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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 12 Nov 1875, p. 3

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r---·---~ . v' . Pierce, of the \Vo1·1d\! Digpen.1:lary, ,.....~u.lo, N. Y., whose .ll'amily Mediciuf'.S have .von goltlen opinionR and a~ltieverl world-wide / THE M.EHCHANT FRIDAY, NOVEMBEH 12, 1875. VVINDING UP OCTOBER 10th, 1875. It is my intention on the above date to wind up the long-winded credit system,aud sell only for CASH, or its equivalent. It requires no argument tu establish that it is to the advuntugo of both buyer and seller,to trade for ready pay, the buyer thereby getting goods at WWER !'RICES and tho seller being saved from loss by bad debts. Wo think then that all parties will concur in the wisdom of this change on our part. Our goods will hereafter be bought for CASH only; rmd we shall thereby reap the advantage of large trade discounts, which a.dvantage we are determined to give to our customers. Parties purchasing from us may therefore depend upon getting goods at least ten per cent. cheaper than nnd el' the old plan. Our stock will this Fall be i:nore replete than ever , and a still higher class of goods will he kept. We therefore guarantee the greatest satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. The following lines 'vill be foulld full : ()fl ~/ - ,,,...-rept1tation, ;.\ftcr patient ::itudv a. n d n:111c11 experin1enting, sncce(~d1!d in pcrfecti!.'.g a. ComJlOund R:-.:tract of SmaL"t-Wecd, or \V a.ttf Pepper, tb::tt is destined t() bC'corr10 o.s celebrated as his other medicines. It owes its efficacy not eritirely to the S1nai-t*Weetl, which, liow e"e1\ i~ a sovereign r1~medial a.~ent, but la.rgl:l]f tu a. happy cou1binaLion of that hel·b witlt~amnlca. G-i ng{~ r and other vegetable 3gente. The combina.tion is such ns to make it a very '-'"e.ant rcmed.v to take. Taken interna.lly, it cures Diru:rhcca., ])ysentery (or Bloody-Flux), Sun11n er Complaint, Cholera., Cholera h-forbns. Colic, Cra1npr:1 aud Pain in the Stotuach, breakf:I, np Colds, Febrile anrl I nAa.mniatory attacks. It i8 sold by all druggists and dealers in medi~ cin e ~. $25 "The Big Push!" REWARD! 1 Good Fa.rm for Sa.le. ]'f[ half of .L ot No. 1-1, 7th Con. Dru· N O~. ltng:to:ry, conta.iniug 100 acre;: i: , moro or less Good brul~ling-a and fence::i, und large young orchard. l! or })<11-ticulars, apply to Oet. 29th , 1871. 'Vu. TUJ.i:R, F(AYDON. 5-tf. STARri,LING A Revelatio11s ! --o-Very Serious Charge, fa just bcini; eir- COWLE, Having bought a Large quantity of BUFFALOES, very Cheap, all that is required, is to · APPLES! BUTTER! ~1HJ? und ~ r13i gneJ .will buy n,ny quantitv of . GOOD ri.·~JialCIIJ\.N'l'.A.BLE Al'PJ;Bsj a.ud }Ja.y th u highest pr1co for good TUB BUTTER. fhc ·~l;iove r~ward ·w ill b-0 paid to any person who will f11rnu;h am pl~ proof that the Roots & Shoos sold hy tho undcraigned, arc not what he repr<..~cnts tb eru. S. BUlWEN Tiow·mandlle, Aug. 26th, 18715. 48-t f, RIR'l'H. NAJ\C'El\ IVJ:<:J.r,- In Eow1n::u1ville, on the 8th inR t, tho wife of ::ti.Ir. Julu1 Kauceldvcll, of 11 ::;on. ba~ed upl>n substl~ntiri.l facts, culatecl, antl is to this effect- that one of vur prominent I\-Itrcho.nts, A R OUSE AND LOTJ.~ qutt't! 11101-i. Sc\..J ,R, !:iitua te on Onlario Streut of. -rvr1~. 1'H().lVIA8, ou tho pr~mi::i 68 owm.anv1lle, .Jan. 22nd,J.875 . 17tf. Markus Mayers, has purcha.·~rnd an imrnense Stock of G-oods, E u- advantageous tern:1,.,, and he is g-oing to give bis D,\ vis - HoaAR'l'H:-On the 1:,t 11lt, by ~fr. C1H1t.,mers the benefit of his bargain. l). 1~11\Jini:;, j\'fr. Wm Dv."i!!, of lia.".lt Whitby, , · , to Mi1:1s A. Hogarth, third daughter of )fr. 'lhe Stock t~ very Iarg~, e.1nbrac1ng J. Hogartl1, of St. 1forys. . I South Sect Seal, E·rmine, Grey cind WADDELL-.BU.DJ)OCK- Atthem .1uencoof the MARRrED. Ready-made Clothing,Cloths, Tweeds, Dress Goods,Silks, Shawls,Skirts,Cottons, Winceys, Blankets, Buffalo Robes, &c. GENTLE1VIEN'S SUITS AND SHIRTS Jnade to order in city styles, on f:!hort~rst notice. Bowmanville, Oct. 21st, 1875. liride'A father. on the 2nd inst, by the J. Gardiner of Hamilton, Jobu \VadJ.ell. l 1~sc1. to Annie, youngcstldaughter of R. Ruddock, E2q. all of the to,vnship of Cla.rke . IBicick Lamb, Gn;l·c and Mink Sets R~v. i · .. . . li varying iu pnce ac~or~1lUff to qua ty, anU cons1sbng ot ~ S. F. HILL. For Gents For La,dies . ' To lv! :Business, A dvm·tise ! 'l'!te nierch(.ldot, 1ilan·ufcwtwreJ', or clealm', 1.0ho /r,eeps his .AU the Good8 are '\'ell mad~, of the wares bcfm·e the pitblic, seldom complains of d%ll N11nes. Wlwi·e ·is the · iltility of havin.IJ f01· sale the best fabrics in the wo1·ld, ~lthe 1.00Iil1.l-be All Styles of Children's Furs on hand, p1i10iase1·s know not whe·re to obta;in and the Prices such as has n<ver before been offered in Bowmanville. them. Caps, Collaretts, Muffs Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. ' " Come down handsomely," " Will you be One ?" --o-- nm DOMINION BANK. DOWMAKVILLE. ~ Capita], Paid Up, HEAD Ol'l"ICJi: OnrLLJA, 00l30L:RO, BOWMAN VJLT.E, Dl.tAN CH OJ1'.l<'lOES: $1 ,000,000 'l'ORONTO ' 0 SRAV,'~\, lV'"1u 1n ¥, 1 For Children. U XlllUDC·E, I have done n1y utmost to 1llease the Public, as lvitness the following: La,test Styles! o - -o- - o -- o--o--0- -0-- 0- -o --0--0--0-··-·- ·0 ----o -:~:- ~- =="=============- 11lUsF!f~fcfS, ~ltlll' -<:'!il·!~tter tti'l ~ ; · t' t llltuttll Al. He v..1£0 offerl'I a very attractive lut Qf Goods in HOUSE I'l'UATE near To RENT. in7-tf. SIIIIITS, DRAWERS G c, COLLARS, NEGK1'fES, BRACES, <f:c. t 0 --0- - - IT WILL P!f 0 --·· o - - o - - o - - o - - o - o - - o - - o - - o -- ~ o--*-0 :Su:ffa,loes for $4.50, worth $6.00 worth $10. " fo~ $7. Latest Styles a1id Gootl Stock. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERED WORK. Store, King 1'1' 1 B ~111 k, iu :_l..dJiii un tot1·finsn..ctiug the us11 :H k 1 ~la ng- busJ n ess,, off~rs to· the pulili e all le a va.n tagcs uf a S:lving I nstit ution with the security .of a larg e pa,id-up eapi tn.l, by t h e m~ans ot n. SAVTNG 8DEP.11nT~JENT. 1 Intc[tts t :Ulo\\'ed un a ll deposi t~ of One )) olu.r an( npi\'ards, nt the rattJ of }'IVM1 , er ctiut per a1111un1. · J ,:r , Bowmanville, Oct. 29th., 1875. Depositors can withdrn.>v tii ther the whole or auy part 6 f ~heir deposits a t any tirn.e \\.;tl 10 ut previous 11 ot ice ' "~hpeeia.~ rate& ~~ i11 t1:1restal1oweU upon deposit s "WI no~ic1:1 nf withdrawal. A,tineriean Curren cy and Silver tnkcn on de· pm-11 , I ., tr~~·aflt's n}~)( S the l!'uctory. For fnrthtr particulars, to ON PROSPECT S'I'REET Good accommodation. apply on tho preruis~s. ~D. '!'hoy mnRt be sold, and Sacrifice8 ·will be ma..::l~. Cash C119tomel'S will buy 011 close 1nargins. EVEBYI30DY To ca11 and see the CHEAP :Sible Christia,n tlfri ))epof.:tt.8 ~a!! Lt tPmitted by Inail, address;J1 to the ])~mlluon u a.nk Jregfa:terecl], when in a P.~ss-Book receip t will be sent b"'-" rtl t lll'lllJOSt, .> J. A, CODD, Ag<11t . B -~n v1llc, J a n. Gth, 1874, 15-tf. ' tn~es a.:nd all pa1·ts of Canada. g rllil1ted pay~ib1e U1 Great ' S'!'ORJf"!.- One door 1.1aat of Cornish's J eweh'Y St1·~~t, \VHI'l'E. CASH PAID FOR RAWS FURS· Bowman ville. Ilowu1anvil1c, Nov. 11th., 1875. TOWN LOT FOR SALE. · Being ! of an acre, on }~lgin Street, near the ll'tictory, '!'he land fa under cultivation, and is well fcuce(l. There is a neverfailiug spring of ·vater on the p1·emi ses. Apply at thie Office. lm. - M. MA Yli::R'S. Bown1anvi.lle, Oct. 1st, 1875. J. SMALE. Bo,vmanville,May 6th1 1875. BOOK ROOM AND DRUGS AND MEDICINES · at the HORBJ:S,: CARRIAGE SHOP \Vest of the Ontu.ri l3a.nk. GROCERIES I Bowmanville Drug Stol'e, PROVISIONS CROCKERY AND School Libra.ry :Oepot, KIN1 SB EET, BOWMANVILU. LOST. N' 'l'IIE GRAVEL ROAD, BETW!lEX O N e>vcu.i;tle 1.tnrl il lo, p:i:rc-01 (.'Ontaining a. Robe a.nd n. Set of steel be)]f'., Auy Bo1vma~v :1 Kin$ Street, Bowuum ville. person fin~ing tl1e same ,..-ill be sui~bly rewar<led by len.ving it \Vith 1rit'. .T. l\iforrif", ca1·· l"ia.gc 1naker, B0wmanYiHo or with tho Dwncr . GLASSWARF!?... subscriber is prepa1'cd to TI!E. pair o ~ er~, and t o tho puhlic gen e1ally for t11e ve1y l1bl"1yJ s~1ppo1't hu llM roceived, ince h ia C?tn1nonc1;ng iu busin es.:i ; n.ritl ho};le8 b con~ tu~l11;d i;t n ct p ersonal attention to bnsine~s, anU oflenn g n otJ1111g but the JJurest articles at t h e m o,t re :ism)n.blc price~, to ensure a continuance o1 pu 1 )1 10 patronage. J. ~I. 'vould call specbil a t t ention to hi~ very anp~nor et ock of · · W<;fIJJ? lUGA t. l'eape<.J tf1 11Jy t ender his slncere t 1 .iuk s to h1::1 nunun·on~ friends and ·as- J. HIGGINBOTHAM l .JAS. MuCOMB. tu7-0w. Co.rtwright, Cwt:tarea P. 0, build and re- AT T).YE If you wa.nt --:o-- SALE OF STOCX. T (one tnile ·w est of Bowmanville, on the gravel road,) t~le following farm /$tock ~ 1 Colt oue year old, .sired by "Old HE UNDllHSIG:NED RAS BEEN I1'stn1ctetl hy l'vlr. R, U. ·.F'OLl!~Y. to sell by of every clesU'iµtion , at short notice, and on public a.nution, on Lot ] 3.1 L1on. Darlington. reasonable terms. Wagons, Biiggies, and Cutte?·s, LYLE & MARTYN.'S. · whtdi aro s nrc to give tbe bust satisfaction. A well ~clc~t ed st ock of STUFFS Thoroughly :Reliable We ha.-ve 110'\\'" the moet varied and DRUGS, CilE kllCA LS PATHNi ' J.l fEDlCINES, BR V8J[FJS, SHOULDER-B RACES . ' SUPP ORTERS, Etc., E k ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 11 CJOJ1!B8 Carriages Painted and Trimn1ed· N etlwrby ;"clam by" Loudeu 'l'am, ' t ,., claru by "Snver eign ;" 1 ]filly by ".5cotla.nd'B Glory, fla1n same a..e; above; I sucking Colt by " Henry Clay," dam by 11 Sir Archer; 1 workiug Horse, eight years oltl . 22 head fa~ atnl str rtt Steers, 3 and 4 years old ; 6 Co"lS in C.1.lf; 20 Leic~ste1· Ewes. A few· choice Bcrki;hirc Sowa, with pe<ligrees ; 6 apring- Pigs. on the pre1nisJ;s, were speciri.1 n.ttention is gn·en to :i.11 ORGANS SELECT STOCK kept const an tly ou hand, A Blacksmith's Shop SAT. EA'.l'O:<!E cn::LOCK l'. M., SHARP. 'l'Ell.Y8 :- J 2 tnonths' credit for all except the stee1a, for wbich G rnonths' credit will be given, by purchasers furnisbint'{ approved notes. H , '.L1· PHILIPS, Auctioneer.Darlington, Nov. 11, 187.). Cnnfage work, and General Jobbing. · CJhauge of B11si11ess ! At the Sign of the Golden .A.nvilm ----:o:---The Subscriber having purchased the entire Stock of OILS, PATN'l' COLORS, VAR N ISHES and Wl:II'l'E L EAD at the very lowest prices. OJ' Horses and Cattle Medicines. J\T , B . - Co,1ntry store-ke(~per1:1 suppJjed on the most :'l.llvn.nt n.geou s t er ms, _ A ehoi cu s7lcctin11 of J_, L\.l\:fPS for /', ttll.:l chea.P l~owmauvrlle, Dec. 1868. 6m . . All worlo done at this Establishment warranted. A cn.11 is respectfully so1idted. STRAYED. about tho 20th of Sept, t'\'O steers coining tLn1e o1d, n.n<l oue coming two years old, nn<l out! heifer coming throe r~ars old. ~L'h c owner is reque::itcll to prove his right to tht!m, pn.y expenses, .'.l·nd tnke them away. Parlors, Schools, or Churches, Apply to SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE )·et offered to the people in West Durham. into of the SuLscl'iber, OA.1fB lJot No . 22, 6 con. ])arlington, on or the pren1it;es Eow1nanYille, 0 1t, lst, 1869. .r. 111onms. MR. THOMAS BASSETT, Darlington, ~ov. 3rd. 18"i5; W>r. CRYDJmMAN. rntJ-tf. would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Bowmanville aud sunou nding country, that in addition to bis present Stock, he js · d<iily receiving - BARKER RICE & .Agents for t.lrn --0--· 0 N TA RI 0 BA ~ K. DIVIDEND No. 37. O'l'ICX: JS HERF.BY UlVJ!:N THAT NA DIVrlJEND llF La1·ge Itnportations of BriUsh and .A nieric<.Mi bltelf and Heavy Hartltva1·e, all of which, faiviog purchased for CASH, h~ is enabled to offer at bottom price..,, Ca,rd of Thanks. For the Holidays! Gift Books, Splend·id A lbum.s Prang's Celebrated OhromoR, Microscopes, Kaleidoscopes, of the finest descri!ption, · Ladies' Corn panions, Writing Desks, Pocket Books, &c., &c., to please all, and evf:!Iy one. '\'"Olllrl infonn t h t: f n.1n1 el'tl that h e b u/$ re p::nretl and r e li tt1:<1 his :riJ i II, rohl is now vrepa.r· cd to attend tu t heir w u-uts in th e milling line lie is al8o conducting a FOrJR PER CENT upon the Ca.pita.! Stock of t11i:s In!lt"itution has this d::Ly beeu declared for the Current half year, :.tintl tha.t the il:atne will bci payah1<::! at the "Hank, and its llrn,nchce,on n.11d n.ftcr WEDNESDAY '.l'HE llIRS'l' DAY Ol' DllCllMJllm Nl~XT. S uL::ic1·ib4.21' r etnrn ;i 'lha11l·s t o those wh ~ THE hitve gi Ycu h i1n tlwi r 1 iu t l1 e past an~ 1 r~tronage BEST ORGANS ON THE The Transfer llooks \vill be closed fron1 tl1e Jlith to ;)0th NoYember next, both da.y,s inclu· sivc. By onle1· uf the Board, D. FISHER, ON·1·.\n10 n \NK. General 1\-fanager, 1n-4wks5. His Stock of PAINTS and OILS will be found Complete, and will be sold at Prices that will defy Competition. TIIE GRl!J,~T GENERAL STORE, aufl havi11 g p urch a sed Lis 8tock for 'L'oronto, 23rd Oct., 18ii'i, CONTINENT. TF,I:E 0 A S I-I, givin g ba.rg::i.iUB in To Owners of Horses, AT - - - - - - - - - --- - And the General Public. REMEDY FOH CONSUMPTION anrl acknow\cdgecl by many promlncut physi- TIN & STOVE DEPARTMENT! He wonk! also state th:1t MR. JAMES :NOSWOTHY is associated witl1 him, as p,'"t.ner in the 'l 'in and Stove Branch of the Business-a sufficient guarantee that >tll work in this line will he executed promptly, in the cians to be the mo ~ t Ucliablc J>feparatlon ever jntrodnccd fOt' the- P.ELlElf and CUKE of all s. MASON'S (boL11 lig-ht and heit.\'Y) LUNG co:m:PLAINTS. well-known offered '1'1.tia r()mcdy fo Sa.' School ·Ensign, A a.nd plendid Coll·ciiou of You "Will find the inm;t comph·te ai'iso1 tmt!nt of public, aanctionerl bf the uxpPl"icnc e of over forty years, ttnd when resortetl to iu :-icnson, Aeldom fails to effect a Hpcedy cure of to the Dry Goods, Dress ·Goods, Crockery; Glassware, Groceries, &c. STAND. - Ilccei1t1y occn pictl by l\{.1" Gray . Best Manner, and at Very Low Prices. Double and Sin,qle Jfa1·11ess, of the Newest Styles, and of the Best Material & Workmanship. ever shown in 'l'owu. CJoughs,Col<ls, Croup, llroncl1tt1s, In· llncuza, Wlrnoping Congl1, lluarsc. ncss, Pains .01· Soreness In tile CJhest and Side, meeiHng at the Lungs, J.ivc1· Com11Iaint, &c. Eavetroughing a Speciality. Illustrated Paper, fur Sabbath Schools. Stereosoopie Views The Goods were boufiht at be&:t rates, a.ndpur cba.s&t'l'l will recoive the benllfit S. VANSTONE. TYRONE. PRICES ,LOWER . THAN Ca.ll i·nd sec them . A. i{ood choice in EVER. by a ti111C'ly rcsott to thiA stnnd111'd rf!mcdy, ar Is prov~d by lrnu1lrcds of tcs!lmoulals rccl'i'/C c" hy SOM ETH INC NEW IN TRUNKS! docs not- dry up a Cottt/h, oud l (! (.1,'IN tlw CG'11Hc bel1-i1al, ru1 1.s tho caso 1t·ith nir:st 7u·eparatlons, ~>ttt it loosens ruu~ clerruscs "l/Hj lnnfp~, <tlloy'A ·ir1·i.t(il,i<Ju_ , th1t!J A Large Stock~ of Tin\vare of every de. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUREO scription, al\vays in Stock, and the proprietors, · 1nade to 01·der on the D~. WISTAH'S BALSAM OF WILD OHERflV Shortest Notice. CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, Published Monthly, at Bowmanville, Ont. The Editor h a s been conuect<"d, mo1·e 01· less, cl~ely v..·ith Sabh,\t,h Schools, from his boyhood, antl will eudeaYol' the make the E1'SlON every way ·vorthy of tht: support of Su.Pbath Scbnola. 'l1he unsectarian chru·acter of the paper,l"en<lers it suitable for any ScLool. Tu connection therewith, a Suppleu1ent is i)u"Lli::ib cd, containing Notea on th~ lnterna.tional series of S. S. Lcesons. 'l'h ese n.rc carcfnlly l'repm·et.l, aud n1ust pl-OVO of great yu,Jn(J to both rl'eachcr and Scholar. NEW MAMMOTH 5 COPY & CENT . AT !'G1no·viny the cause uf the co111plalnt. LEATHER VALTSES, TRAVEL UNG BAGS, SATCHELS; &c. Gold aml Silver Mounted Carriage and Team and all those whose occupation rcrp i i:T~ H11 un· usunl ex ercise of the YOc 11. l orgaua, will fi nd this tlw ONLY ['1u;p ,\P.Nl'IO ~ which will <'ni.·c t ually aud instantaneously relkn~ tlwir difliq1 lttcs. De,va1 ·c of Countc1.'f elt$. has on the outside wrcrpp<:r the 1 ri911<1t 1 o·e <~( "[, B U1"1'S ,·1 anll tlw p riritr:rl nanw 1)f the pr op1·ietors1 "SE1'Ii. JV. Ji'O JP'"f,J~'lf· SONf:i', IJOS· 'l'OJ.V ," fill others ai·e base imitations. l':xam· ine the 11.'l'(lpper carefully lie/ ore purcha sln[!. OM Dullar a Ilot!fo. Bi.~ P,Q! ll~g fo r l1irc Dd!~n. r·nEl'.\HED HY The Stock of Stoves will be found Complete, compris· ing all the fa. vorite kinds, in EXERCISE BOOK T:EHMS: rn.rcels of 5, JO, 15, etc., at the' rato of 30 cts. per yeai.·. Single uopi e~, 40 eta. Postni;e FREE. .A~hlres8, C. B ...\RJ<.ER, En1'.l'On, Bowma.nville, Ont, HALL, 1?011 -W-:EIIPS, direct froui the ti1anufn.ctories, ~,TE'J'S .Remember tluit t11e 9e. nui'.11f. 1Vista1·':; nal .~rmi COOK, COAL What the J.>ress sav about it: or PARLOR, WOOD. 48-3mos. & SCllEb'NS fj_V GllEA1' VARIETY, A1' LOW .F'IGURES. OR SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, lloston, Ii!aEs., Aud 1:1old by Druggists ruJ.d Dealers generally. R. $. MANNING. Bowmanville, Augn sL 27th, 1875. Repairing promptly attended lo 1'o your n.d\'anto.gcto give him n ca ll ~ OuCj d001' ]~a.::it of l:'.:lrmer's 1Iotel. ..!~ Bowronnville, Sept. 3rd. 1875. 4G-tf Dana's Patent Sheep Marks tho ino&t la.sting, tho lew:t tronhlerorne, and nin::d. co1n11lcto ever iuvcuted. 'l'hcy are nscd aud recon1n1 end0d by 1uany of tln 1.Je.:it Brocdcrs in the United States anJ Oanada, such as G. B. FOH l .. ori1tg, Sa.lmn, 1\:[uss. , Presidl'nt :"i'ew England \..Vool Gniwertl' Society; ,John S. Jtoss, H onne- Coughs, Colds, B10nchial and Throat piu, lll.; l'rofei:;sor M. 1'1iles, of the St:i.te Ag· Affections. i·icultural College, IJ:"\.nsiuf;, Mi~h.; !Iuu. Geo. l~rowu, 'l'oronto, Ont.; John Snell, E1lrnonton, Out. On .:'vfa1·k ia Btarnpcd the owuer's Prepared fror.n the fi nest l\ed Spn.we "Gum. and the Sl1ec1J1s number. 'rhcy will be (Jleliciou. "! Flavor.) sent free, by nul>il, or express, for fou 1· cents Balrmtnie, Soot11 ing, Exnectoro.nt d.." 'J'ouic . each, n.nd will 1'lst for TW.EN'fY YJ'llA.llE!. W C1~::;h must 1.\ccornPWlV all orders Sol cl Ly all r especta.ble f;hcmi st8, AltCIHB.ALD YOUNG·, Ju., Sohl .Prop1·ietors a11<l 1\Iauufact·.irers, S o.rnia, Ont. KERRY, WATSON & CO. Orders addre::i.i>ed t o the ~fEnOHNT and OB· 8ERVEH Otfice 1 foz anj.· quantity, will lie tilled at Wholesale Druggists, tl1e ab11ve .1nentioned price, as quickly ati he 1' ~. 1~. - The w0r cls " Syrnp of 1W;l Spruce Marks can be macle and sen t . Gum" con stitute our re~is tci:cd Trade "ll.fark, C DARKER, a.nd our Wl'[!.p pel' o.nd 1a~fo also regi stered. J3owmo.nville,Dce. 28th,187l. mliJ ly · 4·6mos. rrn ESl~ J\1 " \HKS ARE 1.'11E CJ ll~APT<:S'l -GliiAY'S SYRUP 011' ANDERSON & CJO'S Fall Stock of :Red. Spruce Gum, Boots and Shoe. s HAS JTJST ARRIVJ~D. aud u,s their 8tock i~ so '"ell k,1own, it is quite unneceAsary for them 'l'ng ENSIGN. - We have been tavored wlth a copy of the Ensign from tho Editor,at the West Dul'ha1n P1intiag Estabbshwent. 'l'he Ensign is a vaper prcparcd especially for Schools, and i:n our opinion well a.cln.ptcrl to its object. Sll gl'r.ll.t a fa~orite has it be~ conic' that we 11 car (what is very unusua.l Yt:ith such enterprises) it hns prove<l for the first year a financial succeas. 'l'he iUustrotiona ai·e auitable a.ntl 2u:ffi.cieutJy nurnerous, while the reading mjl,tter is ]H'n.lthy in tono, racy in ::ityle,nnd so varied ns to suit the tasto of the general public. YVc congratuli~te the Editor on bu.v· 1ng catered no 8uccessfully to the vublic want, an<l we corigrntuh\te tl1e youPg and the public on having so cha1·ming a. ah...:ct presented wouthly for the perusal of their children. Oshriwa J~ejormcr. 'l'he J~'n.~·ion is nC:a.t]y iwinted on good paper, is illnstrntcd, and contninA hea.J.thY reading matter nnd ought to l·a vc a large circulation Cheap Fancy Goods Store and School Book Emporium. ' ---:o:--The New Five Cent llfammofl1 Copy and Exercis3 Book, is the same si.z.e a.~ R. Easton's York-shilling Exercise Book, '.l"hich he sells at TEN CEN'FS each. Nice cover with Multiplication Table printed on ba." k cover. N. -.-No other house keeps the same Book, us it is made expressly to R. E's. own order. . . j TJ[REE OE1VT Exer . ci.~e Eo()li:t:i I['o_ol~ Oap Paper, 20 els. per ,Qu·ire, Qua;;'-1: Q1uir~ for FIVE GENTS. School l" ns at F·v· Gents 1'" dozen; 2 WO for Oi\ JiJ CE.\ T. R. EASTON'S II11s now a f ull assorted Stock of Lots of 20 Cent l:llates to be sold at Twelve and a half Cents. CENTS. Cheap Penholders and Pencils Slates for FIVE EAOII. - Pcterb01·0 l!.'xa1niner . Groceries Dry Goods, Boots ~ Shoes etc., etc, whi ch fo1 · J. CHAPLIN, DE,\ 1.1.-: 1i l .N 1'HE NElV and IiJff.>Jl,OVED LBATHEll SCHOOL JJAGS, only SIXTY C'J.'S. AU kinds of Scltool lJookssupplicd at R. E:a.S1'0N'S. .l!rutl and Orna,,mcntal !l'rcCJ, Seeds, Bulbs, Flowers, &c., &c. 0, guarantees ti) furnish nothing but First-class trees, and true to na,we. ...\.ddress, ~fr, TO ()FFER ANY BRIBE to induce the Public to purchase. P ·fric's 8'1ipe1:fine Note Paper, only 10 cts. per Quire. Beaii.ti/ulBiwniehed Envelopes only 8 Cts. pei· package. exbY.t, only 10 ct&. per pachiqe Business Envelopes,fr01n $1.40 per 1000. Quality and Ohtiap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOT1 TYRONE. ·Their Rewards are Better Value for your Money than can be had Elsewhere. So come >tlong and bring your monPy wit.h you. TERMS ATRIOTL Y Q_,_t\..SFI. ANDERSON & CO. Bowmanville, Oct. 14th., 1875. Large Stock of Blank Books. 1000 page Blank Books for $4.00 Beautiful Illustrated $14 Family Bibles $12.50. il)lO Bible for $7.50. Lots Df other Goods offering Cheap, at EASTON'S CHEAt' STORE, A CARD. BIG STOCK OF WALL PAPER. have thU. day · P/'°inted C. BARRER COUNTRY TRADE SUPPLIED the }.'xclusive ag eut or the Bale of my VuL· ~Town Hall Buildings, Bo,vrnanville. -1ifH CANJZED PENS for B o\vmanville , Ont. JOSEP H 1lIA~ON,P.P. MOTTO- N'imble Sixpence better than a Slow Poking Shilling. J. J.JACOBS. P. 0. Box 55. l:lOw1nan\' ill~ Jan. 22nd, 1875. bp.]y.ml7·o4. I To Masters of :C.. 0 L Bowmttnville, Sept.16th,1874. m-tf. l.· Bowmanvillle, Aug. 12th, 1876. j regular K CE R T I FI CAES, A pplica.t ions BLAN &c. , &e. , call be p rocured at this officc, a. rates. Bowma.nvill , July 7th~ 1873;

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