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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 24 Dec 1875, p. 1

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-- · ' l WEST DURHAM , THE MERCHAN'r AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. to~ Stea.m. Job'I'rinting Jfil.oe KING STREEI, BOWMANVILLE ctrcnla.tes largely 1n tho TownshtJ.?8 of Darling# Clarke a.nd Cal!twr1ght TER~rs It lB a. common pla.tform open to the free d1acusrnon of all quea tu>ns 1u \Vhwh the general pubhc are concerned. Seventy Jive e<r.1s 1cr ~n i 1r md 1 VJ.'1.ce The 'Merchant' and · Obaerver,' $2 00 RATES OF ADV .t!.R'lISING Ono column 45 per annum Half do 25 " Quu.rter d<: 15 " 'r1 ans1ent a.J,. et t1ae1nents,5 cts per hne first lll· sei hon, a.ud 2t.: per line, each subsequent one. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER VOLUME VII POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c &c, &c, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO FRIDAY DECEMER 24 1875 NUMBER XIII EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE and are et11l not sattsllec! with the re· sults of the war, let me eubeenbe myoelf a reconstructeU POETRY Christmas of 75 RY MR8 lf F B1JTr11 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! 'Vhen you draw U.e curta.ln s bright fold, And shut out the fierce freesnng cold · Trams will leave '.Bowmanv1lle Stat10n, Bowmanvtlle time ae follows GOIYG WEST GOING EAST DOMINION O!iGAN CO.'S -IMPROVED kND REMODELI ED r. . ucal*" M1x:ed 7 20, am I Exprea.fJ Express 9 30 a. m 8 30 B m. Mixed 4 20 p m. 2 20 pm 1 Luoa.1 7 60 p m. When fires wn.rmetat and bnghteet, And hearts are gayest and lightest , \Vheu soft cMpeh hush a.ll the echoes .And voicoa as !!weet as the cuckoos Ring through the close bolted door, Do vou think of the poor ' In JOllt fa,onte seat, a.t )Our caae, While oi; er the l. vory keys Yourdaaghters white ting-era are strayingHow fiur she 111 at her pla.y1ng ' & pure a!\ the EWuct Madonn,a. That louka from the wa.ll upon berW hen the song is finished and o or, Do yo l tbu:k of th.,, poor t Express 9 00 p m ) Exp1ess 9 00 pm. *Thill trata runs e\e1y mera1ng of week, ~iondays expepted CABINET ORGANS. · Drs. Reid & Boyle. SURGERY---SILVEH ~ ~~e, Aug20~ - -- - srr. )) ) you think Y. 1th a s1~h of p1ty, Of the celhus a.U O\ er the city, So dark an l du1ma.J, and c:old Whe1e huddle the young a.n<l the uld- Thia peculiar trait m the young fellow '1'erhaps be will recover hie reason by ' 8uch gamed for hmythe humorous title of tbe tL1a shollk of .eickueas, he !'!;aid ' Iu, entor All the men folt great kmd thrngs have happened' 'Do you thmk so 1 Pray heaven ho may, ness for him, even tb.ous:h their manner tosolemnly e3aculated the master and hia wards him "Was occas1onally hateh and im· tnen , a.ud they turned it.way deeply mov ed pntient Two months later the great bell hung Such was the person left to help watch the g1eat bl.. t for the castmg of the krng from a h.~ge derrick lll the lathe room of tbe factory, anu beneith it atoo·l a heavy liell of the chime ot St J oho e Faithfolly truck upon which it was about to be lowf!r he kept hts place before the !nrnnce, "bile ed A silence Jell upon the group of work the ruan Gevrge sat down at a httle d1sta.nco men as the pale face and feeble form of 'In and began to eat h16 supper Doulitless ·he ventor' appeared, borne in on a small re chntng chair He hatl recovered hts rea latter 111tended to keep a. general oversight., Soll, and wa!:I getting back hts strength but certainly made the inventor!) eyes clo Hts large gray e) es instantly fastened them tbe most of the ivatcbrng Whetbet he felt i:;~lves on the bell,thnt splendid 1naster piece a kmd of reckle·· trust m tbe mstinct of whos<'< making 1ueant so much to lnm They had told hrnt the wbole ·lory of the castrng, hl8 halt "ittod companton or indolently and the d!Baslcr 1n the foundry, but lt all concludell that nothing \\ roug could '8ouuded like a wild roma.ncA to h1m happen, he was sadly to blame for 'I ren1cruber nothing that l1appe1h d, charging luwself ao httle with th .. unportaut sa1d he, snaking h1 head w1th u aunle 1 Its uuty before birr.1 all JJe\\ to rr1e, new and atrnngc-~o stvange I ' I guese we are gone tb1s time Not 1 :l.... wo1 l "'as. said by either n atcher, 'Yes, said the n:iaster, de' outl), 'It was and ouly the deep ioar of tho furnave was God a bund Dr. Jas. , Fielding, ,Lu.:cutu~te of the Boyal Uollege of .Ph~fHCJau.s ~d1nburgh Oor ()Der etc Rei:!tdence Cu1nor of Chllruh and Sougog ~ti el'.lt>1, Bow1nrm ville 10 tf Dec 01d 187" J.l'.l of Surgeons Eng:lanll l\,fEMBER OF 1IIE lWYAL OOLLEGJ, Huddle and freeze together In the te111ble '\inter weatherAs for you the happy hou1s 1 Do you think of the paiu '1 ..,., Cl Prof. Vo1~ J. Ruse, G F11endsh1p, New York l . . :\.DU A1':E of Ba~te1 l..Tn1vers1ty of l\.fu1:11c :z: !'" d reacher Qf Piano and 01ga.u, cult1vatren S1ng1ng '!borough Dnss, li1U'mony Compos1t1ou, &c Tins Company has iecently been rn-01garu<1ed by the addition of three of the most piact10al men fiom the F,\cto1y of Clough & \Vaucn Organ Co day the glad bellB are rmgin(:h Darlmgton, July 16tb1 1874 41 l;r Detroit, Mich 1,each ta;king an active part rn his own pa1ticula1 depart- To And chnral voices are singing ment, and a1 e now matmfactunng an 01gan equal, and m iminy porn ts li1s v. ho bo1n with the lowly R R LOSQOMBE, supe~1.01,to any manufactured m the Umted Stttes or Canada Ou~ celeraugh~ tha.t love only ma.kes holy BARRISTJiJR-A1' LAW, Sa.ying, oh brother, to thee ~OLIGITOR IN CHANO/i:RY, tf:c brnted "Vox Celeste,' 'Vo>e Humn,na," 'Wilcox Patent Octavo Coupler," ' C'ello," or 'Cla'.nonot" Stops, " Flugle Hom " ' Dulcet," " iEolme," ' Wha.t thou dost for thes~ IS for Mt 0FFIOEc-0ver McClung s Store flat We may forget, but be 6Ul"6 'C~ emona," and Gt ,rnd O~gan Stop, and ia.a J jjr1m&con1b s Denta.l Roo1rui 1 1 :you t1unl.. of the boauty u.ud eweetn~tt Of wom"nhoo<l s lov"ly complekness 8o1tl fo1 a. t:n wsel of brearl, And a pla... e for the fau gi.ulty head ~ Sold when temptation 'va.s d1re, C.."rush\ld like a l-ose in thit m11~V\11th your puro happy danghten n1others, Do you th1n.k of tN.o~e oth~ra ~ D~ Bowmanville Oct 27th, 1868 ty He thmks of Hl8 poor MARRIAGE LICENSES. Lot 7, 6tl1 Con MR. JOHl\ H EYl\ON, Bcthes"da. duly authonzcd to Da.rlinlfton, All the Late Improvements Can be obtamed only m these 01g1ms JS -Aldtnt. LITERATURE. THE BELL OP ST JOHNS DY no'FUli S\RGENr Darlington, Nov l9 1874 18sue 1\Iarn~ge Licenses fuear Churcl] m8 tf D. E. McMillan, ATTOllNEY AT LAW, SOLIGI10R TN CHANCERY, GOA VEYANOER, &e , NEWCASTLE. ONT. Newcastle, Oct 8th, 1875 mol ti ~--------- ----- Tlventy-Fjve Di:ffe1·ent Style~, for the Parlor- and the Church, the Best Material and 'Vorkmanship. Quality ancl Volume of tone ' UJ1equalled. PRICES $50 TO $1,000. Factory and Warerooms, Oar. Temperance and Wellmgton Streets, BowmanUJl!e A11ei1ls lf'anted'in Every Oo111rity &ndfor Price List ONT Address DOMINION ORGAN 00, BOWMANVILLE In a huge and omoky foundry close by the whar\es of the tol\n of B--, a gang of men were gettmg ready to enst the largeat bell of the St John's cathedral chime Only an hour more and they would let the glar mg metal flow from the huge furnace rnto the mould \\htch "as buried deep in the black esrlh close by It WaBJUSt at evemng, and m the gathermg twihght the ltmd blue flames that burst from the top of t h e ta 11 c b1mney tiashed un earthly gleams upon the ueighborrng wrn· l!owe and house tow The scene \\1tl11n the foundrl'. \\US \\end and almost ewJuJ The swarthy Jonus of the wo1kmen, partly lighted by the ) el lo" glare, moving about hke Tarta.rian shadows.1 and the sooty beams and ponderous chame erossrng h a1f bl ac k· h · If go Ji! en, nu d er th e glowrng roof, recalled the engrnes of the Cyclops under ':\ft .<Etna The town clock struck e1x It was time fo1 su1iper All the men threw dowu their toole and ran and put on therr outer cloth lllg 'Be back m half an hour, ebarp I cned the lorge madter 'We shall make the cast r hear<.t through the vast found1y l d h George fintale tssupver, anJsauuteied into one of Lbe tool st10ps to fi id lus pipe ' Inventot sat alone before the great bl11st The one rul1onal J<J,culty of his feeble nnnll enL1hled him to co111prchcnd \\lint it meant, and-even sometlnug ot the rnag· itude of tbe ente1pnse that wo.s r1pen1ng ·ns1de those burrn 1g walls He knew the furnace \\M fnll o[ vuluaule metal, ao<l that close beside him huried. out ot SIJht 111 the deep stlnd "as the huge mould, ao soon to be filled \\ilh the precious cast He kne\\ and could aee that all the channels for the flow of the fiery liquid \\ere ready, and that near the mouth of the furnace stood the long roll that was to be used when tbe momelJt came to let on the molten stteam All th1ti lus hn11ted thoughts took in by ho.bit D1n11y cousctous that eometh1ng great wa~ to be done, be sat with h1s c.:yes on the furnace, absotb·d and mtent Su~denl} sometbmg startled him Th.ere was a.alight noise, and a burning cru ...k np peared ~ear the top of the furnace Then anoth~r crack, and a scl)rch1ng brick ft::ll out and rolled to the ground at h!S f.tet 'fhe lad opeued his n1outh to shr ek, but so terrified was be that the sounds stuck in h!S throat as if he hed been ma tit of mgbt mare A thm red stream followed the fallen brick, and txtckled down the furnace hke runu1og lava Then came another alartn mg nOloe, and a thm gap half ~ay down the maeonry let out more of the b1ee10g metal Where wae George 1 Was the nufaithful fellow still huntwg for lm pipe! Tbe fur nace was bursttng wtth only a, h1J.lf EverJ EJe turned upon the mvahd Son1e ot the me-n felt almost afraid, 1t '~ lUl so much like "1esurrect1on to ha\o him then: amongst them, the boy th~y had known ao long u11clcr \VJtte<l, now a J onng n1an keen and iutelhgent, as if chauged 1nto nnotr11c1 be1og 1 I ehould like to atr1ke the bell once two men 11ftcd lurn up and put a sn1all bamrr1er ln his hand lie struck O"C gentle blo11 A <leep AWeflt, mournful tone, .sol~o1p as the of distant "aterfalls, rolled from the great bell and echoed through the foundry Tears filled the eyes of the roi;gh men ae they heard It ' Ab,' said the master, 'theres a hallelu Jab m that, aud i\ mai well h"l!ln here Long may thta bell pra1Se God 1 He saved In the rtuha of the furnace by one \\ ise thought 111 the rtuns of a hutnan brain Our furnace is rebuilt nod behold, th1a dear boy bas bis reason a~mn I The bell and boy eball g]orifi God together' 'Aruen' murmured all the hateneril Then the ~rea· hell was lowered, and as tha truck was rolled B\\ay "ith its melodL ous burden, the boy was hfted and earned after it, aud both went out into the sunny day tog-ether, the :rougL tneo standing In the doorway· wavmg their hands , 'Little Inventor' aJt~1ward well proved bis claun to !he title eo lightly given bim iu his unfortunate boyhood HIS name IS) now read on many a bell wh"Ose rnatchless richness ol tone his gemus and ·kill m metals 1lone oreated 'I hat mght they drifted back about fotty miles from the land they were approachmg Next de.v was nior.., moderate 8ome of the men fell asleep on their oars and Jost three of them But in the heavy aeas, "fheneve1 a wave came, they were Rll ohhged to pull for life After a week ol such voyagmg, the Cap tarns wife one <lay saw · ship They pull ed for her, hut were not obser\ ed The day follow1np;, about 3 p m, they aal\ an 1slnnCJ aliout twenty five nnles off At 6 p m they sighted a vessel and made for her She proved to be the ship Syren, fron1 Boston to Honolulu The shipwrecked wanderers had been afloat or on fror.en 1sJauds for eJghteen day~, in all of which tlme thev had ne~er bad a change of gurmouts, bavrng loet every thrng wben they abandoned the ship Wheu thev \\ere taken on board the men were al n1ost b11nd All were nearly stnr.ved, and one sailor wns out of bis mind Tlit-) h1Ld to be raised on board the slup 1 and uoL one of them could stand or walk their kuees be ing nearly exhausted Yet dnrrn~ all those eighteen day1 of dreadful suffering Mr< Groves ht!U managed to n1trSP. her babe a.lid preserve both its life and her own Capt Newell of the Syrcn \VOS extl'emelv kJnd to the AUfferera, and they @ay words can ne1thei portray lus goodness nor express their gratitude An Incident of the War What Came of Havmg Three Beaux. (From ho.ti flw Toronto Globt) A HEM tRKADLE DUEL liETWEl!lN TUE CoM ScotT T. 0 '.'.!ANDE-Rf) OF .4. FEDEUAL AND A REBEL 1 t" Editor·! th· Ohwago Tribuno On the 12th day of June,1863, I witneseed a duel between a Capt Jone·, commamirng ~ d 1 a e era scout, and Capt Fry, commaudrng a rebel scout, 111 Greene county, rren nessec These t\vo men bad been fighting each other for six months, with the fortunes of battle rn the favor of one and then the other Their commanda \\ere camped on either side of L10k creek, a large and slugg1sh stream, too deep to ford and too shallow f f h b or a erry oat' ut there R bridge span· ned the stream for the conven1ence of tLe travelhng pubhc. Each of ~bem guarded this Undgc, that com 1nuntcahon should go neither north or eolith as the railro d 1 k h ' a rac ad been broken up months bt!tore After figbtmg each other for eeverol months, and contestmg the pomt as to whirh should hold tbo bridge, tliey agreed to fight a duel, the conqtteror lo hold the bridge uudlS'·Utedfor A good lookrng servant girl of Wrnmpeg thr~ beaux to 11et string, viz , a m1h.. tary n:ian, a poltcenlan, and an ordinary white man She had arranged inatters so thot 8eparate C\ en1uga were set a.aide for each of tht" ardent) oun6 suitors, and three different courses of love ra 1 smoothly One unluck} e\ e111ug l1owete1, all three eu1t 9 .... chanced to dtop .u1 one ailer another Au 1nter\ al of very desultory con\ersat1on and erubarrae.s1ng phrases terminated by the pattering of a tl:!male foot on the stairs '!Jere's nll~SI<:!,' ex\.)la11ned the girl, and the thrbe gentlemen bolted into three a<lJoin1ng roun1s 1 autl nll wa., c:iuppo eel to be well But 'the n11"'sitt hl}Jpened tv want some t.h1ng 111 the room where the ordinary c1h zen \VaQ, nnd she encountered Mr Citizen right the\'e 'What are vou do!Dg bere 1 What do ) ou meuu by IJemg 111 ttm room I u1d1gnant.1y inqu1r~J the nnssia, aud sht:1 su peradded the treat, ' I JI send for the poh e' M1 C1t!len calmly potntrng to another door, reina1kcd 'If ) ou want the police he 1e there fbe m1ss1e fie\f to the other door, found the pol1ceurnn,and poRred out the second\ ial ol ~ rath upon him thus 1 You're a nice policeman, a1n t you? What do ~ou mean Ly thi, cooduct 1 I declare I will send for the mihtarv l ' ].fa.dame,' re .. tarted the pohceruan, 1 nothiug is easter , !t )ot1 want the military you will !Lnd b1m Ill there,' pointing to the third door ~l1h tary d1dn t "ant to be unearthed , he promptly came forth and .aluted There was a slight scream aud a pt1.'tering of the femala ascending loot on the k1tch~n stairway, The three suitors c;me away without the usual eerernonics at the gate 0 · Wouldn t Marry a Mech&nu>. A young man eou1n1enoed v1s1tlng a young \\01nan, nnd &ppeared to be well pleaeed One evenrng be oalled when it was qmte late, which led the young lady !ti 1nqu1re where he had been 'I had to\\ ork to u1bht · Wbat, clo you worn for a hvmg 1 ·he u1qu1red in 11sto1nsl11nt nt. 'Cetlauily,' icphed the young inan, 'I am a 1necl111n1" ' 'I d1ahkc the uan1e of a rnecha111c, and oho turned up he1 pretty no·e This \\as the last t1rne the youug 1nan v101tecl the young lad) He 1s now a wealthy man, and bas one of the beet women in the c1untry, for a wife TLe young lady wlw chshked the name of a mechanic 1s llO\v the 'v1fe of a m1serab1e fool-a regular vagrant about grog-ahop·and the wit, Hrdan t, sill), miserable girl ta obliged to take m 11 a-bing rn order to support herself and obil<lren You dtshke the name of mecba111c, eh 1You whose brothers are but well dressed loafers We pity any girl who i· so verdant, BO soft, to think less of R. young man for being a. n1ecban1c-one of God's noblemen-the most digmfied and honorable petsonuge of hea\ en e creatures Bl::!"are, JOUng lndtet'.', how you treat young men u;ho worl... (or 11 liv1ng, for yott may onu of these day be memal to one of them Far better to d!Scharge the well Jed pauper 'v1th all h1s rings, Jt!Y.elry, brazen ness and porn pos1ty, and to take to yonr af.. fect1on the callon· banded, rndustrious me- A Little Woman 8 Pluck· ,.i\UCTION EERS For the Township of Dairlvngton. H. T PHILJ,IPS, RAMPTON l!rompb atttntton gnen to a&les 1 &:c on reason· able terms Rice &; Wm. Barton, EJ!.JHSKILL}.N, Sales p101uptly attended to on r~a.eonable teuna. Barkei, Agf311,ts fo1 ihc Counties of Durham, Victoria, fmd Noi th , and Soiilh Ontoi 10 BowmR11\1lle Dec.., 21st, 1875 ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool London, and Glasgow apply to FOR ] ickets, or Ulfl.rma.t1on, W A :NllADS, Agent J3owmn.n,.:ille, June Uth, 1871 tf 30 .. I would respectfully recommend him to the Pubhcwbo have favored me "-1th thtur patronage £01 the iast 'l buty yearii as a Gentleman ,..., cH qua! lied to 1neet then \\ nnt8 Jn the above hnc of trade and behe;re that he will give the utmost satlefact10n to all \\ho ftnor lnm w1th their pat W. BUNNEY, BUILDER, ETC., Havrng sold out w~ UABINJH & Ul\DER1AKING BUSINESS to l\fo W P PRo" tR Eegs to return<s to his frJends for the aup p0rt he has receh c<l the past t\VO yeara 1 a.nd ronage hopea, by cont1u11ed 11tr1ct personal attention to bus1uess, aod working at the 11'.loat rea@onable pnces1 to enP.ure a continuance of pubhc patron age W D IS prepa.Ied to build hou~e8 1 etc , on the most mod8Pl etvle of arcb1tecture Job bin~ pro1uptly attended to Plans and spccifi ca.tlona got up on apphca.hon, on the tnost re&. l!onable tertua, a.ud of evet} doscr1ptton Office at a quarter of Bt!Ven 'All11ght,sir' 1 crietl the oten in res punse Re2pectfully yourti 'I henr some of the to\ n folks are com Ye~,' said another,' it'll be sometl11ng to qpen the1r eyee Ther ... WilS never such a bell cast iu the whole State·· this one will be' " 1 R S MANNING ing down to aee the Vtork, satd one I and Shop, Ontario Str ei't, nearly oppo!tte ]..Ir T Bon;den'l!I CHANGE OF BUSINESS! To the Publw . ' Ha-zng bought out the Bowmanv1llo D·c 24th 1874 · la ly New 'l'ailor shop, menced bwnnesa in the Shop next to the E~ p1 osa Office, one door east of .T Milne's Having had several experience 1n the trade, he hopes to sa.tisfy all who may favor him w1th a call . r WITH F Y UOWI,E, begs tom LAIE form the public generally, that he has com JOHN HEAL, OA'.EINET BUSINESS -0£ lfn I~ In a n1oment more only one workman aud the master were left in the foundry 'I be former "as to stay and "atch the 'blast ' He had brought a double allowance of dm uer, and he "ould n1ake a supp·r of what r"'miuned 'Perhaps we can g~t the 1 l11vento1,' tb eta) w1 th yon, Georgl", mud the master, luughmgly, as he prepared to go 'Yei.i, where iP he 1 reburued tbe 1nau, in the same Jesting tone 'He's been round the works long enough to know when anything goes wroni;: Hal lo 1 hallo I I say 1 Where'· tha ' Inv·ntor 1' Come here Ab, there h· ie I' And lll e1 len~ answer to the summons, a shock baned follow with large gray eyes, and a pale, vacant face, appeared from behrnd a pile of caetrnge He had oo hlS back a gray slnrt, much soiled 'ivitb dust, and be wore a p1ur of huge pantaloons, held up by a omgle sus pend er 1 WelJ, Mopus, ql.toth the man, George,' sloppmg him ralher roughly oo the ehoul der, 'atlppoae you've wit enough to he)p to } ell if anything s wrong ' The young fellow looked ·tup1dly a1ound and nodded his head ' lhen sit here and look at the furnace, and don't take your ej es off' The poor lad em1led aud meekly did ·· he w.. ordered-Just as au obedient dog \vould have lain down to watch his O\vner's coat' A qncer fdlow "as thrn' Mopus ,'stupid enough 1n ordinary th1ogs to need 11 \vor1d S ?v!.ANNiNG and wluch I putpm;e crury1ng on at the Old Stand, King Street Bowmanville, Sa) that will f!Qdeavor to k;;cp evetytb1ng on hand tJ at ll:l needed in the }.,urn1ture Ha\1ng )lad TEN XEAl{Sexpeuence ill the Bowmo.n\1111.l Eunuture Factory and be 111g 3pp0Inte<l Agent to sell for the Company in Bo" wanv1lle 1 the Public can depend upon get I beg to GOOD FITS GUARANTEED .Bowmanv1lle1 Sep 4th, 1872 J...iiuo r w4V tf ting the New Partnership! BEST FURNITURE IN THE PROVINCE, at '\foderate- rates by gnring me a call REPAIRING OF 'ALL I mtcnd to SELL FOU CASH, makmg but Sm·ll "Profits Morris &'Watson GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS KINDS DONE, AND CHARGES MODERATE II.AVINe DOVGB'.T A NBW BBABSE, fro1n the celebt'ated MetJBre ...<\rmetrong 1 s of Quelph, I am pllpa~d to furnfah Funeralfi \v1th an outfit unsurpassed in any City In the Pr)\ ince Manufacturers of Sash.Blinds Doors, Mouldings, and Wmdow Frames, W>t" or ll!ithout Oasing With or 1mthout Band ;~[oulds I rkeep on hand, a Spleq.did lot of Coffins Shroudg etc , which 1 a.n be !ent out upon one hours notice, at any t1m" 1 thus meeting th~ want that emerienc1es, so1net11ncs cause to anse, in the country Bowmanv1Jle Sept 9th 1875 Yours, etc, W. P. PROWER " "-Planmg, Planing & _ Matching, sawing a[Jif-Turhrng, 01mcrnie.1tal Pfckets, in evei y vari/ ; ; u,nd Scroll Sawing of every deacnpt1011 fioNE ORDEll, on the SHORTEST NOTICE. RE~IRING FROM r1 HE OONTES'l1 1 · $20,000 WORTH OF GOODS 1 To be Sold without Reserve, at less than Wholesale Prices. of watcbrng, Lut withal, \\OlJderfnlly flt to watch a furnace Ile knew ·ll the worktug ohhe fouudri by what seemed a sort of brute mstmct, though really L\S sttange ea ga.r..ity was u. tewnant of a once br1~ht Ulllld / / ' bops on Liberty Street North of the Eastern House, Bowmanville\ille July 9th, 1874 41 t£ A. CABD. I the .E-:tdu~ra;e ag_ent for the sale of my VUL CA?S:lZED P.ENS for Bo,vma.n' ille Ont thlB day appointed C BAB.KER JOSJ;JPH MA80JS,P P J J JACOBS 13owmanvill· Sept lOth,1874 m ti . J. CHAPLIN, Ft uit a-nd Ornamental Trt~~ SfedS, Bu.lbs, Flowera Ju: , ~ DEALER IN )f1 C guare.ntees to funnsh uot h1ng. hut First class trt!e1:1, a.nd true to ..1.ddremi, P 0 Box 6!:1 Bowm&n'\'llltt JAD 22nd, 1S73, bp Jy wl7 o4 If anytb1uci happened or \vent in an uu· usual \\ll), he \\OUld always notice 1t, and say what ought to be done, though be could not tell, ~ethapa, "by it ought to be c!ouo hM decided to go out of the D1y Goods busmess, and" 111 commence I \\0 l eare before, he had been an mtellt on the geut, prounsing lad Ile was tbe eon of a designer connected with the foundry co1n .. pany, and hac! al wai e been allowed free ae cees to the shops, and to mmgle w1tl1 the men and watch their \\ ork But one day a ct~a.nd !j1"at hftlng eLam broke, "ith its load, and The Spung Imf,ortat1ons only havmg been completed a few weeks, the au irou h:agmcnL struck h1w ou the head, St CK ts very a1ge and well assorted As 1t must be sole' withm a iafl1cbug a. t::evere i11Jury }.,row this he pai trnlly recovered, and only partiall), for given time lua rea<::lon was 1npa.1red But lus natural Bed:u.o~ion. love for n1acl11nery and ruecha111cal expe1 TERMS OF SALE :-Undm· $50, Cash, ove1· $50, Four months meuts remarned, and ae h" bodily strength Credit on approvad notes. returned, he spent most of his hn1e making The Tailoring m Order· rl Work, will be continued as usual, dunngthe Sale small wheels, and ehafts, puttmg together odd contrt\ uncef;1 \\ lnch hd \\ otlld exh1b1t F F l\fcARTHUUR Bowmanv1lle May 1875 with immenr;e prule and satisfaction. F. F. McARTHUR 20th of Day, A A. Tre:m.endo11.s 1875 Clearing Sa.le of his Entire Stock. will be :m.ade. idiot lad to guard it I XIIROUOH ~llliPESTS AND ENDURING H 4 Ro What could he do! He did what per SHU 0 THAT SHUT&RED SIROl<G lIEN haps a lad lll his right nnu<l wonld not have dared to do l{usbing to the mouth ol the Fi oni th· San Franmco Ohromcl· furnace, be Selz.e<l the long iron rod that stood near, and tapped the vent. One dee On the steamer Mikado, "hwh amved perate tbrnst >11th a shnrp pomt up tt,e te1 iu tbis port on Saturday last, carne Capt ' 1ug etror..e " s 1 Groves and hie wife and t'!\o "hildren, one ri bl e fn Duel- · few quick Pr" "' Stand back now The confining clay fell a ha lie, \\ho have bnd n most remlirkable away, and. th1J restctless force It leaped. escape "'rom being ~""allowed up by the rnto tbe clay hued troughs, ancl hi·sed its ocean All that human bemgs could ehller, way flaming ,1own to the u1outh of the endure, nnd hve, fell to tht>Ir unfortunate bell mould lot The Captam and his wile are both n he 'fool 11ad done a deed worthy of a comparal1vely l oung, and look suft1c1ently ' genetal on a hdd of oottle careworn to hO\e borne the burdens of Was it too Jat· 1 E\ery DIOlllent new fi· many morn Jeara than have yet rolled over euree opened rn the doomed furnace Some their beads rhe lad) is small, delicately of the u~per ·tones toppled over Still tbe formed, and vet plucky, or courageous, and metal poured out into the inould But the full of an1mat1ou \vheu detluhng the thttll waste wae great from those gaprn~ flaws rng adventures through "Inch she and her The pressure \\as reheved b~ tbe open husband have pas~e<l coo1, detern ined, and heroic und1:::r such >ent, but the leaks multiplied eont1uuall) On Apul 20, they left Ant.1 erp for Cal cncumstances 1 ha; e read of the deeds of It was art Hmnrng a race \\iib mm Jao m the sb1p Albert Gallatrn They bad chivalry and kmyht errantry w the tutd<lle l'oot ' Mopus' stood po"erles· belore the a pro·.Perous voi agc for three month· But age·, and of ~rave men embalmed m modero connng co.tastrophe A great heap of red on August 2, ofr Co.pc Horn, 56° south and hot bricks and rubbish fell at bis tee~ H 79a \\est, n heavy sea struck the slup, and poeay' but, "hl'n I s~w thts man Jones llad barely tllought togetout ofthe \Vay cti.rr1t>duwaytherudderataboutlOoclo ... k con1etotheduehoh1 scrtlcb, fighting, not an<l save his life He hear.i a wild .:ibout of P m '!hen for fourteen days e\:t::ry effort for real or supposed wrong" to hnnsclt but, human \Utces iu the diatnnce, an<l then an was to replace it' but the "eathcr as be houe~tly thought, for l.ns couutrJ and ( awful roa behind lnm, and he saw and f1;lt cont1n1lcd ae,ere anJ the iougu \\inds an l 1 1 bunsell pur.s11ed by surges of sccth1ng fire \\nvcs t'osstd the rudUerles~ ship to aud fro t io g OrJ o the flag I could not help ad Sharp, bhstcllng pains pterced hisilesh ata like a cork AnJ. nll tin.a time, as tho rn1ring the 1nan notw1Lhstnnd1ng he fought huudrc<l po1nts The rest was all a horr1 heavy seas rolled over Lhe \Cf>Sel, C\cry soul for riJ.e frccdotu ol the ucgro, which I was ble umntdhg1ble dreuru It \las as if he on board was oontmuull) dienched, '0 that opposed lo harl suddenly sunk rnto the earth and bad not oue ol them wore a dry garm~nt for two l r) " h · m 111 full ·ix foet b1gh, ·lender, been swallowed up foreler weeks By seven o'clock cowparatlve l!UJetreiga .At length, Aug 15, the O\cr~ashed alup wlth lollg, \\R.\), curhug hair, Jet black cba111c ei:l again on the scene of the d1saat61 was fDund to be within two milee of eJce, Vt~~u1nga eloucbtd hat and grey !!Utt, ThouMnds have b1tterlv repented their Ruins lay every.\vhere 1 he engiues had the Ildefonso lslandti, and dr1ft111g on to and loukioJ rd.titer the dem0 n than the man quenched tbe flames that bad caugbt the the rocks lmmed1ately all on boaid of the There """ notbrng ferocious about lnrn , folly who have turned their backs on honest mdustry A law 1 ears have tau1<ht then building and t '-e men bl ckened w1·h unruauo.geable vessel were con1pelle<l hoat1 ' " ' .. ~ amoKe, stood 1n eileut groups about the 1ea I~ to abandon her, which they did in two but he had tl1nt st=Jf suffiment uonchalance a. severe lesson -.........._ mama of the furnace It hnd !alien to hfeboate at 2 a m '.!be Captarn, bis wife, that said, '1 will kill Jou' WllltJit a pieces nnd nothing ";\as Jett but heaps of t\\o children aud five seamen took on~ boat, doubt, he was brave, cool, and collected, "Couldn t St<1p " steanung iubbisb and the> reLna1nder of the crew the other, n.ntl. although suffering :from a terrible :flesh l >oor I ll\ en tor, ' \\ 1 io b acl been foun d and the latter has not been heurJ trom wound in htd lf'ft arm, received a week be· This ts the way a great many i>Q;rs get \\ ith the tapplng rod in lns hand, lying on since Alter all were tu tbcsn1all boat tue Cap fore, he n1anifestcd r.r.o eymptorna of'd1stress, into diffieult) -'they get a going and ihey hta face 1n tbe $!.and frightfully burned bad been carried to Ins home tarns bravo httle w1lo rushed on to the but seemed i~a ly !or the fight ean t etop Tho toy that tells hes begai.. L1Ltle \\ias said, but the fe\V words spoken 1 eh1p 11nd sna,tched Ri\ av the chronometers The f!.rOltn l was stepped off by the seconds, at first to strcteh the truth a httle-to tell uttered with no nnlc! empbas!S the natural aud cbarts ·ud brought them eateh away ptetols "etc loaded and exchuuged and tlie b h f a large ·tor) -t'J! he came out· full grown wrath o[ master and haode agarnet the The hfoboat was soon filled w1th water and prrnc1 pa1s roug t ace to lace I sha1l 1 1 man George, whose excuses for himself only was "cllmRh swamped beSlde tbe eh1p iar exaggerated bis ofi'l:!nae Th ... bout got away \lith s1x.ty pounds of never forget that meetiug Joaes in his Two boys began by banter1ng other, · i:lee what he 6 douo,' said theJ a few bread, but th1S was saturated with salt wa w1l1tary, boy!Sh mood, as they shook hands, till they got a going and couldn t stop days later, as they etood rn the half burned ter "hen she filled They brought away remarked that T bey separated with black eJ ea and bloody 'J:!"ive thousand dollars gon~ 10 no I res h \Vater, all d for tYIO d ays \Vele wit h A sold1erb1avesdeatbfor c.fanci{ul \\reath, foundry wnste in u. mu1ute l The best JOb 1u twen out n drop while dnven about b.) by thti 'Vhen in glory 8 J'Oina.ntJo career noa~s 1 years spoiled The rascal to go huntrng bo!Sterous waves and eeekrng a landmg Fr} caught up the rest of the sentence, Did you hear about the )Oung man steal 1 tor hts p1pe, aud leave that stuttering 1d1ot place ing from his masters drawer 1 He came to watch 1 Is that all that he can sa· for On Aug 17, they got on Hermit Island and answered by saying ' I h d '· y ct 1ie b ands o er the foe when ln battle from the country a l)rom1a1ag bov But h1mselt 1 Out upon such careles~mess 1 b ut t b e six tars t ey remaJDt: t.uere lt Why, the boy didn t kuow enough to bawl thundered, and lightened, and snoweJ, and J.,d 10 ,,, the rest of the clerks W<lJt to the tbea're out when be n1u!:lt have seen the furnace were so httle better off than on the oct:an And bathes every v.ound with a t~ar nnd smoked, and he thought be must do so tumblrnJ to piece· I ' The rocky isle w.. barren, umnhablled,aud 1 bey turned around and walked back to too lie began ihrnkrng he would try it The master who had more at stake than aesQlale Aug ~4 they left this, th td t-·· J d had once or twice He got a ·orng und couldn't the 1uen of coursa f~lt the loss more keen hoping to tnake 8taten Land, suwe Lun e pain eaigna cu ones 8 secou Jy thaiL ihey I-le almost wt pt with nnn dreisof 1n1les cu.etant, but near the Straits the \\or<l 'Fire, and as he slowly said, atop I-le could uot resist the tcmptntxon, glcd griet and rage Suddeul) someth1ng of Lemaire, through wlnch wessels orten 'One-two-three-fire 1 they s11uultane- when be knew there \\aa mouey in the pcculla1 caught his eye o.mong the debris, pass They were out but a s1n5le day,how oualy turned at Lhe word 1 One, and in- dra\\ er He got a. go1ng-he w1ll atop in and he cried in a ~tartled voice ever, when the sea hecawe too heavy for sta.ntly tired Neither \\as hurt They prison Hallo · What e th1· 1 What a this 1 them to proceed, and dro\ e them back lle snatched up a hagment of one ot the 1nto Scouiheld Bay, 0 1 fl rchi lL !~land cocketl the1r pistol!~, and dehberatel.} \\alk Some Joung men we1~, sorne yeata ago, troughs wlnch bud led from the furnace to But the sea was so rough tl e} could not ed towards each other, firing as they \\ ent in the bab1t of meeting togethet, in a room the mould There were tra"es of tne stream land, and had to s)ay in the boat nll night At the fifLli shot, Jones thre\V up lus nght at th~ pubhc houae1 to 'en10~ thcmt!cl\'es,' running 10 1t 'rhen the possible meaning Everytlitng \\'UR 'vet, and they h9.d to bail ban l, and firing }us pistol in the nir, sank -to drink and smok"" One of them, as he of tbe uon found in tbe lOJllrtd boys band constant}.} to keep tbe boat from going l F1 th t f fi I 1 was go1na ot et\ einna, bcoan to think flashed upon him do"n with them The ntght wi, very cold, c own Y was m ea, o rmg ns aat ~ n n 1 Bnng nie a. sho,el, quick, he shouted nnd the canvas over their bends froze stiff ehot J but, seeing Jones fa.lit silently lower- there unght be danger in the \\&y He atop A spade was put 1uto Jne hands, and he 'l'hey could not he down or 0 leep, aad bad ed hts pistol, dropped 1t to the ground, and ped and conSidererl a moment, and then began ner\onsly to heave away the hot to a1t in a stooping toatt1on, wbich. l\.1rs sprang to Joues s side, taking lna head 10 mud to h11nself1 'Right about facer ma.s that Jay piled over tbe bell mould It Groves did with her abe on her lap, wh1le '· l 1 t d d k d h I b He dro11ped his cioar, went back to Lie was a herculean task, but he worked hke a the snow OU the d\\ lltng pressed It down so uis ap as ie aa own, an as l' iui 1 e n giant, and three or four of his llltHl took low and hard upon her head thn.t her ath was hurt room, and waa: neve1 seeu at the public house tude was anythrng but comfortable I discovered that Jones""" shot through agam Six of the 'ouug men followed his hold and help<d h1 m Next dai they na.\lgoted around tlus the iegrno oflhe stomach, the bullet glanc example Tbe rest got a gomg, and could Brick bats, ore, slag and ashes flew m every d1re.,t1un Presently the musters island and landed on Wollaston Islan<l iag around that organ, and connng out to not stop till th") L.1.11\.l J, inost of them, in spade penetrated tRe sand and touched \Vb1le on thesu blacir, barren and rocky l f dn,nkartl s grave~ llt.::\\are, Lo_,., of the somethrng He stooped down Then he islands they often found 1l d11ticult to get a t 1e le t of the sprnal column , beB!des, be leaped np hke one ball frantic, and plyrng fire, and suffered rntoleiauly from the cold had reccn ed three other frightful flesh fi·st cigar, or chew of tul>acco Be sure you his spade wllh redoubled energy, tore away Here they found a little wild celery wlnch wounds mother port10us of his body I are m the rigbt ""V b,fore you stait, for tbs remammg sand, chscloamg what looked they mixed with their salt sen soaked bread dressed his "ounds and gave him such when ~ou n1e gomg do"ll bill, it is bard hke a great metallic ring o.nd some preserved nleats, "h1ch thP-y had ' to stop 1 ·Men he cried out, liftrng his fiuebed served m small 'luantilrns '.!be daily nl· stimulants as I had He alternards got One mght a miller was n~akened by bis face 1 the bell 18 cast Iowa.nee of each one \Va.'11 but a couple of well con1el trying to get bis nose into the tent '\Vbo du.l thlB 'l asked every exctted ounces of tins <.:oarse, which wn.s \Varin l1ry rece1vt:d three wounds-one breaking ' It is' ery cold out bere,' said the camel, vo1ce, 8.8 soon as the cheering <.lied awa)' ed !lltogether, and each one took a spoonful is left arm o:ie t n hts lc:ft aaJ one 10 the j 'I only want to put m) nose 10 ' The mil' Come with me tw<for three of you 1 There were nme souls of them in all They ' ler ruade no objections Soon the camel cried the m·ster ' 'I thmk I kno" wbo remomed JO this ihotressrng cond1t1ou until right Slde After months ol ·uffermg h~ 1asked leave to have h1S neck rn, then his did 1t lt s a nttt~cle I the lollowmg Tuesday, when they agam got well Neither of them asked fora die- feet, and rueetmgw1th oo oppoS!t10n from They humed away to the home of the started for Staten Land with a hght wmd charge, but Lo.h resumed their command· I hlS master, he soon bad Ina whole body m half witted boy The attendant me' them lrom 'be soutlrneot At m1dn1ght they when the..- got well, and lougot the war out lbli ""s very d1Sagreeuble t? tbe ruil\er, were becalmed au hour or tl\O after which · whocomplamed of the camels conduct If with hrr fingers on her bps 'The poor boy 1n bri.11n fever, she said the wind freshened from the' northward to the bitter eudt and are to day partners you dou t hke it) ou can go,' R..'lswered the 'Does be say aii)~ng in bis dehrium 1 Next day it ble" a gale from the northwest, in a \vholesale grocery business don n South caruel, 'as tor me, I Lave, got possession, whispered the master and in the ev~niug the tempest became l!!O doing a good business, and ver1fy1ng the and I shall stay, }OU 1.:.-1.n t g(...t rid of me '(), yes, he raves all the time about the fie1ce that they were c.bhged to inake a raft sentiments of BJ ron that 'A soldier brn"Ves now , t11 g boll mould 'J hope 1t will fill-I of lheir oars and lash the boat to them and Bo)" tin· ugly camel represents the · VI· ho e ~twill fill, he says' \,......_ let hc.r drag, while they were kept constant death, etc' etc h'\bita ond 11ttle inns, " hlch, l~ not continfbe mer. exchangecl glances It""° m ly baih11); They agam lost all the fresh Trustmg tbat the ,,\Jove truthful 1 ually watched, creep mto your ltvee unawar· deed true The !d!Ot had Cai!t the great bell water on board, ttlo k~t oiled and a.stroy- Dormtn e Wlll be a lesson to some lleople [ ee The dram, the qmd, the cigar, get hold of St Johns Just then the physician ed all their prot1:'>1or18) and l\irs J-u... ves North and South 1 that stayed on of n boy or a young man, and ea) to h1,n looked up to her husband and said sac!ly, J the ou·SJde and yelled 'Seek dog ' 'You cant Ret ml of me -Good IJheec come out Jones gave the challenge, nnd Fry accepted The terms "e1e that they should fight" itb navy pistole at twenty ) ards apart, deliberately walking towards I lh d fi eac i o .zr, an ring until the lar;t chamber of their pistols "as d1schaiged, unless one or the othet foll before all the di charge· d \\RS ma e uey chose their seconds, and d agree upon a rebel surgeon (as he was the only one m either command) to altend them in case of danger Jones was eertamly a fine lookmg fello\\, with light ban and blue ei es, fi"e ' feet ten mchee lD height, lookmg e1ery rnch the mtlitary ch1eftam He was a man that soldiers wocld adnnre and ladies regarded with admiration I nevi r saw a inan mor~ the t1n1e being c ·r 0 !") . /. I

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