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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 19 Nov 1875, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT POETRY. What Became of a Lie.j UY ,\I Jl~. Ill. A, K.IDDEH. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1875. " ON STRIKE !" A '.l'emperance Tale for Working .Mell. JJY RUDA.N CHANDLER, A WORKING :MAN, ing, but \vho was Uetermincd to come, 'J.' HE though late, if only to see and speak to the two volunteer recruits who had signed the pledge iu bis workshop. 'Vhen the meeting was over, not a fe\v friends and well-vtishers steered towards Elephant House NEVV New Goods! AND GO TO 'l'HO:M:.A.S BA'I"l'ING·'S If You Want MUST First,.somcbody told it, Then the room wouldn't hold it, So the busy tongues rolled it '.rill they got it outside ; When the crowd came ncrm1s it, Ie never once lost it, But tossed it, and tossed it, '!'ill it grew long and wide. llIR:r.tINGHA.M . . (Concluded. ) Not far frow where our two reformed frie11da resided, tb~re lived a war1n-heurted A.nci earnest christiau teetotallt::r, \Vhon1 \Ve 'vill call John Htlton,\vho, a fe\v years pre- viously, need often to meet with Fred Hops an und others ut the Golden Liou. From a very !=1nall lie, sir, It grew deep a.nd' hig11, sir, rr111 it reached to the sky, air, And fr~ghtened the moon; For she hid her sweet face, sir, In a v('il of clnud·lacc, sir, At t'te dreadful disgrace, sir, Thart bad happened at noon. This lie brou5ht forth others, Dark siaters and brothers, And fathers and mothersA terrible crew i And while headlong they hurried, The people they flurried, And troubled, at1d worried, As lies always do. And so, evil-boded, This monskous JJIE go&ded, '!1ill at last it exploded In smoke aucl in sha.iue ; "\Vhile fro1n mud and from mire '"!'lie pieces flew higher, And hit t,he sad liar, And kille1l his good name ! - ·Baldwin's Montldy. I-lav- ing had his eyes opened to see the evils flowing fron1 the drinking system, he had become a total abstainer, bf>gan to attend a place of wor.:ihip, aucl soon threw h1 his lot Hopson and Barnes, to give .them a hearty shake ot the hand and wish them ' God speed." In company with Mr. Hilton, they returned home, much delighted with the 1neeting and tba.nk[ul to those known and unknown friends who Lad given them such a warm~hearted , and kindly greeting ; and t;: from what they ~ad heard, seen, and felt, ~ botl1 of them s~i<l, that they 'Were n10re fi.rru1y resolved l'o holJ fa.":Jt to tho plan, Which can l'escni;: from thralllom Each poor drunken mau. · with the people of God, and is now a useful u.nd consistant 1nem ber of the Wesleyan Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold Wedding Rings. AARON BUCKLEll, THE PATENT ALUMINO"US and ORll VI n 1 : J1 \ ille, Cct. Stl1, 1875. NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. A substitute for L ath & Plast er I. BE CONSISTING OF SOLD, GOOD A.ND DRY owmanville, 25th, 1857. (JBE!I? HOUSE . WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WA.RE, ETc. -o- GOODS. Methodist body. Suon after he gave up his drinking, like a r1ght~u1inded, true tempera.nee reformer, son and Mrs. Btnnes were more than thank- It is needless to say that both Mrs. H<lp- PAPER OIL-CLOTH and CAllPETING . USE THE f· mitkiug a.11 kiuds of--8akcs Without Egge. To .b~-ha.d-offilrGrocers. II. J. WEEKS & Co., 'J.ot·onto, sole agents· fur Ontado. 24-ly, ]..:larch 11th, 1875. MAN OH ESTER N orwioh Egg Pow.Cler, THE ful lht their husbands had thus, so unexbesought to rescue others from the grasp of pectedly, turned from their C<lps, which had Though the r~n destroyer, aad increase the uumber caused tbcn1 so much sorrow. of those who daily do battle with the com· mon foe. Mr. Hilton had often tried to win llopson from bis c11ps1 so that when he heard thal he and Barnes had so suddenly t<either signed the pl·dge for some time after their partnero, yet both freely and wisely agreea to abstain. As might be expected, there was much talk in the locality OLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. ------- Dominion Orga.n Co'y. RELIANCE MntnaJ Life A2snrance Society Present the following from tXJm petent jud~es of Organ~. Testimonial from John Ca1llldge, 1\.-:Ins. Doc., Canluar, England. Bowmanvillc, 24th Dec., 187S. To the .Jfanagm·s Dominion Organ Co. GENTLEMEN. - I like to plu.y on your Organs t'" ~e 18 so sweet aod steady. .And the work· ID!ltl$Oip a. n d finish excellent, and in e:o.'ery particular they are equal, if not superior, to any I have ever heard. Hoping they will meet p11blic appreciation. JOHN CAMill(iE l5owrr1anville, December 22, 1873. To the Managcrs of the Doinin·ion Organ Co. 1 BOW MANVILLE resolved to abandon the drink, he was ·more in reference to the two men on strike, and han glad, and lost no time in waiting upon the wives who had followed their husbands' each to congratulate and eucourage them in example. Some of the publican's poor detheir newly-adopted principles. Calling luded victims tried their hands, in various A Large Stock Jusl lleceimed,-Plain and Ornamental, both for Walls and Floors. upon Hopson first, he founrl him l>usily en- ways to get Hopson and Barnes to break gaged in his workshop ; Hilton with a glad their pledges, but they stuck fast to their hea.rt and smiling countenance, went to- principle:s, an<l, by &eeking help front above, wards bin1 with an open hand, saying, ' I were enabled to stand their ground and live The Paper Oil Uloth and Carpet~ng is a Chca.p and DuralJltl Substitute for Oil Cloth, ESTABLISHED 1840. CANADA CHIEF 0Fli'ICll:S. Important Announcement ! O 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL Crumbs for Chickens. What is the difference between an auction and sea sickness? The one is the sale of effects, and the other is the effects of a sail. ll llies are very wise. :No one ever kno,vs, as he sits in a doze, ho\v n1uch a fly knows that alights on his nose, till he levels the blows, when away the fly goes. An old Indian, who had witnessed the effect of whiskey for numy years, said a harrel labelled 'whiskey ' contained a thousand songs, and fifty fights ! ' I never sot my rnind on writing poetry till t\vo years ago,' said a ruralist, tilting back in a grocery chair; 'but the minute I took to goin' with that Johnson girl, by gosh ! I couldn't h~lp it.' --"""" Mrs. Partington desires to know why the captain of a vessel can't keep a memorandum of the weight of his dangerous.' IIe then contiuued, '\Ve ble morning v.:ben the atrike took place in or, iostead of weighing it every time he are going to have .a tcn1p~rance tea rreeting the public-house tap-room, two more of the leaves port Oxford University has just issued 'the smallest Bible in the world.' One as small as a three-cent piece would be too at our schoolroonui, in Howard street., tomorrow ; and as as you and Barnes bave ju. s t etepped into our good teetotal safety boat, we &hall lJe n1ost happy to have your on tbe occasnon, and no doubt you, with othera, will 8pen<l an agreeable and prolituble evening-one that will Lear the morrow's reflection : and, remc1nber 1 we shall have no next morning head.' aches.' · \Vt:ll, rrplied IIoµson, with a !.'mile, 'I thank you for the invitation, liut I'm · not rnuch used tO tea parties ; st.ill, if BJrnes 1 have been delighted to hear that you and down all opposition. Soon a n1ark.ed cba.nge was observaple in eschew the intoxicating cup, and that you the men, tht:ir families, and their homes. have both struck against your old tyranni~ The house of God, which had in their cal master." _ · drinking days been neglected, was now en'Yes,' replied flopson, \Ve've turned tee- tered hy Hopson first, and ere loug both total at, in an unexpected hour, aud it'a were seen wending their way, with glad no less strange than true that we made up hearts and willing feet, to their place of our minds to strike in the tap room of the worship on the Saobath day. Gohlen Lion.' Business with both has steadily increas'Well done l' said Hilton, 'y')u h' ed, as it is no\v \veil looked t.fCer, whereas, struck the table there many times for the in the latter part ot their drinking caree1, it drink, and from my heart I pray that God was olten sadly neglected. may enable you to abide by the best strike Ho peon and Barnes, who had long dethat you ever gave a~ your drinking house i posited their cash in the public-house sinkand by seeking for divine assistance, I know ing fund, are now members of n \\·ell-kno\\'ll you will be enabled to hold fast to the building so~iety, and. in due time, pledge which you bavc signed.' hopes to have a house of his O\VD. ' By the help of ·God I mean to be in The landlord of the Golden Lion tried earnest,' replied 1 -Iopsoo, 'and \.l·e }thought many schemes to get Hopson back to his that the next '1est to do after striking drinking, b·1t we are glad to say that ull his w·a.3 to go nnd aign the pledi;..e: ~ attem pis failed. ' Exactly so,' said ~fr. Hilton, for' delays In a few months after the tnemorafriend Burnes ha\o·e so \Yiaely determined to The ,\·ith which the Pn.per ia satnr· ntcd, rcndt:r it proof against Ra.ta, Moths, and Mi..:e. Read the following from RoB> D'Erina : DIRECTORS. 'VALTER SHANLY, Esq.,]..'.[ P" Chairmnan, · Du~c.u; 1fAODQNALD, Esq. MAJon T. E. 0AMPB~:i.L, c.n .. St. Hilaire. T11E evening. 'l'be ton1:1 is sweet and very powerful tba combination of stops most a.drnirab1e. RESIDENT SECRFTARY.-.TA>rEs GtW!lr. and I am sure yom- instruments will find favor in Chuxches, as they are singularly n.tlapted for S P E C I A L F E A T U R E S. Anothi:r tliing much wanttid, music. Wishing you every success. and The ENTIRE PROFITS belong t.o andare divid sacred that the t.iublic may patronize native manufac;.. This Polish gives a. inost elegant lustrc 1 and drieH ed amongst the PolicylwlderJ. ture. . I remain Gentlemen, LIVES, DECLINED BY OTHER COMPANIES, or on Very respectfully, whiGh an extra Premium would be uquir«l, can ROSA D'ERINA. be assured at the ordinary rates of this Society, burg, Ont. Varnish Polish! IloNORAltLE JOHN HAMILTor.-, Hawks. supplied by you at my concert Jut Saturday fyi~N;~L:1i~·:~~te~~"~~li~r,r ~i"~;;;o J:;:!; M1IIInery CI Oth Ing .W· · ~t ae duot1· on \iiif · ~ ' ' croekery & GIass·wl'.a ' ' . · 1· n D'M'~ J ~ P.1.oode.! ? f.:) " WI ..~ ,._ - '!"! ::> ---oo--- Nothing ever discovered befo1 e to equal this Polish. FOR l"OR -under a special arrangement SPECIAL NoN-FOFEITA.BLE POLIOIES Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs PuoF, 1'ERRY. l\fannger, bp·o3-ml6, Piano Fortes, Olocks, Pictwre Frames or any lcinrl of Varnished Buggies, Gutters, Sleighs, President. under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay BY.vm a.nville January 15, 1874, menta required, each payment secmrwg Policy for a ewn assured proportionate to the nurnbeL of premiums paid, and free fi·om futur iai:med DR. PA1'TEHSO:r<. URDOUB Bl&S. Having decided to make a change in their business, are now selling for CASH their ]a(·ge and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, · 1 vaymcnt of prem.iwnu. MonroRATE PBEMIOM8 and moet libexal Cfln~ ditiona. · ProHpectusos, Proposal .Forms, &c., supplied on a:pplication at the Head Office, or any of the Agendes. J AES G llANT, DENTISTRY! I ancl all lcinds of Varnished Ilea. Secretary. AT AND BELOW COST! Tho Stock having been pnrchased in the EST MARKETS, buyers cun depend on getting Fm'n itv,re. Ga1·ria,ges cun1 bersomc for soine m en to carry around. A Burlington boy, being asked by his teacher the other day what occasioned the saltness of the sea, after reflection, advanced with some confidence the opinion that it ' must be owing to the codfish.' laud lord's customers, seeing the benefits which lfopson and Barnes were reaping since becoming tot3 l abstainers, were ind uceU to attend various teinperanco meet- SOLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. AGEN'.1' l!OR BOWMANVIJ,LE, C.BARKER, 11 Observer O:ffi.(.,~." King St 23-ly Bowman ville. June 24th. 1870. Imrierial Fire Insuranr.e Co OF LONDON. MORE .AND Bb'TTER GOODS FOR THEIR MONE.Y ·neighbors 1 exfln1ple 1 by ings, and they ultimately followed their striking against strong drink and signing the teetotal pledge. l'Yfay the perusnl of this story be the meanA, under God, of opening many d'rinkblinded eyes, aud lnduce sorne who at the present time are letting the tyrannical mat- ' A u~ual, B J Brimacombe, L.R.C.D.S- at this Establshment than in any other house in the country. a LR1·ge Stock onhand of Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware. All of which will be sold at low flgurcs. Established 1803, HEAD 0Fl"IOES.-1 Old Broa.d St., and Pall M a.11. LondoIL ""'.·;r;. GENERAL crament ~ OEZ:.:CY :FOR , 1\:lontre al. <JANADA :- 24 St FEES MODERATE. OFFlGE ove?' 1lfcGLUNG'S St01·e. ll-tf. Call Early, and secure Bargains, as th.e whole Stock must be u.'d at once, far CASH ONLY. Major N., when asked :"·hcther he was seriously injurcc by the explosion will go so will I, on condition that you cull of the boiler of St. Leo11ard steamer, re- tor us. plied that he was ' so used to being ' I will go straight from here to Barnes;' blown up by his wife, that a mere steam- and do my best to get Lis promise to go -; er had no effect upon h im.' add in reference tu my calling for you, I A youngster who had several teeth shall be tnoet happy to do so.' extracted, was comforted by the dentest Mr. Hilton quickly found out Barnes,and with the assurance that they would come ubtain ed his promise to go to. the tea meetagain. With an eye to the immediate ing. He went back to Hopson, ond fixed future, little Johnnie inquired. 'Will the time .he should call for him the nex they come again before dinner I'. ter- King Alcohol-hold them in cruel thraldom, to rise, and 1 by he:lp <liviue, free themselves from their slavish fetters, by making an earnest and determined strike John McLeod. & Co., against tho foe to all that is right and good. Yes, fellow toilers, who· are alill giving ·subscribed and invef:lted Capital and P~esetve Fund. £1.965.000 Steding. :F'unds invested in Canada.-- 105,000. loss by Fire are e.ffec~ed on Wellington.Buildings, Bowmanville. Insurances most favorable ter1ns, and losses with ont reference to the Boar<l in I.Jondon. Aui;ust!lOth, 1875. ,J DODSWOR'.l'H, RlN'l'OUL BROS. Inspeutor. Gen, Agents. ?t-Iontrea i;l.. R. LOS.COMBE, Barrister., Agen TH E GROCERY DEPARTMENT is now complete with the choicest supply of your hard-earned cash for that which is not bread, and your labour for that which satisfi.etli not, is it not ti1ne for you to awake Strowger Bros. NEWCASTLE for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowmanville,-Jnne 4th.~1860 ! Just Arrived at the 36 m.o-43-39.4w Christmas Goods, Rais ens, Cur11·ants, Su· gars, Peels, etc., etc., at all Prices. Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 FASHION HOUSE splendid assortment o day. Darwin acknowl edged himself sold when liis little niece asked him, seriously, what a cat has that no other animal has. He gave it up after mature deliberation, and then the sly puss answered: 'Kittens.' The appointed hour arrived, and Mr, interest in the fate of Donaldson, thinks The social board was spread, and Mr. Hilthat baloonists should have a telegraph ton introduced his two friends to a few of attachment to the car, so that in ease of his fellow lab0rers in the good cause, "Tho 'my fatal accident they could at once most warmly welcomed and c.ongratulated inform the anxious public. thein on their important strike. Two persons were once disputing so A full j ustioo had been done to the eat· loudly on the subject of religion, that ables and' the cup which cheers but not in· they awoke a big dog, whic.h had been ebriatcs,' the taLles were cleared an d resleeping on the hearth before them, and moved, during which time there was a genhe forthwith barked most furiously. An old divine present, who had been quiet- eral 1nove by all present, which affurde<l a ly sipping his tea while the disputants good opportunity for frieuds to converse were talking, gave the dog a kick, and with each other on various matters. Conexclaimed : ' Hold your tongue you, sidering that Jlopson and. Ba.rneo:i were t\\TO silly brute! You .know no more about ne\v recruits, who bad been more used to public-house parties than tern Ilera.nee ones, it than they do !' they seemed to enjoy themselves very Jones had prepared himself for a well. home dinner to his liking. He sat down 'Barnes,' saiJ Hops'}n, (as Mr. Hilton in his dining-room at peace with all the stepped aside to speak to a friend,) 'there is \vorld, and said, '::J°O'IY, Hannah, bring the cold mutton. .'.\f o hot meat for me some difference between the present comthis weather.' Hannah hesitated for a pany und that which we have. been foolish, minute and said, 'nut I done give it enough to n1eet with for so long, to our own Hilton duly went for his friend Hopson, in whose house sat Peter Barnes, aY.:aiting bis arrival; and soon, in deep conversat.ion with each other, all three WE~re wendiug thousands of others who are now degraded their way to the tempera.nC'.e tea. meet- drunkards; and, with the kiiowledge we A lJetroiter, who has taken a great ing. .have .of the fiery liquid, we ask, Who can Besides, although you may never become a from your drowsy slurubers and strike Having removed to more counnodious premi~e~, against the intoxlcating cup 1 NEW MILLINERY. IN Perhaps some who read this may try to AGENT FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, Also a. lot of shelter themselve· under tbe old plea tbal For the follo"·ing Insurance Companies, and tbey drink very moderately. 'Ve anwwer, beg to inform the public gP.nerally. that ther other Institutions, viz :rrhe QUEEN Fire antl Life Insurance Com- REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & are now enabled to offer thum so did Hopson and Barnes, and tens of pany. Capita.J.£2.000,000. $150,000 <le posited James McFeeters. MURDOCH BROS .. Better Inducements in the line of use it and say that they are perfectly safe 1 The CANADA LAXDED CREDIT,CO'Y. with a Savings Bank dcpartn1ent. drunkard yourself, others may try to fol'l'he UNION Al:\ n PERl\fAN.EN'r Bnilding low your steps in moderate drinking, and and St1.oving's Society. The~e lo.tte1· instltutions aclvance Loans on become such. Then, we say, help not by Real Estate, on terms unuaua.llv easy for the word or deed to perpetuote the dangerous borrower. and destructive dri!1king usages of society ; (AS llJWAlWS PllICE £: QUALlTY) Bowronnvil!c, l!eb; 6th, 1873. they are the seed from which continually than any other house in the County. springs bitter and curse1l fruit. Grocery with the Dominion GoYernment, for the protec ders in Canada. The ISOLATED RISK ll'ire Insuro.nce Com pany of Ca.pital 500'000,- 0ne of tbe best aud chcapeRt Co1npanies doing business in the Dominion, for Farmers and Isolated Riska Aleo a large stock of Stamps for Braiding and EJ:X!.· broid.ery. Business, FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. -l A DBESKAKING usual. On the other han<l. we can confidently affirm that total abstinence from all intoxieating drinks is safe and conducive to health NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD Weight anrl J',feasure Guarcmteecl in every instance. · MRS. A. FLETCHER Bov.·manville. April 7th,1874. ond happiness, as \Vell as being a good handmaiJ to all religious efforts, and every laL14able cause that seeks to benefit the bodiea and eouls of our fellow n1en. Christian brethren, who are yet standing aloof from the temperance n1ovement 1 'I'eas a Speciality. J. L. S'l'ROWGER J. D. STROWGER. NcWca.stle,Au~u:>t, 11th. 1874. ALWAYS GET BIG is now raging at FI:EtS'l'·CL.A.SS. W. BELL & Co's. Prize J!lellal 0 rgans 1 BOWMANVI LLE H\vay, sir.' 'Ci-ivc it away t Give my dinner a\vay ?' 'Yes, sir. \.,. ou said if any tramps called J was to give them the cold shoulder.' A lawyer, who was somewhat forgctfol, haviog been engaged to plead the cause of an offender, began by say;ng : ' 1 know the prisoner at the bar, and he Uears the character of being a consumate and most impudent scoundrel !' . Herc somebody whispered to him that the prisoner 'vas his client, \Yhen he immediately continued: ' But what great and good man ever lived who was not calumniated by many of his conte1nporaries ?1 Come ! with Christ-like, feeling hearts, Ai:rainJ:1t the foe perform your pnrtB ; Ccme ! and with a wil1in1.r hand, ' Jn our bloodless warfare ata.nd. and families' hurt, at the Golden Lion.' h-1o<lerate drinkers of R.11 conditiona1 1Jtrilce ·You're right!' replied Barnes,_ 1 this is a against the drunkard malting drinlc, and aslittll! higher up, and seen1s tn?re rational sist in spreading the principles of true soand wise. I wish that 1ny mi. i;sus wn!'l here, briety. ehe would enjoy herself, I kno\v. 1 Poor drunkard, wl10 art still wa.llo\'ting 'And so would mine,' answered llopson, in the n1iry clnr of inten1perance, spurn the ' but if we kc~p ou strike 've'll take them in3idious c 11p \\'bich is hurrying you on to to the next teetotRl tea ineeting, either here ores~llt and ~te1·nal ruin ; we. beseech you, for your own nnd that of your sufferor so1newhere ehie.' ing ·wife and family, to strike. 'Ilenr, hear,' said Barues, we've left them For all the good atrikes which have e·er taken behind loug enough, to mourll over our tt.bpJace, senl}e and folly ; but now '\ L~ve- deter· 'l.1his is one of the best, I do think : mined to refora), let'a try to gladU.t.!?J ~heir 'Vht>n men 'gainst the alehouse set both bcarb and face, hearts a loit, to 1nake up f'or the past sadness And st1~ikc 'gainst tbc1nonater, strong drink. we've caneed them.' Ma.chine a.nd. Implement Manufacturing Co TH.l!i MERCHANT has no'v n. bona llde and with the exception of a {cw, these pass into thl;;l hand!! of the pPople of Woet Durham. The puhlicwi ll a.tonce see the utility of the paper a~ an TIELEVENS Ciroula.tion of 1000, Manufaotures of] WOOD ANDl IRON ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Which in 1873, at the Fair, beat every A1nerican {\lld Canadian Organ, taking the FmST PRIZE. Also the r:enowned WORKING MACHINERY It Has No Equal in this constituoncy, and thit:1 fact i1:1 being con· stantly de1nonstrated, If you have lust anything, advertise in this paper. If you havt> found anything, advertise in the HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO Uoston.l '\Vhich hac> taken Forty-nine Fint P1·e·m iwms. --:o:-THE KING OF The Autumn Honse Cleaning. The public meeting after tea was duly commer:ced by 11 tem1)erance bymn; after which, tho chairman, (·Wesleyan miuister,) ruade an appropriute address1 dur .. ing which he told his aud·ience that he was The Noble Girls of Nevada. MERCHAX'J'. ' Jf you 'vant to sell a.nytning, adve1-tise in this pn.per. If you wn.nt to buy anything, advertise in the MERCHANT. If you want to reach the public, use thi..l co1unnis of t11e M ~RCliAN'l Double Turbine Water Wheels, and Ca.stings of a.11 X:inds and he is determined to continue to sell at these ruinously low prices cheaper than the chea.pest. Why he can do it-First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy I Second, what he can't buy chea_p enough, he mannfactul'es Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. -o- OUR RATES A E LOW. REPAIRS clone on the CALL AND SEE FOB YOVDSELVEB, AND lf1rom the .lJ.01intai1i MesBenger. a weekly newspaper, the ]\fEBC1lAN1' is l~'O!Jt the Danbury News. It is not often at the present day that we A.a scarcely ex.celled. Sixteen colun1ns of careglad to inform them that they ha<l two men fully selected reading- matter appear in She has got on a torn dress, hitched in their company that evening who were on find yo_ung ladies ooilil1,<; their very pretty --:o:-each issne, cotuprising L ,1:terature, up at one side sufficiently to reveal an strike, and he sincerely hoped they would hands with n1nnual labor, their energies be.A.g'l4'/t)Hlt1i1·a.7,, J!'ami7y l~<Xtding, 1mbutloned shoe ; there are flakes of Genn·al and Local Nl'W :Jing tr.ore ofLen exerteJ solely in securing ,vhitc\vash in h er hair and on her chin : receive not a little encouragement from atall fresh and tcnda..ble. the proper tension of a 'pin back, or the N. n. - rJ.'ho S11bsc1-iber is not a Sub, or unher dress is wet, her fiogers arc parboiled, tendiog that rnecLiog to hold last to their SuU!!cription·s taken any time tluring the <ler Agent., but has the special agency for the proper adjustlnent of their 'back bu1r. 1 1 SEWING MACHINES, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. c stock, which con1prises everything in the tra<le, of the very lntest :uid niost ele.-..:u1 styles and pa.ttet·ns, of English, Canadian, an<l American manufacture. ·0 -o.He still cuutiuues to manufacture to order, from the best of ina.terial, a.utl none bu.t first·class . \\'Qrkmen kept. · Examine · SHORTEST NOTICE, 'V c have no·w on hn.n<l a large quantity of a nd her thumb has been split \Vi th a determination not to be tyrannized over any ha1n1ner, but her eye is as clear and longer by their old master ; he also trusted bright as that of a major-general on field ·that ·11 who might know them would do day. She picks up a handful of skirts wbl\t they conld to back them up in their and ski1ns through the aparttnents, see- good and \.Vise strike.' ing five hundred things that should be ·Hear, hear!' shouted Mr. Hilton: while done at once, and trying to do then1 ; many present w hif!percd to each other, Notablt! exceptions to this general rule are yent. abovr.:i. the Misses Purdy of Long Valley. Besides being posted in all that pertains to elegance TERMS 75 CTS., IN ADVANCE. --:o:-- au1 prep:~re.-i to ex.change Pianos for OJ·gans for ~fclo<leons, also Sewing JY[achines, on reasonable ter1us. Or~n.ns, 1 Common and Gang Plows, that win be s::ild at Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guarantee 'l He has iu stock an endless vadety of Ladies' nud Gents 1 Saratoga ~eruuks, ·Yaliises, etc., :;i.U of which he is selling cheap for cash. -o- -o- ~:\ddrc"R, and every time she comes Ill reach of the dresser, she snatches a look into the glass and shoves a fresh hairpin into her dilapidated coil. ·And thus plantcd in the debris, like a queen on her thinking they were two men belonging to some trade strike, Bnt, fucthcr on in the eveninP.", when Mr. Hilton \vas called upon to say a few words, be explaiue<l. to the uu- throne, she unblushingly asserts that dience the principal particulars connected 'It's an a\vful job·/ ' Everything is in 'vith the strik e of the two persons whom a wretched shape ;' ' I'll be so glad the chairman had >lludcd to. At the recit'vhen this is over j' 'It <loes sectn as if al 1111 seerued plt:ased, as the1r war1ll.-heartmy back will snap in two ;' 'I'm a good ed applau·e testified, mind to say I'll never clean house again ' Mr. Hilton brought his short address to so Jong as I live. An<l then her 1nind a close by saying, " He trusted that, as tnc uncon::-cionsly soars heavenward, and result of that meeting, some would con1e llp sbe wonders if there will be any 110use and join their standard, determining by the cleamng seas~? there, and if not, how.a h elp of Gou, to do as their two ~ew rehe11ven ~an :.)~ ma?e of it. It lS tlus cruits had Jonc- nnn1ely, strike against nil bread wilh the soap knife. in. dress, they can alld do often harness and drive horses of their ~wn breaking, and in we evt·ry fncility. \Ve do not wol'k for nothing, or fun, but onr prices will be found case of emergencies, mount the reaper and lo\\·, as our presses are run by steam power. dru\\' aa steady a line over a pair of colts as the best a1.uong the' so-called' lords of creation: rfhis yeur they are in the potato business on a sruall scale. Last spring they procnred fi vc pounda of pot.a.toes of choice vn.ricties, to wit : Snow Flake~ one pound ; Eureka, one pound ; Browuwe ll 's Beauty, FOR JOB I'RINTINQ- J. S. DONEY, TrnoN< P.O. J!l.n. 15th. 1875. 6-Gmos. LOW PRICES 6tf. Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. Bow1uanville, ~fa. 13. 1874. AT THE SHOP. Bowmanville, Mru·chl873. - M. TRELEVEN. three pounds. They planted this seed, Loed it themselves, 0.nd dug 517 pout.tels ofsp1en· did potatoes as the reeult. One pound of Su ow Flake yielded eighty-two pounds i (lue Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes · Cfrculars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders § l. DRY GOODS! l. ---o--Wti TO THE ~o n~unerous PUBI~IO. f11, \· nr~. base Li-ld v Star Dry Goods and Clothing House. NOTED FOR OHEAP W ALTEl~rWIGG & SON, returning thanks .cu!!tdmers a.nd th'! pnhlic g1merally, for past I Nw0uld respectfully 1nv1te then· at+lilnt1on to our pn:sent stock of furniture, as ;,·e added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to snpply a.ll parties who runy !)lease tu f,. r,,L' hitn with a call. Great iuducemcntR held out to those pnrchaein,.,.. at out E.·stab lSbmont. , 1-'iu· tures, J.ooking Glasses, etc. framed to order, and in every style ,0 Sample~ of th ~ differn :~ kind of o uldingfl cv.u be ~eell. at the '\, We 'Yould also beg to inform you t1u , 1 hnving puL"chitsed a. ' FEED MILLS. car load of the a.hove noblt> articles on the way. Please cnll at the ' 1 Auoth~r poun<l of Eureka ) ield"d 159! pouu<ls ; <tnd C\·erything fn)m th e Sil e of a roster large three pounds of Brownell's Deauty yielded enough to cover a. barn to a half-invh stdp, 176 pount1~.' One hundred pounds of each printe<l in good styie, and at cit pr1ces. Specimenfl of work can be seen at our office. '\-York handed out, nud the caal~ ta.ken for it ' CLOTHING, etc. A SPECIAL LINE, , · SPLENDID NEV{ HEARSE, shall be ready at a.11 times t o attend funerals, on short notice. and reasonnble term 1 N. B.-Cofti.Ds kept on hn.ndand madt! to order, a.t the · B 0 W MAN VI LL E Parm Implement Forwarding Agency R. W. JAMES, JCing St., Howmau ville. Row1nanville, Dec. 5, 1872. nlO. of the latter varietiea hllvt' been placed u pan ·exhibition at tbe Ncvada8t1'. te Fair. Eight specula~1on wluch g1ves _her tha_ t drea1ny Bt>rt of intoxicating drink.' expression \vhen she IS cutting your 1 Ilear, benr !' rtaid the leetotal black. potatoes of onA variety wei~h ten pounds, C. BARKER. Corn\vall Blankets NEW DONJNJON RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-RO@.M.· 01hawo, Aug. 2'.lth, 1870. lI l ·mith, who had not long been at tlie meet· and te11 of the other weigh thirteen pounds.. Manager Corner King and,Vest .r.-Iarket·Street near St, J.Jawrenoe fI.n.ll/l.1or"nto · King Street East, Oshawa· fo ._A.., Cj73 . S ..q e fol 7 , I '

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