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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 17 Mar 1876, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT," r'RIDAY -MARCH 17, 1876 ' 'You didn't laugh at my stupidity before we were married ; you always said I wa~ a duck of a lover,' grnmbled a Faithful in the Least. complaining husband. 'Yes, that's so,' replied the wife ; ' and a duck of a lover BY .TOY AJ.r.. rsoN. '. is almost sure to make a goose of a hus" It is not much tlm.t I can do to help the gr'eat band.' ' POETRY crowned with the most diatin;i:uished reoults for good. The war system of Europe was never monstrous in its proportions as now : I " CLOVER 8:£Ert 1iUa fair to be \·ety 'acarce the . coming .i spri:µ~", ~t ~l.t i:H'~uta but then the wove is always biggest just dollars per bushel more th!l.ll-'- they expected. before it brenks.-- Tlw Advan"3. Clover s;ed ba'."s been too. low· aevoral tyears, an4: 1 Growing Power. A curious instance of the lifting pbwer 1 U baa su.dflen,ly- ~ gone up in price, ·and fo.tmers who have it to i buy find \ha.t th,.ei ha\·e ) toj ~ay, . t~o or , ~~ree ~. , GO TO . , 'I'IIO:MAS l3A'I'TING'S If You Want - ' Straw-Cutters I Grain Grinders I FEED MILLS. Anothe1· ca.r loMI. of the above noblP: articlet on ' the way. world on, I'll gladly do "\Vhat~'Eir I can," aa.i.d little crip· pled John. "So every day I'll watch my chance, from early morn till night, 'l'o do some ldncliy act, or speak in fi~YOL' of the right . "' I'll bear iny burden cheerfully ;-the loving Lord ,will 9areI know he watches, and 'Will help-he it 1ne to bear ." So little John went bl'nvely on ; his !t-!N.Ster imw and smiled, ;\.nd he graciously accepted all the service oithe The following conversation took place the other evening at a tea table in Bangor, Maine : ' ' Five-year-old (to his mother). 'Mother, can r have a cooky ?' . · 'No, my son.' I. ' Mother, can I have a quarter ,of a cooky ?' 1 · 'U' 1 No, n1v ~on) . ' Can l have a crumb of a cooky ?'! 'No.' ... ' Well, then, can I smell a co~ky ?' . exerted by plants is related by the London .1 , . . . D 1u y News. A tradesman res1d1ag JD IIigh _sr.reet, the busiest .st~eet in \~rorcester, I obee1ved, the other moromg, that · square s~o~e on the pavement adjoining the cellar ter oats. grating had been :tifted out of place, and as a uejghbor hat.1 not lollil': before Leen robbdb t'-"' b" '. b 1 . . e. . Y ~le~s en enug liS pr~mlses Y raunog a ~tone of the pavement, he became somewbat alarmed, and sent for the police. After an examination, the stone, which the adva.nce is a healthy indication. \Ve hope , ' ! it 1l-ill not lessen the quantit'"v sown per ac1 0. It ia botter to get a. good sccdin,A" wherever you atten1pt to seed, and if the i:rice of clover go()S AN!> too hig-b, leave so~e without ~eedlng; plow the atnblJli:: and sow with wheat in the fall. In &omo Oa.cies-n.lil were land is very rich it '\\-ill pay to gi~w wheu.t after wheat. ~71:ui1:1_ clover CONSISTING OF seed 1a ·o dear it will not P·Y to try to seed af. . {v ATC HES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, Nevi Goods! BE PLATED WARE, ETC. WecidingR!ngs. MUST SOLD, GOOD AND DRY Bowwanville, Sept. 25th, 1875. tJDE!P HOUSE. Ple··· oall at the B 0 \V !\IAN V I LL E Farm Implement Forwarding Agency R. W. JAMES, King St., llowmanville. Rowma.nville, Dec. 5, 1872. nlO. There~"!' ge1'era\Jy ·.Po.o r" filling" We-hopetheywilllet of clover heads.last fnll. and ow1.=11g tti tht> low -price for two or thre1:1 years, l'b.auy far1111:1rs did their. clover grow thC ~oming year and snve a good crop. of seed. It will P~~yin the improve· went of the soil if not in sted ssld. "':"'\oSterli_ng Silver Spoons) and Pure Gold not\rytosaveseecl. GOODS. AA-RON ET!JOK-LER, . Eowtjlanville, Oct. 8th, 18i5. ch;ld. " lfe that is faithful in lhe least is faithful iu much more," So for that st!rvantshn.Uheset a.blesst!dtaskin etore, . One day the boyli i:a·itltl, 11 HuuchbaC'k, .i·uu l now 1·11n with all your 1uight P' Jrlocking his hapless gait ;- yot John cried cheerfully:, '"1\1Iright." weighed over eighty pounds, was rai>ed, say!!! a writer on the !'lubiact, :you must, as soon {lacing is the one form of gaming in which· and it was then discovered that it waa not a " as your.>tOm~to plant. baa madij four , li;:a.ves, .... the dice are al\vays cogged, and the cards thief but th1·ee mush1:oomo that bad caused pinch tbe top bud from the stem, then ta.Ke up always market.1 ; and many a fuo1ioh ru1u1 · the displacement. · The mushrooms were 1he pl.ant, pinch off two inches from the top ·EAU.LY TOMA'I'.OES.-To gflt eni·ly toma~oeS, J. -D. Strowger NEWCAS'I'LE. . MAN-CHESTER THE p. has paid heavy i;;urns for l.osses that literally tine specin:i.e.ns, sL~ inches in dia1nete1·, aud \\'tu·e pick!.:!d from his pockets. In England, with unusually thick Rtems.' the country par <r.c.cellince of racing, ewind- · Ttds power is ., fully exhibited in the ling on the course has been...1 r duced to a case of the heroic squash, experimented .Aud qu~gkiJ!?;"i'ug his halting steps, he left thti1n system that is ex:q_uisi,te in its perfection of upon by Preeident Clark of the Agricultur· ·~. 1"' ~~~ tha g1'een. detai.Js, aa ~vell as the perfection bf yil- al Collcg'e of Amherst. A bed df rich com~ And h~d him ii! a distant wo(1d, where he 111ight lain,. TLe ·E l!,glish have a paseion.fof rac~ post having been prejlated and,eyery favorweep unseen ; hig, and the induffience of that passion, liKe ·~blc ·circumstance combined 't!o give" the iri most irregular indulgencee, is a costly thing vine all possible advantage, the squash was And the "ery purling of the brook spoke com.- for thenl. It ruins individuals, and it helps enclosed in a sort of iron basket, which was fort to -~ boy. tb degrade the natiorial charnc.:tet, The race- to prevent its breaking under the pressure cburse is the onlu ,nfnce in ""naland on brought upon it, and then was so arran·ged Soon in his i.\o·a nderiug~ he Cfl.llltJ . be~ide tbe iron J, f"I ,.._,.. l"I ,---roa1.l · which all- ·men are f~ee ~and equal, The that if it grew at all it .must press upward Porr:aIDGE.--Ad~ one I,J&rt barley to £ve or .,. .OD wLich the monstct il'on horse carries hi~ "leg" f! as gooJ as the peerJ the latter be· and ruiso an oaken beam five inches square, six parts water, acc6rding to the taste. 'l'his fa precious load. ing a black-leg. If you are ambitious of wL.ich Eaased across it, and was fa~tened by more like soup, and can bo eaten with brc11d. " I'll follow down the track i I know the being in noble company, anti. can't get it in· a hinge af one entl. Well, the sqnash Re\~enge is a ·niomento.ry triumph, tbe is due," he said; any other ,.w~y, you can have your fill of it thought, probably, that this was a little ·! I liko to see the miqhty thing go thundering' at the Derby or nt th~ . St. Leger~ · and yon matter, and soon got the beam up.' Then ratiofaction of which dies at once, ·.nd is ahead!" can be a man and a brotlier to dukes and they began hangi~g weights to the end of 'Succeeded by remorse ; wh.ereas forgive- (A.S REGARDS PRICE & QUALJTY) Then 8uun b1::1 caJne to where a. Lddg~ a mighty inarqnises at Newmarket and Doncaster. the beam ; one pound, t~o pounds, ten ness, ·which is tbe nobiest of all revenge, than a.ny other house in tho County. cha.a1n cro!'lsed, llut you must pay for the privilege of peer· pounds, fifteen, twenty pounds, and still entails a perpetual plea.sure. It wa.s well A rail "-'tl.S broken !-J-uhn grew pale !- ·'l1he a ltoman emperor that he wished to age by betting when and where you are sur_ e the S<[Uash kel't on gnfwing antl r-aising .the said lVe·ight and lr!easure Giwranteed train would su1'e be lost ! put an end to all his enemies b,Y converting weights. · E very day they \Vere made heav' in every instance. Thtn quick as thought be fell to work and to lose: · ' Iu this country, iS: not so .ier and heavier. 'rhe noble plant, with u them into friends. gathered twigs and bark, I ' Dead limbs of trees, dry grass, \vbate'er would vicious a thing as it is in' Englana, not be- generous quietude, made no remark and no Here are some solemn reflections of Mi· burn or catch a spark. ca.uati it is innately better, or that we Ju·u complaint, but just "'ent ou growing; It I chacl Angelo iri the sa.d, long twilight of his . J. D. STROWGER. H 1'ha.nk Gvd, I have a match r' he crled, l)lld more Virtuous -tll,an our over-the-water re- did not even assume a ooornful air; there ·closing years : 1 lations~ but because it is, as ·\ nittion!'t.l was no bravado; that equaah simply kept The course of life has brought my lingering soon the fire blazed high lJpon the, aRd still he v..-orked. · until the ihing, uoti so o~d bere 1 by a century or two, about its bu1;1i11eas, awl ignored the weights. days train was nigh. as it is in the ·old land. But it i& increasing IV ell, this matter went-on and on, and the In fra;,,aile ship ove1· a. stormy sea, He snw the <'ngine slttck its epeecl, then 11id in wickedness ~very fast, and in a few years , weights increased until at last it raised 5~· To the cornrnon court where all our count1:1 him in the wood, must ha~ tho English "'ill he forced tindmit that we fiOO ! Nopntii:w lWl' thanks cra.ved little John.· but are thei~ worthy i' n )itatorS in evil "doing" the joy of doirg good. ~t~~~·-··~~-of peace and joy, . . 11oot nnd transplant it i,n a. common box frame, where the soil is 1'ich and loamy. 'I'he box will keep off the wind, and plants sown and grown Ha...ving remo~·ed to more comm~dious premisel, thero eightt!eri inches apart will produce fruit .,. I!t.;f IN l:.wo \\"eeks sooner than the same planted in ~the . oPen ground~ A mat or few boards. apread FOT:ip:RGILL'S BLOCK, over t.l1e £ra.1ue a..t 1ugbt .w i)l keep them f rom beg to inform· the'Public gen~rally, that ther frost 1 and is fa.r easier anC. ·quicker than gOinR are now enabled to offer th1:m O\ ¥r a. field nightly and eetting boxeti over. each h~ll. ~s: sopn as the plants have 8et fruit on two bloBsoms' of each branch, a.nd the top ~ has in the lino of grown two to four leaves, the pinching off the enda of each bro.noh and top should be again ~ut iU: practice, Elephant House SOMETHING NEW a Better Inducem·ents Grocery A substitute for & Plaster ! Important Announcement.! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. ---OQ- B11siness; Great · .Red.uction; in, Dry Good.s.! ' . I THE PA.TENT ALUMINOUS and ORNAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER· PAPER OIL-CLOTH and CARPETING SOLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. A Larg· l'trxk Jiist Received,-Plain and Ormmnenta~ both for Walls and 'l'toors. The Paper Oil Cloth and Carpet~ng i1:1 a Cheap and Durable Substitute for Oil Cloth. <I: bf NO PRESENTS CIVEN, BUT CODD 'I'eas a Speci~lity. BOWMANVIL:...E The Chemicals with which the Paper is saturated, render it proof --~gainst Ra.ts, l\foths, an.d Mi-.:e. · .. Ma.chine a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co lUUBDOUD BROS. Having decided to make a change in their business; are now selli;1g for CASH their large and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, Varnish Polish! Anothtr thing much wanted. Thia Poli.M gives a. moet elegant lllBtrc,a.nd drie~ instantaneously. Crumbs for Chickens. A ' Maiden speech"-' Ask papa.' What age is most deceiving ?-Sansage. New J3edford is said to have but one whaler left- a schoolmaster. The proverb says, 'Laugh and grow fat.' What a saving of corn it would be if pigs could laugh. · ) ' 1Iarriage,' said an unfortunate · husband, ' is the church-yard of love.' 'And you men,' replied his · wife, 'are the grave diggers.' A man never looks so helpless and insignificem as when standing around in a dry goods store waiting for hi" get through her trading. ' Is the Colonel here?' shouted a man sticking his head into a Kansas City street car. 'He is,' answered thirteen men, as they rose up. 'Don't worry yourselfabout my going a\vay, n1y darling. ...\. bsence you kno\v makes the heart g:row fonder.' 'Yes, of another,' the lady replied. Aman much addicted to snoring, remarking to his bedfellow in the rnornI know rng that he slept 'like a top.' it ,aid the ot11er, 'like a humming top.' on· the tu f. -There iB a deal of cheating as. Telegraph Office in your Headit is, and probably \here ia not a race Iha\ occurs th1J.t cloe~ not breed a mountain of Little boys nnd girls have a kind of telemisery. l;,an1ilies are ruined, honest cred· graph omce in the head, and another also itors defraudeJ, and misery sweeps through in the heart. The brain nod blood are like entire circles of socitty, because a nnrnber elec\J-ic batteries that fumish the electticily of fools hitve "b1tcket1' th~ wrong hor1H! rt ,:_ to carr1 missa.ges o\·er the wires. The airif.tber'e could be a right horse in aucb a ~yes, ears, nose, mouth and bauds are win... .case ! The worst thing alfuut it is the at- C.ows through which the wires enter the traction it PJ"·~ntsfto wealthy Y.oung UJen, office. The light, atmosphere aud nt::rves who are easily led away, nnd find that the are t~Q 'Vt'.h ei~ to b<?ar the mt>.s~~g:es.. . For nv:.~- courae is the road to ruin. "; e know instance, when you l'Jee yonr mother apof no n1ore enviable lot tha.11 that of a young proaching you, the light from her face enAn1erican boru to a1~Jµle n1~.aus, whose tal- ters through your eyes into the Lead, bUd ents are fair, aud who has all \he advan· <lown into the heart, with the tt:legt'ttlo that . ta.gee that education {lnd social -positid'n can she is coniing ; abd then H ifl, as if there . ~ive him. TH.l!i M;ERCHANT has n.ow a bona -fide and wit h the exception of a few,,.these pass into thtl hands of the pt."'ople of '\Vest Durham. ~l'bepublicwill at once seo · Circulation of 1000, Manufacturers . of Nothing ever discov:ered befo1e to equal this Polish. FOR FOR \VOOD AND IRON ADVER'.TISifNG P·li:EDIUM. It Ras No Equal in this constituency, and this fa.ct is being con sta.ntly demonstrated. _ AT AND 'B ELOW .. COST! Piano FYrtes, l3uggiu, Gutters, WORKING MACHINERY 9 mocks, . Tho Stock haYing been purchased in the B]j:ST MARKETS, buyers can'ramws depend on getting or any kind of MORE .AND BETTEP, GOODS FOR TH.EIR MONEY VarniBhed at this Establshmeut than, in any other honse in the' country. Furnif.ure. Sleighs, and all kinds oj LBPPBX.. 8 · .if you ha.vlj luat paper. ~XERCHANT. a.uythivg, adve1'tiBe in 'this . If you have found anything, advertiee iJl the If you \Y:tnt tb sen anytning, advertise in this Double Turbine " Water _ Wheels, and VarniBhed Carriages Literature, a.rt, science, politics, If you want to reach the public, use the philanthl"opy, aud busines" nrc all open to ta.kc down the mcisage, and it is written on. columns of the 'l\IEitCHAN 1r. ' bin1 aa tb'ey are to no other man on this the memory, A"lld so when she &peaks, the RATES ARE LOW. OUR contin~nt, aaU: ,he could enter either pursuit words run alongion the atn1ospbere through wert.! a little ruan in there af:! operator to MERCHAN'r. paper. · If you want to buy anything.adverth1e in the SOLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. Castin gs of all Kinds REPAII~S done Call Early, and secure Bargains, as tlie wlwle fitock rnust be sold at once, for CASH ONLY. lIA:BDWABE ! ueua.1· Large Stock on band of in e:,·xcellent case. Yet how many such men the ears, and the message ~he sends ii! writ· are utterly 1·uinrd, not in spite of their ad- ten ilown on the mind. Thus, throllgh the vaatagE:~, hu ~ because of th1!01 ! The race- five senses-seeing, hearing, smelling, tas~ course teo1pts not a fet\.· of thent to destruc- ing, and the feeli11g, n1essages reach your tion. "\Vinnt!l:ti anJ losers _ are al.ike ruined, head and Leart conr>ta'lltly.-llncle John, in the former 1norally- for what is a success- Children's Fr1·m1d. · ful gamester but a t111ef ~-and the l!itLer, As a weekly newspaper, the ]..fERCHANT is scarct!ly 1:1xcelled. Sbd.ien columnl:l uf carefully selected rending matter nppear in each ii5sue, comprising Literature, A(Tricultnral, JJ'a.milp Reading, · General and Local ltewsall fresh a.nJ. realla.ble. Subscriptions taken any time during the year. On the THE DEPARTMENT is now c9mplete with the choicest supply of SlIO:RTEST NOTICE, "'°v·e have no\v on h:md a iarge qua.ntity· of that will be Anlcl at..- Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoues and Tinware. All of which will be sold at low :6.g\ues:. Common and . Gang Plows, botq.,.Qtol"ally !Uld pecnuiarly. The number of such ·cases 1uui=t iucrease every year ; for horse~·rUci ng thus increases. This is a mhtter tha~ calls ~or the closest attention of religious teai;herj anU morl\l ista, who should S<21ek to aav~ men from falling, as well d.5 FARM AND HOUSEHOLD Agricultural Items. (From the Prairie Farmer.) TERMS 75 'CT8,, IN ADVANCE.. :rro:a. -·- - : o : - - JO:B. J?:RINTING LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. Bowma.nville, Marchl873. Chlristtn as Goods, Raisens, Citrrants, bU· John McLeod & Co., Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville. gttrs, Peels, etc.~ etc., at all Prices. August 10th, 1875. BowmanviJ!e, Dec. 24th, 1874 we have· evt·ry fncility. "'\Ve do not work for nothing, or f~n, , but our prices will be found low, as our presses are ntn by steain TJower. 6tf. . MURDOCH BROS. , Just Arrived nt the SE.lliD T1ME.-Tbf1 ar.ason ~pJ?roa..ches, in fact l'RF.Cocrous Mrnx.-A little girl at strive to lift he. falli'.-Watchman . and it ii:; alrea.dy 11.t o\tt doors. ..A heady the aeeda· a school examination in reading her ltefkctor. ' men are making the usual effort to introduce piece, changed Keat's verse into 'A new seeds on the nrnrket, each new kind, of Arbitration ' aµa War. thing of beauty is a boy forever.' 'It doesn't take me long to make up 1 The rBCent clcatb of Rev. Dr. J. .B. M.iles, 1 my mind, I can tell you!' said a con- · secretory of the .Atu,ericau+· 1>eace Society, ceited fop. 'It's always so where the and general secretary of.. the [nternatioual stock of material to make up is small,' Association for the Coiiifi'hation of l nterQa· quietly remarked a young lady. tional Laws, ia a posi~ive loss · to a. great A darky, left in charge of a telegraph rnovcmen·t, one of the gren\esl which t.he office while the operntor went to dinner, Christian philanthropy of our time is called heard some one 'call' over the wires,. upon to reinforce. But the loss would be :md began shouting at the instrumeEt, a more serious one if-it were not for the ' De operator isn't ycr l' 1~he noise !act fhat, by his death, the fresh attention · ceased. of so many will be tU'rned to the con8ider· 'Whazzer mazzer me?' indignantly: .11\ion of the cause to which he had, with ·so inquired the fellow sitting on the curb· d~ep.rtln enthusins~1, given his life. stone, blinking at the officer as it the To say that the preseat system of warlight hurt his eyes. 'Whazzer mazzer fafe, with its infinite burbarisms, ' burdens me? Juzzer same ale thing-hyp-dcrmic and ~·a.ste, is to continue alwnys1 is to con· 'jection ,vhizzky. 1 tradict the whole teuor of divine prophecy, A man in New Hampshire had the and to tlisrt!gard the ce:ftain drifts and grow.misfortune to lose his wife. Over the ing potency of public aeutiruent ago.inst it. grave he caused a stone to be placed, It is not twenty years since the overthrow on which, in the depth of his grief, he of the barburiem of the Amflrican system ·ordered to be inscribed: 'Tears canof slave_ry seemed in1possiLle; but t11e imnot restore her-therefore I weep.' A doctor was discovered holding a young lady in his lap the other eveoi?g, but he stated that he was exammmg her for an affection of the ' heart, . and she remarked that there was nothing wrong in laying her head on her piller. A young mfriister, ~omewl;at di~ti~ gnished for self-conc.eit, hanng failed disastrously before a crowded audience, was thus addressed by an aged brother: H you had gone into that pulpit, feeli11g as you now do on coming , out of that pulpit, you wou'.d have felt. on comnw ont of that pulpit, as you did when you to that pulpit. went up in" A Benton county man hid $600 in the sp~re room stove. The ne~t da_y his wife's mother came d01m dunng his absence, for a three \veeks' visit, and that spare room was warmed up for the first time in three hundred years. And they say you can pick up shreds of that man's hair and clothes where he clubbed himself around the country, when he heard of it, a)1ywhere within teh miles of !he house. A certain parson, who was also a school-teacher, handed a problem to his The first boy class in mathematics. took it looked at it for a while, and said, pass.' Second boy too~ it, and said, 'I turn it down.' The third boy stared at it for awhile, and drawled out. ' I can't make it.' 'Very good boys,' said the parson, ' we will proceed to cut for a new deal;' and the switch danced like lightning over the sho~ilders of the depraved young mathematicians. · wurse, is cl:Umetl t'l be the beat. Soon th1::we will be an a.ct.h.·o demand for all kin<ls of seedP . s t and not experiment farmers sho u~d get the be. too much with new ideas~ Gh,cwhat · y ou sow good culture, and apply all the manure and fer· tiHv~ra yon (·an, and then a bountiful harvest" will re Na.rd your labo~. CH~\~GE 'l' !-i~ Sl:.t:n--Expt'tilncnt.~ Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills , Progammes · Cii'culars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets, ,, 1 1 , lml>etial Fire lnsuranr.e Co OF LONDON. show, l.Je· ron<l the rshadow of a tloubt, thn.t the frt1<iutmt change of ~eeds will lead to the best, results. An oxcha.nge of those grown on barren orgravel land for thoflc gathered from a li1ne·l!lt~ne soi. l will, it is claimed. have a good effect. It iB well-knO"';\'ll to every successful farmer, tba.t the contiriuoufi aoWing of the l'ame kind .of seed, way :Ue one cause of th<i deterioration of crop1 whenever experien~t'd. l\fake a. chang9 of seeds, ~et good set1de, p.n<l. better resuUis will be plainly Wl'Ought out. ~arden 1 t])tl bett~r --V( Estaibli·hed 1803, Thun O>FJOEB.-1 Old Broad St, , n.nd and everything from the size of a Poster large Pull !I.ii.ill, London. (}ENER~u, 4.. GE'.NCY :FOR 0ANADA :- 24 St en911gh to coYer a. barn. to a. half·inch strip, Sa.c:ra.uent St. 1 Montreal printed in good style, and at dt prtces. Specimens of work can be seen at our office. Work handed out, <l.lld the ca~b tnken for it Subscribed° nnd invested Oapital and Rerit\Tve Fund. £1,965.000 Sterling, C. BARKER. · Funds illvcsted inCanndnr- J05.000. Insurances against loss by Firl:l ef!e{Jted on most favorable torme, &nd lossea wiil ont reference to the Board in London. J DODSWOB,TH, RIN'.l'OUL BROS. Inspector. Gen. Agontl!I, Montrea FASHION HO'USB splendid aesortwent o NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Manar;er Alt!o a. large stock of .i\. BIG RURH ' Stamps for Braiding and Em- THE R. R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister, Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. Bowmo.nvi.lle, June 4th, 1860 ia now raging at broidery. 'I A Fre~1ch doctor, matiy years ago, advertised a cosmetic-the 'balm of one tbouOJand flowers.' It finally got him into court, charged with swindling the purchaser, because it .w oµld. be im, J>Ossible to collect and combme the odor of ' one thonand !lowers.' But the witty Frenchman with a ready smile, put them down with the ~eply, '.Honey' -which was one of the mgred1ents m !he ' balm.' GARDEi"s.--The sooner work is bcgwi in the it will be for those Ytho are coni.pelJed to urnctice ecouomy the,proscnt yen.r. A good garden is on1::1 ha.lf the battle for the subitinence of a These ~hould be look~d to now. as the weather giv-ef! a. good opportunity, nnd the hired ma.n, mechanic, or prubable,soon happened .' Duelling~ wb1ch other!! who have a littl·· patch upon whioh to is simply the barb'll"ism of warfare on a pla.nt potatoes, beans, eabba.ges, &c., can raise small scale, wa& only a. few years a.go in fu:ll enough to sa,ve a good ma.ny dollars during- the vogue : To defy the" code of hon'or, 11 was n~xt yea.r. a !:i~vt.'re test. of one's 1nor11l courage. Al· PALN'I' l'OR F,\!{M..J£B8·-A. writer in one of our ready the brutality- of the "code '" is ad- exchanges st;tea that farmers will find the fol· mitted, an<l the ins~.itution has dropped lowi11g- pro:fltable for house or fenee. paint : into the pit uf public abhnrrcncc with Skim milk, two quarts ; fresh , al"'ked lime, the brutalitie· of· -the prize .ring. · These eight ounces ; linseed oil. ejx ounces ; white '·woes" are past ; others hke them must Burgundy pitch,' two ounccii; Spa.nish white, 'Vith the a.rriva.l of the Holidays, comes a th1·ee pounds. rrhe lime is to be slaked in wa· demand for go the same way. Many of the wost savage ter expo!ed to the air. and then mixed with cnsto1ns and usages of warfare have al~cady about one· fc111·th of the milk j the oil in which been 1nodified, under the · i1:1flnenc·e of hu· pitcb ifi dif1soh·ed to "be added, a little at a mc \ner l:le·u timents den1anding it. The n'ext time, then th~ rest of the milk, and afterward point of attack in the inevitable mu.~ch of the Spanish white . . ThiH ia fot· white paint. Christian i<l.eas \\o·ill be the war system it- If desi.rable, any other color may be produced, self. _r\..ll ihe great European nations are thus, if a cream color is desired, in pln.ce of part I have a Stock that cannot fail to please-com of the Spanish white Ul!e the ochre alone. :E'M· plete and val'ied. · being crushed .~(J etrangled hy it. 'rhe m1::1rs wiehin~ to economize in painti:fig fcnceEl, experiments of international ru:bitration i u or temporary rtructures> will proba.bly find the cases of grave di~pute, as in the peaceful above valuable. sett]ement of the A1abuma claims, have 01ovEn.-Scientific mC n in Europe have FAMILY BIBLES. Splendid Lot. POCKET BIBLES,;Large Assortment. now been numerous enough to shO\\' thti found out, Uy investigation, that while healthy N .B. That deservedly popular Teach vra.cticahility and -~inca1cu1n ble advantages clover P1auts in a, good soil fclnning one huner's Bible, in va1ious bindings of auch rational and humane adjustrneuts. dred pou11Js of stems and leaves thn.t will m:ike Resoi:t to the arbitrament of war is seen to hay, the roots below, divested of dirt, will JJOOKS, in Great J7ariety, be not the only alternative. The ab~ence, weigh fifty.six pound$, allowing two for A LB U lvIS, Cheap and llrett· hitherto, of an:ything like a "-·ell systemn- g1·o~vth and three cuttings of the clover, two the WRITI}(G DESKS, and WORK BOXES eeeon~l ves..r ~nd one the first. Clover roote and ti zed and autlioritatiye statement of the stuhbl~ more than pay tLe coot of produetii;:m J\HCROSCOPES, laws· and ueugee by Which niodeni nations as manure to the land, whetb or yon fel'tilize for ,ST1£REOSCOPES, are prepared to be governed, ha.s been, it a crop of corn, oa.ta, wheat, barley, or what not. KALEIDESCOPES. is true, a great hiutlrauce t~ the cause. .A turf tha.t has grown four bas been But. that hindrance i.s being overc_ o me. A~ worth six to~s of hay for n1anure. It ts g-ovd Lttrgest Collect-ion of Ste1·eoscopic niost important bl'g1nninH at last hns been economv to sow a.Lout one hundred J.Jounds of Views in 'L'own. made, · e~pecially by those international la1ld plaster to the acre of cloi.·er, to enlarge the- crop. Lot a.11 farmers lea.rR how · to tnakto 'congresses, hel<l during the past few )'ar$'., sterile or thin land become fertile, It is as and attended by numbet'R of the most elni- easy to rrrnke poor land become fat in sod 8Jld nent j nriats lt.Ild statesman of our time. To mfl,t1UrP., as it iA to make a poot pig gain in :A.esb. say that their deliUerationa and ·conclu· grass aµ.d clover labor for you. Peovle's Book Sto're ... SA:B:BA TH 36 · m.o.43-39.4w TBELEVENS FASHIONS · for Spring just to hand. sc:a:oot. :RELIANCE Mutual Life Assurance Society DDESSM:AKING usual. POTt ESTABLISHED 1840. 131, MRS· A. FLETCHER Bowman ville. April 7th,1874. S'r. JAMES STHEET, MONTREAL DIRECTORS. CaNADA OJJ11:r Orrrc.&a. c. B'AR KER. _ WALTER SHANLY, Esq., MP., Ch~a.n, DUNCAN lvlACJDONALD, Esq. SO, HO! Gentlemen of Fashion ---and he ts determined to continue to sell at these ruinously low prices cheaper than the cheapest. . Why he can do it]i'irst, he buys for cash and knows just ho'V to bl'y, ! Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. · MAJOll T. E. TnE HoNORARnE RESIDE~T C.UIPBELL, JOHN C.B.. St. · Hila.ire, HAMILTON, Hawk&· NOT SO FAST. burg, Ont. SECRETARY.-JAns GRAJ<T. S PECI AL FE AT U RES. The ENTIRE PROFITS belong to a.nd are divid e<l amonh'st the Pof.icyhol.dere. LIVES, DECLINED BY OlHER COMPANJES, or on which an etra Prcmi-um would be required, can be assured o,t tM o-rdimary ratcB,of this Society, under a 8Jlecial arrai'i{ler11.ent SPECIAL NON-FOP;.EITABLE POLIOlKS issU.ed cheap and good Literature, Gift :Books, and Present GOODS. 0.ALL AND SEE POB YOUBSELVES, AND --o-- under which only 10, 15 or 20 Annual Pay Exa1nine e stock, which comprises evE>rj.tthing in the trade, of the very latest a.nd moat eleg:1.n styles and patterns, of English, Canadian, and,;-J\.merican 1nM1ufactur1::1. menta are required, each pa.ym0nt securing -oPolicy for a sum assured proportionate to the He still continues to manufacture to order, from the best of material, and none but first-clasf:! numbel· of premiums paid, andjreejrom. futur · workrnen kept. t:Jayme:nt of preiniU1r'...'l. ]..'(onv.RA' PIL.EMIO.M.8 and tuo~t liberal conditions. ProspectuseR,Propo~al Forms, &c., supplied He ha.a in stock an endless va.riety of Ladiek' 11.ud Gent~· Saratoga TfunkH, Va.\iije~ etc., all of on application at the H Uffice, or any of which he is selling cheap for cash. the A.geneies. . -o~-· O - BRING YOU.R FRIENDS WITH YOU. I have written these few lin.t"11 . And &l.l I have to say, Tba.t you can find me still &t home I e.m not gqne away ; So all my kind old friends lnay oome And a.11 tho young ones too And ~et theii- garments uic"lY madt'In fashions that new. Where old and young de&.r frieuilm!\ meet A welcome greeting by R. P~ATE Bowman ville, June 19th 1873. LEVI MOit:EtIS, GENERAL OONTRAO'l.'OR AND BUILDER. Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Remember .the Stand Bowmllllvllle, Ma 13, 1874. ·~BIG JAMES GRANT, ltes, Secretary, BOOT" drawn by Two Horses: King St. AGRN'.l' FOR BOWMANVILLE, C.BARKER, 3-ly M. TRELEVEN. Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds Doors, Mouldings, and Window Frames, With. or ·without Casing. With or with<ntt Band Moulds. "Ob8erver Office," King St Bowmanville. June 24th.1870 J ameS · McFeeters. AGENT TO THE PUBij:rc. WALTER \VIGG & SON, I N returning thank~ to their numerous oustomcn1 a~d ihl'.! public generally, for paet f&vors, ·would respectfully invite their a.ttention to our present stock of furniture, a.s we have lately a.dded thereto, tba.t we may the1·eby be enabled to 1'111p_plv a.U P-&!ties who m&y to fav_or him with a. call. Great iuducemenU! held ont to th01e purchasing at our establishment. Pie· turee, J,...uoking Glasse~. etc. framed to order, and in every style. Sampl~ of the different kind of" o uldin gs can be ~een at the ware·ruom. 'Ve would e.lao beg to lnform you, that. having purehaaed a Planing, Planing & Matching, sawing and Turning, .I Orna:r'Mntal Pickets, in every variety, and Sc-1·oll Sawing, of every description"' sions have not the ,force of any official au· q~s1IEo·B.,uthEY ·Musrr.- ...\.dd one· part thority ia uOtiiing to the point. Ideas are crushtd·ba.rley to three pai·ts boiling water, and inighfier tball · thrones. The results of boil ' in a. double-boiler hailf or threo·fourths. of tbeOO'" ct.mgres~es ba:ving j\lst so much weight n.u 11our. Serve in· ·tiaurers, and while warm as th ere is weight in the reasons for tbciu,. apr~klc· over it a little sug~r; _ or eait 'vi th n~ilk f aiid assurance or with stewed fruits, especially -w]wrtleberl'lca. · t th Iu1 ve JUS be o. covercl1 tm · pm·1 or . c stune . . orce d · · l . lf 1 The d ou bl e- bo"l l er may of prevailing as JUSt1cc. Ur\ trut 1 itse · an old fruit·(3an, with the top melted off,set iJ!to _ Aud it ls in tbe pron1otlon of these con- a. boilei:: of watex· . Any one who has tried this ferences ot j uri~ts and statesmen that ·tl1e W AY of cooking the grr..ina will be almost i<nre labors of the late Dr. Miles been to continue its nae. · Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. Call and Examine. · Fotf. the foUowing Insurance Co.1!1', and othe1· InetitutionB, viz :The QUEE~ Fire and Life Insurtii:ace Com. p·ny. Capital£2,000,00U. $150,000 depa.ited ·w ith the Doininion G·overnment, fo1· the pro-tee ders in The ISOL.A'I"ED RISK ]'ire 1nSu1.'ance CC\m: pa.ny of Canado. Capital 500'000,-0ne of the b!:!st and cheapeat 001upanies doing bW!liness in· tho DonUnionJor :Fa1·roeri.1 awl !1Jo1ated Riaka witll a 8~n·ings Bank department. 'fhc UNION ANn PERMANENT Rilikliug ~n(l Saving'y Society. 'l1hc11e lattei· iniltltntioB.s advance Loans on. Rea.I. Eatate, on terms unuau.W.l:y e"sy for the bon·uwer. · .Bowminville, Fob. 6th, 1813. SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, DONE TO ORDER, 6n the The CANAv A LANDED CREDIT CO'Y, wti Great Inducements. k ~ . .!!hall be ready at a.11 times to attend funerals, on short and readwnable terms' :Jf, B,-Cotfins kept on ha11d a.nd made to order, at the SHORTEST NOTICE. NEW DOMINION RET.A.IL FURNITURE W.A.RE-ROOJ[. O·haw·, Aug. 26th, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa' hops on Liberty Street. North of the Eastern House llowmanvl!Je. Bo-.·manvillo, July 9ii., 1874, ·ll-tf ·

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