THE MERCHANT the mosqmto ~ar, and whence did there :FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1875 1 l A Methodist preacher lravellmg lll "rbe road her~ is by th~ ~1le, or vw Zan a stra ined, d1sgu1sed voice~ or elee it used thP tin trumpet It is hardly Becee·unJ~ to Ju1ther Jeta1l how they did it Nobody """ allowed to exannne the cb11..nney Tl e Cnb1net floor was arranged to_s}11l~ away like the trap of a theatre , there \\as eaP-y ascent fro1n the kitchen below into 1nan1festal1oni:t, and they trusted to luck 2u the characters a:.sumed twns 'Stranger, where mought you be from ?' ' Madam, I reside m Shelby county, Kentucky' 'Wall, stranger, hope no offence, but what mought you be doing out here?' ' Mad<im, T am lookmg for the lost sheep of the tnbe oflsrael' 'John,' shouted the old lady 'here's a stranger all the way from Kentucky a huntmg lost stock, and I'll JUSt bet my life that old curly haired black that they "ould hit some one 1111d convince ram t11at came mto oi)r yard last week, the ·peetutors that they bad seen departed is one of hisen ' [Cont1nued ftoro First ] forms corue 1f not frvn"l. the other worlJ 1 the back s~ttlement of a Western State, i1bu1 1 Ug:ogo, and Unyau3embe Tlte for"'hen a nu1.le appeared of manly size 1t was stopped at a cabm, whe1e an old lady mer route, eio long as Colonel Gordon gov co1nmonly att1red iu liluck 1 and had a rccened him very kmdly, gi>mg ban a erna the countries of the Upper Nile, ia the beard or muustcLchc, and, 1f lt spoke it used "~rm supper, and askmg many ques- most foas1 ble 'V lth perm1St:.1on, I \vonld suggest that the mission shonl<l buug to Mteae, as preB· ,.. lhe ever increl\ain~ crrcula.tion of this excel lent montblv ploves its contmued adaptation to popul~r deslres and needfl Indeed, wh n we think into how many ho1nes J.t penehatese\ ery 1nouth, -we n1u st consid~r tt as one of the ednca. totR as "ttll U.':J ent~1 ta.1ners of the public 1nind Boston Ulobc 'I he chl\racte1 w]nch ibis Mugnz1ne possesses, for vanety, enterpuse ~rt1etu.: wealth, a.nd lit erary cultnro that 1t has kept with, if it ha.a not led the timeH, should cause its conduct~ 01s to regard it with JUSt1fiable complacency The l\:lagaztne has done good and n :it c\11, all the days of its ltfe - Brookl'l)n E.'agle Sorr1e of the n:1ost popuhu of 1no<lern noveh~ have first n.ppeared o.s scru:tls 1n this ~ta.gazine In all rHJpects 1t HJ nu excellent penod1ca.l, and fu.Iy deserve~ 1ta great success --Philadelphia 0 'I'HO:M:AS :SA'l'~ING'S ADVERTISING MEDIUM. ents, three or four t.u1ts of 1nil1tary clothe~, If You Want friends MR. STANLEY. .1:\ \cry interesting letter has becu recc1v ed from Mr Stanley, commander of the The Beacon Htrald anu T.legraph expoB!hon m Africa letter was pu bhshed m the New York Ill M \DEL M~\RSTON Herald, and copied mto lost Wedn ..da) 's 'l,hcro dwelt a.n .ai:;ed \\-oru&n hJ thc ocea.n, Glo~ After describing h1s lnterv1ew \VJth OloBe to the tock sCt\\ n shore, Krng Mtesa, Mr Stanley speaks of the re Hoi 10110 hut tot ttred to the qtv1m's commotion ltgw~s uepe~t m the lollowmg thril!mg She h11ard t 11e sur0 ~s roar , mann~r~ the reading of wh1cb vnll, we arc And 111 he1 lonely cottage "asement nightly 1:1ure, tx.c1te gro.ti'tud~ in many hearts, and A. well tummed lamp set she,~ cause n1any a r1gbt tb1nd.eJ young man to Antl o'er the ac1 en.ming .l!urgo it beckoned wish lie ~·as prepare'd to go to 1{1ng :Aftesa's brightly, people, and gather the harvest 'I bat p \."-a1n,; ~lnps Jn1ght see '£here" a.s no boacon l1Jht to warn tbe atranger Save tlrnt poor flickering ray, 13ut strange ships pa<:.a'd tmseell, a.nd gue6l'led the da11ger .A .ral nightly hdcl ll.\.\ ay And mnnJ a g1ey sea capta n en the morrow IHl.!st that poor lonely hght, Smee it J1ad sav('d hun in a sea of so1TOW, Amid the storn1s of night POETRY. 0 lonc1y dweller by tbe sea of Bc111g, l.Tudcr the atouny ak.) 1 .li. lonely lamp, how(n·e1 poor to seeing. May guide the pnsser by A lonely hfe, a aohtaty exampls,. 'l\f1d da11gt:"' a.u<l d1atress1 J!..fay cast a. beacon o er the 'vu.ters, To steer by and to blesa !\.lll}>l.e See hov; anud those v; aters uf existence The vessels (h 1ft and stream t Hark, how v;1th deep and dominant perswtence Fo.o.m flashes, untl v.1nds scream' :Make thou thy soul a beaoon by that ocean, However mecl an cl low , I 1ght it by night, in silence a.nd clevotion, '\'?hile H hange h\ies con1e and go SJ shi1t tnou, hke tha.t lonely widow woman, 'lhough lowly be thy ray, Slnne out a bc2cor. piloting the Human Io Crod s broad ocean ,.,ay -DatJ of11.Cst -- - - = == = = = Couldn't Pernut Him to Snore Crumbs for Chickens. One of the most eccentric clergymen of :,>cotland of the latter part of the last century \\as the Rev Peter Glass, mm 1stc1 of Crail His pulpit language was bioad Scotch, and his expressions, even rn de·otwn, "c1e particularly simple !llan) of his pansh1oners being hsher men, he usually pra)td specially for their welfare One d,1y, usmg the ex presswn, ' May the boats be filled wi' hernn clear up to the to" holes' (spaces for the oars), a nsherm,m !11st1ly called out, c N:i, no that far, s1r, or \Ve \Vttd a 1 be sunken' \ fa1mer m thepansh bad been m the habit of sleepmg m church, m uch to 1\fr Glass' annoyance Mr Class repioved lnm priHtel}, and the fauner excused larnself on the grouud of ]us arduons labours dunng the \\eek He expressed a hope that the m1111ster "onld extend to bun a lntlc mdulgence, a ddmg that he "onld dnve two ca1 t· loads of coal to the manse Next Sun day the former not only slept but gave Hiy audible demonstration of the /act ' II' 1uken Da"d,' said the nun iste1 On a nudge from his ne1ghoor admmstered according to the cJencal request, David awakened suddenly, and, after lookmg around, put the mm1stcr m mmd of the pm ilege be nnderstood to be conferred for ·the tn a carts ' ' Da\ id,' said the nnn1ster, 'I nncht hae wmked at the sleepm', but I cann.1 per nut yqu to snore ' fhe best th mg o\lt-i\n achmg tooth Tailor measurmp; fat customer' Would you hold the end, sir, wlule I go around ' ' You'll build tne fire> or I'll be a \\1clow,' is the way the Fat Contnbutor's wife talks The schoolmaster who 'at down on the 'bum1ess end' of a pm mgen1011sly fixed on his chair, rose like a Phremx An Indiana man picked up a Mld cat m his b irn m place of an Afghan He detected the d1fierence in the m1ll10neth part of a second A" is composed of two bun dred and Jcrty three bones, one hundred and s1xt} nme rn uscles, and three hun died and sixty nme pms ' Patnck,' s,ud an old gentleman to hts servant, '" e a1e all creatures of fate' 'I~ ell, 1f 1t wasn't tor fate, how could \.\ e "alk, sure ;:i' 'John Herny,' said his "1fe with stony seventy, 'I saw vou conung out of .,.i '"aloon this afte1 noon ' '\Ve1l, t11adan1,' replied the obdmatc John, 'you wouldn't have Jne sta) in there, \vould you?' I\ oisy little boys m Cmcmnati are told tlut nght m the centre of the Jund hoofs of e' ery hvc mule there is a lump of gold, wluch can be easily dug out with a penknife ' I he prisoner at the bar seems to have a very srnouLh face," s~ud a ::;pee tat or to the Jailo1 , '"\ es,' replied the pilor 'he was noned JUSt before he \\as brought 1 n ' At a restamant, the other d,iy, a man rnqmred, readmg a bill of fare, ' \~hat is this s!Tlom of beef "' la financiere ?' ' ' I suppose that ts a cut from the stock exch<1nge bull,' replied his fnend A certain colored deacon, on occasions of m1ss1onarv collet ttons, \V :ts wont lo shut J115 C} cs and smg 'FI} ab1oad thou irnghty Gospel,' with such earnesrness and unact1on that he would qmte fo1get to see the pl,ite as it came around 'Oh, yes I' said the plate bear er, 'but iust you gl\ e somethmg to make lt fly · 'Jenine, you're n1y ~"'e.._thea.rt,' said a me year old suitor, as he sat alone with his ncart's idol, the other c'enmg ' How can I be your sweetheart,' asked the little miss, 'wl,cn I am r 3 years old, and rou only nine;:. 'A1e, }OH thn teen?' 'Of comse I um ' ' \~ell,' an s\\ eied the JUI rnile bean, after reflectmg a l11tle, 'Id a been tlmteen too, if I hadn't been sick so much when I "as little ' i Po,.tage free to t1.ll Subscr1bc1 !5 in C1:1.nada. Hu.1 per's Magazine one J ear $4. 00 $4 00 includes pJ.epaj n·ont of poijt&ge b~ the pubhsbms Subsc1ivtions to Harper's ~ia.gaztn0, W eeldy. and Bazaar to one a.ddre!'IS for one year $10, or, two of iia.rper's Periodtcl\ls, to one address, for on~year, $7 1 postagefJf.e An Extra ( opy u( etthe1 the l\[agaZlne, \Veek lv, or Ila%aar, v.111 be supplied g1.:1.tis for every Olup of .l!,1ve ~Ub6c11berf! at $4 et1icb, ill 011~ t"l' m1tta.nce, or. Six copies for $~0, '\ 1tl1ol1+- ext1a copy, ppst8ge free Back Number;; can he t1upphed a.t auy tune ~Complete set of Harper's Mn.gaz1ue, 110\V comprising 51 Volun1es. JD n eat cloth b1nd1ug. will b1;1 sent by exp1~l's, freight at expense of puichaser, f{n $2 25 por 1'olt11no Single \;Ol um!:!s by mail, pm~tpa.1d, $3 Cloth ca:-ies, fur b1nd1ng 58 cen~ by 1nat1 postpaid RELTOIO~ AT COURr-rn.ruMrII OF CURii A Complete t1cal lndflx. to the first :tO volumes of Harpers Ma.gll..z1nc lUl.S Jnst been TL\.NITY pubh11hed 1 tendenng t\\ l\ilu.ble for re(eri:noe the and 'aned wealth of 1nforma.t1on wluch l\!TESA.~8 CAPITAL, UGANDA· constitutes this pe11od1cal a perfect illustrated April 14, 1875 literary cyclopc<lrn. Svo, Cloth, $~ 1 llalf Calf, Sv 2:) Sent postage prepn.1d I had almost neglected to inform you aud A senet:i of papeai uu<ler th~ title of .. Ihe First Century 0f tli e Repubhc ' C)ntnbuted by your readera of one very 1nterest1a'-{ subject the most i>nnncnt .Amencan publicists, ia now connected w1\h Mtesa which will gratify being published n1 Hu pe1 s 1\.fa0 azme 'l hts series of over twenty papers gives a compre many a ph1lantbrop1c European and 000 bens1ve rev1t:w cf ProgteRS dunng th1;1 century l:JF.NRY M STANLEY American now closiag, u1 eve1y depa.1 tment of onr nat\on I have already told yon that Mtesa and In response to Mr Stanley's appeal, an a.I hie :!Sewspnpe1s are not to copy tlHt:i ::idv~rt1se the whole of his Court profeos Islaumm A Eoglrnh Gentleman has donated £10,000 to rnent wn1houtthe express 01dcr of Harper Bros iong hme ago, some tour ur five years the Church M1as10nnry Societ; for this purAddress, HA.RPER & BROS. Kham1s Bm Abdullah (the only Arab "ho pose -F.n New York, US remained with me three yeara ago as a. rearguaid, when the Araos disgracefully fled " A lleposi.to111 of Fashwn, Plcast1,,re an!l Instruction fiom Maam bo) came to Uganda He "as wealthy, of noble descent, had a tine, magTo J{EEl CAPERS -Add fredh vinegar th~t nificent personal appearance, and Lrought ILLUS I RATED, with him many a rich Dresent, such as few h[IB been scalded, and become cold-aud tie thetn close, to kee1> out the an ~ Juch makes N011CJ!S 01' THE rJ!I f;S Arabs could afford, for Mt' The Kmg them soft · 'l'he Bazar 1s edited ..vith a combination of became unmedrntely fascrnated with him , BUTTEicr.n RICE - \V""ash anrl pick some ne~, tact and talent th~t \\t: seldom -find ta .a.ny JOUI and reolly few wlnte men could be long with n&l, a11 '1 the JOUtnal itself is the origin of ftlsh dra1.nnd put 1t with soine new nnlk, enough ion -Boston Travelh'1 the ·on of Abdullah without betng charmed JUJ:!t to 1rwell it 1 over tlie J1re, when tende1 pou1 l'he Hazat commends 1tse1 f to c' ory meinl)er b) his presence, lna handsome, proud fea- off the milk, and add a btt of butter, a. httle of tbe household- to the children b) droll and tures, h1s rich olive complex1on, and his lib l:luga1, \.Dd JJOund<>d c1nn tmon Shake it, that pretty pictures to the voung la.dies Uy 1ts fa.sh1011 }Jhili\es in endless variety, to the provident era.lily I confes:; I never saw an Arab or it do not Lurn, and r>erve matton b) its patteinsfor the cluI<'s clotbea, Mussul man who attracted me so much as Sorr A.:.'{D llt1E4lri!f:in \LGHT 1 OR :rnosE \\HO to 'J}(tte1fnrnil1a:J by JtB tasteful designs f01 mn bro1dered shppers and luxtll'ious dressing ~Qwua Khamrn Bin ALdullab, and it is no wonder ARE WEAKA-:iD HA\.& a Col::GH-Beo.t a. fre ...h Bu t the reu.d1ng matte1 of the Bazil' is uniform that Mtesa, aieetrng a krndred spmt m the 1rudegg, and mix it with a qna.rter ofa rhut of ly of great exce1len1 e 1 he paper has acquued a \V1dt popularity for the fireside enJoyment it noble Arab of Muscat, amazed at the n1ag new 1n1lk v; arrued, a large f!poonful of cap11la.1re, affords -N Y Eicnu1g T'ost the sa.meof rose \Va.ter n.ud a. little nutmeg In its way thcro is notlung hko it l~n~ah tnficcnt figure, the splendor of his appare], scraped. Don t \\arm it after the egg is put and trust" orthy a.s a. fashion gtude, its ston~s the dtSpl&) of bis \\ealth, and the uumber in L'ake it the first and tlnng and ess ~'I:!, i ts r>0u tr.} aud squibs, ai e all 1n\ igor of Ins slaves, fell in love with bun Kha· at1ng to the mind -Cluvago F:ver'1n1{1 Journal S~O\\ 13ALLS, - Swell tho ucc ID milk, and mis st,1ycd with Mtesa a fnll year, durmg strain it off, and having co1ed aud p tre l applee 'lERMS which tinie the K ng became a con\ ert to put tht- uee 1ound then1 1 tyn1 P Jstage free to a.11 ::Subscribers Ill Canada i; e1H.:b up ni a Harper's Baz<tr, one year $4 lOO the c1eed ot Khaan'l, nam ell 1 ?.1ohammed cloth Put a. btt of lemon peel, a clove, or Jj our Dollars mcludca pt upa.y1nent of postnge amsm The Arab clothed ~lteaa m the beat c1unan1on 1n and boil then1 Wf!ll by the publishers ( SubrsClptrons to Ha1per 1:; Magaiu1e \Veekl:t, that bis war.Jrobe offered He gave him Purrs n AiltOUll - Cut a fine rich puff paste and Bazar to onl' ndch es;i for- one year, $10 00, gold ernbro1dered Jflckets, fine wlnte sh1rts, rolled thin 'v1th tui shap~s rnade on JJut1Jue1;1, or, t\\O of Hnrper s Penodicahi, to one addt~ss cnmso11 slippers, eword1:1 1 Btlk ea.shes, dag- one size foss than anutLei in a py:uur.ud ca.1 for oue )car, $700 postit,..,l:l f11JC ~H ]~xtra Cop) of e1thc1 the l\.faga:.anc, or ger<;;, and a u~vol VIIJg r11le 1 ~o th at Spe.ktl a fvr1n and la.J the1n ~o , then hnl...e in a nloderatc Bazar \\tll be QUp];Jhed g1a+ 1s for eV'ery Club Qf oven that the paste mo.y be done sufficiently, J! l\.,, Subscnber:; nt $4 00 each, u1 ono rem1t and Grant's presents seen1ed quite ins1ga1 but ver.) pale La.) differeHt C-Olored sweet tn.nce , or Hix Copies for $2 ()0, w1tho11t extra frcant copy pm;tage free 1neats vu the edges Back nunibcrs <'an be had at any tune Until I arrived nt Mtesa's CourtJtbe King The Annual 'l olumes of Har p1;r s .Bazar 10 A VER~ :t';it:Ji DISH Of :rtfACARO:>il Dl~ES,~ED delighted in the idea that he \\as a folio" er neat i.:loth b1ndin1.1, will be sent by ex:p1e!:!11, f1 ee Sw.&£r Boil two ounces in a pmt ofinilk,\vith of Islam , but by one con versat1on I fia tter of expense for $7 00 each A compltite aet a bit of le1non peel, a1ul Lgood bit of cinnamon, comprHHD£ },1 ht Yolu1neis, "t>llt on iece1pt of 0 myself that I have tumbled the newly rats till the pipes swelled to therr uttnMt size cJl.:b at the rate of Five Dollars and 1\venty ed religions J1:1.bric to the ground, and, If 1t ~1thout b1eak1ng Lay thctn on a custard d11~h Fne Cents per vol, flcight at cxp~n s1t1fJ C-))0L cbasc1 were onl) followed by the arrival of a Chrrn an<l ponr a. cneta1 d ove1 them hot Ser\ ti cold Pt orntneut a.ttcutlOll w1l1 b..., ~l\ en iu Hai per "I t1an rn1ss1on here, the cou\ero1un of ~itesa J'LOATlNG IsL \Nl) !: h x three ba,lf piutH of B<i.ziu to tmch illust1Rt1on~ of the Ueutenn1a.l and his court to Chr1l'it1nntt) would be com th111 c1f'am with a qu:.utc'" of a pint of 11.1uun Intcrnat1on3.l l~">:po s1t1i.)ll ae inay be pccnhru ly ,\lJpropruito to its columns plete I ha.' e undern11ped Islamii:;.m so wine, 1 l1ttll.'! le1n )tl J u1c1;1 111 ange tlo" C'1 w atcr }. e\' spapci-s a1c 11ot to 1.:0!Jj tlua a ht.:r t se meut "' 1 thuut the cxpru1a orckr of lla1per & Rll<l t:mgat put It lllL11 I. I i fl r ; h fol the ffiiddle Of iuuch Ii ere tho.t Mte-fi.8. bas determ1ne1..l hence1 Broth tors forth, untLl be 1s littte r infor1ned 1 to ob;,erve the to.blc, and put on the ere t1n aa froth, which AJc hesa l-J\.RPER &BROTH.ER", New York 1 ma.y be 111adeof raspbe1ry nt cuuant J.,lly the Chmtten Sa'bbdth M well as the l\los ' LE'!O.N Cnu11 -] akc a }Jtnt of t]nck 1 reanl, "...4. Complete P1ctorial llistory oj the T1mUIB' lew Sa.Uhatb, and the great captains haYe unanuuously co11ee'nted. to lt He has and put to lt the J olks of two eggs well beaten, --" 2 he Best, Gheavest, aiul 1nost sui;cr.s:.;ful ]?Cl/rnily Paper i'1- ti a Un1un 11 four ounces of fine stu:ar and. the tlnn riucl of a cr:1.nsetl tb~ ten comrnand1nenta of ~loses to lemon , boil it up, then stn it till ahnost ... old , be written on a board tor h1a dil.11) P=rusul, pu~ the JU1ce of a le1nou 1n a dish or bowl, and as ~ltC'&a can read Arabic, as well as the pour the crenm upon it 6tirnng it till q1nte cold ILLUSTRATED. Lord s Prayer and the goldrn comma 1cl ]{Ottt.6;1 oft H' J>rC$$ CH.u!l ILLY flAKl!: OH c <\.Kt 'l'RlfLE - Bake inent of our Saviour, 'Thou shalt lo\ e thy Harpel s lV('ehly is thic £1.blcst a.nd 1nost po\\C? a. uce cake lil t\ tnl)uld \"\hen Cllld 1 cut it neighbor as tli~ self' Th!S" great pt og1 ess tound about two 111chcs f1on1 the c<l"c with a !ul illustrated peuod1cnl puhh hcd in tins cot1n try 1 ta efhto11als are scholarIv aud con' for the few d11ys that I ha\e remained wHh tibn..rp lnuft:J ta.lung uot to perfot ~te the 11 g, and car1y 1nuch "tnght Its illustiations h1 m, and, though l am no miss1fiflary, I botto1n Put in a tluck c1ntard 1~11 1 im1ne of cu1reut eH:mta are full and ft esh, n.nd are pre pa.xed b) onr 1 xst <1e"'1bne1s. With a c1rcula.t1on sbull begm lo think that I ·hall become teat:ipoonfuls of ras1 berry JRrlll, an 1 then put on of 150 000, thP lYtckly is reatl by at ! hn.lf a whip one 1( su ch success 1s tiO fra.s1ble a. m1lhon persons and its influence as an orgaJJ 'J he lVt.:tkly L.EllO~ liONE'l COMU -Swtlet1;1u tl1e JUIC6 of of op1n1011, is a1mply tre1nendoua THE OR:\~D :FlELD FOU cnRISTIAN M1S$l0~ 1na1ntains a pos1ti\e pos1t1011, a.ud expresses de t\ lemon to you1 ta.:ito, and put 1t 1n the dish cided \IP.WR on pol1t1caJ 1ud SO( ial p10blems ARIES that you 1:11.:r\ c 1~ 111 1\I1x. the wlute of :i.n egg Lou1.-$ville Coio icr Jo1orial But, 0 tbats°'11e p1ous, practical w sinon· that is beuten "ith a p1ut of uch crea1n 1 and a Its article..,nre modefa of high tone<l discussion, and its p1ctor1al ilhu,ti::i.t1ons are oftenco1 robo1 would coi.1e l1ere r What a fid<l and a bar httle 8Ugar, 'dusK it, and as thu froth rises, atne arguments of no small force - N Y. Ex vest ripe for the BJ ck le of the Gospel 1 Mteea put 1t on th e li.:inon Juice Do it the day before &11unt1 and Clrrou1cle Its vapera upon existent questions a1Hl 1ts 111 would give him ani thrng he demed- it 13 to be use<l unitablti cat toous hdp to monld the Henhments A PnETTl SUPl'ltR DISH -Bm l a tt:!acnpful of of th(~ country - P1ttt1b1trgh Cu1n111et c1al housefl, lands, cattle, i\ory, &c He m1gbt Harpc1 ~ JVcc/.ly st 1nds at tho head of illus· c11.1l 11 pro1'1nce his o\vn 1n one day lt 1a 11cc 1 h11v1ng first washd it in nnlk, t 11 tender, trated JOIHJ al~ LU the United tlta.te~ 111 cncula sttani off the null .. , ln.j the r1oe in little heaps not the n1ere preacher that is wanted here tion, cd1toral ability' and v1ctorrn.l 1llustrat1on on a d1~, 8trew over then:i some Iinl:lly powdei- -L<«l1e8 Jlepo:11l01 y, Oinc1nn ~ti The b1Shopa of all Great Britam collected, ed aw..1 cwnamon, and put a httl e butter with all the cla0 sic youth ot Oxford aod ln the- dish IF.RMS Po.stage free to all Subscribers in Canada. C11m\1r1dge, wonld effect nolhrng here with A REYRESHTNG D1uNK I.N 1.. ] E\ EH - Put a. Ha11)ers \Vcekly, one yea1 · · $4 00 the rntel11gent people o[ Uganda It" the $4 00 include8 prepay1ncnt of by the little tea s1tgc, t'\O SPllAS of bahu, and a little pnbhshe1ti pra.~t1cal t'l!tor, who can peo "ood sor1el, into n ,;~one Jug, ha' ing tn9t dued Subscriptions to lia1per's Ma.t£az1ne, 'Veekly~ pl~ ho\\ to bcco1ne Ch118tlans,cure their dis them , peel tltut a sma.11 lt: mon, and clear fro1n and liazar, to one a.clrlress for one year ~10 00, e:is~s, coustruct Uwelhngs, understands a.gr1 the "bite , al1ce it, and pnt u. bit of the peel r.1, two flf Ho.rper s Per1od1cale, to one addre88 for one ye(l.r, $7 00 \)()Stage free cultllre, nnd cnn turn hts hand to a11ytlnng, m , then pour 1n three i11nts of botl1ng water, An Extra Copy i f either th~ )fa-gazLne, Weekly, or Bnza.a1 \\Ill be supplied grut1H for hke a enilor- thia 1s the iunn that is want· e.w~etcn and keep it close 1.n cry Club of] ive Subscriber . . at ~4 00 each in ed hrre Sui.:h a man, if he can be found, A1iothm D1 i11k - \Vash e>xtrcniclj \\till an one remH.tanc1J, or, Six Copies for $20 00, "-ltb ounce of pearl o~n l..:y , sh\ft it twice, then put \\Ould becon1e the sa\1our of Afnca lie out extra copy, postage frco · Back Numbei~ C<Lll be sup~J_ied :i.t a.nv tune mul:!t be tied to no c;hurch or sect, but pro to itthieepult~ of "ater an ounce of S\1'ect "rhe .A.nnual Volu1nes of Harper's '\, beaten fioe, ancl a. bit of lemon pool , f~ss God and his Son, and hv~ a bla1neless almonde in ne "t cloth b1nd1ng, will be sent by express, boil tlU you ha' e a. en1ooth liquor then put in free of expense, fut $7 00 each A .complete OUr1shan,. be inspired by hbcral pr1nc1ples, a little syrup ( f l"'tnons ~n ca}lllla1re Set, compr1S1ng 'Tolum!:!s sent ou rect:!tpt charity to all men, nad devout fa1lh lll God ol cash at the rate of $5 2p per vol , fneght at AnothC1 - Boil tluee pints of watet with an expense of pu1chnse1 I-le must belong to no nation in pnrt1cular, ounce antl a Lti.lf of tnn1a.riad~, thre(l onnceH of l'1om1ne11t attention" ill be gn en in Harpers but the entire white race ~llch a. n1an or cut rants, and two 0L1nce.i; of stoued ra,wma, blL Vl eelcly to the. illustration of-the Centennial In n1en 1 A1te~a, l(ing of Ugnndn,l.J,;:oga, lTn near a third Le consurned Stia1n it on a bit of tc1nat10nal .Expositwn Nt:\\ apnpe1>i are not tu copy th'is Ld\e1t1se }Ora, ana Karagwe-a krngdorn 360 geo- lemOJJ feel, wb1chreHlO\e lU a.n hou1, ll..'l lt :pves ment without the exptes$ 01der of Ha-rper & Brothc11:1 Addre.:is Kraplncal 1mles in length by fifty rn breadth ~ b1Lle1 taf'.tu 1f left h)ng lIARPLR & BROS , Sou1rL~ 01! Rh.I!; I.ND .A1 J:'Lt-: - Blru1i.;h Caro --ID'\ ites to come to hun He bas begged NewYotk hna ncu l:!tra.111 1t, an<l set it to boil 1u 1n1lk, tne to tell the \\ h1te men ihat if they with len1on p3d, and a bit of mnn l.U1;)1t Let will only come lo Lun he will give them all it boil till the rice is dry, then cool it, ,\ud they ~ant raise a r11n tlnee inch es h1i;h roun ~l th('! ch1:1h , l'< ow where is there m all the pngau ha.v1nJ t)gged the du:1h, whe1 e it m pnt, to 1uake '"'orlJ. a 11101e prouus1ng field for a n11ss1on 1t stick 1.'hen egg tl1e rice tll O\ e1 } ill the than Uganda 1 Colonel Lrnant de &lle dish half way up with :t inarmal ~d1;1 of ~ppl~1:1, fonds Id u1y witness th u.t I spea.k tile truth, haie 1cfu]y the ;i..lutes of four eggs beaten to a ond I J<DO\\ he will corroborate all r .ay fiue froth and pnt thctn O\ el the 1nanno.lade , then aift fiut> surar (n e1 it. an d eet it 111 the The Colonel, though n Frencbn1an, 1s a Caloven, \\h1cb 8hould be wa1m enough to give it a. Hl~VUI£ removed to moro con1mo<lwu! premu:1et, v.n1f!t, auJ has beC'Ome aa ardent a well beautiful color lN 'v1shcr for the IV agand L as I am :U:otKl?'G8 - l\f1x three ounces uf buck wheat FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, Then why turther spend needlessly met f:lou1 with t~ te11.cupful of war1n 1uilk, and l sums upon black pagans of Atr1c(l, who bnve spoonful of JeMt, let it 11sc befo1e thE: ihc for bt'g to infor1n thtl public btnerl\.lly, that they are now c11nbled Lo vffer thetu no ex:unple of theu o~ n people becounng about an hour, then mix four eggs "ell beatt:n and as much milk 11..8 w1ll make the b ttter the <'h11shans before them 1 I sptak to the utmal th1cknese for pancakes, and fry them the U111ver~1uea M1ss1on at Zanz1bnr,nnd to the lll the 11110 of Free Method1Sts at Mombasa, to the Jeadrng aatne R10e PAIST.E FOR Sin .t:T8 - Bo1l a quaiter of.. . ph1lonthop1sts and to the ri1ous people of a pountl of grouJJd rice in the f!malletst quantity Eutiland Here, geutlcme·b is your oppor of water , 1:;traiu fron1 it all the mo1sturc as tunity-ewbrace it I 'Ihe people on the \\All as you cau , bea.t it iu a 1uortar "ith half o 'bores of the Nt)anzo call upon you Ohey an uuuce of buttec, and one ogg well be ·t·h _ ) our O\\ n generous 1nsL1nctR, und listen to a.nd it \\Ill n1ukc n,u C'.l\'.C~llt.:iit I aste for tarts, the1n, and I assure yon ~hat 1n one year you >&c 'lo Dur Wu luoTH - lhe '~"'d"' ' '"" - (.AS Rl1 GAHD::-! PJW 1' ,~· tc!VAL11 Y) \\ill bu' e c1ortl cou verts to Chr1et1.an1t) than · \Vhen the boots are t tkcn off, fill thein 4 u1te than ~ 11 y oLhei house 1n the OJ.U lt;> all other miss1onanes united can nRrubcr fu11 with dry oatk '1 bH1 grau1 ha.s a, gre it The population of 1\!tesa's kingdom 1s n1ost ;:- auJ will rapidly alsorb th· 1ondueooto1 <lam1 dense. I estimate th e n\pub1.::r of bis sub luu1t '""ti.· of it ffom the \HI leather -~· it lVeight and 11leusure Gum anteed Ject~ at 2,Ci00,000 )::"ou need not fear to takes up tho mo1stu1e it !-:\\ elh1 and fills the in every in. e.pend 1uoney upon such a m1Qt'1011, as .Mteaa hoot ·nth a tightly fitting h~:it, ke~p1ng- itft foun 1 M peel~ ~'9· is oole rult'r, and vall rep8.y its cost teufold good, and Ur:\1ng the leather w1thcut harden1n15 .la J \\Ith ivory 1 ccffee, otter sk1os of a very fine it In ~!.'.ie morning, shake out the oats and hang tliem ma bag nua1 the foe to diy, ready J L S'l'ROWGER qliahty, or m e 11 tie, for the wealth of this for the next wet n1c:ht, d1aw ou tho lwotQ, and J D STROWGER country w all those products is immense go hiwpily about the day's work New<H\.stle 1 Au;:ust, 11th, 1874.- decorated freely with golJ embr01den, ·nth halt a dozen },rench kepis, a sabre, a brace of pistols and suitable a.m111un1t1on 1 n. good q..tahty, as the J{tng ia not a barba11an, a cheap dinner service of Britannia ware, an 1r0n bedstead unU counterpauee,, a fe\v pieces of cotton pr1nt 1 hoots, &c }1..,or traJe, it should brrng fine blue, bJuck, nnd gte) woollen cloths, a quanhty of m1htary but tons, gold l>rai<l and cord, SJlk coru of differ ent. colors, as v; ell es lnn<l_u1p;, hnen and sheeting for sl11rts, fine rt-d Llankets, 1nJ a q uantlt) of red clotb, n few chairs and tables I he profit aus1ng front the sa.le of these things l\Ould be enorn1ous For the m1a~1on's 11ae 11t should bru1g with it a supply of hamnteI'S, sa.\\ s, augers, chis ele, axes, hatchets, udzes, carpenters' and blacksmuh's. tools, n.-, the tfnganda nt"' apt pnp1ls, iron dnlls nnd powder for bla.lrng purposes, trov. ~ls, a couple of good mzcd an v1l:., a. forge, and bellows, an assortn1ent of nails nnd tacks, a plough, spadl"'s, shovels, p1ck0.xes, and a couple of ligbt bugK1es as specimens, and such other smoll tbuigs Bi their O\\ n comn1 on sense would sugJ{est Moat des1ru.ble \vould be an aasortment of garden se"<l and grLun, also 'vh1te lead, hu seed 011, brushes, n few. 'oluwea uf illus· trated 10urual~, ~audy pr1nts 1 a nw.g1c lantern, rockets,11 pliotogtaph apparatus The total cost of the whole qeed not exceed £5,- It Has No Equal in this constituency, and this fa.ct sts.ntly demorutra.ted IB being con GOOD AND DRY owmJ1riv1lle, Se pt :!5tli, 1857 CBE!P HOUSE. If you ha.\ e lost auythwg, :i.dveortise In this paper ,._ If 'ou have found anything, advertise ID the MEROHANl JJcdge1 '.l:ERMS If ) ou v. ant to seU a.nyttung, advert1ae ID this paper If vou want to bt1y anything advertise lll th6 l'l'lEUOIB.N 'l' If }OU 'vant to reach the public, use the columns of the MEIWHANl. GOODS. OUR RATES ARE LOW. As a. weekly newspaper, the MERCHAt;T 18 scarcely excellea Sixteen columns of· fully selected rea.d1ni;c Jnatter Q.ppea.r lll each issue compr1e1ng LiteJ at.u1't, Ag11calt1iral, Famtly &adinv 1 Genm al a1ld New~aU freah and readable Subi:;cnptiun~ ta.ken any tune dur1n~ the MANCHESTER TIIB llominion Or_ a.n Co'y. Preseut the follo,-.,;1ng testunon1als fro1n l.Om petent JUdgi:!B of Or~anJ 1'esfamou1al fro1n John Ca.midge, 1'1ns Doc., Cn.nluar, En~land Bo\Vtuanv1Ut:, 24th Dec , 187.J To the Mamagers Dom. nu.on ()rgan Co GENTLEMEN -I hkf! to pltt.y on your Ot-gans tc .~ 11:1 so 1nveet and sten.dy .\nd the "'ork maasrnp and finish excellent, and 111 e\ ery particular they l~tt:l equal, if uot auper1or, t any I have ever hoard. Hoping they will meet pttblic appre~ i~t1on BOWMANVILLE year TERMS 75 CTS., IN ADVANCE. we every facility v.,r c do not work for nothing, or fun. but our prices will be found low, as our presses t\re run by steam power. :ro:a, --0-- JO:B PRINTING Important Announcement ! 1 Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Cii·culars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets, JOHN OAMIDm; FARM AND HOUSEHOLD Read the follO\'\lng from Rosa D'Er1na J3o,\ ruanv1lle December 22, 1873 To the 1lfanagers of the D01ntnion 01gan Co Gl!j!-iTLEllBN -I have n1och plea~u1 em tcsti fying to the excellent <ina.htlCs of the Orgn.u supphed by you at my conce1 t la8t Sat11rda.y evenmg 1'be toue ts S\' eet and very powerful a.nd tho comb1nation of stops nlOst admirable I am 3111e) our 1natru1nents w11l find favor 111 Chmches, as th~y are smgula1ly adnpted fci1 snered music '\Vl.ilb1ng you e\.ery aucce~s. and and ovoryth1n1< frnm the s1z:e of a. Poster l<W ge that- the pnbhc may patronu~e natn e ma.nnfac enough to cover a ham to a half inoh stnp, ture I remain Gentlemen, printed 1n good style, and d.t cit pncea Very respectfully. Spcenl1cns of work can be seen at our office ROSA D'ERJNA '\.York ha.n<led out, and the taken for it Every Instrument Warranted for 5 Yrs :orr Goods ' Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & GlasswW-Great lieduotion, in ---oo--- C. BARKER. DR PATTERSI)'< PRor TERRY 1¥Inna.ger. hp o3 ml6 1 Harper·s Bazar.1 Manager rresident Bowmanv1Ue Ja.nuarv 15, 1874 ltlURDOUB JRROS. H.1v111g decided to mo1ke a change 111 Lheu lmsu1uss, am now selJ111g for CASH theit l.nge anrl well ass01 tecl Stoel, ot Diy Good., }{1llme1y, Olothmg, Oiockery itnd Glassware, BELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society DENTISTRY! ESTABLISHED 1840. 0A.NA1'A CHIEF 0PFIOEB. AT AND BELOW COST! can 131, ST JAMES STREET, MONTREAL JJIRE01'0RS WAtTElt Tho Stock h,mng been ]J\uchased m the EST MARKETS, buyern depend on gett111g SHANLY, Esq, !.'IP 1 Chall'nlaau, DUNOAN MACDON \.LD, Esq MAJOR 'I, E CAMPBELL, 'l't'(E HO)IOUARLE JOHN c J3 St HAMILTON, Hilaire Hawks MORE .AND BETTER GOODS FOR J.'J!ElR i11.0NEY burg, Ont ltRSIDENT SEORFTARY -JAM·s GRANT. J Bnmacombe, L.R.C.D.8 ,it this EstalJl8hment than rn any otho1 house w Llic country S PECI AL FE A T U-II ES. 'Ihe ENTiltE PROFITS belong to andare div1d ed amongst the Policuhol-<ia8 LIVES, DECLINED BY OTHER COMPANIES, or on which an eatra Premtum would bt rl?quired, c:an be assured at tM ordinary rate& of this 8001ety, under a apecial arra.nuemcne SPEOIAL NON Fo.FEITABLE Po11c1xs IBl'lued under which only 10, 15 or 20 AnuuaJ Pa.y FEES MODERATE. OFFlOE ovei 1llcOLUNG'S Staie Bowman\tlle Dec 1 ~74 ll Call Early, and secure Bargains, as tlw w!iole Stock must be sold at once, far CASH ONLY. menti::i al:e req1ured, each payment secunng Policy for a awn a.ssured proportionate to the numbet of preuuums paid, ani:lfreefrom. futur vaymcnt of pre-11nu1Y'.&. :hlODERA.TE PREMIUMS and most ltQeral COil d1tiona. __frospectuscs,.Proposal .Form!? &c , supplied on application at the H oad 0.t:hc..:e, or any of the Agencies.. t'r THE GROCERY l· DEPARTMENT now complete with the choice,t supply of Just Arrived a.t the lB'ASHION HOUSlll NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot uf OhristnHis Goods, Raisens, l 1lf/rrants, S1i· g<f/rs, Peels, etc. etc., at all Prices. 9 JAESGRANT, AGl~l\T Res ~Secretary 23 ly 0 BARKER, "Observer Office." KmgSt 130?. m&nville. June 24th. 1870 l!'QI, BOWMANVILLE, Buwma11v1lle, Dec 2ith, 1874 MURDOClf-1 BIFfOS . REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Also a lru:ge stock of !nrperial Fire lnsuranr.e Co OF LONDON. Stamps for Braiding and Em· · Har1iuair's Weekly. Estobh·hed 1803. Il·AD 0FFJOEB -1 Old Bro&d St., and Pall Mall, Lo1u.lon. GENEll:AL .\.GENCY 1 broid.ery. St FOR CANADA ·- 24 crameut ?r'Ionhea.L FASHIONS for Sprmg 1ust to hand J DODSWOUTH, Inspector. Subsc11bed and uiveate<l Ca.vital antl Rc..ier\ e Fund. £1,965 000 Sterlmg. Funds 1nveste<l inCanada.- 105,000 Insurances against loss by Fire are effetiLcd on most favorable terms, and losses prud with out reterencf) to the Boa.rd 1n London. DBBSSM.AKING usual RINTOUL BROS rt R. LOSOOMBE, Barrister, Agen for Bowma.nvllle a.nd V1cimty. Bowmanville,'"June 4th. 1860 36 m o 43-39 4"' Gen. Agents, Montrea. BowJna.uv1llt: MRS. A. FLETCHER ~\1 nl 7th, ll:!74. ---~--~--- ·P1.JRH ----- ~- J a.mes McFeeters. AGENT BOWMANVIL'....E j Ma.chine a.nd. Implement Manufacturing Co A BIG is uo" ragu1g itt For tlle following Insurance l 1ofupau1es, and other Institutions, viz Ihe QUEEN Fu:u an<l Life Iosurance Com JJ1:111y Cap1tnl £2,000,000 $150,000 depoa1tOO with the Doininion Government, for the protoo dera in Canada The ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Com pa11y of Capital 600'000 -One of the best and cheapef!t Con1pau1es d01ng business in the Don11111on, for Farmere &l1d Ieola.ted Risks with a Savings Dank department Ma,nufa.otures ofJ TBELEWENS WOOD ANDI IRON The CANADA LANDED OltEDIT CO'Y The UNION ANn PERMANENT Bmldmg and Sav1ng's Society 'lhefie latter i11t1tltutions advance Loans on Real Estate, on terms unusnallv easy for the bo11.'lJwer Bowmanv1lle, ~'eb. 6th. 1873 WORKING MACHINERY Double Turbine Water Wheels, and r and he is determrned to contmue to sell at these nunously low puces cheaper than tho cheapest Why he can do 1tFnst, he buys for cash aud knows just how to buy Second, what he e.iu't buy cheap enough, he manufactuies Tlmd, he is satisfied with small p1uflts 1 Fou1 th, he sells fat cash , Fifth, he sells .it bottom puces ALWAYS GET Ca.stings of a.ll Xind.s FIRS'l'-CLAS S. W. BELL & Co's. Pri~e REPAIRS'.ne on the Strowger Bros. OALL AND SEE FOB YOVl,SlilLVBSt --o-AND SHORTEST NOTIC:m, 'Ve have uow on hu.nd n. la.tge t1uant1ty of BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Bxniu1ne --u- NEWCASTLE 1lledal Organs Allio the renowned e stock, which comv11se3 evt:ltyth1~i,, 1n the tiad e, of the vc1y l~t,flsL tnd 1 nost elt:!g UJ sty1e8 a.nd patteuud, of EnglrnL, Canailiau, \.nd .\n1!.:!11can ina.uufa.ctun:i l:U Common and Gang Plows, that 'v~ll JJe sol<l a.t Which in 1873 1 at the Prov1ncrn.l Fuir. beat every Ameucan and Canadian Organ, taking the FIRS'!' PRIZE LOW PRICES Bowmanv1lle. Maichl~i! Orders P omptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He b.1\1:1 In H1; .still continues to n1anufacture tu oiUer, from the bu"b of ,vork1ut"n kept - o- ~tonal, and none but fiist cla.st1 AT THE SHOP. 6tf a.n c111llee13 \ u1ety of Lnt11es~11ts Saiatoga 'l1runk~, Valiaefl, eto which lie 1s selling cheap for c tsh HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO "Boston 1 \\Tb1ch had taken Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT" drawn by Two Horses, K1~g tiW'locery B 1s1·1ess, I "" U Better Inducements Fo1 ly-nine J/irst Prmn-iwnis --oTHE KING OF Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ~ FEED lVIILLS. Another oar load of tho abo\ e nobl~ articles oIJ the -way lJowu1anv1lle, }')!fa 13.1874 --·-st. M. TRELEVEN. 1 all vf l I PUBI_jJ_G. WALTER WIGG & SON, i eturn1n.; tbanke to then nu1ne1uuo custo1n(ltS aud th~ yiubhc gener P,y, 11\'vo11lU respectfully tbe1r attention to 0111plu~et.Jt1::totk of iurhltuio fol u"t {avor 9 4 l11v1te 18 \\Cpha\e latelY t<lde<l tbe1t1to\ th.~t . .-..~e tuay thereby be enabled to SllPtJly a.ll p utie~ who n/iy pleafje to fav 11 h1n1 '~1th ::t cal Great inducen1euts held out to thcs1; l.JUH:La 1ug a.t utu establis lnueut l iv tu1e~, J ookiug G1assc!ol et1.: f1amed too-rde1 , and 111 eve1y styl" S.tiniles. of tl.J., Jifiei eEJ t kn1tl of o 11ld11Jgt1 <:an be "een :.i.t the 'vare roo1n V\7t1 '\iunld o.l~o beu to inf m ) 0 ti ~ having ptuchn sed a o oi u, 1a · l SEWING MACHINES, Please call a t the B 0 vV lYI.AN VI LL E Yann Implement Forwardmg Agency R W JAMES, Kin~ St 1 llowmau-.. ille J\ovanan' tile. Dec 1i 1872 ulO r NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT COOO -o-Je1 J\.gent but ha~ the special agency for the abo~e f t ea,s a, s · l" 1 SPLENDlD NEW HEARSE N B -The Subsor1be1 1a: not a Sub, nr un / I a1n p1epared to ex<!hangel'1a.nos for OrganR, Organs for Melodeona, a.lao Sewing IYia.chinea, on reasonable rmfJ ff)r making all k1ndR of Ca.kes "ithout E.zgfl _<\.ddress, To btt had of all Groceri:; II ,f v..r EEKS & Co , J S DONEY, Trnol!· P 0 'I oronto, sole agents for J &Do 15th, 1875 6 6mo1. Morch 11th, 1870 24 ly USE THE Norwich Egg I', \\ c ~ha ll Le ready !l.t ii.. 11 tnnes to ~ttc111l f uut11 \ls on M.1101 t uotwe n.ncl 1tiaaonnble terme: :N B - Cof:liu~ kept on hand a.nd rnade to ortlet, at the ' NEW DOMINION RE'l'.AIL FURNI1'URE W.ARE-ROOllf. Oabawa.1 Attg 2'ith, 1870, King Street East, Oshawa J )