I/ -------..' POET,RY; Tom ltogera' Story. 1 - - ------- --------- - - - -- - ---- THE MERCHANT FRIDAY,.._ FEBRUARY 18 1876, - ever man bad ; ao I peeped through the ldoor, an'tl saw tbe tea.re running like rain NOW FOR THE GREAT- CENTENNIA THE HARVEST IS GOOD! PROSPERITY ABOUNDS! ' Be Kind to Evecyt.hing. Softly, softly 1 httle sister, Touch thosi;, gaily painted winKe , lluttcrfhea and 1uuths1 romembel.', A.re auc~ \Very tender thrngs . 8oftli. softly, little sistt'lr, 'l,wirl your hmber hazel twig , Little hands may harm a nestling 'l'houghtle.ssly, al.!! well <J.S big Ciently stroke the purring pu11sy, Kindly pa.t the friendly dog 7 I.tet your unmoksting mercy. Evt1n spare th1::1 toad or frog. Wide lB God's great 'vorld around you; Let the harmless creatures live, Do not mar their brief en;:ioyment, 'l'ake not~wbait you cannot give. I.et your h~9.oit be wa.rm aud tenderFor tbE' mute and helpless plead, P1ty1ng leads to prompt relieving, Kindly thought to kindly deed, Are you going to the Temperance meet- down her face-but the psrRon weot oning, Charlie 1' adked a fine-looking young 'You'll never regret 1t-. I thought t wa.~ man, a stouemtlsou 1 of his fellow workman. doing a great thing wh'en I signecl the 'There's a.first·rate speaker from London pledge, but now I find that wa. all a nl1'· take, and that it bas been to me the wost to·ntght.' ' Not I : tlierJ 111u 't no ...n,.eed for n1e to blessed inetrument for good that I ever had turn teetotal. No one 1:3ees me the worse in my banJ, and for which I daily thank fot drmk sii'ltmeS lD a twelvemonth. Mod- God . If any of you that are Ohnstians think thJS a hard th111g to take u eration is my pr1ncI"ple.' .12 remem' A g0orl enough one too, if we kept to it, ber thesr few worde 1- 1 We ought NOT to · cs'-and the reason,' ~or even and ba.d only onreelvts to Lb1nk about; but plf'ase oursl)h. f very rfiuch qnesL1on whetber you do at1ck Christ pleased not Himself." And with that he sat <lown. GO TO 'l':EOMAS BA'I"rING'S If You Want . . 1 )ENIDISTRY - \ \ ,.I ' ' TH.i!i MERCHANT 1 hM now a bona. fide TIMES ARE EASY! AND Now JS lHE 'lHtlE 10 BUDSCJUDE l<OU MOORE'S RUl\AL NEW·YOl\KEl\, 1 HE QREAl' ILLtSrltATD Cirqulation of 1000, a.nd with the exception of a. few, the!!:e pass into tht1~bands of the pPople of ~rest Durham. The pubhowill a.tonce fiee tbti ut1hty of tlie pi·lh'! l ar.i an Agnt.'Ultural and Family W ookJy. 'l.'Hls Famous }1'arm and Fireairle Favorite will celeb1ate the National Centsnn1a.l by mak· in; a better paper than ever, and furnishing its G3 ~umbtrs for 1876, (each worth the pnce of a yearly cop)) po11tage free, for two dolla;rs and sixty.five cents- and in clubs of ten or more for only two dollars and forty·five cents. 'l'h1s, tnakes it the Uhca:peHt Wcclly of its CkJ.ss on the Contintml:, att it ha.s lont{ been the BEST AND A.1os:r PoPULAR-111 fact, the STANDARD l:N lTS SPHERE. GOOD !ND -.. ' CBElP I J Brimacornbe, L.R.O.D.8. to 1t. Charlie, not very n1uch rtilu~h1ug Lhts The next minute I saw mode of addrt8', and Wishing to turn the my wife, God bless her, go up to the table tables ilgn1nat bis fnen<l said, 11 shouldn't ltke and sign her name. I kllew wbyshe Uhl1t, to be a pitifnj fellow that could not govern and it so uvcrcnruc me that t vowed I'd do himself, and wati JOrcetl to throw all the drtfert!nt ' ADVERTISING MEDIUM. GOODS. FEES MODERATE. oi-FJOE ova McOLUNG'S Store &wmanv1llt:. llec. 1374. 11-tf. It Has No Equal in tlus coust1tucncy, and tlus fa.ct is being con 1:1ta.ntly demontit.ra.ted. drink overboard, because he to take 1 hadn'~ power 4 ' And did you sign that night l' asked Charhe1 more n1terl:!sted in this account thnn he eared tp show. , , 1 No, hut I did that day Vi eek. and 'twas the beat day's work that ever I chd - aye, and the hardest too, I (;all snfely say. It waa a tremendous fight at first, but by God's grace 1 kept to itt and as of course I could not go any more to the ale-house, I , it as he ought.' 'P1tlful or not, it's been the thing for me. Three yeara.- ago I was a uuserable drunkatd i yet when l first rnarried, I was as steady .'l :i~orkman IHI any Ill ~ur yaiJ, aucl had ltttle thoug-ht ot exceeding. .... I tell you what, tuy la.d, there's many n:spectabl~ How to signdl a bark- Pull a dog's pt!ople i.l. moderation, but ·it's .. n sllppery tail. ~ plank,aada!ellow'sapttoshpolfafore he wasdri·entochurch' and to the meetings, kuows what he's after, and th~IJ~ nu1ybe, it's where the Lord met' me-never lt!ft n:re till oo late to cbange. 'Prevention is better I gave rnysclf up to Iltm aud His servant ' tha.u curtt' nuy cl.Ty~ I only wish r had l mean to continue so long a.a n1y lifi:: lasts. IOUR A \li!lr Qf rubbers- A washerwoman's hands. Mostpeoplc are like eggs-Too full of themselves to hold anything else. 'Wha~ did' you hang that cat for, Isaac?' asked the school marm. The boy looked up, and, with a grave look, answered: , For me\vtin), marm !' A St!:ilacooiµ (W. T.) man while going home the other night heard loud cries of distress, and upon inyestigation, found an intoxicated mdividual embraciQg a telegr-aph pole, holdmg on to his ear with his' thum b and forefiligei, and yellmg ' Let go " to his supposed assailant. ' What will you have?' asked a waiter of one of the Indiana editors at the dmner in Philadelphia, as he handed a Lill of fare. And th~ Hoosier with the high forehead leaned back in !us chair, wiped his' foreheatl tho9ghtfrrlly with ~a napk.in;' aad ejaculated sternly 'Gimme all I' rsee here conductor, why don't you have a fire in this car f' 'Well, you see, one of the directors is a clothing man, and another is a doctor, and another is a drug-store keeper, and another runs a tojllbStQne factory, and you know m tlm world people must 'Jive and Jet live.' 'So, you see--' 'All right, sir; go a11ead wilh your cotlin.'Thursday mght a policeman collared a suspicwus looking character m a hallway on Jefferson avenue, and as he dragged the man out <>n the walk he said . ' Who are you?' 'John Haynos,' was the answer. 'And what do vou do?' ' In 'the show business.' ' What do you show?' 'I'll show you my heels,' replied the man, suddenly jerkmg loose, and he was as good as his word. known it when I talked about moderation. It "'ould ha\'e saved me a defl,1 of m1eery.' That's the history of my teetotalism · so 1 ' now yon won t.)\'.OD.d~ that I'rn warm on it, ' And what tn,!de) ou t~rn teetotnl 1' for n 1nan always loves the bridge that car· 'Odd enout1h, it wua a publican that sent nee hin1 over the river.' o yon.r If you ha' e lost anything, ad\ ertiee in this owmanville, Sept. 25th, paper.' ~ Tf you have found anytlung, adverti6e in the .ind Unexceptionable .Ft.MlLY P.~l'ltR lte MEll:OHAK'l' Jf you \\arit to Hl:llla.nyttung, advl:lrtJ.se 10 tlilll J:l-.oundm and Condtwting l!:d1tor has had over tlnrty :years experience as a.n AgrH:ttlttual Pil<Per . Jou111a.hst, n.nrlbJf.i Msrn 1ti.t0i; vosr:;cs1-1 rare a.b:rtiI~iltH~N~'~o buy auythJng.advertise 111 the ihty and p1 actwa.1 and scientific know ledge, The ann 1s to renflel' the JRflllCS uf tha uun \L for . lf you want to re.a.ch the public, use the 1876 auperior to those of any other year-to inake the pa.per worthy the <:ordui.l allpport of columns of the MERCHANT. a-ll engaged lll rtual pursuits, 8.Jld also a· ncctrptable visitor to familiefi in both Town anlll Country. It contpnses over a. dn1.en distinct ) As a weekly newBp...aper, the l\1.ER~HA~T is departmcuts.t':- Practical, Scicntlftc and Lite1· iuy, bemdeN .New!!, the 1\.Ia.1'1cut.s, &>c., -all C&l'&.' sca.rcely exaelled. Sixteen coltimnR of carefully selected readmg matter apperu in fully and ably e<l1tecl, thus giving a greater var· iety of nst'lf11l informn.tio:ni and miscC1Ue.ncous en.ch iissue. compr:1sing IAtcratu1c, ma.tter, uiterap~se<l with dluRtrat1hns 1 thaa A.gncu.ltU'1"etl, Ji~arntfy Rcadiny 1 Ocncral and Local Jfcwsany other Ainerician JOurnal Indeed it 111 THb: PEOPLK1S J'Al'ER 1 all fresh and readable. And ce1 ta1nly the best one extant I~lr the F J.R· SubrrenptionS ta.ken auy time during the MFJ:R, 1'HE I-Io1nicu11'ult1sT \NI> 11.oRil:il', THB A.lno1n:'s RunAL has for the past Qua.rter of a Ceuttuy been not only the Standard Author· ity 011 1111 b1nnch eri: of A..,'l'icultore. Ho1tJ.cnl· turo ,ind Dnmest1c Affnu ", but a ~ oho1ce 1 Pure MANCHESTER 1857. HOUSE. RATES ARE LOW. Elephant House SoME'l1HING A Hubstitute for Lath & Plaster ! THE PA.TENT ALUMINOUS anll OR· I NAMENTAL BUILDING I' APER. PAPER OIL-CLOTH and GARPE1'INU me to my tust rneetiug-the onlJ good turn ail Mys he 'there's toe paraun got a \ot uf them h"'·mg pleaded gutlty ; another victory '" la.ndablo objects, the "0Ln ltUBAJ," purpose6 to m:tnifel:!t more enterprise and spirit dnring ·itting in the Fox and Geese down yonder, 1 ville, S. 0. Five of tbo d19tillero "ere ar· ,i; ~ .i;- ~ \if the enfluing year than \ ve1 lJofotB, and hence when 10 comes the landlord in a great way. rested. we~li'B\~ ~ 'e"lery fat·1lity. We dn i~ot wotk·- for prove itself in both 81YLE n.ndooN'lJ:lNTS worthy nothing, or fan, but our pnceK ,uIJ bti found a 1111gely incre1tsecl National cnoulatiou. That ' What's up, landlord 1',..we asked ~ ...Wby,' Thirteeu of tb~ ~reat dif;tjllers of Chicago low, as our presi,ies are' 'run h:.V '"Steatn power,' it is the 1f!11 t-ver he did me. 28t.IL Decernber, me and a few othera were recently by some revenue officer· in Green~ seventeen _i _ ll-icn distmrn-eo,- with large Threti }tlara ago corne quaut1t1es of ma.ah and spirit~, were captured TERMS 75 OT8., IN AnvANCE. .i. ' " on. JO,,., ,,.,,..INTINl"J. - - : o . -- S100K GltOWEll, THE DMRYM~N ..\:SD HOU'tfll!· wn R With u Eccltior 11 for its J{lorious motto, and "l'1-ov1-ciss and lmpr~em~t." its ~ Important Announcement ' . ! -----0<----- ' I d (Lt the b ol u s<·ored for Secretary Bnsto\\. in bi~ wlnsky teetotl\l pcop e own sc 0 1 a .(~ war. Six new 1nd1ctrpents at Milwaukee tb..ey're ,a forcing every one to give up their indicate the fur"he11 ~progrees of the earn- Show Bills D~1:o'J: llURA.11 A~D FAMILY WB:Ekf,T. 1 everyone ut ~au, as lOU can drink) or n1y: n~~e en11 t Jack 'llurner .' Y ou ::ruay b e sure we dldn't. want askn:ig twice, tor we'd beer and hve ou-cofJ "'ater. He never was paign. Th" 1s more profitable" ~o~li than much a favorite ohnine, that parson, but if making speeches. this ~m't the very w<rst thing as be'· done ror the place, 1 dog'tknow what it. !!you FARM AND HOUSEHOLD boy~ will make a commotion-turn out the = h~hts, or sometbmg-and put down the Around the Hearth. meelipg, you shall h~\ie na n1uch lwer (Frotn Pra.uie .Farmer ) ' ! -- had a drop already, though we waa not any th mg hke ,to say tlp·Y· Wheu we got there, the roorn was cran1med tull, and we qould only stan~ in the f!Orcll; but tha~ ~l\ias all th ti better for us as we did u't care to be seen, and we we~e close to the gas meter. By and bye I' peeped through the door crack, f!.Dd tho first person as I set my eyes on was my missus. Thin ks I, I'll take We ·tood and precio~lS good ca.re she don "t see me, or she'll thrnl< J'u1 coming round. / is a "'hip to )OU, working men. St1mu· !ants are eonietHDes useful as mc<l1c1ncs ; but what would) ou think of taking fonr Father's Hat. g'l.llons o1 pbydc in the u1orn1ng 1 I know a ~orking man who drank that (111ant1ty ot ~ I don't mean his wedding hat, that was worn beer h~fore twelve o'clock one day.' ... Pres· out long ogo Nor do I nit>an the tall, sleek hat with st1ffuung in it, that stays in the 1 eutly he Silj s, People say we teetotalers hanclbox with a &ilk handkerchief spread ovl"r are such n cold race 0Lbe1ngs, and \\".ant to it all the week, and ado1 na; th11i "]lead uf the make every one live on colcl water.' ,.. Dou·t fouu1l} "on Sundays No, that w a very n1c~, ypu 1 thought J, for [ remen1ber what the '"ell-heba.ved h~t Neither do I u1ean the one 1 \Vh3,' he l~udlord hail sn11.J. goes on hewoi-e\~hen he "opened up" the big cleardeuul111g \\h t the canthd~ttj ~ pai ' cold ~vnte r JS n very stnall itel'n in tny bill 1ng, alul tlm 1il 1ark~ I+!ll on bis hnt and bul'ned llrlol-m. ogJ~~:,;'& inndida~ C it full of holes , no- that one han_gs uu in t1Mt d D r~ '~~-aJJ;1'Ct8, t~ w~ad the nf filro A man once 801 to rue, ' 0 you watth·house, and is only ~orn on bnt.chcring o~wjJL .JttNe the l'<>nHtaur·trwn.1l8 of be~ng A Slippery Place to Pop the Question· bcli c\'e there is more strength 111 a glass of da.ys and tb:rei!1iing: ~nnWf. 'Y m.uan tht1colnRW;P ~~1 1U1h)y wttll in(011l ed Wt!eklu S-un, "lnch IHI.a fl.tta.1ne(l a crrcu water, than ip a mug of nlc 1 'Stop u bit, ·>ery-day h·t-- tlie oDW"1Jiiit1'~Jl'"l ~~d h of ovf:lr ehrhty thousand cop1es, it.lready [ an011<reJ, 'that"a not a l·ir c·lcnlation- ,li;;htly~lift\t~~il ..·,:_._._olim>r..iders in every 8tate auu 'lernto1 y,·nd _/<) 0111 t!ir. Bo;tcin Iimes. · f or a quarto t a1o, putt hnt \ ~h· ~'!iluqqir h..L\h&t~~ll · .......,._ ptac .., "1"C trust th;::i,t the year 1877 will aee their uuuJ you pay sixpence :'.'i":;,. 'll!!"'l-ffl!dITTl'I She l:atnc tnpping horn tbe <..:lnuch uu one side, llow on the other, fourpenny alfa.1aangl!I 1be: . u '1!.;;,.~~PTnail" and cu[!~ hers doubled. 'It will conttnuti to be a thorough DtJ"spaper. .All tl10 genflral 1u:\\:8 of the day < er face flushed by emotion~ worth of betf·teak, ~tw1peon1 .worth-A ~.e.!m~rt ~~ Jf<I' yoin daughter Nancy (tn will be found u11t, conde11Betl when unnnpoit· st uttered discourse, brca<l,...iJiillldl.$tiMI wJ!til.l, "j~~ ~ ···~ntof pmtmgl hand' out to her ttnt, a.t full h·ul-{th whe11 of m01ne11t i n.nd a.I \ ~x~e!lat1on. -Ll t'11rr~ Now w}p,.J.. _ , . f,.0ung man, Lecau1:1t1 s}w fi11d1t-1t--0n the parlQr ways, we trust, tN"!ated in a clear 1 lntert>st1J1g - __....,,..--..,. · .,: ~~ .....,. "'~a I ~s.&.,lt' ' .--c:u li twet f table, and ,\}nch he (1n lus hn.:;ite to leaNc 1 or ~nd instructive manner It i.s OU\ ai(n to n1ake the u ~cc~:l!J S1in the best 1 -/' t.. llnrlf ..... ]l; h.ts UUt, rronl 1 from some other C!l.UE"C) does not i!tSCOVer till fp.mily nowBpaper in the world, a.nrl \\ e sha11 1<Jll..i ~fl nOllf He "'1 Waited - nnmttientiy h ' ~· ' ooTltlOUt' to gtve 111 its columns, a largo a111ount ·Ji b\ · l f .l I ,--· · · wlnsJ":red mteas bad en1ue \v1t n1e. .L,O, next m01n1ng, and then he finds the bat too miscellaneous Hil\diug, su... h as i:ito11es, talei:i, ;vit; lmlllfn 1ea: _. '~mzpaJ-~ ;..!<A-tfio~ n ·poke fair, large, an<lcom1es1thomeon Wc<lneaday e'"· of poe1ns, sc1eutific int~lhgence and n.grumltura.l us iroat, an roz J.j-~~ ~b f Tl.i n1ng 'l'hM Iii the hat I inean the one tha.t 1nformn.tlo11 for wh1ch 'Wll are not u.Uln to make 1 0 els They linked anns <u1d star for ea it. en gets folks 1uto trouble- the one that father is rioom 1n our dru1y edition '1'be o,grwnltui al de the residence of her parents. ;\ftcr a he go ~ - · Dl<l yo ever ~;et any good in a.lwa.ya enqtur11..1g after, and mother continually partment especially is one of its promh eut fea· few moments hesitahng silence he satd. a. pubhc house ? EveQ eupposing you t!id handmg him, after h(Luling it out of the wood· t\tres. The fa.!ihions aie also regulady ~ported in its cclumn:; ; and so an1 the marketf.I of ever) 1 Jani, we have known each other long. u9t waste ) our n1oncy there, ""' bich ought box, clo::it't, or pot cupboard: And is ther~ no kmd. The 1Vt:ckly Sun, eight pages. with fifty ttlx. You fuust knO\V Just how I feel. You to be spent on vour fum1hes, aud tor wb1ch remedy for thu1 stat0 of tlun~.s? Yes, th~re i8 must ha\'C seen that clear d0\\111 at the God will ask an account one day Did you ~ Himcdy for every evil ulld('l' tho sun , n.nd for lJioad columns, ll'J only one dollar twenty c0nts ai y1:1at', p08tagu prepat<l. As thrn pnce hardy bottom- Oh, ~loses?' ever learn anything there to n1akc you n this one there shoul<l be ho.t racks in every repays the cost of the papet, uo discount can be He had shpped down on the ice ,v1th better · hueba.nd, a better father, a better roon1 in the house, fur wberever a man ir.i,thore ttlaJ.e from thil!t t.tttti to duhs, n.gent1, POBtmast· or ll-Dyone so tnuch force that his spine v.as driven workman a. better Chr1stLan? Are the is hl~ hat a.lt!o ; and ti en when h1.J conHli!I in,you ere, 'l'he Da..il!j Sitn, a large {our page irnwspaper 1 · h J take his hat 1 and place tt C'ln the racK for htm, of twenty-eight colutnns, gives all the Iltl\\ ~for up mto 1s iat, an d J11s hat was tl\Jpe d tr"iei·-'· v~u meke tliere, those that will · l.!l ., '"' Written by bis <lau;!ihter 1 two cents a copy Sub8cnpt10n, po8tage pre· over bis nose, but she was a tender- t d by you m ·"'"tormy day 1 Do the\ A?iN ELl:tA. pald 55 ctf) a tn,)nth, m· six dollars fifty cents hearted girl. She did not laugh, but ::.: for) ou, or for your money? Could ayeu.r. Sunday edit1011 sxtta, one dolla1 ten a. ye3.r. W ~have no travelling agents. ~i\.<lJress, she' carefully helped him to his feet, and you ever t ba.nA ,_ G 1 f , JJt in Charcoal for Sick AnimaJs .!l Ol or an evening Bl e '!'HE SUN. New York 01ty. Neat Jy a.U t.lrn siuk an11nal.s beco111e eo by 1m· - 'You · . houae l' were saying, olm, when you ' pu\Jhc proper feedir..g in tba 15tat })lace. Nini.' cases slipped that the foundation- Oh, good·You must know tbeae r1uestions cut 011t or ten the d1gc.ehon u1 wrong C'barcoal iti through me like swords, for I had a godly ~he moat Pffici('nt 11.nd rapid corrective. J t wiU ness !' She slipped herself that time, and saw mother !hat warned me a~arnat drmk; but qure a lll8JOtity of oasea if prC'lpcrly admm.lster~ little stars come down to dance before then [ usecr to see her and father take their ed. An example of itt:i uses, 'J.lhe Jprtd man her eyes, but he pulled her up in haste h·lt-pint for dmn.er and supver, and never c;.i.m.e in with the 1nteni; ence that oD.e of the and went on. be the worse for it · and l didn't see why_ I fi.ne5t cows wai! very SH.:k, a.nd a kind neigh box Tho 'Yes; JUSt as I said, clean down~a1 should not no as they di~, and keep safe propnecd the u~ual th ugR and poisons the bo~tom of my heart is a fer;ent love, But thia I'm aure of, if mother had hved 1)wne1,beu1g i11 and unable to examine the cow, on which I btuld my hopes. fhat love to see Teetotalism come to this place aud condntled t.lJat th.-: trouble oame from O\er·ee.t· AND hasHhelpeddme to sta~dfibactel-Thundbelrd" rne get into the bod ways 1 did, ohe ~ould in,!, anU 01 derccl n. tea-spoonful of pulverized charcoal to be given in w~~ter. It wa1:1 trnxed, e was own again, u 1e scram e ' ~ up before she could stoop to help !um, liave been the firat to pnt her nam~ down p)aceil 111 a JU Ilk butt.le, the head turned up· OON~l.STIN\.O OF and she said breathlessly: W di, the speaker talked on a bit lil this ward, a.nrl. the water turned downward. In WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, 'Yes, yes, John. You reinen1ber, l,\:ay about the harm dnnk <lJd to our souls, fire mwutea inlptovemeDt was \H:.11ble 1 a.cl in PLATED WARE, Ere. ' a. few hours the anltnaJ was In the pa.aturc quietyou-just said a love "hich helped yo"' ·ud when he bad done, the parson got i·p - o -ly ~razmg Anotb~r instance ~f rqual suocess stand and face -thunder. And that you · Now's the time for the lights I put them occurred \'ith a. young heifer which had become Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold founded your hopes on-This pesky ice 1' out, says the men. ' II you do,' I .-yo, ' I'll badly bloated by eatmg green apples after A Wedding Rings. There she sat. John grasped the put you oul ;'so as they saw I was m earn· ha1 d wind 'l1hc bloat was l!IO ae~ ero that the AARON BUCKLER. loose part of her sacque, betw~n tbc est they went off, and 1 ·tupped and listen- sides were as hu.rd as a barrel. The old rcmll<ly, Bnwma.nv1lle,Oct.Sth, 187 5. shoulders, with one lutbd, ·nd raised ed sa.leratus:. was tried for correcting the acidity. her to her feet, as one would !tit a kit rrhe parson talked to the1n a8 wasn't But the attempt to put it down always ra.ised ten from a pail of water by the back ol coughing, and it did httle good. Half a tea. the neck. Then he said with increased drunkards, how 1t wAs thc.ir duty to sign for cLtpful of fre13h powdered cbaicoal was given , the sake of others. I n11nd one story he lt1 1:11x h1rn1-s all a1)re1~rancc of tllu bluat had earnestness : ' Of course, darling, and I longed ~ave of some cle1gy1nan as had been very gone, and the heifer wa1 well for an ovportumty to tell my love and >:1.Verse to 'leetotal1s1n, but he'<l got a large Poison in Green Wall Pape1s. to hear those sweet lips whisper- p~rish-n1gh flix:ty~thou~aud souls, mostly Whoop 1· working people, I tlnuk he i:;aid ; and for l\fedtcal authorities state that tliis lil quite a Raviug temoved to lllOJ;e commod.iou111p1e1niset, Somehow J obn's feet bad slipped the life of him he could not tell whnt to do comu,on r,stll:il' of lllne!';s, espec1nJly among IN from under him, and he had come down for the drink. Su one <lay he said, ' I've ch1khen. ...i\.rE1en1c is generally used in the green FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, hke a capital V W1th his head and feet pre'l.ched 11ga1nst drunkenness ior these c ~1011ng, and 81 "1 l011;ouour.i Je l t, tbJ1t mnoy perthe public generally, thu.t ther pointi!Jl: skyward. She twined her taper tbree-and-twent) Jeats1 and I only kno.w of sons, both youllg and old, have been made pos1- beg to inform a.re now enabled to offer them fingers m his curling locks and raised three or four drunkards that have been re· t1 vely NJud dangeromdy sick by hvmg or S:eep· him to the stature of a man, set hts hat claimed in all that time Now, a.a the Great iag Hl. tooms \\here the wall-paper waa green, or largely of this color. Others ha'\e suffered firmly over his eyes with both hands, n1 the hue of 8hepherd went before Hi· sheep, so "ill I 1n less degree ft om this po1eon, anti a deci<lod and cned m breathless haste · 'I understand, and Jet me assure you, try and go before my flock, and lead thern c".:innge (01 the Petter, followmg a removal from ro~m::i so pa.pered, or a removal of tbe suspl'Oted John, tha~ if it is in my power to light- rn the way. I'll sign toe pledge; and JU papers from the walls Never ghe bits of green en your col.res and make brighter your one week, four hundred did l:{o too. You see paper or cloth to small ch1ldren who will be tbtiy telt the minister eared for therr, when journey through hfc to-Jerusalem I' · hk .!ly to suck 01 chc~ then1, or setious poison· Johll" stood alone, and said l\ 1th h" w~s w1lhng to gh·e up hrn wine for their 1ng may be the result While on tlns subject, s1:i.ke.' 'Then b,.e had a word tor the wou1en, let us speak also of the '1sit1ng and other cards breathless vehemence: 'Oh, my precious t and thus shall it an<l says, +},faybc sorne of you have drunken with enamelled su1facc, maile sh11lln" bj the be my hfe long pleasure to hft you from husbantls; you mny th111k that there is use of poisonous whiW lead 1 very dangerous ui (AS REGARDS I'Rl CE~TAf.LJU_) the rude assault' of earth and surround n'ltbinK wrong for you to take n gl.U!s, but the hands of young c1ul1hen than any other house in the County. you,. with the Jovmg atmosphere of- can Jou beat to brrn.g into the house that Iu "asnH1g- calicoes, tn which the colors are Texas t' uot fast, bu careful not to boil thi:m , but ""a.sh 'Young ladies have the pnvilege saymg anythmg they please dunng leap year,' she said, eyemg him out of the <orner of lier eyes with a sweet look His heat t gave a great bound, and, while he wondered 1f she was gomg to ask the quesl!Oll which he had so Jong desired and feared to do, he answered. 'Yes.'. ' And the young men must not refuse,' said she. ' No, no 1 How could they?' sighed he. 'Well, then.' said she, ' \\ill }'.OU-' He fell on hi· knees and said · 'Anything you ask, darling.' ' Wait till l get through Will you take a walk, and not hang around our h<lusc so much ?' And he walked. listened. ·There 1an't a greater mistnke in tlie vreseut day,' ea1d the api:'aker. 'tbap. to suppose that beer and sptr1ts strengthe.n a n1an ; they only st1wulale hlln I d1ove four~o.nd · tWf!nty m1les the other day; when [got wtthul a mile or so of ho1 ne, u1y horse of fliigged a b1t ; I gave bun a sllarp cut with hip, and he went faster for 1t; but I didn't 6aJ I've strcngt/tl]ned niy horse! Beer the-~ At this sea..<ion of tlH! year, ao1ue of tllf~...-follow· ing re1 ti1pts may be useful : Camphor ice-Benzo1naterl la.rd, ei,;ht ounces i camphor, t«o ounees, whlte wax, four 011nc68 ; 011 la.Yen.cler, three fluid dra.chnlB. Melt at a. gentle heat,a.nd pour into suita.ble nioulds . Camphor ice and glycerine- Olive oil, six quncea ; s:i:-e.rmaceti six ounces , cnmphor, three ouneca ; whtte wax:: Qnl:l ttncl one· half ounces; esseuce Of ~bitter a.l1nonds. two fluid dra.chma Prepared nit a.bov· , , , · <Josmohne tablets for chapped hand111 - 0o11· moline, one oun£e ; cocoa. butWr. thP&e ou~ces ; 011 lavender, one flmd dradun The above produces u. 'ery handsome preparation which is pt"eferred by som1::1 to "ham preparations con. ta.ining camphor are obJcctionable, ..· Colrl 1 cr0a.m (Eaghsh)-011 of swei;,t a1mon<ls, eight ounces , rose wate1, t!ight fluid ounces , white wnx, one·lliilf otrnoo ; sper1)1a.ceti, thr~e fo'llrtbs of an ounce , camphor, one fourth of a.n ounce .... Turnbull's cold cream-Oil of sweet almoud.R, four fluid ouncei:i , white wax, one ounce ; rose water1 t\\ o ounces i borax, one-half a drachm, oil of l 08flfl, five cl1~1p1; The wn should be melted 'vith the 011 of almond~, and the rose water,1n wh1ch the borax. hM been diK. 1'.olved, a.dded ,- 'J'h"' mtxiur~ i:ibould be ~ilin.·<l till cold, when the 011 of l'oaea may h!t tt<lded. Has long been acknowludged,:wil that it merit.a a Million ofSubscriberfl is now conceded. 'l'hn11e who know the RURAL will subscribe for 1876 "' without urgrng, and all othms are inv1t0d to a.e1Hl fui and cxaoune Bpem11rnu8, wh.:icl1 · ar:t! Prog~:ttlmes n1~led free Y0lt:\f 1 l:\TTJ E, TERMS, &c, Mooi..&'s RunAr. N11.w-Yontc.P.R cotit.aina Su:teen Quarto .Pages w:iekly 1 finely and 't,lr<.'futiely I llustrated and nea.tly punted ifnly tWo ~1 ollM.ra a.ud sixty-five cente per fear, and two dollanoi: and fifteE'n cents 1n clubs uf ten or more" &nd e i..t1ryth1ng from the si1e of a Po'sWr large postage 1:>a.1d. l'to1t W tlie time t<> Subson.-Oc fr.mi. enough ttt cover a. barn to a }1alf-1nch strip, fO'l'Jn Cl1tbs Great mducenu~nt11 t::t Club Agent~ Specunens, l'rem1um Lists, &c.. sent fre~. ~ , prir;i.;t1:1d gn ){ood ~tyl t:1,. find at cit prices Add1e!'ls, -Specrmenft of work can be flt;!EID at ou1 office· MOORE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER. 'Vork handed out, and the cash taken for it 87 Duane St., New York. Sa;le'~tlls II d B.11 an l S Milline.ry,Olothing, Crockery & Glassware. " j ' Grea,t- Aeduction~ in Dry Goods ! ---oo--- .· Cit.culars Bill Heads Cards . Pamphlets, SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. A Larg· Stock Jll.$1 Receivul,- Plain und Or· namental, both for 1¥alls nnd ;r;oioo1 s. BROS. ' to make a change in their btmness, ttre now selling for Having decided CASH their large and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery OlothiHg, Crockery 11nd Glassware, '!'he Paper 011 <Jloth nnd Co.rpct·ng is a Cbea.p and Dura'.:ilti Sub~titut.e for 0~1 Cloth. 1 rhe Chemicals with v.h1rh the P ri,per L'l rmtul'· Ated, render it prQQf. nt,a.inst l~ats, Moth11, anJ ~11..,e. 0. BARKER. Manaqer Ma.chine ~d BOWMANVILLE : . ( Manufacturing -co . Implement . , Va,rnish Pelish ! Anotht:r thing ruuch wanted. Ma,nufa,cturers of AT~ AND BELOW depend on getting COST! ThiH Poh!!h givaa a. most elegruit ltuitn-,aud drif;ll:I 1nataotan eously 1776. THE 'VEEKLY SUN. NEW YORK. yet:t1 1u \VOOD AND IHON MACHINER~ Th~ St:ook J1avi11g been purchased ju the BES'l' MARKETS, buyers can Nothing ever discovered before to equal this Polish, FOR 1tennt.'.tl-)'t-iar l~tghteen hundred an'1 seventy six is the Cei~. 1 It is abo the w]uch au 1876 I WORKING FOR MORE .ANJJ BE1'1'ER GOUDS FOR THEIR MONEY at this Establshment than in ally other house in the country. I Piano Jt'ortlJ8, Clocks, Pictu11e Frames Buggie.fl, Oppo~dtrnn llquse 9f ltepreAentat1ves, the fire:t since the 'A ar, \Hll be iu powe1 at Washington , and the yea.r o:f the twenty-thud olectlt)n of a President of the l.~n1ted S ate~ All of these events al'e sure to be uf gt oat interest ftnd iin~ portance. especially the two hlttcr; a.nd n.11 of them, itud eve1ything connt>cttld with the1u will be fu11y and froahly rcpoi ted and expounded 111 the .Sttll'rhe Opposition Honse of Represcnta.t1ve!l 1 tnltlng up the line of inquny opeJ;led years a,;-o by the S-Ufl 1 < will sternly and JiJtge nt 1 j~ Jl~'d:ll:l~l gate the cm ruptions and n1i<.:dceds Qf Gra.nt's nd1n1mstrtho11; an<l \\ill, 1t 1~ to be hoped, lay the foun latwn foi a ne N and better period tr1 our national history. Of all th1s the Sun w1ll contain complete and accu1 ate .!tCcounte furnishing its t enders with c11.rly and t1ustworthy u1forrn1·t11 11 upou tLtist.! abso1bi11g tnpt<:s 'l'he twenty third Presi<ll1ntal eleoh(.lt!l Vji\\i the pi eparat1ons tor lt, w11l~weruura >1 tlec1d1ng upon tha.nt's Aspi1 tvi>r a. th1cl tei of a !under, au 1:1t~uOr~ · LEFFBL'S Cutters, Sleighs, Double Turbine Water Wheels, and Call Ea1·ly, and secure Bar,qains, as the whole Stock must be sold iit once, j.1r CASH ONLY. m· any kind of Varnished Ji'urni t·u,re. L arul all kinds of V a/l'n ished Oarria.ges Castin gs of a.11 REP..a..'""" GR .... OQ i:;.RY ,, DEPARTMENT SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. · -is now complete with the choicest supply of u·istmas Goods, Raisens, Ouri·ants, gwrs, Peels, etc. 9 etc., at all Prices. that will bo aol<l at u1ual, a. Largo Stock 011 hand of 1u po\till E all f.,;1lf, LOW ~T PRICES THE SHOP. 6tf. Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 MURDOCH BROS. ' Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware. All of which will bo sold at low figuros John McLeod & Co., Wellington Bwldlngs, Bowmanville. Augu·l l0tl1, 1875. 1 Bo\\llla.nv1lle, l\farebl873. ~ OJlb~~e ~~j ~~ ~80 1 I rJ Mutual Life Aaaurance Society It.ELI.A.NOE ESTA BLISHED 1840. CANADA Ol:IIEF 0F.F:(C.E8, Just Arrived P .A.SBION HOUSB 131, ST. JAMES STREET, MONTREAL DIRECTORS. VilALTER Su '\NL1' 1 E~'l_., M P., Du.Nc.L~ 1\1:.AouoxALD, EaQ. MAJ OR 'l' E. UA.MPIIELL, rrHE liONORARLE JOHN Ch&J1ruaan 1 c n . St. Hilaire, liAWL'l'ON, Hawke HIC} RURH 1111Jlt>11d1d ai;aol tment o b1n:·g! Ont RESIDENT SECRFTARY.- JAKES GRANT. is uow rag111g a.t NEW MILLINERY. Also~ S PECI A L FEA T URES. 1 rbe ENIIRE PaortTS bt1lo11g to anda.re <livid ed amongst the Policylwf.dr.r·. LIV.EB, DECLINED BY Ol'lllIB COMPANIES, or OD wluoh a~1 ctta Ptoemnim wottld b~ re.quu·ed, can be Msured at tltt ordinary rateB of this Society, unrler a special arrangement SPECIAL NoN-}.,O.l"EITABLlll Po1101:ms ismed ~U}der wluch only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay m~ut111 &l~ reqnired, tiach payment securing Policy for a. sum MIJUJ'ed proportionate to the number of premiums pa.id, and free from futur veym.e1tt ()j premeunl.8. MoDERAT.K PREHIUHS a.ud ttJ.otJt hLeral eon~ d1tions. Prospcctuses,Pro~osal Jforms, &e, supplied on a;pplication at the Hea.d Office, ~r any of the Agencies. J TBELEVINS lot of REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Alao a lars~ stock of Stamps for Braiding and Em- broidery. FASHIONS for Spring 111st to hand. New Goods! BE DBBSSKAKING usual . r MUST SOLD, JAMES GRAKT, Re1h Secretary. and he ts determined to conti;1ue to- sell at these rumously low prices cheaper bhan the cheapest. Why he can do itFirst, he buys for cash =d knows just how to lrny 1 Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Third,,he is 13atisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth; he sells at bottom prices. MRS. A. FLETCHER Bowmau v1Ue · .A:pnl 7th,1874. AGENT l!"OR BOWMANVILLE, 2~-ly C. BARKE!\, "Observer OfliCtl," KwgSt Bo ~man,·ille, June 24th. 1870 Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ~ el~gau ------------- ---~- - Im-petial .Fire Insurance Co CALL.A.ND SEE FOR YOUBB'ELVES. OF LONDON. Ex&Illinc --o-AND FEED 1YIILLS. ' Strowger Bros. NlCWCAS'l'LE. BRING YOUR.FRIENDS WITH YOU. Established 1803, Hun Onrnxe.-1 Old Broad St., and Pall Mall, London. GENll:ltAL '\. C.i'?-.:Cr 1 e stock, v.hich cnmprh1ea eve:rything in the trade, of the ve1y la.test and moat ityles and patterns, of English, Canadiuu, and Atnerican n1anufa.ctur(). , I l'ctt crament l\.fontreal, l'.A?\.ADA .- 24 St He still contiuu()S to manufacture to order, from the best of ina.te1ia] 1 a.n<l none but tu st class "01kmen kept - o- --o-- Another ua.r luaU of the above noblfl a.rtkles on tho "'ay Please cnll a.t the B 0 \-V 1\'.IAN VI LI., E Farm Implement Fol'wardrng Agency l\. W JAMKS, King St.~ Howniahv11le. RownHtll v1 II<., Dt;C::, V, J 872. nlO. Better Inducements Subscribed and UJvested Capital and Ueserve Fund. £1,965.000 Sterling. Funds lllVl::jf;lt1,:1d in Canada- lOfi,000 Insurances against losB by ]'ire are effet>t.ed on roost favorable term15, and losRes paid with out reference to the Boa.rd in London. J DODSWORTH, HIN'l'OUL BROS In~pector, Gen. Agents, ?i-Iontre· Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed He ha1:1 in stuck an endless v&r1ety of J_,atlie ~ · u.nd Uents' Sa1atoga. T1unks, Va.lisel'! 1 etc., all of whioh he l~ a lnug ,, c..:hei:.p for ca.sh __ __ Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King llo~ st. R R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister, Agent , for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowmanvdle, June 4th, 18601 36 m11n ville, Ma. 13, 187 4, M. TRELEVEN. 80, HO l G-en tlemen of Fashion ---NOT SO FAST. I lutve written these few lines And a.ll I have to say, 'I hat yo'l can find me ~ttll at hom e I am not gone away , So all my kind old friends may come And nil the yl'> ung ono111 too And i:i:et then ~a.r1nents nu:ely u1alL· In fasluont: thata.ie new '\'{here ol<l tttHl youui; tle .. r f1HI1t1ll £" meet Gro~ery - -- ---- - - - -- - - rn.o.4.1-39.4w James McFeeters. AGENT TO THE WALTER "\VIGG & SON, N retunung tllankts to then: n\1111ero1\s cust01ne1s and thP. pu1Jhc gvue1a.lJJ, fot pll.(.(l I wouJd respectfully invite thell' B.ttent1on to our p1esent stock of furntttu e, e hln e lately added thereto, th.a.t we may the1eby be enabled tu l!!HIJply acll parties who rnar \1leai.e tu favor fa~ors, .J.i1!! '\ B11siness, And there they both sat together. They had nearly reached the gate, and hand to hand, and with hearts O\ ertlow mg with the bhss of young love's first confession, they crept along on their knees the front steps, and were soon · forgetful of their bumpe, on the softest cushion of the j)arlor sofa. which is such ~ fearful temptation to them 1 Be wife·hke enough to ~h-e up what you in the wn1al way Wlth l:!oap, and rin8e in ha.rd water, NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT COOD Weight and 1lfeasure Guaranfoed in every instance: up mB) consider a necea~ary for th£ ir aakr. I know many o[ you need a grent change 1n your homes.' I wondered whnt my o1<l w·oman thought at thlS God knows I'd been a brute to her when I wae iu drink, For da1 k colored uoods add a little salt to the water; for hght, a. little \'inegar . ~Vo o o A...."fl.l though _ahe wa' the best wife to me th·t . . EL:i::c1111t1t'l'"I:. - A piece of wood cut from a tree HI a good con~luctor ; let it be hea.ted and drwd, lt become~ an insulator; let 1t bt! hn,1. ed to clul.l coal, it bt'(lo10.e$ a good con· ductor again , burn It to n.shes, n.nd it becomew an 1nsula.tor once more. and Sav1ng'a Society. Thef'le latter in11tltutioe~ advance Loan· on J . L. STROWGER R eal Estate, on terma unusua.llv cMy for the borrower, J . D. STROWGER Bowm._a.nvUlt! 1 F.,r... eth, 1813. N_.w.,a.atle 1 ..4..ugust, l 1t'h l1:S74 'l'ea,s a, S:pecia,lity. B'or the follo"'ing Insurani.:e Companills, and other In1:1t1tmtions, l'iZ : The QUEEN :E'ue and Life I.astu-auce Company. (Jap1tal.C1,000,000. $160,000 deposited 'WI.th the Dom1ruon Government, for the protec dors in Canada. 'l'h~ ISQI,Arr'ED RISK Fire Insurance Com pany of Canado. Ca.p1t!itl .100'000...--..Une of the best aud c..:heapeHt Companies doing business in the Donun1on, for Farm~i e and l~olated Risks The CAN ADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. with a Savings B:u1k deyi\.rtinent. him with a call~ Great 111duceme)1ts httlcl out to thost> purc1rn.1:11ng at ou1 eat:\b 1shn1e11t I'icturef!, J_,ooking Glasse"· etc framed to order, aud u1 every @tyl@ Satnples of tbe differeIJt kind of o uld1n g-5 can bt llJMn at the ware·roo1n. '\\'e would also beg to inform yon, that, having purchMed a SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, .A welcome greetlng Oy lt l > EA11 E Bowmanv1llt1. June 19th 1873. The UNION A"n PERMANENT Building we l'lhall be re'idy at a 11 tirnes to attend funerals, on short notice and rea.;,1tlnable te1mt· N. B -Coffin· kept on hand and made to order, at the USE THE NEW DOJ!INJON RETAIL FURNIT1JRE WARE-ROO.lll.J Ollbawa. A,,.. ll6th, 1870, Norwich l>bJ'c]\ 11th, 187il. Egg Powder, ~4 ·1y. King Street Ea.st, Osha.wa· for tnaking- all kinds of Cakes w1thout- E g,.. s . To bt: ha.d of all Grocers. ll. J . \VE:r.K:rt & CQ., 7 Olo11to, "oltj agenta for Onta1io . · I J ) ~ t I --