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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 31 Dec 1875, p. 2

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l*V F · RATES 0 F ADVERTISING ta w 11 be nserted at the ta.te of ] ye Cents li e fi st nae t on n d Two Cents per 1 each au seq ci t n$erl on Ad e tisemc t u der J0 l nefl oO eta Adverts menta rn erted m OBSER'VER and !\.{ERCHANT at Seve Cents per 1 e first Uler t n an<l Three Cent1:1 per line ach a bsequent e THE MERClIAN'I THE WEEK OF PRaYEB. The E angehcal Alliance euggeats the following top1ca!ur med1tahon and pm.let on the success ve <la~ s of the week 1ndav Jan 9 -S r Ions - rhe Lo c of God perlected n h m who keepetl Joh a 1 v His \\Ord Mor day Jan 3 -T ank·g vrng and ( on fesa OD A r~trosl ect of the past yea.r TuesdaJ Jan 4-Prayerlor the Church of Chr st I 01 lhe rnemlwro r cently ud<le<l to tie Chnrch Jor the unron of true bel ev ers I Jraternal fellowsh pand act ve co aper tttton tor the ren oV al f errur the increase ol godl neas and a. clearer test1moay among bel ~vers to the doctr ne and I ower of the Go<p< ! of tl e grace of God Wednes la) Jan o -Pra) er fur l'am l es -For gouless 111rents for I rod ~al sons for ch l<lren at ·chool for enterrng upon vrofesso al a 1 com mere al l re for w1d ows nnd orphans for sons and laughters in fore ~t la1 de and Jor nil who are 1 entally or otberw se aftt ted H urs<la) Jan 6 - 1 mytr !or Hulero Irlag !'!trlltes nn<l S ate men for 10Jd1ers and sa }Qrs for nahonal 1nslltut1ona for ph1luuthrop c nnd cl ar taLlc suc1eties for pr soners and oapt11 es and for the perse cu ted and opy re.:ised FrdaJ Jan 7-Praier for Chnatlan M ss1ons-Aad lor the conversion of thtl wort I to Chr st Satur lai Jan 8 -! rayer for all Nat OJ s -For ti e 1ca1ntenance of peace for cessat on of tutnults )\ ars an I C1v1l a r fe and fqr the removal of rntemperance immoral 1ty and rnfidehty lrom the land Sunday Jan 9 -S.rmons-The ult1 mate Tr umpb I salm Ix 1 17 lRlD.AY DECEMBER 31 187 5 THE DYING YEAR How fast the h e goes t seen s to me to go ver~ mt ch f ~ter tl an t uRed tu <lo b t there per! ape 1t " because l m gett ng older The above nud s m lar utterancea ba e fallen upon o r ear se eral times with u the last few days \\ th ~oung people t n e seems to ruo e rathH sl gg shly They ore al ways pro spect n 0 0 ct I eads r fleet and Cl! ly \\at the con ng en l It 1s not alw·ys eusi !ur tie aged to svrnp,th se ti the l oung they are a1 I to fu1get bow J ub !ant ti ey "ere th rty forty or fifty yeara ngo Ho· loud they used to laugl ho· lond the) w i of 1 ttle pleasan y au l perhaps a l ttl· 1 rthl l romp ng as rn perfect keep 1" w ti the r outbful tastes ;\.lthou 0 h the orld has been nov ug on and the aglil we 1 ve 111 ela n s creel t ior vast m prove mont on tl e yeRrs long s nee passed a.y.;ay nev rtht!leBB there are some tl ngs 1 retty m. cl th ame no as they ere fiity vears QO'O '\Vell at t.l11s seaQo oJ tl e year tl e ol l folks r nst t y a d recall the days of the r youth and for the nonce be ) o rg ago n It JS more !Lan equally true that the ioung and buo)ant find 11 very d fficult to sympatl se ti !Le old iolk they are a l tle too mucl prone to set them down as tidact.) sour or son etl g v. orse a 1n1stake to be g arded aga n·t One tho Rand e gbt I un<lrcd and sevent) five will soon be paRt let ull resolve to bury old asper t cs forget or at 1 ast !or g ve all 1nJur1es real or 8 tpposed and see to t that tie sun loes not on ])ec 31st, c;.o do n upon out rEith I org ve as ue ex. [ ect to be forg ven L t all b tternebS and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speak ng be bur e<l n Lhe gra e f the d) J et every readt:1 s'l.y Amen Installat1on At the regt lar comm n cation of J erusa ]em J!o Ji a <l A M No 3 l held on Mon daJ evemng laot tie lollow ng !?entlemen "ere installed oft ce bearers for tie urrent ) ear by W P ~1 Bro Dr P·tterson W M Bro l3arrett (re ele ted S \\ Bro Burd eu J W Bro Tl ompson W S Bro ~ McKay W T B o nl·r n ng r D L) le J D Bro J efler) I G Bro \\ r gl t and Bo W \h gl t Tyler alter vh1ch the fest val of St J ohu the Evan gel st vaa elebr I d ti a at the R iebottn o Hou e A ~1cen Cl st a.s alter all tbe ma k1 g t exceearng y d JI RDOW Spe al cont a t fur a1 a. e 1nade o applica. :-i~ t n w thout vnttcn m struct ona will be userted until ordered out and Cha gfll a.cco l n y on AJ ertise ents ~ncxrhant. ---BOWMANVILLE DEC 31 1875 E V SH AL OUR REALER, A HAil Y NEW YEAl 1:0 morrow b ng New Year!! our Carr era v1!1 ba ve the pleas e of v. a t n~ u_pon those of our I own sub er bers ~hose paper· are del e ed As the r rierv ce 1n sun sh e o. J. n cloud ha::. bee fa thful ve be I uk for them a cordial re cept on :MUNICIPAL TLe N ou nu un drew a full ho se on Monday :forenoo last l!>trcet ru or hav ag l nte l that the and dates wo lid do a I ttle talk ng The follo v DK gentlemen "ere nonnnat cd - ] or the oil e o! Mai or W Thompson :Es l F Cub tt E oq F I McArlhur Eq For the office f Reeve -W Eq Deputy Reev - 1 W Consaul S Burden E l The hour ha n~ exyir d w th onlv one cond date or the It eves! p Mr Eurke was declared elected Mr 'I horupson then ad dressed the el tors re e N ng the est mateH rece pts d expenditures and dt:bt of the town 1 he lotter he gave ns $60 00 Io clos ng h s eu !lrkc:i he stated that he arl dcne 1 o I n~ as Reeve but bat be des red tu be lully kno"n he had al~ayo labored for the J tereot of the town and 11 electe 1 would cont n e to do so Mr Cub It se ere!) ens red tie Cuunc I referr ng spec alli to the r act on hand g ov r tl c Bon s to the Dom1n1on 0 gan C also to the S eam F re E g ne affair At tw l·e o clock u mot on was earr J to a J o r l the 1neet ng t ll eve n~ vi en tl e h11 I \\ a crowded to t:xcess bless s I homp aon Cubttt Cunsau and Bur len o p e i the hm aj ng Rome hard th1n"s nt: ther Tbe supper wa· of the cho cest de·cnpt10n an l affected great ered t on Mr ltuebottom After full Justtee had been done to 1t, tl e cha rman rose aod apologized for the absen e of the preB1dent of the Company Mr G S Sha v who sho >ld have occupied the chair 1 ut could hot attend on account of o ckneas He s ·led tbat the. pr nc pal ob Ject n rr eet ng together ~as to present Mr Gibson w th a small token to show tl e respect and esteem in wh ch he \Ya& held l;>y tic employees of our CompanJ Most of 3 ou he eatd arc n\\ are that s111ce the format on of the Company m 18 0 Mr G bson has been connected w th 11 as Me chan cul Manager Tl e Compal y went nto operat on with no very flatter ng pros pect hov ng to con pete w1tb u large nun ber of old establ sbea co1 cerni:i hav ng their reputat on estabhshed. for the n anula.ct re of mach ne tools put I am pleased to m form } ou that from the super or l\lecha~ teal ab 1 tv <l splayed by Mr Gibson the first roach ne tools manufactured by the Company placed on the market were con s1dered far auper1or to any Canad an !\iau facture To bear 1 e out in what I eny ook at the Provrncial Exh b ton of 1874 where we earned off the Diploma look aga n ut the Exh1b1t1on held at 'Ioronto m October last where we obta ned first or extra first on ever) m·ch!De tool we exh1b1ted At the Prov nctal Exb b1t10n at Ottawa "e carr ed off & number of pr zea competing ug· nst some of the moat celebroted AmerI can as well as Canad au llall fa turers (applause) l he rep >l·trnn of the Bo" manv Ile Machrnes 10 now well estahhshed and I pre d ct that WJth the rev1 val of trade the future of the Bowmanv1lle Macbme Company mu·t b~ a br ght and prosperous one DD RISS - - -- - - -The County Council 1 oni tie Cobm q /Vo Id s SCOTCH SHORT BREAD at C Tod s To A M Gibso Esq f rthertug the r 1nte estt1 or e 1 b ten ng tbe rate1 ayers Mr M Arthur rel red Ill favor ol Mr T hoUJ.pson On Moi duy next the peo]Jle" !11 ave tl e pr v lege ot Etav g w) o s} al1 rur uur 1 un c pul l) for the year 1876 The Re.,.ve s a iea<ly coml rtabl} aeated ~lessrs Tho son a d C l tt cvntcst the M 'orally Of course Mr Tl omp u w 11 b elected l r Dc1 y Rr.c e the cvntest bet een Me88rs Coneaul a d ]Jurden ( t s'" l) w II be a keen one Mr Consn 11 I o lJ be placed at the I ead of tl e p lJ OJ a p rants for tl e I onorable oil e of !Jo me llor tl ere s o 1 ck and pon the "'hole tl re s l tt)e o ct oose bet~ een tJ en Our aU tbat be electors sele t the n en they deem the o~t bo1 ee.t a d ntell geut-me1 who ha e shown goo<l Lu es lac o n re sharpers but bone t bus ness e ""ho make t e dent that the) l ow l o v to manage the row nffa rs-men who ay Le supposed to have th "elf re file lo nutleart anil nai tl eretore be rel ed ou to do tl r best to s ppress the u of ntox at ng dru ks 'Ih s a the l t:Sl n fques Ono afie t g the beat rnterests of the people both for t me and etern1t) Tl e n au ref s ng to ph::dge h mself to ote aga nst aDJ 1ocrease in t e D n ber of places l ce sed to sell L q td fite and d al I ed duu at1on s un\\orthy of co1 f dence Don t vote lor bun And e furtb<!r ugg s that as Jar as pract cable ti e Mun c pal honors be more tu r yd slr buted I an las J,e,n lbe c 1 e I erelufore ~I y sl oul 1 th san e geutle n en occupJ a seat at the Cou c l I a bl and at t e S hool Board 1 II re are reason& wl y he t!ho ld not N"e know of noue why be sl o Id We suggest that any member o[ the S boo! Boa d rnek ng elect ou to a seat at le Co c l Table ~P ex ep og for the o I e of Mai or ele ted 1o sLt1.y at nome \\ e not ce that Me sr Bu kier 0 !Tarn n I D Dav dson .re the untr ed men seek g ele t on n t · \\ st\\ ard let s 1 ut Mr B klcr to the proof Ia the N ortl \\ rd Messrs S Mason M Du ' E ll I e and R D r l are tl e 'ote for Ma.son on to ti e old cout.1c llors w bo have I ar ed ha e l onorably serve<l the r const t ent~ rs J useph an l Mr \\ IV 11 am· .re a x ous to el o v the r pulr ot s n and Mr l' Y Cowie seeks h s tormer love l uee o s to [ e put to Cand la tea E ec to - ~V l you vote aga1uist auy aad e\ ery attempt to ucrease tie n 1 l er ho s~s to be l c~ns d for the t:alc of 1ntox a.Ung dr n rsl1 IV I) ou <lo all you legally a for 11 e s ppress on of lhc I iuor trufl c n tb ' Mu 1J c pal I) I It the aus ea be 1 the ncgat ve l t)our vote be nrgat ve ~~~-·-...·-~~- At a meet ng of the members and adher et ta or tt e Congregatwnal Cb rch 1t was de led to 1 gage the Bev Mr Col well for at ne a p10tor The I\ev gentleman bas been oflic at ng for the past two Sabbath· and rucetE! y; Ll gc eral favor The best known ran edy for all aft<cl ons ol the chest l ngs a d throat s Gra) a Sir I of Bet! Spruce Gum It bas been tr ed by tho sands of personti su.ffe11ug froru the abo e d seases an l a e ery nstnnce it I aa g ven n med ute re ef I u cases of trouble ome t ck hng cough where the pat ent pnsses alecpl ss n , o e or t.u.o doses ha!! a ch an effe t that reet ens es and the c gh spec l ly d appeara See advert se ment A Suucr. Tl e e1 terla nmeut ~ ven at School S ct on No l D·rl ngton on Tuesday even n~ last passed off in a ver3 s ces f 1 a a:iner a <l must have proved gr·t fy ng to ti pro oter- Mr T J C:al bary teach r of the sci ool The room was cro vded an I a l earty pro e 1 ngs "'as man f~ste 1 to r c tat ons by the pup lri r ad Liga and rec tat ons were g en a a sp r ted 1uunner bv Mr Dobb o a <l a number of mumal select ons were re d red by an amateur baud under ti e l·adersl p of Mr Tbos Ho~r Pr zes to the olue of about $60 were <l stnbuted to the pup ls - ~tatesman I or GOOD BREAD go to U Tod s , HAMPTON Ev y arra gement has been n1ade to make tl e:: 8acreC1 Concert to be} eld n tl e B I le Chr st a Cl urch ti ,. l nduy even 1ag a great su ess Tbe proi.:rannne 1s en excell~ t one cons st ng of vocal ad lreasefl and refreshments Proceed ngs w II beg n at o clo k The ann eIBarJ of the B ble Chr shan Cuurch w1 l be held on SundaJ Jan 0 h ?tlr Barke will p1each t vo sermo1 s On the Tue!jday fol o \Ing a tea will beg ven and n connect on tli.ete Y th the Rljv G \\ ebber of loronto w 11 del Ver h s cele bruted lecture on The ~colt sh Cove naoters Part culars n 1 !IE! rhe Tu n·h p o i at o passed oil very Sm -The em ployeeo of the Bowmanv1lle Macb!De UompanT have lo~g been desirous of presP.nt1ng ~ ou w ti eome token there bJ show ng their regard for you not 01 I) as Meehan cal l\Ianoger of the Company un ler which they are employed but as a fellol\ work1 au and one to whom tb.ej can look with confidence for instruct on know ng that v. here\ er such 1nstruct1on 1e want ed you ure al wnys ready moat cord ally o Rraot lt It gfy~s me great pleasure ID presentrng you with this beaut ful sll\ er tea service as a small token of the esteem an<.l regard in "h ch Jou are held by the employee· 'and t s their earnest prayer that the Great D spPnser of ~.ll good who IS too w c:ie to err will grant you and your partner n hfe many l ears of health and pros1 er ty and dur cg our course throul'Oh hte whatever changes 1n ght take place in our c rcum otanceo that yo 1 will be able to look back "' th 1 l~asure 01 the events of th~ e\en1ng as well ne oar assoc at1ons 10 the past S gned on beholf of the en ploy ees o! the Bowmanv1lle Machine Company WM H H ns ' Bowm·r,v1lle D·c 23 1875 Mr G l son made au appropriate reply After the toasts of the Queen and the Go>er or General Mr John M U ung pr pose<l the health ol the cl wf guest as fol lows .l\lr Chatr lan a <l. !-(el tletnen - I now r se to pr pose the health or our esteen1ed fr end Mr Gibson I "ill endea or to be a.a br t!f as possible aud confine my re marks to the time of Mr G bson B connec ton with the Con pany "hen Mr G b eon s 1 ame was first 1ne t oned in connec uon with the forma ion ot the Howmanv11Je :1'1uch ne ComJ)anJ n 18 0 it w.a supposed that he was a man of or<l nary ·b I ty and not th nd v Jun\ he ha· proved h mselt to be one of the fore nost and best pract cal macl n sts n t'Se Doru n on At the for mat on of the Uo npanv M1 G uson b·ca e a share holder antl ass 1ed tf e pos t on of Meehan cal Manaser and has con t n 1ed m tba.t respons ble pos t an ever s nee It s from the llecl an cal al 11 I) dISpl·yed by h n n the construct on fro n his or gtna des gns of the Mach no Tools that tbooe man luctnred by the Bo" n anv lie J\IachlDe Companv enJOY a cl a reputat on through o t the Dom n on I not onlv appree ate Mr Lhbson ·· a n echan e hut vain· h m us a fr end and I feel assured that he 1· held n h gh eat mat on by the employees of the C pany and flatter myself f he cont n es onnecte<l. w th the Bowmaov1lle Macl Compa y that w th the propobed ncreas <l fac1ht1es tor manufactt re that the Co I ny rntend mukrng n the a prmg they , JI be able to com1ete"1th the world I Lave much pleasure 1n propos1 g the health of A. ill Gibson E q (Loud applause ) Mr G hson rephe ~I\ ti l a few feel ng and appropr ate reruarka Several other toasts were propose<l and re·ponded to n a happy nanner ----··..·-- -BELLEVILLE ( 1 rom o r own Coi mpo"- lent) There bas been more than the usual a noun\ oJ act v ty among the ell d18posed part of the pop Jatton of Belleville for some hme past A FiE.r es of Jeeturcs by the far famed Father Chrn1 1ue on 1\ hv J became a I rotestant L berty of Con sc euce 11 the Uh rch of Rom· and Edu cahou n the Convents cre11ted more than a httle nterest and were highly apire ctated Last eek t became known that tl::ere waa m 1ch suffer ng among tho poor of the to'\\n JI consquence ot wh ch a public weet ng as called ID the 'I own Hall \\h ch vas largely atte1 dea an<l the necessary s~s token to thorougl ly cunvo·a the town Y.lth a' ew of aPcerta n ng the wantR of tl e r ·l 1 eedy and of ohta Ding help from those who have eno nh a d to spare As a. result man) a End la.unly is being ch ercd by tunelJ · d Ou the eve g of tie 20th nst Mrs. Yo mans dehver d one o[ her popular ad dresses on Ten pt anCE" H\ tl e ro\\n IIull and on the folln\\ ng morning at 10 o clock a conve tlon met at the san e plac for the ostens ble purpose of d cuss ng the propn eLy of pelt! on ug the Town Counc l 01 Bellev Ile and the County C c l of Hast mg· to pass the Dunk n Dill and eu bm t the same to the people for ijpprov I Tl e co1 ventton wua pro1 erl y organ zed by call rng the Ho B lla Ji I nt to tl · cha r OJ d appo ntrng Rev B F Austrn Secretary .l goo l deal of nterest vas man teated and s veral tellu g addresses de] ere<l The d sCUSfl ona resulted 1n the for1nat1on ot a pern anent coantJ assoc iit on and the pass ng of several resol lions expreaE1ve of a dcterm nat on to act v gorously and at once n th an atttr Success to the undertaking }IDES nre e ece he adopt on of the D nk n A t to the votes of the people ~. th s "as the pr uc pal l ll ness before tl fl Coun I \\e ~ ve thr. re olut ons and <l vis ns cnt re On n ot on of Mr Tuel et secon I d U) l\{r Praetor the pet ons were referred to a Corr m ttee cnne st ng ol ~i rs VV a lntt fhlter Fo vldo I app G II rd Clurk Mc Qno d f cker and Proctor Th s Com ttee r porte l } undre<l camPs upon tl e a o ti µet ons a1 d reconu en<led be 1 tro luct ou of a SAN SEJJAsTi '~ Dec 27 -Owmg to he !ly Law lor the pro! b1t10n of ti e sale of v gorous borr bardment ot flernan1 by the sp r tuous and 1 a t l iuor a d e sub Oarlrnts, the s run.ton there baa heco ne 1n ss on of tl a sane to the ra epayrrs ot cr1t cal an<l Jt ts thought tie garr son " II he Couut s prov led ti aL the towns of evac ate unlefle pro1nptly rr nt reed The Alfonfl at general llor ones ha~ ur Cobo rg ar d Port Hope I··· a I k l v r ved at San Bebm~t an MoH l bv M l ker s con l d by Mr L pp That the r port I e 1n e <led b3 atnk T11.1:: 1V A..Y to mlDJBter to a tn nd d. 1:1 a~ ng o t the lust lau £1 an 1 nse t ng 1 ed s to take Peru ~ Syrup a protect d heu ti er~ot Your lo tJm tee rewru solut on of the protoa:.ide tJf iro i wh ch g v a rnended the ntr ><1uchon of a By Law for strength and v gor to the whole systen re 1:itores tbe d ges1 ve organs to perfect bea 1 the proh b t ng the s le o! sp r tuo s a d ti ereby reator ng the 1n nd to ts nat al nalt hq_uors and to sub I & he same to the v gor ra epayers ot tl ese Conn s I he amt:nC1me t was cnrr eel on ti e fol 1500 Worth low ng d v s on -} ea l\fcssrs Burk ol Cutters a1 d SI· gho nearly ready at the Car n C u a nge El ott Eagleson Uo" d Enn ~k !Jen Carriage ,\ .,., ork~ I take tl s Gra1 I Kelci uru L·> J Iv! cl\ augl ton Mal opportuo1ty of thanking my numerous custo Jory Proctor Presto ::s n th Salter Tucker meta for tl etr very liberal patro1 age dur WI not IV ndatt- 18 ag tbe pat:1t s x years And announc ng Navs - Messrs B1 a n Barnard Clarlr to the pub) c at lal"Ke that I have nesrl) Coughhn Dunca Jio"I ' la I G llard con pleted the lorgest,be·t and best look ng I Lyons La,,Jea McQuo lot of cutterE! and- sletghe ever off~red Ill the S1dey Thompson \\ osier Counties A ter\\ 1uds a mot on for Lhe adopt on of Fust-They are Lu1lt of th~ best timber the Report as ·mende I "as lost by 17 that can be proc re<l )eas eo 18 nai · · Mr Cann chat g ng b s Secdnd -They are fully roned w th vote from the yeas to tie a) s forged brnces on the k:neeB and best steel At a later per od of the sess o ti e lly shoes. L"w fran ed under II e prot s 0111:1 of the Tt ird -Th y are filled mm tie pant n~ l)unk n .Act vas introduced and read a ·c!J ornament l and h ghly fimsbed I lth first t me the m >St duraLle varn shes On the order 1 r its a1::cond 1ead ng~n l'ourth -Tl ey are tnmmed w th l\Iu iuet the follow ng dai it " s te an I heavy cords done 1) M J·s B Moved by Mr I o Ids secon led by Mr K du e vl ose work always excels for good Clark That tl e lly Lav be nut now read taste and thor ugh dur b1htv a. second t 1ue b t that t Le 1e1.u. l a second All of which \\Ill be sold on the moat to tl e pe tons to ~ b t tbe ruattt"r ot PAlJS D c 27 -Ihe statue ol Napoleon was replacad on the ne"ly timshed Ven dome col!PI n to day A large crowd as sembled in the Place Veudome and ltue de la Pax uLd vtl tor stre:ets a lJa.cent to w tnt:ria the proce~d1ng 1 l ere was no ce1emony In the hencl ABBembly to loy urge cy was voted on th Pre88 D II I the debate on the cluuses a amendment was carried prov1d g peoal 1~s tor nttacke ng nst th~ Hepubl c Jules Dufo re e her I r Ch rente lr fer t:ure maae the n porra t statement that Marshall\ acl\.1ahon I Ielge~ h s rtspt>ct for 1 e ne~ ly el cted Senator a d asse t ng ti at they occupy a pos uo1 n tie Oovernn ~l t second only to ti al f the MolBI al I l e atcond cla Fe of 1h Pre H B I wl h s a. n eel at Bunal a ts. pro1-1nganda was paesed af er \ oleut recr 1 i atloJ s bet\\ e n Julea Favre a l B ua part sta reJnt veto Alsace alld Lorrruce COi1111EllCl ~L Ea 1'1: 11 Tht plc 1s i e Uc D lG 187 de1 s1 gned hu; th e )r rn!ounrng v u that he h ~ 1 e upe Wll 111 I 1s old st1nd ( le du 1 Jl e t!/ P t Ot/ e) with u1 e1 tn e l~E W STOCK OF Fresh Fa.nnly ctrooer1es IHi~ um s 1t tll be to l ccp the B e ~t a1 l sell 1L the Lowest pu sLblc p 1 1 c Ho lt ts llct 1 rurnc l t tdopt the SYSTEM, I o 1ha 1t1 0 ltl s 11 t ( l lj t th l tl} 1 lm~ il~ > tu tl c sclle1 P 11 eels dcln c 1 c tu ill pad s )t the t \Ill with pomp tness H1gh cot puce p i1Cl fu1 1ll krncb ot J t duc e Ho1 m~ t o ween e t hue )f) o n p th ona 0 0 He 11::> yout" tllll) c 1 lll" 1t t I John McMurtry Bwa D 1 -<f Awful Predrnament of the POET NOTICE I reasonable terrna A guarantee wdl be g ven "1th .ach one That thev 11 11 be as rerreaented for wh ch I w II be respons ble ll M LAUGH!N Enmsk lien Nov 2 h 177'> 11 4w G-ra.y's Syi:up of RED SPRUCE GUJ\i 10 Coughs Colds Loss of Voice Hoars ness Bronchial and Throat Affect10ns 1 a I Jc A 1 tlwr have e iga<jed a lng ::1 1'Ie on l a.· -;l,feBBrs Hu k Br ob (lurk Uou 0 bl n c.un Eall a U llat l l etc rihontso Barnard Fowlds Law) ss, 8 ap!es Webb For PURE CONFJ::CTlONElff go to C Toda tie Editor of the !1crcha t Cartwng I t D< D~Alt 22nd 187u rn· ~~~-·-·~~~- ON THE EDITORS TABLE THE PttRE ULO IC~ q et!) and all the offices "ere filled by ac lama\ on " W ndatt E q ts Reeve I\ ( emence E q lat Deputy S Van stone E, J 2 d Deputy \\ l\undle Esq aod B ngharn E q of E r sk lien Cou c Hors lLLUsrHAR~D Jo R.NALAND LIFE for Ja1 aary 18 6 comes out in a clear a d 1 c ut ful form and crowde I ATTENTION We hMe he b gl "t aulhor ly u he Dum n o for s y ng that 1-Ir Tho n1 son 8 otticui.l no Jon dos ot ;o:::; UA E\ I m Jrom cceptmg ti llfaJ ora11y ~ I OTE 1 OR THOMI t;ON .® wttl fresh er ·t tl oughtful entertamrng a1 d natruct ve LI a ter Among ts spec al teatures and tl os~ dl:'serv1ug part1cular men NEWCA8TLE ton a1e A er ca V\ omen Jour1 al st!\ a gro 1p A no S) t me vas experienced at the cons sttng of Mrs. Jul a W r<l Howe :t\ om oat on on ilfoiday last All the old Grae Greenwood Jenn June, l\lrs Counc 1 u c and date.:i as follows Mr Clemmer An es and MtBB Lo 1se C Moul A McN au 0 l \QJ l\ee· ~ essrs W Eo w th ti e r portra ts About Superst ter Chas Alie E S mmons arnl \'\ ton Reason a d Rel g on "h ch dts Grose Oounc 11 :s 'I be new cand datea cuses tbe relat on of these two so called Mr G A Jacobs counc I a1 tagon st c element. and declares the r nat ral harmor y n na So 1 a d 8oul De th m L le o fine poem \Hth 1\lusLra tons My l\esolve to be a R ch Man m fweuty five Years, lhe late ) ice Prest d·nt \\ 1 son wit! a portrait and a far character l. t on of th grt:a.t man An Un convent anal V ew of Herbert pencer Ile Ed tor al and other departn1ccts are veil filled fRE S E' · o HE.> 1 ' for J anuar) QUERY \\ EODJNG Co\KESut C 'lod s PllESENTATION --- - ·. ·--- - SUPPER t; S No 6 Mr J A Iaylor Teacher eketct es c t tied I: rmn the Cradle to the J UMORo J amea I b p lot prof cy and 1st Grave or Stu hes in lann y Life HI ex Ar thmet e L ~. r·ll s 4 h prof CY and ceed ugly I rom1~ ng anU Jeser\es a tho gl t 1st ' r ting S S :t\ o Mr H Luca· Teacher ful rea<l g \ enl lat1on temperature at d cloth ng rece ve a SPasonable not cc un S·NWitS Fal 1 y All n 1st 1r ling JUN ORS Thos Martyn 4 l l rof C) and re·d ng Wm der the heat! of Poi hr Phystolo~) Tl e Drug Bus 1 esa s l umorously cl: ar Ir or Vtb profcJ actcr ed lubacco u. ng ,. ruffed n the '"Y t should Lie There are oorne i.:ood thounl ts or Sta rs 11 d Sew ng Ma ch nee Butter a d Oleo u1 rgar ne are d acus ed '1 he \ me and the Gra~e ·the \1 le ofa very ng Hnd "ell I h: stratt:d essay There are 1 uruer us fret!L Arid savory rece pes and u full aaaortment oj Ed tonal Itc1 s .Answers to Oorresp n lent· L tera1y Not ces etc. Allogether we r gnr l t as n. capital rep:rese1 t~t ve pnn ber Pr ce 20 ce 1· per copy $2 a year S ll \\ ELLS & CO I D !<ISJ'rnRS 31 Rroa lwa~ New York v g rously bf>g1ns tLe vear acd v.:e cons der t epcc ully nteresttng Sou e new top s ore started btch are f ll ol ·ugges t veness J h I rst chapter of a ser es of 18 6 Su - I have been requested by a n mber or tl e fr endo of Educat10n m ti s to rnsh p to send you the result of the Cartw1 ght Pabhc School Compel t ve Exum nat on held W lhamsburg o the 17th mat an<l rn order to do so ntell ge t ly and nput ally I sl all I a c to gtve you some of the 1ules ot the exam nat on In the firet place tl ere are two claBSes of pupils 1st those over 14 years of oge or Sen or au 1 2nd those under that are or J UDtor It ·as also lee <led th.t no ch ld tl o ever so competent sho 1ld receive 1nore than two pr es Th s plan was tho ght to be the n ost benefic al 1.he number of sections c npet ng were s1x an 1 the nun ber of scholars from each were .is follov.: s Sec 1 sent 2 sen1 s a <l. 2 Jr s. Sec 4: sent 3 senr s and 2 r s Sec sent 9. sen1 d and 2 J a Sec ti fi!ent no senr s 2 Jr s 8t!C 7 sent 2 senr s and 3 Jr s See 8 sent 2 sears and no Jr s Mak ng a total ol 22 entr ea The numlter teacher could send "as I m terl to six no more than three in each d v 6 on The s ccessful cand datee "ere as follows S S No 1 Mr ;\. McBnen Teacher SE,.IORS John G ll ra ti 4th profcy and ht geography Miss El abeth Gogg no 6th prof cy a d !st read ng I UNIOI s Rotert Archer 6th prof C) and 1st geogra phy Miss Cati er ne 'ar camp 3rd prof cy S S No 4 hh John G Mome Tcacl er SEN ORS M SS Hhoda rr ck 2nd prof cy ""<l let Spellrng M ss Lottie J HJ land 3nl prof cy 01 d Isl Ar th met c Fre<ler ck Bruce 8 h pro y J 0" OK· II m Mel bourne H) lanJ Ond profcy un I Isl gram mar Job Graham 8thprof cy S S No o Mr IV Cowen Teacher SEN OR M BB E McLa 0 bl n 7th pro! cy au l firs\ H story Mas En 1 a W1d<l1s 9tt pro! cy an I lst Oran oar J u ~ ons M ss Soph a Marlow ti prot cy and lat ·pell ~a Mess s Cu no ng Ell o t, Eogle on Gould Uran t Lapp Mallory Proctor Pr ston S ti Salt r Tucker W In ot W ndatt 14 Th shad the eff ct oJ slav ng oil the sub Je t for the i:ee:sion and of defeu. Dg the proJect as far as an mmcd atA vote of the ritepayers was coucerne i It openly stated in Counc 1 1n1ned after a ls that the ti st rca<l ng ""s n II fied by the µo tponemeut end t} at tl e n e n hers ollng f r the mot on nderstoe l !bat by tt e r vote they Vi ere k lhng the n easurc so f:l.r ae 1t had gone So long as new pet t one have not to be oLtaine] an 1 the I bor al ready exp nde<l he ot lost tl ere ts no grea;t harm done bv the delay for tl e nere Joa g <fa day r 1u red for the fir t resdmg ta of o conac iuencc " e can eas y nderstsnd the desire of meir bers to get t} e r e ect ons over before aga n neehng th s momentous quest1on but :ve h nk any case that it wo dd aave been more cred table for them tog ve a stra ght 'ote It v1ll be ·een that n any vote I as ti· ends of the I quor sellers 01 e" ery d v s on and no doubt some of the conat tuents " II mark the foci The pro noters of the n ea ure for stay t g tL s great ev l hve la ily done thci dutv and upon those who l rked ti By Law n 1\s early stage u d ref e I to allow tl e people of tl ese Co t es the p.1or r gl t to teco1d the r op n o s on tl s mportant quest 00 n t t test all tl e respons b 1 ty at tach ng lo ti e r vote At a later per od of the eas1on Mr Mc Nau 0 hton moved Mr L app seconded That B pet t on be pr pare<l for pre~entauon to the Leg slature of OnLa · at ts present ses~1on p a)JDg to amend tl e Act of 1874 Uha1 32 ent tied An Act to ame~d and consolidate tho law for the Sale of ler ji1 st class re touch111g A1 list dii1 1 ng the hol ida;y season 1i o will 1mp1 OVe tl C 1 1C01 k 50 pei cent n ey copy t om any photo oi am b10type c r. d enlarge uz lo any size 1eq ii el and coloi ed A lct1ge aswrtment of fancy Ji a1 ies Jee o i hand Joi CHRISTMAS GLF1S G di early in tie day for good z lo tos-especially of the b ibies .A gents iua ited to take ordeis jor enla1gvng photos Dec an J\II AYORALTY th t1 e -eque9t ()( a large u nber of U.atepn.yers I havti clec <led to offer m~ self as Cnn 1 date fol' the Offi e of ?If u of the Town of Th vmanv lie for 187 1' DOMINION BANK l 0\1MA]';YJJ1 E In o npl ance Sl 1"' l th De em be 187-..i l I Y I MOHRIS R01$! l\J W'tH>ON ooo 000 a d respectful } sol c t Ele to ~ } e S1 pport of the- ge t:rn.IIJ 3 c " OoH 1\ l TXliR " "' !J I.Mt;; 1HOMPSON Bowman lie Dec 10th 1875 -------- --- ~- LAND SALEI DEPUTY REI YE At the request of md. con8enteJ. to offer myself a11 cand da.te for tl e office of Dep ty Reeve for the ensu g yea The \ otes and nfluence of the Electore espectfull~ sol c ted · , DEPUTY BJ<]lVE 1o t! Elec a of GEZ.OTLEl: Ei; e Tow tJf Bou:m.an1:1 le Having been el e!lted J umber of the Ratepayers of t1 e lo to accept a nom 1 t o for the I oa t on of Dep t)' Ree e Jor the ensuw )ear I here by roi.:pectful y a.u1 ounce my comt l auce t} sad request I thmefo e sol ct the cord al s pport of the Ei~ctors and fr turne t Bhall t:rt my ab l t cs to s r e the terest:s of the by a large n u.nv lle J t CUDD A 17< t Jan Ch 18 -1- l~tf ~ TI-I E Yours respe tf Uy S llURDE'> QUUNC lJ LOH llf pze's Book Store A ~Il In SAB:.S TH SCHOOL Dou vi 0 esr e tf lly sol c ts the favor of ~ou vot NOTICE Your obc 1 e t ser a t AARON BUCKLE}{. 0 BARKER. a v uf tl i lilay: df .,i a, Do 16 l~To RELIGIOUS SERVICES nd 1876 SUNDAY tl JAN :;T JUHN S CHURCH A:NGI ICA.1'1 S cea n th s ch r h tw cc eve y Sun<lay -at ll o clock n the mom ng and at 7 All the even ng hy llev Dr Afacna.b pe'\\'S open to the public e ery S bbath e e n:;:- JlllILL cheap and good Literature, Chft Ilooks, a.:nd :E'1esent G-OODS. T S v ~ to OANADA PRESHY'lEltl tN k R<noe ube H }< t0 D 3 d 07 a 1 _ __ _ _ : , Mt 1 HOS 8MI1H - I FAMILY BIBLES Splen did Lo POCKET BIBLE S Larg e Asoo1t1nent : N B That deservedly popula1 Teach j er s Bibl e m VallolS bmdings J U} J O., 0 " ~ ~ t o L ou s G Oe THE SUCCESSFUL PHYSICIAN AND e next Salibatb at 10 30 o ock n the oorn g by t.he .H.ev 1'-:1r Fe guson an l ttt 6 :J I t1 e e e1 n by the M Metcalf S School at o 10 Re P yer lf~et "' every l bursdp.y c en ns a.t 7 o lock LHBI E CHHISII<l.NS At 10 30 a u by ?Ylr C Barker an<l at 6 :JO p H Vi W ·d· Sabbath S boo at lock the afte noon Prayer bieet ng o Wednc day e e1 gat 7 0 oclo k TO :B"O':CL:OERS I 11 l TJ'l 1 [] U 1di:5y Cl 1 I SJ ;; ) I Ii_ II< l\ ll( ROSCOlES ' , l l<:Rf OSC Ol ES K \l 1 lT>l SCO l FS Ste w O J tc ' Ll the u vn to ~} O\\ fur t 1 · ectors ask he ed the town 1 t re t to 11 e aruo mt $00000 PlUMI11' E MEIHODIST Se v ~~ on Sabbath ext at 10 30 qi tl c l or ng a.i d at V. 30 ~~ the even ng llev R Cade PMtor DH\CIPLES-Ser ice on Sabbatl at 10 30 n anlla.tfl 0 p n. Sut dhy School at I) ~O rn the ~;fterllOOJ 1' O UNG MEN s CHlUSTIAN AS~OOI !I. IION -A C~ttag~ Piayer Meet n II he ~d 1 I\~ '.\fn:1 Robl D!1 near th~ }..ic~:r) 0 I Uct ·9th 1811 ICall a nd Exantiue. T ~sda.y even,.i~ ne:xt "'~ O.\&'ht o clo9k: And alJ o ·t M ~ ..fon·· D ik· St eel Wtdn·· ¢\.y e·eJl n!! at thit same l our Inducements. L !l_NIC CERTrn W AES ' ppl cat ons Great B &o can be p o ed at t h a cft ce at rer.rulaT ate11 &c. 'l'o ?!asters of L. 0 I. iownuumll July tb 1813 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ · ----

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