THE MERCHANT POETRY. 1Mother's Growing Qld· Her atep is Slow and weary ; Her handB'Unstea.dy now, And pa.ler still, a.nd deeper 'l'he lines upon her brow ; Her n1eek blne eye has faded ; Her hair has lost its gold ; Her once finn voice now faltere~:Iy mother's growing old. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1875, A Scotch m1mster, who was famed for his dryness in the pulpit, called upon one of his aged hearers, and as usu al partook of a cup of tea. He remarked to the guid wife that her teapot ran very slowly. " Deed ay, "quo' the guid wife, "it's like yersel '; it has an unco bad de· liv~ry. 11 provement, then I say as before, sta} at home e-:enings with your wife, and if she is a true wife, and you are a true husband, I Daily Line to Rocheste1. Commencing on or a.bout. the 19th, of Apri you will like it before you get used to it, and r;iot leas afterwards. 'But then home isn't always pleasant; it is chafed nnd vexed by nntortnnate disposi· THE STEAMER !NDEISON & ()o. Bwg to announce to the :Electors of \'\7Mt Durham and sutrounding cotmtn, that they will r;ell thei1· immense · tions, and frettiugs, and petty whi1ns, ancl Her days o'f strength are over ; Her t1a.rtbly joys depart, But peace and holy beauty Are e.hining in her hcnrt ; '£he llnlq that bind her spirit their trembling hold j 3he soon will be an angclSweet mother's growing old. My thou ghts flow back to childhood, Vlhen 1 fondled on thv knee, I poured out all my sorrows, 01· lisped my songa of glee ; Ent now upon me leaning So "'earily and cold, '\\rith trembling lips she murmurs, u Dear child, I'm growing old." An erring husband, who had exhausted all explanations for late hours, and had no apology ready, recently slipped mto the house about one o'clock very softly, denuded himself very gently, and began rocking the cradle by the bedside, as if he had been awakened out of a sound sleep by 'infantile cries. He had rocked away for five minutes, when Mary Jane, who had silently watched the whole manccuvre, said" Come to bed, you fool, you; the baby ain't there." all that.' Perhaps so ; 'and I think r have heard something like it before. That is the other sid·. And still, after having poured such a phial full of just indignation on your head, it can hardly be expect·d that 1 should be equal to a-like task so soon. Let me take time to reflect.- Exchange .. Dr. Neale, of Boston, tells this anecdote of Dr. Stillman, bis distinguished predeces· sor of revolutionary \imes : One Sunday ----· "NORSEMAN," STOCK OF B OOTS AND SHOOH, At a Discount of Ten per cent. for CASH, for THIRTY DAYS. !000 Pairs Men's Felt Gaiters, for Gash only. 10 CasesGhild's Wellingtons, $1.50pa H ~ · (R. CUAWf'ORD, MASTER,) 'Vill n1ake ber regular trips on thi~ route leaving Cobourg ~very morning at 7:30 and Port Hope at 9 o'clock, for Rochester, connecting there with the New York Central and Erie Railways, for all points East1 West and South. RETURNING, 1000 pairs Misse·r Pcbal and Biiff' Buff' Balmorals, at $1.50, pe?' pair, 35 OASES OF FELT OVERSHOES f or GASH ONLY. 1000 Pairs Woman's, Misses' and Olli/d's Felt Boot.,the whole lo be sold --0-- · /01· O.ASJ1 ONLY · I think of all her counsels, ~n precir.\H! to my youth ; l:Iuw f...~~J..ii4.IJ· ~he t<i.u 6 ht m1;1 God's sacred worJs of truth ; How tenderly sLe led mt\ To Jesus' bleseed fold, \Yhere ilhe will aoon be welcomed, No longer bowed and old. ber ?" cried a steamboat captain to an Irishman, who was staggering towards the boat beneath the weight of a huge plank, just as the bell was ringing for the last time. " What am I a-doing ? sure, and wasn't it yerself as said, ' All ye's going get a board,' and isn't this an illegent one entirely?" said the Hibernian, triumphantly, amid the laughter of the spectators. The captain gaev him his board and passage that trip., Husbands, Stay at Home. DY UNCLE TIMOTHY, morning he preached, a~ he thought, a poor sermon. It is very likely that it wua so, "What are you doing with that lmu- for ministers sometimes do such thi ngs, but they have different ways of meeting tho humiliation. Some put on a bold face and pretend to nOtLing about it ; some look dignified, as if they had said something solemn and deep; others comfort themselves with the thought that they will do better next tiinc; but Dr. Stillman was so 0 0 ~ will leave Charlotte [port of Rochester] daily at 9 p. m., except Saturdn,ys, '\vhen she will lea,·e at 2 p.n>., for Port Hcpe, dirf'ct. This is the shortest and quickest i·oute to Oswt'go an Watertown, via. La.kc Ontario Shore J.laHroad from Charlotte. Dealers in stock etc., wH] find this the cheapest and roost expeditious route to Boston, Al· ba.ny, New York, etc., :F0r further information apply to R. CR.AWFOTID, POR'l' H!>PE. Call early and secure y o ur W i nter Supply, while the rush is going on at ANDERSON & CO'S., Boot &Sh.oe B:rnporium. Bowman ville, Dec. lOth, 1874. TI-IE · ' Or C. F . GILDERSLEEVE, }{JNGSTON. 1'om;nion Orga.n Co'y. Present the following testimonials from com petent judges of Organa. Testimonial from John Camidge, MuE!. Doc., Canluar, England . Bowroanville, 24th Dec,, 1873. 1.'o the ~~fa11agen1 Dominirm. Organ Co, GxNTLE:ll:EN .-1 like to play on your Organs , t" ~e is BO sweet and steady. Ana the workmaasnip aiid finish excellent, ruid in 6Very particular they are eq11al 1 if not superior, to any I hnvo ever heard. Hoping they will 1neet public appreciation. BOW MANVILLE mortified with his failure that he could not eat his dinner, and was sick in bed, 'J eph· thah,' he faintly said, 'I shall not be able to preach this afternoon. You must see the deacon!; and ask them to get some other :REI.I.ANOE Mutual Life Assurance Society 'l'be path of daily duty . VY as ever her delight, Sb.~ of~ilfi;:d by ]l'aith a:nd Patience, EST A.BLISHED 1840. CANADA ClUXF 0FFJCEB. Aud trusted Gorl for sight. lier hands with useful Ja.bor Each day their iniH.<1ion told ; Her deeds, like heavonly ro~es, Still bloom, though Bhf:l is olJ. Alaa ! those 11a.nds so skillful, Which t0Hed with loving grace To n1ake me 1'lessed with comforts, And home a ht~ppy place ; rl'hose dear hanUl:l, pale an(l \\Tinkled, Are now by time controlled. ' '!'hey rest w in peaceful quietDear mother's growing ~ld. Yet, tbliugh ht:r earthly temple A few eveninga siuce, I came ft·om the Post Office, just at early dusk. The bells bad rnng the operatives out of ibe milla, and the workmen out of the shops. As I was coming along tnuedog, [ met a young man, who was benUing his somewhat hurried steps towarda a moderately sized white b;:>use by the wo.y, and, us I noticed, was looking quite earnestly toward .~ a chamber window ·where "'a.s sitting n young woman. minister to supply my pulpit-Mr. Oba~n· cey, Mr. Kirkland, or Mr. Eckley.' .Jephthah, who understood the case pe1 fectly, said, very respectfully, he would go. 'Dr. Stillmauf ought to bave a reet,. dear man, but I feel bad for the people ; they will be disappointed, but folks is queer. They doesn't want to hear anybody else . I heard Mrs. S1nith say this morning what a. beauti· 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL JOHN CAMIDGE ful sermon the uoctor preached. hisaelf out.' 1 But I'll tell the deacons )fassa Stilhna.n is wcarin ' You needn't go,' snid the doctor, brightening up. ' I feel better; Fast falleth day by day, Her soul with faith increiwing, Persues its heavenward way; And when the mists of Jordan Shall from her sight be rolled She'll shine in youth and be·auty \Vhere !!pirit.P ne'er grow old. His face was crowded with n1ore wholesome Brush my boots, Jephthah, and I'll try to smiles than are wont to be seen on that of preach myself.' He went into the pulpit a. man. A.ll of which, I pcr3cived, were and never preached more powerfully and 0 mother 1 foud andfaithfn\, Thou tr uest earthly b·iend, May I be .nca.r to sootho thee 'fill all thy atruggles end. .Auel while with said hen.rt yeflrning Thy form my arn1s cn~old, T pray in peace to meet thee \Vherc saints no more grow old. - Selected. Crumbs :for Chickens. "Sure pop"-champagne. amply reciprocated. I thought possibly he might be a lover returning after long weeks of absence, to pledge anew l1is plighted faith, and to talk over perhaps a particular future day that had been as much as hinted at before. At thi.> time a little hysteric ecrea.m, or lllugh, came from the same upper window, and the aforesaid woman revealed all, by sayiug in her own pretty way, 'There comes your papa; there comes your p·p·.' l confess that my heart began to softenand wax warm-a very grateful change just at that time, for I had indulged that very duy in some pretty hard thought. toward· the world, for its selfishness and othe1~ mean· nesses. And being in a mood for it, I walked on slo.wly, filliug out the picture fro1n au easy and willing imagination. So, as old John lll1nyan wouhl ~my, 'I saw in eloquently th·n he did that afternoon. Read the following fro1u Rosa. D'Erina: Bowmo.nville, December 22, 1873, DIRE01'0RS. To the 1lfanage1·s of the Dom.inion Organ Co. WALTER SHANLY, Esq., MP., Cbairma.a.n, GENTLEMEN. -I much plea.sure in testiDUNCIAN MA.ODONALD, Esq. fying to the excellent qualities of the Organ MAJOR T. E. CAMPBELL, C.B .· St. Hilo.ire. THE HoNORARtE JOHN :fIAMILTON, 11awkB· supplied by you at my concert last Saturday evening. The tone is sv.·eet and very powerful burg, Ont. the combination uf stops most admirable. RESIDENT SECRFTARY.-JAMXS GR.ANT. and I am sure your instruments will find favor in Churches, al!! tht:y singularly u.dapted for S P ECI A L FEA T U RES. The E::-l"l'IRE PROFITS belong to sndare <livid aa.cred mnsic. \Visbing you every success, nnd that the public mny patronize native rna:nufac erl ainongst the Poticyholder8, ture. LIVEM, DEOLlNEll BY OIIlER COMPANIES, or on I remain Gentlemen, Very respectfully, which an extra Premium.1vould be required, can lWSA D'ERINA. be assured at the. ordihiarij ratea of this Society, Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs under a :tpec·ial U.rrangem..ent raoF. TERRY. SPECIAr, NoN-FOl!'ElTAJILE PoLroms issued DR. PATTERSOl"I. President. Manager, under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annua.1 Pay Bowman ville; Janua1'Y 15. 1874. bp-o3-m16. ments are required, each payment secunng 4 Important Announcement ! - ----o---- Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. -oo--- Great Aed.uotion, in Dry Goods! FARM AND ;iouSEHOLD Val e of Covered Manure. Sweetness and light-a love match. Fruit for baloonists-,---curreuts in the my dream' a pretty little home-like'kitpart of one of these air. scanty upper tenemen ts, containing on1y a When is an egg not oval ? When httle, but that little very wr.11 proportioned you turn it round. and nicely arranged. The table was co\·ere<l Chicanery- palming off an old hen with a snow-white cloth, 'ae no fuller can as a young chicken. wbi ten,' the tea was smoking by the stove, ehen, . lhe Rub~tantial Babies are described as coupons at- and the nice hot biscui~· bes1ue it. On the table were the little sc·olloped cookies just tached to the bonds of malrimony. The aligator that swallowed a corset very da.y in cxnct obedience to the <lirectio1.11:i is dead. lt stayed on his stomach. of a brand-new recipe, a slice of butter A Boston murderer, in consequence finely cut, and laid on the cleanest plate, a of his poor health, wants his execution cbina·one, given by o. 1nother, n few very thin cuts from the dinner roast, and added delayed. When is a soldier's amunition box like a country road? When it is ft\11 of cartridges. Eugene-" Come, sit down on the shelly shore, and hear the mighty ocean roar." Atnelia-" I can't sit do,vn, you silly goose, because I'd burst my pinback loose." t nicely browned, the aponge cake, made that to these, several little n·a1neless titbits, all nicely gotten up, just because 'he ia so fond 61 pounds per bushel.) of them, you know.' Wheat on land manured from covered sheds : .Now l shonld have liked to go 11Sleep on One acre produced 55 bushels, 5 pounds, (of that, and finish such a pretty little day- 01 pounds per brn~hel.) One acre produced 58 bushels 1 47 pounds, (of dream by a corresponding real one, But At varioua tirnee we have pointed out to our i·cadcrs the profits resulting from covered ma.~ nure, instead of allowing it te get soaked by the rains or dritld by the sun, as is t:cncrally done. We ha,·e given this ad vice from what we have actuaJly seen. When rough Wleds have been built to cover the mannre~beap, the croi.-s fertilized by this pile have been increased in productiveness sufficient to pay for tbf:l shedcovering the first year. .we have never seen any oxnct figu1·cs of the proportionate yalue of '."-Overcd manures, that we remen1ber until the following, which we find by Lord Kincaid, o. Scotch landowner and farn1er. They present the best .B tatement possibl(>, we think} of the a.<lvanlagefS of the plan : Fonr a.c1·es of good soil '"·ere measured, two of them were mnt! urcd with ord inary barnyard manure, aud two with an equal quantity of mauure from the covered shed, The wl1ole was l)lsmted with potatoes. The' products of e"°ch acre \Vero as follows : Potatoes treated with barnyard manure : One ·acre produced 272 bushels. One :icre produced 292 bush eh!. Potatoes manured from the covered sheds : One ncre pt'oLlnced 442 bushels. One acre produced 471 bushels. 'l"'he. r.ext year th:} land was sown \vith wheat, when the crop was as follows : Wheat on land treated with ba.rny~d ma~ nure: One acre proCui::ed 41 buslieJs 18 pound!, (of Gl pon.nds per bushe]). One a.ere produced 42 bushe1a, 38 pounds, (of Policy for a. sum assured proportionate to the nurobe1· of premiums paid, and free from futur vay-nient of prem.iums. ~iODEBATE PREMIUMS and most liberal conditions. Prospectuses, Proposal Forms, &:o., aupplied on application at the Head Office, or any of the Agencies. DENTISTRY! MURDO UH BIOS.· Having decided to make a change in their business, are now selling for CASH theil' large and w ell assol"ted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, ·' JAES GRANT, Res, Sect·eta1·y. 0 0 0 ' AG.J·:N'l" FOU BOWMANVILLE, C.BARKER, 23-ly u Ob.server Office," King St Bowm:mville. June 24th, 1870. AT A ND BELOW J Brimaoombe, L.R.O.D.8. COST! Im~erial OF LONDON. Fire lnsuranr.e Co .C.C l.Q t The Stock having been purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can d ep end on getting Established 1803. OFFIOES. -1 Old Broad St., and Pall Mall, LondonHEAD GENERAL l'.fORE .AND BEJ."l'ER GOODS FOR J.'HELR MONEY '.;\.Gl:.Jl'CY FOR CAN.ADA:- 24 St crament , l\.1ontre.a.1. F>md. £1,965.000 Sterling. Funds invested in Canada,- 105,000. Subscri-bed and invested Oapita.J aud Reset"Ve FEE MODERATE. OFFlOE over McGLUNG'S St01·e. Ilowtnanville. Dec. 1~74. at this Establshmcnt than in itny other house in the country. Gf3 Insurances against loss by Fire are effeoted on mOBt favorable terms, and lof:ISes paid with out t"efeun1 ofl to the Board in London. RIN'l'OUL BROS. J DODSWORTH, Inspector, Gen. Agents, Montrea Call Ea1·ly, and secure Bargains, as the whole Stock must be sold at once, for CASH ONLY. fl,, R. LOSOOMBE, Barrister, Agen for!Bowmanville and .Vicinity. Bowmanville, Juno 4th, 1860 36 m.o.4a-39.4w 11 -tf. Just .Arrived at the THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT ·1 is now complete with the choicest supply of James 'l.' HE McFeeters. AGENT FASHION 11ous:m splendida.. ortmento Elephant House SoJHETHING with the Dominion Government, for the protec ders in Canada. pany. Capital £~ .000,000, $150,000 depo·ite<\. For the following Insurance Companies, a.nd other Institutions, viz :The QUEEN Fire and Life Insurance Com· Christmas Goods, Rltisens, Currants, Su· gars, Peels, etc.~ etc., (lt all Prices. Bowman ville, Dec. 24th, 1874 NEW MILLINERY. . A lso a lot of MURDOCH BROS" The ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Com pany of Canado. Capital 500·000,-one of tb· REAL HAIR, FANCY 'l'he CANADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. GOODS, & best and cheapest Companies doing btu!iness in the Dominion, for Farmers and Isolated Risks with a. Savings Bank department. A Mount Betha] township farmer cu_ open an old -horn,et's nest, just to ex amine the inside arrangement. He says be thinks he will he able to see his barn in about two wee ks. " Kever mind sonny. The rain makes boys grow," remarked a Massachusetts tramp the other dav, when he took a from a pleasant home, to cleat nway as beat silk umbrella away' from a lad in the she cnn 1 between the intervals of tending midst of a rain storm. thel baby now becoming cross from sleepi"Thunder," exclai!Iled a man, rush- ness, and then to sit ·nd knit, . and stitch, ing into a railroad telegraph station the and think I ne.dn't say what.. about, all other day. "The express train's gone alone and silent till the dreary hour of · off the big bridge I". " Ma11y killed, ten 1' Young husbands, stay at hon1c evening$ many killed?" >creamed tl1e bystanders. " Not a one," replied the other. " She with your wives, as you virtnally swore yoU iust went on at one end ,wd went off would when you won their hearts and holiU.t the other, just as usual." est u:ffections. ' cnre of the baby, your baby, while she 'clears away the things,' .A Year Ago and Now. and then read ·to her, or talk over the exJ·'rom the Vicksburg Herald. perience and observations of the d·y, and those _little plans for the future, when yuu They lingered at the gate 1mtil he are to have a riice little cottage of your own, could finish that last remark, and she if indeed you are not too brainless to have toyed with her fan, while her eyes were any future plans. 1ooking down from beneath a jaunty hat that only partially shaded her face from 'But then, she don't mind such things; t11e light of the..silvery moon. she is used to home, and it's her ~ay to stood gracefully on the outside, stay there.' Try it yourself. The supper with one arm resting on the gate post is dispatched, and without 'clearing away,' and the other tracing unintelligible bier- she takes her hat and shawl, and follies oglyphics on the pannels. They were forth to enjoy a little goesiping with the looking very sentimental, and neither neighbors, and leaves you to enjoy (1) the spoke for some minutes, until she broke baby uud other thingq. The baby gets this was not allowed. This hard practical 61 pounds per bushel.) The Atraw a.lao yielded one·thixd m:Ore upon question would force itself on me, ' Will he stay after he gets up there 1 Or will he, he la.nd fertilized with the manure from the COYered stalls thnn upon that to which the orafter hurrying down bis selfish throat those dinary manure was applied, nice little titbits wrought 1ly delicate, per· haps . tired but still right willing hands, RECIPES. seize his selfish hat and hurry off to the grocery or saloon to have a good selfish {l!'rmn ~he Illustrated Household 1\-tagaz.ine.) smoke with some equally eelfuih boon comBREAD CAKE.-One cup bread dough, one panions-leaving her whom he has taken egg, even tea.spoonful 80da,a. good ha.Lf c'.lP but· ter, one cup raisins, one cup sugar, teaspoon cinnamon, and ono of cloves; Also a large stock ol These latter i:nstltutions advance r.. oans OU Real Estate, on terms unusually ea:!y for the borrower. a.nd Saving's Society. The UNION A-~D PEilMANENT Building Stamps for Braiiding and Em- broidery. A substitute for Lath & Plaster ! THE PATENTALUMINOUS and ORNAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. Bowmanville, Feb. 6th, 1873: FASHIO for Spring just to hand. us1utl. ~ DBE SKA.KING .AI.W.AYS GlilT Eaa DuMPLING. -~!ake a. batter of a, pint of milk, two well·bea.ten eggs, a. teaspoonful of PAPEii OIL-OL01'H and CARPETING. salt 1 and flour e110\1gh to mak6 a batter as thick as for pound cake. Have ~ady a. saucepan of boiling water. Let the water boil fast ; drop mthe batter by the tablespoonful, (four or five SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. minutes will boil them), take th-cm with a skimmer on the ditl11, put a bit of butter and Pwver over, nnd s<::n·e with boil or cold 1neat. F or a little dessert put butter and grated nut· rneg, with syrup pr augn.I' over. l{o,vf roB AX.II: ..'lY APPLE PIE~-Pie is genera.lly denounced, and with justice. 1.'he crust is eitbcr too rich,. or tough and he&'\'Y· unfit for digestion, an<l unpalatable. Yet tbeI"e are thosefwho come to the rescue o( this much abused piece of American cookery. But this is a different article altogether. It iB a nice and yet a. simple thing to tnake a pie that ia both relished and healthy- that lies light on the, aud is easily digested. In this case it becomes a tit-bit, and at the: same tiine is inexpensive. Tako half a teacupful of butter to a pie of ordinary size, to be . rubbed well with the flour,about a pint. Make into dough afti;:r n<l.ding su:tJioient water and a. little i;alt. Quar· ter the fruit and lay close together ; season to suit. In the case of the Spitzenburih (Esopus) no flavoring is required. Ravo the crust rather thin. Bake .slowly and get well done. FIItS'I'·CL ASS. W. BELL & Co's. Prize lJ.L e a .-,.. 11r MRS· A. FLETCHER Bmvmanville. April 7th,1874. A BOWMANVILLE B IG is now ragi}lg a.t ., d l0 rgans Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co TIELEVENS .' I A Large Stock Just Received,-Plain and Or- \Vhich in 1873, at the I)rovincial Fair, boat namental, both for fValls and Floors. evory American and Canadian Organ, taking the FIRS'.l' PlUZE. Afao the renowned Manufaotures ofj The Papei· Oil ()loth and Crn·pet:ng is a Cheap and Dura.Vie Substitute for Oil Cloth. The Chemicals with which the Paper is saturated, render it proof ngninst R..'\ts, Moths, nnd l\'Ii...:e. HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO Boston. l Which has taken WOOD ANDl IRON Hr WORKING MACHINER"i. and he 1s determined to contin ue to sell itt these rninously low prices chea.pcr th an the cheapest. Why he can do itFirst, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! Sc~ond, w~at he. c~n't bt!Y cheap enough, he manufactures Tlnrd, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, be sells for ca sh ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. -o-- F01·ty-nine Fint l'?·emiums. --:o:-THE KING OF Varnish l?olish ! .A.nother thing u1uch wanted. '1.1his Poliah gives a most elegant hu:trc 1 and drioo instu.ntaueuusly. silence in a S\veet, n1usical voice : crose,-all babies nre cross in the absence of " And you will always think as you their mothers-and so you rock it in the do no,v, George?" cradle, and that not answering the purpose, "Ever, dearest; your image is impress- you trot it on your knee, or carry it about Double Turbine Water Wheels, REPAIRS doue ou the ed upon my heart so indelibly that nothing can efface it. Tell me Julia, loveliest of your sex, that I have a right to wear it there." " Oh, you n1en are 50 deceitful," she answered, coquettishly. " True Julia, men are deceitful," he said, drawing a little nearer to her and insinuating himself inside the gate, the room, drum on the window to draw ita attention from crying, and failing in that, you ratile things generally, as though one noiee \vould enperaede auother, tilt at laBt the little plague worries iteslf to sleep. And then you read some, of course all to yourself, and afterward you listen to the clock going steadily on through sixiy rnin- and S C SEWIN~ MA HINE ' Ca.stings of a.ll Xinds u but who darling could deceive you?" utes, 3,600 tick~. But there is one relief, " And if I \Yere to die, George, for variety's sake, it strikeg eight, and' then \VOtlldn't you find some on~ . else you comes the slow 1neo.sured ticks, just could love as \vcll ?" nnother 3,600, and it's nine. But by this "Never, never. No 'vonian cou ld time you ore getting tired, and th ings are ever fill your . place in my heart." gtowing monotonous- provided always the "Oh, qmt now ! That ain't right," she murmured, as she mac)e a feint to baby 11as consideration enough for your remove his ann from around her \Vaist. feelings not to wake up-and so for 11 "Let me bold you to my heart," he change you slink off to bed, and at halfwispe·red passionately, "until you hav·e pMt nine, or when 1,800 more of those inconsented to be mine," and he drew her evitable ticks have transpired, you get into nearer to him and held her tightly until a dull drowse, till startled by a rattle at he obtained the coveted boon. the dour. She has come. It's only a ·It seems but yesterday since our quarter tu ten ; if it had been your case, it weary footsteps interrupted that touch- would have been quite ten, or half-past. ing little scene but when we passed lt is true, you have got through with i,, near the same locality early yesterday and perhaps are not seriously damaged. morning, ere the moon and stars had But remember, there a:re 365 of them in a paled, and . heard a: gentle voice exclaun : year ; and so when you get through with "No, su ; you've stayed out this long, and you may just as well make a night th_e 365th and find yon like it, I tr1>st you of it. rn teach you to stay a\ the lodge .-nu be generom enough to give your wile until 3 o'clock in the morning, and then n turn a~ it, and nut have t~e aelfiEhness ~-0 · come fooling arounti my door to worry j ·ppropriate all t ~« good thrngs to youroelf. me and wake the baby. Now take that Bt1t if you d.,,,., like it, aud tind that getand sJeep on it. 11 j ting used to i~ dot:s'nt result in much im1 BolLl:."'D RICE. - 1\fost re·del'a think thia is something easily l?repnred. So it fa, ried1aps, but few nurses have an idea of the neces1:1ity of having it properly clone-that is, cooking it until every grain becomes perfectly softened. If tho gra/ns Me not fduced to this soft state 1 Piano Fortes, rioc is certain, when swallowed, to· il:rt"' tate the digestive organs, and instead of sooth· Clocks, ing the parts and sustaining strength, will ac· tually produce a diarrhcea., etc. '!'his ha.a been Pictu1·e Fr&nes frequen.Wy noticed in hospitals. ·When properly boiled until 6U(lh particle becomt's so soften- 01' ctny lcvnd of ed that tho (Ji'ltin can not be detected when r:atcn, but not cooked so much tha.t; the shape V&'Wished of the grain ia destroyed, and th~ t.ntuis reduced to the appearance of paste, there few articles of diet for the sick which coo be made more acceptable to the taste of in\Talids than boiled rice. Nothing ever discovered befo1 e to equal this Polish, I!'OR --:o:-N. B. -'~rbe Subs.c riber fo not a Sub, or un~ der Agent, but has tho special agenc_y for tho above. I am prepared to exchange Pianos for Organs, Orga1w for :;\felodeons, also Sewing Machines, on rcasont~ble terms, .A.dtlrei:;s, 0.A.LL AND SEE FOB Y011BSELVESt AND BRING YOUR F RIENDS WITH YOU. e stock, which c..:01upl'if! es everything in the trade of the v1;1ry latest and moat elegn.n styles ancl p:i,ttcrn s, of E nglish, CauaJ.ian, and 1.mcrico.n ni.anufacture, ' -oHt atill continues to mnnufnctnro to order, from the best of material, and none but first-clnfliJ worktnen kept. Exa1nh1.e Buggies, Oiitters, Sl&ighs, SHORTEST ·NOTICE, 'Ve have now on baud a large quantity of - o- J . S. DONEY, 'frnoirn P.O. Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guarant\..dC' He has in stock an endle.1:!. S variet:x- of Ltt~os ' '!ind G ents' Saratoga 'l'rWJka, V<\lises, etc., n.ll of wh wh lw l~ selling cl1eap fo1· cash, -o· Jun. 15th, 1875. 6-tlmm1. and all kinds of . - - -- - - - - --- - - - Common and Gang Plows, thi~t Va1·n;ished Cwrriages. Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. Anothe1· car load of the above noble articles on the way. Please co.11 at the wiH be sold at LOW PRICES 6tf. Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. Bown1ru1ville, 1\1:11 13, 1874. ) AT THE SHOP. Bowmanville, Ma:rchl87::1. M. TRELEVEN. SOLE ACENT FOR THIS.'! PLACE. '· =================-===-======<-~ -~·~-== · ·========= ...~quarter of a. ")JOttnd of loaf-sugar, one quart milk, one and m half ounces of isinglaf:ls. Pour the milk into a. lined sauce-pan, add the sugar in powder, and tho isingla.»FJ in small shreds; then boil gently until the latter ingredient appears all dissolYcd, Keep stirring over the fire for about ten .minutc~J observing eapecia~ to prevent th~ easily scorched from beconiing so. Strain h1to a pitcher~ nud . when nea.rly cold strain into a mould oiled with a little of the freshest oil. '\7 hen required for use, it n1a.y be tui:ned ou · .. Crudt; :pctJ·ulcum is an CAi.:elltint material fo painting fehce posta. It needs no mixture, it ma.y be put vn with a broad whitewaahing brush very quickl y, and gives an agreealJle brownllih color to tf1e wood. ~!ILK BLANC ~IAt~GK. - A. usual, a La.rge Stock unh11nd of Star Dry Goods and Clothing House. I. TO THE ~o ~heir PUBI~IO. 1 vVALTER vVIGG & SON, t.bauki; tnpncrous .customers mid the public generally, for past I N'vould respectfully inv1tc their n.ttcnt1on to our i)l·esent stoek of furniture as we have lately rctlu·u ln~ fa. \'Ol' SJ j B 0 vV MAN VI LL E Fa.rm Implement Forwarding Agency B. W. JAMES, King St., Howmanville. Hownianville, Dec. 5, 1872. nlO. Hardware, Paints and Oils, 8toues and Tinware. A ll "Of which will be sold a.t-lowiigures. DRY GOODS! ---o-- NOTED FOR CHEAl' John l\l.CoI.eod. &; Co.,· - - - - -- - - · If you W ttnt G ood Bread, Use thi Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville. A.uguatllOth, 1875.i A C.A:R:D. CLOTHING, etc. .A. SPECIAL LINE, a~de d .the1·eto, tlut.t we m~y thereby be enabled to supply all pn.rties who 1nn,y ~ to fa.yor bl.ID. with a ~alt Great inducemen ts h eld out t o ~hOH!!' purchasing at our estabhshrncnt . Pie· t1~res. Looking Glassei:;. etc . franted to order, nnd in e ·~cry style. Samples of th e different k1n<;J. of o uldinga can be i;;een at t he w are-roo1U . W lj would also beg to inform you tha~ 1 ba.v mg purchased o. ' SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, wt:i shall be ready "-t ~ 11 t irot:&' l I havo this day app0inted C. BARKER N. B. - Ooffins kept ot ·t.ti;:v.....,_ 1....._ on 'J10rt notice and reasono.ble te1·n1s. th· ~hmunul Nov be.r 5th, ~74_ ~ta~t CANIZEDT'ENB the Exclusi·lie aa-:nt for the aale of my VuL· for .tlowmanville, Ont. ®nktii. ui6-ly Bowman Yille J OS1'.'PII MAeON,P.P. T. J.JACOBS. lOth,1874. m-tf. Corn,vall Blankf'tC' Corner King nndWeat St. LawrcJtca Hall!Tr- NEW - I r URE WARE-ROOJl: · ·