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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 25 Feb 1876, p. 4

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c ___ z THE MEHCHANT FRIDAY,' FEBRUARY 25 1876. - - ....:::::---..=--_ ... -- -- - -- -- -- - - = ====P=O=E=T=R==Y=.== ":::;;::;::::: \Busmess God S Et ,rnal Goodne·s ' " DY J G \\ ll lT'l'IE Et- ..:!.---::..-=::====... ----------"--=--==-====-=-=-~-==--====== =====================================================================:=::================::;=====~¢=============7 , ======::;=;) ~============:;=====---'-~============== m ~o,.Antgr0eal ~ C'c Fifty Years rnrna,;sri~o RBMINI8cENU1"' I dimly gi.1ea,g from hlcti"'lll 0 ~ known.. Of i.;1 cRter o 1t of tnght Anil \Hth fhe cbaf!teneclPsalmu~t O\\ll H11i1 JU li..:ments to) art' r1ght .At" parlor meetmg r<centlv held m the Oorupany never retalled, while the !inn· of CHEESE Harnood, Smi.h, Torrance, Frothmgham, THE HARVEST IS GOOD! At a iecent meetm,, of the Amencan l)au:y & c' 80 Id b 0 th wh ) l esa Ie an d re t ai I Th ere PROSPERITY ABOU··DS' d h mNJJ ~ Cornent1on 1'-ir Arnold gave a general was no such speculat1on as now-a ·JS, t e h d TIMES ARE "'" EASY I review o1 t e a.1ry interest He said the pro onJ~ kind being that oecas1011allJ if a mer gress of dairying in the Sta.te of b-fa1ne had .US D NOW IS THE 'TIME TO S'CBSORIBX FOH chant wa~ slJle to fiud out how much sugar b"en great and the p1o<luct excellent lhou,;ht NOW FCR THE GREAT CENTENNIA GO ~ TO " [ DENSrflRY 1 Young Mens Chr1strn.n Assoltat1on roon1s, or J um woulU be uupo1teJ bciore the close the supe.r10r qunhty of the cneese "as due 1n Rev 1' W1lkee ?old the audience aornethrng of nav1gallon, he \\ould qu1etly buy up all part to th6 la.rgeamount of Jersey blood 1n I here are ab >ut 60 factonea 1n about ·Busrness rn Montreal Fifty Years of the p1:1rL1cular article he could, 11ud thus the stock MOORES RUHAL NEW YORKER 'IHE CilE.A.T ILLUS'lR \TD 'l':EOMAS BA'I"I'ING'S If Y9u Want Agn.cultu1ala.nd Family WeeklJ T l mgt: 1 f L lDu,;el Jl<l \ 01ces goue li m 'ar l!';bcd ~m1Je~ 1 1 ng Fut(} d hnth ktl my dcllJ ones ou And He c :Ul do no wrong I know not \\hat the futm e hath Of rna~~el or i:;\ 1pr1se As ure l tl1)Uf\ tl ti I fo 111al 1!1:; 1nei:.c} un:icll1<::1i .t\.nd BO bes1c.1e the S lent Sea I \\H1t the inulllf:'d oar No harn1 from H1m can come to me On o~eu.H or ta: ;;hot ti Ago' He adopted the c01nnsahonal style endeavor to ra1se a 1 corner Mauie- I of dehvery, cJnu11 tng t11, a e1tt1ng posthon Alter prennsmg that he landed in flauada rn 1820, nnd oiescribrng a t~o and a b~l! dfly!; trip Jn the old ete1t1111 r Frouti.:nac from' Muddy Little York, as Toronto was then called, do1;tu Lake Ontano to Kings ton, wJiellce ~descended tLe St Lawrence 'FORJ.:[NES were then mad~ on a much em&ller sca!e, ..£50,000 vt aa coufu<l~re<l a very large affair There were only two b~niks-onc 10 St F X t t l b h b I d ranco1s -'- av1er s ree ' w 110 ' e { u:ve ' Vi aa the J. al~tn.ttl r latn e of the pre ent C11ty .Bank, and the 1\-Iontrea.l Bank He to Montr_eal 1n a bate«1" be said the city then had an i<lea that the fouu~r was the oldest had ii.bout 28,000 1nhab1tants, and 1ts com A la.tge amount of the money 111 cuculat1011 metce "as earned on np,on the muddy rner Ht those da~s silver, and French croo;i,na banks, there being no revetment "all~ or and half crowns "ere plentiful This used I I k1 o \ not "'here Hus islan ]fl lift ] heir fi otu1ed ptllnu in n.i1 1 r on1 ~ I then kno v 1 ( unot dnft I Q' on(l His kn e and cflrrc Crumbs for Chickens. Woman proposes and men git up and git this year fhe hardest kmd of chasm to get over-Sa1casn1 Kansas keeps nobly tn the rnn ot c!Vll1zat10n Her State t1easnrer is m pi! l he ext1eme height of misery is a small boy with a new pau of iubbcr boot> ind no mud or slush 111 reach \n English woman adveltises heiself as comcutter to the royal family She practise.;;, on "thi; light, fantc1st1c toe ' Allttti s fo.tb~r Part of street and where St Ann s nu1rkct now stauds, wae the chanut Lof a stream of\\ ater kno\\ n ns 'The Creek, and at the foot of St Nicholas and the other streets, bridges were bu1Jt over it 'I Ina s~me c.reek bad now bet.n tu1ned into a lal);e dra.1n, whwh empt1ed into the Casto1n Hou~e basin At that time the \Vest India trade centred 1n (~ 1ehec, Y.Lere also \.;Ss~ls of tnuch larger tonnage than a~0e1 dtd to ~lontreRl,came f:ir ttn1bE'r cargoes There wa~ naturally a. great deal of tr~fhc between the ty;o c1t1es, It is a th111 excuse for a young lady Hnd tu meet thu1, the grandlather of the to he ahed unul mne o clock m the lJll.::aeut fo.unly uf :!\lo f!Ou.i:; Lu11L olt!On1boa.te:, mornmg because this is sleep Jear though one of these \\118 fW weak that 1t bad wharves what ia JJOW tl1e Island wha.Tt ~'ls to be carrrntl ro the bank m b·gf 1ls, aml rn reality a small island, between many a lune had he and lello~ clerks been wh1ch and the shore ves.:i.e\~ \vere mooted loaded <lown '"1th the Lu1den of a depos1t Sea go1og- , e"seJg of uot O\ er three or four whtch they had shouldered The banks hundred tons could cou1e up-and the Rqv were qu1te ready to discount any quantity L{entlfrnan recolleclcJ that one of Lh(lse \\as of uccummodat1ull paper if endorsf~, ""h1cb the 'Ii..,n·or1te connnandl'.d bv Sn Hugh was an unwise pohcy Engheb }tre Jn0;ur ance offices had LrarH.:bes L"re even then, but Life Insurance Companies we1e not, he behe\ ed represent< d 1 ht>re \\ere a few manufactor1es I'he Eagle Foundry \\as in opernt111n at Gr1tlu1to\\ D, and soap and cn.ndle factories Vi:ere numerous Black and wlutc snutbs also had shops. CLERK.I!'(; IN" 182') c 1 .._1k~ 111 those times lned \\1th the1r emplo}era fie Lun~elf J1<l so ~us In Peuns3lvan1a. theta had been a larg~ 1n crease In dru1y1n., lVTr ~1nold tlrnught poor butter and cheese n111at continue to flow fro1n the Vl est for mnny ~ ea1 :rJ owing to the stn.te of tramnt on \Vest of Ohio abouto 000 000 pounds of cheerrn ha.~ been prod need little of \\.Inch has leached the Atlant1c Ile spoke of S'lA?i D \RD lN ITS Sl HERF, ( a:nad1a.n cheese which W.!18 JJl demand ou ttc l\f OOR.T!: s Hun \.L has for the past qu~--ter of count of its u1ufoi;m1ty and excellence Henc~ a Centurl been not onlJ the Standard ~uthor Uaoadrnn cl1ee1:1e u~ c1owd1ng ot1t that from the on al branches of .Agrwulture Horticul tu1e and D 'lnestH: Aff!f.IHl b1 I: a chon::e, Pure States n.nd Unexciept1onable F AMIL¥ PAPER Its l! 01u det a.nrl Couduc1ng Edtt<~r hllf4 o\ ei lilnrty years expenetnce aa a.n Agncultura) Sawdust for Walks Joi.unahst and his a!'.lsociates p()ijsesa rare ab ihty a.nd practical a.nd scientific knov;ledge Jn the extenB1vr. \Hld garden adJ ln1ng the Tbe arm ia to render the 1"1:mes vf the RUU.\J for "ell kept ])lea1:1ure grounds at C tdland, near 1S7G 11upcr101 to tho~e of any other y~ar-t.o Southampton, tl1e i;a.rdenu Mr Han1l'.!tt hail tnnke the pnver worthy the <:ord1n.l s11ppcn t of a1l ·JJg~ed 1n r11rnl pursuits and a.lso :JJ\ lui:ed sawdust ll.f' a, dre:ss1ng- fnr the JUJ.tbwoys cut ncceptable \ isitor to families in both 'lo\\ n and out amongst the and bees in the wood Countt"y It c1 nrp1uies 11ve1 a 110:1.en dtst1nct land l he trans1tlon from 8lllooth mov.;n depa.rtroents -Practical Scieutifi0 and L1Lcr Ja.wn~ bright cleau gravel \\alk~ and brilhn.nt ary bt®.tlel'J N tiws the 'i\fa.rke~ &:c , -nll care fully And ably edited thuct gn ing a ~'eater var flower bedr.:. on the one side to .the adJuncts of i.ety of n<oef:il in!ormat10n and m1scellaneoue tLu~ 'W1l<l ~arden is both pleatiing and iefre&h matter intersp!'1aetl with illustra.tion!> than Indeod it is ing and P~ms spticrn.lly toutH 1tg wl1e)1 tbA i:>un any other Amenc1an J( urnnl TH\!l PEOPLij~ P..}PERi ahed8 a tropical heat and q_n1et11es1i nnd sob And certAJnly the best on!:' extant for the F ~it tucie are most appreciated The walki! arre VJl:ll 'IHI J:lOH1TCUJTUTITST \NI) ~JOlU::>T TH.JI! firm anti yet soft to the tretld the sawdust soon SrooK Gnowi:R THE D URi:!ll lli lND Hou!:lx WIJl£ 'V1th Ecdsw1 for itM glonoua becomes of a. neutr~l tint clo:-Jely a.lht'!d to the motto and P1 Qflres8 and Imp1-ove»dmt lts cru~hed dr1ed leafn.g~ of the beach which here laudable obJects, the OLD U.URAI purp<"t-=06 Sll much abound~ Weed,,s seldom growJ and to ma.n1fest more enterprise and spu1t d1n'lng theRe a1e ea:uly kepi 1) cbeok ""Jth the 1 oe, and tbe emnung year than t>\ er before and b..-nce a I ghb !!weeping v;ith_ a "ht'O nn J.::eeps all clean prove Jtself in both S'l'Yr F: and CO:-!Tl:!JNI'S \\ orthy a. lruga:ly 1ncrtased National cireulat1011 That uud neat -D 1n tie Gff1 den~ a Gin on1cle 1t 1s tl1e 'l HIS } amotu1 .'Farm and } 1re1ude }\avonto \\.lll celebrate the Na.tlonii.l Ct:ntenn1a.l by mn.k 1ug a. bett'f!r paper than ever and fum1sb1ng 1ts 5~ NumbBrA for 1876 (each v.orth the prtoe Qf n. yearly copJ) po~tage free for two dollars and sixty five centB-nnd 111 clube l f ten or more for only t~o dollars and forty the cents lh1a mak.llS it the Cl eapcs.t Weel 7.y uf U'J CfosiJ on the Conhnent as it has lonj.\ boron the Bl:8T \~D &!OSI l'OPIJLAR-1n fact the GOOD !ND DRY owrnanv1 Ile CJBE!P GOO DS.1 FEES MODERATE. J Bnmaoombe, l.R CD 8 OFPlCE ave1 McGl Ul!i'G'S Stai 1 11 tf I ' · MANCHESTER Sept 25th, 1857 HOUSE . Eleph~ri'tHouse 1 SOMETHING Important Announcement ! lVIillinery~ CJothing, ' Dunng a ,01 z a saz1oue in N ic' Katis saloon Sunday evenrng a gentle m rn had his nose broken, is the way the 1 ro} P1 m neatly puts it \ pwboue sixteen feet long lS to be exl11b1fed at the Centennwl by l\Iassach uselts Put it m the "oman s Depart ment by all means A breed of dogs w ithOllt tails has ucen discovered Jll \fnca, and bow the nuschie\ ous bo) s there uultzc old tm kettles and fnnt cans, \\e c,urnot pte tend to sa' Before hio 111ai nagc Broughne pia1sed 1hi.:: drt1st1c rn inner 111 \\ 1nch lns wife bonged her hair Now he com pl 11ns or the cruel manner m wlnch 'he uaugs Ins head I Mis 1 dwaids, of Streater, Ill, while sltcmg bre id the other daj, cut off the end ot her bab} s nose but a doctor pasted it on again, and that, we tru::;t, 'I ill be ' the end on t A gentleman rode up to a house m the country and asked is tbc rnaste1 of tins house? Sil, Ie]Jiled the Jandlurt],' Ill} been dead about three "eeks public 'Who I am, Wife has A Hartfoid man "ants to sell a farm 111 which 1ne u1deru1g sttea1ns and mu cs permeate luxurnnt p s urc: while 0 majestic oaks and stately mapels attrnct the eye ul the beholder Who bids ? " Explonn~ " a1s.t pl 1ce::i, said John Hem), as he jlut his arm around the pretty chamberma d Na<1gat10n of the air said :\!is Henr) 01 erhcar rng h11n and sailing mto Ins ia\en curls Bismark is baldheaded, but you don t tatch any (,c1man ne,.spapns saimg that :M:rs Titsniark 1s a high tempered "oman or ,1Hkmg an) Joke> about l a dl cads gcncnlh fhe batdheaded rn, 11 111 tl1 it 1Ol nui is looked up to \\by <ho11Jd the beehive be taken as a 'llllbu[ or mdustr)? C'fot a bee is to Ile seen all the W mter long wlnle the co< k1oacb is up at hve o clock m the 111oi11u1g, a1 d nntr goes to bed llll 1111drnght T et s change tins th mg Ihe moment of the gieatest agony ma u1ancJgcr s life is ""'hen ne rnust ask a mature leadmg lad1 to take an old wo mans p,irt I he only wa\ to do 1t ts to \\Ille the note and leave town for six montl s \ \ h,11 do 1 ou me rn } ou little iascal? , xc1a med an rnd11 tdual to an impudent ) out1i "ho had seized lum b} the nose un the street Uh nothmg-onlv I Lun going o 1t to :,eek 111y fortune, and 10 y fatl er told me to seize hold of the first thmg ti at ti rncd up Wci< gaf but- hts- 'I ' It is not our fault says a 'V!1lwau tee cd1toi tl at "e are red headed ar.d small, and the next ttme that one of those overgtO\\ n rural roosters in a ball 10om rn lei es do" n for Ol r head ,u Ll ·uegests that some fellow has lost 1 rose 1 md out ofh1s buttonhole there \\ill be ti out>le pop, sud John Herny s hope il I other day · "asn t lt the pnncc ut wh ;\es thats 1 allrrn ed Jonah? And he l mt;:d lus l cad nd gave him a nll 1el, and totd hnn he might son e d ty be an lclern an and then as he put o 1 In, sl 'I pers and found a sma 11 chtlst1 ut bur 111 each toe, he took that bo} O\el ht> knee and \\ i est led w 1th him :O·) I he 0 WDepos1ts can b errutted by 1na1l,a1l<lress ed to the Donun1uu uank (1eg1Atered] :when in a.11 c-.a,s1;1a a Pass Bo<Jk 1ece1pt will be sent by a chance to lose all and courn to Kllef retlU n post. J A CODD Agent, ~Ir llayhs 1novetl a \Ute uf thauks to the Bowmruwille Jan 6th 1'74 15 ti lecturer, nnd, 1n referring to bta lonJ per sona.1 fr1enclAh1p v.nb He\ Dr 'V1lkea, :;:1S1d his Q\"iD r~collect1on went back OVlr forty NEW YORK 1876 ytara ag l He felt thankful Urn.I... lie wllen 1776 - -- ta clerk bad tbe good fortune to lne with a E1C'lhteen hundred anll se' enty six ts the (en It 1s also the year in \dnch an klod tmi loJ t:r, Afr Oun1pl tll, "ho acted tennial ycn1 OL p l::;1tu n House of Representatives the flrst moat dJtnnter.;ii,tctlly towi;inls l 1w, nrrang ctiu e the "a1 ·w1ll be 111 po-..\ er at \Vaslungton , uig for a partnf'tt-b1p with h11n when be and the \ t'l-Ll t f the t.venty tlnrtl election of n All of tbwc "ao u~aJy to laun1.:h c111t 111to the world. tor Pres1dtint of the United S ateR eveut;; ate sure to be of g1eat mid nn himself He counscl1i.:d )Oung rnen nut to po ta.nee especially the t\\ tJ latter autl tll uf wn~ a q test11n \\1tl1 werdw.nt~ u tho-.e har tor the futurt: if tlH} were oul; tine to th-'m au l everl thing e;oun~cted with them will be f11lly iind f1 eahlyrepo1 tcd and expounded 1n old 11 t11uf's wht-'.thi: t Lbey made ren11Ltance$ thetnselvee a.nd thtir emploJers, nnd that the S1Jn lhe Opposition Ho isc of Representative" to- Englana by lixlls of <:xchongP, or li1 the', as he had done, Ahonhl f~tl 1t a pleas to.king up the hr e of inquuy ( pene l yeai s a .. o a&h-!:!s The lnspec·or a L11ls for as{leS \\.t-te ure to wolk ea11v a1:.1d ltte for a generous by the 5'1 n w1ll aternh and 'dthi::>cnt v lni;esti gate the corr 1pt1 us and m1sdee ls of (frant 13 ad e 'ns1dicr1.:d q 11te as good a-. n1oney 1 btll!! for I and honorahle n1aster m1mstrn.t1011 anrl '""11J l~ i:i n b<;l h< pMl 1:>.J 30 dnJS good or1 the Iroperrn.1 treasu1,, and fhe re<:.olut1ou was se0011deJ by 'lvir the f mn 1ati n f 1 a rre \ an 1 better per10cl 10 ourn\tlonalhrnto1y Ofa.lltluslleS 11 wll 1s1:1uE<l ant.J sold by the Con1rrni:;~ariatt.ifl1c1:ra, Jonr.r:, and adovtt.:d Rev Dr Wilkes then conbun complete an 1 ace tr l-te ~counts funnsh we!~ also "dl liked for transun~s1011 ~r ught the 01f'et1ng to a clost! ¥.Ith pta\er mg its tNtd~a1 vv1th t.:"lrlJ An l ti 1;,tw<rthy rn f 01 rr utl 11 l[Oll the81 ab.i::ot bing topws 'The Creok cot1nl cted wlth ar ether rlhc t\H:l t} thud Pres1dtntal e.lectwn ~1th st1eam, wluch ran throu 0 h \\hat 1s now U e (. lelJ\l l-t1011s tor it will be memo1able o.s deciding upon (;ha.nts atipnat10n.:i for a th11d Craig street That \\as the reason Craig tenn ot power a1irl plunde1 anrl fltlll 1nQ1e its street Yo .-rs so \\ li..le other\\ l-le it- would have dect(hng v. ho i!hall be the canchdn.te lf the pn.rL} )fl""eform and eltcrrng thn.t c::infhdate Crin bee11 built up l1k~ other c10Qlj;.t'd, uanow ce1n1ng all these suhJeCb.! those who Je:od the ::-.tre<.:L~ ln the v.1ntcr tbl'. habitq.11ts Lr Jtt,..,ht Snn \\ill ha\ c the constant 1nean~ of being Neatness m Makmg Butter tlwri u,,..hl) "ell rnfor.rred lurg~ quaut1t1c1:1 if fine rtd \\heat to nlatke~ lhc fl'eckft \:1 i wb1ch has att11ne:l a c1rcu frorn the H.1cheh~u Dv,.,tnct, "'tnch was then It 18 a.ctm1tteJ by b ttt l maker!'! of extensive l:-i.tion of O\ er e1..,hty tl1ousand oop1es alread3 hn.s its r aJe1-:'l 1n e' ery State an l l~rntorJ aucl ll tlour1~b1nl:) fo.tnnr g countiy, tl11~ \\QS pur exper ence tha.t nnp nit:ies nud noxious odors we trust that the yea.1 1877 \\ lll 8EJe thJ1, l nni ch LStd :vid st 1pp~ l ho1ue n the atmosphere whero cteam is runng will 1 hers d n1bled 1t wJll contmue to be a thorough .All the ..,ene1al ne\\S of lhe ~hi.y .MOI>;IHJ \IJ 8 OLD JJU~lNHb:; Mll:N n1Jme the AtvfJrof tlrn butter \'V e recollect ne"spaper tha.t a nt>1,.,hbo1 lulled a. sl..-nnk n ore than one '"111 be found in it uon<lensed when un1mpo1t ant at fulJ lC'n,.,th '~ h~n of mon1ent and o1.l St P<A.ul atret wa.s narfO\\Cf tbcn no'" n1 d hundied rod~ Cuit nt »-nl t.lie oJT.,iHu\Oe o.nd '\\o:i..)<! we tiust trented in ~'"'Clear inte1~st1ng bn 1neE181entred more at 1he Efl.St cod of it, 'Pungent odir f <u:i thn,t dcnl anima.l \\a!S an(l u1structno ma ner " b twe<!n )t Ftanc lS XHHI a d St Jtan wn.ft ddnr1Ji 0 the enhr day to\\arcl the pan It 18 0J1r a.unto make the TVeekl Sun tho best Bn !)tI.:-.ttt ~treets The grt>a.t hou;;e ul G11lt 8 tn in \"\; h ch thc1 c l\ c1 c sc\ ernl pans of m1lk fn.milJ Hc\\;.pa.po_:r 111 the wrrld an l we 8hal1 c lntlnue to give in 1t:i. cohnnns a. lmge arnmrnt t 1 1( ffitt & vompanv stood ~ 11e1e 1ts lhe 1-iuttm cf thn.t nea.m so offt:n ot tnl'lcella.1eous1ead1ng au h as sto11es taJea ~lCC1;1:1i.!Or uow 18 tbe l~r.... e Nnth '~est 8l\elyrfth ... 1ctoroftha.tskunt... thatitcouldnot poem,, "'Clentdic 111telh~ence and a.~nculttrral fn which \\1;1 nb t able to make Uo upau) s establ1f!hr11c11t \\Mon the l:!lle of he US;i d f n cuhna[') purposes X A \Villard informa.t1on, wntes on thHJ s 1bJect thnt when milkers are rcmm in our <lat ly ed1tiou 'The a 0 1"1cultuta.l de pJ;1,;1:trueDt ~.specially is one of its p1 OJ+ill ent fea the ptc\lcnt Uttnollu 11 otd E118t uf S., al1o\' P.J t come d1rectlJ' f1nin the stable to tlrn hues I be fasl11onl'I are als( rBgul Ll l~ reported Jean Dttpt1s:.te &tr(t Y.:ere a. number <I uulkt om 1t.villbeuuposs1blet keeptheltt in its cclumn~ and !'lo a1 e thP. ma1 kt:ts of 1;:verJ kind Fr~ncb C\1.nad11in ret111l sho1 ~ 1 an l ht re he ter p\1ce s veet and dean fo1 tl1e tnnt:l bt:l1ng 1 he H cckl11 St n ~i~ht pages v.:ith hHJ six: refuru.l to the neces'='lt.} 1u thuse daya (fa ll e1 are hnndreds lf b 1Ue1 makers ti') bro~d columns is only one dollat t\\ e11ty cents merchant ~8k10.; 2) cent n1ore fo1 h1s t\Pon1 Lhe importa1ce of th1s single point can a yenr prevrud Af! tins pnu.., hardy -:ioods than they v;ere '"orlh, y; l ell not be too atron.,ly n 0 uJ n1~ee they often con ttl( ay1:1 i.1H.' ( n~t f tho pttpe1 no discount cn.n b;;; f1 010 tlus 1 a.t{;! to club~ a 0 uts I ol'jtmast \\ Hh tlJ<> :Fr~uch c~oa<lians An anuuateJ sider many little th1ugs 0f thUJ 1und Jn re.,~rd e1s c1 an}OllP. to dairy m~na,...emt!nt too imngn1fic[l.nt to 1ner t The Daily s t n laloO four vage Ue\\RP tpel gl 111 ~uke place tul the buj er attent on But in butter makmg the obscrvo.ucc of twenty 1.!Jght columns g1vefl all tl~e nuwA fn Subac11ph m p lstage p1e bea rcballL Jo\\.n to lu~ fix"'a ufltttl(' tlings1s often the 0 reat soc1et of sue two cFmts a co11J p11id 55 ets a. m mth ( I six tlolla.1s fifty oonta ' fl er ol1l wbolesal~ houses, cess a y fl,r Suudu.) eilit10n extra one <lolln.r ten a be l~OU.41 bertaon, 1\1rn~on1.~ Uo 1 corn1.:r 'I i~ u J duuht thnt unmense qnant1t1eil of ytiar '\Vu ho.\ e 1to t1avt!llm.,, agi:ints .AdJrc3~, <tfS~ ' ~r and St l\iul streets, G lr<len, poor butter ma.dti from th!! nulk set in im l HE SUN Ne" Yo1k Ctoy A.ullj) & Uo Hor1:ttl > Gtltes & Co, and proper placfs The kitchen p::i.nh} the ln1u .. rootn and the c~llar u~· l to stort> v1::gctable8 and other:i \\here the preH nt )l<l Ous .-,m ther fom1\y snpnhes will 11npa1t pecuha1 House i;; s1t 1ated \\llS then l 111 nkl t, and ta nt~ t the 1n1lll a.nd cieam 111 suflh a deg1ec <lll one side ol it \\ d::; \ l irge gent>ral '3tor as to be clei:;tiuctn e as to ff:.t, or !!!Ven thongh \\ hoJegale a.nd retu1l, 111 \\ Lich lns \ etH l l\Llc the butter in other res1 ect11 be ek1lfulh: han fn~n J, J G Alai.:ki;[j:t. e, ~ q, tbrn had <lle 1 Da.try ioomlJ s ei1 u ·ted !tl!I to catch tlie charge r f a dt partment () 11 the otht:r "l h o lut f om the rng fltj e the cess pool or 1 tbe1 of tbe mark~t naS the j;;:b..,p of tunous i\Jr decomposing filth cannot be used fr making B 1 er other denh~rs \\ i;:r~ fl )l ~rt 1Inrn 1 od g) )<l butt1 r riH e ~honld he a freu lom ft om Y 'ltilth n l uopu t1 s f ~verJ cles.cnphon about D.,\\ nt, Fro1b1ngharn anrl tl e TorranC<'JI, the mllk ho\1<1~ an 1 tl1ennll i,hould be d.,lne1 A~U Lb~ ~peuker u~11 g ~n11 lo)e l bJ the 111.tlcr cd b, the m1lker~ Jn an tT te !'(I rn an l f1om hnn it 11 1 a Hlrl">trgruc~ry business St thence e 1v1n:c<l to tl1e place v.hete it is to be co~~H$'1 rr-;c oF 8 nl p1ce i:;~ro.;t:l 'act rnostl) gn en np to p1 H Ms set for c1 eam In thid \.\ n.y the I 1n ea 11,ud th~ anJ tJUlll en1..~, N(Jtre D ... tne <.:tre~t \\US litter fron the ~taJlo n \) he kept from the \\AH HES, CfOCKS, CUJHR\, to be drdWH up St J\;fary ~current b) me11as uf oxell (Jaugh·e11 its pacltl.le'hhetls were noL much lu.rgt!r than good sized buggJ ll heels IhrCe days were consnrncrl 1n the npwant voyage Ly these p1oncer stuuners The connect101 s with the 'V1;et wtre tnore prrnllllvc The hltlc olrl Ladnnc Canal wa11 not tben finished, so the. goo<ls had .. to be carted to and froru Lach1ne All the waots of the C pper Pro\ 1nce-who::ie popu hi.tlon he b1;ilrnve<l \\BS not then O\tr JOO 000-ncre ~upplicd frorn !vlontreal as there ...vaa little 01 uo Jr1eudJ) tuhrcourse with the An1o:o!lc[lll3 O\\lng to the late war Goods .1:u1d ern1grants were conve)t:d iron1 Lacl11ne or Pte~t: Jlt in ba1 0 e~, w heuce echoone1 s and steamers c9nve)ed them up to their JesL1nat1oua Co11ch(Js 'ar1 ied the ruu.tls nnJ. we1e often six daJS n1ak1ng the trip I et ween 1i111h1.:al to TototJto Postage \\ad enor inous, h<..1ng ls. 2 l otJ _a lttter in the pro\· inc s, 21 lJ to Englaud i'H~ .Hahf1x, auU ls ad atter\\ard l J the Ne\\ 1·01k p11cket He 1nc1dentully referred to Air Brush, Sr, o1 tne E.;1.,..,le Fou11Ur\, a.1:1 Lt11 J c11\Jta111 1 f the fiu~t lO\\ bout o'n the rivt:r, the 'll<.!J cu es T \O ot the jrl;re:lt t:.xport a1t1clea we1e pot anu pearl ashes !fhi.:re v.ere sev eral lurg.., in~pect1011 stores in town, 1nnon)i!' them ~~\ee111y sand liJutl11lhe1 s n:1(i it I Ilia S(ll 1 made as comf)rtable as need be arJ \\aFl 1 the first ~ear £30 stco11d )ea1, £4...,, nnd tlnnl yeAr, £11), board, washing atJd lodR1ng, of t:onr l, 1ncluJed. l.Je ate \\1th the fa1n1ly a.nil \\:BR tn ate l as one of its n1en btrs. The hours of la\Jor were quiteaslong1fnotlongertbannol\ Cl~rks tben ro~e earher 10 the mo1n1n!> and opeued the Ahops sooner They had not tnuch t1rne jor an}th1ug but wo1k 1 yet he e11JOJf'd In uoncluU1ng he said 1t nnd thnvtd ut it he had aJ.,ays touud it the liest vlan to keep Snnday sacred , he also noticed t.hat \\hen i.\)OUll~ man systemat1c11llv adhered to good pnncipleR, "a.!:i 1nrlu!\tr1ous, ::iteady, and be c~tne r~al y interested in l11s t:mplo,ers 1Jus1nes~, that he a.lwavs got 011 well, but he recollected scores of instances in \\h1ch ctreless, disaipated )OUng men had gone to ilestru<:lIOH \tlli ft!atful :ra1JJJ1ty, he couc ~clled thent aganist n1ak1ng hao::tc to he 11vh , not tog> out of the1r Qrdu:a1y bu,.1nPss to g 1 asp at cl anct q' auU 1n ao do1ug LheJ- sto0d BKSl .Ht:llAL A~D 1.AMlLY WE:&KTT IJH A substitute fo~ Lath & Plaster ! THE PATENT ALUM:IN01JS and ORNAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER l'APEB OIL QJ,OTH and OARl'E1ING I DOMINION BANK BOW MAJS \Tl LLJC Cdp1tal Paid Up nn \NCH OF~ $1,000 000 lOROJS fO lCKS Has long been acknowledged and that t merite a. l\.11lho11 ofS 11 >11.;r)bt!r!; 1<; J)O'.'. Ct needed lh1 @e who know the RUR'l..L "'.rlll subscribe for 1876 without ~1ri:nng az d all uLhers are 1nv1ted to ~nd for a.nd ex.a.mine specunens, \\o)Jlch are mMledfree ~ORll ST~ LE, HEAD OHICJC 01ur1r~ GODOt"RG, BowMANVJ LL;E, 1ElHr.tS &c lfooREH l\IJR\LNE\\ YORKER contains Six Gl.'ea,t .Eteduotion, ~ in Dry Goods ! Crockery & Glassware. --oo--- tee,n Quarto J!a.ges W"'eldy, fine!:, and prC'fn!Jo_: ly Illustrated and neatly pnntetl Onh two and s1xty five cents per yenr and. two dollani and ilftern cents in clubt:i { ten ot more Vo@tage pit1d Now 1':I the tune to S1'bic1--Kie arid llus Bank iu adchtion totiansaetlng the us frn II. rtub~ Grent induoements tJ Olub Agentil: 11a.l Uank1n~ bus1nesA offers to the pubhc all Spet:1mene P1mn1um Lists, &c sent free the ad\antsg~s of a Sa"lng 111Htitut1on with AddrE>M tht ljecur1ty of a. lar6e U!J capital b~ the M00ltE 8 RURAL NEW Y0RKFR means ot a SAVINGS D1 I AJlT!lfE?ST 87 Duane St · New York I1 ~t11est allowed Jll all de1 os1ts of One Dol lar and up\\ aids at the rat"' of :F'nE p01 cent per annum. l>epo"'1toH! can w1th<lra" eithe1 the whole. or any part of then depoSits at any lime w1tho11t 11ev10 l8 ncticti · Special i>atcs of interectta}lnwl:ld upon deposits with nuhce of withdrawal An1erican C 1r1 enoy and .;'}liver taken on de 0BHAW!\. SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. A Largo Stock Just Recewed - Phti i a id 01 namtcntal, both/01 a1 d ~loo1s '!he Paper lhl Cloth aud Carpet ng is o. Cheap and Duut.ble S 1batitute for 0 l Cloth l he Chemicals \Hth \\<luch the l'apt:r ated, tender it proof against Rats and '.rt-11 ... e JE-! 'Vnrnn:, tTinrunGF. BOWMANVIL'....E Ka.chine and Implement Manufactunng Co of ltlUID8UD BROS. Havmg decided to make a change 111 then bnsmess, a1e now sellmg for CA H t.'ie1r large an<l well assorted Stock of Dr) Goo<ls, M1lhner~ ·· Clothrng, G1o?ke1y , a1;id Glass\\ are, · satur Iotha pof.l1t. t r n1ted States and all parts of Oa.nada Draft,., gianted paJ1:tble tn GJeat Hnta1.n, lv.ta,nufacturers WOOD AND IRON Varnish Polish! Auutht:r tlung much \\anted lh18 Pohsh gives a u.iost elegwt lu8tre lnatantaneously ar~<l AT AND BELOW COST! dnei.; WORKING MACHINERl'. The Stock havmg been pmchased m the BEST MARKETS, buyers can depend on gettmg THE \VEEKLY SUN. Nothing ever discovered befoie to equal this Poh<h. :roR FOR ] t LBFFEL'S Double Turbine Water Wheels, and MORE AND BE'l"l'E'R GUODS POR THEIR MONEY at tlns Establshment than m nny other houee Hl Piano J?ortes, Clocks, lJuggies, Cutte1 s Sleigh 0 , the count!) PMture P1 amcs 01 C-a.stin gs of a.11 ltinds Call Early, and seem e Bar,qain&, as the wltole Stock must be sold at once, far CASH ONLY any kind of ancl all kinds of Varnislwd Pu1·niture V a1'nish eel REPA{.RS done on the Carrwges l i I THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. SHORTEST NO TIQE, VVe have now 011 h~ull rn now complete wrth the chowest >UfJIJly of a llf.,e quantity of Common and Gang Plows, that will he sold at FARM AND HOUSEHOLD LOW PRICES 6tl Chiristr11as Gootls, Raisens, Citr1«tnts, gars, Peels, etc.) etc., at all P1~ices. i I HARDWARE usual a. Large Stock on lrn.nd of AT THE SHOP. Bown1auv1lle Alruch1873 Bowmanv11le, Dec 24th 1874 MURDOCH BROS. Hardware, Paints and 01/s, Stoves and Tmware All of which v. dl be S( 11l a.t low figu re~ John McLeod&; Co, " Wel!mgton Bmldmgs, Bowmanville August 10th 1876 RELIANCE ll'lutnal Life Assurance Eoc1ety AS'J.'ABLISHED 1840 C \NADA CFIEF OFFICES . · Just Arrived at the 131, 81' JAMES STREET, MONTREAL lJ'I RE 0 T 0 RS WALTEU S.u.ANLY, Esq DV1'0A..~ ~f \m)ON uu, ~[AJOR ~1 P Chrurmaan, Esq I E CAMPB1n t C .B JOlJ::f St II1la1re GRANT rnr. IIO'l'IOlJ \ltl'F. but~ Ont spleud1d as1:101 tmcnt o liAMJLTON, Ha\\ki! RllSIDJ<:Nl SEOllF'.[ARY-JAMES 'rhe BIG__ __ 1s no "V l~lJRI-I NEW MILLINERY. .Also a lot of S PECI A L FEi\ T URES. 'E l'>lIH'E: PROFIU:I be)ong to anJ are di\ id erl amongst the Polu.1 holder& LIVl!)S, !J.t!jQLll'>l!lV BY OTHER COMPANIES, or OD wh'ich an ctra Preininm. would be rcq'U:ired, can 1ag111gj at be aasured at the 01dmary rates of tlua 8oc1ety~ under a. Bpc.cwl arrangcment S:PECI \T NON } Ol'KUABLE POLICIES iasued I 1~RELEfEN S REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & \.lso a large stock of Stamps for Braiding and Em- I New Goods! BE Pl ,\ J LD \\ARE, l! JC I MUST SOLD, under whwh only 10, 15 or 20 Annual P~y ments reqnt.rcd, each payment secul'tng Polley for a. sum aSijW ed proporhonat" to the numhe~ of premiums p~1tl 1 an I free from futur 1:1ayme-nt of pre-iniun'..a I\10DERAT.& PRJ£A11Ul1S and moBt hbernl oon htI< na P1oapectu!!es Proposal 1 orm!i &o supphod on applwabon at the Hea.d Office, or any of the A..i;cnc1es _ I ~ broidery. FASHIONS for Spmig inst to hand usual JAMES AGl!'NT 23 ly ~OR <~RAJS1 RcR 8e011'tary ~1 eechcs thorn all the members ot the IHI oJ St f saricc l~ :X :i.\ n:r street, !l1H.l Lhc )Jte,eut Haus~ pul together old"Bnnk ot ?l!otitrtu.I r~1trc was \\hen a boy has been oft all da1 2\0[ A SINGL'E S\.fJOON I:!'r lHIJ:(lli' co 1tra1 y to the exµrcssed wish of lns mother and en "Pl roacln 1g the home then n11d here he t( n1nrkcc1 tl nt the 01 en stedd at night "1th illl anxious and cau rng of" r )Olli 10 lc<l i peo l)C t J Jnnk \\ ·· ttous tt cad lmds company at tea the an 11nnut1g:ated abonlit lt101 J\J<rlrt"nl cxpn;s~ion ot co 1 1dence and icctttude ti.tty \ ea.r..., ago ha l , er; te\\ book"ellerF \\l11<h s1 dllt:nh liJhts up h1~ face can 1 hert.l \\RS only n httl" c:.hop in St Paul JJOt l.H..: revrod1KeJ on can' a:-; street, built up w1 h p 1vate hou es, the I mllk r om f b - o- ] he ca.uses ( poor utter a.1 c \ l\.t 10ns t 1 le 1:$lU11~tl of U re\ b in,... turned into store rumit 11 npoLtant (f when are 11wk of uleanhnes!'I Sterlmg S1lver Spoons, and Pure Gold Wedd1 g lhngs TL e old F1 nd1 c 1111 ch stoo l right acr !:l!O the "nnt of pi orei dally utt'nB ]8 the ueed of a 1t, a1 \l the Place ll !\.rtnes Sr1uare was sur ....,ood dairy room or plac i for getting the t,rnlk AAIWN l>UCKLER rouude<l bJ sn1all bu1l l1ul"> ID one of\\ hwh ne 0 Ject u1 mamp ilat ng the crea1n nt the 11 ht 'Bnwm::tn\llle Oct Stb ~87 5 old Mr" Cumpl:Jell curtH.~ d on a drv gooJs tnn1 un!:!k1lful \\.Otk1ng packmg an 1 st(1ung 11 e C11lC,g11 flllei Ocean sns that btF11nc ... ci St JJlllC'S s·rcet "as not bnllt on the butter and fin tlJy lack of knowledge in a po.1 t )1' whole of the procesf:les requ11e<l f )r mri. theie JS "I'.! old threadbare Sllll(I color upon Lhc north e1ae, which wa:'l all gardens, klng a prune l-rtwJe - Pract lJul F11nu:1 ed thm locl<ed, spmd e shanked, peppct and very few huusce stood on lhe & iulh and salt \\eazencd ruin dnn1-..u1g fossil 1-nde1 \' LH;.h lornteU back J ar<ls to the Notte hidden iw l~ so1uew here 1u \:Y aslungton, DotUe ~tre(t hCinste Thi;' cnh bu1Jc11ng;.i of Sbrmkage of M·lk 111 1875 \\ho has " ntten ll10re <.. ongress1onal note on tl wf're tbe \"' ( tlH dist CbuTch, c >T BOWMANVILLE, C BAhK'BR, " Obeerver Offic~ ' 1(1ng St Bowruanv1lle June 24th 1870 Im 'Pel 1al Fll'c Insuranr.e Co OF JON DON and he is deteunrned to coutllJue to sell at these 1umously low p11ceo cheape1 thun the eheape·t Why he can do 1tFirnt, he bu) s for cash aud knows Just how to buy l Second, what he cant buy cheap enough, he mannfactm es Third, he rs s,it1sfied wrth small profits 1 Fourth, he sells for cash , Fifth, he sells at bottom puces --u~ I Straw-Cutters Grain Grinders ' MRS A FLETCHER no"m·irnlle Apnl 7th 1874 Strowger Bros. NEWCAS'l'LE. CALL AND SEE FOll Esta.Lhshed 1803 YOUBSELVES~ FEED :NIII.1I. . S. Auothe1 oa.t load of the aLuve noblr at t d ell on the wa.~ Please call at the AND HE\D OFFfClS -1 Pall Mall Lendon GE?' F.RAL _,,. <;]lo.Cl Old Brond Et., ond FO:R BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. St er a.mcnt , !\.-] ontrea] IW F>md £1 965 000 Starling Subscnbed and invested Cap1ta1 and Jlegen~ In l\I1 l 8 Shel lon 11 p · rpet Ch1e~o l on " II1nts th~1c t1oru .Expeticnce tn :\l~k1og i "e1c l.l 1:; ttri;stmg suggestions lie c0m 1ue11t.: J by not1c ne Urn !!h1 nka.,,,e of milk J.u1 1110 lS;; ~s compt1.1Pd with 1874 Insurn.nces a0 mnst Josfl I) Fire e:ffet.&ed on lnost h~vontl lti tenu~ ancl loases paid wltb out reference to the 1301~1 d iu Londo11 FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK J DODS\\ Ohl H, i{[N l OUT beg to inform the yiubhc gn etallJ that thef ln>!'.pector Ucn "\gents l\iontrt:<a are 110\\ enrtbled to offer them J uude Ul vestt:Ll u1 Canada.- 105 (JOO Orders Promptly Executed. and Good F'1ts Guaranteed Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " clrawn by Two Horses, Kmg St mws 6 e stock \'. hioh con1v11ses e'H'Tyth111g Bl the tr uie f the vetJ la.test and inost elc,.,an 11ty Jes and patterns of Engh3h Cana<l1n.n :tnd Arnencan manufacture B 0 vV l\1A N V I LL E -o-H~ still uonfauues to manufncture to order ftom tho best of material and none but first claaa Farm Imple1nent Forwarding A g ency workmen kept l-l '1\' J.A!tIES - o l{rng St Bo\Hnunvllle Howmnnvtllt I>cc 5 1~'72 nlO He ha.sin stcek a.n endless \a.t1cty of IJaJ1l 1111 Geut~ Sa1atoga. l1ur ks Vahsca, etc, alJ of \\.lnd1 he JI:$ ~d!u'"' d enp for cn.~h Ai\ OLD COL ORI D i\l A'\ SI OGIC .\n uld coluitd inan ~tt \\ h1tc .Sul JJ'ltlr !:>pnll'"'S grt.\;e the lollo\\lllg thCOl\' ~ ~ "' of the late \\ l r to one \\ho :i-:ked him new~paµutt 1u l Xl::;t1;>r c< tn 1 ot the1u \\ t re 1f lus people w-ei c not better oCt 111 s1a\ e 1 h \ ll,"l( !'ltll I, Lht lll'1 uld and Ga,,.ell 11 be J howevt:r; ~11 ~hn11ng, of Ilatt Logan & Co, hxd one of the best } n~ate 1brn1k!? tlre conL1ne11t could h\ aEt (1f 1 and thete "as 1 <'bHl<' a.u exc<..:lluit pul>J c librnry He belie\cd there \ te ti en ti H( .En l!Eo:b ,., k ofl } , ., \ rigl it stnn.rl of e111 \VCrc better he r-..i lied \~ 1 < I _ , b 1 1 t t SevPrlllLfth~l11rge f1. ;:ia\s to ~c oys 011 Ce Pan a IOn, ]-[ OId yotu gr ll d .i.e I OT d s w..._r h ~i house' 1m11urtHP'goous ol id krnds' "' d a Int: So1nc sa;s the Yankees freed h1,tr contd t1~Huu a g-eneral fit:kctlon Hl <: , ·1 Ji G ][ 'I ff tt ~' n<l th s, and that, ancl the o d derJ 01e-storc ..,uu riusaa 1 es.pH, n O Ii. 1'-J It l 01 d nm that. war ' & Compau), .11ud ForsJ,th, Rwlrnrdeon & , Q neblier lll dl ' ' o'le 5 oudc oBwlnlano d Woikman -~l<Ee liotliers were lnrng-as er lt s con tr~ \\lisc to e iIk' 'e an d cd1tor ,, I 111 l-'rgt1MOU\\~Spr1 l St1 Mr .L1.tC11ba fr L d del or sent a " arl to deefust now t pneror t 1Lh'"-r-c i the lie at1l ( r GL cite be lhe ex1 lana.t1 m g1v~11 f ' tL s . . J u nkn,oc 9f w .tt \V!lS con11n W 1CO c us gun \\CU r k Juii n th t th t tl fod 1 d lit t de good L ord ~I ed h 1 was not tUlRta 11 tl1 I 1n tit Pau I rel.:'t \\ l th 1\1 r BE?UJ!ltljl ll ~ en, u1 <l I ' t le C ' h onrant puul1~ Th 1074 he received at h.. factory the nulk of(H2c \\s andf11l8"'<:>them1lk of 6 9 co'Vls in the hue of The Ylt.ud In ilk for 1875 \\a'! 5 6 10 per cent l)Q' 1et th tn in 1874 The vu ld of mtlk 111 June, 187 v ""f !'! :? 67 100 pci C'~nt leJ'Js thn.n the cor r~o:p01Jd1nghme1nl874 Tu1y 1~7, shrinks +2 4.b JOO pe1 cent < r"' 9, JOOp~r cent nrnre thau th" co11eHp n 1 ,.,, )II nth uf 1817 4 l1o1 1874 s!Jrrnks 32 28 LOO po cent JI a 3fl7 l00 pt1 Ctllt rn,>r,e thin .A1gust 1874 !:J 100 per_ (,'ell t eµtern btr I ti7u 8l uuI i.. 421' <> ; ' ur 1)-.,.,... I00 1 ei ce~ t n 01 e than its c:..ol 1 el':i l on hu., n onth 111J8j4 C)ctob i 11:170 sht1nka ( 4S REGAllJJS I' hJrE JJ QU ALJTY) ') 2 82 100 per ce.nt ot ~ R1 lOO per cent 1001 e T I )"'I · d ti f th J t than any other ho Jo;e 111 L1 tl c( UILf \ tlan" 1-U uo1non 10 eJetu rns()u1e 1 cqml'ed nyield the cormpondrn~ mmth of Better Inducements l1 R LOSCOMBE, Barrister, Agent for Bowma11v lle <1nd V1c1nity Bowma.nv1lle1 June 4th, 1860' ni o4~ SO, IIO ! ---- M. TRELEVEN. G-entlemen of Fashion. - ~ - Grocery It U}lll .tJC(.(SU'le ~ retgl 394w NOT SO FAST. BllSlllCSS 'l in evrlt James 101 McFeeters. AGENT TO TI-JE PUI3I_jf C. J"t 'VALTER vVIGG (~SON, I I I ?;Q 1' PRESENTS CIYEll, BUT GOOD too j flt ( " evas Jear \88 a 1e giewJ tster tli ~nit was consmnt>d tho tender succuJ.ont .,,ra.efl b1::cllnie dry hay 101nu~ the cl 1ef qnn1lty of rnilk proluctlon 'Jhs 1 t 1 P ns 0 the unportancB of aupplement ... -:1 00 paoif.trage 1r iete e ~ liJli>\!Jiiil ~ s Ala . l"t l y wh n 1t J,·;ms ~·fail J D STltOWG!:1R Catntal500000 ~One of the L.v n,; purchased· U~atiiutld.1e\}Je}ltCompaniesd1ngbnsiness1n i .I... :.I ' ij i1ista,...·cc th[j?eoQ \n~):1.J ~ i)'lbl~EolDatieTd cRo"ky' · .1.. "' ~ Wj;! 1;1lrnl1 be ready at aill tunes to attend fune1afa oo sh;.:irt notice and iea vnable tenns~ v.1thaSliVUgs:Sttukder>artment N B-Collin!l,{E!ptonhanlR-ndmadetoordt1r,atthe !¥\A 'lhe 1JNION \Nn I':U'Jil\lA~EN1 Building t.J...,l.i !iii · anlls uv ug II:! s oC:ietJ ' 151 NEW DOMINJON RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM J L STJ?:OWn"r.>R I 1he>tti l<1.tte1 1nstituttons advance Loans UL R~l l]cttnte 1 on te1ms unusnallv (l<\l:Jf fur th~ 1 the f<llo\lltl"' Insu1aoce Co&:pnnrna and I tl f other Irllltitutionsc v"lz _ reitu'l1 n~ lib "ul 1:1 t·) tlu:1n lHnner' t H c11:.i!.<1111::rfl a.11c1 t tP. p1 1c "'111e1 :.11, 1 pit><t fo," 1a 1 he QUEl N E u:o and Life Ios nan co 0 rn \\ ou hi 1e@pectful1y in"1te their ..ttent1un to t ur 11 tisent ~tock t f ft l uit u aR :-. " hn; e lately pvnJ Capital £2 000 000 $UJ0 000 depos1tt-d N.d·letl tl1e1titv t1111t WI;! IJ_lay t.be1t-ihy be enabl~d to snpplv all JHt1ttef\ wh~ to ~Y ph.:!a.RUO r~vor with the Il( rninion Go ernment foi the J t lun1 with a ceill Great 111ducenwnts held <mt t th st pu1cb1uung at ou1 est ~bl11:1 mtnt P1c 11 u ec J tu re!'!, J,Jook1ng Glaase!:! etc fr.an1cc.1. to order, nud 111 tlVl;lry ety:lc leis In c fl L lu Sa.rr pl6s ut tl1e <l1fterent lheISOJ \IEDl-tISKFireinsura.r:ceCom km<lo~fouldm~s utnbe"4eenatthe\·111,101vo1u ~ewuul<l-alwbfJg t1 uilouu yo1, tlia.t GVXJ,Ja"litecd paii ofCnnal f1fK'T)1s SPLENDID NI< W EARSE I have written these few hnt"S A.nd all I hav~ to say, J"hat you e :i.1t frnd me 'lt1ll :-tt 11uuw I ain not gone awa) So all my ktntl old fllt::!Ud s Jr aJ c 111 0 .AnU all the young O!lt:ll:S tul And iret thc:n .,.u.rinents nw lJ rut le In fa.slnonq that new Where old al <l vui ng t.le. 1 fu uG11 s. me{t A we1cotne grl'!cting by ii Bov.:manv1lle, June 19Lh 187~ USE THE J borro'\\cr onl .... 1 Newca·tlo,Au;.;n·t 11th §1874 J3owm·n> lie. Fe~. tith, l873 j 01:1ha.wQ, Aug 26tb, 1870 King Street, Osh<1wa To be ha.d of all Gl(JC01 ~ II J 'I oronto aole a.gents fo:r: Ont1n: M>rch llth, 1876 for D1akn1g 1tll kn de of Cuk~s ,~ l Norwich 'mgg P ( ------- ---

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