THE MERCHANT, FIUDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1875, ---- ~=-== --~-====="=======================================================~~==~~~:;;:;=~;;;;=;==============-======;=====================~=:-====== POETRY. Mention h·s recently been made in the, Perhapa 11 is tho deme of your hfe to go "Unqu .. ti~J:'J!IU::b:,~ W.~~"i:Ii:;d Work 01 columns of tbe press of the V{ard will case abroad; to see the ap1rea of famed aµcient THJ!i MERCHANT Oiroula.tion of 1000, a.11U with the oxcephou of a. few, thel\a pa13s into the hands of the pPoµle of West Durha.m. The public will eee P-RAYER Ere the morning'!> hur.y r,iy f!all~ ~on to your work away Ere the 1ii11ent e ~ e111n:; closd Your weuried cycs 111 8\.,.Cl't repose, 'l~o lift J our heart and 'oice in prayer. Ile your fa ~t and lale8t ca1 e OD trial lately in Detroit, as one of the moot elt1es, the sloprng hills of beautiful Italy, remarkable cases of the day, but another the lakes o! s .. 1tzerland. Or gay Pans ha· testamentary con'Wat tau l y r1va IB ltB d e~ velopmenta. Mr. Singer, the famous ~eWltg machine maker, died not long ago, and left thirteen millions of dollars to be divided among Jna heirs If1s will reveal~ ed :.t previously unexpected state of affairs. Harper's .Masra·ine. ILLUSTRATED. has now a. bona. -fi,de GO TO Ile, to whom 1lns Pt"<\yer i1J duE', It appeared that be h~d hacl two wives, and J:i lont heaven, His throne,bhall smJle on you, tour concnb1nes, and that ihe stx had borne An~cls sent by H rm shall tend 'd ed fo.r th e ch l ld l"'rgt! f alin1iea. H e pro'fl Yout d1t1ly labor to befnend, ren~tv. enty-eight in number-very hbcralAnd their n1ghth v1g1ls keep I",· ant) he conferred his name upon all of To guaul you in the hour of sleep .J them with a kind of bland unconsciousness VVhen through the peaofJf ul pftt ish swell51 that there was anythu1g unconvenhona.l,not The mu1:11u of the Sabbath bells 1 to eny wrong, in tlie arrangement of his doDuly tl'ead the ~acred road mest1c afhnrs. The prese nt contest arlS(IS Which lea.ds you to the hoi.1st: of God ; The blessmg of the Lamb is there, !tom the fact that the woman with' whom And .. God IB in the nudst of hor " the testator w.e lmng up to the time of And 0 1 whene'or your dS\}S be ps.aaed, _,_\nd 0 1 ho'A' e'er your lot be cast, Still thmlt on Hnn whoae eye snrveys 1 '\Vhose haud is over s.U yvu1 wavEJ . IdreA.m.hnger years in the indulgence of this They will bnng homo trophies could a char1n, or sn1oky 1 busy T..iondon, or 'r enice J!.toiice' of the. Pre.4s. on the aea; but all this 1s slow in conung The ever-incron.sing circulation of this excelto you. Meanwhile you hear of some gay, lent monthly pro\Tes its continued adaptatwu to wealthy plrty about to take th10 looged·fot popular desiros ·nd need' Indeed, wh·n we think into how rnany homes it J)~nl'tlates t!\ t!J y trip. You know 1t w1ll be a pleasure a la 1nonth, we muHt cor1 sid<:r 1t as one of the educa. mode to them,-n summer pastime. You tors a.s w1:1Jl M ent';lrta1nt1rs of the pnLhc rnind - Bo$(on Globe 'l':B:O MA.S BA.'l"rING 'S · th ADVERTISING MEDIUM. It Ras NO Equal t It ' th e u 11 Y 0-" e pa.per as an If You Want Th~ character which this l\.1agaz1ne poSlj:ei!:rres, in this constituency, a.nd th1s fact ia being confor variety, enterpnse, a.rt1.st1c "ea.Ith, and ht. stantly demonstrated. h f rom t b e fie Id a of f oreign tlu.Ye1- erary culture that 1t ha.fl kept pace Wlth, if it enong hM not led the time!~, should cause its conductsilks and Je\vels and costly tnnkets-to or!!. to regard it with Justifiable complacency If you have lost anything, 1n this serve u ·a memorials of the place· and th1ngs The l\iti.gazine baa JoJie guud r.nd rut enl, l\ll paper. h · t he ~ the days of its hfe - Broo'JcJyn Eagle. If rou ave foun d anytb1ng, a dvert1.11e in they have seen. You, would gathers r1r.ber Some of the most popula.l' of modl::'rn noli ele 11ERCHANrl, If vou want to sell anything, ad\ ertiee in this etore,-the changmg lights and perfect tlnta h a-.;e fi rsI d as serials 1n th1· 1\1 a.gazme ,, ID all respects, it iB a.n excellent penod1cal1 ~nd paper of distant sunsets; thoughts of warm, odor- df;ls,~n:es 1t~ great f'! uccees.-Ph~ladelpk1a If iou want to bny a.nything.a.dveitiae in tho ou.s southern nights, me1nories of du:a;iLedger l\f!Ef . I yon CIIA)!T bl h TERJ\.IS want to 1 el\c1 l t1 le pu ic, use t e a1'led cathedrals. You have a fine 10·thet1cnl , ad !l. column· of the l\IERCIIAN'l' Postage free to all Subscribers in C~n GOOD AND fJBE!P 'B RY GOODS. MANCHESTER owmanvillo, Sept. 25th, 1857. taste, a mental aspirat10n; to yoll this trip Harper's llfagazme,one year $4 00 0 UR RATES AE LOW. HOUSE. A.broad , at home, in we~l or woe, That service wlnch to !ma.-..: en you owe, Tha.t bounden sci vice <lllly pay, .And God :.hti.11 Ue your strenqth alway. lns death, was not married to him, and that would be an inttlllectoal o.leasure; to them he devised her a very lnrge share of his it 'vill be a fashionable indulgence. There property. Bat the really amazmg featur. are others to whoTn it 18 a keen necessit). of the case is that this Eeeret of Mr. Smger It 18 given to Ulil to make ex istence JU8t wne rchgiously kept unt1l his death, and what we wilL Lifo is simply a fact, a pae1 th e est deta1ls of his polygamous career would of humanity ratlwr than up. Fur 'In such a worldhave been exhibited lo the publ!e m the ~ 1nag1c lantern Qf the press-nothing ex.Lenw \Vhere none find happ1nessunbhghted, Spmt of the press-Cider. I uated, and (too probably) a good deal oet It seems the better part to measure lota Carpets are bought by the yard and down m IDalwe. 'Vith less d1st1ngurnhcr1 than our own, that thus W ti ma.y with patience bear our moderate llla, worn by the foot ----~And sympa.tluze 'Wlth others i:tuffering more: 1 I Looking Both Ways, ================ · · Crumbs for n)ore this fact is poaderetl t he more \'londcrful w1ll 1t appear. For he v; as un-commonlJi rich, and o<Wuo1etl a soc11;1,l post· tlon which ~ust have re~dered him peen H"' only tr. the he:u t cau gn e harly vencrnble to proJects Pew:.: ti end true pleasure wh1le you li \ e ; .A.gain, six wotnen were in the secret. or at He only,"' hen yo n yield yout br~ath, Cao gulde ~ou through the 'iale of death. least in a pmnt1on to make it known, and yet he!tl theu peace ; and twenty-eight children appart:ntly grew up 'v1thout find· He can, h~ \\ 1ll, from out the dust mg it out. Th~t th1' should have happen· RaJJW the ble~t 1ts of the Just ; P.d araot1g the WQSt notor~ously inqu1s1tive Heal every wouud, huRh every fear, people m the world, 1s enough to drive New Floni eHnytiye wipe e~ery tea.r, Ec1~landern to despair and and after med1And place them whor6 cli~tress is oe'r, tahng the phenomenon care.i:ully we per.e'\.nd vleasures dwell for evermore ' ce1ve but one possible explanation of Mr. Singer's 1mmun1ty, v.:h1ch 1s1 that he never became a candidate for office. Had he done 1!· SO, II is needless lo observe that the mmut- sive cond.it1on1 auJ. has no power to render us happy or miserable. Olothes do .not heat the body, it 1s the young and ruddy person tha.L warms tl1e gu.l'nienta. We are only poor in the proportion that our desires exceed our poss1b1ht1es. "'\-Ye would not know the meanJllg of need if we did not see the plenty of others. C ~omparrnon ht thl\ fire that kindled an· cient Troy. ' To be given. to the ftvireBt' was rnscribe<l upon the golden upple. And whtln ·cke"' Chl tiir.,, we begin to try,vhat hfu holdsforus by com' b th It 11 b parisons, we may e sure e re~u Wl e disaatisfactlon, unless we take our own lot as the standard, u.nd conipare down the acale pubhshf:lrs Subscr1vtions to IIarper's !\!agazine, "\Veekl and Hai:aar, to one a.ddie2s: for one year, $10, or, two of Harper's rt'11od1calii!, to one address, for one year, $7, ftee An Extra CopyofeitY1ertheMf\gMOme,\Vewk· ly, or Baza&r1 will bt1 suppbt1d g:rat1S for every Clup of F1va Subscribers, !l.t $1 each, in one reunttance; or, Six. copitis for $20, v.1t]1uu'i ex:lta. copy, p08tatrge free Back Numb-.,rs can b-., supplitwl a.t any tune A Complete set of HMper's, now compr1s1ng ~1 , ... o]umes. jn nea.t cloth h1nd1ng, Wlli be sent by expre!il!I, freight at expense of pu1chfLe:er, for $2 25 per volume SinJle -.;olumelil, by mail, postpa1d, $3 Cloth cases, for binding, 58 cents, by mail, po~tpaid A f.lomplt1te Analyt:Jc,.q,J lndHx to the first 50 volumes of Harper's D<fngnz1ne ha1:1 Jnst been yinbltf>bed, 1 .,.i.1 dering a.vaila.ble forteferi:=nce,the vast and vaned wealth of information which constitlltfls tlus poriod1cal a perfect illustrated literary oyclopedca. 8vo, Cloth, $0, Half Oalf, $5 25. Sent poeto.gc prepa.18. A series of papers under th~ title of " 1.1rn First Century ef the Republic," contributed by the most emmeut American publimsts, u1 now being published in Haiper's 1fagaz1ne Tb1s series of over tv;enty _papers, gives a cornprt'· hena1ve rev1f1W of Prosrea.s dnnng the century now closn1g, m every department of onr nation· Newe::pa'()ers not to copy thi6 ~dvertiae· ment winhout the express order of Harper Bros Address, HARPER & BR.OR · Ne\\ York, US alhfe $4: 00 m.cludea prepayment of postage by the a. weekly newspaper, the J\fEnCHANT JB scatcely excelled. Six.teen columns of fully selected readwg- matter appear in each issue, comprismg Lite1 a.tu1·e, THJo.; Agncultural, Family Reading 1 Gene1 al and Local Newa-~ all frt1sh and readable. Subscriptions taken any time during the Present the follow'lng testlmonu~ls from wm year 12_etcnt Judges of Organa. ·reat1mon1al from John Canudge, I\{ns Doo., Cn.nlue.r, England. Bov. man ville, 24th Dec , 1870. · I :Oominion Or.. a.n Co'y. BO WMANVILLE TERMS 75 OTB., IN ADVANOE. -"' " 1 · mr:IQ'l'!I Show Bills Sale H Bills d Bill GENTLEMEY - I hkE" to p1aJ on your Organs '!t'f'l,IP~"'.,.""'Pct · ~ .1..1."t ........, t(' ~e ia so S\\ eet a.Pd stea.dy. And the 'vork~ we have elif'ry fac1hty. 'Ve do not work for ma.nsn1p a.nd finish excellent, and ln every nothmg, or fun, but our pncea v.ill bt1 found pa1t1cula.r they are equa..1, if not Rnperior, t low, as our presses are run by steam power. any I ever heard Hoping they will meet publie apprei..:111.ttoti. 'l'O'ft Iii - -.o - - To tlie Manage1 s Dominion Organ Go Important Announcement ! Great lieduction, in Dry Goods ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- JOHN CAMIDGE I The busmess that goes altogether on tick-Telegraph. DY JULIET O. M.!.R£Hl.. a ld a y as ,a uws ' l o cunng your husband ttll he died." Au Insh doctor lately sent his bill to Cjj ,.., ~ " 1be Lhff~rence between a by the luxuries of hfe His want.a are no 'The :R.a.zar 1oi f!c ltted .v1th a comh1nahon of Take one part (by we1ght1 resin, one pa.rt ~ 'i:" A.u(1 ~ b u-gler ?' ~rhe belle carries I soouet apprt::hended than 8at1sfied.. In short, becBVi ax, and four pa1 ts good fresh or som1d t~ct a.nd talent thn,t '" e seldom find la any J Ot1rnal, an,d tbe Journal itself is the origin of false locks, and the burgler false keys. from an 011 t 81de view, he 18 a happy man la.rd ~fix .o.nd melt them together over a slow ion -Bo~ton Trnveller I . . . Your right-band neighbor has an mco~e Au Old Receipt Worth Ten Dollars to any Farmer. of ten thousand a vear. He is surrounded (I n Cl1nsiana ·t t wor. k) FARM AND HOUSEHOLD " .ii Reposit01 y of Fashion, lnstruction. Plea~wre and Read the follow1JJg from Rofla D'Erina : an S ~o\\manv1Ue. December 22, 1873, To the Managers of the Dvminwn Organ Co. GENTLRM:EN. - I have much pleasure m teshfy1ng to the excellent qualities of the Organ supplied by you at iny concert lttst Saturday e'llening '!'he tone is sweet and very powerful Q d and the combination of stops most admira.blf.". S I am sure your instruments "ill find fa.vor in Churches, afl they are singularly adapted for 0t sacred music '\\o.,.1shing you eveiy sucC'ess, and and e\·erything from the size of a Poster large that the public may patroniz!i} native manufac~ enougb to cover a barn to a half-inch atnp, ture, I remain Gentlemen, printed in good atJle, a.nd nt cit prices Very re~pectfully, Specunens of work can be seen at our office. ROSA D'ER!NA. Work banded out 1 and the ca.ah taken for it p rogammeS Cil·culars " Bill Heads ar p amphl s. C. BARKER. Every Instrument Wan-anted for oYrs Harper·s Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Manager Dn. PATTERS01'. PBo:r. TERRY. PresJ.,dent ~:lanager. Bowmanv1lle .Tanua.rv 15, 1874. bp·o3-m16. MURDO UH BROS. Having dec.ided to make a change in their businesd, a1e now selling for CASH their large and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Crockery and Glasswa1e, !-l'01'1CE8 O~ THE PB ES ~. BEI..lANOE DENTISTRY! Considerate fathet "You should eat You watch him depart for husme59 m the Graham b1ead, 111y son 1t makes bone." morn1Ilg i;i;1th evident adml.ratlql;l, ll1s Respons1v e \~ouLl.1 . "H'm, I'm 'bout carrtage,his servants, his honseho1d appoJntall bones nu\\.." rnentf!, o.ll ha\·e an interest for you Trulv 1 brn hnC's have fallen in pleasant pl11cfl.' l'nncc John Schleswig-Holstem-San- Then, after the dainty hae: driven daburg Gluckborg ,1mved m England from the door, nod your neighbor bus gone on Tuesday The rest of his name W!ll come ove1 rn a special car next \veek.. down town for tho day, you fall to thmk"Am I nnt a httle pale?" rnqmred a lady. "ho was short and corpulent, of a crusty old bachelur "You look mo1e hke a 111tle tub," '"'s 1he blunt reply. - J... ast Slill llay d good Christian resident of\ 1cksburg met a colored acquamtance whom he had not seen for some months, and he took lum by the hand1 and m'. qu1red ing There are eo many to find fault with when one sets about it ; nnd 1n your present mood it 1s hard to beheve St Paul's '1itate1nP.nt that 'thPre is vo respect ol persons 1,1,1th God.' Your house 1s small' No, 1t exactly n1atches the one on your .. r1ght; but you cannot afford to glvo purties and fire ; SQ as tn be sure not to burn the mixture. ~hat if! 1 It makes n.n mntlnent !mpeuor to any· hll 1t with gay people. Yonr rooms are "I cal beat that thmg shellmg corn Lm~roN M11:\0B Pl~':! - Squeeze a large lemon, the intention of coni bining p](·nsure with myself" b01l the outside till tender enough to beat to a. "Well, sir." said the peddler, "I'll bu.,1oee:s. Your v. ay lies along one of the mash, add to it three la.rge apples chopped, a.nd Havmg removed to mo1e commocliouaprenuset, giv c you a machme for nothmg if you'll business thoroughfare~, vrith its long hnes four ounces of suet, half a pound of currants 1 IN oJ stores, well stuckeU w1Lb costly importado it ' four ounc~s of sugar; put the JU1C1~ of the lf:!1non, FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, t1ons, and oll that luxury or a ·cultivated "G ood as \\heat/' says conventionist, and candied fruit as for other pies. 1\-Iake a beg to inform the pubbc generally, that the)? and he seatched over the p ile for a red taste den1an<ls. Yott eee a stretch of glitter- short c1 ust, and fill the pa.ttypans as usual are now enabled to offer them cob, and made a boy take it to a fire ing carriages roll on rejo1c1ug, anU suddenEco l\f!NOB P1u - Boil six egga ha.rd, shred and burn 1t a little, and tl,en squanng ly becon1e painfully a~ are that you are on them sma.11, shred double the quantity of suet; lumself on the sidewalk, he seized the foot You co1H:ic1ous of a con<l1tion-a then put "Ur1ants Vi ashed and picked one pound, in the hno of red cou with a regular old plantation fact, and the pleasure has mo,tlJ gone out <Jr more, 1f the ei;:"E,"8 \\ere large ; the peel of o'he gnp m one hand, while he held the ear ol the walk ; the rest IS onlJ the errand that lemon shred vel'Y fine, and the 1u1ce, six spoonof corn between both legs wtth the other, must be doi1 e J uat here a perfectly·ap- fuls of sweet \Hne, maco, nutme~, auga11 a \iery and waited for the \\O rd" Go" from a htt.le 1;, orangti, Jemou, add citron, ca..udlt!d, pointed equipage dra\'$ up, and stops be· little man.. m the crowd, who held t11e l' a hght paste for them fore you. .A. richly and fash10nahly d1eas· watch to time them lcING FOR 'f.ART5 -Beat the yolk of an egg ·Go I" c11ed the fellow, and at 1t they ed lady steps out und enters one of the n1e1 n.nd some melted butter well together, wash the ca.utile pa.lace~. There 1s Just tune fur a went. tarts with:a feather, and sift sugiu over as you lJut the ltttle pe<ldler was so excited look, but Jou know she can buy all that i· pnt tbam in the oven. Oi· beat white of egg, (AS REGARDS PRICE & QUALJTY) m the start that lus sheller got choked, beautiful 01 useless w1thm, while you have wash the pa~te, and 1nft white su .nir, than any other house in the County. and "h1lc he was scufrlmg to unchoke tt, but means suff'101ent for the necessaries. 0RANGB TART -J_,ine a tart pau \Y1th thtn tLe old member coolly got up, and pitch- You puas on ~ too quickly to analyze you1 puff i;a.ste ; put lt m~o orange marmalade that NO PRE&ENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD mg lns half shelled ear mto the pile, satd di-content, and yon did not see that ragged is ..,.,.itb a.p.Ae jelly; lay bars of paste, or a. Weight and ,lfeaswre Gnaranteed in every instame. he to the peclcller beggar at the door - lookrng, only lookwig, croquaut O\ ... ~-""' O\'er, and bake HI a nwdeu~le " I ain't got tlln e to shell against that at the temptm~ <lisplny m that window. u'en. tlnng m1ste1 , it would make me slow· 'And 80 we y1.: ~ro, and t;o :we sigh, Tu1uro.\Y PA'I"lI ES, - l\{iucc some of tbe v;hite motioned fo1 life," and he stepped away and reach for more tha.n \\ e ean seie , J L. STROWGER pa.rt. arid with g1atcd lemon, nutmeg, salt, a lively, the crowd shoutmg and the peddAnd, -witless of oui folded wings, veiy lit tle white peppe.r, cream, and a. very 1R. J. D. STROWG£R. ler mad. \V'ilk Pru-t\d1ee unconsc1ous1 y,' tle b~t of l.r1.1ttt1"'r wa1 med, fill tbt1 pa.tties. Nowc astlc,Au~ust, 11th, 1874, washf'd and picked, lemon peel, cinnafuon, and come is smaller than your own. You do nutmeg, sweeten to taste 1 then inix four eggs, not like to look that "ay. -put a. paste round the du~h, and slowly. Brothers There is oO much aLuut L1w to c11t1crne Address HARPER & BnOTHERS, New York IRISH PANC\KRS - e1ght";olksand four unpleasantly,-h1s w1fe 1 his 1:e1vaat, hun~ \\h1tca of cgge, r.trrun theu1uito a pu1t of cream. self, all have a down-bill appearance. And put a grated nutmeg, and sugar to your taate ; ".d Oonipleie P1ctonal Rulory oftlw Tirnes " then, he makes you feel somewhat .,barned set three ounces of fresh butter on thti tire, ~tir --" The Best1 Oheavest, and most l1'1.1;Cctssful Fairnily I_)aper in the [lniou ." of yourself You throw such a strong light it, n...'ld n.a 1t warms pour it into ths cream, which upou thB tnan'a C:Jtlt LhaL your own sePms should be "arm w-hcn the eggs are put to it ; quite unobJeetionable. Then he has so than mix smooth almost half a pint of flour, ILLUSTRA. TED. lllany elnldren to clothe awl educate. He F1y the pancakes "cry thin ; the firat with a b1t of butter, but not the others Serve sev· Notices of tne P1 e~ r? pa'rs ob S\ee\ e buttons, a shot gun, an' must consider wayi:i and meaoa1 and pay his er.1.1 1 one on &nuthel;'. Harpei ' & lVeekly is the ablest and mo3t pow~r a kmfe. an' I feels as if I couldn't be Je.bts ··he goes along It is all done qmetful iJlustrat~d p~t1od1cal ~uhhshed tn this coun0 KICKEN CHEr~::ill - Did you, reader, ever too grateful for ,111 dnt wealth, wlule lots ly, and well, you know, but then 11 is not t1 y. Its editorials are scholarly .\nd con\ inc aat any? \Ve hke it lio1l two chiukens till ing, and carry much .... a1ght !ts Jlln~trntion:'! of odder r11ggers are cl1ar run do,vn to pleasant to dwell upon the inconven1i::ncea of current events are full n.nd freah, and are preone dog an, a n old hat ' 1 ot hfe , . . hen one is next doo.i: to tl.Je luxury. tend~r , take out all the bones and chop the paretl by our li1;; at iJ e15lg u~is. ¥tith n circulation meat tine, sea.:!on to taste with salt, popper, "Did you e\ er breaK a yoke of four. So yo11 thmk how soft the cush10ns ar0<- m and butter ; pour 1u enough of the liquor they of 150,000, thf' Weekly 18 read by at least half a million p e1,,uu.a and its mfluence as an organ 1 year~old steers 'il" asked a Rock conntv your right hand neigh bor s carnage, and are boiled in to make m01st b'Iold it in any of opin10n, JJJ simply tre1nendous 'l'lu~ Weekly (Iowa) farmer of a youug anctv1llc c:1,,1;, wonder at the etruage overmgh t m your shape you i..:Lo~·tie, and, when cold, turn out and ma.1ntatns a positive pomtion, and express<>a de· \'l t wr.i ~ih pnhtical and social proolen1s.\\ho want ed to 1narry 111s daughter. "No, lot , but you never see your less pretent1ou~ cut rnto shces. It n1 an excellent tra\ elling cide<l LouwviUe Oow wr -Jou1 nal. l never did," was the n1eek reply, "bl1t ne1ghbo['s goings or comings Your y,1n- lunch. Ite a1 ticle,ii ate models of high-toned d1scuss1on, and lts pictonal illustrations a:ie oftencor1oborI h1ve rode a n1ule in a ctrcus and had 1 dowa do not face thnt l\ay. To Bon SAr.. YeN -Clean i.t carefully, boil it ~tLv e a.1g1 nnti'n.ts of no small force.-N. Y. E:Kr a good deal of othe1 expenence in the We 81 e more given to eompatioa out lives gently, and take it out of the watei as soon ns aminer and Chro n wfo I ts papers upon exis tent quest10ns and its in woild." '"No other experience," sa1d t\1th those above us than those b:neath us ~ done. I et the water be warm if the fish be split If undtirdone it ia vety unwholesome. 11n1ta.ble c,1.rtoons help to woulJ the 1:rnnt11neut1:1 of tlw country - P1tt~bu1 gh Commc1 cial We grumble over not herng blessed with Shrimp or anchovy sauce llurpei 'i! ~Veekly ~trui rh~ 1::1ot thl:l hmiAl of ill usgreat riches much oftenet than we thank the >ad youth depatted. trated j ournals ln the United'.1 in 01rculv.To Bnou, SALllON -Out slioes an inoh tbrnk, God for removing far fro1n us the sting of tion, editoral ability, and pictonal illui~trat 1 on. and sea.. on with pepper .a.nd , la.Ji slice -Ladits' Repos~to1 y , CinClnnah The last one comes from Wauer . poverty, In going out fur 1:1. walk we are He came all the way to get a tooth to choose the most elt>gant streets, where iu half a sheet of white paper wtll buttered, 'l1 l~R'.i\:1S · pulled tlwt had tobbed Tmn of fou1 pul11t1ul ies1dences rear their costlJ flouts, twist the endl-3 of the paper and broil the slices free to all Subscnbers in Canada. over a sleiw fire six &r eigl1t uunutes Serve night's sleep. He sat down, and iust Harpe1's '\Veekly, one yea.r !$4 00 surrounded by tastef ul gardens bright with in the paper\\ ith a1whovy-Rauce. $4 00 lncludes prepayment of postage by the as the doctor \\as appl} mg 111s forceps, pubhaher1:1 'J.'o EorL Dt:cKs - Choose a fine fat duck ; changed the expresswn ol his face and the blo~soms that adorn them, while here Subscr1ptions to Ha.rpP-t's !\-In6nzme, Vl eekly, said Look here, Doc. how much 1s and there R beo.ut1ful fouuta1u or "bite salt it two days, then boil 1t slowly in a okth. and Baztu, lo ontl 11idtlrt'llS fot 1,.1 11e y~a.t, $10 00, this busmcss gomg to cost a fellow?" ·t·tue peeps out through the fence to make Se1 v~ Jt wtth 001ou sauce, but melt t he butter or, two 0f Harper's I->, to one address for one J eru , $i 00 {>OStage free ' Fitt' < ePts 'replied the: doctor. ,, Can't us tllgh and grievt\ au<l won< If Wt! Wlth mllk instead of w:ater. An El:tra. Copy of either ~the ~fa.gazlne, 1 '" 1..,S:; :; s"~Ld the nian I would turn our steps in that direction ot To BROIL PraEONS -.AHerclea.n1ng, split the Weekly, or Bazai:i.r, Wlll be 8t1pphed gra.t1s, for every Club of Five Subsonbers at $4 00 11 M 11e .. ooth:iche "L'!'o '(Then \Ve can't t h~ city wnere poverty is the prcvaihng fea- lp1.cks, pepper and so.Lt them, and broil them one remittance , or, Su: Uopie.s for 520 00, '"1th'ery nicely ; pour O\ er them either stewtd or t rade," sa1d the st..fferer, and he iode ture, \'lhere sin a.ud vice lnU.u ln mrneru.Ule out extra. copy, free Back .NumberH cun be aupphed at any tuno back to 'rarren covn ty. hovels that the free brea tb~ or heaven never plckled mualnooms 111 melted butter 1 and scr\o The Annual Volume!-! uf Hntper's VVeeldy. ;see1ns to penet rate, where Lome is a vtord as hot n.e possible. m neat cloth b1nd1ng, will be sent by exp1tis.s, ~ ' .A complete A Corn·Shellmg Match. Ro.UJT Pra:Ho~s should be stuffed with par· freo of expense, fol' $7.00 e&eh. not un<l :!r ..,tood, an<l. the love unborn whereSet, comp11:1rng :Oline Voluuies, sent on receipt y;iLh to grace 1t, I th tnk we would have sley, either cut or whole , and seasoned w1th1n Qf c11<:jh at the rat e of .S5 25 per vol , fneght at Rale1gh Cwusfondence ef the Vtcksbw g fewer longings for the ornaments o{ hfe, Set\e with pal'sley nud butter PeM or aspara- expense of purch.lser P rominent attelltwn Yilll be given in Hinper's gus should be dre1:1sed to eat with them Iferald. and o. t4orough ap.precw.tion of its bare Weekly to the illus trtl.tion of the Centennial In RusstAN SEMD, on GnocND RroE PuvDINu terne.twnal .Exposit1on !' The tar heel comentwnist knows a comforta. NewspaperB- are not to copy this ad\·ertiseIt ie one of b -be d1vine laws tbat man B01l a ln.rge spoonful heapad1 of either. in a mont without tho express ordor of Ha.rpcr & thmg or two besides making const1tupint of new milk, '\\1tli l'C mon~peel and l.anna· t1ons. Ifo can all creation shell- sh ould :isp1re:- tliat Le sllould never be mon. When cold, n.dd suga.r, nutmeg, and two .Brothers AddrE ss, HARPER & BROS , mg corn. The utlier e.enmg a strollmg wholly M1t1,.fied or coutented in hrn present egf,"S well beaten Rakt:l with a crust round the New York. i,eddler had a new ly-patenter! corn-shell· state , but it should be an aspirnt1on in the ~h::i.h, er hawkrng 1t n bout Raleigh, and was d1rect1on of the di\ u1e, uot a <l1ssatisfactlon J.\ W:EL8H PU DDlNG .-L et half a pound of shO\rnlg a crowd on the street how fast nru11ng from unec1ual eazthly com'per1soos, fine bi.ltter melt gently, beat w~th it the yolks It would shell >1hen an old member but fro m tha conception uf a h1ghAr possi· of mght, n.nd whites of four eggs, mix 1n six from the moL 11t.1ms walked up, dressed bility,- the long1ag after a richer spiritual ounc~s of loaf sugar, and the riU'd of n. lemon m blue Jeans, and a cob-pipe in his grated Put a paste into a for turning fulfilment ' mouth, and said to the peddler out, and pour the a.hove tn, nnd nicely bake it. ~} You sf art out on some htt]e errand, with shall we do >nth our daughters?" and a farmer m the same propmqmty wants to know, "\\ liat shall we do with our corn?" 'Ihe able editor of the Topeka (Kansas) Blade. eager to make himself 11setul and popular to with both parties, says, "Let us feed our corn to O'.lr daughters " "Well, Wilham, what of your futi:re - how does it look'" "Purty b11ght, sah," responded the smilmg \\ ilham, , "I'ze got a '!even dollar note agm a fcllar at de depot, two bare and uncoolfortable l There is onl.} an We don't know whether the Rev Dr. abse11ce of costly b1onzes, 1uarbles, ancl Lornman takes the Tf!est .Durham News articles vi1tu. Yo'l have no carnage' But or not, but he stated ma recent lecture j ou have no l:!ta.ble, and you hain a strong " If tllere is any one tlung for which the const1tut1on and excellent Vi alku:ig po;\ era human race 1s pre-eminent, it is for proYou hafe no luxuries I You have not a found and solid 1} mg ' couteuted 1u1uU AU:::urbed in J our g11evllfrs Starrett of Lawrence, Kansas, ances, you do not notice a ~net, pleasantpropounds the mterestrng query, "What look1ng man desC12-nd the steps on your left, thing I have ever seen tned for the flesh of either horses or cattle, :tor either f1 e::;h or ol<l so1es, and is capec1a.lly good to remove old, dry scaba If softens the scab. and it comes off, lea.\ mg the skin soft and tough I wn.s u~mg a bor::.e a cold, muddv winte day 1 and tile nex:t mornmg I found h1m with legs B\\Ollen and rough, and so stiff that lt seemed to be Vt.JI y <h(flcmlt for lum to move I brush· ed off the dirt, and npphed the ointment as soun ag I i..:ould after I (ouuJ 1t out I made the application mornlllg n.nd evenmg for t'l-vo dnys,n.nd the third d ty one application, and the hotsc was cured. I '"as compelled to use the horse a httle tho iirst dayi and after two hours' hght work, he worked as we l and free aa ever The m1xtu1e1s thF: best th1ng I e\'er used for boots and shoes for out-door \'\ear, as it make11 spongy leather wa.ter proof, and hard ltia.tber soft.. -D S., in. Foulhern Cultie;ato t· NEw ENGLA'N.ll PANCAKES -}fix a pint of cream, five spoonfuls of fine flour, seven yolks and f()ur whites of eggt'I, o.nd a very little salt , fry them \:ery th1n iu fresh but~er, and bstween eoch ~tre\Y sugar and cu1t1amon, Send up six rl'he }jazar co1nmends itself to every member M ntual Life Assurance Society of tlle hou:-;ehold- to the ch1Jdren by dioll and pretty p10turcs, to the j- ouug ladies by its fash· ESTA.BLISHED 1840. ion plnitea lll endli!ss vanety, tu lht:1 pro"1deut 1natron by its pn.ttorns for the children's clotLes, 0.A.N.A.nA CHIEF OFFICES. to patlfrj(111iilu,1,f1 by its taisteful designs foJ em broidered slippers and luxurious dres::;u1g gown~. 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL )3ut th~ 1e<l.ding ma.tter of Un:: Bn.:t':w H1 nmformly of great es:celltince. The paper has acquired DIRECTORS. a \Vldb popularity for the fireside e11Joyment 1t WALTER StfA.NLY, Esq , MP., Cha.irn:u:i.o.n, affords - .N Y Evening Post. In its way there is nothing like it Fresh DONOAN 1rlAC1)0NAID, EHQ.. and trust v.:orthy as a ta.~hlon gui<le, 1ts stories ]y!A.JOR T. E . OAXPBELL, C B , St. H ilaire. and ei:taa' s, it.~ poetry and squibs, are all 1n\1gor '.l'HJ!l Ro~onARLE J'onN H.AMlLTON, Hawks. burg, Ont ating to tho mind ~Chicago Eitning Journal. AT AND BELOW COST! The Stock having been purchased in the EST MARKETS, buye1s can depend on getting J Brimacombe, L.R.O.D.8. MORE 1JND BETTER GOODS FOR TIIEIR MONEY at this Establshment than in any other house in the country. RESIDENT SECRFTARY.-JAM&S GRANT. or eight a.t once. SAGO PUDDI NG - Boil a pint aJ.lli a half of .md bail a street-car at the corner. O, that is only your left-lu.nd ne ighbor , hB in- ne"' mill~, w1th four spoonfuls of sago nictily TERMS: Pt)stage free to all Subscnbcrs 1n Canada lla1pe1 s Baz:n, one year ·. $4 00 Four Dollars 1ncludt1i:i p1epayment of postage l1y the puLhsbers Sube01pt1ons to Harpers 1-Iagaznrn \VeBkly, antl Bazar, to one addrl'ss for one year, $10 00, or, tv.o of Harper's Pe11otlicals, to one addtt'Sfl for one yea,1, S7 00. pc,iatage f1ee. An Extra. Copy of cither the l\.Ia.gaiane, or Bazar \Vlll be supplied gra.tls for every C lub of £1vc Subscnbcrs 11t $f 00 each, in ont reunt· tance , or Six Cor)les for $2 00, w1thon t extra <1opy postage free Hack nu111her8 ·an Ue ha<l at a oy t11ne. The Annual Volumes of Haiper's B azµ.r, lu neat cloth b1ndintr, will be sent by exp1 es.q, free of expense, for $7 00 each. A cotnpl~t<i set. comprising l.i1ght \~olumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of Fn e Dollars and rrwenty }\ve Dents per vol 1 fie1ght at expense of purc.hase1. Pronunent attention \~ill be ~i \en 1u Harper's Raza1 to a11ch 11Jn;itrat10n8 of the Centennial Internahonal Exposition as may b6 pecuhady appropnate to its columns 1'1ewspape1s ?.le not to copy tbis a·lvert se~ ment without the exptf:'l:!S order of Hair:e1 & 1 The ENTIRE PRoFrTs belong to aJ.ldarti d1vid eel amongst th~ Policylwki.ers. LIVES, DECLL."il'ED BY OTHER ComA.NIES, or on S PECI A L FE A T U RES. wh1Gh an t:Xtra iC&uld be requued, ca.n be n.ssured at the o r d . ratu of thia Society, under a lt}Jecial arrangement Sl'EOJ:AL .NO:i'.i·J3'oFEITilLE POLICIES issued unde1 which only 10, 10 or 20 Auntt&l Pay FEES MODERATE. OFFlOE over McGLUNG'S Store. Bowmanv\lle. Dec. 1R74. Call Ea1·ly, and secure Bargains, as the whole Stock rnust be sdd at once, for CASH ONLY. I menta reqntted, payment aecurmg P olioy for a sum nasurod proportionate to the nurnbe:t of premiullll5 pru.d, andfree/r()1ff, fut-ur 'l)ay,ncnt of preniimr..s. llilODERAIE PREMIUMS and most liberal con d1hons. Prospectuses, Proposal !1"ortru1, &c., supplied on a:pplication a.t the Head Office, or any of the Agenc1ea. 11-tl. THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT is now complete with the choicest supply of Just Arrived s.t the 'FA.S!IION HOUSE iplendid assortment o Oliristm as Goo<ls, Raisens, Oitrrants, Su.~-...-.. gars, Peels, etc., etc., at all P1·ices. Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 JAESGRANT, Ree. Secretacy. AGF.NT FOR BOWMANVILLE, ~ C. BARRl<JR, 1 r Observer Oflice," King St Bowmanville. June 24th. 1870 23 ly NEW MILLINERY. Also a. lot of MURDOCH BROS. REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Imµerial Fire Insuranr.e Co OF LONDON. Established 1803. Hru.n OEIFICEB.-1 Old Broad St , and Pall !\.:lall, London. GENERAL '\. GE:~CY P'OB CAN.ADA .- 24 Also a large stock of Stamps for Braiding and Em· Harper's Weekly. broidery. St , cru.ment , 1\fontre a.l. FASHIONS for Sprmg just to hand. J Subscribed nnd invested Capital and Reserve F11 nd. £1,965.000 Sterling. Funds invested in Ca.nadtt.- 105,000 Insurances against loss by F ire aie effet.ied on most fa.vora.ble terms, and losses paid WJth ciut reference to the Board 1n London J DODSWOR'l'H, R!N'IOUL BROS. Iu.spector. Gen Agents, r..Iontrea DDESl!l.A.KING usuaJ. .. R R. LOSCOMBt, Barrister., A.gen for BowmanVIlle and Vicinity, Bowma.uv1lle,"' June 4th, 1860 36 MRS. A. FLETCHER Bowmam1lle. Apnl 7th.1874. m o.43-39 4,. BOWMANVILLE ~~n~r~rg;;yi;;;~~lia~~~~f{hr;~;r{,.?~~a James McFeeters. Ma.ohine a.nd Implement AGENT Manufacturing Co A is now r~' at pany. Cap1tal£2,000,000 $150,000 deposited Wlth the Dornmmn Go' er1unent, for the protec For the following Insnrancc Compa.niee, and other In,..,t1tutions, viz 'l.1he QUKR!\ Ftr6 nnil L1fe Tnsura.Ece Com- y ders 1n Cnno.da The ISOJ,ATEI> RISK ]~ire Insurance Com pany of Canado. Cap1ta.l 500'000,-0nt1 of tbe hest and ch1:1ape11t Companies doing businesB in the Onmimon, for Far1ners and Isolated Risks 1'he CAN AD A LANDED CREDI'r CO'Y. v;1th a Si:nings Bank department. 1'he UNION A>D PERMAN:JlNT Building and Sa\ ulg'~ Socwtv. The~a latter 11u~tltutio11.s advance Loans on Rea.l Estat-.,, on termB unusuallv easy for the borro\\er. Bov;ma.nville, Feb 6t'h, 1873 :M:anufactures ofJ TRELEVEN S vVOOD ANDI IRON WORKING MACHINERY NEFF.I: L' Double Turbine Water Wheels, and ---.... ' and he is determined to continue to sell at these rnmously low prices cheaper tban the cheapest. Why he can do i t First, he buy" for cash and knows just how to buy t Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with small profits i Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. ALWAYS ctE'l' Castin gs of a.11 Xinds FIBS'l'·CL.A.S S. W. BELL & Co's. Prize Meclal Organs JU 1873, at the Prowinc1al Fair, beat every Amer1can !\nd Canadian Organ, taking ~""hwh '\TC · REPAIRS done on the Cl.A.LL .A.ND SEE POB YOU.BSELVBS, AND --o-- Strowger Bros. s:a:o:a.TES'l' have noW Oll BRING YOUR FRIEND-S- WITH YOU. Examine 0 atook, -which eo1up1 irmf.I ever.vtb1ng in the trade, of the ver}iatest and most eleg-:m styles and ])attcrns, of English, Canadian, and Ainencan manufactme. ~- hand a large quantity of Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at He still continues to mn.nnfGCture to order, from the bt:lat crf ina.teria1 1 and none but fi1at-clnss v. orkmen kept --o--o- the FIH.S1 PRIZE 1 LOW BowmanvilJe, PRICES ~Iarchl873 Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits which h e UI selling cheap fo1 cnf.lh. Guara11tee~1 Aleo the rcnownod AT THE SHOP. 6tf. He has in etock an eDdleas .., a.uety of La.dies' and Gent!>' Saratoga Trunks~ Valises, etc., all of HALLETT & DAVIS PIA NO Bostun.l Which hn~ ta.ken Remember the Stand Bowmanville, Ma 13.1874. 0 BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. --o-- Better Inducements Forty-nine First Premiums. - -.o:-THE KING OF Groce1~y Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. Another car of the above noblt> articles on the WtLy. Plea.l!Je ca.11 a.t the M. TRELEVEN. TO TI-IE PUBI~~rc. Business, SEWING MACHINES, --:o:K B.-'l'he Subscuber JS not a. Sub, or und c1 ,,.\ .gent. but has the apecio.l agency for the ,1.Uo....-e I a 111 prG11at-.,d tu ex:i;:ha.nge ria.noe for OrJnns, Organs for 3\-Idodeon~, a.lso Sewing :r.-IachLnes 1 on reasonable rru.s vVALTER 'VIGG & SON, him with a. calt Great tnducoments held out to those 10 QJ esta.b ishment ~ tures 1 Looking Gla.sse~. etc fra1nl!!d to order, aud in7'eo.;i:ry st;·le Snm1)les of the chffc '-kind of o uldmgs can be oieen at the ware-room \\ e would also beg to mfarm. you, '\_ '._ having purcha.sed a. N returning thanks to thetr numerous custom.era anfl. th" publtc g1>Il.era.Uy, for p:\st fa.,ort:i, I · wC'lulcl respectfully 1nvitt their g,ttentwn to our present stock of furn iture, as \\ e ha\ e la! ely added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply all parties who may f,lea>ie to fa\ or B 0 vV MAN VI LL E Farm Implement Forwardinc Agency R W JAMES, King St., ulO. Rowma.nv1lle, DeQ U, 1872. SPLENDID NEvV HEARSE, 'rea,s a, Speciality. .lddresa, J ·U. 19th, 1875, 6 6mos, J S DONEY, Trno>J' P.O. f« ma.lnng all k inds of Ca.kt1D "ithout Egga, To be had of all Grocers II. J \VEEKB & Co, 'loronto, sole agents fvr Onta.r10. Norwich Egg :Powder, March 11th, l 87'i, USE THE Wt: 1;11la.ll be ready at a. 11 timea to attend funerals, on short notwe and re:uwnnble terms, N B - Coffins kept on hand w1d 1 to order, a.t the NEW D01WINlON RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-RO©M. Kin,g Street East, Oshawa Olilha.wa., Ang 26th, 1870. ' I / · t ..I I J '\I '