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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 17 Mar 1876, p. 3

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· THE 1\fERCHANT FRIDAY, l\fARCH 17 1876, Large ·Importation MILNE'S OLD STAND, ··r 9 ROOM P AP,ER,..r ~ A'.f OF. . The undersigned has the pleasure of informing you that he has re-opened in Lis old · Bowmanville, March 13th, 18;6. stand, (two doors West of the DEAR ' Srn :-We _beg to inform you that we. have now Post Office) with an entire commenced business at the above address under the firni . of NEW. STOCK OF EASY PRICES FOR HARD TIMES. a-re now preparing for Stock-Taking and will mako a STAR'fLING R. EASTON.'S' . FLEMING, AS Fresh :ra.mily Groceries His aim shall be to keep the Best and . sell at the .Lowest possible price. . He has determ~ned to adopt the MCCLUNG BROTHERS Revel:1tio11s! --o-A Very Serious SPECIAL Doheny Block, Lindsay. I-'INE. GROCERS AND GENERAL MERCHANTS. We have received ·a large as~ortment Charge, <;>f THOROUGH CL~~ARAGE b&"eJ upon substantial fai..:te, iit juet hcing cir~ culatod, and is to this t·ff1::ct-· t.hat one of our prominent )lcrchants. 800 Page Blank Book for $2.50, ·Town Hall Block, Bowmanville, Groce1~ies, Crockery, Glassivare, Seeds, &c., if it is possible for Markus Mayers, hM purcha!tl.d a.n imuiense Stock of Goods, On advantageoos te1·mi1, and he is p-1>i11g to ).Ii v~ hi!'I Cuetwmer~ the benefit of his bargain. The Stock is very large, eJnbracing RETIRING! M .A. Rare Chance. l'he undersignetl. bt1ing :.i.bout to ATH us EK pl AN 0 _,.,_ S. EXCEI, EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXflEL EXCEL in volurno of tune. in firmnl:'ss nnd purity of tone. in voice-like qna.hty of tone. in durability and keeping in tune. for the concert room . for teaching school.a aud seminaries. for the drawing room. -++These ;i..rc broad lla!ertions, but capable of proof. ' Thoy are wilik8 ~uy other, in construction; all their pljculitui\iea ar.e poiut-s of excel· lttnoo. Tbeir illustra.tetl n.nd dOHcriptive catalogue, which we 1:1t:lnd free' to any a.ddrt'IB'l, ex·· plains conclusively, in ha.rnv_ ·ny with acowrt.:it* and iuechanics all that is claimed for the Ma.thu~h ek . . '11here arc tho.usanda of bitppy owners of Mathusheks 'villing to certify to their supnior excellence. ' We bavtiroom here for but,. fe,v brief ext~·a.ctl! :. NEw YonK, Oct. 28t 1867. w. t.ho Jud~·· of at the Fair of the American. Inl:ltiLuta, after a. careful examination of the <Jonccrt Gran<bi,do awtt.rd to Retire from the lia.rness :Business, offers 'his Large and Complete Stock of Harness. Saddles Whips, Trunks, Valises, &c .. at a'tl Selected personally by 'f. BRIDGMAN, (formerly with J believing it to .be advantageSouth Sea &al, E1·mine, Grey and --:o :-· Miln.e), from the principal markets of the country; the same ous not only to the buyer but Black Lamb, G1·ebe and Mink Sets varying in price according to quality, and conhavi_ ng been purchased for cash, at from 10 to 15 per cent., also to the seller. sisting of · Parcels delivered to all parts Caps, Collat'etts Muffs, will be sold at prices that defy competition in this County. of the town with promptness. Beaus. Mitts, &c. ~. We hope by an earnest endeavor to serve you well, to meet Highest price paid for all Until further notice, Winter Goods at McClung Bros,' will in some cases All the Goods are well madti. of th~'--._ be sold Regardless of Profit, and in others Regardless ., with a liberal share of Public Pat1~onage. Hoping to have thf' kinds of produce. Hoping to receive a share -:tt:- · pleasure of a call froni you, OF COST I All Styles of Children's Furs on hand, of your patro~1age. and the Prices has Jttver before "re remain, yours respectfully, been offered in Bowma.Lville. . He is, yours truly, , R·R John McMurtry. He also offera n. very attractive lot of G.;;-::d1; N. B.-·w e would particularly beg to call your attention · in Howman.ville, Dec. 22nd, 1870. 13-tf. MUFFLERS, SIJIRTS. DRA IVERS to our assortment of TEAS. The highest pric"e paid for ProSOOKl:i, COLLARS, NECKTIES, CASH SYSTEM, Low Prices and Sweeiing Eargains to l!::ffeot it. 0BSERVE! Latest Styles f,· --- duce · llowma.nvill e, March 9th~ ltoyal 'I'riumphs. Call and See, and. Seeing you will :BEI..IEV:EI CONSIDER THE FOLLOWIN_ G. 1876. 22·tf. l'hey must .l?e sold, a.ud SacrHices will~ made. Cash Customers will buy on close ma.rgini;. BRACES, <fc. Immense Reduct!.on fior Cash. 1 underaigned, Pi4u0fi bf making th e BE8'r of th.i.>i claas ofinatnunents FREDERICK MATH0SEK the HONOR EWD. MOLT,ENHAUER, A. D. W. HES!<; MANN. J!,1. J. (}l ANNETTI. CHARLES FRADEL. l\IusJCAL lhen and there exhibitt::d, or known to us else· DOl~INlON Give him an Early Call, and sec1we . wh'(f:iigned) Savings and INVESTMENT SOCIETY OF LONDON ONTARIO. . BA·RGAiliS. :r..-.B.-All pa.rtiesindebed by Note or 13ook Account, will settle before the 15th day of :\Ia.rch next. · 802 Tlieae Pianos must t&ke the lead of all known instrum1:::nts 1 and their l?ecnliar constru<.:tion rendf!r!'I them by far the most durable and the liable to get out of tune . '. Br0o<lw·y, N. Y. OONBXRVATO:Q.Y, } ' By '1.'elCf!1·aph to ~ardcncr Sev.:inr.i Machinl!, 00'1.1. Samuel Mason. Bo,v1nanville, Jan. 27th. 1876. · EUGE'!EJ. MERRIAM. . li as been my favorite. Since bhe date of tbia coneert the ~IAthusbek -'---:o:-· -- .- "A Oompkt· P;ctor:ial Hutory offht TW.e.:' - The Best, Ohe~pest, and "1WI 1Urx<1·ful No money would tempt me to banish it frorD Family Pa1:sr in tM Union." my home. Watson's Con19rva.tory of Music.New Yo.rk. J. JAY WATSON ." Rarper';--Weekly. 1LLusTRATED. · Notict$ oft~ Pr/!$8, Ha.-rper's Wt.cldy is tht' a.ble11t an<l tnMt powerful illn~tr.ated µeriodical puhlil:!hed in thi! country. lt.8 editori~s a,ro scholarly a.nd oouYinc. i~g. a.nd carry much weight. Its illustrations of current events nr" full and fresb, and are prepared by our lxst det!igner~. V.."ith a circnla.tjnn of 150,000, thl" W~ekly is reAA by at least half a tnil~il!n pe!SO?S· aud its iufiuence ns an organ of op1nwu, .Jfl simply tremendoua. Tht1 Wetkly n1aintaine a. positive p(isitdon, and expres!l"ll <le· cided vil·ws o'Q. political and social probl~m1. Lou;sviUe Gourie?'·Jou1·nal. It~ models of high-toned dii::cussion, and its pictorial illustrationB are often corrobo_r. ativc arguments of no ama.ll force.-N. Y. E:t· D. SCHUYLER, Bu!hlo. J. Critic, Sara-toga . Mathuahek · ha.l'I in . reality tak~n a step _in a.dva.noe of all makers ·of Pianos io tlie ·w orld. ~1nical G_ SHAW. The Mat.husbek· Orchestra. Square Grand Pi&I1.o .is brilliant, of ·wonderful power and melod..ioue in tone. ' Capital, $1,000,000 00 750,000.00 ubscribed, ~aid up, 300,000.00 60,000,00 Reserve and Coniingent Fund, Muney loa,ned upon real estate on the most favorable terms, mortg11r ges purchased, interest allowed on deposita. Cornwall, Oct. 2, 1875. Royal got first prize at Glengarry, Cc·unty Fair, over the We bater, 08borne,a.ud Ne~ York Singer J A:1trEs ::ri-r.n..BoY. Belleville, Sept. Got fust prize on t'b.e Uoyal, at Fair here, heating \Vheeler & \Yileon and every otb1~r tn&chiue. Gr('a.t conteat. J AMXR BARRE'I'I. 25, 1875. Ro:fal. took first prize at U nionville, compet· ing with the \Vh.eeler & Wilson, Singer, and l:ia11iili<JR, &Ith. 1875. Brockville, Sept. Dress Goods wo1·th 50cts., for 35. M. MAYER'S. French Merinos 'vorth 80 cts,for 50. Bowmanville, Oot. 1875 DRUGS AND MEDICINES · J3lankets wol"th $5.50 for 4.00 at the Shawls 'vorth $3.00 for 2.00. Bowmanville J;>rug Store, !!ail-1~oad wrappers worth $5.00, for 3.75. J. HIGGINBOTHAM Rail-road wrappers for $5.00. OULD most respectfully tt1nder his Wthanks to hfa nu·merona friends and and to the public genera.Jly, few the Buffalo Robes worth $15.00, for 12.00. very libf'ral support be has ince his · in buaiue1B; :.i.ud hopea · by oon·· Shaped 11orse blankets for Cne Dollar: strict personal a.ttentiou tu 1tnd nothing the purl·st Qvei:·coats cheaper than e er you have offering most reaaonable prices, to continuance of public patronage. J. would. call srieciaJ attention to hiH seen them! su1per1or stock of ., 1st, CASH l'AID FOR RAWS FURS. sincc-:re lS· tqpler~, rpccived <'-?mmenci~g t1nuf;d bu.t bt,11~ilH~ss, articl~b. at onsur~ a the ~· \'t:!l',Y others. · Ev.ERTTS & HAGAilMAN. ·Titso~BURG, Oct 11, 1875. ALFREDS:. PlilASE,Roch ..ter. D. MACFIE, President. - · :r. :B. LEYS, · }·irtit prize for Royal, at Union Exhibition hete,11\'Cr e.ll compf'ltitors. lv!ATTHE\V StEWAR'l'. · WoodBtor.k, Oct. 6th. 187.5. l{oyal t·'<ik firBt prize at Exhibition here,over al1compet?ter1. MAT!I'H:EW STEWART. All this .and Much More at ~1°CLUNG BR: OS. ~wmanville, TJ Y E which are sure t.o give tho bust satiiifll.ction, ST'UFF'S A well selei.:ted stock of Jan. 11th, 1876. Mana15er. I wrui fully oonviuced tha.t tbe Mathuahek was the crown of all IL BELLACK . . Reference by permission, GEO. McGILL, EsQ, :Manager Ontario Bunk, Bowmanville. WILLIAM ALLISON, EsQ., M. D., Bowmanville. Loudou, l\far'}h, 8th, 1876.\ · Paris. Oct. 3rd, 1875. Have tak('U iirrit prize with Rnyal at Fair here, bell. ti.D g lhe Ha.:y·mond and Singer. \V1r.LIAM SNIDER. DRUGS, CH EM IO.A LS, P.ATKNT J.JEDJGINES, BRUSHES, COMBS, SHOULD"F:R-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc, l!:tc. kept co118tant.Iy on ha.nd. amhter and Chronicle. Its papc1 s upon tixistent questions and its in· itnitable cn.rtoons hcLp to mould the' ll1:"1ltiments of thP country.-Pitt!lbio·gh Coniml!'·cial. Ha1pN"s 1Veekly i:;tand~ n.t the head of illns tratcd journnh1 iu tbe Un itt'j'l Sta.ks, i11 circula· tion, t'<litoral :.i.bility, and piL-torial iUnstro.tion. -Ladied' RepoB·ito1·11. Cint:innati. Postage free t o all Subscribers in Cariada. llarper'a "\VeekJy, one year . · 4.00 4.00 inclndes prepa.yu1ent of Postage" by tht1 · publfr1hon1. . · Snhi:icriptious to Ht\rpr,r's l\f~azint>, Weekly, ttnd Bazar, tu Ol) c a.dxlrt"SS fot one ye:.i.r. $10.00; or, tw(1 nf Harper's Periodicals, to One addresa r for OJH:l yt~'u" $7.00: vostag_e free. ... An Extra Cupy of either the )..fa.:;azine, Weekly, or wiU be snppliccl' gratis, for every VJuh of ]:c"'ive R11bs0ribers n.t $4.00 one reniittanr:e; or, Six Copies for $20.00 1 with· out i;:xtr3. c9py; postage ft·e e . . Back Number1-1 t:ii11 bQ supplied :\t any ti.Jae. 1 l'he Annunl Volumea of 1:.fa"l'pQr'a V{tlekly, il1 n1::1~t cloth binding-, '\'ill be sent by express, free of expenae, for $7.00 each. A e<implete 8et, eomprisin:; Nine Volumes, sent on receipt ot Caf'lh at the ratH of $5.25 per vol., frieght l\.t expense of purchaser. Protniueut attention w.ill be given in H a.rper's W cckly to the illustratiun of the Centennir.l In· teroational Exposition. Nt1wspaµcrs t1ore uot to copy this n.dvortiso1nent witJl_out tho expresa order of Harper & J3rothers. A-ddress, for th1;1 p1-u:1t ten years, says that the No, just rect'i ved from you is the bt"~L un1-de and finest inl'lt:rument in this city: ): ou1·~, -&c . 1U Ur1.:h~i:i.tral :b-1y old tuner, '"ho h&11 taken ct\re of 1ny ?"Tnpanee, Oct. 15th. 1875. Royal hag t: ·kcn first _prize at }"air here.oYer Singer, Ho·we, V\'~nzer F, Osborne and others. .JAMES ll.ARRE'l'. · D. M. SOMERV!LLE, Clevoland,0. 'l'l>:HMS' RtM ST. W. M. S. SOR COL, 'l~orooto. We h11ve great pleasure in stating that Man instr~mtint to lead the sing:,inf: in a. S. School 11oth1ng c11,n excel it. 'l'be tono is soft aud full. The bll8S if> i;tr'Yld and · when 300 voiQes &.l'tl einHing _tog~thcr the can be distinctly heard. Every note rings out aii clear as a. bell . ""' The·Big Push!" wo-rk and light ro~nufacturing. . Royal takes prit~ nt this Fair, for fitmily WILLI.Al'>!" SNtDER. H:i.rlcy, Oct. 13th. 1875. OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VA RNTSH ER, ·, imd WHITE LKAD at the very low ~at prices. ThflliC victorii-11 concJuaivcly µrnve that the li~ht running Roytl, i~t.he veoplo'a favorite, and Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B .-Con11trY store-kcPJpera Btlpplie<l on the most advan tageous terzn~. A ohoice selectinn <>f I..1 J\ MPS for i:-nh cht""aD Bowmanville. DP-c. l 868. 6u1.. · · the BEST FAMILY SEW[NG MACHINE The I\il11.nufacturers have lately added to it, tbe g:r~t1.test nnvfllty of the l\ge, tho Ro.11al La1Y1-p Hokier f01· Sewing Machines. The L~roµ can never upset. nor the Oil soil the work ; and it ia arranged to tbro": the light· on any part of . the wot'k, enabling the operator to S. J, BUNTER PMtor. WAlUNG KENNEDY, Superinlendent. SAl\IUEL lfRTSB.Y, .M.uaicnl Con<luctor. :. faction_ It. M.s given my fal!Jily the'VeL'Y hiljl"b~i;t 1rn, ,tia· Barrie. REV. JOHN BRllDIN, COWLE p\ir. chMCd fron1 you ba.s gi\ren entire l'l&tisfacthm and proved itaelf a snperior iustru iuent in every respect. I wo11ld recomm~nd all to 1;1et1 the "&fo.thusek, before purchasing elsewhore. R. J. Rutc, D.EAR Srn :-I have pleasure in adding my t..e~t1m~ny to the many you have already l'e· oe1vod in fa.vor of the well meritlfd Ma.thu!!iek Piano, purchased fr9m you rcC'ently. I am '~'ell ~atisfiF:d with it i:n every respect a.nd oonsHler. fo.r hea.uty and tone, it is un~urpassed by any instrument I hav~ yet seen. I'~·of. Mt·. J. Rt.1.l!t, DEAR SIR :-The Afathu!3ck I HAMP'l"O.N, Feb.1st . 1876 . T. PHILLIPS. ENNio'k!LLEN,Jnn. 25th.187G. ,H.aving bought a Large of BUFFALOES, very Cheap, all that is required, is to ' qqantity work as well by night as by day. Sold by J. s. DONEY, TYRONE. HARPElt & BROS., New York. S. 0. HILLIER, M. D. "Come down handsorpely," " Will you be One ?" · -o-- N.Il. - Age_ o t for :E'irat-claes ~fu sica.l Instru· ments-"\V. Bell &Co's. Orgab., Hallett.&Davis and Ilnrd1oan Pinnos. Ah~o 1li... Cel~brated Wa.ltha.m and - El'tin1 WatcheR. 'l'he Sub~cribe~, thanking his very 11umorothi c1H-ito1nti1·s for past pa.t,ronage, (having sohl T 'wtl i·c 1'/iouB<n~d IJollru;s 1'Yo1·th in ·12 month ·solicits their continued p~,tr onagc,by reo.sona.b prices, fair dca1i11gs, and guarrintced sa.tsfa tion. J. }). · Novetnber 18th. 187!i ~Our Christma.s Fruits,'$, bought a,t bottom ~ices, CD will 'be sold Low. Our Goods give Good Sa.tisfaction. 'l'liY TBEM. ~ it-I &o ~ Subscriher reti.inu1 thanks to those THE b'\Ve given him their patronitge in par>t th~ wlt and wonld inforn1 thu farmora that he ha.s re· pn.ired and refittf:!d hi1:1 JviiU, and is nuw . prcpart!-d to attend to t.bcir W[l;llti; in the n1illiag line lie is also conducting a CARRIAGE SHOP 011> :Eolf-Doll,;;_-;_.,i.!.th. llest. TRY it GENERAL STORE, anrl. having purchased his stock for NOTICE. Prof. RU$~ ._ E NNISKILLHY, Jan . 15th. 1876. W of B beg to advise tbe1 public that we lu~v{l j Uijt placed in the ma1·ket a flfty·cent Stn. :-The b-It;!{lium Ma.thuRck we got from you h>iVel!I enth_-e sn.tisfuction in every· respect. l can unhesitatingly recommend it to all desiring a good piano. · DEAR Gra.y's Syr·up of Pastor of PrOE1byterin.n ChW'ch, D. STEWART. I have done 1ny ut1nost to please the Public, as \\ itnl'ss the .following: 1 west Qf the Ontario Bank. King Street, Bowmanville. RED SPRTJOE GUM, nnd it can be found in all first-class Drng Stores. Mr. J, Ruse, . OSHAWA, Jan 24th. 1876. Consumtirs of tLis Popular Remedy for Throat and Lung Diseases will find it more Profitable than the other size, aa it' conirnins nearlv thrP.e times the ouantity. w &: 22 Sole Proprietors, 1t1ontrell-L DEAR SJR;-The No. 11. Mathusek ie nil tbnt you commendatory of it, musicians hR.\'e t-ried it &nd pronounoed it exc~llent.. R. MRS. MITCHEL. :Buffaloes for $4.50, worth $6.00 . . " . · for $7 worth $10 Bowmanville, Oct. 29th., 1875. n1HE. subscriber is prepared to build a.nd rEi .l Wagons, Buggies, and Cutters, ~I Ili>!Pro!<, Jan, 31st. 1876. every deB(.ription, at short notice, and on reasonable terms. H giving barga\n11 in For a General Assortn1ent of ~ Dry Goods 1 CD G1·oceries,Crockery,Glassware, .....-4 etc., Lyle tt ~f artyn's is the ct Dress Goods, 1 ~ _ __ i_ ~'5S'~~j_Q---- ~ Crockery,Glassware, Groceries, &c. CA SI-I, t-z · ~ STAND.-Recontly occupied by Mr. Gra-y. S. V ,A'Jjj S'l'O~E. Tyrone Deo. 17, 874. TYRONE . KERRY. A'rSON t:o .. ,J.l fr. J. Ru~e. . DEAR SIR :-It affords me grc&t plea.Rure l'! ackoowle,di;i~ng the entire S!Ltisfa.ction and my high apprec1atlon of the 1'.fa.~husek piano pureha.sed froin you a few da.ys since. - S. J. "SMITH. ·--~ $25 REW!ID! The n,hove re,vn1rd will b1:1 to a.n:r peson '~ho will f12rnish ampll:i proof tbat tho .Boni;$ & Shoes fiol<l by the un<lersib>ned, 1ue not w ba.tro repl'csents them. -o·o- !NDEISON & (JO'S Fall' Stock of Carriages Painted and Triniroed. A Blacksmith's Shop on the premises,were specia1 attenti-on is given PRICES: FULL AGRAFFE, · 7·0CTAVO FROM $ 3 0 0. PIANOS . from other makerR at bottDm prices. _,,,_ reliable d . an as their stock is so well known, it is quite unnecessary for them Boots and Shoes HAS JUS1, AI-tRIVED. TO OFFEl{ ANY BRIBE to induce the public to purchase. So come along and bring your mon~y to all LILE & M!ITfN. Important Announcement! J. EI.4 Ll OTri"S CkealpSt~re TYRONE, Hae now a full aesorttd-£tock of ! ---'=---- Ca.rriage work, i.nd General Jabbing. NORRIS & .SOPER NO· 8, Adelaide St.1last, Toronto, SOLE AGENTS. -:o:- .All work done at this Establishment wa1-ranted. A call is respectfttlly .aolicitod. ,T, Bowma.nville. o . . t. 1st. 1869 'l1HE JOSEPH RUSE, AGENT IN DARLINGTON, CLARJ{F., \VHITBY, REACH AND CARTWRIGHT. Their Rewards are Better Value for your Money than can be had Elsewhere. with you. AN_DERSON & CO. MORRIS. W. McMUITRf, Having been delayed several weeks, in opening.out his '1..,ERMS ATR:ECTL Y . CASH. DOMINION BANK. BOWMAKVILLE. Ca pi ta!, Paid Up, $1,000,000 Bowmanvillc, Oct. 14th ..1875. For Ge11ts, For I..a,dies, For Children. Lotest Styles and Good Stock. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERED WORK. STORE.- One door of<;ornish'11Jewelry Store, King Strt:et, Bowmannlle. Also Agent for Dominion Organs, Bowmain>ille. Bamp~n. }"ab. 8th, 1876. 20-tf. -VVINTJI NG UP ! OCTOBER 10th, 1875. It is my intention on the above dtcte to wind up the long-winded cred- NOTICE! EUt.NCli OFFICES : OSHAWA, 0RILLI.A , WHJTJJY, Co:aouRc, UXB1UDG.S1 °HOWMANVILLE, HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. inst. All persons indebted to the Estate, are r9queated to p_ a.y such debts to JOHN Jn.. RISH, ,JR., not later tha.n the 3l!lt of March and the seller being saved from lotis by bad debts. J,L PERSONS HAVING ANY CLAIMS it system,n,nd sell only for CASH, or its equivalent. It requires no arguA on the F.stll.tu of thela11eJOHN Mt)ltRISH ment 't0 establish that it is to t.he advantage of both buyer and seller,to(deceased), late of Cartwright, are h eroby re· trade for ready pay, the buyer thereby getting ·goods at LOWER PRICES que~ted to send euch claitna to JOHN l\{OR· MORRISH, Addreas. JOHN MORRISH, Cartwright. P. 0. Durham, Ont. New Tailor shop, LATE WITH F. Y. OOWLR, JOHN HEAL, bego We think then that all parties will concur in the wisdom of this change on our part. Our goods will hewtfter be bought for CASH only, and we shall there· by reap tjJ.e advantage of large trade discounts, which <tdvantage we are determined to give to our customers. Parties purchasingfrom us may therefore depend upon getting goods at least ten per.cent. cheaper than unde,- the old plan. Our stock will this l!'all be more replete than ever , and a still 'higher class of goods will 11e kept. We therefore guarantee the greatest satisfaction to all who may favor us with their p,/tkonage. '!'he following linee will be found full: J. B-owlll3.nvi11e.~Iay 6th, 1875, SMALE. This Bank, in addition to transacting the usual banking business, offers to the public all tbe a<lva.nta.ges of a Saving InHtitnt-ion with the security of a large paid-np co.pita!, by the means of a SAVINGS D.El'Alll'lli..t:llT. Interest a.llo\,Qed on all deposits of One Dol· lar and upwards, at the rate of FIVE per cent. per annum. Depositors ca.n withdraw either the whole or any pa.rt of their deposits a.t ariy time 1 w.ithottt previous notice. Special rates of interesta.U 0 wed upon deposits with notiec of withdrawal. · American Curr.ency and Silver ta.ken on de· posit. · Dra.ft11 granted payable in Great Brit&ini 1.Tnited Ste.tes and all pa.rts of WDepm1its can bi remitted by,,a.ddreso!!I· ed to the Dominion uank [registered], when in all C.Mf!lo!!I a. Pass-Book receipt will be sent by retumpoist. Groceries· Dry Goods, New ·Dry Goods Esta,'blishment, :Boots & Shoes has determined to ofl'er, during ·the etc., etc, remainder of the Season his entire stock, at such prices as will ensure a · · · which for CLEA.RING SALE. . ~-CALL . AND SEE H oiv Cheap good Goods can be sold for CA_ SH. Bowmanville, November i9th, 1875. Quality and ness, . Ch~ap The stock is all NEW, purchased with care, and at remarkably Low Rates. · To Let or for Sale. · CANNO,T BE SURPASSED · J. ELuo1 T favor, long due,.1nust Ue pMd nnme<lifl.ttily, or c::oatR will be 1ncur1'otl. W. nowmanville, 1876. 15-tf, N To Whom it May Concern. OTES, AND ACCOUNTS, IN, MY form the public gen1::1rally, menced business in the Shop pre~s Office, one <loo1· eiu:it of ,T. Jviilne'a, Having haJ. f:!tivCra.l yeare experience in the brad.ti, li.ti hopes to sii.tisfy all v1ho nui.y f avo1· him with a ca.11. Ready·made Olothing,Oloths, Tweeds,Dres~ Goods,Si!ks, Shttwls,Skirts;Cottons, that he ha.a comWlnceys, Blankets, Buffalo Robes, &c. next to the to order in city style.a, on ~hottest to in· Bowmanville. · J&n. J. A. CODD, .J.g<nt, 6th, 1874, 15-tf. > A GOOD Duke ~treat. FRAME HOUSE, aitu·t· o" Apply tu · S, W. MASON. l ·tf . Bowma.11"\·ille, Deo. lOth,1876. G ENTLEThiIEN'S SUITS AND SHIRTS notice. NOTICE. Good Farm for Sa.le. half or fot 14, 7th Con. lington, contn.ininglOO acreR , rr101·e ur }t:::-;~ Good buildings a.ncl fences, and large young or· chard. For, !1,JJ[{lY to ·-- . . P. Jan. 6th. CONSAUL. GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bowmanville, Sep. 4th, 1872. m49·tf. llowtno.n>-ille, Oct. Zlst, 1875. S. F. HILL. R. R. E. CAMPBRLL,.-gratluate of · D Mi..,higan lTniversity-will len.rn somethiur: NORTH Oct. No. Dar to his advantage, by sending 11its adclress, im .. mt1diately, to Box ll:X\ Muakegon, I\{ich . 19-tf. J WM. 29tb, 1874. TUER, HAYDON. 5·tf. I · 1

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