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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 3 Dec 1875, p. 3

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. THE MERCHANT ~ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1875 I Toys! Toys! HRISTMA GOODS ! AT LILE & ll!RTINo $25 wh-0 '.nlJ f11riush Important Announcement! iQualities & Prices. Seeinp: t he weather ha.; set iu so that we can keep a L ar ge and lf , nll Assortment of Meat we determined to suit tb ll parties both in Q;Htlity an~.iicic~ . .A .s lv ug as the '..,vettth er hol<l11 ~· j +.J~lb ooug ur htChristmasa,t bottom t:-f IEW!RD! Having been delayed several weeks, in opening out hiB Fruits,~1--' \ The·bovo ' ~ " ' " ' d will:idto Prices, Shoe· sold by W. 1Uc1'1UBTRJ1, follow s : No. 1. Beef. Bt::st l tonst and Steak, 12~cts. per lb. No. 2. ~lo JO cts per lb. Store B eef s 11 Lamb Boiled Boof, fro m 3 to 8 L a mb an d l\! ut ton, 6to10 f~vora)l l:) , we sbn.11 k eep i n S tock, th n~e q_na li · t1es of B eef, which we will offer, R1:1tail , as Pork . 10 t~=p~~=~~gth~~~ro amph~ onypeson, proof that the Boot & Beef b_y the Quar ter 4 to 8 .A 11 l)~rti ~s \~ i sh i ng t:' pu"clia.sei a Qua.rter of Beef. w111 ti nd it t o th Q n· advant age to b rive us not wh·tr· . New Dry Goods Esta,blishment, a call before purchue iog elsewhere, for we sh:a.ll sell on a. sm:tll advance on cost, fu r CAS H . 'V'e conduct on r bm;iness on the New Pri nciph: 11 Small Profits and Q uick Return. 11 N. D. S1'.eoia.l l3a.1·ga.ins a.n.d. :Bea.utiful Goods. · WORK HOXES, WKITl l\ G DESKS, CARD BOXES, PE NCIL CASES, PURSES, SATCHELS, HAIR BR USHES, TOILET SETS, AND TOY TEA SE TS. Great Choice in Vases, Motto Cups and Saucers. Splendid value in Albums, Concertinas, Violins. Musie, Pictures, Mirrors. SPLENDID J E WET,LE RY, F A ZR OHTLD'S GOLD PENS. J8 t-t Our Ooods give Good Sa.tisfa.otion. TliY THEM. . Our Ha.lf~Dolla.r Tea. is the Best. Tlt Y it Superb :Xma,s :Mottoes a,nd Ca,rds. Slates, Sle·iyhs, Rockin '] JloJ'ses, Jack Knives, Games, Toy Books, Poets, Family and Pocket Bibles, Church L~ssons, Hymn Books, &:c., &9.. ,Dia1·ies for 1876, and many olhm· art-wles too nu·m.ei·o1Ls to mention. Don't wait till the Big Jam, You cannot select so well in a CROWD. · Thanks for a brilliant Christmas Sale, last year; let us have a better this year. WHOLESALE AKD RETAlL. ~ jj~glj~ .q --;------,-----;.-----~ / F or a General Assortment of ~ ().) Groceries,Crockery,Glasslvare,1~ r-1 etc., L yle & l\I a1·~yn's is the ct~ ' or Ge11ts, CLEARING SALE. For La,dies, The stock is all NEW, purchased with !'or Children. care, and at remarkably Low Rates. SEE> How Ohe" ap goocl Goods can, be sold for OASH. ~ CALL AND has determined to offer, during the remainder of the Season his entire stock, at such prices as will ensure a CAWKER BR<), Bowmanville, Nov.18th, 1875. s .tf. TH}:! DOMINION BANK. DOWMAKVILLE . Capital, Paid Up, HEAD OFFICE, 0RILLIA, OOllOU RG, BOWMA N "V I LT,E , -- $ 1,000,000 'l' ORONTO . W H 1TBY 1 DRANCH OFFICES : · OS HAWA , UxnnIDGE, · ---~--- l=> Latest Styles and Good Stock. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN '?O ORDERED WORK. STOR~. - Onc door .ea~t of Cornish's J e'Wolry Store, King Strt-et, Bowman ville, J, SMALE, Bowmanville,May 6th, 1875 , Thfa Bank, in n.ddit iun totranimctino- the u sua1 ba nking business, offers to t. he p~hlic all t he adva.ntages of a. Saving Institut ion wi t h tbe aecur1t y of a large naid-np capital , by the men.ns ot a S.aVING8 DEl'ART ME::'i!T. I nterest a.llo 1 \·ed on a ll c leposits of One D ollar nnd up wards, at t he ro,t9 of FrvE per ceut . per annu m. D epositors can withd raw eitbor the whole ot· any part of ~heir deposits a.t a.ny tim e, without · previous 11 otice . _Specia~ l'htes of intcre::tall.,,wed upo}1 d eposit.a: with notice of wHh drawal A;merican Currency and Silver taken on <le· poSit, lt. :ElASTON, Town Hall Block, 'Bowmanville, . Doheny Block, Lindsay. .· . '.l' HE Bowmanville, November 19th, 187 5· . .. MOTTO- Kimble Sixpence better· than slow, shilling. I --~-- LYLE & lU!RTYN. \/VINDING UB ! ~ OCTOBER Draft!" gran ted p~~ynble in G reat l:!ritain lTni~ed Sta~as and all p11r ts of Can ad:). . ' ffr:Pepmuts can lY 1emit ted by mail,addres!;ed to the Do1 niuion unnk [registercdJ , when in all ca.a~~ a P ass-Book receipt will be sen t by ret urn post. . .r. A. CODD, Agent , Bow1·n an vi lk , Ja.n. Gth, 1874, 15-tf. at the DRUGS AND MEDI CIN ES THE Elephant House Revelations! Markus Mayers, STARrrLING People's Book Store AND Bowmanville Dr ug Store . ' . It is my intention on the· above date t o wind up the long-winded cred School Ensign, it system,and ~ell only for: CASH, or its equivalent. It requires no argu-oment ~o establish that 1t 1s to advantage of both huyer and seller,to.A n unsectarian, trade for ready pay, the buyer thereby getti ng goods at LOWER PlnCES A Vary Serious - Oharge, and the seller being s&ved from lo8s by bad debts. We think then that ~ed ttpc)n Hnbstantia.t fMts, is just being eir· c-.lated, o.ntl is t o this effect- that one of our all parties will ?oncm· in the wisdom of tln s change on our pmt. prominent !i-I6rchanta, Our good ~ will hereafter be bought for CASH only, and we shall therefur Sabbath Schools . by reap the advant age of large trnde discounts which advant&ue we are Published Mo11thly, at BO'Ullrurnville, Ont.. mers. Piwties ' purclia.~ingfrom "us may ha.a p urch ased &n immense. Stock of GoodH, on THE PATENT ALUMINOUS and OR- determined to give to our .custo. a.dvanta.geou· termH, and h e is goio g t o givij his therefore depend upon gettmg goods at least ten per cent. cheaper than un - 'l'he Editor has bem~ected more or lerM NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. Cm!L.mera the benefit of his bargain. o!()soly with Sabbath Schoola, froll-i his boyhooU · der the old plan . and will endea vor the make the E..-.;s 1GN everY The Stock is very lAri;c, eJnbracing Our stock wil.l this l<'all be mor~ replete than eve1· , and a still higher way worthy of the support of Sabbath Schools PAPER OIL -CL OTH and CARPETING .unsoctar ian character of tbe· paper,render~ So11th Sea Seal, E1,mine, Grey and c' of goods will he .kept. W: thcre~'ore gua.m ntee the greatest satisfac- ?-'he 1 ~ .atutable for any SchooL In connection t l1 ereBlaclc Larno, l]rebe a nd ];fi nk Set~ w1th, a S uppleme·n t is published, containing t10n to all wh o may favor us with their pa.trouage. · SoTurETHJNG NEW A substitute ·for Lath & Plaster ! 10th, 1875. THE SA:B:BATH SCHOOL tomer~, most r espectfully te1 1der his sincere WOtJLD thank s to hi a n uu1crous fr ieud1-1 nn~d J. HIGGINBOTHAM and t o t he publi c gene rn.lly, for t,he 18 . tmu~d st l'1ct persona.] attcntinr, ·t,0 bu ~iness, and offering nothing hu t t h.fl p ur ~s t articlel"!, at t he very libr r nl fm pport he has rC'ct' ived ince his C:?mmen ci ~g in hrn~i n e<i:-; ; ~ . nd hopt-a hv con· Illustrated Paper, most-rc.ason:~ble p ri ce ~, to enaure a o on~inuan ee or public pn.t roua.g-e. J_ ~· would cnll specift l attention t o his very superior atock of · T).YE wh1i..:h are Sure t o gi\' e tbe bo1:1t sntisfaction, A well selel'.'.t ed stock of STUFFS varying in pric e aocording to q ua.lit y. a.b<l sisting of 0011- · Th e follow ing lines wilJ be found full: :toi otes on the Int eI"national imries of S. S, Leaso1111. Th ese are ~arefully, and must OLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. Ready-made Clothing.(:lloths, Tweeds, Dress Goods.Silks, Shawls,Skirts,Cottons, Wmceys, Blankets, Buffalo Robes, &c . prove of great vnlne to both Teacher and Scholar. Par<.:ela of 5, to, Hi, etc. , at the rate of 30 Post&g~ cts. per yt:ru·. Single copie1:1 1 40 <,'ts. FREE. Address, C. BARKER. DRUGS, ORE M JO.A L 8 , PA T ENT lifEDIOJNES BIWS H J;'S, ' OOilfBS, SHOULDER-BRA CES . SUPPORTEI-is, Etc., Eto. kept c.onstn.utly on han tl. Oaps, Collaretts, Muffs, Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. .All the Goods ::u-e well made; of the GENr:rLElVIEN'S SUITS AN~HIRTS m ade to or<l t:l' Jn cit y styles, on ahorter;t noti<:e. 7'ERMS : Latest in Styles! -:~:- A Large' Stock Just & cewed,-Plain ,;,..d Or· namental, both for Wqlls and 1rzoors, Bowmnn\·ilfo, Oct. 21st , 1875. S. F. HILL. c. B.ARKER, EDITOR, Bowmanville, Ont. W i th the fll'rival of the H olidays, a,omes a demp.ud for OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, an<l WH ITE LEAD at the very loweat price ~ . All Styles of Children's Furs on hand, and the Prices such as has never before beeA offered in Bowmanville. He -.!so offerl5 a very attractive lot ef Goo(h:1 · The P apB r Oil Uluth ru11I Carpet~IJ' is a Cheap (Jhang·e of B 11siness ! . At the Sign of the Golden Anvil. - - - -:o: - - -The Subscriber having purchased th e entire Stoel!: of What the Press sav about it: 'rlIE E NSIGN. - 'Ve have been favored with a. copy of the E'ti.s1{Jn fro1n t he Editor,at the W eat Durham Printing nstablishw.ent. The A'nsi(fR, ia ii.. pa.per prepa.ri~d especially for Sabbath Schools, and in our opinion well adllpt· ed to it!!: object. So great a fal'orite has it become' that we bear ( wha.t is very unusual with such eLtterprjses) it has proved for the first year a. financ ial success. The illustrations are suit;... i;ible u.nd eu'fliciehtly numerous, while the reo.d· 1ng matter is healthy in tone, racy in Rtyle and so varied as to suit the tnate of the ge~eral pul)lic. \Ve congrat ulate thee Editor on hav· mg catered so S'Uccessfully to the public want, and we congratulate the yourig and the public on having so charming n. shtJet present ed monthly for tlie perueal of their children .O!Jha:wa .Ref m·m er. . 'l;'he Ensign is D(:a.t ly pr~ted on good pa.per1 is illns tl'at ed, 8J':ld cnnta.rns healthy reading matter and ou gh~ to have a large circulation cheap a.nd good. Literature, Gift l3ooks, a.nd Present OOODS. I have a Stock tho.t cannot fidl to pleaee- complete and var~ Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B.-Cnnnt ry st orc-kee11ers euppli cd on the 1noat atlvB.tJl.a.geouR t erms. 1 \ ~hoi cc R:lectinn of LA MPS for t:.a . l ~ cheap Ilo\vm:in \'llle. Dec. I Sfi8. em. an<l Durable Substitute for Oif Cloth. The Chemicals w ith which tlle Paper ia saturfl-ted, rendtlr it proof against Ra.ts :rrroths and )fi.::e . ' ' MUFFLERS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS SOCKS, COLLARS, NECKTIES, BRACES, &le. 'l'hey nn1st be sold, and Sa.crifices will be iuade. Cash Customers will buy ou closie margins . Varnish Polish I Another thing much wan ted, . This P olish giv~ s MR. T HO M AS BASSETT, - CASH PAID FOR RAWS FURS· M. MAYER'S. 13owma.nville, Oct. lat, 1875. a most elegant lustrc,aud drie~ instantaneously. ~vould respectfully inform the inhabitants of Bowmanvill e and surroundmg country , that in addition to his present Stock, he is daily r eceiving Card of FAM1LY BIBLES, Splendid Lot. POOKET BIBLES.Large Assortment. N.B. ,That de~ervedly PO.Pular Teach er s Bible, m various bindings. BOOKS, in Great Variety. ALBUMS, Cheap and Rreth. WRTTJNG DESKS, and WORK BOXES. ~hanks . Nothing ever discovered before to equal this Polish. 'J!'OR -Peterboro Exa·miner. FOR P ian o Fo1 ·tes, Clocks, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, Lar·ge Itnportations.of British and Anier- IRON IN THE BLOOD 'ican blteif and H etivy Ha·rdware, all of which, having pmelnu;ed for CASH, ha is e1mbled to offer at bott om priceR. S u)-i acrib ~r ret u;·1 u:1 thtui k~ t v t11 use ·w 1 1 h~v t.· g i~e n li11fl t h mr p:.i,trona.gc in the an~ wnnld tnform tho farm~ri;; t h 1~t he has re- TllE pa.u·ed a nd r efit t t-:d.bis 1I.ii1, a n d is now prep ll.rei.l to attend to ll1c1i- wa ut ~ i ri t he milling lin" He is also Cln1du cting a New Goods 1 t..ND Pictun Frames or ciny ~ind of omd all lcinds of Varnished Oarria,ges MUST . . BE CON SISTIN G OF -o- SOLD, Va·1·1vislwd F11rnitu1·e. WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATE D WARE, ETC. Sterllng Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold Wedding Rings. AARON BUOKLER. ) " r VI · j ' J, SOLE AGENT . FOR THIS PLACE. His Stock of PAINTS and OILS will be found Complete, and will be sold at Prices that will defy Competition. MICROSCOPES, STEREOSCOl'ES, KALEIUESCOPFS. Largest Collection ~/' St.e,.euscupio V ievJs in. 'l'o ·wri. The Pe'f'nvfrtt· Syrup, a P1·oteotetl Solution of the p,.otoxide of the c/l rirncter of a.·n <tli11un it, as · ea.s lty 11ir1cstetl and rt ssimUatul ·with the blood ns the t1l11iplest fnort. It ' the quantity of Ntitu.r e's Own VUallz!n(f Agc,n t, I1·011, in tlte blood, t.Mtd 1 GENER AL STO RE, an1l having pnrch ai:ud ll ifl stot:k for C A SH, Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. gi vin g ba.rg niru) i n .l;r.ou,, 'i,s so conibtned as to have ( d . Sth,1875. IIAitDWARE . ! TIN· & A u a:ual, a L arge Stock onhand of S·TO VI~ DEP1\J{'f~IENT ! · :uoBBIS' CARRIAGE SHOP Hardware, Paints and . Oils, Stoves and Tinware. ~ ~e would also state that MR. J AMES ~OSWOTHY is associated with !nm, as Partner in the 'l'in ·and St ove Branch of the Bu"iness- a sufl:ici· ent guarantee tl1a,t all work in this line will be executed promptly, in th e r,1.1, 1·r' s u a ihffttsa,n.< 1 i.lls ," fl i,fll-JJlf! btf Tun,inu u,11,Inviyorcc,tinr1 (ttul 7 71!fa.lizing the .S11ste:11i. The en· 1'iched mul vitallzetl blootl pm·- Call and Exa1niue. Dry Goods, . Dresi3 Goods, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, &c. STAND . - Recently oci.:upie.d by 1111'. Gray. me.a.tes wery ptwt of tlw body, west of the Bauk. AJl of which will be eold at low figure~. King Street, Bow man ville. John McLeod & Co., Wellington Buildings, Bo.wmanvil!e. August:loth, 1875. Bast Manner, and at Very Low Prices. Eavetro· a Speciality. scription, always in Stock, and lnad e t o 01'der on the Shortest Notice. 1·epa ; rlnf1 tlaniayes 1uul u·c1:t1fe, Hea; 1·<~!1/i1~:1. . e·5-~ ·ii-'lo1·b· i.d s~c1·e tions, <tt1d leavin(f twthin(J for d isease to f'eed u.pon. . Great Inducements. S. V Al'TSTONE. Tyrone ) Dec . 17, 8i4. TYRONE. -.. -THE, subscriber is pre1)uretl to pair oI every des<,,rip tio11,_, Rt Ltlll<l and r.e· To Owners of Horses,- A Large Stock of Tin\vare of' every deAnd thtl General Public. .AT 'l'ltis ·Is the secr et of tlie wvntlerfttl S?tc c<Jss of this 1'em e<l!J 'ii· ou1·iny DySJJeps ia, L ·ive1· Co1nrilaintt rlta~<i, JJoi ls, Wagons, Bugg'ies, and OittlcrB, sh01·t notit::e, ruu1 0 1: i-easonable terms. Ne1·vo11s .11ffections, (}hilts an,d Fevers, Hu ut-01·tJ, Loss of Cons tUutlona l Viy01·, Disease· of the Iiidne ys and, Bl<ulder, l·'e· n ia,le. Co· 1n1>la .i-1its, aiul a ll 1n·e«.'Ws originating in a ba< l state of tlw /Jlo0tl, 01' a.c~ c< >1n1>n nie<l by tlebility 01· a low J>rops1f , CJw onic J)ho ·- S. Carriages Painted and Trimmed. Double and Sin,qle Harness, MASON'S ~ You will firid the mo·t complete aaaortment of The Stock of Stoves will be found ComJ?lete comi:iris· . · ing a.11 the favorite kinds, in ' fboth light and heavy) state of !he s ystem. B elnf! free A Blacksmith's Shop oll the premises,w~re- HALL, 1:1'0R t rout ..d lcohol, 'i ll, riny f(n·Jn , 'ifs ene1·ylz l ny eff'cct s n1·c u,o t f'oll o uJ~<l by our1'ef.JJQtHl in,y J·caCt lon , bnt <t1·c 1JC.J'Ul tt n <·nt, ·i:1ifu,.. si:lt(f st · r en.y th , ·v iy o·1~, < t n tl n euJ "The Big Push!" O . OWLE, Having bought a Large quantity of BUFFALOES, very Cheap, all that is required, is to T YR,()NE, Has now a f ull a1;;t:ortt!d St.ock of life 'into a ll }!f(1't8 of the systmn, special :tttenti on is gn t1n to all of the Newest Styles, and of the Best Material & Workmanship. ever shown in Town . COK, COAL a nf.l bnilll-i.H-[ J UJ> an Ii'on C o n- C1,,nfage work, and. Oeneml J obbiug. All work clone r1l this Establishm ent wananted. A ell U or PARLOR, WOOD. 48-3mos. stitutio n. Tlton smuls have been cha;igctl by tlte n .... e ofthi.s 1·e1nedy , j '1·0 1 n1 u :c alc, si.oklt.i, s 1 1ijfP- J"i.ny c1'c<r, -1,;,,1·~ i'f~ PRICES !LOWER THAN EVER. OR to strony , healt hy, an.(l h nJ>JJ y '1 nen t..tu,d 'lVtnn en ; <1'nll SOMETHIN G NE W IN TRUNKS! Uihll and aeti them A l.{ood ch oice in :ti.. S. MANNING. Bowman vi lle, Au gus t 2ith, 1875. itn te to giv e i t a t»ictl. Sec thnt cctch bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown fr< tlw ulasB. Pa1n1>h.l c t.J:1 Fi.·cc .. i n tJall<l:; C<(,nnot 1·c1iso1i abl 11 hca-- is reApeetfnlly solicited. 1 8 G~). Bowmauville, 0 i t. lat, .r. MOIW.1S. ~ L EAT H ER V ALJS ES, TRAVEL · UN G BAGS, SATCHELS, & c. ANDERSON ~~ (JO'S Fall Stock of aml tts the ir stock is Ro Seth W. Fowle & Sons, P·prietors No. 1 Milt.on Place, Boston · . A CAltD. I h ave tl1is day aplJOinted C. Il.Al\K E R the l!.'xclusi· oe ag_cnt or the sale of iny V uL· OAlili.h:D P.ENS for Ilowmanvill e, Ont . JOSE PII Jlf., ·\J: ON 1 P .P. J. J.JACO.l\S. Dowma.nville. Sevt.lOth,187·1. w-tr. - --- Gold a~id Silver ilf01.tmled Carric wncl Tecnn --VVHIP S, direct fnHn the manufactod ca. Boots and Shoes H AS .JT JS1, ARRIVED. N well known, it is quite unnecessary for them SOLD BY DlWGGISTS GENER.ALLY Good Fa.rm for Sa.le. liugton, containing 100 acres, more or less For pa.rticu1ars, ~i.p~Jly to WM. 'IUl~R, HAYDON. ORTH half of Lot No. 14, 7th Con, Dar ."Come down handsome!~," " Will you be One ?" --o-- Groceries Dry Goods~ A QUESTION. _., -~ N E1'S J: SCREENS IN OREA 1· YARIE1'Y, Al' LOW l1GURES. Good huihlings a nd f ences, and large young or· cbm·tl. WIIO has a pure Repair-ing p romptly attended to 9- hn , ~ One · T O ()f'FER A NY BRIBI~ '\Vhit e Boar? to induce the Public t p purchase. W. WE RRY , Soliu a. Darliugton, ~ovembe1· 25th , 1875. To Masters of L. 0 L. 'I'o yu ur vantage to give hhn !lr call, door East of Farmer's Hotel. ~ Dowmanvil lc , Sept . 3nl. 1875. 46-tf Their Rewards are Better Value for your Money than can be had Elsewhere. · f'io come along an d bring y our monf.y with y ou. I have done niy utmost to please the Public, as witn. ess the foJlo'\ving: APPLES! BUTTER! Oct . 29tb, 1871. . 5-tf, rrHF~ :Boots & Shoes etc~ , etc, which for GOOD UJ! der '1'ill bny any quantity of ~IE RC HA N TABLE .APPLES B L A.KK C El1T LF[0AE S, Applications · ~ c. , t~c., can be p1·ocured a t t h is ot£ue,at 1·egula.r rates. I A liOU.SE AND LO.T TERMS ~.., OR _SALE, :,itu itL e on Outario Street. }l: uq u1re of ].iR . 1l'HO ~fA8 . on the pr emislolS Buwm.a.nville, Jan. 22nd ,1875. 17tf. MTRICTL Y O ...~SH. ANDERSON & 00. a11d pay t he liii;best pr ice for good ' TUB BUTTER. S. llU RDEN. Bowmonville, .Aug. 2G tb, 1875 .; Quality and Ch~ap $a 00 :Bu:ffa,loes for·-$4.50, worth · ' ness " for $'/. worth $10 CANNOT BE S~RPASS!:D Bowmanville, 0 ct. 29th., 1876 llowru:mvill , July 7th, 1873. · Bowmanville, Oct. 14th., 1875. J. ELLIOTl · I - " _,

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