart aches for hIS you to consider the question of the mtellee- venture to spare for lns mind. It may be read a senes of letters by Mr. Richard, the tual life \vlnch we oHght all to endeavor to said, perhaps, that this augmentation member of Pru:hament for i\[ertbyr- a tnan ATE WITH F, Y. COWLE, begs to mhome. The housekeeper, who opened the loneliness. form the public genera.Uy, that be has com' Lucy sends love, and this tiny lock of live, and what belongs to such an in-stitu· of means has been neu trabzcd by an of '"'Y considerable ability, high character, door, knew Miss Matti~ 'vell ; for the cnp· menced business in the Shop next to the Ex· young Simon's hair. Lovingly, rrb1s lS not SO. a d1stinguishP.d \V el~h1uan, who susta.1ns tton us this !'i01,v, ~ui I said, bel1ev1ag augmentation of prices. p1ess Office, one door east of J. Mtlne'a. pled old maid was beloved by every man, NED. Having had several years expene11ce in the There are no augmental!ons of prices at all the character of o Welshman rn the Home that this u1stitution woman, and child 1n U pl1am, fo1 her fieJJ.1 if it is to prosper, 'Sin1on P trade, he hopea to satisfy all who may favor tJ account for the difference in the wages of of Cummons with great effect He pubhsbtle chant.Jes and noble self-sacrificing hfc. bun with a call Mattie's voice was solea1n in its earnest must be a popular 1nstitut1on, hav1ug its iounduhons 1n the winds of the labournig- these days. It is true that some prices a1e ed a series of lette1s in '1'/w ...~[011iing Sta1, 'I'm glad you've come to see Mr. Hart- tone o! plea<lwg raised ; the price of meat, for example, is v;b1ch does not now ex1:.-.t and rcpnbh~hed \\ tight,' said the housekeeper, 1 for. he is 'Simon, ~on will not die 'vithout forgiv- those who are culled the labouring part of Bowmall"\ille, . Sep, 4th, 1872. l\149-tf. considerably raised. What did that e1gnify them as a small vol~1n1c. :;: have read those very bad to-day. He can't he down now at ing your boy, I\rlary's boy, who saved )Our the population-I n1ust n ece~~ arily consider letters w1tb great advantage nuU I wal!:\ vet y all \\ ithout a suffocatmg feelrng. Will you bfe at the mk of )us own, who loves you so a que;t1on which may occur to them all and to those men 1 N oth111g at all , it was rn ucbfstruck by the character wlnch he gtvcs totally beyond their reaeb. But meat a go up 1' \\ h1ch in other times must have occurred to o! the Welsh people. It quite astomshed truly P hundred years ago was not equal in quality me to see in l1ow many respects the popuUp to a Jolty room, luxuriously furmsh· Simon Hartwnght lifted his foce from any of them "·ho were sohc1ted to enter an Remember that, and lat1011 can lay claim to credit aud honour ed, where the sick man eat 1n a great arn1 .. the cusb10ns where it had been hidden. establIShment of lhlB kmd. I have said to \\'hat it is DO\V, chair, fora way from tbe rnddy grate fire U pou the waste<.\ cheek tears stood hke that n1nn bas an 1ntelhgent hfe1 the hfe when we hear so much from people of all ior all that rn.ost d1stinguisLes good citizens and good men Hn1 ing q noted from !t'Ir. classes about the 1ncreased co at of living, the that tortured bis lungs. Richard to show the htciary taste of the great drnmoncls, and the voice was broken and hlB mtellectual faculties, and hkew!Bc With a smile that but few people ever and hoarse that said · bodily hie and material hfe. Ol that bodily reply " : In some pomts that JS true ; m Welsh people, who, ho\vever, did not inGENERAL CONTRACTORS or material l1fe the wants are perfectly nn- some points totally untrue, because such dulge in novels Mi. Gladstone thus con· su"'- upon his hard face, Simon Hartwnght ' Send for my boy, Mathe 1 ' AND BUILDERS. articles as tea and sugur n.nd clothes are clude<l. :-I wanted to make a CflSe in some stretched out his hand to Mattrn Colwell. Gladly the message "'as 'vritt;en and sent pera\1ve and mdispensable. It 1s in h18 But, inde- degreo to show, that the qt1est1on whether choice to o. great degree whether he will enor1nously reduced in pnce. ' I felt suie th>t you would come when to the telegraph office. Jou should take up this institution deserves Manufacturers of Sash,Blinds pendently of those coses where 1i " true serious consuleraL1on from those here and culti vale rntellectual faculties. It can they told you how h·d I was,' he said, fold'To Jllr. Edward Hartwright, No 3i, Doors, Mouldings, and Wina.ud "here it is totally untrue, it very com- serious cons1derat1on irom th use to '"ham T mg her little white hand Ill hlB own,altnost Street, London. Your lathe> wlSh· hardly be said to be m his ch owe whether dow Frames, as 'vb1te no\v. 'You have not been my ea to see you, Come at once. He is dan- he will Jabour for the supply of his bodily monly means this-that people are not con- hope those here Will mcnt10n 1t. I wtsh to abdicate the posmon. We destre, tbat_ilns With or mthollt OasV.g. w,th or witho1't gerously Lil. wants and the supply of the wants of those tent to live as they were formeily content 1nst1tut1on should be popnlar. \Ve Ue1:11re, friend of late, Mallie 1' Band Moulds. who are rn1med1ately dependent upon him to hve. I don't say that is unreasonable ; that it should ptosper on the Qrescnt basis, 'Always your friend, Simon,' \Vas Lhe 'l'be evening shado\'l'S 'vere crl ep1ng over It often happens in the mixed and imper- on the contrary, it is no\\- that they have and we desire to extend 1t. -1, tor my part, auswer ; 'l)ut tlunking you wrong in one act of your life. It is for that I au1 here. 1 the Kreat room where. Simon Hn.rt\-.;ugbt feet condition in which we hve tho.t the ex· many of the lllllocent means of health as lookmg generally at the .nrivmg coud11loll of the increasing population, increasing: In Planing, Planing & Matching, She threw aside her hat and cape no she waited fo1 the ureacl summons he knew 1gencies of the bodily and material hie aie 'vell as subatstence and luxury to a degree their character for industry, tlunk there winch formerly they could not have, and sawing and Turning, apoke, and took a chair beside the 1nvC\hd. could not long be dela~ed. Mattie Colwell such and the means of supplying them so ought to be some inshtutiou 'vh1ch shall Upon his face had gathered a hard frown, had not left him, By every swee\ memory hm1ted, that Ibey actually press out- which in a degtee no\V form part of the ex· really lift its head, assert its own ex1atenc:e, o,.namental Pickets, in eve1'1J vai·ihis bps were Jirmly folded, and his eyes cherishecl m her soul she had kept alive the squeeze out, 1f I may say ao-the oppor- penaes of h\ing J think, as equably-mind- and be a fatniha1 everyday part ol ouI liie, ety, and Scroll Sawing, tender, forgiving, spirit her\\ o.rds bad al- tun1ty of attending to the \Van ts of our in- ed men you Will admit that in th1a pansh an 1nst1tution in \i,.h1ch all families mav cruel as death. Undaunted, l\1attie saul take an interest, In n h1 ch they m1iy luid of e\ery del!lonption ready "akcued m the father's heart. tellectual hfc ; and that, perhaps, is the thero is uot a gene1al pressure of poverty oppo1tuni1Ies for cul tu re nmted by J ud1c'You will forgive Ned, Simon 1' the laboring classes to induce men to The ag1tat1on of the mornmg had added great excuse that men would make for pas1ous ar:rangement..'I with opportun1ttes of 'Never' Ho disobeyed rne where! had ONE TD ORDER, much to the inva.hd's suffering~, un(l as sing by the calls of an Institution of th1a say "We will give everything to ou1 bodily. rest nnd recreation. Though t.):ie iustitntruost set my heart ' on the 1on has come ol nge, JCt I trust in nnothci: 'lle married I.ucy \Vhca.ton 1 lrJ\ ing her.' evening came on, the gentle) loving \\'atcher kind. They say, "I~ is all very well for wants and to the support of 011r 1am1hes sense 1t is in its 1ntancy, nnrl. thnt it will SHORTEST NOTICE· 'A girl \"hose father was a con1n1on feared th~ son \vould come too late for b1e people with plenty of 111oney to spend, but and \YC w:.11 reserve nothing whatever for i.::ro\v beyond its present d1mens1one, and He had I am not m their posihou , I am a Jal>our- the cull!vation of the mmd." I hope no- embrace the various parti~s other thau those \ drunkard, wh·J diet!. iu debnum tren1en~, father's wor~s of reconcliiahon. bcen <lozmg uneasily \\·hen he sudd~nly ing man, dependent upon niy bands, de· body hos been frightened by the lorandable to which 1~ has h1tbe1lo addressed It and was buried by charity.' pendent upon my health, and I harn got a title " Literary and Scieut1fic " (Laughter) depends upon you \vhether it shall tbr1ve or 'But a goou, pure girl," ho nobly did her started a"oke not It requires no large effort~, no grl'nt · The will ' Mattie, we forgot the will ! wife and children to support. It is not for Literature-that i· a very lngb f11~ht. duty to ber fother and baby Sloter till both ... ,. It a<ldres~e~ ttseJ A LA LO+ OF nfel' died .~ lov11:::g, tender girl, against "hom It JS rn the drawer. Burn it Mattie I Tell me, and ! won't be bothered with it." Sctence-that is ~higher f11gl" ... " there wa.q no wl11spe1 of rcp1oacb 1 and u. Neel there is a legacy for yon-t\YO thou~ 'Vcll, no\v, is that an excuse t.~lat ought to ma.VE!"' ' ~ 1· huthful, good \Vife noW for tl11 ee yrar.3, sau<l pounuo 1 It the w1ll eta11ds my boy is be made by the labouring populW· n of this pa.r1sh generally as theJ HO\V st,Lt d1:su1honted. Burn it, 1\-Inttie 1' You will nof die uul0rg1viag 1' rr-, th tre1nLhng bunds S1n1on Hartwr1ght ls no c1rcum1:1tauce 1nore grJ.t· ~AP 'I made my will It i;, hc1e,' a~ n tue ·ha\\ or the will that left his 1 "' .,i the conq1\·0J) of the he opcne<:l a(tra· ·lie table beBlde' especially 1n our labouring population, as FROM RETIRING 1 HE POETRY CONTEST ! $20,000 'VORTH OF GOODS To be Sold without Reserve, at less than Wholesale Prices. F. F. McARTHUR Drs. Reid & Boyle. Prof. J. Ruse, 20th of Hay, 1875 A Gra.nd Clea.ring Sa.le of his Entire Stock. G A Trell'ften.dous Dedl!llction will be M Dressmaking, &c. Miss Real AUCTIONEERS W1n.. Barton, 1875~ 1875. MCCLUNG BROTHERS' CASH CIRCULAR. F Hrs. Ma.son, HA-MP TON. . 'There arc some legamc·, but the bulk of my fortune goes to found a hbra.ry in Up~ ham, this house to be used for the purpose. Ned will have one huudied pounds.' 'Ob, 811uon, de1:1troy that "Will " 'When Edward d·fiecl me, when he clung to the girl I detested, and secretly married he1, I told him he was my son no longer. Ile has lived for three years away from me--' ' St::i.rving upon a clerk's salary, when he had passed the first twenty-two yearn of his hie in luxury' ' He his choice ! ' · I remember,' Matt1elaid, in a dreamy voice, as 1f she had fo1go1ten her listener, 'the day Ned was born poor Mary lay so ill ·we iearcd she must die, and while others were busy around bed the \Vee babe was brought to 1ne. He 'vas like you, S1rnon, with great dark eyes and a broad brow, and yet be had Mary's mouth, so sens1t1ve and tender, quivenng with every emotion. I remember when he was a week old r'bad lam in the nursery 1wben you came in, staggering like a man under ~ a heavy bur· den, till yon fell on your knees bcSide me, io sob-' God. has taken Mary, but He has left my boy ! Thank God for my boy!' A Jong qui vermg sigh broke from the invalid's hps. ~I can see h1n1 as he \Va.a at three years old, \\1th his brown curls sh1n1ng hke satin, lalhng over his little velvet coat, his soft round cheek ~ rosy with health, and hrn eyes full of hank, bright mtcllect. He was not quite four when he had sCJ.rlet fever. How many mghls you walked him up and down m your arms, when the fever would not let bnn aleep , how many days you sat beside him calming the dehrions fancies of his baby bram till the day that hfe-ghmg sleep can1e to restore him, and again you thanked God for your boy's hfe.' ' ~fatLie, you torture me 1 I cannot bear this!' the s1ck man murmured hoarsely. 'I 'vas at n1y window one morning,' biattie said, still in the same even monotone, 'when a carriage dashed up the road with a pair of run away horses, 1.'he re1na \Vere 10 the 1oad, and there was no control over the terrified animals, who Uashed forward, the carriage 5\'.aying heavily from side to side, th1eatenrng every moment to be dashed to pieces. Inside, \1 man tried vainly to open the doors The driver lay upon the ro·d beyond, thrown from his seat, ha1f intoxicated and badly injured. While I looked, paralyzed with horror, & mere boy, not eighteen, ran from my door into the road, threw h1msel! before the horses,battled w1tli them as they reared aud plunged, threatening every moment to dash hnu to pieces, and held them until other aid came. Men rnn to help, and the str1plmg opened the door of the carnage when the horses "ere quiet to release his father. The blood was streamrng from a great gash m his lace, but he never heeded it when hIB father held him in his close embrace, thanking him for his hie. Agarn, Simon, I heard you thank God that m savrng your hfe your boy bad not !oat hie own.' There was deep silence in the room, as Mattie spoke the Inst words. Sunon Hart· 'vright'a: face was bidden, but bxs hands treruble<l, covering the agitated features, Mattie took !tom her pocket a letter and read- the great change which has taken place, W. BUNNEY, BUILDER, ETC., New 'l'ailor shop, JOHN HEAL, MCCLUNG BROS. GOOD FITS GUARANTEED New Partnership! lv.torrisB;,\'Tatson COME and SEE F. H1 ILL'b N E~ Fall~ Winter G~o: Dry Goods ." ""'lf ~...,d- G NTS' FtT:RS . - - - - - - ----

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