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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 26 Nov 1875, p. 3

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\. , 1 THE MERCHANT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1875. - ==========~ ,,-=~============================;===========================================f===~~==============;===::;:===============:======================:====;======'================= ASTON . H ,...-4 . I LILE & BAITYN. ........._ ~ $25 ..._ l~ Important Announcement! ~~~~l;:J,~~~ -- -- cha.rd · . For particu1ars. n.pnJy to L ~I IEW!ID ! 1 W. MclUUBTlf, Having been delayed several weeks, in opening out his has determined to offer, during the remainder of ·the Season his entire stock, at such prices as will ensure a ;~;~~~' BUTT~~' THE and WM. 'l'UER, HATD01' Is making ~- FO:Et ---- preparations GREAT ?, ~::oohtch:fs~::m ~;:·, ? r-1 g ~~Pe ~gi!:/~~~~~r~~~d APPLES, TUB BUTTER. under1:1i~ed will buy any quantity of l . T MAS, ~ · cO HRIS will be sold Low. Our Goods give Good Sa.tisfa.etion. TBY THEM. &ol \.I.I 1 ~H.ft~;§'61r;;~~~~~~~~~~y!F.~:~ New Dry Goods Establishment, ~ ~w;~;;;: ~;;;u;;; FOR. .u.u. BowMA:r>vrLLE. l ) -- B::i:~D'6~o!i::N·~I.;O.:N?·tB~5A~nNKthel.'.7~ti... $],U00,000 TORONTO. O!:!liAWA. , SALE. situate on Ontario Street . En- J .. ookoutfor his Advertisement next Week. oO F<>r· a , , enei·al Assortment of Groceries,Crockery,Glasslvare, etc., L yle & 1\Iartyn's is the u -~ Ou· Iblf-Doll.. T·· i· the !lest. TaY it . .. ir;S'i"7 ·ts: r\'\ ~ or Gen.ts, li'or La.dies, ~ Ch"ld ·or l ren. Capital, Paid Up, OLEARING SALE. The stock is all NEW, purchased with care, and at remarkably Low Rates. ·~_C_A_L_L_A_N_D_S_E_E_p... Ho w Cheap good Goods can be sold /Qr 1 HEA.D OFFICE, 0RILLIA, BRAXCH OFJ.l'l CltS : Conouna, BOW MANVILLE, 'VHJTDY1 UXBRIDGB, .. STARTLING A ~· c+ ~· . ti1 Revelatio11s ! --o-Very Serious Charge, . · CASH. La.test · Styles and Good Stock . SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERED WORK. . STORE.- One door aa.t1t of Comi1Jh's Jewelry Store, Xiug Str~e~! Bowman.ville . Bowmanville, November 19th, 1875, :Bible Christian roturnpost. fbis B~nk, in ~ddition to transacting t he us· ua. bankinl'.:" business, offers to the public all the ad-..·a; of a Saving In1>titution with the security of a. largt" uaid -up capital by the means ot a. SAVING$ DEPARTMENT. ' Interest allo..ved ()ll all deposits of One Doti. lar and upwards, at the rate of F1VR per cent per .annum. ' De:Positors cau withdraw either the wholt" or any pa.rt of ~heir deposits at any tin:ie, without previous notice. ,Specia~ ra.tee o~ intereflta.Ut1wed upon deposits with notice of w1thdra.wnJ. ~merican Currency and. Silver taken on de· posit. lT I?~a~tP.S grR.nted payable iu Great Britain., m e ta.~es and all parts of Canada. fB"Depos1ts ~a!I b· remitted by,nddre1ur e~ to the Dom1n1on oank Jregistered] when in. a casNJ a. Pass-Book receipt will be' sent by Bownumville, Jan. 6th, 1874. 16-U. - - hMed UP<>n 11ulretn.ntia.l facte, is juet being circula;C:td, and is to this effect- that one of our prominent ?vlt:rchants. Markus Mayers, THE GREAT REMEDY FOR LILE. & MARTYN. · WINDING UP ! OCTOBER 10th, 1875. J. A. CODD, .dgont 1 CONSUMPTION and acknowledged by many prominent phyd. ciane to be tho moat Reliable Preparation ever introduced for the RELIEF and CURE of' all haa purchued an immen!le Stock oI Gom lJJ, on ad'f'ant~eons term~, ·and he ia gojng to give his Cuti .. mers tb.o'l:ieneflt of hie bl\.rya.i.n. The Stock la very l&rge, embracing , . J. SMALE. BOOK ROOM · AND ' DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the Bowmanville,May 6th, 1$15, Bowmanville Drug Store, j, HIGGINBOTHAM oul W r.n m(;st. reept"ctfully tender his sincere LUNG COMPLAINTS. 'l'hi11 well-known remedy otrcrcd. to the lg public, 11auctioncd by 1he experiracc of over forty :year1:1, and when reaortcll to Jn !li."itlon, seldom fail.a to cl'eet a apecdy cure of Coughs, Colds, Croupt Bronchitis, In· . , llueuza, Whooping tough, lloal'SC· nese. Pains or Soreness In the Chest ani!. Side, Bleeding at the Lungs, Liver Complaint, ~c. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED by a timely resort to thl1 atandatd TCracdy, a1 is proved by hundred· of te11timonjaJs by the proprietors, receive~ It is my intention on the aLove date to wind up the long-winded cred THE it system,and sell only for CASH, or its equivalent. It requires no arguY&rying in price according to quality, M.d con.- reeut tu establish t h at i t is to t.he advantage of both huyerand seller,toaiettng of trnde for ready pay, the buyer thereby getting goods at LOWER PRICES an d t he sell er being saved from lo8S by bad debts. We think then that ull pa.rtie8 w ill 'concur in the wisdom of this change on out p:i,rt, An unei;,ctanan, Our goods w ill h er eafter be bought for CASH only, and we shall the,reby reap the advantage of large. trade discounts, which a.Jvant:Lze we are determined t o give t o our customern. Parties purchasingfrom us may therefore depend upon getting goods i~t least ten per cent. cheaper than unfor Sabbath Schools. der t h e old plan. Published Monthly, at B01nmanville, · Ont. Our stock will t hi s Fall be more replete than ever , and a still higher -:·:. "ll h C k ept. 'u l Sa t lS · f:ac- closely The Edi~or has been connect ed, more or leS11, n e th eref'ore guarantee tlle gre>L t es" with Sabbath Schools, from bis boyhood, All Styles of Children's Furs on hand, Cl.USS of goo d S Wl and the Prices ·uch as has never before t ion to" all w)10 m>Ly favor us with their ptttronage. · and will endeavor the make the E~BION every ":',BiY worthy ?f the suppott of Schools. been offered in Bowmanville. South Sea s~al, Ermine, Grey and Black Lamb, Grebe ancl Mink Sets School Ensign, School Library :Depot, KING SHEET, BOWMANVILLE. Illustrated Paper, t ia.nks to his nunrnrous friends a.nd alltomer~. and to tho puhlic generally, for the Tery hhf'~al !J?Pport. he has received ince his C?mmencmg in busHrns3 ; and hopes by cont1nu~d strict p~rsonal attention to busincsst and offering no~h1ng b~t the pllrest articles, at the ruost re!l'sona.ble prices, to ensure a. continua.n" of pul;ihc patronage. · J. t:f· would caU special attention to hfa very superior stock of · D.YE STUFFS which are sure to give the hoBt !ntiafact ion. A well selected stock of I - -:o:-- DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WJ[.) GHERRV does noi dry up CJ Cough, an(i; lea1Je tlio O<tu~c behincl, a.s ts tlf.O case 1<'ifh 1n1Mt pr,,,pa·l'ationa, but it loo1e1u <.n) '.l cleu111H:'S the l.101y . .,, and allays lrrita.~wu, fltt~s rrbe following lines will be found full : He 1.lso otrer1 a. Terr attr&cti'ft1o lot ~f Goo Us in Ready-made Olothing,Oloths, Tweeds, Dress Goods,Silks, Shawls,Sltirts,Cottons, Winceys,· Blankets, Buffalo Robes, &c. >t.smtable for any Sohool. 0 ~be .unsecta.nan r<haracter of the paper,:i;tmdel"l!I rcmioving the cau1& of tlto con(plaittt. CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all those whm1e occupntion requirt:~ 1111 unus11nl exeri::lse or the vocal orgnn11, ,v·u find th is the O~t.Y YRt: PARATION 1vhich wnt rtrccttia.lly nnd instantaneously relieve their di:Hcultics. Beware of Counterfeits. Remember that the genuine JV'i$tnri6 /J((lsttnt has ou the outside wrapper the si911rd1u·e of ··I. B U'1'1'S1" and the printed ?1ame ofl.h.· p,·o prietors, "SETH 1Y. lr'O rYLE if· SONS, IJO S,. T01'1." All other$ are lm..<te imitatio11s. Jli,'ram. ine the wrapper carrfully b~fore purcl1A8jng. They rnu'>t be sold~ a.nd StLcrlftcca w lll bo ln1'1'.1e. Cash CuEttomen!I will buy en cloet:i n1 a.rgin1. MUFFLERS, SHIRTS, DRAWE RS SOCKS, COLLARS, NECKTIES, BRACES, "'- rr_ ,LE~l' . '1 -E' N'S GEN ~ -1. .ll 1UITS AND SHIRTS · ns . S prove r..... In connection with. a S:up1)lement is published, containing N ctes o~ tbti In ternationa.l series of S. S. Les· of great value to both 1.'eacher and Scholar, thereI: 'Ve have now the most varied and DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES BRUSHES, ' COMBS SHOULDER-BRACES ' SUPPORTERS, Ete. , Eto. kept constantly on hand. 1 h··· are car.runy prepared, and must TERMS: mndc to order in city st yles, on shortest notice. S. F. J-IILL. CASH PAID FOR II.A WS FURS. M. MA YE:R'S. Bowmanvilll'l, Oct. lat, 1876. Change of Business ! At- tU-Sign of the Golden Anvil. - -- - :o: - -- T h e Su b~cri bcr having purchased th e entire Stock of Parcels of 5, 10, 15, etc., at the rate of 30 eta. per y1::a.r. Si~gle, 40 cts. Postage FREE. A:idresii, C- DARKER, EDJTOR, Dowm&nville, Ont. SELECT 8TOCK OILS, PAINT, COLORS, - VARNISHES and WHITE LEAD at the very lowest prices . What the Press sav about it: THE }~XSION. - Wehave bee11 tavored with a copy of the .Ensi.(!n fron1 the Editor a.t the Weat !Jurhau1 P1int i11g Establishment. 'The En"Bi(l11 is a paper ,llr~pared espeeially for Sabbath Schools, and in our opinion well adapt· ed to its object. So great a fa..;orite has it becom e' tb:l.t we hear (what is very unuaua.l \\ith such enterprises} it ha~ pro"ed for the first year a £uancial stwceaa. The illui~tra.tions suit.. able and sufficient ly numerous, while the rca.d: ing m~tter ia h e alt~ y in tone, racy in atyle,a.nd ao v~1ed as to suit the taste of ~he general public. We congTatulate thti Editor on ha.Y· 1ng catered so successfully to the public want, and we congratulate tha you11 g and the public on having so cha.i. ming a. · shtiet preeented monthly for the perusal of their children.Oshawa Rcfonuer. . ~he Ensign ie ntatly printed on good paper, is illnstrv,ted, and contning healthy reading inatter nnd ought to have A large circulation - Pderboro Examiner. OT ' Horses and Cattle Medicines. N, B.-Country Rto1·e-keepers supplied on the most a.tlvan t.ageous terms. A choice selection of LA if PS for bRle cheAp Bowman ville_ , Dec, J 868. ~m_ '-- Ooe Dollar · Bo~l~.~RB.:;;lrs for fire D~-SETH W. FOWLE &. SONS, B.9l1ton, M:ass.1 Allcl 1old by Drnigiata and Deltlera generally, -CA aR-lAGE--~ s H 0 p west of the Ontari Bank. King Street, Bowmanville. MR. "A Gompltt< Picto1ial Hiltory ofllie Time1. " --·· 1'he Btst, {)heazitst, and inw&t ruccis«ful F(imitv Pa.per in the Unio11..," rrHE. ·ubacriber is prepared to pau· T HOMAS BASSETT, SABBATH SCHOOL LIBI!.ARIES and GENERAL LITERATURE yet offered to the people in Weit I;>urham. b uild IQld l'c · · would respectfully inform the inlmbitants of Bowmanville and surrounding co1rntry," t hat iu addition to his present Stock , he is daily receiving · ' Wagons, Buag'ies, and Gutte1·s, vf e\'el'y d~e:c..ription 1 --0--· · Harper's Weekly. ILLUS'l'RATED, N ol icta of the P re~ IJ . JV1eklv is th~ alJlest and most P'i"orful illmstr1'ted periodical puhlished in this country. It1J editorials are scholarly and conYincing, and carry muclL wt1ight. Its illm1trations Harper~3 a.t 1:1hort n otice , n.nd reasonable turma. 0 :1 Lcr.lrge Inivortations of British and .A 1nernl l . Card of Thanks. those wh hl\ve given him tlieir patronage in t il e past an~ wou.J d inform the f a l'mera that he h afil repaired and r efittfl:d his )fill_ , and is now p rep&red to a.ttend to their wants in· the millinM" line He is also conducting " Carriages Painted and Trimmed· :RELIANCE or whi ch, lm viog pmchased fo r UASH, he i~ enabled to .offer at bott om price..·. Mutual Life A1surance Societ7 -"'-- For the Holidays! Gift Books, Splendid A lbums Prang's Celebrated Chronws, Microscopes,Kaleidoscopes, of the finest description, Ladi~s· Companions, T .IJ.E Snbacriber returns thru1ks to l ~I of current events are full Md fresh , and are prepared by our b1;;:at designers. With a circulation of 150,000, thf" Wtckl:v ia read by at leaet half a million peraous, and its influence as an organ of opinion, is simply tremendoui:i. The Weeklv maintains a. podtive position, and express'!s de· cided views on political and 15ocia.l p1 -oblems.Loui1ViUc Couri!.r-Jourr1al. A Blacksmith's Shop 01' EST ABLISHED 1840. ~'l ven t]1e pro1niscs, wer+.i speeiaJ to a.11 <.~ttenti on is Jtl articles are models of high.toned discussion, and its pictorial illustrations are ofte1~corrobor ative a.rguments of no snia.11 force.-N . Y. ~· nmincr and Chronicle. Its pa11ers upon tixi.atent questions and it5 in· imitable cartoons b<ilp to mouli.l the sentiments of the country. - Pittsburgh Commercial . Harper'~ Weekly stands at the head of ill\18· tra.ted journals in the United Sta.tefi, in circula.. tion. editoral ability 1 and pictorial illustration. - La.die31.R.pository1 Cinclnnati . Postage free to aU Subscribera in O&nad&. .Harper's Weekly, one year · · $4.00 $4. 00 includes prepaymt:nt of post.age by the pµb1isher11. , Su bscripti0ll8 to Harper's Ma,;-azine 1 \V eekly, a.nd Bazar, to ouo address for one yea.r, $10.00; or, two Qf Harper 1 s Periodicals, to one address for one year, $7.00: ~stag~ free, An Extra Copy of either the, Weekly, or .Bazaar, will be supplied gratis, for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4.00 one remlttanc~; or, Six Copies for $20.00, with· out e xtra copy ; postage free. Baek N urubern can be su'{'p!ied at any time. 'l'he Annual Volumes o Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7.00 each. A complete Set, comprising Nine Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5.25 per vol;, frieght at exptn1f:!e of purchaser. Pron:1inent f.lottention will be given in Ha.rper 1s W uekly to the illustration of t he Centennial In· ternational Exposition. Newapa.pers Are not to ·copy .thie advertiee· m ent lO"itbout the expres~ ot'tier of Harper &: Brothers. Address, HARPER & BROS., New York. c~niage work, u,nd General Jobbing, A ll work done at this Establishment warranted. A call is respeetfnlly solicit ed. ,T, MO RRIS. Bowma.nville, 0 ,t, l st, 1800. His Stock of PAINTS and OILS will be found ·Complete9and will be sold at Pric~~ that will defy Competition. ~ CA.NADA, q1HEF 01"FI<lES. 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL GENERAL STORE, . DIRECTORS. . W~J.T.En SHANI.Y, Esq.t...:M. P., Chairmaan, DUNCAN MACDONALD, Esq. , l-IAJOR T. E. CAllPBELL, C.B.. St. Hil&ire 'l'llE HONORABLE JoHN HAMILTON, Hawka. Writing Desks, Pocket Books, &:c., J:c., to 1Jleaee all, and every one. and having purchased his stock for CA SH, giving bargains in burg, Ont. RESIDENT SECRFTARY.-JAMxs GRANr. S P ECI AL FE AT U RES. TF.RMS: TIN & s~rov~~ DEPARTMENT! To Owners of Horses, And the General Public. \ AT He would rclso sttiLe that l\fR. JAMES NOSWOTHY is associated with him, as Par tner in the Tin and Stove Branch of the Business.:___a sufficient g ua-rantee tlu<t all work in this line will lib executed promptly, in the Best :Manner, and at Very Low Prices. s. . MASON'S (both ]ightandh~·vyJ Eavetroughing a Speciality. A Large Stoel{ of' Tin,vare of every de.· d scri1)tion, al\vays in Stock, an Jllade tO Order 0Il the Shortest Notice. Th e ENTJR.f,: PRO:FJTS belong to andare di vi d e<l am ongst the Policyholder:r. LIV.ES, DEOLlNElJ BY OTHER COMP..tNIBS, or on which an extra Prmium 'Ulould be requ.iMI, can be assured at the ordinary ratu of this Society, under a. sp~cial arrangem.ene SPEOIAL NoN·IfO:rEITA.BLE PoLIOI.BS iMUed under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay m6nts are required, each p&yment aecunng P olicy for a. eum &asured proportionate to the numbe1 of premiu1ns paid1 and/ru/r<J'IA. /utur A and plendid Collection of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, &c. STAND.-Recently occ\lpied by Mr. Groy. S. VANS'l'ONE. Stereosoopio Views,. The Goods were bought at be1t rates, andp u Qh1¥1el'~ will receive the benefit 'O ayment of preinium1. l\10DERATE PREMIUMS and moet liberal OOD· ditions. Proapectuses,Proposal .Forms, &c., supplied on application at the Head Uffice 1 or any of the Agencies. Tyrone Dec , 17, 874. TYRONE. Youwillfindthemost complete osoortmentof Double and Sin,qle Harness, of the Newest Styles, and of the Best Material &Workmanship. ever sho\vn in Town. . J AES GRANT, Res, Secretary. · AGEN'l' FOR BOWMANVILLE, · O.BARKER, " Observer Offi.Ct!l, 11 King St 23-ly Bowman ville, June 24th, 1870 · PRICES Qualities & Prices. 'l'he Stock of Stoves will be found Complete, compri~ SOMETHING NEW IN TRUN K S! ing a.ll the fa.vorite kinds, in !LOWER THAN EVER, C&l and sec t hem "The Big Push! " COWLE, ' J. ELLIOTT'S_ ~l l l Seein:i; the we has i:;et in so that we can A ~ood choice in koep a L arg-e ·and ~'nH ..<\saortuum.t of A-leat,we LEATHER VALISES, T RAVEL de tei·mine<l t o suit all parties, both in Qual· ity n.ud Prieitis. A s long as the weath er holds UNG HAGS, SATCHELS, &c. · fa.v ora)Jle 1 we sball kt!up in Stock, thrt::e qualities of Beef, which we '".ill offer, Retail, as fvllow s ·: · Gold and , Silver !vlounte<! Oarriagc and Toonl No. 1. Bee f. Dest and Steak, 12~eh. tJer lb. ~o. 2. du IOcts per lb. Stm·c Beef 8 ·" La.mb and Boiled B eef, fro1n a to 8 Lnmb and Mutton, 6to10 dfreL't from the manufa.ctol'ies. Pork 10 Deef b,t the Quru-tcr - 4 to. 8 NE1'S & SCREENS JN (}R NA 1' VAJUE 1'Y, All p&!'ties wishing to purchast= a Quarter of A'l' LOW FIGURES . l~ucf. ,v ,\I find it t o tbflir to i;ive us a. call b Jore purchasing tl!stiwhen:i, !or we sha.11 Repavring promptly attended to still on a s m~ll advance on cost, for CASH. 'Ve QOnll1v.~ t our bu~inesf:! ou t,he N uw Principle To your a.d,, to giv e him a call. " Small Profita and Quick n.eturn. II Glr One <loot of l!'a1·mer's H ot el. ~ CA WKBR Blt'l. Bowmafivilie, Sept ~ 3i·J . 1875 , Dowms.nville, Nov . 18th, 1875. 8-tf. COOK; CC)AL Bowman ville, August 27th, 1875, or PARLOR, vVOOD. 48-3inos. (Jltea1tStore TYR()NE. llns now a full 1 v:eorted St.ock of OR \VI--IIPS Ii. S. MANNING. New Goods! MUST BE SOLD co>isrsTrna OF !NDEISON & (JO'S 1'all Stock of \VATCHEs, CLOCKS, GUTLERY, PLATED WARE, Ere. -o- Having . bought a Large quantity of BUFFALOES, very Cheap, all that is required, .is to Sterling S!lver Spoons, and Pure Gold Weddinr Rings. AARON BUCKLER. Enwm iinville 1 Ot t. 8th, 1876. i··1 premises of t h e S1 1Lscribcr. lJot No. 22, 6 con . .D a.rliµgton, on II.· about Hampton, at~ o'clock, p.m., of i:>ATURDAy· the 20th of Sept, two steers coming three years 17th iust., for win<liug up the bu siues8 of the old, a.nd one coming two old, an d one heifer coming three old. The owner iS 5CQSOU. requested to prove hlS right to tht1m, pay ox· 11 _ S~tITH, President. penses, a.nd take them a.way, Kt.v~mber 19th, 1875. 8-2w. WM. ORYDERMA:\'. Darlington, Nov- 3rd. 1875 . mG-tf. Hampton Cheese Fa.otory. patron· of the above A Factory, will ofbethe hold in the Town lfa!~ ~lEE'.l'ING STRAY.ED. a .A.ME into the BootsJ T and : S hoes JST ARRIVED. I-IAS a nd as their stock is so well known, it is quite unneces·ary (or them .A. C.ABD. I CANIZED PENS hav· day O. the Exclusive. foi· the sale of my VULfor Bowma.nville, Ont . thi· ·PPointed BAUKER " Come down handsomely," " Will you be One ?" - -o- TO ()FFER ANY BRIBE to ind uce t he Public to purchase. So com e along and bring y our m on~y with you. '1 B~m·nvill·, JOSF.PH MA~ON,P.P. J. J.JACOl)B. Sept.161h_,I874. m·tf. HOUSE TO n~ar RENT. 'l'o Masters ·of ~D . to ITU A TE ON PROSPECT STREET LANK CE R TU'ICAES, ApplicattoL· TERJYfS S the .f'actory. Good aecomrondation, 'E'or ft't rthe.r particnlan, avplv on the premises, B &c., &c ., can be procured at tb1s office,n.t WHITE . r·[.ular ~&tea. :r... 0 i: · Their Rewards are Bett er Value for your Money than can be had Elsewhere. · H ,.rl~ ICTL Y 14th ., 1875. J. CHAPLlN, DEAJili:R IN I have done my utmost to please the J>ublic, as witn«ss the following: Groceries Dry GoodE1, l3oots & Shoes etc., etc, whi ch for 'l ' - 1 Fruit and Ornamental T'rea, Seed1, Bnll>s, Flower&, &c., &:c. CASH.. ANDERSON & GO. Mr. C . guart:i.uteoe to furDiah nothing but P. 0 . Box 55 . Bowm&nvillo , Jan. 22nd, 1875. bp·lf·m17··'· First-class trees, and true to name, ..\.ddrems, Buffaloes for $4.50, worth · " for $7. wo:rth $10 Bowmanville, Oct. 29th., 1875. $GOO Quality and Chaap , ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTl l l .DQ,V mauville, Nov.. lltb. , 1875. m7-tf. J>owmanvill , J _uly 7th, 1873. . Bowmanville, Oct -

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