c THE :MERCHANT, F.RIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1875, -- -- - ------- -- ..... £52 ~ = Awful Predicament POET. \Vas e\'er U11\n iu burL a pligbtOoods lyio;; all arountl ; ~·\nd bL tlrn Store, no place at all i '(10 pack the1n 1 can be fuu111I. 1 lH'.Yer W.!HI Flo cran1p-;,d for room, THE People's Book Sto1·e AND l t makes me ahnost ro:ir \Vitb agolly, whenc'et· I 11ee L\ fat ma.n a.t Ui~ <loot .. . \\'l:trc'cr J W0\'0 1 there's eon1ethit1g folJ,.., To :;hake tny nervous head ; (k"t;;ttiiuniug- more pain and wo~. Than wol1ld t.be faU of Br('ad. SA.DDA.'l'H SC:EOOL 1 )lt' out u1Jou the 8tr~t, 1 l3oys on his back will ride. D0t1·.,it~ Po ~ ! c. BARKER. I \Vith the <-W"rival of the Holi<layfl, tlen1and for Toys? Toys! HRISTMA ~·t Revelatio11s! STARrfLING A Very Se;ious Chargll, b&"'ed upon substantial fa.ct1, isjuat being ~ir· cula,tfld, and i.a to this effect-that one of onr prominent ~Itrchants, Important Announcement! Qualities & Prices. Seeing the weather hM set in BO that "'e oan keep a. Large a.nd Full Ar.isortment of Meat, we are dete1·1nined to .suit all parties, both in Qua.1ity a.nd rriciea. Aa loug as the weather hold1 f~vor'ahle, we sha.11 keep in Stock, three ~lla.J.i· ties of Beef, which we will offur, RetaJ.l, a1 follo~vs : No. 1. Beef.Best !{or.st and Stuak, 12jotl!I. per lb. ~o. 2. do .IOcts per lb. Store Beef S " Lamb and Boiled B~ef, from 3 to 8 ., Lomb ru1d Mutton, 6 to JO P ork · 10 Bec.f b.t the Quarter · 4 to 8 .All partif's wishin~ to purchase a Quarter of Beef. will find it to their n.dva.ntit.ge to give us ~t Cftlt b efore purchasing t<11.'!1ewhere, for '\'e ahAill sell on ::i. f;in;1 ll advance on costi..!or GASH. We conclc t our business on the .New Principle" Sina.ll Pro fib and Quick Return. " I I W. MclUURTRf, Having been delayed several \Veeks, in opening out his And worry JDC; hold on a ·week r·n ha.ve 11itn sti·ffed inside. · !\f_y lfigurea '1nongst the Ca11dict1 ait. rro catch the pa15i;~r·s eye, And uoddjng, 8l'em to aay, right out. (}1Jf.Xi buy, n1y friendA, Uootl b1111. ' Oh, coin~ along, good folks. at oucl1, . Markus Mayers, has purchMcd an immense Stock of Good5'1, ou advantttgeous terms, and he is going to gh·c his Cust-...mers the benefit of hie barga.iu. ' :.I.'hc Stock il'I very large, embracing rn sell off Uoods !or nothing UH.ltii }~'er th~y so bothor n1e, H a.ve mercy upuo me ; !GOODS , )New Dry Goods lilsta,blishment, determined to offer, during the R . EASTON S. ' has remainder of ·t he Season ltis entire .A'l' CAWKER BRO, Bu\Ylllanville, N ov. lSth, 1876. 8-tf ' 1'HE ' ' - ' oomer a N. D. Steoia.b :Barga.ins a.ncl :Beautiful Goocls. " Ju l'!aziog at tlie gaudy sweet~, },fy eyt1s 1u·~ nearly blind ; )'fake haste, coule in, and buy the1u up, Aud 1oiaa"' n1y troublo.;d miniJ. :i'tiy__heart i!4 in that drooping state, Which only CASH can ra.iso ; So fotch it on, and 'pon 1ny word, J'll thank you all n1y day'!. /ohea.p a.nd good. L;terature, Gift :Books, a.nd Present GOODS. plete and varied. Solllh Seci &al, Er-mine, Gny and WORK HOXES, WR!TJNG DESKS, CARD CASES, PENCIL CASES, PURSES, SATCHELS, HAIR BRUSHES, TOILET SETS, AND Black Lamb, G·rebe and ltfink Sets · TOY TEA SETS. Vll.l'ying in i1rice nooording to quality, a.ud oon· 1:Jir;ting of stock, at such prices as will ensure a DOMINION BANK. BOWMANVIJ,LE. Capittt!, Paid Up, HEAD OFFIUE, On11.LtA, $1,000,000 'l'ORONTO. 'VY LLIE bas no\V da..vs, Ton$ of Candy, Ca1· loada of Biscuits and Ua.kes, Stacks of Oysters, lioads of }...,ruit, and other delicacies, at Ol1ea.p rates, In fa.ct, tho La.rgcst an<l . F inest Assorttnent 1.1f Commodities in his line, in 'I1own. A Car loi11l of thoE!e aplcn· did .Biaouits jllat a.rri.Yed, in ten tttltl tweh·o pound boxe11 1 at Eight eents per pountl. on hand, for the Holi· 1 haTc n. 8tol.!k that cannot fa.ii to" ph~tt.ae-· cow· Caps, Collaretts, Muff's, Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. All the Goods are well mnd6; of the Great Choice in :V:ases, Motto Cups and Saucers. Splendid value in Albums, Concertinas, Violins. Musie. Pictures. Mirrors, SPLENDID JEWEDLERY, ]i'AllWHnn·s c+OLD PENS. Superb Xma,s Mottoes and Cards. Skates, Sleighs, Rocking Horses, Jack- Knives, Gtimes, 'L'f!y Book~. Poets, Fa1iiily an,_t Pocket Bibles, Olmrch Ser·vices, Hymn Boo/,s, &c., &c.. Dia1·ies /01· 18713, and many other m·t-icles too ni1.rne1·ons to niention. c - The stock is all NEW, purchased with care, and at remarkably Low: Rates. ~_;.CA....,....;..L_L~A_N_D~ __S_E_E_~ BRJl . ?'"CH OFFICES: OSHA\VA, ConoURG, 'V'H1T.BY, IlOWMANVlLLl!:, UXBRIDG.B, JAMES WYLLIE, Poct 1s Col'ntr, Bou:ma1a·illc , Due, 10th, 1875. ll-tI. Variety Store ! --- , As usual, at tho Cln-iatma!) Season, we ~\iow A LB UMS, Ghewp and Rretlt, He Alii:o offers a very aiti·a.etive lot of G'Oods in WRJ1'1NG DFSKS, and IVCRT\ BOXES. MUJ!'F'LERS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS SOC'KS, COLLARS, NEGK7'TES, MICROSCOPES, BRACES, cfc. FAMILY BIBLES, Splendid Lot. POCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment. -:8:Don't wait till the Big Jam, You cannot select so well in a N :B:- · That deservedly popular Teach All Styles of Children's Furs on-hand, CROWD. ·· ~ and the Prices such as has never before er's Bible, in various bindmgs. been olfered in BowmanviJfo, Thanks for a brillinnt Christmas Sale, last year; leL us have a IJette.r this JJUOKH, in Gret~t Fariety. year. 1 La,test Styles! _ Hoiv Cheqp good Good_!! cctin be sold for Bowmanville, November 19th, 187 5. ~==============================~ ~ B. EA.S'l'ON, Doheny Block, Lindsay . . Wholesale and Retail, Town Hall Block, Bownrn.nville, a. Very Large and STEREOSCOPES, K· .\LElDESCOPES. '!'hey mu.st be SJold; a.nd Sacrificer; will be iLuW.tL Cash CuatcJruers will buy on dose margins. :MOTTO- Nimble Sixpence better ti an slow shilling. (}/ioice l>oU~. .A. sso1·trnent Good~. of suitable In our La;;·gesl. C'otlection of Ste·reoscop ic TTitil'H ·in Town. CASH PAID FOR RAWS FURS· "The Big pushl" .. t CASH. Th ia Bank, in addition totrunsacting the us· u::i,l bankh1g business, offers to the public u.11 t he advant ag 1:1s of a Saving lll!!titulion "'ith the aecurity of a large JJaid-up capital bv t he means 01 1~ SAVJ!\" GS DEPARTMEN'.r. ' Interflst allo .ved on o.11 depos its of One D ollar aud up wa.rds, i~t the rate of FrvE per cent. per annuu.1. Dcpoaito1·s can withdraw either the 'vholC' or any pa.rt of ~heir deposits at any ti~e. withOut previous 11ot1ce. _Speoi a,~ rntes of i11t,c1~f.ltaU"wo<l. upon dcpoH ils wit h n vtlcc of w1th<lt·awal. .Americnn Currency nnd Sil\·et· taken on d':3· po!-lit. Draft:; g ranted pa:ya.ble in Great llrit u.in. t!uiteU Stntes and all pa.rt$ of Canada. ' ~·Deposits can "b retaitt~d b~· 1nail,H,ddre11~1 ed to t he Dom.iniou ..... a11k [registered], \vhcn in receipt will be seut by llhwn:1anville, Jan. 6th, 1874, 15-tf. I ~~~~·i~o~t·ss-llook .J . A., CODD, Agent, 'l'OT :OEPA.B 'l'MEN'l'. 'Ve oxbibit,among m:my other things, NoCth'tJ A.r/.:s, BallJ, JI01ilk Orga.1u;, l 1op G1tn.8, Swort.ls, M. MA YE:El.'S. LILE · ll!llTfNc. I · DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the Bowmanville Drug Store, Doll Heada, .1,llU!]l1, Tt.a SctU, (Jh i1ia 1'r>ys, Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. COWLE, . J. HIGGINBOTHAM UOULD invst. r espt·ctfully te!1dct· bis sincere 'f tha.uks to his nun1erous frn111d s and :ts· to1ner~ , and to the publio geuera.lJy, for the very hbf>n 1l atipport he has received ince bil! ' c?mm e11ci;ig in busine 133; a~1d hotJea Ly con· t1nueJ strict p et'Sonal attention tu business and offering nothing but th e purest arti(:Jeg,- a.f the lnoi;t l'ea.sonable prkei:r, to ensure 1t continuance of 1 1ublic vatronage. J. H. would cu.II t1p<'cia.l attention to his very supei·ior stock of · Flat Irons. Alphabet Bl?cki!, Ho,-scs, Whips, Drawiau S7atu, Trirnipet~, Bi·rds in Cao~&. Building Bl«k~. Punch a11d Ju.dtr, Pictu1't. Bcoka, Oarpe11tc-r'a Tool3, Toy Castors, Pistols, Etc., ttr.:. Call and Exa1nine. Rattles, 1Vatch(.s, FANCY GOODS, ~JN Grea.t Inducements. ,..,."show, Back Co1nbc, Cigar Oase~, Concertinas, Tl:iolin.5 1 Writing !Jeska, Flute;, Work BO'J:cs, Ink Staiuls, Fifes, _ Spoo1t Rold<'s, J·wcilNJ, lr"'olios, Pictures, (Jhecker lioor(ls, Pictu·re Frame:;, Card Caset, Porttnonnies, Paper Kn~·ves, Hook l'.1arks, JJea·utiful 1'1,fottoe.if, Va.ses, Ludie-&' Conipa1tiQns, Tartan Goods, 1l1irrors, Albums, Glove Boxe$, Satchr.ls, Etc., etc. Uhri#mas Card·, W at<h Slamds, I $25 ~ _______:____ ~ i ~ ~ ~ New -Goods I ~ Our____Christmas- - Fruits,~ MUST BE. SOLD, ~ bought at bottom Prioes, (D . , ' C0~61S'l'INO WA1CHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATF.D WARE, ETC. O.F ., ' Having bought a Large quantity of BUFFALOES, ~ry Cheap, all that is re· quired, is to cO will be sold Low.. 1 1 Sterling Silver s;;-ions, and Pure Gold Wedding Rings. AARON JJUGKLJ.l'R. l f1'11:1 . 1iJh . ( t1 Stb.1876. IEWAiD ! Eleph;;.;;tHouse ~ i o~rl?alf-lloll;,;;;;;.-;;-th,n..t. TBYit1~ · . Our Goods give Good. Sa.tis:t'aotion. 'l'B.Y 'l':EEM. ~ ~ ti'i " Coma down handsomely," " Will you be One ?" --o-- T)YE which n.ro atirc to give the bust satisfaction. STUFF S .A. well aelected i:.tock of · b'pooii Holdrs, f:-,'fttCtltJ, I~ a !Jene1·al Assortment oti Groccr1es,Crockcry,Glass\vare, Sol1E'I1HING NEW r-f ; etc., Lyle~ ~fartyn's is the (]) 1 IFor I have done iny utmost to Jl1ease the Public, as \Vitness the fo]lo\v ing : :Bu:ffe.,loe~ SHOULD.l~It-BRACES, kopt cou:itantly on liantl. DRUGS, C'l:lEM IC.A.LS, PATERT MEDICINES, BRUSHES, OOMBS, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. 'LATED WA.BE, wo showt Salt Stands, The a.hove reward will Le j_Jl\id to n.ny peRon who will f11rnish amplo proof that the Doot &II Shoe~ llold by the undersigned, are not wl1a.tre rcpYeeent1:1 them. · .J..Vapkin-Ringt, Jewel Stand1t, Il t Cf1.ke Baskcf.if, g Staridt. n.ifc Rest<J, a.at Rar:kli, Butter Cookr:;, Bttttt·r J(n·itits, PrctJCl"'I;(: .DitJhe.~, A Hubstitute for '"" - La.th & Plaster!THE PA.TENT ALUMINOUS and OR· NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. l'APER OIL-CLOTH and CARPETING ~- ~ jf}jj'a - ------- ~ - ct' r.' for $4.50, worth ··$6. 00 for $7. worth $10 OILS, PAIN'!', COLORS, VAR='l"ISHES, :t1nl WRITE LEA[) 11.t Lbe very Jowc8t prices , Horses and Cattle Medicines. B. - Country store·kef!pers supplie d on the ta ost advantu.g cous t crrn 1:i . A. <;hoice selection l·f LAii.IFS for bale cheap Bo,vm:_1 11 ville. Dec. 1868. 6in. Ii"· llowm:anvillc, OcL :29th., 1875. ..~ Change of B11si11ess ! 1 "lr"'1·nit Diehce, Suoar B&wl11, Forkf-, f'O'l'ks, Tea <r11d Taf.Ar . f'ickl~ Cu.rel .Rcctii-c.ri, Book Miaoccll.fl.ne('.l::=i Books, 'Vfsl(ly'1:1HymnR, Family TI.iblefl, Britiah V{orkma.n, Pocket Bibles, Band of Hope, Hymn Book1:1, Cottage aiid Artif!ai1, Prayer Doc.ks, Chnttcrbo.x. 1.'be whole of our lloods are attrnctil'c, an<l will betir inspection ; aud prices ·will be found to compare fa.1'orably wit11 any other in tht> line. "fishing t1Ur nun1crou:; Customers " J.\ . ~ferry Christroae nnd a Ba:ppy Ne'v Year," \Ve r(:mnin. ]\etspectfully1 For -~ents,. Department I For La,dies, !'or Children. Cdtt}) Holden!, 1'oilf!t Bai1kc~, Etc,, ttc. I __ I --=---.. .A.t t'he Sign of ·the Golden Anvil. . - - - -- : o : -The Subscriber h:tving purchased the entire Stoel' of · LILE &; M!RTfN· \.VINDING UP OCTOBER "10th, 1875. MR. THOMAS BASSETT, Card of· Thanks. IIE S ubr;ctibe1 · r e t n rn1 thank ~ L o i.h o~t- ,~·h 111\ vc give11 hi111 t btir patronage in t he p 11st aJHl " '011Jd infnrn1 the fannen1 tl1at he has r~· p11.iri;:d a.nU refit.tc·d his ~[ill, und is now prepa.r· ed to a t tend to thi::ir wa nts in tl 1~ milliui; line He is ai 5o 1·unducting' n OLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. would xespectfully i11form t he inha;bit.ants of Bow11111,nv~llc a ~ d surr~u '.1d ing cMJ.ntry, that in nc1dit\iou tu his present Stock, he is dmly rece1vrng I Styles Good Stock. a'"'a llJ A Large Stock .Just I!.eceived,-l'lain and Oriwmental, &1th for Wall· and F'loors. T YELLOWLEES · & QUICK. · Bowun.nvilla, D~c. 10th, 1875. .ll.tf. TEA.C:EE:a. WANTED~ Lotest 'l'he l'apcr llil Ulolh uud C&rpet~ig is · Ch.ap and Durable Substitute for.Oil Cloth. 'l'he Chen1ieala with whiuh the !Ju.per is satur· ated, l'f'nder it pt'Oof a~ai.nst l'tatf:I, Moths, and l\Ii.:e. F with third class timoniahi. bp-o49-ml0·2w. Oit School Section No 4., ~fa.le 01· Fen1a.l~, certi licate, and good t~· R. OSBORNE, Dowma.,i.ville P. O. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN 'lO ORDERED WORK. S'£0lt.E. - Onc door daJ:IL of Cornish'i!.! Jewelry Store, King Str~et, Bowman ,·ille, Bowu18ll\rille 1 May 6th, J876. l\oya1 A~a.in 'l'riumphs. - J. SMALE. Varnish Polish! Alioth<:r thing much wantcJ. Thia "Polish givef;I a Jlluat elega~t luatr(',alltl tlrit1~ in~tnntancously. Nothing ever discovered befo1e to equal this Polish, l"OR lt is my intention on the above clritc to wind up the lonrt-wincled cred it system,11lld ~ell only fo~ GASH, ur its equivalent. It i-er1~1ircs no argu- all 'Of which, hiwing purchased for CASH, h~ i ~ enaLJed to offer at hot. ment ~u establish -that 1t 1s to the advantage of both huyerand seller,totom priceR. trade for ready P.ay, the buyer thereby getting goods at J,O\VEI\ Pl\ICEH and the. ~ell~r be111g ·a~vecl fro~ loss by bad debts. We think then that all p11rties will ?oucu.r n~ the wisdom this change on om part. Our goods w111 heren.fter be bought for CASH only, and we shall the1·eby rea1~ the adv~tutage of large tnule di_sc011~1t.,, which advantage we ,tre deter1~1med to give to our _custotnern. Pttrtie· purchasingfrom us may therefore depend upon gettmg goods at least ten per cent. che>iper than 1111·. ' de,. the nld plan. · Our stock wil~ this Full l·e more replete than eve? , and a still hi!l'ht Jl' c!itss of goods will he_ kept. W? th<,re'.'ore guamutee the greatest satisfa~c - ---- --t10u to all .who may favor us with their J>atronage. Llfu·ge Irnvort<.itio1is_ oj' Bi·iUsh ctnd Anier'icti·n J:::shelf <ind Heai'y Hard1va/re, · GENERAL STORE, o! 11.ic fullowiug lines \\·ill be found £nil: FOR -Piano Portes, C'locl(,8, Pichwe Frames - -- Buggies, 01itters, Sleighs, GEN11 LElVJEN'S SUITS AND SHIR~rs . n1a<lc to Ol'dcJ' i'l city stylea, on shott~st notic6. · Ready-made Clothing,!)loths, Tweeds, Dress Goods.Silks, Shawls Shlrts Cotton,-, Wmceys, Blankets, Bu:ffalo Robes, &c. ' ~ ' " He would also state Umt MR. JAMES ?\OSWOTllY i$ as.~ o ciated wi t h llis -Stock of PAINTS and OIL'S will be CJ AS I-I, found Complete, and will be sold at Prices Dry . Goods, that will defy Com}.ietition. Dress Goods, ----·-----Crockery, Glassware, & Groceries, &c. givi11~ b<1q;ah13 iu TIN STA1\ ~D .-l{ec~11tly him as Partner in the Tin ttnd Stove Branch of the Btrniness-a sufticiU~ guarantee thnt nil w01·k in this line will he executed promptly, lll tho s. VANSTONE. uci..:u pie<l by Jvir. Gray .· TYRO~E, Bo"'"·maul"ille, Oct. 21Ht, 1875. S. ] IIILL. 1 · The Great North A inen:ea1' lieme<ly for Oonyl·s, Colds, Asthma, Bro1ffhitis, J488 of Voi ... , Hoarseness and 1'hroat A.tfictions. , Best Manner, and at Very Low Prices. rryrone} D ec. J7·, 874-. B,u TtlfJMl>A kt 8*r'dtntr Sttvi11g .Macldnti Co'11. It<ol't;ti<P". . 01· any lcincl of Va1vnisAecl Pu1·11iitv.1·e. TH t~ GH.}~A'l' and all kilnds of _ lt.t)yal got £.mt prize e.t Glcngarry~ County Fair. o\'cr the Weinter1 Osborne, and New York Binger J J.ltt!:S MIL:ROT. Belleville, Sept. 30th. 1.875. Got first prize on the Royal, at l!'air her·, henting Wheeler & \Vilson and evEiry othflr ma· chine. Gr"at oonte.st. JAY~ Il.J.RiBTT. Brock ville, Sept. 25 1 llj7G, RiJyal took first prize at ~nionvil~e, com~t· in!{ '\'ith the ,Vh.,eler & W1lson, Sing-er. and uthera. EvER'I'l'.S & HAGAR~tAN. T11,80NHURG, Oot . 11, 1876. }'irat priz;e for Royl;l,], at Union Exhibition h·re O\'cr a.11 oompotitora. ?rIATTHEW STJ~WART. ' W oodetook, Oct. fith. 1875. H0yal took tit's\ rri:r.e at Exhibition herc,over all co1npetitor._ 1'1A't'1'Ht.:'1 SrewAR't'. P1ttrie, Oct, ;Jrd, 1875. 1:1.a.ve t.a.keu .6.:ret priz+J with R,f"lyn.l at }"air here 1Jeating tho Raymond l\nd Singer. ' \V1LLJAM Cornw·ll. OcL ~. 1875. Varnished C'a1·riages 'l'o Owners o:t' ?torses, . A d AT n the General Pubhc. j Eavetroughing a Speciality. A Large Stock of TinlvJtre of· every description, always in Stock, and rna.cle to order OJI the Shortest Notice. The Stook of Stoves will be found Co:m~lete, compris· ing all the favorite kind.s, in 1 T:EM.EnY f."Olt CONSUMPTION .a.nd acknowlcJge1 l L:r many })romint nf. ph;i·sici11.nl! to Lio:! the 1n o~ t ltr li!ll1l c .l 'n·p:1rn1i1m 1 Jver introd1u}Cd for the RELlEli' nnd. Cl ; JU~ o.r all SOLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. s. y ou MASON'S ~,~~11n~~~1S:E~t.~d~!!.!I · G-ra.y's Syrup o:t' - ---- ----- --- . - - E:.A.BDW.A.BE ! A ·t1!ma.l, a. J.i·rgti Stock onha.ud of LUNG COMPLAINTS. 'fhit1 W('ll-known nm1clly ir, t1ffr :·12ll to the publl..,, sanctioned . by the cxr(' r i ··n1~~ of ovc.r forty ycnrH, :;11d when ref!ot'tcd to in H·:11:on, seldo1n fail~ to l'ifect a l:ll)('fldy cu r~ of ('onghs, Colds, Croup, Bro11d1iHs. fn. llucuza.Whoo1il11g t:ongh. lloa1·sc- Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware. .All of which will be sold at lo'v figures. G-l{.A Y'S SYR trp lJe·ler·. oui·ell tl . .t f Coughs and Colds . ie "ou; onns o( Double and Sin,qle Ha·rness, GRAY'S SYRUP cum Sure Throat a.nd 1 Hoar~cnos.~. . . . . (bothJi:;-ht and heavy) · 1GltAY S. ~ Yl{.UP gives imme~ate rcliaf in Bronch1t1e. of the Newest Styles, and of GRAY'S SYRUP is the beet remedy for 'll · d w1 fin the n1ost complete assort1nent of l. the Best Material & Workmanship. e \·er al1owu in 'rown. G~f~1,"sYRU!' ,:·lieves Ci-oup and Whoop· 1ng Couf!"h, . HAf-L, J.TOl{ Ssirn:a. };apanee, Oct. 15th ·.1875. Royal lla.1'1 t:tken first priz;e at Fair htire.ot·er Sing+:!r · Howe, Wanlter JI\ Osborne and othcrl'I. I 11ess, l'aius or Soreness· in the Chest aml Slilc, lllee1llng at lllc J,ungs, Liver John. McLeod & Co., Wellington Bm.ldings, Bowmanville. August 10th, 1875. PRICES · !LOWER THAN GI tAl:'"'S S¥"RU. P is an excellent palliativti in 0 onsumption . EV.t:R. G~l\hAY'S SYRUP relieves aU a.ffectiolls of roat, Lunga a.ud Cliest. 8 l5YRUP is ·uperiortn any medicine GHftAYd' o cro 1or all the 1tbove complaints . PltJCE ~3 COOK, COAL or PARLO R~ vVOOD. 48-3111 us. }{at: now tL SOMETHINC NEW IN TRUNKS! Cail and aee them Comt>lalnt, &c. OR, +lA..MEfl EAHU.E'l', H1Lrley, Oct. i:1tb. 187Ci. Roya.J. t.akes {frat priztJ at thif.t }"air, for f<\.mily "'ork and light roa"tlufactur~. 'VILLIAM S~UUEH. by a tim<.'ly ri;,.:,ort to this !'tKllda1·d l'l'·m11oly, 11f is proved by hundn·ds of t ci;timl111Jah recdvct CONSUMPTION CAN BE cunrn ----- -- - - ----Goocl JF a ':'m. for Sale. ~-. CEN'I'S. Dec. 3rd, 187'1. .'\. ttood choice in 1.iy th<l proprietor.ti , 'l,he"e ,.-ictoriet ~uaively pro,·e t.l!at the 1l~bt running Buyal, is the -pcoplti's fa.vor1to, and The ~lanufa.cturen have lately a.Jded to it, tbe greatest novoliy of the age, the Ro11a/, La.n~p Holder for Sewing Mach.ii~,J. The L1unp ca_o never upset, nor t.he Oil soil th· \\'Ork ; and it ii!! a.r1·J.11ged to throw the light on atny pa.rt of the work, enabling the operat'r to DR. VllSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD OHERRV doC's ·11.ut tlry tip (t Ourt(Jh~ urul lt:nV f'J. tb'l cuusc hC'ftltu(, llS i~ tflo CQ{!(] wi.tfl, 'IJ U N<t 11r1:1u1.rutiQH.S, (11tt it luoSllltS (IJUI ("fCflll.~f ' H Ille /1n1gs, on.ct nrl«!f·" i r1·itrtHqn 1 f/11, s Oli'fH ha.If of Lot No. 14, 7th Uou. Dar . liugton, coutai:uiug 100 fl.Cres., more or lest! Uoocl buildings and fenCef! , and la.rge young or· chard. For pa..rticula.rs, apply to \YM. 'l'L~~JR., HA'YDO?oi" . Oct. 29tb, 1874. 5-tf. N LEATHER VALISES, TRAVEL UNG BAGS, SA TC HE LS, &c. i\ 11 ~{. ::l!]i.II'rH is 110;-;;pa:tccl tO do all kinds Gold and Sil.vei_ · Mount·d Garriaoe and Te~n· · - -SMITH'S . MILL~-I'HOS. SMITH. ll.. S. MANNING .. P-"Jw man ville, August 27th, 1875 full a·. ~s·11 ttd :::Hock of ll:1i;f Cus,ton~ Sawmg, and has reduced hi~ price, fot· CASH. .R.,,Jneru.ber this fact. Han1pto11, Dt'c. 3n1, 1870. lO·:Jo>. = the BE81' FAMILY SEWING MAUllINE. AIDEitSON~ &- (JO'S-~ Jc.troeeries Fall Stork of 1 r·c1nu1:t.u11 t-hc cause of the crHnplr1.i1it. CLFJWYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, pt;.d :ill lhoi;c whose ocC1q,atiuu rcqulrrs l!ll un· 1umtll <·x('rdsc of the Yocal org:m s 1 \\:ill Ji 1;d tJti.::i llrt· (l~L,. rn Y. P A R...\TH.l:"I whi<.:'1 1 will t· JJ'('\·t u;11!y nrnl insrn1, 11aurously t·clk1c tl w l1· t!'. fi: 1:·11. tk ~ . APPLES I llt~: BUTTER I -WHIPS, direct from the manufacLorics. / f Cheese Factory foJ\ Sa.le. OMl'LETE ec1uipped al Y 11 · · J\..iidlaud Railway H~ ... e cy~~.croas1ng~ 1 Hat.i 300oows N. ~t. .. ,·11no11y_wi1asea80n. 0 0 111·,er Factory ;n tho t.own_ · i;l;sp.,, ? ... and pay t.he higl1est price· for good T GOOD MERUHAN1'ABLF. APPLES, ur.ilersigni::<l will buy auy quantity of NETS&.: SCREEJ.VS I ·.¥ G.Rh'A1' VARJEJ'Y, AT LOJV FIGURES O work as well bY night as by d&y. Sold hv · Ue\'Va.re ol (Jount.,rb:lt.· . that the !fl! ll llilM /P"i~t 1 ·r 1 s J. s. DONEY,'l'YRO>J<. N. ll. - -.c\.gent for l.i'iret·du1 1\-Iusical lnstr':1· mente- ,V. Bell k Co's. 01-gu.n, lll\llctt& Dav1s and l[ardma.n Pia:uoe:. ~.\hm the Celebrated 'Valthaw and El~in \Vatche1. 'l'bit1 l':)uh'!criber, thanking' hi· yery numeroui; cWitOnH.,ra for po.st patronage, lharing 11old T;ccl~·e Thou8and Dollara Worth iu 12 month·) ~vlicit!ll tbeircontinued p:.c.tronage,hy ro11.on~bl price!:!: fair clealings. a.nd iUAo"!'a.nteed ~f\tt1of IW. li<m. ho.~ on the m1tsirl~ 11:1·1·p'1 " 1' th e !M:1i1·1l11 r ·: r:( "r. B U 'l"f'8, ,, a11·l the prn1 l r1l 11 m 11 e <~j' lh e pi·v · Jn·fet<JT$ 1 "SJ:l'l'll 1f'. ./o"O IVT.E ·f > '-.' U _\'s. /; 0 ~"· 'l 'O~\-. " All others a1·e bru;e b11itati'l11s . i '. ...1w1· f ne the v..'1"app~r cn.rrfu lly UcjoJ'C 1n o·dwF.i11g, r.~m..einbe1 · /1.1 (,;r n TUB BUTTER. S. llUHlJEK. l'o\,·tna.11\·ille, Aug. 26th, 1875. -48.tf. Repafriug prornptly attendfd to To y our ad,·antageto giYe him a call. Glf' One door E .. t of ]farmer's ffotel. ,!tf l3owwmanl'ille, Sept . 3rd. 1875. 46-tf - - -- - - - - ---1 Boots-and Shoes HAS tTT}ST ARRIVED. r.11d M their stock · is so well .1cnown, it is quite unnecessary for them Dry Goods, kwlO-:l 'l '. TAYLOR. ·- Liudsay. - - -- - - Q11e ~U!lr a Ilotdo. Six lkial·s rf!r f.11 ~ l> ltP.l" , \IU ~ lJ ~, ,Ear~. PIGS! 1 \ PIGS!! PIGS!! I l'.Y SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Mass., An.U eold by Dt11ggista our.1. Dcal~ rn gciicrn!ty. HE Then Bll'ltoVJm llEl\KSHlltE AHJ<: J, D. 18th, 187.15. N1JYt:r.u.b9r -- I l ·w ithout doubt, tl1e lending and best variety: put·~ bred, :i..1·e gre~~tly to he prefetred for oros~ing wil,h ordinary stock. A pure bred Boar, the best in \VestDurhnrn, i" kept o.n my J.iretnisc~. '..Cer ma two dolln.ri!. . H. ELLlUTT. ilaw.11ton, Dec . 2uJ. 1875. 10-2w . ii well fenco<l. 'l'bere is a nevor failitJg ~ng of wn~T on the prenliAeia, .A pply nt th hi Off! cijl · lrn7. 'l'O'WN I..O'l' J:'Olt SA.Ll!L / _Bown,..1.villo, Jan. 22ad,187i. 17tf, Being i of an n.crc, on E1gin Str eet, llear the ,A QUESTION· }""11.otory. Th e lnndis under cultivation and Street. En· ..._ quire of Ml-t . THO~IAS on the premise~ "f_JR.SA.LE,situateon O~tario ~ - -- ?lO'CTSE A.NI) LO'l' WHO h ns n pu1·e -:---. 'fVhite I wliicl1 for Their Rewards are Better Value for your Money than can Quality and Cheap be had Elsewh 'ere. f'io come 11,long and bring your Ill e '1lAY_with yon. ness to induce tho Pu b1'.i.c to purchase. ':tiO O_FFEit ~-4.NY BRIBE :Soots & Shoes etc., etc, j )V. \VERR1.r, SqliHa, Darlini ton_ , N'o'i'"e.to.bt1· 26tht. 187{). ~·lJU. 'B~r? ~ TERMS llow~mme, Ool, HTRIOTI.JY OASH. icANNOTBE S~RPASSED ,ANDERSON & co. I H'1'S;., ) J. ELLIOTl ! > I I ( r