) THE MERCHANT FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1876 POETRY. Father's Comforter. BY .ETHF.L R \NDOLPH u The St~len Melon. Only a Flower to Give. NEW YORK. 1876. It was vactt.tion, and Eben and Robert ·Mother,' asked little ~hcebe Cary, 'have 1776. Eighteen hundred a.nd se\ienty six is the Ccnhad gone to the city with lather. During you nothrng I can carry to Aunt Molly !' It is also the y(lar Irr wluch an t1:inrual ~rear Phrohe'a mother v..-as poor, and her cup· Opposition their absence the boys proposed a Eic nic to House of Representatives, the first CJa.J:k's po1nt,in honor of two o)d a68oCiates, now collegians, on a vacation visit bomf', I w~a the youngest, and peihapa a ilttle proud of my mv1tat10n. My mother pre· pared roe cake and sand w1ch for the occasion. As I wa.s Uown in the garden, I noticed Eben's large watennelon, now fully npe. It had been tbt ob1ect of h1' apec1aJ eare. "Oh, if l only had that 1nelon." thought I ; " none of the ho) s will have a u1elon to carry," This I w1ahcd not on1y once, twice, o:t three times, but many tunes, until I cou1d not help tbiukmg ot it "\\'hat's on yoar nnnd 711 a."'ked l31ll Parsons, as we v;alked up street together! "SoIIlething," L replied. "Tell me : I won't tell," he said coaxingly ; anti I told bim how I wanted Eben's melon !or the pic-nic. 11 Capital !u cru~d 13ill, ~ho \\·.o.s tona of melons, "let'.s have lt" u Why, mothef wont give it to n~e, because it ts not THE \VEEKLY SUN. TH.Iii MERCHANT Las no:w a bon.a ti.de Circulation of 1000, and ·vith the e:xcephon of & few, these pass 1nto the hands of the pt-ople of West Durham. 'l'hepubhc,vill atoncc sec the utility of the pap.:ir a.a an TO B.A.'l"rING'S If You Want 'l.' HE Are you tired, papa. ? Aro you very sad ? What shall Ha1Ty get you' What will make yon glad ,,, And the tiny fingers Smoothed my troubled btow, While the S\\-eet lips questioned, ".<\1 tl you better now!" ~1 Papa, don't yon 'member, !\Iamma used to eay, 'Harry, when you're naughty, You must go and pray ?' Are yo·.i naughty, papa.' .Are you HT!/ bad ? ForwhenI ttmuaughty, I am always sad." Darling little Har1 y ! b-fay you ever know, It I'm sad and weary, What baa rua<le me so l 13t ightly shine& the suulight On your merry hAe ; Papa finds it different, '!t-Iid the toil and strife. "Ah ' you good now, papa., For I s::i.w you 1:1mile !1' .1.\.11'1 he clapped his small hands, L·11~hh/g all the while. Then, a.i:i if..~uto happy, Climbed upon my kneti i 11 Tell me story, papa ; One's that's long," said he board was empty that mornmg. 'Can ' I wish I had, Pbcebe,' said she. you think of ·nythmg !' Pbcebe thought a momenl, and then said, ' I've only a flower. I will take her a sweet·pea' Now, Phccl>e bad a sweet-pea which she had planted under the window, and as it grew and flowered both mother and daugbttr loved and enjoyed it. Phcc~e picked a tine blosso1n, an<l ran down the lune to poor Aunt .Molly's cottage, TblS was a poor old sick woman, who 1 for a w!:aole year had lain on her bed, suffering great pain, And I told a atoty, But, ~fore I stopped, Little head so tU"ed, On my shoulder dropped. Y~t the e-weet amlle Jin'!:'ered, And the duuples kept Playing in tho fair cheek, Even wlnll'.l ho ele~t. Then I kissed the red J1pa ·· And, frnm off his btow. Smoutlw,J the ,,.olden ringl~ts That \\ e1~ tangled nnw ; Tbmk111g. as I du! so , ba.1llng little btiy 1 ?.lay God bless and keep you, You a.i 1· papa's joy ! In the afternoon a lady called to see Auut )folly, and noticed the swe,et pea in a cracked tumbler near the poor woman·s bed. 'That pretty posy,' said Aunt Molly, looking up v.1th a grateful smile, 'was brought to me this wormng by a little gul, who said it was all she had to brmg. I am hers to ~i\·e; and Eben hasn't come borne," sure it HI worth a great deal to kn'}W l 'm I stud. "Oh, never mind thal; you know thought of; and as I look at it, it bnngs up what the college boys tell of their spree.- the rnmge of green fields and the posies l bow they rob hen-roosta, and orchards, and used to p1ck \vhen I was young ; yes, and it nobody knows what. lt is all rn iolw, you makes me think what n. woncterful .Si.2d we know. Now let's have Eben's nielon." have ! If this little flo1ver is not ll!rneath We talked UJitil it did not seem eo bad a H1s n1ak1ng and His care, He won't O\cr~ joke, alter all. I went home. That mght, look a poor creature hke tue.' · Tea1s came into the lady's eyes. And or neTcr. Away f1om Bill Para~ns, I was the victau of doubts and hes1tat1on. I went what a.a she thrnk 1 She thought, 'If vou down in the garden, but waa afraid to touch have only a flower tc give, give that) and rethe melon. It grew darker and darker., meruUer1 too, the 8av1our's worde, that even u Bill says it would be ao capital; and alter a cup of cold water gtven in a Christian all, 1t 1i:i: only n joke. , , I rustted forward, spirit, shall not lose its reward.1 aetied antl snapped 1t from the aten1. The It is worth n great deal to the poor, the Jeed was done; and I bid it 1n the barn 1 aged, and the sick, to know that they are The .uext'1Ilornin1ll rose carly,for yon tU.J)' tho1'ght of.-Child's Worlcl. be certain l ha<! npi sl_ 'l,PP wdl. Af\Kr br~akfast 111 since t11e w«or, will be in }lower at Washington; and the year of the twenty-third election of a President of the U1uted StateA, All of the~e events are sure to be of g1 eat interest and imports.nee, espec1a.Uy the t\'iO latter; and all ol. the1n, and everything curnlPctcd W:Lth them will be fully and freshlyre1101 ted anrl expoqnd~d lJl thti S1in. The Opposit10n House of Rt!presentatives, taking up the hne of lnquu ':1 opened years ago by the Svn, w1ll &te1111y il.nd 01hgontly mvest1· gate the corruptions arid nuscleed'3 of Gu\nt's admiufa_ t ra.tion; and wi11, 1t 1s to be hoped, lay tho fouu1at1on for a new and l~tter _}:lenod HI our na.honal history. Of all t1us the Su.n will contain complete anrl acctu ate a.ceounts,fumishing its readers \\1th early and t1 u!oltWOt t hy infornrn.t1nn upon these absm bing topics The twenty-thud Presidental election, \\1th the p1eparat1on8 tor it, \'iill be :i.nomorable as deciding upon Grant's asp1rat10ns for a third ter1n of pO\lier and plunder, anJl_ ktill more as tlAf:iding \\ho shall be the £.11t?d1date-e£.tl1e party of Reform and elechng tftr\-t ciutdula.fe, Cnncerning ail thes11 subJects, thosC wh01ea<l the Sun will have the constant means of being tho~ughJy well inforrred The Weekly Sun, which has attaine,1 a cuculation of over eit;ht.y thousand copies, already has its 1eaders tn e\'._ery Sta.te and 'lt!111tory,and we trust that the year 1877 will flee their nnm· hers doubled. - rt v.'111 continue to be :::i. thorough newspaper. All the general news of the day will bti found in Jt, condensed \Vhen urumportant, at full length \\hen of 1no1nent ; a11d always, ",\ e trust, treated u1 a clear, interesting and instructive manner It is our a-Im to makt:i the lVeekly 81.1.n the best family newspapei in the wvtld, n.nd Wt! shaJl continue to give in its columns, a large a1nount of mumella11eou!i reading', su_h as stories, tales? poems, s01entrfio intelligence and ,~gl"lcultu1aJ 1nforooa.tion, £01 which we a.re not a.ble to make room in our da.ily ed1t1on. 'fbe agncultu1 al department especially ii:i. one o[ itf.! promU- eut lea tures The fa.s}1ion s- are aJso regularly re.11tn-ted in its.cdumlld; and so a.re the markets of evocy ktntl. . ADV;ERTISING MEDIUM. ~ It Has No Bqu.al in tJua constituency, and thie fact is being con. stantly demonstrated . ..., ~oB i - AND MANCHESTER MERCHAN'J', - If you have lost anything, a.dvtirtl8c in this pape1·. If rou ha.1.'e found anything, .a<l.vert1St!i in tho If you want to sell anything-, a.dvertiae in thie paper If ynu W1'Ut.'"to llny anything.a.dvertufe in the DRY owwanville, ·Sept. 25th, 1857. CHEAP ElephantH·ouse GOODS. SoME'rHING NE'V . I HOUSE. MERCHAN1' columns of the. MERCHANT. If you want tn rtiach the pubhe, use the OUR RATES ARE LOW. A1:1 a wet>k1y newspaper, the :tvIEnouANT is for Lath & Pla,ster ! THE PATENT ALUMIN01JS and OR· NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. PAPER OIL-CLOTH a><d CARPETING SOLE AGENT ~ubstitute scarcely excelled. Sixteen colu1nns of care· fully S6lected rcadini;t tu,.tter appear in ea.ch issue, compns1ng- :l.1teratwrc, Ag1 ic1tltu1 al, fi'amily Reudrny, General «rid Local News all fresh and readable. Sl.1bHcriptions taken any time during the yea1 TEMS 75 ors., IN ADVANCE. --:o-- FOR THIS J>LACE'. FOR JO:S PRINTING we hnve eve1y fac1hty. \Ve do not wotk fq_t' nothmg, 01 fuu, but our pr1ce1:1 will be found low, a1:1 our pr~sses are 1 un by steam \lOWer. A Large Stock ,Just Recez.ved,-J>lain (tnd Ornamentc.l, both for Walls and Floors. The Paper lhl ()loth mid Carpet·ug tH Q (heap and Dui·ablc Subt:ltitute for Oil Cloth Tht:t Cheu1icals with which the Pa.per ia satur· ated, tender it proof aga.1nat lints, Moths, a.nd ~11... e. l 1 my n1other tied up my catablrs a 01ce wh1te ~ Qag, k15.'Sed 1 autl ltade we a good boy, r 'ra;I OUt the front door, &Ud I FARM AND--H0USEHOLD be 1 Crumbs for Chick-ens. then stole round to the..bl;rn. There lay the melon. I tried to shove it mto the bag ; it was loath to ' g Q; but 1n at last, I should· ered the bag and was off crib. , The melon was heavy on my back, buf 11 heaviet loti<l wtts 0n my conscience. ' Tug~ Lying in walt -;Fal~e scales. , ging to the place of rend'i'zv0us, before j halt way there, 1n a l1tt]e cross street, I sat Vall1able birds-Golden-eagles down on a log, bot and unhappy. "I can't A new name for tight boots-a corn carry this 200.r melon auy longer;' I sni<l, - Where there's a will there's a way But where there's no will, the heih'lt-law h:ur it all !us own way. Why is your wife like dynamite? Because she's apt to blow yol1 up if barshf y handled. openmgthe bag. Alieraruoment's thought, I pul)ed it. out, toSiled it over a fet'.lcEl., a~d ecnmpercd 0ft The day wo1c n\\ay wear· ily cr.ougb . Dill Parsons calle<l me a cow· ard, wb~n be saw no 1nelon, and tis ugly words rankled in my heart all day. What eurpnse ana sorrow at~ended the " My 4.eautiful A good many New Yorkers lea'.c the discovery ol the thelt. ~trai~ht and na1row path to walk m the melon stolen P' cried E Uen, when they told b1n1 at it. " That yol,l. took such pains to Broadway. ripen," echoed U,oOert, " I am sorry for Ludlow Street Jail usetl to be the ' Boss' jail of the county, but that time you, 1ny son," said father feeluigly. '·You will soon have another, Eben,' 1 8tlld 1nother has fled- and so has the ' Boss.' A Pol1Sh dancing-master committed fully, mother." suicide m Erie, Pa., the other day He Poor Eoon. Did not I foe! mieerable 1 schottisch own head off \'\Tb ere was the b.1.ppy independ en ce of con~ A wit once asked a p~asant what part ac1ous 1nte~11ty 1 I cnaged Lefore them he pe1formed m the great drama of life, all ; rny appetite and spmts lorsook me. ' I in1nd 1ny own business,' was the re- E\i·ery tbiag I saw seemed to rt fleet but oi1e ply. dreudlul image-tbat I wae a tlnef. I bore Trymg to do business without adver- it until I could bear it no longer lt was tismg is hke wmkmg at a pretty girl m Su.turday aft~ruoon , and turning .lw~ay the dark, you m:;:y know what you are from Sti.turda) afte1noon play, I went to my domg, but nobody else does. 11 father's .count-·11g-1oom. 11\ither, are you clJeeringly . "But I U1d llUrse thal so care- ' ·wm this pipe smoke free" asked a gentleman who was purch«sing a pipe. ' Of course it will, if} ou can get your tobacco for nothrng,' was the 1eply. alone I" I asked, the dour being RJar. Yes, my son, walk io,, I am happy to oee you ; ' 11 and be put asiae hi· book. shut the door firmly behind Lwen't UH!, iu · and A 1n1ddle-aged gcntJen1an, deeply !nterested m the Centenmal, .1sked a miss of s'veet sixteen if she knew \Vhat unpor- evening." I fell on my knees before lnrn, tant event i8J6 would be noted fo1, and Ind my foer-, hut I could not crv. Ile and she 1esponded, 'Leap year.' laid his hand on u1y 11ead. "Unlpb, did you lorget that Gud {'·W you 1" Tile sor'J he ~ev. Mr. Shipman, of Nonvich rowful earnestne 88 ol lus tones pierced my says that he was once called to marry mmost soul . r theu told him all. "Faa man who was to be umte<l lo 111s ther, what shall [do 1" Cc1.n )OU forgive fourth wife. As he approached the cou- me 1 Sh111l [ ever be happy again!" I ple he said, as usual, ' Pleas~ rise.' The bb d I "My son ' he at len"th said man fidrreted about on his charr, and Ii- so e on · ' n nally re:::iarked ·We've usually sot.' slowly 1md sorrn\\fully, "you huvc broken ' 1 God's "Father/ I so.id with desparate couragf', "it was I who stole Eb n'a u1elon ' l stole it one law 1 you ha\·e wronged a brother. 'What size do you wear, sir?' blandly and vlOlated tbe confidence ol our tnm1ly"mc1u11 ed the hatter. 'I thmk,' said the I wished he hnd whipr>ed me or sternly seut - \ a bout-- · Just t hen lO me oft for hie ead tone hurt 'u1e a great detd custo1ner, bacl"ll~ toward the mirror he stepped more_:., but I thank (Jod, my oou, you have on a piece of orange peel and sat down confessed your sins; 1t shoi-ls you are pentsudclcnly-' about a cap size, I think' tent 1 and if penlten t, you can be for 51 ven 'Zachariah,' said Mrs. Chandler, 'what ancl rcsLot·ed, my child, 11 ~1.} peut up feelsmell is that?' Clove~.' But that other ings found reltef in tears, n.nd I wept Lnttersmell?' Allspice.' 'But isn't there anoth- ly. "'rell mother; tell Eben." IIe took er?' Yes-apples.' 'And jHst one more?' ' Ci.dei, iny dear.' 'VVell' Zachanah,' I dared not louk Luu In the face. "'l'hey ·aid she, ' If you'd only dnnk a little "-t know all tlns pa;ntul storl·, H 1l11h," Oh yes ; I "nnt~d nothing bid an! pie' longer. "\Vill you go now, and tell tbern 1" · You mean elastics,' said a B1oadway 1 uske<l, for l lonio;~<l. to have the great wall clerk to an old lady who asked for gar- of partlt1on brokeu do~vn bet\veen us, I ters. 'I suppose some higl1-nosed peo- felt 1,ny sina bud sep;;,i.rat~d me from them. ple call 'em lasticks,' she said. 'but I eat down on an old trunk of paper when I git too stuck up to ask for gar- until be came ba.ck. It was an hour before ters, I'll not box my Susan's ears for he re~tppeared, and 1t seetuf'd ages ; he told saymg hose when she means stockings.' me the result of his sa<l. cun&111lat1on w1tb She got he1 garters. he said. brandy now you'd make a good mmce mu 0 " me up on his knees, grea.t bvy as I was, but my moiher, jn ell the requirements of which I staid RoAST ON1o:ss ehonlll be done with all tht! for Hracity was none of the best, ven- with him ttntil \\'e went home to supper, sk1ns on Th~y eat well alone_.. with only 1:1alt and cohl buttei , or "1th roast potntoc1:1,or wt th The lVeekly Smi, 01ght vages, with fifty·r:nx broad.columns, is only one dollar twenty ctiuts a year, postage prepaid. At:1 this price barely repays the cost of the po.pct, no discount can be made frotn thts rate to clubs, apeuta, rostmaat· ers. or anyoni, '.Phe Dail:,11 Stm, 11 large four po.ge neW!!par}:>el' oJ twenty-eight colu1nns. gives all the lHl\\R for two ctrnts o. copy. Subscriptiou, postngt:i p11· paid 55 eta a m.mth, or s1x dollars fifty cents a year. Sunday ed1twn extra 1 one dollat ten a ancl everything fro1n the s1i.:e of a Poi;ter la.1ge y oar. \Ve 11ave no t1avelhng ag:t1nts. ..Address, enongh to cover a.. bttrn to a half.inch etr1p, p11nted in good style. and at cit 1H'lcea. J/n1en 01STEns,.!l'D GAHN1Sl:l '0011110 Frnn THE SUN. New York City. Specimen11 of work can be aeeu at our office. -Make a b;i.tter of flour, milk,and egge1 season \V01k handed out, and the cnsh taken for it 1t a very httle, dip the oysters into it, n.n<l fry ---ooC. BARKER. them a 6.ne yellow-brown A little nntmeg should be put mto the aeasouing, and a few WHATPAY::i? crumbs of bread into the flour. T PAYS every ]lfanuf.icturer1 Mercha.nt, Me· Fnr&'EE-u~:~If. smn,ll, they should be curlchanic, Invento1, Farmer. or Profef!s1onsl ed round nnd fried, being first dippe'd into eg~ man, to keep 1nforn1ed 11n all the unprovements and dU1Covenes of the age. and crumbs of bread, IT PAYS the heat.I of eye1y f,i..ra1ly to intro BorLED EEL$ .- 'l'he small on~ a.1e best, do duce into hHi household a n1r1rvspo.uer that is 111· tbtiro in a SIIHt.ll qu<\nt1ty of wll.tcr, with a good struct1ve, one that foste1a a taste fol' invcst1· dti1'1 of pa1sley, which should be sei ved up with gat1on, and promotes thought and encol.lraf:{es <lu:icuss1on among the membtirs Having deGide<l to make a cha11ge i1), their business, are now selling for them a.nd the liquor. Set ve chopped parsley r11HE SCIENTIFIC A:MERTCAN, wh"h CASH their large anrl well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery and bntter for sauce has been published weekly for the last thirty Clothing, CrockeriY and Glassware, ofj To l\IAKF. PARs1.:1::l: SAcc~ wHF!f :r-:io PAn· ytirus,<loes tl11s1 to a.n extent beyond th3.t of any other pul,heat10n, in la.ct it ia th~ only weckl,r WOOD ANDI! ON S.Ll!:l LXAV.ES .a.nE roBE H.An.-T1c up a little papllt pubhshed .1n the Unittd .States. devoted pa.-r&ley seed in a b1t of clean muslin and bo1 to Manufactures, l\ilecbau1cs, Inventions and it ten minutes in some wa.te1. UEm th1a water New Di;woveries in the Al ts and Smences. Every number is profusely illu~trated and its to m~lt the butter , and throw into it a. little contents enibl ace the latest and most intercstmg boiled £pmach ru1nccd, to look like parsley. information pertaining to the Industrrn.1 '}le· BEN roN ~AUOll! FOR HOT OR cor 0 RoAs:r BEKF. cban1cal 1 and Sc1en~1-fic ;Progress ol the World , The Stock having been purchased in the BEST ~fARKETS, buyers can Descr1pt1011, \\ ith Beaut1ft1l }l;ng1av1nga, of New G1-ate, or scrape very fine 1aome horse-ra.di~h. Inventions, Kew Implements, New Process, depend on getting a. little made 111u8tard, som~ pouude<l O\. l~ite JJnd Improved Industries of all k111(h! , C"sefnl sug£n.; a-nd fou1 large t:ipoonfuho of \iinega.r Notef>, Receiptr;, Suggestions and .A.Q.'i ice, by P1n~t1clll W:r1ters, for 'Vorkrneu an~l Em1)loySc1 vc in a saui;cr. MORE .AND BETTER GOdDS FOR THEIR MONEY crs. in all the vauous a.1-ts, formmg a. complettl Du'lCH SAuu.i:;, ll'Ol' l\IKa.'l' OR l"ISlL- Put six rer101tory of Ne\v 11nvent1ons and Discoveries; spoonfuls of water, and four :if vinegar. u1to a. oonta1n1ng a. weekly 1 ecorcl not only of the proof the Industrial Arts 1n our own country, at this Establshment than in any other house in the country. and sance pan, warm, aud tlnckeu it with the yolk1t gress but aJ.so of aU New lJ11-1cove1his and Inventions of two eggs, Make it quite hot, but do not in eve1 y bui.nclt of Engin.-:e1 mg, ~16charucs, boil it , S<JUCC.t.J in the JUICe o[ h i.IC a. lemon,and and Science ab1 oad secure the whole Stock THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ha· been strain it through n. 1ue'ie at once, far CASH ONLY. LEMON SAUCE -Cut t11in sllcts of le1non into the foremost ol all industual publlcn.t1ont-1 for ~he past'lh1rty Years. It is th~ oldest, cheap· very sn1nll dice, and put them into melted eat and the btist wakly illustrated paper de done on the ,butter ; give it one boil, and fold it over boiled vot~d to Eng1neering, 1'1echantcs, Cheliustry1 New Inv~t1ons, Science'f ao.d Industrial Pro· fowl s gress, pnblished in the \Vorld. .AN: r.xcELLln>T su.ss'l:purE ro~t Cr\l'I 1t SAuoE 1 The puictical ic..ceipts are \~ell worth tl:lu --Boil !!lowly aomo po.r~ley, let it become ,i, times the subsor1pt10JL pritJe, And for the Bh0p We have now ou l1~n·l ·large quantity of is no\V complete with the choicest Supply of ha.cl color. cut, bu~t don't r;hop 1t jrne} put it to a11d honse will snvc ma.nv tunes the cost of sub· melte<l butt!fr w1th' a. tea~poonful of salt; and ecrrpt1011. 1\-ferch:lot.f.!. l'1u 1uers, 1\Ieohnn1cs, Engineers, a de<iilert spoonful of vinegar. Botl up !\lltl Jnvcnto1e ),.1,\uufactu1ers. Chemists, Lovers th·t wm b· sold ·t serve · of Bc·en~. a.nd P1;:ople of all ProfesRions, will iind the ScLE1'lllb1C Al>tt:RlCAN useful to them \r~DIG-ARET, Fon COLD ]'owr, on. l\.I.E \T Chop mint, ptirslay, and cbalot, tQl~ w1tJ1 aa.H. It shoulil have a. place in every Family, Library, .3tndy OfHce, and Countu1g- l:Wom, in every 011, aud \'iHl:lf(~l.I'. Se1 ve 1n a boat. Re.\d1ng l{oo1n, ColJugo o.nd School A new Bowmanv1lle, l\farch1873. 6tf. volume commences January 1st, 1876 LI~MON UHtr.R:'iEC1\ K~'s --Boil two la1·0 e lt!1110us, A vear's numbers conta.in ~2 pages aud sevor three small ont's, a"nU ,\fte1 squee~mg, pound eial Htlndred Engra.v1ngs rrhou..,nnds of vol them well t0geth er in A. n11wtnr, \nth fou[I umcs are preser~ ed fu1 binding and reference Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 ounces of loaf !lugar, the yolktS of six-eggs, ,ind Terms, $3 :lO n.vearby mail, uiclucung poat.·go Fill the patty, 1J1scount to Clubs Special cnculars g1v1ng eight oum;es of frer,h buttet\ Club u:1.tes flCllt f1 oc. Single copies maile(l un pa.us hnlf full receipt of 10 cento. May be had of all News 1hnnge ch~i;:stxrnkett uu.1 <lo1w thfj ~awe way Joalers, Mutnal Life Allsurance Society only :rou mu.st bml the peel in two or threa IucOH lltjOt1on w1ththc wattira to take out--t11C b1ttm ness, 01 w.\k~ them · Sc1ent1fic AmeJ 1ctlu 1 ES'l'ABLlSHED 1840. 1rlcAAt'8. 1'Iunn (C: Co. a.re Solic1to1~ of Ameucan or Olangc mmmahd!J w~ll b~aten in a mortar. and F()r~1gn Pu.tents, and have the la1gest es T u D1n:s::; A n1 rc11uK1rs - 'l'rnn a few of the tablrnhment 111 the \Vorld. More than :fifty U.ANADA CHIEl' 0FF1CES. outside leavt.:~ off , an1l cut tho t!ta.lk cvtin. If thousand applications have been nu\tlc (01: 131 , ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL pa.tents through their agency, youn,;, h<\;1f au hou1 will boil them They are Patents :-u"l;l obLit.111cd on the best terms, 1'ctter fo1 ht mg gll.thcu.'Cl two 01· tluet' d~y1:1 fin1t... DIREC'l.'ORS. Modi;;ls of New Inve11t1ous and Sketches ex· Sc1ve them with melted butter, 1n as many amintid and advice free. A spec1aJ. notioo is WA1,:r.1:m. 8HA.i."'iLY1 EHq.i...;1'1 P., Cha.inna.a.n, omall cups ,\.$ tho1 0 a· e :i.rt10hokeii, to help with ma.de in the Sc1ent1fic Atftericn.t1 of all Inven- DUKOAN MACDONALD, ..l!<Bq t10ns Paten~1:nl through this Agency, ,~1th tht! MAJOR 'l'. E. CA1.trnv.r.1,, U B ·· St. Hilaire. each. nmne and rP11tdence of tho Patents. Patentr:i THE HONOHAllL.lll JonN H.u1.nLT.ON, Hawks burg, Ont Ani r1;-£10.J<lll Bol'1.' 0'.'1UL - If dried, they 1nuf:!t a.1 ~often nold 1n µai t or wholt!, to p(!I snns at be so ... l~~d, tht"ll stO\\ od in v. e<1.k gravy, and tracted t o the in\;eution by f;uch notwe Send RKSIDEN'l' SECRFTARY.-J'AMEB G.R.ANT. fo1 Parup_ hlet, containing full <lu ectious for ob~ervi.;ll \\Ith 1.·i without £orcc1nea.t in ea.ch. Or S P EC IA E T R E S. t11in11ig Pa.tents A bound volume contauung they may be boiled in in1lk, a.nll l)el vtiU "ith the Pa.tent Laws, Censi.1s of the lt, S , and 'l'he E!'lTlRI!: r.liOFITS belong to antla.re divid cream 1::1a.11ce 1 or ad<ltiU to u1g,1uts, Ir1cnch pi ... s, 142 Engravings of mechn.nte'11 movements. ed amongst the Pohcylwldera. &c. Price 25 c:::nts. L1v:r.s. D:RCLJNED BY OTHER COMPANIES, or OD Address for the Paper, or c~noei ning- Patonta, which an etra Pt·~n.ium would bt! required, ea.n JERUS.ALElI .ARl'lt.:HO li.l::S inust be tsken up l\.IUNN & Co 37 Park Row, New York the moment they are done, or they ,.,.111 be ton ._ is now raging a.tEra.nch Office, Cor. }"'. & 7th Sta , 'V" a-shmg· be assured at the ordinary rate6 of thIB Society, soft. '1'htiy may be boiled }lla1n, or aervad wtth ton, ll C. under a special arrangemtmt SPECIAL NoN-FOFEITABLE PoLIOIEa iasued w111te fncnssec sauce. Subsc.r1ption ta.ken a.t tins Office. under which QD.ly 10, 15 or 20 .Annno.l Pa.y A.nothl!1 1oay -Slice the 0111ons, a.nd cnt the menta are required, ea.ch payment ae£.'Ut'lng eucumberro large; IL:nu them. and fry th.em in Policy for a. sum a88Ured proportionate to the some buttei , th"'n pour e;omo good broth or utfmhet of premiums paid, o.ndfr:cefrom, f'ldur gra.\y, n.n~l ~tew thent till <loueenough, Skim ooymtn.-t of premiums, off the fat. i'1onER.\.TE PnEMIUXS and 1noat hbera.1. oo:n· 'l'o Srr:w 01"'10~ 8 - Peel six large onions, fry ditieas. Prospectuses, PropoB&l .formt:1, &c. 1 eupplied gently of a tine br.own, but do not blaukti11 on application a.t the Head Office, or any of tiw1n, tbe1n pnt t.hem i11t9 a. 1-1mall stew pan the Agencie!. w1th o. httlc ,..-ea.k gravy, peppe1, and sa.lt; .JAES GRANT, cover and stew two hour1:1 gently, 'l'hey shoukl Res. Secretary. be hgbtly floured at first. Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Ch·culars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets, Import~nt Announcement I -----o,----- Varnish Polish! Anothlr- thmg Ul1.l~h Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. Great .ReduotionJ in D_ r y Goodq .! wa.nteJ. Thhs 1>olieh gives a. most clegnnt lm1trC' 1 n.nd dlieH insta,ntaneously. I-t Pays r It Pays ! r Nothing ever discovered befo1 e to equal this Polish, FOa Manaqer I BOWMANVIU.:..E Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co MURDOU' BROS. · FOR Piano Ilortes, elocks, Picture Fram.es ' or any kind of Varnished Furniture. SOLE AGENT ·Buggies, Gidte1·s, SleighsJ and all lcindB oj V a?"liished I Manufaotures ·WORKING MACHINERY AT AND BELOW COST"! Carriages ' PLACE. FDR THIS I Double Turbine Water Wheels, ICA:RJJ'W'+RE ! A usual, a. Large Sto4 on hand of Castin gs of a.ll Xinds Call Early, and Ba1'{jl:17ins, as Hardware, Paints and Oils, must be sold Stoves and Tinware. All of\\ hjt:h will be sold · REPAIRS a~ low figures . 1 John McLeod &1 00., August 10th, 1875. Wellington Buildings, Bowmanvi!le. SHORTEST NOTICE, :r HE · GROCERY DEPARTMENT Common and Gang Plows, LOW PRICES ~ -Christtn as Goods, Raisens, 01ir1·ants, gars, Peels, etc., etc., at all Prices. · AT THE SHOP . MURDOCH BROS. DENTISTRY! PA rrENTS :a. E L :t A-N C E J Brimacombe, L.R.C.D.8. ,, FEES MODERATE. OFFlGE over McGLUNG'S Store. Bowmauville, Dec. 1:~74. 11-tf. LF A U BIG- Just Arrived ·t the TRELEVENS P.ABBION BOUSE s11lend1d assortment o NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, &: Also a largo Eitock: of New Goods! AND Stamps for Braiding and Em· A young clergyman,whose reputation l hutnbly and heartiJy -ucqu1esced. MUST BE CONSltSTJN(;; OF SOLD, AGENT FOR BOWMANVILLE, C.BARKER, broidery-. tured to differ from an old doctor of dt>inity a> to the propnety of whipping children. 'Why,' said he, the only time my father whipped me was for tellrng the truth.' '\Yell,' retorted the doctor, 'it cured you of it didn't it.' when I went to my fatheI's cLam uet. After beet-root.s supper my lather called me to !us eittmgroou1. It \\as t1111e or evening ev LO ' and mother, sister, and brothers were ~ll in their accuatome<l plflces. Near 1ny father \Vile an empty chair, in \,Inch he motion~d me to sit. One hasty glnnce at my niotber ; she looked palt!r tlian ever. " I have Ron1eth· to say " beonn he with unaffect· ing now , " , ed seriousness ; and he rehearsed my sad ' j . 23-ly " ObserYcr Offic~." King St Bowma.nville. June 24th. 1870 WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, d of ll9 A man whom Dr Chalmers engaged to manage a disorderly Sunday school kept his eye wide open duung prayer,and when one boy thrust a pin mto another, he Ill¥ched up the aisle, still praymg, and c'tlffed that boy's ears,and went bac praying all the way. After that he was master of the situation, for the boys thought that a man who could watch and pray like that could not be put down. To UOIL CAlJLll J OWEHS Choose those that are close and Vllnte, cut uff the g1tJou leaves, 1and 1ook carefully that there are no caterpillars about the stall... Soak an hou1 1n cold wa.tel', then botl t hem. in milk ar.d \\ater, a.nd t nke care to slum th ~ sauce pan, tbat not tl1e lea.st foulne1$1:1 :rna.y fall on the tlower It u1ust he served very white and rather c.iimp. PLATED WARE, ETC. Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold · Wedding Rings. AARON lJUOJCLER. Bow 111anv1lle,Oct Sth,1875 -o- Im 'Pe1ial Fire Insuanre Co OF LONDON. Established 1803. HEAD OFll'IOES.-1 Old Broad St., and Pall Mall. London. GENERAL AGE:t'CY YOB ~IontreaJ. and he is determined to contume to sell at these J uinously low prices cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do i t First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy: Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fomth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom }'rices. FASHIONS for Spring 1ust to han'il. ,_ DRBSSHAKING C.A:NAD.A .- 24 St wlnspered, 'Will you always, always, love me, Warren?' and Warren mumrnred back' 'Till the sun grows cold, And the stars are old, And'-Then he sprang to his feet m a wild pa111c and made frenzied efforts to get Ins face through a coatmg of something that seemed to have fallen from the clouds. Cleanmg his eyes he shot one quick glance of hatred up to the wmdow, made a bolt for the back gate and disappeared from the startled girl's side. Old g utlen1an 11p stairs, t11rnmg to his wife, remarks, ' There, Malmday, I bet five hundred dollars l\ e knocked that blamed bowl of hot starch out the "in der, and upsot the whole on't.' The desolate maiden has no lover now. but goes ~round with a11 unquiet glare in her downcast eyes. To sr~'v CIJCt::MB.KRS.-Slice them thick' or story. In striking laug·lsg:e, did he sho\v ha.lve and d1VJde thein into two lengths, strew the guilt and daoger of d1sgu1s1ng any Sln some salt and pepper, and shced onions J ad&l e. under harmless or innocent names, " Sz.n littll:' broth, oJ a. bit of butter, S1mmcr vc1y is no Joke," he stud impressively j " and a slowly , and before serving, if no butter was in prophet of God, in stein and strong langu age, before, put so1ne, and a httleftour; 01· if the1e denounced a v.Otl against them who call was: butter in, only a. little flour,unless it wants evil good, and p·1t _ l 1ght for darkness 11 uchne~"' ffav1ng iemoved to 11101c co1nmodious premise~, They sat upon an mverted wash-tub every eye was fixtd on n1c-"and now I To S1~w CEJEHL - Wa.sh six heads aud IN (directly under a window) dreaming hope Ralph is penitent i ht) tee ls he. can stupoff t.he1r outer leaves, either halve or leave FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, them whole, accordiog to tlwu a1ze ; cut into wild dreams of love. Wnh her great never he happy again 1mt1l he JS forguen. 1 b f f h p t th t t Leg to inform the public generally, that ther starry eyes upturned to his, she softly . b h 1" E' engt B o our inc es u em in o as cwa.re now enabled to offer them Eben, do you f org1ve yo11r rot e;r ucn pan '\\tth a. cup of l>rotb, or wea.k white gra.vy, Strowger Bros. crament 1 CALL AND SEE POU YO'UBSBLVES. A..'<D --o-- ' usual. MRS. A. FLETCHER Bowma.nville. April 7th.1874. N EWC...\S'I'LE. ~ Subscribed nnd invested Capital and Reeen-e F,md. £1,965.000 Sterling, Funds inveQted Ul Ca.na.da.- 105,000. Insurances against loas by Fire are e:ffec'ecl on most favorable terms, and loeses ptl.ld with out reference to the Board in London. BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Examine e stock, which comprises tivtU"ythJng in the tradet of the very latest. and inost elegnn styles and patterns, of Englieh, Canadian, and .'\Jner1can ma.nufactUre. He still continues to manufacture to order, from the best of material, and none bu~ first-class workmen kept. --o--o- J DODSWORTH, lUN'IOUJ, BROS, a. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister., Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. 36 Inspector. Gen . .Agents, Montrea Order Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Hti ha.sin stock an end.leas variety of Ln.d1e~· and Genta' SMatoga. Trunks, Valise.a, etc., a.11 of which he is selling cheap for ca.sh. Straw-Cutters I Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. Another car loa.d of the a.bo\ e noblt> nrtides on the way. Please ca.11 at the Bowmanville, June 4th. 1860' m o.-!3-39.4w James .&,: McFeeters. ' --a-- Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by.Two Horses, King St. Bowmanv-ille, Ma 13, 1874. whuld Lave llown to me, but my father ·tew tdl tender, then add two spoonfuls of but Eben from b19 cren.m, nnd a little flour aud butter seasoned "th It d t J · ll b art forgave me. ·wi pepper, l::la 'an nu n:ieg, an simmer a ":Now we must cauy th fS 1uatter before togt.:th el. G d," he enid with increaFiing soleninity ; C \Ul 11'r.owEn J~ \Vtt11~ BAUCE. - 1-lalf boil , the fainil'· knelt i'n pr··cr. fie placed it, then cut it-into ha.uds0111c p1ece1::1, and la.y a u ,, "11 the1n lll a stew·11at1 with a httl~ broth, 1~ bit of bis hand upon my head, nnd bow earnestly mace, a httle salt, and a <lust of \\>"lnte pept.ier; dtd be pruy for n1e, lfow be sought that I simrnei half an hour, tbtn put a little cream, 1uight be cleansed frotn all sin by the blood butter, and flour, shu.kc cmJ. s1mmo1· a few ~ ~ntioned h1m back; of Christ, and made strong m hrn might. Ilow dtd he plead for us all, that we might so live on earth a.a to become a reurnted n1one, w nc faruHy in heaven. Did I not then realize tb I' htth' thoughcom b . t ~t sin.muds ke DO iga ing, I. h Id. m1tted in ar ness au cou for pa.st b.vora, v. e ha.' e b.tely ad<led t11ereto, that we may the1eby be enabled to enpply all parties who ma.y please to favor miuu<"',~"J '"'"e (AS REGARDS PRIIJE J; QUALlTY) 'l'hoU::fION ANH PERMANENT Building him with a call. Great inducements held out to thoat- pu1:chas1ng at our catablu~h1neut P10I ll'JlH'.\Sll;En "\V1Nnson DJ~A~~.-\Vhcn giown th·n ·ny othe· house - m' th· Co··-·v. a.nd :::)avrn g's Soc1ety. _ L Samples of the d1fi'creut ........ "" · ,_. \.U.11\<J Tb.eci:e 1atte1· inst 1 tut1ons ac1vance oane: on turest JJook1ng Glafille!:I. etc. f1amed to order, and 1n every style. 1a.rge, but not nlealy b'='il, blaucb, antllay them Real Estate, on terius uuusuallv easy for the k1n<l of o uld1ngs cnn be qcen at the ware room. 'Ve would also bell to inform you, that, ha\;ing purd1aEitJ<l a.1111 a wh·tc 'Aucc, ieady loot; iust heat them PRESENTS CIVENi BUT CODD borrowei'. l throughi11 it,andsen e If any aie not of a Weight and Measure G1'aranteed Bo~manville,Feb.Gth.1873. fine green, do not ust1 thti111 fo1· tlus dush. U..'5 G rocery Bus1ne.ss, ln the line of Better Inducements , AG E N T For the following Iusu1ance Compa.nieB, a.ud other Institut10ns, VJ<';:Tht1 QUEEN Fite aurl J,1f11 Insurance Com· pany. Ca.p1tiJJ.,.£2,000,000, $150,000 depotnted wLth thti Dommi"on Go' ernm~nt, £.or the protcc ders1n Canada The ISO!JAT ED RI8K li'tre Ineuro.nce Com pany of Ca.narlo. Capit&l 500'000.-0ne of tbe best aud chuapeKt Compa111es doing business 111 the Dom1u1on, for Fannel'f4 and laola.ted Rtt1ke The C.A..::"fADA LANDED CREDI'l1 CO'Y. w1th a. Savmga .Bank department. M. TRELEVEN. B 0 vV MAN VI LL E Farm Implement Forwarding Agency B. W. JAMES, King St , 13owmanv11le. Dowman ville, Dec. o. 1872. nlO. TO THE PUBJ_jIO. '\VALTER WIGG & SON, retun1lni; thanks to tht:11r cust.pmtin and the pubhc gt1nerall;x, I NW(IU]d respectfully ioli1te their t1.ttention to our present stock of furniture: numerou~ e 80, HO I G-entlemen of Fashion ---NOT SO FAST. I have written these f~w hues And a.11 Iha.veto say, That you c(l,Jl find me still at home I RJ;ll not gone away ; So all my lund old friends may cnme And all the young ones too And get their garments n1c~ly m!M'.lt.> In fashions that are new Where old and young d ei..r fr1endml!l. meet .A. welcmne greeting by R. PEA.TE · NO btin~ such terror and wretchednees to my· LOBSTER S.u,rn.-Make a ,.LW, and put seu, such sorrow to · parent'· heart, and som· or th· red v·rt of the lobster to it. cut. wlnch required the blood ot Jeans to wus'1 1 '!1h.1s for1ns a pretty contrast to the white ~n1d away 11 J1ad known th~ peace of well-do1ng; giet.:n of the veget~blee. Do not put mueh oil. bid I not also trstcd the bitter fruit ot a.ci shell-fish absorb tho sharpness of ihe v1negru. wrong.doing 1~Flou;ers of S1nin9.(li,1ne. J Serve in l'Hlif:!L, not:\ bowl. I m "~ making all kii·ds of Cake.;;i ~ ithout Eggff, L . S't'ROWGERJ 'l'o be had of all Grocers. II J. WE~ Ks & Co 1 J. D. STROWGER_, 'Ioronto, Role agents fur Ontttir10. Newca.stle,Au~~t. 1./tth. 1874. ~Iarch 11th, 1875. 24 Iv. .r.. eas a, in eve1~y instan. ce. ~ec1a, s · l"l t y·I SPLND!D NE'V HEARSE, f~crwich USE Tl-IE Egg :Powder' we shall be r<:ndy at a 11 times to attend funerals, on short notice and res.eonn.ble terms. !\;" U -Ootfu1~ ke.pt on b,uuJ. M.nd made to order, at the NEW DOMINION RETAIL FUflNI'l'URE WARE-ROCJM. Osh&wa, Aug. 26th.J 1870. King Street East, Oshawa1 ' Bowm·nville, .June 19th 1873. , r ' "