THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1875 FRUIT. 12 fall apples: 1st W. C. Blackburn, 2nd John Cuttle. 12 fall apples for cooking: 1st Miss S. Renwick, 2nd Richard Warren. 12 winter apples : lat D. Arnott, 2nd J. Curtis. 12 winter apples for cooking: 1st J. P. Lovekin, 2nd John Curlis. 12 northern ·PY apples: 1st Dan'! Smith, 2nd Albert Tamblyn. 12 snow apples: 1st John Rickaby, 2nd D. Arnott. 12 golden russet apples: 1st D. Arnott, 2nd John Scott. 12 Spitzenberg apples: 1st D. Arnott, 2nd D. Smith. 12 bell flower apples: 1st D. Arnott, 2nd D. Smith. 12 Tomkin county king apples: !St A. 'l'amblyn, 2nd George Dobson, sr. _ 12 winter pears: 1st J. P. Lovekin, 2nd J. Gamsby. 12 fall pears: lat Robert Fielding, 2nd Henry Munro, Variety pears, six kinds: 1st J. P. Lovekin, 2nd Henry Munro. Crab apples: 1st Ralph Dawson, 2nd J. P. Lovekin. Specimen plums: 1st J, P, Lovekin, 2nd D. Smith. _ Specimen grapes, outdoor ·growth,black: 1st Alex. Mars, 2nd Isaac Chapman. ================================================:;===============================p================================================~==========Netting: 1st Mis· Mary Renwick, 2nd Mias E. Rutherford, 3rd Miss Mary Renwick. RELIGIOUS SERVICES. SU'N~AY, N EW MAMMOTH DRUGS AND MEDICINES OCT. 10, 1875. Flat braid work: lat Miss A. Ruddock, 2nd Mrs. Gairdner. Bead work: 1st Mias McMur-try, 2nd Miss Kate McMurtry. Gui.pure work: 1st Mrs. W. R. Cummings. ST. JOlIN'S CHURCH-ANGLICAN- Services in this church twice every Sunday -at 11 o'clock in the morning1 and at 7 in the evening, ]?y Rev , Dr. !tf~nab . 5 COPY & o- -o--o--o-- o- -o- -o-- o- -o-o-- o-- o- - o---- o CENT AT 5 nt the Bowmanville Drug Stoe, Tatting: 1st Miss Eliza Mollfortry, 2nd Sabbath, at 11 in the mornin~ and at 6:30 in Mrs. John Rickaby, 3rd Miss Eliza Mc- _ the evening by Rev. Mr. Little. Sabbath Murtry. School in the aftet-noon at 2:15 o'clock. Needle wo1k: 1st Miss Pollard, 2nd ST. ANDREW'S ClIURfJH-Service once Miss Hunter. every Sabbath, at 10.30 o'clock in the morn· Rag-work: lat Mrs. H. S. Powers, 2nd ing. lieY. Mr. Spenser, Pastor. l\fias 'rourje. Leath"er work: 1st Miss Lydia Tourje. CONGUEGATIOl'iAL-Service twice every Chain stitch: 1st Mrs. l\I. Garvin., at 10:30 o'clock in the morning, and Netting and darning: let Mrs . .T. Fieldat 6;30 in the evening. Rev. Mr. Hagne. ing. Sabbath School in the afternoon at 2 o'clock Silk braiding: 1st Miss Pollard, 2nd METHODIST- Service next S·bbathat 10:30 Mrs. Gairdner. 1\-Ioss \York: 1st 1\frs. Gairdner. o'clock in the morning, ' hY"the Rev. Mr. Wax fruit: 1st Mrs. Harnden, 2nd Miss }'erg\1aon, and at 6:30 in the evening, by the Chapple. Rev. Mr. Metcalf. S. School at 2:30. Pebble work: 1st Mrs. D. A. Gamsby, Prayer ?ii!eeting every 'l'hursday evening at 7 2nd Mrs. A. A. Gamsby. o'clock. Wax shells: 1st Mrs. Harnden. Painting in waters colors: 1st J. Rolfe, BIBLE CHRIS1'IANS-At 10:30 a: m. by Rev. E.A.Tonkin, anda.t 6:30 p. m., by 2nd Mr. J as. Field in!(. s Pencil drawing: 1st Mrs. Jas. Fielding, - - - . Sabbath School at 2:30 o'clock 2nd and 3rd l\Irs. Harnden. in the afternoon. Pr~yer J\feeting on WedCrayon drawing: 1st Mrs ..Tas. Fielding. neada.y evening at 7:30 o'clock. E..."t_TRAS. Agricultural wreath: 1st Mrs. A, Gams- PilIMITIVE METHODIST .- -Service Citrons and cucu1nb0rs: L. Tourje, by. on Sabbath, next at 10:30 in the mornVariety apples: S. Powers. Shell work: let Mrs. A. A, Gamsby, ing, and at 6:30 in tho eYening. Rev. R. FLOWERS AND PLANTS, 2nd Mrs. D. A. Gamsby. Cade, Pastor. lace: 1st Miss Kate McHome-made -=..,.. _ Geranium in flower: Mrs. H. Moulton, Murtry, 2nd Miss L. Chapple, 3rd Miss DISCIPLES-Service e\'ery Sabbath, at '""'.lnd Albert Tamblyn. 10:30 o'clock in tho morning, and Sunday Oollection pet,nias: 1st A. A. Gamsby, E. Hill. School at 2:30 in the f.lfternoon Mexican work: lat and 2nd Mrs. Harn2nd Miss Lydia Tourge. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCI A.Collection asters: 1st Mrs. Curtis, 2nd den. Antimicassar 2nd J\.1is!9 A.Rud~ Miss Mary McLeod. TION .-A Cottage Prayer ltieeting "'-ill be dock. Collection Dahlias: 1st A. A. Gamsby. held at Mr, Raddy's, Ontario Street, on Antimicassar, crotchet or knit: 1st Miss Collection verbenas: lstMissA. Ruddock, 'l\tesda.y evening next, l\t eir;ht o'clock. Anne Wright, 2ud Miss Lydia Tourje. 2nd A. A. Gamsby. And also at Mr. Hn.ddy's, Ontario St.., on Pair woollen stockings: 1st Mrs. J as. Cut flowers: 1st A. A. Gamsby. Wednooday evening,at the same hour. Table bouquet: 1st A. A. Gamsby,2nd Fielding, 2nd Mrs. Robt. Fielding. Pair woollen socks: 1st and 2nd Mrs. John Glindinning. Hand bouquet:lstMiss Annie Ruddock, Robt. Fielding. Pair woollen niittens: 1st J\.1is.s Sn.rah 2nd Miss Mary Ren wick. Fuller, 2nd Mrs. R Ferguson. Floral design: 1st A. A. Gamsby. Recommended-double zinnia. in flower, EXTRAS, Albert Tamblyn; mammoth sunflower, J-, _ Wax flowers: 1st Miss Annio Huddock, 2nd Miss Ohapple. Curtis. Drapery for bracket: Miss Mary HmVEGETABLES. wick. Late potatoes: lat H. Middleton, 2nd Tufted bed-spread: Miss :r.L Tourje · .Tohn Stalker. Cone work: Miss M. Tourje. Ea.rly potatoes: 1st D. Arnott, 2nd J.P. Basket muslin flowei;s: Mrs. V\7m. Long. Love kin. Ladies' work basket: l\frs. L.A.Gamsby. Variety of potatoes: 1st D. Arnott, 2nd Toilet ho": Mrs. L. A.. Gamsby. John Moulton. W llX Work: Miss Stephens. Turnips: 1st Albert Tamblyn, 2nd D. Feather flowers: Mrs. T. Bingham. Arnott. Mottoes, silk on card board: l\frs. T. Carrots, table: lat C. R. Tamblyn, 2nd Bingham. _ L. A. Gamshy. Knitted mat: Miss H. l\foMurtry. Beets, table: 1st D. Arnott, 2nd Hem-y Berlin wool mat: 0. M . .Tackson. Munro. Work boxes: Miss J. Kirkland. Parsnips: 1st C. R. Tamblyn. 'Vax camelias: l\ofrs. Harnden. Cabbages: lst J, P. Lovekin, 2nd J. L, Sample dressmaking: Mrs. Harnden. Tucker. English- birds and imported clocks: H. Onions: 1st John Moulton, 2nd L. A. Odell. Gamsby. Mittens: Mrs. Tl10mpson _ Celery: 1st R. Brown, 2nd H. Odell. Knitted lace: Mrs. Geo. Somervi!le. Tomatoes: 1st Ralph Dawson, 2nd D. MISCELLANEOUS. Arnott. Pumpkins: lat David McCullough,,2nd Collection photographs: 1st and 2nd L. S. :Powers. A. Gamsby. Large squash: 1st John Carveth. Gentleman's shirt: 1st Miss Sarah FulSix field caITots: 1st Thomas Bragg, 2nd ler, 2nd Mrs. D. A. Gamsby. A. A. Gamsby. Quilt, piece work, any material,lst Mrs. Six rnangold wurtzel: 1st .TohnCarveth, H. S. Powers, 2nd Mrs. Robt. Fielding. 2nd Henry Munro. Quilt, piece work, silk: Mrs. A. A. Gamsby. DAIRY PRODUCE. Quilt, log cabin: 1st Mrs H. S. Powers, Cheese, home-made: 2nd Mrs. Thomas 2nd Mrs. Gairdner. Bra.erg. Quilting: 1st Mrs. Robt. Fielding, 2nd. . cheese, factory made: 1st James '\Vilson, Miss Anne Ruddock. 2nd George Dobson. Crotchet quilt: 1st Miss Annie Wright. Butter, table: Mrs. Richard Brown, 2nd Case of millinery: 1st Mn .. Harnden, Mrs. H. Moulton, 3rd Mrs. Robt. Clarke. Tub of Butter: lot Mrs. John Somers, 2nd Miss K. Templeton. Leather mittens: 1st ancl 2nd Mrs. Mc2nd Mrs. T. Bragg, 3rd R. B. Thornton. Preserved fruit: 1st R. B. Thornton, 2nd Comb. Imitation painting, v.·ooci or n1arble: lst Mrs. A. A. G1tms by. Pickles: 1st Mrs. A. A. Gamsby, 2nd and 2nd John Rolfe. - - ~·u ss E. Fothergill. .EXl'RA.S. Home-made breod: 1st Mrs. Robert Photographs in w_;;ter colors and India Fielding, 2nd l\Irs. H. Middleton. Btrns: Jst Mrs. D. Arnott, 2nd llfrs. J. ink: L. A. Gamsby. Work box: Miss Doncaster. Drown. Honey in the comb: ht Rich'dRuddock, JUDG.ES. 2nd Mrs. A. A. Gamsby. On horses-Dr. Cresar, ·w1u. Clemens, Honl::ly, strained: 1st ~u1d 2nd Richard John Glindinning. Ruddock. Cattle aad swine-James Stark, John AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Renwick, John Davey. Sheep-Thos. Collicott, James Dickson, Double cultivator: 1st Jas. Linton. Joseph Simmons. ">,1glo cultivator: 1st .Tas. Linton. Poultry and agricultural implemcnts11.»-We1·: 1st Massey Manufacturing Co. Sod plow: lot .Tohn McCullough, 2nd L. Day1naa, John Haines, J as. ~.\dams. Gra.iu, seeds, vegetables, and dairy pro· Massoy Manufacturing Co. Stuble plow: 1,st M·ssey Manufacturing duce-R J . Shaw, A. McNaughton, A. Lockhart, er. Co., 2nd John 11-IcCullough. Fruit-S. Ilurden, .Tohn Templeton, W. Ii orse rake: 1st Massey Manufacturing H. Chaplin,. ~ Co., 2nd Osh:i.wa l\.fanufacturing Co. Manufactnres-Thos. Venner, J". Lyall, P air harrows: 1st John l\foCullou~h,2nd jr.;Jacob Pollard. Robt. Ferguson. · · Ladies' department-Mrs. R.Shaw,l\Irs. Single carriage: 1st W. McClung, 2nd J . McClellan, l\frs. Pope, assisted by Mr. Jarnes Linton. S. Borland. Chum: 1st John Moulton. }..,arm 'vagon: 1st Jas. 'Linton, 2nd Vil'. The prize money will be paid as follows: Walters. At the store of Messrs. Templeton Bros., Seed sower, broadcast: lat Oahawa Newcastle, on Monday, 18th inst,; and at Manufacturing Co. Orono, by Mr. C. R, Tamblyn, on TuesPump: 1st E. Andrus. day, 10th inst. EXTRAS. CANADA PRESBYTERIAN- Service next EXERCISE BOOK J. HIGGINBOTHAM l:tTOU L D most respectfully tender bisaincoce fl thanks to hia numeJ:ous friends an d nstome ~, and to the public generally, for the very hbf'ra.l support he hna rcceivecl ince his c?m1n enci~g i u busines::i; and hopes by con" tunH~ d sti·1ct personn.l attentiou to business and offering nothi ug bt~t the purest atticlea, the most reasonab1e prices, to ensure a continnalnoe ofJ'.ublic pat ronage. . H. would call special a L tcntlon to hi.s very superior stock of ' t I -o--;--o-- · o--o--o--o--o--o --o--o- ~o--o -·- -o IT WILL P!f EVERY:BODT To call and see the CHEAP t Cheap R. Fancy Good~ - Store and School Book Emporium. ---:o:--- EASTO N ' S at GROCERIES PROVISIONS CROCKERY AND Lots of 20 Cent Slates to be sold at Twelve and a half Cents, CENTS. Cheap Penholders and Pencils. 'l'he New Five Cent Mammoth Copy and Exercis~ Book, is the same size as R. Easton's York-shilling Exeroise Book, which he sells-at 'l'EN A well selooted stock of CENTS each. Nice cover with Multiplication Table printed on bii<;k DR UGS, OBEJJJIOA LS, cover. N.B.-No other house keeps the same Book, as it is made exPA TENT lvfEDICINES, pressly to R. E's. own order. BRUSHES, COMBS, THREE GENT E:urcise Books, Fools Gap Paper, 20 cts. per Q·uire, QuMter Quire for FIVE .GENTS. School Pens at Five Gents P"" do>en ; 1'WO for ON /I: OE N1'. SHOULDER-BRACES, f SUPPORTERS, Etc, Etr. Slates for l'IVE kep t constantly on hand. 01'8. FJACH, THE NEW and lMPROYED LEATHER SCHOOL BAGS, on ly S I X TY All kinds of &Jiool Booka 8'1.lppliedat R EA.SJ.'O} f'S. DYE STUFFS "'·hich ara sure to f,-i ve the bust satisfaction. · · OILS, P AJNT, COLORS, VARNISHES, nnd WHITE LEAjJ at t he very lowest p1·iccs. · GLASSWARE. AT Pirie's Supei'}ine Note Pape?', only 10 cts. pe?· Quire. Beauliju lB·un iehed Envelopes only 8 Gts. ]JC?' package, extra, on ly 10 ct&. pm· p aclcage· Bv,siness Envelopes.from $1.40 p er 1000. Large Stock of Blank Books. 1000 page Blank Books for $4-00 Horses and Cattle Medtcine1. N. B. - Conntry store-kocpc rri suppl ied on th e roost a<lvantugeous terms. A choice selection of Ii ~ {oi· t-.ale cL B ow1u ~iuv i lle. Dec. 1360. ""'""'· --.,- LYLE & MARTYN'S. Beautiful Illustrated $14 Family Bibles $12.50. $10 Bible for $7.50. Lots Df other Goods offering Cheap, at EASTON'S CHEAl' STORE, BIG STOCK OJ' WALL PAPER. COUNTRY TRADE SUPPLIED jfF" Town Hall Buildings, Bowmanville. ~ MOTTO- Nimble Sixpence better than a Slow Po"kiug Shilling. Bowmanvillle, Aug. 12th, 1875. J. ELJ_jl OTT'S 1t1iss Lydia Tourge; monlhlyrose in fiowor, 'l'O SELL OB BEN'l'. STORY BRICK HOUSE, with l A '.l'WO nore of land, hard and soft water, and a Bo1vmanville, Oct. 7th, 1875. good stable. At present occupied by Mr. T. E. Simson, Apply to GO TO (JBE!P HOUSE. ()heap Store TYRONE, l fas now !ii,, J. J. TILLEY. m-tf. · D. E. McMillan, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLIOI1 OR IN ORANGERY, 001'1 VEY.ANGER, Newcastle, Oct. S~h. 1870. 'l'HOM.A.S :SA'l"rING·'S full as.sorted Stock of &,., NEWCASTLE, ONT. m51·tf. _ Ma.:ple Lea.f _ CHEESE FACTORY. UNDERSIGFED, patrons of WE,theTHE Ma.plo Leaf Cheese l!-.actory, \vould respectfully announce to the Public, our entire satisfaction with the wanner in which the business of the Factory has been conducted, a.nd believe it to be to OU':' intereat still to support tho old Factory. EDt\'ARD OAK, Jo:HN O'Co~iNEL, , GOOD AND If You Want (Jhange of Business ! DRY At the Sign of the Golden Anvil. ----:0:--------:The Subscriber having purchased the entire Stock of Bowrna1wille, SepL. 25th, 1857. GOODS. Quality and R. S. MAN::-JI :-!G. Groceries Dry Good.s, :Soots & Shoes etc. , wh ich for Chtiap MANCHESTER ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTl TYRONE. J OH:tl~ '\VM. CoURTic n:, STE\V.AI!.'l', JAMES REY~' OLDS, RICH.ARD NICHOLS , ADAM SCOT'l', JOHN 8TAOEY 1 RICHAHD SQUIRE, v. GEORGE RICHARDS, SAMUEL SNOWDON, 'l'HOMA8 JOHNS, JOHN RICHARDS, SAMUEL HoARt SAMUEL SQUIRE, D. M. ARNOT, ,JAMES CocitTICE, JOHN 8ANDEU$, THOMAS STAINTON, .J on:f Sr.A1~ro~, SAMUEL COLE, JOHN MI'.l'CHELL, 'VILLIA:il FOLEY, JOHN CURTIS, JAME!5 fuCHEN81 JACOBS, RICHARD TAYLOR, MR. THOMAS BASS TT, would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Bowmanv ille and surrounding country, that in addition to his present Stock, he is daily receiving H.ving sold out my OABINE'r & UNDE R1'AKING DUSI NESS to Mn . W, P: P now en I \vould respectfuUy recommend him to the Public who ha ve fa.vorcd me wi th their patronage for the Thirty, as a G entleman well qualified 'to.. nieot theit· wa11t s in tht:i above line of trade, and believe that he v.:ill give the nhnof! t satisfaction 'to all who fa\'OI' Jiilu with their patronage. Reape~tfully yours, G. \V. \VILLIAM :BOND, GEORG:& SHORT, jr, PERSON OR PERSONS having SOME cirt.:ulated false staterilente regarding thtt ahove factory, I will give n. reward of $2i;i to any person who will furnish me with certain proof of the of the pers'on who orginated auch .st atements. I 'vill give the highest prir.e for milk during the sen.son of 18·76. Persons desirouij of furnish · ing: miJk to the factory wiH do well to call before arnrnging elsewhere. Large Importations of B1·itish and A nierican t:Jhelf and Heavy Hardwa1·e, all of which, havi11g purchased for CASH, he tom prices. i~ CHANGE To the Public : ~Ill. OF BUSINESS ! card H aving Lougl1 t out the of Th~nk~. enabled to offer at bot- - Darl'ngton, Oct. 6th, 1875. and 9xll Mounted Chromos out.sell anything m the ms.rket. ~Ir Persons lvrltes; "I struck out )esterday. and by v:orking easy four hours, cleared $7." A lady l;ui.s just reported her pro· fits for the forenoon as $5 ; yeeterday up to 2 o)clock she cleared $7.50. '\Ve cau prove beyond question tha.t 011e ordered 5,600 of these chromos in eleven working days. We have tho largest and finest assortment in the United States; hundreds of choice subjects from which to select. We w at send you n.n assort· ed 100 of the best selling on receipt of $6.00. t3encl in your orders or give us a. ca.lL Satnple by m~il 2&c. 1 or 12 for $1. J. LATHAM & CO., 419 Washington St., Bo~ton, :!\£ass. P. 0. Box 2154. @f His Stock of PAINTS and OILS will be ElVIPLOYlVIENT.----!!!; ~ d Complete an d Wl.11 be so ld at p rices . Old Stand, King Street Bowmanville, agents, we have just what you n~ed. . Our .1.oun that w1'll defy Compet1"t1·on L. M. COURTICE. OABINET BUSINES S R. S. n-IANNrNG, and which I pui'posu carrying on at tl1e t hose 1vho ha. Vt:' given h un then··ol!age 1n t ile past and wo 11lU info1 ·m the fn.rmcTs that. h e Jrn.a re~ paired nnd refitted hi~ ~:Ell , and is now prepared to a ttend to their wants iu the millin 0 ·' linc Ile is also conducting a rrHE S u.bscl'ib~r r et 11yn'> thitnkfl t ~ lw. GENERA L S T O RE, 01\ S II, gi\·iug ba!"' ;llins in ' , I beg t o sa.y that I will endoaNor to ko::cp everything ou hand Ll·at is needed in the Furniture Line. Having had TEN YEARS experience in the IlowmMl vilJe Fun1iture 11'actnry, and be· iug appointed Agent to Sl..lll for the Company iu Bowman ville, t.he l"'ublic can depend upon getting the BEST FURNITURE IN THE PROVINCE, ~~~~---------- at l\1o<lerate rates, by giving n1e ;:t cri.ll. I intend to SELL FOlt CA.SH, n111king but Sma.11 l'rofits. TIN &STOVE DEPARTMENT! He would also state that MR. JAMES NOSWOTHY is associated with him, as Partner in the 'l'in 11nd Stove Branch of the Business-a sufficient guarantee that all work in this line will be executed promptly, in the REPAIRING OF "ALL KINDS DONE, AND CHARGES MODERATE. Oct. 8th, 1875. 2-5in. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, 1 Crockery, Glassv 1are. Groceries, &c. STANl) . - ]~ ccen tly occnpk d by J\.fr. Grn.y. from the ~elelJrate<l 11e.s~rs. Armstrong's, of C uelph 1 I lim prepared t o furnish }, unerals wit h o.n outfit un':lurpassed in any City in the Provirice. I keep on hanJ., a Splendid lot of Coffins, Shrouds, et'c., which uan be sent ont upon one hou.· r 's notfre, at n.ny time, thus meeting the "'-ant that emer~euc1e s so1nethnes cauAe to arise, in ·New Goods! AND $. VA'.f-'i STONE. Tyrone; Dec. 17, 1874. Best Manner, and at Very Low Prices. TYRONE. the country. Phaeton: 1st James Linton. SALE REGISTER. Grain crusher: 1st Massey llfanufact'ng Company. Under this head, will be published week· llfANUFACTURES. Set double carria~e harness: ls~ Wm. ly, free of charge, notices of all Auction Armstrong. Sales, posters for which are printed iu this Set single carriage harness: 1st William office. Parties not having their bills print· Armstrong. ed with ua,can uae our " Register " by pay· Set of horoe shoes: 1st Wm. Hall, 2nd ing the usual rates. The advantage of F . Awde. Specimen cabinet work: 1st, 2nd aad 3rd having Sale notices appear in our columns, must be apparent to all farmers. John Waddell, extra 2nd J. Simpson. Cotton warp flannel: 1st Robt.Ferguson. Remember Mr. Barrett's eale on ]\[on day All wool flannel: 1st Mrs. H. S. Po1<ers. next, on Lot No 12, 6th Con, Darlington, Plaid flannel: 1st Frank Walden. 10 yards home-made flannel; 1st and to commence at one o'clock. 2nd J as. Reed. On Wednesday, Oot 20th, on Lot No 32, Home-made \i-oollei1 coverlet: 1st Mrs. in the 5th Con, Darlington, Mr. B. Ashton Reed, 2nd Wm. Cooney. Home-made pair of woollen blankets: will sell a lot of Farm Stock, Implements 1st Miss A. Rudiock, 2nd Mrs. R }'ield- etc., Also a quantity of Turnips in the ing. · ground, _ sale to commenc.t11 at 1 o'clock. Ho1ne·made carpet :. 1st Mrs. Gairdner, On }'riday, Oot 29th at Lot No 25, in 2nd A. Lockhart & Son. Men's kip boots, pegged; 1st D. l\lcCul- 6th Con Darlington, village of Solina, a Joi lough. · of Farm Stock, Household Furniture, Hay, Men's cow-hide boets, pegged: lat D. Turnips, et<:., The property of Mr. W. McCullonirh. Recommended: woollen sheets, Mrs. R. White, sale at 1 o'clock, H. T. Philips AucFielding; home-made yarn, Mrs. J'olm oneer for all the above. Cha.pruan. On Tuesday, Oct. 19th, Mr. W. Barton LADIES' DEPARTMENT. will sell, on Lot No. 10, in the 8\h Con. of 1 Special prize by '1 e1npleton Bro., for the finest looking home-made parlor or · table D.rling\on, a lot of ]<'arm Stock, Implements, etc., the property of Mr. John Cow· ornament: 1st Mrs. Jacob Pollard. Pair worked slippers: ht Mre. W. G-. ling. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. Perry, 2nd Miss. A. Lockhart. Sofa pillow: 1st Miss Mary Renwick, 2nd Mrs. M. Garvin. WHERE DOE~ IT ALL COME FROM'! Embroidery, wonted: 1st Mis~ McPin~ and quarts of filthy Catarrhal dischar· Murtry. ges. Where dot1.s it all co1ne from ? '[he mu~~ ~1broiclery, any material: 1st and 2nd com! membrane which Jines the chambers of the nose, and its little glades\ are diseased, so MiS'ir A. Middleton. -Worsted work, fiat, fancy: 1st Mrs. Jas. that they draw· from the blooa its liqitid; and t:xposu~ to the air changea it into corruption. Fielding, 2nd Mro. E. Hall. This life-liquid is needed to build up tho sysWorsted work, raised, fancy: Mrs. Bing- tem, but it is extracted, and the system is ham, 2nd l\frs. A. A. Gamaby. weakened by the loss. 'l'o cure, Rain flt1sh Collection under clothing: lat Mrs . .Jas. and strenghby u.aing .l)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. which n.lao acts: directly Fielding, 2nd Mrs. Harnden. upon these glands, correcting them, and apply Toilet set: 1st Miss R. Eilbeck, 2nd Dr. Sage's Catarrh }{.emedy with Dr. Pierce's lVIra. ·M. Garvin. MUST BE -o- SOLD, Eavetro·ughing a Speciality. · CONS!Sl'fNG OF WAT CHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PI.ATED WARE, Ere. Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold Wedding Rings. AARON BUCKLER. Bowman ville, Oct. Sth, 1875. 2-tf. A Large Stock of Tinlvare of every description, al,vays in Stock, and iuade to order on the Shortest Notice. Bowman ville Sept. 9th, 1875. Yours, etc., W. P. PROWER. USE THE 'l'he Stock of Stoves will be found Complete, comprising all the fa.vorit~ kinds, in Norwich Egg Powder, HALL, STARTLING REWARD! The above l'C\\·ard v.·ill be paid to any persUn who will furni sh ample proof that the Boots & Shoes sold by the under8igned, are not \vhat he represents them . f ol' m:i.1 dng all k inds of Citkcs without E g-g-s. 'J'.o be h nd of aJI Grecers. II . J . V"\-'"1~£Ke & Co ., 'l oronto, sole agcntH fo r Ont ario . March 11th, 1875. 24-ly. COOK, COAL Good Fa.rm for Sale. The Pcr·wian Syrup, a Pro tect~ c<l Solution of the .Pl'otox·l<le of Iron, ·ls so cmnb'incd a s t o hat:e the chm·actm· of an aliment, as easily d·i gested "'"l assilmilated w!th the blood as the si-mJ>lcst food. It incnia ses the quantity of Nlttwre's Own Y lt alizing Agent, I ron in the blood , an<l ctw cs "a thousa n<l ills," simply by Toning up,Int:igoratlng an<l TTita !izing the S ystem. The en..-iched and vitaliz ed blood permeates et:e1' y pm·t of t he body, sem·chi:ng o..t ·lif'ol'bid secretion s, atilt leaviny n oth:in(J [01· disea-se to fee<l upon. 'l'M,s is tlte sccJ'et of the w on· de1'ful success of this 1'emerly ·i n c1 w ln(J D y speps· i a , Livm· Compl<t int, Drops y , Clwo n-ic Dia ,.1·hrea,, ~re11·i.·ou.s.Ajfecti ons, Chills an<l Fevers, Hiimors, r e}Jai,rin.y da1naycs a n tl 'l Vltstc, or PARLOR, WOOD. 48-3mos. Revelatio11s ! ----'-o-- FOR OR ORrrH half of L: ; ; ; i-1, 7th Con. Darlington, containjng 100 acres, more or less; Good buil?-ings a.J?d fe nces, and large young or~ chard. } or pa rt1cularR, apply t o ' 'YJr. 'l'(JElt, I-L\ YD01"'. Oct. 29tb, 1874 . 5-tl. N :Bi. S. MANNING. Bowmanville, August 27th, 1876. THE DOMINION BANK. BOWMAl'.-YILLE. A Very Serious Charge, ba11ed upon substantial facts, is just being circulated, and is to this effect-that one of our prominent 1'-lbrchants, -Markus Mayers, has pnrcba~ed au immense Stock of Goods, on advanta.geous terms, anP, he is going to give bis Cust ...m.e rs the benefit of his bargain, '!'he Stock i.s very large, embr~cing _ S outh Sea &al, Ermine, Gt·ey and ]Jl,l'.:_clc Lamb, (hebe and Minlc Sets vn.rylDg in priee according to quality, and coll· For Ge11ts, MONEY W J\NTED ! !'or Ladies, GOODS .ATP.ANIC Pl{ICES. For Children. We have determined to offer Eztra.ordina.ry Inducements to :Buyers. Ca pit,d, Paid Up, HE AD OFFIOJc, 0RJJ,J,f,\, 0 0 B OURG, BUf- Nt'll OJ:TICF.S : Sl ,000,000 ,TORONTO . OSHAWA, \VHITBY, Bo\,' !f ANVH .LJ:i:, Uu1 noce1 Bisting of Caps, Collaretts, Muffs, Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. All the Goode are \\tell made. of the 25 PER CENT. - - - : o:- - - DISCOUNT, will be a,llowed off our usually low Prices, on SUMMER MILLINERY, MANTLE S, LACE AND TISSUE SHAWLS, PARASOLS, GRENADINES, AND OTHER LIGHT DRESS GOODS. Woollen tidy: bl Miss L, Chapple, 2nd upper cavities, where th~ dIBcharge act.-umulates and con1es from. 'l'he instruments and l\'Irs. T. Bingham. Cotton tidy: 1st Miss Annie Ballagh, both medicines sold b:r druggists and dealers in medicines. 2nd Miss C. &se. · Berlin wool flowers: lot Mrs. Harnden, 2nd l\Irs. T. 0. Thompson. CO:MMERUlAL. Dried flowers: 1st and 2nd Miss A.Ruddock. Fancy basket: lat Miss Pollard, 2nd BOWMANYILLE Miss Lydia Tourje. Corrected by J. McDougall,Produce Merchant. Crotchet work, with cotton: 1st J\fiss E. · Jf,IOw:!U.'<VILLE, Oct. 7th 1875. Hill. Fall Wheat ... · .. . · ·, . . . .... , ..· 1.05 to 1.10 Crotchet work with wool: 1st Ml·· L. Spring Wheat.... .... .... .. . ........ 1.00to 1.05 Chapple, 2nd Mrs. Robt. Fielding. Rye .. ·. · .. . .. . ... -- .... -.. . ..... 0.55 to 0.60 Crotchet work, raised: 1st and 2nd Miss Y&rley · .. · · · · · · -· · · · · " · .. · · ·.. 0.65 t-0 0.80 T lt ~ ..... . ............ 0.601-00.65 eFmp e on, . . .I , · ·.. · ...·.... 0.25 to 0.30 ancy knitting, wit i cotton: l r ' " Nasal Doucbe, the on1y method of reo.ching the Latest Styles and Good Stock. S.P.ECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERED WORK. STORE.-One door east' s Jew~lry Store, King Street, Bown1an ville . La,test Styles ! -:$;- We will also submit t-0 the same SACRIFICE on BOOTS & SHOES, GENT'S AND CHILDREN'S OLOTIDNG, HATS & OAPS, &c. READY-MADE and the Prices such as bas never before been offered in Bowmanville. He a.lso offerA a. very a.ttracti ve lot of Goods: All Styles of Children's Furs on hand, J. SMALE. Bowmanville, 1'-lay 6th, 1875. in MUFFLERS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS SOCKS, COLLARS, NEGK1'lES, BRACES, &le. GENUINE DISOOUN1r SALE! NO PUFFING! Every Penon ha11ilti'g a DOLLAR TO SPEND Joi· necessary Goorls will please ca,ll, 1·elieve oiw necessiti es, and reap the Profits. and all <liseascs orirplnltting in <t ·!Jad state of the blood , 01' acCOIWJJltnied by deb'ility 01' a l01v state of the system. Being fi ·ee from Alcohol, in a n y f'o 1·m; i ts e1ie· i ·gizing effects aJ'e not f ollowed by co ri·espon <lin y 1'e1wtion, but are p m"ln<ment, i n f tt· siny stre1t (Jth, viyo'.r, tt1't <l n ouJ life · i n to alt p l!>'ts of the s ystem, mu1 building UJJ a n I Pon Con stlt'Ution. Thousan<ls have been chan(Jcll by the iisc of tht s 1·emcdy , f1;o ,,. weal,, sl ckly, suffering C1'ea tu1'es, to sfJJ·ong, heaUhy, a rul 1 Diseases of the K idneys mul Bladder, li'emale Co m p la · i nts, · Loss of Const'ltttti01t ltl Vigo ,., 'l'his B ank , iu addition to transacfing the U Rua.1 banking business, offcts to tbe · pl.lhlic all t he ad va.ntages of ft. Saving I nstitntiou ,vi tl1 th~ security of a lar~ P~tiU -up capital, by the means ot a SAVINGS .LIEJ'AltTMEN T. I nterest allowed JU all dep.osits of Ouc JJolla.r a.nd u.P wart.1 ~, at the rate of F1v ..lli per cent. per annum. Depositors can \V ithdro.w eith er the " 'hole 01· any p ar t of th1::1ir deposit s at .any t i:rric , \vithout previous notice . Special ra.tes of int or cstn.J J,.""·ed upon de.posi t ~ \Vi t h notice of 'dthdrawal . .American C urrency :.u 1d Silver t :\k en on deposit. ... Draft s grantt1d payabli; i n Great Britain, lT nited Stute8 an d ~11 partR of Can ailo.. · ~"'Deposits can lY 1e.mittctl by roail 1 addr essed t o the Dominion l.'.·3.l1k [regist ered], when in ~n c~ses ii Pass-Bo ok r~cc ipt will be sent by retun1po8t. J . A. CODD, Agent, Bownumville, Jan. 6th, 1-874, 15-tf. APPLES I BUTTER I and pay the h ighest p1·iee for good ·!'O:B SALE. -PHILLIP'S [N 1J'HE HOTEL, Mary Renwick, 2nd Mrs. John 3rdJ Hro. John McMurtry, l! " \\.ncy knitting, with ...... 0.17 t o 0.18 ... o.OO to 0.00 .O :f.!J. to 0-~ They must be sold, and Sa.crificei:i will be made. Cash Customers will buy on close ma.rgins. invalids camwt 1'easona bl y h esitate to give it a tt·ial, See that each bottle has PERU · VJAN SYRUP blown in the glass. l?'an l.p blcts :Fi ·ee. lu.ippy 11ien, <tn<.l ivo1nen ; a 1i.<l THE GOOD ni~dersigned !\1 E P~CHAN'l'A~LE will buy any quanti ty- c _·f APPLEP., TUB BUTTER. 1- Eow1nrin~1~~1 ~ S. BUR1>1 "K · ' 8·~· CASH PAID l'OR RAWS !FURS. Fielding, Znd Mrs. Mrs. H. Moulton. .,.r MAYER' ·t. 1875. ----~----.. S. TREWIN, West, Osh.a:wa, VILLAG~ OF HAMPTON. 22-tf. Possesgion can be give n on the ldt of l!Yla.rch. Terms easy. Apply to the proprietor 011 t he premises, for pn.rticnlar s . Ii. '.l'. P I!TJ.LirS. Set h W. :Fowle & So11s, Pi-o;;rietn!? l\""o. 1 J'tt.l..lton pJ .·u.~ t· , !!0:11ton . . A '.GO'i'J't,'.'."' /:- '.· ;> l'nv. n r:1iJt· .T:i'1- ~"":0! ~ q.\ i, f:. ~it,·1f'_ tt:(r \_~ _ "J~O ;.itu." · . .l quire of J.I )]. . l'H r ·\S, or~ th,.. e?ni::i 1J ~ .../l' rn r 17-tf,a Feb. 25th, 187G. '9 OLD BY DRTJGGIST<I tmNF.fl ALi ,v _ ,],1,,7 ,l. __i__ I