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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 17 Dec 1875, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY J)ECE::UBER 17, 1875 POETRY. She lias Chosen the World She haA chc.:1en the world, And its I a.ltry cruwdShe kaa chosen the \\ orld, Al1d an ~nclless sh1oud ' Sht'i has choi;~u tho world, \Vith its rrus named pleasure She hae chosen the world, Defore hea\ en'I! own treasure A Cosy Home But we need not resort to far fetched n1guments to p1ove lts value Its effect on hutnan beings are visible eve1y.. day The pale face mi;chan1cs, clP.rks, shopkeepers, Unqu8'ttonably the best su ·tam·d Work of the kwd in the World ' TH.l!i MERCHANT has no\V' a, botia tide A Vicksburg wife mformed her husband the other morning that she was work mg herself mto the grave for want of a hired girl, and as he "ent out, she leaned back and fell to "eepmg The children were makmg a noise m the hall as he passed out, and he called out 'Yon \\ant to stop tlus racket Your mother won't ltve a \\ i-ek, and when you get a stepmother here next spnng, she won't put up with any such fooling 1 When he came home to dmner, h 15 wife met him with a smile and 1cmark cd 'Isn't ours a cosy home, Richard, with only our O\\n httle fannly to look 1 Harper's Haga:zine. ILLUS11ltATED. Ciroula.tion of 1000, and \Hth the exception of a few, these pass into the handi:I of the peoplo of \Vest Durham 'Ihepubl1c\\tll a.toncesee the uttht\ of the papt}r as. nu GO TO 'l'B:O:MAS l3A'I"rING'S If You Want the weakly, laded, colorless belles of fash1onaLle i::;oc1ely, who are shut up from year to year, are staud1ng arguments of its neces ]Jloticts of the P1 tM [Le c\ L 1ncren.s1ng cl.l"culation of tlns ex:cd lent inonthly µrove8 its continued ada-ptnt1on to popular dc1:111ea and neua~ Indeed 'vh<.1n we sity Compare with these the rugged farm- th nk into how many homes it -µenetrates every mouth we n1utlt cot 8ldt1 it fl.f.I one of the cdnca ers or rugged con1plex1on countl) lasfles It turs ar: vrMll <"1.6 enii-erta1ners of the public uund JS ADVERTISING MEDIUM. not lahor which mokea the difference She hath latu1ohod her boat On life'R guldy sea. , .l!...nd her all 1a afloat For Eternity, But Bethlehem's star Is uot Ill her view, .Andber cum is fa1 Ii~rom tbe hnrbor true The character which thte ~[agaz1ne poetscaseH, The mechamc labors haid enough, hnt no for va,neLy, ente1p:r1se n1 tuit1c wenlth and ht atratn ot the n.iur:.cle 1s sufllc1ent to bring era1 y culture, that 1t has kept i1ace with if it h:.w not led the t1mcs, should cause its con luct · the ruby tu his cheeks if he remams ·hut m:s to regard lt \\1th Jl1St1fiahle complacency up from the light of the sun Out-door The ~lagazine h \S dnue good and n 1t c' 11, :tll life offers the only rat10nal cxplanat10n the dayA of its ltfc - Bl'ooklyn Ji,aglc. Some of the niost popula1 of r oUern novelH Out door !Jfe, that panacea which has been first appeared as sc1ui,ls 1n this 1.Iagazlne off~re<l for s0 many ills, and \"tl11ch hal:i 1n all rPspccts it l8 an excellent pe11od1urtl, and proved itself 'o e1!1cac10us 111 rehevmg them. de.ser\ es its groat success -Philadelph1a Boston Globe It Hm.s No Equal in Uns C)nSt tucnoy, and this fact ts being con stantly demonstrated If Jou have lost anything, advertise in this paper If l ou ha.Vt> found nnything, ndve1 t1se in the GOOD AND DRY owmaHv1lle, ()BElP HOUSE. MEl\CH<\.NI MMWHANT colurno~ If you want to sell anything, advertise in this pa.per If vou want to buy anything advertise in the GOODS. ' \Vben the storm dosoondis From an augry sky , Ah where from the w1nda Shall the ve~sel fly ~ 'VhelJ etars are concealed, And rudder (:one, And hea\:en is sealed To the wauder1ug one after;>' The wh1rlrfiool opes For the j:iallant pnzo, And \\ 1nh all her hopes, l 'l'Cl the deep she hies I Bat "ho may tdl Of the pla ... e vf v. oe, Whc1e thC' \\1cked rlwell, \Vhe1 I:' the worldhngs go 9 F!N' the human heart Can ne er concene, '\Vhat J )ys ate the pail; Of those \vho beheve , Nor can Jni:..tly t lnnk Of the cup 1Jf, \Vhich a.ll mnat drink \Vho desp1i;e the fa.ith -1Vht!re1n li:i its '\lrtue 1 Its t!fllcacy 1n my op1n1on 1s o'.\1ng ID aa great dc.,;1ee to plentv ot sunHb1nc as to £Lil) other single cause1 " SUNLIGHT By the meie fo,ce of hab1t confirmed by BY R WAIJXER observatton we 1nst1nct1vely cannot counecL in our Hnag1na.t1ons health with snnsh1ue The bght ot the sun 1s the great primary 'Vhene' er we see a man bron].jed with the v1tnlizmg rnflnence of th> physical world summer a sun we thrnk of strength and It is Nature's grand. stimulant, the 1nd1s- vigor He ca.a eat, be can sleep, 111a steps pen9able nece\lillty to the exietence of all is claE.t1c and bis. wot1ons vigorous, but the Ledge,1 TERMS organ1zt!<l. forms vegetable of hfe whether anunal or pale, ,\lnte, Llehcate countenance which "e find so freqnentl) a1noup; the. sedeuttlry tell The trniest aower tb1t hfts 111! head ID us more plamly an<l emohat1call) garden or glen,the loftiest oak that spreads lts branches 1n vallty or on moupt1tn, as wtll as rnnn, crsatiou's crowning work, or the u1eanest worrn"'that cra~ls, are all uttl.!r than worde can of the D( rvousnei::e, n1a111ly, debtlitJ, with \\U.Dt ota.1)~1te, poor d1gesbon, irr1tnh1hty 1 and freUulnes8 ot their ownert>, V./c would not look ta these tor vigor at ly dependent upon it for their po"l'er to live body or rniad, for depth of Ieelmg or proand grow Without it Death would reign fundttJ ot thought or pouer of 011g1nat1on suprerue on the face of the earLh aA it <lid howev~I cultured aud educated Jour br1tk " \Vhen the spn'lt of the Lord down at first Ere prunal da.y from rught had burst " .A.way, then-oh, fly, Fr )Ill the J 1y::1 of earth I Her smile is a he1 here a a t;;Ltng tn her m1rth, Come lt.a'- l;;J the dr~atna Of this transrnnt night, And hask in the beam15 Of an endluSfJ hJht -R JI J.fcC/,,,yn< 1 \Vhcre Munl1ght is had 1u the.greatest tn f t·rnJity, there too we find Nature a moat tux I FARM nr1ant aua gargeous d1spla.}s Con1pa1e ---r.- walls and half a score of protessora may ha' e 1nade thc1Il =================::= AND HOUSEHOLD ~ the ¢xuberance of tropical chmes with 1he Economy lll Feedmg Stock ster1hty of cireeulaud's icy ahorea '"What 'Io i:use aud gather autlicient food to keep a causes the difference 1 Obviously the d1rect number of cows, sheep, or horr:1es through four Rud powerful n1iluence of the sun in send· to six inonths of w1nt1.:r, requires no small ing hgbt, nnd heat as its corelat1ve or con comitaut, w1tb all their magLetlc, {electnc i->ostage fr6e to ~tl1 Subscribers 1n Cnnada Harpers Ma.gazine one yea.1 ~ $4 00 $4 00 includes prepaj ment of i1oistage by the pnbh!ilwra Subsc1i'(ltions to Harpers M \.gazu1e, \Ve~k1y and Bazaar to one a.ddresa for one yea.11 $111, 01, t\i.:o of f:la.tper s Period1cul.s 1 to one address, for one) ear $7, postage frttc An :Extra C1Jpy uf either the )faga.z1ne, 'rVeek }y 01 Dfla-aar, will IJe supplied giatrn fOJ evety Clup 1Jf 1'1ve Subscubers at $4 each 1n one re m1ttance or Six copies !or $20 w1tbou~ extia copy postage free Back N111nbtns can be supplied at any time A Complete set of Harper ::. !\f i;a.:.1auli, ~w compnsmg ~1 Yohunes 111 neat cloth lnudtng will be sent by exprets freight u.t expense of pnicho.ser, for $2 25 µer \-ol nne Srngle '\Ol umes by mail, pofltpatd $3 ( loth cases, foi binding 58 cent.:i by m nl postpaid A Compli;!te An:i.l}tical [lld~x: to the i1rst l':O \ '.:llnme!:I of Hi:t.rpe1 's 11ag1uane has Jni;t been published, rPndenng available for ref ei ~nee tbe \tuJt and vaned of 11U1rmation which constit1Ltes tha1 per1od1cal a verfect illustrated literary cyclopedia, Svo Cloth, S I , Ilalf Calf, SJ 2;,i Sent postage prepu1d A series of p :i.per!3 under tbe title of · 1 '!'he lt JNt Centu1 y uf the Republic ' ctint11buted by the 1nost Prn1neut Amcncn.n pubhc1st:s, is now being published in Haiper s NCagazmo 'IhlB seues of over twenty papers gnes D comp1e hen.:i1ve ie\ u w of Progte"B du11n 0 the centuiy now closmg in e\ e1y depa1t1nent of onr nation llil life Newspa.pers aiu not to l.:OPV tln!:! o.thcrtise 1nent w1nhout the exprcjjS order of fl ~er Bros .Address, HAHPER & BROfji, New York, US 1 If you "ant to reach the public, use the 1Jf tJrn MERCHANI OUR 1\s a \veekly newspaper, the )[~nCRA:S-T MANCHESTER Sept 25th, 1857 scarcely exeellecl Sixteen columns of care fully selected read1nii; matter appear iu each ir:.sue .Literature 1 .Ag1 u;ultu1 al Family &ad mg, Genc1al and Local llews~u fresh and ieadable Subscriptions t ikeu any tune during the year THE .Oominion Or a.n Co'y. BOWMANVILLE Present the following test1mon1als from i.,,Om petent Judgee of Org:_anJ 'festimon1al from John Ca.midge, Mns Doc., Canluar, England BowUH\U'nlle. 24th n~c ' 187.:i To tlrn Marnage?s Dominwn Organ Co GEl'TLIMEN - I ltke to vluy Oll your Organs t.- e lR so sweet and stead)' And tho work ma.11sn1p and -finish ex.ceUent, o.nd 111 every particular they are equal, if uot supenor, t any I have ever heard. IIop1ng they will meet pnbhc appreCla.t1on TERMS 75 GTS., IN ADVANCE --o-- FOii JOB PRINTING. we cvtry fAC1hty We do not work for nothing or fun, but our pnces \'ill be found low as Oul' presBes are inn by stea.m power Important Announceme11t ! · Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes C11·culars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets, and e\ e1 ~ tlung fro1n the sue of a Poster large enougb to covur a ba1n to a. ha.If inch stup, printed in good style, an<l a.t cit pnces Spec1mem~ of wo1 k can be aoon at our office \Vork ha.nded out, n.nd the ca.ah ta.ken for it JOFJN CAM!IJGE Head the follnwu1!{from Rosu. D'Enna Bowman\1lle Dece1nbt:r ?2 1873 To the ..~fan<l<;a11 of the /)mnnuon 01-qa'll Co GEN:rll:ClIEN - I ha' e much "Pleasure 1n testi fying to the C'.'\<:elltint qualities of the Or~an supplied by )OU at m1 conci:rt ] Satu1day (JV~nlllK J he tone 1s sweet aud \ery lJO\\erful and the comburn.twn of etops most nduurable I am sure youl 1n!!ltr11mentfl \Hll find fa\ot ln Churches as tbcy are sin 0 ula.rly adapted for E!aCLed muf:ilC Vl1ah1ng )OU every succ~s a111 l that the public may pntronizp natl\ o manuiac ture I remaJll Gentlemen, 'rery reapect.fu1ly, 1Vlillinery,.Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- Grea,t Seduction, in :Ory Ctoods ! ' Crumbs for Chickens. atn<l rcvn ttyiug 1nftuences lll tbe one case wlule 1n the other ca~e these ahuost en tl!ely waD.t1ng ' Unkmd Boy 'Paper, Sir?' Swell-No , can't read I' Boy-- ' Get you a p1ctu1e book, srr ?' You will notice that when a boy steps on a Canada thistle, or sticks a splmter mto his foot, it's mvanably a few seconds before school ' What 15 that dog barkmg at,' a·ked a fop, \\hose boots were more pol1>hed than 111s ideas 'Why,' said a bystander, 'he sees another puppy m your boots' purifa;ation of the atmosphere SunlUJht w Natwe's qreat means.Jo> th· Carbomc uc1d gas, that ai:adly poison to ununal hfe, '!h1ch 1s constontl) berng evolve~ by the processes of )'lotur·, JS decomposed by !iv mg planfs and oss1miluted rnto theu struc tures only uuder the 11 tluence of sunlight Thus sunhght becomes at once the means by winch food is prepored for the use of the vegetable kingdom and common a1r 1s fitted or the purposes of nmmal reapIIallon Phye1c1ane have for some tune recognu:ed tbe I.ct that miasma and ott1er noxious b b h l b tt d f vapors w ic are our Y e1ng enn e rom tbe surface of the enrth nre reaaily d.apellecl A wife \\Ill h<1rdl1 ever notice \\beth · er her husband has had his han cul or lJOt, but let h1111 go hon1e with a stri1ngc:: hatrpm stickmg in his O>ercoat, and she under the rnf!uence of snnhght, while dur\\ill see it before he reaches the gal ~ 1n~ the DI6bL they accumulate so as to ren 'Pray, Mr Professor, what 1s a per der those "ho b1eathe largely of mg!Jt air ipl11as1s " 'Madam, it is simply a cir 1n unhealthy s1tuaL1uns extre1nely hab]e to cumhictory cycle ot oratoncal sonous1ty, ague8, lever!', and :)uch like diseases }i'or cuct1rnscnbmg an atom of 1dealtty, lost this reaRon tlle) have recommended r.s a 1n a verbal profundity 'Thank you, preve11l1ve of n11as1nat1c (.h"eases that at SH mghtlall \he wrndows of sleepmg aport' I'here lS no place hke home,' said a ments l:e closed to pre\ent the 1ng1css <f fop, the other e\ en ng, to a pretty young night\ apors, aud ab:it1nence from out door hdy 'Do you realJy thmk so I' said labor or recreation lJefure the sun has the young lady ' Oh, yes,' "as the re mounteJ h!S throne for ~he da} rn the high ply 'Then, said she, 'why don t )OU heave11s It is on yccouut of the absence stop the1c ?' of sunlight that night air 1~ not so good aa 'No one \\Ould take you for \\hat that of m1Jctay for persons rn feeble health Through tLe san1e sources also 3oes the you are,' said an old fashioned gentle atn1oaphlre become the mcdLum of t:lcctnc inan, a day or two ago, to a dandy, '~ho Hence the won had more hair than bra ms ' Why ?' and magnetic quaht1es was unmed1ately asked ' Because dertul acttv)tj' and force displ·yed by nil anunated nature ut1ring the hour11 while the they cannot see your ears ' 1 I .\n old Dutchman undertook to nallop !us son, hut Jake turned upon him and walloped him The oltl man con soled himself for his defeat by reJoicmg at his soo s manhood He said, ' Veil, Jakc 1sh a shmart fellow, hecan v1p his own taddy ' ' That's a beautiful clock,' said a clerk to a showily dressed woman, who "as lookmg for a farmly tune piece ' That beautiful I' she exclaimed-' w h} 1t frightens me ' ' Perhaps you had better look at one that hasn t any look mg glass,' said the clerk sun is passing the r,en1th, and the quiet and inertrn. " hrnh prevail wh·le "clarknese broods o't:r the earth ' Ileuce too tlie philosophy and vnlue of sleep at 111ght and acl1v1ty thronnh the day In fact the ab· solute Dl'Cl!SS1ty Jor the earths rece1v1ng the 1lluounat1ng an<l heat1ug properties of the suns rays 1n abunUuul n1ea.sure 10 order to its fruitfulness and ..capac1t3 for he bita\lon is proved by evidence so overwhelmu g 1n Its multipltc1ty and eut1relj conclll:iive n its character that it need not further be mentioned here Ilut that organ1r.ed forms wlH ther anunal or v1~getable iequuc the direct ra.J s of the sun to fo.11 upon them in or1ler to their best gro\i.: th an<l contn1ued exfotence w1ll not so read1ly be ndrnnted. Yt:t the proof of the statement J:s not the less posltn e and Ct!l tain though perhaps not .so a lovely boy i Just the mmge of Jts father I' exclauned a Oattermg par as1t1cal \VOtnan, kneeling 111 simulated enthusiasm beside the cradle \\here she supposed the babe "as sleepmg, when, plam and easy to be eatabl1shed to her confuswn, the old cat spr.rng The evidences of the value of hght com from the cradle, and cut short her eulog IU111 'v\ hat u1g in direct conttt.c~ wJth plants are ex- An Englishman travellmg m Ireland remarked to the dnver of a coach upon the tremendous length of the Tnsh miles 'Confound }OUr Insh miles I Wh), there is no end to them ' Sure, Sir,' said the coachman, ' the roads arc bad abou' here, and so "e gn e good meas ure ' ceed1ugly vaned au<l nurnerou:s 1 but 1t 1s not necessary I.Jere to ennmerale theu1 at lengtb 1 for these e\ id~nces are ever present. an I fannhar We all know how the sunfl.ower tUrns 1ts face te the east 111 the u.iorn· rng and eagerly follows the course of the sun throudh its clrc1ut to the west , ho"' the counths::S flu\.\ers throughout the day 'I don't miss my church so much as ) ou suppose,' said a lady to her muns ter, who had called upon her dunng her illness, 'fnr I make Betsy sit at the wm do" as soon as the bells begm to chune, and tell rne who are gomg to chmch, and whether they have an) th mg new on' A Vassar girl 1uote home -'Dee Pa\\ Paw, we stud) Latm fo' O\\abs a day Fwench, seven up, and sCience e1 ah so Joung The good matrons nevah Jet us go owet Won't you send n1e iny leggings and skates for a poo' ltttle girl who li<es m the 'village Don't ocean fmget the heel straps' Little Willie havmg hunted 111 all the corne1 s for his shoes, at last appears to give them up, and climbing on a chair, betakes himself to a big book on the side table Mother Sa) s to him 'What 1s darhng domg with the hook" ' lt 1th the dicl!onary , papa lookth m the dictionary fur thmgs, and I'm look 1ng m 1t to see if I can find my shoes ' ' Is tlm the doctor s office ? mqmred a man, "ho popped his head 111s1de the s mctum doot ' No, sir-the next flight of stam' 'Well, 1 am too tJ1ed to go any fun her, said be sadly 'but 1f yon see the doctor any tune, this mornmg, I i11sh that) ou would tell ]um that my step mother is dy111g, and would like to ha\ e him call if he gets time ' spread thelf petn'e to the tight and at u1ght droop and close , how pl..nt> shnt up m 1ll~ !lgb ted rooms reach out alter 1t They will gro" beyond their natural stature to a great height in order to reach evt::u an open chrnk m the wall For tLJS purpose a pot<:tto bas been known to shoot out Jti atalks to the hei_gbt of even filteen or twcn ty feet A plant gro· rng lll a room w1ll m st1Dct1vely turn iU! branches to~ard the \\ind ow 1n order to find Jlght JU greater abundance Indeed, Dr Carpenter, an eminent sCientlst, aaye 1 it is obv1ouely the want of th1a a~ency \\ ltich excludes tho poss1bihty of vegetatwn IU the depths of tho True, ve,..:etables of tLe lower orders such as protophyte~, n1osaes, JUUbLtooU)a, will thrive \\ ith u. small amount of it, but the b1ghei: ottlt>r>1 1 fru1te 1 fiowtre, groins, amount of labo1 and m0ney 1 and our farmers ha\'e t1J dose calculations in th1s n1atter1 or find the balauce on the w1ong- side of the ledger \Vhen the country ~as -new and tho land nch enough to produce bountiful cropa wi~nout the a~ plication of tna.nures, tlie k1nds of food costing the least v; ci c i ieferred 1 CQnsequently good h:l.J and giato auswer~d eve1y p-:::uposc, n.nd pru. ti,smg cconQmy by fe&d ing evervthing rbc \\as selclo1n thought of by the well to t..lo fa1mer J3ut of late Jea1s, ha.y, traw, and oa..ta lave bcc01ne cash articles e~en faL back in the countr), a.nd hundreds of m1lee: from our larger c1tics, and th1~ of cir cumstances naturally lea.ds the farmer to count more closely the cost of kce1)11lJ lns stock lf a cow w1ll conflutne two tons of hay dunng the winter, and this 18 \\Orth twenty dollars per toll, lt ,]nes not reC)llll'C 1nuch figunng to arrive to a <letin1tc conclus1011 1111egnrd to what may be expected in the \\ ay of profits Of course 1t would not be eCJ( nom) for the farmer to sell a.11 bis n"hest and best fodder, and th1::11 endea\Or to keep 1111:1 stock th1ou~h ..untorou the poorest St1ll by the avphc,i,~1011 of an 1nc1eascd a1nountof la.bor1n preparmg u. second in.te a1 t1clc,it.:; value for food ma} be la1ge 1y 1n01eased IL 1s here that economy Ill i.y be be pl act1i::cd and u; to a. cc.i ns1deu\ble cxtP.nt, by our tnost thoro11 h md tl1nv1ng farmers Hay it t\,er1\,y t.) th11ty tlolla.1s perton 1s very tlea1 (oud, but 1t 1 s so convenieut for hand.hug or feeding out that the o \ ners of stock <llli11ke to Jiapense 1'1th it even JI it Uric:. cost more th in they c l.Il ieall.} afford to in1.y 1 he s irnc may be said of o::tts, l nt couvet11tlnt:e goi:s a 1e\t \HLY in a derna11 l, espocia.lly 0 with those who are fnot compelled to pracL12:1e st11ct econom:y Butfa.rmets \\ho 1e~1de near good mmkets n1ay tm 11 111a.11y n. penny to the profit side of their farm nccounts b' rl1sposrng of their most saleable and reaJ1ly hS'ndl~d rrodu( e nnd thAn ustng tho~e of an opposite c4ai u ter for thc1r own stock 'I.he cou'Ser kinds uf fo1agc plunts will answc1 a,),! '\vell :\s the finer if a.rtificrnlly prepared, bp cutting up and steat111u,;, a<ldu1g meal, shorts or b1n.u nnd Jl\ ing root~ at the same time H ln.;,u tau grass rrullet, corn stalks, and straw brconrn hn:;t rnte fo..1d fo1 stock \\h1;JU propcnly }Hep ired by cool 1ng or stea.mlllg 'Ye know that thero unnuch prE-JU dice exIBtu1g all'1011g farmers in gnnding cutt1ng, R-nd steawrng f(HJd for theu stock, but we be lieve it 1s 1natuly in consequence of the extra. labor rcqnrred and not £ro1n any 1eas n to ap pr~hend lllJUry to tho animal Coarse food made palatable and e \.5Y to dtge;..t by such pro Ci:ioses as we have nau1t:d tf.! not hkely to l'e in JU11011f'. even 1f it ii; m a sbghtJy un11a.tura.l con d1tJon 'l'he expeuments of om most ac1ent1fic 1culturfots sho'~ that t 1s econom) to nrnke the food of dowostic annnnls as di!-!cst1ble as posa1ble, w1tl10 it de~hrO)\ll!l 1ts uututne pro· pe1hcs and forrniri,; i:. c.l-1ue<l to its g1c11otost perfect10n an<l B most profita.blo, when those pt0{ 1:'.Sses a1 e moat in voguo Our fa ..mers must learn to p1act1c<> et.:onomy by a Vilng, not wa>1tin,;, the coaner lcinds of fo.1m p1oduce wlnch ha.\ e to a gret\t e:xtent been conSldered of little or no vah1e 1'-lme l.'Oot crops should be grown, and Ute ~tlaW i:;tack utihzed in>:itead of being left to rot do\vn f1Jr u1an nre, es is 1rt11l clone O\ er n. lar0 e extent of coun t1y Let ihe gtcaru bo1le1 be set up and be tnore exter1e1vel~ nscd f01 ptripriung food foi stuck and better results will snrelJ follO\\ 1 es pectally u1 the olde1 State<1, "~ hei e all kinds of tax1n produ1.:u con1mand good pnces, } P.W far mers scent to\\ how little fncd will keep an a.ntmal healthy n.n<l 1u ooo<l. fkah, if that httle l8 put in the cond1t1011 to be all n.pptopr1ated to tho anunal s u se and not pasa oil llilU1gestecl 0 A Repositoi IJ of ]fashion, Plett8Ure antl lnsttu<ition C BARKER. Harper·s Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Manager ROSA D'ERINA Every Instrument Warranted for 5 yrs DR PAITERSIJ:!< PROP TERRY. President. Bo\vmll.n \ ille J anuar v 15 1874 Manager MURDO UH BROS. Having decided to make a change m then bus111ess, ate now sellrng lj:J1 CASH tb.e1r large an<l v,ell assorted Stock of Dry Goods, 1ftlhne1y Clothrng, Cr ocke1 y and Glasswa1 e, bp o:i m16 Bazar is edited IVlth a comlnuahon of tact and ta.lent thn.t we seldom find Hl ~y JOUr irn.1 , nnd the 1ounrnl itself is the or1g1n of 1011-Bostol 1.1cn1JUe1 rr he ::-IOllCJi :':I Ob THE 1.R..E8$;. E:E:LIANCE DENTISTRY! Ihe Ba;!;al commends itself to e\ ery met:nhu1 Mutual Life Assurance Society oftbe household- to the chtld1en by d1oll n.nd prett) pictmes, ti) tho young ]a.dies by its fash ESTABLlSHED 1840 1011plates111 endless va.uety, to the piovident matron by its pa.tte1m:1 for the clnldrcn's clothes, UlADA CHIEF 0.lfFICES to pale'rfam,~lias by its tasteful des1,.\'ns fo1 em luxndered slippers and luxunonsdress1ng )lowns 13L, ST JAMES STREET, MONTREAL But the readm 0 1uattei of tho Daznr is uniform Jy of g1eat excellence The paper has acquired DIREOTORS · a w1d~ popularity for the tirt!;ude e11Joyn1ent it '\.VALTER SHANL"l, Esq, J\.1 P, Cha1rn1aaI1, affords - N Y El ening Post Duz:.;cAN MAOD(h'llALD, Esq In itti wu.y thete lS notlnng like it Fresh :b'I AJOlt I E CA!.U'BELL, U B St II1laue and ti tH1t \.\ Ol thy ns a. :ta.sh1on guide its s.tones 'lJJI HONOHARLE Jon:N HAMILTON, Hawke and ci:!sai s its p0etr' and aqoths, are all 1nvigor bur!! Ont atine to the mind -G!UC(tr/O Ewnmg Jo1~r1wt RI SIDENT SECRFTARY - J·MES GRANT AT AND BELOW COST! c Tho Stock havmg be~n purchased m the EST 'llfARKETS, buyms can ,. depend on gettrng MORE .AND BET1'ER GOODS POR THEIR MONEY J Brimacombe, L.R.O.D.8. at this Establshment than m any other house m the country P::>stage free to all Subscnbers Ill Canada Hai per a B lZM, one ye1i,r $4 00 E{)ur Dollars incln<les p1cpayment of postage by the pubh,,hcrs Subsc1pt1onij to Ha.rpel s l\{agazine \\7 eel Jy and Haza1 to onl" n.dd1ess for one year, $10 00, m two of Harper's Pe110d1c ti'.!, Lo one address for (Jlle y"'ar, $7 00 po~tag"C fr<:e An Extra Copy of either the 1\inga.z1ne, 01 Bazar will be snppl1e1l g1ahs for eve1y Club of Fn e Subscribers n.t $4 00 e[tch in on~ l emit t::i.uce or Six Cop1es fur $2 GO, \\lthont extra copy p >stRge free Bacl\. nu1nb r!l 'an be hrrd ~t a11y Lnne 'Jhe ·v·olumesof }Imp rs Baza1 in ueat doth b1nd1nQ, will he sent by expre::;l'I free )f exp(:nse f ~ r $7 each A coinph:tt set cornplli:!tng l 1~ht \,.,.ohnncs, si>nt on receipt of cm~b at the 1ate of Fn:e Doll trs ind Twent) Five Cent:. pc1 vol, freight. at expcnso of pur chaser Prominent attention will be gl\ tin 111 Hai par,.. Bnzar to such 1llust1 at 1om;\ nf the Centennial Intcrnu.t10nal Exposition ns may be peculia1 ly approprtatc to its columns J'.'.Jcuspapers :ue not to copy this nlvertH3t! lneut without the cxpruia 01dcr of Harper & B1otht>ra AUdrebS HAlllER &Bnonrnu<1, New York TERMS S P ECI A L FE A T U R ES. E~TlilE PHOFITS belong tu a.ndare d1v1d ed an1onget the Policuholders Lifl!;l::i, DEOLINEU BY 01'HER COMPANIES, or on '~hi ch wn extra Premium would be required 1 can be assured 1it the ordinary rates of this Society, 'Ibo FEES MODERATE. OFFlGE over 1'JfoOLUNG'S Store Bowma.n\ille Dec 1(174 11 If Call Early, and secure Bargains, as tlte whole Stock imtst be sold at once, for CASH ONLY. under a $pecial arr(t11(jement no Sil ClAL 1\oN FoFl I rABLE PotrOIES Jseued under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay ments requrred, each payment secunng .Pohcy for a su1n assured proportionate to the nmnbet of p1emiums paid, o.nrlf1cejrom. futur 'Oayment of premiums )10D:ERiTE PREMIUMS and n1ost liberal oon d1tions Ptospectuses,Proposal Forms, &c , supplied on a.pphcat10n at th~ Head Uffice, or any of the ..<\.geuc1ea. THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT is now·complete with the choice,t supply of Just Arrived FASHION HOUSE Rplend1d asQortment o Ohristm as Goods, Raisens, 01trrants, S'tt· gars, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all Prices. · Bowmanville, Dec 24th, 1874 JAES GRANT, Res Secretary MURDOCH BROS. AGFN1' l!OR BOWMANVIJ,LE, 23 ly u Ollilerver Offi~ " Kmg St 'Bowmo.nville June 24th. 1870 NEW MILLINERY. .Aho a lQt of C BARKER, REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & "A Comp/et· Picto1wl llistory ojthe 1i?nes' - " 1 he B0st 07wv:pest, and most succe.siful Family Paper in the '[Inion " · Imt:Jel ial .Fire HEAD 0FFil:E!:I -1 '\GF,;cy Insuran~e OF LONDON Established 1803 Oo Also o. large stock of Stamps for Braiding and Em- , Harper's Weekly. JLJ.,USTRA '!~ED. broidery. - 24 Old :Broad St , and FOR (.AN.AD.A Pall Mall London. GENEltAL St N oticeiJ uf the Pres'!J Hu1pe1 's Weekly ts the ablest and most po\\ Cl fut illustrated peuod1cal pnhhi:;hed in this coun try It.s arc gcholarh and conT1nc reg, and carry much \\'eight Its illust1at1ous uf cuuent events ue fulla11df1e"h ~nda.iepre varecl by our bLBt de>;1gners '\Vith a c1rculation of 150 000, tht> Weekly is ieal by at least ha.If a. milhon perl:luns 1ind its influence ns n.n orgl)n of opin on HI a1mplJ hemendous 'lhe Weekly nnuutains o. po::iitne po81t10n, u.ud expret1sris cle c1dcd views ~)n poht1cal and so.c111l p1oblt!mfl Low1. ville Com 1cr Journal Its art1clesa1e model>'! of h1gl~ toned d1scusa1on, and its p1ctor1a.1 illustiat10ns are often cm robor ahve a1guments of no small fo1ce -N. Y . Rx amrncr a11d rJ/u on 1cle crament , Montre.!l FASHIONS for Sprmg 1ust to hand. SubQcribed antl inveRted Capital and l{eser\ e Fllnd £1 965 000 Stsrhng. Funds in.,:ested mCnnada.- 105 000 Insurances against loss by Fire arc effei.;ted on I moat favorable terma., and 101:1ses paid with uut retenmce to the Iloa.1d LU r ondon DBESSl\l.A.KING usual J DODSWORTH, lnRpector RIN'IOUL BROS R R LOSCOMBE, Barrister, Age1,t for Bowmanv1lle and V1cm1ty. Bcwmanv1lle,wJune 4tli. 1860 G-en Agents ~Iontren MRS- A. FLETCHER Bov;nULHville ApMl 7th,1874. 36 mo 43-39 4w New York lVeckly S~t n Educating Horses Horses ca.n be e lu c tt~d to the exte11t of the 1 Jnd ... u;ta.nd111nfl lS well ns cbtldrGn nud can be a.-; easily damagell or i tnned b} bad n1anag1.nnont \~ e behevu that the 1;r~a.t 'hffcrencc funnd in horses. as to ~1c1otie habits or rdtn.bthty cornes mme fro1n the different managt:'tnent of inen than fro1n vari::i.nce of n:l.tural dispos1t10n 111 the an1mnlti: Horses with h10 h mettle <.1re n10re easily educated than thos"' of loss or dull spin t s, an<l arc more su:.Jccpt1ble to 111 tra.uung, and consequently may be as good 01 b~cl, accordmg to the education th1 y receive Horses with dull S[lllt.s are not by all) mea.nsi proof aJainst bacl ,man~0 ement 1 for m the1n n1ay often be found the most p1ovoku:ig obsttu acy VlClOUS ha.b1ts of difftir~rit chtt.1 acterl'! th[\t rende1 them a,Jmotit en ti rel lHn Lhless Could the corr ~1g ge11e1 ution of ho1ses 1n tlus countrj be ke1)t trmn then days of c'Jl~hood to the agu of fiive m the hands of jjoo<l, careful n1an a0 er~ thme would be S " Cn a vast ddfe1e11ce in the general charactc1s of the noble a.nunals If a colt IB ne~ er allowed to get an advantage, it \Hll ne\ er 1\.now that it possesses a. po\\ er that mo.n cnnnot control , nnd if matlti fa1 wl1a1 \\:lt.h st1a.nge obJscts it \\ill not be sk1tLn;h R.nd nei v us If a hmse is ma<lu accustonied froin his early da}s to have obJ4tcts 111~ hnn on the h>'els back <\lld lnp<>. b(l will pay no attention to L110 gn.Jng out of a hnrness or of a. wa0 on tunrung agamstlum attn unexpected 1norutmt V'le once a<iw nn aged htll) duye a high spu itetl l u1,;1;, attaclu~ d to a, carnago down a steep hill, v.-ith no hold bu.ul\. str~ps upon thu h~u ness, anJ she assn1eJ ut1 that there \\as no da.ngP1 for her son u.ucusLomed his ho1 aes to all kinds of usages a.n<l sights that commouly du\ 6 the an 1 n1al into n frenzy of fol\r Rud 1:xc1ternt;iuL lts papers upon existent questi1ms tnd its 1u nnito.ble ca.rtoons h<ilp to mould the sentiments of th1 country -Pttt~burgh Oonime1c1al Ha1-pe.r s lVeekly stand8 a.t the bead of illus· trateU Jotunals 1n the U1uted StateH lll circula I'ot the foll1J\'1t1g Tnsura.nce Companies, and other Ins.t1tut10ns, -.;1z tlon, ed1t01al ability, a.nd ptctorial illm!tra.twn 'l'he QUF.EN Fire and Life Insurance Com -Ladu~s Repo:;;1to111, C1n . ."lnnat1 . p·nY Cap1tal£2 000 000 8150 000 depositod TFRMS \\ ith the Donun1on Government, fo1 the protec Po> free to nll Subscribers in Harpel s Weeki}, (Ille Ji e \r · · $4 00 dcra u1 Ca.nnda '!he ISOLAI'ETJ RISK Fne Tnsurnnce Com 84 00 inclncles p1evayment of posta~e by the pany of Canado Capita.l 50(l:OOO - One of tbe publtsher::i Subf!cr1pt1ona to IIa1per's1'Ia,,az1ne. '" eekly, beet and eht:iapeRt Cou1panws doing busmess in an<l Bazar to one a.drlres:J for ne y~a.1, 810 00, the Dolnuwn, for Farmers and Isolated Rn1ks The CA!\ ADA LAJ\'Drm CREDil (r two n:l Hu.rp~r a l' to one address with a Sa.v1ng:.. Bank departJnent for one yen.r $7 00 postage free 'fhe UNION A·n PERMANENT Bmldmg An ~xtra Copy 1 ( e1the.r the :\, 'Veekly or Ba:taar will be supplied gratis for and Savings Society '1'hc1=1e latter instltutlons advance Loans on every. Club of l 1ve Subscribers at $4 00 ea.cb 1n one re1n1tta.nce, or, S l" Uoptcs for $20 00, with llea.l Estate, on terms unusnn.llv for the bor1ower out. extra copy , free Ba.cit :Numbel"l'I oa.n bti ~upplied at anv tune Bowmamille, ] eb 6th, 1873 The Arnua.l Volumes of Harpers 'Veekly 1n neat cloth lnnd1ng 1 \vill bt;i !Sent by expres.<:1, lfree of expene~, fo1 $7 00 eaeh .A complete S1:1t, 1.:1Jmpri,,1ng Nine "iloluroes sent on receipt ot cash at the of $0 2£i pt'1 \Ol 1 f11eght at e::q1euae of pnrcbas01 Ptonnncnt attention \ill be given in Harper 8 "W" t'ekly to the illus tr ttlon of the Centennial In terna.tio)1al Expos1t1on Newspn.pcr~ hre not to cop:v thrn achert1so ment without the expreHS 01dcr of Hn.rper & l:hothcrs AddreRs+ hARPER & BROS , New York Jam es McFeeters. BOWMANVILLE AGENT Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co A BIG is now ra.g1ng at PTJRH :M:a,nufa,ctures of) TRELEVENS WOOD ANDI IRON coy WORKING MACHINERY Double Turbine Water Wheels, and ALWAYS GET Ca.stings of a.11 Kinds FIRST-CLAS S. REPAIIiS done on the and he is detenmned to contrnue to sell nJ these 1 urnously low pnc·s cheape1 than the cheapest Why he can do 1tF11 st, he buys for cash and knows JU St how to buy' Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, ho manufactmes 'rim d, he rn satisfied "ith small p10fits ' Fourth, he sells for cash , Fifth, he sells at bottom puces --o-- CALL A.ND SB:&: FOB YOUBSELVES1 AND Strowger Bros. NEWCASTLE llavin.; removed to more commo<l10ue prem1sm, rN which have been developed by ~(Vtli.ot1on, eannot perforlll tl1eir natural functions lJO· less tile.} receive its direct raJa in abun dant measure A "eed maJ grow in the shade but the most luscious Jru1ta, best W. BELL & Co's. Prize l'tieclal Or·gans \.Vhich in 18731 at the Prov1ncinl Fair beat every Amen can and Organ, t ~king the l! IRS l' l'Hll!IE SIIORTEST NOTICE, \Y c have now on hand a. large qu uit1ty of BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Examine 1 1 Common and Gang Plows, that will be a lld at --o-He still continues to ma.nufactu1e to 01<le1, from the best of mn.tenal, and none but first clngs workmen kept e stock, \\ hich comp?lEe:s e~ t>J~ h1ng in the trade, of tho vc1 v lnte:it. nn<l styl es and patterns, of l.i1 0 11:s 1, Canadian, a1Hl ..:\.nienc u1 nu~nufo.cturu mo~t ch gn. i - o LOW PRICES 6tf. Orders P omptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteej He has 1n stock an endle85 \'artety of Lrulies 1 and hcnte 8 ua.toJa 11 uaks, which hu is aelhng cheap for grn10s and brilliant flowers you "ill find are grown in the sunsb1oe It is said to h tve been proved by exper1n1eut tb£1t "bent grown in the woods <lebenerates into w1l<l grass AU htut growers kaow that ii:t orUer Also the reDO\\nell AT THE SHOP. l3owma.nv1lle, March1873 'rahses, etc , ~11 of --o- FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, b1.::g to inform the public ciene1a.lly, that they are now enabled to offe1 them HALLETT & DAVIS PIANO Boston l \Vhtch bad taken Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, Kmg St to \he growth of tbe ~est quality of frlllt tfiere must be the besl opport111nllea for ap propnat111g sncl1ght As \\1th vegetablcsi;o w1th animals They require sunhght 1n order to the1 best de· velopw~nt , yet the Jower ordere e>:ipcc1ally Be9ter Inducements in tbti hue 1Jf Furty-ni1w Fi1 st Prem ill mB Groce1~y (AS REGARDS PRICE JJ QUAL11Y) than a.riy other bouRe in the County --o-THE KING OF Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED MII..1LS. Another car loa.ll of the abo' e noblP articler; on the wu.y Please call at the M. Ilo\\ man\'ille, Ma 13 1874 · TRELEVE~l 7 TO THE 'VALTER WIGG & SON, fa.vol ~ ~ 1 A drag drnen by an elegantly attired lady, and wllh a tnm and neatly dressed colored boy perched on the footman's seat behind, \\as passing througli the streets, when it irns espic d b y an o Id negro woman 'Bress de lord,' she exc]aimed, rais1ng her hands as she spoke 'D1ess de Lord I never 'spect the predaceous vanel1es may thri'le with a small amount of1t, but"" "e asc nu JU the being through the peacefL;l and use iul an11ual or$(,llllllZat1on up to n1a;l. we find or B11siuess, SEWING MACHINES, --o-I !\- n - !ho SubtJcnb~i HI nut a. St1b! t1r \111 det Agent bit hfl.S the specml a~e:nc~ for the a.btHe I a1n p1~part1d to exchange Pianos fur Org i n11, 01 g Lll8 fm J\{elo<leons, also Sewing l\fochmos on reasonable rms !\.ddres$, (iiW B 0 W MAN VI LL E 11 W JA~IES, tbat sunhght in gret:Lter degree 1s it uecesa1ty A guD can bl:! fin1d from the back of a.. borsCl to their w:ell Ueing Tbey- ~.. acrot" 1.,-1:r--ae~ an umbrelia.held ovu hia llead, a hnffa.Io iobe -,, d 1 cl throk'.11 ovet hi"neck, \ nuhoad l:!n,, 1110 I lS~ ve1oped ~ ithout tl .. ven a ta po e ti e l "];'. h b d th t k u tb ' d ' 1 d t II nrtved of 1t tnskad ot Jlroorea1;>1ng into a c ose l<i cf.'ls umpr> w1 f.' ic fl nn e an1 \\ on er \Vlat a cu (' d to see d at tr It d 1" d"'itall\;;a n~ituralcondittonof things t hit rog w1 r~n1a1n a ta po e or egen~rate d 11 d 'ounl! gemman pa) s a young w e r into eonrn tn~n:'itrosttv and t1'Je l lckety 1f nlv .u.a rght bJ careful 1h it he '0n1an fur d11\ ing dat kerridge? I l'Jcrofuloufl con~tltutton" 'nloni:;trous cilmt:!S \\Ill nv t be rnjnred the1ehy 'l here ix great know d n 1d come but never 'spt'.cted to ind tt"rnhle vic1:~ wbirh are of Hu luxu11aut need > 1uupruven1cnt1n th1.: nu\na.gen1cntof this Jib to see it Dis n1gga 1s ready to go KfO\\th 1u the 1.:t!llar o.nd garret hfe of our nol)·tl ar.1nui.l J lei.Hbeatingl\antod and more of ~v.ay now.' tat.les afford s1m1la.r test1wony "',., /~" ~u.cat1on - In IJoor <lna 01Jt ,.. l Farm Implement Forwarding Agency tures, Loolnng Glasee1:1 etc Ku1g St , 11owma.n \ ille Rowru.a.nv1lle, Dec 5 1872 nlO lnn1 with a call ~O ?RESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD Great inducements held out to thm~e p111d1a..'!1ng at our esta.b lshme11 t I'1 to order, and 111 e\ ery style Sample5 of tLe d1fiercnt kind of o uJding!; cvn be !"!een at the ware roo1u \Ve 'vould;o beg tn info1m v 1u, tlia, having purchased a I'.'\ returnmg thank$ to the1r numerous customers and th,. publw gtme1nUy, for pal'.t I ould respectfully invite their a.Uent10n to our present stock of furniture, aa .., 6 ha\ e lately added thereto, that we may thereby be enabled to supply n.ll va.rtiea who may \.llease to f v; T Weight and .blecisu1·e Guarnnteed in every in,stance '11 'it.t f!l~s '!! SPLENDlD NEW HE~~SE, · , l·t y Specie ~\'!· A J J D STROWGER L · S'l'"'OWG:E"j Norw:oh Egg l'owder, fen ma.king all kinds of Cakes " 1thout E.zt!'P. To be had of all Grocers J[ J WEEKS & Co 1 'I orr>nto, aole agents fur Ontai'lo USE THE · - - --- "e shall b& reMly a.t t:i. 11 hmeii to attend fnne1-a.lf1 on ah 1t't not~cc and r&asonn.blu tertnff N B -Coffins kept on ,umd and mad~ to order 1 at the NEW DOlrfINJON RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOltl. 01hawa,; J S DONEY, TYRONB P 0. ' ~ . r Njjwca.atle,Aui:u::tt, 11th, l87l Jan. 15th, 187:;i. a fJmo$. King Street East, Oshawa ~6th, March Uih 1875 1670. · '

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