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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 29 Oct 1875, p. 1

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' 'rHE MERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. C1 culatcs litrgely in the To"'nsh1pa of Diuling tou, Clarke and Ca.rtwnght. It lS a. common platfotm, open to the free <l1acn~s1on of all qucs t1ous ln '\vh1ch the gene1a.l public concerned. 'fERMS. Steam Job :Printing Office Krna s fREET' BOWJ\Ll.NVILL ll Se\enly fH <fl1P J<r " ' ~ind vance. The 'Merchant' and 'Obser· ver,' $2.oo. U \.:r.ES O!J ADV l!.RTISING On J t;ohunn 45 per annu1n H11.lf do 25 " Qua.1ter d(). J5 , "l.'r-i.ns e11t advertiseinents,5 cts per hne first iu :f!Crt1on, and 2c ver hue, each subsequent one AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME YII BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1875 NUMBER V POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NO'l'ES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c, &c,&c, EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE The Shapes of Words FROlVI GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! Tro.1us \V1ll lcnve Bowmanv1lle Station, l3own1a.nv1lle tune~ as follows · < .Hl1NG WRS'I'~ RETIRING 1- fIE 1 POETRY THANKSGIVING. God of the yeai ' with songs of prarne, And het\rta of lo\ e, we come t() bless Thy bounteous hanJ, for Thou hast shed Thy manna o'er the w1ldcrne"-s , In early spring timo thou did$t fhng0 er ea.rth its robes of blossorrung, And its sweet trea~ure day Ly d t:f CONTEST 1 · door, and the r1ext mornent found us within the lady's chrunber Sbe was leaning back in :tn eaAy chair 111 f1ont of her dressing mirror, attired in n loose wrapper lier wilfully rlotted to dest1oy and disfigure face looked disturbed and bore evidence of the ftllr temple of her bod) -and is rnthlcss- weartness, even to pa1n , but her eyea were part/ he unswerell presently , 'thnt the ie 19 not one on wl1orri oui ej ed iall, ln1t hao traded upon arts and devices, fooheh and hurtful 111 the extreme-not oue b11t has run wildly after some <JU1rk of f1-9h10n hk a pack of gr.cae--I beg their pardons, we'll ly holding the hund of decay "nd destruc- ns hr1lhant, cbeeka a.a beautifully trnt· tion to what might be really beautiful, to gratify a va1n, foolish amb1t1011' eU., anrl ~her hair ae profuselj luxuriant, as $20,000 WORTH OF GOODS To be Sold without Reserve, at less than Wholesale Pi:ices. baB decided to go out of the Dry (food; busi11ess, and will com1nence on t!Je GOING EAST, 'Stop ' Stop I' I mterrupted, 'I will not "hen my ey<S last behel<l her It was ray turn to cast an exultant glance .Express 8 45 am l\{1x:ed · ~ r-,o p rn · Mixed 2 25 p 1n l r Oen.I 7 10 p m Ex:p1ess 8 45 p m ~ Exprcgs 8 40 pm .fl'h1s tr Ha runs e\ery reorn1ng of week, l'vlontla.)- s f.!xcepted, f.oca.lll" 7 20, am. I Exp1cas 1 8 30 a...rn. ltose qu1ckenmg in Thy Lleased ray. And now they\\ h1ten hill and' ale, And hang from e\ ery vine and tree, \ \7 hoae pensive branches, bendLOg lo~, Ser;:m bo\\ eel m th tnkfulneaf;! to Thee'l'he earth, with all its ptu vle ii;;le::J, Is answeun.J to Thy genial ~:iln1le$, And gales of perfun1e b1eatbe along, And lift to 'lhee their voiceless song listen to such slander I' at n1y cornpar11on 1 to \Vh1ch he only re'All in the difference of the lens th1ough sponded by a low laugh and shrug of his "hlch we are 1ook111g !' he weut on relent shoulders Iessly 1 'you see a company of moving 'Don't go ahead too fast,' he said, al?' I ' F. F. McARTHUR forms who you fancy must be closely ·ll1ed was about to speak, this 1s onl} the proto angds, Uut tny C) es receive a very differ- logue. We will Jet the lady tell her own story ' Drs. Reid & Boyle. SURGERY---SILVER S'l'. l3owmau\1lle, Au.; 30, 1875 20th of Hay, Credit on app1·ovad note8, 1875 ~rof. re~acher - --.........--< - - - - - - J. Ruse, GR:\.DUATE of Ba.xte1 Un1vennty of }lmuc ]'rrnndsh11>, .Nevf Yo1k of Piano and Organ, cult1vat1.011 Voice, S1ngmg, Thorough Ba8s, Hanuuoy Co1npos1tion, &c Durlington, .July 16th, 1874. 41 ly The Spung Im pm tations only having been completed "fe"· weelrn, the St CK ts very la1go and well assorted. As it must be sold w1thm a given time, A Grand Clearing Sa.le of his Entire Stock. A "J:'lre:m.endou.s Deduction will he The Tailonng In Order· d Work, will be continued as usual, dunngthe Sale. TERMS OF SALE :-Under $50, Cash; over $50, Four niontlts ent 1mp1ees1on, I can assure you But suppose I 1n1t1a.te you into the secreL of tlue unfathomable mi stery. Are you w1llmg God of the seasons t Thou ha:;t blest to nsk the utter demolition of the Aladdin's 'Ihe lo.nd with ~uulight 1ud with ~hO'\\c1a, Palace, v~·hose splendors have so fascinated Adtl plenty o'e1 its bosom am1les you 1' 'l'o crO'wn the sweet autumua.l hours , 'Yes, [ am ' I replied irately) feehog P1111se, pr::i.1se to Ihee 1 Our hearts t:xpand To view the blessmgi:i of lhj l1and, an intt;nsc inchnat1on to knock him down 1 And on the incense breath of lovl;I 'Uut I hope tu witness the do\vnfa 11 of) our Go off to their bnght horne above theory-not nune ' 'Just designate the lnost Ueauttful wo man present,' was the reply LITERATURE. In a moment my lyes singled out a lady The words lrnd hard ly left !us hps, when Mrs A uttered an excla10at10n of parn 'Uon1e, Jane Play those things anywhere' and come balhe rny feet, do 1 I'ni almost dead 't\'1th pain P Jane knelt down before her m1streas with a bottle of some kLoJ ot lotion 1n her hand, groan Mrs A extended oue foot. with another It \vaa echoed in n1y O\\ n brea.'!t 1 as the pitiable sight gree·ed my eyes. A foot, large, and which \vould have heen beaut1 . APPEARANCE vs REALITY. Ill u state of health and freedom, diswho b!ld JUSt whirled out nf the lrne of torted fro1 n its natural shape by the merc1- ful da.ncers II er plump, rosy cheeks, uncov- l ess com preesion to wh ich 1 t had been sub ered and dazzlingly white neck and arms, iected , the blood lyrng m dark congested her d:trk, 01agnet1c eye, nnd stntely head spots beneath the skm, the knuckles swolF F McARTHUUR Dl :NO ~IAT'J hR '\HO crowneJ. w1th a 1nost ]av1~h prolus1on o( len and inflained, and the toes of a ta1rJy Bowmam1lle, ]\fay, 1875. OP1 HJ.E,-Ovor J\.IcClung'8 Store same fla.t (li'~ont lhe Sci..eucc of Health, fm· Nowr;WeJ ) tresses, formed a n1ost w1tclnng picture hv1d hutl from the t1u1c1dal constrIC tion aa J Brimn.co1nbis Dental Roomi:i. BowmanVllle. Oct 27th, 1868 ly L:tdy reader, cltd you evt:r attend o. ball 1 He1 figure 'vas chnrm1ngly ernbonpoint , the whJCh bad confined them the whole of the -one of the real, tirst cluss creme de la full, swelling bust made the taper waist evening i::rcnie affair .., I mean-11 so, you can ap look more taper still, v.h1lc a dai-nty, shp 'Oh P excl!limed ~frs A, as Jane un· ISSUED UY preciate the raptures of gratified vanity into pered foot peeped lroui the he1n of dertook: getJtly t0 separate tbe toes , 'be "'ROBERT ARMOUR which my Lwo daugbtei.:i \\ere thro\vn, upon her ball robe 'The only th1og I remarked careful, Jane I I thougl1t I should have recetvlng a rose tinted missn·e, iovittng with surprise \\tts a pecu lrn.r forward inch- gone mad outright dJ.nng that laet dance' Lbem to such an eutcrtainment a.t the house nat1on of her body, \\ h1ch I afterward no· 'You wo:i't feel it by to inorrow, ma'am.' of Madame Nabob, a"·iong the qrigbt galaxy t1ced was peculiar to all the ladies, when suggeeted Jane, reasaur1nglj , ' and it's R JOlll\ H EYNON, Lot 7, 6th Con Darlington, rnear Bethesda. Church] m of whose' dear five hundred, it was cons1de1 standing and no~ in motion worth a little parn to have a han<lsome foot duly authorized to issue J'\lan 1age License& ed an unspeakable honor to be nninbered 'There P I excJa.1med 1 d1rect111g my com ain't it 1' Darlington, No\ lV, 1874 mS tf For two weeks subsequent, my houHe re- pan1on s a.ttenhon to lier, 'I know 1\-frs. .A Tho look of gratified vamty tbut shone Ill se 1nbJed the' '\\itches cauldron, 1 as regarded well, and can unhes1tat1ngly pronounce her the lady's eyes at this ,.ell time<! speech, both '[.110 aui.1 confusion, b 1t faces vastly the n1os~ beantiful won11111 present.' eee1ue<l ahnost to relieve the Jntenstty of th1 more attractive than those conceived by 'Exactlj And you are sure that is l\i!rs pain 1 Shakcspeare'a fertile brain bent tu gra\·e A, per sc I queried the littlu man My beautiful dnnctng and feet were re cons.nltatlon O\er the pilcis of lncc, silk, 'As sure as I am of tbe identity of my marked 1:1everal t1n1es during the evening,' \.Vou lcl btig to inform the la.Chea of BO\\IOrt.nville and v1c1111ty, thn.t she is prepared to ta.1'-e 01<lcrs tulle and tarletan, and a emall arn1y 0 1 own wife! I have known the 1ndy for she said half sm1hng 1 'but-' for Dressmuking, '".nd fill the l"1th des1) dress1nakers, armed \\ ith ahears1 patte1 us, years P 'But if those aa1ne admirers could stand in the sewing machines, etc, cut a.nd slashed with 'All a nuetake, a delusion,' he replied, here now, they wonkl reverse their dec1sLATEST FASI-IION. a coolness and agility marvelous to bt·hold. shaking lns bea<l i ' the lady is J u::.t at pres 1on, l nnagiue/ supplied my guide, as the Her'expe11encr;: full.} warrants her 111 promtBln satiafaction ent susta.1ning the character of Mrs A, a la lady paused \Vl th n.nother groan On the ausp1c1ona evening, I dressed as l~esulence 1 Corner uf Church Street, and appearance I'll venture that \\hen I pre'What motive can be strong enough to inbefore the others, hall paced the ptr· usuul 1\-fa.:rket Square si;:nt her to you a la 1ealite, ) ou'll acarcel3 duce a la1ly of herdehcate nerves to \\1lhngBowJnauvillc. Dec 4th, 1873 lor 1u the va1n endeavor to cultivate that recognn:t! her Ho~ever, )OU rnay ad1n1Ie ly rnfhct upon herself suoh torture 1' I askmoiiurnental qual1ty-pat1ence - and at la.,t, her to your hear l's content for rnv hile 1 "be11 ed in aa1uze1nent giving up the coutcst Ill du~gust, I "'ent up~ it's lune 1or our httle enterprise, you'll Eec '8in1pl,r tlns,' was 111-:i auswnr, 'her stairs and tapped nt n1y wife's <lress111gFor the TownBlwp of Darlington me oga1n 1 neighbor, cons1d(rably Jess in eize and room door He was gone in an instant, lcav1ng me weight, wears a No 2 shpper, therefore ~frs Yl s, p.ipa,' responded my daughter's hopelessly bew ilde1ed by his rapid "ords A, whose teet, it meusured by a co11scient1 \Oice, 'y,e'll be ready soou I' .ffA.MPl'ON. flow the cvt r11ng pn!!seU I Cl)uld not tell ous shoe-maker, \.\ould fill a large three, 'il ~\Tell, let ine conie u1, at auy rntc,' I Protnpt attt.ntion b,'l."i en to sales, &c, on reasonI danced, couve1eed, and recognized tny n1 1 lst, not to be by her friend, cro\vd able terms urged, ' l 'm tired of w111t1ng alone' friends 111 n 1necbnn1cnl way, and h::trl finallv her feet into o slipper a size too emall. The Th· door opened sh~htlj, and a plump tlnoy;n tnjself \\ea11ly down upon a chair, eulotiiun1s ahe covets ate purcba."!erl at the hand was cxtcuded and placed pere1nptoual RJS§Wj 'vhen n. tap on my shoulder caused me to sacrifice of her entire evening's comfort, a EJYNISKILLLN. ly OYer niy CJ es ~::i.lcs pron1ptly attended to on re tsonable terms look up, to Hnt.1 n1y new acquuu:-tance once s1n1le 19 on hct lip 1 she talks, d.tnces1 and 'You cancon1e in on the conrhtion that n1orc ut n1y Sh.le. pronlenades, wlule her whole ncrvona AJB· you keep your crcs shut, until "e tell ) ou ALLAN LINE STEAMSH IP. "Yell,' Le exclaltued, st1ll inteut on the tem 1s racked with extremest torture ~Vbat ' to open t11en1 she cried; 'do you con1 ON and AFTER the fl 1st d,c) ot Oct, 1875, cm buemess will be beauties .tnd grnccs of nrrs A' I she left for verdict, tlnnk you, would be passed upon Liverpool London, and Glusgow conducted on a CASH b,1srn WP !J"ve, aflc1 duly considei ing the mat- sent 1' bo1ne sorr1e ten 1uinutes ugoi und \Ve 01ust he1 1;io1al nn<l commion sense. that to gratify OJt 'l1ckt!tS, or illf1...nuatiou, apply to 1 gave au obedient a.fJhrnat1ve, as becun1c W .A. NE \..l>::J, Agent tci, conc1t'ded to otb;mdon the CnLDll Srn'JEM .rnd to sell om goods for be movLng also Corue 1 vanity and gain applause will destroy and Bowmanv1llo, .Tune !JLb, 1871 tf 30 1·c,1dy money, 01 1ls equ<'alent It 1s unnccessmy to 1es01t to a,rgmnent mj stx, glnd to gain aduuttauec ou any IIe s1:nzed Ill} arm, and couJu ... ted n1e to dcfor1n her body in this me:relless way 1 -N r: Sun DE~l1' CASl:lIER IN A RESIAURA~T. te1ms, and, in another ruoo1cnt, was en 01 e~planat1011 to show, rn these cl,1ys, tbe Credit System is 111JUllOUS tbe dref:snig roon1 Our hats and coats IlLlt we are forg< tting to observe the lady ' - -- - - - -sconce<l 1u a dclightfull) co1nfortable a1mF1 om the ]Jurlinglon Flau;kcye >tl1ke to selle1 anrl ptuchascr, >tnd it IR uni\ ets,1lly admitted to be an in1'er n bl e Encounter with a Bear '\'ere f!Ulck ly donn ed , and \\ Jthout the By this ttmo ~f1s A 1s feet \\ere comlort JUst1ce to those who buy for c>tsb 80 the1e " no apology ncccss,uy, on cha1r For u few mo1aents I sut 11sten1ng ccr1 r·1ouy of ad1cn to our hostess, "c speeU- aLly eusconccU in an cnsy pair of No 4 People have nnticed that one· of tlie hand_ Near Lnke Towo, n R11Hl.ll 8ettlen1eut .it to the suhdned hutn of the gals' \ 01ces, ou1 p.11 t, fo1 rn.ckin~ tLc p1uposed chotngc 1ly found oui:sc:l\eti in the open air shppera, and she leauetl back in her cba1r somest young men 1n Burlington, has sud the south end of Brar Lake, Utah, a terr1ble theu the sound ceM~d, and n inost curious TJn, uow rnethod will cn«ble us to take every advaut,1go ot the matdenly grol\ n bald, and d1.::is1pa~1on is tLttn ']~xcuse nle,' he ~aid abruptJy, ·I ~ave a w1th a sigh of relief Beg!'! to infor1n tho public, that she hn.s ;ust re buted as the cause Ab, no, he "l'Dt to conflict occurrt::d a fe'\\ 'days 1 go Uetv.een cer\icd a. sple1u.hd ne~' astiottu1eut of J3'aucy kcts, and place >nthrn om reach la1ge t1adc discounts on cash put- sen<:iat1on c,1me O\ l'r roe , and, forgett1ng the ahort· hand wa.} of tr ivehng, "l11ch I find 'Tb .t.t II'; son ething enclura.Ulc 1 And now C~oods, Berlin \V ooli:i, etc, v. lnd.i she will sell at p1ecnutio11 given tnc, I opened my e:ea chases a. cLurch soClable the other week, and took t\\o young men of B.ulry und Burnll's ~ur vastly conven·cnt 1 nnd if jou will allo'v rny hair, Jane 1 I declare, I feel as 1f I had as low price as they can be bond ht for ol8tl whete A bett.r But what did Uns nleun 1 Io that brief The benefits whwh w1ll 1esult to out custumc1s under this system :pe three charming gu ls to the refreshment table, VC) Ing party and a grizzly bear wo- ' STA PING done on SBVRTEST NOTICE a mountain on top of tn)' head 1- it achea had bc<:n pro\\·hng abont the camp, and 1n interval of t une a ruyetr>r1ous trausforru<l. let theni eat all they \\anted, and then found manifest, not only shall we be able to buy out goods cons1de1 ably cheaper 1 >tit Sth,1874 2 3mos. Iha hand was already over my eyes, and ready to ·pht 1· he had ]eft bis pocket book at home, nnd n the moru1ng yonng Lrn\ e, accorn pao1eL1 by under the ad' "ntages 10le11 ed to, bnt nnwh smalle1 p10fits then wei e t1on h=id taken placr., and I found lll):3eH in 111 un lnatunt I felt n1yse]f lifted tron1 l.Dj 'I should think it would, aher endur1og Mrs Nabob's bnlliautly lighted parlors, deaf u1an that he had ne\'er seen before at EIO\\ land Stevenson, hacked bruin to a necessai y unJe1 the old system, will suffice feet, then the ruot1on ceased, al..ld h1a vo1ce such torture,' I whtapered the Cashier's <lPSk rrhe young man bent tlnck~t of brush 1 wb1ch tbev bad concluded We mo doteumned, thrn season, to pnRh ou1 husmoss with ienowed which \\ere a]renJy thronged \\1th gue1:1ts- agu.1n saluted HI} ear 'Ye;i, but there's another cause back of to set tire to and then cliru b up on a ne1ghgaz1ng at the pat1 oran1a of ~raccful fcn1ale ene1gy, >tnd shall endeavo1 to excel m eve1y dep,11tment Out u1iange'All nght 1 Now "e'll take a view of that, 1 he auswerell, 'JUSt use your eyes 1and down and said softly bo11ng ledge of reeks frozn \dnch to .shoot forai::i that glided past me 111 the dctncc or Bega to return thanks to hu1 friends for the sup ments "' c such that no establishment can unde1sell us 'I am ashamed to say I have no change Remember, then, our surrouud1nb:s ' the n1ystcry \VIll be unravelled 1n a. moP·>rt he hn.s icce1ved the past t\VO yen.1s 1 and at J'1rn as he ~l:c;uld co111e out T~e) st<'p· prorllr.nade. ,v1th--' th;1t the 11gbt pface for cheap goods is We were in a li!dy'a dressing roo1n, .c;tre\v- ment' h! pes, bJ continued ~tuct personal attention to ped a. fe\v feet into the brush, "hen they 'Really I' I excla1mcll o.lou(l, '-n:o1ne11 business, and worklilJ at the 1I1ost rcu.sonn.ble · '1-Iev 1' ehouted the vash1er ed "1th fern1nine pnraphcnaha nnd l.>iJOUAs he srol.e, fane ·tepped up behrnd he1 prices, to ensure a contlnuanct of public}) ttron C<Ln1e upon n l1uge she g11izly with u cub are beautiful being::. ' l\fan wi~ht;} ieltl a '1 r~gret to say,' the )OUng 1nan repented tenc, 11.nd thrown carelessly upon one of mistress and began to dra'v out a. sm'.111army age V'I' B is prepa1 cd to btuld houaea et1.: , Yonng LO\\e, being n ear her heac1, \VOS r(.;ady con1phance to a creed wh1ch \vould on the 1uust inodern atylc of u1cb1tcctu1e Job the chn1rl'! y. :is an article Lear1ng a str1k1og of hair pins frorr1 among her curls and braids, on a little louder key, 'that I have nnfortn; bing vromptly o.ttended to Plane :i,11d spcmfi seized by the leg and fell upcn his back declare thr.n1 bona jlde o.ngels, ba.v1ng <les rese1nblance to a circular 1at trap, from the and finally d1sengog1ng by a dextrous twist nately come 8.\\ ay without any change to - cations got up on npplicu.t1on, on the n:iost rcu. Eowmanville, Sept. 1st, 1875. As he fl 11 she caugl1t h1!! head between bu cendeJ in a bod1ly i0rm d1rect trcn1 para e id oI y. h1cb floated two al11ngs of tape sonn.ble terms, and l)f every descupfaon Office 'Change two 1' chirped the deaf man,' Oh, the lust pm which had bound It to its felan<l Shop, Ontano Street, Ili:laJ. ly op'pos1to Mr ponderous Ja \\ e., tbe teeth of one being deep .. d1se, to convert our proe), I.11atter of fact 'What 1s that 2 I "hispered, pomtrng to lows, she hfted one of those lustrous br,nds yea' I can change a hve 1f JOU wont 1t.' 'l' :Sowdeu\-1, l) en1beddcd near bis left ear, while the world into a sort of lO\\ er heaven!' 'No,' the young: 1nan expla1ned in a terri. Bo,\10anv1lle Dec 24th, 18i4. 1:1 ly, tbeohJcct \\ILh tu) finger which [had so ndnnrcd,clcar from the lady's teeth of the otl1· r horribly lacerated the A lo\\, mock1n~ laugh 1nterrupted my so ble penetratrng wb1'per,tor half a dozen peo ~:ly companion burst into a laugh '1·h1ch head, and toi;iseU it carelessly upon the right chct'k and broke his lo\\ er Jaw. Stevenhloquy J au I, tuin1ng quickly, r S(lW a tbre<ttened to betray us at once. bureau Another followed , then a long ple \Vere crowding up belnnd b1n1 1 1mp1t1ent eon, \\ho had f.tllen - hendlong into the sn1all, under aized nl an 1n dark clothes, who '1'11at is one of the most useful and indis- coil, which I nfterwardi:i learned was kno\vn to pay the1r bills and get a\lay, 'I don't t.rusb over the monster's buck, had by this bad approached n1e unperceived pensable urllcles of the period 1' he Etud at by the clas<11C name of 'switch,' then three want any change, because-1 You eeeru to ])e enthus1nst1c,' he eaiJ, in time recovered hnnc::elt and gnen bru1n i.:. ' Oh, don't \\ant no change 1' the deaf J last, checking bis ruC'rrnnent , 'somet1mes or four long silken curls were removed and charge of buckshot in the a1<le 1 hut without answe1 to my wondering sta1c ATE WI1'H F Y GOWLF., bogs tom ~an cried gleefully 'Bleeged to j e, 'bleE>i;, JOU find it co1npos~<l of wire and tape, aa 1n consigned to n long Lox, bearing on its side fortn the public !;i:lllerally, that be has com 'D0es llOt the occa.s1on J ust1fy lt 1' I de this instance, [l.nd so1nl't1mes compound o1 ed to ye. Ta1n't oFten we get such generous much efleet rnencetl business in the Shop next to the E:icthe label, 'Madame Ai, 'I'OJJsorral A r ~iste 1 \';'hen Lowe fell, lns gun '\"Ith both haminanded 1 'such grace und lo\·ehness nnght unkno\vn (1unntit1es of our drnl.} and \\'eekpre~ti Office, one door east o( tl }!1lne's ·nd finally- did she rntend to eculp he; donations Paes ov~r ) our bill ' Ha.vlUJ had sevc1al ) ears l.lXper1euce 111 the mers rav~ed, was ly1ng upon his'chJn, but Le welCinsp1re .war.mer eul£giums than tho:.e I ly ne\\.Hpaper~ At uny rate-, )OU c.1n not 'No, no,' the }Oung man explained, 'I, be hopes to sa.t1sfy all \\ho may fa;\oor mistress outright ?-drawing out several iuanaged to get it turned upon the b<'ar, have 1ndulged HI' lu1n \\ ith a call have failed to notice the peculiar poise of 1uore pins, sl1e stepped around in front, and bave no funds--' and pullu1g the tl'1ggcr sent e. hea' y charge 1 'Grace ancl lovchneas P he repeated <1uiz body adopted of late by our fem mme popu· 'Ob , yes, plenty of fun, the deaf n1an hft1ng a ro\V of short curl:! winch had shadof bncksbot into her throat She loosened z1ca ll y, 1 ,i; here I' replied, growing bred of the con\ e1sallon lat1ou, which, 1roru its r esemblance to that ed Airs A's forehead, nnd given such n Ilol\--manville, Sep 4th, 1872 m49 ti 1 Where 1' I echoed in1patlcntly , 'use useful, and, in this instance, much n1ahgncd aud nolic1ng the ]ong 11ue of people wn1t_ her gnp a11d rolled oHr apparently dead coquett;1sh piquancy to her face, laid them your eye~, man 1 Look at those sylph-like auimal,has acquired the sobriquet of the ing wiLh money in their hands 1 'but I Steveu~on assisted Lowe to camp, and, last In 1.1.nother box form.H, treas crow·tu:d heads, br1ll1:u:it eyes, 'camel,' or to enrs polite, the 'Grecu:in Ben·l ' haven't got time to talk about tt now, evening, acco1npan1cd by his father, the 1 'How cau it be 1 I 1nquucd, turn1ng to ro~eate checks, o.nd pearly complcx1ous, a 'Vell,the murder's out to-night, and in th ts Please settle Bnd move on, unfortunate young .na~1 reached h1s home my co1npan1on, as Jane \\'BS corr1b1ng the bright array of constcllat1ons, each 01.c~ more iunocent aod ruystenous 109k1ng article, be 'But' the J0 ·1ng man gnaµed out 'I have 1111 this mty He is gett ing on a$ well ,\s nieagre handful of hair\\ Inch presented ' , ' po~sihle under tbec1rcumstnncee -Z~1orri the beautiful than tLe last 1 Tell me, cu.n hold the n1ystery of the' camel ' 11 such a n1ockery to the \Vealth ol tresses I no inoney-Sall Lake 'l_'n.bune earth produce anything la1r1..r 1 inore 1uep1r' Go r.fonda) 1' queried the tlcaf casL1~1 ' I can't pretend to understand any f!Ucb had so adrnued, and whose absence altered 1ng of love and Cevoflon, than God's latest, cnign111s,' I replied Hl much vexation Fight to the End 1 her appe.::irance so sensibly, 'that v;1th such 'I don't care where you go You mmt pay, GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1 best gift to 01an 1' 1 Let 1ne illustratl", then,' said my u1<le full physical development, she should suffer an<l lct theoe other people conie up AND BUILDEIIS A colo1ed prrncher in this \1c1n1ty re'A truly beautiful woman It', indeed, u frt 1 I hnve no nioney ?' t he lnort1fied young fut1gttlile fnend , 'object te.iclung is the poverty in this important respect 1 object fur love and reverence/ he answcreL1 cently .,aLldressed his congregation at a reman sbouteJ, ready to sink. into the eurth, 1 Dill) convir;cu1g o t::lhutl a.Her all Jnst lt Isn't f'lo,' rcphcd the little man 'be soberly, and as rare aodeauable, nlort-"'stbt yival 1neet111g as follo\\S 'Now my rnourn'lenJ. me) oui ejes/ if you plea(f;e, 'Ah 1 fore :J.frs. l\. fell 111\..0 the practice or weaI- while the people all a1ound bun, an<l esWe have detei mrned to o1lc1 1n' frenf'l 1 yon con1cs head an' you tnouns, pity' this\\ ill uul tt1e hgur1~,' and he behl up n ing false hair, she bad as lnxur1ant an allov." pecially the tbree g11ls he had trl'ated, "ere 'Jlo\Y can you say lhatJ \\hen a single au' rollQ, U'"1' habs a tnighty sl ruggle "'Id de giggling nnd chuckling aud1bly. µau of d1m1nutl\e white kul slippcr:-i, n1th ance of tresses as any one coulJ. wish or ~lance around you to night cffi.:clually re W ilh or u.-ithout Olisu1g TP ilh or 1oilhout money 1' the cashier ~1u<l. ' 0 f Jt:Lbil, lllgbt arter n1ght, an' v.:hen you's 1 Owe heels full t\\O 1ucbet1 ll1gh 1 'Juet 1ruag1ue the need But fi.~ehion dt.::creetl t11at. ha1r sboultl Band ftloulrb tutes the asserlton T I demanded incredu nu.(!; ht loose )OU gets right tip an' goes right course you do , $2 7 G ' angle at v1h1ch these heels would Incline be p1lcil upon the head into a PJ ram1d r1vbuck into the debh1l's urrui:, (lg1n Now, I lousl v: I can't pay ' ' the jOUth screamP.d, and by '1iy dear hllow,' be sa1J, !>lapping n1c the werrcr's bodj, anU that 'v1ll complete alhnJ that of Caeops; and because a few turning his pocket infnde out and J e!hng tells JOU, iny iren..:., dat v.:on'tdo 1 you never it ' m1 "'gu1 ded creatures acro3s lhe wati-r SQ.far will be allowed off mu usual]~ !cw Puces, on tanuhady on the shoulder, 'yo11r unsophrn & lns poverty to llic heavens Ue tinullj ma<lt:l git a\\ay from tbe deblnl dat \\ay. Yon's lle tied tbe rat trup hy the strings a\mut bal fare ·Ve~l to com1non sense <\.nd taste ae to '\\Thcru 1g t1catedness is tr l1ly env1a1)li:! the deaf man underB.taod And then he had JlS hke de lightnin' bug 1 \Vbeu JOU g1t 1 SUMM ER l\rJI.LIKERY, MANTLES, LACE <ND 'llSSUE ,SHAWLS, conform to 1t, the iuf~c 1on tuu:;,t need!'> norunceisbhss,' JOU kno\\, but to us un- l11s warnt, thPn appiopr1ahn~ a shawl th1t down au' moan, an' roll, nn' Loller, }OU Oi P iokcts, in eve1·y vanPARA.SOLS, GRENADDfES, \ ND OlHER LIGH f DRESS GOODS. spread to this country, borne upon the to shnek lns full narne three l1meQ, wh ile fortunates who have bad <.·ur eyea opened lay on another chair, threw· 1t over the ob sbov.s your hght, like rle lightn1n' bug do h1a ear fauly rang 1vith the half st1Jled ety, co-id Scroll Sawrng, \\ ings of one of those provcrb1nl 'ill 'v1nds 1 Ject so that 1t trailed on the floor the picture doesn't look so p1etLy 11 laugl1ter that wo.s breaking ant all around "'ben he raiso Ina trnl au' ~pread bu~ \Vtngs We will .tlso submit to tho same SACRIFICE on 1 There,' he sru.Ll, dangling hiil hands in that are n1ade responsible for all manner of bun , auJ. he had to scream out lvbere he VVhen )Oil gits up an' goes roun' laugh1n', 'I suppose you mean to tell me that I .:..m of (!Ve1y dcsc1'1pt1on pcccad11loes 1' u simpleton,' I excla1n1ed, not a httlc pi::r front of h1u1, and inclining hu1 body forwoikcd, and roar '\'hen he 'vould pay, and an' tooliu' wul de deLbil )OU puts your BOOTl3 & SHOES, GENT'S AND CHILDREN'S READY-MADE ONE TO ORDER, 'llO\\: dreadful!' I f'jacula.ted 1 pleAed anU out ot teaiper , 'and that there \\ard at an aogle of forty-hve degrees, 'do couldn't get the deaf man to understand light under df1 busheJ, an' )OUJie like de CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, &c on the arc r.ot in tins roou1 to night as l1eautiful j ou recoguize the rtsemblance 1' 'Dreadfol ! notutall' It1siustae necee- him unhl a.ome of the church ruen1bers l1ghtn1n 1 Lug \vhen he shuts,do,vn l11s "ings SHORTEST NOTICE. 'It wae 11nposo1ble to do otherwise ; a1..1d sary to a. \\Otn'ln's e:uatencc to be allowed came up lo see what the uproar ~a~, and re· Den be ain't uo n10' like a hghtnin' bug dan \vomen as ever u1ade glad the heart of tile mystery ol the pos1t1on taken by the to ' fol lo'v the fashion,' as to eat her break- cognuang tbe1r) oung friend, madt! it all any odder bug, an'.} ou know it Now, let's roan 1 'I admit there might be such/ 1ny la..tlie.e, w h1ch had so p1u:zled me, was par fast ; more so, I believe Any woma.u who nght with the cashier And !be young not hab any mo ob dis 11gbtnu1' bug b1t::11ee;<::, ---Shops on Liberty Street. North of the Evmy Perso1' having ct DOLLAR TO SPEKD fo" necessu1·y Goods compan1ou, bnt to n1y ~ses that c.1n eee ti·lly solved at last, He stopped 10 his \\ould have sufhc1ent respect for the te1nple m1n \\ent out into the 1ught and clubbed but git do"n to v;ork eg1n de debbil 1n Eastern House, Bowman ville. v,ill ple<tSG call, 1elieve our necesS'/,ties, anrl 1·eap the Profits through and beyond, the fair Hppearance pron1euude through the room, to laugh at God bas given her, to stud)- 1t.s needs and h1msel1, and shred his locks a"'ay u11t1l be ) ea1nest' ) was bald as an egg. Bowm11.nv1lle .Tuly :lth, 1874 41 tf propcrt1eo, would learn thht Nature in a free dissolves before the uncon1pronu"111g re- iny lugubrious expresaion of face Mnny of ns lrn.'\e to lan1ent not so much 'Conv1ncea, l:!h t' \\fl.8 his tr1umphPnt and healthy state has provided all the huir We can Ue thankful to a friend for a few a '\\ant of opportun1t1('s in h!e na otu un~ uhty' acres OI a httle money , and yet for the 'I don't clcsprur of eon1pletely she needs, or her system conld healtL1ly 'I don't nndersto.nd JOU,' I sa1d 1 sLak1ng comment re ad1ncs.<:1 tor them aa th e::y conie, ancl "It prosel; ting ) on rrhat will do for tlus eust::t.In , and that any artificial n.daition 1s lreedorn and con1rna11d of the whole earth, might l1ee11 ' is 1 ftener tbe 1a1 i guog~ my head 1 TJANK OEftTIJi ICAES 1 ..Apphcat1ons an(l for tl.e great ben~fits of our being, our a VlOla.ttOU of her WISC laws "But 1gnor1ng hfe, health, and reason, \\C look upon our- of onr Learte than co111µla11ung \\oi<ls God &c , &c , can be i)rocui r.d at thlf~ offic~. a 'Suppose I tell you that every \\Oman roo m, at preaent All ons 1' sends us "flax," but our " s 1 lnCPc and d1s- ..., regultu l'&t'.!s. Be n015elcssly turneil the handle of the all this, considering it mo!'e uuporta.nt to slvcs asunder no obligation prese11t to night is plaj1ng a \\ell·prepared August 4tli, 1$7 5 to.ff" are out of repair. Bowmanv1ll 1 July 7th, 1873. R R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER-AT LAW, SOLICTTOR IN CHANCRRY, if:c A Dream. MARRIAGE LICENSES MARRIAGE LICENSES. - -- M Dressmaking, &c. Miss Real I A u_ c T I0 N E E Rs 1875. 1875. CASH. II. T. PHILLIPS, M°CLUNG CASH BRO~l'IIERS' W!D. Barton, CIRCULAR. CASH. F The old quest10n of a reform m the spelsay lambs-they set themselves in open re· bell10n agarnst all laws nf pbySJcul or D1 hng of tbe English language was discussed vine order. This unnatural weight of h1ur, by the ...'1mcr1cnn Plnlolo~1cal AssoClatlon, collected, goodness knows, flam ·what oource which met at Newport Jast sun1mer The -for the hints of condeu1ned crimi aals, upshot ot the d1scuss1on v;as the nprio1nt· hospital pahen·a, and n.lmshollse representa rnent of a con1m1ttee of six hnguu;;ts to couttves as being a fruitful source of revenue s1dei the aubje.,;t and report upon 1t n.t tho in this respect, contain, I am afraul, more nleeting of the Pl11lolog1cal Convention 1n Lru~h than poetry-produces aa abnormal tlns mty next year New 1nterefilt \\Ill athea~ the inevitable iesults of which are that tach lo the question from the fact that headache the lady tomplams of, which soon Messrs Whitney and Trumbull, tlie t\\O becomes a chro111c affection, n clogging and rnembcrs of the commi ttee who were the destrnyrng of the v1v1fymg JlllCes of the most learned nod strenuous ad \'ocate,s or natural ba'r wluch soon reduces it to tbe extensive changes in our preeent spelltng, stale of poverty which has so shocked you , have nlso been n.ppo1utecl by tbe Governor and after a long rvurse of trlihng with 0n e of Oonnect1cut us members of a State Com of the most beautilul gtfts which God has mii;;Jnon to provide an amended cirthography In h1a address before bestowed upon her, the victim ot her own for pul1lic adoption blrndness and folly finds herself utterly the Philolog1c-al Conventiou, Dr Trnmhu11, who was its Prei:.;tdent, argue<l 1n f 1 l\ or of bankrupt tn th!:\ genu ine art1cle, and depcn dent upon this counterfe1t to su~tain an orthograplnc ch tngcs n101e sweeping than a.ppearanr e of what she no lon~er possesses 1 Noah Webster ever prOJ ectcd, ~d \\C be 'Well~ t ¥.Ill 1,;onfess that appearances he\c that Pror Wh1tneJ'a ..,:1e\\a accotd in have deceivel me,' I said reluctantly: 1 hut the main \\Ith tliose of his co1leaguc 'Two I cannot believe that o.ny further portion other members of tLe new Connecticut of the lady's tout ensembl,e 1s counterfeit.' Oomm1ss1on 1 tbe Rev Samuel Ilait and 'Prove the truth of your o\li n assertion Prof Vl 'V Fa" ler, are also advocates of then,' be answered ; ' my cards are all otthograph1c reform, though they may not trumps, thus far. ' go so far as Mesors Whitney and 'I rum bull During this asule, Jane ha.d arrange<l her We prc~uroe, tbetefoie, that tl1 e repo1t of m1atress 1 ha1rfor the n1ght, and stepp1ug to the Co1nmiss1on to the next session of the one aide, ret11.rned ~·1th a. sponge and a Uonnect1cut Legislature \\ill be pretty rad sn1all bowl of 'hater in her bauds ical , but whether tQe poht1cians will so far 'Now wash nil this .Etuff off my Jace,' agree "ith lhe ph1lologers as to ·dopt their said Mrs. A, peLulantly , ' I declare, I recommendations and attempt to introduce almost feel, sometimes, hke one of tboE:e a new system, remains to be seen wax figures in the h111r-dressers 1 "Y;Indo\\l'! 1' English spellmg,as well as the spellmg o[ ' 0, my lady, I'm sure there's no com most other languages. European and par1son " protested Ja.uc , not one out of Oneota], lS co11stantlJ undergoing cliange a thousand would dream that it \Vas not We huve not only departed from the spcl· yout own natural complex1on.' hng t11at was practi8eel, "tth var1al1on~, iu ' I know you are very skillful, Jane , I the time of Cba.ucei,bnt fron1 that of Bhakes· never bad any one to pencil u1y eye brow.s peare and his contemporar1ee. \\ho were so perfectly, and with such a naturlll E>ffect,' very irregular spe1Jer1', and even from that said Mrs. A, graciously , 'the compl11nents wluch Dr Samuel Johnson adoptedJm his I receive upon Ill} br1lhaucy of eyet and famous dictionary at the close of the las t The spelling in vogue in tlns con1plex ion, are ample evidence to me of century country also diff~ rs some,, hat fron1 that in your ~eniua ' ~ You see th1s modern leopardess is aliead England, tlrough the difference IS slight and of the generally riuotcd specimens, m that affects but a El-mall cumber of words Noah 'Vebster de<: ired a fa.r n1ore she can ' change her spots ' at her every conven 1enc0 1' "hispered my co1np.unon , horough·go11ig S) sten1 ol recons1ruchon in 'don't fail to notice the operation 1 it's an Bpellrng than he felt }J1mself able lo carry out , but many even of such novelties as be 1nterest1og one, I can assure 'ou ' I obeied Jane applied tho "ct sponge introduced into tbe earlit:r ed1t1on ~ of hts to her inistresa' forehead , ~nd al<:jo the daz - d1chot1arj failed to meet popular o.ppro\ al, zling wh1teriess of co1nplex1on drnappeared and ha\e not held their ground The changes in English spelling clunng as by m~g1c, leaving the sponge covered with !l dull wlntish aubsta11ce Then tbe tbe last five centuries, or atnce our language beautiful tinting on eithe1 cheek succn1ub a11aumed its picaent con1pos1te characler~ cd to the unsparing manipulat1on of the have been brought about gradualiy1 and maid , a few passes under the e) es, and tl1e h'\ve been hased on no Sjsten1 or sc1enh:fic :lark rims that bad added so mate11ally to Pnnc1ple. There ]1avc he<'D muny theorelttheir br1lhancy, suffered ind1sc1 Lm1nate 1·\\l oilhograpb c reformers n 1th great rout , and tbe brows \vhose luxuriance I sclH mes, l::ut all thl'se schcmrs h:ive fallen As Jt bn.s been \\1th t11em, so lt had so adu11 red, d1ssolved to t"Wo fa1ntly- still born traced lines of daik hrown hau , and la"1tly, w1ll be with any othe1 S\\eep1ng reform in the la.dy's SEowy neck and arms shart..:d the spelln1g that may be propoa£d Not e'en the Pl11lolog1cal Con\ent1on> nor jet the same- late 0Lthogrnpb1c Comm1ssronerl'.1, nor the Con* (To be Continued ) nect1cut LC'g1elature itself 1 can do anything Treating the Gu!s. more 1n the premises t11an JS!'lUC reports A HANDS0?11m You.NG MAN TAI Ks WITH A wl Jell inay be of interest to a few hngu1sts 1 Fancy Goods,Berlm Wools,&c. Mrs. Mason, 1 I-IAMPTO N , 0 W. BUNNEY, BUILDER, ETC., ~i°CL U.N G BR,OS. New 'I'ailor shop, JOHN HEAL, L GOOD FITS GUARANTEED N eiv Partne1·shi11 ! · Morris &Watson ~1-0 NEY vV ANTED ! Manufacturers of Sash,Blind::i Doors, lVfouldings, and Window Frames, GOODS Arr PANIC PitICES. Extraordinary Inducements to Buyers. 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT, Planing, Planing Matching, sawing and Turning, - - - o--- GENUINE DISOOUNrr SALE! NO PUFFING! To of Ii. 0. L B S. TREWIN, King St:l"eet West, Oshawa, I

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