THE MERCHANT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1875. t;;=c:=:c:::==::::=:::=::======:=::::=:=:========="=====================:==========-- --=--==--====================-=--=-----=.== ANDERSON & (JO'S Fall Stock of NEW MAMr4IOTH l J SE = -"--=----" 'l'I-IE Boots and Shoes1 HAS JUST ARRIVED. I tll!J. as t.heir stock 5· II CENT A'J' 5 ~~ ~ · Norwich Egg l?o\'iider, for 111a.kiug all 1.:iud11..0I Ua.1..:cs without }~ ~){ ~ . To be h:~ of all Gcor.:01·s. Jf. .:r. \.Y f.:Ei::: i & Co., 'loronto, sole 1i1rc11ts fvr Onta1·io. l\farch 11th, 1875. '..:1 ly. COPY & IDX'EROIRE BC)OK ctood. !'arm fol' Sale-:- NOitTII half of Lot N o. H, 7th Con. ll"L-. ~ i$ so well known, it is quite unnecessary for them o - -o----u- -0---0--0---0--- o - -o --~ o -- o I 0 TO OFFER ANY BRIBE t() induce the Public to purchase. 0- - - 0--- ! Their Rewal'.'ds are Better Value for your Money than can be had Elsewhere. So come along and bring yom money with yon. 0 -- - 0 -- i IT WILL P!f 0 -- . 0 - -0 - - 0 - -- 0 ---0 - 0 - - 0 --0- --0 - -0----· o iI ~~r~bnl~~1~i'.,:~~1:i:t~;~:;l~~J.¥.t1 ;,0;::~gNor! ICheap Fancy Goods Store and · School Oct. 29tb. is7J _ _ _ _ I Book Emporium. APPLES ! BUTTER I ~ · R8 EAST 0 - ---:o:----- S ling.tut:· contai.uing 100 n.cre8, wore or le~ s . TERMS HTRIOTL Y OASrI. ANDERSON & CO. TIIE GREAT REMEDY FOR Bow:n:mville, Oct. 14th., 1875. CONSUMPTION eio.ns to be the mof:'lt RJ:liable l'repnration ever EVERYBODY To call and sec the CHEAP ur:derRig!lt!d \vill buy a11y cp1 m1tity of T I:Ll~ GOO]) IH.EROHAN'l~ABLE l\.PI>J , }~f:'. and pny th.c 111~hei;t pl'ice for good and ncknowlcdged by many promine11t p!tysl- introaueed for the RELIEF and CUltE of au This \vcll-knowo r&medy J!; offered .to the public, su.nctioucd by tho of over forty, and when resorted to iu iwason, seldom fails to cffei!t t\ speedy cure of LUNG COMPLAINTS. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Broncl1ltls, Jn. fiueuzai_u'hooping Cough, Hoarse- GROCERIES 1 ~ ~--~-~~.~ PROVISIONS J ·-~- The New ]five CenL Mammoth Gopy :tnd Exel'cis; t;o;,k, jg tho s:tme size as R. Easton's Yark-shilling Exerr.:ise, which he sells n.t 'l1 EN CENTS each. Nice cover with Multi t:Iica.tic)Jl '_fable pr!nted en b:i,~k N.B.-No othe1· house keeps the snrne Hool<, a,, tt is made expressly to .R E's. bw11 brder. TUB BUTTER. Bowrnrutvillc, ~\u;.;:. ~ti t1 , 187.). S. BV lllJI: X . d·S·tf. l~E (JJJ.,'NT FIVE C'l!JNTS. E'.~e1·c·ise Books, Fools Oap I'ape.r.J 20 cl$. zJer C),-uirc, QlUt,·lci· (Juire {Qr School Pens "t Five Gents l'{;r dozen; '/'WO f o,. UN 1,; OENT. ------ ~OH._ S ...'\LE, ~itnfi',te OH (_)ntat io Street li uJ.., tpttrr~ of_ l\1lt Il{O\..{ 4 :-::. on t he pr ... ru iJ~:: Bowmanville, Jan. 22nd,1875. 17tl. ----- ------~-,--'-------- A IIO'C'S:E :~:?:?:O L0~1 'l'Br Lots of 20 Cent tilates to be sold at Twelve and a half Cents. .fllates for FIVE · CENTS. Cheap Penholders and Pencils r 1'/l}; NEW nnd IMPROVED LEATHER SCHOOL BAGS, onl1; BIX1'Y OZ'S. . All kinds nj School RooksRupplU:llat R. J.:JA.S'l 'U'i'<7>S. HACH. D_ OMINIO!IT BANK. BOWMAKVJ.LLE. , -THE ORDER OF THE DAY IS . ncss, rains or Soreness 111 tlte Cllest a11d Biele, Bleeding · at the Lungs, Llve1· · Complaint, &c. CROCKERY AND Cnpi t<d, P:ii< l Up, l1EAU Ol"fiCE, Ou11.L 1,\, :.'rJ ,OOll,i:OO TORONTO. \ Yt nTJ:lr, by a timely resort to this standard r emedy, ar CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUREO DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD O HERRY i s p1'0vcd by hur.nlred!3 of testimouittls receive{ by tho proprietors. dne!l f iot d17/ up a Cough, anti leave th1 et:n1so bcll:fndJ a/9 is the case 1vith 1nofi t 11repa,·ut;ions, fnit it looscn1:1 antt clca11-11cs the lungs, an.a allays i-rJ·i-ta.tiou, thus t~e:no11tng the etiusc of thtJ t.:Ontplalnt. GLASSWARE. AT ' Pi1·ic's .Superfine Note Pape1', only 10 cts. 1m· Qiifre. BcavtifulBiwniEhcd Envelopes only 8 Cts. pc1· p1wlcage. extr·ri, only J 0 ct.. pc-r· packa1e Business Envelopcs,from $1.40 per 1000. Large Stock of Blank Books. 1000 page Blank Books for $4. 00 Beantifnl Illustrated $14 Family Bibles $12.50. $10 Bible. for $7.50. Lots Df otl;cr Good~ offering ChelLp, :.t EAS'.rON'S CHEAt' STOH.l!:, BIG STOCK OF WALL PAFER. Uunov11c;, BU"'-IH; H ul,' fft.'E.S: 0~11 4.\V,\, BOW)IA N\' JJ. [.t( , U~llHJJJLi J:;, C.LL\_SH, AT COWLE'S. -o-- LYLE & MARTYN'S. Thi!:! n!lnk, iu ~d ditivll tn tnl11:>:Lcting t]ie Uiol· ual L1.tnk1n~ bu : 1 H1ess, offers t o the public all the aJ".:t;nta.g-t s of a Saving In1>tituti.on with tlw security of :i large paid-up capital, by the Internst a.Uo.vcd on all depo~its of Ouo Dol lar and upwards, at the rate of F1v.1;; per cent. per nnnl.un. Depositors co..,n withllra.w aithel' the wh oh· 01· auy p~rt of ~heir deposits at nny tinw, ,~- i thout previous notlce. m oans of a S.\."I?--' (;s Dr1'AJ~1'1f.I<Jrl'l'. CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all tbosp \Vhose occupntlon requires un u:1. uimnl cxcrciso of tbe vocnl .organe, will fh\tl thi8 the ON LY PREPARA'I!ON whieh will em!<'t- j' U' Town Hall Buildings, Bowman ville . ..JY$ Bowrvanvillle, Ang. 12th. 1875. COUli[TRY TRADE SUPPLIED - l\IOTTO-- ~inible Sixpence better than a Slow Poki1~g Shilling. ually and instimtauco1.u;ly relieve their dilfi cul: Ca,sh a,nd Sma,11 ~1us1i Froftts tic!!, Be'\ of Counte1:fclts. lit Remember that the genuine 1'Vista..r'11 B ul111l m 01: the outside wr(1pper the ,qfgnalure uf ' ' L 1JUT1'S,'1 a11<l tkeprinted name of the pro· prietors, USETR iv. J?O IVLE ,y. SOi\rs, JJUS- :Bible -.--~ Christian · .Specia~ i·ates o~ interei-t.aD11·Yt.:d llpon depoflih1 ""'1th notice of w1thd1·r.wal. ~inerican Cul'rency 1uvl dilvcl' takeu on de· posit. D"n1tcd States and all parti;i of Ca.nur!n GO....,Deposi(;s ?U!J. bi llnoitted by irtail,~Jdre:- 8 ed t o tlle Donuniun ,:;i r..nk [registercil], wheu in ti.11 case:s a. l'asa-llook l"L'ceipt will LC seut l1 y re turn poflt. . J. A.. CODD, Au,nt 3owmauvllle, .Jan. 6th, 1874. 15-tf. ' - ~=-=,.---;::~~=-~---~ ~rafts gi-m1t ed payftbie in Grca.t Britain , SUCCEED, F. Y. COWLE. are bft$C imitations. Exc:mine tlte 1crapper ca1·efuUy lia/ore vu1·chast11r1'J'Olr.n All of.hers Qne Dolor ' Bolli'- Six Botll" for Fire Dolors. Plll':l'AR&D BY SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, MaBB., And sold by Drugglsts and Dealer& generally. BOOI{ ROOM AND rl'_ HArr'S MY EXPERIENCE. Bowm·cnville, Oct. 14th., 1875. DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the Bowmanville Drug Store, J. HIGGINBOTHAM ' \ t4anks to ht:.:1 uun1 erous frienrls an d :i~ ton1cr~, :ind to tho public gener::i.lly, fur tlh: \.·ery liL1·~al $~Pl>Ott. be hn.!! rectiivcd i11ce Ji is c?mrnenm!1g in b11s1n c R~ ; ciu<l hopm1 by co11 t1n1u;rl strict per.!lon:.iJ o.ttcnti1)n to busine'ss, Rlld oiienng nothing ln~t the purest a rticleEl, nt tnost re~onable pnces, to ensure 11 continufl4lce of public pi~tronage. J, ~- w·oulcl call spc1.·i c1J. atti..:ntio11 W hi;; ?cay a11p enur stock of · TO .ULD mof:lt. rcspectf ully tender hi~ sincere $25 'l1iie a1Jove rev.·o.rd will be paiJ. to any per·r;on .iv-ho '\·ill furnish ample proof that the Boots & Shoes aold by the un<le1·signed, n ot wha.t he reproocntii them. School Lib:i.·e.ry Depot, JJhan_ce 0J_ B11siness ! Sign of the Gold.en Anvil. - - - - : o: - - -- KIN ~ STlffET, BOWMANVILLE. ' At the BEW!BD · UOBBIS' CARRIAGE SHOP west of tlie Ontari Ba.nJc. - -:o:- - The Subscriber havfog purchased tlie entire Stock of DYE STUF'FS \vhich sure to giv e 1J1e bt..:st s n'tisfaction. \.Y tl di ·· MR. ·T -HOMAS BASSETT, ~ h it\'{! 11 0W t.hlcl Ulil:Jt V !l.l'ied :lu<l A well FJelec:ted stock nf would respectfully inform the inhabitants of B'owmanville and sunound- ing country, that in _31ddition to bis present Stock, he .is dnily receiving ...... ... STARrrIAING Kin-g Street, Bowmanville. ~evelatio11s ! --o-A Very Serious Charge, bn.o;,cd npon subtltanti'al f actH, is just b eing cir· cu lated, ~ ud is to this effect-that one of our pron1inent 1\-l(jrcbants, For Gents, T lIE. suUscrib<:H ' i~ pair prept~l ed Large Irnz1ortations o,f .British and A11terican bhelf ctnd Heavy Hardiva1·e, all of which; having porcha;;ed for CASfi, h e iH en:tbltld to offer -a:t bottom priceR. SELEC'J. 1 SHOULDER-BRACES kl:'pt '-'011,,ta11tly on 11and. C>l' DRUGS, CH E'Jll I GA L S, PATENT MHDJGJN A'S IJll USHES, ' COMBS, SUPPORTERS, Etc.. Etc.. 5 '>ILS, PAINT, COLORS, \T ARNISHES an a at thl:l very lowest pticc.::l . to build anti r·e · - - --- Wagons, Bugg·ie8, and Outters , vI cve1·y c.lei::t.riptivn, at short notice, and on l·aasonnble ta1ms. Markus Mayers, hll~ purc11ased on immens t} Stock of Goods, on .Jidvantageous tenn f'l, ~\!\d he is going to give his Carriages Painted an cl '.frin lr.fd· For Ladies, . ~is Stock-of P--.AINTS lDS:-wi-J:hbe For Ch"lcilG 1 n...;f-0.und Complete., and _ will _ be sold at Prices, .. l ·· ' WHITE L1':.Al.1 il.A.3BATH SCHOOL LI~RARIES and GF.NERAJ. LITERATURE yet vfierod to the people in \VtIBt Dm·l1 ;:1.w. Horses and Cattle Medici'1es. tho 1nm~t 1tdv anta ~ oous tenns. .A. choice sel ection of I~AMPS for -eale che:.rp & \vmanville. Dt! <.:. ] 808. l3tn. N. B .-·Country stor.e-ket~pers tnl.J)plied ou - --- --- ---- - - ··---... (JuaL,mers the benefit of his bargain. :1 1ho S tock is very large, e1ubracint; --- that will defy C~mpetition. A Blacksmith's Shop on the prun:iieea,were special attentiOn is g1ve11 .So nth Sect &ai, Ei·inine, Grey cind Blliclc Lamb, G1·ebe and 11!rink Sets ,·aryiu:.; i11 - o- - to all pric~ Latest Styles <Mid according t o quality, n.uJ sisting of eon~ Oorriage work, and General Jobbing. Good Stock. SPECIAi, ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERED WORK. S1~0RJ~.~One door a<U1t ofCorni!!h'sJe,velry Store, &ing Street, 'Bowmanville . Caps, Collaretts, Muffs, Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. _ .\Jl the GooUa arc well madi:; of the the Holidays!. him, as Partner in the Tin nmLSto~o Branch of the Business-a-sufficient guarantee that all woTk in this line will be executed promptly, in the_ .AU wo1·/c cwne (tt this Estciblislnnent war1·anted, A 1,;all is resi>ectiulJy aolicited. ,T, MORRIS. Bown1a.nville, 0 :t, lst, 1809. J . SMALE. Bowm l>l;i' j] Jt""; lYiay 6th. 187:';, He would also state that MR JAMES-.NOSWO'.!:H ·s associated with Gijt Books, Of Splendid .A lbums Prang's Celebrated Gh1·onws, Latest ~He Styles! -:(ii:- ll1ic1·oscopes,l{ateidoscopes, the finest description, - Ladid ComzJanions, W1·iting Desks, '} 1.liE 8ui.Js....,1·' rctU l 'J;.~ Lh;n.ilc; t u tL11<:;c \Yl w h! given 11 itn t h eir i>Ll.tronnge iu t he 1 1:u..t and would inform the farroera: that he ha>! r e~ Best Manner, and at Very Low Prices. . All Styles of Children's Furs on hand, , and the Prices such as has never before been offered in Bowmanville. -u'ltt...' offers a very attractive lot of Goods ill Sa.b' AnSchool Ensign, unsootanan, 'fur Sabbath Schools. THE paired a.nd refi.ttf!d his J',fill, a.nil is riow pro\ to attend to thuit· \Yn.nts in the tn iJling i!J l! I-fe is also conductin{; a Illustrated P.aper, A Large Stock of Tin,vare Published Monthly, "t Bov;r,ianville, Ont. 'l'he Editor has been conn~cted, mote ur less, closely with Sabbath Schoola, ft·ou1 his boyhood, and will endeavor the make the E~SIGN every w·ay worthy ot 1.he support of Sabbath Schools. The uusoctarian cho.racter of ~he paper,rendera it s.uitable for any School. In con nection therewith, a. ' Supplement is published, conta.ining Note~ on tho International series of S. S. Le8sons. 'J~hcsc are caref uUy prepared, and must prQve of great value_ to both Tea.cher and Scholar, Eavetro·ughing a Speciality. ~f Poclcct Books, &:c., &:c., to plolloSe all, and every ono, GENERAL STORE, an1l having !Jurclu\scJ Lis stod.;: for J\1 Uli'fff'LERS, SRI111'S, DRAWERS SOCKS, COLLARS, NEClkl'lES, BllAOES, cf:c. . :l1hey wust be sold, and Sacrifices v.rill be 0A!3h Customers will buy on close margins. l:JA~ PAID FOR RAWS FURS· every cle-. scription, always in Stock, and nutde to 01·der on the Shortest Notice. A and pla1ulid Uol lection uf 0 L\ S H, givin~ bargai.1i fl in !'II.. MAYEit'S. J~o\~ manville, .Oct. 1st, 1875. If you wa,nt The Stock of Stoves will be found Complete, comp1:is. ·ing all the favorite kinds, in· To Owners o! Horses, And the General Public. AT Thoroughly Itelia.ble ORGANS l ' OR Parcel!!! of 5, 10, 15, etc., at thEJ rate of 30 ctli!, per year. Single copie::1 1 40 eta. Postage FREE. A:idi·e,., TERMS: HALL, FOR Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery1 Glassware, Groceries, &c. S'I'.J\Nl) .... l~,(jcen tly 0. BAHKER, EDITOR, COOK, COAL R. occupied by ).fr. Gray. Bowmanville, Ont. or PARLORsi WOOD. MANNING-. 48-8t.t10s. ' . S. VA.~ STC:)NE. 'Il:c Goods What tile Press sav about It ' 'l'HE ENSIGN.-We b11en. tavorQU 'W ith At 1 copy of the Ensign f1·om the Editor, at the West Durbum Printing Establishment. The Ensign ' is a paper prepared especially for S·bb·th \Vt'l'e bi;;ug'ht at beat rntes, andpur cliaBerB will receive the b e111;;1tit. 1)1 1·01.1e) Dec. 17, 187-t. TYRO::<n:. - S., MASON'S (both Jigbt aud heavy) OR . S Ch 001s,·Or · 1'11.,-Urc' hes ParIOrs, .' l· A }Jl)1J' to ·.'" ·' You ·w ill find the inoBt cunlpl... te assortineut of .Dmt/Jte und Sinple I1arness, ·of the Newest Styles, and of the Best Material & Workmanship. uvn1· sh o"'·n in Tu,vn,. l{l CE & BAl~KER .Agents for the '.PRICES ;LOWER Uall and se~ THAN EVER. ON TI.IE SOMETHINC .NEW rn them TRUNKS! Schools, and iu our opinion well adapt· ed to its .o'bject. So b'Teat a fa.~·orite has it become.' that we hear (what is very unusual \vith such enterQr.ises.) it has proved for the first year a. financial success. 'l'he illustrations are suitable and sufficiently numerous, 'vhile the reading inn.tter is hcaltl1y in tone, racy in Rtyle,and eo varied ns to suit t·he taste of the genera.1 public. We cong ra.tul:ite the Editor on having catered so successfully to the public want, and we co:ngratul!l.te t.he y on1:1g anJ the public on having so charming ~ sheet presented monthly for tho perusa.l of tL.eir children.Othawq, R-efo1'rncr. The Ensign ia ntiatly pl'inted ou good paper, is illustrated, a.ntl contain!!! hBalthy reading matter and ought to have a largo circulation. s. Bowmlmville, August 27th, 1875. ]faviog ' ulct out my CAIJIN'E1' & U~DERTAKDfG BVSI:'.>!ESS to Mn. w. r. PROWEIC I \V11uh! rcsv~c~fnlly reco1nmend hi m to the Public who favorBd nie with theh· pa.tronage foi· tht· l;l,,!i t . l ~irty yt';,ar~, a.;i .:.i. G~ntleman well 'J11a!iti1:.d to moet their ' vant e1 in the above line of trade, aud beh+,·,,.c t1;t:'iit he Wlll give the ntlnol:)t satisfaction to all nho favor hi1n with their pat· ronag-e. ltespect(ully yours, _ _ _' J . . ===='1CO=~r=O= - == _ _ THOMAS :BA~TING/S 0 CHANGE . To the Public : 11-~N R. S. MANN ING. OF BUSINESS ! (JkeapStore J. EI"'Ll OTrl1'S }[u.dng bought out the ' iu .-\ i:{Ood choice 'LEATHER CONTINENT. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks the 1 most ever inve.ntad. I1hey are and recommended by many of th(· best Breeders in the United Sto.tes and Canada, sueh as G. B. Loriug..J.. Salem, Maas., President l~cw E1)glaud Wool liro,vers' Society t John S. Ross, Henne· pil\, Ill. ; Professor M. Aiiles, of the State Ag· rioultural College, Lamsing, :\ofic.h .; Hon. Geo. Brown, rroronto, Ont.; John Snell, Edmonton, Ont. On each Mark ia 1:1tu.1nped the o'vner'a name and tho Sheep's number. Ths:1y will be s~tft·ee. · by m.a.i.l, or e:z:presB,fQr only four centa each, a!!. !.ll.fiJ.l last for TWENTY YEAR~. _.... Of\sh m.~1eta,ccompanv all otders: AHOIHll:.U,D YOUNG; Jii.µ SSKVEfl _::_Pctcrbo1'o Ezamincr. - ---·-- - - - VALISES, TRAVEL LI:"-IG BAGS, SATCHELS, &c · 80, I-IO If You · ·want (JAB IN ET 1-JUSINI!JSS, of l\.f11. IL S. lliL\~DUNG , and which I purpose carryin:; on at the r!nld r<>ul Sil"",- llfoimted Carriage 1tnd Team MARKS ARE Tirn CHEAPEST, Gentlemen of :rash.ion, THESE the moat lastinfi, troublet10U).e, and .. -.--complete used NOT SO FAST, GOOD DRY ·!ND . (JBE!P ·Old VVHIP S, direct ftotn the ma.nufacto1·ieg. 1 h<tve written the!!e few lint>~ Aud all I have to S.:.'\Y 1 rhat yon ca,u find me still a.t hon:1e I am not gon0 away ; So all my kind old fl'iends n1a,r come Aud all the young ::ines to o · And get tfie~r gi;rme11ts lliot!ly mudtt In fashions that ';re new, 'Vhc~r.c- old !lntl young rlew· friaudms. lU~et D s . 0 G0 · · ~ - S~and, King Street Bowrnanville, Groceries · I beg .to say tli aL l will f'Uden..vo1· to l r8ep everything on b.:tlld t},at i8 needed in the l!'uuUtun: ;binc. )-[a Ying lul.(:l ' 11'Ja~-:r y ~: Al{S exrJ~rienc~ Ill th o. BoWlnan\.~ilJI,! lJ'urlliturti }1actory, aud bclllg nppointell . A gent to sd1 for the l~own1~nvillc, tlic J'nblic can depeud U]!Oll g-et· t.1ng the ' ' Dry i G·ood.~~ BEST FURNITURE IN THE PROVINCE, DONE, AND CHARGES .y;:z'. ; ,(; t!ORFENS IN GREAT VARIE1'Y, AT LOW FIGURES. a\ i\lodt.'rate r<ites 1 by givjog me a call. I i11teud t o Sl!:LI1 FOR CASH, making hut Sm ri.ll L"rofits. Boots & Shoes eto:r \I I .J:l.1,11uir·i1i11 promptly . attend eel to rl'o yo ui·{l van~age to giv~ hi~ a call. ·f'" Onti door East of Fariitei\s .ffctol. ~ o'\·1nanville, Sevt. 3r1I, .i875. 46-tf MANO HESTER Bowwa11ville, Sept. 25th, 1857. HOUSE. I REPAIRiNG OF ~~--KINDS MO~ERATE. I hich fo1- ..$arn1:th u:ut, Orders a<ltlressed to the ~fEROBN't and On· Office, for any quailtity, will be filled at $5 i!lg cl&..i::o~i:i of Vlorlnng peoplt1. of young or 61.J. ro3.ko roo1·e mone5in th"ir APIH'.Q m )tJ1<'nts, or .. ~ 1 Tt' $20 PJrn DAY.-Age;:.t.}."s." 'Qd the above-mentipned 'lll'ice, as quickly as h e ~larks ~an be made a.nCl's~nt. , C BAilKEH, n . l{i!c. 28th.Um.. ml3 ly A weloo1ne greatiug by R. PEA'l'E Bowm:1.nville 1 June 19th 1873. ,........__,_. __ n: E; IVIcMiUau, ATTORNEY AT J,AIV, HAVING BOUGHT A NBW BEABSE1 I (111)-'lhing eb:1e . ;.-:.Jtato:1!;' co8ta Lu ON anc\ CO.. r Octol)i)r ....... P. ·' l Bread, Uee tlrn - '" ... ir. ·.Jo'. A o.CJ:t! of goo<:t st~bJe. \ I 'j 1 r J. CHAPLIN, Fr"itit and Oniamental Tl'ecs, Sccils, Bulbs, DP.ALER IN from thecelebi·aL~ ~fessrs. Al'm:.trong~_, o~ <}uelp~, . 1neet111g I ain1 prepn1·~d to furnish :F'unernh1 with 1 au outfit unsnrpa.ssed in u.ny U1ty 111 tbu l'rovtnce, .... ~ etc. I 'J'Wv STOnY BIU Sitnson. At pr~eut of' . 1~\n;ije<l hy I\T1·. r{\ E. App1y to .. J. J" . 'l'JLLE\'". ]f!..p.d 1 hard Mtd .,1£t wa.ter, and n. H OU SE, with ] SOLi0[1 Oil IN 011 AA VJrnY, OOlv I' JO'A NUEJI d:e. !'low,;·,, &c., d:c. -· }.1E\'-TOAS TLE. ()N'I. ~~\\" (,;:i s t.le, ' 1 HowiMnvill£, Oot. 7th, 1875. m-tf, t),·t. tlt}1, 1/'.i'/.5. '- ' -. r -. n1G +·tf. IP. 0. l 1\Ir. C. w1n.;:r:.n tee!-! t n ftu:n :sh notlnng but .idclref!ll, Box 55. 8 ori·m:n1vilh.. . . Jau. 22nd, 1R7.5. bi>-J,Y-Jnl7-&i. l!'il;"flt - cl:'.'t.">S ti·1~ Pi.;, :i.ndfa·· · houl"il 'llOtice, :tt any hme, t.bus theconntry. I k~ep Ou h:utd, ~ Splendid !Cit ?f CvHins, Shroudf,I, th., want that which L~an ho \)fUOl'f:et\Qltifi f:ltJllt out 1.1p1) tl u.1 e l somct'ilnes cnns ~ to i:i,.ris ~, ; n Qual1'J..y and Cb.t1ap I.I 1 ness Y011rs, etc., W. P. PROWER. . 1"' . ! r<A'l\Tn' " TB"' J.~J:· U '-' ·- "J.\· ~ i'":: 1 \;:Yi'.'> lJ » i" ;;< }:;D ..+;.,..,.., Ruw111a.nvilh: Sept. Vth, 1873. J. ELLIOTl TYRONE. 0