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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 24 Dec 1875, p. 4

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TII.E MERCHANT, FRIDAY DECEMBER 24, 1875 POETRY. Time on the Wing. Crumbs for Chiokens. O ld Dr. Valentine Mott, in 001e of his parting addresses to a class "bf stu- as well share it, prepared to accomBY D. TRUEMAN. dents, said : · Young men, when j'(JU pan~ .them by showing how much st.~rt out in your professions,. have two n~e ha col>ld make ; and the three set off BdioldWe tiow another circling year. pockets-one very long one, (!lld one I together. Uprising troiµ l:.he va.st1 mysterious deep, very short one : the first for ins.µlts, the They reached the yard just as the men Within whose linlita ages disappear, I were coming away. The children soon saw Beneath whose current countless millions other for fees.' At a court-martial, a yotulli( Iri·h offi- . their father; bttt a cob coming between teleep; -'l'htther must foe and friend, cer when questioned whether he h,ad atopped,them; and Flossy, who was nu ex- '-Sootier or ln.tt1 tlescend, not given the 1ie to a. certain person, re- J1ab1e lit ti· thing, bes·n to. dance with .And leave the world to w~ep. 'He won't aee us, be will be plied, 'No; I only said that either. he 1 exatiop. or the colonel had told a Ii<~, and· plat g · h, Frank, call him l' As.rolling billows bl't1a.k, by cliffs withstood, 'l'o blend ag~n. l't!trenting from the shore, I was sure it wasn't the So, terribly afraid, bu\ as cheerily as be Shall days and mouth1:1 juin those beyond the I say, Samba, where did ,you get de could, Frank aignalletl with his arm and flood. shirt studs?' · ' In de shop-to be sure.' called. And years. as yet uusccn, drift iln before ; 'Yah, you just told me yon. haan't no 'There'· some youugsters in a terrible Approaching, gcing, gene, want to come too.' So Flossy was wrapped up warm, nod Fuzbuz, thinking apparently 1776. . NEW YORK_._ _ _!.~~· that it there was a walk to be bad be might Eif;hteen hwidrocl and seventy-six ia the Oen· THE WEEKLY SUN. TH.l!i MERCHANT haa now a. bo-1«1 fide tenrua.l yt1ar. !tis a.tao the yea..r in which an Opposition Ho~c of ~epresenta.tives, t.he first and with the exception of a. few, these pass since the war. will be in power at Wash ington; into the ha.nda of the pPople of West and the year· of the t\venty-third election of a Durham. 'l'he public will at once see President of the United Stattiff, All of these the utility of the paper as an events are sure to be of g1·ea.t interest and importance, especially the two latter; and all of thetn and everything connected with the1n will be fu'lly t1.nd freshly reported nnd expounded in the Sun. 'l'he Opposition House of llepresentatives, taking up thti line of inquiry openea years ago in thii:i constLtuency, and this fact is being con· by the S11.n, will sternly and diligerlt?· in\'eati- sta;ntly demonstrated. gate the c01Tnptions and n1isdeed.a of Grant's ad· n1inistra.tion ; and will, it is to be hoped, lay the fouwla.tion for a uew and better period in If you have lost anything, ad Vl:!rtiae in this our na.tiona.l history. Of all this tbe Sun will pa_per. contain complete a.lld accurate accounts.furnishIf you have found anything, advertise in the Circula.tion of 1000, GO TO 'l'ltOMAS BA'!'TING'S If You Want ADVERTISING MEDIUM. I l:t Has No Equal I AND A substitute for Lath & Plaster ! THE PATENT ALUMINOUS and ORNAMENTAhBUILDING PAPER. PAPER OIL-CLOTH and CARPETING (JDE!P HOUSE. colo.?el.' ,. ' get em' den?' ' -Well, I saw a cardin,de workmen. window, 'collar studs,' .sq, I went in ian &.ill onward, from their d~ep, unfathmned collared' em.' __ 'Nice little things, too; the little girl is · ...... , souroe, too pretty to be run over,' said another. At Norwich, Conn., tl)e qther d'IY a ~ "\....- Tb'e re:stlera cycles with i:reoision roll, tramp was given an. old vest: Ije soon ' Why, it's my Flossy and Frunk. I O't1rt11rning in their desolating course. returned with a five-dollar . hill.Jie ' said wonder what they want,' ··id William Ap· Full a 1 ~ny a tower and columned mole ; Nought can withstand the tide, he found jn one of the w5fkets. e plel)y. ' Nor wisdom, power, nor pride gentlemao· of the house 1vas so !?leased Plea·od with the pr· ise of hia children, I ts ebb and flow control. J with his honesty that he gave l!im a do!- he was ready to s~ile encouragingly, and Enshrouded now in dark, ohlivious gloom, Jar, and the nXt day disco\rered Lhal the ~nswered Frank's next ·.Hi! latherT~e voioHlees debria. of ton~ agett speut ; bill was a wretchedly-exCC!,lt~d cpunter- lather!' >A>ith a kindty.'Ah ! I eee you, my No ma.n, nor angel may unlock the tomb, . feit. boy,' pr~paring to cross over. Oi:tHll from whttnca thtiy came, or whither Some time since a --ina11 Maine ·Why, .you're not going to sneak off went; wanted to 1:xhihit an· Egyptian mummy, home, are you, Will 1' -aaid his usual com· Th1;1y p>1e.s;:ed, :Hi "badowe flee, and went to the court·h\)USe fof a licc;nse. punwn, Joe Ricks. . Or bubl)'wson the ~oa, ' What is it?' asked t\le judj!el . 'An 1 . Or :flt!6ting moments lent. Egyptian mummy·, may, it j>~se !he 'l mu·t Luke homethe little un.' Where crowded citie11 press tbti fertile plain, court, more than three- tjiou · ptl 'Yf,ars "Well, make haste back then.' But herbless and unvo;iopled sand a.p~ars? · I tlun't know-don't wait. fot me.' (,'ytbcrean ~rove, u.nd ma.rt, anc] georg.eou~ o ld,"satd the showman. 'T!\ree' thousyears old !' exclaimed the judge, . ., , Bavfl sunk ht"neath the whirl ofrm:h1ng yearsj and 1 · · t h' ,, t , ,....P...Lt;;" · t!ie critter Hicks was, a.~ he was won; to say, pretJUmpmg o is ·1ee, ~uu: · , . ·w·l b · h ct Gone. M"".!a.ra.'s glot·it:s a.11. ?' , ty surt; uf 1 1 App 1t:. y, RO a DJa e no . a 11ve · , .. , , . h' b Ztinobia.'s fceta.l hu.11, ..,_ I . 1 particular t:ffvrt to u~1a1n uu, aud t l:!,y And Id·'· glided pioro. A gentlemaa hailing irom the Ssmth; ·1port·d Forevt1r 1iurrying on, 'l'iU time ~hall be no more. inoney.' 'Dat's right.' 'Ho\v did you tnking across the rond,' said formation upon these absorbini::- topics. If you v.·ant t..o sell, advertise in this 'rhe twenty-third Presidenta.l election, with pa.per. the preparations for it, will be memorable as If you want to Ouy anything.advertise in the deciding upon Grant's aspirations for n. third ~IERCHANT. one of the term of vowel' and plunder, and still more aa If you want to reach the public, use the deciding who shall be the candidate of tho party columni! of tlrn 1\.IERCHANT. certdng a.ll these subjepts, those \vho read the Sun will ba\·e the con~tant means of being tbo~ugbly ,..,ell inforrred. The ltetkly Sun, whicl1 has !l.ttained a circulation of ovi:r ei'{ht.y thousand copies, already ba.s its l't'&ders in e"·ery State and T"rritory,a-nd we trust that the year 1877 will see their num. bera doubled. lt will continue to be a thorough newspnper. All the general news of ~he day will be foun(l in it, condensed when unimportant at full len~th wh~n o{ moment ; and alwa.Ys. we trust, treated in a clea.r, interesting e.nd instructive manner. It is our aim to make the Weekly Sun the beat family ne\.,.·spa.per in the wn1·ld, and we shaJl continue to give in its columns, a large amount of miscellaneous reading, au.:h as storie.:1, t~les, poeml!I, sci~ntific intelligence aud a;.;ricultural information, for which '"°ti arc not able to make room in our daily edition. The n.gricnltura.l de· p:J:rtmont especially is one of its promi1.ent feaofR.eforru.andelectingthatca~didate. ing its readers with e"ly and trustworthy in· MERCHANT. GOODS. MANCHESTER ow~~nville, Sept. 25th, 1857. Con- OUR RATES ARE LOW. Ai,i a. weekly newsP:aper, the :rtfEROHA::ST is scarcely excelled. Six.teon columns of ca.rofully ee1t!cted readin'{ matter appear in each issue. comprising L·ite1·ature 1 Agri1,1tltural, }f'arnily llcadin(I, Gene1·Ctl anU Loca[ Ncw8a.ll fresh and readable. Subscriptions taken a.ny timo 3..uring the year. SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. A Large Block Just Recei'l!ed,-Plain ~na Or· namcntal, both/or Walls ar.d Ftoor.. The Paper Oil Oloth and Ca.rpet~ng is ·a. Cheap and Durable Snbstitutt1 for Oil Cloth. The Oh1:1n)ice.Is with which the Pa.per is satura.ted, render it proof _a1piinst RM.Yi, M·.otha, and Miue. T_ EMS 75 ~o'!!I ors., IN AnVANOE. ;n --:o:~- -'\I we have every fa.cility. We do not work for nothing. or fun, but out· prices will be found low, as our presses ruu by steam power. ,£ JO:B :PRINTING Important Announcement ! M . illinery' Clothing' Crockery· & Glassware. . ---oo--- tures. T!,. foo)li .. aro nlsn regulorly rerorted in its cclumru ; a.nd so are tht1 ma.rkets o every kind. u· ·year, postage prep·id. ers. or anvnn·. · The Weekly Sun, eight pages, with fifty-six broad columns. is only ont1 dollar twenty ct>nta repays the emit of the paper, 110 d1acot1nt can b~ from this ratt1 to clubs,, Po.:itmast- As th1~ µrice barely ' l Show Bil s Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes c·l1·cu1arS Va,rnish Polish ! r.t.-... Anoth<r thing much wanted. 'l'Wo 1'olish give.!. m··t elegant lustre.and drie· inst11ntnneoualy . Few reliCR, la.unchecl from Thcbts' hei:.perian was sojourning near a to,vn; an_d one Or ~;~~e~enlB, ·urvive the wreck below ; :r~w, save a. rude constructed horoi::coplil, )Iinerva.'s 1lhield and .Priam's battle bowSnatched from th· greedy ·t.ream, Theseel~ksfr trifle~ gleam, _,. -· In Albion'· royal ·how. And millions of our race who trod the globe Are gono, imptilled bY each successive wave ; The mendicanf, ~d peer io ermined r.ob~, '11 'l'ime's deep gulf one commou found 1 grave; There tnix the motley horde, 'l'he vassal aud his JoNi, The ma.gistrt\te and Dnrk, with the dead, bow like a monl!trou1 hear~; The year glides p:ut Meesia.h's natal day. While mi11i{)ns about redtmptio~ from a. curse, ADd :Bing their brc)ken ghacklea tar a.wa.y, Roll on, obli vioue. sea, Let tre8.60n bido in thee, Die,;-orged of all hie pr.:y. . day asked a man who w,as . going into Not~rng wrong . a, home, " \her~, town to call on :Yir. E-=-'s and request l"r.nk I satd )fr. Appleby, as he lifted h!S hin1 to se11d out a 'tra( ~ meh.1)11;"g a little girl to bis shoulder. 1 No, fntber,-only mother said w:e niigbt horse ancf machine. 1~he man moved away slowly wilh 11 · pttzz~ ex~r~ssion come and meet yon ; she's got S)mething ..of countenance, L'Ut had not gone far oict:: for tea.' when he turned back and asked, ' Please The tea, which""' Ml'fl. Appleby'· din· sir, is it a mOose lrap or a rat trap you'll ne.r, was comfortably spread ready, and she be \\'anting?' · wisely did no_ t make muoh f:.1s3 . over her S l h · 1 (t th 1 . eest t iou muc snow et on e husband's coming horne,. to remind him . f f h h flagging; verily it is m ront o t e ouse how long it was since be had done so ; only of the slothful man. He sitteth by the Flo'6y, laying her soft cheek against hlB fire lo keep himself warm, neither will be depart for a ~cuttle of coal. When rough one, aa , c Isn't it nice to ba\o·e father for tea 1' the housewife crieth aloud for a pail of I l 1 Oh, you can11ibal J' said ]·rank ; and tbe water, he hath not his boots on. n t 1e day when the storm falleth he secludeth children's laughter took off the embart'"""' himself; he saith to the sn9.w shovel, mcnt of their elders. 'Ha, ha. Let us rest in peace.' . So, 'Well, this is comfortuble/ tmid Will, o.s, his sidewalk is an abomination in the eyes of the people, and his name is_in roreahed by;JegoQij wusb..andJei·uroly tea, be Pat looking int.> the fire. every man's 1nouth. "' , ' . . _ · The Daily Sini, "large four page newRpa.per , of twenty·cigbt oolnmns, gives all the ntiwR for · two cents a copy. Subacriplion, poatnge pre t 55 cts. a. mvn~hl or six dollars 'fifty cent.B I a yea.r, Sunday cd1tton e~tra, one dollar ten a antl O\'erything from the ait.e of a Poster large year. WI! ha.;eno t.ra\'ellingagrl~ts. ~ddress, enough to cover a barn to a. half-inch stri1J, 'I:RE SU~. New 'York C1ty. printed in good style. and n.t cit prices. Specimens of work can be seen at om office. Unqi< ..tion~b!y the b est .mstained Work of \Vork handed out, and the c!l.Sh tak~ for it the kind in the World." . Bill Heads Cards p hi amp e s' w- ~vet Ii · D . .J;\le uo ion, in ry Goods ! ~ d t· . Nothing ever discovered befo1e to equ~l this Polish. J'OR FOR R-.rper's Maira.mine. ILLUSTRA'rEn· Notices of the Prcs11 . 0. BARKER. Piano llortes, 01,ocks, Buggi(!IJ, -~--------,~~'-=~ Deep, da.rk, o'erwhehning streams of years un· An Earthquake. told, Are troubles spawning in thy ooming waves:! As nOw, shall others 5ell t.heir eoula for gold. Miggs insisted upon trying if one of Shall any wear the damning braJ1d of sl~ves f the block. in the Kimball House pave· Then gi\·e uutirnely birth, ment was as long as liimself, but J o.nes, Nor curse again the ea.rth who was trying to get him home, remonWith wa.r 1md blciody gra\'81. Oh I may we hope that truth's p'rogreMivc pace, Outstnrting from. the mount, ma.y yet in· crelW!e, UDtil men, sf! 11.ngcl8, heav~n·s copy trace, A.n t.ttrth rejoice in univereal peace ; Or is there yet in store :But that wbioh v. ent before? Shall evila nevc1· {;ease? strated : ' Oh, come along, old boy ; what's rhe matter with you, anyh9w ?' 'Did you read zer papers 'is morning?' 'Yes, I did,' replied Jones. ' Read all 'bout zat (hie) earsequake at Memvis, eh ?' 'Yes but it 'vasn't n1uch,' 'W1tzn't, eh? (hie) 'member zat zyk- As rinn-a, in their quiet, ceaseless eweep, 'fheir chanH"t:lft1l record leave along the tiboro; Re"\·ca.Jing oft-in excavations deepSubsoil upturned. with trcn:rort> orusted d er, \Vhich ~cannod by human .;yoa, Shafts 1:1lnk and citi~~ rise \\"here ailence 1·eigned before. - lone 'at can1e 'long 'ere las'- zpring_?' ' Yes, I reme1n ber it.' ' Well, zat zyklone come by Memvis (hie), and zat earsequake be 'ere too, 'fore yer (hie) know it-,car zat ?- An' l'n1 goin' Jay do\vn 'fore it co1nes, 'cause (hie) yer don't ketch 'is (:hile buckin' ·'ginst no earscquake- (hic) 'ear zat ?' Let ages frel tl1e tidti's re~i8tlee111 power, Just then 1\figgs' toot slnick the corAlld huge old centuries a.t length o'orhurled ner of a step and he rolled down a celFrom their deep beda, uncoYer in ftJl hour lar stairs. :BlaCk "eins of moral worth to bleas the 'Are you hurt?' called Jones. world. ' 'Be yer hurt yourself-· ..(hie) yer fool ? Let truth spring frnm the ground, Didn't I tell yer zat ·earsequake wuz a J,nrl human kindness found, comin', eh? 'Fi hadn't got down 'cre's 'Vith righteousness \lnfnrled. quick I'd bin shook (hie) all ter pieces, .AP, mio:t from sti111it mountains melt awa.yzee ?' · God'a truth 1ha.ll melt grim 111uper21tition'1 And he laid down and went to sleep. dream, !g1w1·nr:re fit>1: aa rii~. bt. from oom'flg day, And error flash her laet 1 vale, fitful gleam. Ah l then, in cloudl~ss light, Shall goodness corn1uer might, And foil cnl·h wicked scheme. The evet·-incren.aing circulation of this excel- · lent monthly proves itg continued a.tlapta.tion to · popular desires and needE1. Indeed, wh~n we think into how many homes it penetrates every month, we must oor.i.sidt:r it as one of the educators M wAll :i:i ent:-rtainers of the put.lie mind. - Boatcn1 Globe. 'rhti character whioh ihia }la.gazine possesses, for variety, ieuterprise, artistic wealth. and lit· erary culture, that it has kept pace with, if it baf:I not led the times, should ea.use its cnnflnctors to regard it 'vith justifiable complacency. The Ma.gnzinc has dciue good and nit evil, all the days of its Hfe --Brooklyn Eagle. Somo of the most popular of modern novelij have first appear~d aa serials in this Maguz.ine . In all rf'spects, it ia an excellent periodical, .and ' What do you ·see, father 1' said Flossy. fu£ly deservt""s its great succeea,-Philadelphfrt ' Well, I ·aee a · youn~ ebap courtin' bis Ledger. TERMS: swcetheart-111uuh sucb. a ou~ aa yotn· Postage free to a.11 Subscribers in Cann<la. Jp.other was. I see them wu.1ki11g to- Harper's Jv!agazino,one year . . $4.00 gether, and him protnising bow happy he'd $4.00 iucludcr> pn:ip:tyD1ent of }JOstage hy tho ·, d k · h , publishers. . make Jier-ll s a· u1· picture t at. Subscri,)tions to Harper's Magazine, WeRkly, and Bazaar, to One address for one year, $10; 'Y\-'hy, fathe~ 1' & Frank. , 1 All aHhes my boy.' or, two of Hal'"Per's Pt1l', to ODtl atldres:s, ' for one year, $7 1 postage free. ' 'Vhat else <lo you see 1-tell us~ father,' An Extra Copy of either the r..1:agazine, \Veekaaid Flossy. · ly. or will~ l:IU}}piied gratis .for every Clnp of Ftvc :::>uhscr1bera, at $4 each, 1n one re'W eH.a little, I 1me that sarue n1an tlunk!ug mitt.ance ; or, Six copies for $20, withou*; extra bow nice it would be to have some li'~tle copy, poatn).!'e free . . _ Back Numbers can be su pplied at any ttme. ones come to fetch - bu» home fron1 \Vork, A Complete set of Harper's ~Iagazine, now bow proud he woulcl be of them 11nd bow co.mprising 51 Volumes, in ~ee.t cloth binding, 1 . , will be sent by exprern, freight at expenstl of kind. pu1chaser,, for $2.25 per vnl111nc. S1nglo "VOl· 'W11y, fatb~r, tlu.t':i us!' sai(l Floa~:r· umes, b)' mail, postpaid, $3. C1oth ca~es, for bindiHg, t>S <Jent!!, by n1ai1.JJOE!tpaid. olapping her ho.nda. A Complete .A.nn.lytioal Index to the first fiO 'She's quick, fa FlCssy,' said the mother, voluu:ies of H'l\.rpet·'s 1'-fagi>zine ha~ jnst bc~n published, rendering available for referenoe. the while the father ,k issed tbe littl~ fair vast and ~1aried wealth of infgrm1ttion \~})ich hl}ad. const..itnt~ ~ this periodical a perfect illnstra.tcd liternry' cyclopedia. 8vo, Cloth, $~; Ilalf 1 We 'May we come always, father 1 ma.y Calf, e.::;: 2?.i. Seut postage prepaid. Manager BOWMANVJLLE Giittei·s, Slei.ghs, llUIDOUB· Bl8,S. . cl avmg dec1 e to make a change in their bnsinoss, are now 8elli1w for CASH their large and well assorted Stock of Diy Goods, Milli~ei·v Clothing, Crockery ancl Glassware, · H ·a Ma.chine a.nd Implement i 01· an11 Manufacturing Co I' lcilncl of Va-i·nislwd a1id all kinds of Varnished Oal'riages Ma,nufa,ctures ofj l'iwniture. SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. AT AND BELOW COSTI · WOOD ANDI IRON The Stool;: having been purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can clepend on getting A u.eual, a.'I.arge Stock en h11nd of WORKING MACHINERY L'B~JJIJC L' MORE .AND BE'l'TER GOODS J?OR TH8IR MONEY at this Establshment than in any othe1· house in the country. Double Turbine All of which w.ill be sold at low figures. Water Wheels ' John McLeod & Co., . Wellington Buildings, Bowmanv!lle. and Au11ust 10th, 1875. Hardware, Paints and Oils, StOues and Tinware. Call Ea~·ly, and secure Bargains, (lS the whole Stock must be sold at once, j'or CASH ONLY. . ,,I Ca.stings of a.11 Xinds REPAII{S done on the THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT is now complete with the choicest supply of -s:a:on.TES'l' .NOTICE, \.\'e have now on ha.nil a large quantity of Olt1·ist1r1as Goods, Raisens, 01trrants, Sit· gars, Peels, etc.9 etc., ctt all Pr·ices. Common and Gang Plows, that wi1\ be sold at it's sum1ncr weather corning now-do let1R··' , A l 'You may, if yo:t like,' said !l'.o.r. PP e- by. So, though it was 8 long tiu1e before the. 1 summer went.her,' caroe, the children · used to wait, not alW'll'Y · 111 sight J or the other men, but. near by, a11d b-Ir. Appleby can1e 't. eaey t o b ear ti>· sneer· · b y d egroes .to f ee l 1 of his old companions, with the thou ht of his happy home, and Floosy's ' 1 knew you A series of paµers uader t'h e title of "r1~he Firi;it Centu1y uf the Re\lUblic," contributed by the most E'tniucut A_ mcncan publicif!ts, is now being pubJishetl in Ha.rper'a Mag~ziue. 'J'liiH aeries of J)ver t\venty papers, gives a comprl:'Jiensive i:evittw cf Progress during the century now c1osing, in evCJ·ydeparbment of ouL· nationl\lNlife: . . 1 I . .1. ew11;9apers are not to copy t 1fa t\L veri1si;mont. w.tnhout the e::q)ress order of I-larper Bros. .c!ddreas, HARPER & BROS .. DENTISTRY! J Bdmacombe, L.R.O.D.S; LOW PRICES . Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 MURDOCH BROSR Bowmanville. ~Iarch1873. AT THE SHOP. 6tf. New York, U.S. liEI..lANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society would come, father.' 'l'ilh her in bis arma DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the ... · it was easy to paJ;JS the public·hou&ee, which had once eeemed to drdw him in by ·ome Will Appleby's Turning-Point. irreoistible power, Softly Tinie'· hand smoothed ont tbe sor· BY SARAH WlLLIAJ.1B, AU'l'IlOR OF 'TWILIGHT HOURS.' Bowmanville Drug Store, ESTABLISHED 1840. CANADA CHIEF 0FFIC~8. FEES MODERATE. OFl'lCE ov6· MoCLUNG'S Sto?'e. 13t, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL flood, roll on l Thy censeless surg? M1\y i;catt~r bl~s~jnga o'er the c1umbhng r] j 'l'by waDiug waves may moan the der.pot'l'I dirgo- In.~n.tiate Mrs. Appleby sat tbinking-stitcbing rowed wrinkles in Mre. Appleby'e face, and the irreAolute lines iu her buaba.nd'a-as be J. HIGGINBOTHAM DIRECTORS. 'VALTEI.\ SHA.. ~LY, and thinking, t1.s she had sat · for u1any a , weary night. She had a haUit of' co1nmun· 1 '· housetop. Fast asleep by her siJe ·w1I· her little Roll on, and lift the pPgan"s sable pall, daughte~, 'J·'lossy,' aa th& called, becauae I~ead Ethiop by a. way shil hns not known. of her soft, curly boir ; at the far cud of tbe Let old pagodas totter to their fa.JI, room, deep in hia leasons, \Vas little Frank, Salv11.tion'e light ill·Jtne the ci:intral zone ; ' mother'· boy,' aa he h~d named himself .Add to thy treasured 8}lOil8 Jong ago. 'l'ht- Hindoo·s fruitleSll toils·'So pretty they are, and bO good,' said lliB gods of WC'Od and e.WDC. KINKS. the mot.lier, with n throli of tenrler pride. Ye radiant orbs ~prend o'er the fielde. of epnce, A kink is a spontaneous twist in a thread ' How can William fiud it in his heart to 'Vhnse rays commingle as at Ptol'my's birth, and a conotitutional whimsicality in a man ruiu them, so tender· hearted as he ill too 1 In changelces grandeur ye maintalu your place, Why, even you kno" that, don't you, Fuz· A. thread,kink has all the tffect of a knot in Amic1 the ever·changing scones of earth; a thread, . interfering with tbe work of the Ye bhizttd o'er Egypt's s]ain, bn· j o·~r Judea's crimsoned pla. i n, A man-kink so twiatifies him Fuzbuz wa&a little blackapaoicl that Mr. acarostress. As o'er Delshaa:z1Jir'B mirth. Appleby Lad found one night moaning in e.nd koota , him np that the p1.Blor can't use Blaze on in drea.d magnificence around ! the road with a broken leg. This be had him, and society don't know \Vhat to do Your sih·~ry points shall map time's i;urii;ig set, and brought the little dog howe, wbero witb him. A thread-kink is a great aunoysea, anae when it occurs too often. J\ man· kink, if i>ad truly 'lived happy ever after.' Sball '1.:uide earth's pi11i.rtlm'e on o'er depths pro' Wht!re'sjbe tn<l.ater, Fazbu.11' eafd Mrfl. a whim, a crotchet, unnoya a. pastor, v:earies found, . and di~gusts a churcht and i!lterfcres with '1,hrough death's dnrk straig-ht to dread eiter· Appleby. }'uz'onzjumped up and rnn eager· her work. A kinky ch11rcb 1nember neve1 ly to the door, returning however immedinity. ai..Jy, with bis liL\)c bead hanging down, a~reea with h18 brother men1bers, always }Jarmn11io\l!ily revolve, Till earth r.ud sea diuoh·e, and a curious air of dca.pol;ldency in the way bas & word of nrlv1ce for his pastor, is alAnd aenal iela.nde flee. way· trying to car<y a point, is happy only he lay down again. 'Poor little fellow I it seems hard even to when he can gratify a notion, Rive his 'Vhen Time's tumultuous sea shall to disappoint a dog, as William due· me con· 'views,' or furce a. <lisagree11.ble alternative heave~ upon his 'dear brethren,' and all for the Its last responsh·e thrill uplift tl>e dea.d: tinually.' v..rhen rocks i:bnll mc]t, the stnn their orbit. Brethren, pray to be de ' Ii wasu 't father comiog, w1:1a it, moLher '1 1 · glory of God.' leave, livered from kinke.-Baptut Union. id Frank, looking up from bis Look. .And oceans shrink 'neath Gabriel's tread' 11 No dear, l wish it \\'llS; it'd just about Hii;,!'h o'el' thu burning void, Thmk Twice. hid ti1ne for len.ving work, but ther~'a no Qur soule, stiH "l:p.destroye<l, Good will and uni\·erf'al kiadnMs spread; Wild feuds, th.llt liv(!d in death, May melt in fdendahip'i! Ere three dt'.cadee have aped. iug witb her own heart,' and this kept her 'still' under trouLle \ ·hich some women in her sphere would have proclaimed on the "" . 1 l.TOULD respectfuUy tender hisaincere DUNCAN }1AODO:t.' ..U.D1 Jiisq. ··id to her one <lay, "l t11anka to his 1111me1'011~ friends and is· l\Won 'I'. lt Ca.MPBELL, C.B.. St. Hilaire. 'You're almost a happy \Voman now, tomcrs, and to the public generally, for Lhc 'l'HE HoNORAll.LE JonN HilnLToN, Hawks. Yery ' libPr..\ l support he has received iuce hi~ hurg 1 Ont. arn't you 1 wife 11 commencing i11 busiinei4~ ; nnd hopes by con· Rl~SIDENT SECRFTARY.-,TA:>!EO GRANT. tinuad strict personal attention to business, and 'Quite,' she. sai<l 1 .smiling at him. offering nothing but the purtist. articles. at ths ' I do believe Ws all through the ebilclren most reasonable price s, to ensure a continuan~e uf public patronage. 'l'be ENTIRE PROFITS bolo11g to divid taking to come and !etch me home.' J. H. would call special attention to hiMvery ed amongst the Policylwldera. ' Ood ia n good Father,' said M,.. Ap· l'Jllperior stock of LIV.ES, DEOLINJID BY OTHER CollFANIES, or OD pleby reverently; ' He leads ua by a way w· which au extra Premium would be required, crui know not.' which sure to give the best satisfaction, be a.83Ul'Cd n.t the ordinary ratca of this Society, ~Yes,' s11id her husband, 'and its end iP: under a special arrangem~nt A well solccted stock of S:eECL\L NON-FOFEITABL~ POLlOIES i&1ued heaven.' Eaq.t.,.,.M P., eha.irmaan - - -----.,.- -------- ---·.,..-- Bowmanville. Dec. 1::174. 11-tf. - - ------- S PECI AL FE A T URES. Just Arrived at the BIOis uow ra.giug at FASHION HOUSE eplent.lid assort1oent o DYE STUFFS DRUGS, GB.E1lfI GALS, PA'l'EN1' MEDICINES, BRUSHES, r ' Ullder whlch only 10, 15 or 20 Annual l'oy _.\.lso a lot of ~ents ..,.e required, each payment sec,,r1ng REAL HAIR. FANOY GOODS, & rolicyfo1··BUI!laBOUred proportionate to tho ntunber of premiums paid, and jrn; from futur Also a large stock of 00],fBB, oayment of prelnium._ SHOULDER-BRACES, di~;:>:JtATB Pn·Mrnllls and most liberal con· Stamps for Braiding and EmSUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. Prospectusos,Propo·&l Form!!. &c., supplied I I NEW MILLINERY. 11tELE-VEN S kept wustantly on haud. on a.:pplication a.t the H Utnce, or any of the Agencies. broidery. OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD a.t tho very lowest p1·ices. JAES GRANT, Res. Secretary. AGl~NT ~'OR 11 FA·SHIONS for Spr!n11 just to hand. BOWMANVJI,LE, O.BARKER, Horses and Cattle Medicines .. N. B.-Oout1h·y 6tore-keP.pers ·sufiplied on · the n1ost advantageous . terms. A !}boice selection of LA ?tiIPS fur !)ale cheap Bowmanville, Dec. 1868. 6m, 23-ly Observer O:ffic"·" King St Bowmnnville, June 24th. 1870 ~- --------~ DDESSMAKING " usual. Imtieiial Fire Co OF LONDON. Established 1803. HEAD 0Pll'IOEB.-1 MRS. A. FLETCHER Bnwmanville. April 7th,1874. and he is d.e termined to contiIJue to sell n !. these rninously low . prices cheaper than the cheape~i. Why he can clo i t First, h~ buys for cash and knows ju>it !10w to buy t Second, what he can't buy cheap enough;-he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cush ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. Old Broatl St., and FOR C.i1.i;.AD.A :- 24 l'all Mall, London. Strowger Bros. GENERAL ~ GElSCY St CA.LL AND SEE FOR YOUDSELVES, -·AND -u- era.went , ?tfontrea.1. l~eser\·e Sh~i liVe in hope or dread. tbance of his co1ning straight home, I'm }l..,unds invested in Cann.da- 105.000. Inaurn.ncea agn.inst loss by Eire are effected on 1noot fH-vorable tel'ms, and losses with out ret'eronco to tho Board in London. F·md. £1,965.000 Sterling-, Subscribed and invested Capital and J DODSWORTH, HINTOUL BROS. . ETEllNAL rowIIB, wbOl'e 1nighty arm sustains. a.traid.' 1 '\Vhose.grnoe surrounds thy feeble creature man, As&bt me to irnrro'\e what )·et remnina, 'fbe wan ng moments of life'a fleeting spa.n, I would when parted here, Beyond this n 1undane sphere, Still j.?'J'eater glnriea scan_! He Uid once-don't you reiEembe1·, mQ'ther I That time Flosoy and I met him a.e we came home from school i' Y·s, dear,' '1id Mrs. Appleby, ab·traetedly. Sha was tbiukiu;:, what if her husband wight be won to his home hy hi· children i Her iofiuenc0 ·aeel)l,e<l · to have SP~Isu ..tfnJTT~ns. - Cut the crumb of n. failed, though she never reproached him. 1 F1H1l'h n ll into len.cihs, as thick as your fin· His sense of error made her very eilencE: ger. jn what sbape you will. Soak in some seem like a rebnke, and ho seemed some . crcnm. nutmeg, snga.r, pounded cinnamon, and f·mee iinP.atient of her very presence; bul; an egg· Whou well eoakeCI, fry of a. nice the childreu, be loved then1 still, thought .. browo, and serv":I with Lutter <1tld suga.r-~nce. .iul Frank and loving liltle Flossy. ll.uui::D Ccs'I'AI~u.-Boil one pint (Jf 01·eam. 'W·s father angry whh you fol' .meeting half a piD.t of milk : with, cinoamou.and l emon·ped, a little of each. '\Vhen cold, tnix 1' she said, pl'eeeutly. the yolls of three ~gt; sweeten a.nd make iN.o, I think it.' your cupe or paste nea.rly full. Ba1',e them ten ""' 4 Suppose you l\'ere to go to·day.' minutes. "Vell 1 I will, t,nother.' 1 Frank's lesson 'vas only half learnt, but DoGGH Nurs.-U.ub a quarter of a pound of but!e.r: into & pound of flour. then add five he wus truly his 'mother's boy' in thi~, that ounr:eB-Of sus~, hvo egg~. n,bout a desecrt· it was hia own affu.irs be· wne nlwaya rcndy spoonful of yeast, and euftict\!Dt 1H1ste to make -. . 't · t I'll t L e t i't 1-; t nn d t !l rise, . so Ina hooks wer~ 1 m o n e 1 par, e. t 1it>n to put atnde; . . !loon closed roll it out, and cut it into ~ba.pes with a lJa<1t1::- a.~d he lS ready to start i but JUS~ then brn cutter. and boil th1:m in Jard, till they arc of sister awoke h1:r.nap, and see1ng Frank anica biuwn wlor. with his co1nforkr on, ehe began to CJ'] 1 'I Inspector. Gen. Agents, M ontren In worldly matters 'think twiee,' but in duty, it has been well said, 'first thought· Having :rmno"·ed to more commodious premise~, · R. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent Anoth.;ir ca.r load of the above noblP articles on He has in stock an endless variety of Lo.dies' aud Gents' Saratoga 'r111nki:1, Valil'.ies, etc., all for Bowmanv!lle and Vicinity_ the way. which he is aelUng cheap for cMh. are beet ;' they are more fresh, more pure, rn Bowmanville. June 4th. 1860 36 -ohave more Cod in thew, There is nothing Please call at the m.o.43-39.4w Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, like the firot glance we get at duty, before B () 'V MANVILLE beg to inform the public generally, that they there ha· Leen any ·p'eeial pleading of our arc no'v e1mbled to offer them Farm Implement Forwarding Agency· ~ Bowmanville, ~fa 13, 1874. affections or inclinations. Duty is seldom R W . JAMES, AGENT uncertain at first. It is only after we have King St., Bowman ville.. For the following Insurance Companies, and in t1u:t line of involved ourselves in the matea and aophis· othtir Inatitutious, viz :Rowmanville. Dec. 5, 1872. nlO, 'l'he QU}~J!~N }..,ire and Life Ineurance Com· tries of wishing that thin~s wer& otherwise pony.- C·pital£2,000,000. $150,000 deposited than they are, that it seems indistinct. Conwith the Dominion Government, for the protec Straw-Cutters I Grain Grinders FEED )\!!ILLS. BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exa.rp.ine . e stock, which comprL··e~ r.Ytt: ything in the trade, of the very late!'lt and 1nost el!!gnn 1tyles and patten1s, of Li.;;-lbh, Canadian, and ~lli<:1dcau 1nauufacture. a~ still continuee to manufacture to ot·dcr, from the beet of ni:.tterial, :~d none but firet-clasf.! I --~b~. -- Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guara~ect t!.~ - o- ~ James McFeeters. M. TRELEVEN. Better Inducements sidering a duty is often explaining it Deli~eration is often only dtohonesty. God 'a guidauce is plaiu ·where ,Y.e are true. WLat·ver gives his children good iostri.;ictioo, and sets them at the same time a bad e~awple, may be conoidered as bring· iag them food in one hand and poison in fim Grocery Business, than a.ny otheL' house in thwCou1Jty. ders in Canada. . The ISOLA.TED RISK Fire Insurance 0:1m pany of Canndo. Capital 500'000.-0ne of the best u.ud chuape>it Companies doing businc88 iD the Dominion, fol' l', armer~ n.nd Ieola.ted Riske SO, HO! TO THE PUBI_j~[O. Qentlemen of Fa.shio:n. ---NOT SO FAST. I have writteu these few lines And all I have to say, ·Th.a.t you oo.n find me still at home I am not gone away ; So all my kind old friends may come And all the young ones too And get their garments nicely In fashions that nre ne\v, \Vhere old ii.nd young del.!.r frfr·ndn:s, meet A welcome greeting by R. P.JiLi\..'J~E Bowuutnville, June 19th 1873. WALTER vVIGG & SON, atl<led thereto, tha.t we ma.y thertiby be enable<l to supply all pnrties who way j)lea1>c to f11.\·11r him with a call. Grea.t indncements held out to thoet' purchasing at our t::!tab 1sbment. l'iu· tures, Looking Glassei::;, etc. framed to oi·der, a.nd in every style. Sam1iles of the tliffe1·eut kind of o uldings can be qeen at the '"are-room. We would also beg t.u infor1n you, tha~. having purchased a retur:cing thank! tu tboir nurotirous L:USt·omtore and thP. public gtinerally, fo1· past I Nwould respectfully invite their g,ttention to :Pr1:1sent stock of furniture, as ·,,·e httve lately fa.vor~, 0\1r The CAN ADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. with a. Savings Bank depn.rtment. . 'rht1 UNION ANn Pl~RMA.NEN'l1 Building and S:.tving'R-tiocit:ty. '£her.::e latter instltutioue advance Loans on Real Eatate, on terms unueuallv eaey for the (AS REGARDS PRICE Jb QUALll'Y) NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD Bowmanvi1le, Feb. 6th, 1873. tbe other. USE THE A co1,.ciomit..,. of inl<grily, though a pre~7orwioh eioua jewel, may ruin its poaseeaor; it n1ay for mn.ldng n.ll kinds of Cakes without Egg~. become a snare-a temptation. To rely on J. L. ST:(l.OWGER 'l'o huJ1ad of all GTocei·s. II. J. \VEEKS & Co., tf oronto, i;ole agents fur Ontario. inte~rity for safety or peace leads to the J. l>. STROWGER . Morch llth, 1875. 24-ly. ' lo·· of both. N·woe.stle,Au~u·t, 11th, 1874, We,ight and fffeaswre Giianmteed -in eve1·y instance. . borrow ~ SPLEND lD NEW HEARSE, w1:1 shRll be ready a.ta 11 times to a.ttend fun, N. D.-Cotfin!Skept on hand and made to order, at ~- Tea,s a, Spepia,lity. ehort uotice and rea.son<.1.ble tern1s, Egg ., NEW DOJfINlON liE'l'AIL l'URNJ'l'URH W.d.liE-ROIJM. I. Oob&w&, Aug. 26th, 1870, King Street East, Oshawa· ,~

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