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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 31 Mar 1876, p. 1

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THE MERCHANT WEST DURHAM .AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. pla.tfo1'm, open to the free disC\~ss1on of all quoa- oirculates largely in the Townships of Darlington. Clarke and Ca1·twrigh~. It. is a. counnon tions in \vhich the general pubhc are concerned. 'l'Ell:MB. .. Stea.m Job Printing Ofiioa KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. Seventy-five cents per a.nnnm, in advance· The 'Merchant' and 'Obser· ver,' $2.QQ. RAT r,,'3 OF ADV l!tRTISING. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME Vil. BOWMANVILLE, ON'l'ARIO, FRIDAY. MARCH 31, 1876. NUMBER - XXVIT O ao column lTa.lf do. Qua.rter clc.:~ - Tr.liusient adverth!emcnts,5 cts per hne first nsertio.n, a.nd 2c. p er line, each subsequent one. - - - 45 per annum. ~ :: Jo . POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS , CARDS, TICKETS, &c., &c., &~ -, EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE r- wasted feature. You daw at a glance t.he ' Isn't be at home 1' asked the young death o' cold. There'Bnothingto bealarrn The Jesuit Constitution. cultured woman and the patient sufrerer. phyeicioo, turnin~ round quickly from the ed about. He'll come up all right. The constitution of the Society ill eo f't! · Aa her hueband spoke, a fierce blast of bed end betrayu1g a suddeu concern. But Mro. Birtwell did not return to bed. Idle Words. wind drove the fine sand·like !3now egaiost 'No; and I am exceedingly anxious With a \varm wrapper thrown about her culio.r as to merit some notice. .k"or year:i 1t t.he windows, _ and then went shrieking and about him.' The eyes of Aitr: \ross were person, she stood at the head of the stairway was kept a secret, and knowu only to th e BY WILL WAI.LACE HARNEY. roaring away over the house· tops, gRbles fixed intently on Doctor Angier, and he while· her buaband went down to ·dmit the professed Jesuits. those who have n vutc fo r GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I Oh l aay rot idle wordt! are like and chimneys. was reading every varying expression of his policemen. All that could be Jen.rued from the election of the General at Rome, a11ri. A zephyr on the s~a ; 'Ob, what a dreadful night !' said the countenance, them \\'as that Archie Voes had not come who are much fewer in number than people ...._._ Trains ,o;ill leave :Bowmanville Station, For oft a wandering chord ·will strike 1 111.dy, leaning forward in her chair and lisDoctor,' he aaid, laying his hand on the home froin the party, e.nd that his friends generally irungine. The facts which ll:J to BoWrllinviH.e- t'1ne= as follows: The hee.rt's deep myetery, tening to the wild wail of the storm, while a physician's arm, and s~aking huskily, ' I were greatly alarmed a.b out him. Mr. Birt- the puhligation of the constitutions of the And tears that prayers could not call up GOIYG WESi, G0-I!f0 US,:". look of anxiety, mingled with dread, swept want you to answer me truly. Had be ta- well had ne information to givP.. The 8ociety of Jesus are a0mewhat peculial' u1id Flow as if strangely stirred, , Loeat· ....... 7:20, a.m. \ ExpresB. ·1 .... 8:30 a..m. 1 Expre1"il . ... ... 9 30 a.m : l\iixed ...... ... 4:20 p.m. her face. If Archl13 were only at home!' ken too much wine 1' young man had been at his house, and had deserving of passing notice. In 1761, more The waters in the hen.rt'~ full cup - IMPROVED AND RE MODELLED-M ixed ... . .. 2:20 p.m. \Local ........ 7:50 P .m. Gushed over with the word. 'Don't trouble yourself about Archie, It 'vaia some moments before Doctor gone away some time during the night, but than two centuries after the foundation of EKprcss .... 9:00 p. m, Express...... 9.00 p.m. the Society, the Supenor-Gener·l of M11rAngit~r replied ; He'll be here soon. You are not yourself precisely at what hour be conld uot tell. "'This train runs 43very Il1Wl\ing of week, AnJ idle worda that fell unwat..:hed Mondayis excepted, ' On such occasions most people take to-uight Fanny.' 'You noticed him through the evening!' tinique, Father Lavallette, the owner, a:noug l. 1a.y rise, in after yeara 1 other etrange property, of two thousand Which feeling' ispeech hath never matched, ' Perhaps not ; but i c·n't help it. I feel wine fieel}. It tlo'\YS like water,you know. s11id one of the policemen. And eloquence o! tearseuch un awful weight here ;' and Mre. I don't think your son indulged more tbau 'Oh yeo, certoinly. We know Archie alavcs whom he empl<>yed to work Lis May breaLhe a thought wh.,,st1 lightefit tone \'oss.drew her hands against her bosom. any one else ; indeed 1 not half so much as very well. He's always b"en intimate at tates, entered into vast specult1.tions wii. h From col<luesa or the graYe different maritime towns of Europe, an d, 'All nervous~' aaid her huAband. ' Uome, some young men th~re,· our house.' ""iua one whose life or lovo a.lone an1ong others, with the house of Leoncy, at Mr. Vose felt that there wao evasion in you 1uust go t.o bed.' 'Did he take wine freely 1' 'Ve would have clied to eave. Marseilles. Lavallette forwarded to ttie the answer. 'It will be of no use, \\Tilmer,' returned SURGERY---SILVER ST. An indignant denial leaped to Mr. Birt· Then tl1ink not id1e worde: lost : ]atter house two ships, with a cl\rgo vr d n('d 'Archie is young, and not used to wine. the lady. 'I will be worse in bed than wellle tongue, but the words died. unepokc11, 'RESIDENCE ONTARIO STREET. For oh ! they may return at two millions of francs, These ·h-lp· fell sit.ting~up. You don't know what a etrange A eiugle glass would be more to him than fur the image of Archie, with flushed fa.ce With feeling Xirne guarded most Bo,,.ma.nville, Jan. 20th, 187fL _ _ _ _ into the hande of the Britieb, and Lavallette ball a dozen to older men who drink habitfeeling has come over me. Oh, ArchiP, if and eyes too bright for soh·r health, hold\Vithin her aa.cred urn ; refusing to n)ake. /!DY indepini(icatiou 1ur you wtre only at home ! Hark! What ually. Did you eee him take o.vine often 1" ing in bis ha·d a glass of spa1klinl1 chamThey fell like Undioe's ca.re1ees team the loss, application waa mad0 to ~J_ .Among the Danubt!'s whirls, ' He wa.s 10 the ~upper-room for a con- pagne, came vividly· before him. was tba.t 1' l\1fFMlllCR OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE Ricci, the General of the order, for pay1 uent, 'ro b· regained in after years 1 siderahle time. When I left it, I ·aw him The pale hce grew paler as Mrs. Voso .-. ,,-~ ~f Surgeons, l~ngl!lnd ; Li~entiate of the ' Not more freely than other young men, and, on hi1::1 refusal to recognize the <, A <lia.dem of pP,arls. _;,,..;;;ROya.l-' v"mS,tt~ tif Phy11nc1auio, Ed1nbui:gh. Corin the 1nidst of n group of young men and he replied. bent forward in a Jistening attitude. 'Why <lo you aek !' _,.., oner, etc. legal p1oceedings '\Vere insti~uted. The Ju ~ -Appleton'J Jou.1"nal. 1 ' Only the wind/ answered her husband, girls, all wlth gl118ses of chan1pngne in their , · Thel'e are two theories of his absence,' Rtisidence, l.Jorner o( Church and Scugog suits were condemned and brought the mnt~ treets, Bowma.nville. Letra,Ying eowe ilnpat1ence. ·A thousand hands.' said the policeman. ' One is tbnt be has 10-tf. Dae. ijrd, 1875. ' How long was this before you eaw him heen set upon in the street, robbed and mur- ter before Pt1.rliament. The 8upreme Uon 1't atrange sotbis are on the air in a night like LITERATURE. ---------:~ -4 ·der.d; and tLe other that, stupefied and of Judicature ordered the production of th e this. You must compose yourself, Fanny, go away I' .1. W. :McLAUGHLIN, M. B. Cl 1 Half an hour, perhaps,' replied the bewildered by drink, be lost himeelf m the conatitutione of th'1 Society (which h.1cl so :z: DANGER; OR WOUNDBQ,.,.IN THE or the worst consequences my follow.' L.R.C.P., L.R.c.s., Edinborough. !"' far been kept ··oret) before the Tdouual , llOUSE OF A FRIEND. 'It's impossible, husband. I cannot rest doctor, stcrm, and Hes aomewherc frozen to death 1/r EMBER Of the~ Council of and hidden under the snow.' the order '\Vas co1nplied with, and they were ' Did he ~o out alone 7' until I have my eon safe and sound nt J..f.l Offiee opposite the market. n.nd third d~r Thi$ Company has rece~ly been re-organized by the addition of three oJ made public. The Jesuit.a were condeu1ned, BY T. S. ARTilUR. ' I beJinve so.' no\ th of 'fait'a Photogr~~bic Gallery. . R6S1home agaiD. Dear, dear boy !' A cry of pain broke from the lips of Mrs. denc0 Ontario Street. ~ight meesagesma.y be the most practical men from the Factory of Clough & War1·en Organ Co., V"'oss questioned no further, aud Dr. 'Birtwell, and she -; hurrying down bllt it is s11tiafactory to learn from Cretinenu l\ilr. .Mr. Voee t<rged no further. The shadow CHAPTER I. left either a.t office or residenc6. Detroit, Mich_, each taking an ;ictiv.e part in his own particular dep~rt Angier, v:ho understood better the meaning stairs. Too wPll did she remember the Joly, their apologist and historian, th ,:t, 3-m. of fear which bad corne down upon his wife Rowmauville, Feb. 18~h. 1876. ment and are now manufacturing an Organ' equal, and in many pomts Snow had been falling for .nore than began to creep over his heart and fill it of his patient's condition, set,hin1aelfto the condition of Archie Vlhen she last saw him though the debts of Lavallette amounte<l 10 supe;ior to any manufactmed in the United States or Oanacla. Our cele- three hours,the large flakt.s dropping silentwork of restoring her to consciousness. He -.Archie, t.he only son of her oldest and two millions four hundred tflousnnd fnua:.~ , brated ,.' Vox Celesfo" "Vmt Humana,'.' " Wilcox Patent Octavo Coupler," ly through the otill air uulil the earth was with vague concern. Ancl now a thought did not find the t~sk easy. It was many dearest friend, the friend ahe had known the house· and Janda belonging to ihe con·flRADUATE OF THE ROYAL COL' H orn,,, "Dulcet," "..a..O if;\ i· 1ne," eovercJ \l·ith an even carpet IDRny inches flashed into bis mind t.hat moment peace houre before the almost stilled pulses began and loved ·ince girlhood. He Wa! not fit pany were bought by English capitali·>· fe r ..t)"' Jege of Physiciani:i 1 Englund. and VictorU. H Cello." or "Olarionet n Stops, "FlugJe fled, and auxiety for his eon grew into a1arm t rniversity of Vict,orin. C.olleg.e,Under Gra.dun.te "Cremona," and Grand Organ Step, and in depth. These, be it r1J~ ·· the time wore on and the boy did not beating ag1iu with a perceptible stroke.and to go out alone in th&t cold and stor1ny the sum of four millions. and Prlzeman of the Un1vers1ty of Toronto,and It was past midnight. The air, which :Royal Oulleq-e of l'bysicia.i;s and Surgev~a the' quiet chest to give aigne of normal resnight; and a guilty sense of responPibility m~rked, ere the men who bind t!iemscl ··es come home. K ingston · l\1ember of the .College of PhySIhad been so still, was growing restlees a.nd piratiou. Happily tor tho poor mother, ·mote upon her heart and set .. ide all exby" vow to poverty, conoidering it, in the ~ ' Oh, my husband, cried l\.Irs. Vose, start· oiaus and Surgeons < if 11nt1tr10; Coroner, &c. be~inning to whirl the snow into eddies anll cuses. Vi'ords of their founder, 'the bulwa1·k ofi e· l\e1:1idenoo and oflice-·l\farket Square, 130\ving from ber chair, and clasping her hands thought atirl feeling were yet tound. Oan be obtained only in these Organs. drive it about in au angry kind of way, man villc. Long before this the pol!ce had been ' What about his mother l' she aeked ligwn.' The constitution recognizes four as she drew tl1e1n up. 'I cannot bare this Bo\vma. n ville, Feb. 24th, 1876 ._ _ 22-lly. whistling around sharp corners a.n1 rattling· . 1 b classes: 'J.1he professed or full Jesuit, who 1y. , II ow is mur,h longer. Hork. ! That Wdf! hie voice! aroused aud every effort ruade to discover a anxious s >e earing this· has a vote for the election of the G,eneral at every Iooee oign and abutter upon which it , !11 ti 1, , :Mother 1· Don't you hear trace of the youn~ man after be left the ful auapenee I' coulJ. lay it.a invisible hands . 1 ~ 0 ie r · · hou<se of Mr. Birtwell, but without effect. 'I can'tjust say, ma'am,' was answered, Rome; the coadjutor, who raay be eit.her In front of o.n elegant resider ce stood ) lt ·' . . . The snow had continued falling until about 'but I think they've had the doctor with temporal or spiritual-th· temporal bci"g Bingham,M.D.L.R.O.P.S.K. · 1'h I f . ht Her luce white aa the enow without, h a. If a d ozen carnages. e g are o 1ig . h . h She's lying in a faint, I the menials of the Society, porters, cooks, · d d h d f her eyes 1nld and cager, er 11ps apart, er five o'clock, when the storo1 Cl'ased, and the her all night. l\11 EMBER OF COJ,J,IWE OF PHYSIC!· f roru h all an d l\'ln ows o.n t e Boun o b f rd sky cleared, the wind blowing from the believe.' stewards, ogents, &c., and never adn1i tti::d to j}'l ANS AND SURC:l:EONS, Ontario. Office head ent iJrwa . music and dancing told of a festivAl within. and Resideoet:l, in Dr. Hillit1r's old Stand, En· north and -the tenrperature falling to within 'Oh, it v,:ilJ kill her l Poor Frances l holy orders; the spiritual, priests, meu of A shtuh.ltring chill cri:pt along the nerves niskillen. The door opened, and a group of young a rees of r.ero. P F .1 d .., B" learning, capable of preaching, teaching nL 1l , a few d. 1 0 o(Mr. Voss. o~r ranees ·ws1 e out J.urs. irtwe 1J, 18·tf. J11J1. 27th, 1876. girls, wrapped in ehl\wla a.nJ Wllterproofs, '~ · h I d · h 'f V . . . . confessing, and lookinR forward to one ciay A rurnt 1 Go, quick ly !' Run! He may Dave ope rngere wit "' r, oss- wrrngrng he1, hunda .i.nd begmmng to cry b . f d J 't th h I ca.nie out anti ran, merrily laughing, across the hope that~Arc ie a gone 1iome with b1tterl . er.om1ng pro esse esu1 s i c se o art1 fallen at the door ! 1 the snow-covered pavement, and crowdiug who may 1 or 1nav not, have goue th rougb. . h b b l 'Th y But ns the morniag wore on e po1ice ave een on t e ook-ou . . . Ere the lnst la.ct sentence was finished some friend, into one of the carriages, ,v.:ere driven off at bl' d and he did not make hia appearance tbia f h l h 1 b the nov1t1nte, themsel \' \ 'S A Mr. Voss was h airway d own stairs. m · or t e aat two or t ree wurs, ut oan't b t d f th d f ·;n, .1= a rapid apeed. Following them came a . d b 0f . 1· . to t ' hope b1:rran to fade a.way, and died beforr fi d t y 8 u y or e or er o pries oo ; a.11~~ R R LOSCOMBE, 0f h'un, ' sni-a ~h e 0ffi cer. Ing asi, snow ewir uig In ui t"i n, any r~ce finally, the novices, who have entered them~ young man on "hose 1i p and cheeks the BARRISTER-AT-LAW, face aa he opened the street door. It W38 maay hours. Nearly every male guest a.t Oh.' he ll tu.rn up all r1ght,' broke in selves into a novitiate tc undergo a term of down~ beard hnd scarcely thrown n shadow. i:!OLIGITOR IN CHANOli!RY, <f< some rnomentil hefore he could see with any ~frs. Birtwell's pnrty wa..s seen and. ques- l\fr. Birtwell, with a contide~t tone, ' It's probation which will decide whether or nut Aqenis Wanted in Every County. Send for Price List, The ·troog light of the veotibule Jawp foll 01"FICE1-0Yer i'IuClung's Store. same Jlat distinctness. Ko human form was visible, tioned during the day, and not one of them ~~ly a scar~. Gone home with sotne young the candidate will be admitted into the Rn· upon a handsome face, but it wore an unfl.S J. , Drimacowb'a D ental RoomiJ. and the lamp just in trout of his house shone bad seen Archie after be had left the houee. irien<l, aa llke ai not, young fellows in Address DOMINION ORGAN CO., BOWMANVILLE ONT. Bowmanville, Oct. 27th, 1868. Ly ciety. The novitiate neve1· lasts less tban na.t.ural flush. There was au uaat~adineae · down upon a trackless bed of sno\v many A waiter who was questi·)ncd said that he their teens don't get lost in the su0-'\v, partwo years, and may be prolongt!d nt tho +'01· Canada, J' the BRADBURY PIANO. about hie movements as he descended the inches in depth. No, Archie was not there. renlemlJered set:!inghim: Also General Agvnt8 J' ticularly in the streets of a big city, and General's plea.sure. It has long been asaert· marble steps, and he grasped its iron railing ,I I d hd h d watc 1e im go O\vn t e steps au footpnds generally kno\v their gatne before Rice J; Barker, AgentB for the. Counties of Durham, Vict01'ia, and North like one in d11nger of falling. A waiter The cry had come to the motbt:!r's inward ed by the enemies of the order thut there ff I d h · d d 'f · ear in the moment ""hen her boy went go o none, an t e win seeme as 1 It bringing it down. I'm Barry for l\irs. VoBB ; i.:! fut·thermore a fifth and v.·ell-recognized b H who had followed him to the uoor, stood plnnging down into the engulfing river, would low hio1 away. e wa,n't just she isn 1tstrong enough to bear a shock. But _ - -_Newcastle, Oct. 8th, 1875. m51-tf. class, known aa the lo.y Jesuits, the n1ost lookh""llt" him with a half·pit) iug, half· l· lf · I' ~n anll heart and thought turned in his mortal nm~e , s1r, m atra1 . it \VIll come right ; I don't fet>l a. bit con· dangerous of all; but its existence has al· . a cerne . season, and the air since In1dni1i:ht b e~ A{r. 'ro~s ca111c tback in o t e ~l that he did feel concr.rned. ways been, until a somewhat recent date, denied by the members of the Society. '!'he come intensely cold. The snow fell no houaeaJtc.r bis ruit1ess errai:l d, hefouM Dls tcnce. confirn1ed his \vorst teare. . . - h Birtwell 1at down by an open grate in -d · · fp . tho longer in soft and filmy fL.1kes, but i· 11 hard wt 1e stuu tllng Int e hall, only a few feet 'fhe afternt>on papers c0utnined a noti'ce n 1n1.,s1on o a~he_r Fran?1s Pel!ico~ ~ which the fire stiH burne d. pellets that cut like sand and sifted in h,tck f1·on1 !he vestibule, her face \\biter, if of the fact that a young geutleJt)an' wbo bad ofl;he f'an1oua S1l¥te--.J!l.eU1eo andJli_ ~ J~ ~·· ~ R .i\.DUATE of Baxter University of ?ffusic "bl d 'Don't ]et it diatrese you Ro, Ma~aret,' Frfrindship, Xe\\· York. through every crock Rild crevice against t Ilat were posat e, an her eytis wilder gone away frorn a. fashionable 1 )arty at a late .. ,., Jesuit. 1Vheu Uioberti , a priest of ~x- i _ · said the former, trying to comfort his wife. 1'eacl1 e r of Piano and Organ, cultivaticmwhich the wild winds drove it. than b,-fure. Catching her in his arms, he hour on the night before had not been ht'ard ordinary and great {ibility, publh·dt·__.. V oic(', Singing, Thorough Bass, Harmony 'TJJert's nothing to fear for Archie. NoComposition, &c . The young man~boy, we niiglit Letll·~ ran with lier up stairs, but before he ' reach· ·of by bu1 friend~, who were anxious and dised. not long since, hia work entitled 1 f t body ever heard of Ro man gettin~ lost in a Darlington, Jul~· 16th. 1874. 1 .say, for he was only nineteen-ruoved ofT ed h(·r <'·Z' 1nber her Jigbt form lay nerve- tre~sed about him, li'uul play "·aa binted . city snow-storn1. If he'd ·been out on a G~sttita, 1lfoderne- to which, perhap~, is at, a.a the younR 1nnn wore a valuable dia.., in the very teeth of this storm, the fma.ll l ess ~n d nconsc1ous against ld~ brea~t . due more than a1~ything elae, the fact Doetor Hill h ouee, tLe old fan1ilx phy· 1nond pin and had a costly gold watch in prairie, the cape would have been different ' Piedmont if:I without Jesuits-the Co1npauy gr~nules of ice smiting him in the face and :r· but in the streetE-J 0f the city J The thing's hns taken out a license a.s taking bia breaLh. 1~ho ·wiull set itself siuian, called up in the middle of that his pocket. On tUe 1norniug alterward adwa~, of course, up in ar1ns. Atnong otherc, . b h · d prepoi;iterous, Margaret. 1 AUCTIONEER against him \Vith wide obstructiorr arnis stormy n1g t, es1tate to ohey the sum· vertiseiuents appeared offeting 11 large re· Father Francis Pellico rushed into print, 0 ' ' d t h" · . h d 'Ob, if he'd only gone away as he came, for t11i:3 'fownship. Sa.lea will recttive the best and he reeled, staggered aud plunrrcd for· n1ons, en sen is aas1stant wit wor that \Vard for any ii1for1nation that would ltad to and, in aus\\·er to a taunt from Gioberti, n.tttintion. n I b f 1 l I · h I ~·ouldn't feel so awfully about it,' return-, ward or froru siJe to side in a sort of blind 1e-wou1 e 0 1ni.. ear J Int e morning, it the discovery of tLe young man, living or Howrnan"i11c, F eb. 24th, 187G. ly. that the order was without supporters of ed Mrs. Birtwell. 'That's what cuts me to de~perahon. needed, Doctor Angier1 the assistant, was dead. · They were accompanied by minute the heart. To think that he came to my any intlu.euce, tnade the foll1)wing not very 'Ugh!' he tijacnlated, ca.tcLina hilJ breath a young physician of fine ability and great disc1·iptions of bis person ul!d di·esa. But cantioua but very snggestive nssertton : ,., house sober ana weat away-' and standing still as a fierce hlast struck promise, Handsome in person, agreeabe in · there came no re>:sp.onse. Dayf! ao<l weeks 'The many illuat.rious friends of the SoShe caught back from her tongue the F01· the Township of Darlington. him. Thea sbakin'{ hiinaelf like one trJ'- manner and t b oroug h Iy in love with his paeaed ; and tb.ough the advertisenients ciety, prelates, ~rators, learued and distinf word she would have spoken, and shivered. ing to cast aside an impediment, he moved pro eesion, be was rapidly coming into fa. were repeated and newepopera called pubguished men of every description, the sup. b f h 'N otbing of the kind, Margaret, nothing H. forward with y_uicker ~teps, and kept on- vor · w it rnauy n t e old doctor's patients, Jic attention to the matter, not a single ~lue porters of the Society, ren1 ain occult, and HAMPTON. the larger porti"on of" whom belonged to wa· l"ound. ot the kind,1 said her husbanfl, fjUickly. obliged tu lie silent.' It is in fa ~'"t a<l1uitti11 " Pron1ptattentiou given to sa.les, &c, on reason· ward for a di·tance of two or three blocks. " ' A little ~·y-that was all. Just what is . " able terms. H ere, in crossing a ·treet, his foot struck wealtLy and faabionable circle·. Him·elf A young man, with the kisseo of bis 10 so many '\'\'ords, wL at has so long been at part.ies every night. ...o\.rch~e hasn't aeen b f againlilt some obstruction which the aaow a mem er o one of t h e o lUer famjlies, and mother swt:et on Lis pure lips, bad left her nss~rted, that there are pets'Jns 1noving 111 . f much head, and a single glaa· of cham~·gne had conce~led, and he fell with his face connected , b ot b on I11s ather'e and moth· for an evening's social enjoyment at the rsoci~ty,bptb in the highest and lowest waJk.;i; , ' 'd is enough to set it buz;1,ing. B,ut it's soon ENNISKILLEN. downw·ud. It took some tame for him to er s s1 e l\ ith eminent personages as "'·ell in house of one of her cloaeAt and dearest who are affi.lia.ted to the order, and who are over. 'I'he tffervescence goes off in a. little Sales promptlv attended to on reMona.ble terms. struggle to bis feet ar1ain, and then he seem- his native city as in the state, Doctor .An~ friends, and she never looked npon his face h 1 unknown to any bu£ l\ few of tL.e moat n w i e, and the head comes clear again.' ed. to be in a state of compJete bewilder· gier was . 11a.tura1ly drawn into social life, again. He had elltered the Lou~e of that 'f B trustworthy .Jesuits, and that their connec. " rs. irtwell did not reply. Her eye· meat, for be 1:1tartE:1d along one street, going which, t1pite of his increasing profeJ1ional friend with a clear head and steady nerves, d tion with the Society is kept secret aod jt were cast own and her face deeply dit1trcssin au opposite direction. He Vi'ns in no eon· duties, he found time to enjoy. and he had gone out at midnight bewildered ed. is impossible to distinguish them -a vast .,,.. ,,. . -:.. Eegs to return tha.nke to his friende for the sup dition to get right after once goina wrong. It was pa·t two o'clock when Doctor An· with the wine that had !Jeen poured with, If _ body of ·pie.s, in truth, devoted to Ure So- · n anything- has happened to ArchiP,' purt he ha.s received the past two years, a.nd .etict to her hundred guests, young and h . \Vith every few steps he would stop and gier made his appea.ran~e, his g11tr1nents out _ ciety, and Cl)ntributiog more pG-rhaps than hopes, hy continued strict persona.] attention to s e t1aid after a long silence, ' I shall never bu!linese, and working at the n1ost reasonable look up and down the street and ut the white with enow and hie dark beard crusted old. How it bad fared with Jiim the read. anything else to their po'i\·cr and the dread --o-have a moml!!nt's peace ae ICmR as I live.' prices, to emure ~continuance of public patronhouses on each side va'nl t · t0 k with tiny icicles. He found Mro. Voes Jy- - er knowe too well. thev inspire.-Froni, New D01ninion .Zl-fonlh· 1 age. Y.l. B. is prepared to builU hou~es, etc., ont~hie !ocality. , y ryJng rua e ing in a swoon t10 Ueep that, but for the ', Margaret! Suppose some· ly for March. '1 OU tb·mo·t. modern style of architecture, Job. "bl b b CHAP. III. thing has happened to him I We are not bi11g promptly attended to. Plans and specifi.J f ' Police !' be cried two or three times ; tUntest P.erceptl e eart· eat, he would SCOWLING. cotions got up on application, on the most re· faint, alarmed call reached no ear thou~ht her dead. \Vatching the 'Heaveus and earth l "-rhy doesn't some responsible. . Ifs his own fault lf be took ~onn.bleteru1s,andofevt1rydescription. Office ~.... 0 0WJng' 915 and Shop, Ontario Str eE."t, nearly opposite Ml', · of the nightly guardian. Then, with 8 young physician closely as he stood by the one go to the door 1' exclailned Jfr. Spencer, away ~ore wine than. he l\'. a~!., .to ~rry.' Don't scowl, it spoils -faces. Before ycu '1'. BowUen's. bedside of his wife, Mr. Voes was qiti'ck to Bin well, rousing himeelf from u heavy Mr,· B . Ihrtwell ·P, oke with shgbt irntatinn, . h know it, your forehead "·ill resemble a eh1ver as t e storm down upon him h 1 f d h 11 'I y, h e etarte(l forwar<l. again go- perceive something unusual ill his manner. slel'p as the bell was rung for tbe third time, more angr1 ld et bQ( at oun · d · t e vdne , here, he small rail way tnap. There is a gran<l trnr. k 1 ing he knew not whither. The professionu.l poise aod coolncsa for and no\\' four or five vigorous and rapid c~u no a.'Pe carrie it a·way, replied the line now from your cowlick to the bridge of The cold benumbed him ; the snow chok- which he was noted were gone, and he jerks, each of which caused the handle of wi~e. . your nose, intersected by parallel liuca run. d d b" showed a degree of excitement and uncer- the bell to strike witl1 the noise of a ham. How wildly_ you talk .· M_argaret !' ex- ning east and west, with CUl'ves arching d d bl e an m e Im; fear aud anxiety, so ] d 11 B II Bowmanville, Oct. 29th., 1875. far as he was capable of feeling them, be- tainty that e.1armed the anxious husband. mer. ~a~::~~ r. irtwe ' w1th increased irri· your eyebrows ; and 0, how much older wildered and opposed him. A belmless What was ite meaLing 1 Did it indicate The gray dawn waa just breaking. you look for it l Scowling is a habit that 1 We won't discuss the m!ltler,' his etedls upou us nna.warea. \Ve frown when ohip in storm and d'a1knt:88 was in no more apprehension tor the condition of his pa· 'There it is again l Good heavens ! wife. ' It \vould be useless, agreement be. the light is too strong 11nd when it is too pitiable condition than this poor lad. tien t ) or-s6mething else 1 A closer look What doee: it n1e11n 1' and A.Ir. Birtwell,now ing I fear, out of the question ; but it is weak. \Ve tie our brows into a knot when On, on be went, falhng sometimes, but into the young pbysicjan'H faee sent a flash fairly a\\o·ake, &tarted up in bed and sat lisvery certain that we cannot eecape responsistruggliug to hi.e feet again and blindJv of euapicion through the mind of Mr. Voss, teaing. Scarcely a inoment int£'rvened be- bility in this or anything else " .. e may do, we are thinking, aud knit them e\·en 1uore AU at once he came o;t which "as more than confirmed a n1oment fore the bell was pulled again, and this tin'e and so long as theee words of Holy Writ tightly when "" canuot thiiik. The10 is no moving forl'.'ard. from the narrow rows of houses and litood afterward iv: the stale odor of wine floated continuoualy for a. dozen times. Spring· .stand, 4 Woe unto hun that giveth his neigh .. denying there are plenty o'f things lo ecowl about. 'l'he baby iu the cradle fro\v11 ~ on the edge of what oeemed a great white to his nostrils. from the bed, Mr. Birtwell threw open J bar drink, that the bottle to him and ~ Co11stitufield that stretched away level "' a tloor. ' Were you at Mr. Birtwell'· to-night I' ·window, and looking out, ·aw two poliee- rn.o,lceth him drunlctn,' w.e may well lrave when aomelbiul{ fnile. to suit. -tional scowl,' we eay. The little toddlerOnward a few pacee, and then- Alas for There was a thrill of anxious euspense in men at the door. eerious dou bto in regard to the right and who likes sugar on his bread and butte1· the waiting mother at home ! She <lid not the tone of Mr. Vos· as _ he grasped th<> phy'u1h ' n at· wanted I' ho called down to wrong of these fashionable entertainments OFPJOE over McOLUNG'S Store te~ls bis trouble in the same way wheu you hear the cry of terror that cut the stormv ucian by the arm and looked keenly at them. at which wioe ,and spirits are mnde free t~ leave the sqgar 0ff. 'Cross,' \Ve eny about air and lost iteelf in the louder shriek of th'c him. Bowmanvillti. Dec. 1:174. 11-tf. 'Was thor> a youn~ man here last night all of both se:xee, youn1< aud old_' the children, a-nd 'worried to death/ abont tempest as her son went over the trcacher· '1 was,' replied Do~tor Angier. 1 '\r oas ? inquired one ul the n1en. Mr. Birtwe1l etarted to his feet and walk- tbe grown f'olks, and as for oursclvee, \\O MARRIAGE LICENSES, oua Hae of sno'v an<l droppd, with a quick ' Did you see my aon there 1' 'What about him I' aeked Mr. Birtwell. ed the tloor with conaiderable excitement. can't help it. But ,ve u1uat. Its r 1 ilex in'Yes, sir.' R. JOHJ\ H. EYNON, Lot 7, 6th Oon. has decided to go out of the Dry Goods business, and will ~ommence plunge, into the river, sinking instantly out 'He't been home, and his frien,lsare 1 If ·we ha<l. a eon jus~ coming to manhood fluence makes otheri:J unhappy ; for fac e of eight, for the tide WM up and the ic· 'At what time did van leave l' D11.rlin"ton, fnear Bethesda. Church] is alarmed. Do you know where be is 't' on the cluly authorized to issue Marriage Lice!U$eB, -and I sornet.imcs thank God that we have a.nswereth UQto face in life ns well ns j;, broken and drifting close to the water'e ' Less than an hour ago. I had not re· 1 Darlington, Nov. 19, 1874. m8-tf. · '\Vait, 1 returo~d Mr. Birtwell; and shut· not_.:would vou feel wholly at ease about water. It beliee our religiQn. We shouhl edge. tired when your eummons came.' hog down the wmdow, he dreSBed himself him, wholly eatil!fied th·t be was in no dan· poseess our souls in such peace that it will CHAP. l!. ' Yl ae Archie tbere when you left 1' hurriedly. ger in the houees of your friends I' May ~t'flect itse_lf in_ placid ,c?uotenanc~a. If your 'Come, . F anny,' said l\fr. Wilmer 'ro~s, 'No, I think not.' 'What is it 1' ··ked bi, wife, who had Liverpool London, and Glasgow not a young man as readily acquire a taste foreheaj is r1Jged with wrinkles before speaking to his wife, 'you must gt;t to bed. ' Are you sure about it ?1 forty, what will it be at seventy 1 There i; been a.wakened from a heavy s]un)ber by on, Tickets, or inlc.rmatio~ ar.ply to for liquors in a gentlemen'e dining-room as one consohng thought about these n1arks: ot The Sf>nng Importations only having been completed a few weeks the It is twelve o'clock, and you cannot. 'Yes, very sure. I ren1ember now, quite W, A. N 1'ADS, Agent. the noise at tbe \'\'indow. · S tcK 1s very large and well as~orted. As it must be sq!( within a bea.r tllis loes of rest a.nd sleep. It may distiDctly, seeing him cotlle down frocn the in a drioking-ealoon-nay, more readily, if time and trouble,- the death angel alruoEt l3owma.n"·ille, .Tune D .th, 1871. tf·30 _ .Archie Voss dlctn-'t get home last night.' Even the e:x.treme]y given time, iu the former ;he wine is free and bright always. erases them. throw you all back again.' dressing-room with hio hat in bis band J)nd 'What 1' and lllra. Birtweli otarted out eyee and I ughing llpo pre" him with invi- aged, In death, often wear a Bmooth and The woman addreeeed was sitting in n go through the ha! to.wari!S the-;i~eet of bed. ~ac.efitl .brow, thus leaving our last metations 1' DEAL1£R [N mories ?I them calm. aud traoq uil. Ilnt TERMS OF SALE :-Under $50, Cash· _QJ)£1~0, .ll"Ou1· montlts large eaiiy·chair with a ~11awl drawn c~y. 9,Q.or.·~ . 'There are two policemen at the door. 1 Fruit arid. Ornantental 1'rees, Seeds, Bulb:r, about her pereon. She ha th. pale, 'Row long ago was that 1' (To be Continued.) our buinness 1s with life. Scowling is ·~ ' Policemen ! ' ltlowers, &c., c:f-c . JJl notes. Credit on a:ppNJiY k~nd of silent scolding. It sho\vs that our ' About an hour and a half ; perhaps ahrunY'en faco and large, bright eyes of a 'Yes, making a. grand row for nothing as The Tailoring in Order· d Work, will be continued as naual, during the Sale so; u\ineed sw~etcniag. For pity's !lake, le:t !\f:r. C. guru·antcea to furnish nothin..,. but lollger. 1 'f · confirmed invalid. Once very beatltlfu1, },ir-f!t-clµ.sa trees, and true to na.1ue. ...t.dJress, l young men never stayed a way frorn ho1ne. T'.11.ere are, in Birmingham, it is said, 34. i_Js take.a s~d iron, or a glad iron, or sml')ot.hF. F. McARTHUR. } ">. 0. Box 55. E owmauvill .... she yet retained a aweetness ol' expression A groan that cou.ld >10t be repreSlled broke I muat go down and ··e them. Go bnck to 497 b h d bl' h , rng toot .of eome sort, and straighteLJ lh eBowmanville May, 1875. Jan. l!llnd, 1875. bp·ly-mlT-o4. eer-s ops an pu ic ouses, or one to ?reas~s ~ut of uur face s before th ey bl come , whieb gave .a te~dernen1 and charm to every from the father'· lips. bed again, Marg.rel. You'll take your every 162 persona. mdel!Dly engraved upon our ··' Rage . POETRY. DOMINION ORGAN CO'S CABINET QRGANS. <·· Dr. BOYLE, I -I I Dr. Jas. Fielding, Dr. DAVIDSON. All the Late Improvements Medical Card. J. Twenty-Five Different Style~, for the Parlor and the Church, the Best Material and 'V 01·k1nansbip. Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. _ PRICES $50 0 w., TO . $1,ooo. Factory and Warerooms, Cor. Temperance and Wellington Streets, Bowmanuil!e. D. E. 1\'Icl\'Iillan, '01· ~~-~·~~~~~~~=::::~~~r::::::...::__~~~~~~~a~n~d~S~o~u~th~O~n~t~a:1'W~·~·~~~~-~~~~ · ·a' _.....,::,;:d~~~~~prr~ ;i·~·~io~n~"r,n~.Ji;;;i·;;;fa~c~e~a~s~b~o~~~~;:;;;;;~~;::;:Y;~~;:::~~~~i!_~l~l1'~1;f~a~k~11~it~e;h~a~~c~u~t~d~o:;'·~_::.~d' G Prof. J. Ruse, R. D. FOLEY, " The Big Push!" COWL·E, ·a AUCTIONEERS T. PHILLIPS, W:m.. Barton, · bOught a Large · .ty of Havlng quantl . BUFFALOES' ·very Cheap ' all that IS re·red, l·S tO qul W. BUNNEY, BUILDER, ETC., " Come down handsomely," " Will you be One ?" , I have done mv 11tmost to pl ease the I>ubl ·. c, as 'Nl. tnn SS tl1e 1· ] l . /Y D"ENT iSTR Y Bulf~oes ~~; t~·sci; ;~= FROl\i " _ l1HE Brimaoombe, L.R.C.D.S. l~~o ----~ RETIRING F. · F. McARTHUR FEES MODERATE. To be Sold without Reserve, at less than Wholesale Prices. $20 ' 000 WORTfJ OF GOODS CONTEST! M ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. 20th _ of .Hay, 187'5, F A Grand. Clearing Sale of his lilntire Stock. - ~, J. CHAPLIN, .A TreDJ.endou.s Bed:m.otion will be m.ade. l ·

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