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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 14 Apr 1876, p. 2

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THE MEl{CHANT FRIDAY APRIL 14 1876 ==========~========================================~======~====;=============-==-==========~==-~~====:c==== RATES OF ADVERTISING Cai a advert ementR will be naerted at the ra "1Jf F ye cl;'! t1:1 l)tir ne fir~t naert on and 'l ~o Cents per I ne subsequent insert on Ad e moment under 10 Imes 50 ts Ad ertisoments n erted n OBSERVER and ~1ERCHAN:r at Seven Cents per line first nser t o a d II r · C·nt.8 p·r J · eacl subsequent one Spe al contra t for spa 6 made on a.pp] ca. lion. ploye1s of labor and the ndustr ous classes 1n PERSONAL Mr ~ tta n i'a led for England on Sat rday last where he re na ns for n short We w sh h m a bon v yage Janes Matt n son of Mr Ph Ip Mar n left on Monday las for England where he rema ns for a short t me pr or to gong to Aus a a \\ c arc pleased to a n that our towns man Mr Chas Tod s en oy u;r I wsell on h s a ve so l When last heard fro u he was n Ed nbu gh The Meetmg of the Town Council oo~PETITIVE EXAMINATIONS I OUR LOCAL EXCHANGES IOR HOP!l: ON THE EDITOR s TABLE CO.MM.ERCIAL 10010105 000 to 1.00 045to050 OGO to055 060to067 030to0l5 03010035 Ol8to020 013to014 w thout wntteo m t I ordered out &nd ed or pu Cl to o e 2 o clock noon on Thursday ~ Nut cs of B hs Mar a,;es and D atl, w II be nserted n the MERCl\A~T F ee of Charge TO CORRESPONDENTS FA i.MER w W 11 appear n our next. general It inay b~ ple..tdeU. tlla s nee the Foundrv and Organ Factory are exempt from taxes we cannot have the face to say Nay to the ti rd appl aut Why not 1 \Ve repeat the iuest on Why no I \Ve have two wre cbedly bad barga s u b I) au to e one atent we must necessar ly make a th rd Profoundly log a certa n ly Let no one be de uded I y the cry the benefit f ti e to n but and f that er) shall be held to be val d then Messrs Hanes Murr " 11 C ung Porter and all en plo) er labor have an equal right to ca n xcmp vested n t un from taxes on the dollars the r respec ve bu nes es by that t me t w I be d llicult to say how the r u red veoutl au be ra sed Let there be a la 0 e at endance a next meet ng of the Co nc n d speeches and votes cruefol) noted tl c war cry be no exempt on from tax at on (unless ud v dual case oJ pov erty) Remember ·everal of the F~thers are onnecte<l w h one or other of t e JO nt st ck o upau es and therefore n s ppo t ng Oounc !or Bucklers By La~ they w l be volrng money nto tl e r own pockets THE LICENSE BYLAW Chief r s · Harr son ga e JUdgment n the above n alter on Tucsdav ast, quash ng only eome e tons of the B) law The first as to the nu n ber of tav rua s un changed but Sec m g he nu uber of Bhop l censee to en s q ashed w h costs :Sec 3 as to acco n uo<laL on wae no attacked ~ec 4 that tavern 1 censes shall be $100 and shop $2 )() was sus ta ned Se 9 pro d ng hat the holder of a license shall not eel! l quor at any other than the house for wh ch he I as re ce ved a 1 cense waa q uaahed w h costs The rem an ng sect ons are uncl anged It w l thus be seen that very I ttl change IS made Instead of one shop I two or a o~ more may be g ven for ea h l cense $200 must le pad We have heard members of the Connc l severely censured for µass ng a By aw that would not hold mtact be or tl e Cuu to It s but r ght to say hat the b ·t legal ad vice was taken ere the one n quest on was paased and wt op ne t s no easy matter to wake an rnvulnerable By a\ Tbe res lt of tl e recent Exn.n no.t on the Tov; n h ps of Clarke and Du 1 ngton were qu te sat sfac ory The numbers com pet ng Y.ere ouch larger than .. °st year ihow g bat T acl ers and pup ls appr c a e the b nefit ar ng therefrom The res lt n Clarke s a.s fo1IOVIS SEN OR Dr GEN Pnm ~ Ha nes ~fa) or chn r I Oh J:.: k TE CHER 25to750 0 00 to 6 0 on tbe 3 McFee er s of 4 Bu le m the 6 o 8 I Back. J Bar e t W I-I Symons IBak W H S nons W Ounn ng· D 8un A ·on eo long and seriously 11 f!ammat on of the lungs s s cove ng " l a e n es d b m Moon tu o g at ate h m on h B ance on our streets O\\ ly lh Any ot our readers answer ng a.fl verL ae men ts w ch appear tn our coluir. as or aend g for books n agaz nes etc etc not ced by us ll co fer a tavo by s at ng where they saw the Advert ae nent or Not ce DOMINION PARLIAMENT PRO 0 A ON 1 be Hou e was prorogued on \\ ednesday last th Speaker leav ng the cha r at one o clock lf s Exce lency then took b a seat up n the throne and gave assent to Beventy four B l He then gav the follow ng ad dresses Ho o abl G nilem n of i w Sonate-Gen tl m n of lhe House of Oon mon.r - s tt ng n comm tee upon the great .. orkol the yeai-rhe Bur <leu b ll a dB) law by wb h means ts aulh or fondly hoped to a qu re not on Y1fame and popu anty but free b I a ds for 18 6 Alas S boo! tea he s and to dee de all appeals 'lh b t la d s me13 of m e and men respect ng c t fi ates Mr T ly s one of Gang a.ft ag ey two new men bers appo nted and 'When t Pr de hope anx e\v and fear strau~e y s cons dercd that al the Inspectors Ill the olternat ng ~ere dep cted pon tie mob le Prov nc w re el g ble t ce ta nly s a very features of Burden But stranger st I I ' tlat\er ng tr bnte to b ' ab I ty "e con e_) es, I saw ere fixed upon a po nt n ob gratu ale h m upon the appo ntmen and scur ty Involu nr ~ ny own opt ca fol score another for Bo manv lie low d the d re on of Burel ens wl en n WM M fCORS1'Y of the Ho M \.NVIL E 1\.:IACR N.B <0>'Aa·ru1uN Cu le Jan nary 20 h 1876 3m ) INTER]) ED ATE DI -GE' P tuF That was a keen sportsman who the other day levelled h s gun that had no lock at a rah b t a fellow sport nform ng h m of the fact "as told to wh sht you tool the rabb t don t know that the d n ly ht p· spect ve I descr ed the well developed nasal prom on o y of Buckler peacefully rest ng ou the M n pal Manual This s ght fully accounted for Burdens d sturL d ~qu!ln tn t tu. so accou11tti for the nervousness and want of self posse!'s on A meet ng of the Patrons of tho Hamp cv need by the Mayor who was addrces ng to Cheese Factory w 11 be held on Satur the counc l expat at ng on the by law at !av tl e 22n 1 nst at 2 p m the draw ng ost b · wordy w ndy Wor b p wound of the m k w 11 be let and o her bus nese up Then Buckler h s feel ngs rous d to more than an n k ataud p tch rate, arose transacted and th s to It e Mayor resent ng ·poke To day Good F da) the O·nade Metho Moresoe er t so be -But no I dare <l st Oh of Tyrone " lL hoM a Tea Meet ng from to a m The Rev Mr not attempt to repo th m Suffice t to say 11 del ver h s I cture on onrt that he covered the ]\favor and Ree es v th T ckets, 2 cents n I: er.elon -- '\ l am Meadows Ann e (Ja veth F U Mcintosh Albert Maas A bert St l vell Hatt e Mann ng Lal Po er ~UBJ R B Vi u\son W R Ounn ngs Mcintyre J l\ae -Mclnt)re - Mcintyre W R Ounn ngs 8 ~ew ~tl11.utt~emttdlt. ----- LOST OR STOLEN. Ar h Gram Geog H at Read Spel "r t W ll um M adows l{ B Watson F G Mcln~sh 11 Intyre \nu e Corve h W R 0 nn ngs A bert Maas J Ra~ Hatt e Maumng -Mcintyre Albert S we! -\fointyre L ol Io er Vi R Ounn nga 2 3 4 1 Ju" vR Drv -GEN PROF -Mcintvro WR Cunn ng· G Andru· HATS AND BONNETS CLEANED and nad o e sty es. n the STRAW, F.E:L'I', AND LEG:S:OitN ery la.test G Mu om W Col SUB E TS lie G Andrus THE FIRE COMMITTEE " e regret to I arn hat the Uo um \tee appo nted b) the Oounc l to cons der the matter of fire protec on are no further n advance now than the) were when appo ut ed One rnem ber s not J te lea o the aubJect two otbern th nk the old fl aud · suillc eut and so the matt r stands w b Ar tl Gram Geog Read Les! e Staples Mary II nter Ella,Fy le ~~e W R Cann ngs M Intl e G Mal o m GAndrua med ate act on vas u en to procu e some k nd of fire protect on · nd ul a pub! meet ng resol ons w re pasEied prov d ng for. tl e purcbn.s of an l and eng ne Tl e peo J e as a \Ii ho ag ~e to d ffe bo\l ever nnd the matter may la thro gb l)a.ily Line to :Rochester. Comm uc 20 H o ab t 'l'HURSDAY APRIL THE STEAMER SUBJECTl:i The s ea mer 1\ o eman her reg ar tr ps t on tl e Obarlotte n a tew day Atten ou s d r ct.el to the new adver t ement of Mrs Mai b e The be \ of sa sfact on " 11 be g ven I 1fr F Y Cow le s fu ly up to th t u es II· new adv w lap n g v ng barga us pear n our ne A fieyno d L v ngs on H t !'. bert Mann ng A B ber >.t Spe I Absal m Abrahams A Tho pson \\rt Luc nda Knox r Helson X The folio g are to rece ve ca <ls of hono They e and no drr of n er t GE PROF I!!! SEN D ISION ~ l!:dward S mon E L v ngs o 'I ho· Ho d e EL E ' "\\lb r Hu h nson TH sun ( A Re) nolds E a Hoga h 0 am Magg e Stephens l Squa Read Tos J Wa;I ng on A Reynold ~ ~ 9 f :>! Ml£.D AR The Spr ng ]! a r w ll lrn held o the abow gr und Bowman I e on .Fr day Ap l 28 h On W dnesdav !D) ads of w d p geuns and gees pa sed or ha d west uv r 11 e town In son e local t es the p geons were like a dense cloud Sk Pl a~ s a I the rage w th he younn g r s and every f w ro<la n the s de walk there s a rope and. half a dozen sk I It has grown so lasb onab e as to be Mr S Mason has 0pened Goods store u the pr sea w st of the exprws offi e uud tl e sto k s sa d to be very s per or Read h s t sement and g ve h u a call The weather up to Wednesday morn ng was exceed ngly fine and spr ng l ke Wednesday ran set n The roads to say th least are exceed n ~)y bad and consequence bus neaa s d 111 Capta s of ve.,els should bear n that the Seamen s Act passed at the last sess on of the Don u o P meut n force and that legally "" tten meats must be entered nto th member ot the crew of each vessel On Monday n om ng ast two organs ntended for I e C nt nn al by the Factory were ·h pp d per xpress to To runto "e hal the p easure of get\ ng a look at oae of tilem ere was boxed and th nk t w I be hard to beat l be urge Th s s the way t B a t U on pub !isled n 1l ant o l goes for the \reel loaf one s rap 11 be ng comr leted er l Ida H ngham ~ Magg e H nr 3 Geo ge Hogur h 4 Al cc Thon as 5 Lo c n Brouk"' 6 Alm na E 1 7 J J M Laugh! D 8 Ann e Potter S"CBJECTS A Barb r )( ~ Ba her )< A IieJDO ls F L El s B I ae:coe E L E ls~ T Helson )( - Dobb n MRS. ANDERSON'S Fashton and Millinery Depot, Rt 'g Str et IJj}o te Mr B Alers WHY THE DIFFERENCE 1 s Ar th Gram Geog H st Read Spe W; t 1 2 3 4 o 6 several propert es are now assessed n $5 l 9C $ 200 and $5 00 respect vely From the beg nu ug uf the r areer tie~ have pa 1 the r tues and honorably met every Just Jen and II e ther one or all of them had nvested the r cap tal n factory or foundry s o k t vould have been free from axat on but see ng they have preferred ma ng ng the r own affa. r they are t.axed fo th 1:3pcc al bcncfi of those who have en tr sted the r funds to the kee1 ng of others If A B & U la l forme<l the nsclves nto a Jun A Reynolds Ma g e Henr5 A Barber -"t' Ida B ngl am A Barber .I( Alm no Ell s Ji L Ell s. Fran s Hannah T Helson A e 1 homas FL El 'Ma y J Ir e T He son Ju OR Drv s oN-OEN PnoF Herbert L Barber A B rber l( Charles Irv ne T Helson X Mary J McLeod T Helson Jt An ta urvderman ] L Ell s Jen ma I\:nox r Helson -,c.. M nnet a "\\ erry E L v gaton 0 orge Hogarth Latest Styles Hats Mantles and General Millinery ne that can beestab 'f Ei B EC S A th Uram Geog Spel Read Wr t H r ert L Barber Uhar es Irv ne Mary J llf Leod M nn t a W er v An a Or)derman J em ma Knox A Barber )( T Hel·on )I T He son X E L naston FI E s T Helson X Honesty 1s the Best (Insurance) Po!Jcv des--

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