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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 12 Nov 1875, p. 4

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THE l\fERCHANT, FB,IDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1875, · POETRY. A Temperance Curiosity. Ye friends of JDodera.tion, ¥lho think a reformation, Of moraJ renovation, '\VouJd benefit our nation; '\\"'ho deein iut.o.xication, '\'ith all its di.ssipa.tion, In every rank and station, The cause of degradation, Of which your obsc-rvo.tion Gives daily demonstration; \Vho sees the ndnation, Distress and desolation, The open ·violation Of moral obligation, 'fhe wretched habitation, \Vithont a.ccommodation, Or any l"egulation, ~'or co:rnmon sustentation r A scene of deprivation, TJnC!quallcd in creation, rrhe frequent desecration, 0£ Sabbath ordination, '£be crime and depredation, Defying legislation. '.1'.be awful profanation, OI cvnunon conver~ation, T11c ahen·ation, And dire infat11at.ion 1 \Yith every sad gradation, 'J'o .manaic desperation ; Ye who, with consternation, nehold this devaetion, Anti. utti;r (:Ondemnntion, Of all h1ebri1~tion, 7 hy sanction its dura.tiOn, '\ Or show dis!lpprobation Of any combination }'or it~ extermination? 'Ve deem a declaration, 'l'hat offers 110 te1nvtatiuu, . Childish Candor. · A Ninth avenue boy stopped catching flies all at once, says M . Quad, an<l turned to his mother and inquired : ' " Ma, ain't I\{rs. Parsons a nice wo1nan, though ?" " i guess so--·why ?u she ans,vercd. " Decause> \vhen I was oyer there this morning she put her hand on my J1ead, like this, . and she almost cried as she said : Poor, dear boy ! how could · yonr father ever think of marrying that sharp vinegarfiecl old maid for a second \Vif e ?" She look ·Henry into the shed, and dwellin~On entering the door he a·ked his wife if while she held fast to his ear, she informed him that it woulc be nothing shs had heard anything about the imporshort of death if he ever entered Mrs. t<i_nt slri"fee which batl taken place iu the THE PATENT ALUl\IIINOUS and O:ltParson's house again. town since he had been away. NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. 'No, replied Mrs. IIopson, ' I've heard SAVED THE MuLE. On one of the nothing about strikes; but I know thai l'APER OJL,QLOTH aud CARPETING Anchor line boats the other day was . a wllen you !.~turned mad drunk from the young man of dec~nt look, but a ~ood Golden Lion last night, you lifted np your deal worse for whiskey. He persisted fist to strike me, and what for, I'm 'lt a loss i11 singing at the top of his voice, and to know.' · it was the poorest kiJ?d of singing. SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. 'Oh, I don't want to know anything in After a brief pause he removed is that alfair. The strike I am reference to hat and said : 'Now I'm going to sing something. speaking of will affect us not a little, which sad.' · · we shall soon find.' ' There's no ueed for any strike to affect ' Hadn't you as soon 'vait until \Ye get to· Vicksburg?' inquired a passen- us, J'm sure,' said !tirs. Hoh~on, 'for we're A Large Stock Ju·t Receiverl,-Plain and OrnMn<ntal, both for Walls and Floors. affected and injured enough already 1.>y ger. ' Wh-what f'r ?' gasped t~e young your bard drinking.' 1nan. · 'Yee, Rebecca,' exclaimed her husband, 'Because l've ,got ac young · muk on ' I know that_! have injured myself, famithe lower deck, and if he gets an idea 1y, i:t.nd home for a long tin1e, but they say The Paper Oil Cloth and Oarpet!ng ia a Cheap that he can sing as good as you do he'll it's a !on~ lan.e that's got nover a turnrng · in v.11tl DuraUle Substitute for Oil Cloth. never be worth a nickle to bray ?' it· yet, after all, I can't belp thinking Tlw Cheu1ieals with which the Pnper is snt.ur. There was no 1norc singing. ~·t1"'t the unexpected strike which has tak· .I ntcd,, render H proof B{ln.inst l{ats1 f\.lotha, j two volunteer recruits some good friendly advice, and after a short conversation they parted, Barnes went home and told the unexpected news to his wife, who, after listening with wondering ears, exclaimed, ' I'm afnid the news is too good to be true !' 1 Well,' replied her 4uaband, believe me or not, J·m on strike/ and so saying he walked awuy. 'Hopson instead of going home first, went on to the gentlenlan's residence, to which he intended to go a short time previously : after doing his business he returned to his 'l'HE Elephant House So~IETHING GO TO :SA'r'I'ING'S ·' New Goods! ANO If You Want A substitute fqr Lath & Plaster ! MUST BE CONSfS'J.'ING SOLD, o:r GOOD AND DRY owmar1vi Ile, WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, ETc. -o- Sterling Silver Spoons, and I'ure Gold Wedding Rings. CJDE!P GOODS. HOUSE. AARON BUCKLER. Bow D:fn1 i1Je 1 Cct. 8th, 1875. MANCHESTER Sept. 25th, 1857. USE TI-IE Norwich Egg Powder, for making all kinds of Cakes without Eg-gF. To bt! had of a.11 GrGcers. II . · T. \'VEEK!\ & Co., ~·oronto, sole agents fvr Ontario. 1-iarch 11th, 1875. 24-lv. 'h 'l'Hb ,, :Oominion Organ Co'y. BOW MANVILLE Ptef'.t:nt the following testim oni~1s fr01n l-Olll ptitent judp~s of 0.r~ -i.nJ, Testimonial from John Cam1Jo-e 1 1{us . .uoc., Canluar, England. ~Bow m anville, 24th Dec . , 187:>. To the Manage1·s J)mn-ini r>n 01·ga'fl, Co. GEJ\' '.I'LEMJ~.N . -I l ik ~ to µlay on your Organ~ t" ~e fa: so sweet ft.11d ~te::i.d y. And tho workman111.1ip r.Jld. tiniflh exccll ~JAt, and. in.every parlicular they a1·e equal, i! not 1:1up~r10r, to any I lu1ve ever heard. IIopuig they will meet p11 blic a.pprecb.tion. l Important Announcement ! l'fiillinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- L, Im 'Perial Fire Insuranr.e Co Ol!' LONDON, Established 1803, READ OFFTCES.-1 Pall ~bl!, London, Old Broad St., and FOB CANADA :- 24 GEN .EilAL 4, C.::F. :t-'C'Y St ,JOI!!\ OAMIDG!l Read the following from Rosa D 1Erina : craroent , Montreal. Howmanvllli;i, December 22i 1873, To the ~lfanagers of the Dorninion Or(J(t.n Co. GtKTLEMEK. ·-I bavc m uch pfo!1 ,suro in testifying to the excell~nt q_nalities of the Organ supplied by you at iny conce1 t hu;t Saturday evening. The t on e i '> sweet and very po~erful a.nd the co1nbi.nalion of sto1)s rnost admirable. · I a.rn sure your inAtrnm cnts will find favo"L": in that the pubEc may patronize nativtd ture. I remain G entlemen , Very re~pectfully, wa.uufac~ By any p~liatiuu, · en place.' 1 ab 1 nnd . :Th-ii..;e. Of thia abomination, " ON STRIKE !" -- The only imre foundation, Hold no communication, Vllth noxious emanation Of brewer's fe-rmentation, Nor any va.iu liLatiou, ProdLtcing atimnln.t.ion. To this d~t1o1:rmination A Temperance Tale for Workmg .Men. 13Y RUD.AN CilANDLEI.l., A WOHKING MA.:&, Well,' exclaimed ]i.fr1:1. Hopson, iu a somewhat irritable manner,' why don't you explaiu the ulattcr by telling rne whert-i the strike took place, a.nd what trade it hns Veirni" eh * "BOliSh '41 h1 --------- '· SulJ1-1eribell a.11ll iuve~ted Capital and ]{e1;.e1·ve F11nd. £1.965.000 Sterling. :F'uudll inve1:1te<l iriCanada.- 10.11),000. Insurances against loss by ~-.ire l:lffe1:;Gcd on ino~t favorab!e terms, and lmtf.!es pnid with out reference to the Boa.rd in J..ondon. I ; J DODSWORTH, IlIN'J"OUL :RROS. I ln~peetor. Gen. .Agents, 1v1ontrea Great .Reduction,. i11 Dry, GOodtl__~ llIRMINGHAi\L I and viewing euch other, lJopson said to Barnes,' Wdl, here we are, neither fit for work nor play !' Ilarnes replied, 'Ah, that's true ; we're two drunken fools, neither fit to go home nor stop here !' . 1 I've had a bit of a dreatn ;' said Hopson, u sotne~hing ubout strikes.' 'Well, I think,' answered Barnes, 'that I by our appearance and feelings, it's time for us not only to Jream about. strikes, but to strike in very deed against our present plan of livilig.' II op.son replied with a. firm voice, ' I tell - -Scfocted. you what it is, Barnes, if you'll strike again:.t the drink and sign the teetotal pledgo, I will. ' Agreed !' said Barnes, ' I will if you The black hills-Coal heaps. will." Between two evils choose neither. Wher\·upon both rose from their seats, ond shook hands together in a token of A s1nart thing- a mustard plaster. their being in earnest, and directly walked It is nol so n111ch trouble for a maT) out of the Golden Lion, without the landto get rich as it is for him to tell when lord knowing anything of thtlir wise re!olve he's got rich. And as they stood foce to lace with each 'Can anin1als suffer pain?' js the lat- other in the street, Hopson said, ' What est question. St:ck a pin in a mule's shall we do 110.w 1' B·rnes suggested that they had better hind leg, and see. hasten homt!, go to bed and get so her, and :Mrs. ~'-Hbbins says her husband is then sign the pledge oi night. like a tallow candle: he ahvays smokes Hopson replied, ' .As ·we are on strike, we when he goes out. had better sign the pledge at once, and get A friend stepped in to pity a neighbor sober afterwards.' 1 \Vell,. I'm agreeable to that,'said Barnes, whose wife had nm away. 'What are you pitying me for?' snarled the neigh- for we know delays are dangerous ; bqt bor ;. 'she has1/( cotne back!' where can we go to sign 1' 'Oh, I know where to go to ·ign, if you fallen out with, so much as the drink thc,y Dnrina a dense fog a Mississippi Dr o . A don't,' anewered I"fopson, 1 and [think you'll steamboat took a landmg. passensell,' answered Hopson. FOTRERGILL'S BLOCK, ger anxious to go aheadi ca111e to the know the man when I mention his name. 'And when do ~·ou auU Barnea iuten1l tq beg to inform the public gr.ncrally, tba.t the J' 'llcution away then,' sai(l Barnes. 1mperturbcd manager of the wheel and now enabled to' offer them , as k ed t h e resign the temperance ple d ge 1 1 ' \Vhy, replied IIcpsou, 'let's go down asked why they stopped. 'Too much fog· cant see the river.' 'But you can to Mr. Orsboru's, the teetotal blacksmith ; joicing wife. ' Oh, bless you, IMS r replied her hns· see ihe stars overhead.' 'Yes/ replied you know he has often tried to persuade me baud, ' we ba.vl! jaat signeU the pledge at the urbane pilot, 'but until the ho1ler to knock off wy drinking an<l j Uin the ·sober Mr. Orohorn'·, t he teetotal blacksmith.' busts, "'e ain't going that \Vay.' The arrny, and r. know he1ll be right gl:id to see ' That's better still ;' said Mrs, IIopson, passenger went to bed. us on strike !' 1 why I now feel more than I cau ex1 I just believe he will,' answered Barnes, press.' 'for he has lectuted me several timea recent' Am! so <lo I,' replied Hopson, but this I His Deaf Acquaintance. ly over my drinking.' will say,-thank God I'm on .<trike!' 'Well, let's go and astonish him by ·ign'l'he. tidings of the unexpected turniTI,:: (AS REGARDS PRICE J: QUALITY) We were coming clown White street ing the pledge at his bouae,' saiu Hopson. from their enpe: uf the two frequenters of · . "t this Jnorning, when we crvertook an old ·Does he keep temperance pledges at . , d b than nny oih el' lrnnse Hl the County. the Golden L10n, was soon came a out gentleman in a cart ~'he ·vehicle was horn~, though 1' asked Barnes. the neighborhood, and formed an important NO PRESEi!TS GIVEN, BUT GOOD springless, and as 1t. Jolted over the ' Yes, I warraf:!.t he does,' answered llop~ subject for discussion fo many a nook and i Weight a:ud 1lleao;11r0 Guaranteed stones, every revolution of the wheel son, 'and at his forging shop, too ; and '\Vas a hail storm. e:orner. The landlor,d o! the above house I 'l-1'/.. eve1ry iristance. 1 We nodded to him, and he nodded that's where w1::: ll go. So come on, Barnes, was much put 1Lbout after hearing of Hop- 1 Et · we'"rc on the .~trike /' back. . SOTI and Baruea' intended reformation; ee- j ~~ecia n Awuy they went, in earnest conversation 'A nice clay,' 've suggested, 1n a rais~ . pecially did ho grieve onr losiug the formI J. L STROWGER in reference to their ha.rd drinking and e(J voice. er, wbo was looked upon a~ a free and eu.(-ly, 1 !':'I WGER their suddenly formed determination , to 1i-Iey ?' be screa111e<l. "bl e fl' S1RO ·· soc1a e .i.ow, to wb om WUDJ, of th e I J._D, N tl :\.. t l1th vr·,i 1 A nice day,' \Ve roared. i;trike against strong drink. 1· · Golden Lion customers were much attacLed. e""·cas e,/ u:ru~ ' ' · · O yes' he shouted. 'A good corn Ha\'ing arrived within eight of Mr. The keeper of the house with the picture - -- -- -- - · ' ?' day. ' B;ow's 1 Dusiness-pretty goo d . Orsborn'EI stnithy, Barnes ea1d to his cum- suspended over the door inonrned his loss ' Very good,' we answered. ratlc, '01 course you will MO in first, as ~·ou so inn-:h, that lie even made it his businN'H 'Hey?' knuw him best!' to call upoa i.f11pson next day to ask hin1 if 'Very good,' we yelled. Hopson readily consented, on condition he 'Vaa tl.ctt:r:uined to he a teetotaller. hn.r:i uow a io1Ht !lde 'Glad to hear,' he said,and then relaps- ·that his neighbor followed at his heels. 1Yes, replied Hopson, with a fLrn1 \'Dine, ed into silence,· and 've hurried on, as In a f~w n1in 1 1tes both patties entered aa if hu mE~ant it, 1 I am, and I think i.ta nnJ with the c.xceplifn1 of a. few, thi·Hfl pa:~,<; people were shewing altogether too into tlw hand.l:l of the pr~ opl~ of \\! e.5t the well-kno\\·n forging shop, and just as q nite tiine.' much interest in om efforts to be heard. Durham. 'J'he pnhlicwi.11 H.t 111H:u SC!j they did. so, the teetolal blacksntith l\'as 'What do you think of that feller the utility of the 'P:.t.p::W :1s au 'Well,' don't forinke the house altogethover in England who walks on the hammering away ut a piece of re<l.·hot iron, er,' .aiJ the laTidlord, 'you can come in of wh~n Hupson spoke up, saying, 'I see you're water?' he suddenly exploded. an evening sometimes, and have a bottle 1_,f . We had to fall hack with the pace of striking while the iron's hot, Mr. Ors!linger beer or lemonade.' born. ' the cart. 'No thank you ' · replied Hopson ' I . , . . ' · ' ' in tlns constltuency, and this fa.ct is being con. ' He's a \VOllderful chap,' \Ve said, 'Yes, that's the only way to accomplisL mean to reform ; !'111 O'll strike, and I wo11t stantly de1nonstratcd. in hopes that that, would satisfy him. my purpose with it!' excl<.1imcd the teeto· gn in at <iny price.' 'Iley ?' ta.l blacksn1il.h, as he turned round and be 'Oh don't be" carried away with such IC you lost anything, ach·t!rU,,e in tbie 'He's a wonderful chap,' we yelled. held Hopson and . Barnes ; . and, looking 'So he is. How do you s'pose he them full ln the face, he said, ' \! been atriGt co1d-water 11olion111,' said the land- pafte~;on have found anything, ad v~1tise in the lord, MGlto H ANT. does it:· on the Rpree again,· eh?' If you want to seU nnytrihig, 1 1J. ve1'tilrn in thfa '1'111 on strike !1 again nnswered Hopson, ' He wears rubber clothes -and a hatlXJ,lJer. 'Aye,' answered Hopson, putting his as he Jifteli the hammer with which Le was chet,' we suggested, at the top of If you wap.t to buy anything.ndV'ci-tirrn in th~ baud to his head, 'we wtre spreeing away a working a1Hl Lrougbt it down on his work Jl.fERCHAN'l'. our voice. If you want t() th;: public, use the bit last night, but we've got the blues this bench with a heavy blow, as if further to columns of the °ll'tERCHANT. ' What kind of clothes?' ntorning.' People \Vere raising their \vindo\vs confirm the words he b11d just uttered. OUR RATES A E LOW. 'Ah! I see neither of you look very live110,v, and we \VC:rc b~g1uning to feel des~ ~Well, if I can persuade your ?friend ! y ; your merry nigh ts bring sorrowful days. perale. Barnes to step into the parlor to,· night, to As a wet:"kly nEwspaper, the )f1iuwHAN1.' :is I wonder when both of you intend to give 'Rubber,' we roared. . l1ave a bottle of ginger beer, yon will agree scarcely excelled. Sixt~eJt columns of care· '0, Rubber, ch? and that keeps lum up the drink!' !nlJy !:ielccteU rea~ding matter appear in to come along and sup with hint 1' each iissuc, comprising Lite'niture, 'Why, to tell you the truth,' said Hopup, eh?' IIopsOn answered, 1 Barnes is on strike, A,yri,:uUt1.1·al, F etraily l~a1.di:ag, 'Yes.' son, 1 we've n1aJe up. our minds this very GenCra.l and Local lf"cws like myself, am! we've folly mad.e up our 'Hey?' all fresh and ren<lahk. morning to Luvl! no mcire.' minds to live bette~· lives,' ' Yes. 1 we shrieked. Sl1b8criytions taken ~ny time during tlH~ 'This very morniug 1' said. A'lr. O~horn 1 The landlord seeing he could not inllu- year. ' Yes·, yes? Yes \Vhat ?' as he gazed upon them with astoni&htn~nt.' rn a v1eit TERMS 76 CTS., IN ADVANCE. ' You asked me if it was rubber that 1 Ob, it'.fl a tact l' replied Barnes, 'we have ence his loet customer to pay hi_ kept hin1 up, and I said yes," 've ex- just ~o~c from the Golden Lion, and in tLe that evening, left him, saying, ' That., per~ --:o:--clain1edi in a key ofvo;ce that brought haps he would ch·nge.his min<l.', after having a nod and a bit of a the merchants and their customers out 1 After the publican had depart·cl, Hopson we have flVl'ry facility. \Ve dn nol work for on the walk, in spite of the rattle of the dream; we have agreed to1 strik~. nothing, or fnu, but our prices will bo found 1 That is good news J ea id tlte warm~ went on wiLh hie work, ond as be did so, cart. Jow .as our µr~ssc.3 are run by stt"liJ.111 t)OWur. something Ji.kc the following sentiments 'What's that? I didn't quite make hearted teetotal blacksmith 'and ha\'e you h1to his head, which he eUng over to Show Bills C)roe l1ere to sigu the pledge?' out,' he shouted. Hopsou, ·With a louJ. voice,," himself ]'hen \Ye 'vent out on the roadn·ay, Sale ' l'nl on strike against. tho drink, and took the horse by the head, and '\Ye have, if you've any ple<lges with you.' H;and :Sills Which h~~ mad!! roe lower sink ; l.Jrought the establishment to a stand'Yes, t'rieud, I a1n g1ad to say I have j I An<l though Jandlords inay entice, Progammes still, and then we explained just what generally carry soq;ie with me, .and B? e.ayI'll not go in at any price.' we had said. ing, he stepped aeide to his cont, and taking Cfrculars 'Ah, I see; if~ a 'vonderfu1 thing,' out his pocket-1.>ook, sooa placed two pledge ('Yo be Contiu-qed.) Heads he said, and then added: 'It must papers before Hopson aud B·rnes; and in!Jaye been the cart going over the stuns vited each of tberu to step up to his 'tr.ritiu. g I had rather never receive a kiadn~s& '"'liieh kepl nH.! fron1 a hcarin' of you j Pamphlets but I '\Vas afraid at first that vou \Vere desk and make a good 81.rike by .si)filiug the hau never Lestow one. Not to return at ' benefit ie the greatet sin, h11t no~ to confer . sick and couldn't speak up.' · temperance pledge with bl!art 8.nd hand. and c~·erything- £ror11 the si.,:., of /1.i l~utiter lar:ge Barnes replied, 1 I feel deterrnined to it is the earlier. 'Ve are not or a. particularly demono a half.1n-:!h strip, enough to cover a barn L -strat:ve 1urn, put lvhen ·we again notice carry out the tee'.otal princ<lipHles, h I lf vou feel angry, beware lest you becom~ p1-inted in ::zood stfle, and 3.t city lll'lCQIJ. ' And so a1u I, ans were of~i011, as c · ~ 1 . Speeimeni. of wor!~ c<tu be seen nt our oftice. an acquaintance in a springless cart on revenge u1. '\Vork hn.nded out> and t he c:u;b taken fm· it .. · . . . a pavement, we shall step clown the took the pen in l1and to sigu. 0. BARKER. were duly fill· . Principles must be roote<l 11~ nfkct10Tie; When both pledge papers " first celb.T. \vay antl take a position back of a barrel un'til he is cut cf sight. ~d up, the tempe~au~e blacksmill1 gave his ; hfe can only be nourished by hfo. luvite CO·OpOri.~tion, A~d without heaita.tion, 'Ve call consideration, (Continued . ) After sleeping for son10 time 1 they, Not doubting iinitation \Vjll nd .~t.i .f0lll: e!:ltimation, Atid by contlnua.tion, _<\.Hord yollr consolation. }'or in pa1·ticipation \?\ ith thfa association You ma.y, by meditation, Insure the preservation Of a future generation l!-.rom all conta1ninatio11. And u1a.y eaeh iIJdicfl.tion Of such regeneration De the theme of exultation 'l'ill its final consummation, I Crumbs for Chickens. Anoth<r thing much wanted. huppen.ed in 1' 'Ob.!' replied her husband, ' [see you 'l'hii Poli8h gives a most elegant lu3trc,and drie:,: inst~utaneuu:t:ily. are not very W(:ll pleased this tnorniag : so, without keeping you any longer in sus· ' Nothing ever discovered bepeTise, I beg to say that the strike which I fo1e to eque,1 this Polish. hove been speakin~ of took ~lace a\ tue Golden Lion.' FOR FOR 'A strike at the Golden Lion !' exclaim· Btlgg·ies, ed ~Ira. H., why, who ever heard of brewers P'ia1io F'ortes, or landlord,· striking 1' Cl ks ·1 anytlnng ' to t ht oc, . satl ' I bave not a t' fl", · ect1 answered flopi::ion, but, nevertheless, a !'trike f Pictti're F'ta,rnes <lid tuke place at the Golden Lion tbis \'ery morning, and the par.ties on strike are two 01· uny lcind of and all /c'inrls of landlords's victims, and no dou ht you will Yarnished be mur.h pleased to hear that the Tiam'e of Varnished one of the men is Hopson. 1 Furnitwre. Carriages 'What!' do you really mean to eay that you have struck against the drink 1' asked his surprised looking wile, SOLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. 1Y eM ; as trne u1:1 my nu1ne is :Frederick Hopson, I'm on strike against all sorts of intoxicating drink.' 'Th·n I'll thaTik God and take courage, tor that'e one of the best strikes I've heard A usual, a. L iu·ge Stock onhand of of for many a long day. But who else is on strike with you 1' ' \Vhy, my dri[1king comrade, Barnes,' replied Hopson, All of wliieh will be ijo]J. at low figul'Ol:I. 'f 1 Well, done! thnt's enpito.1 !' said Mrs. 1 Hopson. Little did I think it was s1tch 11n important strike, or one that would af Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville, feet us in the way which I know it will, if Augus(lOth, 18i5. you carry yonr good strike out.' ' Oh, both Barnes and I mean to be in earneBt.' 'What has the landlord or landlacly been saying or doing to you at the Golden Liun, that you should thus suddenly determine to give up your drinldog 1' Having rewoved to more commodiousprt.nniset. 1 1 It isn.'t the r.eller:3 of the drink we have I Churches, as they are singularly aJa.pted ftir ft, R, LOSCOMBE, llarrister., Agen sacrd mul}ic. V{ishing you cv~ 1 ·y success, and for Bowmanville and Vlclu ity, Bowmanville, June ·1th. 1860 36 iu.o.43-39.4\v RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society I\OS A D'llilI:-<"A. Every Instrument W arranted for 5 Yrs Dn. p A'r1.:.IlHSIJ1'. Puw. TERRY. !)reside nt. 1¥1a.nn.ger. Bowiuu.n v·ille J an11:1.t'Y 10, 1874. bp·o3-ml.G, MURDO UH IRtS. Haviug deciued to make a ch11nge in their business, tU'e now selling for CASH their large :ind well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, ESTABLISHED 1840. .CAN.ADA CElIEF 0FI'_IClS, 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL DENTISTRY! DIREC1'0RS. DuKCAN 1'.iACDONALl\ Esq. 1\'L\.10H T. E. CAMl'B.1£J,J. 1 C,:S.. St. Hilaire. 'THE HONORARLE JOHN H.AMILTO~, Hawks- \VAL'l'Elt S.l:lA::-!LY, Esq.t 1\1 P., Cho.Umaan, AT AND BELOW The Stock having be~n purclmsed in the EST J:IA RKE'l'S, lmyera can depend on llfORE .AND BETTER GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY RJ~SIDENT hurg, Ont. SECRFT1\RY. -..TAMES GR.AXT, S PECI A L FEA T U RES. The ENTIRE PRO'.FITS belong to llivid cd amongst the Policyholders. LIVES, DEOLIN.ED BY OIHF..R COXPA;.JIES, or on HARDWARE ! Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware. which a.n extra Premiu-in would be. requfrcrl, eru.i be assured at the ordinary ra.tes of this Society, under a special arra·nuement SP.EOIAL No~-FoFEITABLE Por.rcr:Rs .issue<l under which o~ly 10, 15 or 20 .Annual Pay menta required, eac payment se< Polioy for a sum assured proportionate to the . nurnbe:t o,i premiun1s paid, anrl jref, from futur vo..yment of premiu.1rUJ. ~lODERAT.E PRi:;~nUMS and most liberal C(lll.· ditions. Prospeotur;or;, P1-opot1U.l Formf!, &c., supplied on application at the Head !Jffice, or nny of the Agencies. JAESGRANT, Res. Secretacy. J Brimacombe, L.R.C.D.8. at this Establshment than in any other house in the_ country. .FEES MODERATE. OJi'FlGE ovecr' 1llcCLUNG'S Slo1·e. 11-tf, Call Earfg, and secit1·e Bargains, as the whole Stock rnust be sold at once, f:Jr CASH ONLY. ---THE GROCERY is now John McLeod & Co., 4 DEPARTMENT cowplcte with the choicest supply of Strowger Bros. NEWCASTLE AGEN'f FOR BOWMANVIJ,LE, t' Obscrvex O.BARKER, Offic~." King St· Just Arrived <.tt tlrn Oliristtnus Goofls, Ra'isens, C(u1~rants, 23-ly Bowma.nville, June 24th, 1870. gars, Peels, etc., etc., at a.ll P rices. 1 1'plendid assortn'1 ent 0 James McFeeters. AGENT NEW MILLINERY. Also a. lot of Bownmnville, Dec. 24t.h, 1874 MURDOCH BROS. Better Inducements For the following Insurance CoMpaniea, aud othm· Institutions, viz :Tl1e Ql.TE'EN !?ire and J,.ife Insurance ComJWllV. Cnpital.£2,000,000. $150,000 depooiterl tlie Dominion GoYernment, for the protec '!1he ISOJ.A'l'.ED RISI{ :Jj~ire Insurance Com pany of Ca.pital 500'0-00,-0ne of the beat aud chcapeAt Companies doing bn!:li ne~a iJ1 the Don1inion, for }-..:irnuin; aml Isolated Risks The CA NA DA LANDED OHllDJT OO'Y. 1 1 with a Sa.vings 13anJ< department.. Tl>e U)!TON A Kn PllRMANF.KT and Saving'~ Society. 'l'hei::i.e latter instltntio11s advance Loans on Real Estate, on terms unusuallv ~asy for the borrowe1'. Bowmanville, Feb. 6th, 1873. REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Also a b .rgo stock of Groce1~y clerl:! in Oan:ot.da. · Stamps for Braiding and Em- broidel'Y· l11si:ness, .t y 11 FASHIONS · for Spring just to hand. u::iual. I MRS. A. FLETCHER ! BowJnaJ:1ville . .April 7th,1.S74. 'I'eas a I__ _ AL wAYS G-E'l' I I A BOWMANVIL:..E .BIOis uo1Y raging at FIRS~~CLASS. 1 THJ!i MERCllANT Circulation of :1000, Machine and. Implement Manufacturing Co TRELE1/El\T S W. ·BELL & Co's. Prize i"tleclal 01·guns '\"Lich in 1873, a.t the Provineial l,i', beat every ...<tn1erica.n ~nd Organ, taking Ma,nufactures ofj WOOD ANDl !BON ADVERTISING MEDIUM:. the ]'Il.\S'l' PRIZE. Also the renowned WORKING MACHINERY and he 1s detennined to continue to sell >it. l't Has No Equ8l 4 I -- HALLETT & DAVIS PIA NO Boston. l \Vhkh ha.i to.kci~ Fo1' Ji'Vi'st P.J'em4,-ums. --:Q:-· THE KING OF Double Turbine .'\V'ater Wheels, and 1 Castiligs of all Xinds these niinously low prices cheaper than the chea1iest. ·w1iy he can do it:First, he buys for C11sh and knows jµst how to bny ! Second, what he ca,n 't huy cheap enough, he manufacLures Third, he is satisfied with smt\ll profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash; Fifth, he sells at bot,tom prices. oAND ~ l l ,I ! REP_A.J RS done on the CALL AND SEE FOB YOUBSELVES, I~xamino SEWING MACHINES, --:o:.-N. B. - Tho Subscriber is not a Sub, or under .Agent, but has the specia.l agenuY for the n.hi)~·e. BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. O l:!touk, "'I I which comprittci! everything in the tradc1 of the very latest and inost eleg<i11 styles and patterns, of English, Canadian, and 4'llncricau n1r..aufacturo. SHOP..TEST NOTICE, ,.Ve have now on hand<~ -o-o- He still continues to tuanufo.cture to orderi fro1n the host of ll13.tol'ial 1 11.Hll nvnJJ but first ·cln.l'IS workmen kept . 1 I \laliscs, etc.., e,,U of la,rge qu:tntity of :ro:a. 1 JO:S FEINTING I am µrepared to ex:change .Pianos fv1· Orgaus, Organs for ::vrelocteons, afao Sewing Ma.chines, on reasonable terms. .:\.ddress, J, S. DONllY, TruoN" P.O. Jan. 15th, 18'75. G-61nos, Cor.amon and Ga11g Plows, j llo ha.a in stock ~u endle.':l.s va1·icty of I~ndics 1 mid Gentrs' S:trat·)g.'"!i Tnutk~! tha.t will b~ s:ild at whic.;h he is selling chea1J :for cash , -o- Orders Pi·omptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drnwn by Two Horses, King St. ~owman,,ille, LOW PRICES 6tf. AT THE SHOP. Bowrnanville 1 Mru·chl873. Ma 13, 1874. lVI. TRELEVEN. c='====-'·' -~-==-= Bills St:raw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders Anoth~r PUI1I_j~[0. I Star Dry Goods and (J/ofh111g . ! Bill Cards FEED l\1ILLS. I ·n cur lou.J of the nbuve noblc-- articles on the way. T>lea.:: e call at the . · House. IJRY- GOODS l NO'TED FOH CHEAP n Farm Imulcmcnt - I Man.ager E R. W. JAJ\ol ·S, Ring St. 1 Bowmanville. nowmanvi11e, Dec. 5, 1872. nlO. '"T MAN v I I .. L E Forwarding Agency CLOTHING, etc. I ---o-I .A SPI:CIAL LIN E, i p11hlic ;.:1-.r,.o!tally, for l)tt.i.;l fa.l'O:r!I, wnuJJ i·'otfully n1v1te the1r to our pre~.ent stor:k o~. n1.r1~itu1,e, a::; we ba vo Ia.tely a~ded .thereto, tha.t we m~y .therebJ· be cnn.bled t.o snp(;Jly all pa:tie1:1 wno iuay please to favor· him with a call~ (lreat tnducem ents;ld out to those purchnarng at ou;r establuslimcnt Pie tures, liooking Glas~ea, etc. to order, tt.nd il~ - evvry . ~tyle. Sa..1nples of tho diffe ren~ kind cf o ul.dings can be !\een at the wn,r~·ruotu. \Ve \VOnl d nl~o l;eg t<> infm·n·t you t hat 1 having purchased a ~·. JN returning tbanks ~o "\'VAL1,ER "\VIGG (,\) SON..,, ~Leir n~1n1erGns .custcimo;rs and th~ . SPLENDlD NE\V HEAHSE, times to attend funeral!!, on ~hul' t notice and reasonable terms.. N. B. - Cotfins kept on hand and madti to oraer1 at the ~ball be ready st a.11 I ' Wt: Corn\vn U Blankets j St. Lawrente I-InlLTornnto Corner King :ind'\Vest }.fark tit Street nern , J NEW D0111INION RETAIL FURNI'i'UR E WARE-RO@.M.. OtShn.wn., .Aug. K ing Street East, Oshawa· 26th~ 18~0, · --------

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