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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 10 Mar 1876, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, FRI 1 A Y :MARCH 10, 1876 POETRY. Pur Children. BY WlLLiill C 'BftT ANlf Standing forth on life'i!rOugb ""'Y' Fat'far, gul(le them , '~w not what ere long )lay betide them. 'Neath th~ shadow of Thy wing, Father, hide them , 'V .<J:long, sleeping, Lord, we pray, Go beside them When ln prayer they Qry to Thee, '£hou wilt' hear them, Frou1 the eta.ins of sin o.nd aha.rue, Thou wilt cleal' then1 ']l{id the qu1cktla.nds and the1~cb 1 'rhou 'vilt steer tllehi , In t't:mpt.atioin, triaJ. 1 and gnef, , .Be LL.ou .nea.i them ,. · ' --I ~IooRE S l{URAL has for the past Q1111;rter of 'rhe Archduke, Conatant1ne was eager to i:t Pays tr a Centu1y been not only the Sta.ndard Authol apprehond lltc~ael Sob1esk>, and learned dtm"' when you mean a"'& Do not J:t Pays ! 1t:v on all branches of Agrwulture, HortJClle · (l · 1 MANCHESTER HOUSE. that the wife of the Poh·h hero wao-at home w.rittt cilin1tuate or inaugurate if you CllJ! lure l~nd Domestic Affa.ira. but ~ cb01ce, Pur ' Do an<l Unex:cept1onn.ble F.AMILV PAPEB Its in Cracow, and he waited UP.On her hell! it, and you can by earnest effort -Unto ';I'hee1 y;e g1Yethem t\p,t.. WHATPAYl:I? OllJ Fonnder and Conduc1ng Editor bas had over owm.a,nville, Sept 25th, 1867 Lord, recei' e them , 'M11.dame,' he said, speaking politelJ, for nnt eall a man reliable when it is J uet as thirty yea.ra expenetnce as a,n Agncultura.l , Ih the world we know must be J otur1aJi~t, and his a~socia.tcs possess rare ab .._~===::::=============================== thel )ady was beautiful and queenly, 'I e11iiy tu call hun trustwOTthy, Do nof, as a 1hty And pract.1cal and sc1ent:ific knowledge ~iuch te i;rusve tlnnn , · thrnk you know where your husband and friend did the other day, ··v 'it la too Th~:\'in11s to ren<ler the isenes of the RURAL for · )!any atn v1ng oft and strong rough, 1u my opiaiun, for this section,' and JT fFAYSeveryMannfacturer1 Mcrch~r1t J.ll:e 1876 superior to those of any other year-to sons are h1d1ng ' cho.n1c, Inventor, lt ar1.l',ler, or Profe8sional make the -paper worthy the cordial support of To de~if"' thew '_; i" thereby make people suspect you have bet:n Jviau, to ke-e_p infptn111 d_pn 3Jli.J1e JIUJ.Q.'O\J:J~ents 'l kDO\V, Bir' all engag1,:d in l ural purau1ta, and also aa Tru!ltfu1, in. 'l by ~ana.s of.. lo, e, trained as a government surveyor, bnt not and diar')veues of the age ... acceptnble v1s1tor to both 'Iown ' If} ou will tell mo where your husband 'Ve' must l~ave thew IT P 2\YS the hea.Q of cyery: fa;s1!y to 'ilJtrP Oonntry It oorupnaoa over Q. dozen d1st1nct d l h 1 is, J our sons shall be pardoned.1 tra1ne tn the nee of the E ng is anguage. duce 1nto his housel{old a newdpa.Vt!l that is 1n depa.itrncnts,-P1actical, Sc1cnt1fic and Liter Why not so.y 1n Eaghsb, and not tn Yankee 1 i,truc~ ti, Of.e that fpatcrs o. tmte\.for investi ary, besides News, the D-Iarkets &:c ,-all care 'And shall be safe I' ~ gmtiori, ana Prb :noteg thou h't anaJ eooourages fullJ and ably edited, thus gn1ng a ~t-eater var 'Yes madan1 I 1wear it. Tell where , t h 1a part o f t b e country, , · t h is lletg h.._ vor- d11:tcu1551on amo:u.g the members iety of ueef·1l nllormo.t1on and n11scellan6cua your bushand is concealed, and both you hood,' this commumty, anythmg lll fact, THE SCIEN'fIFfo · AMERTCAN, which ma.tter, rntcrspPrsed with illustrat1ona.i than Should eld acquamtan .ses be forgot? aad j our sons aho.11 be safe and u~harmed ' but the vulgamm 'this , aect1on.' Als'ft , )la"be~~;pubbshed-weekly fo1 ,theJ~ thirty any other Amenc1a.n )ollt nal Indeed it lfl · Certainly not, lfthey behave the2nselve·TH~ :PEOl'JE S PAI'EH I 'ThC'n, sir,' ansWereCl.. the noble '.l woruan P~eaee do not write us abuut s~mething that ears.does hliis/ to an exte.ut be'ybtl~tltat of any r 'J,f other pubhcat1on, 1n f~i.:t it is the onl,y weekl.f When is a photograplnc album hke "'~"~ with a d1gmty, ~ubhme, and laymg oc~ur!f1d in ,.. ' ou.r nudst ' Keep all tbat papf:'._r published in the1- United States ..devoted And certainly tLe best one extant for the Flit to Manufactures, ?t-Iechan1cs, I:Q.vtintioJHJ and MF,R, 'lllti: HoitTIOUL'.l'ClUST AND l!,LOR!ST, THB J an old fashioned chma& sho1~:.? When ber'11~ud uf}oll her bOso~, 1 b8hes con~al f or your 1 n>ed ica.1 man, ' as our Enghah q: ~Jw Di~cO tJJ\' Ies,m tl_l.e ~tts fll14 t:i:lraences Sro1,;K GROWER ,~HE D;\IR:"YAN \t."l) HousE ed here-in the heart of his wife-and -you it ts full of ugly_m\!g!!.. c~usios call him ""Every nuinber ia profusely illustfa.ted a.nd ita WlI!',t:.. W 1th Ecclsun for its glo1 ious "M h th "'Ontents erubrace the Ia.te15t antl mo1;1t,,ipterestln"' motto, and ·· Prog1'eS:J and I1nprovement," its , \\hat J S t11e easiest way fot a- bad wtll have to tear th1s heart out to find him' oreover, w en you approve some 1ng, ~nformation pertaining to ihe Ind6.strta.l ~r: laudable obJects, the-" OLD RunAr:iJ.Lpurp"sea ryraut llS he was, the Archduke adm1re.d or sornebod_)i, be meTc1ful and do not ~iidorse eha.n 1cal, and SCie~ttihc Pt'Ogi:_ess of the world., to manifest mm e ente1prisc and spirit dnnng: ~ rtder..lS> show himself off? To get on a the aoswer &nd tho spmt T<htch bad rnsptr· it or him -. Do not get on people's ~ckS in Dt.>sey<iption~ with Beautiful J!ihgrav1ngs, of N e\v the ensu1n_gf J earb tthhan PVer bdefore, ruid h~~e sp1rite<Hlorse J Ipven,tip11s, New Imtilemeuts, New Procets vrovtl ltself in o STYLE an CONTE~rs w~ y ea tt, and, deemrng the'~ood wtll of eucli a that fashion J and Jri'\prov~d In(1ustria of a.11 klnde Ustiful a. largely 1ncrcaaed Nnt1ona.l c1reulation lhat woman "orth securing, he forthwith pubPlain people quite uneducated people, iNotes, J{ece1pts, Sug-gut1hons. ancJ ,A.d,\1pe, by 1 ~ is the lI j , d d t E Practical Writers, fot Workmen ana .Em1)loy J\ .BEST RUD.AL AND FAMILY WEEKLi. ltshed a pardon of the lather an_sl sgn~ ' 1ad bm out of employment fo~ a yeare, nsu all y spea k nervous an i ioma ic ngp ·~· 1 n all th.~ v,.ttrious.arta, forunqg-a .comRlete ~ I bsb. Men of the beet culture do the same reP.Qctor.y ofli:New Inventions and .ID1tc'o\el'les, I-I~ long been acknowle<lged,a.nd that it ~cute an.1 wud teech for $10 ,. month and oon"ta.in1ng n. weekly 1eco1 cl not only of the pro a Mil hon ofSubt;ct'lbers is now conceded I hose bol fC\md ' MONE"Y; The people \vho abuse our nobli;! tongue gress of the lndu1:1tri3J. Arts in ouro"u country v.ho k;now the RURAL will euba(:nbe fo1 l87ti after sueh... fashions as we ha'\O ~\ mentioned but also of all New lnkcove11es anU I11venbon~ 'v1tbout urgrug, anrl all others a.1e invited to The difference between a Christian 1n evtlry brnnch of Eng1nee1ing, Mechanics, HSJ1~ ~ for and examme spec1~ens, which are The Gospel needs 11 The good news of and a canmbaLhas been descnbed by a are sem1 educci.ted, affected, and offensive and Science abroad tn.i.ilcil free grace cannot be successfully spread w1t~out The p]run~st and euuplest .apee.cb 1a the "" tliOR'.'.r, S'l'lLE~ rEBMs &c popular dean:;t\ tbese tenfiS -1 · ('.);1e en TilE SCIENl'IFIC AMERICAN has been .Moono'.s RunAL NEii Youn& contains Six Joys his self, and !'other enioys other a ltbeml use Qi c~sh The ne.U ts al')'aya be;t, And it becomes all cultiv-;,ted ~eople · the foremost of all industrial publioat1ons for teen Quarto J!age6 '" "'ekly, finely and pref use urgent, and the suppJy etmt<d. What shall to guard th_.e pu11£y oj their speech.· .a. '.Ghere !.he past 'l'huty It is the oldest, cheap lv lllufltra.te.d I I l people' and neatly p1mted Only t\\ o 3 -oo--1 I h est, and the be5t weekly illustrated paper de follars and sixty five cents per year, and two. "" do I A co\n pany of Clinshan workers I he time for a man to stand firmly ..., voted to Engineering, !it!echanics Chemistry, dollars anll fifteen ceu cs in clubs ..,f ten or more were once burdened ._,,nth de8lre for Ultaue lS a mom question t ere In the long run we do not beheve that New Inventions Science and Industrial Pro postage panl JYow U! the t~'t'Jit to Subscribe and by Job's example, JS wh~n he "ashes to do a neeufol work, and they betook thempeople who _ftay ev.entuate, inaugu.rate, de- gre\:l!!I, pubhshod in the World fO'l1n Clubs Gre ~t induceml:illts t') Olub Agt1nta, his face with home made soap and be Tho prachc&l receipts are "ell worth ten Specimens, P.remJ,UU) Lu:ita, &c, sent free gms to paw around over the c)Ja1rs with selves to pra) er Hour.l afler hour their mise, 'ln our ..midst,' etc, can ernt.un hon- hn1es the subscr1pt1v1l p1 we And for the ahoi:i ;, Addrel!.S, !us eyes shut, rnqumng for a towel, ap~ltca~tons were urged befoJe the" tb~ne ~et, upright people. There 18 ..! p:iOral lack a.nd house Wlll save many timel!I the cost of sub MOORE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER scr1ption "" 87 St , New 1York quick, and 1s told that the towel ts m of gmce, and yet their eouls struggled with somewhere To "'outTage the language 0 f I\ferohant.!'1.. F.ar1ne!"l:l, l\f!'lchan1ca, Engineers, the drawer, but the keys are lost j noxious deme At lost there · culm, one's nat1ve lanci"ls a cnme, and leads to Inventors, Manufactu1ers Chemists, Lo~era BOWMANVILLE . ~ of 8c1erlce and People of a.11 Professions, w 1Jl At a collection made at a charity fair, and answers began to come. Larger and other crimes -Chu1 oh Journal " Havrng demded to make a change 111 their ~sil)ess, are ow sellmg fo1 find the Sc1.E.."l' rJHJC AMERICAN usuful to thew~ a lady offeted the plate to a uch man largrr the contnbut10ns grew, until the It should have.a place m:y ~ auHly, Lt11J.Gry, ~a.oh;ine ~mplement QA:{l t.l1ei1 large and well as&ort~ S~ck 9i' D1 Goods, Millinery 8tudy Office, and Counhu,, ;&oom, w every tre i;_1y was fat with ab~pdance. Chris well known for bis stlllgmess · ReadiDg Roo1n, Colle e and Scliool A ntiw · Manufacturing Co t Clothmg, C1ockery ,WJ.d Glass\\ are, 'I ha\e 11otlung1 ' was the curt reply tlans poaBesa wealth, and God can move FARM AND HOUSEHOLD Yolullle <:Qrn1ne11ces J anun.ry l)t, 187G t 1 i Then take son1etlung, S1r,1 sd1d the. them to gne Me deh~hts~ ut benevolence, . ._ A years ;numbers coutwu ~i52 pri.gps nwl. l!t1\· erH>l l!und1ed E(!.g1n.vings lhous-i.n(}s o( -,;ol lady , 'you know I am beggmg for tlie ancLl,10nors tl1e prayers of those who ore uml!s ;,\l'e p1 escrved for bu1ding and refS1ence :Sutter and Oleo Margarine. ,, poor ' strongly exer1.; its impulses Hence, lerlb,s, $3 20 4yea~ by mail inqlUid~n:,r posttlge I DJ.scount j;o Clubs S1)ema.l. ~uuµlars gi-.;ini:r of WoN" vO One mornmg a little whero there" uughty pt·Jer~He haatea to Qlub$ sent free Single co_p1es,. llit\olled on (From the Science of Health ) four year old boy lay awake m his crib reveal His power that Hts children may be WOC:>D AND IRON ieceipt of 10 i;cnt$ ~fay be had of all NeWs iho Stock havrng been pm chased in the BESlf- MARKETS, buyers e&D Hts head seemed to be stopped Wtth a encouraged to bear the burdens of other· Dutte1 has popula1 ly been considered the ryealer3 ' 1 · ,· ' · depend on gettmg most ha.rmletHs and n1ost nututious ~f 011: food In--connect10n w·1tb the cold, After vamly strugglmg for a i\lf;krng fo moiy,ey ielfishly, :\'Ie " Ill not reMACHINERYI r. '..l l:;. Scient1f:ic Amcr1can, WORKING T e t.v..ery· \\l11le to cleat it, he exclaimed, 'Mam 1 gertl, askrnwfi'olu Jove ot othera, and eil· exceptwA".re.rc8Jl\1 I 1 Mc;;srs. :ri:.tU11n: J: Co are Sohc1tors of Atnencan i n1a, "hat ts the n1atter 'v1th one side of pec1allJ from concern for the lost for wliom body f!Ats butter, and what everyLooy eats muet RnQ .Fsueign '.Pa.tents, a.ut'i have'tlie la1'g'est ~ MORE .AN/) BE'J'TER GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY bo good food , at lenst that is the "ay people tfl.'Jjj1tilirilc11t ~n the 1 \VorJU l ]1!6re than :fifty my nose? It won't go' Cbmt d1~d, He <lel 1ghts to hear anilb~stena j · argue on such sub1ect8 L 1eb1g s theory a.bout thousand apµ,hcfit1ons b.tit'n 1nadc f?1 l These are pretty ha1d· tunes, I can Lo re·pond Special prayer Jor money for f tts has greatly 1uded this de.Iuaion, ~awely paitents-throu~h...t1ie1r ~encv ' LEFF:BL'S nt this Estnblshmel).t than in any otl1er hquse in the country Pa.tents :}\'0 obl.'a1ned on the best .iermr, tell you, su,' exclaimed a tran1p, draw spe cial wo1k, 1t more common, '\\ould bring that they form an element of resprration, art) ¥odels of .New Inv ention~ and Sketches ex mg the back of his hand ac10ss his eye> brge resources to tbc Church Concert m butned up 1r.tc1nall~ help to " nrm t}1e itmtntiU itud advipe ffl:e A 1 apectal 41obcu is DQu~le Call Ea1·l:y0 an4 secure Ba1·gains, as the t hole Stock must lie" sJld \\htle he shut the other upon a dona pia)·r" of great \Olue, lor the Lord brui aJstem Af:'ce1ta1ncd facts, l:O\\e,~r do not 1nade in tbe Sc11;"nt1tiC Amenca11 of nll · Inven hbnfol Paten.:;ed through this Agency, v1th tht' at once, /or CASH ONLY. tion of ten cents 'Lot~ of fannhes pleasure rn the followsL1p of love We fa;i; or this theory any more than they do a.tid remdence of the Patents Patents \\ho'd never thought a year ago that ou~ht not to he81tate to attack tl1e most lus theory about the s1m1la1 nae of alcoi are often sold lD pttrt or "\\hole, to persons at and to the invention by Emch ndti9e Send they could mix up biscUJt\\ ithout cream seltish souls mall the church, and unplore hol ~·racing its cour,,e through the systbm tr"cted · will give us some hght on the subJect Dr for Pau1 phlet contain mg full dirccttons fo1 ob now use water ' , h the Saviour to -unlock tLern He bas many Bea.umont found thti.t (:\'en ~;hen tiaten in small tron~ng l)atcnt{J A bouud \Oh:?me conta1n.1ng the Pu.tent:{..a\1.!j Cenaua of the J:.! a , a11<l Too ;¥fatter of I act -Grand mot er ways to touch'them an\i can bnog honey quantities as a cqndu:n n,t Qn bfead, 1t floated .tor 142 F.11"' 1av1n,Ja of mt..Joban1c11l m0vements _ ,You ought to be ashamed ofycrself, l ro1n 11 ie ' roef s, 1:1.n d' money ou t o1 BO" d1d some time as an oily p6lhcle on the rmriace of Pi 1ce 25 c~:rq,ts .,,. Matilda Ann, to 'a sat witl 10ut a tear Add1es13for the!, ot c::incein1ntl' Patent~, the con ter.ts ol the _ 1.'he procefls of is now complete with the choicest supply of '· d 1 talk tig bands W uh masteifol faith, and pers1at hfUNN & Co ~7 Park Row, New Ymk w l1en tue goo c ergyinan 'vas :El' , 1 done on the d1gest1on did not serve to change its character, Bra.nob Office, Qor :F &: 7th Sta , iJ'r ashing J i that beautiful, and every one.. else was a ent supphc11tloTis, n1oney can be had to further tha.n to separate it into minute particles, ton, n. 0 1 weepmg so I' MatJlda-' Why, bow preach the Gospel, unrl bear lorward \he gH ing the chyme 1:1, milky appt;a.l'anoe If,how Subscnptto. n . taken a..t ~us Office;- 1' could I cry when I hadn t got a pocket kmgtlom of Cbnst ever, 1ta use "as per81flted in fo1 a long time, SHORTES~ ~OTICE, S, 'etc.~ bile '\'\M f011nd 1n the stmnnch, wh1ch seemed 'andkercher ?' - - - - - - -SU~. We M.-.:o no'" onlin.nd a lnrge quantity of I ' How to Breathe Properly to rud in the solution There ts no proof, ho" '1h1 s 1s my last call,' remarked afhp JS;EW YQRK.' 1876 C.Olllmon.: and Gang Plows, , ev·r, that it 1s ass roiluted lo bul)U up the 1776. pant young gentleman to a )Ollllg lad¥ :Vl9st people breathe properly, olten more ~tructun, of t}1., body to ttny coul:!1deilstble ex -~----·~·~-·~--- ---~~-__!__.... l tlul.t ,,,\n be sold' lit · " -' .> )· 1 Eighteen hunclred'anu~eveng ~u1s the Oen \V ho \Vas soon to be married, on a recenl b) acc1dcnt or inst1ncllon than b) des1gn 1 tent VerJ largepropmhonspaas off unclia.uaed Tt 1s alsa trte yea{;.in W1nch an oct.:as1on ' I never call on 111ar1 tcd but1ou the other hand,hundred1 of thouaands 1n the excreta, and some is deposited in the n.d.1 tennial ¥en1 Bowmanv1Jle, Dec 24th, 1874 i. Opposition HoUHe of\cs, the f11st I women or unmarncd ladies after they <j~ot breatb,e properly, "bile many thou pose tis!HV~f, v;here it rema1ns unubed ind un since the \~a1j win be in power at \\'rash1ngton, r AT THE SHOP. and the yel)ir of the t\.\entJ tlnnl election of~ :.a.""~\...i .t have reached t\\ enty fi, e ' '\ ou do sands at tbt~ p~esent moment are euffe~1 £ 1? cban~ed L 4-U of these B"owma.nvllle. March 873 6tf In tLeo oaae of a dog fed entirely upon frc·h PvefiJi_~lent of the Uruted S tate~ well, str; gra' el y rema1ked an elder! y more or leas si:vel'e aifedt1ons ot the lunge eventa <\lt'l sure to be ofg1eat 11;1.~erest-~nd uu lady present 'At that age,_ and after or throat, owrng \~ a- laµlt) mode of reepir· butter, h1s hau and skiµ were very grea4Y~ o.nd po1ta.nce cspe~\ally the two J \.Ete1 ;pnd all o~ be exhaled a strong oUor of butyric acid These then1 and evorj th1ng connPctccl "itlrthem l\ 111 marriage, they begn)f,'!ilinow the value I ' atton-m other wofds, because they breathe aie pretty good p(o-;;fs that the syl!ltem expell· be fully a.nd f1eshlyiepo1ted and expounded ln of tnue;-alRt do 11ofTilic to waste it ' .S1in. · through the mouth 1nsJcad of tbroagh the ed, 1n great pa.rt, u.nstead of usms th· bhtter the '.fh~ Opp0131.bon House of Representatives, A San >\ntoma salnon keeper, hoprng nostrils Tbe mouth ha~ 1ts ownllifunctions S1milar md.icatwns are found in t~fl ,p11;nples ta.lbng up the hne of 1nqu1ry opened } e:u-~ to scare off a free lunch fiend, said, c.tlf p~rform 111 connect1on with eating, dr1nk and blotchijij uf the face and neck of p_r.oplc who by the Si(1l, Will Rternly and dth 0 ent1y i11ver;L~ :t. ' I here's tnchma m them , so.usages ' eat much b.itter, and in thei oilv state of their gate the 6orrupt1ons and m1adeOOs of Gra.11t ti ad Mutnal Life Assurance Society i. ; $' and speukµ!g '~ n~d ..t11,e nostrils have m101stra.twn, and "ill, it 18 to be hoped lay 1 he fiend took another mouthful, anf1 tltW'i3, '1z, sihelhng a.nd breathing la 1k1tl8 also r 'lh1s dog became very fat, but died the foun la.tton for a :ne" 11nd belrtei perfod 111 ESTABLISHED 1840 eventually of 8tarvn.t1on, though all the organs our .µat1onal lnetory said with difficulty, 'Colonel, d1cl- you Of all thu,1 the Sun 'v1ll su1nu1er-t1me the error ofresiuong through anCI tissues we1c infiltrated with fa.t, and there' conta1u ColnpltJte and accurate accmi'b.ts furrush - say there-was-strycbnme m- these rng its readc1s with early aurl t1ustworthy 1 n " "° CANADA CBntF 0.FFJOJ:S 'ictuals » ' Yes, enough to kill a hog ' the mouth 1s not so evident as at the pres- was n. tlnok coa.ttng of fat beneath the skm fo1matlf'n upon t11ese abi::l11b1ng tefnesl' 131, ST JA_6.1ES STRE-ErP-, MONTR,EAL / Thia goe:; to ~how that fat is not nutr-t1on, ltnd ent season., when it is uudoubtedly fraught '!he twt!nty:thud J,=>res1t.k ntal eleut1on, ,+.1th ·Well,' chew111g ;1gorou~ly, 'tliat's "hat the p1epar~faon:1 tol' it, will b& inemorablt1 ~s my fam1ly- phys1c1an gwes-me for- a w1Lh danger to the person who commits that the fat sto-red up ill the.,llly@_tem is nQt used d~c1ding - , DIR)f;O:J'ORS \ tppn Grant's asp11at1ons for a th1rl'.l to sul!t:i111 life in case of starvation Se\ eral tonic when- 1-- hamt got no-appetite' tl IS l""take If one breathes through the term of power fuid plunder, and ~till n1ore ~s ,yfLT~ 11...ST:lANLY, Esq, ?.1"P, Chat1maan, Lo.ugh at a cboese diet, a.a you v; ill. rrof Peck says tha.t in th1$ eonntry, '\hen.: checso ts µsed l~t. it reqlures one rphy:$iCl.3Jl to every Durrng the revolut10n rn Poland which They come to us in letters, 1n commutn five hundred pJ""l'lons, and in Switzerlalld aud followed the revolutJon of Thaddeus f-orHgn countxies, \\'here it ls ~cl mo8t, it only Oosc1usk1, 1nany of the truest and best of cations from men who ought to be educaf~equll'es t~e pritCtice of one phy&c1a.n for ton the sons ot that ill lated country "ere forced ed, tram lawyers, fr0m bankers, from sec tbousand parsons .u. .. ~ to flee for their h vea, foroakrng home and retar1es of eociet1ea, from delegates to Gen.A'N 0TD QOAK.RU.-\Villiam J{hnkeibeard friends or those "hg had been so eager eral Conveut1ons, from clergymen, from all (a Friend) died about 175;-J, at Plymouth ~ J . for the liberty of Poland, ond most bitter m sorts of men, and they annoy us, they mak.e nged 108 At the afi:e of 101 lie_lw~d lll the tberr enm1ty against Russia and Prussia, us have a low opinion ot human naturP, ga.rd·n with a.young lM..n, on a vety "aim day wrui Michael Sob1eak1, whose anceetor had cause us to hang our heads and blush for the On .fi1ushwg the work, the young man threw off weaknese an<l wickedness of Adam's child- his coat, and the old 1nan 1n11t1::ad put on a buck been krng a hundred and fifty- } ears ago Sob1esk1 had two sons in the pa.tr1ot ren, and finally they ser1ou~ly lnJure our slun J...cket, saying, " Ay, my boy, that 11:1 the wav you ~ ~horten life 1 -throwing off yo'ur ranks, and fntbcr anJ. aoll had persisted in appetite coat when you a1wwarm, vth1lti I put 011 ml'ii~ · Pleaee, dear friends, be considerate what lbe Russ ano had b!en pleased to term He was healthy tn body and mind, and roCJ.e rebc.lhon, and a price bad been set upon Do not write 'while these events were out when 107 years of age. the1r heads. ~i t l 't r tmnsp'irtng,' ~hen you wean 'wh1le events were occwrring' Do not say or write A Noble Wife Expressions Which Should not be Used by Gentlemen NOW FOR THE GREAT CENTENNIA THE HARVEST IS GOOD! PROSPERITY .AIOU.t.1'S TIMES .ARE EASY ! AN 0 NO\ GO TO c " DENTISTRY J 'l':EOMAS :B.A.'l"l'ING'S If You Want rs THE r:tilll: TO EHJ:BSCilIBt: YOlt MOORES ltUltAL NNW·YORKER, THE GllBAT ILLUBTliATD Ag11culturala.nd Fo.m1ll Weekly THI S Fo.mous }l,a,['m and Fueiude Favorite \\ill celob1a.te t11 e Na ..1Qnal Centennial by mak 1ng a better pa.per thu.n et er, and furn1sb1ng it553 Numbers for 1876, (each worth the puce of a. yea.rly cop)) poPtage ftcc 1 for two dollars And sixty five cents - and in clubs <1f ten or 1nore for only two dollars and forty five i.:ents Ihis m~kes 1t the Cke(l_pest Weekly of its Clan on the Conttnent as it has long been the BxsT AND Mosr POPULAR-In Jact the GOOD AND DR:Y ' these ·=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::====== . (JH!P GOODS. l Brimacombe, L,R.0.D.8. S'.rAl' IN ITS srIIERE J OFFlOE ove1 McOLUNG'S Store :Do\;11le Dec 1 ~74 11 tf fauuhes in and · {,' Crumbs for Chickens. 0 Eleph~ntHouse SOMETHING "{1 A substitute for - Lath & Plaster ! THE PATENT AJ;UMINOUS and OR· NAMENTAL BUILDING PARER. PAPER OIL CLOTH and CARPETING 'l'HE 1 Important Announcement ! liedi'.\.'l.P.~ion, ~~~~~~!r~tr~;r~~i;~g 0th~ha~ch~~~ I .- Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Gla,ssware. Grea,t in Dry Goods ! A SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. ' Ju·t Reawed,-Plain and OrLarge Stock na»iental, both for Walls and '"°toors l'hti P.,a,'Per Oil Cloth and Ca.rpet ~.Pis a Cheap an(j Durable Snb$t1tute for Ou Cloth The Olf~pi.1cft1S with which the Paper ia aatur at&d, r0nder It ptQOf against ltR.ts, l\Joths, and Mi ...c a.nd Varnish Folish"! nnthtr t]ung much wal1ted l'hu1 Polish (pves ll moat elegantlustic,a.nd dn~ instll..ntaneoualy 0 AT AND ~~LOW COST! 1 Nothing ever discovered befo1e to equal this Polish, · J'OR FOR l PATEN mR 'I Piano Fm tes, O'locM, Picture Frames or any 'kind of Varnished Furnitwre Buggies, Gutters, Sleighs, '" · Turbine Water Wheels, and all-kinds Of Varnished Oa1·riages Castin gs of a.11 REPAIRS GROCERY DEPARTMENT SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. B:.A.BDW.A.BE ! usua.1, THE WEE)iLY I Cliristu1 as Goods, 'Raisens, C-iir rants, OU· .. g«/f Peels, etc., at all Prices. T e.rgc Stock on hand of . Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware. All of which will be sold at low figures LOW PRICES MURDOCH BROS. "°' ·- John McLeod & Co., Augwit 10\h, 1875 Wellington Bmldings, :Sowmanville, j :R E J I A :NCE Just Arrived at the P .A:SBION BOUSE 11plend1d assortment o -- An Indianapolis cat got to pla)lng with a small turtle the other day, and was havmg a mce tune !UllJb!!ng ti around, "hen suddenly the turtfe's iaws closed.on the cat's tail l here was som< 'ery lively temblrng then on the part of the cit, to a11 'acco11,p:::rrniient Qf her own selection Two horns after she was seen cxammmg tlfat t ul tender!}, evidently wi;mdenng ti that piece would grow out .agam A ) oung man 111 Kansas, who ts pai ttcular about llls washmg, the other day wrote a note to his washer woman and one to !us girl, and b} a strange latality, put the wrOlli( address on each envelope and sent them olT The wash Cf 'V0111811 "as weJl pleased at an lUVIta tat1on lo take a ndc the next day, but when the young lady read, ' If you tum ble up nn shut bosom~ a11y mor~ as you did tbe last tnue, I Wtll go som~ where else.' she cried all the c; emng, and._,declares that she W1ll never speak to htl;n agam It ts « great year fot the old man Grandfathers who have been neglected and made to feel that they were m the way, and wished they we1e dead, who have long been thrust away m the kitch en and leit to mumble to themselves rn the chmmey corner, are astomshed by bemg brushed u)J of an ev mni. and brought mto the parlor, ,V!Jere they are sbO\rn off to the company as Centen rnal relics ' Grandfather, you kne" Washington, didn't you?' s-deams a granddaughter m his ear, for he ts very deaf 'Yes, yes,' says grandfather, ' the Gm rel borer'd a chaiv. terbHcer of me many and many a time I' l he old man 1s gomg to Philadelphia sure ' natural channel, the nostrils, th e air .. pas which they ate atfirst with,pleri,, butaftorward aing over the II!.Ucous me!Ilbriine hntag the nfused to touch In the end they all ched from varlo'us chambers J< of~ the nose ~comeB 1nan1tlon, as proved byJthe c11nd1t1on etf the in warmed to the temperature of the hody ere tcrna.l Organs thougli CO\ ere with ia.t ' ~ 'vas reaching the 1u1.1gs, bUt if he takes ' in air the "bole Pody beneath the skin But.teri.s-almoet pt ec1sely Ji'ke the othet a.ts between the bps and through the mouth, 1n its compositun 'l'hey all con8111t of Qle1ne the. cofd co1ucs 111 contact with the ehcate and ma.rgarine, Ul 'arui.hle proportions~ with hntng mcrr1braDe of the throat and lungs, m1nute proportions of those acids )Vhloh g1~e other animals\\ ere fed "1th different k1ndsof fat . and gives to a local chill, frequentl~ ending in inflammation. h1any persou,s, rise beI!efited, without knowing the reason \\by they are v; ear respirators over the1r mouth in winter, tf they ba.ppen to go out of doors By do1ng this they d1m1niab the amount of air hich enters bet\\ een the ltps, and v1r \ tunlly compel ~hernselv~a to breathe through "° the noatr11B. But they could attain JUSt tl.e ' same ies11lt /') I··P!ng the hp· cluaed, a habit "hich· h! etrslly1afl).utrod, e:ndconduces to !_he pr~"!~ u natural "!._·Y ".! bre·thrni!' <Ve behev.-tbat1f people \Vould only adopt this tnmple habit -111 other \\01da, if tbf:y ' Sbt1t ) oul' moutlh 11 ' tuere,.!.\Je an Jtn1nL:nse U1m1nutlon tn the t1"o classes of c.fl\ ct1ons, viz, ... those of the lungs and throat, \\ lnch coun t many thousands of ttct1ma in this couatziy ia the wuuld, tak,e 'to t4,e" r.ule t ; breatbrng which an ctra Premium wcrnld be requtttd, ca.n them their vAnous odors and fl av or1 itnd th ore be 'OoREmred at. ilu: ordinaJ'11 rates of this .. Soot~ty, fore constitute their <l1gtJnQ uishing c'ha.ractttrik· under a special ari:wngcment tics In butter these amount to only two J-lfr SFEClIA.L ~ON FoFBITABLl!l POLIOIES 1tJ.Sued cent of tho whole ThJ~ fact ha· been taken under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annua'l Pa.y n.dvanto.g-~ OfV>lth1nafeNyearstO C:OllY0lt flt men.ts are req1uxed, each payment eQcur1o.g mto butter, under the name of oleo 1na.rgar1ne Policy for a sum tW*ll.lred proportionate to the CJean beef fat IB put through a proce&rt wh1o"b numbm: of premiums paid, an<lfree from jutur tu1ns out a l!!Ubstance eo much bke butter m s ayment of prc11i1.U1T'.'8 taste and appearance, that ~t lB eaten, 1ehehe~, l\l:onJ::RATE PREXIU.lf:S Md mOit liberal oon &nil aold n.e buf,ter Somo say that it ia always d1-tions. sold undei Jts O\\n', and not used to adul Prosj1ectnses,Propoaal ]'orms, &c 1 supplied te!'ate l1uttc1 , but .u e lot thorie b1;1licTe tl1111 on a.pp t~ation at the Hea.Q. Office, or llnY of the Agencies _l .i who choose A.lrendy lt lS affecting thtl butter l ,o JAMES GRANT, market at home-and a.UroaJ I Ties SecrGta.ry f_ r ~ It mak..,$ \e1j httled1Ifereu1.Je to tu1 wbetht1 fW A li'N!l'~ li10R ".80'\Vl\fANVIJiLE, Pl!ople eat the fat wlqch is store£ np 'f1thin the C BARKER, animal or tbo.t which iH stra.neU. out through 11 Observe 1 Offictl," King St -tl:ie udder Gf"-the t~ o the {opner gives much 23,.lt Bowroanvill~ June 24th 1870 the lt!as trouble ArHl 1£ peonle do not tJnnk it quite so deUca.te, that is roost]y a. matter of Jtlar ..JVe ha\el!o~'\elJ111g,agtin"ta. ~\..'<lfh-ess, ,, taste, for they dG not refuse tlns Harne cows fat 'l'.HE SUN N~v.,.. York C1tv ). 01" LONDON in roe[l,te and Fhortenmgs and gra""Y1es drc1ding "Who shall be the candidate of th o pa.1 ty of Reform and olect1ng that candidn.te C"n t:6Fning all the15e 1:mb1ects1 those who r ead the Sttn, will ha\: e the constant means of b<>1n.; tb01oughh well ifi(ortred The W~k1y San, w1nch11aa attained a 01;ruu la.t1on of over eu~ht:y thousand oories, a.lrea.Q.y has itsr~ idei'S m.e,~ry St~te o.nd 1err1to1y and we trust th -..t tlie YeM 1877 w1ll see th1::1H num bers ~oubled lt will conttny.e tv bf a thoigngb l\~wspaoer ~i\...11 thJ. gener:I.l llc;\'.:S Qf tHe~ay will be found in it', contlemii:ld wheii_ U"xu1nft)lt a.nt, at full le>ngtb t\ hE"n of mmn ent , and a.l wa.ys we trust, tre..ated u1 a clear, intc1 cstu1g and instructive mannet It u out aun to make the 1Vee.Jilp:-Hun fihc best f;.uwly}f W. the" w6rltl, .anjl. 't.t: shall continue to give 1n its coltuuns, a. large a1nount of m1s~ella11eous rcMh suuh as a~one~ tales pi)emi>, scient1D.c l ce Bbd ag1icnltu1 al 1uformatlQn, for:w ppt abf~,.$0 'nl.nke room in OlU daily:ic '1 h~ a~ic\1ltur&l d~ PRl tment eSJ)JCIJI. }y LS one of it,s P,toffiq !UJ.t"fea turee 'fhe fashions a1e akto regu!aily reported In its cclumuiJ, and so arc tho 1n:11kets of every k1ud 'rho W eekly Sun, 1::11ght pages 1 't\lth fifty stx b1oadc()l11mne 1sonlyone qlla1 twenty ctnts q. )!:fl"f, pbstage prep.Jl'ld th1s price barely repa.) ri tlie cost of thll paper, no dIBcoun't can be 1nade fron1 tbrn l o,te to clu'Lri agcnta! l)o t:irs or a.nyone The .D(Hl{J S<J-11, n 1n'g6 Iou1 IJa ge newspa.JJCt of tr- ent:y ti1ght colu\ilnS" f;"lV (}E; all t]le nt~)'or two t.:ents a copj .. Subsc,r1pt1on, pre paid Ci5 cts a 111.J nth 1 or six dollars fiftJ cents Rr) ear Sunday eU1t1on extt a. 1 one dollur ~n a ---~~~~~·l,,:Q ~ DUNCA?' l\IACll0~4JD, Esq J\ft..JOR !' "'E _ CAHPTIEIJ.., C B St. Hilall"c '.fH& HoNOH.AllLE JoHN HAMIL'.lON, Hawks. burg,_ Ont RT.SIDENT SECR1<1TARY - BIG I RURH , ,, · NEW MILLINERY. Alsl) n. lot of JAJ\lRB GRA.1'T etl amqng&t the.PoliculwZder1 S P ECI A L FE A T U R ES. '1'!1e El\TIRE PHOll'l':ffi seloug to <livid LIVES, DBOLUfBD BY OTHER COMPANIES, is now ra.gu1g at or on ~-~,L~V~' s~ ' REAL HAIR, FANOY GOODS, & ..¢\.J.Bo ai-large atoek of Stamps for Braiding and Em- " broidery. FASHIONS for Spring iust to hand. I J DBESSM'.AKING usua;J MRS A FLETCHER. ,md lie is t d ( ,.... - , Im-pe11al · lnsura.nne Co ' pr u ( . eteunmed to contrnue t sell at these nunously low puces ehea)ler than the cheapest Why he can do itEust, he buys for cash aha kno'ws Just how to buy 1 Second, what he can't buy chenp enough, he manufactmes Tlnrd, he is satisfied with srnnll profits t JFomth, he sells for cash~- Filth, he sells at bottom puces -QI ' I U a Bowm11u ... 1lle .April 7th 1874 Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ~ ...... course of a single year an1n1al wh1ch:-bas nc ui-red the p~inic1ous ttnd often fatal h1.Lblt of brealh1ug through t~e \U"llib It commences lU ch1lJlJood, and becouies coun1 m~a in adult life, oftr.n engendering conaumptioD, fcbronic bror Man 11 \be only As to the cornpRJahve wl1uleeomeness 1 1t h ~11e~ed 11:1 C.ALL AND liEB PGD YO'UBSXLVJCS, AND, · ~ B R I N G Y 0 U R F R I l::N 0:8 W I TH Y 0 U. -u-ma,nu~act'Qre 1 FEED MILLS. Please c&ll at the . , ,, ., , ch1t1s, relnx.ed aore throat, or ~ome olht::r (;hsel.l.lle of the )un~s or throat, wJn-.:.b 1s set do\vn, U:-Qo.lly,, to a d 1Jj'orent ca.use a.ltogetb er In conclii<ling th 1s short'" article, we \enture to usk our readers .to Judge Jor tliemseh ~' When they step out. Jn the morn1n~ rn the fr~s h,., but cold air, let them 1 here ts a man hv1ng in faunton, Mass, "ho has bad rather a checkered career He bas been twice shtp"reck ed, "as nearly baked 11\ a ra1lroa.d a~c1 de~t' has b~en run ahvay "1~J fim"{ wit lout nun1 er' \Vas s ot in t e nee the t;o ~odes of 'breathwg-tbro~gh the noet;,f;, and, betwce~ the , bl'" ' In the former ca·· thev will fiud that they can breathe easily ~;1d lreelv, yet w1tn corulort, whil t&e fresh a·r. war~eCl to the tempera tI.:y tho- difieren~ of fcel11;1g ar1s1ng frou1 that tbe peculiar ac1cla which give Estabbabed 1803. B.avoi to tlie butter make lt more cbfficnlt of Ht~D lll'll\lCJ!S. ....._ -::.01(\, Bto d, _Bt ' digestion , and RO far as butter and ord1nar1 PnlI Mall J... ondun GENEE.A.J <\. Gl!:l·WY FOR CAN.ADA - 24 St meat fat llJ conct1rn~d, t}le latter ill mqre d1ges$a.Cl8.'Qent St 1, fah1e und"er tht: same cond1hon~ But lf t:1tbe1 hn.s been sUbJected to a. high hea~ so as to dcSubap.r1).)ed and inveetecl Capital and Ilea(!r'le compm!ti spme of the acids, or if it be cooked Having tebo.,ed tlo 1oore-coi'.lunod1~u8Jl:reu~i1:1e~, ~'11nd £1,965 OO(l S\orli:ng rnto fibrous or farinaceous inattel', these: a1I b'° d l i V F ur1ds invested mC... nada-, 105,000 C'rease the d1fficulty of management 111 tho dige~ InsuranceR agalll8t Joss by Fll'e are etret[ed on 1N f l most favorable terms, and losaea pru.d with t1ve appa.1atus, because they hin the d1ge.11 FOTHERGILL'$ :SLOOK, out rt)fereuce to the Eoard 1n London hon cf these subst \rnccf:I I IU:N'£0UL BROS beg to inform tl\t? pnbJic generally. ~h;:i.t the r I DODSWOH'fH, Inspector Gen Ag~nta. Montre& So then, o.s far as health ts concerned, peo:r;Ie are now enabled to offer them R. R. LOSOOM:SE, Barnster, Agent P..l'e quite at h6erty to clioof;!6 between bu'tter for :Sowmanville and V1cu11ty. and oleo JQ!!;lJIUlllef' W t:l h~ve but two itema of ad\'tse to give concerning~ \~~em, ~d tpe$e in the )1ne of Sowmanv1lle, 'J'une 4th, 1860 36 , are, td take them cold, tf at 'tl. l, and the l t"Sll of mo 43-39 -iw t'rther the better Strowger Bro~. ... NEWCASTLE. Another car load of th.e above nob1P articles on the way :q;q Examine e stock, wli.ic_h comprises everytlung ln the tra.de1 of the very Late~t atfd mos elegf\n sty}p,s and patterns, of Enghsl1, Canadian, and ..1-\.mer1can mnnnfactur~. ,. to o:rdet, from the bi:mt of mattir1al, and none but first class \,orkmen kept i · 0 B () '\V JYIAN VI LL E Farm Implement Forwarding Agency R W J~owman'\ ille, He still contJnues to JAMES. Orders Promptly' Executed. and tGood Fits Guaranteed I ~ King St , Bowma.n ville --- Dee t.I, ~872 1110 He ha.a in eWck an e1ulless variety of La.die::.' and Gents' Saratoga TrWlkR, Vahsea, etc, a.11 of which he ill selhng cheap for cash -o- Remeinber the Stand " :SIG :SOOT " drawn by Two Horses, K1ng St, SO, HO G-en tlemen of :E'a.shio:ra. ---NOT SO FAST. I h&ve written these few hnea And all I have to say, ~t11l at ho1ne I arn not gone &W&J , So a.11 my k~nd old friends ma} come And a.ll the young ones too And Jret their g lrments nicf!l.Y wad~ In fashions that are new '\\The~ old an<l 3 oung de&.r fnt>ndms meet A \'oe]come greeting by R PEAl'E Bowm"'1v1\le, Juno 19th 1873 BetteT Inducements J M. TRELEVEN. .. Bowman ville. Ma 13, 1874 · 11 at Gett;sburg , was a pnsoner 111 1i.J;>by ' pnson, fell overheard from a whalet tare of the_ body liy 1ts contact with the and had t1' 0 fingers bitten off by a shark ~ .nasal fuuc<JUa mewtirane.- ts o,;reeable lo was drafted t\\ ice , had his right arm t~·..!ungs, in the, other <>·se, tf the} dra:v br-0ken m two places Ill the, fitst New 1u a lew mspnations between (lie parted York not stood on a barrel mth a rope lips, the cold air rnsbmg m ifmct to the ' neck frpm sunrise ' to (fUflSet, lungs, creates a feeling ot coldness acd d1"· .around his ;m an Ala,bama town at the outbreak of comfort, aud an attack .-of cough mg often the rebellion , was crushed by a falling comes 011 - ublic Jf,~l&.:. - bu1ldmg dunng an earthquake m Cal!Le1Qh ii1c~d';;y_,,, ' :N;;'er preach a forma, and was wttbout.:Jood r dnnk ' ~ r nearly fifty hours, at<d when ?o1 mg,bome' · u11lo se m_drf}ro ~ b1~h "l':l' nenhghte~ from the While Pme mrnes narrowly ed bl nr( r n11gbt uot 1<"aru the plan of salva~ -escaped lynchmg. Sult he doesn't com t 1rr 1 even th(}ugh he never att~rwa.rdci. heard anoiher diecourse. ~' j>Lun. -At Boon, Germany, h,ea.rlaches, dyspep~ia., etc , affecting BeTera.1 pa tlt1nts, been traced to e\e1n11g studies p111 sued under the baleful influence of a greeta lamp ~ade, f1om wh1!:_h a.,~en1c \vaa se!_frl'e by the heat oft.he flame G!l.EEN LA.Mr Sii \DES Grocery I .. : ::; (AS REGAJ1,Jl)8 l'JUCE~& _'QUut:tlPY) than atty ~ther house lJ:l. the -County Business~. James l II~ McFeeters. AGENT 1'0 THE IlUBI_j~[ C: 80~, pres!e~t e.~fk of furn1iu~. q." "'f hin e latel~ p,l~a.!Vt>art1elfwho may plt!a!ie to fa.vor th~ l'hat you can find me WALTER vVI&G-& N retnrnmg Jibll.nka to_J,heu numerous CUHtomers a.n<l I would re11)*ltfully ,invite- the1i s.t'ttmt;on to our &dded thereto, that wemay-th.91-eiby be e.oa.b1ed to s1 CARBONJl! At:ID - -You1nan , in bis 'hem1s For the foUo\\ ing InsuraIJ ce Compa.n1es, aud other Im~L1tutions viz 'fbe QUFrE2'1 Fire and Life In!!urance Com pany Oap1tal£2 000,000 $150 1000 d6po1utad mth the Don11n1on b-ove1nment, fo1 the piottlc d~r 1-1 ln Canada public generall), fo1 past '"favor~, try,sho\.\oe that an adult man A ill exhale nearly ,ill;~gallons of carbonic nmd pe1 hour so tb~t dunng ~ te(\ture of au ):lou~ anrl ~ half 300 per sont!' 'tJir il!~alc over 2,50P gallons of tlps dea.d ly pOllilOn, 'P-hc;r will n1hlll.e and appropriate au e-qu n,µ:iount of o~ygen 'f~e ii:t..'i bq.rnei!i and ftn~s will ac~mpliJlli a s1milM~Tesu.1t 'i s.o th4t 1 un less ample i Jlle~P.a for the i11gress of o..cygen l$ proY1d~d, and the e,:rc~ui of the carbon10 ao1&,tho ra!lult~ ufa1:1; b&. <lHllll.litroqa ind~ci NO PRESEMlS GIVEN, BUT COOD , ,. 'l'ea,s ~pec1al1 ty. J L J W eipht an<l Jlfeasu1·e G'ltaranteed f1Jli eve:ry fo81a7!C e - ¥\ · · l 4e Cl,\N A~i\ IlANDl'J) CRE:PlT OO'Y, v.1th a Snv1ng~ Dank d~E_artu:i~~t 'rhe Ul\ ION A·n l'El:\lvIA~EN'l' BUlldmi.1 . p·uy of C~plt4l 50l) Ol)6 -OIUl of the ~~~ anll {{heu.pci:;t COlllpan1cs doing in tlie .Do11nnio11t.!or Farmw.-s a.ud l'solattidi lliitk1i1 'J;he ISOLA l l!:ll JUSK 1"ire lnsqrapc~ Com business him \\ 1th a call .. ~ G1 e11t: inducements held out to> pu1chas1ng at out establu~liment l:'ic ture11, I~ook1ng Glasi5et1 etc to order, and lll every style Sample. of the d1:ffe1ent kind of 0 uldin gs (lln be--cieen a.t the ware l'OOlU w~~ul<l alto bes- to 1nfor1n you, that, havJng purchit.flled a l ~ r SPLr;NDlD NE'Wt 1EARSE '' (._~ wt:i ~Mall be roady at a.11 timei to attepA funerals, on short notice and i;ea..svn~ble terms~ N ll - Ootfi.n1 kept on hs;nd and. \Ua.<:le to arder, a.t th~ ~ l advanoe Loa.n!i on 11 STROWGE~ Reo.l .Est'l.te, o~ terms uuusuallv euy for the borrower : STROWGER Bowlj!·n·Ul·, Fob, 6th, 18n. ~ Now..alle,A~d, 11tb.Ji87', ~nd Sq.vmg'a Soi;:it:tf 'l'bt:~e 111ite1 inatltnt1ons I NEW DOMINlON RETAIL FURNJJ,IURE WARE-ROOM. 01bawa, AU&' lleth, 187Q, Nornioh Egg Powder, for maku1g a.11 k1ntl.11 of Cakt>a "ithout Ea-ga To be had of all Grocer~ n .T EEKS & Co 1 'I oronto, sole agents fur Ontano Morch 11th, 1876 24·ly. USE THE Kmg Street East, Oshaw». J w "' ~

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