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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 29 Oct 1875, p. 4

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J · THE MERCHANT FRIDA1:', OCTOBER 29, 1$75, POETRY. Hunting Eggs. "'"".. ho ~ants to hunt eggs?" shouted Charlie the hold; " \'\ho v,rro1ts to cli1nh on the hay ?' 1 " Oh, 1 !" clamored li'annie and ,\.,.ill ; ·' J.\nd tne, too,' pleaded tbrce·year old l\fay. So they rushed to the ba1n, hclter-Bl;:elter, ttnd svon \Vere d1hing ;;i,bout v.1th a zest, In the ccrnera z11d rafters, the 1nangi:ir1:1 an cl ha.y , 1.'o see \\hO cou\l find the first nest. 1 And v. lh> gets the m<ist eggs shall beg grnnd ina to bake .A cake "'e can i:;hi\re all a1ou11d ;" So F~11111tJ sug,;Pst~tl. , iiuU the Luys Cl h rl .. Hurr,J.l1 !" '" o'll hav1) e ~c1 y t"gg <.:an be found:" ' N11nble Clia1 le) \I ent clnn b'11ng abont like a cu.t, .And soon counted H one, two, three, four !' Aud then w t h the pearly white egg!:! in b1s hat, SJid carefully <lown to the floor. "There'i; a nost," Faunie cried, f1om far up the U lOW 1 011 " Right here on the ha:v 1-one, two, three !" Aud lll he1· "h1to :1.pron she gathered thetn up. Ar; 11.L}l['Y find glad as <oul<l be. " Old S1 l:kle·s 1 n nude," shoutetl '\-Yill; Lut J ast then, 'Vith a cad~le a-" n.y the hen flew; " Uc:-1l 111 l ' i;,utl V')Or \\-ill, 11 I Wdkl ~\Htl T woul111J e a.~, And bc1e I have 01 1ly got two P' " '\?here's 1\11:\J 'I' they aH qnu1tioncd; '"oh, whe1e hns Hhc go11e"" ·· flt;re 11~. l's found a. ue.s' '" And lHrcn1ly bi own he,t.d front th"J nutn:;cr popped ont, Just undc1 the nose of Black Iless. "Oh, ~lt still, Th'I::i.y, or the honnc may litt !" But she cou1 ted "onti, t'Ao, tluec, four fi.,e !" .And they tushed to her rescue, with lang-11 an<l \\'lth 8lJOt.t I "She's got the 1nost-su1e 1113 you Jn~ !" :Uut tlicro she v. a;; ~ilting, 111 swetct:it cuuteut ; Arid Co"·n in l it 1 fm11g 1 1Ule lap F1ve soft httle l~1tt1cR lay rolled into br~lls, Co11tentt"tlly t.1k1ng a nap. -Zwn'$ Heiahl, C.,.,,.,..i:.S JJ ..\i W..t.4& J.1 .- ~ .. 0 "hi"ckenS. \J tt<l\ 's · It is better to have .:L cuff on a jacket than on your ear. 'fl1c tJ. '1·ec l s o f a Irnrncane are eooug ]' i· to 1nake any man feel blew. ·' '\rhy is de\v hke a falljng star?' One is mist in earth, and the other JS 111issed fro111 heaven. ' Why should you be Justified in pick· ing the pockets of a' ender of engra; 111gs? Because he has p1ct-ures. "Sainbo, d is am a magnificent day fo1 de 1ace." '·\\~hat Iacc, S::i.n1bo ?" "Why,de colored race yon stnp1d rngga" " Is that clock nght over there?" asked a visitor the other day " Right over the1e ?11 said the boy; "'ta1n't no- \\ he1 e else. 0 l\1 r. Norton a Texas ed1to1, has whis· kers three feet long, and his wife has she ..said, 'ouly promise me, and l am sure begged and begged of h1nl to cut the1n try not \'doh to rel use it; Lut it's 1uany i·ou ~ill hy to keep that pronuse.' And off and let her have thein for a 1nop. ;ear~ since then, Oh, oh" then she said, ' I sha!l die happy now.' Wellington Bmldings, Bowmanville. "lllcss yoL1," s,ud John Henry, with He lo<·kcd overh1s sLoulcler to see 11ho I wafl r1::.1ng in l1,1~t~ and tcrl'Qt when she .Augudt.10t.]~. 1875. tea1:::: JD h1s eyes, "she takes her O\Vl1 v,rere the outsiders bt>f-:irc he begun, for 11e spoke of dymg; but she helcl my head down han off so easy tnat perhaps she doesn't "·a.s not a man" ho \vould have told all his to herR, and Jook1ng \".llh a :in11le into n1y ],now how 1t hurts to have mine pulled troubles in the Market Place. There ""' flLC(', I aa\\' the eyes go ntly close, ,~]11le the out." no one uearcr to them, than those · who were m,1rLJelineofdcath rose slo~ly from the When .t naughty little boy breaks a at the hnek ot the cor.cb, and eecing that the chin, till it covered her fuce. 1t glean1 of wmdo ·>, he should be punished, on the open jacc and fearless eye of the. gentleman sunsh1ne hrrglitly ~hone into tho roon1, and pnnc1plc that panes and penaht1es go who sat beside bun, told of a heart \\itllin then faded as q_u1ckly-- ~he was gone, an~t I Ila Ying removed to more cu1uilludloua p1011ti~ei:., together. \\h1ch could prirtlJ feel another's sorrov.:a, \\'<lS alonf". IN Jsn't it strnnge that while Nature bo v.ent on- 1 lt's many; )ears ago no\v, I Su yon scC', Sir, If [ reluse a gla~e oJ FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, clothes the trees w 1 th thick foliage m drove the Liverpool coach then, not a short 1Htttor \~hen 1t is otfl1ed rue, I have a reason beg to inforrn the public g"nerally, that the f the s11 111111cr, she n1akes them go hare in sta~e hke th1a-there \las no rail then, n11d for it.' no\\'- ena ble1l to offDr tlwu1 the wmte1. we did almost ns we liked on the road, carAn Inshn1an quarrel ing 'v1th an :Fng- rytng somct1n1cs V(ry great people, and FARM AND HOUSEHOLD - -- lishman, told him Lf he didn't hold bis 8on1ct11ncsJ11st the reverse, you see. in the hnc of Oounng borne one be;;:i.utitnl spring day I Good Cart for Dairy Cows tongue, he "uuld break his 11npeneltable he<td and let the brams ant ofhrs empty had a good luad, and bcsiJc me sat a ) ou ng \Tery fe.\\ dauJnicn hri.'c any id(>a of b o\\ skull. 1nau, one of the Talbot 1unnly, and tbey be gieu.t1y the 'tcltl llf cows m 1y be 1ncn. nscd by George don't you think it rather ex· great folks 111 that part crf the country. Ile better feEJ and c:..ue. \Ve lhu1k it a £It.:fit foltr,l\dgclnt of )OU tu eat bntter \\'Ith that was lull of sp111t, a1H.1 hadJnst cvrrie borne ly f0r rneu, \\ 110 a11.:1 nit"tlnu g ouly one hunch ed delicious jan1? No love- econorn1cal ! 1rorr1 Cl11n.t, and '~afl on hrn ws,) to bis fath- to 011l1 )1u1nlrrd ::1.1Hl tvtcnty-five pounda of bttter's hull. Ile had got all the \Jo1·terous tfr p er cow, to tl)' to inc1eflise then· pro<luct by ~ame piece of b1 Cc1d docs for both ' Daily Line to Rochestei. there, but what a sight! the blinds were I drawn down in every winclow, but the '.l' ,H E (.1ummeneing on or about th~ .10th, .of _,,\.piil. bright sun was sLrnwg outside, atid the THE STEAMER early flo,vers "iVerc studding the gurden which led up tu the door. I entered the house. There, hushed rnto stillness by so gr!'at a colannty, were the six clnldrnn w born 1 had def1auded of u parent; as I en· t d 1 e~·e \\.aB 1utne d upuu me ; th ey ere , encl Irioked 1nore in sorro\\' thn·1 1n nn~cr, but their \'i au cheeks,Llanchcd by a suaden sor(F:~ CllA."\YFORll, 1-L\R'.f"(IR.) row, tnad<( the stro11g man quail. Y\'1ll 1uuke ]1er reg-ularb1ps ontlt11$ l CJl..JLf' · In the chnn1ber ebo\e,the <lraa n1an lay, leaving Cobourg e\ery n1orning at 7 30 and "\~es" cnlm nod white; he was washed and laid rort llopc :it 9 o't~lor.k, fm· Rochester, coi1nect· 111g there \11th the New York Central and Ene " An old childhood fnend ?" out ready for tbe coron<1 's duty. His wile 1?.a1lwa;s, for all poi1'ts East 1 \Vest and South !Ml upon a chair liy the bedside \Yeeping " The satne." KEl'UH.t;i.NH, "And didn't I used to say you'd and rocki11gherselfbnck"ardsandforwarda, I will k:. 1 Ne Chru]otte [ven t of llolbc~t(·1] dr~ily con1e to t11e g~1l10,vs J' 1 she sighed as she all )OU could hear "C'te }1f'r eol1;1., and now .it V v rn , ex1_:ept S:1.Lu1day:s, when Ehe ~ill le tve ut ~ p TTI , f or Port llcpe, d1rt>1.;t. re-entered the corudor. l\nd tl~ cn, ' Jobn, ill)' lJocn Juhu P .A1iJ I Thu; 1s the r<hrnleot autl q~nt lH·i"'.L rout.e to ...... -....--- had been tlie catiKe of all lLis; b.tJ I bel 11 THE PATENT ALUMINOUS and OR· ()i:iwc.go an "\VntcrtO\'ln, via Lake Ontario Sho1e NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. HOW TO SPELL CAT. sober-but rlanl. tliat cursril clrml. I Jtaihoad fron1 Cha1lotte. -z--Dealers in stock etc · ,.,ill find this the chenpI waa no~ at tl1c coroner's inquest, for cRt ru1d most expeditious route to Bm1tou, AlSaturday mornmg two colored citizens that ancl many months went by before I I'APFR OTL-CL01'H a11d OARPE7'ING b:my, Nw York, etc , entered the City Hall anti enquned- of knew an) thing, or any one , summer had F11r fu1thcr 111formfl.tion apply to the clerk if he would let them see the R. OR.A \VFORD. mello\i\·ec1 into autun111, and the snows of PoHT IforE. city directory. Or C. P GILDER8LEEYE, winter bad found me insensible to an)' thing "Want to find some one?" he asked J(J~C.S'!'ON, g\)iug ou in tl1e world. I Lad recc1vt::<l a SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. as he shoved- 1t across the desk. severe blow on the bend u1 the ovcrturniag '· You see boss, it's jist this \vay," replied one of the men . "I Sj)cll cat 'v1th of the coach. mid that with the great qnan· a great big 'C,' and he spells cat with hty of run1 to one who drnnk \Jut httlr, two 't'sl on de end, and "c has co1ne UJU.l.!d Lu tl1e ticlf coudell1u,.1t1on "'lu!..:h I hcnpcd upon inyself, \\'hen I eo.w that A La1gc Stock Ju~t Recei'!Jcd,-I)lain and Orhere to see de doruni.ents n J The c1e1k gave them his way of spell· n1onruer ht't helplees llttle oncR, had namental, both fur JIValls and Floors l\1ntual Life Assurance Society iIJg, ,1ntl they "'ellt ;:n~ay to get a bet out been too much for rny b1a1n. But cne had ESTABLISIIE'D 1840. of son1e one on spe1hng· " 11 car1:fully te1ulet1 111e llu1 ing that 1oug timl!, ar.d often had she (my 1Hfe) to \Jear with C.Al\ADA ClHEF OFFICES. 1ne : n 111 the ..silent \vatches of Llie, l:ll, ST. JA11ES STREET, MONTREAL 1 wfH. The Coachman's Story, or, '·I have a The Paper l)il ()l0lh ~nd Cntpct t·g ifl a Cheap [ hnd heaped curse upon curse npon n1y own and Dur1i.ble Substitute for 011 Cloth. Reason for it. 11 DIRECTORS. bc:a<l for the \Vrong I had <lone. But nu one rrhe C}u>tnicals \dth which the rspel lS salur '"Al.I ~u SHANLY, E~q' l\:( r., Oha.:U:maan, b~<l Leard me but her ; she had carefully atcd, ientler it }>roof against I~u.ts, Molhs, DUNCAN ~1ACJHJ.t;!1..LD, Esq. BY A l'IEHS and 1v!i..,1!. l'.{AJOR '11. E U.AMFBELL, U ~ . St. Hilaire. guard1:.d ine, f.:O tha.t no one ahould know iny 'You'll tnkc n glass of brauJy, coachTHJJ: HONOli.l\.lU ir, .TQJl"N lTA:'lrTL'J"Ol', J[a\ \kS. d seen.: t. l1ur,~', Out nlan ?' eaid a etout ge11tlLIIHl11, get.tlJJg own RRSIDEN'l' SBCllF'l'A.RY.-JAMES GIL.l\.l'·T. A.n<l when I came once rnoi e into the from the Sutton st age conch, ns i.t oto]Jp1:d S PECI AL FEA T U RES. at the Bell auJ Cuzkoo Inn. opl:'n air, \\ltb baltine gait nnd hrur prcma'lh{J ENTIHE l'$01:1TS belong to an.dare d1\'id ' No, thnnk you, sir/ r\as the reply. turely grey, ,,ho1t \Vas 'vho:i.e nrm upheld eel arnongst the JJoltcy1lwlders. Anothtr thrng much wantea rfhe travell(.'r luokt:!J. up, WU1Jd11Dg 1f be Ole; it \VaS her \'ulCP. who sung to lll0 and LIVES, n:zr.r~TNED Bl OTHER COMP A.NIES, or on rrhis I'oliah gh·es a most elegant lustre,a.nd d1'ie8 heaid right-a coachman refusing to dnnk; cheered n1e, and ulthough o.notlier had oc~ \\'h1cb an extra P1·em-~um. wov.ld be required, can inst:i.ntaneously but seeing nothing but filtn resolve ih the cn]JltU n1y place upo11 the Liverpool coa~h be asau1ed o.t the ordinary ra,te11 of this Society, honr.l'lt face which met his gaze, and as the -she it \\::ts \\ho read the story of the ra· wnde.r a spe~al arrange-nit7l t Nothing ever discovered SPECIAL N ON-l!'OFEl~ ..U:H E PoL101ns issued cold sleet of a rviarch even1ng u1ade it nu yens who fod th ~ forsaken prophet; E>.ud fo1e to equal this Polish, under ,..,rucb only 10, 15 or 20 Annunl Pay that g101ious 'Pur?hon on the "fr!o~int' fi t p l ace to h old nny al'gnP.Jcnt, b c s I1rug· ruents :ue requiled, pay1ncnt secunng J!OR FOR ged his shoulders and burned iuto the But slie bad \\01ked too hnrd, and ns I Policy for a stun a.~auied pruportiuttate to the Inn got Letter, she fell ill, and then 1 bnd to numbe1 of prem1uuHi lia.1d,'l ftee.fiom futur Bnggies, Sorne fe-..v- pa 8 sengeis entered the coach, care for her, but liefore lu1ig-I knew-a.l- I'iano Fo»tes, '()aymMt of prC'ln1v:ms. nncl the horRes ctntered on, glad, no doubt, though no one had told rrr, that the time !vlonERATE PREMIC:MS a.n<l n1ost liberal Cf!llCuttei·s, Olocks, d1t1<ins. to make the best of their ,, ny home to their of parting had nearly corne. ProB!wctuses,Propoaal .Form1:1, &c., supplied stoble. The sun "a9 Hin king to rest; the day had Picture Frames on app 1cat1on at the fJead Uttice, or any of " Sleiqlis, 1 the Agencies. ' It is not often a person like you ri::fus~s been fiue, f.llld the bI\1 8 Jn the drntanc;e wet~ JAES GRAN'.l', glas~, coachman,' eaid a gentle~an sitting jnstfhnging thtir ebadows over the land~ and qll l.,"inds of at' any lcind of 9 ReB. Secretary. scape; the ~t1T11::ildue JLlbt co:ttne upou n1y PY Ins side on the bvx seat. w1tc's hcu<l a'1 I hr.:ld her 11p 1n bed, with Varnished Varnished Am~Nl' FOR BOWMANVJLJ,E, "Vhy, no, S1r1 Uut then j ou ece I Lave a. C.BARKER. her cheek pillowed upon Ill) ~liould~r ~he " Observer O:ffietl," King St reason for it' Carriages Furniture. "~s look1ng out into the d1stant country, l~owl'nanville, June 2·1th. 1870. 23-ly ·Yes, yes, no doubt,' said the gentleman ; we could s9e fron1 our windO\V ; ttnd yt·t :ihe 1 1 hope ~ou will not think n1e ludo in tokdid not seem to notice anytlnng. She ho.d SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. lmlJerial .Fire Insuranr.e Co ing notice of i::uch a c1rcnn1F:1tance.' not spoken for Bun1e tiiflC', but at last, pnll· OP LONDON. Ob 110 !' \Vas the reply, and then afte1 a iog 1ny bead closer to hers she srnd long panse-1 I ha\.-e a reason for lt.' 'Pron1ise 1ne one tb1ng-only one. I The mlence \Vas kept for perhaps a mile, HEAD SI,, and kuow all about how your troublelil came, varied only hy the sbr11l no1ses made fron1 T'all Mail, Loudon. ) ou told me over and over aga1u w nen you A9 usuul, a. Large Stock onhu.nd of GENlRAL I\ Ol..Jq) }OR C.AF.ADA :- 24 St time to time by the dri\.·er In urging on bis crnmcnt , l'.ionhe...i..J, v.·ere ill ; promise J ou'll never taste of that te1:un But it was suddenly broken by the glass aga1n--w1ll you pronuse ?' coachman snJ1ng, 'rfhere was a t1mr, Sir, Subsc11b~tl. ilOll invef:!tccl Capital und Ticse.rve I hastened to \O\Y; but she placed her Fund.. £1,965.000 f:?te1lin,R". when I could not have refused that glasa:Funds in\·ofltod in Canada- 105,000. ha1yl upon 1ny l1p!'l 1 'No oath", no oatbs,1 ah ! and "oroe luck to me when I did not .All of which 'hill be 1'old at low figures. Insurances ;<J,.galnf:lt lo1's hy Fll'e are e:ffc1;ted oa 1 Judge, don't you wish you were a boy again ?11 "Mrs. Monroe, you can 't play that on ine. \Vhat about this charge?" ":\nd you such a sweet child," she. contmucd-" had such tender ways with Y.ou 1 .Ah 1 ~'d gJ·e fonr ,dollars to be a little girl. agam and have you dr,iw me around m a wheel-barrow, as you used to do?" " And I'll give you six inonth.s' Mrs. 1.Ionroe, and if BiJah doesn't stop gpnDlng I'll take care of h1m as well!" " You'll send n1e up?" GO TO -~ Elephant Houser So:ME'1I-IING NEW I _ 'l'HOMAS :BAT'rING·'S If You Want "NORSEl\«:AN," GOOD AND DRY owrnun ill e, Sept. 25th, 1857. A substitute for Lath & Plaster ! I CJDE!P GOODS. HOUSE. MANCHESTER THB Dominion Organ Co'y. BO\VMANVILLE Prl.-sen t the following fro1n 1wom petent Judges of 01ganJ. Testimonial frorr1 .John Ca1mtlge, l\ft1" })oc., Can1nar, England. Bov. 1nanv1llc, Dec , 187 3. To the 11f(tnayc1'$ I>om1111.()n ·..Jrya,n CfJ. GRN'J'L~ll.11':~ - I ltte to p lay on your Organs t., .e b so S\\eet and stead~. And the \York·!nip an<l tmi8h excellllut1 anJ. 111 e~my pnrt1cula1 they inc cri un1, if not supenor, to any I liave tJver li~aiJ.. Hup1u,; thi.:y \~ill meet pvblic i1.p11reciahon. RELIANCE Important Announcement ! · JOHN 1~1.::a<l CA~UDGll the foJl O'A ing fiotLI FoiJa fYF.rina, · l3n\\m1Xnv1lle, ])ccernbt:r 22, 1873, 7'o the Mamagc1s oj the Doni1nion Organ Uu. fyin.o; t.o the excellent qu~lltios of the Organ t:i-ipphetl by you t1ot iuy curwert last Satu1day eve1ung. 'J he tone l~ S\\ eet and "cry powerful and the combu1ahon of stops Jlll)St a.<.hnirable. I a1n ~u1e your J1115trumenh1 will find fn.vol" n1 Churches, M thev ure "Lng-ularly u.d.apted f('t sacred music \Vish1ng you t:lVtny succes~. <ind that the pu1Jhc m!ty pa.tronize nntne manufacture. GK..1"TLE)lliN. - I ha\'e t!)ltth p)eut:1tlle 1n t1·>i\ i- Great Iteduction, in Dry ---oo--- Varnish Polish! G~ ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware:- l ro1nt:u.n v·ery respeutfully. Gen~le1nc-11, 1'08A D'})l{INA. PIWF. TERRY. l\ianager, be- Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs Da. PATl'ERSUt<. P1esidont. owma.nvHle. January ]5, 1874. bp·o3.ml6. MURDO UH BIOS. Having decided to make a change iu thei1 business, me now .selling for CASH their large and well '1,S.sorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery and Gl>tssware, DENTISTRY! AT AND BELOW COST! 'l'ho Stock lmviug been purchased in the BES'l' depend on getting ~IARKETS, buyern can · ]vJOBE AND BETTER GOODS FOB THEJR MONEY at this Establohmcut than in any othel' honse in the com;itry. HAitDWARE '!I Omo~:~~lia~~~ 1~~:~d J Brimacombe, L.R.G.D.8. Hardware, Paints and Oils, 8toues and Tinware. FEES MODERATE. OFP1CE ovei· NcCLUNG'S Stan., Call Early, and secure Bargains, as the whole Stock must be sold nt once, jbr CA Sil ONLY. John McLeod. & Co., n1ost favotahle term~. and losses p< with ,)ut reference t<> the .Board in 1 Oh :Ion THE GROCERY is DEPARTMENT .J DODSWORTH, Inc:vectnr. RrN1'01JI, llROS. Gen. A;;;euts, :hfontrea Strowger Bros NEWCASTLE fl , R. LOSCOldBE, Barrister., Agen for:Bowmanvilla and Vicinity. Bowmanv1lle, Jnne 4th, 18601 - -- ----------- -- - now complete with the choicest supply of Just Arriveri :'l.t tho 36 mo 43-39. lw Christtn as Goods, Raisens, Citrrtints, ga1·s, Peels, etc., etc., at all P1·ices. Bowmanville, Dec. ~~~--~~~~~~~~~--- J an1es 1 McFeeters. AGENT FASHION BOUSB NEW MILLINERY. .Also a. lot of - ~ Better Induce1nents Grocery 'l'lrn QU}~ KN ]'u e and Life Irnnu ance Compvny. Capit:-i.l ~2,000,000 $ l:S0,000 rlepo~ 1t 0rl W1th the Dunun1on Govt11t11nent, for the proteo dc1 lo) 1n Oanada. The ISOLA'J'li:D RISK Fire In!'!urance Cotn pn.ny of Ganado. Co.pital 500'000. - 0ne of the Uest and cheapti,..t C.\H11pa111M$ doing l>ur-n uel"!~ Jn tbc Dondn1on, for F'n1 n1eH1 rind Isolntc·d Ruiks For the folluv Lng Insu1a11ce Companicl'I, an<l utber Inst1tuhuna. VlZ · - 24th, 1874 MURDOCH ' "' t ' ·. 1 REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & J,\Jf:>(} a l:u ge stock of An 1\be1dccn girl supposes th,1t the 1cason she has ncvc1 kindled a fla1ue tn us flll officer. Every place ~\ e stopµcd at he cLtll~d fur s liea.1 t is LH::cause she is not a ..tny inLln 1 n1m, surne lor hnnoelf, and son1e for me, tor a good rr1,ltch. I h,ul not ll.1arued then to retusf', till a.t last 1'"i}Jlr1t !01 J11u of the navy, \viler~ he served \\l1cn a ln< tn \\ants a p111g uf tolJcLcco the grocery tb1ee-fou1tbs Of a mt]e Ofi' IS only a step, but if his wife \\ants a dnnk of cool wate1 fron1 a ne1ghbor's \Veil onros1te, by son1e n1ystenous agency that well suddenly becornes remo·ed more half a rrnle mt<ty. we were both far fron1 sober, thongh many J\.s an 1nnocent looking old n1an ,vas going up \.Vashn1gton street, \.~1cksbtng, a drayinan nodded to hiin and asked : " \\'ant a dray, 1nister ?1' '· No- o, I g1.ess not," iephed the old man ' 1 I'm too fur from hon1e, and can't pay fre1ght turning a co1·oer ol thl.! roaL11 I <lou'L kuow on 1t 1fuch olJlceged, though. \ icks- bow it happened, but I always think yo11ug would liave considered we Wt re but n1oderatc. 'rhings went on in this way, till \Ve got near to StaffurJ ; by tbis t1111c we were s1ng1ng and sl1011tiug, autl '\\hat fe,v people we pai3.:itjd 011 the ioad, i:too<l. LJ l:!t,tre as thE four grl'JS bounded ulong, b~111ing such a loatl of Tbe wening \\'as comir.g on, and n fog waa f,tet setthog on fiel 1 and river, so that we could not see Jar bt:fore n~, \\hen ln 1 hnrg lS a po~vcrtul nice to,vn. ....'\ feller Talbot v,.at1 rcach1n~ to fiCt the reins, us be bdck there asked n1e 1f I d idn't \Vant d bnd asked n1e ninny times to let him drive; coat) another 1nq111red lf I \Vanted a but be that as it may, I saw a tnan in front hack. and now you offer wish l hved here." me a dray' I of us with two ch1ldren, tbe three horsea 1 he other evening, "vhen Harper's tram was approaching Lockland, 1t part· er! m ;the mrddle, and the bell rope snapped off like a thread, the end of 1t stnkmg an old l.ldy from Jasper on her bonnet, and setting her nerves to play. "VVh:::it on earth's the n1atter ?" she exclain1cd. "Oh, the tra1n's b1oke in two," replied a gentlen1an n;ho sat in the next seat. "Ugh l 1 should say so,', the old lady sa1c1, looking at the broken bell cord. "Did they s'pose such ' a nasty, tnftmg little stnng like that would hold the train togetl1 er!" S\ver\·ed, there n·as a loud 8hriek, the COllch S<'cmcd to j un1p over an 1mpcd1mcnt, and then the iriglitened horses 8f'E:m(d to fly for y~ry ~1fe. ~-¥",. e n1jgbt ~ave got into the tow~ self - Vermont F<Hrric1. I the iutr0duut1on of .r'\yJ~l111(') or .Te1 sey blr.ud 'lh-:1e ii> no eun1owu lH'I cl, sekcted w1th the or (AS REGARDS PRICE J; QUAL11'Y) cl1na1y Rk1ll that every tJ,urJIUitll ~hv1ild posses!!, th,~u ..tny othtir 11ou$(1 111 tl1e Co1111ty. that "ill nQt gl\'e one 1t1m1l1Nl anr1 fifty po,1nd1 of butt;er ~1.nd U})\\aHla to ~ c<Jw, 1f tl1t'.Y tue proped\' taken cri.rCof. 'lhJ iwp10\(~(1 b1ec<ls Weight and llfea,n1re Giw,rcmteed and their grades are 110 1f 1 ter, 1£ ai; in every instu:ue. · good, th<1n connnon stock, under neglet t ~11111 poor feed111g. A corre~pondent in ,Mi 1 ·-,:chn.nge say ii · "T hnvc one thou,,o.nd pout~da of good butter iu a ,,en."'-on fio1n fQur CO\\:ll, aucl 11t1t J. L, S'l'ROWGER one of them wn:. rei:wtered ot haJ. a. fashionable J. D. STROWGER ped1gree, 01 WAS bou~ht fllr a pnce to ~xceed N ewt:astle, Au J u~t. l lt\1, l 871. $50 ;"and o.ddrJ , "ln 1ny own cxperienc~,,.,h(!n I ha'e bought eows of stingy feEd01s,thl'y ha-.,;e uea.rl}i do'nbled their product, and tbat, too, w1tho11t the aid of "a1m or steamed food," has no\v a bona, ildc Such has been the experience of not n fow A nrnn ope1.1 lu ;1gg~d that he had sold the poorest co\\ 1n hi~ h1 rd Rhe was a small and tinud and with the< xc< ptton of a few, th rse 1iass bmfe.t, 11ncl wa'! nrnst e1d by uoatly e\eiy othoiir j11tu 1l1t· hand,, of the p"ople of \\."'c ,,t in an ill kept henl llJat a.v<:!ragcd little if any Durhatn 'l'he public" lll <Ltoncu see the utihty ot tho pap0r a.5 an O\ieL uJJe l11111chcd l,ountlsto a t:O\\ '1'11::.i.theifer now makel:l o\ e1 tJ1r( e hu111.he(l pounds a yea1 A test of her rnilk, 11, few days ago, gaYe twenty·: h ve and a nalf ounces of buLt1;1r ftolrL a day\1 product How could ~iwh a ma.n tell whether he cheats anothe 1 when he sells b1m a co\v, or 111 lhis coushtul"ncy, and this faut is Le1ug cuu not ? His "strong holt" is in ehea.~1DJ hua- stantly demonstrated. B11si11ess, \dth n ~avtng-s Ba.:nk depatttnc>nt. The UNlUN ANn PER1f1\NlaN'l' l1nilding .~ 11d Sa\ tng's Society, .. 'J'hl .. e b.tte1 instltutions nLl ~ :l.nce I .nn.ns on lte,tl I:ilt<i-V~, on te1 ms unusuallv easy for the 1,011owe1. Ilowm.\D\Jlle, l:'ob. Olh, 1878 . '!'he CA.NADA L ~\NDJ;D CHEDI'l' CO'Y. Stamps for Braiding and Em- broidery. · .- FASH I Orf-S. for Spring just to hand, utlua1. NO PRESrnTS CIVEH1 BUT CODD ALWA Y:S GET Teas a, Speo1al:i.ty.. FIRS'l'·CLAS $ · MRS. A. FLETCHER Bow1nn.n \ 1lle·.A:p1il 7th.1871. _ A BIO. is now raging n.t W. BELL & Co's. BOWMANV I L:....E THj!i MERCHANT Pi·ize 1lledal 01·gans Iv!acll.ine and Im:plement Circulation of 1000, \Vh1ch iu 1873, .1t t.l1e Provincial Fait. beat every A1\1e11cnu ond Can.1dw. n Organ, taking Manufacturing Co TIELEVENS :i the FIRS'l' Pl\IZll. Also the renowned IvI~n ufactures ufJ HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO Rn8ton 1 \Vlnch ha::; ta.keu ADVERTISING MEDIUM. vVOOD AXDl IRON it Has No Equal. 111 Forty-1iine First l'nmiums. --:o:-- WORKING MACHINERY and he is determmerl to continue to sell at these i uinon,ly low prices cheupe1 tlmn the cheapest. · Why he cu.n do 1tFint, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy t ' l _ ~ I safelJ '.but JU·t m om way was a nairow Encourage Your Daughters in Cooking. pape1, o1d bridge, and there the toild curvtd a ht· If you h11v<' f(,und anything, advertise in the tle I had lost a.ll powei by Lins lllne over ::\fothers, wh(;n your Jaughters begin to learn MEROHAN'f If you want to sell anything, ad\e1tise in thts the Lorse.?-, and in turiiing O\'er tlu! bridge to ba.ko and cook do not dieuQurage thur firat If you have lost anytbini;, advertise tlu:i THE KING OF Double Turbine w·ater Wheels, and d came wit a eras . . When I to rny~elf, I found the n1ght had gone, and it was 110011 ot next dny ; l was In bed, and the first face I saw \Va3 that of my wife, for ·we hvcd near thcrn tht·n. She Jocked an:xious and I could see the markti of tears on {ier tace-' \.'\'hat's the matter O\\ ~tie coac l h h h ' AULD LANG SYNE. ?1 I cried, and tried to leap out of \VM the bed ; but l held dow!l, and tht:n gently to1d \vbnt had happened, how the "So you me here again, Sarah Mon· horses hud tukcn fright a11d {Yertnrned thti at the station t\I enty tunes a yem . roe?" li.:t1led bis honor as the next pus- conch. onc1 ~tppearcd~ a won1an who bas been Thc:re was not so much damage done as sir --my name JS Mis. Johnson, and I live 1n 'l'o1cdo." " l'ooh- pooh' Haven't I seen you he1e a sco1e cf Li1nes, Sarah?" "No. sir JI \Vas never 111 the city till "Sara.h 11onroe ~! 1 she repeated , "no, had gone on home with a broken arm ; the rer-t of the pa.ssenger~ baU pxoceetled with 1 might have been expected, youu,, T·lbot the coach, sbaktin an<l Uruiaed, but '\·itb no bones broken. But then~ wns son1eth1ng last \Vcek." "(~1t out t l'd kno\v more I \\bhed to kno\v- who '"us tbnt I saw in the road with two cb1ldrcn 1 whose that nose of ahr1tk I bad bear<land ahllcould hear ring· ing in iuy ears; that lle\\S tllcy tr1e<l to put off till another time; bu~ it would not do, I ""us clt:tc1u1iacd tu k110\v, And I soon knew too much [t aeemed a man with whom I '"as well act1ua1uted)l1adbeeu taking svme oi bis family for a walk in the cool of the even rng. He was 0 man respected by all who knew him. Aad in 1L n1oment "'e \Vere npon him ns \Ve turned t.he roa,1, and giving him only tirne to screnn1, be lay 111 the dust -bruised-bleed mg-,lead. It \vaa but the work of a minute to dress and hasten down sta1rs 1 <leternnned to see the ft1n11ly of the poor man. lhs cottage wns n0t far from my home, and I was soon attetnpts by telling- them 1t is not good or \Vell done. 1fit ls not good, or as well a.<; you could do it (after :yea.rt) of experience),do notdi,.,cou<age them Ly teLhng them so, but remember one word of praist:: will help tbe1n t1y the next time to do better, 1no1c than a thousand \vords o fault fimhng- \vould. ~ell do I retnen·ber th {~ first tlmc I kneaded a loaf of bread and baked it I"' as aJonc at home, and Oh 11 0'~ I tned to tuake xt nice, and I thought lnyself it wa~ nice, but ala.<i r "hen in"L came home sha said 1ny biead was not good at all Oh,how 1ny hcort sank 'vitb1n n1e, and l saiJ to m:rself, "I will ne"er a.gain try to bake a.nother loaf of bread," -snHl yet to th1a da.y, when I m:1ko b1cacl 1 I do it with a. heavy heait for it always rerr1ind~ me of tuy fit'l$l a.ltempt, and the <l1scouL::tgeitllent I then received Oh, 1notbe1s, I repeat it, do tiot d1scoura.g't"l y01, n daughters in their fhst attempt at If it is uot \\ t·ll done, point out to thl'!1n thttn fault1:1 in a u11ld and £"Cntle 'vay. and please don't forget to gtve tl,em one \vord of praise . paper If yin1 wu.nt to buy anytlung adYert1se in the "\fJ~RC II""\.)l 1' SEWING MACHINES, --:o:-- Second, what he c><n't buy cheap enough, he manufacture.; Thi1 d, he is satisfied with small profits t Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bot.tom prices. If you \Vant to 1eacb the public, noic the column~ of the 1\iEllCIIAN'l'. I OUR RATES ARE LOW. Ca.stings of all Kinds O.A.LLAND SEE FOB Y<)UDffBLVBSt N. n -t"J 1he Subsc1iber ia not a Sub, or un1\s a wet·ldy n t wspapcr, the ){rn·cn.\l\T 13 del .A.geut. but h::is the specrn I o.gency fl)r th1J scarcely Dxcelled. Sixteen colunurn of c~11e ;:i.huve. I ant p1::.patcd to J'iunof! fur fully i;.elected i ea<l1ng matte1 .tppea.1 Ill 01g.1n::i, Orgnns £01 )[Hlt>l'lton~, also Se\.\iJllg euuh u;sne, c01npus1ng Lolet ,.ttn1 ej ]..fachn.i.ea, un l emwna.ble terms .Agru.:1dl1~1 ul, l"am1{y Rf'od?n(!, !\.dd1 ess, llcne1 al and Loeal Nc11 i J. s. DONF.Y, 1°YU.0Nffi r .o. all fresh ant.I ieado.b1e. J"11, 15th, 1875. 6-titnos. Sub~u1 iptions tu,l~en any ti mo dt1ring the yea.1 REP.t\.IRS don1.; on the BRING YOUR FRlEN OS WITH YOU. c stock, \~ 1111.;h c1nu [H isei:t 1.1\ erytl1J11g iJJ tlie t1 ade, of the "ery t~tei:;t .1.uJ mo ;t 1:1leg,1.i1 styles a.nU patterns, of Enghsh, Canadian, and J.\n wrwan lnanuf«i.cture. -o- NOTICE, V\-"c have no\v on ltautl ,1JJ He still co1ltn111 es lo m:".Luofactn1e Lo ouk:l', fro 111 tla~ lJe~t of 1naterial, and nvne but ill"Et clfltiS workmen kept. Orders Promptly Executed, and G-ood Fits Guaranteed He ha~ in stock an endless va1ietl?l of Ladie:s 1 and Gents1 Sa.i,tLooa TrnnkR, Vali ~ei-J, 1·tc. 1 aU of \Vl foh he fa ::ielhng c:heap fo1 cash. -o- - o-- ln1ge rin.u1hty of we ha.\.e e\t'ry f,1ulity. "\V.,.e clu liot woil'notliu1g, 01 ftm, but our prw~s \~111 be found low, our pu.J8SD8 are run stea.u1 F 18 DAUGHI.EIL Straw-Cutters ! :rro:ai JOB PRINTING fot Grain Grinders as by [YJwer. Fl1~E·o J\;1ILLS. Show Bills --.o-- TERMS 75 GTS., IN AnVANGE. Common and Gang Plows, tha.t will he s ild at Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St· LOW 130\\mn.-in illc, PRICES ~farchl873 M. TRELEVEN. l:!,0~111::w1i:1lle, ~la 13, 1874. ============================ ~==-- · 1 ' AT THE SHOP. Otf. -------------· ~ - yours if I \Yas to n1ect it Ill Dcla\vare and the t1a111 lvas runn ing sixty nules an hour. You "'e1e 111tox1 cated again last night?" ·' I kno\v '"here your n1 1 stake is, ' she said sn1iltng blandly, i· don't you remember that I knew you 11hen you were a boy about so high?" "\\'ell I dtd. J)on't vou remcn1bcr how \Ve used to ~ade in tf1e creek, S\\iing on the gate and go heIT) rng ?" "No 111 .idarn.'t "Yon don't? VVhy, 1t sc.e1ns hardly .. a 111onth s ince \.Ve rode do\vn hill and you 11elped me build play-houses. Ahl ·' ~o mada1n." j Fires and Warmer Clothing J)leaae c,il1 at tb.e The f{lorious autumn,., ha.s come again 1 B 0 '\V l\'JAN LLE --ho' v delightful 1 how 1nv1gora.ting! And yet the Farm Implement Forwarding Agency cool, beautlflll days will cri..1ry to a. door ~ R. W JAMES, a hea1se which rn1ght be kept away, And "hy? Kmg St. 1 Bowurn.in1lle. 1-Ierely fo1 the want.of a. little £.1e n1ornings and Be\\u1anv11le. l)ec. 5, 1872 nlO. evenings, and an int.-rea.sed v. aunth of clothllig " Do not postpone unde1ga.i1ntnts for yourselvei;:z, and e~pema.lly do not postpone putting thein on I and e~crything f1on1 the si.1.e of a l'oi:<te1 larg~ the ch1ldren. Othe1 \Ui5e dyeentery, or t.> pho1d f enough to cove1 a barn to a. half 1r1cl1 s11 1p 1 DEALETI IN f1n·e1-that te111Lle tlH:iease~ or illness in :;orue printed 1n good style:, a.1nl at i.:ity p11ceil .f:?tuit and 0111.n.mental 1'1 ea, Se-eds, Bulb~, uther forin, n1r,y entar your d\\ell.ngs and bear Spec1mm1 f).. nf w1n l, e.... n l;e eet:nat our office l?lo1r,e1 s, d:c;,, &c. off some lo' etl inrn11tc. °Vi'.,..arm cloth1ng, timely \ \York lt:1.n·h·d ou1 , ,tnd t ~le c ... sh t.\ken for 1t }fr 0. gnfll'rtnteui tn futni~h nothing but ti.res, wru m hl;l::u ts ; chee1fnlue~i'l , health a.nd O. BARKER, First·c.:las::; tiees, aud true to name. .\ddrcssi happiness , the~e a.U belong togcthe1· in o tr l P. O. Ilox 65 B\1\v1na.nvilltl, Jan. 22ad, 1875. bp-ly-m17·o4. outumn. - Ex. '·r I I Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Ch·culars Bill Heads Cards Another car load of the abo·H~ noblP ru. ticles on ll1e way, TO THE WALTER WIGG & SON, JN retui'lling thanks to their numerous customers and tb1;1 :rinbhc for pri.E:!t fnvnrs, \\ould iespectfully invite their a.ttenhou to our present stock off u1n1hn e, a.s ·\ e li.1 re lately I added thei eto, that \\ e may thereby be enabled to Sll})ply all parties "ho inu.y plea:>c to favor h1u1 wit:h a call~ Great inducen1ents held out tu thost" puH;h.tslllg at our 1.-;t~bbdi1nPnt P1cSamples of the d1ffeu:n:it tu1ee, Lookiug Glasseo, etc. fiatned to order, and in every style kind of o uldings can be .qeen at the \\' '\Te v;ould also beg to infonn you., tha~ . having ptuchased a j vr Star Dry Goods and O/othitlg Honse. -- g-ener.'.l.ll~·, Pamphlets J. CHAPLIN, DRY Q(JODS ! CLOTHiliG·, etc. .....--.{)-- N'OTED :Fon l)Hl:JA.1' SPLEND LD NK\V HEARSE, we shall be ready at n.11 times to attend funerals, on short notice n.nd .rcaoionrtblt? tcrmr-, N B - Coffins kept on hund and rnnde to order, n.t the Corn \Vall Blan k'bts A SPECIAL !.INE, NEW DOliflNlON RETAIL FUBNI'l'URE WARE-ROON. Oshawa, Aug. 26thJ 1810, Manager Corner King andV{ est l\iru kct Street ui:ar St. Law-rence llall:'l'ornnto King Street East, Oshawar

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