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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 17 Dec 1875, p. 3

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, \, --., e ?) I? '" THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1875 Cra,ok this Nut if youI Ca,n ! 4~'~'. IToys? Toys! AT Important Announcement! Qualities & Prices. Seeing the \Ven.ther Lits set in so that we oan keep f\ Largti and Full Asoortnient of Meat, we ~re dutermined to sn;t all parties, both in QuaJ. lty and Prieiea, .t\f!.l()ug as the weather holds f~\·orohle, ·we sha~l keep :ii ~~ock, three qua.Ii· tws of Beef, wlnch '"e w11J. offer, Ret. }·il, follows : ~ No. 1. Beef.Best ltou)!t and Steak, 12~cts. 1Yer lb. No. 2. <lo , JO cts per 1~), Store Beef 8 " Lamb 1:1nd Roiled Beef, fron1 3 to 8 Lamb and l\-Iutton, 6to10 Pork . 10 Beef b.r the Quarter - 4 to 8 AH !Jartir:::i wfahinl? t.; put·clia3e a Quarter of Beef. ·will fiu<l it to t l1 <:ir advantn,n·e to give u ~ a call b efore pnrohMing elsewhere~ for we filrn.ll sell on a !Sw:dl adv;"l.nce on cost, for CASH. \Ve con ~~t our business on the New Princ iple" Small Profits and Quick lleturn." HRISTMA R. Grea~ W. ltlcBUITIY, Having been delayed several weeks, in opening out his WORK HOXES. WKITIKG DESKS, CARD CASES, PENCIL CASES, PURSES, SATCHELS, HAIR BRUSHES, TOILET SETS, A)<D TOY TEA SETS. N. :a. S:i;eoia.l :Ba.rga.ins and Beautiful Goods. IGOODS New Dry Goods Esta,blishment, EASTON'S. has determined to ott'er, during the . re1nainder of the Season bis entire stocl{, at such llrices as will ensure a 1 " ~1 l I ' CA WKJm BR'.l. Buwn1auvillc, Nov, 18th, 1875. 'J'ID~ 8- tf. DOMINION BANK. BOW:lfAKVILLE . Ca pita!, l'aid Up, HEAD OF~'lOE, 0RTT,LJA, ,$ 1,000,000 'l'Ol>ONTO. Tait & Arthur's S'rUDIO, '11 Choice in Vases, Motto Cups and Saucers. Splendid value in Albums, Concertinas, Violins. Musie. Pictures. Mirrors. SPLENDID JEWE&LERY, Ji'A llWHILD'S GOLD PENS. CJ_jEAR.ING SALE. The stock is all NEW, purchased with care, and at remarkably Low Rates. 1 D~_S_E_E_>~~CA_L_L~A_N_ How Cheap good Goods c<tn be sold for CASI-I~ Bowmanvill~, BRANCH OFl·'l llliB: ' Q.'H!AW.J., Co.Hou no. 13uwMANVILL.t:, "'H1·rar~ U:x nn1DGE, BOWMANVlLLE, hey-hav; ·en~aged a ARTIST, and Colored Superb X:ma,s 2-.tottoes a,nd Cards. Slcates, Sleiyhs, Rocking Hoi·ses, Jcw/c lln,ive.s, Gwmes, 7.'oy Books, Poel8, l!'amily and Poc/,et Bibles, G/mrch Se1·vices, Hym.n Books, &c., &c .. Dia1-ies Joi· 1870, and many other ai·t·ir.:les too niwneroiis to inentfon. FIRST-CLASS RE·TOUCHINU who will improve thdr work FIFTY Per Ceut. Photos. co:Pied [O].d enlctrf/IJd tip t.o any ~·foe 1 e1J.nired, A Largtl As~ortment of Fancy Frl'llnes, etc., for the HolidayA. Oall Ei:n·lp in tM 1,l<ty for Good JJ"vrk, special!!} vj Uie Don't wait till the Big Jam, You cannot select so well CROWD. in a OfIILDREN. Thanks for a brilliant Christmas Sale, last year; let us have a better this year. · B. EASTON, If not, call at the A.rt Gallery of Tait & Arthur, for a solution of this Rebus. Doheny Block, Lindsay. T¥lwlosale and Retail, pmut. Th is B:i-nk, in ~~<ldition t.otransacting the us· ual bnnk1ng busnJeSs, offers to the public fl.Jl the ndv antagt$ of ;i, ::5aving In::iti tuti on with the security of a larj'"'e capit al, by tho meo.ns o f a S.AY1r.·Gs )KP.l.HTM.ffi~T. Int~rest n.1Jowcd ?11 all deposit!,. of One Dollar and upwards, .:tt tlw rate uf ]'lVE pei: eeut. per annu1n. Depositors cnu withdraw erl°hcr tbe whole or any part of their dcpo::cHs at" nuy tirQe, without previous notice. Special r&tes of in tetc1<t:\U·1wcd upon tlepo.:;its with notice of withdrawal. ~mel'ican Currency nnd dilver taken on clo~ Town Hall Block, Bowmanville, November i 9th, I 87 5. Variet:_Store ! As usual, at the Chri$tma.s St!&.:!OU 1 we i!how 3. Very Large and Choice Assortnient In our of suitable Goodi!. · 'l'OT :Ol!:l'AB'l'MENT. . .'iftt(I.~. $ 2 f) .,i REW 1 ================c===================· Fall Stock of ::VIOTTO- Nim\Jle Sixpence \Jetter than slow shilling. -~ ~- ANDERSON & fJO'S TO O.EFER ANY BRIBE to induce the Public t.o purchase. So come along and bring your money with you. LILE & M!ITYN. I Drnfts granted }Ht.ynblc in C:. rcat lhit~iu ' GrJ-Depo& its can br ·emitted hy lnai1 n.d drc s~v ed to the Dominion u<llJk [registered],' Wbt'lll in all caat-s a receipt will Ll;l scut by roturn 1Jost. · IT nited States and all p:trts of Canada.. Bowma.nville, Jan. Cth, 187,1-, 15·tf. .T. A.. CODD, A!Jcnt, DRUGS AN6M -EDIOINES nt the ,, I Bowmanville Drug Store, VVe exbibit 1among many other thio&:s, Dolls, ]).roah's A'l·k8, Doll Heads, Ball-H, Jlfouth O·rgans 1 · alD · Revelatio11s! --o-· I ! STARl,LING· Very Serious ~~~~!~f~~~E:~ ~Our Their Rewards are Better Value for your Money than can be had Elsewhere. · ~ Tea Setts, China J'oy11, Flat Irons, Alphabet Block:J, Pop G·101-s, ,,_)'words, B·v.ilding Block1r, Punch and Judy, 11he above reward will be paid to n.ny pes on who ·will furnish a.nlple proof that the .Boots & Shoes sold by the und"rsigned, &re not whatre repreaenta them·. I A ha.led upon sub8tantial fa.eta, is being eircula.tcd, and is to this effect- t hat one of Olli' }Jromineut ?titrchants, ju~t Charge, Hor1es, Picture Bcok.<J, Toy Omtori!, Drau;in.q Slalea, Tru.mptts, ~ "' 1Vatche11, .Birds ·i n Ca'JfJIU 1Vhi1nr, Carpento"s Tools, Rattles, P·i~tols, · Etc., et(', Markus Mayers Christmas Fruits ...p · b ht a,t b0tt om · .,.-rices, ie · ' ........ ~ I oug CD ~ will be sold Lo'"". \.V w 1 i~ ~ lf th.flJ"lks to his numerous frie11di,; :md JS· tamer~, and to tho public- gtner ally, f11r tlw very hh.,~a1 S"?EPort. he has received iuce hfa C?tnmunc111g 1n bus1nc:cr:;; nntl hopc:;i- Ly con· · t1nu1!d Rtrict per~onal attention. to ln.rniu~ss a.nd offering uot.hlug but tlw puro~ t a1ticle8, the moet reationabJe prices 1 to ensure a continuant::c of,fublic patronage. . H. would ca.U spt:i.:fo.1 attention to his n:ry "uperior stoclc. of · llTOULD 1nvst respt·ctfully tender hi~J sincere J. HIGGINBOTHAM at ,I l l ' T>YE .DRUGS, has purcha!!ed an immense Stock of Coods, on advantageous t enn s, and he is going to give his· Oust ... mers the beneJi t of his bargain. The Stock is very large, en1bracing- TERMS HTRIOTL Y CASH. ANDERsoN & co. lN FANCY GOODS, Stands, Cigar Oase.1, Watch Writing D""k', W01k Boxe., InkSta11ds, J<wellry, Pictures1 we sho·w, Back Oo1nbs, Concertinas, Violins, li'lutes, Picture l'rwm e~ 1 Ccird Cases, Paper Knives, T7a8es, Ladiei OoJnpcf,nions, Albn.nis, Glove Boxes, Ghristnias Cc(,rd8, Fifes, Spoon ]{older.,, Folios, Checker llottrd6, Portm01in.ies, 1Jook MMl01, BeaN~i ·ful For Gents, For La,d.ies, !'or Children. South Seci &al, E?·m"ine, Urey cind Black Lamb, Grebe and Mink Sets I varying iii price according Caps, coii~~~t:s, t~ quality, SA:ul eon- ~ "";·..~:~~ '~"";' Eleph~~tHouse ~ :our l'!alf-I>oll.;;:·· is the Beat. Tll.Y it[ ~ Peo11le's Book Sto1·e AND Our Goods give Good Satisfaction. T_:t~_ THEM. ~I wLich are sure to givi.: the b:.;st ::c:iti~faction. A well scle~ted .stock of ST1JFFS Muffs, Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. All the Goods are well made, of tbe Latest Styles I -;~;- SABBATH SCHOOL r--f SoME'l'HING NEW CJ) Groceries,C~?~~ery,Glassware, For a (ieneral Assortment of -~ etc., Lyle {."1 GllEJJfIGAUi, PATEN7.' illE'DIOINES, BRUSHES, GO,lfBS, SHOULD!m. 13 RACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc, EV·. kept on hnnd. ~ ' 1l{olto&s, Ta·rta~'i Goods, 1 l:l if'rors, Satchels, Etc., etc. All Styles of Chil(lren's Furs on hancl, anll the Prices such as bas never before been offered in Bowmanvi!le. He also offer1; a Ytiry attntctivc lot of Goods DEPOT! c. · BARKER. 'Vi th tht! M'ti. \·al of the, tco111ca a clemaud for PLATED WA.BE, Sf..oon Holdrrs, Cr11etts, we show, Sa lt Stands, ]{(lpl-i·n Riny,~, Lo test Styles Good Stock. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERED WORK. STOl{E.- One door east of Cornish's J 1:1welry Storo, King St.l-t.-t1t, Uowmanvillc. JJ.J UYli'LERS, in SHIRTS, DRA WEBS SOCKS, COLLARS, NEUK1'IES, BRACES, &c. A :substitute for Lath & Plaster ! H ~ -~·~--~~~~~ tuartyn's is the lfj ~ c+ t-1 OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD at the very lowest pricefi. 1 l Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B . - ·Country 1:1to1·c-kef:J 11,n·s ttupplie tl nn th(l n10st a.dvantag1iot1s tenus. A ~hoice eehietiou ,,f .L AMPS for i:,zil e ehr~1p Bowmanvillt-. Dec: l8G8. Gm. 'l'hey rrmst he 15old, and'ifices will be ma.I.le. Cash Cus tomer:!! will buy 011 close margin::. ' ' Cake Ba3ket1J, Egg Stands, K11ife Beats, Toast Racks, Suga.1· Bowl$, Card Rective1'8, Pickle Fork$, . Je·wel Stwnds, Butter Coofer1J, CASH PAID FOR RAWS FURS· Jluue1· Kni'lle~·. M. M.A.YE:R'S. :Dvwnu1.nvil1e, Oct. list, 18:'0. THE PA.TENT ALUMINOUS and ORNAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. PAPER OIL·OLOTH and CAIWETING · WINDING UPI OCTOBER 10th, 1875. SuLsc.ribe r return a t h <J.nks to thnsc THE hS\Ve- gi.vc11 him their 1'o1 rn.g c in tue }mr.t "l.l F1·11 it Disheb·, Prt!Sti"l,'e Di1Jhi;.~. Celery Holders, TfJird Brr.~kct,,., lr,,'tc., etc. Bowmau ville,?tfay Cith, 1R75 . J. SMALE. Tea a.rut Table }j~))'/i':J, Book Department! Mi1:1cellaue0Ui! Eooks, \.V'"l;'~l ey'M :MORBIS' H:ymnfi, FAmily Biblcl'l, British 'Vorkman, Pocket Bible~, H:i.nd of Hope, Hymn Rooks, Cqttage a.nd A.rtiRall, P.raycr Books, Cb.atterbox. The whole of our Goods ·~1·e attractive , and will Le!lr inspection ; BJld pric9s will be found to comJmre fa\"orably with any other in the lino. "Tjshing our nu1uerous Customers " J.\ J\{crry Christma,e and a Happy ~- ew Y etU'1 " We remain, Itespectfully, CARRIAGE west of the Ou t:i.. ri SHOP 131~n.k. King ::ltreet, Bowman ville. ·I ni.HE. aubsc1·ibt:r is prepa.rt:d to lJuild iuid YELLOWLEES & QUICK. llowmanville, Dec. 10th, l875, lHf. J. p:Hr 1'e :Etoyal Ao.'a.i:c. Triumphs. Wagons, Buggies, and Cutter8, I · of e\o·ery des<-ription, at short notice, au cl · on reasonable It is iny inteution 011 the above date to wind np the 101tg-winde<l creel it systern,and sell only for CASH, or its equivalent. It requires no arguOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. ment to eRtablish that it is to t.hc advantage of boLb huyerand seller,totrade for ready pay, the buyer thereby getting gQods at LOWER PRICJ>S A Large Ju,,t Received,-Plain wid Or- and the seller being saved from lo,,;s by bad debts. W c think then that n«menta~ botkfor Walls nnd Floors. nll parties will cm1cnr in the wisdom of th1K change on our part. FAMILY BIBLES, Splendid Lot. Our goods will hereafkr be bought for CASH only, and we shall therePOCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment. A.ND by reap the advantage of large trade discounts, which advant1<>ge we are deservedly po]Jular Teach determined to give to our customers. Pai·ties purchasingfr0m us may MUST BE SOLD ,'sThat Bible, in va1ious bindrngs. CON6JSl'fNG Ol~ The Pa11m· <..lU lJloth and if! a Cheap therefore depend upon getting goods ti,t least teu per cent. cheaper thm1 unand Durable Substitute for Oil Oloth. ... de1· the old plan. WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, BOOKS, {n Great Vm·iety. ALBUMS, Chccq> an<l Rrctt1. 'l'he Ohc1nicals with which the Paper ia saturOur stock will thi5 ]fall be more replete than evtt , and a still hi!ther PLATED WARE, ETc. oW//,JTING DESKS, and WORK BOXES. attKI, render it proof against Rate, Moths, class of goods will he kept. We therefore guarantee the greatest sati~facSterling Silver and Mi~e. · Spoons, and Pure Gold tion to all who may favor us with Lheir patronage. · Wedding Rings. MICROSCOPES, ~ 'he following linea will be found full : AARON BUUKLEJI. STEREOSCOPES, Readr·made Clothing.Cloths, Tweells,Dress Goods.Silks, Bhawls,Skirts,Cottons, KALEIDESCOPES. Winceys, Blankets, Buffalo Robes, &c. I have a. Sto1.:k that cannot f ilil to plete a.nd varir:d. pl e~e - ~om cheap and good Literatu'l"e, Gift l3ooks, and Present GOODS. ·Ca,rd of Thanks. and would inform the f~1rmers t.httt lw lias 1·c· }Ja.ired a11tl reG tt"d hia l\ [ill , inu! i8 l JtJ"' p1·epar· ed to attend to thei1·wants in the tnilliui: 1in1..J He i& f'vndnctiug a New Goods! :<tock GENERAL STORE, an~l haNiug vurc·hased h ili stock for C .L\. SI-I, giving bnrgnins in Va,rnish Polish! AuothEr thing mueh wanted, L fwgest CollectiQn of Sle1·eoscop'io View8 in Touni. Carriages Painted and Trimmed. '!'his Polish gives a. most clegant lustn· 1 and <lrie~ instantaneously . . A Blacksmith's Shop on the premises, 'vere spocia J Attention is given to all Nothing ever discovered beLadies' Companions· Pocket fo1 e to equal this Polish. Books, Purses. etc., etc. E'OR Dry Goods, GENTLEl\'IEN'S SUI'I1S AND SHIRTS Dress Goods, Crockery,Glassware, S. :}j-,. HILL. 1875. Groceries, <?ic· 1nade to order in ~ity !tylcs, on shol'tt:l:!t notice. Down1anvil1e, 04't. 21st, S1'AND. -Rectntl y l;cc.:npicd by 1'-1r. Gray, I FOR c~.rriage work,' and General Call ancl Exa.1nine. ed Solution of the .P1·oto:d<le of Iron, 'i8 Piano Fortes, Clocks, Bug9il3s~ Jobbing. By T.Jegr0p4 W Uord1n·t> S"icing Ma-chi11e, Co"11. lJ lr-m·ilWn. Ciitte1·s, Sleighs, , and all kinds of Va1·nishecl " The Big Push!" COW LE, $. VA~ STONE. Tyrone , Dec. 17, 874. TYlW:N"E A ll woi·lc done at this Establishment warranted. A call is respectfnlJy solicited. ,T, MORRIS. Bow1nauville, 0 1t. lat, 1860. Tlie Pcrut·ia1i S111·up, a .Protc(~t h(l, l}C Picture Fram,es ~inger Corn'.,\Clll, Oct. ~ 1 187fi. lloya,l got 6nt prize at Glengarry, County Fair, over the Webfi,er, Osborne, and New York JAU'.Ell }fILUOY. so co1u,bi,ne<l u.s to Greait Inducements. ~ ·-- - - - - - - · ----·-- 01· any Tc-ind of Fu1·nitu·,·e. Bello·ille, Sept. &Jt~. 1875. Got firi~t 'Pri~e on tht:i R oyal, at } &ir here, heating Wheeler & Wilson and every oth~r m:t· chine. Grt>at conte1t. J '.i3ARBETr, Brockvillc, Sept. 25, 1870. Royal took fir~t pri?le at ynionvill.e, compet~ i ng with the Wbeoler & \\ 11.son, Singer, and other·. EvEntt~ & HAOAIHifA.... "f. T11,soNBURG, Oct . 11, 1875. First prizti for Royal, a.t Union Exhibition here. overalloompetitors. I\:iATTHl<:W S:n :wART. ' W oodstook, Oct. f>th. 1875. Royal took firs~ prioo ·at Exhibition here,ovet all oo1npetiton. 11 A'i'TB.E'\f STJtW ...\UT. Paris, Oct. 3rd, 1875. Have ta.ken firflt priz~ with R?yal :~t 1:4"':·ir here bo1ting th t' ·&ymond a.nd Singer. ' ,.~lJLLl.rill SNIDER, the chalJYlcfe1· of a1i allntl!· n t, a .9 digested (t1Ul' ftsslmlla.ted with the IJtood flS ihe .~linplest of ~""ctt'u1·c's 0YJJi JTita,lizin.y Aye1it, f'rOn, 'in the 1JlOthl, nn.~l enres Hltithou·sn1ul 'ills," sl1n1;ly hy '1.'on:in.g UJ>,!1iviyo;oatln(/ and .,,.."-t tilizi1iu the S yst<~ 1n. . 'l'ftc en1·ichcd a,n<l vi.talizcd Uloo1l 1>crmeates cvei·y pttrt of llw bo<ly, 1·eprtiriuy <l<vnia.oes a.rul H'nslc, sea:rclt:l1l{J ~iJt ·Jiio1·0l<l scc1·c- i ~ i ~ Vm·nished food. It ·i1tc1·6ases the qua/1 itity Good Fa.rm for Sa.le. ORTH half of I.ot No, 14, 7th Con. Dar lingt:on, con t aiuiug 100 acref.I, n10ro 0 1· less Good buildings and fences, and large young orehar<l. I'or p articulars, i:t.pplv to Will. TURR. HAYDON. Oct. 29tb, 1874. 5-tf. ? To Owners of Horses, Gar'l"iages And the General Public. N SMITH'S MILL now p1·t'l>:\? ed to tlo :~U kinds ll <Jf Custom Sn.wing, and hns rerluecd his price , for CASH. H.err;e1nl.ier thIB fact. tlons, ar.d ~erwM;g nothing for disease to f'eerl npon. success of· this 1·c1nedy ·iH, cttrlny D y s11e1Jsia, .Live1· (:onitlcrf~nl s. Having bought a Large quantity of , BUFFALOES, very Cheap, all that is re· MASON'S SAR:OWARE · quired, is to SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. A UfJUa.1, a La1-ge Stock onhand of l fJheapStore TYR()NE, fias now a full assorted St.vclt of You will find the most ,complt:>te aggortintlnt of 7 h-ls 'is the 1 .'iC<N'tit of ' the 11:,n1,- Double and Sin,qle Harness, Hardware, Paints and Oils, (both Ji ght and heavy} "l. 1 li. S?t-1I'I.1H il3 0 1)lai1· i t, Dl'o11.-,y, (}lt:PO'n io J)iaJ'»lta:<t,Boils, Ncn·o1ts Affections, Stoves and Tinware. . AJl of which will be sold n..t low fignrcs. :H apan(·e, Oi.:t. ].3th, 1875. }loyal ha.<> t!i.ken first pri~e n.t Fair hcre.ov('r Singer, llowe, Wauer F 1 Osbon:ie and other.&. . .JAMEB B.i.llR.ET~ 'l'UOS. SMITH, ~·ork · I ' Harley, Oct. 13th, 1875 . U.oyal takes 6mt prli:~ at th is Fair,foL' family and light ms.nufactnring. ' ,· --Cheese Factory for Slle. ···~--------- Hampton, Dec. ~~l't.l, 1875. 1Q.3m. <l/fUl r WILLlA)t s.~HDf.H., ...:F..TF: equipp ccl. at Kelley's .crossi11 g, O J.O~ll?~ \11dl nnd Riu1,.,·ay. H<ts run only thrn season. HM1 300 cowfl . shsp~. disea."fl~s 01~lyi'Juttiny iu. <£ batl state of the bloo<l, 01· <tccompanie<l by <lebilit!I 01· ri low LosB <>f' 001 11.stitutional JTi..yor, DiseltstJ,s of the Kidneys mul Bla<ldei·. F'"male Coinplnints, all Chills an<l Fevei·s, Hnmo 1·.·, of the Newe!t Styles, and of the Best Material & Workmanship. ever shown in 'l'own. John McLeod & Co., Wellington Bmlrungs, Bowmanville. August l.Ot]1, 1875. " Come down handsomely," " Will you be One ?" --oI~ PRICES 'LOWER THAN EVER. r1ie Great Nm·th A?nerican. n eniedy fo1' Co 11gl"', Colds, Asthma, Jironrl#iJjis. Loss of 'l'hci-Je victorie11 ~~·ely vrove tl!at t.he li'"'ht l:unniii·r Roy~ is the people's favonte,and 0 ti the The ~la.lluf~turen ha.\.·e lately added Lo 1t, 1;be gre11,t1tst novelty of the age, the Royal Lanip Holde1· jo.r /Jtt11i11{1 Mac(tirye.~. The ca..n p.ever upset. nor the Oil ~Oi l the work ; and it 18 a.ri;,u1ged to tbrQw ~He ljg~t qn ~DY part of ' wo1·k, ena.bbng tlie opet·at:)r to work as well b.v night a$ by llay. · ~he No otl1er Factory in the town- state of the systeni. Bei. n y f'rce j'r01n Alcohol. in "n!f foi·m, U.1 e.nerylzin,y eJfect .~ <U'e n,ut follO'lOe<l by 4! 0rre.~1>ontlin,f1 'l'Cac- ~,OMETHING . NEW IN TRUNKS! T. TAYLOR. kwl0·3 Lindsay. Cnll and $6t: them Voic·G;~;:;a$~;;;A·6'iions. I IUtV0 d ()Ile JllY · 1l t fil08 t· t 0 PI eaS·e the \J?OOeries l.,nblic, as 'vitne SS tlte fo]lowing: · for $ 4. 50'f worth $6.00 :au:ffa,loes for $7 ; """'Orth $10 " · · BEST FAMILY SEWING MACH!NE. Dr. Jas. Fielding, ~ 1fEMRER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE ..Lll of Su!'g:t::t)UH, l~ngland i Licci1tiato of tho Royal Uollegc of, :Edi.nbu"8'b. Cor. onct', etc. Residence, Uorncr of Church and Sun~og Streets, Buw1n:1uville. . D ec. :1rd, 1875. 10-tf. a 1ttl Uuil<liny tion, bu.t t.i1·e 1>erJJ~.ancnt, ·iJvfu .. si-ny st,r en(Jth, iiiuoi·. i:tn,.l n.eu1 life into alt pa1·ts o/tlw S!JHtem, A e;oocl choice in stitution, 'l.t}J (t1'1 Iro:i C<Jn. - LEATHE.R VALISES, TKAV EL UNG BAGS, SA1;CIIE~S, &c. Gold nnd Hilvcr llfo·£ntcd Carriage and Te~m. Sold by all Rcspoct·ble Chemist· nud Gcn·tal Rl~D SPRUCE GU~I ! Sold by J. S. DONEY, Trao0<E. ~.B.-Agent for J/irst·dau: ]i.!usii.:ttl Inetn!-· w.ents-\V. B ell & Co's. Organ, H~llett& Dans a..od Hardm1.n l )ianol5. .A1Ao the O~lebra.ted \Valthau1 Ca.lves Lost. er.ii an~ 1 bnllJ. 'l"vo nre red a11q wh ~. epot~ ted; J\.yr~hir~ brcef\ . Th~ oth~ra nro +~rnl,A.nd of Devon brCed. ton, n.bout 'ti wcekR n.go. 4 S}Jring Uah'e~, (3 hc,Jf · '.l'lto11san<ls litti·c ltccn. chan(Jt'(l Uff the n.~e of' lltlo ninc<llf, [i·oui 1oe<ilr-, sickly, Sltjferhir1 c1·eal nPes, lo St.rony, hea,lihy, and ho1Jpy 1u.en arMl u.:01nen.: a..rttl invalids cwwot rertsunafJly hes·i tate to ylue it· a, t1·ia.l. i /;ce that each bottle has. PERU- GRAY'S wo1··t forms 0£ Cou~hs and Colds. . GRAY'S SYRUP cures Sore Throat nnd Hoarseness. SYKUP~:~::·the VV GRAY'S SYltUP gi\'·es immediate relitf· in · .Bronchitis. direct fr(lm the manufactories. ~-~=================·~============~ :.: · · Bowm:tnville, Oct. 29th ., 187:i. :Ory Good.s., :Boots & Shoes etc., etc, which for GRAY'S SYRUP is the best l'emedy for a.n<l Eli;;-in WatcheR. 'J'hci S ubscriber, tb snking his very r;umerous custonu~rs for p1u1t }H\tronagc, (lu:i.v1ng- 111;uld 1'·wtr,.·e 'l'l!ot1.1a.n.'l Dolla1·a Wort!~ in 12 w onths 10Uci;cl t heircontiuued pu~rouag:e,by reasonablf.!_ ~riceS, den.ling&, and · guarantel!ld sat1r1fa~ · y·:Fa) from the p rerni,,iNJ of t _ hc S'l'RA soriber Lot No. ::!8, 2nd, Con. of Darluia-· ~ub VIAN SYRUP blown;,,, ttw glast<. Parn1>l1lct.s F .r c'S"· , NEl'S Ji SCREENS IN GREAT V-4RIE1'Y, 41' l;iOW Fl fiURES. higCou~h. . ... .l' quire of.MU. THOMAS,onthep~em1ses ! GRAY'S SYRUP 1s an excellent palliative in Bowma.nnlle, Jan. 22nd,1875. 11tf. Con>umpt.ion. GRAY'S SYRUP i·elieves all afl'ec~ious of 'l'h~·oat. L1u1g0i and Che1:1t. GRAY'S SYRUP is ·nperior to any medicine offerljd for n.ll the above complaints. PRICE 20 ClENTS. citf~'sYRUP t·eliev es Croup and Whoop- ,A HO"O'SE AN:O LOT A Q""P'l'l'IS"'"Oii1to.'I', W £1 ... 4 l~"t -. 1 l,:i.:. a. \Vhite Boa.r ?. i I ? '[,1.0R SALE. situate on Ontario St.reet. 1'n· , j APPLES I . ,. THE un<lt:niii;(ned \vill buy 11:nv quantity of GOOD MERCHANTABLE APPLES, TUB BUTTER, S. BURDEK . l'oW111snvill·, A\>i. 261b, 187~ . 48'1f. - -· - BUTTER I · Repai1·ing promptly attended to To your advantage to give him a. call. fl? One door ¥~~ of Farme 1'!.1 fld.t·l. :Howm·mille, Sep\. ~rJ. 1876. 4~· tl and pn.y the highest price for good Qua1·t 1 y and Chaap..__ ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTl lnformntion will be rcwartle<l. Seth W. Fow.le & Sons, Proprietorll No. 1 lUilton Pla<'e, Boston. WHO ilon. J. D· · · ,NoYOU>!Jo< 1~ J.117·. · · · · WM. · COU!n'lOE. Darlington, D¢c. 3rd, 1810 . 10-3w, · w. WERR~,~liDt\. 1~1'1 9-~~ru. SOLD DY DI\UGOIS1\~ OENEI\AU.Y '..>oc. Sr<l, 1875 . iO·\rp.. Da.rH11ritou 1Novem.LeT 25th, · J

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