· r - ---WEST DURHAM 'fHE MERCHANT A.ND GENERAL ADVERTISER. circulates la.rgely lll the Townships of Darlington, Cla.rke and Cart\\ ught. It lB a common platform, open to the free discussion of all quee· ti0Ds 1n \Vhich the general pubhc are concerned. TERMS Stea.m Job :Printing O:ffioe , KrNG STREET, BowMANVILLE Seventy-five cents per annum 1 ln advance- The 'Merchant' and Observer,' $2·00. UATES 01" ADV 1:1.RTISING. ANB 'G ENERAL ADVERTISERa VOLUME "i'Il. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. MARCH 24, 1876. NUMBER XXVI One coln~n 45 per annum. Half do 21) " Qua1 ter tk. J5 '1 Tr.'.lrns1cnt aclvert1semcnts 1 5 cts per line first nscr t1on, and 2c per hnc, each Hubs~quent one POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS , LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c, &c, &c ~XECUTED IN Fl RST CLASS :lT · ;, · F At tins meeting, Mr Crawford felt it his every mo1nent to swell into tumult too v10· not friends, but enemies. You havorobbed When Mr Gordon looks upon his duty to appear, and to make a pubhc avow- lent to be equalled by any moral force his wife and daughter of all eense of peace gregation on a Sunday, he tbunks God for A Wmter Sunset. al of the motivea upon which he was acting. Lucy had rnvoluntarily risen from her and safety rn a.ssoc1ahng with you What the increased number who now meet bun Mr. Gordon had bis own private reasons for seat, and passed to where her father stood, Is to be done 1 This very night, before yon therr. 1 and wh1Je he kno\\S that by simply l3Y .MAilG \.IlitI :K SAI\Gf:ITER. doubLmg the desirableness ol his plan He and now, lea.ur!l.g her head over bis sh0ul· separate, surely eomethrng ·hould be being ternperntc they will not be mad e holy, was not sufficiently sure of the people. 1.nd der, she whispered ktnd encou1ug1ng words thought of to undo th1· great rnjustice and be yet reJ01ces that they are so tar on their 0 wonderful glory of color. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I yet 1f the) could by any auch means be con- 1nto hl9 ear But the tumult still ewelled wrong. I cannot bE:lheve that ~ ou will \Vay, and reap the full benefit ot Cbr1st1au A aplendor of shifting light , vinced, it was \\ orth the experiment. For on, and loud hissmgs and hootrngs began to sleep happily to-ni~ht, if you do nothrng to 1nstruct1on 0ra.Dgl1, L1"nd sca1let, and purpl8 Tnnu.s \v1ll leave Bowmanv1lle Station, eome time he hesitated, rendering but a cold be heard fro1n a distant part of tbe roo1n, ruake your peace with thtfl fauuly. Flamed in the eky to night What But what, 1t may be asked, can ha"e 8owmanv1lle time. as follows: Over the restleas I'lYer, assent to Lucy's declaration that she would with expressions from the people 1n the mother amongst you will dare, after this, hmdered the mariage of Lucy and Mr. GOING W.EST GOING EJ.ST. And over the busy town, accompany her father to the rr.eet1ng But front eeats conveying coarse insults, and re- to send to Mr. Crawford Ill her time of trou- Gordon for so mauy years I .And what Local* 7 20, a.m. I Expreaa 8 30 a..m. Soft as.\ bened1 ction 4 20 p m ExpreslJ 9 30 a m l\'I1xed -IMPROVED AND REMODELLED11t la.st, trusting in the power of good over proaches the most undeserved. ble; and what man can expect that delic·te h1nde"t"s it now, when the parsonage is all 1 ~fixed . 2 20 pm ti Local ... 7 50 p .m. rhe nch raya floated doVi D. evil, Mr Gordon JOllled heartily 1u the pro:bfr Gordon had risen when h1i:i friend eat young lady, ti-!1ss Ora wford, to visit bis a1ck made so elegant within, and so beautiful Expro11s 9 00 p m. Express 9 00 Pm They turned thti sru.ls of the :6sher1 *'fh1s triun rune every :morning of week, w1thou!.1 Ject, though not without a greater degree of down, and kept bis place manfully in front bed, as she ho.s so often done, ag111n 1' ].iondaya excepted, Into opal, rot1e a.nd gold. Tbii la a quest1oa \\h1cb Lucy, it ai:iked, secret trepidation than he was accustomed of the platform At a venture he proposed ' Fetch 'em back,' cried the men. ' Try The tall and smoky cbimn"yt1 to feel when there was duty to be dona again, and see if Vle don't treat 'em better.' would very cheerfully an·wer. She is waitthat the stranger who had firat spoken '\Vere lI ke cnstle turrets bold. '!'he day of the meeting arrtved. The should address the meeting again 'But will they come, do you tlunk I' said rng Jor the rel urn o! her brother Henry ' Tell "t:I Nothing of plain or comm.on, weather was all that could be desired. All Mr. Gordon,-a.nd he said this with some- from Australia But has he done well J them some of your best .stories,' ea1U be to llut took a halo strange, I· :z: thmgs appeared to be gomg well. A large thta man, as he almost pushed him for"Var<l, thing very much hke a smile break1ng The five years of bis sell1mpoaed probut10n In the hght of the lovely aun1et, < 3: V\ ith its mystic spell of uba.ngo sch,Jol-roorn bad been appropriated to the and the n1an 1 not uaa~customed to such dis- through the reprovmg look which he had have nearly expired, and it is only neces~ a:: :z: a:: SURGERY---SILVERST. purpose, and Vi hen Mr Gordon went to turbances, stood boldly before the people, aesumed ; for he had already detected the sary to look into the mother's face to see < 'l'he day had been long and gloomy, :z: Rl!SI.gSNCE ON1ARTO SIREET. look 1n some time before the doors were waiting for a lull in the uproar when be sound of carriage wheels appro11ch1ug And how her son was coming home. I n b1a W ca.ry v.1th mist aud rain, -I opened for ihe nubhc, he found a d·nse might be able to speak. soon his strong f:nth 111 T~ucy'a brave heart money speculaho~· he has had no great A da.y for the heart to brood on Eo" n1u.ov11l0, Js..n 20th, 1876 :::::; Sotrow and loss and pain , mass of people gathered about the place, In the mean time Mr Gordon stepped was eon firmed by a gl!mpse of her l11ttermi,: success1 somettrp.es better, and then \Vorse. But there came with the hgbt of evonmg He himself regrets this, but f10 o~her memcomposed chiefly of those who had former- back to look after Lucy and her farther, dreas as she entered the door. "<: A wmd that swept a.way ber of his 1nm1ly tb1nka much about it ; ly been bre\vers' -men , a.nd when he cautionI 'Make way, make way,' · w as the general C'; who were partially bid by the figure of the l\1fEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE :z: All the shadow and darkneslil ll of Surgeons, EngJand , Lu;entiate of the ed them aga1ust rushing 1n to occupy the speaker. ' Have you good nerves 1' said he cry of the people now. And ample way for the great victory 1a won, the trial is Out of the winter day Royal College of Fhys1cana, Edinburgh Cor =i :E best seats in the room, there \\ aa a dogged to Lucy, who was lookrng very pale was me.de, "h1le a silent awe Btole over the past, nnd be comes borne to receive his oner, etc. -< Ia thy life, 0 pili,rrUU r drt:!al'y. Ro~1dcnce, Corner of Church a.nd Scugog a:: and defiant ~1r about them, as 1f they had aaaembl v , for not Lucy a.lone, but her 1nother'e blessing, a ·wiser and b~tter man, 'I don t know,' sbP. rephed, with an exIVeiled from the blesscdhght 9 Streets, Bowmanv1Jle come there to do what they hked, and did motner also, had come-the lady who was 1,or him it 1s necessary, whatever it may pression of agony upon her face. ' I think 10-tf. Perha.pa for thee ia th~ promlSe Dec. ,1111 1 1875 :z not cona1der themsel\es accountable to any I have-yea, I will do anytbmg that you never seen except at church, anil whose be for others. He finds no difficulty m it Of cheer with the waning hght. -I >one else. I. character was generally regarded somewhat now, and he would not be otherwise for the Fai:rm tha.n noonday1plendor, tell me' a:: :z: Mr. Gordon's heart rather sank at the m the hght of that of n suflermg saint. "hole world . lhcher tha.u beams of i-tar! L.R.C.P., L.R.C s.. Edinborough. 1 ' Then walk with your father etra1ght otf > !" apecta.cle of these men J but he was no cowThe luetrou~ glory of suneei Wilham Crawford, who had remamed with the platform, as 1f you had heard nothrng to EMBER of the Med1cal CounoiI of Ontario Next week, will be commenced a tbr1lw ard, aud their very d·fence had the effect of drnturb you Look full at the people as you hrn mother to keep her from any nervous Ma.y buru through golden bars. Office vppmntc the ma.rket and thud door lmg story by T S Arthur, entitled," Dan rousing htm to a stronger deterro1nat1on no1 tb of T1:1,1t's Photograµh1c Ga.'lecy Rea1 This Company has recently been re-organized by the addition of three oJ .And ever the sun 113 shuung 1 go Don't bang down your bead-don't apprehensions about the meeting, now apdence, Ontariu 8t1eet Night messageamny be the most practical men fiom the :Factory of Clough & Warren Organ Co, that the right should prevall-th·t dark· flmch nor start. It ie all bravado. There, peared, eupport1ng h~r on h1a arm, and fol- ger, or wounded in the l-J ouse of a Friend." If only th· avul can wa.>t, left e1the1 a.t office or residence Detroit, Mich, each takmg an active pal t in his own particular dEifitrtness should give place to light. It" neces3 Ill. It will find the hght O.lld t>eauty, rlowma.11v1qe, Feb 18th, 1876 that will do. Go straight out before Lhem lowed by his 'ather and Lucy-all were A Romance !n M1ss1onary Life. ment, and are now manufacturing an Organ equal, and m many points rrhough they seem to tarry late sary to feel strong sometun.es, even 111 one· -out at that dlior A 111an will be wa1t- there-all freely truatmg themselves to the super101,to any manufactured m the Umted States or Canada. Our celeThit eoi1ndle11 sun-bright portal self-strong m manliness-stron 0 m tllil We chp from a letter of Rev Ph1hp 1ng there, and o. cnrr1age outside. I know better feelrngs of the people-all fo1glV!ng Will isu<ldenly swing a.pBJ t, brated " Vax Celeste," "Vox Humana," ""Wilcox Patent Octavo Couple1," Berry, prrnted Ill the Natwnal Baptist, the purity of purpCJse-ationg in a good cau~e you will be safe' RADUATE Q}' THE ROY.\.L COL and forg1 ven. An<l thegrlWe of a Sun immortal record of a remarkable 2uc1dent . lege of Phys1c1ans, ED~]and. and Victoria " Cello n or " Olarionet " Stops, " Flugte Horn/' H Dulcet," n lEoline," etrong as soldiers are strong who trust in1~ The first silent and respec\lul recognition About twenty five years ago a company Will bless th_y truating heart. 'But there is no room lo pass/ said Uruversttyof VJctoria College, Under Graduate "Cremona," and Grand Organ Step, and phcitly m thou leaner, and flgbt bravely, and Prizeman of the Un1vers1ty of Toronto,a:nd of tho people was followed by an uproar of of ) oung men started out frorn Daiuti.scua, -S.S. Timea Lucy. Roy1~l Collef{_e of Phy1nc1aus and Su1i;reons believrng they shall conquer headed tor Jerusalem They had not gone ' Look 11s you do,' aaid Mr. Gordon, ' and applause such as had never echoed through Ku1gston ).'.[en1be1 of the College of Physa Mr. Craw!ord had no tears un this occafar before a band of arm ed horsemen surot&ns and Surgeons of clntano, Coroner, &c I am sure they will make way for you. those walls before, and one which it seem- rounded thew, and ordered a halt. The LITERATURE. 11on, but went to the meeting with his Residt:1nce and office-Market Square, l3ow· Fear nothmg I tell you agarn it 10 all ed as 1f the people would never let die leader said the caravan nnght n1ove on, unw ma.uville Can be obtained only in these Organs. dau~hter leamng on his arm, and placed her 22-lly. Bowmt\r ll\tlle, Fub, ~4th, 1876. They may about and hiss, but What else could lhey do tut elap their hurt and unharfiied, it they \\ould delner bravado. THE BREWER'S FAMILY. 10 a comn1od1ona seat from which she could they would not hurt a hair of your head, hard, to1l~woi:n hands 1n evidence that th0 y up one oi their numher, a young nuLn by overlook the aesew bly gathered be lo" 1 accepted this peace act as a token of kmdly the name of Randall, who should not suffer Style~, :aT :M:aS, ELLIS, AUTHOR OF ~'WOMEN o:r Tht>re wa.s ao.netb1,0g 111 Lu<y's look anJ nor of your father's either 1f he woula come along \\1th then1 peace· ThlS was ;more than Mr. Gordon renlly feehng and fellowship now and for ever- ably. The tern1s, though hard were accr:;dENGLAND," &c J manner "ell csi.lclllated to disarm the most th~ ed to and the last look hia compnnwu~ had knew, tor it is not easy to calculate the ex- more! n1abK11ant purpose As she glanced around EMBEI\ Ol' COLLEGE OF PHYSICItent to which popular tumult will go. He llfrs. Crawford sat pak and cairn amongsL of him \Va~ to s~e lnm mounted au a fine (Concluded) amongst the people, she nodded and srmled hor~e attended by the gav horsenien of tl10 ANS AND SlJRGll:ONS, Onta110 Office the tu1nult, looking on npon the scene w1th B~dou1n Sheik of the Le Ar1sh tnb~, which n.nd Residence, 1n Dr H 1lhur'~ old Stand, Enon recogn1z t lg many old fnends, and hav- kne", however, that an upr1isht and d1~n1· CHAPTER X. Lucy bid tribe usnally \Vu:iter Jn the neighborhood of fled bearing wonld have n1ore effect upon her accuston1eJ. sweet d1gn1ty. IUF.tlnlleu ing gone ~all~, and finding there were pre· LI·RT .A ND DARKNESS 18 tf Jan 2ith, 1876 the people in the way of \'i,.arding off dan her face at one tJn1e to conceal a gush of Darnasca.a, and hi tbe netghburhoud of Dd.liminary math:rs to be arranged by the gtln· uall~d. mascus, aud in the Su111,1ner a1ove so a th and Those who evgagem tha etruggle agamst tlerneu, she stepped down flom the raised ger than a.ny appearance oJ cowardice or tears, which she hastily wiped away, al- east over the gll"'at plain, seeking pasturage intemperance, kuow best what 1t 18 to have seat" hera her father and placed her, and shame, and consc1ous that his post of duty though not before Illa.ny a mother's eye in und water for their flocks ao<l h~1d& 'rhe young u1an was tak'n to the sheik's the loDg dark past of an 1nten1pera.te hfe al- going amongst the people, 1nqu1red lnndly mnst not be deserted, he trusted to Lucy the meeting had been 111oist~ned too. }1r \V'l.ye overshadolV1Dg their efforts In a about many of their tam1hes, while she in· alone for carrymg out <·ffectually tbe only Crawford a1rl not attempt to speak again 1 tent, and to b1i:; surprise found a wag tuil R R LOSCOMBE, cent entertaannent awu1t1ng bun. What comphcated at!t.te of society, where dr11r.- y1ted sonie poor women u1to more com- meens be could think of for rcstonng peace but his son W1lbam stood up, and apoke for does Jt ull wean 1 BARRISTER-AT-LAW, Arzaha, the she1k s the \\llolefamtly. He was not au eloquent her part so well that no ob· Lncy m annged kenness ts the habitual sin, the entangle modious s1tuations1 and thua by many htt.le :;OLIGITOR IN CHANCERY, J;c daughter, had seen the young nian, and 11ud Agents Wanted in Every Ooumty. Bend for Price List. ments of longwstand1ng evil are such as k1ud attentions Hhowetl beri;elf to be not struchon was offered to her r~treat with her man, but prA.CtlL'al 1 right-m1nded,auU clear i lalltn pa1'sionatel) 1n lovt=i \,Ith h1n1. tlnd 0.ftElCE,-Over I\fcClung's Store same fiat none but a bold ap1r1t dare encvnnter, such only one with them m the object of the fathPr, and they reached the carnage pro- and theu, with the ut1nost self posse.Bt;Ioa, ti.us is Lht> wedd1n~ feast The ) ou11g mau as J. Enmacomb's J)ental Roo:m.:3 Address DOMINION ORGAN 00 , BOWMANVILLE ONT. vided for them by Mr. Gordon's fore be spoke directly to the clnef poiat of inter and Arzahn are n1a1ritd There Wal:! no es Bowman-..'1.lle, Oct. 27th, 1868 ly as noue but a po.t1ent spirit can endure meeting, but also in their more private and thou~ht with perfect safety, exper1encmg eat, expla1n1ng many personal matters, cape Jorb1m. Histt:nt was~ua.rded by i11ght Also General Agents for Canada, the BRADBURY PIANO. rfbe workers 10 this enterprise have DO personal concerns and hia peroi.Q watched by day, lest be no greater difficulty than that of ed~rng about which tho people had been much should escape'f'.a11d this guard kept ov~r b1m muacles to work with ; no power suddenly We have not hitherto expatrnted much Rice & Badwr, Agents for the Counties of Durham, Victoria, and North to restore Blght to eyes that have been long upon Lucy C1awford's bt>auty It was not themselves out through n dense and spme- perplexed , and then, in his calm and man- ior years. He and Arzalla,bowever,aet\wed A TTOBNEY AT LAW; ly way, durng much to establish that peace happy ; cb1Jdren \\'ere born to thl:'m, au d and South Ontario. SOLIGI10R rN CHANCERY, bhud-no ab1hty ·udde11 \y to set freo the seen so much ID the regularity of feature£1 1 what unaccommoJating mob. I3owmMv1Ue, Dec 21st, 1875. 'fhe man who a secon1 time stood up to between the two parties, wh1ch 1 as he said, tbi;lr d(lruest.1c htc was 1narked by k11a.l11eBs 00!1 VEYANCER, J:e. conliracted hmbs, or to straighten the du:1- as felt in beam1ng, frank, and kindly ex'ought always to extat amongst neighbors courtesy,au<l true ntfoction. RaudtJ.ll rap1dJj torted frame rrhe restoration of the drun presSlon NE"\VCASTLE. ONT. acquu~d the .A.rttb1c ]Anguage, bis v;1f~ os Aa rn her feelrnga, that exprea- epeak, was quite equal to the occasion and friends ' re.uJily rr1astereC the Eughah. Their chllkard m mmd as well as m body, must at al I e1ou ~as quick and prompt, and never tO be Having olcen passed through the same kind m51 tf. Newcastle, Oct 8th, 1875 In this manner the meeting closP.d All <lren \Vere taught tn bnth t1wea be a gradual work, although the sim- nustaken, so that there eeemed a constant of ordeal, be knew that to remonstrate 'v1th Now, who was tbia Rau<lnll 1 In Oneida people JD that state al fedmg was of very weEt quietly to their homes 1 and if the1e ple Jact of s1gn1ng a pledge is the act of a iotcll1gcnce about her face which could be county, 1'/ew York, lives his father, who ~n~illt$.11 C!fiattt~. moment, people often look for !I. n1omentary read 1 like an interesting book:. And so it httle U.Sfi rfo amuse them \Vas evcrytbtng, were not many s1gnaturelil in the pledge- has never seen the face of hts son rrb1s and that could best be done by drawmg book that rnght, there was certainly neither father 1s now a n1an of sorr1c Fe venty years, transformatwn of the man hims~lf !ram all was especially on this occasio!l, Lucy had that was debased and darkened lllto the tull seldoru m her lite felt so happy as now. Her the1r attention to something quite separate drunkenness, nor J.ll-feehug lowarda tbe who was brought up a1nong the lnd1ans,and He brewer's family 1n any of the accustomed has travelled ugu1n and again "'ith the R ADUA'l'E of :Baxter University of ~I usic otature and power of an intelligent berng heart was overfto,v1ng with k1r.dhness to lrom the cause of the present tumult hunters of his t ribe over the entire 1'11ssisHaHng eold out my GA BIN ET& UNDERTAKI:<fG BUSINESS lo MR W P Pno,rnl\ Friendah1p, New York had that qmet couruge, mded by good buplaces of resort. I v..rm1ld reflpectfully recommend him to tbc PuLl1c who have fa~rucd n1c v.1th theu patronage Fcnhng 1n th1fl, the pr1nc1ple 1a atta.ckl!d, those aTound her She was not only feel~ s1pp1 valley in search of fish a.ud gau1e At \ 'feachcr of P1aoo and Orgnn, cultr~at1on V Oice, 31ngrnr;, 'l'horo1~gh 13n.ss, Harmony fo1 the la~t Thuty years, as a G entlrmnn v. ell qualrbcd to meet theu wants in the a.hove hne of and its final efiicacy quest1one1l. 'lhose who ha\e taken un interest In the the age of twenty one the ch1el ol his tribe 1ng with then1 1 and fer them herself, but rno1, \\ b1ch has wnuderfnl power over the ttade, and beht:Ye that J1e will {pve the utmost 15atll!.fact1v11 to a.ll -..\holavor ban with theu pat Conrposition, &c In the condition of the people over who111 she and these whom she best loved w~re unenlightened multitude , and \Vlth a clea1 history of the Crawfords up to th1s time, Sa.Id ronage. 41-ly Darhngton 1 July 16~h 1 1874. "You had beUer return to the white peoRespe< tfully yours, !vlr. Gordon exercised bis pastoral cure, makwg great sacnfices for then good That hrm voice, which rose above the uproar, he may hke to look in upon them after the ple for among them ) ou can be mo1e of a. R. S. MAKI\ ING. there was much confusion, contrad1cl1on, very fact imparts an eunobhug sendat1on to epoke in touea "Inch the people nearest to lapse of five years from the cens1ng of the 1nan tban among the IndHtns," and <l.isappo1ntment, ari~nng out of their the soul, which gives a gracious and beauh~ bun at least could not f,ul to bear As soon busmess of the brewery Ile returned, and f:ecured a \Velsh lady ha.s takan out a ltccnse as us he had ga1aed the attention of a few, he long mdulged habits of mtemperance ful expression to the countenance. That large bmldmg i· greatly altered rn for his wife, und v..b1lc she was on a v1snto AUCTIONEER Those who signed the pledge, became marks l\fr Gordon was one who could feel .11 told them that "hen they were tired of its aspect now, but still more altered 1n its her relations in Wales tlns son \\·as born. for this l'o\\ u:=1h1p Sales \\'111 receive the best The n1other dying soon after Lia buth, he to be pecked at by the whole commuu1ty, this to its utmost extent It seemed to him hearuig themselves, be hope 1 they \\ oul<l character anrl use. No leas basy, howe\rer, remained until manhood ,. ith his k1nJTeQ attention. hear b1m, as be had n story "'h1ch be ly llowrnanv1ll~. Ji'eb. 24th, 1876. and if -they slipped or fell m any other on the present occas1on that there wae nre both father and son, supenntendrng the in Wales, and was taktng a trip through occupations which now fill 1ts many apart~ Syria, previous to bis returu to America,. way, 1mme<l1ately the reproach came upon somethrng almost s.ngehc m Lucy's appear- wanted to tell them At thtS announcement, tLoae 1n the front menta w1th a 1nven1le but busy mult1tude wben he \Vae captu1ed Ly the sheik, and them that they were no better for taking ance altogether. Those strong coarse men Hi· Hf',;- ug bought out the cried ' H uah I' and a general hushing sound ~fr Gordon, too, has con:-!tant and oncrou 1 compelled to marry h1· duughte1 the pledge, or rather they were commonly appeared to foe\ it too, and he loudly lillagmother was u Baptist, und he, beforf:: be left For th6 Township of Dadington. spoken of as being wors~. med that the bad spmts they bad brought soon ran through ~be meetrng. Men stood duty there Lucy has her department oJ Wules ior the Orient, \Vas bllptized When But, uotwithstnnd1ng this common ruode with them would quail before her loveh- up with autbontalive gestmes, and called ueefulness , and even Mrs Crawford 1a he was a.dm1ttP.d to the ,1ihe1k s fti.mily they H. T. PHILLIPS, By dt>greea wheeled therern her chair on bright da:s, had to receive bis relig1011 as \\ell as hrn of a-ssa1hng those ·w ho abstained, the cause uess. H10 feelmg might be a partial one. out, 'Another stor.) -hush I' HAMPrON of M1t R S )!AN~l~G, and wh~cb I purpose carrying on at the person 'fhrough hnn his wife be_.an1e t~ in reality progreflsed, au<l. in many cases n He knew that, and saicl notbmg Prom tit att.ntion given to !3&lea, &c, on reasonOnly he the uproar sLihdue1i Tile speaker was ready to see what is going on, and to consult with Uhr1st1an, bis fatl1er 1n-lo.w becume a able t1:11ms, few weeks, or at the n1ost a few montbi:J calculated upon Lucy s miluence to help with bie supply of amusement-first, n. fun- the matron about the carrying out of various patron of b1s aon-in-Jaw d faith , his child,. only, were ri:!quired to establish those who him m overpowermg the evil w1tb the good. ny story which made everybody laugh , plans for the order and comfort of the ostab- ren were b1ougbt up 111 "the fear of the Lord .·~ bis sun baa b<:!con1c sh1ek of the had been retained in a. posttlOfi of respecta- -m makrng the darkness gtve place to and then, when fully restored to good hu· ha hment. I beg to say that I \\ill r.nden.:vor to ki:iep e' eryih1ng on ba.nd that is neefled in the Fur111ture ENNISKILLEN. tribe, the father-Ill law bavmg died All Line Having had TEN YEARS expel'lcncc 1n the Eowma1H11Jtl }'uin1ture }""'actf.ry. and be b1hty amongst then fellow "orkwe" hght mor, he told them some of thoae toucbrng Rumor has for some tnue been busy with 8.t1.lc~ proro:ptly attended to on rei:wmn&ble termtt. 1ng appointed Agent to sell for the Company 1n Bow1nanville, the Public can dep1;:nd upon get~ the surrounding tribes ho.ve becotoe favor· the annals of tem)!erance can so facts which Ht:ire again they were assa1led with e1rT"y more personal and 1nd1vidual matters reAt length the real busrness o1 the meetting the able to the new rehg10n, and have pledged If their lam1he· Lad better clothes, and bet- ing beg11n. h1r. Gordon himself opened well supply, and which brongtit tears mto lating to ?.Ir. Gordon and Lucy, \Vho appear their swords in 1te defense. Many hava BEST FURNITURE IN THE PROVINCE, ter food than those who still spent half the proceedmgs An able speaker had been many eyes. to thlnk their usefulness as~ ell as bapp1ne--s heen baptised , hundreda of ch1ldreu have been taught the Df!W religion. their wages at the pubhc-houso, tho very engaged, and to him the people l!Stened After thIS Mr Gordon roee Silence Wiil be rncreased by a closer unwn of effort at i)foderate rates, by givmg me a. call I iutend to SELL FOR CASH, makmg but Small But a dervish, a zealot ot the Mobamm e. Degs to return thanks to his :friends fo.t the sup l:'rofits. spectacle ot their improved condition seem~ with eons1derable attention, aurpi1sed, it now ie1gned throughout ~he assembly. The Some of theu neighbors are bold enough to dan faitb,had for a long time heeu endeavor}hlrt be bas received the past two years: and ed to call forth all sorts of mal lClous comhopes, by contmued 11t11ct penmnal attention to might be, by the novelty of come of his ar- spe11ker fr.It his oppo1tun1ty IIe was one suggest that their separate duties will be ing to stlr up oppoRttlOll aud persec·1t1on ; bua1ness, a.Dd \\O.rk1ng at tbe llJO!t reasonable REP A.IRING OF 'ALL KINDS DONE, AND CHARGES MODERATE. meuts an~l accusations. guments, and an1used by his 1ll11strahous of thoPe men who have their mo1nenta of best perfor1ned a.s they are, and think they he strove to have llandalFs sons thr0w11 out prices, to enllu~ a cont1nuanct of public patronSo it ""s that hght appeared to be strug· aod anecdotes, age W J3. 18 prepared to build houties, etc , deep and 1mpass10ned !cehng-feelrng habit- wtll each be more occupied with the other of the employ al the Turkl8h governrn<nt, and, fa1hng Jn th1a, turned his assault upon on the most modern style of architecture. Jobghng with darkness about the time of the So far all appeared to bo gomg well, and ually restrained, but such as can burst into when they shnre the same home llow- a daughter of the tore1gne1, and 1 hnrg~d her binJr-promptly attended to Plana anU specrfigreat change ma.de by the Crawforda, it Mr. Gurdon took courage. After th1e eloquence of no common order. All that ever that may oe, it is plam that they m- with witchcraft and ap1istuBy fron1 the true ca.tit'>r'H! got up on appbcatton, on the 1nost re&. eona.ble tenn11 1 nnd of every descript10n Office from the celebrated }leMr8. Armstrong's, of Guelph 1 I a:w pri!pared tofurnu~b ]..,.unerals with was but a natural result of this state el speaker he stood up, ancl \\i~h peculiu feel- was deepest and. stronge:t In bts nature-all tend makmg the experiment, and that at fatlb She "83 b1ought before the megl1s, ~nd ~. 0(1.ta.no StI t1t-t1 neazly op})OS1te !\:fr.·. an Olltfit unsurpassod in any C1ty m the Province. thrngs, that much of the irritated feehng o! ings announced Mr Ure.votfnrd ns the next thnt was tenderest too, had been stirred on no distant period ; for the parsonage 1s now composed of one hundl1'1 d aud forty four T, Btalil'&n's:venerable sbt1ks and offend1s, to u.nswer On the tins occasion. He spoke fearlessly, almost bemg fitted up afresh, and all other neces charges \\ h1ch involvt>d her life Tl:l~ I keep on hand, a. Splendid lot of Coffin13, Shrouds, etc , which can be sent out upon one the people, floatmg about 111 aearch of ob- who would address the meeting. 8 1 kcnn 18 notice, at a.ny time, thns meeting the want that emergencies sorrJetunes cause to a.rise, in J ects on which to expenU itself, should set- mention of this name, l\ir Gordon detected hke one inspired , but he <Jpoke also in sary preparations are waking for this change cbarges having been pl:e~entt'll and sub the country. tle upon the late brewer, and his household some meuu1ng looks exchan~ed amongst the something like the fam1har language of the :A.fr Gordon has succeede1J to the h\ ing atun11utetl as best th e~ could be by witnesYours, etc., Considerate and benevolent as Mr Cra\\ford men, but when }fr Crawford came forward, people themselves. lt hu<'i Ion~ been bis on the death of the old clergyman. He has ses:, she was called upon to ans\\ er them had always been towards his poorer ne1gh- they remained quiet for a while, as 1f ov~r study tJ do thie, and hence hie gradually m- not made all his par1sb1oners teetotallers through her advocate She, although but fourteen yeais of agE>, a11 d t.lressC'd 1u the Ilowmanville Sept. 9th, 1875. l>ors, ·nd so popular amongst them that he awed by his gentlemanly appearance and creas1ng power over them. But none b nd Fur from it. But he does not quarrel w1tb neatest 1nanner, and \\ Ith a placid face, uud =====================;;=::=======oo~-=--=-==-;:;:--===== had hitherto felt always as hvmg among bearing, or softened by tbe genuine good- ever felt tLlS power oo lorc1oly as at the tho·· who sl1ll differ from huu 011 thIS calin heart, and unfalter1ngtrudt, retiponded, fatht'rt:, I will reply in friend·, it seemed particularly bard that ness l>eamiag from hts face. The people l!stened al· pomt. He has a large body of fa1tbfa! and "Most ventira.ble present moment per>i.otl ;' 1 and then, \V1th fer\ or, and fa1tb, energetic supporters in his peculiar v1Pws ; no\V, when he wae suff"nug tor their gQod 1 most breathlessly for a. while ; and then, Mr. Crawford WM too much acoustomed the tide of feelmg should be ag·rnst !him. to public epeakmg to be otherwise than struck with deep shame, they one and an- not only men who have co rue out ot the and po" er, hf'ld1ug JieI Bible In her l1ancl 1 and frequent}~ reading passa~es fro1n It,sha But so 1t wa.s 1ir. Gordon was well aware fluent O.lld easy on geoeral occasions 1 but, other bent down their heads, and wished gross darkness of intemperance 1nto intelli- ma.de a defence wo1tb) nu npor,tle, and of the fact,altbough ho shrunk lrom makmg whether ho felt too much on this to speak they had not done auytb1og to hurt poor gence aod light, but strong mon,never tempt when she tiu1~hed, the ununimo11s 'erd1ct any of the family acquainted with it, enter with bis n.1.tural facility, or whether he had Mr Crawford. Sorue said audibly thty had ed, who abstam for the sake of lbeir hi was 111 her favor, and the chtef ot the tnbea J ta1n1 ng no doubt but 1t v;ould pass over, or perceived that strange looks mterchanged not Joined, and all seeu1ed conscious that as low-men, motbera who abstain fur the pledged ea~h other thl:lr swords anew to d( fend all Chn.,t1u.us who taught ancl felt sake of their children , anti children who as l\osu. But the old dervish breatLed rebe eventually hved down by Mr Crawford's a1nongst the inen, he certa1nly did not get a bodr, they had something to a.tone for cone1etent. and aterhng character. 11hus he on so lfell with hla address a. Mr. Gordon 'Shall we cull b1m bacl.< agam 1' said Mr. abstain because they hope to grow up use venge, nnd deterruined to take tbgt youn~ ful~ rational, and happy members of a res· life · only dealt with the preJud1ceJn pnvate, as Gordon, stopprng ·uddenly. could have wi·hed. PosB1bly he was too reOFl!'lCE over .b1cCLUNG'S Store The tnal \\BS tu Oclobe1, 1872 In Juue, best he could, ant! in some caaes hia effi>rts fined for bis aud1enc·, and net sufficiently 'Ay, do r· shouted a rough voice 'Aud pectable co1nruunity. 1873, wlnle Ro~ was teaclnag a class of 11-tf. W£Ue not 1n vain. There is no difficulty now 1n establIShmg turty-two httle f.i:irlH, 1u u grov~, 1hu \"n) to at home with the .~hJect in it.a practical M1RSCmwford,' cr1ed another .A. clapping The time bud nuw eomo when it appear· working. ·rhe men became -restless. Low of hands announced that above all things other means of improvement amongst the heaven, the dervish ~tead1ly approacheU, 'All- people. If they do not drink, they must before U.U.) ooe waa aware he barl murderecl ed desit"dble, for many ·eason·, that a pub- grumbhag express1oos were muttered thIB WM the right one to be done. hll$ decided to go out of the Dry Goods business, and will eommenc.e fR J0H1' TI llY!\ON1 J,ot 7, 6th (;on think ; a"d thmkrng produceo a hunger of tho maid and fkd. The fleetest boreea of II~ temperance meeting should be held. amongst them. Lucy saw that her lather's eVi:q.'J' one of 'em,' shouted others. 1 th~ tribe, with arn1ed riderA, \\i ent in ]_ Darlington 1 [neB1 Deth8'1<la Chm ch) li on tLe the mmd that muet be supplied. Hence pureutt He was soon captured, tued and M~. Gordon wrote a hasty hue, whioh he hand· were trembhng, so that the paper he Th10 bold step had never been l&keu beduly authr:ir1zed to lSBUe llarriaJ.-e Licenses. Darlington, Nov.19, 1814. m8 ti. fore, on BOOQUllt o( the great brewery, &lld wu holdmg seemed ac<ually tQ J!uttor in deapatcfu,eu by a Dle88enger. Then turnmg books are rn great deruaud. The 1eading- executed. But the work JS growing, the its w1delv-e:xtendeJ mfiuenoo. But now the ligbt. lh· voice failed too. His opuit to the company, he began clearly to explam room 1s a faYonte place of resort. Mouey truth ts spreading, and a 11ew chapter in th e ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. history of spreadwg the Gospel ught La· thaL the i.ir.w.ry had r.eMel to w~ it ro,001led from that rude contM.ot. He could to them fhat Mr. Crawford had done, and ie ·pent 1n oatisfying the mmd, whrch would been nnvslled to us, ·hke 1tarthng an.! Liverpo l Lontlun, and Gla8gow seeme<l ne-ry to eeek some pnblie ocoa- have prayed, and no doubt did pray 111 libe what be ;ulfered m hIB own personal rnter- formerly have bten ·pent upon the bod) tmpressn·e. When the "bole story JS tol d OR 1l'1ckets, 01 iu(<.l'InabQn, ~!_y W The Sprmg Importations only having been completed a fe"- weeks, the Blon for a general e.xplanation before I.he secret of hie ooul Intercourse with bis eata, and why he had taken those steps 111 that which never doee .atJBfy. And how (aa it soon will be,) a more ren1arkablu W. A. NE~ .Ag·nt. Ill the hlBtory of Lbe pre.. chmg of S tM ·ery ll~rge and well ~s01te<l: As it must be sol<!! within a people, of the grounds upon which this God was al ways open to him ; b11t toter- which had appeared to them so etran~e and the common people of the place, with, of chapter Bo\vma1n11le, .Tune 9th, 1871. tf-30 In order that they might course, a few exceptions, may be seen decent the Goepel has ""l been offer.d this oe!)change had been made . Mr. Uordoo wa· courae with thOlie OOl'rse natures, in the1.r unreaBOllQble. given time, tury. · anxious that the whole matter should be now uodisgujaed opposition, was what he clearly understand thIB, ' as friends and and well clothed, and, if followed mto the!! In the las~ lttter lrom Lady Arzeha Le ~em.o:ndous better under.toad, and be longed for a.n op- could not maintain. He was one who eonld r1e1ghbore ought--to understand one another,' homes, mav be found well fed and well Artsh Randall, gn:ing ull the pttrt1cula.ra oi D~L-XR IN :-Unde1' Cask; ovm· Four montlts portunity of dorng public iuatrne to that suffer at the stake with fhe quiet courage of be Sl.\lU be betl called together the present prov1<led with the comforts and decencies ber oh1ld's trial and t1ag1c deatL, octttrR Jl-ruit a.nd Ornamental TT:rM, Seeds, Btb, Credit on approrad notes. )!lw.eH1, &:c., &c. nolJle sacnfice 'vh1ch, as ho regarded it, a martyr, but he could not fi!!ht ; and now, ineettug. ".And not\,' he ailded, '~·ou have of hfe, Gardena, with abundant fr1>1t and this beautiful eentence and earne~t H:.qntRt · lo'"'. "Pray tor m~, that n1y piety l!l ..ty Ue ne The Tailoring In Order· d Work, will be cor.tmued as usual, during the Sale 'vns so adro1rably calculated for rendering Josmg entirely tho tbrond of what h<0 hllil driven tbllt ex~llent maJ1 ~ awnl from fiowera, ha-ve begun to be great sourcea o humble aa the violet, a1:1 ~llduring D.f\ Un f\.Ir C gu~:rantel:a to i_urn ~h nothing but Fu st doss trees. and truo to nr u e. ..!ddress,. Mr. Cmwford's example ·nunently uae- been attemptrng to make clear, be 30t ii9w~ amoDg·t :l'OU. You have eent h\~ome enJoyment, nR ~ell as niauy other luxunes,t olive, aud as fragrant .ta Lhe Oneut,-Eta1i.. F. F. :McARTHUR. l'. 0. llix 55 Bollmonvill· m tho midst of a11 up11lur which threalcBed with a hcu>'y heart, believlns that you are n·VtI dxeawcd of lD the day a of the brewery. g1l<eal J,fassengcr. lul to others. L L\1 ~n ille May, 187:1. Jen ~~.r<lJ lb1U. lr ly m17-o4.. POETRY. t:: 'le ' DOMINION ORGAN CO'S J CABINET ORGANS. Dr. BOYJ'..E, = .... ::e ... = ... ..... Dr. Jas. Fielding, = ... ..... = = "" ..... '-I 1 .... .,,, = W. McLAUGHLIN, M. B. M .... .... - ..... = = Dr. DAVIDSON. G All the Late Improvements Medical Card. J. Bingham,M.D.L R.O.P.S.K. M T\venty-F.i,ve Different for the Parlor and Church, the Best Material and Workmanship. Quality and Volume of' tone U neq PRlOES $50 TO $1,ooo. Factory and Warerooms, Oar. Temperan_ce and Wellington Streets, Bowmanuille. 1 D. E. 1\'IcMillan, /01· . ..,.. -================= Prof. J. Ruse, G R. D. J_?OLEY, CHANGE OF BUSINESS! ~ ~ AUCTIONEERS To the Public: OABINET BUSINESS Wm.. Barton, Old Stand, King Street Bowmanville, 1 W. BUNNEY, BUILDER, ETC., RA.VING BOUGHT A. NEW HEARSE, J imNTisTR Y Brimaoombe, l.R.O.D.8.. · W. P. PROWER. FRO~l RETIRING THE FEES MODERATE. To be )~old without Rese!ve, at less than Wholesale Prices. . MARRIAGE LICENSES. $20,Q{)Q WORTH OF (iQODS CONTEST! F. F. McARTHUR 1 of .lllay, 1875, 20th A Gra,z:.d Ciaari:ng Sale of his l!:ntire Stock. TERKf8..0F BALE J. CHAPLIN, .A Beda.otion. ....-ill be :m.ade. $50, $50, ~