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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 31 Mar 1876, p. 4

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··~ THE MERCHANT, FRID:A Y MARCH 31, 1876 POETRY Between the Lights. A little pause in life, while daylight lingers Between the sunset a.nd the pale inoonrise, When daily labor slips frotn weary fingers, And soft gray shallov.·s veil the aching eyes, FARM AND HOUSEHOLD The Acidity of the Stomach . "It Lacks P'lnts." Wha.t has tlle World Done ? Just after finishing an article on the 'rho world has haU eix thousand years to length of sermons, we took up a paper in brivg in. ittii " more excellent way.." Wh11t On this subject, Dr, Ha.11, in the Jou1·1ud of \Vhich the editor diecouraed in referen~e to has it aevised apart from-the Bible, to heal pointless preaching, and apoke of a friend of his, a youDg minister who baa an agreethe sores ot the bruken, wounded, bleediD!;{ GO TO 'I'ltOMAS :SA'I"l'ING'S Straw-Cutters! Grain Grinders ! FEED MII,LS. Another car loa.O of the above uoblf' artiC'les ou the way. Plea13e call at the '-., · Health, says :- ".Acidity of the stomach alwaya arises from that organ not being al~le to digest, to work up the food ea.ten, to extraet the nuOld perfumes wa.JJ.Jer back from fit:lds of clover, triment which it contains -htuca two results : - - Seen in the light of suns that long set ; First, the food dee&ys, that iR rotA, becom~ Beloved on~s. whose earthly toil iit over, sour a.nd generates a. F'Oll.l' gas which Js t>;}cbed boart 1 -What has Home, in her ago· tf Draw near, as if they Jived among us yet. Old voices call mf:l1 through the dusk retuming, I hea..r the echoes of departed feet ;And then I ask, with vain anU troubled ye&ma ing \Vhat is the chann that makes old things so sweet? Must the old joys be evermore ·,1:ithholden? Even their me'mory keeps me pure and true ; Aud yet, from out J eruaalem the Go~den God speaket?, saying, " I make all things n1:1w." u Father," I cry, "the old must still be nearer Stifle my love, or i:rive me back the pMt ! Give me tlle oJd ea.rth,. v.hose paths a-ni dearer 'rha.n n.11 thy shining £1treub1 and mansions vaat." Pt\ace, peacti,-the Lord of earth and heaven knoweth · The huinan 89·.tl in a.11 its heat and strife ; Out of his thron~ no strenm of Lethe ftowbth, But the clear rh·et- of eterna.l life, He giveth life, aye 1 life in all its sweetness, Old lo1.rea, o1J sunny scenes will he restore ; , Only the curse of sin and incompleteneSB Shllll thine e.a.rth and vex thine heart no; more. Serve him in daily work a.ud earnest li .. ing, Antl faith sball lirt to thee his sunlit heights : Then shall a. psalm of gladness and thanks· giving ll'ill the ca.Im hou1· that comes between the lights. - Sund(t.y Afagazinc, Crumbs for Chickens. " A patient Jot of men-the job printers What workman most always have his glass before he can do a day's work? A glazier. A gentleman with considerable face -the man in the moon. i What does a young fellow look like when gallanting his sweetheart through a shower? A rain beau. Why is a mad bull an animal of a convivial disposition? Because he offers a horn to every one he meets. ' You are a brilliant and versatile bouquet of loveliness,' he said, with a voice that was low and soft, and in re. forn she warbled, 'Dry up, George; you've said enough.' ' Remember,' said a trading Quaker to his son, 'in making thy way in the world, a spoonful of oil will go further than a q Jart of vinegar.' up, co.using a burning or raw sensation located o.pp.u-ently at tbti lit.tie hollow at the bottom of the neck or in that vicinity. t'omelimes an a.cid fluid is belched up, and is so very sour occasionally as to take the skin off some pa.rt of the throat, mouth, or lip~. Second, the ' tood. not being properly v;·9rked up doos not out its nourishment ·; the system is not fed and oon~equently becomes weak , ~ the circulation becomes feeble, the feet g:r1~w babitua.lly c;Q.1.d : the person is eMily chilled &nd dreads ·gofug out of doorA; ia happiest when hugging the aske<l mr, wlien·i-got. home from meetio'Ure, and takes cold so ensily that the expres- whie.b beiIJ' beat out with a hard we~k's sion is fre<iuently Uii!led, ·the lea.lilt thiD.g in the work ehe didn 1 t go to-says she: 'John, worlcl gives me a cold.' When s11ch a condi· ":hat did the m.,swr prear.h.aboutj' and tion is reached the colds nre fiO frequently r.~ ~ays -I, 1 1 don't believe I can tell ye, Jane. pea.ted that before one is cured, another comes, and there is a. perpetual cough which the most His text "'a~ the tail end ot some verse in unintelligent know is the certain harbinger~ Leviticus; end 'twas all a.bout bein' good, the forerunner of coneumi::tion of the l~!I.. and eich ; but I really can't say exactly When peraons are troubled with indig_rtion, what ; ; there waHl't no p'inta tbat -1 could and one of its effects is acidity, the ad vi~ given bring S;way.' ' · . ~ in nearly all case! ie to take rometbing' to ·ehr· Unless we are gi'e~tly mist-a ken ' thie is rect the acidity, such as cream of tart&r, soda, saJeratua, the lye of wood'~hep,n.nd either alka· precisely what 1s the matter wit!) a large lies' These things correct the n.cidity, but th" proportion of the sermons delivered these\. get.a no power of a better digestion ; days. · They lack p'ints.' Thef are too the effects as far ai:i ~ensation is concerned are round and smooth. No sharp tingles nor removed, but the system continues to be im- ' p'ints' that atiek in, piercing tbe consc.ipropedy noul'ished ; the tiia.n grows t11inner an<l. enco. Hound and smooth, they roll over· we!\ker, an<,\ with of f:leslt :i.nd strength there is diwishet1 i1ower of circulation ; the the audience very pleasantly, leaving an petson becomee cold, colds taken from agrP.eaLle sensation, but no marked, fixed slight cau~cs and at diminishing interva.Jff; and deep impresaion 1 only a va;;;ue, indefinite before be kno .ve it bti }1aa an annoying, ha.eking sort of feeliug that it was a very good sort cough, which too ofttiu tmda in a. wastang 1 fatal of thing. ciiseaae. When acidity follo\vs eating it is beJ Tbe late Wm_ Patton, who died in the cause there has been fin error in the quanttty lUissouri Conf'ere11ce, was once closing the or quality of food eaten , the stomach could not mana.g·e it-oould n6t pl'rform the work im· preparation of a E1er1non when he was ob· posed upon it, 'l'he trt1e remedy is to eat less served to become erceed1ngly restless. He at each meal until no acidity is perceptible, or sighed beavily 1 and once or twice gron.11:ed to change the quality of the food ; a11d in a audjbly. A brother minister sitting by abort time the stomach not being ov~r·t~ked, aoked, ' What is. the matter 1 Is your ·er· ·gets time to rest, toreenpern1;e, to get strong ; mon not ready 1' '·Yee,' he, 'it is then it digests more food and digests it bett(·r, ready, nut I don ·t like it.' ' Why I' · It with the inevitable result of n. more \'igorous Mr. Patton always oonstitntion, mort power of endutance. more d>n't bite,' said be. strength of body and greater ela.stit-ity of mind, prepared his sermons wtth a great dea,l .of more happint!ss and energy to grapple with . care, a.od generally preaebed from extended lif~'a duties, which make exi.g'tence a. pleasure." note!\, but \\'WI never satisfied unleBs his aern1ons 'bad p'ints '-would 'bite '-that FoRCEMEA'f l:'OR VEAL, 'l'UR.KEYS1 Fow1s, 1s, awaken~ thought and arouse the consci· HAnE, &e.-Ingredjt!ntfJ. - 'l'wo ounces of ham enc~s of lukewarm prufea1"Sora, formalists. or lead bacon, quarter pound of suet, the rind hack~liders and unconV<!rted peo~Je gener· of half a lemon, one teaspoonful of minced par· oily. llis aim was to <lo good r.het(aud sley, one tea.spoonful of minced sweet hefba, therl·, \\;herever he preached, and he dependsalt, cayenne, and pounded mace to taste, 1:1ix ounces of bread c111mbs, two eggs. Shred the ed on the tru lh and tbe spirit of truth to ham or bacon, chop the suet, lemon-peel, and accomplish that result. With tho kindest feelings toward all con· herb5, taking particular care tbat all be very finely minced ; and a seaannin)'.!' to ta.ste, o! salt, cerned, we must. SliY th&t a large proportion ct\yenne, ar~J ma.ce, and blend nil thoroughly_ of the sermons we hear are 'too round and t.ogether with the brea.d crumbs, before wetting. smooth a11d sleek. The voice often ' lacks Now beat and strsln the eggs; work theRe up with the other ingredients, 11nd the force1neat p'inte/ ·so does the geaticulatio.n, and, "'orse 1 1 will be ready for use. \Vhen it is 1nade int:o still,the geue1al conduct often lucks p'inte able voice and a rather graceful, but a little materiat glory, or GreecP, in her f'ra of ostentatious, manner-one of good report philosophic cullure and refinement, done to AND and bearing in ·ociety, and ought to do well solve the vexed problem of aching humana.s a miuieter-but iu reference to whose ity l \\That etrenms ~ot cou1fort have Lb~ OOK.SISTING OF sermon., one of his hearers mado the fol· rod, wielded by their greatest iatelleQt., ex· lowing criticism : hotted from the barren rock 1 Wha~ ·tree· WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, Ere. 'My trouble with him is that he don't have the_y planted in the worltl'· ;cdesert -omake no p'ints; and when ·he~s done anU ... wboae leaf sb1dl not fade, n·ith&'&hall the Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold through, and sot. down, I can't tell whnt, fruit the-reot be consumed; whOse fruit Wedding Rings. in particular, he's been a talkin' about; shall be for meat, and the ~~!(Qr ihed:icine. " AARON BUCKLER. only !\e's kcp' a good kind of a noiae a On the other hajld, how ·tll Jhousands, :Bo,vmanville, Oct. 8th, 1875. goin'·and·forty miuuteei. No racked with p·l~. to~tured wi .Ji doubt, long~r _y~o'n last Sunday nig~t 1 my wife anxi-ety, agitated with re1norae, darken~ " " New Goods! BE · If You Want MUST SOLD, GOOD AND DRY Bo~wa.nville, Sept. 25th, UDElP HOUSE. B Farm Implement Forwarding Agency R. W. .JilI:ES, King St., Bowman~t. .Rowwanville, Dec. 5, 1~72. n10. nw MANVILLE -- GOODS. 1875. lPf with bereavwenl~tbe sick, the \\·eary, the lonely, th& dying, hav~ h, eell chTered and comforted by the everla.tfog ;consolation ;of this bolr Book.-MacD".D. . 1 J. D. Strowger. NEWCAS'l'L~. Having removed to more commodiouepremiset, - MANCHESTER -' Harij. Work .. -Elep~antHouse .. , ,_ 'l'HE IN 1i~d to crosa a FOTHERGILL'S J!LOOK, Scotch frith at night. They leaped- into the boat and pulled away at th"e ciars ~'itb beg to inform the public generally, tha.t they are now enabled to offer-them ·all thair m.1gh't; they pulled and pulled, and wondered th«y di<) noC reach the shore. In their maudlin ·state tb_ey thoufl"bt the in the line of Two drrinken.: aailo.rl SoMET'IlING-· NEW A substitute for Lath & Plaster ! THE PATEN'r ALUMINOUS and OR.· NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. }!APER OIL-CLOTH and CARPETING Better Inducements tide was sot a.ghins; tbeln 1 and SD, ·in .a Wild ftishioo, they took epells of pulling; but ~o shore did they reach. Great was thei~ .,. tonishmeut, for the l'rith was narrow 1 a quarter of an hour should have ~een therl1 · at the oppositt! br.ach. 'S1lrcly,' they said, 'the boat is bewitched, or we are! The night wore on, and tho morning li~bt e.x·. plained tbe mystery to their soberer eyes. (AS REGARDS PRICE d! QUALi:l"Y) ' Why Sandy, man, we """er pulled up thn.n any other house in ihe County. the anchor ! Just so; und thus, tug as 1 Grocery Business, Newea1tle,~U£"U1:>t, Important Announcement ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. -oa~ SOLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. A Large Stock .[i"t Received,-Plain and Ornam.ntal, both for W alls'«nd '"loors. they 1night 1 they lahorcd in vain. NO PRESENTS CIVEN, BUT CODD Many a sinner has been in like case: He has tried to Mli';ve, al ways a strange tLing Weight and Measure Guaranteed in every instance. Grea,t Aeduotion,_ · in Dry GooQ.s ! The Pa.per tlil Cloth n.nd Oa.rp1:1t:ng is a Cheap and Dl,ll'atile Substitute for 01 Cloth. ,. 1'be with which the l~aper is satur. a.ted, render it proof age.inst llats, M'oths, and Mi"1e. .- to do, but be has spent his strength for nought. Meanwlule the real cause of the soul's long delay ha.a been uunoticed ; the 'I'ea,s a, Speciality. J. D. Sl?ROWGER. 14th. J~74-. heart has never really fairly pulled up the anchor and trusted itself to Je·ua. Reader, how ia it with you 1 Have you heaved the anchor I 1 Varnish Polish! Another·thing tnu~h wanted. This :Polish gives a moat ~lag ant lustre, and drie~ instantaneously . ', .1' _BOWMANVIL~E Ka.chine ·a.nd Implement Manufacturing Co MURDO UH BROS. Having decided to make a change in their b11siness, are now selling for CASH t.lieir large and well assortef:l Stock qf Dry Goods, Millinery Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, T TH.l!i MERCHAN_ and ·with the exception of a. few, these paes into tht! hands of the pPopie of West Durham, 'l'h1:1 · public will at once see the utility of the paper a.a an Circula.tion of 1000, has now a. bona fide Manufa,oturers . .... ··»· . . Nothing ever discov()red befo1e to equal this .Polish, FOR I ! of FQR WOOD AND IRON ADVERTISING MEDIUM. WORK;ING MACHINERY AT AND BELOW COST.! .. ,..... . depend on gettjng Piano Fo11,es; ClockB, Buggies, Cutters, SWighs, It Bas No Equal in this constituency, and this fact is being con 1tantly demonstrated. . If you have lost anything, advt!rtiee in this paper. If :rou havfi' found anything, ad'vertise in th1t MERCHAN'l'. If y:ou want to sell anytning, a.dve:rtise in this Pictu1·e ]? Var'lllished LBFFBL'S Th~ St.eek having been purQhased in the BEST M~RKETS, buyers ca.Ii or any kind of ----- and all kinds oj Varnished Cart'ia,qes · Do they ever bark ?' asked old Mrs. balls, fry of a nice brown, in boiling lard, or of the right kind. Dorkins, gazing al a pair of stuffed sea put them on a tin and bake for half an hour in DQuble Turbine Water Wheels, and MORE .AND BETTER (fO()DS FOR THEIR MONEY '1 Fwrniture. dogs in the museum. Elnathan, 'not now. the sea. 1 'No, rntnn,' said Their bark is on a moderattt oven. .A.s we } statt!d btlfore, Ull one fla.vor l'hould in·edominate grc-atlY,, arul the forcemen.t shoulcl be of sufficient body to cut Both Sides. After one of the noted London infidels had concluded one of his.-1i:itiJel 1ectnres in paper. If you wn.nt to buy nnything-.allvertise in tlie What the tyranny's coming to : (The mistress having heard three rings at the street door, goes to o )en it). Housemaid_ - -01r;]'lrease m'rn, if that's any_body for me, I am ·_ not at home." ~ recipe keeps the meat moist, ao that it bas nnne of that toughnt!SS dried beef mostlv has when a litt]c old. To e\·ery twt!nty-;igbt or thirty pounfhl allow one table·spoonf1d of saltpetre one A Chicago man has not been bother- qua.rt of fine salt, mixed with molasses the ed by his wife to get worsted for her color is about :that of light brown sugar ; rub since the morning he appeared pleased the pit>ces of meat with the mi:ii:ture. and 'vhen to do such an errand, and incidentally done, let all stick to it that will. Pack in a spoke of the engaging young lady who deep narrQw vessel, as n. ke.; or haJ.f.barrel,that the pjckle may cover the meat,and let it remain tended the worsted counter. forty ~i;igbt hours ; at the end of that time 'What are you- confidence opera- enough pic.:kle w·u beJ9,pwul.~ar-ly-<".over · a gruff oldSellow t.irtwo little Tike it out, and it in a ~uitable p1&ce for tors ?' b~ar gtrls who asked for alms. 'No, _ drying. Allow all the mixture to adhere to --.;1r,' said the smallest, with charming the mea.ttliatW ill, -.,.,-,. .-~ To CURE BEE-F' non DR¥T):'G,-'l'his When you see a- man holding a tumbler under the padlock of a commercial traveller's box in his hotel, and waiting for the water to run, you may safely conclude that he has had his dinner. "·itb a knife, and..xetJ,lotdry and h\tavy. For very dt!licate for0eu1 ~a:t, if h3 adVlsab1e to pound the ingredients toget.her before bind~»g vdt the-egg-; Ouf, for ordinary cooking, ·\ninchig very finely answers the purpose. Sufficient for ·turkey, a moderate E:ci?.ecl fill~t of vi:al, or a hare. a village in tne north of England, he challenged tl\ose present to discussion. Who As a. weekly n~wspaper, the MERCHANT is scarcely excelled. Sixteen columns of C&.t't'lshonld accept the eballenge but an old, bent woman, in ll\OBt antiquated attire, whO went up to the lecturer and said: 1 Sir, [ have a question to p1_1t to vou, 1 '\.Vell, my good woman, what is it 1' 'l'en years ago,' she sa.iJ, 'I was 1eft a fttlly selected reading matter appear in each insue. compril!ing LittJratitrc,'icultural, Fam(l.y Reading, General (ind Local NewBall fresh and re:1,dable. Subscriptions taken any time during the year. OUR -RATES ARE LOW. oolumn· of the MERCHANT. MEllCHANT. If you T>'ant to 1· the public, use the · Ca.stings'°f a.11 Xinds at this Establshment than in any oth~r houHe in the country. SOLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. CalL Early, .a nd secure Bar!}ains, as the wlwle Stock must be sold at once, REPAIRS done on the for CASH ONLY. :EAitDWARE ! usua.1 , L~rge Stock on hand of 'of Common and Gang_ Plo11Vs, We have no\v on hand a large Quaii.tity SHO:B.T.EST NOTICE, THE ~ GROCERY DEPARTMENT Hardware, Paints and Oils, 8toues and Tinware. All of which will be sold at low ·figures. - is now complete with the choicest 8upply· of John McLeod & Co., Aui:uet 10th, 1875. widow, with eight children utterly unpro· vided for, and nothing to call my own but this Bible. By ih~ direction, and looking TERMS 75 OT8., IN ADVANCE. --:o:-- that wil\ b. sold at to God for strength, l have been enabled t 0 we have e\'t>ry facility. W c do not work for feed myself and tamily. I am now totter- nothing, or fun, but our price15WiU be found ing to tbe gra\'e ; but l am perfectly happy, low, as our presses arc run by steam power. because I look forward to a lile of iuimor· li'O:B. .703 :f.R:CNTINO Show Bills Sale Bills ' Hand Bills " Progammes Ch:culars Bill Heads .Cards . Pamphlets LOW 'PRICES ATTHE SHOP. Bowmanville. l)f<.\rch1873. 6tf. OJl/J·isfm as Goo<ls; Raisens, Currants, bu· Wellington Bmldings, Bowmanvllle. , ·gars, ·Pee is, etc.? ·etc., at all Prices. I ·· tali!J: in Heaveu. That's what~ my religion ha· done me .' What bus you1· \\'UJ-E>f thinldng Jone for you?" 'Well, my good lady,' r··Joined the lee· turer1 'I don't \\'ant to disturb your co.111sin1plicity, 'no, sir j but \Ye 'opes to be. 1 CHICKEN SAL.AD. - Turkey i1:1 better for salad foi t, but---' 'Minnie has been to see me to-day.' tha.n chlckcn. To a. t,urkt-y weighinl{ about 'Ohl that's not the question,' interposed nine pounds allow nine eggssevt!n hard·boiled, said little five-year-old, 'and she behaved like a little lady.' ' I hope you and two of them raw, yolks and whites beaten the woman ; 'kePp to the point, sir. 'Yes, in- sep».rately. 'fo e0tch egg a.How two tablespoon~ What ha· your way of thinking done for and everything from the si:.~e of a Poster large did, too.' said her mother. fuls ot sitlad oil, pe1·fectly pure awl aweet, one enough to cover a barn to a half-inch strip, deed, I did ; I turned somersaults for salt·sooonful of salt, the same of mustard, and you 1' printed in good style. and at cit vricea. Tbe infidel eudeavored to ·hirk the mather on the bed.' SpecimenR of \\·ork can. be seen at our olBce. two of cayenne pepper to the whole; celery to Ei'! for . oW111J!,rtville,_Dec. 24th, 1~74 -~MVRDOCH " B-ROS. · ) Just Arrived ~µrpe1 ial Fire lnsuranr.e OF LONDON. I . l I Jl,etablliohed 18()3, 11.EAl> OFFI<JEa - 1 01d Broad St., and Pall Mall. London. GENERAL '\_ GENCY lOn · J ) .. ' at the l'ANAl)A :- Sacraluent St., Montre.1.l, 24 St A foot of water settled in a cellar in Thomas street last Friday, and in the evening when the man of the house went down in the dark after a pan of apples, without his boots on, he said things which we would not print for $q. A horse balked on Market street last evening and resisted all efforts to move him until an insurance agent came along and began to talk to him, when he started and went off with the enthusiasm of a man on bis way to the funeral of a nch aunt. taste, lettuce Jen.ves, if in seas0n, ueini.r only tht! heart, and the juice of two large lf!mons, or tht·ee small ollcs. FuJKO Ku1~EYS,- Cut the kidneys open without quite dividing them~ remove the skin and put a small piece of butter in the frying pan. Wh"'n the butter "is melted, lay in the kidneys the flat side dow.nw~ds, and fry th._eln for eeven-or eight minuti:s, turning them when they are half done. Serve on a. piece of dry, se"8on wit.h peppel' and salt, and pot a small piete of butter in kldney ; pou~ the ~ravy from the pan over them, and serve very hot. ter again ; the feeling of the meeting found vent in uproarious npplp,ust:, Bnd the skep- tic l·ct,uer bad to go away di·cornfite'd by an olc.l Chri!)tia.n woman. · Subscribed and h1 vei:1ted Capital and Bcaervf F·md. £1,965.000 Storling, Funds invested in Cann.da- 105,000. W ock handed outj and the cae:h ttlken fo1· it Insurances agarnst-toss by Fire eH'e<;ted on C. BARKER. mo;st favorable terms, and losses paid with out reference to th~ Board in London. J DODSWOiiTH, lnNTOUL BROS. Inspector. Gen. A~ents, Montrea .. BIG RURH is now raging at FASBJ:ON HOUSE eplendid assortment o NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of Manaqer REAL HAIR, FANOY GOODS, & .Also a large stock of Going to Ohurch In 1800.. In tl1e biog,aphy of the lateiteY, Dr Good· ell, veteran missionnry and Oriental scholar, is quoted this picture of the wav lthey went to Church in Tenlpleton, Masf!~ his native place,at the be!.\'inning of tbe-OOotury: 11 The old, Puritanical bor~ seetned to know as "ell as the most piou· of ua l that it wa.s holy time, aud he stooj at t~e door, · I TH:E R. R. LOSCOMBE, Barnster, Agent for Bowma.l!vllle and- Vicinity. Bowmanvllle. J~ne 4th, 1860 36 iu.o.~·39.4..,. Stamps for Braiding and Em· Pew1>le' s Book Store ..... AND :Et E L I A ltCE Mutual Life Assnrance Soolety TlltEVENS. broidery. FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. SA:B:BATH SC:S:OOL ESTABL1SHED 1840. CA..~ADA It was the openmg remark of and en bony evangel to a congregation of Wluch Shall It be? his colored brethren : ' Let all de good ~-- niggers ci'ar o_ ut . · De. Lawd mobes me In ,dew of the gre~t dangers besetting ---. ~ ebenin' to speak only to de bad uig~ _,\ nd in three minutes there young people of the present day, in the form of bad newsp11pers 1 illustrated 'jnvenwasn't a niMer in the m't:e\~ng honsc. A pretty lilt, ,;;'-~hio schoolmarm tried to whip 011e cl h;;~ pupils, a boy of fifteen, the othW riay, but when she comlJ;!enced, operntions he coolly threw his arms around her neck and gave her a hearty kiss. She went straight Lack to her desk, and h'e!Jace was 'just as red.' bqly fire. If they can only do a negative g.l-Od, in crowding bad reading to the wall, The Portland Argus is good-natured · enough to get off the following joke on in takiug up the children's attention so tha.t the defeat of its side in the recent election : ' The Irishman thotlght it would be terribly funny to take the bull by the horns and throw him over the fence. So pleased was h<f with the idea that he enjoyed a hearty faugb over it. Soon after when he picked himself up on t be other side of the fence and rubbed his aching bones and bruises, he said : · Bedad, it's lucky I had my laugh before I tackled the bull !' ' The New York correspondent of the Buffalo Coun'er is responsible for the follQ1fing: ·A respectable looking old mall inquired ~he office of the Fifth Av~ Hotel, <he other evening, if Geti\\!'1\1 Butler was stoppi!ig there. 'Yes.' said !IM. clert.., 'but he is at dinner just now.' ·Can't help it,' returned the man, ' must ace him immediately,' and he sqawle(l .Mayor Somebody on a card. Gene~er came out from dinner, napkin in band, card in the other, and met the s{:ranger in the P'.'rlor. 'Evidently a lillstake, sir,' said the General, ' I do not recall your l)ame or face.' · Like enough,' said the visitor unfolding a bundle be had in his hand, ' but I was with you at New Orlean>, and I now want to shoN you a magnificent new patent medir.ine for colds, coughs, chiUs, fever, gout, net11>lgia and- -!' When the General resumed his seat at the table he sat down so hard that the crockery, glasses and spoons organized :~, ~'omptu quadrille !' ile' n1onthlies aDd weeklies of a vile char .. a.cter1 surreptitiously and ext.ensively cii'cll· lated, and fiadiog. their secrl't wily into the bdst homel:l aod school·hoQses of the land, the dullest managers of a P'JUC periodical for4 th. c Ji»Uag can burJly iail to burn \\',ith a ea<ldled and bridled, with hie head bowed revE}rently <lown, as if in solemn meditation npon the duties he was ex:pecte·d to p~rforrn: My father. with -one of the children in hie arrn31 rode before; uiy mother a11t behind hiu1 on ~ pilliou, and carried one of the children iu her urms; nud still another DEPOT! c. BARKER. chea.p a.nd Litera.ture, Gift :Books, a.nd. Present GOODS. Cunr,:p OFJ'IO:M. DBBSSUA.K.ING usun.1... 131, ST. JAMES STREET;Mo~TREAL MRS. A. FLETCHER Bowms.nville. April 7th.1874. DIREOTORS. WALTERSHANLY, Esq., MP., Chairma&n.J · DullCAN MAoDON.ALD, Esq, MAJOR T. E. CAM!'BELL, O.B.· St. Hila.ire. THE HoNORARLE JOHN H.1UdJL'l'ON 1 Hawks. RllSIDfu~1' SECRETARY. ~JAiJ(K8 tbO, HO! Gentlemen of . li'a.shion. and he 1s eterfuined to contiDue to sell at, these mit\ously low prices cheaper than the cheapest. . Why he can do i t First, ha.buys for cash and knows just how to bi·y ! .Second, what he .c an't buy cheap ehough, he manufactures Third,, he ' is satisfied with small profits ! - · , T Fourth, he sells for "cash ; Fifth, he sells a~ bottom pri<)es. burg_ , Ont. child rode uehiud, clinging as closely to her as she did to ber husband, I recollect, on one octwion, in a~cending GIW<T, S P ECI A L FEA T UR ES. Tbe ENTIRE PR01'ITS belong to &nd are-divid With the arriv:i.l of the IIolidn.y.s, oornes a ed amongst the Policylwlder11. ,. demand for LIVES, DEOLJNEU BY OTHER C<JMPAl'fI!:S, or on whicli an etra Premium would be requirtd, ca.n ~ood be assured at tke o.rdina.ry rates of this Spcicty, ---NOT SO FAST. / a steep. eantly bill, the girfh of tbe aatldle gave way, and there Was an avo.lauche ot the whole ··toad, father and n1otber, and three children, with saddle and pillion, ovt:r the horse's t.ail, under a 8]Jecial arrangement fou l puLlications nre u11beedc<l 1 o grent work is accomplished ; their mission ie a b1eesed one, and good citizens everywhere should rally to thtir assist11ace, Let not pa.rents deceive tb1.mselvee. No sa~red or too cart!fu lly guard~d for those fien~li~h invaders, the venders of low and dangerous jnv.enile publications, to home is too SPECIAL NON·FOFBITABLE PoL1oue issued plump iuto a sand bank. The old, rheuunder which only 10, 15 or 20 Annu&l Pay -omatic horse never seemed amazed a.t any· monts are required, paym001t sequr111g thing that might hap!"'n ; but this time he Policy for a snm assured proportionate to the AND simply opened his large eyes ·wider than I have a. Stock cannot fail to pluaee-com number of premiuml'l paid, anilfreejrom futur . plete and varied. vayment of prtin.ium. BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU., usual, and wheeling hall round, looked to ~1:on:KBATE P11EM1uxs and most · liberal con· Exarr1ine e stock, Which comvrisea CVC'.ry·tbing in the trade1 of the Vt!ry latei:it. Rnd most elcga.n see whether he could help us in any way . CALL AND SB:Q: POR YOURSELVES. tlY their unholy trade. Every ehild is in da.uger for whom good, wen.selected, ~njoy~ ·ble reading is not provided by those most atter be haa cho~eu his vocation to stick to directly having its interests at heart. All it. l>un't leave it because hard blows are Cl.angerout .Pul1licatio.n s do not betray their ' re FAMILY BIBLES. Splendid Lot. POCKET BIBLES.Large Assortment. N.B. That deservedly popular Teach er's Bible, in various bind111gs ·rA.rnestly entreat. every young rnan Keep to one Thing. BOOKS. in Grea;t Varuty. ALBUMS, Cheap and llretti WRITING DESKS, and WORK BOXES perform~ ditions. styles and pa.tterns, of Engfuili, Oanadia.n, and American m&nufacture. Prosrect1;1Se!!,Proposal For~~ &c., supplied -oon a\)plicnt1on at the Head Uttice or any of He still continues to manufacture to order, from the best of material, and none but first-class the Agencies. ' workmen kept. · .JAMES G I;ANT, -oReh. Secriltary. I have written tliel!e few lines And a.11 I have to say, l'hat you can find me etill ~ home I am not gone awa.y; So all my kind old friends ma:r ei;me And all the yoUBg anea too And get theil' garments nicely made In fashions that new .,Vhere old .and young dei:.r friendms. meet A welcome greeting by R. PEATE Bowmanvllle, Juue 19th 1873. LEVI :MOititIS, GENERAL CON'PRACTOR AND BUILDER. , Orders Promptly' Executed, and Good Fits Gu.aranteed Remembe11 the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by '.l.'wo Horses, King St. ·- AGl~NT FOR BOWMANYIJ,LE, C.BARKER, ·' Observer Offi<it:!, "King St character a~ glance. to be s,truck, or disagreee.ble work Often they wear the t d. Tho·e who have wo1ked their way.up u1ask uf grac~ful inforrnation, and even to wealth and usdulneea do not belong to piety. Do l10t force your child to spend the sbiftleas and uostahle class but may be Bowmanvill~. JU11e ·24th. 1870 He ha.sin etock an endless variety of La.dies' and Gents' Saratoga Trunks, Valisee, etc., all of which he is ~lling cheap fOr ' '· o- tilne in rt~adirr~, but look to it tbl6t all his reckoned among such as took oft' their coats, MICROSCOPES, STEREOSCOPES, KALEIDESCOPES. James McFeeters.. AGENT M. TRELEVEN. Bowman·Ulc. Ma 13, 1874. Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds Doors, Mouldings, and Win· dow Frames, With or without Ca.sing. With or without Band Mo,.ldl!. -1 ·~ ... -...... or her reading-~bie be properly filled rollc<l up their sleeveB, conquered their pre· While you blindly congratulate yourself judice against lttbor, and manfully bore the that your boy or girJ 1 through a .Jondnese beat and burden of the day. Whether upfor books a'bd periodicul~, must necessarily on the o!U form where our fathers toil·d be learniug something~ it may be w~ll to diligently, etri··ing to _brip~ the soil to proknow w.hat tLat something is. rluctiveness, ia the machine ehop or factory; Undue intellectual aUrnulus for children or the thoneand other busiuefi:s plttces that is bad t-nough, but ewottonal stimulns is iuvite honest toil and skill, let the motto worse. In the hauds of uuprincivled pur- evrr be, Pet&f\·erauce a:id Industry. Lu,rgest Collection of Views in Town. For the following Insurance Compa.nioa and , Stereo~copic other Institutions, viz ;The QUEEN Fire and Life Insurance Com- .~I Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. veyors it opens tbe way to moral errors of every kind, and by CjOickeniog an else slow The pleaaure ot ~ well- regulated mind growth to what is holy, develops .ouly pre· moves ge:otly, And therefore constantly. It eocity anJ vice. The point of the we<lge is does not affect by rapture and ec·tacy, but ea·ily inserljlld, and, at firot, as easily thrust is like tue pleasure of health, still and back, but beware of tbe silent force that, sober, yet 11reatcr aud stronger than those having onee gained an entrance, may ~plit which oall up the Bonsee with grosser imthe peace und p~rity of _your home. pres15ions, Call ancl Exa1nine. with the Doininion Government, for the proteo ders in The ISOLATED RISK Fireinaurru1ceCom pany of Oa.pital 500'000.-0neofthe best and ,c~eapei!t Compa'lies doing busineas in the D.on;nnion, for Fn.l'm1:1rl'5 and fsola.ted Rit;"k.!J . .1'he CANADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. with a Savings Ilan.k department. 'l'he UNION AND PERMANENT Building a.nd Sa.ving'1 Society. . Theii.e Ia.tter i11stltutions advance LoaJ)s on Ree:t E13tate, on terms unueuallv euy for the. borrower. Bowma.n,,.ille, Feb.. 6th, 1873. _ pony. Capital£2,000.000. $150,000 deposited TO THE PUBJ_J~[C. th~ A"~nera.lly, WALTER WIGG & SON, added thereto, that we ma.y thereby be enabled to 1111pply a.11 p&rtiee who may pleaBe to fa,vor him with a call. Great inducements held out to those purcha8ing at our Pie· tures, Looking Glal!lSe~. ete. framed to order, and in every style. Samplee of the different kind of o uldin rs (.8n be 5'een a.t the ware·room. We \'iOUld aJeo beg to inform you, that, having )Jurehased a returning tha.nke to their numerous cuetoruere ll.Dd public for p8st fa.vorl!i, I 1't.would reaptctful1y invite their a.ttention to our present stock of furniture, as .,.,e have lately Planing, Planing & Matching, sawing and Turning, Ornamental Pickets, in e·very va1·i· ety,. and Sc»olt Sawing, of every description ~ SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, _ DONE TO ORDER, on the · Great Inducements. ,b I' ~ To blar Ma.ste~s ~ BLANK A1>ph.c·tions . &c., &c., csn be proaured atthlB offioe,At rates, 4. owmanvill· , July 7th. 1873 of I. O. I. cERTI~rcAEs. wu shall be rea.dy at a ll.timea to attend funerals, on ehort notice a.nd ri:iai:1ono.blE1 terms' N. kept on hand and mad6 to order, at the. SHORTEST NOTICE, NEW DOMINION RETAIL l/URNITURE WARE-ROOJl. I O~·\VI\, A"i'. 26th, 1810. King Street East, Oshawa - hops on Liberty Street. North of the East~rn House, llowmanVille. llowma.nville, July 9th1 1874. - - --~ t .tf -· -4-- - --

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