- 'rHE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. Oiroulates largely in the Townshlps of Da.rli11gton, Clarke a.nd Gmwright-. It is a. common plaU'orm, open to the free discussion of a.11 qu uona in 1vhich the gener"1 public a.re;> concern ed. TRBMS. WEST DURHAM ... Steam Job :Printing Offl.oe KING STREET , BOWMAKV1LLl>. Se~enty·fi~e cents rer arttm, In d vance. The 'Merchant· and 'Obse r· ver,' $2-00. RATE$ OF ADV.r.RTISI~G. , 0uc column · 45 per a.nnnm )lalf do. 25 " Qua.fter do. · J5 '1 Transient advtirtisements,5 ots per line fust in· !lertion, and 2c. per line, each subsequent on AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME POSTERS , P A M PHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEAD:O CHEQU ES , N O T ES, ·HANDBILLS , L A BELS, CARDS, T ICKETS, ·· Vil BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1875. NUMBER III &c., &c., &c., EXECUTED IN FllilST C LASS STYl E · / · For one moment the girl, who bad loved so pretty aud helpless in her utter de·pair. over-worked 'shop·girl ;' tired brain and Between twenty and th irty boats fille i and trusted him all these months in spite of Miss Trix's high voice interrupted some wearied body could rest at last, and Trix with delighted aud shouting spectator.·, folhis suspicious silen1.:e, stagger.ad. H~r worst pleasant thought!i·he was it1dulging in, and Leigh's diamond bad opened the gates of lowed, pre<Jeded a n<l surro unded Miss Par· NO DEATH. fear~ were realized ; he had forsaken her · the handsome mouth grew bard beneath kr.r duri ng the trip. T he spl ash ing of on.rs, heaven to one pure soul at leaet. 'I'here ie no death; the common end without one \\·or<l, and would leave lier to the brown moustache ns he listened. The midnight chimes rung out the glad and th e rocking of boats frequent ly :::reated Of life and g1:owth we comprehend, fight the weary battle of life alone· despite "!'he diamond was there before the glove tidings of a saviour's birth, but a glorious such conuuotion in the water tlirlt large 18 not of forms that cease but mend; his many protesta lions of endless love. Her was tried on, and wesn't there after,vard. Christmas had dawned for Glen iu her Re- dirty breakers sometimes brvke ov0r her It is not ded.th, but change. lip trembled, and a tear almo·t fell amidst No one has touched the glove but this per- deemer's presence. Train· will leave Bowmanville Station, bead and bid her entirely from view. She When "raters the eeed, the sower sows, the costly laces she was sorting ; then pride son, and if she doesn't choose to acknow. llowmanville time, aa follows : always came up '"ith a smile, however, and Holiday still passed by in the darkening Beneath the clog of winter snowff, came to her rescue, and there was no trem· ledge her guilt, I will be obliged to h~ve street, .and merry voices kept time to the sometin1es with a plnyful worJ or l\vo GOTNG WEST~ GOING EAST. The autumn harvost plainly ~ ~111"1vs, 11 or in the clear, s\\·eet voice. recourse to law !' Locnl '. . ..... 7:20t a.m. I Expreas .. ,. .. . 8:30 a.m church bells ; hut all sounded far, far away about the 'l'hau1es at hi~h tide not being the It was not death, bnt change. Express .. ..... 8 45 o..m. : Mixed, ......... 3:M p.m. 'Kid glovea, did you say ! - four· button }fr. Gilbert, .eenior, glanced nervously to the speechless little group in Mr. Gilbert's best \Vater fur " 'ashi ng a girl's face. \Ve 1\Iixed . . ..... 2:25 p.m . I Loca.1. .... ··· 7:10 p .m. \\'hen science weighs and counts the strands Perinots 1 Here, rest your arm upon this trom one to the othei . Express., . . 8:45 p, m. I Expresl!I .·. . ,8,45 p.m. et or overta ke n by s tearuoffice. A dim light shone in the room, and \Vere frtquent ly n1 In economic Ni1iture s bands. 1 *This train runs every moruing of wee k, cushion, and I will try them on for you. ' Well, really,madam,it pains me beyond crs, and the pnsseuge rs waved their hats wed listeners fancied they heard ihe JI uttbe a She recollects them in her hands, ~iondaye excepted, Miss Beatrix Leigh rested one velvet cov- expression that the losa bas orcurrcd in our ter of angels' wings coming to·wards them. and hand kerchiefs and greeted the fai r To sho¥-· nu losE> fro1u change . ered elbow upon the soft, silken cushion establishment, but I hardly 'think the evi- It was only the rustling of little Beth's swiruwer with cheers, in reply to which she Th ey do not die, our darling ones ; and held out a white, jeweled hand to Glen. dence sufficient to warrant ~iisa Allen's dress and the click, click of her tiny crutch, gracefully kissed her hand to t he multilrrom falling l1.1aves to Lurnin~ $uns, Tlircugh "Todds on worlds the legend runs Th Pu commenced the fittiug of the delicate arrest. '!'he lady'· character has always as she limped down the long shop. tude and bent anew to the task .before her. 1 iM decided to go out of the Dry Goods business, and will commence That death is not but change. priu1roae kid. been irreproachable, and there is not proof 'Where is Glen 1 The Christmas bells Her sister in our boat frequently asked her on the 'There,' smiled Glen, 'an excellent fit J enough to excuse auy extreme measure.' 'Vhen stills the heart 1 and dims tile eye. are ringing, and she promised v;e should whether she wns cold, and the reply i nvar· ~.\.nd round our couch friends ·wonder why What exquisite hand: only theae ParisH e glauced kindly and pityingly toward have such a merry day together, Such a iably was thnt she was as "lively as · a SURGERY---SILVER ST ~rhe signs have censed they 1u1ow us by- i:ln glov es would suit it.' Glen, whose self-posse5sion had entirely Christmar:i, she said, a.a \Ve used to ha\·e "·hen cric ket. 11 B owmanville, Aug ZO, 187r.i . It is riot death but cbnnge. ~liss Leigh condescended to give her a. dee-ertetl her, and \Yho was hysterically sob- poor papa was alive. Ob, my darling, mv O~E PJ,A:SK OF \\' !'NE. haughty stare as if even this little familiar- ing in her chair. darling!' casting:herself on her dea<l sister's "Vhen \\'C started from London Briclgi>, a LITERATURE. ity ·were displeasing to her, Ht!r fr~ezirig, ~furray Gilbert could contain his wruth breast,· and kissing the cold mouth ; ·the large mu scular, but spare-fleshed 111an tuok RADUATE of Baxter University of Music no longer. insolent tones was intended to finish the Christ-child hoe come for you, :and you'll to tbe \\'ater. At tb e expira ti on of one The Sprmg Importations only having been completed a few weeks, the Friendship, New York. THE LOST DIAMOND. \Vo1·k of annihilation.' 'We have plenty of evidence at hand, spend your Christmas iu heaven without St c K is very large and well assorted. As it must be sold within a '1.1eaoher of Pia.nu and Organ, cultivatitn hour we had mode fou r and a half miles. 1 Caah !' 'Eh- what! You needn't do them up, father, to prove Miss Allen's good name ; little Beth.' Voice, $ingoing, Thorough l3a.as, Harmony given time, The man bad kept up in the race, but his Conl.position 1 &c. ·Cash!' for ·they don't suit at all. Do you like this gentle1nan here,' pointing to Ledair, From a neigh boring church sweet childish face nod neck were b lue, a11 d his t.eeLh Darlington, July 16th, 187~. 41-ly who \Vished at that n1oment for a patent voices sungThe cry rang out again and again from tben1, Herman 1" chattered \Vith cold. 1\l iss P arker'a sister TERMS OF SALE :-Under $50, Cash; over $50, Four months every side of the large shop of Gilbert, Rus- 'No,' dulifully responded that satellite, self-acting f!obr that would open and take R R LOBCOMBE, · In the eaat a star cloth riBe, here exclaim ed, " E niily, I k now ;you must BARRISTER-AT-LAW, Credit on approvad notes. Grand and i-ejoicing ; eell, & Co., sometimea in shrill, sharp voices, 'don't suit at all. Get tea.· rose, Trix, those him in,' can bear \vitcess as to that. Ife be cold ! Let n1 0 give you n glass of poi t Look unto it heavy eyes, SOLICITOR IN CHANOl!JRY, &0 and then again in some sweet, girlish tone, are my favoul'ites, nnd have Depro's; your was b-liss Allen's promised 11usbnnd two The Tailoring In Order· d Work, will be continued as usual, during the Bale. wine .., Emily lookt!d back over her ah oul~ H ere the angels voicing : years ago, and 1n11y be now for all I know.' as bundle after bundle was banded over th~ hand is too slender for a Perinot !' F. F . McARTHUR. OrrFCCl\:-O ver McClung's Store) . same fi at ders at the stalwart swin1mer i n the rear, Glory first to God, and then Ledair, broughtthus publicly forward, counter, anP, fleet-footed messengers hurried Glen almost laughed outright as the lispa.a J. . .tlrima.comb'a Dental Roo1nd, B owmanville, May, 1875. Peace on earth. goodwill to men.' and replied, "No, 1 thank you, I don't Bowma.nville, Oct. 27th, 1868. Ly through tho crowd of rich ladies and idle ing, womanish vpice that once had power and aware of 'l'rix's astonish ed gaze, could ·A message sent from on high to poor ·nd "·ieh any 'vine, but do, I beg of you, give only stammer in a Yery foolish way : to thrill her through and through, uttered gentlemen to and from the cashier's desk. MARRIAGE rich alike; telling of a Father's Ji vine love some to this poor man in the 'iVA.ter ; he is LICENSE 'Oh !-ah !-really, Murray, you muat It was the night before Christma9. Bril- this very ·age advice, and she wondered ISSUED Jll for all his children, little lame Beth as well suffering !" The flask was handed to the liant gas.jets made this bazaar of fashion a with a scorn for herself, how she could be mistaken. I nm e"ga,;ed to this lady,' as the elegantly-attired Miss Leith. shivering swim ru er, and he gallnntly ROBERT ARMOUR very Aladdin's palace in magnificence, and ever have imagined this to be the hero of pointing to Trix, 'and have been for t'\YO .Perhaps all womanly feeling had not drank the la.st drop l A few min utes aftermonths. Of course, \Ve fellows must have bright, rosy faces, wrapped in furs and veils, her life. died out of Trix's selfish heart, for she ward he \Vas lifted into one of the hoots exMARRIAGE LICENSES. peeped out from coquettish hat·, as fashion'Yes,' decided the spoiled beauty, ·I'll our amusements, but I never intended caught friendless Beth to her bosom, sobhausted. l\1TR. JOH:t> H. EYNON, Lot 7, 6th fJon able beauties hesitated over the many ex- have tho tea.rose, I don't see how you marrying the girl, I assure you.' biugAt the expiration of one hour Qj:ld three l.fJ. Darlington, fnear Bethesda. Chur2&1 is 'Well,' responded )furray, with a sneer, quisite fancies of taste and art spread be- dared to show me these horrid, trashy <luly authorized to ifilsue Marriage Liceni,...-.. ' My precioW! ! you shall live with me! quu.rtera we had in ade 7! n1iles1 and a t 7 ' '1 can't say I blame Miss Allen for casting fore them. Darlington, Nov. l9, 1874. ml..11: things.' 0 God! with 'I.by help I will make some o'clock and 28 111in utes-1:n ak ing th e entire The tea·ros e kidP, alter being tried on such B puppy off, but I thought you had little atonement for this night's work ! 1 These gay butterflies were in strange contime 2 hours and 25 min u teB tor th e lOJ trast to the sad-lookinggirls,leaniag wearily and duly approved by Mr. Ledair, were manhood enough to forgive a slight, and And she did. Beth live:l to be a lovely miles-Mies Parker stood in two feet of a lady indistresa. Why, the very etand by over the counters· Ko eager expectation of finally paid for, done up, and consigned to woman; the light of a happy home ; and water at Woolwich Gar<leus. I person&lly coming happiness light~d their pale faces as Miss Trix's muff, and tho two made their idea of suspecting Miss Allen uf theft ia Trix-helped to lift her i uto the boat, aud can they listlessly displayed slippers, fans, misty way down tho lighted room, out into the preposterous 1' Well, Mr. Lcdair never married her, and testify that she eeen1cd entirely free fnnn 'It may secnl. preposterous to you,' re· laces, loves of bonnets, music-boxes, and all frosty air, and entered another establish'Vould beg to inform the ladies of Bowmanvill I doubt if he ever will. She still remains cold chills, and that her swimtning cost urr1c and vicinity. that she is prepared to take orders torted Trix, but if you Lad lost a dian1ond, . the thousand and one pretty things that go men! a few doors further on. single, and he has deacea<led so low that he ·was of the tbinnee.t material, without rubfor Dres.smaking,.,,od fill the same with de.spat h to make up a holiday stock. The clock was pointing to eleven when perhaps it might seem a little 1nore reason- wears threadhare clothes, old fashioned hat!", in the ber, cork, or any inflati on . One sad girl eapecially seemed almost the vast throng of happy faces began to thin, able. If it is not found I mean to keep and courts ladies a little low·er than even LATEST FASHION. 'l'AKI::.-l' G D O "i\'~- l l!S F EATHERt'i. dropping with wearineas as she rested for a and the weary girls left their poets, one by my word.' Her"experience fully warrants her in proroisin 'shop-girls' in tqe social scale. Without satisfaction. \V'bile l\fi ss P arker was s wio1 fuiu, ~ he r ' In stating the case, did you say thia was aingle moment from her labors during a one, and wended their way toward the brains enough to rise higher, and too co\v~ l~tif:!ldence, Corner of Church Street, an u Jast mile, "a gen tleman amateur,·i "·ho de the only glovo you tri ed on 1' queried Mr. slight cessation of humming voices and places they called home. Markot Square. ardly to do anythfog criminal, he belongs sired to exhihit his aquatic skill, do nned Glen was hurrying down the long room, Gilbert, who had something of the lawyer hurrying footsteps, and gazed listlessly over Bowmanville, Dec. 4th, 1873. to the ' 'shabby genteel,' and Lids fair to stay approprL:i.te costume, pluogrcl iu to tl1e the crowd, The respite was only momen- stopping now and then to speak to some lit- in his com position. there during the remainder of his miserable water, and took the lead \Vith uppare nt tary. tie cash-girl, when Mr. Smith, one of the ' Why- yes,' stammered Trix, slightly life. ease. The girl \Vas e-;idently too tired for A little lady, wondrously fair, io ermine 'shop wnlkers,' came b,ehind her with swift confused. ' This and the brown pair I Murray Gilbert, whose heart had awakenPo,. the Township of Dcirlington great speed, and I noticed that the 1n ttn 1s and velvet, stopped before her counter. steps and laid a heavy h·nd on her ahoul- ,.,·ore, nnd ha\·e on now.' e_d that Christmas night, waited in vain for skill, freshness, and lm pude nce combined ~It is not our custom to !lllow n]ady to Oh, Herman, do wait ! How impatient der. love to again enter its portals. At la.st be H. T. PHILLIPS, you are ! If ever I go shopping with a man 'Miss Allen, I must detain you for one try on a glove unlesa she buys at least one chose a calin, stutely beauty for his bride, annoyed her. Afte r about fLve n1in utes1 HAMPTON. she turn ed b(~ r nriachtevous ey es up t o her again, I'll know it !' moment. This lady here,' pointing to Trix pair,' broke iu Murray, in excited tonee. and inst>lled her as mistress of his handPron1pt attention given to sales, &c, on reaaon brother, and said : " H arry ! that 1na.n ii:1 I Did you not purchase a pair, inadnm r ' Woy Trix,' laugh~d her escort, a blue· Leigh, who, followed by Herman Ledair, able terms. some mansion. They agree exceedingly, trying to show himself 1 D o juin p iut o th e 'Why, so J did,' gasped Trix, as the idea eyed, blonde fop of the first water, ' how carue forward, ' wishes you to return to both being well-bred, and their house·hold water and take do wn a few of his leathers.' ' ' Ob, can you be ao unjust 1 It is a pleasure to your counter. Ofcourse it will all be right. !lashed across her for the firat time. machinery 101Js with 'scarcely a jar. GilThrowing off his be,ie \ve1l ed coat, 119..rry ENNISKILLEN· · . ' follow you, a la, Mary's little lamb, from Has anybody meddled with the kid gloves d ear- perhaps-bert is proud of his handsome wile, and ~: ~111ptly ~~!!;ded ~ on ~as~ablo terms instantly appeared in' con1pl ete swi mrning ' Perhaps,' fini shed l!tiu1·ray, 'e\'en you ahop to ahop, you kno\V, I am in Heaven but yourself,. Miss Allen 1' pride suppltes the place uf love in his heart. 1 costume, He p lu nged in, and t akin g \Vhnt now, and ha\·e been for the last t"·elve Xo1 sir/ ane,vered· Glen, l\'·ith slight may be mistaken. Let 'us see the gloves, 1 ALL~N- UNE"STEf\MSH ' · jp; . If to her share some fmnale errors fJJ.i is here call ed th e '~ overhan d' ' or ".J obn·- ·--- ~ houra. We started on our wedding-I mean annoyance in her tone; 'the kid glove de~ if you please.' 'L ook on her face and yoll'll forget thern all,' Liverpool London, and Glasgow ASH .. son stroke," he rose, shot, and skipped Out cl)J!le tbe pink en_ yelope from the ahopping tour, this morning at t;unrise, aidn't partn1ent is exclusively mine. Be eo kind Perhaps things go on too smoothly to please OR 'l'ickohl, or in£0tma.tion, apply to we 1' as to make haste, Mr. Smith, as this deten· white muff. Murray seized it with no Murray G1lbert, Men nt:e,at best, unreason- through the curren t like a playful porpoise· W. A. NEADS, Agont. ON and AFTER the first day of Oct., 1875, our bu~iness ·will bo entle fingers, broke it open, nuU tore out able creatures, a~ncl be someti1ne8 wish es he Within two 1 ninu tes, he \Vas to tb e r igh t' ' How absurd. you are,' "'itb a pretty ~ tion is excessively a11noying. I have some K B ow1n~nville, ,June 9th, 1871. tf.3() c onducted on a C ASH basis. We have, after duly considering the mat- blush and simper. to the left 1 uo der 1 behind, and in front of 'I have been but five purchaaea to make myself before wiinight., the t eu·rose gloves, could exthaoge his wife's even, perfectly Fa.ncy Goods,Berlin Wools,&c t e r , concluded to abandon the CREDIT SYSTEM and to sell our goods for minutes here, and I am not quarter through A large, bright·faeed doll a few doors off In .breathlese silence lhe liugers of the modulated tone~, for a SVi'eet, giriish voiCe the youth who was exbiliiting h imself j re a<ly mone,y" or its equivalei;it. It is unnecessaiy to resort to argument yet.' · bad met with Glen's approval, auJ. ·she had r1gbt one \Vere turned.and soLnethiag bright he re1nerobered so well iu that olden tin1cs . and with eyes starting ho n1 their sockets, or. explnnat10n to show that, m these days, t he Credit System is injurious 'Hope you' ve brought your prayer-book,' _ promised herself· the pleasure of spending dropped down at Trix's.f~et. Murray stoopu. c. the amateur acr eo. med t o hi s friend s," u F o'r al 1k~ to s eller and purchaset· ; and it is. universally admitted to b e an in- responded the gallant coolly, 'for we can go , so!Ilc of her hardly·earned money upon her ed, picked up the lost d iamonu, hut did not God's sake, help ru e into the boa t ! " l\l r, Parker, who is about 24 years of ~ig t', is Begs to inform the public, that she has just re - just1ce to those who buy for cash. :So there is n o apology necessary on from here direclly to church. I thin.I< by : poor little crippled. sister Beth, whose blue present iL to its O\Yner with his customary, E;ng!and's Swimming Girl. eeived o. splendid new assortment of .Fancy 0 ur pa.rt, for makin(l" the proposed change. ' courtly grnee. the winner of O ver J 00 pri zes, i~nd has the time we get through shopping, morning eyea would open wider and more spasmodiG ood.B, Btirlin Wools, etc~ which she will Bell a. t; swam the quickeat 500 yards on record, This new metho~ w.ill enabl e us to t..,,ke every. advantage of the mar- service will have commenced: 'By your folly, you had almost ;ruined a as low i1rJce as they can be bought for elsewher I won't cally than even the doll's own at sight of Miss E1nily P tnker's swimming feat in " k ets, and place withm our r each large trade discounts on cash plll'- need mine, for I know the service perfectly. the waxen treasure. S1'A I'ING done un SHORTEST NOTICJ<! Over 5,000 persons stood on the banks in poor girl's name. It would matter .little to the Tb a mes on the 4th inst., created an en· ·>ct. 8th,1874. 2-3moe. ch ases. 'From fashiou.ble girls and all like follies, ·The detention ;. absolutely necessary,' you, but it is all she ha· lo <lepend upon for thufliasn1 a1nong the profesBional sv,.·hnmers '\\Tool wich Gardena to greet ur:, aud as we T~e benefits w h i ch will result to our customers under this sys tem are Good Lord deliver us !· I sn't that the \Vay broke in Miss Leigh's excited tones, excited her daily bread. Miss Allen,' turning to of London that led them to have a gold lifted the happy girl in to our boat a wD ~ Glen. yelled 0nt, " Three cheers for t he little mamfest; not only shall we be able to buy our goods considerably chea,per it runs 1 Don't look so shockt:d,' seating in spite of .that lady 1s evident desire to n1ec1a1 made in the fora1 of a M.:..lteee cross-, darling that ought to be riucen of the Sicily No motion from the silent figure iu the u nder the advantages referred to, but much smaller profits then were himself upon a stool and' gracefully whirl- pear calm. 'I have missed a very valuable at an expense of $~2, to be presented to her I Island!i. 11 They were given with cuthu sichair. He approached nearer, auil with ne round; 'I'll be good and sit solitaire from my ring. I am abaolutely ing round and cessa1·y under the old system, will suffice. in Woolwich Gardeua on Saturday 'the 18lh negs to return thankti to his friends fot tho eup asm. Emily went wi t.h her sieLer into the gentle hand lifted the tired bead. like patience on an ottoman until your certain it ·was in its setting when I tried on p-.>rt he has received the past tw 0 --Yeal'l5, iLIICI inst. On receiving the message, ~lias Par· W e are determined, this season, to push our ·business with · renewed 1 hopes, by continued etrict })0rt!onal attention to Glen, darling !' in whispered, hea1t· ker turned to her brother and said : hotel to dress, und a few minu tea afterward ki.d·, and I haven't removed ladyship bids me rise,' all this time apparthose light business, u.nQ working at the most reasonable en ergy, a n d sha ll endeavor to. excel in every department. Our arrange· prices, to ensure a. continuance of public patron- m ents are such that no establishment can undersell us. Remember, then, ently oblivious of the dark-eyed, sweet- these brown kids until a few moments a~o, thrilling to11es, "it is all right. You shall "Ila.try, shall I go 1" "Certainly," said l\Iauager Ho!laud Id her ou to the stage of age. W. B. is_pi:epared to build houses, etc. faced girl behind the counter who had paled when I missed it at one;, of course. I wish never suffer again. Tswear it. Tb is work- her brother j 11 go by all mr.ans. " " Then bi~ theatre, und iii the pre,sence of over on the mosit modern style of architecture. Job · th at the right place for cheap goods is to the very lips at sound of the once famil- this person to search those primrose kids, aday world is no place for such as you. bing promptly attended to. Plans and specifiI'll swim down," said she ; 11 it's only ten 2,000 persons. t1ation.e got up on application, on the most re&. Miss Parker is the youngest oi eight. ch 1 1He spoke betteithau he knew. The white miles and a quarter, and I know I can iar, dear voice ; how dear in that long A.SO and if the stone is not found, of course we sonable terms, and of every description. Office dren. Two years and a half ago ahe took eye shone with lids trembled and the brown only her own heart knew. will know what inference to draw.' and Shop. Ont$rio Str e(>t, nearly opposite J.\.lr . E'wim it," from her brother Harry h~r fi rst l esson in Glen Allen had not always been salesa newly;awakened love for one instant into '!1 . Bowden's. As the ebb tide was just commencing its Bowm~uvillA Dec. 24th, 1874. l~ly. woman in this Weat End establishment. Glen paled to the very lips at the implied his ; the aweet childish month tried to utter Bowmanville,, Sept. !st, 1875. swimming. 8he lea rn ed the art so rapidly backward trip to the sea on the 18111 inst. insult, and a hatred sprang up in her heart some ans\vering words, but the whisper died I reached London Bridge, and found on it th.it she beca me an expert and teacher withOnly a few months before she had been outfor this girl, that she strove in vain to con· in two months. H er first pupil of 1my note side the hive of human la.bor, consuming away in a smile, and all · was still. over five thousand persons anxiously await· quer. the honey of existence and leavh~g _ Fortune's She bad .winged.her way to a bet.ter world, ing the start, Promptly at live o'clock p. was her mother.- N . Y. Sun. ' I know nothing of the diamond, but of \Vhere there shall be no rnore weeping, for ·tep·children to labor for her and like pleas· courae will do all In my power to recover 'He shall wipe all tears from their eyes.' m., a little boat, in the hands of expersure·seekero. She had regarded 'ahop-girls' ATE WITH F. Y. COWLE, begs to ill· Smoking-rooms in Boarding Schools. The glove the lady tried on is in that No more trials and sorro\vs for the poor, ienced oarsmen, ahot under the bridge, atd it. form the public generally, tliat he has comautomatons, deatitute of human feeling,and at three minutes past five little Emily menced business in the Shop- ncP; to-t_ he Jb. The Philadelphia . Medical and Surgical content in their own narrow sphere to roll lower box, Mr. Smith. Perhops it is in the An elegant-looking young gentlema.n, threw off a loose mantle, and in a close-fit., 1?res::i Office; one door east of J . Miltie'a. fingers, bnt I hardly think it probable. Reporter' says; ' \\re have recently been IIn.ving ha.d several years eXPefiWcllhthe mechauically in one groove ; having limit~ who stood by the mantel, stepped fo1 ward, ting costume of the wool, trimmed with trade, he hopes to satisfy a.11 who mn.y fe.vor The gloves have not been stretched, a· is surprised to learn lhat in two well-patroned intellect., and few wants. Little did spoke to Mr. Smith, and advanced to the ·ilk, plunged into tl·e current. I was him with a mlL ized and highly p raioed boys' bu,ardingahe then dream of the ambitioua, bitter usual after being tried on, ae it was late, and desk. favored v.·ith an invitEition to become a schools neai· this city, stnoking-rooms are GOOD FITS GUARANTEED I tlelayed it until the day after to ·morrow.' yearnings and heart· sickness which d we! t ' Father, Smith bas businees with you. member of the family party that accom· kept for such of the Luys as h.ave perm ission BowmBn'\·ill e, Sep, ~ 4th, 1872. m49-tf. in the minds of some cf her despieed sisters, .A.ll this in a cold, even tone, addressing panied her. In the bow of the boat atoo<l Can you spare a fev: minutes l' from their parents tp smoke ! \Ve are f nr th~ making them envioWI of fa!h10n's votaries, herself to llfr. Smith exclusively, and studian experienced waterman, who l\'as familiar Then turning to Glen with a pleasant er informed that th f'se are not singular in sick of unkind humanity, and only too ready ously avoiding looking either toward Miss with the tides, eddies, and currents, .Bethat respect, a'!! u1any olber schools also when the Angel of Death should call them Leigh or Mr. Ledair, who stood foolishly smile : hind him stoatl the vigilant and athletic b!lve them . 'l.'he pu!J1ls are fr otn nine to ' }!ere is a chair, Miss Allen ; you must to a home, where no such diatinctions of sucking his cane and looking as if he heartiHarry Parker, bis black frock coat emblazSurely, if p·l'enta caste, as have cursed them in this world, ly wished himself ou\ of this 'deuced be wearied after to-day's hard toil. If I oned right and left with a scure or more of eighteen years of age. can rob them of the mansions prepared for scrape,' to make use of that young gentle· were Mr. Gilbert, sir, I would give the gol<\ and ail ver medals that he had won by are so grosi:.ly ignorant or cti minally negli· g.e nt of the laws of health, professed guides girls a week'a holiday to pay them for lheir such as they. man's own cha.ate phrnaeolegy. swimming. In the centre sat II. D. MorGENERAL OO:NTRAOTORS. She learned all these truth· later by bit· The four wended their way back to Glen's faithful services dming the past month. It gan, Esq., ·secretary of the Atlantic Swim· of youth ought to know better, and discourAND BUILDERS. ter experience, and had no need to v.·onder counter amid curious \Vhispers and gii;?gle~, is late, but I see you have friends to escort ming , Club, who was timekeeper). and in age by every possible means the uae of what sort of lives these working women led. and the bo~ marked 5! was taken down in you home,' looking at bis ?.'atch, and glan- the stern sat a siBter of Miss Parker, ·ud tobacco m growing boys. If anyth ing Manufacturers of Sa.sh,Blinds teaches the i mportance of the constant study cing at Mr. Ledair and MiBB Leigh in a myself. She knew only too well their sorrows, trill.- silence. . of sanitary l aws by parent·, the above doeH . careless fashion. ing pleasures, few and far between, and Doors, Mouldings, and Win.Mr. Smith brought out the identical We have determined to offer · MISS EMILY r A.ltKEll Such schools ought to be suppressed as danHe nodded to the former and was about dow Frames, mi!ly kindnesses to poor ones even lov..·cr primrose kid, and turned finger after finger was fourteen yeara of age on th;, 22d day of gerous to the momla and health of the race. She than t&ey · She had not lived in vain for with no success. Counter and floor were to speak, when Glen detained him. Wilk or without Casing. With or without :S~yers. February, l87u. She is about the usual We fi!(ht some evil s with all our might, and Band Mould·. searched iu vain, and. then Mr. Ledair, per· wao very pale, and with diflleulty restrainthe past year. height of girls of her age, but in plumpness cultivate oth ers. S uch is hu1nan natu re.Herman Leclair, once her engaged lover, h "th 't f th · ,, · d ed her sobs. . . b' ape w1 ...,some p1 y or e gu1 ,,.e .,,~ she rivals the fattest of Berks count-y, Pa., Herald of He alth. stood before her for the fuat time smce 10 ....., u,_; .,. . , _,__ d 1~. .;i ,' T~y ~re wt ~y .Irie!\ ds, Mr. Gilbert ; . . "- "l\08 ..,v..,.,.8l*6..- ,,.....,. .r1Jt.a ........vo girls, for she weighs 140 pounds. She has departure for the Contment two yeara .,.,. whit~ ~I _ · · · . · Planing, Planing & Matching, I ha*6\~ ! you don't believe I am will be allowed off our usually low Prices, on light complexion, he? ey1::s are a mild blue, fore, and no weonder the eagerligbtofrecdg... , · , . . . '· · . · · ' a CQJJl'!,'01! th,ii!f, do you 1' Time by the Inch. · aud her hair, a light brown, she fastens up nition died ont otf her eyes as ahe read Do11 t mHid, .T~iA lt , is ~~ ~ 1i"Y SU MMER MILLINERY, MANTLES, LACE AND TISSUE SHAWLS, He noted the hunted, fevered look in the at the back part of her head in a little coUl'namental Pickets, in every variA big Loy wi10 displayed a !on ~, dong· answering glow f.u his, ao coolly, insolent- ·t? tl"'!1· sueh a tbuig~ Let:s be gomg, and PARASOLS, GRENADINES, AND OTHER LIGHT DRESS GOODS. ety, and Scroll Sawing, ·thling watch-~b aiu, was asked, h I ·e Ill get you another. · · quettish knot, while the ends bang down I y e... ann1ng er a1.:. . . ' What's the time, Josh 1' Her noee is slightly in natural ringlets. high-bred _voutha have fashionable 'Get another,' sobbed Trix; 'you kn These of every det11cripbion We will also submit to th'e same SACRIFICE on He dre\v his \Vatch ' 'ery Ct!remoniously Jne Roman, her lips s\veetly expre.9sive and memories a.nd can ( "ut' all undesirable oc· you'll never bny oae so handsome ag and, o.fter e ~amini og it a "·bile, r eferrea to, ONE TO ORDER, L rechildlike, and the general expression of her quaintance with charming self-poSBeasion. It was worth three hundred pounds BOOTS & SHOES. GENT'S AND CHILDREN'S READY-MADE another al!d asked , on tho faco is that of amiability and innocence, Herman Leclair wotild have !ailed utterly least, and I don't wonder it tempted OLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, &c. 'Is this figury '!even 1' SHORTEST NOTICE, t.o have recognized his own mother had that girl. You needn't tell me she hasn't iri- In swimming she makes the " breast He was told that it was ' tigury seven.' aristocratic 'lady unfortunately descended a she h .., and I meau to force her to gi v ~nt, stroke," putting the palms close together as Josh here begar· a cour·e of mental arithfew steps on the social ladder during his up. I'll com1>lain to the proprietor.' vas far out in fro nt as she can reach, and then metic, Bnd a.t l~ngth i:said, a}!ops on Liberty Street. N.t rth of t.he ,ful turning the palwo ont and drawiug the travels abroad. Glen Allen, aaleswoman, Glen never spoke a word in reply 'Well, then, ,it Jocks just abo ut half an Ev e1·y P_erson ha11mg "' J)OXLAR '.PO SPEND /01· 1iecessary Goods ; \_ Eastern House, Bowmauville. was quite a different person from the l\Iiss. this, and Mr. Smith led the way to a o handa back as far ao the hips. She is the inch of eight.' will please call, ?'elieve 01ir necessities, and ?'eap tke Profits. B owma.n\'ille 1 July 9th, 1874. 4 ~U l Allen, belle and heiress, of only two yeara apartment at the back of the ahop, w yet. only hnman being that I ever saw swim before. No v.·onder her devoted adorer ]..:Ir. Gilbert,the eenior.partner, sat in st Give \s;ork rnthPr than alms to the poor on.' without any aprarent effort. She nse. no failed to l·ecog:nise and claim his promised H i.r;, funny fut face ·was dra\vn into all rh e foru1 er dr ives nut indo lence-, th e latter be- oil or any other n1edicinal mixture on her r bride in her changed fortun e>. Forgetful· o.ginalJJe puckers aa he ·cratched off b} ·ory body, bu~ ti:uats wholly to her O\V n atlipose ind ust ry. 'i7A NK C' ness ,vns his role, as he wished to a,,·oid un· nesa letters, and so intent was lie that ·yea matter to keep her warm in the wnter · &c. , &c . ' pleasant explanations, ancl he plnyed it failE'd to notice the entrance of Glen regular rat "'~ . ,_ Cheerfu lness anti good·nature are tb r lity C·pt. Webb used porpoise oil .when he Bowma.Il , well. her a.ccueer a. na.m en te of virtn'. im, crossed the Eugliah Ohanuel , POETRY. $20,000 WORTH OF GOODS To be Sold without Reserve, at less than Wholesale Prices. 1 - F. . F. McARTHUR Drs. Reid & Boyle. Prof. J. Ruse, . 20th of .Day, 1875 ·n G A Gra.nd. Clea.ring Sa.le of his Entire Stock. A T:rem.endou.s Beduo-tion will be m.ade. s Dressmaking, &c. Miss Heal · ,A.UCTION_EERS 1875. c 1875. OASH. . W:sm.. Barton, M°CLUNG BROTHERS' CASH CIRCULAR~ F Hrs. Maaon, . . HAMPTON. W. BUNNEY, aP- BUILDER, ETC'! .M°CLUNG BROS. New 'l'ailor shop, JOHN HEAL, L New Partnership! Morris & Watson MONEY WANTED! GOODS AT PANIC PRICES. Eztra.ordina.ry Induo. ements to Ca.sh . 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT, "f sawing and Turning, Pil. po " ---·o·--- 1 l GENUINEDISCOU·NJf SALEl NO PUFFING! 'l'o Masters _ of B TREWil~, 'vest, ·Osh.a'W"··