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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 28 Jan 1876, p. 4

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~p.J:TRY. Death is so Strange. DY }>, BOtTOME, I) D - THE MERCI_!ANT, FRIDAY J.:ANU.ARY 28, 1876 There's fa Better y;a,y ;"<and How they could not get ~he best of Tom, they bego.n tb titter at him, nud also jeer and sneer Tom Keltcher Found It Out. at the rescued on and his newly-a:dopted BY Il. HANDLER, A Vi'ORKING MAN 1 BIR· principlee, 1tiINGHA3{, But Keltcher gras~ed one of the tools with which he was workiLg, and looking his vexed shop-mates full in the lace, ex(Conti.inll:!d ) We w1:! not pretend to repeat all the good words that were uttered and good resolutions formed by Thomas Keltcherand hlB wife on tlus eventful night, but one cheer· ing fact we would relate : On the hu·band telling his wile that Mr. Mctcalte saHl about keeping the prcscrip· tion of Doctor Total Abstinence on his shell and t]1e pleasure he felt in banding it ' Did you have something very nice, then 1' asked ihe drink-seller. NOW FOR THE GREAT CENTENNIA THE HARVEST IS GOOD! PROSPERITY ABOUNDS I TIMES ARE EASY ! Aloin NGlfl )1:1 t\ Thou that C'..Otnltebt not our day~. Nor measurest life by length of years, 'Yes, Su, I did, and lots of it too; but we did not get such good tbrng· when father used to go to the pul>!ic-houae.' . 'Don't your father ~o to any publ!Ghou·e· now, then!' asked the landlord, 0 GO 'I'HOMAS ,TQ :S~'I"rING'S DENTISTRY! Forgive our eITing human ways If feolJfo trw;t is choked in ten:s \'v"e bow befol'tl thy JHst decree, '\.Ve can but bow for very grief ; 'V ti know thee good, but oannot sco Jiow dl r 1tn bnng the heart relief. claimed, in sentiment : looking as if he was both interested and sur~ 'Laugh if you like, antl say wba.t you may, prised at th~ child's sharpness.. But I mean to traivel the much better wa.y.' ' No, Sir, f3.ther does not go to the pubhcThe pot·houae dupes, after raising anuth- house at all now He'a found out a better er hideous laugh, and asking Tom who had way.' If You Want TH '.IJM io ~lJTISClU~ !OR MOORE'S HUlvAL NEW-YORKER, 'fH_g Q.Rll:A'.r ILLL"S'l'RATD Agricultural and Fam1l:y lVeekly, VVe co,nnot riee the gnod f1oru ill 1 \\re c._,u,wt see the for loas; i\..nd 0, ±org1vq, 1£ thy sweet will Beuo!Ut!S to "\.S our heaviest c:?l:!d, Death is so 8hahp:c, neYCl grow Fam1hR.r with his 1nlent t1ead ; Oft as he comes, we 1wvcr know The mea1nng to be written dead, learnt him that tit-bit of rhyme, began to return to thdr own work shops, and Keltcher weut on with bis employment, saying, we- ~ , \Ve only know that on~ hus gotte, And comes not Lat:k for luve or hate ; t\nd. so wo gather close, a.nd niou1n An absence thu.t n1aker; desolate Death HI so strauge , and yet '\.V:tth tl11:111t Is no more <, nor g1ief, nor p11o1n, !\or aught that m:ir~il life's fitful dream Can reach or trouble them ri..ga1n.. 0, for thy healing touch, dear Loni, That gives the hght to 1:11ghtle!OS eyee ! O for that knowledge of thy word Before which doubt nud fhw:kness flies! '\Ve lift our blet:diug hearts t(I thee, ~l\.:tu]., weep111~ still, wou.l<l :;ay, Amen ! \ 7 we kno" not, ·we shall see Sou.~tnne , a.nd we c:tn wait, till then. Crumbs for Cb.ickens. the rnunals ? !lecause J:e has hog s bead lull of them. ' 'Another hole in them pants !' said a fond mother to her }oung hopeful. ' What a dreadlul. oii -kneesy fellow you are ' Why is a son who 91;Jjccts to his mother's second 1uarriage like an exhausted pedestrian? Decause he can't 'go' a step-father , , The happiest moments JO a womans life, sa} s an m1thonty,- are when she is selecting her weddmg . troussmu, and when she litst <rets her photograph ta- ken. - -- " · fam 1liar voice, mo,~ed to: wo.r<la the door, and wo.e not a little eupristd to see Keltcher,and as he presumed-, h1s wife, and with a sm1lWhy has a bog the most brains ol all 1ng eountennnce he inv1ted them in. os he used his tools with extra speed, "!'here's a better way.' out gratis to all comers, she excla.imed in an Often during that day and many eucceed· earnest u1ar.111er, ·If you'll coroe with me, rng days the hard drinkers would go up t.. asked the inquisitive tlrrnk-seller. I'll go this very night and sign the pledge Tom and pa~s some sneering remarks. But 1 I think he's going to n Temperance myself, ~nd we'll both pull one way~ the r.;ifortned one manfully stood his ground, meeting' replied Xane ; and a.dded, Would that all reformed drunkards' nnd generally-answered his jeering fellow~ ' mother's going to ruy father's wages wives would thus wisely speak and act, tn. workers by repeating the above two lines. }~ the right shops to get some more nice ;teacl_ of putti~g a atnmbling-l)look in c the With naany a hard struggle best known tnipg·.' way of tbeir pa..rtner'3' reformat1on, by re .. to himself and God, the reformed drunkar<l 'Indeed 1' sai<l the landlord, 'and iE fusmg jo give up theif>little dropa. did pres· on in the better wa11, and though your fulher arraid to come here to pay this Keltcbcr remarked to his wife that it was some of his late oowradea sneered at hiru money 1' a Jong tnn~ since'tbr.y we1e out together i about bis safe principles, there were a few ' Yea, Sir, I tLiuk he is, because he's 'but, 1 countinued he, 1 if you're willing to others o.t the saIIJe manufactory ·who cheer- been hurted here nod at other public· sign the pledge, I know Mr. Metcalfe will ed Thomas Keltcher on in his plan of re - houses ; and now he's found out a better be glad to s·e you, al,ld I agree to go.' 4 formation. way' After malting a little 1 preparation, husAs might be expected, Mr. Metcalfe was , 'A better wny !' iepeated the landlord; bend and wife started off together, and a especially indefatigable in his efforts to .' what make· you talk so much about a betquarter of an hour'· walk brought them to keep his new member in the right way. ter wav 1' their destmation. 'Ilhomao Kelleher knock- He knew how his recruit was tempteU and ' ~ ~ , Ca;u~e we get bettet· things to eat, and 'd at the door, which being opened by Mr. ridiculed by the bard drinkero, who had no father speaks b'tter words to me and mother Metcalfo's daughter, he inqmred if her (ear of God 'before their eyes; so several J!ince he lett of! going to the public house, father was w1tlnu. r.1 r. ftletcalfe, hearing a times a day he went to Ke!tcher and quietly and found out a better w·y." Tuts Famous Farm and Fireside F1no1ite - 'I suppoee you fetch your father's beer will celebrate the National Ct!11te11tna.l hy mak· n115 a bl:!ttor paper than over, and hun11:1h1ng its from the White Hart 1' said the laa<llord. !i3 Numbers for 1876, (ea0h worth the pric~ of 1 Oh no, Sir 1' rephed Juuc, 'I'm sure I a :yearly cop)) 1iof'tage flee, for two dollars and don't. He doesn't have ii single drop of 8lxty-five Cf;lnts-a11d in clubs l·f ti.Jn or more for only two dollars and forty five cents. Tlns beer not anywhere.' makes it the W~ekly of its ClasJJ ()n th!!, 'Where's your father gorng to-night 1' Continent., as it has long bet.:n the B1 S'l' A.~D Mosx Po1 UL'l.u- in fact, the 1 GOOD !ND DRY MANCHESTER CDE!P ~ OPFlGE' ove.· li1cGL U1VG'S Sto1·e. Bown1a.u\1lle. Dec. 1.~7·:1. GOODS. IFEES MODERATE. HOUSE. 11 tf. 8T.A?'"OARD 1N & l~ 8 f:.ll'llJJ:RF. ]l[oonE's llt:RAL has for the past Quarter of Century been uot 011ly tLe St8.Jldaid Autho1 ity on all branches of Agriculture, HortLcul·11 S t 95 h is·7 ture and Domestw _,,_<\..ffairs, but a choice, Pure owmar1VJ e, ep . "" t , c.. D · and Unexceptionable FAMILY P..u.PER. It.a .. ~===::::::============================= Founder and Conducting .!£d1tor has had o-ver thuty yeari;i: experie·11ce as an AguculL1ual J ournu.hat, and b1M af.>sociates pm1sess rare n.b· ility au1l p1 a.ct1ca.l and s01entrfic knowledge. The inm is to render the ie8ues uf the RLTH.\.L for 18i6 "upenoi to thoee of any other yoar-to 111ake the paper worthy the c..onliti.1 supj)o1·t of all engaged in i·ntal pursuits, and a ~o tin acceµtable visitor to Li,unli~s Ht Lolh '!'own Country. It comprHics over o, dozen diHhnct I depart1nents,-Pract1cal, Scientific and Liter· ary, besiclea N ewa, the ~Ia.rkets, &c ,-all ci.uefnlly a.nd ably edited, thus g1v1n,., a f:"reater var· iety of uscf11l information and' :m1acellaueous matter, interspPrsed with 1llustratuma, thun any other Americ1an 100,rnt.ll Indeed it u; 'l'JIB l'EOl'LE'S PAPElt J 'i' H -8 Elephant House So:METHING NEW A substitute for Lath & Plaster ! THE Pt\TENT ALUMIN<YUS and ORNAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. PAPER OIL-CLOTH and CARPETING And certainly tli1::1 bf!flt one extant for the F Alt· Sroc.:K GRO\\fll, 'l'H"E DArRYMA~ .A:N"D llRRi THE Ho.H'rH;ULTU/1.ISr AND J: WRlS'l', ' Hous:e- a WIFE . 'V1th "EtJdiJW1'" for itR glonoua -i:potto, and "Pt·ogrcxs and lmprovcmeat,i' its laudable obJects, the 0 OLD llultAJ ." pu11v·.scs whispered some kind and cheering words _ 'You'd better mnkc baste homfl, now, t.o manifest Jnor.e enterprise nud i:!p1nt dnung enBuing year than eve1 befor e, and hence into his ear. little Keltcher, and tell }our father I've got the prove itself lll both STYLE andcoN'IENJS worthy Thomas Keltcher kept ateadily to his the money all right.' a. largely mcreused ~ationa.l c1rculat1011. That The landlord at the Black Lrnn knew it is the work all day, but when leaving for home in Important Announcement ! Great .ii.eduction, in Dry Goods! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- Ae they both stepped into the well- the evemng, sever.I of his old drinking furnBhed d" elhng, Thomas Keltcher said, coqip~q10ns me~ htm at. the factory g~t_ee ' I have brought you 11 patient in the per- and asked if he did not 'want a half-pint, ~011 of my wife, who is very anxious to do after working BO bard from morn1ng to us I have done-namely, ·1gn the pledge.i. 11igbt' Mi. Metcalfe re-phed, '1 am very glad to ' Whether I want it or not,' Keltbear what you say, for that's JUSt how it cher, 'I shall not have it.-Th"1'e's a b·tter ought to ue. I hke tu see a man and bis way ;' and so s·ying be started home· knew that Thomas Kelleher had become an abstainer, and little J aue did not fail to make him understand that her father had found even in a short ttme thnt it wa~ indeed a better \\-·ay. When Jane reached home, ahe told her mother in the best way ehe eonld the cuaversation that bad taken place uetween her· BE!;!T IUJRA.L ANO fA}flLY WEEKI,\", a. Million ofSubscnberri is now~onceded. 1'Jrn$fl who know the Rc;UAL will subs<r1bc foi 1876 without urgu1g, and all others are irn rLt1d tu send for and cxa.nnne specimens, which .ire m..Ued free. FOHM, STYLE, TERMS, &c. J.'(001rn:.'s RURAL Nxw.Yonr...1<.:u conta1n8 Six· teen Qua1to Pa.ges \\":lekly, finely and pr('.[uselv Illustrated and neatly printed Only two ~foJ1ats Has long been acknowledged,and tliat it ments SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. A Large Stock Just Received,-Plain ancl Or· naniental, both for 'fValls artd '1j!Loors . TI:i.e Pa-per Oil Cloth and C~rpet ng is a Cb.E!aJ) an<l Du1alilli Sulmtltut" fo1' Oil Cloth. The Chemicals with whioh the Paver is saturated, render :it proof against liuts, I\.1otha, and I After the clergyman had united . " ~ happy pair not long ago, an a ,vful sil~ ence ensued, "hKh was bwken by an impat1ent youth exclaiming, 'Don't be so unspeakably hoppy.' A glass of soda-water was offered to an Iri,;hman the othc1 day, who rejected it with the greatest indig1Mt10n. ' Do ~ you tlunk I'n1 a salan1ander," said he, 'to dunk water b01hng hot?' - ] r ,vas 'darlino- G'veorge' \vhen a bri ~ " dal couple left Omaha , 1t wa;; 'deat George' at Chicago ; at Detrn1t it was ' George', and when they ~eached I\ iagara Falls 1t was ' :;ay, you. pledge when his wi!6 signs with him.' be came 1D and to!J ber about the conflict· Mrs. K·ltcher said she should be very of the day, and how he had come through sorry to hinder her husband from abstain· vietodoue, her were all scattered, and ing. a little more friendly .convexaation joy beamed in the good wife's face. :After the Keltcbere had pRrtaken of an Mrs. Kdtcher Signed the Temperance pledge, and husbana ant.l. wife steered hon1e early supper, for which Mra. Keltcber bad total abstainers ; Kelleher saying, as he BltW wiseiy made a nice cup ot coffee, Mr. ~:1et· mno:y others going into the drink shops, oalfe ceme to pay them a friendly visit, and ' Tl17es a better way · ah d many a Bl'!en t to congratulate h10 friend on the manner in pray<r wM offered up by the awakened one which he bad held fast to his principles and Im partner that cvcnmg that God durmg the day ; and the Christian abstainer did not f' to give the rescued a little kind- r ' would enable h11u to ·w1d lt in it. The news soon spreail amongst Keltcher'e ly advice for the future. wife 11greed in a good ohject; and there's w~f~. Kelleher wae anxiouely waiting Jiie self and the landlord. Her father had gone dollars and tifteen cents in clubs uf ten or more alwass more hope ot a husband keeping the. arrival, between hope and fear; but when to a Temperance u1eeting1 but on his re- postage Now is the time. to SubstJnbe. and fo1 m Clubs. Great iiiducerot>nts t1 Oluh Agents, and 1:11xty.five cents per yvar, und two & ween ~ane and the publican at the Black Lio~. turn his ""le told him what h·d passed be· As the Keltchers sat down to a comfort· able Sunday's dmner, their very looks as well n.s \Varda sn1d 1 ''s a better way 1 (To be Continued ) Specimens, Premium Lists. &o., sent free Address, MOORB'8 RURAL :NEW-YORKER 87 Duane St , New York. MUBDOIJD ' BROS. Having decided to' nmke a change in their business, are now selling for CASH their large <trnl well assOl'ted Stock of Dry Ooods, .ilfj]]inevy Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, BOWMANVILLE Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co Varnish Polish! A11othtr thing much v..a11tell. '.rhis Polish gives a most elegant luetrc,antl driei:; i.J1stautaneouMy ,THE WEEKLY SUN. 1776 NEW YORK. 1876 . · Thomae Keltcher and lus wife could not , neighboro that he was going to be a total thankabstainer, and various were the remarks tind words sufficient to expres! their . made in rf'ference to hid sudden conversion Iulness to ~Ir. ?tfetcal fe for a II h is persevering efforts on their behalf. to teEtotahsn1. Mr l\Ietcalfe addressing them both isaid One neighbor said he wao; JUSt the man ' , , he rl'quired no thonks, as he should feel re.. "ho ought to sign the pledge, as he (Keltch· pa id JU knowing that one wore of hie feler) never knew when he'd enough. --'I --/ I S111g :;mg off1~1al. 'If you have any While asecond muttered ' What ! druuk· tJade, prisoner, state it, ,111d we will put ;ou at it.' .Pnsoner (iust entered). en Tom Kelleher signed th· pledge ! well, I ' Well boss I was brnng up a bar-ten- shall be very much deceived if he keeps it a ' k h ' der a 'nd I'd - like to go to wor at t at. s1ngle week ; he's too far gone to be n. teeto11lamma (to Ethel, on their way to ooler, l know.' Then tippler::-< ed, hearing of Keltcher's the lattci's first party). 'No.v, mmd, darlmg, if you see any mce tlungs on retormat1on, e~cla1m cd, 'If ever Tom keeps the table that you'd hke to eat, you the pledge, I know I could ; but I reckon, l~1l1s.n't ask for them.' he'll sign it one day rnd hreak it the next.' Ethel. ' 0:1 no, mamma ; I'll take Then mauy of the females in the neigh · them: ' borhood were not belnnd-hand in talking Laura (who is still a tnfle romantic) abonl Kelleher ' I know I could uot gr.t through my ' Don't ) ou tlun k there 1s somethingve1 y solemn about the fall of dead leaves, W1.Rh1ng without a half pint,' said }frs 'I'cgina~d ?' Smith. Regmald (her husband, who has out'And l don't believe I could goto sleep gwwn his romance). 'Very [Pause.] without my little snp at night,' e:l.claimed Kalk1ng of dead leaves, what the deuce Mrs. Brown. ga'c I done with all my tobacco?' Then M'8 K~owull, standin~ by, coolly Many years ago, Elder Place, then ·aid,' They say M'8. Kelleher hM signed preaching in Johnston, was called to as weJl as Tom ; but we shall soon see attend the funeral of an aged female wbet ber they keep it or not.' pa11slnoner. 1 \ t the close of the serBut we will leave the latter class and re· v1< es the sun ivmg partner stepped for- turn to Thomas Keltcher, who arose next ward to the casket to take one last look, moru111g alter signing the pledge, and went and 111 a tone of regretful resignation to work in good spirits, with a determinaga'e utterance tu the followmg remark: tion to persevere ancl stand his graunt.l 'Well, Betsy, you've been a good wife against all comers. to me, and ('m sorry to lose you, but One of his tippling shopmate· h·d hear.I I've no doubt you're now sleeping of hrnJoudng the s.ober army on the previsweetly in Beelzebub's bosom.' ' No l no 1 brother,' hastily interposed ous night, and before the work-people at the the astomshed rnm1ster, 'you dont mam1factory where be was employtd bad n1e~1n that. You rnean that she lS now been at work an hour, news of Keltcher's signi1 1g the pledge spread all round the slccpmg 111 Abraham's bosom.' ~,,Well, Elder,' rejomed lhe sorrowing place. 'l'he more sensible and sober part of l.l1an, ' I don't know as it n1akes inuch the worker. were glad to bear that Tom bad difference whether it is Beelzebub or set his against the d:dnk, bccaucse, as Abraham. T expect they .ue both 'e1y some of them remarked, be drank to such a good men, for we read lhei1 names m dreadful excess. the Bible_' Later m the morning the olu fuddlers lawmen had been rescued from the grasp of tbe fell destrc.yer 1 l(iug Alcohol, a home · · f , . .co1nfortable, nnd a. family happy. 'But,' continued the speok~r, looking his . , . friend. full in the face, nsk God to assist you in the matter.' Keltc.her answered, 'I will, an e grasp· ed his friend by the h11nd, saying, as the teats trickled down hls tace, , thank God I've lived to see and feel there's a better way. 1 ' dh Mr. Metcalfe replied, 'Antl I thank God , on yo11r beballtoo; and may thieimportant reformation he a stepping-stone to the best way ot all.' Mra. Keltcher was filled with emotion as · she exclaimed, ' Thank God, sir~ you have been the means ot opening my husband's During a protracted conver2ation, Mr. 1 eyes to see his folly.' Metcalfinvited.T l10mas Kelleher to attend the weekly Ten1perance meeting, also to go to a place of worship on Sundays. The retormed one promised to go to the total abstinence iueeting, and he would begm to attend a place of worship when he'd procured some better clothes, Mr. Metoalfe ·1e1t bis friend's dwelling prnmising to come again on an early day, as well a3 to stand by him at the mnnufac~ tory.;1; hundre.d and seventy f:li~ is th~ Centt'nrua.1 y-ea1·. It1~ also the year in \\hich an Oppos1hon House of Represen~tatL 1les, the tiret 'a1nce the war, will be in power at \'f/ aahingtou; and the year of the twenty.third election of a ·Pre1:11di;:nt of the Un1tod S~ateH. All of these events sure to be of si·eat interest a.11ll uu· portance. especially the two latter and all of them, and everythu1g connf>cted with them will be fuJly and freshly reported and expounded in the Sun. 'l1he Opposition House of l{epresentativea, taking up the .line of mqu1ry 6pened years agp by the Sv.n wdl sternly and d1hgent!y inv1;18~l· gate the co:ruµtions an<l misdeeds of U-rant 's adminmtra.hon; and WJ11, 1t. 1~ rto be hope.d, lay the foun'lat10n for a new and bette1 period in Our national history. Of all this the Sun '"ill i~n~ain compl!:!te and accurate 1 :i.ccounts,furui~hrng its renders with e~rly and ti ustworthy in· formation upon these absorbing topic1:1 The twentv-third Pres1dental election, with the p1eparations for 1t, '\\-"111 be men1oruble as deciding upon Grant's aspirit:ions for a third tcrtn of powe1 and plundt:r, and still u10re ~s deciding who sllall be the rand1datf:I of the-pa.1'tr of Reform. and electJng that candidate. C()n· cerning aJl these subJects, those -who read the Sun, will hu.,·e the ~' on sta.nt means of being thoroughly well infortred Tl1e 1l er.kly S11n, which has attained o. cirlln· lation of o-.; er ei!:~hty thousand cop1eB, alre11dy h1!.s Jts rni.ders in every State and Tc11ritory.nnd we trust that the year 1877 will see their oum· bera doubled. lt will continue to be a thorough newspaper, All the general news of the day will be found in it, condensed "hen unimport· ant, at full length whP:n of moment; and alway~, wo tr';lst, treo.ted in a clea.r, intere~t1ng anrl in8tructlve manner, It fa our aim to make the WecAly &m~ the heat family newspapor in the wWd, and we sha.ll continue to give in :it$ columns, a large amouut of miscelL.\.ncoua reading. su.::h as stones, talcs, poe1ne, 1:1c1e11t1t!c mtelhgence and .tgricultural irJormation, for \\hich we are not able to make rOmB :in our <la.Jl ~·edition. Tho agricultural de· partment especially is one of its promu.ent fea. tures. 'l'he fashions are also regularly reparted in 1ts columuti ; and so are the tnarketfl of !:!very '-'·-~--=-:=-:.;_----='-"'=- :M:a,nufa.oturers uf AT AND BELOW COST! ~!ONEY '\.VOOD AND IRON WORKING MACHINERY Tho Stock. having been purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can depend on getting Nothing ever discovered befo1 e to equal this Polish, FOR FOR MORE .AND BETTER GOODS FOR THEii'l Piano lJ'o,-fos, Glock8, Bv,ggies, Sleighs, and all kinds oj Vo,rnished Om·riages LEPJPEL'S at Double Turbine Water Wheels, and this Est>tblshment than in any other house in the country. Pict u,1·e Frmnes Call Early, and secure Bargains, as the wlwle Stock must ,lJe sold or any kind of at once, j'ar CASI-I ONLY. Varnished li'urniture_ Ca.stings of a.ll Xinds REPAIRS done on the THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT 1 SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. is now complete with the ,'.'hoicest supply of Olu·isttn as Goods, Rctisens, Oit rrants, bu· SHO:EtTEST NO TICE, gars, Peels, etc., etc., a.t all Prices. We now on hand a large quantity of Common and Gang Plows, that will be sold at H.A.:EtDWA:RE ! usllal, a Large Stock on hand of LOW PRICES fitf. MURDOCH BROS. Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware. All of which \VIII 'l be sold a.t low £gures . AT THE SHOP. Bowmanv1lle, March1873. John McLeod & Co., Wellington Buildings, Bowmanvllle. - - - - - - - -- -- - - Augnst 10th, 1875. lm'Pelial Fire Insuranr.e Co OF LONDON. Establisbcd 1803. HEAD OFFIOE;J.-1 ' kind. · 'l'he Weekly Sun, eight pages, with filtJ-six Keltcher kept to his work all the week, paid .55 ct~. ~ m.mth, or six dollars fifty t:ents }""tm<lf:l invl:'ijt1;1d mCa.nada.- 105,000. . . o.yea.r. Sundny edihou extra, one dollar ten a whtch very nu1ch surprised and vex~d the ye:ir. w~ have uo travelling ngi:nts. Addi esa, Insurances against loss by Fire effCt;!ic.d on moat favorable terms, and losses paid with luddlers, who wonlcl bnve greatly rejoiced1 · 'rHE SUN. Ni;:w York City. ont reference to the Board in London. J DODSWOl\Tll, RlN'.L'OUL l\lWS. at their old comrade's downfall. Inspector. ... Gen. Agents. Montrea broad columns, is only one doHa.r twenty cents il year, poi;taga })repi11l. As tlus pri9e barely 'rcpQ.ys the cost of tho pa.per, no discount Cj\.11 be m¥1e frotu this 1ate to olubs 1 a.gents,· ers, or 1:1JI1yone. The Daily Sun, :i htrge four page newspaper of twenty-eigl1t cohnnn::i, gives all the n1;;w~ for _two ccntf:l u. copy. Subscription, pre· Pall Mall, London. GENERAL '\. GE:NCY Old Broad St., a11d FUR CA:NAD..\ :- Just.Arrived a.t the 24 St cra.mcnt , Montreal Fnnd_ £1,965.000 Sterlin~. Subscribetl and inveAted Ca.1)ita.l and l1es.e1"\'e II'ASHION :B0118B splendid u-ssort1nent o HICi- RURH NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of held a kinrl of conference over 'l1om's sud· Saturday mght came, and as Kelleher was leaving the works .\·1th a full week'· wages, one of bis hard-drinking shop-males accosted lliro, EH·J ing, ' Now, Tom, you'll go and have a cup with us across at the Hlack Lion!' The reclaimed one ~replied in a firjm tone, 'No, not l inPeP.d l' and his loQ.kB nod man· net seemed to sav. Go not there yoW"self, ·l pray; Vlalk with me a better way, I'm bouILd fov home R R. LOSCOMBE, Barnster., Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowmanville, June 4th, 1880~ is now raging a.t 36 m o.43-39.4w TRELEVEN S REAL HAIR, Ahm :~ FANCY GOODS, & l.trge sto<:k uf Stamps for Braiding and Em- Why He Bought th" Tiger. -- Those who attended the sale of ani1nals from Barnum's h1ppodro1ne in Bridgeport, the other day, report the following occurrence : A tiger \Vas being offered. 1 he hid ran up to $4,500. ' I his \hlS n1ade by a man \Vho \Vas a su anger, and to him it was knoc~ed d own. Barnum, who had been eyemg the stranger during the bidding, now went__ up to him, and said · . ' Part:lon 1ne for asking the queshon, a.tit. The ringleader sa1d, '\Vell, Toru; Lul will you tell me whe1c yon are from?' 'Down South a lm,' responded the we'V(~ come as a deputation to know the state of your mind on a certain matter.' man 'Iudeed,' answered Keltcher, 'then I shall 'Ai e you connected with any show?' be wilhng to reply to any fair queation ·No.' 'And you a1e bu} ing the animal for which the sneering deputation may have sense enough to asl' n1e. 1 yourself?' 'Well, first of all, then, did you get ' 11 es.' Barm.m shifted about uneasily for a drunk nga1n las.t night ?' moment, looked altemately at the man ' .No, tl.rnnk goadues!:l, I d.Hl nott but I and the tiger, and evidently trying his might if I had gone to the public-house ; best to reronc1le the two together and I've been, as you and the deputation · Now, young man,' he finally said, know, a drunken sot long enough. But, · } ou need not take this ammal unless thank God,~ cnntinueU. Keltcber, 1 I fouud you \-\ant to, [or t}1ere are those he1e out a better wa_y last night,' 1 who will take 1t off your hands.' 'V\T el1, you'll go und have ~a half-pint with ' I don't want to sell,' was the quiet us th 1s n1orn1ng 1 won't you 1' reply_ 1 No,' sa1d l{eltcher in a firm voice, ' nor · \\ bat on earth are you gomg to do \\.t\h such an ugly beast if you h,1ve no the hall of a hall-pint.' ' 1' onsense, Ton1 I' cried ,0ne of the fndshow of your ol'n, and arc not buying for son1e one ·who b a shO\\'man ?' <llera; 'if you heven't p;otthe price of a pot, 'Well, I'll tell you,' said the purchas- will yon have "drop at my expenAe l' er_ ' M v wife died about three weeks ' :No, thttnk you,' repJied Tom, 'not if .tgo. \v'e had lived together for ten y(iu'd pay; me to h..ave it~17icre's a better years, and-I miss her' He paused to way' wipe his eyes and steady his voice, and The self-appointed deputat10n of bard then added- ' so I\c bought this tiger' ' I understan\:l. you,' said the great ddJJkers g1:1.zed aud cbuckl~d wh1le one of the astouu3lif!d drink curi.ed vu·tuns inshow1uan in a husky voice. quired of Toni if 1t wna truQ th11~ hr.> signed Jamt:is Smith, a.n old man of seventy~ tbe Tem_peranoo pledge ' On tbe pre1·ious four, hved in (IUe of the poorest houees in night. 'Y,t·s, 1ads,' a.uswered Keltcher, ' it's the poerest p·it of }faucLeat~r. Eugland. He was found dead the other day, alone, and <1uite1 true, a.nd by the lielp of God 1 mean to eurrounde<l by every indication of el'.tremc hold fast.' WbenJhe fuddlmg deputation heard the poverty. But wht.!n tl1e pdlice searched hh bo1rne thry found a s ~fe cont:>1.inin~deeds latter words, I hey began to inove about 10 a den conversion to totu.l abstinence, (lllld the awakened one at the same time was holding a couference wtth his own thoughts) 'He'll Le o\er to the Black Lion be,for'e dmner time, I warrant,' said Peter Higgins. "Ve 1ll biro out of teetotalism be· Jore the day's gone,' shoute<l another slave to st1ong drink. Then five or '" of them a~reed to go straight to Tom altogether, and have a bit of a lark with b1w_, ae they tern1ed it, wlnle at woi·k. Su they wen I and found him hard :RELIANCE broidery. New Goods! AND Mutual Life Assurance Society FASHIONS for Spring inst to hand. MUST BE CON5fS'r1NG 01~ SOLD, ESTABLISHED 1840. C.uiADA CHIEF 0FFIOHS. 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL his wife as 'Ji'· e<muted hto wages on the WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, usual. PLATED WARE, E1 c. table, · l'hm's a better way, and to·niaht JJJ llE OTOJJ.S. MRS. A. FLETCHER -oBowmanv1llc. Apnl 7th,1874. we'll see if we cau'ttake this money to the Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold 'VALTER 8HA~L'V, l::eq., 1\-1 P., Ohainun.o.n, and he is determined to continue to sell :1t these nunously low prices Dul\OAN l\.fACDOKALD, 1:~sq. cheaper than the cheapest. Wl1y he can do i t right stops.' Wedding Rings. MA.JOH. '1'. E. CAMPB.!GW:., CB.. St. Hilaire, E'irs.t, he buys for cash, and knows just how to buy l Mrs, K.~ltchcr 1 s eyes glistened aga~s 'l'HE HOl'IOHAUI..E JoUN HaMlL'l'QN, Hawks. AARON BUCKLER. bur'" Ont she saw the hnghts1lver coin on toe dullSecond, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Bow~1anville, O<lt Oth,1875. ' RRSIDE'mi ·1 SECRF'l'AltY.-JAorEs GMm. Third, he is satisfied ·with small profits l Jookrng old rickctty table, wlule httle Jane S P E C I A L FE A T U R E S. Fourth, he sells for cash ; ran into a neighbor's house and asked l\frs. 'fhe ENTIRE PROFirs belong to anJa:i c dh"'id Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. Hortou to come and Ree the hunrlreds of ed amongst the Polricyholdera. -oebillinga (as ehe termed them) which her LIVES, DECIJNED BY OTHER COMPANIES, or on father had brought home. ~ which an ctra P1·clnium 'IO(iUld be required, can AND As 11\iomas Keltcher was waeblng him· be assured at the ordinary rates of this Society, Another cn.1 luad of the abo\ e no bl~ iu hde~ on under a 3j)ecial a1ra11geni.ent BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. sell, bis good wife aud lit\le Jane went out, the way. SPECIAL NoN-]'oFEITABLE PoLIOIES issued Exantine e stock, which comprises evf>1 yth1ng 111 tl1e ti ade1 of the VtJl'.} lu,test 'and .nost eleg,,u one down the street and the other up, to YeR, and home 1(eltcher went; saying to DBESSJMA:XING I . Strowger Bros. NEWCAS'I'LE. "' FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, C.ALL A.ND SBE FOB YOUB&ELVES" 8t)1es and patterns, of English, Canad111u, and American manufacture. Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED TufILLS. Please call at L11 t-! j) e>1.tables, menta are req1ured, each payment securing -glad hearts. When they had p!\r.taken of a Policy for a. sum a.ssured proportionate to the sweet an<l Jrugal meal, Kelleher proposed numbe:r of JJreruiur:na pniJ., an<lfreefrom jutur to his partner that June should go and pay Having removed to more commodious premisef, t:iayrnent of p1 eniiuma. a part of tl1t ale i;core which he owed at the J\.{ODEil.Al'E PREMIUMS 11od moat liberttl con- an<l~eoon returned with under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay _,,_ -o- Ht' still uon.tinuoi! to 1nanufat:tu1e to order, from the best of material, o.nd none but workmen kept. B 0 "\V l\IAN V I LL E Farm Implement Forwarding Agency R. Vl .T~1\..JV!ER, Howrnau ville, Dee. 5, 1872. Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He ha.ij in stock an endless variety of Lat.lwi>' nud Gents 1 Saratoga T1unks, ' 7 a.lise8, ·tc., all of which ho is Hdhng uheap for cash, -o- Black Lion. ~ So after receiving due tn· rlit:ions. structioua trorn her father, she started on Prosf;ectuscs,Proposal ~-.orro1:1 &c., l:!Upplied ICing St., Hown1an ville. n l O. htir e1rand. Airiving ut the Bluck Lion, little oldfash1oned Jane went up to the bar and said, 'If yon please, .Hir, father - bas 'Jent this 1noney.' ~ Your father l' reprietl th~ fine~ilressed landlord, holding out his band Ior ttlc cash ; '\Yho's your fath"r 1' ' He's a teetotal now, Sir, o.nd mother and · on a.pp ication at the lJea.d office, oi· any of beg to infonn the public generally. that the 1 the Agencies. nro now enabled to offer th!::!m Better Inducements in the line of JAES GRAN1', Res. Secretary, Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. M. TRELEVEN. Bownttlllville, }Ia lJ. 18i4. , t'.30, HO l G-e:c.tle:m.en of Fashion ---NOT SO FAST. I \\ 1it! P.1\ these few lint>s And nil I have to say, 'l'h<tt you u.~u hu.d 1uo 10 till at home I not gone a'\ ay ; So _jj,U 1ny kind olll fi:ieuds inay come And all tl1e young- ;:inns ttioA.nd g<:t their gnrmonta nicdy nlaL1f' .Cn fo1.shionii that a1 e )le\\ '\Vbere old o.nJ young d~hr fJ 1t'>:1nh1a, 1.ueet ....\. welco1ne greeti11g by R PEA'l'E Bo\\1nanv1lle, .June 19th 187;j. -- ~ AGEN1' 23-ly For tlrn fullV\\ Jmun <UHJe: Oomvantes, and 1 '\VL11t'syour father's name, then 1' eai<l other Inshtut10ns, viz :'!'he QU.EB2'1 }'ire and Life Iastuance Com· the ~11Llicau, ~lo op1ug down lur a reply. (AS REGARDS PRICE & QUALITY) pany. Capitalk."2,000,000 $150,000 deJWi!lt~d ' \V}1y,' answe1ed Jane, 1 hti used to be with tbe Durn1ruon Government, for the protcc than auy othe1· house 1n the County. den; Hl 011r1a.da ca.lied< Fuddl~r rl'o.tu,' by sowe naJghty The ISOJ,A 'I"ED RISK Fire Insurance Com wen at the pu\>lic "bou·e ; l>ut his right pariy of Cnp1tal flOffOOO.-One of the tjawe 1s 'I hotnaa ~eltcher; 1 Weight a'nd 11'/easU1'e Guaranteed best and cheapm.;t Comp,tuies don1g businel!M iu the Dorn.inion, foi J?arn1e1::1 and loiolated R1sk8 ·Oh! Tom Ke!tcher,' ·j·culated the lantl- i are so glu<l.' - - "'< Grocery James Business, NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD in every instance. For, BOW;\IANVILLE, c.nAmrnn, " Ohti:erv1;11 Office," K1ng St Bowtnan \ 1lle .·l u11e 24th, 1870 ---- -~ McFeeters. AGENT PUBI-4~[0. vVi-\LTER wn1;l1f re!!pectfully l.11 v1te WIGG"~ pu~ic SON, 1JS$t \~ho N 1etu1n1ni; tbnnke to tho1r num.ero11" <.:ustt1uie1s and tbfl i:;t1ue1ally, for favors, I theU' our stock e, as ""e ha\ e lately added thereto, that we may theu1by be enabled to supply all parties tna.y plea.Se tu favm atteut1011 to pret;ent of f11rn1tu1 h im with a calL Great inducements held out to thosti purcl1asing at our estabhahmeut P10tine8, I~uoking- GlaMe~s. etc fJan1ed to mdert and ln C\'ery r.tvle San1plcs uf the diffe1ent kind of o uldit1gs .can be s:icen o.t the w1ne·ruo1n 'Ve would ~also beg to inform :i,rou, that, ha\ uig J)lllt.:based ~ SPLND lD NEW HEARSE, . lord ; ' then I suppose you're hia little girl I' 1 Yes, Sir, I atn j but if 1 keep on getting . J. L. STROWGER aomewbat exciteJstate, at the same time such nice meals aa the one I bad just now, J , D. -STROWGER. and rnnrtgage Unuds worth £12,000 and ' "raising a boisterous laugh, Then eeeing l shall soon grow bigger.' .£2,000 in gold. Newoa.stle,Aui'ua:t, 14t.h, 1~74.. 'l'ea,s a, Speciality. \Vith a Sa1'ings Bank_rl.epartn1ent. we shall be rca<ly a.ta 11 t:imea to attand funerals, on short notu::e a.nd reasonable tenns. The UNION AND PER~IANE-N'T Btlilcling N . B -Cotfims k.cpt on.hand and made to order:, n.t the and Sa-.;1ng'e Society. Tho CANADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. - - -- ------- -USE THE Real ~... state, OJl t~r1ua u.nusuallv easy for the 1 borrowor. ~ { Bowman1illo, Feb. ,6th, 1873, I Tho·· lattor institutions advance Loan· on ! NEW D01WINJON RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROO!Yl. King Street East, Oshawa1 O·bawA, Aull. 26th, l870. for ma.king all kniil~ of 0 11k P~ "' ith()tit Eggs. 1'o he had of all Groceis IL J. \VEEKS & Co., '1 oronto, sole agents f,,r Ontal'io. I Jl'[ru-ch 11th, 187~. 24-ly, Norwich E gg· Powder, -- ' -'

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