"'lH'HANT 'ERTISJ;R. l~~h.i)?I of WEST DURHAM _,eneral public TERMS. twrigbt. It 1s & e free dJ.ecu!l'e:ion of all que1a.rt> concerned. l)aL...g coJQmon Steam Job Printing O:ffl.ce KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. o coits r<r 1111 n. Ind he 'Merchant' and ' Obser· OJ' A,_ VJlioBTISING, 4ti per o.nnum. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME 25 J /) H .lt'S~S pev1we first in- · " ·vn. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. MARCH 3, 1876. .ne, ea.ch ~ssauent..-one NUMBER anxious though ts in studying how to reach XXII POSTERS, PAMPHLETS , CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES , HA~DBILLS, LABE LS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c., &c., &c., EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE POETRY. Hold your Head up like a Man. If the 11to1myw1nda should rustle, '\\7 hile you tread the world's b1ghw-.y 1 Still againet them bravely tussle, Hope and labor day by· rJ.ay ; Falter not, no matter v.h~ther There is sunshine, storm, 01· ca.Im, And in every kind of weather, Hold your h._ead up like a. ma.n If "brother should deceive you. .lnd should act a traitor's pa1 t, N eTer let hlll trea.1011 grievd you, Jog nlong with hgbtsome heart; .Fortune seldom favor· fawning, Boldness ut JU the. plan, Hoping for & better dawning · Hold your head np like a man. ND TRUJ:fK RAILWAY! ~.le time, as follow·: qOINO WESl', ·s '1 ill le·ve Bowman ville Station, · GOING EA.BT. . 7 20, a.. m. Express . , . 8 30 a. m. Expr.._ 9 30 a.m :'i'>!ilfed . 4 20 pm. hilu:e<l ·.. 220pm. I Local- ...., . ... 7·50 p.m. ~xproas ·. 9 00 p. m. [ l:!:.x.presa --. ......,fl_.00 p.m; -l> 'l~his traiA runs every mM.ring of week, Lo~l-' DOM:CNION ORGAN CO'S - IMPROVED AND REMODELLED- '.\iiond&ys exeepted, CABINET ORGANS. I- Dr. BOYLE, SURGERY---SILVER ST. RESIDENCE ON !ARIO STREET. = .... < aa a:: ::e z = 'T' "Cl Liil: :z ..., Bo" numv1lle, J ~n. 20th, 1876 __ Dr. Jas. Fielding, l\1 fEMfrH-R-OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE lf.l of Surgeons, EN gland;. L1centi.Ate of the Royal College of Phys1c1a.ue, Edinburgh QDCI. I- ... = CIC ::::; .... = z .... :E = :;o .c:: "C ... ::z: ..... ... Earth though e'er so rich and mellow, Yields not for the wortbltiss drone, But the bold and honest fellow, He can ehift and J.1ta.nd alone 1 Spurn the knave of every nat1on, Always do the beat you ean, And no matter what _your istatlon. Hold your head up Jike a. ma.n. Cor· etc, "B0Yima.nv1lle = Stre~ts. Rtts1dence, Cornet of Church and Scugog Dec ord, 1875, ::::;! BT Ll;TERATURE. THE BREWER'S FAMILY. MRI!, ELLIS, AUTHOR OF "WOMEN O:r ENGLAND," &c. lo.tf. l. W. McLAUGHLIN, M. ' B. L.R.O.P., L-R.c.s.. Edlnborough. -(,r f;).1 BEH. ol the Medical Council of OntarlO. ll'.l Office opposite the market. and third door north of 'la1ts Pbotog~{lh1c Gallery. Rel!idenco, Ontano Street Night messngesmay be ]eft either at office or rerndence 3-m. rluwmanville, Feb 18th, 1876. "' 2! >.... > D: I- .... ) ~ an dhze0).8.n of This Company has recently been r~-organized by the (Continued.) the most· pmctical men from the l<'actory of Clough & Warren Organ Co., 'Yet,' said Lucy, ' l cannot dive.st my· Detroit, " Mich., each taking an active part in his own particular department, a~d , are; now manufacturing /Lil Organ equal, and in many ppints oelf of the id ea of presum pt10n m what the Dr. DAVIDSON. suverior,to any manufactured in the United Stat.es or Canada. Our cele- Tempe1ance advocates profess to do.' ' I should ,be sorry ," revlicd Mr. Gor. RADU ATE eY-THE ROYAL COL· brated "Vox Celeste," "Vox E:hmana," "Wilcox Patent Octnvo Coupler," _ . Jege Qf Ph sil ums, England and 'V·1ctonn, 1 _,'} Cello 11 01 '- 11 Cl3.rionet" St0i)s, "Flugle·1 Horh." "Dulcet," ".A!.lolih~," don, to make myeelf responBlble for all thnt may he promisedily these, or any other un· ! · "'"':) tona College,UnderGtaduate _ "Cremona" and Grand bigan' St"p and ., = z l !'" I ' addition of three o1 = .... ..... CHAPTER VI. NEW THINGS AMONG Tl!I!: PEOPLll. G e Umvers1ty of Toronto, and Royv.l-lrolleQ'e of Phy~1cians and SurizeoJlB l< ninston Membe of the Uolltge of Phyisic1a.n~ and Surgeons f f Jntar10, Coroner, &c l~es1dence and offic'e- M~t ~quare, Eow· man ville. - ---- - Bowman ville, Feb 24th, 1876. 22-lly. Medical Card. J. Bingham,M.D.L.R.O.P.S.K. ] \1 and ReR1rlencc, in Dr:. Hdlit1r's- old Stand, En· n1sk1llen Jan 2-7tl1 1 1876 1 AJS"S E~!l3ER AND OF COJ.I,EG E OF PI'!YSICISURGEONS, Ontorio. Offico 18-tf. Prof. J. Ruse, G ltADU A'l'E of Baxter Unhers1ty of Music Friendship, .New. York. 'l'eachc1 of Puwo and Organ, cultivation V OJce, Smg1ng1 Thorough Ba$$, Harmony Con1po1ut10u, &o · . Darliu~tou, ;f ~IY. H)th, 1874. 41-ly . R. D. FOLEY, has tak~n out a license aa Sales will rect.nve tho beat A U .CTIONEER for this 'fo\\-nshtp. ~ttenttou. ....__ ~ ;....oV Bowman\tlle, Feb. 24th. 1876 f lly. ~~~-~ - R_ R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER-AT LAW, SOLIOITOR JN GHANOERY, tf:c as J. . Bnmacomb'.!I Dental Rooms. )FF'ICE,-Over bicCJung'i; Store same flat Bowmamillo, Oct 27th, 1868. ly MARRIAGE LICENSES, 1l1 Datllngton, fnear Bethesda Church] clµlv authorized to if.isne Marriage L1censes. '"!. 1 1" R JOH!\ H EYNON, Lot 7, 6th C.on Darlillj(ton, No,. 1J), l8H, mS-tl. 1s D. E. McMillan, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLJQI70R IN CRANOEBY, OO!V VEYANGER, &e., NE,VCASTLE. ONT. '-· ~-Ne\\ oastle 1 Oi;t 8th, 1875. m51-tf. AUCTIONEERS To the Pub/ia: /!'or the Township of Darlington. H. T. PHILLIPS, HAMPTON. Prom pt attntion given to aa.lee, &c, on able term11 , reMOn~ Wm.. Barton, ~ / ENNISKILLEN. - - - -{)~le~ n1omptly attended to on rea1mnable terms. ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Live1pool London, and Glasgow apply to Fon.1,ickets, or inftrmation, W. A. NEADS, Agent. Bowroanville, .Tune 9th, 1871. ...~ : t!-30 W. BUNNEY, ' BUILDER, ETC. hopes, by cout1µued fituct personal attention to busint.ss, aud working at the fiJOet reasonable prices, to cn(llure a, cont1nua11cc:: of J?Ubhc patron· nge W . .B 1s prepared to build houses, etc , on tho tnost inodern style of arch1tecturtl. Joblnn..,. promptly attended to. Plans and S}lec1ficat;o11s got up en apphca.tion, on the 1nost reasonlllile ttirros, ilnJ of every description. Office and Shop, Ontij,r~o Str et't 1 nearly opposite Mr. 'f BowJen'a_. Bow1nanvill~ De~ 24th, 1874. 1J ly. Begs to return thanks to hie friends for tbe attp p..nt be has received the pa.at two years, and LEVI MO:RRIS -GJJJNERAL CON'l'RACTOR' AND BUILDER. --- Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds De 9 rS; r;:g~1 ~~f:; :,nd Win- 0 With or without Oasi11g. With or without Band M av.Ids. Planing, Planing & Matching, sawing and Turning, Ornamental Pickets, in every vai·iety, and Scroll Sawilng, of every description~ · DONE TO ORDER, on th· SHORTEST NOTICE. hopa on Liberty Street. Nortl\ of the Eastern House, Bow1nanv11le. llowmonville, July 9r.n, 1874. 41.tf enlightened advocates, evelt of a good ca.use. rng God of lUJUst1ce. To think of Hun But the very fact that so many of these or the hulk pumshing m·nkmd for what cannot be people havo more zeal than prudence-Oat of this dense iuass of hu111an1ty were avoid~tl l' · more earnestness tban WlSdoir, ought to be continually spung1ng tnto light those gross ' I did not say lL·t, Lucy: I ·aid that· Can be obtained only in these Organs. one 1nducement-and hae certainly been abuses, and eve n those appalling crimes man- that is, here and there, one man an inducement with me- and wtth n1any which help to till t he pago of horror m our could not help himself. But I did not say others, to Join them in the1r arduous "ork Style~, daily papers, and, v.01se ev~n tba,n tlus, to that others could not help h11n. I still say Surely t11e irregular proceed1ugs of some oJ the feeli~gs of one so deeply 1nkre.sted as that the man who bas taken too much . the early standQrd bearers in our own 1 aa Mr. Crawfortl was in tbe ind1v1dual good w1ne, or even too much heer- J"; s, this good well as other churches, ought not for a mo of thooe wh o cam e nurned1ately nu1ler hrn in- beer of my f·ther"s that we see advert1Sed ruent to wt"!igh as an argumen t aga1nst tbe fl.Llt'nce, the rnuks (Jf thrn clai;is w.;re contin· m gilt letters above all che beer-shops be· CHAPTER VII. faith winch they struggled, sometimes by uall y recf't v1ng accees1ons fl on1 those who tween this place and London-I say that mistaken rne·ns, to uphold. Rather let us rEnrLEXITY IN THE HALL -11 fell away fro m ie·pectab1hty tbrough habit· "pen he has taken loo """" of that, be thank them that they fought the battle st 'You I' Mr Crawfoid, up to this perwd of 111s of 1nten1perance contracted 1n ntaturer cannot stop-he mu~t go on. l lie wants tts beat, and help to win for us clear stand- hfe, had been Ro deeply involved in thP ' Yes. And I would myself try to per· veara. sum~ thin g stronger then ; and after beer he ing ground on "htch to build our 111st1tu- great business transactions of Jns extensive euade cousin Charles to do the same, And I must have brandy' Many boys au<l gnla fro1n the Sunday t1ona with security and hen or.' brewery, as scarcely to have bad leisure for there is Mr. Hendon, al'.11 uncle Ohver, if 'B·t why do" be take too much 1' ' Besides all other ol~ect1ons, ' said Lticy, personal acquaintance with. the actual stat~ School we1e ('.a,u i:;es of trouhl~ 1n th1s "'fi)" they knew how much depended upon their 'Sunply fur th1 s reaeon-that no one yet Lucy was astonished beyond 1neasurc, tbnt 'there are such strange people mixe-:l with ot the people around H 1s le1surt, 1f he I· has ever been able to tell us exactly what is dQing so--' some who appeared to be "ell grouudcd in ,_ temperance 1natters,-qu1te 1rrehgions, could be s:nd to have had any, was abao1·bed Aqents Wan tea in Evei y Oounty. Send frrr Price List 'Not one oftbetn \\"Oul.i do such a thing, One heatl 1,;1JU by nature bt ar scflptural knowledge should actually be too much ~hocking people, I understand.' by pubhc mcetrng" and pubhc claims of a seen 1ntoxicuted How cou!<l it he 1 P er- ha.If-a-dozen glasses, one on1) three; while behove me, Lucy. They all thrnk as you Address DOMINION. ORGAN 00., BOWMANVILLE ONT. '.Ar.other inducement, ~11se Orawtoro, r·hgwus and ph1Janthrop1c nature. To all A..nd if you begin to tb~rt are heads-and I nui efr111d mine is thought yesterday. plexed, and half i:nd1gn nu t, she took the has forcibly presented itself to me in that Rice & Barker, Agent8 (01· the Counties of Durhani, Victoria, and Nor{h although I consider the fact itself to have tb~se his attention wa~ liberal and unr~rnlt· history of all such C'lSCA to h"r fath er, and one- that are scarcely aaf~ y;1th one. I tell thtuk d1fft"rt-ntly now, I am not gOJng to ting ; and he often gave the more largely, WR.~ gn~ved to sec th e deep eorrow w h1ch you honestly, Lucy, I am not qu1te tb e txpoae my shame by talking to the1n, as [ and South Ontarw. been greatly exaggerated. Why, I have Bowme.nv1Ue, Dec 2let, · 1875. because, as he .!!atd, be bad no time to spa.re Be~ndes, Lucy, sa.1De person after I have bad ono good have been talking to you asked ID)Belf, should we leave any good for lhe detruls of good wo1k. Thus ht· her narratives cauee<l. But still she told there is another tb1ug to be con~udcred.' glags of my fa.th et 'a strong ale, that I was htm all What else could ·Le do 1 The thing unshared in by Ohr1::itianf'I., because feehuga, naturally senr:it1ve to the pain ex.' What ts that I' fa.ct was so perplexing. Lucy took up the before.' men not Christians themscl ves have been 1 cited by every spectacle of human misery' case oi many of the drunken parents who 'I don't want to leave it oJf.' How so J' the first to see that it was good 1 God grant and apt to be cust down by dlSappomlwent, could not clothe th eir cb1ldreu well enough 'Henry l' 1 A desire h~ creat+>d with1n me for somethat I may ever be willmg to be even the escaped much of the sutfer111g unavoidable for them to go to school, clothrng them ' I don't. And 1'0 one shall make me do thing more. I am Just rather sleepy-rath. last, the lea.et, the lowest-a very fool in the to a personal investigation of the abodes of herself nga.1n and o.ga1n, a nd was again more so against my 1ncl1nation ' er stup1d--ratber-I can't tell what-re r.yes of men, if by any means I n1ay JDlll in poverty and cflme. He hstened to the plat· perplexed by the rapidity with which her ' What will you do, then 1' fr eshed, and ) et not refreshed, I want doing good to my fellow creatures. I have 1 forni elm1uence of those who told only of Rood clotlnng d1··ppe.irerl-'ll exchanged ~1 hy JUst go on as 1 cau, never getting something to e.end me to sleep, or to make not the presumption to suppose that m my the success ot vast public contnbutiona , for drink It \H'\S indeed pe1 plex1ug It much worse I hope . I thrnk I can manage n1e n1ore ahve I "'nnt, in short, e:x.R.ctly own n1div1dual copac1ty I can O\'er rule and that.' but of the actual f1ulure of private and 111· has pu1.zlcd 1Dany deeper tl11nker8 than what good w1ne R:IVes me, or, better still, H.vmg sold out my CABINET& UNDERTAXING BUSHiESS to Mn W P. P·owEll correct what i~ irregular, or, as 3 ou would ' What make· you think so I wo11l~ resp_ectfnlly recommend lllln to tb e Public '\\ho have favored me "Y.1th thtnr patronage Ci:l.ll it, vulgar and absurd, amor1gst the!re dividual <ffort ~e knew very httle. No" Lucy Cra" ford good brandy.' for the is.at Thuty years, as A G enUeman v; ell qual tit- d to meet their wants 1n the above line of. tbe case was widely altered with h1ni-now 1 one doe! not \\ant to be vul gar,you But the case was perplex1ngto Mr Craw'Oh 1 tra.de, a.nd believe that he "ill give the utmost i:;at1dactJ< n to all who favor h1m with their pa.t- zealous 111lvocates of total abstinence ; but I Oh, l-Ien ry ' then if I werb you, I woulJ when he actually 'vent about hue.self, en ford too. He sat alone a nrl pondered in know-not to be dr1Yen out of soc1~ty. ronn.ge, ne-.er lake 1rnytbmg of the kmd at all.' can at least assist in doing 00 ; and, if others Respectfully yours, deavoring to no good -now also when he deep n1ed1tat1on upon Llns d1tticult subject There is a hmit which every gentleman m my station of hfe would do the same-lf 'Why, Lucy! who would have eipected R. S. MANNING. began to look more calmly, as \\·ell as more H1a sensitive rn1ntl sotnetuuea suggested t'Uch .-1.d vice fro1n you-you who have been would observe for h1s own sake.' kmdly-d1sposed,refined, and educated ladla mmutely, upon the moial aspect of the that he h1m ~ell mi ght be rn lnult-that ' Do they all observe that hmit, Henry 7' abusing A-fr Gordon, and h1a crotch~t a.bout !1.8 well as ~entlemen--,, ' :Kot exaclly. But I shall, of course." 1 ' Oh ! Mr. Gor<lon, interrupted Lucy, for scene around him, to meditate 1nore fre- po·s1bly he did not no enough-was not tetnpcrance, for tbc last haU-hour 1' 1 And your soul, Henry 1, her feelings revolted from the idea that she <1uently in the retirement of his own study suthc1ently zealo,1s, and then he laid out 'Still I th111 k, if it be true as you tell me, or in hie private walks, he found that the iot luruself u1ore \\ erk , or that possibly he Henry-only 1t can't be true-the thtng should ever lend her influence to such n Henry shrugged hlB shoulders. Always an1ount of peace atld satlsfllct1on which 11e did not gtvc np enough. Ah 1 that was a volatile, he had grown tued of the snhJect. cause- ' ) ou do not mean to say that ae seemR utte1ly 1mpoaeible to me· It was never a pleasant one to him And Christiana we ought so far to deviate from bad expected from a hie of com,arstive let· searching question; yet \\l1ere should lie 'It is true-, Lucy, as hfe ancl death are sure, \\RS not exactly falhng to hrn share. begin, or what real good could rsult from yet with a strange contrll.dictJou 1nc1dental the express rcqummente of the gospel, as He had, in fact, a bette1 opportunity now self-imposed renuuc1at1on or such \\ orldly true. I should never have bren convinced to cases hke his, he would ente1 upon xt H~·lng bought out the to set up a means which is not so much ae You than ever before for making obser' ations goods as a k1ud P10\·1dence had blcsstd him of thlB, but for a follo\V of our set. mentioned in the word of God.' IL is of no use talkmg eouietuoes qu1te unnecessanly, and entirely upon the actual condillon of the people with 1 Was the temptation actually be· don't know him. 1 ' Perhaps, 'you have never carefully a.bout h1m-1t makes n1e misera.ble--onr ot of his own accord ; and stranger sulJ, hls consideted how many excellent and truly around Lhu, and that, aa a whole, was far setting bun, to adopt th e views of the Ro. the fin est 1nen you ever saw, and the hest- a1s.te1 Lucy was now iuost freqi1ently the uf MR R. S ?v!ANNING, and which I purpose carrying on at the rn1i:;h Church, and of those who had fallen Chnstiaa 1nsl1tuhons would have to be from bemg wh ..t he had expected. hearted too Nothing short of a. miracl~ one, into whoae wond ering ear he poured given up in carrying out to \.he letter this Ae usual under such circumstance~, where under s1n111ar Jallucics l Ile 1.u11-.t be on could save bun now, Oh, Lucy ! yon don't out theae outbursts of teehng ; perhaps se~ id ea of JOUr9, Even our hospitals for the the lead mg man of the place is a Ch risuan his guard that w11y. know what 1s in this r:.trange world of our!. lect1ng her, because she was ln reahty the Mr C1awford, was iudC'ed sore ly perplex I beg to say tha.t I will P.Ddea.vor to kP.ep e'\itlr> t.h111g uu hat1d t]·at 1s n~eded in the Furniture sick wou ld scarcely stanJ. ~.\.nd l am moro in the highest sense of the word, there were You <lou't know bow old I have gro\\n 1u a pe1aon Who knew least about the natu1e ur Line IIa.v1ng hc".d. 'l'EN YEAES experience 1n the 13owmanv1lle Furn1tpre Factory, a_pd beed ; and often ns lns 1u1nd hecatne distract· 'dispos ed than) ou would perhaps tbrnk re·· families around }..Ir. Crawford's ree1d~uce, ing appointed Agent to seU fo:r the Company in ~ov.manville 1 the Public ·~an depend upon get· short time, nor how w1serable I am so1ne .. the etrength of tho temptation under which be lnbot<d . · ting the .. sonable, to class this temperance plan of who took to some extent the tone ot his ed with these tboughte, he hatl recoun:1e to times, though I seem so me1ry.' ours with ho·pitals and other institutions character ; and others of a different grade prayer-deep earnest prayer, that if anyHitherto, there hnd doubtless be;;;-a 1 V\.'ould it inake you happier, Henry, tf BEST FURNITURE IN THE PROVINCE, tor rest01ing both body ond wind to health. "ho were benefieially influenced by thea thing was wrongly kept back on Lrn part kind of secret p;atrnfactien produced in you left off taking wine and even beer 1' 1 at ModtJrate ra-tee, by giving me a call I intend to SELL FOR CASH, malung but Sm·ll I look upon the pledge as nothing wore dependence upon his support for the c·rry. which onght to be rendered up, or if there 'You talk nonsense now, Lucy. Why, Henry's mind by tbe strong cxpress1ons ' l:'rofits. " than a moral obligal1011 to enforce a par- tng out of many useful measures, calculatt:d "as u.ny self-denial or sacrifice which he how could 11 p.,ople would thmk rue mud h1a sister URed when speaking agt1Jnst that could practise, so aH to lessen the amonnt of REPAIRING OF 'ALL KINDS DONE, AND CHARGES MODERATE. ticular krnd of regimen calculated to cure a to benefit themselves and others. There s1n an d misery a1ou11d hin1, be might be Not a soul \\'ould stand by me. Even wy system of total abstlnt::nce which he was alterrible diseaee, and very much like the were aged people who might have furnished father "ould think I liad lost my ··nses ; ways the first to r1d1cule, and the last to promise of the patient to his ductor or h1s t:-xnmples of simple worth, es valuable as clenrly shown wbo.t 1t was h1s duty to do and you-why you have been calling the wieb to adopt. But now that Lucy had, On the evening of one Saturday, lute In nurse, that he \\ 1ll not eat ot something could perhaps have been found in any rural BOVG~T to~al a bsta1neis wicked, ndiculon~, 'ulgar, though all unconsmoualy to he1self, spuke n ,, r which would be sure to brmg back agam d1strict ; and there were amongst the class the surntner, 1lr. Crnwford had been more conte01ptible' My father a brewer too 1 iu the very language of the temperan ce adfrom the celebrated Messrs. Armattong'e, of Guelph, I am prepared to furnish Funerals with the symptom· of a malady from the misery of honest workmen, .Pnd i:espccta blc ft nu1le than usually drntressed by learnrng that bis an outfit unsurpassed in any City in the Prov1ace. fhe thing 1s out of reason-iuipossible ; t"Ocate, urging upon her brother then own and fatal tendency of which he is but just servant·, those v; ho owed much to the in- former servant James \Valker had fallen and to me perhaps more impossible than to best arguments as h1s certain n1ea11s of eeI keep on hand, a. Splendid lQt of Coffin11, Shrouds, etc., which< an be isent out upon one escaping. Nor do I, as you appear to think, fluence of the fam1Jy at the Hall, and who into habits {lf frequent intemperance, and others. I never had much strength ol char· eape from misery, au<l perheps from shame hour's notice, at auy tnne, thua meeting the want that emergencies sometnnes cause to a.rise, m lap aside niy Bible in do10g this. VI e have were not likely to forget that rnfluence rn that the public house over which he pre8ld· the country. acter, and certninly I have not enough for aI.td ruin, the case was wid ely alterrd, and the highest authonly for believing that the after years. A rehg10ua hfe and character etl. was consequcntl) lo s1u~ its good natne. -yours, etc., this, to deny myself \he thrng I hke, the Henry began to be vexe<l with himself that cure, ~ven or bodily diaeasee:, atid especially makmg it·elf felt b) others th1ough chan- Ellen Walker, the people s.ud, bad grown thing tbat seems to do me infinite good for he had by h18 coufident1·l way of talkrng, W. P. PROWER. those of our poorer friends and -ne1gl1 bor".!,1s nels of beart-wartu benevolence, will al waj a nrttable, cnr~l esa about pl~a"111g heI custon1Bowman ville Sept. 4Jtb. 1870. the tmie, the thing that all the good people given his sister tlns weapon of d1.:fence. Sbe had offended sowe, and hatl a.nM a 'York of benevolence well worthy oi Chris be attended hy such fruits; the only ques- ers [ know indulge in, and call it good,-to Hei did not at present wish to be defeuded, tian care and effort. We have the highest tion arising out of the suhJect under iuane- no.red others, by scolding htr husband in d eny mysel f this, when everybody else is and tht!re is no k1ndness Jess acce?Jtable autbonty also for behevmg thal l"oral diate con~;ideration is, why, where the good their presence. Altogether, it was sa1d th e takmg it, when I see it taken at all pleasant than that which would snatch us fi~m au pl11ce v:as not what it used to Ue, awl if the weans of doh·g good may be owned and is eo genuine, are tbofle fr111ts not more abun· enemy wholl. Jt is our pl easure still to con .. Walkers d1d not 1n111d wLat they were ana social t1rr1es Uy the best of people, and bleo0<d of Him who ie the source of all dant? sider !\S a Jnend. when, as I said before, the thing itself, unnl:>out, tbey "'ould soon hnve very I~w cas· good ; else why those many d1rect1ons of N otwitLstandmg these rnstances of en tomera ]eft. A Lrew er on the other side of der one forn1 or another, is blazoned forth (To be Conti.med) the apostles for the order and disciphue of couragemeltt, amongst the numerous popu- the county had set up 11 rnuch n1o:re respect· with my fatbet'd Irn.rne attached to it over the Churches-why that most benevolent lation in the neighborhood of the brewery, able house scarcely half -a mile distant on all thosl:l houses where men sit and drink About Hating outb~ret of feelrng from hie own ardent an<1 the ma·· of the people remained but little the same roa<l, and 'it wo:i.s wonderful bow the mon ey away that should clothe anrl dtvoled soul, whea he declared that if af!eoted by the influence of the Crawford teed tlunr wives alld children, where th; Hate not. It is not worth wbile Your meat should cause his brother to offend, family. Betwixt them and the Hall there comfortablP things were there.' people SY.. ear, and quarrel, and plot misOn th e Sunday aJte1 this 1nfor mallou, hfe JS not long enough to make it pay to he w~uld cat no more while the world seen1ed to be a wide separation which no cluef Oh, Lucy ! what incona1stency is ehould stand 1 When yon thrnk of us kindnes· could effectually obviate. It '" with much more of a eiin1la r k111U,w h1ch had heie 1 I decfare to you that I have learned chert::,h ill will or hard thoughts towardr, heen com1uuu1cated by a Scupture reader, any one. What if this man ha· cheated poor but zealous workers in the temper· true, these people were re·dy enough to ask who, though a worthy man, had ~ shgbt almost to blush when I see the name of you or that woman played ) ou lulsc 1ance cause, I 'vould aek you also to think asSJslance of the family when they fell into Crawford on tho~e sign-boards, know1ug tende:icy to goesip, M1. Ora wiord ret1rE<l, as What if this fnend has lorsnken you m of this noble declaration of the apostle absolute want, as was frequently the case ; was his custom, to a beautif ul Rummer- what I do ot the srn aud the misery res nit· your hme of need., or that one, having wu11 has decided to go out of the Drrn ~l~~ds business, and will eommence Paul.' or when they wanted a good word spoken bouse situated in a sec1u<led part of hls ing from strong drink.' 'If,' observed Lucy, with some eageryour utmost confidence, your war1uest lo:vc, to help a son or a husband 'ont of trouble;' grounds. Here in summer weuther he v;as 'Henry,' said Lucy, after a few moments ness, 'you appeal to "Scripture for argubut otherwise they shunned all intercourse accustomed to read aud tluuk; and here he of thoughtful silence, 'do leave it off al~ has concluded that be prefers to consider and ments on ~our side, you must not forget treat you as a stranger 1 Let it all pa"l with them e>:eept in lbe way of thooe paa· was se!lted Jn profound meditation, when together .' that the bighest authtnty of all is strongWhat difference will h make to you ma few 1 sing civihtie·, which they were ready 'I cannot, Lucy.' the sound of approaching footsteps reached of~ ly and praet1cally opposed to you.' yeara, when you go hence to the und1scover· o enough to render, as if to ward off all ten· his ear. 'Why-1' The Sprmg Importations only having been completed a few weeks, the ' In what inste.nce 1' ed country 1 All who ill treat vou now will dency to taultfin.Jing. They did not wish, Looking from the small ivy-wreathed 'That never·to·he-torgotten ioatanceS tc;; 1s very large and well assorted. As it must be soii within a ' Because I hko it. It keep· my ·1>rnls be more sorry for it theo than ) ou, even 111 the marriage in Cana, wbe!l the SavJour as they oftill said, to have their aff·irs pried window by his side, Mr. Crawford saw· that up, and makes me cot,V and comfortable. your deepest d18appointment and grief, can given time, himself gave his owe go.riction to the law- mto. In reality they did not wish to hwe his daughter, leaning on her brother Henry'a All the men I care anythmg about hke it. be. A few more ~mt!ea.a Jew more pleasures, their conduct so far brought Into notice as arm, was loitering about the grJu:lds; and lb belongo to good fellow·hip, and pleasant much pain, a httle luuger ht.trrying und fulness of what you r·ject, by turnrng the :-Under Cash; over Four montlts \\aler into wine. This nnracle, anJ. all to subject them to the reproof which they not wISh1ng to be interru ptcd, he silently meetu1gs, and all that sort of thing. No, worrying through the world, ·ome hasty were conSCious of deserving, or to advice allowed them to pass on. Credit on app1·0"1;ad notes, They soon re· no, Lucy, you de mdeed talk non·ense now : greetings and abrupt farewell·, and nnr its attendant circumstances, remain and which they had no inclination to adopt. . The Tailoring tn Order· d Work, will be continued as usual, during the Sale turned, and, na the d(ty ·was warm 1 and sun .. because you recommend what is 11?lposs1ble play will be" plnyed out," the lDJured will muat remain for ever aga1nst yon--eve11 It wae precisely th10 portion of the com.· ny, seated themselves on a rusllc bench, to me F. F. McARTHUR. against the moral on which you dwell ·o Bot mind you, I don't call it ul- be Jed away and exe long forgotteD . lo it Bowm"nvi "lle :May, 1876. munity which Mr. Crawford ·pent !us most wh1ch ~as shaded by the wide low thatch together nonsense. I wi·h from my heart I worthy to hate each other? much.' " ·1 ·~ ' '-' ' All the Late Improvements Twent):-F.i.ve Different for the Parlor and the Church, the Best ·Mat~rial and 'Vorkmansbip. .Q1iality and Volun1e of tone Unequalled. PRICES $50 TO $1,000. "Pardon me, if I cannot eee-thte mnacle as you do. I thmk the moral of that beau tiful narrative wwi on the sitlt! of innocent t'loc1al enJoyment, and tbat we are left as much at liberty to leave off drinkmg wine, and all such thing·, when, in any particular part of the world, or in any community, we believe them to have become inJurious, !ls we are to reject fish, or even bread, altho' both were the subjects of the same miracu lous influence. I trnst I speak with all rev· erence, and not without n1odeety, when I say that to my own mind it appears mr.n1 fest that the instruction and even direct practical teachmg of the Saviour while Qn earth, had to do expresaly with principles, leaving us to make apphcation o! thew to such circumstance· as we i;mght be placed m. Thue, I hove learned to consider the drinkmg of wi11e, and other things or that kind, an evil only where the drinking of them is carried to excess, and consequently has become a wide-spread and dest1uctive source of came. With l!uch views, it appears to me an absurd, M "'ell as an qufa1r argument, to adduce thJS act ot the Saviour'· as a prool of his express eauctton to the drinking of wi:ie under all circumsta.ucee No senBlble person, I should auppo·e, wou ld quote in the sa111e way bis sanction to the d1sc1ples pluckrng the cars of corn ns they passed through the fields. Supposrng that such destruction, or tather such appropriation, of corn had bl"'come a national s1n "1th us, should we not all revolt from the idea of arguing fro1n such a passage of Scripture, thatit ought not lo be preve11ted by any lt::gal, OJ' ev~u . moral lnstrumentality 1 'But I wear} you, ~hes Crawtord In· deed, I had no idea ot intruding upon yon in this manner. Pray forglve me, rem embering bow pair:ful it is to be m1sunder stood by those whose good opin10n it wou ld be a high privilege to enJoy.' Lucy Crawford was A1lent Her mind was 6lled wllh many thoughts-so many that she forgot, on reaching her fath er's door, to ask ber companion to walk 10 j bu t, shflk111g hands v.1tb him e. httle more cor· diall,v ll au she had ever doue before, she perm1ttu. l lnm to return without unother word. For them especially he thought, and planned, and prayed. For t hem he tned al the wost popular devices for enticing tbe1 people away from the pubhc-house. Yes. he who supphed the !,ser, tried earnestly to get the n1ost ignorant and be1Sotted for his neig hbors a'\\ay Iroiu the places which h'e bad himself estabhabed !or the purpose of drinking 1t; but in vain They hk£:d his beer better thau lns good advice; and preferred a flnug coiner a t the bar, with the eon~s and th e gG"81p to \\h1ch they were accu~tom ed there, to Any of tbo1:1e intellect· ual advantagee:, to wlueb they were so hberally rnHted. Io short, they hke the exctlemcnt of the be·r-the first ·!age of that pleasant an1mRl et:1Joyn1ent which it afforded ; nnd then they li ked the dreamy Jan· gu0r which sui.:cee<led, and the careless Jn· difference tbus 1nduced-111d1fference as to whether aged pn.rents, or wives and children, were starving at home, and w beth er they could uny of them have a moutLfol of food on the comi~g day. Tbe hnc ot den1a1cation which separaled these 1Jeople from the rel 1g1ous portion of tbe commuotly re-rna1ned fix ed They seldo1n 1f ever 11.ttended a place .of worsh1p,and for them the lect u1 e- room had no attractions. It waei not the dr1nku1g nlon e, hut its degrading couseq uences, wh tch placed them alwost beyond th e reach of huwan help. In rnany cases the wife or the motL~r was no less intem perate tl.Jan th~ husUa1.1d. In other$, the wil e was n102t to blan1e. Oh1ld~ ren \' ithout shoet?, and clot hes 1u rage., "ere .!leen about their doors There was no mon ey Jett frotn the beet to pay 1or theu schoo1,ng,aod no desire to have them taught The daughters uual.;i le Lu huJ.11n~ respc ct,1ble s1tu9.t1on grew up to shcune and m1stry, th1:1 sons to take their turn at the tread-wheel, of the summer-house. They were not very near; yet, from the windo\ls being open, Mr. Crawford could diotinctly heax their conversation, if he wished to do so ; but such \VB.S the affectionate and unrestre.1ned intercourse of the family in general, that it never occurred to the fathe· to warn his children thu.t he was near enongh to bear what tbey nngbt ··y. Indeed. he thought but httle of them at the time. He wa1 buried rn the thoughts of an old writer, whose ideas on the subject of self-renunc1ation at that particular moment fell m straugel y with hlS own ; and he felt only a pleasing sense of com1,a11ionsbip 1n having his clnldren ao near him without berng obtrusively near. He had been accu1::1ton1ed to thmk aloud with tlrem, to talk, and to read with them, on a]most all aUbJecta nearest hta heart ; and if he had not coms1 dered them likely to be repelled by the quarnt style ot the o!U wnter whose worko he was perusing, he would most probably have called them in to share what he was himself enJoying. In this manner some minutes elapsed, when it seemed to Mr. Cray.ford, that his dau6hter'!l voice l\as unusually loud, and argumentative. \Vhat could that earnest cunversat1on be about 1 Lucy persisted 1n same assertion she was making, and Henry was equally pers1atent in assuring her that she knew nothing about the matter whatever. 'But I do know/ said Lucy, becoming more senous. 1 I know that no one is compelled to do what ,_. wrong' 'Aud I know,' replied Henry, 'that in that pi:trt1cular way a man cannot help hint· self-soma men at least can't,' 'Oh, Henry 11 excl111mcd Lucy i 'do you know what you are s,:Ly1ng 1 Yon are aecus· had never tasted either wine or beer since the day I was born It would have been very chff~rent with me then.' 'Aud yet, denr fienry, I cannot quite perceive the di:fficulty, when you eee the tbiug to be l\·rong, i eally wrong, for you.1 ' Is all virtue easy then, Lucy 1 I tell you, my good sister, you are a very child. You do not know what i~ 1n the world, you do not know even whnt is in human nature. How should auy one hke you understand tbe burning de1nre ot the drunkard for that which he ~till knows to be de·troyrng him, body and soul How should } ou uudersta.nd that with this desire, with ever so little of 11, even so httle as I myoel! bad a year ago, a man lays ho1d of every excuse for persuadrng Luuself that ne " right in drinking. Even you would have told n1e an hour ago that to leave it off was wrong. And when we hear from the lips of fan women anJ good men exactly what falls in with our own inclinations, where is the resolntion to come froin that 'vould be suffi · c1ent for carrying out this t frnbl e selfdemal, a selt·denial blamed on the one hand, ridiculed on the other ; and su pported and sympathlSed m by none bu t tho·e who1n we are only too ready to despise. B·s1des \\ hich, 1! [ should make the at· tempt one day, I should see ruy lather'· great brewery the next ; and so, Jtnowin~ him to be so good a man, and 1 yet knowing him to be J?Ollrtng gallons, hogsheads, oceano of this tempting drink amongst the people, amongst poc-r, weak, helpless men and women, all anxious to beheve it good, and so lo get as much of it as they cun-all looking up to ou1 family as examples in character nnd conduct, and at the sarue ttroe as fountains of th1~ good drink,-ths rnoment I saw tbrn, an~l tliought abou t it, my reaolut10n would fail. And beyond all else, if I sl>ould leave 1t off, who would stand by me in doing the same I Who wo11ld keep me from embarraeisment when l should be the laughu.g-etock of the company 1 who wou4J cover my "eakness by declar1ng that frolu cb0tce, and not from neces~nty, they were abstu1n1ng 1 No, no; Lucy The ttnng IS 1rnposs1ble fo1 nie " 'Surely aowe of our fri ends and re lations would stand by you, Henry. Why,! would, for oue.' Factory and Warerooms, Oor. Temperance and Wellington Streets, Bowmanui!le. · 1 r CHANGE OF BUSINESS! CABINET BUSINESS Old Stand, King Street Bowmanville, B.A.VING A NEW BEA.BllE, FROM RE TI RI ~T G r:I..,HE To be Sold without Reserve, at less than Wholesale Prices. $20,000 WORTH OF GOODS CONTEST! F. McARTHUR ,h of .114ty, 1875, 20 A Grand Oiearineo Sale his Entire Stock:. A. T:rem.endous Beduo'tion. W'ill be made. TERMS OF SALE $50, $50, l '