· I · THE :MERCHANT ABangor (M,.,) fruit·dealer t... beelJ.paying a debt lately, with the making of which In Americau houaee it needs a thorough be bad nothing to do. .A. couple of wellAUTUMN. rev1s1on. E.x.tra.vagance is the rock on known gcnt.lemen stepped in vne afternoon, which soci~ty is going to pieces. Let us 'Ti!:' the golden g-leam of a11 autumn day, Rnd beginnin~ to eat oranges. informed the face the danger before it fa too lat~ to avert \Vith the soft raining as if in pla.y ; proprietor that they had made a bet of the .A.ud a. ten lier touch upon cvcrytbing-, it. Single people shrink J'rom marriage be· . orangf's on a certain question, and tba.t after As if autu1anlrenierobcre<l. the da.3-'S of spring. cause they see n)arried people are living iu the bet was decided the loser would pay for Iu tho listening woods thcrrJ >va~ not a breath a perpetual whirl' of bills and competition those \\·hich they were eating. To this the Tl) shake their gold to the sward beneath ; .An a.ir of common and Social hypocrisy. dealer in fruit agreed, and the customers ate And a glow aR of sunshine upon thein lies, deception hangs around all our houses. We a.11 they desirl'<l.. The next time they were Though the sun was hid in the sbado\ved skies, a.re afraid to be pour. On one thousand a '!'he cock's clear crow from the barn:yar<l comes, 'l'he 11n1fHed bell f.fOID the helfry booma, A.nd fa.int a.tn.l. dilu, and front far ?I.way, Cornes tlie vnk1:1i3 of children in b:.\ppy play. FRI DAY, OCTOBER 22, 1875, Daily Line to Rocheste1. POETRY The Art of Living. '.t' HE Commencing on or a.bout the 19th, of April. Elephant House So:METHING NEW THE STEAM.ER GO TO 'l':EIOU.A.S :BA'l'T:CNG'S If You Want -.- . ..,, "NOitSEUAN," (R. CRAWFORD, MAS'rER.) . "\oV iJJ makJ lier regulfl.\' trips orj this route leaving C1Jbourg every morn1ng at 7:30 aud Port Hope nt 9 o'cl<'<:k, fr·r }{ochester, counect· iug there wit;h the New York Central and Erie Railways, fnr all poirJta EMt, w~ata.ndSouth. ttETUil.NING, year, how k.hall we keep up the appearance of three thousand 1 That is the standing social problcrn. Ill such a ca~e, luxury in the parlor necessitates rneanness somewhere O'er the mountains the \Yhite rain dl'aws ite e1ae. Our lace curtains tell dreudt.ul lies. veil, Let us have a reform aud come down to a "ill go firet.' Ancl tho black rooks, cttwing across then1 sail, "\oVhile nearer the swooping swallows skim O'er the steel-gray rh·er's fretted britn. in the Rtore he inf1uired which one \Vas to pay for the oranges. 'Don't know yet.' · w as the reply ; 'I bet the.t when the Brewer brirlge is cnrriecl away the Brewt.>r end will go first, and S1nith bet that lbc B<lngor end GOOD AND DRY 01v (JDE!P ' A substitute for Lath & Plaster ! GOODS. HOUSE. No sorrow upon the landscape weighs, No grief for the vanii:shed summer days; But a f.!ense of peaceful an<l calm rep JSe J. . ike that which agt and its autumn knows. Tho l)pring-tirne long-ings are past and gont1, The pa'lsions of auwmer no longer iu-e known, 'l'he harvest is gathered, and antumn st1tncls Serenely thol'lg:htful with folded ha.nde~ Ovtor a.U is thrown a memorial hue, 1\ glory ideal the real ne'er knew-; For i:nc1nory 1>iftJ:J frum the past its pain, And suflcrM its beauty a.lone to remain. With half a. smile and half a aigL It ponders the past that has hurried by ; Sees it aud feels it, n.nd loves it all, Content it has yn,nfahed beyond rcc~ll. specie basis. The well-to-do people ornam~nt their houses with mortgages. Tho poor run bflls. Hig_h prc93ure matks nil life from the cottage to the man::sion, anJ iu three Uirections it ie ruinous. it is financial 1 uin. Any man wb.o puts a dollar into appcarauces is on the way to sink a fortune in the sarne miry slough. Liying coats about SOLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. twice ,,. hat it ought, fully twice in Atuerica. hear you now-I an1 in pain ; b~sides i~ is what it does in Europe. , There is no rea· too late-too late !' Oh, no! but He turn .. son for it. This is a lc.tnd of grain and ed upon bi:n a look in which love and sorfruit~, and abundant work. 'rhe man who row shone together, an<l eaid, 'Vcrily, I say ~~uds two tbouaand a year could live on unto thee, to-day shalt thou be with life in g his promise, 1 I will in A Large 8tock Just lUceived,-Plq,in and Or~ one tbou.t:1u.1Hl and be happier. Perhaps not paradise "-keepi11 namental, both for Walls ar~d Floors. no wise cast out.'-Ohec1fnl }Vords. indeed by himself. The social level needs Pre\·ention of sin is one ol the greatest 1nercic.S God can ,·ouchsafe. will leave Chnt·}otte [pot·t of Rochester) daily at 9 p. m., except Snturdnys 1 \\'hen she · will le:Lve at 2 p.Jn,, for Port Hcpc, dirPct. . He is naileu to the cross of sliam· and This is the short,l;li:it and quickest route to THE PA.TENT ALUMINOUS a.nd OR· glory. .../\,,_wretched thief, hanging- over the Oswe~o an v.,rate1-town, via. Lake Ontario Shore NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. Railroad from Cha.rlotto. mouth of bell, turns to him bis dyin~ eyesDealers in stock etc .· wiH 'find this tbe cheaphia white furnrwed face becomes stiffened est and most expeditious route to B0Hl-1Jn, AJ. PAPER OIL·OLOTH a11d CARPETING bany, ~ ew Y 01-k, etc., with a look of intenseness of desire-ilry l'·u furtbe1· information apply to li.ps part and quiver, 'Lord· he cries1 'reR. ORA WFOHD. member me when Thou comest into ~by Pon'I HoPE. Or 0, JC. GILDERSLEEVE, kingdom.' DiU Christ answer, 'I cannot KlKGl5TON. MANCHESTER man ville, Sept. 25th, 1857. T Hl!i Dominion Organ Co'y. BOWMANVILLE Present the followlng tcstimonia1R from 1..-0m petent judges of Ori:;-un.l. 'l'estimonial fro10 John Camidge, 1'·1us . Doc., Canlna.r, England. Bowman ville, 24th Dec., 1878. To the Managers Dominion Organ C(J. GEN'l'l,EMEN .-I like to _ plu.y on yQur Organs t,~ .e i8 so sweet and steady, ./\ nd the work· marnmip aud HniRh exccllcmt, and in every particular they are cciua.I, if not superior, to any I have eTer heiud. Hoping they will meet public a.ppreciation. JOH:N' OAMIIJGE :RELIANCE Mutual Life A~surance Society . C:rumbs · for Chickens. to siuk' from extravagance to thrifty ·econo1ny. If this is - the way out of national trouble, it J~ doubly the way out of fan1ily 0 glorious autumn, t]ntf:I s8rE'n'd 1 'rhus li~·ing and loving a.11 tlia.t has been l Be b.J"ave !.!D.ough to deeline ap· worries. 'l'hns c:l.lm and contet1tedlct me bo pearanccs, Be honest, straight through "\Vben the autumn of age shall co1ne to ine. your du1nestic arrangcinents, though the -Bl.adi:,wood'11 ,1fug((zine. t.wo·story must yi~ld to the cottage and the pudding to corn 111eal. It is nienlal ruin. '!'he 1none-y that is sp~nt on horses ·and An Arau chief at the Marseilles opera drt'SS and taUle uunecessaries would fill alJ especiall y admired the trombone player, our homes with books. The expensive fur· ESTABLISHED 1840. CANAD.A CEJ.tEF 0.l!'FIOES. Important Announcement ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. -oo--- expressing his \VOnder "to See that Christian s\vallO\V so inuch brass. I cannot yet comprehend where lie puts it." A Norristown boy wlro found a pocket book containing eighty five dollars, and returned it to the O\'io·ner, refusing a reward of five-cents for his trouble, explaining that many a man has been ruined by suddenly becoming rich. A village pedagogue, in despair with a stupid boy, pointed to the letter A and asked hirn if he knew it. "Yes, Sir." 11 \Vell, \vhat is it ?1' "I knO\V him very well by sight, Sir-but rat me if I can remember his nan1e." A lady living near Troy has a piece of soap supposed to be a hundred years old. Isn't it astonishing how long some people can keep soap in the house and never feel the slightest temptation to use it. Said a distinguished politician to his son : " Look at me ! I Legan as an alderman, and here I am at the top of the tree ; and what is my reward I Why, when I die, my son will be the greatest rascal in the city." To this the young hopeful replied : " Yes, dad, when you die-Lut not till then." A Presbyterian minister, while marrying a couple of his parishioner's, felt exceedingly disconcerted on asking the bridegroom if he were willing to take the womrn for his wedded w;fc, by his scratching his head and saying, " Ay, I'm 'vullin', but l'd rather hae her sister.' A ragged little urchin came to a lady's door, asking for old cloLhes. She brought him a vest and a pair of trowsers, \vhich she thought would be a comfortable fit. The young scrape-grace took the gar· 1nents and exan1ined each ; then \Vith a disconsolate look, S<lid, ""l'here ain't no \vatch pocket. i' "\Von't you cut open a penny for me, father?" said a little girl when she came home from school the other day. " Cut open a penny ? Wlmt do you want me to do that for?" asked her father. "'Cause," said the little girl, "our teacher says that in every penny there are four fartbi11gs, and I \Vant to see the1n. 11 "Why should Washington's birthday lJe celetnated any n1orc than mine?" asked a bachelor school-master of one of his class. A p;wse of several seconds' duration succeeded the question. When it was again asked, a bright little fellow held up his hand a.nd said : " I know; ht.cause you have no children, and he is the father of his country." A rude fellow in Yorkshire, who was brought before the Mayor for fj ome nocttirnal spree, was fined three shillings tor nine oaths uttered in defia11ce of legal warning that each one wot1ld cost him fourpence. He handed 0\1t a five shilling piece, aad, ~s the Mayor was a bout handing him back the change, he broke out : "No-no-keep it ; I'll swear it out '." and he took out the bal- !tend the following f.l'om Rmm .D'}~rina : :Bowman ville, December 22, 1873, To the ..~f(JJ(la.ger/j of the Do,minion Organ Co. than he finds. The Chemicah~ with which the Paper iB satur· \VALT:Elt SttANLY, Esq., ~i P., Cho.irmaan, GENTLEMEN. -1 have rouch }".1lea.!:lutc in tostiReserves in confession 1nar confession- a.-Wd, render it proof ag11.inst Rats, Moth1:1, DUNCAN MAODONALD, Esq. fying to the excellent qualities of the 0t"gan and b-li..:e. ~1.A.JOR 'r. l~. CAMPBELL, C.B.. St. Hilaire. supplied by yuu u.t 1ay concert last Su.tut-clay so reserves in obedie-nce mar obedience. THE HONORAR L.ll< Jou~ HAMILTON, Hawke . evening. 'l'ht: tone is sweet ~pd v~ryJ)owerful bnrg, Ont. aud the combina.tion of etnps ~10Rt a mha.ble. There is such a thiug as a n('g)ected preRESIDENT SEORJCTARY.-JAMES GRANT. I am sure your instruments will find favor in cept finding a man out on hi.~ dJing bedChurcheis, as they are singularly adapted for sacred muaic. \.Vlf.!hjng you every eucceRs, and \Vaated _ h ours ! The E~TIRE I'ROFITS belong to andare <livid that the public may patronize nn,tiYtJ manufac. Anoth~r thing much Wf\inted. ture. erl amongst the PoUeykolders. How many diflcoveries of God there are in uiture would be well replaced by picture·, I re1oain Gent1em~u, LIVES, DEOLJ~l:U BY OTHER COMP.A..'lIES, or on Thi& Polish gives a moat elegant lustrc,and driet1 'rery rt."Rpeetfully, an bour of trial that are never made out of to Ue a conRtaut refiniug and enH~htl:)ning extra Premium would be required, ~ which an instantaneou~ly. ROSA D'EIUNA. that hour 1 iuilucuce. 'fhe tnoncy it costs many a. bo a.ssured a.t the ordinary rates of this Society, Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yr~ under a special a.rranyem.e-nt fan1ilJ of IUO(lerate n1eaus to keep up four DR. PAT'fHl\SfJ~. PROF, TERRY. SPECIAL NoN-]'OFEI'I'ADLE PoL1c1xa issued President. Manager, weeks of appearances at tbe sea shore, would under which 011ly lO, l5 or 20 An1>u"1 Pay O\vmauville, Ja,nua.rv lfi , 1874. hp-o3.m16. fill their hourn with tre..,urea of kuowle<lge ments a.re required, each payment securing J"OR J'OR 11n<l !lrt. Instead of that., theglorions month Policy for a sum assured proportionate to the What is in the Bed-Room. at Long Branch ia followed by eleven numbe1 of premiums p1\id 1 and free.from futur Piano Forfe.g, Bugg·ies, , monthtt of scritnping in the kitcheu a.nd ooyment of preniiu·m.s. If two persons a.re to l!ICCupy a bed-room dur· ~{ODER.ATE PREMIUMS and most liberal Cflll· general meauuess all aronuci. ing the night, let them step ou a. weighing !'!Cale Clocks, Cutters, ditions. as they retire, and then a~ain in the 1norning, It is moral ruin. Protspectusea, Propo~a.1. Form1:1, &c., supplied Slei.gh8, on application at the Bea.cl Office, or any of People can not eyat~tnatically deceive a.nd they will find that their actual weight ie Picture Frames at least a, . pound less in the morning. :P re· the Agencies. without mora.l pP-nalty, even though the quently there will be a. loss of two or more or any kind of JAESGRANT, and all kinds of lie:i are vel vet and silken. The penalty pound11, and tl)e avcrn.g-e loss throughout the Res. Secretary. t·omes in the loss of self-respect. The 1nan year will ba a pound of tnntter, which ha.s gnne Varnished Varnished AG~:NT }'OR BOWMANVILLE, who inortgages his property to keep up the off from their bodies, partly froJn t.be lungs,and G.BARKER, family sty le thereby mortgages hie name to partly through the pon1a of the flkin. The ~B· "Observer Office," King St Carria,ge.B Furnuure. Bowma.nville, Juno 21th, 1870. 23·1)' the devil. Instend of ·tudyi11g moral phil- caped matter is carbonic acid and decayed aniosophy to find the lmuses of general social mal matter or poisonous exhalation. This is diffnsc1l through the air in part, and pa.rt ab· disorder-loosenin_g of home bon,ls a.nd sorbed by tlie bed-otothes, If a. single ounce of lnsuran~e lowering of pnrity-l~t us conic down to a.u wood ·cotton be burnad in the roon1, it will sn OF J,ONDON. honest w~y of living. Let u.~ nu1.ke our cornpletely saturate the air \vith s1noke th'at Established 1803. carpets and our table and our clothes tell ont> can hardly breathe, though there can scarceHEAD OFFIOEs.-1 Old Broad St., and the truth, and tbeu perhaps our children ly be one on nee of fordgn matter in the air. Pall .Mall. London. A usual, a. Large Stock onhand of will. A blight will surely fall on all ~ur If nn ounce of cotton be burn~<l every half an GEN Ell.AL A f.;}}.(Y YOJI CAr<ADA :- 24 St hour during the night, the a.ir ·will be kept concrament J Montre.a.1. socinl lifo unlcs~ "·e rtcov~r ourselves frotn tinually sa.~nrated with smoke, 11nle1:1R there be that great A111erican vice-truckling-and an open window ur door for it to esca.p11. No\v, SnbRcribed and invested Cl\pitill and ll:es~tve live honestly before men. The seeds of the sixteen ounces of amoke thus formed is far F':ind. £l,9fl5.000 Sterlin~. OFFICE ove1· McCLUNG'S Sto1·e. Funds invested in Canada.- 10Fi,OOO. All of which will be f:1old a.t low figures. hypocrisy are in the b~'.U't of every child less poison0us than the sixteen of exha.lations Inaura.nces against loss by Fire are efl'euted on that gr1es out fro1n a hou:1ellold v. hose whole from the lungs rind bc;idieR of two persons who mQat favorable terms, and losses pn.id with Bowmanville. D1re. i:rr4. 11-tf. out reference to the Boai·d in IJondon. lite i!S J. s}Jatr., Iu vain we pru1ch honesty, lrn.ve lost nponud in weight during the eight Wellington :Su1ldinga, Bowmanville. J DODSWOR1'H, HINTOUL BROS. and sincerity frum the pulpit, so long as the hours of sleeping; for, while the dry smoke is ln!:lpector. Gen, A~t1nta, Moutr£-a Au&m·t 10th, 1875. life from the pulpit woo<l to the home- ma.inly ta.ken into tho lungs, the datnp oder!I R. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister, Agen from the body are a.bsorbcd bo~h into the lungs management is all the pr(!t.ense. Society, and into the porcR of the wholt: body. Need for!Bowmanville a.nd Vicinity. Bov.'nuuiville, June 4th, 1860 36 at the you must con1e do\vn and dare to appear 1nore be aaid to sho\V the importR.nce of hnving m.o.43-39.4w ·b<>.tl·rooms '"·ell ventilattl\l, and of thoroughly "'hat you are.-The Interior. airingthe sheets, coverlids, and ma-ttresses in CONVERSATION. the morning, before packini:r them up iu the Rplcudid assortment n form of ;·ueatly·ro"\dc bcLl. - Si:iencc of Ifeal-th, Au1ong home an1usements the beat is the Having removed to more commodiouspretniset, good old ha.Lit of conver~at.iont the talking · l!~or the following Insurance Compa.nics, and IN The Hog Market. other Inf.ltitntions, Yi:r. : over the events of the day, in hr ight and The QUE.EN Fire and Life Tosura:ace Oom· FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, Als:o a lot of quick piny of wit a11d fancy, the atory which }'or a. year we bnvc been trying to i n1prcss beg to inform the public g-Pnera.lly, tha.t they pony, Capit·l £2,000,000. $150,000 deposit·.u with the Dowinion G·ovornment, for the -protec REAL .HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & brings the laugh, and the speaking the good upnn the fa.rmera' minds the impo:rta.nce of tak· a.re now enabled to offer them dots in Can:t.da. and kind an<l true things, which o.11 have ing care of the pigs, and enforcing a~ much as The ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Com >a11y of Cann.do. Capital 600'000. - 0i1e of tha in their hearts. It is not so nluch hy 1,ossiblc tl1e growth of the hogs on hauU. 1 feelin:r Also a large eLock of :iest and cheape!llt Oompauies doing bnsiness in dwelling upon wh'lt mernl1cra of the family certain they \vould comm.and n. gooJ price th1i B in tb6 line of the Dorninion, for Far1nerR a.nd Tsolated Ri8"ks huve in corun1on, as briuging each to the fall, t.hey will get very Lttlo next, an1l t.hus in· The CAN ADA I.ANDED CREDIT OO'Y. cur a. lo~s. Of this we ha\'C but little fear. wi l;h a. Savings Ba.nk c1cpartn1ent. other sotHet.hing interesting and an1using, The UNION AND PERMANENT Building 'J'hc high -prices this fnl! a.ud large <lemand will that hon1e life is to be n1:::idc cheerfnl and and Saving's Society. cause 'thern to be butcherer! off closely, and 'l'hei.e latter instltntiolla t~dvance Lo:~ns on j oyoua. Each one ruust <lo his part to ]ea.ve the number none tno la.rge f,,i· 1~ext ye~r. lhml Estate, on terms unusu:illv eul)y for the make conversation gE:!nial and l.Jappy. We borrower. There is a great awonnt of di.unaged whl:lttt Bownum..,ille, l1~eb. 6th, 1873. are too re11dy to converse ·w ith newspapers this year, which may bt. fed to advanta.ge. The and books, to seek some cou1pauioll at the phosphorus contu.ined in the ""beat is ca.lcul:i.tecl for Spring just to hl<\nd. store, hotel, or c!uU·roun1 1 and to forget th.it to make bone and n1uscle, and thus a very (AS BEGARDS !'RWE di; QUALlTY) large growth may be rnadA-the proce~ of lay· home is anything n1ore t.han a. place to sleep tlian any other house in the County. ing on fat begins Jater in the season, by feeding ancl eu.t in. The rerival of conversati on, c<irn. Tho wheat alr:;o · 1.:011tains eJ:l:Ough !atty usu at the el;tertainment or one another, as a room· matter to give tht\t proce.sa a good atart, which MRS. A. FLETCHER Weight and llfoasiire Guaranteed ful of people will eutertain tLemsclves, is should begin 011 those lntcnded fo1· 1nal"ket, as Bowmanville. April 7th,1874. ]'at fa laid on one secret of a happy hon1e. Wher.~ver it soon :is the <:urn is mntured. in evm·y 'insta:ee. · is \\'anting, d.tsease ha~ struck into the root m0re rapidly n.n<l more econom ically in moder. By keeving up the of the tree ; tbere is a \Vant which is felt ate we.,,ther than in cold · growth of the su1nmer " pigB they may be rr1a.do \\'ith increasing force as time goes on. Con· J. L. S'rROWG.ER a good paying size foi· the June Inark~t. -St. vcr~o.tlon, in n111ny case~, is just what preJ. D. STROWGER. Loui8 Jou1·nal a,11d Fa.rmc1·. Newcastle,Au~u;.-.t, 14th, 1874. vents 1nanv people fron1 relapsing into utter selfi.::ibness at their firesides. TLis conver· The Paper Oil Uloth an<l Oarpet:ng is a Cheap A wise .n1an will make rr1ort21opportunities and Durable Substitute'for Oil Cloth. !3l, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL DIRECTORS. Great !teduction, in Dry "Goods I Varnish Polish I S PE CI AL FEAT U RES. Nothing ever discovered befo1 e to equal this Polish, FARM AND HOUSEHOLD lUUIDOUB BIOS. Having dec.ided to make a cha,nge in their bu~iness, are now aelJ.ing for CASH their !urge and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, DENTISTRY! AT AND BELOW COST! Th.;, Stock having hMn purchased in the BEST MARKET5, buyerll can depend on getting ., SOLE AC ENT . FOR THIS PLACE. Im11erial · fire Co 1110RE AND BETTER GOODS FOR TH.EIR MONEY at this Establshment than in any other house in the country.. J Brimaoombe, L.R.C.D,S. HARDWARE I Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoues and Tinware. FEES MODERATE. Call Early, and secure Bargains, as t!te>whole Stock m.ust fie sorrI at once, .far CASH ONLY. ) John McLeod & Co., THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT is now complete with the choicest supply of Just Arrived. Strowger Bros. Christtn as Goods, Raisens, Currants, Sugars, Peels, etc., etc., at all Prices. .Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 NEWCASTLE James F .ASHION HOUSE NEVI MILLINERY. McFeeters. AGENT MURDOCH BROS.. Better Inducements l G1~oce1~y Stamps for Braiding and Em- broidery. B11siness, FASHIONS NO PRESEHTS CIVEN, BUT CODD ALWAYS GET Teas a Spec1aj.1ty. has now · bona ilde FIRST-CLAS . _ s · A BIG is uow fi-'.6ing at RURH Preserving Manure . sation should not simply occupy husband and wife and other older n1e1nbP-rs of the The Boston Journal of Clu;m.i13try i.t ates that family; but 1-1xtend itseH to the children. the sou~cos of loss in the storage arc two : First, Parents should ue careful to tnlk with them, the escape of volatile amtnonia and other gases; to enter into their lif~, , to Mhar~ their triflesi, to assist in their studies, to n1eet them in BOWMANVIU... E W. BELL & Co's. TH.l!i MERCHANT Prize 111cdal O'rgans Ma.chine a.nd ~mplement ance in as round injprecations as saluted mortal ears. ever "I \\'onder at you, Rab, sittin' there on sich a line day, reading that trash. o' novels, Can ye no gang out and tak' a walk, and leave the bhckguard book for a ti1ne ?" " But n1y dear aunt," replied the studious Rab, "I am not reading novels. This book-holding it up before the old lady-contains an account of the conquest of Peru." 'c The conquest of Peru !11 indignantly exclain1ed the old lady; "an \vha \Vas he but a blackguard?" 1 the thoughts and feelings of their childhood. IL is a great step in education, wheo a.round the eveuing la.mp are gathering the diff~rt'nt metnbers of a family, sharing their occupation with one another-the oldt>r assisting the younger, each one contributi ng to the entcrtainrnent "of th~ other, and all f~eliag that. the evening hna pnssed only too rapidl,v away. Thia io the truest and best amusement. It is the healthy education of great and noble characters. ':rhere is the A very gen\f.el-appearing young man, wearing kid gloves and carrying a lithe and flexible walking stick, thought he would have a joke with a rusty and venerable farmer on the l>'air Grounds last 'fuesdny afternoon. "Halloo,"!said the dandy, " are you one of the judges on hogs?" "Waal, yaas, walk right up and let me look at you," said the old farmer. That youth was soon lost amid the crowd and no other judges on swine saw him. She stepped into the car, radiant with youth, and looking cool and bright in her Oower.tTimmed hat and speckJess suit of linen. Four young men immediately offered her their seats. She acold woman who had been standing for ten blocks, whereupon the young men did not know whether to get up again or not, and tried their best not to look foolish. freedom, the breadth, the joyousneeo of natural lif·. The time spent thusly par· ents, in the hight:r entertainment of their cbildren, bears a harvest of eternal blessings, nal. and, these · long eveniugs fu~nish just the tlme.-Churchman. :fdANNERS. !\.fanners are o'ior~ 1n1portnnt than money. A boy who i· polite nnd pleasant in " his manners will al waya have friends, and ¥:ill and, secondly. the loss of val uable B:\lte by l(>ncbing. The first difficulty ma.y be obvit~tt!tl by covo:ring the dropping-a witl:. eight or ten inches of good so~ or loam. which will absorb all escaping gaseH. A btu1hel or so ot plaster may be a.dvantageously scattered over the heap before the soil is thrown on. ~L'ho whole ma.ss sl:ioul<l be pen fectly covered, leavines ll1l " cbim· ney 11 for go,"eous exudation, Tho danger of leaching may be avoided by covering the heap with hay or straw sufficiently thick to shed off the rain. If kept in this way it sufficient ~ne, the manure will undf'rg-o a spontaneous de0on1· position, the products of which will be ready for immediate nsellniln.tion by plants. The usual process in vogue among farmers ie carting manure to the fields in autnmn, where it wastes, in the way shown abov·J, some of its moet valuable comtituents.-Ph1·enological Jou1·- Oiroula.tion of 1000, and with the exce'(ltion of .a. few, these pasa into the hands of the P'·ople of ,~.,est Durham. 'l'bepublicwill atonce see the utility of the pap~r a.s an T ) every Ame·~t."."].!~s~~P1iZi?.'gan, talcing Also the r6iowned \Vhich in 1873, at the Provincial }i'air, be:.".l.t Manufacturmg Co _ __ of j Manufactures WOOD ANDl IRON ADVERTISING MEDIUM. HALLETT & DAVIS PIA NO Boston.1 \Vhich hall taken It H!ll-s No Equal in this constituency, and this fact is beini"' constantly demonstrated. If you have lost anything, a.dvci·tise in tbie papar. lf you have- found anything, ~vertise in the MEROHA:N'T. lf you want to sell anytning 1 adverth·e in this paper. If you want to buy anythirtg.ad'"·ertise 1 · n the I Fol'ty-nine Ffrst Premium.~. WORKING MACHINERY. NE JFFEL' --:o:-THE KING OF I Double Turbine Water Wheels, and 11.UatOflANT. SEWING MACHINES, --:o:-- and he 1s determined to continue to sell at these ruinously low prices . cheaper than the cheape~t. Why he can do it-First, he buys for c.'lsh and kno~vs Just how to buy ! Second, whott he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with small profits I Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. AND If yon wn.nt to reach the public, use the columns of the 1\>IEROHAN'l'. OUR RATES ARE LOW. Goon Disinfectants. -oCa.stings of a.11 Xinds OA.LL AND SEE FOB YOURSELVES, REPAIRS dolle on the BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. 'Exan1 i~e not often make enentiee. essentia.l to prosperity. Good htba tior is A boy ·feels well when he does well. If you ··ish to make everybody plea>ant about you, and garn friendf:I wherev(:r you ~o,cultiva.te g:ood man cepted one \Vith an entrancing s111ile, and mers. Many boys have pleasant n1ann_ers .instantly gave it to a poor, wan, little, fur company and ugly ina,nnera for boo1e. We vitiited a small railroad town, not long The prevalence of horPc distcmpct' in some localities, 111ld the reported breaking out of foot· and·mouth disease among cattle in Indiana., suggest the u~ of some methods to preve11t these dh1eases frotn spreading. Carnpho1: is a good disinfecta.ntt antl should be freely used jn stables anJ near diseased aJ1ima1s, Another exceJJcnt disinfectnnt is carbollc acid, and thfa should always be applied on the pa.rt.Es affected. The carbolic acid should be diluted with water before n~iug on any sore ; one part acid to ten of \vater will be uBua.lly about right, though still weaker will be effectlve. -- Rv.rul New Yorker. .As a. weekly newspaper, the ~IE:IHJtJAJ\"T is N. n.-The Subsc1·ibe1· is not (I, Sub, or un· scarcely excelled. Six.teen columns of care· der Agent;. but has the speolal agonc.:y fur tht: fully ::.elected reading- matter appear in above. I am prepared to exchl\nge J>lanns fur each issue, comprising L·ite·ratu1·e, Organs, Organs for :7\1elodoon!"'l, also Sewing .Ag·riculturi:'lt Fa.mill/ Reading, Machines, on reasonable terms. Gmuwal and Loo<d News..!.ddress. ~ll fresh and rea.i.la.hle. J. s. DONEY, TYRONJO P.O. Jun. 15th, 1875. 6·6rnos. Subscriptiona taken any ti1ne <lu1·il1g the year. e stock, which comvrises everything in the trade, of the very latest and moat eleg:m styles and p:-i.tte1·na, of English, Canadian, and American manufacture. -U- SHORTEST NOTICE, We ba.ve now on hand a 1£1.rge quantity of Hi:" still continues to manufacture to order, from the best of material, and none but firat-clM!l!I \\'orkm en kept . -o-- Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Common and Gang Plows, thl}t will be ..::>l<l at He bae in stock an endlEIBs variety of La.dies' and Geuts 1 Saratoga. Trunks Valises etc., al1 of \\'hich he is selling cheap for cash. ' ' TERMS 75 FOR JOB :o~RINTING wo hao·e every facility. We do not work for nothingt or fun, but our price!J will be foun<l low. as our pres~es are run by r.\teDim power. ors., IN AnVANCE. -o- Straw-Cutters ! Grain. Grinders ~ Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. Bov;mn.nville, Ma 13, 1874. 6fJ. LOW PRICES M. TRELEVEN. AT THE SHOP. Bowmanville, l'tlarchlS-73. A contempory wonders whether Cain and Abel ever had the mumps or the whooping-cough. Very probably. It's certain, at all events, that their mother had Adam. Two sons of the Emerald Isle paid a visit to the Fairmount Park, Philadelph ia recently. They visited the water works. J_,ooking with a1nazement at the great turbine \vheels lvhile in motion, one exclairncd to the other; " l~aith, l)at, the Americans must be quare people; they must have their watber grouud before they can drink it.1' can have them.-Chiidrrn's ;11ivowte. · li armers who <les:ign to feed either pigs or conducted na to the house of bis mother, cattle either for market or home c·onsumption and entertained and cared for u~, ·in th~ a.re ren:1inde<l th1-1t a bushel cf tneal Jed before absence of his father with as n1uch polite the wea.ther is uncomfortably cold is worth 11ttention and thoughtful care aa the most two fed after that time for tn1tting on fa.t. cultivated gentleman could have done. We Now fa the time to begin. }i~eed moderately a.nd regularly, a.nd keep tha animals a.s comsaid to his tnother before we left her home, fortable aa pm~sible, and quiet. A hundred ' You a.re blessed in your sna 1 he is so at- pounds of meat ,.;-jll cost a great dea..l le88money. tentive and obliging.' 'Yes,' she £!aid, l I A sti:er or cow intencfod for the shRmhles can can always depend on Chatley when his digest m·)re food than it is likely to get in th~ futher ia absent. He is a great help and pasture now. There are va.rious sou.rces from comfort to me.' She saiu this a. if it did which su-pplementary fred may be procured without the use of grain. Fodder corn, fresh her heart good to acknowledge the clevern1own ro,ven, t1lrnips, or other roots, mn.y be ucss of h~r son, The beat manners cost so used to good n.dvanta.;.:;e. II u<ithing els{< js little ao<l are \\"Orth so much that e\·ery ho;>· av~ila.ble, it is bettel" l1J l:: egin feeding mea.l.- aince, and were met nt the depot by n little boy of about el~v~n or twelve years, who Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Cii'culars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets, and everything- from tlle si.~e of a Poster large enough to cover It ba.rn to a half.inch strip, printed jn gnod. style, an<l at city pl'lCes. Specin1ens of work c.:n.n be seen at our office. Work lrnndtc"d out, and the caah ta.ken for it FEED MILLS. Star Dry Goods and Clothing House. I Anoth·r coc lo:,~::i!::et::bl· arrades on B 0 W l\IAN VI LL E King St. 1 Bowin&nvillc. Rov.·manville, L'ec. 51 1872. nlO. TO THE I DRY GOODS! ---D--- PUBI_j~[C. \VALTER WIGG & SON, N returning thanks to their numero11S customers and thl'l public gr:nerally, for pasit favoNI, \vould :respectfltlly invite their attention to our present ~tock of furniture, al! we have la.tQly added thert:to, that we ma.y thereby be enabled tn .supply a.U partiee who way please to fa.vor him with a call . . Great inducements held out to those purchasing a.tour esta.hhe:hment. Pietures. T_.ooking Glasse!!, etc. framed to order 1 a.nd in every style. Samples of the different"' kin~ of o uldings ca.rt. be qcen at the \\'are-room. We wouM a.1:10 beg to inform you, H·~ :- - ~ Fa.rm Implement Forwarding Agency R. W. J A,l\!ES, NOTED FOH OHEAP A CARD. hn.ve this day appointed C. BAllKER the Exclusive a.gent for the sale of my VUL· CANIZEIJ P.l!:NS for Bowmanvil\e, Ont. CLOTHING, etc. A SPECIAL LINE. having purchased a. SPJJEND lD NEW HEARSE, ". w~ shl\ll be ready at a 11 times to attend F1inera.ls 1 on short nd.·"b-.....-- ,,...,N. B.-Coffins kept on hn. · ~ ....rrl ·r. at the I C. BARKER. Yt. Farmer. Manager JOSEPH MASON,P.P. J. J .JACOBS. Dovnnanville, Scpt.lOth,1874. m-tf. Corn1'ral1 Blankets Corner Kin~ and\.Vcst l\'[a~·ket Strettt near St. La.wrence Halli 1'01.,...nto ~ NEW n0r.r1,> Oshin · T I ---~ ~-----~