THE MERCHANT, l<'RIPAY MARCH 3, 1876 POETRY LOSSES. A Connubial Oontroveny. Tlie bolt 10 I the bacl< door had needed re ' placing f'or a long tune, but 1t was the other U~on t.he whit1J sea aand There ~a.t a. p1Igr1m band Tellwg the lol'!se11 that their h Vl!IS had kno ivn, \Vlnle 6\ en1ng wa.ned a.wa.y From breezy cliff and bey, And the strong tules went out with a. \\ eary One spa.ko w1t~ qu1ver1ni;r hp Of a f1nr freighted sh1p, 'V1th a.ll his hou!!ehol 1 ·o the <leap lu\{1 goue down But one ha..:1 w1lde1 woe, For a fair fe.ce long a.;o, Los.t lD the d& kest depths of a. grea.t town There were some who motuned the11 youth With n most loving truth, J'or 1tiio bra\Te hopes and 1nemones e~ ct green And one upon the We&t, Turned ~tn eye that \vould not rest, Ji rom flll' off l1 1 1ls whe1-eou ~ts Joya had been &rue talk of .,:a1ushe go] 11 n1oan Some of proud honor.e tol<l Borne i.pake o( fr1ende thll.t~ere then· trust no more, And one of a. green gra;i;c, Be8lde 11, foreign wnve, 'l hat makes hnn a1t so lonely on the 1hore But when thc nr taJes ""ere done, '1 here .spake ainoug them one, A stranger, seeming from all eorrow f1 oe. 1 Sad losses ha.\ e ye met, But uune is hea\ ter yet 1' or a. belie\ nig he.i.1 t gone f101n ins ntgbt that Mr Throctop hud the presence of 011nd to buy a new one and take it home After supper he hunted up his tools, removed the old bolt and measured the loca hon tor the new one He must. bore son1e new hol~s, and Mrs Thr ctob 1iehrd him roamn1,g about the kitchen ana \\OOdshcd, olamml,Dg dool'll, pu !ling out dra-Wers and k1ck1ng the furniture about She went to the bead o! the stam a11d called down I FARM AND HOUSEHOLD 'Richard, <lo you wantnn.} tlung 1 'Yes, I do" he yelled back 'I want to Beat Food for Swme know where 1n Texas i,s that cork~cre'v ' · 'Oorkscrew, Richard ?1 " ' hat would be cons1de1 ed the beet food for 'Yes, corkscrew, Richard t I've looked sv.1ne 1n summer v. ould not answer the S9.1n~ pu1pooa in \V1ute1 In euuurwi, such food the hou~e o\er and can't f1nU it 1 sh9uld be given as would kt-ep thq arurna.l 111 an 'Wh), "e never had one, H.1chard r 'Didn't, eh I We V<! had a do,.;en at 'em 11nprov1ng condition and would cau~e it to lay on a little fat but not so much ~ Lo ca.nse it to in the iast two years, and I bought one not "'" suffer frorn the heat f\S a tat porker undonbt four\\eeks ago !ts alwa\S the \Vay \\hen edlydoes Cooling- foodlj, 1uch u.s plenty of 1 waut anything' J'OUng clover an<l bran and nnddluiJS is what 'Bnt you rr1ust be Ot)t of your p.ead, bu.:J we w:ie much of, notiorgettlng t-o give regulat band, she ea1d as !he <lescended the sta1ra and abundant supplu:is of fresh cool watc1 In 'We've kept house seven years, and I never putting up B\\me fo1 exb1bihon purposes we re1:neniber of seeing you bring a corkacrew have trioi.1.JnauJ d1fft1rent k;1nds of food for tho "Excueo us, Harry, will you, please I' said a dear ltttle mamma the otber day to her fi>e year old sou Master Harry took longer to finish hts dinner than the rest ot us did It was reqmred of b1m to say 1 E~cuse me, if be left the table first, aTJ.d his mother thought it only pohte to show bun the same attention There is n1ore in thrn rac1promty than appears at first The only \\ay to teach htt1e iolks pohteaess lb t~ be al" ays and lllrnnahly polite to them l I~ Pays r I t Pays ! I ijO W FOR 'IHE , CRE~T CENHNNIA THE HARVEST IS GOOD' PROSPERITY ABOUt>IDS 1 WHAT PAYM? TIMES ARE EASY I AND ::-row Jfj THE TIME IO 8UB8ClUBE 'FOR - GO TO THOMAS :B.A.'r~ING'S DENT=l MOORES HUHAL NEW YOHKlilH, I · 'l PAYS every ~Iuuuf tcturer,!\feLcha.Tot Me char.tic In\ e1)t01 l ~t'.lner, or Profe11i::;1onal n1a.u to keep inforru..:d in all the unpro\ ement.111 a.ud d1scl)vertea of the age 11 }'A YS the hea.d of eyery fruruly to 1ntL duco Jnto 1ns ho11sehold a ue\' spa.Pl:lt that 18 ll atiuctne, one t hat fosters u tatte fo1 invest1ga.t1on and p1;ou1ote~ LI ou 0 ht 11,nd enCtlurage~ dU1cuss1on among the members rill ant.Al ILLUSTR.o\.TD Ag1 toultural and Fn.tn1ly \Veekly If You Want · · 'Ob. '\es I'1u out of rur head I am he getheri one tlur<l of the fo1mer by measure, to grumbled, us he pulled out the sewuig m~· two thirds pf the lnttei One of the best ways ' .; 1 ' h.ome ' fall exh1b1t1om1, but have found nono so destra ble as a slop made of corn and oats ground to chine drawer and turned over its contents 'Perbaru1 I'd better go tot h e l uuat1c O.$~ I um .r;r1Kht away ' ' Well, Richard, I know tllat I havo never ., Alas ' t.heaf pilgrims said ' een n corkscrew in this house · 11 or tbo hv1ng and the deaJ, " For fortune l!I erueltj, for love a sure ct'088, 1Then you are as bltud as an OY. l 1n ilav ~ For the "reeks o[ land ana aea, light., ior I've bought five.: or six. The But howevf!r 1t came to theehouse 18 al ways u ps1de dow a, anv how 1 and 'l hlne stranger, ls hfe slut and bt11:n1est loBB.' ~ I never can ti n d any t h 1ag - Londort. Aihrnreuni "fhe house 18 kept as well ae any of f lk k aha ret rted 0 \IOUr 0 s can eep oue ' gro\\tog reel 1n the tace to, it is to scald 1t at 111 ght and feed next mornmg pt1t on t he on 1y enoug h "'atet to thoroughly moist.en it and then cpvei llll the barrel t1ght so it can ateam well, and Jtl; tbc meUow and iuce by mounng If it is found unde;;irableto scald it,n 1oisten the JUass \\lth .wa.Wr and then put in ene ~r more, pans of .sOur m1lk-thick uulk or clabber---to cause to sour .lY the time it is ue:ed \Ve use both or either Jilan and fiud them both good · -4\.s an ordinary summer feed, 've ha~e foun<l this food to ans\'ier alrnost all pu1poses, t11ough "e do not feed 80 high as when feechng the ani h 1nal9 for t:xbib1t 10 n ptu poseti: as ljxperience aH abun(\antl } proved that the bretd tug stock should not be very fat, onh 111 a health) grow ing condition, to insu1 e J1eJllthy o igorous off ll f f th t 1 t 1 spnng le Jl:l use rotn rue { pa c ies, i!Ucli. as toiua.toei-1, cabba~c, etc' conie n1cel) wto play for eumme1 food in connechJn vnth the above slop, i.S do ai)ples "tndfalls, 'it I Crumbs for Chiokens. Id llke my mober here tu show .}OU a Always open to comi~(lon - a thief fe\V things,' he .said, a.a he stretched his neck What 1s nothmg 1-A footless stock. to look on the high sheH 1n the _van try I j I I I mg wlthout a leg ' alle'd boil her R~ectacles w1t h Swrngmg is said by the doctors to ' Do }OU know who ) on are talk IDK to 1 be good exercise for tl1e health, but many a poor "retch has come to his he yelled, as he Jumped down etc-.Anu::i Suantand Poult1yJonr11al 1 death by 1t Yes, I do ' - - - - - - __ ·Well ~ou II be gomg for Yurs: State, 1! Ferns for Adornmg and Beautlfi'!ng "- gentleman \Hshmg not long since you.. don t look out' to ' pop the quest10n,' took up the lad) 's ·i"d hke'to s~t myRelf 1' . the Home cat and ~aid, 'Pussy, may I have your -' Look out, Nancy l hare is no plant that can be so iea<lily us~d 1111stress ?' It was answered by the ' I n1 afraid of no ma.l'l that hve;i, Rtchnr<l f th h r:r bi'!sket or box of gJ as l icly, 'Sa) yes, Pussy' 1 or e anglno 1 tbe potatoes 11ga1n, answered the wife ° Trus Fa.tnous F11;rm anU F11eatde Jl avoi ite w11l celebrate the :t<; n.bonal Centennial by ml'tk tn,5 a better than eve1, MJ.d furnishing its 53 Nu11'1be1s fo1187ti (eaj1 worth the pnce uf a. y early COll)) po~tag-e fl l:le, for two dollars and s1xt) fivu cents ~a.nd lll clubs 1 f ten or more f01 HE SCIEXTilJO AMEl\TCAN, wluch only two, dollnts and fottf five cents lh1s has Ueeu pubh~he l weekl,> £01 the I :t.Elt thn ty un1.keA it the Cli.1:.r.J;pe,tt W akly of its Glass on the y~a1.s dol:ls th1is, t.o an exte nt beJond that of any Cont1nc1 t, >H1 it has long bel:ln the BESr A'"ND uther pubh ca.t1on 1 Jn fact it is the nnlJ weekJ,f WlosT Poi ULAR- n fact, the paper published in tlie United States devoted Wf'\ND\llU lN l'l'S SPl{ ERl: to f\.1anufactures ~feehan1cs InventiouB and New D1scovenes 1n tht i~.rts t.nd Sciences J\:fOORE s RURAL has fo1 th<1 past (luarte1 of Every number is prufuselyillin;hated and ita a Ventury been not on,ly the Sta.nd~ul Author contents en1b ac,;e the latelit an d mof!t lnteLest1ng 1ty on nJ.l branches of .Agncultu1e Hort..tcul infounation 0~1ta1niug tb t)ie Indur.1trial !\ie turc and D<11ncst1c Affairs but a choice Pure ltt:; chan1cal and Sc1cntif1c Progrcs::. ot the \Vorkl, \ud Unexcei l1011able l <\MIL'i }">l\.PEl\ Duscnpt1on "ith Beautiful} ngra\: ings of N l:lW l!'onnder a1 d C1 nducing E1.htor has bail over lnveutious, :New lmpll:l1nents Nen Procctos thu ty yea1 s expcr1ctnce as a.n Agnt.:nltura.l ow1nattv. lle nnd ImproveJ. Jn lu<1tues of i~ll kinds, Usi::ful Jct 1nalist, n.nd Jns associates posse@s ra1 c ab ~'otes Rece1pts t:\ug~est1on!.'l aud AdYicc, by 1bty and ]lrfviieal and sc1ent1fic knowledge. fl11.; aun n1 to1.eude1 the IBsues of th:e RUR \L for Pract1cnl \Vr1tcrs for Workmen o.nd Employ ers mall the va11ons arts fo1 a oomph:Lv J8"'h supenm to thoee of any cthe1 yea1-to make the riaper \\orthy the c01d1al ?1tppo1t of reporto1~ of N~\\ lnvent1ous un<l D1scove1ulS u.U e11 0 agecl lTl l llral pun!U1ts and also an ~ontanung \ weeklJ l ecoH.l not f nly of tbt:: pro g1ess of tlte Indm1tual Arts in our own country, aecer;ta.ble v11:11tor to families in both I own and It c:ompnses fl" er a. dozen d1sL1nct but al.Bo of all _Ne\\ IJt'lcovm 1 es and Jn\ enttj)llf1 Gonntrj in C\ier) brnnch of :Eng1n eenn; 1'-lecbanwi:i, dcµa1trnents - P1act1 cal Sc1ent1tic <tnd Liter iuy besidea )fews the ~iarkcts &c, -all care and Science ab101cl lHJ, 80IBN lH IUAMEIUOA)l li,,.\icon fully and ~bly echted thus gi v1ng a greater vn.r 1ety of useL1l uUornui.t1on and nnscellaneous be foremost of all 1ndustri L} pubhoat1onS fo1 matter interapPraed with illustru.tJ{ Uti tlrnn ~ht:i pa,,t lh1rty Yeats lt is the oldest chettp any othc1 A1nerw1aJ1 JOU! ual Iudet:ld it is est a.nd the h~s.t wetldy illustrattid paper dv TH'l!l PEOPT.E ~ .PAJ;'EJt I vott:d to Eug1nt1dnug .:M.echan1ca, Uheuustry, New Tnventu:ms: Science and Industual Pro And ceitainly best one extant for the liAR gresa 1ml.ih~Qed1n the Wf)rld MF.It ru11.: Ho1ir1cumunrs1 i\"ND J.1ro1ns'l', rHM The flro.ct1cal iece1pts are ' 'vell \\Ort.h ten SToch. Gll.O\\Nlt Tltl< DAUtYM\N' \Nn Hout-1 1~ times t 1a subRcupt1on prwe And for the uh op \\IFE With ' Ecclsw1 for 1til glotious 1 ogreJ;~ and 1'mp1 onn11ent ' 1b1 and house \Vlll s ~ve Dl \.Dy t1n1ea the co~t of sub motto a.ud '11 laudable obJ ecta the 'OLD Run :H purp<>ReA sc11/)t1011 1v e1chants l!~umcus, )..fechrt.111c8 EngnH:!etr:> to inanifcst n101e enterp11<:1.c nrid spint dnnng Inoentors 1 1via1111£1:1.ctutcrs Chem.1stH ]_,o,,:;1s the ensuing- year than r.ver bcf0ro and lH'\nce of Science anil Feople of a11 Professions \Vlll pr~l\e itself in both l:IT'.1:'.LE andco~TElHl:s worthy finJ the Scn:mn r.p .A.fiE:nrc \:.r"usef il to the1n a l arge]y-incrt! LSed N'ahonal cucnlahon Ill at It ahoul<l have a pl i..c~ 1n e\ e1 y F~m lv, J 1buu Y 1t is the .Stndy Office, and C onnting }loom, in ev.ery 'B.l!::s1 11.1..:uu \ND F\:\HLY WJ:U 1 T \ Reading Ro< 1)1 College and .Scnool A n ew t volume cowme~cesJanuaryl5t 1876 Has long been w.;knowledged,a.:ud that it iueuts A yefl..l s nurnbers contain 8J2 pao-es a.ud se\ ~ ).11lhon ofSubscnberf;i 18 no\\ conceded !hose tn a.I Htuuh eJl Eogra v1n...,K... l houHa.uds of \ j,t who know the llunA r will subscr1he f L 1876 umef! are p1e~e1\ed for bull n~ an1l ref(.ne11ce without u1;:n11g, nnd all others are 1nv1tell to r1·m-ms $3 20 a fear by t'i1a1l tnt:lu hug po,/t:p<'l'e send for a.nd ex a.mine apecnI1ent1 wh ich an; lJ1scount to Clubs a.l Clr..:ulars i;,:n711g tn.,.,iled free l Club ru.tes aeht frcu Sin lE: c.:vt ics ma1lefl on FORM 8'r\ LE, TERMS &c l l;lceipt of 10 cents loia.y be had of all !\ ev. 6 Moon& s RuR \.L NB\V Yon1ont c.:onta11is Six Jealeis. · ~ " teen {lun.rto !-'ages \V ckly, finely and pre-fuse A In connection with th1;1 lv Illustrated and neatl) prmt~d Only two .I:}. · Sc1ent1fic An'lerrcan, foJhtrs a'ndSJxt~ fi.\t1 cents per year :tnd t\\O l\Iessrt! l\fl.lun ~Co nre Solicitors of Ameuctl.I'! dollars aud fifteen cents 111 clubs ._,f te11 ot more :11nd Fonngn Pater~ti:I !ind hav" the largeB~ -.:a no!!:to.gc paid Now t.a the tLm~ to Subsc> ibc and tR.bhahm ent Jn tlie World ~Io1e than fifty form Club 11 Greatinducemtntst:> (Jlub !\.gouts thousand o.pphca.t1ontl. } been mo.d~ £01 tspecuu 9ns Pre.1u1u1 n Lista &c Hcotf1ee patents throu 0 h the11 a).i;CUCJ Addrees t T GOtOD !I\ID ()BElP DRY GOODS. OFFJCE oum· MoO. MANCHESTER Sept 2Gth, 1857 HOUSE. Elephant Hou&'\; SOMETHING NE,V' '.!.'HE Important Announcement ! o---- A substitute for Lath & Plaster ! THE PATENT ALUMINOUS and OR· NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPE:& PAPER OIL CLOTH and CARPETING Great ...~ed.uotion, in Dry Goods ! Millinery.Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---oo--- SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. A La,.9e Stock Just Received,-Plai11 and Ornamental, both for Walls and 'loors p rrE i NTS Patoi1ts Models of ~re Throctou A Buffalo man dreamed that he was 'I 11 l""eave Jou' c And Ill la1i1gh tb see you go 1 going over the Falls and he had his wife the fern by the throat when he woke up Next Uo1rigcloseuptoherhe~xtt::ntledhrnlin mght she had a dream, and broke 111s ger, ohook lt to cinpha!iJ:t;f;) Lis worJ.s, and nose as she struck at an Indian slo'1tly said ·Naucy Throcton. l ll apply forud1vorce I he ' leap } ear necktie' for gentle men 1s out We have not ecn 1t, but to 01orro\V I'll tel the JUdge that I k1n<l· suspect 1t 1s a young lady's sleeve,w1th ly and lo> mgly asked you \\'here tho gimlet ,m arm m it, and goes all the way around ,va~, and you said we J net er had one in tLe the neck faery enterpnsmg } oung boutiet which is a bold fallIBhooQ, as I can gentleman should ha; e one prove ' G1n1let,' she g~ncd At the mamage of an Alabama w1d 'Yee, giu1l~t' 011 er one of the servants \\ao asked 1f 1 \Vb}, 1 knovo whete thbre are tI;1ce or h is master would take a bnclal tonr four You !!~1d corkscrew' 'DunDo, sah, 'vhen old n11ssl1s s ahve 'D <l I I he g[, Etttttng Jo\\ n on tLc he took a padd le to her, dunno if he corner of Lle taolt: 1 'well, lJow, I li1.:l1evo 1 take a bndle to de new one or not " He "as a member of the African 'Aa<l you went and abused me hke a church, and after he was scalded to slave because I woulJn t say a gimlet wa~ death by a b01ler explos10n, his be a corkscre v,' she sobbcJ, falling on the 1caved associates erected a tombstone, on "luch "as ch1&lled, ' Sac1 eel to the lounge 'Nancv, he sa.1d, tcndeily htL1ug Lier up memory of ot r steemed fnencl 1 Oh, It1cbard 11 she choktngly answered '1\aocy, 111 go right out doors iud kill Here 1s a sohloquv of a Pans1an 111 ebuate, addressee\ to h1S hat, which had lll)8"lt ' fallen olT It was overheard one night on '.No, JOU needu t--I loye )OU s.t1ll, onl3the lloulcvarcls ' If I p ick you up, I only-you .know a gimlet 1s uot a co1k fall , 1f I fall you "ill not pick me UD- screw ' then l leave you,' and he staggered 'It tun t-1t a1n 1 t 1 N11ucv 1 furgio,n1e and l roucll) a\\ ay lets le ~·ppy Aud that house is so q tnotly bapp) tbat a He entered a cat doo1 \\ hen the biakernan came tn5lde and took a ' ke} cana1y bird \\OUiu srng its be ,J oft Jf hung out of his pocket, unlocked tht stove, up rn the ball 1 put m some wood, and locked the door I .1gam, be asked hnn what he locked the No Time for Anything door tor I be brakemo,n shut his left eye, and s:ucl he locked the door ·o the The great chfficulty in tl11s country ia ~re couldn't go out 1 that we have no tune for auytluug 1,he In one ot the s1 rburban schools a '\ieiy walk of an A.mertca.n su~gest1' that lie teacher ga' c out the word 'psalter' to a 1s1n 1 Lurry Au rnghshDlitll llUltODB , lass m spelling It was a poser to all hta coat and ~loves, and goes to busiuess aa ull it reached the foot of the class, dehberately as he goefl to Cb urch .z\.. 11 1'11en a curly headed httlefellow spelled American business n 11n flies after the car, 1t c01rectly, and bcmg asked to define struggling Vi'.lth his .coat oleeves as he runs, It, shouted out, 'More salt' plunges 111 headforemost, and plunges out ' Ho" much do you ask for that there at the end 111tbout rega1d to ht· neck ;elvet by the rnrd ?' §aid Mrs Rural at C1h1ef among our u.cc1<lents stand thbse <;le\\ a1t s the other clay '1 hat, madam,' which occut beca.usc people will UBOn said the clerk, holding 11 up '$9, for llymg trams and departmg boats To wait merl) sold at $14 ' lhought so,' said ten nnnutes 113 son1eth1ng not to be thou~ht !vf ts Rura1, 'no", '\here's them 1 8 cent of cahcoes I seed .tdvertised in the papers" Dinner is not eaten,1t ~ts swallowed whole , 1 hat was a shrew p. girl, and not de· and when ono comes tot.he dessert he finds 101d of sense etther, "ho remarked, Lba.t the fruit\\ ae picked before it was ripe when other girls were makmg fun of her Everything is hurr1e through, from the short skirts, and affected to he much bu1ldu1g of a house to the cunug of a ham shocked at the exhibiuon thereof at a The wo1neu who work on sewing machines party - ' If you'd only pull up your stop before they come to Llie end of seaw d1esses .tbout the neck, where they 1 be dressmaker Pends borne your dress ought to be, they d be as short as mme I' with be.sting thread§i in lt, and no loopa_:o She "as not troubled ani more hang it up by There 1s none of the slow, eure con1pleteness of the old wo11d about ,\ Jady'Called upon her m1llmer the other day to get the character of her 0.D) thing, and e\ en fortunes are ruade in a servant I be respectable appearance hun:y, and lost u1 the same way If any man we know IR getung l'-lcb by the sl6w of the !atlet was beyond queotlomng acd pat1ent process "'o t sa.v1ng, be sure th-1\t · But 1s she honest I' asked the lad) be was not born upon this cont1n nt _}f'-=L '"I am no\ so certain abo!.lt that,' re peopl~ hve as long here a~ tn ev ao any phecl the milliner, 'I ha\e sent her to where e1se, and the days are the a~nie you "1th my b ill a dozen tunes and she lengtt~ Why is it tbat we have no tune lor an) thmg 1 has ne'er 'et glven me the money 1 'Blarne)-1aH Yankee (Just ;imvecl) - ' Cuess your legal faie 1s JUSt six pence- Dublm · Carman-' Sure, me Lo1d, "c take some Cbape Jacks .it that- but I wouldn't disgrace a gmtlcman av your Lonl<l11p's quality be dnvm hnn at ,1 mane pace tro ugh the public sthrects, so I took upon my self to give your ~ ordsl11p a sh1llm's worth' both av stoy1e an' whtpcarcl' Leap Year ln three years out of every lour, man has the µnv1lege of 0 poppu1i;t the quest1oil, and Lhe annoyance of sometimes having a did ' lhey can be hung or placed any vtbere 1n the sha.dcd nooks br corners of the house anl they c ~tl be rarned "1thout d1ffi. t cti0 ua ate follo\\ed ' cu lty1f tii~ f u11 owin;insvu Go to the \\OOdA a.rul select yont plants (don t get tbcn1ost thnfty), take thl:llll u p \nth as inuch of tne nutne soil a.3 )OU C1on E!ec ne' k b plant them in )dUr ba.'3 ets {1 oxea, uaolg 08 conqlostto pla,nt in 11.bout half decayed !<tump am1ned~l1t'l ndH0.e free A'. S'pbc1al not1co is 01arle1n tho Scwnhtic \me11t::.!Lll of all Inveu I hons P11te11 ..ed through this Agenc} ·y1th th1: n::i.rne and res1denoo of the llatentii! P~tente are ortC:111 Hold in Jn.r~ Ql"~ h :tie. ~ to" pei'6ons " attracted to the in venti 1n oy sue l 11ot1c e S"cnd fc,n Pnu.iphlet e< ntn.11nng fvll dncCt1 n s for ob t111n1ng ]>ti.tents A bound \O ' containll·S' the Plteut I aws Census ·l{ the U S, and 142 :ffingruv;_ngA oi 1uechanic1d 1UO\e1nents Puce2l.IC"nts · Ad lress for tl}.e Pa.pu.r, orc~ncern1n~ PatentH, IvIU't\N & Co S7 Park Row New York Bto'n",nDch OOffice, Cor l & 7th Stij ' 'Vaeh1n g S ubsc.ript 1on b1..keu at Uns Office " obt·med on the best term·, Inventions ·ntl Sketch'!!' i< MOORES RURAL NEW YORKJrn 87 Duane St New York ---- ----~~---- MURDO UH BROS. 1he Paper Oil Uloth and Cs.rpet ng 18 a Cheap and Durable Substitute for Oil Cloth The Chemicals with w1nch the Paper Ill sa.tur ated, render it proof aga.inat Rats, Moths, and M1 . . e BOWrtiAN\{IL~~ Ma.chine a.nd Imp!emont ' , Manufacturing Co i ~ H~vmg dectJcJ to make a change 111 their business, are now selling fo1 CA l:f then Jaige 1tnd well asso1ted Stock of D1y Goods, M11lme1y Clothrng, C1ocke1y and Glasswai:e, Varnish_ Polish ! '! PolU1l1 gives a.1110Bt el~..:..nJ dneH instautanelous1;°l 7;;.. . . . > :Manufaoturer s AT AND BELOW COST! of \VOOD AND IRON f ketping them well\\ a.te1ed, but not ff ~ l. f" j_._, \1 et O~e tasent1al fen.ture is desirable to ill 1776 NEW YORK1 1876 sure EUC<;~SS After you have planted the --,--------~--µl~nt, cut Qff the whQlt of the foliage thtlt lias E1 0 I teen h 11) Ired a n 1 se\ en!y six u; the C1.:11 It \S also the yea.r in wl11ch l\ll grown 1u 1t8 native state, and 1n a few w1.;eks tc1llual yt"'IH Opl)fl 1t1on House of ]{eJHtHeutat1vt:!B, the f 1,,t you w11l get a fo1 &:JC ad<'opted to its loca.t1on suH.1e the "!.\.t \\ill be in poY. e1 at \Vashn1gton, nnl thl.:! yel1 of the tw{utv thntl election of ft P ie i<lenL of the 1) n Lte<l State>i L\11 of tlio:iae e' c 11i~q a,1 c sure to be of ,.r1e lt 1ntci edt tnd 1111 'VHAT I) I N \ S~O'\ }.,L \KE - fu a drop of wa portancv especially the two l ~ttel n1d all of t e1 obta.ine<l f1 olu "' sH1gle snO\\ flake ind ma..,, 1111 l e\. e1,) t}un~ conn( ctod '~1th t heu1 " 1 11 n1fied hve hnn<lred t OH;!S, W'"ere found pteces of then1 be fnll,) and f1eshly1epo1ted and exp)unded ln coal f1a.,,tn en ts of cloth1 gra.1ne of ~taicb sandy the ~lHb niatter ilnd an in1rue118e vauetv ( f otht:r :$ 1 bi; Ol p ieition R vui:;e oJ ,R-.:pt esentatn c1:1 t ta. fr t ment of whidi exceeded in tfl..k1nQ' l-p the lme of n quiry opened j ago 0 ::. ancos no ., h f inch by the So t will ste1 nly and d1 igent 1y 1nvcist1 llrn.n1eter the thre1;1 Lhousa.nut part 0 11,n g::1.l c the con upt1011s a.TI l 1111sde<>ds of Gral1L sad an1l will, it 1s to bq hoperl 1n.y c \RDOLlt AUlfl l OJ{ HUU S E Pr \!' l :S -Se\er1l 1nLn1stp:i..t1on tbe foun 1at1 n fot ri. 1..ew and better pemod in Of atl this the Sun will of xny 111ve gcianiuro~ beg® t) look sickly, and onr n ttiona.l lurstor) ui1on exannnat1on I fo1111rl little worina at the contain con plt te a.ntl accu1 ate :\Ccounts furnrnh 1nJ its 1ta<le~ '"1th euly and trustworthy Ln root" I a(lphed t solution of \\ c~k carbolic fo11nat1 n tlpou t11cse ab~o1 b1nn topll.!H a.cid q .n te fietll;i,. tu t11e ea.tth and fot nd it re~ lhc t\~tmt:'i tlu r l P1esulu Vt.l elechon with tned t he pln.nts to health nnd 'beauty ma \ery the p1tlprt n.t ni:i tor 1t \>;111 Ue memorable ~~ dec.:1 hn 0 111 lO GnLot s aspn a.t1ons for ~ tlu.rd .short tnne It will also lnll hco UJJoll the i:;talks t-.:rm of pO\\ er and p!u11d~ 1 and still inorP us if n.pphed w1th a. ~ Ya\) 01 fc.:ath1;..1 to the plants d~c1dn1g who slia.11 be the c-autl1clate of the party without rn Junni;:: the foliage - Co1rntr11 Ue11tlc of ffifo1m a H.l el t:ct111g that caJHl1date Onn cennng all thu;e subJCCt.'l, those who re:ld the ))U/n S1~n wtll hai;e t ho eonstant means of being A. t rre thm ughl) \\ e1l 111fottre<l 'lo P1u VE:-i1 CLi:u Foot CABD u11~ rh lfe.e/,fu~ttl! w]nc.:hha3attaine<l a CIJCU mMJ. lna.rket ga1 loner 111 P1:mnsyh a.1na in put latitin of over l:lll{ht.y th )usand copies already ting ont lu:i fl)llowed thti Gertua.n cus has its 1 Padi:r~m every Stn.te and Tl:lrntory aud tom of µ1ul<lltng thtl roots of a vart of lus we t1ust th t t th t vein 1877 will see thu1r uu1n plants 1 u a th111 1n1xtun: of cuw manure and bc1s d n1blt:d It will contun1e tu lie a thorough ll{t\\ ~v n.oer au the genc1 al lll;I-\\ s of the day "11Ler Fnc io1vs th 1a tLea.totl entndy escaped will be fclund JH it colldensetl \\ hen un1mport ant at f1 tl\ length'" hP.n of mo111ent, and ;i,l dideal:le, growing pi1 si l:lrously, \'ihtle the re Jna.n1 mg pot ti 1U o( the cr)p outi thonsl\nd fou1 ways u o trust tr£'ated in a cleat:, lnteresttng and tnstrucla\ e 1na.r1ner undred plants, all tl1ocl It is our o.1w to 1nal...e U1l:l JVeehly ~1t1i the l1eat ntw.spapur u1 the wo1ld a.nd ~ha.11 ( n10111t>o l LOORS -A n oaken color can be continue to gn ~ 11i 1t;i, c:oluinn i a. la1ge a1nouut of m1scelltbl eoue re ,ding su h as stones, tales g1ventonewp1naflom-s :u11lt\blcs bywash1np: poems, flc1ent1fic intelliJencc incl aprricultm al the1n iu a i:solut1on of copperas d1sso1ved in 1nformation for whwh \Ve :-ue not able to make strong h ~ L pOllUd o( the form'"r to» gRoUou t f roo1-o 1n o u daih edit on I he a 0 11cnltural de I the litttei ~hen dry Uns should be 01le<l and pa1 tn1e1 t espcc1::i.llJ i"' one of its: prom11 eut fca t will look well for a year l)r two then rcue\\ turcs I he fa shion~ are alsoregulruly rt-port1:1d 1 in 1ts cclumn!! , and so the 1u::t.rket:s of eve11 the oihn kind The lVee/;ly Sun. eight pa .,.e"' ·w ith fifLy six B \tH B1uC:KO - I he celebrated Bath bricks broad colunms is onl). unc dol lar t\\enty conts known 1n almoi!!t e\ ery co1:nmercial mn.rl... et an 1 a y1:1~r postage p1 ep::i.1d As this pncc b a1 t:ly house as 11 bnck dust ' are manufacture:l fro1u repf\yH the cost 11f the pa.per no tl1sconnt c in be the deposits of the n ver l.,arrett, Bridgewater, tnadc fro1n tJns in.ta to club::., ·,,euts, Clf:! oi t\DY JUH Somerset, .EnBla1ul Ae far na known, thHi pc l he DcHl!J Sun, ~ Jar0 e four n cuhark1nd of tlt:!plfnt bas nev~r been found ot twenty eight c.:()hnntui gn:cs n.11 the llt:Wl'I for t-u.:o cent s n copy Subscr1pt1011 p\)stage p1e ~lsewbero pr.. d 55 cts a rr1 lnth or six clo1litrs fifty cents Suncl::i.y ed1tioJ1 extra. ono dollar ten a To ExrERMIN tr~ RATS - l'ake copperae the :.i.vear year We ha,\r;:Do t1a.\elhngag~nts Adlter;s, quantity to <lepcnd upon the number of build rIJJ:, SUN 1\-cw York City pulve11ze it \ury fine, 1ngs 01 places infested and be ~mre and sprinkle som9 in all the butld in a-in a wold ·vhert:!VCr the)' 1.;ong1egatea.n~l in a. fe\'i tl:i.~ 8 3.11 the rat:; will be gone lh1s i;i: very fltmpl':I and 'ery easily tri.od n.nd lrn.$ proved co1nplett:ly auccelil::!ful ' several fame!! at diftl.lrent 1laces N0 1a.t has been s:ef:!n t11rce da.ya after a thorough appbca.tion face a(n or, egetable matte' and half of h"bt oaud~ sur 'J1HE HT,Ti'El'LY su1\T. WORKING MACHINERY Tb, Stock h,t\rng Lcrn pm chased m the BEST MARKETS, buyers can depend on gettmg Nothing e".'er_1iscovered befo1 e toequal this Polish, !'OR FOR MORD .AND BE'J."l'ER GOODS F()R 1'HEJR MONEY Piano Fertes, Clocks, Ruggie<i, Ciitters LEPFEL'S Double Turbine Water Wheels, and ,1t this Estaulslnneut thon rn n.ny other house m the country Picture Frames Sleighs, and all kindB oj Varnished Carriages Call Ea~ ly, and seem e /Jargains, as the whole Stock must be sold or any 1cind of at once, j:Jr CASI-I ONLY. V a1·nisheil Furniture Ca.stings of a.ll Xinds I REPAIRS done on the THE GROCERY ts now 1 DEPARTMENT SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. complete with the ch01cest supply of SIIORTEST :t~OTICE, 'Ye have no,1 on hand a hnge quantity of Ohrist1nas Gootls, Ra isens, Our1~ants, gars, Peels, etc. 7 etc., at all Prices. :EA.RD'WA.ItE ! ueuaJ, a Large Stock on 11an<l of Common and Gang Plows, that -win be s::ikl at LOW PRICES Gtf MURDOCH BROS. Eowmar1\11le, Dee 24th 1874 Hardware, Paints and 01/$_, Stoues and Tinware. / " ---- -- . . -ri1 A.Ii of which will be sold at low figure~ John McLeod &i Co., Wellington Bulldin:;s, Bowma.nvil!e. Auguot 101.h, 1875 "' I AT THE SHOP. Bowmfl.nvi,lle l\iarch187il rl '"e lm'{lenal Fire Insuranr.e Co OF LONDON Established 1803 llJi:AD Qpr~TOE~ - .. BIO- Just Arrived at the 1 Old Broad St , and PallMa.ll J_,on<lon. G.eNKBAL crament ' C}1'C'Y FOR l.Ar<11n.A - 24 St Monti eAl FASHION HOUS:B flplend1d assortment o SubRcrJl ti 1 and 1n·ested Cap1ta.l a.nd Rest"n e Fund .£1.965 000 St.erlmg Funds invested in Canada- 105,00(1 Insurances @;gAmst loss bY, are effetoted Oil most fa, ora.Lle ti>.rms, a.nd lossea pa1d "it'h ont refe1 Ance to tho Iloard 1n Londoo li1JAH NEW MILLINERY. AJ~o a lot of REAL HAIR. FANCY is now xa0 1ng at J DODSWORTH, lnHpector Gen RINTOUL BROS A~enta GOODS, & hfontr(:a. R R LOSCOMBE, Barrister, Agen1 for Bowmanv11le and Vt crn1ty Bowmanv1llo. June 4th. 1860 36 mo 43-3Q 4w TBELEVENS A.lso a large stock of Stamps for Braiding and Em- broidery. :S.ELIANOE Mutual Life Assurance Society FASHIO~.S for Sprmg just to hand ES1'iJBLISHED 1840 c \NADA C1HEF 0Fl!'IOES 131, ST JAMES STREET, MONTllEAL }Jot B;ED FQTh S vr i::r POT\T)ES lhe fol lo> 1ncr plan for ,~ ... \;paring a hot bed is a guud one Dig out a sp ...ce l\S la.rgo as tht1 bed Hl wanted ten inches d ~e p and fill with d~n.y ed leave~ of wood Upon this vut l:lli;ht inches of fresh stn.ble manuie Pound down well, a.nil co' er this \\1th thrl:le 1ncl1es of nc'b, 'vell pnl \ er1zed dirt Let it st::i.nd 1ntil the fh st hea.t pasees off " h1ch perhaps will take a day or two owing to the weather Pit the. sweet potat1.>es on the :.;urface of tb1s layer of dirt and co~er "1th two inchea of soft ohip n1a.1n11e DRESSHA.KJING usual DIRE010RS A~D MRS A FLETCHER MUST BE CONSlfiTING OI W .ALTER SOLD, SHA~LY, Esq Du~cAN ~!ACDO?>; \LIJ MP, Chairmaant Esq prices Bowmn l ville April 7th 1874 ".V( \.JOR I E THE Ho:NOHATI.LE C !\.Ml fJl!LL C B St fl1lal1'e Jou~ HAMILTON Hawk£ "AlCHrS, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, RF.SIDJll'\'l SJ,ORFTARY -,Turns GRANT burg Ont Pl A I LD \\ \RE, E1c -o-- S P ECI AL FEA T U RES. LIVES, DECLINED BY OTHER Co:MFANIBS, Ihe ENTIRE Pll:o.1< ITS belong to and are d1vitl Sterlmg S1lver Spoons, and Pure Gold e<l a1nongst the Policuholderr '-Wedding Rings Straw-Cutters Grain Grinders CALL AND SEE FOB YOURSELVES, A:-!D · GB"· ,uw ArPLE A>Jn1<0,1A -Make a bot ~~a~x:i~t~o~:,f~l:1~1~~\~~~1~th t~i: ~~::~t :~~~ ~: one I p1ain spoken 'No ' for the reply On the p~1t v;ater Spread thin on th e botto1u of an oiled nappy, and p'· eon thrs a layer of cnt ------------B'Y'OS Strowger 'Bowm ~nv1\le A 1 llON BUCKLER dr on . --o- - FEED MILJ.. S, Another car lo&d of the a.hove the v;a.y nobl~ Oct 8th 187 5 which a11 etra Premium would be required caD oe assu1 ed at the ordinary rates of thll'I Society art1de,$ on undt:r a r;.pccvtl arrangement t t~ tourth Jear "'01nan ruay propo~e, ii 1t so pleases her In the event of iefus1ng, the pen alt.}, we believe, liil that the un~all 1n t gentleman shall pre ent the ten<ler dam el On a "et, nuserable, foggy London with a new silk dress There is a reserrn day m autumn, Charles Lamb was ac tion, however, that the right to chum thus costed by a beggar "om an with ' Pray, penalty depends on the circun1stance that, Sir, bestow a little charity upon a poor when she proposed, the damsel \\aB the destitute widow woman "ho ts penshmg wefuer {If a scarlet petticoat, wb1cb \'lr a for lack of tood Believe me, Sir, I little of tbe lo11er porllon of which) she have see11 better days' 'So have I,' must ex.hibtt to the gentleman, the under said Lamb, hanclmg the poor creature stood idea berng that tbe silken aress sh~ll .a sh1llmg- ' so ha' e I It's a miserable cover the petticoat, and thus assuage cl~re clay Good b} e, good b) e ' fem1n1ne 1nd1gnat1ou at the nJecL1on of ller A man who had JUSt been reaclmg Mark l ;'s 'Literary Nightmare, says the Austm, Nev Re-ucille, stepped into a. )..fain street sa]oon tln s forenoon 1nultenng, ' Punch, brothers r punch, with care 1 punch 111 the presence of a passenpre I' when a retired pnze fighter offered hand It 1s stated I that 111 a \\ork ent1tletl. "Uourtahtp, Lole, antl ~Iatr1mon), pub n.pples and a layer of wl1ole giapes -J~a.bcll!ls o1 Cunc.::.>rdsar~ the b<>st-i,.nd a. spnnkhnJ of ~'rEWCASTLE. suga~ if needed, then ba.tter at the s1Jl's1 and .la'! _ a.JU ' a.ter ~Bd gra.JNS, heaping t..bem shghtl) Th n sprea.] as th111ly as possible TJa, ing re mo\ ed to more commodious prcmH:li.ll: the b~tter O\ e l the t op and let it In"et tbe bat IN ter at th1:1 s1clt1 fhls should not come to th~ FOTHERGILL S BLOCK to11 or the dis h at the !31<leo by ueM lJ an inch so th:t-t the Juice VihHh cooks out of the fruit beg to 11\to'l'm the pubhc geueially tho.t their are now enabled. to offer them mav uot run over An ope111ng should be madt:1 with a fork to let it tun back into the fruit Bake on the top first, 111 a .moderate oven, un lll the line of. tll the apples a1 ° done p.a,y frcm forty to n1nety minutes, accol'd1ng to its size lf the c1 uet bake:.; too f tet, co" er it \\1th a. " If hard \Vhen <lone, cover lt closely (but <lo not presg it dov;nl say Wlth a tin runmed cove1, a.n,d let it stand till tender 81:!1 ~ e moderately Y. arm, e1ther ftt>)jh or on the seoon 1 day SPBCI.AT ISON FoFl!lil'aDLll: !>OLIOIES is,,ut:id Please call a.t the Ex:l.1111ne e stock, '\ h1ch comp11~e~ eve t}th1n 0 in Lhe tLade of the very latest and mo3t eleg1~n u nder which only 10 15 or 20 Annu:J Pay styloi; and p ·tLeu1~ of ~n 0 h1;n Oanu.1hwu a.ncl A1nerican 1nanufa.cture B 0 \V MAN VI LL E mcnts are ltrqnD'ed, each payment secunng PolicJ for a sum a.ssurod proporbonato to the ll~ still c,;c ntu1ues to m ~nufacturc to from the best of n1atenal, and none but first ola.e:e Farm Implement Forwardmg .Agency workmen kept R. W JAMES, nnrnbe1 of preuuums paicl 1 ant.lj)eefrom futuM -()vayment of prc1niurr..s IGng St , Bowmanville lrlODER!\.TE 'PnEMIUMB and lUOSt liberal con )~owwau ville, Dec :S, 1872 ulO dit10ne lie has 1u atook a.n endlr;:ss vau1:1ty of LauJc<:1 nn 1 Gents Saia.toga. 'Irunks, Vahset1 1 etc 1 a.11 of ProspectuMes, Proposa.l I 01 rr1s, &c · supphed wb1eh he 1~ sclh ng cheap for cash on a-pplica.tion a.t the Head Office, or any Qf -o-the Agencies Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT" d1awn by Two Horses, Kmg St. -- o ~- BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed 80, HO ----- -·- ----- J A'(ES GR ~NT, Better Inducements Reo Secretary M. TRELEVEN. Do\\ ruu.nv1ile. 1'-.1:.i. 13, 1874 Gentlemen of , Fashion ---NOT SO FAST. I have written these few lines And all I have to say, 1ba.t you can find mo still at hon10 I am -not gone a.\vay , So all my ktnd old fuends Waj' come And all tho young onea too .And get the1r garments nicely m&d!' In fa.sh1ons that new 'Vhere old and ~oung de::.r f1H·r.dnti AG}~N'l' l!OR BOWMA~VILLE, Grocery 23lv cc Ohscrver Office. 'King St 'Howman villa June 24th 1870 0 BARKER, Jam es 1'4cFeeters. AGENT \V( TO 1,I-IE PUBI_j[C. V\TALTER WIGG & SON, N returnu thauks to thuu cui:;lotnerfl and public g,..uera.ll) for fa., I uld in\ite tlieu to our present stock fur111turc as 'c e lately addod tu that \\ e theJ eby be c.:nabled to supply all parties who may to flil.vor t]H~l l ,.., ho \Vas snooz1ng in a corner got up, and accostmg the mgbtmare fellow de manded, ' v\ hose ears are you gomg to punch, ) ou duffer I The other fello\\ med to explam, but the lighter msisted that he (the other fellow) had said ' Punch, brothers pund1 Mth care I punch that big feller square m the ear I' fhe appearance of the police prevented 4}0ntnmely-" bloodshed hsbed m !66(1L ten ) errro before the drntb ol Sbakes):>eare, ia tb1s explaua\100 rega'd mg ladies' pnvtleges lD leap )Car "Albeit it ia uowe become a part of the con1moo !awe, m regard to social relat10ns of ltlo, that as often as everv h1ssext1le .} eo.r doth', t th latlyes have the sole pnvilege r~ urn, e k ' during the tune 1t contiuueth, ot mt lng love unto the men, \vb1cb they rloe, either by words or lookes, as to them 1t seen1ctR pro pet , and, moreover, no rna.n w111 be en titled to the benefit of clergy who doetbe m any wise treat her propo,.I with shght or 'f\'r .l.'1 "lor sh op, ew m .., a,1 ~ IJ Q H N qienced' hus1ness in the tlhop next to the EY preBH Office, one door cast of .T I\iilnc's Ha.' 1ng had several years experience in the trade, h.e hopes to srdt.~fy all who may favor bun with a call 1 LATE \VITII F Y "O\VLF:, bege to i:r._ form the pnbhc geuerall}, that be has com H EA L (AS REGARDS PHIOE ,J; QUAL11 Y) than any other house ln the County J111si11ess, in every instante L NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD JI eight a ·l·l Measure Giim antced Teas a, Speaia,lity. J J D STROWGER STROWGER N ewc··tle,Au~ust 11th 1!874. For tbe follo\\ing Iusurarit.:e Compa.111es, acd otbE1 Instituhons v1z 'lhe QUJ.l..,EN J'ne iJlld Life Iosuranoe Coin p1.1uy Ca.pital.£2 000 000 $100 1 000 deposited with the Dounn1un Government, fo1 the protoc Jets u1 Canada The ISOLA I ~D RISK Fire Insnrauce Com pauy of Ga.pit&! 500 000 -Ono of the beat aud ch~ape:;t Companies doing buau1ess in the Donnn1.0n fo1 Frumel's a.ud Isola.ted Risks The CANADA LAI'\ DED OREDrr 00 y ~"1th \ s~v1ngs ))auk depart1nent ie~pectfull} 10 nuroero111:1 ~t.te11ti1)n th~ o:r~, of n1ay him \nth a oall (Treat 1nclucements hehl uut to thost' p1uchasuig at our eetn.bhshment P1c tn1es, Look111,r GI tsse8 etc fi a111ed to orde1, and 1n every style Sa.nip lea of the d1.ffere11t kuul..oi u ulcun g8 can be -ieeu a.t thu "llt"e iuom 'Ve ,.,ould all!10 beg to inforn1 yon, that. ha\ ng purohnsed ! ha' meet _1\ welcome guetn1g by R PEA'fE Bowmanville, June 19th 1873 SPLENDID NK\V EARSE , I)]< UNIOJ' A:<n PERMAJ'\ ENT Bml<lmg WI;! sl dl be 1 ea<ly at t ll t11n1's to attend fu11e1 als on short notice anJ readotu\ble termsl ?.J' B - C( t611s ..;ept on h::i.nll an<l 1nade to orde1, at the USE THE GOOD FITS GUARANTEED .Bowmn.nville, Sep 4th, 1872 an(l Sa.v1ng s SocJeLy Thef'e latter 1nstltutJons advance I oans 011 R-1 }:;state, on terms unusuallv for the NEW DOMJNJON RETAIL FURNI1'URE WARE-ROOM.j K ng Street East, Oshawa O~hawa Aug 26th 1 1870 for making all k1uds of Oakt>s wit]iout Egge Norwich Egg Powder, borrower BowmainvJlle Fel1 6th, 1873 .. 'Io ht1 had of all Groce1s Ii J \VEERS & Co~ J oronto, sole agente fvr Ontario March 11th, 1875. 24-ly, m49 tf -' /