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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 28 Jan 1876, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 187G.. RETIRING! A -e 4!!1re ...w~ __ Ch ance. The undersigned has the pleasure of informing you that he has .re-opened in his old Istand, (two doon West of the Post Office) with an entire "A Oomp/,ef,e Pictorial History oflae Tirnes." - ·-" 1'he Best, Oheapesl, and ·aost succes;ful Family Paper in the Union." Ha:rper·s Weekly· ILLUS,TRA'J'ED. Not1,ce.s of the Prlls. Harper's Weekly is the a blest and most power- $25 ,· 'fifE D0~1IN10N Savings and OF LONDON ONTARIO. 'l'he undersigned beings.bout to Itetire from the lta.rness OF l3usiness, Fresh Fa.mily Groceries His aim shall be to keep the ' Large and Complete Stock of Harness, Best and sell at the Lowest Saddles, Whips, Trunks, Valises, &c,. possible price. at an He has determined to adopt Immense Reduction for Cash. the offers 11is NEW STOCK EASY PRICES FOR HARD TIMES. M°CLUNG BRorrHERS areno w preparing for Stock-TRking and will make a ful illustrated periodical puhliel;led in this country. Its editorials are scholady and convincing, and carry much \\"t:ight. Its illustration.a of cul' rent events are full and fresh, and are by our bl:st de~ig-ners. 'Vi th a. circulation of 150,000, thi> Weekly is read by Mot least half a. million persons. and its infiuence as an organ of opinion, is $imply tremendqus, 'Ihe 1Vctkly tnaintains a po.sitive positivn, and express~s decided vit~ws on political and social problems.Louisville Courier-Journal. Its articlesa!"e mod1:1Js of high-toned discussion aud ita pictorial illusti-atio111:1 are oftencorrobor: ative argurntJnt8 of no·small force,-N. Y. Ex,. amlner a11cl Ghro1iicle. INVESTMENT SOCIETY REWARD! The above reward will be paid to any peson who will ampl" proof that the .Boote & Shoes sold by the undersigned, are not whatre rcp1"et1entM tham:. ~--:o:·--- DIVIDEND NO, 7. Give hi·m <tn EOil'ly Gall, cmd secui·e believing it to be advantageBARGAINS. N.B. - AJl pu.rties jndebted Ly ~otu oi· .Book Acco11nt 1 ·will 1)lease settle before the 15th day of l\farch uext. CASH SYSTEM, THOROUGH CL}~ARAGE I if it is possible for Its pa-µers upon existent questions and its iniI.nit11b1e cartoons h-alp to mould the sentiments of th!:' country. -Pitlsbu1·gh Commercial . Hµrper's 1:Veddy stands at the head of illus· trated journals in the Un it.ed StateH. in circula.tion, ellitora.I ability, and pictorial illustration. - Ladies' Reµisitm·p, Oinl:innati. NOTICE, is hereby given th;-t a Dividend cf FIVE PER, CENT upon the paid up Stock of the Society, has been d~clared for the current half-year, and the same will be. pn,y>Lble at the Society's Officii, Richmond Street, London, Ont., on and after Samuel Mason. Bowmnnville, J"a.n. 27th, 187tJ. RED SPRUCE GUM PRICE 25 CENTS, -~Jvery Dne has heard of the wonderful effects of the Spruces and Pines in the cases of LunaDi~ease. ~'he l~cv. Mr. l\furray. in his book on the, Jately pnblie.hed, rela.tes the _cru:;e o[ a cons u111pti~·e yoi~ng man 'v?o ""'as cnt1ruly cured by three month's camping out among the pines. In France the phyaiciana i·egula.rly send their c . .1Dsumptive po.tient1' to the pine woods, an<l order thein to drink 1(, tel'I. made fro1n the spruce tops. GRAY'S ~Ynur 1s a scientific combination of 'tl1c glun whic11 l:l:xudes from the Red Spruce tree. Jn this prcpru:ation th~ gum never separ· :ate~, ~nd all its a.nti.spaa1nodic expectorant, t(ln1c and balssmic properties ~reaerved. _"For Cougb.s, Colds. Hmi.r1Jeness, l'hroat Affec· ttons, &c., 1t acf 8 like a (':harm . Jan. 27th, 1876. lm·l8 <lra.y's Sy:rup of ous not only to the buyer but also to the seller. - -:o:-Parcels delivered to all parts of the town with promptness. Highest price paid for all kinds of produce. Until further notice, Winter Goods at McClung Bros,' will in some cases Hoping to rece;ve a share be sold Regardless of Profit, and in others Regardless of your patronage. OF COST! He i~, yours trul,}', Low ::E'rices a.nd Sweei:ing l3a.rga.ins to l!l:ffeot it. TF.RMS: Footage fNti to all Subscribers in Canada. Harper's Weekly, one year $4.00 $4. 00 i..uclude1:1 prepayment of postage by the publishers. · }'Ionday, January 3rd, 1876. The Transfer Books ;ill be closed froUI the 16th to the 31st December, both days inclusive. By 01·der of the Board. 'OBSERVE! John MoMurtry. :Bowman\'ille, Dec. 22nd, 1875. 1Hf. Royal Triumphs. Call and See, and. Seeing you will :BELIEVE! CONSIDER Subi::!criptions toHarpP.r's h-Ia.;nz.i.11e, Weekly. and Bazar, to 011e adilress for one ye:l.r, $10.00; or, two rif Harper's Periodfoala, to one addrtlS8 for one ;rear, $'7. 00 : µost..< free, An }~xtra. Copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Baznur, will be supplied gratis, for every Clnb of Five Subscribers at $4.00 one remittance ; or, S~{ Gopies for $20.00, without extra copy; J>·)Stage free. Rack Numben-1 M.n 00 supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Barper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding-, ..,·ill be sent by express, free of expense, for $7.00 O..'\ch. A comvlete Set, comJJrising Nine Volumes, sent on receipt of cnsh a.t the rn.te of $5.25 per vol., friegbt at · e~J?Onse of purch~er. Prominent ~1ottentio11 will be given in l!arper's \Veekly to the illustration of the Centennial In· ternational Exposition. Ncws:papers not to oopy this advertjsement without the expre1:1s order of Harper & Brothers. Addrese, HARPER & BROS., NewYor.k. . ~~~~~~~~~~- For Gents, For Ladies, ' , j ' London Dec. 14th, 187~, 12-th. F· :B. LEYS. MANAGKlt. ANDERSON & (JO'S Fall Stock of = For Children. Latest Styles and " Good Stock. ·Boots and Shoes HAS JUST and as their stock is so well known, it is quite unnecesAAry for them ARRIVED. TO O.FFElli ANY BRIBE to induce the public to purchase. . THE FOLLOWING. TO l3t1ILDERS. " U NDERSIGNED, having secured to Va.chine, Co'·11. ~plen(!jd lot o_f Pir.e, wiH ht: prepared to By Tele!Jra11h to Gardener Sew-itl{I ... urrush ~u.1lders _w1lh all necen:ary nia.tRria.l, o.t llani£lton. r:. Cornwall . Oct. 2, 1870. cvmpetltwn prices. ConverFation invittd. Royn.1 got firat prize at t1lenga.tTY, County THOS. SMITH. l!'air, over the 'Vebster, Osborne,a.nd New York Smith'i:i Mill, Han1pt.on, Dec 7th, 1875, 21n, Singer JAMES MILltor. JJ:elleviIJe, Sevt. 30th. 1875. Got first priz:e on the Royal, at }"'air here, heating Wheeler & Wilson and every other mams WILL 1m.0PEK ON chine. Grf'at contest. JA:itER B,UtllET'l'. l\ionda.y the 10th iust. Intending pupils Brockville1 Sept. 25, 1875. . are req11ested to be proruptly in their pla., at Royal took first prize at T~ nionvil~e, compettl1e commencement of the ter1n. ing with the 'Vheeler & W1lson, S111ger. and 1:l1he lligh SGhool department bein~ llow others. Ev.ER'ITS & fIAGAKMA~. -equipped with a con1plete staff of 'l'eacbers TJLSONBUHG, Oct.11, 1870. PU\)iJs 'vill be prepared for the I .. a.w, ].1.edicai li'irst pTi:zo for Royal, at Union Exhibition an< ot.her exl'lminntions.a.s well as for lriatricula· hl;ln:1,over all compfttitors. MATTHE~' STE-WART. tion in the ·onivet·sities of Toronto, and similar Woodstoc.k, Oct. 6th. 1870. iJJstitutioui:i. Special a.rrangernents for l~oyal took firr:.t. prize at Exhibition here,01er tLnse p1 epnring f')r the tcD.c]1el"'s examination. all oompetitore. ... _:t\iATTH.1£W STEWART. W. OLIVER 13. A. Principal, Paris. Oct. 3rd, 1875. Bowmnnville, Jun. 3rd, 1876 15--:lin, Have taken firr1t pri;>:;e with .Royal at l!...,air here, beating the Bayrnond and Singer. r11BF. 'C'NION SCHOOL. scHooi T Dress goods worth 50 cts, for 35. French Merinos 'vorth 80 cts, for 50. JJlankets worth $5.50, for 4.00. STAR'l'LING Shawls 'vorth $3.00 for 2.00. !!ail-road lvrappers \vorth $5.00; for Revelatio11s! 3.75. --o-A Very · Serious Charge, Hail-road \vrappers for $5.00. upon substantial facts, is just being cir· Bu:ft'alo Robes \Vorth $15.00, for 12.00. culated, pron1inent is to this effect-that one of n.It::rchants, Shaped horse blankets for One .Dollar. Markus ~ayers, Overcoats cheaper than ever you have has an immense Stock of Goods, on t;,nnR, and he is to givo his Cust ... mers the bentifit of his bargain. , 's een th en1 ! 'l'he Stock is very large, ba~ecl Their Rewards are Better Value for your Money than can be had Elsewhere. So come A.long and bring yom moMy with you. 1 ~ TERMS HTRICTL Y CASH. ANDERSON & CO. Bowmanville, Oct. 14th.,1875. S.PEOIAL ATTENTION GIVEN .TO ORDERE:P WOJ!,K. STO:ctE. - One door i:ll\-St of Cornish's J e~elry Store, Kin7 Street, Bo'Ww,a-n ville. . J, SMALE. Bowma.nville,Ma.y 6th 1 187~.· -W-INDING UP! OCTOBER 10th, 1875. . It js my intention on the above date to wind up theloug-winded cred- 1 All this · and Much More at M°CLUNG BR.OS. Caps, Bowmanvi1le, J:i,n, 11th, 1876. ment to estaLhsh that it is to t.he advantao-e of both buyer and seller totnule for ready P'."Y· the bu.yer thereby g~tting goods at LOWER PRICES 1111d the seller berng saver! from loss by bad debts. We think then that purcba~ecl all pa,rties will ~oncur i~ the wisdom of this change o.n our .part. aclv11..nta.geous goiui; Our goods will h.ereaHer be bought for GASH only, and we shall there· emb_.m.cing J. HIGGINBOTHAM by reai~ the adv~ntage of hrge trade discounts, which advantage we are South Sea S&etl, H1"mine, (hey and UTOULD mostrespectfuUyt"11derhiseincere deter1rnn7d, to give to OUl',Cllstomers. Pa,rties purchasingfrom us may fl thanks to his nume1·ouR fri~nds and JS· tl J:Jlacl· L£irnu, Grebe and 1'rfrn.k Sets torners, and to the public generaily, for ti·· iere fiore cl epen d upon ge tt.rng goo ds a t] eas t t en per cent. c}ieaper t }mn unvery libPra.l support he hM received ince Jiis der tl1e old pla.n. ~·aL"ying in pl'ice aecotding- to quality, and cob,. commencing in bu·ine.,; and hopes by con· Our f.stock wil,l11this FaU l·e more re,.lete thn,n eV81' , and a still hill'.her si$ting of . tinutid strict personal attention. to buaines.!! and l d l k i.1· Y offering 1>0thmg but the purest article·. at the . c. ass O goo s w1 1e. ept. nT ~ there~ore guarantee the greatest satisfacat the and our DRUGS AND MEDICINES it system,and ~ell only [o~ OASH, or its equivalent. lt requires no argu- Bowmanville Drug Store, · 1 "\'V"I.LLIAM SK-IJJ};}{,., Collaretts, Muffs, Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. of,fublic patronage. most rea.s:onable prices, to ensure a continua.nee tion to all 'vho may favor us 'v1th their jJa.tron.n.a-e. v N apance, Oct. 15th. 1875. ]{oyal has taken first 'Prize at Fair here.over Singer, Howe, Wanzer F, O"horne and otherl:'. A 11 tlil:I Goods are well made, of the Valentines ,} ..\M.£i:S BARREI, Harley, Oct. 13th, 1871". ThJyal takes first prize at this Fair,for f~m1ly work and light .OOfU!ufactudng. 'VILLI;\M: SN1DEil. Latest Styles ! . H. ·would call special atttJnt..ion to his very .snperior stock of · TJYE STUFFS Thee1e viotorie& ~lusively l)rove that the liJht running ll.oya:l, is the peo.ple's favorite,ilnd the BES1' FAMILY SEWING l>fACHINE. The 1r!snufacturer9 have lately added to it, tl1e g-reateat novelty of the age, the RoHal Lam.21 IIolcler for &:I/Jing Machines. T-he Lamp can never upset, nor the Oil soil the work; and it is arl'anged to throw the Hght on any part of the ·work, enabling the operate>r to LILE & - j MARTIN~ I and the Prices such as has never before bee11 offered in Bowmanvil!e. He also offei-s a very attractive lot of Goodl in All Styles of Children's Furs on )).and, DRUGS which.,esurdogivethebostsotii.faction. A well sele('.ted stook of GENTLElVIEN'S SUITS _A_ND SHIRTS d · · · u1a e to or<le1· in 1..aty styles, on shortest notice. Ready·made Clothlng.~:l!oths, Tweeds, Dress Goods, Silks. Shawl:l,Skirts,Cottons Wmceys, Blankets, Buffalo Robes, &c. ' The following liues will be found full: · ' ' OHEMfOALS, ! PATEN'l' MEDICINES, BRUSHES, 001lfBS, SHQULDJ<;R-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. kept wuata.ntly ou hand. Bowm·n1ille, Oct. 21st, 1875. s · F HILL · ' · I ~· MUFFLERS, SHillTS, DRAWERS SOCKS, COLLARS, NECK1'lES, BRACES, &a. ~ l'hey must be sold, and Sacrifices will be n1ade. Oai:th Customert1 will buy on cJo~e margins. work as well by night as by day. Sold by ' ;J, · CASH PAID FOR RAWS FURS· s. DONEY, 'l'YRONE. N.B.-Ag~nt for Ji' J\fu~ical lnstru. ~~/~~~1ll~:1!'i:::~~ mente-"\\'". Bell & Co's. Orga.n, Hallett& Davis The Subscribor, very numerou, customers for past patronage, lhaving aold 1'wel ?:e 1'1lou8an<l :Dollars JVorth in 12 1rionth ::!~~:~·his Waltham and El~n n ~ ~ ! Down1auvillc, Oct. 1st, 1875 M. MA Yl!l:B.'S. WHAT PAY::!? OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, a.nd WHITE LEAD at the very lowest prices. Importa11t Announcem.entl Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B. -·Country ~tore-keApers supplied on the roost advantageoU:s terms. A choice selection of I~AMPS £01· balecbt'.lap 6m. BowmnnviJlto, Dec. 1868. ...,.:>H solicits their continued patr onage,by reasonab prices, fair dealings, o.nd lUUJBJJtt·tcl isatsfa "~"'~·· ;· ~ T ~ '=::::! .'I' H E '° Our ' Christmas Fruits, t-J bou~. ~t i bottom .II 'ar1"ces, CD g .ht 11 b ld L """'l e so 0"'"· ' friliU · It Pays ! It Pays I f W. ltlcllURTRf, Having been de1ayed several lveeks, in opening out his ' " W Our C.odl\&¥ pr::::::f cr~~~isfact.lon. I ~ 'I ~ l'eovle' s Book Store -~ Our lta.lf-Dolla.r 'l'ea. is the l3est. 'l'RY it ~ n.EPOTt U SAJ3J3A'l'B SOltOOI. ... AND °O For a General Assortn1ent o:tl ew t'\9\ ~ 'Groceries,Crockery,Glasslvare, t-1 ,..., etc., Lyle & l\f arty n's is the c:+ ' TH.l!i MERCHANT has now a bona Ud~ c. BARKER. colnee: a H ITHE BOWMAKVILLE. ~ j~j'f'7 - Circula.tion of 1000, and \\>itb the exception of a few, these pass into the hands of the pPople of "\\'est Di1rha1n. 'fhe public will at once soo the utility of the prtptlr as an \Vith the arrival of the Holidays, demand for ADVERTISING MEDIUM. I·t Has No Equal in thii:i const1tuency 1 and thi.s fact is being con· sta.ntly demonstrated. If you h1.~\·e loi~t anything, a<l\·ertise in this l1ape;r. lf YOU ha.VE' found Q.llythiog, advertise in the l\t}~.ROfIA. ~'J,. If you want to sell anything\ w..l vtirtise in this pa.pel'. chea.p a.:c.d good I.itera.ture, <lift Books, a.ncl. :E'rese:c.t GOODS. I have a Stock that cannot fail to please-cow plete and varied. · LILE & MARTYN. DOMINION BANK. Cu pita!, Paid Up, $1,000,000 TORONTO. WHITBY, UXDIUDGE. - --- ------ ---------- --- - ----= If vou want to buy anything.advertiise in the l\.IE RCH;AN 'f. It" you want to reach tht:! public, use the co]um11 s of the M~RCHANT. FAMILY BIBLES, Splendid Lot. POCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment. N.B. That deservedly popular Teach er's Bible, in various bin\lm gs HEAD OFPIUE, BltA~C..'H 0Rlf.J,IA1 COBOUHG, OFl!'IC)!;S ; 0BHA\\'A, BowM~\N vILLE, OUR RATES ARE LOW. .As BOOKS, in Great li11Jriety. ALBUMS, Cheap and Brett?. WRITING DESKS, and WORK BOXES meanfi of a '1,his Ba.nk, in addition totrau.sacting the usual banking business.t. offers to the public all the advantagts of a Daving Institution with t ho security of a la1·g_ e pai<l-up capitRl, by the SAVDG-8 D.lil'AH'l'TlfE?j't', "" \Veekly newspaper, the i\fEJHJHAN'l' is ~c:wccly excelled. Sixteen columns of care· fully selected rcadinf! .niatte: appear in eai..:h :.~ MICROSCOPES, ii:csue, compi·ismg L-iteratu·1·e, STEREOSCOPES, KALEIDESCO.P ES. Gencl'(J,/, and Local Newsall fresh and readable. 8ub5criptious taken any ti1ne during year. Agricultu1"ltl, 1"arnily Readi1ig, the Largest Oollect'io11i of Stereoscopfo Views in Totl}n. TEMS 75 OTS., IN ADVANOE. --:o:-we ~vt-'ry faci lity. W;; do n,ot \1,01·~ for uothii)g-, or fun, but our prices will be to~d lln.,.-, ns out presses run by steam power. FO:R JOB :E':RIN'l'ING Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. Interest allo<Ao·ed JO all deposits of One Dollar a.nd upwards, at the rate of FIVE per cent. per annum. Depos.itor:S can withdraw either the lVhoh· or any part of their deposits at any tin1e 1 ,,,..ithout previous notice. Special rates of intereetalJnwed upon deposits with notice of withdrawal. An1erican Cnrrcncy and Oilver taken on ile· posit. Drafis granted payable in Great, l J nitetl Stati;is and ~tU parts of Canada. \tfJ""Deposits can l.Y 1e1nit_ t ed by 1nail,addressed to the Dominion uank [registered], when in nll cases ft. Pass-Book t'eceipt 'vill be sent by return post. · T. A .. CODD, A.yent, Bowma.nville. Jan. 6tb, 1874. li>·tf, Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Ch'culars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets, R-nd 1H'e1·ythin~ from the sit:o of n. :C::oste1· la~e eu1)ugh to co,·er fl., barn to a. half-nwh strip, pxinted jn A'"od style, and at cit pr1ceA. . Sptt ciml'ns of '"·ork can be St>en at our office. '\V" t.ik bf,ndcd out, tu1d the cri~b tuken for it Call and Examine. · rj1HE SU BSCR!Bll!{ BEGS TO RETUHN WOODLEY'S SAW MILL 1' PAYS evel")j\fanufachtrer, Meroha.~1t, hfechanic, Inventor, Farmer. ot· Profe1.1~ional i:nan, to keep infonued on ~n the itnproveu1ents and di~r?vcries of the a,ge. W l'l' PAYS the heail of ey1wy family to i.ntr0duce into his houad1old a. ne,yspa-oer tha.t ls in· ""structive, one that fosters a. taste for inve.1tti· ga.tion, and promote~ thought a.nd eocoura.g:u11 di11cussion among the mcinbel'fl.: 1HE SCIENTIFIC AMERTCAN, . which has been publiBhcd weekly for the last thirty yearn, does thfa, to ao extent beyond that of any other publicatil!ln, b1 fa(t it is the only weekly paper published in tho United State8, devoted to h-faunfacturea, Mechanics, Inventions aud N~w Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences. Every number ir.; profusdy illustrated e.nd ite :::on tents en1braoe the latest ant! most interc.sting informati~)n pertstining to the In<lu·striul ~le· 00.a.nical, and Scientific Progress of the World ; D ,e ecriptioni with Beautiful Engrtivin.i;?,s, ·of New Inventlona, ~e\V Implement~. NeW ' l:'roct.>1!18 11tid·Improved lndustrh:s of all kinds; Ust>flli Notes, Receipts, Suggestions an<l Advice, by Practical \.V"riters, for 'V"orkmen nnd 'Employ~ ers, in all t'he vari011s n.rU!, funriing :.i. compl6te reportory of New Inventions and Discoveries; eontaining a week1y record nut only of the pro· gre@s of the Indu!!tria.l Arts in Olll' own country, but also of all New l>iAcoveries and In--ventions in every branch of Enginl.'ering, ?vI~chanics:, and Science abroad. THE SCIENTIFIC AMllRICAN has been the ,fo1·emost of all industrial publications for ~he past Thirty Years. It is the oldest, cheap. est, and the heat 1Deckly illustrated pit.per de· votod to Engineel'ing, 1iechanics, Chemliitry, New Inventions, Science and Industrial Progress, pul1liilhe.d in the \Yorld. The practical receipts are WeJl worth .t en timeg t110 suhscription price. .<\.nd for the Bhnp and house will save ma.ny times tho cost of subscription, . J . 11-Iercha.nt.s, "Farm,ers, Mechanics, E1\gineers 1 Inventors. Manufacturers. Chemists, Lovers of Science. and People of all Professions, 'vill the Sm.ENTl ~'JC AMERlCA.'f useful to them. find ( It shoul<l have a p)a.ceiu eve1·y Fa1nily, Library, dtudv Office, and Counting Iloom, in every Readi11g- Rootn, Colle;::e and Sclwol. A new volume commences Jaflnary lst, 187U A year'1:1 numbers contain 8::S2 pages and sev· west of the Onta.ri Bank. eral Hundred Engravings. 'I'bo usands of vol· umeB preser~·ed for binding and refereuoe. 'l'erms, $."1. 20 a year by, inc!uding pos~11.~e. King Street, Bowman ville. IJir,icount to Cluhei. Special cu·uulo.ra: g:JVt{lg Club rates sei1t fre~. Si:p.g l~ ~apieg maitea on receipt of 10 cent~. }fay be had of all News ..,)ealerH. I~ co:inection wit~ the _ · Scientific Amer ican, n1H1~ subscriber ill prepared to build and re 1\.-Iessrs. 1'-f u11n J: Co. are Solicitora of AuJedcan ..l pall' and Foreign Pu.tents, and haYe the largest ~B· tablishment in the 'vorld. More tb.~n fifty Wagon~, Buggies, and Outtm'8, thousand applicq.tions havo been made f9r pa.tents through their ag·ency. vf eve1·y d~S(.1'il.)tiou, at short lloticc, and o "Pittents at·e obtained on the best tetm:=., reasonable terms, :P.fodcls of N e\V Inventions and Sketche1> ex· 3minf;'1l and aclv i~e fi·~1:1. A special notice is 1nadeiu the Scientific _<\.mericai\ of all lnvenbiono: }Jatt-n~tid through this Agent.·y, '.l'ith the Carriages Painted and 'frin:med. name anii f<'!iide11ce of the Patents. Patents arc often sold in -pn.rt or who1e, to persons at· tnwted totbtJ invention by suoh notke. Send for Pamplllet, conta.iniug full directions for ob· tll.iniug Patents. A boun<l volume containing the Patent Laws, Ccni:ius of the U. S., and on the preinises;were spcCial nttention iij g1Y$ll · 142 Engravings of mechaniciil movements. Price 25 c~nti:l · to all Address for'tlle l~a;pr:r, or c~nce1:nhu~ Patent~, MUNN & Uo. :;7 P:uk Jww. New Yo1·k. niage wol'k, -.nd General Branch Office, Cor, }.... &: 7th 81..$,, Washjng· ton, D. C. Jobbing. Subl'!c..1·iption ta.ken at t11is Office. 1 New Dry Goods Esta,blishmen t, Ca,rd. of Thanks. to those ·wn THE SuLscriber given hitn thch: (H1.tronage in the past l1»iv~ hns determined to ofl'er, during the re1nainder ot' the Season bis entire stock, at such prices as will ensure a rtJturni; thanl;s a1Hl wu11ld iafoJ'm the farmers he bas re· paired and rfjt.tt1d his MiU, and is now pre.var· ed to attend to their wants in the milliug 1ine 0 CLEARING SALE. The stock is all NEW, purchased with care, and at remarkably Low Rates. - - -· -- - ~ GENE.RA l.ndstiTORE, andhavingpurcha··dhi··tockfor ..~ C.L\ SH, giving bargains in Dry Goods, --1~cA~L_L~A_N_D~_SE_rE_1_~ Dress Goods, . Crockery,Glassware, How. Che<t1'> good Goods ccvn be sold for Groceries, &c. C A S H. STAND ......... Rece:p.tlyo~cupiell by l!r. Gray. s. VANS 'l'O NE. 'l'YRONE ~7 4. Bowmanville, November 19th, 187 5. 'fyrone Dec. 17, CARRIAGE SHOP ' . ,, " The 1 Big Push!" ' ----·- - -----~- - PATEN Ts J. EijLIOTT S ' Cheap Store Having Has now llt COVVL}j], full assorted Stock of bought a Large quantity of BUFFALOES, very Cheap, all that is required, is to A Blacksmith's Shop c·. Great Inducements. i N ~ ~ ~ ~ thaukH for favors extended to him, a.nd an· no11nccs that he is prepared to gi vc satietaction in Custotn r:m.wing. Bills of Lu111bt:r furui~hed ou sh01 test notice, a.t u1oderate prices, f1Jr C...'l,Hh. Also for sale, a lt>t of lutnber, laths, &.c. 'l'he Mill ia 1:1iLuate oue mile north of 'l'yrone, "n I.ot 10, Sth Con, R. WOODLEY, Darliugton, Dec. 2"2th, 1875. 13-2moa. A U work do·ne at thfa Establishment tva1·1·anted. Bo,v1na11ville. 0 -.t. ]st, 186.9, NO.T ICE I HAS BEEN A Pl'I.ICATION 'l'H.E ~1:ADE 'l'O A call is respectfully solicitod. .T. MORRIS. C. BARKER. OR'l1H half of T.. ot No. 14 1 7th Con. Dnr OTES, ANJ) ACCOU~'l'S, lN ~{Y Jim?ton. 100, more or leRs favor, long: past due, nlust be paid im- GoDd builcliuga and fencea, and huge young or· mediately or oosts w'ill be inourw·d chard. For, stf!plv to ' P. W. OONS \UL. Bowmanville, Jau. 6'4 1876. l/Hf. To Whom it May Concern. Good Farni for Sa.le. N 'l'o or for Sa.le. -- Manaqer l A Oct. 21}\~, 1874. W>r, TUEll, JL\YD01<, GOOD FRAME HOUSF., sllu~te on Duke Stroet. Apply to S. W. MASON, ~til IHI, llowm·n·lll·, De<.lOt!\. 187~. allowanc· for road between Lots No. ::14 and il5, in tht."l Seeond C 1nces.sio11, of C l11rlte, oxuopt a arnalllortion Df tba South part thereof, now OO· cupi· ns the Gravel Rna l. All Ptirsnnt:i intere-sted "'·ill therefore take notice andact accordingly'. . · w. L. BROAD, Tp . Clerk. OrotW, Deo·24th, J.87u, · 14-4wk~. 1 (If the Towllship of Cla1·kt1 1 for thepa~siug of a By· Jaw foTthe closing up and s~le of the original MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. for IQual'l llY which d an Ch~ap ness; :Buffaloes for $4.60, worth I .I. Groceries Dry Goods, · :Boots & Shoes etc., etc, I Ir ~ "Come down handsomely," " Will you be One ?" --o- I have done 1ny utuiost to pJease the t>ublic, as \vitu(·ss the follo\ving: ICANNOT-BE SURPASSED n J, ELLIQ " for $7. Bowmanville, Oct. 29th., 1875. worth $10 $e.oo ,I

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