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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 25 Feb 1876, p. 3

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I /' THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 25, 1876 MONEY TO LOAN! N REAL ESTA'l'E, to be repaid by in· stalment. or otherwise. Te1·n1s of payment will be extended from one to twenty years, to suit the convenience of the borrower. Apply to MAKUFAc1·u 1uNG O WM. M. H ORSEY, l At t he office of tl·· BowMAN·rLLE M Ac Hrn· Co. The undersigned has the pleasure Of informing you that he has re-opened in 1is old stand, (two doO'rs . West of tlte Post O"'ice) with an entire '.11" $25 EASY PRICES FOR 1:ARD TIMEs. Large I11portation OF J~owmnnville1 January 20th, 1876. (::lrn.) NEW sTOCK FARM FOR SALE. I'rU J.\'rED in the iird Concession of Da.rlington, being the '\Vest half of Lot ~o. 22, cnut1'iuiug 100 acres, 90 acres of which are cnlti \'at ed. '!'he re is a good two story brick house, u.n<l other buildingt.1, good orchN"<l, and a. well of water 1 on the premises. The la.nd i11 \Vell watered. the premises will be sold by e.ucti\1n next t.1ummer 1 if not before diBposed of. Apply to S OF :Fresh :Fa.mily Groceries His aim sliall be to keep the Best and sell at the Lowest possible price. He has determined to adopt the IlowwauviUe, Jan. 17th, '76 m. THOMAS. tf.o:; m17. M°CLUNG BROTHERS THOROUGH CLl~ARAGE are now preparing for Stock-Taking and will make a if it -is possible for ROOM REWARD! Revelatio11s! STARTLING Very Se;ious A Charge, ba.'!ed upon subatut1tiRl facts, is just being cir. cula.ted, and is to this effect-that one of our prominent ?tf(:rcha.nts. PAPER, LINE. R. EASTON'S, Town Hall Block, Bowmanville, Markus Mayers, CASH SYSTEM, 1..ow Prices a.nd Swee:i;ing :ea.rgains to Effect it. --:o:-- baa purchased an immense Stock of Goods, on &dvant&geous terms, a.nd he is ~ oiug to givt1 hia Cust . . mers the benefit of hts bargain. The Stock is very large, einbracing The above reward will be paid to any_ peaon who will furnish a.mple proof that the Boot.a & Shoes sold by the undersigned, not whatre represents them. A SPECIAL RETIRING! Rare Chance. The undersigned being 9.bout to Itetire from the lta.rness :Business, offers his Large and Complete Stock of Harness. Saddles Whips, Trunks, ValiHs, &c,. at a.n believing it to be advantage· ous not only to the buyer but also to the seller. Parcels delivered to all parts of the town with promptness. Highest price paid for all kinds of produce. Hoping to receive a share of your patronage. He is, yours truly, John MoMurtry. Howman ville, Dec. 22nd, 1870. South Sea S6al, E1·mine, Grey ctnd 800 Page Blank Book for $2.50, Doheny Block, Lindsay. Black Lamb, Grebe and Mink Sets varying in price according to quality. and con· sieting of OBSERVE! Until further notice, Winter Goods at McC!ung Bros,' will in some cases Caps, Collaretts, Muffs, Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. All the Goods are \Veil ma.deJ of tho For Ge11ts, 'rIIE DO1\1-INl0 N Savings a,nd OF LONDON ONTARIO. be · sold Regardless of Profit, and in others Regardless La,test in -:Y:- Styles ! For Ladies, For Children. .Latest Styles and Good Stock. OF COST! All Styles of Children's Furs on hand, and the Prices such as has never before been offered in Bowmanville. He also offers a very attra.cti ve lot of Goods INVESTMENT SOCIETY lHf. Royal T:riumphs. Call and See, a,nd Seeing you will :BELIEVE! CONSIDER THE FOLLO,VING. MUFFLERS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS SOOKS, COLLARS, NECKTlES, BRACES, rf:c. rhey must be sold, and Sacrifices will be Cash Customers will buy on close margins. - : o ::- - - Immense Reduction for Cash. Give him cm E'a1·ly C<tll, «nd seciire liAR(}AJNS. DIVIDEND NO. 7. CASH PAID FOR RAWS FURS. N.B.-All parties indebted by Note or Book Account, will please suttle before tho 15th day of :\farch next. Samuel Mason. "B.iwmanville. JaD. 27th, 1876. By Tell!fJraph to cra'fdener Sewing .llfachinc) Co"t/. MODBIS' CARRIAGE SHOP west of the Ontari Bank. King Street, Bowman ville. rrHE. subscriber is prepared patr · to buil<l au<l re Cornwo.11. Oct. 2, 1875. l"toyal got first prize at Glangarry, Oounty Fair, over the Webster, Osborne,B;nd New York Singet J A.ill.ES MILROY. Belleville, Sept. 30th, 1875. Got first prize on the Royal, a.t }., air here, beating \\'heeler & Wilson and every othP,r maJ AMJtR J3A..Elll£'1'"1'. chine. Great contest. Brockville, Sept. 25, 1875. Royal took first prize at J~ nion,,·il~e, com peting with the Wb,eler & Wilson, _ S inger, and . others EvER'ITS & HAGAR)!,\N. · TILSONDDRG, Oct_ll, 1875. }'ir1:1t pti1,e for Roy&.l, a.t Union Exhibition here over a.11 co111petitors. ~{ATTHEW STE\\' All'J'. ' Woodstock, Oct. fith. 1875. Eoyat took firgi prize at Exhibition here,over a.11 competitont. MA1 ·r11Ew SrEWAUT. Paris, Oct. 3rd, 1875. taken fir~t prize with R_flyal at Fair here beating tbe Raymond and 8111ger. 1 l:iarailton. .Bowmauville, Oct. lat, 1875 Dress goods worth 50cts., for· 35. SMITH'S MILL French Merinos 'vorth 80 cts, for 50. i\1rR. SMITH is now prepar1:: d to do o.ll kinds JUankets worth $5.50 for 4.00 lT.lof Custom Sawing, and ho.a reduced hi& price, for CASH, Remember tLis fact. Shaw]s 'vorth $3.00 for 2.00. 'l'ROS. SMITH. Hampton, llec. 3rd, 1875, 10-3m. ~!ail-road wrappers worth $5:00, for fl 3.75. .,IT TI JS Rail-road 'vrappers for $5.00. Buffalo l~obes worth $15.00, for 12.00. Peovle' .. s Book Store Shaped borse blankets for One Do1lar. Overcoats cheaper than ever you have SA:BJ3ATH SCHOOL seen them! AND M. MA Y:E:It'S. "'"!'OTlCE is hereby given that a Dividend of }'IVE PER CENT upon ...., the paid up Stock of the Society, has been declared for . the current half-year, and the same will be payable at the Society's Office, Richmond Street, London, Ont., on and after Monday, January 3rd, 1876. The Transfer Books will be closed from the 16th to the 3bt De1 1emSPEOIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO her, both days inclusive. ORDERED WORK. By order of the Board. STORE.- One Joor east of Corniah'eJ ewelry Store, King Street, Bowma.nville, London Dec. 14th, 1875. 12-th. :F· :B. LEYS. !vlAN..\.QER, J. SMALE. Bowma.nville,hfay 6th, 1875. DRUGS AND MEDICINES at th"' All this and Much More at M°CLUNG BROS. · Bowmanville Drug Store, ANDERSON & (JO'S Boots and Shoes Fall Stock of J. HIGGINBOTHAM HAS JlJST AI-tRIVED. to induce the public to purchase. Bowmanvil.le, Jan, 11th, 1876. c. BARKER. ' WILLIAM SNIDER, Wagons, Buggies , and Gutters, t:.I every dest.ri-ption, a.t short notice, and on reasonable terms. Napa.nee, Oct. 15th. 1875. ]toyal haK taken first _I'tiz.e at ] 'air here.over Singel', llou.·e, Wanzer F, Osporne and others. ,/All.ES B .1UUlET. With the arrj,·a.l of the Holidays, co1nes a demand for tomerR, and to the public genera.Uy, for the very lib.,ral support he bas received ince his comrnencing i11 busines;i; and hopes by con· tinned strict personal attention to busineas7 and offering nothing but th6 purest ru:ticles, at the most rea.!.«'Jnable prices, to ensure a continua.nee of public patronage. J. H. would call special attention to hiH very superior stock of res:vectfully tender Lis sincere WOULD thanks to his numerous friends and JS· and as their stock is so well known, it is quite unneces·ary for them TO OFFER ANY BI'tIBE Their Rewards are Better Value for your Money than can be had Elsewhere. So come along and bring your money with you. H.xley, Oct. 13\h, 1875. Royal takes 6.riri; priu o.t this Jt'airi for family work and light ro~"Oufa.ctW"ing. WILLI.1-\M SNllJER. Carriages Painted and Trin:n:ed. 'l hese victories ~~ely prove tl!~t the Ji , running Royal, is the veople's favonte,tmd "' the 1 LYLE & MARTIN. Christma.s ~ bought at bottom Prices, ~ will be sold Low I 1 chea.p a.nd good Litera.ture, Gift :Books, a.nd Present G-OODS. I a. Stock that uu.nuot fuil to please- coil'l pletc and varied. T)YE DRUGS, TERMS STUFFS which sure to give the satisfaction. ~st HTRICTL Y Bowmanville, Oct. 14th.,1875. ANDERSON & CO. CASH. A well selected stock of GHEMIGALS, PATENT ~fEDlCINES, BRUSHES, VVINDING UP OCTOBER 10th, 1875. It is my intention on the above date to wind up the long-winded credit system,and sell only for GASH, or its equivalent. It rnquires no argument tu establish that it is to the advantage of both buyer and seller,totrade for ready pay, the buye" thereby getting goods at J,OWER PitICES and the seller being saved from loss by bad debts. We think then that till parties will concur in the wisdom of this change on our p11rt. Our good5 will hereafter be bought for CASH only, and we shall there· by reap t.he advantage of large trade discounts, which .advantage we are determined to give to our customers. Parties purcha.5ingfrom us may therefore depend upon getting goods at least ten per cent. che<·per than unde1· the old plan. Our stock will this Fall be more replete than ever , and a still higher class of goods will he kept. We therefore guarantee the greatest satisfac. tion to all who may favor us with their patronage. The following lines will be found full: BJ!JS1' FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. A Blacksmith's Shop on the pre1nises 1 were special attention is given to all Cau·iu,ge work, . :.end General Jobbing. .A ll iv01·1c done o.t this Establishment The 1'-fanufa.c.turers have lately added to it, tbe greatest DO'-'tllty of the aga 1 the. Royal La1~tp Holder f01· Sewing Machine.s . 'Ihe L&.mp can never upset nor the Oil soil the v.·ork ; it is arranged 'to throw the light on t\DY part of the work, enabling- the operatJr to COMBS, work as well by night as by day. Sold by . J. S. DONEY, Trnon. wan·anted. A call is res1H:ctfully r.1oliuited. Bowman vill6, 0 ~t. :r. MORRJS. l st , 1869. . N.B. - .1.'\gent for First-dai:s Musical Tnat~· mcnts-'-Vlr'. R ell & Co's. Organ, Hallett& Davis and Hardmnn Pianos. Al~ 1hi Celebrated \\laltham and Eli..:-in Watd1ef.i. Thrl Subscriber, thanking hill very l!umerous customers for past patronage, (~av1ng sold T ·wel'Vc Thousa!fld Dollars 1Yo1·th in 12 mouth solicits their continued, by ren.sonab prlces, fair <lea.lings, and tuaranteed satsfa tion. J . n. November 18th. 187~. ~ P-:i Our Fruits,~ ( ' [ ) ~ Et~. FAMILY BIB!.ES. Sulendid Lot. kept c.onsta.ntly on hnnd . POCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment. N.B. That deservedly popular Teach OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, er's B.ible, in various bindm gs and WHITE LEAD SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc, BOOKS, in Gnat Variety. at the very lowes~ prices. ALBUMS, Cheap and Rrctt< Horses and Cattle Medicines. WRITING DESKS, and WORK BOX ES MICROSCOPES, STEREOSCOP~S, To Whom it May Concern. ~ 1 '=:::::t Ai'.\D ACCOUNTS, IN MY I t Pays ! It Pays!! r NOTllS fl\vor 'long vast due, must be paid im· m y or car.ts will be incnrrild. ' P. W. CONSAUL. 15-tf·. J8 Our G-ocds give Good Sa.tisfa.ction. . '1'11.Y Tlt:E:M. I i~ KALEIDESCOPES. N. B. - Co1lntry store-keepers supplied on the most aUva.ntageous terms. A choice selection of LAMPS for t.ale cheap Bowmanville. Dec. 1868. 6m. l - - ---·- - - - --· L<irgest Collection of Ste,.eoscopic Views in Trnun. Our lblf-Ilollar Toa io tho lloot. T:ll.'1 itj ~ Ready·made Clothing.Cloths, Tweeds.Dress Goods, Silks. Shawls,Sklrts,Cottons, Winceys, Blankets, Buffalo Robes, &c. WHAT PAYt11 Bowmanville, Jan. 6th. 1876. '1 PAYS every ·. 11.:[e1 chanic, Iuventor, or nrn.u, to keep infonned on al l the in1provt!n11;:nta 1 ~Innufacturer,~Ierch:.\rit }'arn1er, l:>l'0fes~1onal .and disC'JVerieE> of the struct1ve, ono that fosters a taste for inveati8 gation , null protnotcs thougli t and encourag1:1s ILLUSTRA'rED. discussiou among the lnembc rs . HJ~ SOIENTI'E'IO .A~1EitTUAN, which .J..) ...ot·i.cM oft.he Ph!&s. hti.s beon puhli..:i hed weekly for the last thirty HW1pC1·'s lVecklv is the ablest and most power. years, does thi,,, to an extent beyond that of a.ny fut illustrated periodica.l puhlishOO in this coun· othei· pulJHcation , in fat t it is the only weekl.r try. Its editorials are scholarly and contincp apet· publi..,bed in tbt1 u ·n ited States. dovotecl ing, and carry much wtiight. Its illustrations to Mannf:ictores, 1vlcchanics, Inventions and of current events are full and fresh, and pre· New Discoveries in t h.lj Ar ts unU Sciences. pared by our btst dos:igners. With a circulation E\·cry nLuuOei· i~ pJ"ufusely illustrated a.ud ite of 150,000, thP lVeekly is read by at least half oontcnts erubraco the latest and inost interesting a. million persons. and it.s intiuence IHI an organ infonna.tion pertaining to the Industrial Me- of opinion, iOJ simply tretnendoua. 'Jhe Weekly .ehanicaJ, und Scientiflc Progress ot the \\'"odd; 1naintains a positive position, and expresses <leDescriptiun, with Beautiful }i;ngrsvinRS, of New cided views on political anll aocial problt:ms. Inventions, New )IDplE::n1 e11ts, New Proce,r:;a, LouUJville Cou1'ie-r-Journal. ..'\lld Im-prove d ·rn dustri es of ~u kiuds; Useful Itsarticlesare model s of high.toned discussion, Notes, Receipts, Suggest.ioni~ and .Ad\;ice, by <tr1cl its pictorial illustrations are oftencoJ'roborPl'actical \i\'rjter1:1, for VVorkincn and Employ- ative a.:rguments of no small forco.-N. Y. E~c· era, in a.11 the\JS arts, forrnllig a. com}Jlete aminer a.nd ()h1·011icle. . 1'$lJt1 r t..ory of J'.\ew ln\'enti<·ns aud J)i1:1coveries; . ~ts papers upo~ existent questiona and.its in· c:~itaiuii ig a wecklv rccor<l notf!nl.;t--of tbe"J1l'O· iuutuble cartoonsh~lp to mould the ~entiml;lHtH gre~s of the Indush:ial A1·ts in our own country, of th"' conntry.-P1tt8burvh Cornmc1·c1al. . bu i ahm of all .Now 1.JL<1.coverfo8 and J 1n:eutions 1 Ha11'P.m·'.~ WeelflY stand~ at the 1n1a.d o! illus ln every bru.nch of Engin~erin~, ?rlecha.nics, t~a.t6d J?urnals i.n.the Un1t~d St_n.te~. in c1rc.ula· ,and 8ci'enue abi·<)arl. tiou, e?i~nral a~il1ty, a"!Jd p1cto~1al illustration. TfIE SCIEN'rI1r1c AMEl~ICAN hn.s been -Ladie.8 Rcposttory. Cl.Ilc111nat1. ~ .. '1'Y.R~1S : he foremost of ttll incluatdal publicationa for P ostage free to all Snbscribcrs in<la, ·!he'l'hirty Years. It is the oldest, cheap- Harpt}r's VV 6 ekly, on~ yea.r . · $4.00 "est , :-1.IHJ. th1;1 b~st WOekfy iJ lustrateJ ~aper d,e· $4,00 includ~-:f:I })repayment of postage by the Yn tcd to, I\fccha.nics , Chemiistiy, publishers. . · Subst;riptious to Hurpar's Mo..6azine, \Veelcly, .New Inventions . Science and Industrial Pro· ~ rc~is. p11Ulir:iherl iu the \-\'"orld. and Raiar1 to ono adrlress fvr one yeo,r, $10.00; 'l'ht: vra<!tic..W receipts are v: eH worth t~n or, two 9f Harper' s Periodicals, to ono addresa times the 6U bscdptiuu price. A nd fur th~ ohop for one ~·l!ar, $7.00: ,QOJ:ltaga free. an cl .1i ~ ni se will save 1nanv ti 1ncs tho cost (If sub.An J~xtra Copy uf eit1icr the Magazine, scriptiun . · \Veekly, or Bazaar, 'viil be snppliP.d gratis, for Mel'cha_n t i-o , l?a.rmen1, 1\{echanio;.i, :E ngineers, eve1·y Club nf F.ive Su bscribers at $ ,1.00 lnve11t(,rs. 1ianufll.ctnrers, Uhentists, Lo,'ers ona remittance; or, Six Uo1)ies for $20.00, with· of Science. and People of all "Profesflious . will out extr11. copy; pjistage free . fl.Del t he Sc i'fl:i'.'<Tll<'IO AMeHTO.\N US(;f til to the1n . Hack Num ber!-l can be supplied at any time. It i!houl<lh<~Ve v.plact: inevW'yl<'ain ily, Lilir:lr y, The Annual VoluD; of lfarpfll'"·' s \Veekly, Dtudy Offii.:e, and Counting Tioom , in e\·Ory in nea.t cloth binding._ will be sent. by ex pr-eijf-1, Reatling lloo1n, College an d School . A ne\v free of expense, foL' $7.00 each. .'-\. complete wlume com n1ences J anua.ry l 8t, 187G Set, con1prising Nine Volumes, sent on -receipt .A year'A monbc rF! con tn,in 8i>2 pages a11d He \' · oi cash at the r ate of $0.~5 pt'r "ol., frieght a.t ecal Hundred En~ra,vings. 'l'houisand1; nf vol- expense of purchaser. n mes ill'e prese1·11ed for binding ruHl 1·cfcro:nce. Prnminent ~tttontion will be given in I-Is.Tper's Term~, 83. 20 n.year b.v, inclu<lin!{ post:>.,ge. \Veeldy to the illustrat ion of tht.1 Centennial In]Jfacount to Cl ubs. Special ch·i.:ulars giv i.11g terna,tional .Exposition. Club r:-ttnd serit free. tli ugle copies nulil ed on 'Nc·wspapel.'R not to copy this advertiseYuceipt of 10 cents. ~.fay be ha.<l of all News n1eHt without the cxprt:f:!S order of Harper & .,Jcalers. Brothers. Address, Incol!:iectionwiththe RARPE.R & BROS. , . . 1. ~ ~. Sc1eubtic Aruencan, ~fe~"t·o. i\: {uu n & Co. n.i:e Solicitors of .American -<. NtiwYork. and ~·oroign l'atenW, aud h.n·o tbe lar;;eot ea· .;Ol' ~u.blish weut i u the 1vorlJ. ~Io1·e than fifty · 41 .1.1 ·tlhousa.nd ~tpplications ha,-,.c been ina.d" for patc11tA through their agency. GOOIJ ]'RAME HOUSE, ,;t<iate on J>atentt1 :tre obtaiui,:<l on the b~st tcr1ns, Duke Street. AIJlJly to ]rfod els of (\cw Inventions a.u<l 8 kt1tches t1x· S. W . ~IASON. a1ni tH!tl anJ vit~C fi·ee. A l)}JCCial 11utice il! 11-tf. madeiu thu H!:i t·u ti1ic A.n1cricu.11 of v.ll Iuven· B iw nuu iviJle, l"«.ll·l .. 1875. ,tion8 Pi1 L1o:u~E!i1 through thiti Agency, '.··ith the --~ T.O n am_e and rt'Aide11ce o~ the l'atcuts. P a.tents are a4 cn tmiJ. i u 1J1\l' t or whole, to ))C f !:iOU6 at·t:l.' aOt t!d ~) the invention by eu<;h 1101..ico. Seud EALED 'l'JlNDERS }'IJR ERJo;cnoN fo r Pau.iphk~, 0~1nt:1.i.11in g full dil'ections fo r oboi ti Bri.ok School liomH:1 on Lot 10 6 Con t;aiu iu<r !"':-i.tc11t~ . .,.\. botw<l vo!uwe cnntti.iuing Durlington will bo r ece::ivcd up_to _ T·1Psday ""J\~teut. Lsws, Oens ns of the U. S ., and r~ 9th il.~st., nddressed to \Vl\i. .BRENi· Jr.: 1 "E11 gru.vinga. of n1ech.a.nicl'l.l mov eu1ents. Iyrone P. 0. Plans and Spccific.a.tions may 2tl c~ntfl , ~ ~een at the l'ooidencc of the uncle1 signed, on · ~ss for the l?:lp:r, or coucernin~ Paten ta, a·a r.ftel' ::\fond11.y next, ~-f & (Jo. 37 Park llow, New York. 'rho Con1mittcc do not bind tbemBelves tone O~ce, Cvr. },. &7th Sts .-, Vi7asbing- te..i t ihe L owtst or any T ender. lT PAYS the head of cyery f111nily to iutro(1 Uce into his household u t1ewspauc1· that is in- A Complete Pictorial History of the Times" --"iTha Best, Cheapest, and 'fJiosl succe-s11ful Fam111,ly Paper in the Union." 1 For a General Assortment of ~ Groceries,C1·ockery,Glass'vare, t-1 Call and Examine. etc., Lyle & l\f artyn's is the ct- Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses, etc., etc. G.1£N1 LE1VJEN'S SUITS .AND SHIRT S 1 Card of 'l'ha,nks. ..... gi ven him their pa.tronu~e in the past and wonld inform the fa,rmers that he has re· pa.ired and refitt~d his ]\fill, lill<l is now vrepar· ed to atteud to their wants in the milling line IIe is also conducting a nlade to order in city Styles, on 1:1hortest notice. Bowu1anville, Out. 21st, 1875. S. F. HILL. .1e1.arpe· ty t W ee · kl . y. j~glj'~ ~ Great Inducements. T HE SuLso1·iber returnEJ than k fl to those wh T .. Jj · ~ (t GENERAL STORE, and having purchased his 1:1tock for " COW LE, r_ .. CASH, Important Announcement! TH.l!i MERCHANT Dr G~~d;rgainB in Y ' Circulation of 1000, Dress Goods, croek ery . Gl assware, han~a AD;~~¥ikr~&;~~iifi;~M. Gr~ceries, &c. Having bought a Large quantity of S'l'AND.-Recently by BUFFALOES, very Cheap, all that is re· Ii: Has No s. VAl'fST~~~NE quired, is to has now a bona fide and with the except ion of a few, these into the of the p'ople of We·t occupied Mr. Gray. in this constituency, and this fact is being con sta.ntly demonstrated. If you have lost anything, advertise in this paper. If you hav·~ found anything, advertise in the MElWJIAN 'J '. If you want to sell a.nytning,:advertis6 in this paper. If you want to buy anything.advertise in the MERCHANT. If you ivant tu reach the publtc;-nse the colunlna of the l\iEROIIAN'l'. 'l'yrone Dec. 17, 874.. ·W. · llcllURTRY, Having been delayed seve1·al 'veeks, in opening out his _. ' OUR RATES ARE LOW. As a 1veekly ue.wspaper, the ~fEIWUAN'r is SC1;1,r:cely excelled. Sixteen columns of carefully selected readin!{ m.!l.tter appear in each issue, comprising Literature, Ag1 ·icult1i1·al, l!'amily Reading, General a11d Luc< d Ncws- J·. EI.JLI01'T'S ----------~--- "Come down handsomely," " Will you be One ?" --o-- New Dry Goods Establishment, Cheap Store TYRONE, Has now a full assorted 8tock of I have <lone 111y utmost to please the l.,ublic, as '\\'itn~·ss the fo)l<nving: PA rJ1ENm.Q has dete1·mined to o:ff:'er, during the TERMS 75 OT8., IN AOVANOE. --:o:-re1naindcr of the Season his entire JOJ3 PRINTING stock, at such p1·ices as 'vill ensure a :FO:R we have evt>ry f{l.cility. W e do not \VOrk for all fre sh nnd ren.dahle. Subscriptions taken any time during year. the :Buffaloes for $4.60, worth $6.00 worth $10 " for $7 Bowmanville, Oct. 29th., 1875. j "'O "l'et Or s ·-a.le. ·-- CLEA.RING SALE. The stock is all NEW, purchased with care, and at remarkably Low Rates. nothing, or fun, but our prices will be found L0'\\' 1 as our presses Ml:l run by steam power. ' Grooer1es . Dry Good.s, WOODLEY'S > A BUILDERS.-- S 1 ~-C_A_I_ .·L_A_N_ 1 _D_S_E_E_> How Ohea1J good Goods can be sold for J Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Cii·culars Bill'4'Heads Cards Pamphlets :Boots & Shoes etc., etc ' which for· thanks for favors extended to him, and anBow1na.nville, .Tan. 22nd,1875. 17tf. 11ounce.s that he is prepared to give satista.ction in Custom sawing. Bil1s of Lumber furr1iMbe.t_ I on sh01 test notice. at mode1·ate prices. f'1r Cl!Sh. Also for sale, a lot of lumber, laths. &c. The , i 1Iill is situate one mile north of Tyrone on R. }_, CAJ\.1PDELL,- gradua.te of Lot 10 8th Con ' r.'fi..,higa.n lTniversity- w1ll learn so1nctLir.g 1 · R. \VOODLEY. to his advantage, by sending bis addteis, im.· Darlington, Dec. 22~h, 1875 . 13-2mol'!. rnedia.tely, t.o Box 1.135, 11.1ut!kegon. Mich. rrHE SURSCRlBERBEGS 'l'O ·1tETURN 1.1 quire of ].1R . 'fHO!i.-CAS, 011theprem ise3 lJ'On. SALE, situate ou Ontario Street. En· NOTICE. I DR. ·ion taken u.t t11is Office. Dn.rlington, Feb. l8th 1876 . IT. C. HOAR. CA. S l-I. Bowmanville, Xovember 19th, 187 5. and everything frotn the si;:e of a Posttlr large enough to cover a. baL'Il to a ba.J.f.inch strip, printed in ~ood style, and at cit prices. Specimens of \\-'Otk can be seen.nt our office. 'Vork handed out, and the cru,b tak en for it Quality and Cht:iap ' 19-\f. G-ood :Fa.rm for Sa.le. J. CHAPLIN, FruU ~nd DEALER IN ness, c. BARKER. ~ 21·2wks. , CANN OT BE SU RP AS Manaqeri J. ELLIOTl SED lington, containing 100 acres, more or less Good buildings a.ndfences, and large young orchard. For pa.rticulara, a.pply to " 7 -ir. r!'lTER, HATDON. · Oct. 29th , 1874. 5-tf. N ORTH ha.!! of I.ot No. 14, 7th Con. Dar Ornamental Trt:es, Seeds, 1Julba1 .1'/ow····, &c., &o. I . . · C. guarantees to f11:rn1~h nothlllg but E irst-o1a.Hs trees, an<l tru': to namo. ...\.~rlress, P. 0. Box 55. BowmanviUt:. JaJl, 22ud, 1875. bp-ly·m 1-04. I I ,. (

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