( y . ·-~ [. - \ __________ ___ _ L___ ___ _ THE MEHCHANT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1875. '-------House-and Lot for Sale. on the C'cntt-e road, a fran1~ house, 25x25, newly fitted up inside, with about a ;t ncre of huJCl. .A pply to Bow111anville. Dec.16, 1875 Crack this Nut if you .Can ! J UST OUTSIDE THE CORE'tJR:l'l'ION. DR. MORrtl"l. :;.-wks. To Let or for Sa.le. FllA.M.K HOUS};, A l{UOD Duk!:l Street. Apply to Bowtuau-vill~,J)e.c.10Lh, situate on Toys? Toys? HRISTMA IG_QODS AT ' S. W. :MASON. 1875. ll·tf. To Masters of I.. 0 I.. ·BLANK &o., &.o,, regular r.-..te11. CER'l'IFICAES, ApplicatioJJs e&n be procured at thJ.B office,at 1 Bowmanvill July 7th. 18fi. R. JJT SOLD, EASTON'S. SPLENDID JEWELLERY, J1'Jl/RCHJLD'S UOLD P'ENfI: N. B. Skeoia.l :Barga.ins a.nd l3ea.utiful Goods · . WORK .HOXES, WRIJ'IKG DESKS, CARD CASES, PENCIL CASES, PURSES, SATCHELS, HAIR BRUSHES, T01LET SKI'S, AND . TOY TEA SETS. New Goods! AND Great Choice in Vases, Motto Cups and Saucers. Splendid value in Concertinas, Violins .. Musie, Pictures. Mirrors. MUST BE CONSIS'fING Ol~ s·ruo10, Tait & Arthur's 1·hey ha.v~ f;lllAage·d n. BOW~ANVILLE, Superb Xmas Mottoes an. d Cards SkateP, Sleighs, Rocking Horses, Jack Kni ues, Gmnes, Toy Bool~s. Poets, Family ancl Pocket Hibles, Clmrch Se1·vices, Hyrn n Book&, J:G., &c.. Diaries for 1876, ancl rnany othe?· ctrticles too nmnerou.' to 'mention,_ WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARF., ETc. FIRST-CLASS RE -TO~CHINlt ARTIST, who will im1nove th ei r ·work Fll!--.1'Y l:.el' Ce.11t. Bterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold Wedding Rings. AARON B7JUKLJtR. ) , , i_; - .- o - Photos. copied and enlarged 'MP lo any 81·-ze ~ cq1nredi A Lari;: ~ A~~ortrot;nt of J!'nncy l!,raioes, et('. ., for the Holidays. C11U 1~·cn·{11 h1 the da11 for Good 1Vo1·!.:, .~pecia.lly of llie ' O'flI.L.DRE. .~{. a11d Colm·ecl. Don't wait till the Big Jam, You cannot select so well m a -- --· ·,, CROWD. . ' Thttnks for a brilliant Chri,tnms S,ile, lo-st year ; Jct us lrnve ;t better this ycal'. ·· 1 \;J:1 ( tLH! .Jt'if-. Variety Store ! - ----- -- . -.A_S tu:!ual, at the Chrietmas Senaon, we shvw a !ARON BUCKLER'S~~ _KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. · I M.· lt. E.ASTON, Wholesale and Retail, Town Hall Block, ;B-oiv14a~1vjlle, ()hoi~~itabli~~~-~"~~nent TOY :OEPAB'l'MENT. 'Ye f;lxhihit,a.mong Lnany other thiugs, lJoU.;;, ]!{oah's Arks1 DQll Jlcads, "/Jall11. J.llur1~. Very Large and = ===== HOBJRiIS' OAR RI AGE }j not, call at_!~.!_ Gallery of Tait & A[thur,jor a solution of this Rebus. Doheny Block, Lindsay. A PRIZE! I · A PRIZE!! A .P RIZE!!! I SHOP ANDERSON .& (JO'S Fall Sfock of ~~- --- = l\IOTTO-N imble Sixpence better than slow shilling. To_any of my customern who will bring, or seucl, me " cot'l'cet sol ution ' of the above Rebus, I will .present tho following prizes : ' ' First, , King Street, Bu-wruanvjl'.e. 1.'ctt Selis, r!hiua 1'oys, .l!'lat Ii·o 1111 , Alplaxliet Blocf.:11 1 HOi-.~e8 1Vhip8'. Drawiny Slate8, flfrd:; in Ca!JCi5. Tru-1npet$ 1 Bu1ldut.'7 Block~, P·unch (tnd Judy, S1o~rd_R, 1lfouth Orunn1t, i.~op Guns, , . BootsJlJST and Shoes _ A.RRIVED. H~S aud as Lheir stock is so well known, it is quite unnecessary for them .A l'a.ir of Gold :mar-Drops ; second, A G?ld _ aing; third, .A Good Locket ; fourth, A Good :Brooch, or Set of Sbh t Studs. 1 The envelopes will Le numbered as received, and op<'11ee by the Messrs. P. Trebilcock and F. Y. Cowie, on J an . 8t11, T 876. uclges, Piot11re Bcoks. Ilatt(cx, Pi8toln, Carpe11tcr'a -'l.'ooliJ, 'l'oy Oast-01·s, Tl{E subscriber iB prepared to build JU~d re pai-r' . .. · 1 TO OFFE~ ' ANY BRIBE Wagoris, Buggies, ancl CuUe1·a, o( every dl;!s1,ription, a.t short notice1 and o n i-eaaollnble terms. to iu<luce the Public to purchase. -W-INDING UP 1Va.tchc-8, l~tc., rte. ··- Their Rewards are Better Value for your Money than can be had Elsewhere. So curne along and bring your mo1wy with you. FANCY GOODS, we show, ·~ Carriages l'ainted and Trimmed· TERMS - HTRICTL Y I , '" ~ C~L\._SH. ANDERSON &: CO. .. ," " OCTOBER 10th, 1875. . ft is my intention on the ahove .date to wind .up the long-winded creel it system,aud sell only fol' CASH, or its e'luivttlent. lt reqnircs no argu~'llent to establish that iL is to t.he ad vantage of both huycr and seller,to· trncle for ready pay, tbe buyer thereby gettinO' good" at LOIVKll Plt!CES and the seller being saved from loss Ly bad debts. W c think then that all parties will concur in tlrn wisdom of this chniige ou 011l' p1ci-t. Om· good' will hereafter be bought for CASH only, aud we shall thereby reap the advantage of large trade discounts, which a,dvant11ge we are determined to give to our customers. P.nrties purchasi11gfroru us nmy therefi;ire de1iend upon getting goods at least ten per cent. eh ea per than under the old plan. . Our stock will this Fa.Jl be more replete than evi:~ , ;\lllitl a sWl higher c!ass of !f?ods will he kept. , \Ve therefore guamntec the greatest sttlisfactwn to all '~ho may favor us with their patronage. 'J11ti following lines will bu founJ. full : Book .'llctrks, Bea><tifill lllulloes, F'ases, Ladies' Oonipc"n.ion$, Tartan Goods, lli irrors, Albums, Satcliel·, C.lovc Boxe., Etc., eto. Ohriatnias Oard1, 11"' W utch Stands, Oiqa.r OaBes, Writinq Desks, TV01 ·k Bo:i:e~, I rile Stands, Jewellrry, P1"..clu.res J>ict~tre Fra·1nc;;, Card Gases, Pa,per Knives, 1 Rael~ Go1nbi, Ooncf;1'tinas, Violins, Bowm,.,nville, Oct. 14th., 1875. A Blacksmith's Shop on the prandscs, were specia.J attention jg ]r'lutes, l?ifes, gtvt::n to all Spodn Holder·, li'olios, Checker l?oards, Port1nonnU.~, Ca.rriage Jobbing. Goneral -$25 t 1875. CASH. ~I°CLUNG CASH i 1875. BR01"IIERS CIRCULAR. mwww Rf ?h!!?SL M All wo1·k clone at this Establdshrnent wcirranted. A ea.11 i.s resp ectfully solicitotl. ltEW!ID ! \Card I T i .., of Tha,nks. CASH. , ,T, MORRIS. ·~-~- Bow1nnnville. 0 it. l bt, 18V9. PLA.~ED WADE, we show, 81J.lt Stands, Spoon Holdci·P, 1Vapkit~ Rill!/A1 Uruetts, Jewel Sta-lids, Cake Basket.s, Biittcr Coolers, b~_qg Stttnds, Butte-1· Knives, Knife Rest.Cf, Ji'i·uit.DisheB, :Coast .Rack$, P1·e3ett'C Dishc~, /:Ju.gar Bou:la, Cdery !Jold"C· r8, Card Rcceit:ers, 'l'«!?;;rJJnsket..s, .Pickfo Fo,1·/~s. J.'ea a11d ~l.'ablc Fork11, Etc., 1:tc. l-:IE Subscl'ibcr returns tho.nk e to those w n h:n' L' given Lin1 their ptttron;.1.ge in tl.ltl pa::.t and woit1d inform the f::u·1u era that lie has re· paiired and refitwd his l\fill, and is now prep&I"The alJoye reward will be paid to :i..ny l)tison ed to at-tend to tl\eir wants in thu niilling line who 'vill f1.1n1i.,h a1nple pro0f thn.t the Boots & He is also cvJ1ducting a Shot:a sold by the under'f:ligned, are not wha-tre r~presonts them. I Book Department ! \Vealey's HytnnR, }"'i:i.1nily Biblei,, Briti~h Workman1 Pock~t Bibles, "Band of Hnpe: . Hymn Hooka, Q,)ttage and Artlflan, Pro.yer Books, . <.:batterbox. The whole of our <Joods are attractiye, and '"ill bc!JJ.' inspecti on ; and priceK wil~ be foun~ to comµu.re f~vorably with any other in tho hne. ':\'itihing our nnmeroua Cnstorners "A l\fcrry ChtistmM and d. lia}JPY New Year," · Vl e ren~:'lin, lteHpectfull}.r, Duwtllan,,ilh·; :D~. 10th, 1875~ Mi~ce1l(l..lleous Books, Revelations! For Gents, A Very STAiiTLING --o-SeriOUS GENERAL STORE, ba,.<;ed upt1n su bstantial facts, is just being cir· cnlated, and is to this effect-·thttt one ot our prornincnt'hft:l'ehants, YELLOWLEES & . QU,ICK. 11-~f., Dry Goods, Dress GoQdsi Markus Mayers, Crockery, Glassware, Lutest Styies ltnd Groceries, &c. Gqotl stock, . IS'l'AND. -s~~v.A?rsiFoNE~ay. Soulh Seu,, &al, Erm'ine, Grey cmd has p\nchn.setl an i1nmeuso Stock of G·ood:< , ou advant1togeous term~ 1 n.ud he is gtilng to gi ve his · Cust.,mef'l'J the benefit of his bargain. Charge, For La,dies, For Children. CASH, giving bargains in ON and AFTER the fast 1fay of Oct.;' 1875, c\1r bminess will b& cor.diicted on n CASH basis. We have, after duly cotJsideriug the matter, concluded tu abnnden lbc Cm:Dl'r SYSTEltl and to sell olU' goods for ready Il).Oney, or it.s equivalent.. Jt is nnnecessru·y to resort to argument or expl unation to show that, in ~l1es,e chtys, tLe Credj.t System is i11jul'ious alike to seller and purchaser ; UJJll .it is universally admitted to be ttn injustice to those who buy for .c!lsh. 80 thcrcis no apology necessary, on OUl' part, for mitkill!l th 0 pl'Oposed change . This new method wil1 enable us to talre- every advantnge of the markets, und place within 0111' reach large tmdc discounts 011 cash purchases. -· · · ' The benefits which" will result to our customers uucler this system itre manifest; not only shall we be able to buy our goous. con,.iderably cheaper under the advantages referred to, but mud1 smaller profits then were necessary under the ol<l system, will suffice. \Ve arc determined, this season, tu push our business with renewed energy, and shall endeavor to excel in every departmertt.' Our arrangements are such that no establishment ca'n un.:dersdl 1 1s. Remember, then, tha!T the right place for cheap goods is Ready-made Clothing.Cloths, Tweeds, Dress Goods, Silks, Shawls,SkirtB,Cottons, Winceys, Blankets, Buffalo Robes, &o. ,, / ~I GENrrLEMEN'S SUITS AND SH1R1'S made to order in city styles, on ehoitefit nuticc. Bowtnan\'illei Oet. 21st, 18i5. S. F. fIILL. A~nouncen1ent ! Important rl'he Stpek is very large, einbracing Bowmanvi'lle, Sept. 1st, 1875. M°CI,U_NG BllOS. Having been delayed several \veeks, in opening out his --- - - - - - - ·- --- \'1.tl')1 ing 13,lack Larnb, Grebe ancl J11in{c Set$ SfECIAL ATTENTIWON GIVEN TO ORDERED ORK. . 'l'YRONE , New Goods Esta,blishment, 'µ pJ'i~C np.cordi11g to o_11ality, aud COll· s,i.sting pf :Royal Aa:a.iu 'l'riu.mphs.- Caps, Collaretts, Muffs, :aea-µs, :ftiitts, &c. &p. All the Goods ~we S'T'ORE.- Or~c dqo1· ~~:i.st of 0~1·~iah's J ev,relry Store, King Stt·cyt, Bowmanville. . Buwmanville,~~ay , 6,th. 1875, J. SMALE. ,vcll maQ~; of thp L~test Styles! -:tt:- 'l'o Ownefs of liorses, _____ -·And the General Public. I has determined to oJt'er, during the 1·entainder of' the Season l1is entire stock, at such p1·ices· as \Vill ensure a All Styles of Children's Furs on hand, a.nd the Prices such as has never before been offered in Bowmanville. }le ahw oJ[el'a a very attractive lot of Goods · -in s.. ~f t~e OLEAl~.ING S,ALE. MASON'S J_._E_I_.4L_1_ ·o_r._1'_rr_'S . (both li~ht"~d he~vy You will' fill<l t he mo·t cumpl<·tc aosortment ol MUFFLERS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS SOCKS, COLLARS, NECK1'lES, BRA OES, J:c. Double a1Ul Sin_qle Harness, New~t Style§, ancl of the Best Material & Workmanship. ertir .shown in ·rown. Cheap . store Has now a fullasso1·ttld Stoek of The stock is all NEW, purchased with care, and at remarkably LovtT Rates. ~__.;..CA_L_L_A_N_D_S_E_E__ Cheap good Goods can be sold jo1· CASH. 13owmanville, November 19th, r87 5. rrhef must be sold~ ·a.nd Sacrifices will be n1ade. C~sb. Cµ,st'omerB will b~y On clo~e lJ1nrgil1$. JJy Telegr<i.pA ·o <1twdtni'1' Sewing Mcu;hin~. Oo'if, fJc uni.U-oK. > OASH PAID FOR RAWS FURS· / · · · Brock ville, Sept. ~5,. J.875. IloyiJ. toak firat prize a.t l.~nionvill.lj, co~put Cupih~l, Paid U1J, $.l ,000,000 iug ivith tho 'Vheeler &. W1foQn, Singer. ~n<l Qthcrlf. EVER'I't'S & lL\.r:;ARJfA...."'i'. HEAD on'IVE, 'l'QRONTO. Tt~soNn unq, Oct 111 1875. lHlAl"QH Ol:'l:'lC.ES; :First vriz.o for R1.1yal, at :Un~on ~~~1ibition On.t-~L-IA, 0f!UJ.WA, bcrt' over DJ.lcorµpeti,toi·.s.. MAT11rt:'\ SrBWJ\llT. Oo.µouuu, 'YJU'l'HY 1 ' Woode.tock, Oct. (ith. 11q7:J. Bo,VUA::iYrt..LE, UXDRIDO.E, lh1y~~1 took 6.rBt priito at E !'- hibition he.re ,over This' Bank, in addition totn1.n1iactiug the us· a.11 co rnpcti.bon. ~L\TIHY;"' 81'£" ~tR't'. u~~l banking busineijs).,, offers to. th e puhlic all Paris, Oet. 3l'd, 187.J. the advantages of tt t;aving Inr;titution Mth llo.,\'ll ta1i::en fi.r~t prizti with R._.-.ynl nt J!'ai.r the aecul"ity of a larg_e 1Jaid·llJ' capital, by the here b,e:itiug \ho &y1noncl a.ud Singer. means ot a SAVl~ G.'SU.tT' A R'r).J~'.f'. ~ \VILLIAM SNJDE!t. Inte1·e.st allo""·ed :>n all delJosits of One Dol.,. Napa.nt:e; Oct. ,1~th, 1875. lar and up1vards 1 ~it the ratf;l of ]'1ve per cent. i.../ Hoyal Lia!i ta.kt-n first P,t1zc at } au here,uver pct· nnn1un. ".- Singer, Howe, Wa1ner l' i Osborn? and oth~v1:1. Depositors cau withdraw either the 'vbole Ol' ,fA~lUS B.\J.Ut.E'l. auy part or their deposit~ at any tin1e, wlthout ( Harley, Oct. 13th, 1875. previous n otice. · ' ./ !loyal taket1 firlt prh:~ at this l!"'air,for family Special rates of int ercil~ a.U nwed upon deposits with notice· Of withdrawal, · ' ' work an:l light w·nufncturi~p· } , . ' .. · , \1 JL l-<IA:.i Ssi~i::u. A1uei-ican Currency and ~iln:l' taken on do· posit. ' ,_\ 'Xhe~e victories ~~·ely pl'OVe thf":t the Draft!'\ grantu<l payable in (1reat ll1·itain, ~ li . . .ht running RoyAl i..<ithe people's fatvoritl.l,:i,n<l United Statl!S an<l all 'p'n.tts of Cana'dn.. 0 ' the ' ' G"Q"DePillcl,~ 9ap bl rt:~itt ~.d Li~· h1~\J,adrlre~.s· ' Curuw.a.U, Oct. ~, 1870. B.oy~l got first priAe at Glcngarry..:. . Omrnty }'air. o·ver th~ W 111»ter, Osborne, and :N t;:W York Sinner .:f4;YEB )fILHO.T . r. Bell~-v-ille, Sept. 30th. 1875. Cj_ot fi rst p'iiie on ~be Rqj>a.l, at }~air hct·~, hoatiug Wht:eler ~ \Vtlaon and en:'~Y oth~r ,~a. ct}in<i. G rea.t oonte~t. .J" AJf.~ '.B4Rltz.!: l', :M:. M.A. YElt'S. Bow1nanville, Oct. 1st, 1875. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. - - - -------· 1'111' ~OMETHIN~a-.~~~. t~~"' TRUNKS! ;\·l{oQd choice in l).QMINlON :RANK, BPWllI;\KYil,J,E. - -- - LEATHER VA USES, TRAVEL UNG BAGS, SATCHELS, &c. Gold a.ncl Silver Mouiiled Carriage and Tu,m, vVHIPS, direL·t froni tlie inanufactodes. Groceries Dry Goods, I :Boots & Shoes etc., etc, ~l o-ur1 j ~1 1 which for NE1'S J:: SOREENS IN GREA7' VARIE1'Y, A1' LOTV F'IGUJIBS. Quality and ·Ch~ap nes~ 3 ~~ought a.t 'bottom Prices,[ a:3 will -~-sol~ Low. · ~ , Christmas - Fruits~!~ 1 I~ " The Big Push!" COW LE, to' Repaii-ing zJrornptly attenclecl to To your ad vantagt:i to i;i. yo him a ca.11. lR".)1: <l, t).' \( ·, \ ; ·)f ~~\\" ·~ l- ·J Hown1anville 1 Sept. 31'tl. 18!5. 46-tf CANNOT BE SURPASSED ~ ~ J. ELLIOTl - - -- - - ---- - - -- 1'1/:e Great ..t\'orth A ~n61-icc'n Ee~N.edy fur .,~ccivethq ~L\.R t:lrANGLEn ~AKNE!l. l ll ]jEST f'AMILY Ho~d 6 r for ,'Jet1Ji1ig ¥«c~n11~. The La1np ca_n nevf;lr upset, nor the 01l s~1lthe work; and1t is o.rr·au"<old to throw the hght on any part of tl~e ,vork, i:inabling t}11;1 ope1·nt)r to Jlf,1,CH~NE. ed to tlie Dom.inivt! u ank (registered], l\il 1cn 111 Th~ Ma.nu:la.cturers hi~va lately atldtid to it, the all cas..cs a. Pafls.Dook i·cecipt will be seut by i·eturn pos t. greatoist no\'elty <·f tbe .age, the R-0ya1 Larnp J · 'ODJ) S.EWING · .a.. tJ · .A{lc'n t, -~~wn_ ta _ n_ vi_ lk _ . _ Ja_ n._6 _ tl_i, _ 18_ 74 _, :5-tf. _ _ - work as well by night as by day. &ld hy ., . v T J · S · DONE .1. 1 Good Fa.rm for Sa.le. ogTH half of.Lot No. 14, 7th Cun. Dar lington, containing 100 acres, more or le.!!~ Good buildings an<l fence,a, and la.rge young or· charJ. For particular~, ~pply to 'V.M. 'l'UER, HAWON. Oct. 29tb, 1874. 5-ff. ---~ S · K.B.-A!:!ont foc }~irat-ds..<iB 'i\.luaical Instr~men ts- \V. llcl l & Co's, Organ, Hallett & Davis and Hardinan Pi&noB. Also the Ct:lt;l)i·aiteJ \-Yalthau~ r:11d ~~.~giq W·tch". . . '~he ~ ; 1b::tcrlbcr, tbahking liis vel'y ~u J..-' ous cu11tomers ' for 1Jast · patronage, ,(h:Lvtn~ !'.olr.1 T·W~l·!:e 11hu_u:;u11d. J!olla,1·:l ;vot!!i~~onths sol?c1ts th?1r cun~inued pa.t.~ita.ge, J asonabl r 9~ri;hngs1 nnd .,.q.arn11teed i::atafap<1 11).rice;,JfaiD lOD. YR~NE. N __ i\/l lt. 81:\iIITFl is ~o w JJrc parl'd to do all. kind~ lll.of Custom Sawil)g, an<l hn."I rcJn~cd 11i!,J vricc, fol· O.A.SH. :µ.emeinb?r this fact.· · j .. · . 'l'IIOS. SMI'l'H. ~ H~mpton , D~.c. 3rd> 1875. MITl;'S _____._ ___ MILL iilu~tr;.i.teJ. 1 by best of l.'(:aJiog, nnd everything to JN'l'.l!~ HES'r Dealet'fl, and 11' 8'1'.R UC'l' . \Ye ~ee l\lso , that its famous GR \." Y)S SYRUP cu-res the \Yoi· 6t f ortnH o{ "!{ogues' Coi-ne1· " is to lm kept up, anJ thus 0 l !J.s an 1 C lds. every sv.i udle r, <1uack, nnd hu~nbu_g, is st~re to GR~~V·s sYRl-JP cures Sore Throat and b::: cxpost:d u.u.d brou;;: bt to Jui;twe. Lvery H · . hou.i:iehold .n1eds this pa.pei·. \Ve fi ud it a most QR \Y,~;3n~~llUP gives immediate relief in plcai:iant v1Sltur Lu onr sanctnm , nud would no.t. B~ h' t' · 1 1 willingly .vu.rt with it. ::fo~ ~S7P. the publh~hers ciif.Y~s $YRUP is: the best remedy tor offer.t~e BJ\-!S"!'f fi ~lOue for ONLY L'ts, a Y~J..!l, 1 Astbn:a..' ur w1.tli oboi?C of ISO 1:-upe1·b pre101uu1 s a.ta bigu· i· GRAY'S SYRUP l't1lieves Qroup a.nd " T ,tipop· er p1'1e,e. \\- E KNOW ou r Teader.'$ woul_d at ouc;e ing Ouu,.,h. _ - ·· ·~ · snbscr~b1~ (hd the".' kno'\v ~1£ the meuts Qf. t1ns GH. ~Y'f.:l ~VR"(JP · 8 an excel1ent-pa.llia.th·c in splenchd paper. )'1' JS tht:c Jn:o'J'an<l i'!ttrcly tbe, , ~ . f,.; · . , . ~ · Cons_um1~tJi;.n1. . CH&APESl' 1mle·· ever offered and it i.s CTij·irdy · l '1 l<l c 'b u ~ r' · · 1 G RA1"8 t:!YJHTP relieves all af!ecLions of ~·c>l1uhle. A ~ lOJ. . ·8 ~\L,JS~\ ~ - · ~cul ou tJ.·!u. '. l'hro:.it Lnng-5 ancl Chest. 3 rn pn ~h~ fur, c.uh 10 t,e11t~. n) t."n.t,s1 11~ lc cop1!-'s G H.!\.Y'S SYRUP 1 · buperi.or to any tnedicine O oentrJ, ?lun~ f1·ci: . 'rnY TT NO\~', and you will · ·· 0Jf el' ec1 f 01, a 11 the :bove oorriplaint'~. tl1i1nk us for t elhng- you about it . , ~, L-,RlE""ND We ~re t!'o11ghs, Golds, Asthma, Brouchitis, Loss of AN . OLD , _i h~ 1 /oire,Floarseneosand Throa tAffecttoni!. O(J }'or a General Assurtment of! ~ for ]Jec,aud \ ' f lo l(;'.a1:n tl1a.t t.Ui~_r>opu1ar,h1 fact n_at iona family Gray's Sytup 0 vaper ]$to enter Jauuary upon fourteen tli I CD Grocerics,C&ro~~ery,Glass\va1·e,j ~ year of succci:;s; 'l'~ere al"e _fow papers that arc [) q'D SPRUCE GUM as pcpulfl.l', 'Ihc. l·A!:INt::tt is ala.rge 40 L.'Dlumu l.li I:.; etc., Lyle tu.artyn's is the , c:+ 8 pai:.;-t> p:tper, crow<led with the Sohl all Rci!pecta.ble dhem iate and Gene·ral r--1 1 · "- ~- Having bought a Large quantity of BUFFALOES, very Cheap, all that is re· quired, is to F-t Our Ha.lf-Dolla.r Tea.i; the Best. 'l'ltY it: t;;;I -~ I~ f Our Goods give Good. Sa.tisfaotion. 'l'B.Y TlilllM. · t glo..d it1:1 ~ ?5 H ~I~~ ~~-~~~j~ ----- ~ "Come down handsornely," " Will you be One ?" --o-- 1 1 J !:J i I have ·done my ut11108t to please the Public, as wifntss tl1e fo11<nving: ·N~v~mber 18th, 1875. , · ;\_<ldr<'s~ 10-3u1. ST.\.nHI'.\1"~: ! .En HAKNJ.::H . Hm,dale, N. F, '/ ( PR~C~ £ 5 .Q.&.N'l_S. ":lee . 3 rd ,187o,. 1 10-hn. LfLE & ltl!RTYN. :Su:ffa,loes for $4.50, worth worth $10" for $7. Bowmanville, Oct. 29th., 1875. $a.co ' ' l l ~ 1