THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1875, POETRY Aman rushed breathlessly into a lawyer's office in St Paul, and, approaching the legal luminary, excitedly remarked : "A man has tied a boob to my horse's tail. Can I do anytl1ing ?" "Yes," replied the attorney; "go and untie it." This was good advice, and it only cost the man $s. The delighted youth gnaweth the unripe fruit, with which our first mother tempted our first father, nntil lo and behold an unpleasant pain seizeth him beprinciples. True; butthenitisadvancing in a lmrry. Ministers in some insta'!ces .re ad"!ancing out of their pulpits. The tendency is to engage in scientific pursuits, to he amateurs in art. One speaks learnedly of the buried vestiges ol mankin~; another draws inferences from ancient fossils. They fight Satan with fashionable implement· rather than with the smgle w·apon of the Gospel. , With this rapid advancement of religion comes a corresponding rapid advancemetlr in expression. 'fhe short, abrupt, flashy ~--==:=:~~==,=============~==========~==========;==::=~============================================== Little by Little: "' I1iLtle by lit.tle," the tori·ent said, As it swept alovg in its narrow bed. Chafing in wrath and pride. "Little bylittlet" and ' 1 Ua.yby day," And witl1 every wave it boro away A grain of sand from th<' banks which lay Like gi·anite walls on either side. It canie again, nnd the rushing tiJe Covered the vU.lley fa.1· and wide, .l! or the mighty banks ·were gone. A grain at a. time they were swept away ; A.:nd now the fields and the meadows lay Under the ·w aves- for the work WM done. 11 Little by little," the Tt:mpter said As a dark and cunning snare he sprc nd For the young, unwo.ry feet. 11 Little by little," and "da.y by da.y,' 1 I'll tempt the . ca.rdl~ss soul a.stray, Into the broad a11d flowery way, Until the ruin is mad ti i::omplete, Elephant House f '1.' H E Daily Line to Rocheste1. COME and SEE F. HILL'b NEW Commencing on 01· about the 19th, of Apl'il. THE STEAMER ~ . fl~ _ ,ey,"·, . ·- S· OMETHING NEW "NO"'S"et"lll" AN' " *" .liiil.LY.lo.&ii\a (It. CBAW!<'ORD, MAST.ER.) ~!~:~\:~~ ~f~~;e:t~~c~~~~;A'e ~~nc;~ the entire Jot of fruit and its seed. )Vill rnakt> l1t:r regular trips on this route seth his first parents for not devouring sentence; the u1oroenta1y suspense; tl1e An Elmira minister was having a donatton_ party the other evening, when Mr. - - ambitious to appear liberal, marked a four dollar castor up to twelve dollars, and took it in as his donation, getting much credit for his liberality. The next day the minister called at his star~ with the castor stating that he "Little by little," sure and Hlow could not afford so expensive an ar'Ye_fa.shion_ our future of ~Hi:1s Q l' woe tide, he would be pleased to exchange As the present passes away. Our feet are climbing the stairway bright, it for its marked value in other needed 1Tp to the region of endless li&:;ht, goods, and the minister was soon wenOr~ lfrlin_z clo\,·'lw ard into the night, ding his way homeward, loaded down' " .La~~i...i ;.,1 .i~ ~~.:," 1~11d u d..iy by day." with a dozen dollars worth of select grocerics. sudden and agreeable surprise ; the ingeni· ous turn. We 1nay b=i.steu ou in pur::ui.t of ·new ideas, we may leave the old landmarks far behind ; but t!Je doctrine of ·Cbl'ist crucified is back of nil and beyond all. THE PA.TENT ALUMINO'US and ORIt bas been well saiu, that he has the NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. bei:it C.igestion who ia never remi~J.ed that he has any digestion at ,11 ; nm! in a CJ)r· tai n respeet the Mme principle holds good in living. The man who JS ever thin king that be has some mork to make in the 1 ---,,...., _,,,....;..._ -~ world is contrnually looking ahead ol him , _ _ _ _ __ instead of around him. By de~rees he SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. drops tho small, utiiu1portant things out of life; .but they may aleo be the gooil and A substitute for Lath & Plaster ! Ieavin_g Cobourg every 1norning at 7 :30 and Port Hope at 9 o'clo(~k, for Rochester, conneut· ing there ·with the New York Central a.nd Erie Railwttys, for all points East, Vilest and South. U:ETURNING, Fall& Winter Dry Goods - - - : 0: : - - - wi1l Cbtnlotte [port of l~ochester] da.ily at 9 p.m., except Sa.turd11.yF1, when she will leave at 2 p. TP,, for Port Hcpe, dirt>ct. This is the shortest and quickest route to Oswtogo Sn Watertown, via Lake Ontario Shore Railroad from Charlotte. Dealers in stock etc., will find this the cheap· est and most expeditious route to Boston, AlPAPER OIL-CLOTH a?1d 0ARPE1'1NG bany, Ne\v York, etc ., F<1r further information apply to A LA GE LOT OF LADIES' a,nd GEN'l'S' FtrRS R. ORAWFOTID. Or C. }'. GILDERSLEEVE, PORT HOl',E. Kr~GSTON. A~,}(~~t~: THE ... . VER. -y Bowmanv1lle. Nov. 1st, 1873. CHEAP . Dominion Orga.n Co'y. BOWMAN-VILLE Present the following testimonials from coin E_etent judges of Testimonial from John Ca.midg~, Mus. Doc,, Canlua.r, England. Bowmanville, 24th Dec., 1873, To the M anage1'8 Dominion Organ Co. GEN'l'LEMEN . - I Jike to play on your 0t"gan8 tr ~e is RO sweet aDd steady. And the workma.ns.nip and finish excellent, a.nd in evel'Y ps,rticular they are equal, if not superior, to a.ny I have ever beard. !loping they will meet p\l blic appreciation. If rocks ever bled they would Lleed quartz. If you wish to enjoy constitutional liberty, don't wear a pull-back dress. pleasant things. Somehow he does' not expect much of, it is alway~ to·mor· Our two devils bad a serious nusunderstanding tbe other day. After the ro..v, Docs be lose or gain in 1the end 1 He A. Large Stock Just Receivcd,- Plain and Or· fnere was a (~ namental, both/or Walls c(.nd l!'toors. Comfortable quarters-twenty-five ct. heat of the conflict bad s.ubsided ,aud seldom nw.kes his mark. great end in view; he neglected the sn:1all the jnnior devil had found safety in flight, pieces. in the calm retirement of a neighboring ways and n1eans. Crumbs .for Chickens. :RELIANCE . Mutual Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED 1840. Important Announcement ! ----o---- .. Four wild pigeons and seventy five men with guns passed North on Saturday afternoon. We found a large package of genuine greenbacks the other night, but before we had a chance to invest them in a new press we-awoke. An Indiana man said to a Bible agent : " I'm a christ1an, but I'll be blamed if I don't have to grit my teeth when the Ohio river is on a level with the top of my corn." An experienced farmer opines that the man who can plow stumpy ground with a lively pair of mules without swearing, is prepared to go through purgatory with an overcoat on. "You never saw my hands as dirty as that," said a mother reproachfully yesterday to her little eight-year-old girl. " Cause I never seen you whe1i you was a little girl," was_the prompt answer. When. a man goes to a quilting party about tea time, and sits down on a ball of wicking with a long darning needle in it, he will think of more things connected with darning in a minute than he can mention in two hours. An Irish lady, residing near the corner of Ninety-ninth street and Central Park, was very much disgusted the other morning to find a pet goat reclining at full length on her Lreakfast table. She said she wanted no more of that shenanny-gin. She used to keep bits of broken china and crockery piled up in a convenient corner of the closet, and when asked her reason for preserving such domestic lumber, she shot a lurid glance at her husband, and merely remarked : " He kno1vs what them's for." "I lived with him nineteen years," says an Indiana applicant for divorce. " and all the· clothes he ever bought me was a bunch of hair pins and a footh brush." You can see by this what a hard time she had to keep well dressed. A farmer's crib is a gnawful place for rats. "Job printing?" exclaimed an old lady, the other day, as she peeped over her spectacles, at the advertising page of a country paper. " Poor Job ; they have kept him printing, week after week, ever since I larnt to read; and if he was'nt the patientest man that ever was, he never could have stood it so long, no how!" It will hardly be necessary to tell the name of the facetious party who went into a village dry goods store the other cay, and was observed to be looking about,when Che proprietor remarked to him that they didn't keep whiskey. " It would save you a good many steps if you did," was the stage-driver's quick reply. alley, he set his mind to work to evolve a plan of dire revenge. In the course of the day the following vindictive conundrum was posted on the galley-rack by the malevolent disciple of Faust. The bud of the young man's hate had ripened into fruit. "What is the difference between something that is useful in washing type, and Icabod's case? Answer.-One is a pot of lye, and the other is a lot of pi." JOHN CAMIDGE CANADA CrrIEF OFFICES. We are told that notureabhors a vacuum. 1t is equally true that she abhot'>l baste The Paper Oil Cloth .,,d Carpet:ng is· Cheap 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL Read the following from Rosa D'Erina. : and Dui·able Substitute for Oil Cloth. How slowly is all fruit brought to perfec· Ho.wmanville, Dece1nber 22, 1873, DIRECTORS. To the ..llaino.gers of the Dominion Organ Oo. tion,-Llrn lent, the bud, tbe blussorn, und The Chemicals with which the Paper ia Bntnr- \-VALT.Elt SHANLY 1 Esq.t. ..~1 P., ChaJ.1·, Inst the perff!ct who~e. 'God 1nade the ated, render it proof against Ra.ts, b-loths, DUNCAN :i\-IAODONAI·D, J.i:sq. and Mi..;e. · !vIAJOn. T. E. CAMPBELL, C.B .· St. Hilaire. world in seven days, the sea, and all that in 'l1n.K HoNORARLE Joirn l:LuuLTos, Hnwks. thc111 is;' but there was no hurry about it burg, Ont. RRSIDEN'l' SECRFTARY.-JaMEO GRANT. He made tbc firrnntnent, and divided the watero, nnd demanded of the earth and the sea to multiply and bring forth abundantly. But he waited after each creation to see that . it was good. ~ram Working slowly and grand ly, · A. Univ~rsal Hurry. A l'LEA FOR LEISURE. BY JULIET C. :MAUSH. an infinite augl~, through loug ages., His ain1a bave been perfectly acco1nplishe:d, and His l!nds 'without flaw or 01i~take. We, in the finite, grow impatient of the years. \Ve are continually wonderiag what the whole will be before we have lived the pieces. The to·mor'rows hold more for us than the to-days. Can we not learn to (In Christian at Work). While spending a few days in a. quaint make the minute· and the days ours, and New England village, I chanced, during a leave the years and the end with God I storm, to take refuge in tho cottage of an GEN'l'Ll:Ml!::i. -I have much pl~asure in Wsti· fying to the exi::eUent qualities of . the Organ supplied by ;,:ou at my concert last Saturday e'\'ening. 'Ibe tone is sweet and very powerful and the combination of stopa roost admir&ble. I am sure your instruments will find favor in Churches, as they singnln.rly adapted for S P ECI A L FE A T U RES. 1 icred music. \Vishing you every success, and The ENTIRE PROFITS belong to andare divid that the public may patronize na.tive manufac..Another thing much wanted. e<l amongst tho Polfoylwlders. ture. I remain Gentlemen, LlVES, DECLINED BY OTHER OOMl:'ANl:&S, or on This Polish gives a most elegautltustrl·,a1H] ilrief:I Very respectfully, which an extra Premium wo1Ud be required, can ROSA D'ERINA. insta.ntaneously. be assured at the ordinaru ratu of this Society, Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs a special arrangement Nothing ever discovered be- under Dn. PA1"l'EB.S<Jl'<. PnoF. TERRY. SPECIAL NoN-FOFBI'I'ABLE POLICIES issued President. Manager. e to equal this Polish, u11der which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay l'\owmanville, Januarv 15, 1874. bp-o3-ml6. ments required, each payuient aecurmg FOR FOR Policy for a sum assured prQporlionate to the numbe:i of premiums, nnd free from, futur Buggies, Piano Fo!'tes, ~ayment of prt1wium~. Moo.ERA.TE PREMIUMS and moat liberal con· Outten, Clocks, ditions. Prospectuses,Proposal Forms, · &c., eupplied on application at the Bead Office, or any of Slei.ghs, Picture Frames the Agencies. Varnish Polish I fo1 Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--l Grea,t Sed.uotion, in Dry Goods ! MUI DOUB BROS. Having dec_idetl to make a change in their business, arc now Belling for CASH thell" large irnd ~vcll assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothmg, Crockery and Glassware, · DENTISTRY! old inhabitant. She was a woman of perhaps eighty years, well-preserved, and with a quick intelligence~ FARM AND HOUSEHOLD Selected Recipes ( F'rom ihe New Dominion l\Ionthly.) 01· any kind of and, all lcinds of Vwrnished Carriages JAESGBANT, Rea. Secretary. AT AND BELOW COST! Entering into conver- Varnished Fwrnitwre. !atioil ·with her, I was struck by the oi1gin- AGENT l!'OR BOWMANVILLE, O.BARKER, 11 at their horuely sarcasm. ality of her retnarks, and aomewbat a1nused ' I know Ii ttle of . EaoNOlHCAL STOcK .-The liquor in which a joint of meat bas been boiled, say 4 quarts; your great cittes,' she said 7 '.I have lived trimmings of fresh meat and poultry, shank· within ·ight of these bills all my life. I bones, &c., l'Oast·bt:ef bones, any pieces the laram known for miles around, and have roy der mn.y fill·nish : vegeta.blea, spices, and sea- 23-ly ObsITTeP-0ffice," King-S'f Bowmanville, June 24th, 1870. Th.;; Stock having been purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can depend on getting SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. Im-perial Fire InsuranM Co OF LONDON. Established 1803. HEAD OP'FICEs.-1 MORE .AN]) BETTER GOODS FOR 1'HELR MONEY J Brimacombe, L.R.C.D.S. at this Establshment than in any other house in the country. individuality. I dou't think people enjoy soning . Let all the ingredients si.n1mer gently living now as much as they did in the old for five hours, taking care to skim carefully at times; there is so much worry i:nd c'lnfu- HA:R:OW.A.:RE I A usual, a Large Stock onhand of L Old Broad St., a.nd CANAD.A :- 24 St siou, and then-you hurry your livea Bo.' WHITE STOCK. (l'ODE USED IN TUE PltEPAllA& She had touched the very point upon TJON 0.1<' WI:ll'l'E 150Ul't>.)- ·1 lba. of kllbckle of which our preaent existence turns-haste. veal, any poultry tl'i1nruings, 4 ~lices of len·u Speaking out of the quietness of eighty ham, l carrot, 2 ouions, 1 bea<l of celery, 12 years, she sa.w and wondered at this great white peppercorns, 1 oz. of aaJt,1 ot wace, ev'il of our time. 'fVe hnrry our lives so.' 1 oz. of b utttr, 4 qua.rtH of water. Out up thti :firiit. use. Strain the stock off, and 1:-ut it by for Pall l\lall, London. GEN E:RAL Call Ecwly, and secure Bargains, as the whole Stock must be sold crament- 4,, (.:]·}\CY l"O:R , ~:lontreal. Hardware,' Paints and Oils, · Stoves anrf Tinware. All of which will be solcl at low figures. FEE MODERATE. OFFlOE ovei· 1l:lcOLUNG'S Sto1·e. Bow1nn.nville. Dec, 1~74. iitonce, for CASH ONLY. F>md. £1,965.000 Siorliag, , Subscribed and invested Capita.I and Rest>rve John McLeod & Co., Funds invested inCanada--- 105,000. Insurances aga1net loss by Fire are c:ffe<;i;ed on mm1t favorable terms, and losses with out refer(:ui::e to the Board in London. TH E GROCERY DEPARTMENT Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville. Walking along our streets we see daily evi- veal, and put it with·thu bones and trimmin£-s August 10th, 1870. of poultry, and the ham, into the stewpan, dences of it,-n1en "'ith old and eager faces that have lived forty yeal'e in lialfthat tin1 e ; which had been rubbed with the Lutter. Moia· ten with ~ a. pint of \Yater, and eimmo1· till the worr1eu nt ·w hose ages we dare not guess, begi·avy bcgina to flow. Then add tl.itl 4 quints 1 e1usc1 ~·bat have we to guide us,appearan.;es of water with the remainder oCthe j ngrcc:!icn~.s ; . a re so often dectitful; nnd then we Jive .so and sirnmcrforohours. After skimming and f11st-' we hurry our lives so.' straining it carefully through a \·ery fine hair· ..., .... *ill .I. .Iii.I Our childre11 advan~e into young lady- eievei it will be ready for use, '\Vhen stronger hooi with a rapidity fo.irly startlio,g. As i:;tock rs desired, double the qu!iJ!.tity of veal,SJr Ha.Ying r~nltnodiouspremiset , put in nu olJ fowl. '!'hi! liquor iu which a IN soon as the high-chair is puehf;d aga.inst .the young turktiy h:ui been boil~d is an oxcellent FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, wall they are ready for the French doll ; add~tion to all white stock or soups. beg to inform the public generally, that ther and it must bo French. The most skilful BBOWNINO .:ron. STOOKB.-2 oz. of powdered are now enabled to offer them domeaUc device in wax, paint, and flaxen sugar, and~ a }Jint of watEr. Place the sugar ringlets is at once detected by the dainty in · stcwpan over. slow fire until it begins to connoisseur. Before the cornplet~ Paris melt, keeping it stirred with a wooden spoon in the line of wardrobe bas had tiu1e to be pronounced until it bc<.:omes black, when add the water and let dissolve. Co1·k closely, and USP. a few drops 'out of fashion ' by the child-mother, she Whtnrequind. In Trance btnnt onions are 1 herself is entering ""'·1th spirit into the demado use of for the purpose o! browning. As a lights of 'young people's co,mpamea.' Then general rule, the process of browning is to he comes the debut, and the opera box, and the discouraged, as apt to impart a slightly unpleaseason at Saratoga ; and tl:iey ]jave run sant flavor t.o--tlie stock, and, consequently, all through in a few years the pleasures that, .soups from it. J DODSWORTH, Inspector. .1 ·· strowger Bros Gen. Agents, Montrea . &lo.__ 36 ..,).-. m.o.43-39.4w RINTOUL BROS. 11-tf. is now complete with the choicest ~upply of R. I,OSCOMBE, Barrister., Agen for1Bo~manv· le and , Vicinity. Just Arrived a.t the Row·tn·s:i1vi1Ie. Jnne Ohristrnas Goods, Raisens, Oitrrants, Su· . gars, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all Prices. Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 - "f\.'f~wc AS"" ~~:::"e'l::-rJ _ a _ m A McFeeters. ENT FAS!DON HOUSE Better Induc,ements G1 ocet'Y Q splendid asso1·tmeht 11 For the folloWii.fg Insurance CoMpAnfos, aud other Institutions, viz :'l,he Q.UEEN ]'ire and Life Insura.nce Company. Capital£2,000,000. $150:000deposited with tbe Dominion Government, for the protec Al"" a lot of ders in Canada. Th· IBOLA'rED RISK Fire Insurance Com REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & pany of Capital 500,000. - 0ne of the best and cheapest Companies doing businef'ls in Also a la.rge stock of the Dominion, for Farmers and Isolated Risk!! The CANADA LAKDED CREDIT CO'Y. with a Savings: Bank department. Stamps for Braiding and Em· MURDOCH BROS. NEW MILLINERY. The UNION AND PERMANENT Builtling heal th fully and judicious! y scattered, would PEASOuP. - 2 quart of split peas, 2 lbs. of (AS REGARDS PRICE rt QUALlTY) ahin of beef, trimmings of mea.t or poultry, a have brightened a long life. We would have an amusing book to laugh over in our leisure moments, if the first iro ~ pressions foreigners receive of ua Americans B11siness, J: n.nd Saving's Society. ThBfle latter instlt11ti0Ns advance T.oa.ns on Rea.I Estate, on terms unusually easy for the borrower. . Bowmanville, li'elJ, 6t11. 1873. 'broidery. FASHION for Spring just to hand. could be faithfully given. Their travelling e~perionces must be something wonderful. I remember bearing a Frenchman describe his first inenl at a. rail way eating house : A lady, who had on her upper lip 'i\.iadame,' said he, 'I was pale with hurry. something approaching a mustache, lately They said I would lose all. In the wad· called on an officer and his wife, whose nesa, l cf'1ahed a lady's bat; but when I merry little boy happened to be present at the time. In the course of conversation the little fellow inquired what he must do to get hair on his lip. " Why, rub it against papa's," was the reply. " Oh, mamnla/' he said, "is that the \vay Miss-has got her's ?" turned she was not waitiug my a pol0gy, she waa eating a roll. There was an Am erican beside me that did fly with his food. I wa· lost in astonishment-·admiration. It ·was a gift. He was born to no inconvenience. 1 was just ready to make deepatch with my A tramping printer on the route between New York and Newburg, is accompanied by his wife. When asked the other day by a country editor, why he carted her around ,vith him, reinarked that she took him for better or worse, and having had a good taste of the latter, was endeavoring to find out where the better caine in. · I d' b If I H ere_ 15 tdie t tthnne~ a. as 1 Su tyodung . lnan en3oye a e p1cn1c on a .ur ay, ·n the order of courses . A ]Jicklc .- n 1 g IV ' ' e a dish of ice cream ham sandwich rice pudding, pickled ~ni0n~, sponge ::ake, another pickle, frosted cake, plate of beans, plum pudding, and a glass of ice water. During the night he lost his bashfulneSs to son1e extent. When "- Nevada photographer wants to make a good picture, he puts the sitter in his place, puJJs out a navy revol...,r, cocks it, levels it at the man's head, and says. " Now,' jist you sit perfectly stiJJ, and don't move a hair ; put on a calm, pleasant expression of counte nance, and look right into the muzzle of this revolver, or l'll blow the top of your head off. My reputation as an artist is at stake, and I don't want no nonsense about this picture." food when, awsy-the bell-then was mad· ness ; and when all waa over they told me there would have been another train in than any other house in the County. islice of bacon. 2 large carrots, 2 turnips, 5 large 6nions, l head of celery, season to taste, 2 NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD qua.rts of soft water, ru1y bone left from roast lVeight and 11-feasure Guaranteed meat, 2 quM"ts of common stock, or liquor in every instan~e. in which a j<bint of meat ha.s been boiled. Put the peas to soak over uigl1t in soft water, aud float off such as rise to tho top. Boil them in _wat~r till tender enough to pulp ; then and the L. STROWGER ingredients mentioned a.9<Jve. and ~immer for 2 hours, sti.:ring the .soup occasionally, to pre· J". D. STROWGER. vent it fron1 burning it to thti bottom of the Newi::as:tle,Augunt, l,.4tll. 1874. saucepan. Press the whole through a sieve, r;kim weU, season, n.nd ser\·c with toasted bread cut in dice, bn·S nolv a bona ftde Vlhich in 1873, at tl1e Provincial Fair, beo.t POTATO Soui·.- 4 lbs. of potatoes boilevery A 1nerican and Canndian Organ, taking the J<'IRST PRIZE. ed or s t ; amtd very dry, pepper and salt to taste 1 2 quarts of iuedium stock. V.."hen the and with the exception of a few, these pass Also the reoowned potatoes arc boilt,J, mash them smoothly · with in to th!! bands of the pt>ople of '\Vest Durham. The public will at once see u. f~rk, that no lumpis remain, a.nd gradually HALLETT DAVIS PIANO the utility of the paper as an · put them to the boiling stock ; pass it through noston.l a sieve, season, and simiuer for 5 minutes. ADVERTISING MEDIUM. '\Vbich bad taken Ski1n well, and st:>rve with fried bread. -ALWAYS GET DBE&l\IAK.ING usual. 'l'ea,s a Specia,lity. FIRS'r-CL.A.e Sm MRS. A. FLETCHER Bow1nanville. April 7th,1874. w. BELL & Co's. A · BOWMANVIL~E BIGis now raging a~ THJS MERCHANT Prize llfedal Organs Circula.tion of 1000, Ma.chine and Implement Manufacturing Co TIJLEVENS Manufa,otures ofj & WOOD ANDI IRON WORKING MACHINERY thirty minutes !' \V1.1.t:::.h our citizens every inorning and evening going to and from bUBiness. You will find it a ·tudy ! A mau is seen purchar· ing an evening paper. Suddenly, without \\'arning, he becomes affected aa .,vi th n gal· vanic shock, springs into the air, clutches the flying sheets from the not astonished . newsboy, and runs to the sound of a bell d h I k" f h . H . . . d an l e c an ·rng o c arns. e is J0111e from a~l ~i:ections by other apparently crazed rndlVlduals, and so they hurry on, a jostling, breathless mass, in pursuit of a ferry-boat. 'l'he plank iajust being withdrawn ; a Herculean leap savi:s them ; thPy hold their bats and spring. ·r1'he feat is accomplh1hed, they gatl..11:!r th emse!ves toge· ther, look so relieved, and srnilc congratnla. lions upon each other. But what if fate had not favored th em 1 Ah I indeed, what then ! Why, they would have had to wait five minut~~ for another boat. An honest countryruan being a spectator of a scene like the above for the first time, turning ·t;o a gentleman, a9ked, ' What will they find when they get th~rc I' The reply was equally characteristic. 'Possibly sevA constable that had lately been m- eral minutes to wait.' .J;'· . -- - ducted into office was in attendance on the court, and was ordered by the judge to call John Bell and Elizabeth Bell. He immediately began, at the top of his lungs : "John Bell and Elizabeth Bell !" "One at a time," said the judge. " One at a time ! one at a time ! one at a time I" shouted the constable. " Now you've done it," exclaimed the judge, out of patience. " Now you've done it I now you've done it ! now you've done it !" yelled the constable. There was no standihg this : the court, bar, and bystanders broke into a hearty laugh, to the perfect surprise and dismay of the constable. This universal burr; is fast becoming the evil of our timo. It is creeping iuf'o our homes and into our schools. May we not believe that in time parents who are desir· . .o _ us of early distinction for their off.spring may be ac..:omm·odated by the institution ot private academieson tbe plan of hot-houses, Bill Heads where the student can be placed in some Cards peculiar atmosphere adapted to hasten the Palfil'.lhlet::i, APl'Lh; SNOWBALLS.-2 teacupfula of rice, a.p· development o! the brain in any given direction 1 1 it is finding its way in to pies, rnoist suga.r, cloves. Boil the rioe in milk and everything from the $ile of a Poster lal'gt'I our pulpits. To every man of observation until three·pn.rts done ; then strain it off, and enough to cover. a barn to a half-inch strip, pdnted in good styl~. and at city pncea. it is apparent that the Gospel is not being pare and core t.he apples without dividing Specimeuij of work .::au be seen n.t our office. preached in our churches as it was thirty rice, lJ pint qf milk, 2 oz. of frt::sh butter, 4 eggs. sugar to tatJte ; fiaYoring of lemon-peel, bitter Almonds, or vanilla ; a few strips of ·candied peel. Let the rice swell in 1 pint of inilk over a slow fire, putting with it a strip of lemon-peel; stir to it the buttor ~nd thti other ~ piut of 111ilk, a.nd let the mi.xtnre cool. Th1:iu add the wellbca.tcn cgi;·s, aud a few cli-ops of csscuce of almonds or essence of vanilla, which ever may be preferred ; butter ·well so1ne f nnall cups or moulds, line them with a fc;w }lieceSOf candied peel sliced ve1y thin, fill them three parts full, and bake fO"r about 40 minutes; turn them out of the cups on to llJ white d'oyley, and serve with sweet sauce. BoIIAtD APPLE PUDDINO .- Oru ~t apples, Hugar to taste, 1 small tenspoonful of ti.nely~ minced lemm1-peel, 1 table-spoonful of lemon· juice. a. butter crust or a suet one, using for a moderate sized pudding fro1n 4f to l lb. of flour, wit.h the latter lr:gredients in proportion. .Butter a basin ; line it with some of the paste; pare, core and cut the applqs into slii::t!s, aud fill the basin with these ; add the sugar ; the lemon-peel and juice, and cover with cruPt i pinch the edges together, fiour the clot11 1 place it over thl:' pudding, tio it securely, and put it into plenty of fast·boiling water. Let it boil I.rom 11 hours, accortling to the size ; then turn it out of the basin, ~nd send to t.a.ble . quickly. Apple puddings may also be boiled in a. cloth without n basin; but, ,..,.hen made in this way, roust be t.n.adti without the least delay, as the crust so soon becomes heavy. Apple µudding fa a. very convenient dish to when the din~ er hour iR rather uncertain. as it does not spoil by being boiled an. extra hm1r ; cttre, how· ever, mu~t be ta.ken to keep it well covered with the water all the time, and not to allow it to stop boiling· M:!:!'U.\.TURNB.1cE PUDDIN\ilS.-.f lb. It Has No in this constituency, and this fact is being con· sta.ntly demonstrated. If you have lost anything, advertise in this lHJ..pC\'. Forty-nine Ffrst P?'BmiumB. --:o:-- If you have found anything, advertise in the MERCHANT. MERCHA:NT. If you want to sell anytning, advertise in this paper. IE you want to bny o.nything.advertiae in the Double Turbine Water Wheels, SEWING MACHINES, and THE KING OF If yott want to reach the public, use the columns of the MERCHANT. --:o:-N. B.-'l'he Subscriber is not a Sub, or under Agent. but has the epeci~ l agenc. y for the above. I am prepared to exchange Piaaos fi~r Organs, Organs for Melodeons, also Sowing h-Ia.chines, on reasonable terms. .A.ddress, . ..,.: d Ca.s t in. gs of a.ll .won s and he 1s determined to continue to sell at these minously low prices. cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do it-First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy ! Second, what ~e can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Third, he is s41tisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. OUR RATES ARE LOW. As a weekly newapnper, the MERCBAN'l' is scarcely excelled. Sixteen column~ of carefully selectl;ld !'eading matter appear in ea<.:h issue. comprising Literatu1·e, .Agricultural, J:i"'am'ily Readi-ng, CA.LL .AND SEE FOB YOUBSlltLVl\ll:S, BRING YOUR FRiEN OS WITH YOU. ExamiRe -o- REPAIRS done on the ~' SHOBTEST N 0 TIC -.i General and Local Newa- . a.11 fresh and readable. Subscriptions taken any time during the year J. S. DONEY, TY Ito NE I'. 0. Jan, 15th, 1875. 6-6moe. styles and patterns, of Enghsh, Canad1ani and America.n manufacture. -oIle- still continues to manufacture to _ ordcr, fro1n th o be~t of material, and none but ffrst-clase .. workmen kept. o stock, which com}JriSl;lS. evc,rything in.the trade, ofthe ·v ery latest; and most olcgn.n · y.,r e haNe now on hand a large quantity of Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits G~nt.e.ed'. -· i ., -o- found low, as our presse3 are run by stea.1n powe.r. Straw-Cutters I ~~.~ eve~9.~ity. 1:,~!~~~?'~ Grain Grinders nothing, or fun, but ollr prices will be -:o: ....:..~ TERMS 75 CTS., IN ADVANCE. ---- of J... adiee' and' Saratoga Trunks Valises etc all oL Common and Gang Plows, He has in stock a.11 endless variety which he is selling cl1ea.p for cash , ' -othatwi11b· sold ~t Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King st. FEED MILLS. Bowman ville. ~{arch1873. LOW PRICES AT THE SH 0 P, 6tf. Bow1nanville, ~Ia 13.187·1. M. TRELEVEN~ Show Bills Sale ~ Anothor car load of the above no}::>lf! articles oa . the way. Please call at the Bills Progammes Cii'culars Hand Bills B 0 vV MANVILLE Farm Implement Forwarding Agency R W. JAMES, King St., Dowmau ville:. Rowmrouville, Dec. 5, 1872. 1110. (!;. l. Star Dry Goods and Clothing House. l. TO THE PUBI_jIO. ~o ~heir n~merons .cm~tomers ge~ra.lly, pa~t favors, would reBpectfully invite their attentIO!f ~our present stock of fn1niture, ae we ha Ye lately we m~y thereby he enabled to s upply aU parties who may pfoase to fa.vor him v.·1th a. ca.u.. Great 1nducem&nis held out to those purchasing at our esta.bl1shm(lnt Pie· t~ree, Lookil!g Glasse'8. eto. framed to order, and in"' evw-y style. Samples of the different killd of o uldrn~ can be i;;een at the ware·room. ' ' e would aleo beg to infortn yvu 1 that 1 ha,·ing purchased a l ... I WALTER 'VIGG & SON ' . N returning tlia.nks and the public (or SPLENDlD NEW HEARSE, a~lded .theretot.that DRY GOODS! NOTED FOR CHEAP A CAit:O, CLOTHING, etc. -o-.A SNIOIAL LINE. we shall be ready a.t. all times to a.U-eud funerills: on short notice and reasona.ble term , . N. B . ~ Coffins kept on hand and 1n.adc to order~ at tht1-· years ago. But, vou say, it is gencially aeceded that religion is advancing; it is constantly throwing light upon its own tb!.!tn. .Put a small quantity of sugar and olove into npple, put the rice round them, and \Vork harafod out, and the taken for i.11 tit! each ba.11 stipara.tely in a cloth. Boil until C. BARKER. ' the apples are tender; then take them up, l'e· move the clotl.1.<J, nnd serve. / I CANI7.ED the E;i;;clusivt! a~nt for the sale of my VuL· P .KNS for .t'iowml.l.Ilville, Out. have thi' day appointed C. BARKER JOSB:PH MASO::l',P.P. J. J.JACOBS. n1-tf. Cornwall Manager Dowm~nville , Sept.lOth 118'l'4. St. J,a.,.vTe11.oc 'Eln11/fgranto Corner King a.ndWest Market Street ne~r Blan~ets NEW DOlrf.C ~1JRE TVARE·lWOM. ' L